Bonjour M. Guyénot. Je pense avoir trouvé un moyen de vérifier la psychopathologie d’Israël.
Lobaczewski a découvert et développé autour du concept de “pathocratie”; son idée repose sur le fait qu’existe une échelle de “conscience” au sein de la population, avec, d’un côté de ce spectre, les gens normaux, et à l’autre extrémité, des personnes déviantes et sans conscience (avec, entre deux, une étape 50/50).
Malgré le fait que les “psychopathes” extrêmes représentent une infime partie de la population, leur influence est dévastatrice, sur les psychopathes “moindres” et sur les gens normaux. Ils distillent des idées psychopathologiques qui seront évaluées comme “attractives” par les autres, qui les reproduiront (gangsta rap, le parrain, dieudonné, etc).
Les visions du monde s’en trouvent perturbées. Cela est également dû au fait que la société se repose sur ses lauriers en période prospère et ne développe pas assez de garde-fous contre “le mal” (la psychopathologie).
Toute société/civilisation qui ne fait rien verra une décroissance progressive, pour enfin arriver à un stade d’hystérie.
Si rien n’est fait, une option qui n’est pas toujours rencontrée est “la pathocratie”:
Andrew Lobaczewski – Ponérologie politique
Tant que des caractéropathes jouent un rôle prédominant dans un mouvement social affecté par un processus ponérogénique l’idéologie, qu’elle soit doctrinale dès le départ ou contaminée par la suite et pervertie davantage par ces caractéropathes, garde et entretient un lien de contenu avec le prototype. L’idéologie continue à influencer les activités du mouvement et reste une justification essentielle pour beaucoup. Au cours de cette phase, une telle association ne se dirige donc pas vers le crime de masse.
Nous l’avons, le crime de masse. En amont il y a une psychopathologie non-traitée et non-prise en considération.
(Il “resterait” donc à déterminer si Lobaczewski est objectif dans son travail pour prouver une psychopathologie chez Israel, et également à déterminer si Israel est elle-même le psychopathe ou si la psychopathologie intervient différemment.)
I can achieve sexual satisfaction with other adults just fine, thank you very much! But I do wish that there was an androgynous version of puberty, including for myself back in the day.
Please relax. I quite know that doing anything sexual at all with a child, including possessing and watching actual child porn, is evil and wrong. I’m overwhelmingly sexually attracted to other adults anyway.
Though I do support the legalization of child sex dolls. But I personally have no interest in them. I just want others to be able to have them as a viable alternative to castration.
And I wish that the moderator had rejected all of your comments on this matter. Get some help.
I think you have a problem there, buddy. Stay away from our sons’ schools, playgrounds and athletic fields, alright?
Putting it that way makes it sound evil, so let’s be clear: It is NOT considered a pathology to find 16, 17, 18 year-old girls attractive. This is not in the DSM (the shrinks’ book of psychiatric disorders). They ARE attractive - - and according to sexologists most men would agree with that. What IS immoral and unethical and sick is to ACT upon it. So, you are okay, I am okay. I will add one more thought. There used to be an old H.S. saying, I don’t know if it’s still said: “Freshmen don’t lie.†What it means is that as women get older, they learn to be more cunning and cagey (more realistic?), and so it is an attractive trait not to have turned that corner.Replies: @RadicalCenter
ephobophiles—those who are attracted to sexually mature but very young girls.
First, is it really always “sick†and immoral to act on the natural sexual attraction to 16- and 17-year-old young women? Just about all of us had fairly recent ancestors who would have been surprised, possibly amused to hear it. Most of us wouldn’t be here, as “usâ€, if we somehow went back and un-did all the many lives (and often decent to happy marriages) created by such unions.
Second, did you perhaps mean it’s “sick†and immoral to have sex with 16- or 17-year-olds when you’re more than a couple years older than they are? Because even today, some U.S. States have a “close-in-age†exception to their “laws†criminalizing sex with 16- and 17-year-olds.
There was nothing necessarily “sick†or immoral about our ancestors having sex with women at those ages when they were willing to stick around and be loyal, permanently protecting and providing for those young women and their offspring.
By your standard, many of our American settlers, and our European and “british†forebears, were “sick†and immoral.
It’s normal and healthy to act on the powerful God-created natural attraction to young women who are five to seven years past the onset of puberty, IF the man is after much more than just an exploitative one-sided temporary encounter for nothing more than physical pleasure.
Of course, many men — probably the great majority of men in today’s debauched, cruel, anti-life, disloyal society — ARE after nothing more than that physical pleasure. They are a sound reason why we have such laws (in addition to the unsound reasons animating current age-of-consent laws such as unrealism, puritanism, anti-male hatred by less attractive and less pleasant women, increasing prevalence of the homosexuality disorder).
Having said all this, we ain’t living in Little House on the Prairie times. A man today who tries to have sex with a 16- or 17-year-old girl is almost NEVER looking for a monogamous lifetime commitment to that very young woman and the offspring that their union will likely produce. Moreover, very young (teenaged) women today are typically FAR less mature in their outlook and responsibilities, a far cry from 16- and 17-year-olds of either sex in America / European societies 150 or 250 years ago. Same is true of teenaged men, both minors and legal adults, today too, to be fair.
Another distinction is that legal-adult men trying to have sex with very young women today are doing it surreptitiously. Obviously these men are afraid of the girl’s parents and family finding out. Rarely is it a case of two families living in the same small town, so that the girl’s father and relatives have a good idea of the young man’s character and likely intentions and prospects, as it used to be. That is a big clue as to what the intentions and character of such men really are. Those kind of men deserve the treatment that my sons and I would mete out to them if they try to secretly “hook up†with one of my daughters at such an age.
I wish that these boys would have underwent a hypothetical androgynous version of puberty so that their bodies and minds could become more mature while they would still keep their beautiful androgynous features (such as an androgynous face and a lack of body hair and facial hair).
One would think that elites with such tendencies should, at least if they’re open, honest, and retired, push for the legalization of child sex dolls/robots, no? Much better and much more moral than doing anything sexual with minors (which should obviously remain illegal), that’s for sure!
I wonder what percentage of gay men would find these boys attractive, even if they wouldn’t want to have sex with them for moral reasons (inability to legally consent to sex on these boys’ part):
BTW, just admitting that one finds any of the boys attractive, even if one condemns all cases of adult-child sex (excluding, say, 18-year-olds and 16-year-olds) and also condemns all cases of actual (as opposed to cartoon/animated) child porn will get one automatically permanently banned from Wikipedia. It’s a huge shame. People shouldn’t be banned from Wikipedia for being attracted to minors or even for being open about this fact so long as they don’t harm anyone and never intend to do so. Blocking their Wikipedia e-mail access could be more justifiable, though, as a precautionary measure.
My feeling is that members of elites historically have extra opportunities for sexual encounters. There may never have been anything precisely like droit du seigneur in legal terms, but higher-status males helping themselves to lower-status and younger women – yes.
Galileo had three children out of wedlock. With the same woman, which may count as a form of common-law marriage now though it did not in Galileo’s time and place.
Was struggling to find any evidence of an ancient ‘Isreal’, certainly not on any ancient maps. There is no historical triumphal reception in Rome or Athens for any ‘King David’ or other make-believim, and no mention by Roman or Greek philosophers of any ‘Talmudic’ philosophy ever having existed _until_ I found myjewishlearning(.)com and discovered the reason there is no mention of ancient Isreal, no fantastic King David or no mysterious ‘Talmud’, is because the Roman and Greek philosophers were trained by the High Rabbi in Alexandria in Talmudic practices.
