I cannot look at this little cretin and feel I’m seeing a human.
It hates humanity.
Regarding the photo at the top of this thought-provoking article, I am reminded of one of my own Golden Rules…
If the man/woman/thing on the stage or screen with a microphone isn’t a funny, irreverent, anarchic comedian, then ignore completely the existence of him/her/it.
CRISPR is what they put in the ‘vaccines’ and gave to ‘goyin’ and Harari said the moment we volunteered to get injected was the moment we allowed ourselves to be totally surveilled on a biological nano scale.
Goyim were injevted with biosensors, anyone with a faraday cage, wireshark and an EMF reader can prove this.
It hasn’t failed yet. Billions have been injected with gene-editing CRISPR cas9 in Pfizer and Moderna ‘vaccines’ which cut chromosomes 5 and 19, deplete ACE2 and p53 and render Indo-Europeans but not Ashkenazi Jews (K26R polymorphism) sterile and eventually useless. Dysgenics, or the use of eugenics through selective genomic manipulation to target specific population groups has been studied particularly in the last few devadesnby supremacist Jews. J. B. Classen, a former official working at the NIH/NIAID, has published material that Mossad had infiltrated the US public health facilities and has openly talked about creating a genomic bioweapon to “preempt the next Jewish ‘holocaust.’ Definitely take a look at his work!
Also, I bought your book on Amazon; yes, I know, I should have purchased on Barnes, but all of this information at the time was new to me and I did not know of the Jewish role until being introduced to it by the quirky Muslim neuroscientist, Kevin McCarin, PhD.
I think his work is more important than any other work (including yours) in these perilous times because he has the expertise and shows the biological mechanism and polymorphisms of Covid and its relation to Prions and K26R.
Here’s his work: https://rumble.com/user/KevinMcCairnPhD
I feel like he should be interviewed. He has been censored everywhere and is Jew aware.
“The common Jews have provided part of the sea in which these Ashkenazi demons swim. If they won’t fess up you poison the sea. It’s untenable to have a civilization, a culture, where you know those vampires exist, and you don’t get to hide behind ambiguity (like not having bioweapon treaties), and now they’ve done the crime and now its time to pay. When a source of cancer comes from a particular body, corp or organ, you have to go in and get it out otherwise the cancer comes back, again and again… I think they’ll throw up those demons when push comes to shove. You’re job is to surive it now. […] You’re in very, very perilous times, far more than you can imagine.†— MacCarin
Again, the information he puts out at the biological scale is something NOBODY in the alt-media sphere will talk about. And thisenwho donare tasked with either denying the selective binding of Covid targeting Indo-Europeans or the ‘vaccine’ which is about injecting Goyim with Profusa (synbolic of a midge) ie biocensors and CRISPR tech! Why would DARPA ynder the helm of a Zionist Jew call the program this: Profusa?
Is it a coincidence that Russia’s Chabad referred to Covid as the “little midge that entered Titus’ brain (Amalek; Western Civilization) and killed him, annulling his plans and making victory the Jewish people over Jerusalem. A little hint about the end of [Western] civilization — a himt, if you think about it.”
Is it a coincidence that Netanyahu displays a Covid syringe in his office next to a splicing knifr (denoting CRISPR genomic splicing) and an arrow missle (denoting poisen), who, like Chabad, openly compared the Covid vaccines to destroying Rome (Amalek)!
Is it a coincidence that the demonic crypto-Jewish musician Grimes who married crypto-Jew and Mossad asset Elon Musk(owicz), (see his relationship to Nicole Junkermann), would release a stone tablet depicting the very nature of Covid, the vaccines, when they would be released to the West on the very day, and CRISPR, her also depicting the technology as a splicing knife to induce cancer, before anyone ever knew about Covid.
Her latest music videos are about destroying Amalek through plague and nuclear war.
We are a war.
Yuval Noah Harari has taken Jewish eschatology and re-phrased it in comic book / science fiction / popular literature terms. Homo Deus is simply any devout Jew after God ends this mortal world and brings about the end of days world in which Jews are the overlords of a world of of animal / non-player character / goyim slaves.
To take an analogy, “socialism” is the same sort attempt to of immanentize eschatology ( a version of this — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immanentize_the_eschaton ), or embed accounts of the last days into popular literature. Like any other attempt to immanentize eschatology, the society as depicted could only be run by a God who was willing and able to continuously and miraculously intervene in the minds of the society’s inhabitants (and note that actual socialist government, such as that of the US, try to continuously intervene in the minds of their society’s inhabitants).
Harari simply introduces computers and the usual governmental culling of the population where the original Jewish eschatology referred to an all-powerful God and a stringent pre-Last Days selection process. Note that Harari’s world does not rephrase of Hindu, Christian, or Islamic eschatology.
Why does Harari do that? Here’s a guess:
To quote Saxe, “When men do not know what to do, they do what they know.” and to quote an old Navy saying: “When in danger, fear, or doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!” Harari does not know what to do, is in danger, fear, and doubt, and so is running in circles, screaming and shouting. His writings are no more than that.
