Ha ha, "falling in love with a young man under statutory age". Priests feel your pain too.
Tell that to Mary Letourneau, who was enslaved for almost a decade of her life for falling in love with a young man under statutory age �
Replies: @SMK
Mary Kay Letourneau
... 12-year-old Fualaau ... two counts of second-degree child rape. ... sentenced to six months (three of them were suspended) ... she was not required to register as a sex offender �
He was 13, not 12. And he was pubescent at age 10, sexually-active at age 12, and perhaps 11, had more sexual partners at age 13 than Mary did at age 33, and was the aggressor in their sexual union, forcing himself on her the the first time they had intercourse. Yes, she was initially sentenced to “only” 6-months in a hellishly overcrowded jail. And was then sentenced to 7 1/2 years in prison for with no chance for parole for violating a “no-contact” order. So, yes, she served far more time in prison than the average male convicted of murder and roughly twice as long as the male average for all violent felonies. And years of punitive “sex-offender treatment” in which she was compelled to tell her children than “mommy is a rapist” and registration for life as a uniquely deviant and dangerous criminal.
“Child rape.” What nonsense! Yes, adult women are “rapists” and “pedophiles” for allowing biological men under age 18 to penetrate them in de facto consensual relationship that are often if not usually initiated by their de jure “victims.” For obvious anatomical reasons, women can’t commit rape in the pure and literal sense of the word.
Tell that to Mary Letourneau, who was enslaved for almost a decade of her life for falling in love with a young man under statutory age
Ha ha, “falling in love with a young man under statutory age”. Priests feel your pain too.
Mary Kay Letourneau
… 12-year-old Fualaau … two counts of second-degree child rape. … sentenced to six months (three of them were suspended) … she was not required to register as a sex offender
“Negroes have #1 privilege in the liberal system but women are not far behind.” This comment is an exemplar of the confusion and ignorance that arises when one contrasts two groups of people that include two or more human categories. A slight majority of blacks are women. But among negroes, males commit 90-95% of violent crimes, 100% of rapes and 99% of violent sexual assaults. So, all things considered, black males are the most indulged, by far, of all criminals and criminal defendants. The category “women” includes females of all races. “Women are not far behind.” Tell that to Mary Letourneau, who was enslaved for almost a decade of her life for falling in love with a young man under statutory age, fare longer than the average time-served for murder and roughly twice as long as the average time-served of all violent felonies: aggravated assault, violent/forcible rape, robbery, and homicide. And over 90% of the men subsumed under these statistics were recidivists and most should have been buried in prison long before they committed their latest violent felonies. And since men commit 90-95% of violent crimes, 100% of rapes, and 99% of violent sexual assaults, they’re the primary beneficiaries of this systematic leniency and, among all races, black males are by far the primary beneficiaries.
Tell that to Abigail Simon, who was sentenced in Jan. 2015 to 8-25 years in prison and a lifetime of draconian/Orwellian persecution for transporting a biological man of 15 to sexual paradise. And that’s assuming she’s lying about his raping and terrorizing her. What percentage of violent recidivist male criminals of all racism receive sentences this hideously draconian?
Ha ha, "falling in love with a young man under statutory age". Priests feel your pain too.
Tell that to Mary Letourneau, who was enslaved for almost a decade of her life for falling in love with a young man under statutory age �
Replies: @SMK
Mary Kay Letourneau
... 12-year-old Fualaau ... two counts of second-degree child rape. ... sentenced to six months (three of them were suspended) ... she was not required to register as a sex offender �
“In fact, early opponents of slavery were motivated, in part, by legislative studies in several northern states showing high levels of crime committed by freed blacks living in northern states.â€
Your own source refutes this claim. “In colonial times, blacks seemed not disproportionate among the criminals of Pennsylvania, or at least they were not seriously complained of. As early as 1806, however, Friends lamented the deterioration in character of the black population of Philadelphia and laid the blame for it on the CONSTANT INFLUX OF RUNAWAYSâ€.
Runaway slaves are NOT freed blacks, there is a noticeable distinction.
Your source focuses on one state–Pennsylvania. I assume you have other sources by which legislative studies demonstrate clearly freed blacks committed higher levels of criminal activity than whites, correct? Keep them coming.
Moreover, one must seriously considering the meting out of justice with black and white criminals. “Certainly the prevailing prejudices worked against blacks in the court system. A study done in 1849 of the inmate population of the Eastern State Penitentiary and Philadelphia County Prison showed that, from 1829 to 1848, the length of sentence of white prisoners averaged 2 years, 8 months and 2 days; while that of blacks averaged 3 years, 3 months and 14 days. Some 15 percent of white inmates were pardoned before the end of their terms, but only 3 percent of blacks were.â€
You really ought to consider context here.