See, Roman and Greek philosophy actually derives from ThePreciousOnes! Aristotle and Socrates et al were jealous sychophants, never mentioning the Talmud, to hide where they learned their truths of the Covenant and of the Great Book … in underground )ewish temples of Baphomet and Seth!
That’s the Isreali (and Brooklyn) tunnel fetish! It all makes sense! TheAnointedOnes are Morlocks! Jeremy Irons played The Ãœber-Morlock, leader of the Morlocks and a member of the telepathic-ruling caste of the Morlock world. Iron’s grandparents were Sharpe’s who are related to the Shapiro’s! Katzenberg directed the movie! It was all a guidebook, a sort of a ‘cookbook’, if you will.
As counterintuitive as it may seem, sex addiction is a very real thing. It’s quite a comment on the frailty of human nature that such a delightful and generally harmless pastime can evolve into a joyless compulsion that requires ever greater indulgence to satisfy. But it sort of goes with the territory: people who are drawn to celebrity, to public acclaim, to wealth and power are almost always addicted to the high that these things give them as well. There are two basic attitudes in all addictive behaviors, that there is no such thing as “enough†and that no act is too evil to do in order to get the next fix. Because the one in hand never quite does it for you any more. A “progressive diseaseâ€, addiction gets worse yet is so often incurable because its central delusion is that indulging in the addictive behavior is the one good thing in a life that has otherwise inexplicably turned to shit – because of the addiction’s unrecognized destructive power.
I assume you speak of Ronald Bernard, one of the few that “left the reservation” so to speak, and either wound up murdered or threatened with murder.
Then you have a true member of a very “elite” and evil family who would not “toe the line” in their evil ways, but instead loved his wife and children and lived a somewhat normal life considering his wealth and status. His name? Amschel Rothschild, son of Victor Rothschild, who was murdered several years ago likely by his own evil Rothschild family…the media says he committed “suicide”…of course! Don’t the Rothschilds control the media?
I call it “The Murder Rule”, and I wrote a novel about this recently, available for free download PDF at my site
Why are so many of our “elites” sexually depraved? Maybe it’s because so many of our “elites” come from families that have no love, just money and power, as well as come from families that allow their own children to be either abused or forced to witness abuse or even Satanic ritual sacrifice. Plus since they are “elite” they know they can get away with it using bribes and death threats. Not only are these “elites” sexually depraved….they are just depraved, period…they seek money and power, not love and spiritual goodness.
No word on deviant sex lives involving Newton, Galileo, Faraday, Maxwell, Edison, Tesla, Wright Brothers, Shannon, Farnsworth, Shockley, or Wozniak.
Let’s not forget, it’s ‘all about the Benjamins’. (One Benjamin in particular):
From the article:
It is common knowledge amongst elites ….. that Benjamin Franklin, a Jew, was a Masonic satanic paedophile who liked to sexually abuse and sacrifice young children, mostly Aryan boys, then dismember and dispose of their remains by burying them under his house, as was discovered in 1998, where children’s remains were unearthed under Franklin’s England home.
There you have it. You Americans have honoured a kiddie fiddler, by placing his ugly melon on your $100 bill.
Is sexual perversion correlated with being really smart? The scientists, engineers, and inventors who lifted civilization from stasis to reach for the stars often tend to be sexually low-key, or even inactive. No word on deviant sex lives involving Newton, Galileo, Faraday, Maxwell, Edison, Tesla, Wright Brothers, Shannon, Farnsworth, Shockley, or Wozniak.
But what if a society comes to be dominated by sexual deviants? Then it’s to be expected that they would support their own kind for positions of power in politics, business, and entertainment.
Let's not forget, it's 'all about the Benjamins'. (One Benjamin in particular):
No word on deviant sex lives involving Newton, Galileo, Faraday, Maxwell, Edison, Tesla, Wright Brothers, Shannon, Farnsworth, Shockley, or Wozniak.
There you have it. You Americans have honoured a kiddie fiddler, by placing his ugly melon on your $100 bill.
It is common knowledge amongst elites ..... that Benjamin Franklin, a Jew, was a Masonic satanic paedophile who liked to sexually abuse and sacrifice young children, mostly Aryan boys, then dismember and dispose of their remains by burying them under his house, as was discovered in 1998, where children’s remains were unearthed under Franklin’s England home.
The Abduction of Johnny Gosch and the Franklin Scandal Coverup
Presented as being interesting reading. Not an endorsement or disendorsement.
That is the core idea of demarchy.
It would be best to vote into office people who don’t want the job, were that possible, so as to get mentally normal people.
Anarchy is cleaner.
There’s actually way worse than that out there in terms of evidence, but yes, that picture of the kids in the pool was that of the infamous basement pool in the Vanderbilt mansion
My Gawd! Don’t know what’s true or not.
Red shoes, troubling “art”, Marina Abramovich. Something is terribly wrong. If this is for real, we have humans psychotically believing they are like gods, licensed by Satan. They seem to laugh at their own evil.
Such complicated mishegoss! One would almost think Edward Dutton was trying to muddy the waters so we wouldn’t see the death obsessed child raping monsters swimming there.
I doubt that he is consciously trying, but he does produce confusion by linking self-contradictory behavioral evolutionary scenarios. First scenario, sociopathy is an adaptation for a fast life-history wherein the sociopath dies young but inseminates many females. Second scenario, sociopaths prefer the youngest possible reproductively-capable females because such females have reproductive longevity. Putting those two ideas together creates a big fat non sequitur because if the sociopathic male dies young, then the reproductive longevity of his barely pubescent baby-momma is of no evolutionary benefit to him.
As a rhetorical technique, Dutton makes a smashup of eco-evolutionary concepts and applies it to human behavior. Some of his speculations are plausible, but others are laughable.
I think any preference of elite males for young teens is more a matter of psychology than of evolutionary psychology. Narcissists are insecure, so more experienced women feel threatening to them. Hence, these elites consume the equivalent of MacDonald’s food, rather than feasting on the ravenous sexuality of actual women. Just another one of the ways in which the so-called elites are pitiable.
It would be best to vote into office people who don’t want the job, were that possible, so as to get mentally normal people.
That is the core idea of demarchy.
but Prince Andrew being an over-sexed, corrupt, upper-class twit would have screwed up any trade deals he was involved in so obviously there had to be genuine expert negotiators monitoring him and having veto power over his decisions The same thing would have been done on the Arab side, they too probably had expert negotiators monitoring their over-sexed, corrupt, upper-class twits
After the deals were done, the twit idiots of both sides basked in the glory while the genuine negotiators could finally relax
I can’t for certain say what Pizzagate was, but how anyone looked at the pictures from Comet Ping Pongs instagram, John and Tony Podestas art, John’s emails, the painting of the kids in the pool (infamous basement pool at the Vanderbily mansion – the heir of which is CNN’s Anderson Cooper) and think it was anything but fucking kids I do not know
Very rarely does ANYWHERE criminalise teens sexual behaviour.
It’s about keeping adults away from manipulating children to “consent” through criminal sanctions
“I know it’s morbid question, but what the hell was Stephen Hawking going to do with these girls ?”
Put them to sleep reading chapters from his book!