If you want some idea of what can actually be accomplished by software / computers, take a look at the inevitable process of software decay ( https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Big-Ball-of-Mud-Foote-Yoder/26584654988dd38bb57010e5307b9fe14073aa39 ). The most recent attempt at halting this was Service Oriented Software (SOA), which tried to emulate retail sales; to date SOA has failed in halting “big ball of mud” decay, as organizations don’t want to support the business-like superstructure of contracts and payments; further, the attempt to create a sustainable business-like superstructure was only peripherally mentioned in SOA design documents, so most organization just see the peripheral improvements over previous architectures.
The result is that SOA is used much like any other monolithic software framework. There is an immense initial design effort, an initial attempt to maintain this framework in the face of changing hardware and use environment, followed by ad hoc attempts at unorganized patching, followed by forbidding any more “software maintenance” and working around the software, which has now become an obstacle to operations personnel. Eventually, the existing software is scrapped and the cycle starts all over again. Note that I’ve omitted many failures of both maintenance efforts and initial attempts.
And that’s the way software still is. The attempt to cut costs by bringing in foreign programmers has simply intensified the above problem and shortened lifetimes.
And that’s how “transhumanism” will go. Right now, humanity has computer algebra programs that can solve algebra and numerical method problems with superhuman speed and accuracy. We also have vehicles that can move more quickly than humans in most terrain and on paved roads (but can’t climb trees). Computer augmentation of humans is as apt to replace humans as vehicles are apt to replace humans with Homo Deus.
Of course, they do replace humans, but so did mules, water mills, steam engines and diesel engines and electric motors. We don’t see many Volga Boatmen these days.
Wolves plan the murder of an animal in order to eat its dead body. Is that weird?
I assumed that was inherently clear. Veganism is nutritional degeneracy.
I expect gene editing to do more damage than enhancement. Like vaccines, it will be another failed technology.
Who? Us!!!?
Thanks for providing the link in your comment – very informative! Also enjoyed the BitChute video of Horst Mahler.
No, no, no.
Satanic talmudists? And Kubrick an agent of theirs? Diabolic “Strangelove”-movie?
Did you watch “Strangelove” actually? Maybe you should.
Yes, the movie delivers a message: Humanity can indeed destroy itself by utter stupidity of just a handful of people. The movie does address a real danger. The movie is an eye-opener and consciousness-sharpener.
Don´t cry “Satan” all the time you do not understand something.
My experience is that most don’t want to know. They would rather live with a comfortable lie than an uncomfortable truth. The vast majority go to movies for entertainment, not for enlightenment.
The main stream news media is nothing more than a modern day Roman colosseum, a perverted form of entertainment. I have found that those who watch TV news have very poor analytical skills and short attention spans. For the majority, why would movies be different?
Concerning Eyes Wide Shut, we must consider that Kubrick died suddenly just after making the movie, very suspiciously, and according to some, by contract, this allowed the movie company to edit the film. If true, this discussion is like a jury having a verdict with half of the evidence missing.
“At it’s heart of hearts, I am convinced that The New Yorker is deeply, deeply evil.
I also suspect/believe that it’s article on Stanley Kubrick, prior to his death, was a hit piece (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1999/06/14/a-kubrick-odyssey). As Malcolm X Jr. (Malcolm Shabazz) said before he was thrown off a roof, ‘first they character assassinate you, then they assassinate you.’ The New Yorker article was followed by the medical assassination of Mr. Kubrick by a heart attack (hard to prove, but I would bet vast sums). I strongly suspect the author of the article knew that was coming. Purpose: why would people feel inclined to turn over stones and leaves in the death of an unsavory weirdo? The character assassination protects the assassins. Finally, I consider Stanley Kubrick to be one of quite a few psychopathy awareness martyrs. “Eyes Wide Shutâ€, it doesn’t get clearer than that.”
Who and what is The New Yorker?
It would have been better for Horse-Flea to rail against Kubrick cultists than Kubrick himself.
We can’t blame Kubrick for the fandom. It’s like Bob Dylan and Dylan-maniacs(some of whom crashed into his house and stalked him) were two different things. It’d be wrong to confuse Dylan with Dylanology.
The truth is, even without the fandom and cult, Kubrick’s works have great value.
In contrast, take something like STAR TREK. Without the mindless fandom, it is absolutely nothing.
One thing for sure, unlike someone like L. Ron Hubbard, Kubrick was NOT trying to create a cult around him. Indeed, most of his works were underappreciated at the time and came to be highly regarded only later.
EYES WIDE SHUT is a masterpiece and only around now is a consensus developing around such appraisal.
That is the fine part of the book.
The parts of the book I had to skim over were the repetitive unoriginal complaints about his mother didn’t love him enough. Once is enough for that story.
I tried to find 16 Maps of Hell last night which I haven’t read and it’s missing in action.
“Men need more praise.”
Masculinity, as an ideal, a set of attributes, needs to be encouraged and praised. Men need to earn praise.
Jasun Horsley’s “The Vice of Kings” is both a biography of his uppercrust Fabian family and an exploration of the pedophilia networks of the 1960s and 1970s that serviced the English aristocracy –perhaps the most wretched group of elites to curse the Earth. Demon-in-daylight Jimmy Saville features prominently in the narrative. Horsley, a capable writer, goes about his task as philosophical investigator, a smart choice given the lurid nature of his story.
The actor who was replaced by R. Lee Ermey was given a part in Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket. He was the helicopter door gunner in a later part of the movie.
The older I get, the more I’m amazed that artists still make art. Creativity seems not just frowned upon and attacked, but more and more cancelled and punished. It takes balls, not just skill, to put out work that other feel duty-bound to attack.