“Based on the records of the Eastern State Penitentiary, for the seven years before 1837, blacks committed 36 percent of the criminal acts in Philadelphia, at a time when they represented 9 percent of the city’s population.â€â€¨â€¨
Your source does not cite specifically what criminals acts were conducted, nor divide free blacks and runaway blacks. It would make sense that runaway blacks would commit more crimes considering they are impoverished, they have little to no personal possessions, no job, no place to stay. Of course they are more prone to engage in criminal activity in part due to their dire economic situation.
Moreover, you do realize that when poor whites immigrated to eastern cities, like the Irish in the 1850’s and 1860’s, they also committed higher rates of crime compared to native whites. Was it because of their nature or because of their financial circumstances?
You really ought to consider context here.
Here’s a site with a lot of info. There are more.
” Yet it was a fact universally acknowledged, even among the friends of the race, that the escaped slaves who moved into the southern tier of Pennsylvania counties were notoriously criminal. One report statewide showed the black population ratio at 1:33 and the black crime rate at 1:3. Furthermore, of black criminals, some 66.3 percent had come from slave states. Apologists cited the want of education and work opportunities, as well as the temptations of liquor, all of which certainly contributed to these deplorable statistics.”
“In some years the black crime rate was four times that of whites. Based on the records of the Eastern State Penitentiary, for the seven years before 1837, blacks committed 36 percent of the criminal acts in Philadelphia, at a time when they represented 9 percent of the city’s population. These figures continued at about the same rate over the next ten years and showed only slight improvement up to the Civil War. At least one Southern pro-slavery writer cited Pennsylvania as an example of how black morality deteriorated with freedom and revealed characteristics that made supervision and restraint the ideal situation for the race. ”
JJ helpfully includes a photo of himself and a link to his Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/jj.mcgraw.7Anyone who visits NY should be wise to the ways of the city and know that nobody really gives you anything for free so that someone offering "Free Hugs" is actually expecting remuneration. NY is a high cost of living place and ain't nothin' free. If you are a naive Canadian woman, then JJ and Jermaine will teach you. Maybe JJ is one of the guys in the Elmo suits so he has a professional stake in educating tourists on this charming local custom. If people thought that they could get away with not paying for these kind of services, it would be really bad for business - word might get out that you could get away without paying. If you bought a hot dog from a vendor and didn't pay him, he might have the same reaction.Replies: @Olorin
These motherf**ers dont care about any rules & regs the city council just put in place & honestly i dont blame them. Personally, i wouldnt had punched the lady in thr face but i wouldve sure as hell had some choice words for her for not tipping me.
Even in the 1980s, when I spent the most time in NYC, the era of the off-ramp and intersection and underpass squeegee zombies, “tipping” meant “extortion backed by violence.”
If you bought a hot dog from a vendor and didn’t pay him, he might have the same reaction.
Except that you generally don’t have hot dog vendors shoving free hot dogs at you then punching you for not paying. If they did that sh!t, they’d lose their vendor’s license.
Erectus holdovers with nothing to offer modern society but determined to be parasites on it don’t bother or qualify to get anything they’d care about losing. Then they are handed valuable things–food, housing, medical care, cell phones, schooling, entire cities–and if they throw it away, they can always demand more.
We white urban Northeasterners learned in the 1960s that if we gave them something to care about losing, in response to them being savage, WE were (((re-tailored))) into the villains and they the victims.
The NYT and other MSM told us so every hour of every day of our lives. As Steve noted recently on the Kitty Genovese murder topic.
Black males of a certain developmental phase in particular pick on white girls and women (including girly men). It’s that simple. White girls and women whose parents had The Talk with them are wise to this and avoid the groid. Whites who lacked that education, or who were educated in falsehoods, get it in other ways eventually.
Of course there are substantial career and social rewards for denying these matters of population genetics.
I was especially interested to see that a term formerly used by upscale white mothers, usually of the Helicopter sort, i.e., “autistic,” is now being picked up as a euphemism for “acting black.”
“In fact, early opponents of slavery were motivated, in part, by legislative studies in several northern states showing high levels of crime committed by freed blacks living in northern states.”
Do you have a source?
“No I am not. The idea was to release him in SA for therapy where the SA laws apply.”
You are completely ignoring the Constitution. Are you able to cite case law in which a mentally ill offender who is a citizen of the United States is shipped off to a foreign country as a consequence?
“No, pretty sure you and your Psych 101 did a pretty shitty job with this 18 times serial offender.
Yes, Jeremiah is a serial offender, but that does not mean he is not privy to the legal system. Again, mental illness has biological underpinnings. Merely “beating” offenders does virtually nothing to “cure” them. You did flunk Psych 101.
“Right, if you want to completely ignore our Constitution.”
No I am not. The idea was to release him in SA for therapy where the SA laws apply.
“Not quite, considering that mental illness is generally biological in nature. You must have been napping in Psych 101.”
No, pretty sure you and your Psych 101 did a pretty shitty job with this 18 times serial offender.