Prince Andrew was employed by the British Government when it was negotiating trade deals with various Arab countries because the Sheikhs, being Royals, would not deal with people less than Royalty. It is said that he did more for Britain’s interests than all the other Royals, but export markets and job creation are not as sexy as opening hospitals or attending theatres so no-one knows much about what he did.
Rather than talking about fetish and psychopathy and anxiety and Dutton trying to link a bunch of traits as usual, there’s an internal alignment that happens sexually.
You wonder if examples of where it diverges are in the trollish comments on this web site, where normal adult women who fit well into current beauty standards are declared as ‘men’ and ‘trannies’ presumably because they don’t display sufficient neoteny for the viewer.
One imagines a sliding scale of what a normal sexually attractive woman looks like. For most men it’s in a broadly normative space, for some it’s outside that space.
These elites:
Some of them are outright pedos no doubt.
Some of them are like the Unz commenters, borderliners, in that they don’t see adult women as sexually desirable if they are not neotenic enough. It’s alien to them, only younger looking girls are ‘real women’.
While some others may not have a ‘thing’ about young girls probably like the thrill of doing something transgressive or sexually transgressive.
And then some of them have probably been steered into this by Epstein, not realizing the girls were underage or were manipulated to be more ‘open minded’ about the whole thing.
And then not all elites are pedos. Macron for example seems to have opposite problem.
I know it’s morbid question, but what the hell was Stephen Hawking going to do with these girls ?
Your explanation and Dutton’s go hand in hand. The depravity of so called “elites†makes them easy, and many cases willing, targets of blackmail. What type of individual has the gall to participate in the sick activities “alleged†at Pizzagate and Epstein’s island and still believe he is worthy of power, fame and fortune? The narcissistic personality that Dutton describes.Replies: @notbe mk 2, @Gordo
Well, I glanced over this article and I think my own explanation of this strange situation from a few years ago is far more plausible:
Your explanation and Dutton’s go hand in hand. The depravity of so called “elites†makes them easy, and many cases willing, targets of blackmail
It’s possibly worse than that, that depravity and blackmail materiel resulting from this are required entry qualifications into the ‘elite’ in the first place. Look at all of our ‘leaders’, how many look decent or normal?
Such complicated mishegoss! One would almost think Edward Dutton was trying to muddy the waters so we wouldn’t see the death obsessed child raping monsters swimming there.
Pizzagate/high pedos isn’t really my subject but I did notice researchers often died suspiciously. The p-gate associated images left me with more questions. What’s up with all those smiling males wearing bright red shoes? How could Alefantis be listed as among the 50 most influential people in Washington? John Podesta’s wall art is accurate? (If so, pre ww1 no community would have accepted him. He would have been tarred and feathered, unless he touched a child, then he would have been hung from one of his own trees.) He and his brother actually were persons of interest in Madelaine M’s disappearance? Spiritual cooking?
What kind of temple was on Epstein Island? Freemason?
I doubt that he is consciously trying, but he does produce confusion by linking self-contradictory behavioral evolutionary scenarios. First scenario, sociopathy is an adaptation for a fast life-history wherein the sociopath dies young but inseminates many females. Second scenario, sociopaths prefer the youngest possible reproductively-capable females because such females have reproductive longevity. Putting those two ideas together creates a big fat non sequitur because if the sociopathic male dies young, then the reproductive longevity of his barely pubescent baby-momma is of no evolutionary benefit to him.As a rhetorical technique, Dutton makes a smashup of eco-evolutionary concepts and applies it to human behavior. Some of his speculations are plausible, but others are laughable.I think any preference of elite males for young teens is more a matter of psychology than of evolutionary psychology. Narcissists are insecure, so more experienced women feel threatening to them. Hence, these elites consume the equivalent of MacDonald's food, rather than feasting on the ravenous sexuality of actual women. Just another one of the ways in which the so-called elites are pitiable.
Such complicated mishegoss! One would almost think Edward Dutton was trying to muddy the waters so we wouldn’t see the death obsessed child raping monsters swimming there.
Post scriptum: the intention behind citing DeMaus was to show the (on reflection, not obvious to many) idiocy of basing policy on romantic fictions imagined to be reliable accounts of history through force of repetition. We have not ALWAYS taken the author’s value set to reflect the way things are. Quite the opposite, in both categories of sexual interactions.
In my opinion, reading the opening page or so of “On the Universality of Incest” by Lloyd DeMaus should be a mandatory precondition for writing on this topic — either as an author or as a commenter. Linking to it with this tablet is beyond my computer savvy, but it’s easily googled.
Those who harm “little ones” should have a millstone tied to their neck and be cast into the sea. Matt 18:6.
Of course it's not just young girls that are being subjected to this.
People may be shocked at evidence that so many highly elite people may be interested in having sex with very young girls.
Grenville Jenner jew and Jew Leon Brittan. Both passed away quickly when the media had a spotlight in them and buried in unmarked graves.
Some thought that they seeked refuge in “Israel.
Let’s not forget this!
Fornethy Residential School: Tales from the Archives
In early 2023, UK Column began its coverage of the Fornethy Survivors Group, an organisation of women who were emotionally, physically, and sexually abused at Fornethy Residential School in remote Perthshire, Scotland, from 1960 to 1991 as Glaswegian girls. The group has been advocating for 4 ½ years to find answers about why they were sent there and to seek justice for themselves and their perpetrators. Much progress has been made in their fight for justice in recent months. UK Column’s update begins with this article….
I’m not convinced that large numbers of the elite are either pedophiles or psychopaths, as Dutton argues. It comes down to the definition of the terms ‘pedophile’ and ‘psychopath’, each of which are problematic terms.
‘Pedophile’ is defined as an abnormal attraction to prepubertal children. I see little evidence that many in the elite are pedophiles in this sense. The allegations against Epstien, for example, seem to have mostly involved girls in their mid- to late-teens.
Whereas attraction to prepuberal girls is clearly biologically maladaptive, attraction to teenage girls is not. As Dutton rightly notes in his piece:
“very young women… are highly fertileâ€
In fact, pregnancy rates (i.e. the chance of a female becoming pregnant from any given act of intercourse) peak among girls in their teens.
It is true that fertility peaks somewhat later, because teenaged girls have higher rates of birth complications.
Therefore, Dutton is correct to claim that:
“teenage girls are not yet at the peak of their fertilityâ€
However, he is wrong to claim that, for this reason, attraction to girls of this age “might be regarded as close to fetishâ€, i.e. as abnormal and maladaptive.
This is because the general consensus in evolutionary psychology is that, since human mating is generally characterized by long-term pair bonds, males have generally evolved to be maximally attracted to females, not of maximum fertility as such, but rather of maximum reproductive value.
This is a term taken from population genertics which refers to an individual’s likely future lifetime fertility given their current age. In human females, it peaks soon after girls become fertile. Any time before then, she might not survive to reproductive maturity; and, from then on, her remaining fertile years diminish.
Therefore, males have evolved to seek relationships with females of maximal reproductive value because, by entering into a long-term relationship with such a female, they could monopolize the entirety of the woman’s reproductive career over the coming years.
What is abnormal about Epstein is not his sexuality as such, but rather his wealth, power, and lack of either moral scruples or fear of punishment.
But neither am I convinced by the popular notion that members of the elite are disproportionate psychopaths.
Clearly, in order to get to the top in business and politics it pays to be a risk-taker and to be ruthless. Epstein is probably a good example of this.