That being said, I also don’t think we should be forced…a la LBGT Nazis…to support-laud-praise any given piece of art. We’re entitled to our opinions, hopefully well-informed.
My take on Mr. Kubrick:
Killer’s Kiss (haven’t seen)
The Killing (haven’t seen)
Paths of Glory (liked) https://tinyurl.com/ynstkbmm
Spartacus (liked a lot) “I’m Spartacus!”
Lolita (liked)
Strangelove (liked a whole lot) https://tinyurl.com/56vt7w7f
Space Odyssey (liked a whole lot) “HAL, open the pod-bay door!”)
Clockwork Orange (liked) droogs and eggiwegs and in-out/in-out, oh my!
Barry Lyndon (meh)
The Shining (liked a whole lot) https://tinyurl.com/4ezkn4ub
Full Metal Jacket (liked a whole lot) https://tinyurl.com/2s37futd
Eyes Wide Shut (feminist shite)
Some people see Lolita as mere porn. In the book, Nabokov makes clear that adult Humbert is fixated on Lolita because as young Humbert, he wasn’t allowed to mourn the loss of his first love, a girl Lolita’s age. To me it confirmed the tragedy of not expressing feelings in a timely, healthy way.
It’s one of my issues with men: they mock feelings because feminists overdo them.
We’re all “bipolar” in the sense of having both right (intuitive) and left (logical) brain spheres. Health comes from balancing them.
Too much logic weakens social links, affiliations, love, and life.
Too much emotion weakens responsibility, duty, perseverance, love, and life.
In short, women need to stop being praised for being hysterical and bragging about unearned achievements. Less selfishness. It’s not all about them. They need more shaming.
Men need to emote more and stop caring more about others than themselves (which is just a futile attempt to “earn love” which they should just just for breathing). Less self-abnegation, more self-care. Less self-reliance, more brotherhood. No more mindless Captain Save-a-hos, no more simps enriching bints who see men as mre money-mules. Guys matter. Men need more praise.
2001 is great, but today it feels less impactful that at the time.
From the film buffs I’ve talked to over the last couple years, esp. during the lock downs, 2001 is seeing a fascinating renaissance. Using no CGI and long stretches where it seems nothing is happening but it begins to percolate for those paying attention, the movie seems to have found its time.
Personally I see 2001: A Space Odyssey as other saw Kipling’s Recessional. The Bronze Age hero reaches his home in the original Odyssey. The space age hero regresses back from our era of mediocrity and empty noise and finds his youth again. Kubrick got from Arthur C. Clarke that you cannot separate space from time. A kind of trial must take place for the initiate to shed the 3,600 or so years of ballast we’ve accumulated.
Also I don’t think Iris is wrong about Eyes Wide Shut either. Some of the things he said to Nicole Kidman indicates he was dead serious about the people who are pulling the strings. It might have cost him. Most global insiders live to 95, Kubrick barely made 70.
As I understand it, R. Lee Ermey was hired as a technical consultant on “Full Metal Jacket.” After Kubrick caught his act, he fired the actor who was supposed to play the drill sergeant and hired Ermey. Given the impression Ermey makes in the movie, Kubrick obviously made the right move. Probably the most abusive character in cinema till J.K. Simmons appeared in “Whiplash” in 2014.
Spartacus was scripted by Communist Dalton Trumbo, so naturally the baddies are representatives of western civilization.
Actually, Crassus (Laurence Olivier) is the real hero of the movie. He put his money where his mouth was, got off his backside, and put himself in real danger, in order to prevent the slave revolt spreading. Without his success, there would have been no Conquest of Gaul, Antony & Cleopatra, Roman Britain, . . . , or all the grandeur that was Rome that is our common inheritance. Roma invicta.
I agree with you that the first part of “Full Metal Jacket” made R. Lee Ermey a consummate “actor”–only he wasn’t acting.
Having undergone USMC “bootcamp” myself in 1969, Ermey’s performance was spot-on.
My interpretation of the second half was the futility of war, especially when the “enemy” cannot be differentiated from ordinary civilians. I believe that Kubrick attempted to show the uncertainty and difficulties endured by both sides.
The point of Eyes Wide Shut vis-a-vis the protagonist may be “you don’t want to know,” but film audiences DO want to know—that’s why they paid to watch it. The film frustrates that desire. The result is that people like Jasun dismiss it as a bad film. But I think the Operation Monarch subtext (Nicole Kidman is a mind-controlled sex slave, their daughter gets kidnapped by cult members at the end, and still Tom Cruise and most of the audience don’t see it) was the seed Kubrick planted in the film for those who do want to know, and who may one day get tired of being ruled by psychopaths.
How can anybody who values freedom dislike a director who gave us the inspired and inspiring Spartacus, a passionate ode the indomitable human mind?
but I’m one of these people who’s kind of a moderate pro-Kubrick type. And your book didn’t fully convince me not to be.
Well, considering the facts that Kubrick was brought in after the original director was fired because he and Kirk Douglas clashed, and that Kubrick had no control over the script or screenplay (all his movies afterwards gave him full control), it is unsurprising this is unlike any other film Kubrick made.