Funny how you don’t see this sort of behavior in Singapore.
That’s because you’re an old guy looking at a comic book, not a Gen Xer reading a “graphic novel”.
“My first thought watching this was that Dr. Evil ought to give the NYC thug lessons in how to give out free hugs.”
Dr. Evil only gives out evil hugs for ONE MILLION DOLLARS.
Video Link
He’s already coited many crimes. Repeatedly.
I was nevertheless taken aback given my own experience of discarding the things at age 13.
Yes, I gave up baseball cards at that age; coincidentally, right about the time I discovered girls.
Replies: @Curle
While conditions in Denver bear a strong resemblance to those in some of the Southern cities, there is a marked difference in the grade of crimes committed. From the first of May to the first of September, 1906, there were ten killings in Denver. Five of these, including the murder in cold blood of two police officers killed in the discharge of their duty, were the work of negroes. One negro was killed by a white man—who was acquitted because he acted in self-defense—so that we have four per cent of the population committing fifty per cent and involved in sixty per cent of all killings during this period. Ten negroes and eleven whites were involved.
This record is not sustained through any long period, but the negro commits vastly more than four per cent of the murders done in Denver. Of other crimes, he is credited with vastly more than four per cent, but he seems to become relatively less conspicuous upon the police records as we pass from murder, burglary, assault, etc., to the milder crimes and misdemeanors. This preeminence in crime is being noted, and is producing an effect unfavorable to the race as a whole. Here, as elsewhere, we note that the sympathy of the race is, to a large extent, with its criminals.
“The high level of black criminality has been noted since Emancipation”
Well before Emancipation as well. In fact, early opponents of slavery were motivated, in part, by legislative studies in several northern states showing high levels of crime committed by freed blacks living in northern states. A major untold story regarding the rise of anti-slavery sentiment in the North has to do with northern concerns that slavery meant more blacks which in turn meant more freed blacks making their way to the North. A situation northerners did not want.
Weird. I was at a professional conference the other day and during lunch came across an attendee of another conference for media programming types (not so young but younger than me) who was reading a largish comic book over lunch. Though he seemed a nice enough fellow I was nevertheless taken aback given my own experience of discarding the things at age 13.
“Black people are abused and misused every day in the west.”
Yes, quite courageous of them to stay put rather than flee to more welcoming locales as any sensible person would do under the purported circumstances. Thank goodness they are, in fact, remaining. Just imagine what would happen to our national IQ, crime rate, welfare expenditures, Nobel prize contender chances and future productivity were they to leave in any large numbers. I shudder to consider the possibility.
An amazing one.
IIRC, that was what we were taught in football camp — “form running”. There was an idea that you could improve your 40 time (however marginally) with little tweaks like that.
“There’s been a sea change. Insightful righteousness has regressed to its mean – gas-bag pomposity. Someone had to tell you.â€
Actually, I was referring to you.
“I think how the legal system works in regards to those with mental illness is if you can comprehend how the legal system works you’re deemed to have no mental disorder that keeps you from being sentenced to prison.”
Not quite.
“In the United States, more than 1.2 million people with mental illness are incarcerated in jails or prisons, according to the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics. People with mental illnesses also are on probation or parole at two to four times the rate for the general population.”
“[However], in a study of crimes committed by people with serious mental disorders, only 7.5 percent were directly related to symptoms of mental illness, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.”
“How about sending him to Saudi Arabia for a {publicly funded) therapy? Released in Riyadh to do his usual routine?”
Right, if you want to completely ignore our Constitution.
“I am sure 1000 lashes with a horse whip in the public square would cure his condition permanently.”
Not quite, considering that mental illness is generally biological in nature. You must have been napping in Psych 101.
Hug Thug clearly knows right from wrong – the video shows that he planned the sneak attack on the Canadian tourist and he admitted to stalking the other woman down into the subway. Also he runs away each time in an effort to avoid capture. I don’t think he’s mentally ill, he’s just a low-impulse thug acting thugish when he mis-perceives that he’s been disrespected. He’s legally responsible for his actions.
“IIRC, the same line appears in both Top Gun (1986) and Days of Thunder (1990): “Your ego is writing checks your body can’t cashâ€.”
Quincy Jones’ 1981 The Dude advised people ‘don’t let your mouth write a check that your body can’t cash”.
(Co-written by Rod Temperton, whose journey from Grimsby fish factory to LA songwriter is pretty impressive)
I think how the legal system works in regards to those with mental illness is if you can comprehend how the legal system works you’re deemed to have no mental disorder that keeps you from being sentenced to prison. Our girl punching friend seems to have a good grasp
How about sending him to Saudi Arabia for a {publicly funded) therapy? Released in Riyadh to do his usual routine?
I am sure 1000 lashes with a horse whip in the public square would cure his condition permanently.