But the definition of psychopath is broader than this. For example, among the criteria used to diagnose psychopathy or anti-social personality disorder in the DSM are “failure to sustain consistent work behaviorâ€. Psychopaths are also described as impulsive and easily bored.
It is unlikely that anyone who is easily bored and unable or unwilling to ‘sustain consistent work behavior’ would ever be able to work his way to the top in politics or business, since this usually involves years of hard-work.
The problem with the psychopath construct is that it is multifactorial. In particular, it combines two of the big five personality traits, namely, on the one hand, low agreeableness or empathy and low conscientiousness.
While people low in agreeableness may indeed be overrepresented among the elite, people low in conscientiousness are likely to be underrepresented among the elite.
This essay does help illuminate a possible reason for the general push for more sexual libertine behaviors, and specifically for the political and cultural elites current push for normalizing pedophilia. They know what they are and they want to be out in the open about it, without consequences.
Normal people must resist this, with extreme violence if necessary. Allowing these vampires to prey on our children is literally the last red line.
I think that you, and Nottingham above, are taking the wrong definition of elite. Merriam Webster online has five different meanings for the word. What is referred to in this essay is the people who are elite are:
“A group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence.” Which is not the same thing as being inherently the best, most moral or most able, people.
look the problem with Bill Clinton and his ilk isn’t that he is a fast life strategist, he is exactly the opposite
we could debate this till forever but in my opinion anyone who comes from a modest background and gets to ascent to the presidency is not indicative a personality that does not delay gratification but is instead a long term planner
Bill (and his wife) we can both agree is an awful person That he lies, feigns concern and has no integrity is well known That makes him calculating and manipulative and corrupt and…evil but we have to emphasize calculating and manipulative
He probably set out for the presidency in 1963 when he met JFK which he achieved in 1993 so basically he showed the ability to plan for three decades Given his evil nature a lot of things could have gone wrong- a rape charge, a drug overdose, someone surviving a planned murder, getting castrated by Hillary etc (we all know the rumours) but his unnatural ability to calculate and manipulate kept him covered and focused on his goal for thirty long years THIRTY YEARS!- thirty years is not short term thinking A person unable to delay would burn way before that
Along the way, he likely got exposed to blackmail on the lines of Epsteins island but don’t look at something like Epsteins island from yours or mine normal perspective- if you or I were invited to pedo island we would be shocked and refuse to participate BUT look at it from the perspective of an ambitious psychopath like Clinton
Clinton gets an invitation to participate to a conference held on a remote private billionaire’s island (yes I know pedo island happened after his presidency but lets assume there were a lot of these things before he became president) The meaning of the invitation is OBVIOUS- the conference theme of the future of women’s empowerment in African villages is fake, the real purpose is there will be Allen Funt cameras and underage naked girls and boys or mules or whatever and they will take videos of you and the aforementioned OBVIOUS, TOTALLY F…ING OBVIOUS
Again, normal people like you and me would be shocked and refuse but not an ambitious psychopath like Clinton His attending pedo island is not about him needing and getting some perverted sex-it’s actually more disturbing than that:
Receiving an invitation to an obvious deep state entrapment would have been THE GREATEST DAY OF HIS LIFE Sure there will be videos of him doing perverted things but he would know that the deep state now knows he can be trusted and is part of them and thus the deep state will go out of its way to promote him (and, of course, getting some perverted sex is the cherry on top)
No, Clinton can delay gratification, that he is a potential rapist and/or murderer means he is evil and loves to do evil things not that he just can’t keep it in his pants and unable to delay gratification
In fact, that if he is indeed a rapist and murderer means he can plan ahead long term-each rape and or murder was planned ahead so that it could be covered up
Hey after all, he was never busted for rape or murder was he? Good long term planner that Bill…so unlike Rushton’s black guys
Dutton is wrong
Knowledge of the elite creeps is growing each and every day. Is there ANYONE in a position of power out there who is worth a damn? Cawksuckers, cross dressers, pedophiles, rapists, etc.
look the problem with Bill Clinton and his ilk isn’t that he is a fast life strategist, he is exactly the opposite
I disagree. Bill’s behavior is always about immediate gratification without any concern for the people he victimizes. He banks on his cleverness and smooth talking to get him out of trouble. His elite ability to lie, fake concern and compromise his integrity along with Ross Perot took him all the way to the presidency.
Clinton reacts, he is not a long term planner. A relative of mine is married to a former Arkansas politician. Back when Bill was governor, he would often call in the middle of the night asking to speak to her husband, reacting to one self inflicted crisis after another. He would call her by name, ask about her kids by name, completely disarming her from being aggravated about waking her up at 2 am. Hillary on the other hand, she said was a real bitch.
Fast life history strategists are evolved to an easy yet unpredictable ecology where you must live fast and die young.
The anthem of the millennials.
the world is ruled by a group of elite pedophiles or at least ephobophiles—those who are attracted to sexually mature but very young girls.
convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein,
Broken record here. While there is a conviction that would prove Epstein is an ephobophile, there is no evidence of him being a pedophile. His conviction was for soliciting an underage prostitute, leading to his being placed on a sex offender list. This doesn’t mean Epstein was not a POS.
Prince Andrew, who denies having had sex with Virginia Roberts (then a minor)
It’s difficult to know about this one, given serial liar Virginia Roberts, who also accused the thoroughly despicable Dershowitz, has changed her story so many times. The original story about Maxwell’s flat, would not have made her a minor in the UK. Andrew has done more than deny “having sex”, he claims to have no recollection of meeting her. Again, that doesn’t mean Andrew is a swell guy. Interestingly Lady Victoria Hervey, one of Andrew’s “dates”, has said the photo produced by Roberts is fake. She says the table in the photo is out of scale to Roberts and Andrew, and claims to have met the criminal who forged the photo. She has also met Roberts at Epstein gatherings and thinks Roberts is a grifter.
On another note, there is an old union saying about employers who use the septic tank theory of management. The big chunks float to the top. I think that would apply nicely to the elites.
Dutch Financial Whistleblower Admits He Was Forced To Sacrifice Children At Elite Parties
Whistleblowers and victims have been coming forward for decades trying to expose the elite and their use of occult rituals to gain power, commonly referred to as “black magic.â€
A very good example.
Agree, the ability to lie with a straight face is a mandatory characteristic for “leaders” How many normal folks could say “it depends of the meaning of is” while discussing Monica Lewenski’s activities?
Blackmail is indeed a huge business and very effective in controlling compromised people. Epstein’s business encompassed many billions of dollars. The results gained must have been worth it.
People may be shocked at evidence that so many highly elite people may be interested in having sex with very young girls.
Of course it’s not just young girls that are being subjected to this.
In the case of the British Conservative Party in the early 70’s (during the Prime Ministership of the proven paedophile Ted Heath), any members of parliament that got involved in a ‘scandal with small boys’. would approach the Whip Tim Fortescue, and he’d get them out of trouble (48 sec video):
It’s interesting how Fortescue specifically said ‘small’ boys, as opposed to ‘young’ boys.
Because the latter would be more likely to describe underage boys of perhaps 12-15 years of age. (ie: some bigger lads).
Whereas a ‘small’ boy would imply perhaps 6-10 year old little kids – hence even greater depths of depravity that these Brits were involved in.
Of course, I’m not implying that this was only going on during an isolated period over 50 years ago, or that it was confined to one side of the political divide.
For certain it’s still going on, and degenerates of all political persuasions are engaging in it.