Also, the original Director of Photography (Russell Metty) walked off the set once Kubrick took over — Kubrick also had run-ins with the Studio and Kirk Douglas as well, major shock — and Kubrick ended up filming most of Spartacus himself; Metty bitched about this until Spartacus won the Best Cinematography Oscar in his name, which changed his tune, and after which he made many other great movies.
As for Kubrick, he disowned Spartacus and did not consider it to be in his oeuvre. I personally consider it to be a Kirk Douglas movie, as it was he who had control.
I find it hilarious that Eyes Wide Shut turned Kubrick into the Jesus of Conspiracy Theorists when the whole point of the movie is “you don’t want to know”: you don’t want to know what your wife is thinking and you don’t want to know what the powerful do behind closed doors.
Philosopher Martin Heidegger (d. 1976) bitterly complained in writing at the very height of atmospheric nuclear testing globally, when opposed parties of satanic talmudists stood behind the American and Soviet Empires and engaged in a shadow-war about how to manipulate the goyim while slowly killing them. Not long after, ‘Dr. Strangelove’ would appear, as Kubrick, its director—an agent of the talmudists—decided to treat their universal horror-show as a joke. We remember it well.
Black satire was being used for diabolical purposes in 1964 as well as being sold for entertainment. It was a clever ploy, deflecting attention from the real danger to humanity. What were those talmudic purposes? Find out here, which is a case study very familiar to all and also similarly misunderstood by many:
Note that to read the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in or sign-on is necessary. Thanks.
Jasun Horsley is a maddening writer. On one page is a notable insight about many of us. On the next page is regurgitation of Junk-Fraud pablum regarding his own neuroses. I will buy Kubrickon knowing this ahead of time. I will start to read it the day it arrives and might even finish it in one day if I have time. He is in the top 1% of podcast interviewees.
He does not know how to pronounce data. It is a trivial deduction he knows absolutely nothing about AI.
Woah! Go read Pauline Kael’s review of Clockwork Orange, which she differentiates from the book by Anthony Burgess sufficient to suggest that Horsely has aced it. It being that which Kubrick is merely an example….of.
From the full transcript, available at: https://kevinbarrett.substack.com/p/stanley-kubrick-whistleblowing-satirist
Jasun Horsley: And the short version is that I feel that artificial intelligence is is an oxymoron. There’s no such thing and there never will be. But there are discarnate entities who know how to inform and influence and incarnate through technology. That’s my basic thesis.
Kevin Barrett: The jinn.
Jasun Horsley: The jinn. Thank you. Exactly. So you’re familiar with that? Of course, because of your own interest (in Islam). I feel we are seeing that.
Feed “jinn” into a search engine for the basic concept.
Have you ever seen one of those crypto interpretations of The Shining where people go on about this or that mega non sequitur?
I always thought it was a silly movie.
2001 and Strangelove on the other hand I will probably end up watching 40 times if I live as long as the social security administration plans.
Eyes Wide Shut: meh squared, despite interesting subtext.
You think that a legendary film director with world-class status , warning the public about what the unravelling of the Jeffrey Epstein sex blackmail network later fully confirmed, is not interesting enough?
Eyes Wide Shut was an important, prophetic and deliberate warning about how we are ruled, and by whom. We are just too brainwashed to understand it.
Hmm. Neither?
From Stanley, I like Paths of Glory. The ending song is great. Also the first half of Full Metal jacket, the second part is more boring. 2001 is great, but today it feels less impactful that at the time. Doctor Strangelove is good too. I din’t like his lolita, bad version of the novel. Clockwork Orange… Again, it’s less good than the novel somehow, but it is more interesting than lolita at least. Barry lyndon: great photography, boring movie. Shining: meh… But good technical innovations. Eyes Wide Shut: meh squared, despite interesting subtext. I haven’t seen Spartacus.
In general, I agree with Pauline kael about kubrick.
You think that a legendary film director with world-class status , warning the public about what the unravelling of the Jeffrey Epstein sex blackmail network later fully confirmed, is not interesting enough?
Eyes Wide Shut: meh squared, despite interesting subtext.
From the film buffs I've talked to over the last couple years, esp. during the lock downs, 2001 is seeing a fascinating renaissance. Using no CGI and long stretches where it seems nothing is happening but it begins to percolate for those paying attention, the movie seems to have found its time.
2001 is great, but today it feels less impactful that at the time.
For anyone neither pro or con, a truly fun book is by a guy named Leonard Wheat called Kubrick’s 2001: A Triple Allegory. Having seen 2001 is a sort of prerequisite.
The book cost a bit much at the moment, wait till someone offers a used copy for a reasonable price.
The thing about Wheat’s analysis — I’ve only read part, not all — Kubrick’s title was a lot more than a nod to Classical Literature. Kubrick kept the ideas expressed in Homer and right from the start the show is a modernized, symbolic reconstruction of The Odyssey. Kubrick was not fooling around. It all fits.
Most people got the idea that 2001’s chief astronaut, named “Bowman”, is just a backhand nod to Homer but it isn’t sustained. Well, either Wheat pays a lot more attention than most of us or he’s reading too much in the cosmic tea-leaves, but it’s interesting especially if you found the movie a fun puzzler. What I have read so far is solid; and if it’s all there is, than Kubrick paid a splendid homage to the Ancient Greeks generally and Homer especially.