My first thought watching this was that Dr. Evil ought to give the NYC thug lessons in how to give out free hugs.
OT: The Washington Times reports that the DC Metro faces $18 Billion (capital B) in capital costs over the next ten years and $10 billion in maintenance costs. Local lawmakers were “shocked”.
Tom was taught open-hand running when he was elevated to Operating Thetan IX.
You are correct, “Himmelstein†is a German name, as are many Ashkenazi surnames
While it’s theoretically possible for a non-Jewish German to be named Himmelstein, I’ll venture that in the USA those guys are outnumbered at least 50:1 by Jewish (or ancestrally Jewish) Himmelsteins. Google the name and what do you see? Lots of doctors and lawyers, nary a brewer!
Gertrude Himmelfarb, by the way, was the wife of the famous “New York Intellectual” Irving Kristol and mother of the neoconservative pundit William Kristol.
As for the hug thug, my guess is…no idea. His mom’s name is Denise—that doesn’t sound black. But then hug thug himself looks too dark to be half white.
Himmelstein seems an unlikely name for a long-ago slaveowner too; most American Jews then were Sephardi.
I think it’s more a matter of some cities/states in the US are rounding up their homeless and mentally insane and busing them to major cities. Homeless activists in San Francisco say that other cities are buying one-way tickets for these individuals to rid themselves of this problem.
I find it hard to believe that anyone could be honestly so obtuse, especially as he seems capable of putting a sentence together.
“Let’s lock up ALL darkies. Every single one regardless if they committed a crime. Hell, it’s just a crime for them being here in “our landâ€, right?”
If he honestly believes that’s your view, he’s an imbecile. I don’t think he’s an imbecile, therefore he’s arguing in bad faith from the standard leftist handbook. From that it follows that he’s not worth reading.
Mike Myers may have been thinking about Steven Seagal when he put the Scott running scene into his Austin Powers movie.
What comes next (broadly) after Weimar America isn’t hard to guess at. It was a reasonably close run thing, whether Germany was going to fall to the Bolsheviks or the Nazis. What exact kind of extreme authoritarianism America is going to fall to isn’t clear to me. Could be radical Islam. Could be neo-Naziism. Could be neo-Bolshevism even, I suppose. Could be something else.
I can’t tell. Is this an arch critique of the ACLU? Obviously, there were such places, but they were basically made illegal in the US in the 1970s.
Now the Times’ case is falling apart:
Check out Steven Seagal running. Try not to laugh.
You want funny, watch his later movies. He stopped doing stunts and fight scenes not long after he got fat, apparently.
“You are not a white woman having to pass through forests of black males.”
Everyday in American white woman travel through the concrete jungle without having any incident with those “darkies”. Now, supposing you are a woman, I’m sure there are fine gentlemen out there who can walk with you to work to protect you. Unless, of course, you are offended by these “white knights”, that as a proud independent woman you are able to traverse alone without any “man” by your side.
“Watching that kind of degradation is nothing like entertainment.”
Yet a number of people find it intriguing to the point that they must put the incidents on social media, that they have to “egg” him.
“But, knowing about it helps, since he probably has a soft-mugging shelf life of decades, so being aware a violent mental patient prowls the streets might avoid at least a sore jaw.”
” …Unless things escalate. And, really, it doesn’t seem Jermaine needs anyone to egg him on.”
The video footage clearly shows otherwise, especially if he has a personality disorder.
“There’s been a sea change. Insightful righteousness has regressed to its mean – gas-bag pomposity. Someone had to tell you.”
I already knew that there are people out there who are hooked on social media and feel compelled to “tell” people stories, making them feel superior and worthy in the process.
There is a fair amount of valid observation in your post, but let us not be deceived, "treatment" is a sham. Some people learn the error of their ways, I will agree that medication can help get one over the hump. Treatment/therapy/counseling have little to do with it.Replies: @Corvinus
The judge then has to decide whether or not that person constitutes a danger to themselves or others, and based on this competency hearing, he or she is sentenced to a treatment facility. Unfortunately, there is a waiting line to get into these places, so the person remains in jail with the general population under a spot opens up.
“…but let us not be deceived, “treatment†is a sham…Treatment/therapy/counseling have little to do with it.”
Spoken like someone who has little education on the matter. Here is a primer from the experts.
“Basic logic would indicate that locking this nutjob up would prevent him from attacking women in NYC.”
Of course, but under current law one cannot simply lock up and throw away the key those mentally ill offenders merely because of the possibility he/she will commit a crime. Do you even comprehend how the legal system works in regards to those with mental illness?
“Pretty much every deviant behavior has been mainstreamed in the past 10 years.”
What are you even talking about? Elaborate, please.
“Hmm, 181 comments and nobody has mentioned that the allegedly autistic guy is offering “Free Hugs†when a marker of autism is the dislike of being touched.”
Some people with autism may not have an aversion to touching. There’s a reason why autism, like other mental illnesses, have a spectrum.