One example that comes to mind is the Jew Leon Brittan, who was a minister in Maggie Thatchers administration. There was a huge Paedophile dossier compiled on Brittan’s activities.
Nevertheless, he was never prosecuted for his depravity – instead Brittan was created a life peer by the Queen and made Baron Brittan of Spennithorne.
That’s how the British system works I guess. Those with the highest tally when it comes to sodomy with minors, get all the accolades.
Your explanation and Dutton’s go hand in hand. The depravity of so called “elites†makes them easy, and many cases willing, targets of blackmail. What type of individual has the gall to participate in the sick activities “alleged†at Pizzagate and Epstein’s island and still believe he is worthy of power, fame and fortune? The narcissistic personality that Dutton describes.Replies: @notbe mk 2, @Gordo
Well, I glanced over this article and I think my own explanation of this strange situation from a few years ago is far more plausible:
except we know that our leaders are psychopathic narcissists-it’s obvious watching any Hillary Clinton or Lindsey Graham interview
We also know our media is part and parcel of the governing structure because no interviewer ever said “Thank you for the interview Ms Clinton (or Miss Graham) I just have one more question; having listened to your answers to my questions for the last ten minutes how do you feel about being a psychopathic narcissist (or a narcissistic psychopath-pick either one) because you obviously are one?”
Edward Dutton just muddies the waters by psychologizing something that doesn’t need to be psychologized Furthermore he often gets it wrong because -look the problem with Bill Clinton and his ilk isn’t that he is a fast life strategist, he is exactly the opposite
J Phillipe Rushton posited a fast life strategy as applicable to why black people tend to be generally more promiscuous, less intelligent, more fertile and violent as compared to other racial groups In that context it is certainly an interesting theoretical construct
Bill Clinton likely strategized reaching the Presidency while in Oxbridge (or perhaps even in teenagehood) That implies long term thinking and slowly proceeding, most young men wouldn’t be able to maintain that level of commitment for decades Bill, in order to reach his reward made a logical decision to serve the rulers Certainly that’s not a fast life strategy
Also, getting into a situation where he is open to blackmail by the rulers is actually another logical long-term planning decision- if someone has blackmail on Bill they know Bill will be a reliable servant and thus support his career and Bill knew that
Blackmail, when not played just for the money can become an interesting two-player cooperative game
The same thing goes on the media Why doesn’t any media personality call out our psychopathic politicians? They know if they cooperate they will have their careers enhanced (Anderson Cooper)
Edward Dutton picked up the Rushton hypothesis because it is an interesting one but he got confused because there are so many concepts in psychology, one tends to forget which is which and which are applicable and which aren’t in specific cases so basically he thought that for some reason the concept of a fast-life strategy is applicable to being a psychopathic politician which in reality it SIMPLY ISN’T It was a bizarre choice on his part but then again Dutton (bless his well-meaning little heart) is generally not very good in applying psychological concepts
This being the case why even bother psychologizing- just say these political guys are psychopaths, just listen to the way they talk, they were obviously chosen because they are psychopaths
look the problem with Bill Clinton and his ilk isn’t that he is a fast life strategist, he is exactly the opposite
I always wondered how no talent bums like P Diddler and Orca Winfrey became billionaires.
Well, I glanced over this article and I think my own explanation of this strange situation from a few years ago is far more plausible:
Your explanation and Dutton’s go hand in hand. The depravity of so called “elites†makes them easy, and many cases willing, targets of blackmail. What type of individual has the gall to participate in the sick activities “alleged†at Pizzagate and Epstein’s island and still believe he is worthy of power, fame and fortune? The narcissistic personality that Dutton describes.
Your explanation and Dutton’s go hand in hand. The depravity of so called “elites†makes them easy, and many cases willing, targets of blackmail
It was US that organized or at least willingly participated in the campaign against Mrs Gandhi in the first place Her crimes, using Third World standards, were minor The campaign backfired because the Indian public correctly saw the campaign as the imperialists and their compradors trying to get rid of a nationalist who put her country first and they returned her more popular and secure than ever before Sometimes the US should just bite the bullet and let things be
ha ha ha I forgot that someone used Finn and EU taxpayer money to make this
agree, no need to do a psychology article search
Oh well-like most sociobiological analysis since the seventies Dutton’s article kind of makes sense because it is designed to kind of make sense but does it describe what is going on in the world? A bit but more likely not really that much
In one article, he manages to include rates of psychopathy, Saville raping girls, Prince Andrew, fast life strategies etc all of which he says are interrelated But do you know what else is interrelated? EVERYTHING!…
-which means that one can interrelate every single thing to any other thing
For instance Dutton manages to link Bill Clinton to psychopathic traits-Hello Captain Obvious! You don’t need to study psychology to know its obviously true But then he links psychopathy to fast life strategies Like I said you can relate every single thing to any other thing
Bill Clinton is long-term schemer He definitively is not a fast life strategist In fact, when you think about it most political psychopaths are long term strategists, the very opposite of the live fast, die young philosophy
So basically the article is wrong (although like most such literature it kind of makes sense because its designed to kind of make sense)
With our “elites” being linked to pedophilia through Epstein island, Ron Unz describes what is going on in the world a bit more clearly than Dutton-Epstein island was a blackmail and a political control scheme That’s it, no need to cite dubious psych literature about fast life strategies, rates of pedophilia blah blah
People when young do not think how their behavior might affect future offspring.
They get immersed in drugs, sex ,evil music, occasionally in occult.
Young women do not think of future desire to have children when taking the pill, or young men how smoking weed will make their children manic-depressive, perhaps psychopathic.
Not long ago i have read about study how contraceptive pill makes women choosing future husband with female characteristics. When they get off the pill to have children they see how feminine their husbands are, so they despise them.
Seems to be how moral decline causes nations to fall.
What makes you think Bill Clinton couldn’t have been an insurance defense lawyer standing in front of juries going “Ladies and gentlemen – “wah, wah, wah. I mean really – wah wah WAH!â€
McCain was scum. Case in point, when he kicked the bucket all the lefties were weeping over him.
A man who publicly jokes about his daughter being hot is not the kind who’d act upon it. Besides, Trump has never had a shortage of hot women wanting to sleep with him. A man who showers with his daughter, however…
Sexually depraved… or emotionally infantile.
Finland launched a campaign to stop migrants from violating women. How well do you think it worked?
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 31, 2024
ephobophiles—those who are attracted to sexually mature but very young girls.
Putting it that way makes it sound evil, so let’s be clear: It is NOT considered a pathology to find 16, 17, 18 year-old girls attractive. This is not in the DSM (the shrinks’ book of psychiatric disorders). They ARE attractive – – and according to sexologists most men would agree with that. What IS immoral and unethical and sick is to ACT upon it. So, you are okay, I am okay. I will add one more thought. There used to be an old H.S. saying, I don’t know if it’s still said: “Freshmen don’t lie.†What it means is that as women get older, they learn to be more cunning and cagey (more realistic?), and so it is an attractive trait not to have turned that corner.
Agreed. Parents should have the right to beat sexual predators to death and bury them in a dump, without interference from law enforcement. That was your point, yes?
A fatal error in history is to make politicians answerable for their crimes after they leave office. Julius Caesar, Trump, Netanyahu were cautious leaders until they became desperadoes for not being allowed to retire as elder statesmen. All successful politicians are sociopaths if not psychopaths. Indira Gandhi spent a night or two in prison for quite serious crimes in office. She was then elected back to Prime Minister.