Spartacus rather stands out from the Kubrick body of work, doesn’t it? It feels nothing like any Kubrick film: Its powerful message about the extremes at which men pushed to desperation might seek liberty has both the comic wit and cold-blooded arrogance of pompous Roman elites flowing in and around it seamlessly. Truly, it stands out from all other films of its genre, as much as from other Kubrick creations.
On another topic, I did not understand the brief mention of jinn by both men. Any clarification to be had?
Spartacus didn’t leave much of an impression, and neither did 2001. Lolita is simply distasteful. Full Metal Jacket is more of a generic war movie than anything else.
On the other hand, Doctor Strangelove, Clockwork Orange, The Shining, and Barry Lyndon were all memorable.
but I’m one of these people who’s kind of a moderate pro-Kubrick type. And your book didn’t fully convince me not to be.
How can anybody who values freedom dislike a director who gave us the inspired and inspiring Spartacus, a passionate ode the indomitable human mind?
Spartacus was a most poignant plea against oppression and injustice, unlike anything Hollywood ever produced. It insightfully depicted the depravity of the Roman empire, in contrast with the dawn of Christianity as ethical system which ended it.
The story of Spartacus beautifully and sensitively carries showed that there is no civilisation without social ethics, and not social ethics without religion. How is it possible not to like Kubrick?
So are murderers, psychopaths, capitalist exploiters, etc., etc. And the more you approve of them and encourage them the more there will be.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
Homosexuality is a REALITY,
Comparing gays to murderers is villainous stuff. Methinks you protest too much.Hatred has twisted your mind.
Plus https://www.azquotes.com/author/33283-Louis_Thomas_McFadden. Before the banksters murdered him.
Though I agree w. much of what u say, u should realize the Jew "religion" is "Oral Law Trad." which is subjectivism, the rabbis "interpreting" ("midrash") Torah, etc. So yes, it is a "matter of attitude," but it's also their religion, by which they're trained and affected, which features and emphasizes subjectivism--their religion is literally SUBJECTIVISM, the extreme form of which is satanism.
"...[F]or being a Jew is matter of attitude rather than belonging to a certain religion."
“Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin… Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with the flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again… Take this great power away from them and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in… But, if you want to continue to be a slave of the bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let the bankers continue to create money and control credit.” – Josiah Stamp
Create money out of thin air. Charge eternal interest. Seems reasonable to me.
This could be very much true analysis, worthy of effort. As for myself, i am merely interested in the big picture, the helicopter view. Neither Trump nor Ronny matter the least to me, i do not ‘follow’, ‘read’ them, i just denounced the standard modes of operation of media, including “alt”, and the circus of politics, and yes the “games” of war [Ukraine for one].
My starting point is this: “Anything in the public domain is a lie”, either by omission, by wrongly accenting, by timing, by spins on spins, by “scoping” and “shaping” using volume, repetition, in short all the tools an intellectual can master and quantify, including getting paid, or financed for the bigger organizations to “herd” the crowds [an overgrown example being Harari, Sachs], to herd niche groups, up to the smallest for any use that is desired and needed. In short, again, either you have agency and abuse of it, or one we/me/you/us is the victim.
So this is my vantage point as regarded to “news”, anything in the public domain, the hubris of “democracy”.
Imbeciles always ask “can we” instead of “should we”. It is part of their mental illness, you know.
I get the impression that Ron Unz is more ethical and trustworthy than Donald Trump. And I doubt even Trump has collaborated with the FBI in the persecution and prosecution of his followers, although maybe he did set them up on 6/1.
The Associated Press
Israel’s military has fired missiles on the international airport of Syria’s capital, putting it out of service and killing two soldiers and wounding two others, the Syrian army said.
Israel has NO right to exist in Palestine. Death to apartheid entity and its actors. Unity against the terrorists in occupied land of Palestine. Netanyahu is an assassin. He should receive a piece of its own medicine to be assassinated.
Ah, the burden of proof!
We certainly have come to recognize very different patterns. How did you come to thine? Is your opinion, preference, based on ditto proofing? When so, what were your tools, did you get access to the data over time, so you could query and stave your vested opinion. Did you constitute your own sample. Do you have complices that scrape the cloud, do you crawl yourself? Are you a one man enterprise? Is there on your side a larger worldview involved [anything is innocent until proven other-wise?], was it divine inspiration?
If you are willing to share your shortcut to coming to conclusions, i will gladly take up my side of the bargain. For now i can only relay to circumferential evidence over time. You must have done better.
That is interesting. I prefer to think that Mr. Unz is just the host of a site (sure, shifting to promoting his own wind-bag takes as he likes). If you have any solid info. to the contrary, most posting here would like to hear it.
That was William F. Buckley's response to the Population Explosion talk: we akshully need to have MORE children, as many as possible, to increase the probability that one of them will be a genius who will solve all the problems caused by ... having all these children.
“But the greatest objection to this stupid idea of eliminating the useless eaters, without going into the morality angle at all, is that we never know where the next genius is going to come from. â€
That is not what I mean. That will be like a poor man buying lottery with his income to escape out of poverty – the probability is very less. What I mean is that “useless eaters” is not a hereditary occupation; the descendants of a lot many of these present day “geniuses” like Harari will be “useless eaters”; and among the descendants of the “useless eaters” would be geniuses (not the Harari type, real, useful geniuses like Euler, Leibnitz type). Certainly there were beggars among the ancestors of the richest man, and dunces and idiots among the ancestors of the most genius human ever. Destroying the bulk of the humanity is insanely criminal.
does “karl haemers” have a cell phone?
everyone with a cell phone is morally inferior to Jewish…Harari.
no cell phone.