What kind of a name is “Jermaine Himmelsteinâ€, anyway?
I think he played bass in the Himmelstein Five.
WorldStarHipHop obviously doesn’t exist in Corvine’s alternate universe. The video history of the decline and fall of America.
“Tom runs with open hands, like Carl Lewis.”
Check out Steven Seagal running. Try not to laugh.
Video Link
Tom runs with open hands, like Carl Lewis.
An updated Judge Dredd.
Come on, that Val Kilmer / Tom Cruise hug at the end is the most masculine hug ever – they embrace with closed fists.
“Oh, and by the way, Top Gun debuted 30 years ago today!”
Truly a landmark in gay cinema.
“Basic logic would indicate that locking this nutjob up would prevent him from attacking women in NYC.”
Logic, even of the basic kind, is not Corvinus’ strong suit.
I’ve not paid much attention to these issues since the days of the notorious car-window-wash hustlers in New York, but if the man is not guilty and deserving of a long jail term for repeated pre-meditated assault by reason of mental incapacity, should he not be instead in a padded room, or in a strait-jacket?
Or are these all artifacts of the past?
If on the other hand, he is of sane mind, I was under the impression that sentencing guidelines are terribly strict these days-this is not New York in 1974, after all.
And what’s with the absurd $10,000 bail for a man who has repeated assaulted members of the public with extreme violence, and stated his premeditated desire and intent to do so openly? What kinda judge is that?
This guy reminds me of Derrick King, an aggressive panhandler in Chicago. He almost killed a woman in 2008, knocking her down and kicking her face. She lost a lot of teeth. Apparently he was upset because she refused his demands for a cigarette.
It’s the same old tripe. He even threw in a made up story about a white cop tapping him on shoulder saying how much he liked his show. Less than zero chance this happened. But it gave him an anecdote to advance his bs premise.
Oh, and by the way, Top Gun debuted 30 years ago today!
So who caused your E Rekshun– Kelly, Val, or Tom?
Not to my knowledge.
Meanwhile, all I want to know is this:
What kind of a name is “Jermaine Himmelstein”, anyway?
Because of the subject of this thread, I read that as “Keep Autism Weirdâ€.
So did I.
Hmm, 181 comments and nobody has mentioned that the allegedly autistic guy is offering “Free Hugs†when a marker of autism is the dislike of being touched.
I posted this before. There is the medical description of autism and the Federal Government’s description of autism. My take is Jermain got that magical autism diagnosis and is getting SS disability checks that his parents spend. The aggressive panhandling is his hobby.
The judge then has to decide whether or not that person constitutes a danger to themselves or others, and based on this competency hearing, he or she is sentenced to a treatment facility. Unfortunately, there is a waiting line to get into these places, so the person remains in jail with the general population under a spot opens up.
There is a fair amount of valid observation in your post, but let us not be deceived, “treatment” is a sham. Some people learn the error of their ways, I will agree that medication can help get one over the hump. Treatment/therapy/counseling have little to do with it.
Keep Austin Weird has nothing on New York City.
Because of the subject of this thread, I read that as “Keep Autism Weird”. The Hug Thug has that covered.
So did I.
Because of the subject of this thread, I read that as “Keep Autism Weirdâ€.
All trolls are attention whores. The difference between Tiny Dick and Corvinus is that as retarded as he comes across as, at least Tiny Dick gets the value of brevity whereas Corvinus seems to actually believe that anyone bothers to read his pompous screeds.
Hmm, 181 comments and nobody has mentioned that the allegedly autistic guy is offering “Free Hugs” when a marker of autism is the dislike of being touched.
I posted this before. There is the medical description of autism and the Federal Government's description of autism. My take is Jermain got that magical autism diagnosis and is getting SS disability checks that his parents spend. The aggressive panhandling is his hobby.
Hmm, 181 comments and nobody has mentioned that the allegedly autistic guy is offering “Free Hugs†when a marker of autism is the dislike of being touched.
Corvinus tries to be rational and to engage. His underlying assumptions are so skewed from reality and his sentiments and prejudices so at odds with the majority of commenters here that he often seems a troll. He isn’t really. He’s worth reading just to get a sense of SJW thought processes.
It was an unthinking habit when he interacted with women, colleagues said. “At Trump Tower,†said Ms. Res, his longtime colleague, “he called me Honey Bunch.â€
He was dismissive. It was always, “Hon,†“Dear.†Things he wouldn’t have said to a man. It was designed to make you feel small. And he did that repeatedly.
My dear Svigor: Body Image?
Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN_VwMb8m2M
Video Link
“Given the fact that people are publicizing Jermaine’s activities out of entertainment or curiosity, their behavior is also borderline criminal. Yes, on one hand they are “recording†the event in a public environment, but on the other hand, by offering Jermaine a platform, they are increasing the likelihood of something occurring by exacerbating his condition.”