“it isn’t Epstein’s product”
wrong: Trump was cozy with Epstein & a frequent visitor to Pedo Island. Also admitted to incest fantasies about his own daughter.
as to “34% of composers”, yeah thats probably true:
Beethoven: incel, + “odd” relationship w nephew
Rachmaninoff: manic-depressive w cross-cousin marriage
Tchaikovsky: closet fag
Schubert: homosexual pedophile
Brahms: incel
Saint-Saens: misogynist
OTOH, all of the other top 10 All Time Greats – Sibelius, Vaughn Williams, Dvorak, R. Strauss – were relatively normal guys.
Replies: @Pierre de Craon
If we are to treat women as children then we should be consistent. Young women who have sex with older men are as much victims as women who have sex with a pick-up artist after meeting at a club. In both cases, feminists are angry because the woman has been “fooled†into having sex with a less than ideal mate in terms of value. In the first case, the male appears to be of higher value than he really is because he is older and more experienced. In the second case, the male appears to be of higher value than he really is because he has learned the elements of attraction. In both cases, women are presumed (by feminists) to have no responsibility for their own actions and to be little more than children, than animals who are guided only by instinct.
This is what makes feminists angry and this is why age of consent exists still today, because it is assumed women are not mentally mature enough to give consent AND because older women want to limit men’s options to increase their own value in the sexual marketplace. Older women, however, are generally not of a much higher intelligence level than teenage girls. The big difference between the two is that older women are less attractive and that is what makes them so damn angry.
The reason feminists paint all men as perverts, as rapists, is to reinforce the notion that men who seek sex with women, be they pick-up artists or men interested in young women, are mentally ill, when in fact they are simply expressing completely normal male sexuality. This allows feminists to paint women as victims and men as perpetrators. A beta male in his 20s in a relationship with a teenage girl is, far more often than not, simply enjoying the companionship, both physical and emotional. Feminists, however, would have us believe that a college kid computer nerd who dates a teenager is doing it with some evil intentions. This is a lie. A large number of sex offenders these days are simply men who were punished for normal sexuality or in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong girl. Age of consent laws do not stop the real rapists and molestors; instead they put plenty of good men in prison.
Females generally do not significantly mature mentally past puberty so it should always be illegal for any woman to have sex or it should never be illegal for any woman to have sex. There is no arbitrary age where females suddenly become self-aware, realizing the consequences of their actions, and stop seeking out alpha males. Thus there must not be an arbitrary age of consent for sex. There is no arbitrary age where males suddenly stop seeking out attractive, fertile females. Thus there must not be an arbitrary age RANGE of consent for sex either.
When you write “not off topic” as preface to
at issue is the (very taboo) fact if [i.e., whether] underage sex should be punishable
you impart the distinct impression that you are looking over your shoulder as you type.
The blasé way in which Edward Dutton refers reflexively to a certain class of men and women as elite—men and women whose primary characteristics are lust for power and the ruthlessness that complements that lust and other lusts—is, to my taste, too subversive by half. His points, whatever they are, could all have been made without inviting his readers to subliminally accept his corrupted use of a word that has long been associated with refinement and with superiority of education, cultivation, or acumen in another area.
The individuals named in his article, along with many, many others that aren’t named and don’t require naming, may certainly be thought of as outstanding in a sense—but in what sense? Is one expected to recognize a man or woman as manifesting elite qualities when what he or she is is little more than a paragon of depravity in a Jewish and Jewish-aligned ruling class where corruption and depravity have superseded morality and ethics as desiderata?
Perhaps in part because your definition of elite has been so wrong. Why do you define and elevate them as better or brighter than you?
A simple answer, the lack of ethical and moral principles combined with eternal leisure.
If you look available documentation Bill Clinton does not like them young. His type seems to be big brunette hair and makeup and big tits. That demographic does not skew to under age. So I am skeptical about this bit. : )
It’s like with Trump. We have a good idea what Donald the Fat likes and it isn’t Epstein’s product. I’m not a sexologist. Don’t most people establish a pattern by middle age?
Stephen Hawking? Come ON man.
Q) Why are so many of our Bankster puppets corrupt or sexually depraved?
A) Because ((they)) don’t want anyone in power unless they have some dirt on them.
Sorry but I think its that simple.
Well, I glanced over this article and I think my own explanation of this strange situation from a few years ago is far more plausible:
Your explanation and Dutton’s go hand in hand. The depravity of so called “elites†makes them easy, and many cases willing, targets of blackmail. What type of individual has the gall to participate in the sick activities “alleged†at Pizzagate and Epstein’s island and still believe he is worthy of power, fame and fortune? The narcissistic personality that Dutton describes.Replies: @notbe mk 2, @Gordo
Well, I glanced over this article and I think my own explanation of this strange situation from a few years ago is far more plausible:
The answer to this question is easy: democracy.
You have political leaders financed by oligarchy.
If such political leader become popular (like FDR, for example) he can start to implement own political agenda.
Even can decide that he is “elected” and do not need to take into account actual interest of his finance backers.
As countermeasure for such “rebellious” political figure, it’s required that “democratically elected” president can’t have more then two terms, frequent reelection (short terms).
And, most important: good, really good blackmail material.
What kind of blackmail material to use? Sexual deviations is the best!
So, every generation of political leaders was required to have something to hide.
It was less then 100 years ago, and simple adultery show to the public can end political life. So sweet and innocent years!
Later, simple being homosexual is enough for good political blackmail.
Now, sex with children is the best deviation to have.
Why “level” of abnormal perversion seems to increase every generation?
Simple. Public politic try to make own faults acceptable in public.
So it will be the higher and higher level of deviations.
P.S. Every current young politic is actually aware, that he need a good blackmail material on himself.
Why do you think private island of Jeffrey Epstein is so popular?
It give chance to young future political leaders of USA to make good blackmail on themself, and place it in good hands.
I object to the use of the tern “elite” when referring to these people. There’s nothing elite about Bill Clinton, Jimmy Saville, Prince Andrew or Justin Trudeau, if you took away their money and connections, they probably wouldn’t be able to survive. I mean, what legal activity could Bill Clinton do: Used car sales, sleazy insurance salesman, funeral home shyster? Jimmy Saville is dead but with his face he could’ve been used to sell dog food. Prince Andrew other than being purported to once having flown a helicopter for the military, probably has no marketable skills (at least his older brother seems to know something about gardening). And then, the last but not least “elite”, the aging, and once pretty drama teacher, Justin Trudeau, is totally devoid of any skills. He’s too old to sell his butt on Montreal’s tenderloid drive, his university training was all in fluff courses, anything physical or technical gives him the vapors. There’s one thing he could possiblly do, learn how to dance with aging single boomers on cruise ships.
Not off topic
at issue is the (very taboo) fact, if underage sex should be punishable. Outside the US the age of consent is usually 16, 15 and used to be 12 everywhere, including the US. Age of consent creeps up, and we can watch theantifeminist dot com (search the internet archive) prediction that soon age of consent will be 21, or even anything over 10 years age difference: 60 year old with 45 year-old would be illegal
you impart the distinct impression that you are looking over your shoulder as you type.
at issue is the (very taboo) fact if [i.e., whether] underage sex should be punishable
Very few dare to oppose the age of consent laws
The Rind Study dared to touch one of the biggest taboos, even much bigger than race differences
We want to state scientific FACTS, not promote underage sexuality.
low age of consent, or the Rind study results, does NOT mean that young people should have sex. It means means that police and big government should not meddle in such family matters. Parents have to deal with their children’s behavior, instead.