A truly deceiving comment.
Homosexuality is a REALITY,
So are murderers, psychopaths, capitalist exploiters, etc., etc. And the more you approve of them and encourage them the more there will be.
The whole of the setup of this site is Jewish, the “team” is mostly Jewish, data is considered here the private property of the owner, to be recycled as fit. “He who controls data…” [as in “he who controls the money supply], grasps and steers society.
The most pertinent thing: the commenters that flood the narrative when the discussion trails off to the wrong side, the cue-ing of comments ordering, it all is analog to digital, same old Jewish media control.
The innocence of it? I guess when the major ambition of an “editor in chief”, the owner of a zine is influencing as many as possible [numbers of “absorbers”, as in billions of dollars in the world of finance, another Jewish pet of choice], herd that fraction of society [the former], get top down rewarding for doing so, is about what one gets here.
One can brag about it, Ron does a few times, more so earlier on, a few years ago. “History is rewritten here”, it’s main effect [ of the zine], pertaining groove-thinking. Old bloops are recycled over and over again, agency is zero, and very good graphical design and functionality of the element text to attract the analog herd into New York Times shape and form. The amazement, the wonder never wanes, alternative media apply the same stale formula [ and successfully] to the same stale minds. To be successful, one has to lower the lever of a necessary arcane and complex society. Done with zest.
One better, the mining of the total data-blob for meaningful snips would make for hilarious statistics. I suggest Ron Unz, to allows for this some time around, of course, by Jewish “esteemed” statisticians and ex-finance “experts” of choice. As a matter of fact, at a lower level, since the whole of the zine is hosted “in the Cloud”, this is probably out of control territory for an unz initiative. It is here [at the level of WordPress?! server farm] that the mining is full speed and encompassing the decisions of what stands at the public attention. Luckily for now, some of the social media players, [this zine is a social media format per definition (participation of the public in digital life without any understanding of it but ready drift to have an opinion thus being “alive”)], bicker still about the hardware-software ownership of what part of the Cloud between themselves.
The future is global, wars are fought and lost for every aspect. The grid of control will be real, individuals controlled at a distance, bred for utility, quantified as appropriate, will take some longer.
Ukraine is yet another experiment of shaping anomalous behavior into digital reality for the public and successful. Nobody messes with the experiment, only the outcome resulting is contested. Micro-waving what is left of brains is real. Unz is a modest contribution. In the grander scheme of AI, biology experiments, genetical manipulation, Harrari cardboard cut-outs, unz fits well in the lot.
smaragdus: “You are completely, hopelessly wrong- the parasite had colonized the civilized white societies long before the Roman conquest of Judea, there had been a lot more parasites outside of Judea than in Judea before 73 BC. ”
In your fevered imagination perhaps, but proof? You have none.
Most significantly for your thesis, which is erroneously focused only on the Jews, you should recall that Jews exist in white society at all only because of the Roman conquest of Judaea, which itself was a result of Roman technological superiority in relation to other peoples of their time and place. In other words, it was only Roman “advances†in fighting techniques and organization that caused the problems you are complaining about.
You are completely, hopelessly wrong- the parasite had colonized the civilized white societies long before the Roman conquest of Judea, there had been a lot more parasites outside of Judea than in Judea before 73 BC.
This Jew is even more sick,evil and deviant then the evil looking gargoyllgargoylle e rat faced monster Jonathon Greenblatt.
“…Jewish, Israeli, Transhumanist, Vegan…â€
Is he a Marxist, too?
Judaism is communism.
Someone somewhere on Unz.com once referred to these Ubermensch-wannabes as “wierdos with God complexes.†I find that to be a wonderfully concise, apt–and polite–description.
The description you provide is verbose and off the mark, the really concise, sharp and to the point definition consists of a single word- jews.
And these mental invalids are hell bent on getting there as fast as possible.
You are right with the exception that jews are not humans- they are jews, the Devil’s progeny and jewish race does not belong to mankind, actually jewry is its mortal enemy, its bane, plague and scourge.
Communism was, and remains, the inevitable outcome of millennia of class struggle. We can see which side you are on. Andrea Dworkin, a fanatic, is hardly representative of feminism. Race-mixing is not compulsory, and has occurred since H.sapiens and Neanderthals etc interbred. Homosexuality is a REALITY, and no more an ‘ideal’ than heterosexuality. The mainstreaming of pornography is a disaster, and Jews are greatly over-represented in that business. ‘Mockery’ of ‘Whites’ is entirely in the eye of the beholder. Mass ‘non-white’ immigration to the USA appears to be a critique of Hispanic immigration, which is just the Democrats attempting to recruit a new constituency, and people fleeing poverty and want. I’ll give you one and one half out of seven-the rest is the American Paranoid Style.
So are murderers, psychopaths, capitalist exploiters, etc., etc. And the more you approve of them and encourage them the more there will be.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
Homosexuality is a REALITY,
Illogic Breaks Down To Sheer Hysteria, Incoherence
Well, I maintain my critique of ur fallacious logic: for remember, ur thesis on “scientific birth control” is not at all supported by any of ur argumentation (in # 165) which is totally contrived:
“[s]o it’s easy to see that that one technological “advance†alone has been enormously destructive to white culture and race.”