Watching that kind of degradation is nothing like entertainment. But, knowing about it helps, since he probably has a soft-mugging shelf life of decades, so being aware a violent mental patient prowls the streets might avoid at least a sore jaw. …Unless things escalate. And, really, it doesn’t seem Jermaine needs anyone to egg him on.
There’s been a sea change. Insightful righteousness has regressed to its mean – gas-bag pomposity.
Someone had to tell you.
There are the out-and-out trolls, the “drive-by” bad faith commenters, and then there’s Corvinus.
“It is a funny topic to mouth off about in New York, of all places. It’s like going to Boston and complaining about the Irish.”
It’s no different than Nonwhite people who move to Oregon or Utah for example and than complain that it’s way too White. Than why the hell did you move there?
Do some research on the racial demographics of a place before you move there. That’s what the internet is for. Heck it’s no excuse for even the pre-internet days. I remember looking up the racial demographics of places in the encylopedia britannica.
The problem with locking up crazy people is that they will get crucified in regular prisons. This is one the reasons why liberal judges don’t want to send them there, and why friends and relatives don’t want to report them to authorities.
If there were special facilities for detaining dangerous mentally ill people that weren’t as harsh as regular prisons, then judges, cops and relatives would be more willing to work together to get them off the streets.
Takes my breath away.
It is a funny topic to mouth off about in New York, of all places. It’s like going to Boston and complaining about the Irish.
In 2020, the crime rate in the United States rises four hundred percent. Some island becomes the one maximum security prison for the entire country. A fifty-foot containment wall is erected. It completely surrounds the island. All bridges and waterways are mined. The United States Police Force, like an army, is encamped around the island. There are no guards inside the prison, only prisoners and the worlds they have made. The rules are simple: once you go in, you don’t come out.
I think you mean the Norks, not the Nords.
Another case of the media omitting lots of relevant details between paragraphs 1 and 2.
In my mind that is called lying.
Mr. Sailer,
what is your reaction to this CNN article:
OT: I have never understood the mayonnaise on fries (pommes frites) thing. Too much fat.
The Guardian Angels still exist, at least on paper, though I don’t know how many of them there are now. Their founder, Curtis Sliwa, is a talk radio host on WABC radio in New York, where he is the right winger working alongside lefty lawyer Ron Kuby. I think Sliwa still wears the beret & windbreaker.
Top Gun was on cable last night. A really well-crafted movie. Every time I see movies from the ’80s & ’90s starring Val Kilmer I wonder which of us has gained more weight since then. I read recently a sequel is in the works.
IIRC, the same line appears in both Top Gun and Days of Thunder: “Your ego is writing checks your body can’t cash”.
I agree that I would put Hug Thug in our supposedly overcrowded prison system ahead of some crazy teacher screwing her students. However, she was offered a plea deal:
“She acknowledged that prosecutors had offered her a plea deal — with a maximum five months in jail — but said she turned it down because she did nothing wrong.”
And that’s how you get 8 to 25 years in prison.
OTOH, if Hug Thug is suitably contrite, he will probably not serve for long, either.
Whatever happened to the Guardian Angels? They were founded in NYC and seemed to get some good press and, maybe, prevent some street crime back in the early ’90s if I recall. I would think a coordinated, visible group like the Guardian Angels could deter idiots like the Hug Thug from punching women in the face during the middle of the day on a crowded tourist-filled NYC street.
Oh, and by the way, Top Gun debuted 30 years ago today!
So who caused your E Rekshun-- Kelly, Val, or Tom?
Oh, and by the way, Top Gun debuted 30 years ago today!
BTW, I’ve met some very fine people who have autism or Downs Syndrome. I’m just a little cynical about the way their conditions are handled sometimes, but I’m not cynical about the people themselves. Indeed, one of their great virtues is that cynicism is ineffectual.
Such people certainly can have a role in the world. Modern society seems to oscillate between out-of-sight-out-of-mind neglect and exaggerated special-snowflake coddling, when just plain old being a member, however unusual, of a family and community often works best and doesn’t cost a lot either.
If any pregnant mothers are reading this after having a Downs screening that came back positive, I would say, have that baby! Even if you don’t find abortion as distasteful as I do, a more loyal and true friend you will not find. Really. Have the baby.
Contrast the systemic and repeated coddling of a violent lunatic who has assaulted dozens of women and should have been buried in prison after his first conviction with the punishment of women teachers who allow biological man under age 18 to penetrate them in factually consensual relationships” e.g, in Jan. 2015, Abigail Simon (a former tutor at a Catholic H.S. in Grand Rapids, MI) was sentenced to 8-25 years in prison for allegedly having sex with a 6’3″ 220 lb. biological man of 15 whom she claims was the aggressor in the their sexual intrigue and forced himself on her three times. And also a lifetime of public registration as a uniquely deviant and dangerous criminal and electronic parole monitoring with an ankle-tether or “bracelet.”