One of the most prestigious peer reviewed research journals of the American Psychological Association published a meta-research (an overview of lots of other research papers) with disturbing findings. Result: the US Senate and US congress UNANIMOUSLY condemned the Research. After all, the preconceived notions behind our criminalization of Teenage Sexuality must not be disturbed.
Distortion in one area of the psyche isn’t a one and done sort of thing. There’s other parts that are also off. Politicians in the West are often insecure at their core, high in narcissism, sociopathic, evasive, chameleon-like, greedy, have overblown senses of resentment and entitlement. They seem to be pervy at a higher than average rate. At the end of the sexual crackpot spectrum are the trannies who are attention seekers and exhibitionists to an extreme degree, all wanting to strut around in over the top outfits and needing to be applauded. There’s something ‘off’ about a lot of people wanting to be in the public eye. Politics and the arts seem to draw a lot of these sorts of people and politics is show biz for homely people. It would be best to vote into office people who don’t want the job, were that possible, so as to get mentally normal people.
That is the core idea of demarchy.
It would be best to vote into office people who don’t want the job, were that possible, so as to get mentally normal people.
When an article begins by identifying pedophiles as being “elites”, it’s time to move on.
Sexual deviants are also attracted to boys or those who have already reached puberty. You concentrate solely on the female. I don’t know what it is about gay men – but many (not all) are fixated on the younger – thankfully most of them do not want to go to bed with a 3 or a 13 year old boy – but they are fixated on youth. Peter Pan Syndrome? I don’t know. Wasn’t Jimmy Saville involved in procuring young boys from a boys home in Northern Ireland and many British elites in the government were involved?
Correction: the word “goyim†is a pejorative. As the two sources indicate, it doesn't mean non-Jewish people, it means “heathensâ€:
Correction: the word “goyim†simply means non-Jewish people. It is not a pejorative.
Replies: @Mulga mumblebrain
Source #1 - As the Jews considered all of the non-Jewish nations in biblical times as polytheistic and idolatrous, the Hebrew word goy has for some time acquired the meaning “heathenâ€. #2 - As the non-Israelite and the nokri were “heathens,†“goi†came to denote a “heathen,â€
As innumerable Talmudic experts and authorities, such as Kook the Elder, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi in Palestine in the 40s, make CLEAR, Judaism sees the goyim as a lower form of existence to the Jews, with lesser souls than Jews, but greater than animals.
Or, as Ovadia Yosef, Chief Sephardic Rabbi in Israel, and head of the Shas political party, a feature of most hard Right coalitions in Israel (whose funeral was the greatest gathering in Israeli history, several hundred thousand strong) told his guffawing audience during a sermon, ‘The goyim only exist to serve the Jews’.
Go and tell Netanyahu, not me, that he is misinterpreting the Torah when invoking it to eradicate the people of Gaza. And tel me how he is misinterpreting it:
misinterpretation of their Torah.
A ‘legacy’ of genocide, from the extirpation of the Canaanites to the Kitos War then on to Deir Yassin, Sabra, Shatilla and Gaza.
I am getting a stream of genocidal hate filth from Judeofascists, courtesy of Youtube, and these creatures are DIABOLIC in their blood-lust, hatred, rage and arrogance. Followed closely, dogging their heels, yapping and barking for approval, by a horde of Sabbat Goy accomplices, eagerly feeding on the scraps of eviscerated children their Masters leave in their wake.
And those Jews, down the centuries, with the strength of character to leave the death-cult only increased the severity of the symptoms among the remainder, through a selective process.
The one thing that the Judaic powers that be really hate and fear is out-marriage, the ‘loss of precious Jewish souls’ as more than one Talmudist has declared. One, indeed, was driven to declare the USA the ‘United States of Amalek’, because of out-marriage, and you know what that means.
That sounds logical and plausible, but since I have no proof that anything happens after death, I refrain on believing that something happens, like the transmigration of the soul into the afterlife. My best guess is that nothing happens. I always say if a deer dies, do you think the deer went somewhere? No one thinks the deer survives death, but with humans, you see, the rules change (because of wishful thinking I reason) .
I believe that every human being has his own path to follow and is equally subject to the “laws of natureâ€, and yes, transition to the next phase of existence.
Some “serious” cosmologists theorise that we (including emotions and sensation) and everything around are indeed a simulation – projected onto a a screen having the same diameter as the expanding universe.
As for belief, besides communal pressure, one succumbs if one has these tendencies:
– essentialism: emphasis on differences, minutiae, terminology and symbols
– fear of novelty, adjustment
– evasion of inconsistencies such as
— a deity indulging in every emotion prohibited for subjects
— selective obedience or resistance to human authority
— selective avoidance or use of violence
— hope of meeting deceased relatives or friends, desite an injunction that there is “neither marriage or giving in marriage”
–affluence being a reward (though also found in evil people), but poverty being a sign of future reward
The author says the gods – and specifically Yahweh, the god of Israel – is some sort of an invention.
This delusional, self-worshipping statement, alone, calls into question the author’s own psychological state and ability to discern reality beyond his own dissociated sense of self and perception, let alone his ability to accurately diagnose ‘the Israeli-Jewish Problem’.
Jews have 6-8 times higher rate of mental illness and defects of psyche than general population. Narcissistic psychopathy is one of their top defects. Schizophrenia is inheritable and forefather of jews Abraham is described in their scriptures as having classical symptoms of schizophrenia down to detail – hearing voices ( of “god”), obsession with mutilation (of genitals especiall to the schizos), delusions of grandeur ( deeming self a “prophet”, representative of “god”). All the jews have inherited schizophrenia from Abraham but not all have it because genetic expression can skip a generation or a few and schizo parent(s) can have non-schizo children …and then bam grandchildren or further down develop it. This also explains ( besides the culturally imposed learning and education) above average number of geniuses and savants among the Jews, some of whom are otherwise insane , as has been well described in the classic work of psychiatrist Lombroso “Genius And Insanity” showing the correlation. So all the descriptions of the jews throughout history as demonically possessed psychopaths has been given a prosaic explanation by modern science.
The genetic defects causing the jewish deviations of psyche can also be explained by inbreeding notorious for such consequences. Ashkenazi’s for example have passed through genetic bottleneck around 11th century AD (apparently due to the black plague) when only 300 males remained in Europe forcing interbreeding among too close relatives. Even up to this day all the Ashkenazi are pretty much cousins related to each other through 4 degrees of separation due to small numbers unlike some other larger ethnicities, such as for example Russians who are all related to each other through much healthier 7 degrees of separation.
Thank you, Laurent!
I have been saying this exact same thing for decades; organized jewry is institutionalized psychopathology.
Judaism is the mechanism which produces proto-psychopaths out of it’s population.
I see many jews as being traumatized by the conflicts between their conscience and the drilled-into- mind cultural pressures to conform to group tribal edicts.
It is no wonder why so many jews seek psychotherapy to the point where the mention of it has become trivial.
“There are those who can transmit an experience of cosmic consciousness by touching a person at the medulla. However, instead of cosmic consciousness slowly descending through the ”
Name of the book ?
You, and your friends, were proven wrong much more than once. You were wrong exactly all the time. But I do not need to keep the page, Ron Unz has kept the nonsense predictions of Scott Ritter etc so called “expertsâ€.