But ur aforementioned and quoted conclusion is false and fallacious–the “advance” might, under the circumstances, have been used as an element in the course of some pretended or alleged “disruption” of “relations,” but it wasn’t at all necessary that the “advance” itself was any actual cause of such “disruption” which was much more likely something cultural, sociologic, economic, and/or psychologic. In other words the “scientific advance” was not by itself any necessary “cause” in any disruption, though it might have been used as an incidental element in the general course of things. This fallacy of urs is called “Post hoc”–because something is present and precedes, therefore it is the cause–look it up.
U merely hit upon the presence of such “advance” and then assert it was a cause. Ur conclusion, quoted above is a classic non-sequitur–read ur own argument urself over again. And the rest of ur paragraph on the subject in # 167, just above, is just babbling, casting apersions and MORE empty asserting.
Regarding the ancient Roman birth rate, I found the following,
“But in the days of Caesar Augustus (27 BC-14 AD), he knew by censuses that the population of Romans in the world was declining. He had tried to curb lax morals and encourage marriages by implementing in 18 BC a law making adultery a crime and 27 years later in 9 AD he enacted Lex Papia Poppaea to promote and reward marriage because the number of Roman men who were unmarried was greater than the number of married men. He blamed the low birth rate on abortion, homosexuals and on men who preferred the licentiousness of the single life to the responsibilities of married life and children. As Caesar, Augustus saw lax morals and low birthrate as threats to the Roman State. He publicly addressed this problem in the Forum.” – https://earlychurchhistory.org/medicine/ancient-roman-abortions-christians/#:~:text=He%20blamed%20the%20low%20birth%20rate%20on%20abortion%2C,He%20publicly%20addressed%20this%20problem%20in%20the%20Forum.
Finally, we have ur babbling,
“You actually dare to dispute that if there were no Jews in white society, there’d be no need to worry about Jewish conspiracy?!”
–This, preceding, is just crass strawman fallacy, not to mention mis-repressentation and distortion of my statements, and I made my arguments quite clear.
But u continue raving hysterically:
“The erroneous focus on Jews is a way of temporizing, of wasting time and channeling discontent into useless activities; of drawing attention away from how whites have inadvertently harmed themselves by their own actions. Anti-semitism is, in other words, an indispensable aid to the system in that it camouflages the real cause of white decline and prevents it from being recognized and addressed.”
This is actually just more question-begging and raving hysteria, as I repeat I made my arguments clear regarding the place and activities of Jews and Satanists under the circumstances, as in way of manipulating “liberals” and leftist weaklings like urself.
U seem to be one of those typical “liberals,” incoherent, hysterical, lacking for basic, simple logic pushing the tendentious conclusion that “advances” and “progress” is what has harmed white people–these are ur statements, no one else’s.
apollonian: “[In classical civilization]… there were other methods of birth-control, I’m pretty sure, if I’m not mistaken, by means of certain herbs and drugs that were obtainable, even fm time of the Greeks, but were discouraged by the establishment.”
Yeah, you’re mistaken. To compare the use of herbs to modern, scientific birth control methods (which includes so-called “therapeutic” abortion as a way of controlling birth) is like comparing reproduction of books by scribes to the modern printing press. That sort of stuff back then was neither widely used, nor reliable, nor particularly effective. And abortion? Home methods, which were the only things available back then, are notoriously dangerous and kill a lot of women who try them. Further, the population of the Mediterranean basin in classical times didn’t suffer from falling birth rates. It grew steadily from the second millennium BCE to the early first millennium CE. That era was one of substantial population growth. What would become the territory of the Roman Empire saw an average annual population growth of about 0.1 percent from the 12th century BCE to the 3rd century CE, resulting in a quadrupling of the region’s total population.
apollonian: “Think more carefully about ur reasoning and logic. ”
If ever there were a man who needs to take his own advice, it’s you. Your gibberish leaves me dumbfounded. You actually dare to dispute that if there were no Jews in white society, there’d be no need to worry about Jewish conspiracy?! It’s simply unbelievable to me that anyone could be that stupid. More and more, I’m convinced that so-called “anti-semites” like yourself are just another part of the Jewish problem. It’s as if you’re railing at your own image reflected in a mirror. The erroneous focus on Jews is a way of temporizing, of wasting time and channeling discontent into useless activities; of drawing attention away from how whites have inadvertently harmed themselves by their own actions. Anti-semitism is, in other words, an indispensable aid to the system in that it camouflages the real cause of white decline and prevents it from being recognized and addressed. No wonder the canny Jew Ron Unz encourages it!
But ur aforementioned and quoted conclusion is false and fallacious--the "advance" might, under the circumstances, have been used as an element in the course of some pretended or alleged "disruption" of "relations," but it wasn't at all necessary that the "advance" itself was any actual cause of such "disruption" which was much more likely something cultural, sociologic, economic, and/or psychologic. In other words the "scientific advance" was not by itself any necessary "cause" in any disruption, though it might have been used as an incidental element in the general course of things. This fallacy of urs is called "Post hoc"--because something is present and precedes, therefore it is the cause--look it up.U merely hit upon the presence of such "advance" and then assert it was a cause. Ur conclusion, quoted above is a classic non-sequitur--read ur own argument urself over again. And the rest of ur paragraph on the subject in # 167, just above, is just babbling, casting apersions and MORE empty asserting.Regarding the ancient Roman birth rate, I found the following,
"[s]o it’s easy to see that that one technological “advance†alone has been enormously destructive to white culture and race."