You are not a white woman having to pass through forests of black males.
Of course, by importing people from former Ottoman millets, we are encouraging the process.
Negro rates of crime and other misbehavior will return to their pre-1960 levels, a near paradisical era for both ordinary Whites and Negroes.
Blacks committed a disproportionate share of crime before 1960 too. The high level of black criminality has been noted since Emancipation, by W.E.B. DuBois among others.
Below is an excerpt from Racial Integrity and Other Features of the Negro Problem (1907), by Alexander Harvey Shannon .
While conditions in Denver bear a strong resemblance to those in some of the Southern cities, there is a marked difference in the grade of crimes committed. From the first of May to the first of September, 1906, there were ten killings in Denver. Five of these, including the murder in cold blood of two police officers killed in the discharge of their duty, were the work of negroes. One negro was killed by a white man—who was acquitted because he acted in self-defense—so that we have four per cent of the population committing fifty per cent and involved in sixty per cent of all killings during this period. Ten negroes and eleven whites were involved.
This record is not sustained through any long period, but the negro commits vastly more than four per cent of the murders done in Denver. Of other crimes, he is credited with vastly more than four per cent, but he seems to become relatively less conspicuous upon the police records as we pass from murder, burglary, assault, etc., to the milder crimes and misdemeanors. This preeminence in crime is being noted, and is producing an effect unfavorable to the race as a whole. Here, as elsewhere, we note that the sympathy of the race is, to a large extent, with its criminals.
“Perhaps this is so obvious as to be unworthy of comment but here goes anyway:”
Exactly, unworthy of comment, since it is NOT obvious to humanoids.
“(1) The Negroes who engage in this kind of behavior, condone it, or even just tolerate it are usually extremely ugly and tend to have stereotypical negroid features.”
I’m sure with your degree in anthropology, you will be able to offer up the requisite evidence to support your hypothesis.
“(3) Although stupid, they exercise a bestial level of cunning: They never, ever dare go after a White unless: (a) they attack in a pack, and/or (2) the White is obviously unable to defend himself, e.g., he is some combination of elderly, very young, handicapped or female, and/or (3) the attack is a sneaky blitz attack.”
That would be ALL criminals regardless of race or ethnicity.
“Most recently…”
You must live in a dangerous neighborhood.
“When I failed to be intimidated he quickly backed offy. I honestly think he was afraid I might hurt him.”
I’m sure you tell that to the folks at the old people’s home. You must be a super Grandpa.
“If Negroes ever once again face swift, certain and condign punishment for their misbehavior then the animal cunning will kick in, a large number will eventually absorb the lessons, and Negro rates of crime and other misbehavior will return to their pre-1960 levels, a near paradisical era for both ordinary Whites and Negroes.”
Let’s do one better. Let’s lock up ALL darkies. Every single one regardless if they committed a crime. Hell, it’s just a crime for them being here in “our land”, right?
“Austin is completely different. It’s mostly a white, middle class (not as much oil money) counter culture of educated 20 and 30 somethings. Maybe that’s changing now with the tech explosion, but I mostly found it a great city.”
Austin is only 8 percent Black, which is quite low by Dallas and Houston standards.
In Austin is the rent too damn high for most Black Texans?
Video Link
Dead whites are a feature not a bug of leniency towards violent blacks.
“The future will be bunkered communities for the elites, work farms for the troublesome and penal colonies for the violent.”
Will? Um, you really don’t know. But it is always a hearty laugh on my part for the soothsayers here to make all sorts of wild predictions.
“In a big country like America, this would be an easy solution to implement.”
Easy, huh. Well, considering that nothing comes easy or free given our political climate, I think you are a wee bit overstating your case.
Basic logic would indicate that locking this nutjob up would prevent him from attacking women in NYC.
In a blog posting on updating a classic:
Charlie Stross quotes the OSS/CIA:
Managers and Supervisors: To lower morale and production, be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. Discriminate against efficient workers; complain unjustly about their work.
So, this sounds suspiciously like what has already happened under Affirmative Action.
Were those guys working for Russia after all?
Interestingly the popular comments at the Grauniad are indicating that Merkel is now unpopular even with their own readers. Wow.
Every so often I look for news of Merkel, hoping that one day the Germans have decided to use her as some sort of object lesson to encourage the others. E.g. with a pike. I don’t think she will stay in power another year.
I also found this Merkel Downfall parody. It is quite good. Very funny in places, and very fitting.
“Remember George Zimmerman?” for this century’s version.
Many of the videos of Jermaine on YouTube are put up by “Normal Bob Smith,” who hangs around the parks, chronicles the odd balls, and to some extent encourages them. The moron in the bandanna is evidently another regular, like Jermaine, and goes by “Shaggy.”