Again strawman fallacy.
Show me where “I” was wrong. I have no friend here and I do not care about other predictions.
Do you think that all the young men will volunteer to go to the killing fields? With no experience, it will be another meat grinder.
And now the azov banderists are recruiting “volunteers” in France. Sure, it is evidence that Ukraine has enough meat to send to war. Or?
I know many from my own family who will not go and they have the means not to go.
Ukraine did push Russia out of 1/2 of the area Russia initially took.
Did you read Tolstoï “Voyna i mir”?
They were not “pushed”, they retreated. Can you see the difference?
there is no international recognition of the areas Russia annexed, so they are not annexed.
Ahah, yes, nazis and imperialists do not recognize the self-determination of people. But you are right, they are not “annexed”, they are being liberated. Same with Krimea.
And again: “Obviously you cannot keep your word. LOL ”
I used to use Mevashir (my blogging name), but Ron required me to use my real name:
How many names do you post under? Legend?
The first three pages of this link discuss the ghastly socio-pathic features of the Jewish (as opposed to the Christian) Messianic vision. I think it provides a good subtext to this article.
I had a look at the link you provided but it seems too apologetic but if I could just point out a coincidence in the opening paragraph when you write “Moreover, Jesus declared that not one jot or one tittle shall pass from the law (Torah), until it was all fulfilled (Matt 5:15) and in the final instance the very name of Jesus means Yah saves.” :
The name of the King who evicted the ancestors of the Jews (according to Josephus) is King Ahmose in English but his name transliterated from hieroglyphs is yah/iah/ or Jah -ms who had an epithet which can be translated as “Saviour” (ndjety) and since in the Karnak stele the epithet has a divine determinative ……
Coincidentally the first hieroglyph for Saviour in that epithet:
I believe Jesus is I AM and Jesus fulfilled the law on Calvary. Gone was all the burdensome rules of the Jews. The moral life was to be accomplished through the indwelling god and an active conscience which chose right from wrong.
misinterpretation of their Torah.
Go and tell Netanyahu, not me, that he is misinterpreting the Torah when invoking it to eradicate the people of Gaza. And tel me how he is misinterpreting it:
Netanyahu declares holy war against Gaza, citing the Bible
'You must remember what Amalek has done to you,' he said in a speech yesterday announcing the start of a ground invasion in Gaza, adding that Israeli soldiers were part of a legacy that goes back 3,000 years.— Middle East Monitor (@MiddleEastMnt) October 29, 2023
This is about as bad as the other article you wrote where you blamed yhwh (lolz). You regurgitate many of the same talking points (and errors). People need to take responsibility for their behavior, their culture and their deliberate twisting and misinterpretation of their Torah.
Go and tell Netanyahu, not me, that he is misinterpreting the Torah when invoking it to eradicate the people of Gaza. And tel me how he is misinterpreting it:
misinterpretation of their Torah.
The above two come together in people (assumed to be slaves or criminals serving a sentence) who worked the Egyptian mines in the Sinai in the form of smithing (imagery associated with Yahweh/Volcano) and what would in time develop into the Hebrew script :
"The origin of the Phoenician letters [and even more so the Old Negev letters] in the Proto-Canaanite and Proto-Sinaitic scripts, and the borrowing of most, if not all, letter forms in the latter script from Egyptian hieroglyphics on the basis of acrophony are now seen as indubitable facts (cf. Snyczer 1974, 9).
Re Apophis and anti-creation
“There, Rothenberg discovered an Egyptian mining temple dedicated to the goddess Hathor.57 Although the stratification of this mining temple was highly disturbed, 58 25% of the sherds collected were ‘Midianite,’59 and Rothenberg’s team was able to ascertain strong evidence of a Semitic tent-shrine in the latest phase of the Egyptian temple (Iron I, ca. 1150 BCE)……..
The most notable of these objects were the gilded bronze snake that calls to mind the Neḥushtan made by Moses himself in the Hebrew Bible (Numbers 21:8; 2 Kings 18:4),”
Photograph of the brazen serpent
. . . projected like the jewess you are.How sad, and unsurprisingly, your 'husband & children' find you so uninteresting.Replies: @24th Alabama
Gratuitously lame and pitiful comment.
I had hoped that you would have more compassion for a 200 pound,
bearded, Christian Jewess whose pretty, 100 pound husband has
demonstrated a remarkable ability to bear children.
There are several points for discussion related to the topic of the text. On several occasions on the sidelines of the main discussions, I have observed that the artificial identities that have been collectively imposed on some groups, some of which have become separate nations, are much stronger than the original identities.
Members of these groups, among whom there are extremely intelligent and educated people, will not, as a rule, recognize belonging to another, original identity of their ancestors, even if there is no pressure nor intention to return them to it. This persistence in renouncing one’s original identity reaches the level of fanaticism, and I know people who, by their nature, would not advocate anything else so heartily.
On the other hand, the original, old identities are quite comfortable in all this, they do not attach much importance and during history they easily or (mostly) by force, easily melted into other identities. I have many examples that I know very well. An example of this second group is the Serbs, who are natives of Europe and who in the course of recent history have become a part, and in some cases the majority of other nations, such as Bulgarians, Hungarians, Romanians, Greeks, Germans, Croats, Montenegrins, Bosniacs, Macedonians, Albanians, and others, and separate Slavic nations also developed from them.
Those who are the most recent and closest are the most stubborn in denying their Serbian origin, which grows into an incredible hatred for their roots, and at every historical turning point, usually under the patronage of great powers, they carry out terrible crimes against their former tribesmen, although many still have parts of their families on the other side, which did not convert.
This monolith is typical for them, especially in matters of identity, but it is also present in other areas (e.g. Albanians are the world’s leading drug dealers due to their premodern closedness and too short time for their civilization; Croats, who were instructed by the Vatican to commit the biggest genocides in order to their penetration to the East, will not recognize their Serbian origin, even though the goal set by the Vatican was to kill a third of the Serbs, expel a third and convert a third to Catholicism, and to this day, everyone approves the prolonged Croatian genocide against the Serbs.
In the case of the Jews, the roots of their global cohesion, which some explain by their religious and ritual books, are still unclear (to me), although many claim that, internally, there are different currents, opinions and even conflicts.
On what basis, for example, are the Khazars, who make up 85% of the world’s Jews and they are also majority in Israel (I think 55%) and who converted relatively recently, connected to each other and on what basis do they feel connected to the territory of Palestine, even though they have no historical or ancestral ties to it?
How did the ancient Judeans, whose ancestors really lived in Palestine a long time ago, even though they also came there from another place, kept that mutual connection, the feeling of attachment to that territory and, unlike other groups, avoided assimilation in much larger environments?
Can that be explained only by those books of theirs since other groups also have books with similar messages? There must be some connection between what is in those books and the collective psychology of that group to develop the psychological and social profiles we see every day.
And why is there almost no (except for very rare exceptions) opposition, internal discussions of messages from biblical times and their moral evaluation in accordance with modern times?
I do not believe that dissents are absent only because of the fear of ostracization and I think that among them, as in any other group, there would be brave individuals who would point out the unethical actions in their midst.
Or, maybe they belong to a different kind of ethics? Since they are also familiar with other ethics (e.g. Christian), what is it about one ethic that dominates all others? Is the concept of psychopathy relative, so maybe they also see some other, e.g. ‘goyish’ psychopathy in others?