Whenever there’s a situation where a misbehaving black is being criticized by a white, you can always count on another white to jump in and take the black’s side. A few weeks ago we heard about the party of black women on a train tour through wine country who were so loud and obnoxious they had to be asked to leave. They ended up with a huge settlement. And, of course, there was some white guy claiming that their behavior was really not so bad and he didn’t understand what the fuss was about. From him, you’d think the tour operators were eager to toss out the black group, which is of course not the case. Like all whites today, they must have been extremely reluctant to, understanding the likely fallout, which in fact ensued. So the white guy defending them must have been defending extremely unacceptable behavior, but therein lies virtue to the SJW. How can you truly demonstrate your tolerance without tolerating the intolerable?
I’m concerned that some yahoo will hang around this guy waiting for him to get violent again, then rough him up in the course of effecting a citizen’s arrest. Maybe hurt him real bad. That would be wrong.
It was an unthinking habit when he interacted with women, colleagues said. “At Trump Tower,†said Ms. Res, his longtime colleague, “he called me Honey Bunch.â€
He was dismissive. It was always, “Hon,†“Dear.†Things he wouldn’t have said to a man. It was designed to make you feel small. And he did that repeatedly.
Also hilarious was the bit about Trump having suggesting a Miss Universe winner lose some weight after she packed on the pounds during her reign.
How demented that a professional pretty person is expected to keep looking pretty when they tour the world with their new title!
I guess it was the best the New York Times could do.
His name is Himmelstein. Himmelfarb is the maiden name of Bill Kristol’s mother.
Douthat is a lagging indicator. Evidently he is realligning himself to suit that intersection of being employable by Salim and remaining relevant. It pays well.
Interestingly the readers picks have their backs up against bigotry. There is no help for some people.
Has the ACLU ever fought to defend the civil liberty of possessing a firearm?
“When you sucker punch people in the head on a city street, there’s a chance you will end up killing them.”
Quite true. The guy should be prosecuted for attempted murder. I remember when the slimy and odious Piers Morgan chided Dana Loesch when she said it would be proper to use a gun to defend yourself against multiple attackers armed with tire-irons. A lot of people seem to think that hand-to-hand combat is really just like it is portrayed in Die Hard movies: that people can be repeatedly punched, kicked, and hit with batons with no permanent damage. One kick or punch or blow with a blunt object, or the resulting fall on to the ground, can maim or kill.
Perhaps this is so obvious as to be unworthy of comment but here goes anyway:
(1) The Negroes who engage in this kind of behavior, condone it, or even just tolerate it are usually extremely ugly and tend to have stereotypical negroid features.
(2) They also appear to operate at a mental capacity below the Negro average, i,e, they are extremely stupid and exhibit other evidences of mental deficiency.
(3) Although stupid, they exercise a bestial level of cunning: They never, ever dare go after a White unless: (a) they attack in a pack, and/or (2) the White is obviously unable to defend himself, e.g., he is some combination of elderly, very young, handicapped or female, and/or (3) the attack is a sneaky blitz attack.
I have personally experienced this. My first mugging at the hands of Negroes involved a group of a half-dozen or so more or less swarming me. Much later a Negro waited until he was past and behind before launching a sneak attack that left me with a permanently damaged left ear. He then scuttled away before I could react. Most recently a Negro that probably outweighed me by at least eighty pounds, was a half-foot taller, and at least thirty years younger got in my face after I ignored his attempt to extort money. When I failed to be intimidated he quickly backed offy. I honestly think he was afraid I might hurt him. (BTW, I’m pushing seventy but my experience is that Negroes age very fast after thirty or so.)
If Negroes ever once again face swift, certain and condign punishment for their misbehavior then the animal cunning will kick in, a large number will eventually absorb the lessons, and Negro rates of crime and other misbehavior will return to their pre-1960 levels, a near paradisical era for both ordinary Whites and Negroes. This will not happen as long as SJWs and other “progressives” are running things.
Replies: @Curle
While conditions in Denver bear a strong resemblance to those in some of the Southern cities, there is a marked difference in the grade of crimes committed. From the first of May to the first of September, 1906, there were ten killings in Denver. Five of these, including the murder in cold blood of two police officers killed in the discharge of their duty, were the work of negroes. One negro was killed by a white man—who was acquitted because he acted in self-defense—so that we have four per cent of the population committing fifty per cent and involved in sixty per cent of all killings during this period. Ten negroes and eleven whites were involved.
This record is not sustained through any long period, but the negro commits vastly more than four per cent of the murders done in Denver. Of other crimes, he is credited with vastly more than four per cent, but he seems to become relatively less conspicuous upon the police records as we pass from murder, burglary, assault, etc., to the milder crimes and misdemeanors. This preeminence in crime is being noted, and is producing an effect unfavorable to the race as a whole. Here, as elsewhere, we note that the sympathy of the race is, to a large extent, with its criminals.