Finally, we have ur babbling,
"But in the days of Caesar Augustus (27 BC-14 AD), he knew by censuses that the population of Romans in the world was declining. He had tried to curb lax morals and encourage marriages by implementing in 18 BC a law making adultery a crime and 27 years later in 9 AD he enacted Lex Papia Poppaea to promote and reward marriage because the number of Roman men who were unmarried was greater than the number of married men. He blamed the low birth rate on abortion, homosexuals and on men who preferred the licentiousness of the single life to the responsibilities of married life and children. As Caesar, Augustus saw lax morals and low birthrate as threats to the Roman State. He publicly addressed this problem in the Forum." -https://earlychurchhistory.org/medicine/ancient-roman-abortions-christians/#:~:text=He%20blamed%20the%20low%20birth%20rate%20on%20abortion%2C,He%20publicly%20addressed%20this%20problem%20in%20the%20Forum.
--This, preceding, is just crass strawman fallacy, not to mention mis-repressentation and distortion of my statements, and I made my arguments quite clear.But u continue raving hysterically:
"You actually dare to dispute that if there were no Jews in white society, there’d be no need to worry about Jewish conspiracy?!"
This is actually just more question-begging and raving hysteria, as I repeat I made my arguments clear regarding the place and activities of Jews and Satanists under the circumstances, as in way of manipulating "liberals" and leftist weaklings like urself.U seem to be one of those typical "liberals," incoherent, hysterical, lacking for basic, simple logic pushing the tendentious conclusion that "advances" and "progress" is what has harmed white people--these are ur statements, no one else's.
"The erroneous focus on Jews is a way of temporizing, of wasting time and channeling discontent into useless activities; of drawing attention away from how whites have inadvertently harmed themselves by their own actions. Anti-semitism is, in other words, an indispensable aid to the system in that it camouflages the real cause of white decline and prevents it from being recognized and addressed."
Don’t Overlook “Transhumanism” Is Mostly Mere Buzz-word, Construed Prejudicially
Ur reasoning is grossly and seriously flawed and fallacious, under-cut by presumptions that don’t follow in strict logic. Sure, “scientific birth control” may be considered an “advance” of a sort, but there were other methods of birth-control, I’m pretty sure, if I’m not mistaken, by means of certain herbs and drugs that were obtainable, even fm time of the Greeks, but were discouraged by the establishment.
And don’t forget, it wasn’t necessary for women to enter the work-force until gov. budgets, spending, and tax-policies rather required it. The Roman emperors complained of falling birth-rates, as I recall fm history, even promising tax-cuts and -exemptions for increasing the birth-rate. U’re simply mis-construing the so-called “advance,” presuming to include non-essentials like the consequences of birth-rate for the actual advances in chemistry and biology and knowledge thereof–“begging the question” is the specific fallacy u’re guilty of.
Ur example regarding “Romans” and their “fighting techniques” is simply ridiculous, and Jews were effectively banned fm society by the Christians quite successfully for about another 1000 yrs AT LEAST–which Jews famously complain about, so even if ur contention regarding the Roman “fighting techniques” were true, fact remains that another development of Roman society/civilization, Christianity, was quite effective remedy and compensating counter-agent which still obtains, at least partially, to this very day.
Finally, regarding the Jews, note (AGAIN) my reasoning moves fm general to particular, and CLEARLY begins w. St. Augustine, the Greeks, and the Tragic view of history and sinful humanity moving then to the CYCLIC waning of the Objective Aristotelian to the Subjectivist/irrationalist and Satanic, then the over-population of weaklings and inferiors of “liberals” and leftists, only then to the place of Jews who thereupon lead the Spenglerian “Decline…,” manipulating these “liberals” and leftists, which would and could be done by gentiles too–as it was both before and after the French Rev. Jews began as “liberals” of the classic sort, just after the French revolution, only shifting later to socialism in later 19th cent., absolutely dominating nowadays.
And if “transhumanism” is indeed wrong for whites, as u imply, then the subjectivist/satanists, Jews, would surely be leading it, as we see they do in all reality and for reasons I duly noted. But “transhumanism” is mere buzz-word, which u overlook and take far too seriously and presumptuously in order to contrive ur conclusions. So I oppose globalists and subjectivism/satanism, but not necessarily the genuine “advances” and “progress” which might seem to u to be instrumental now for the globalists/satanists. Jews dominate for specific reasons and under specific circumstances as I noted. Think more carefully about ur reasoning and logic.
apollonian: “So what “advance†are u talking about?”
All of the technological advances necessary to implement the transhumanist project would certainly be examples of this: machine learning and AI, genetic engineering, total surveillance, etc. Basically, all of the things mentioned in the article. Did you even read it?
But those are still in development. A paradigm case from the past, which has already been enormously destructive, and one to which I’ve often recurred to in my comments on this site, is the invention of safe, reliable, and easy to use scientific birth control. This innovation did several things. First and primarily, it disrupted man/woman relations by placing women in control of their own fertility for the first time ever. Without it, the sexual revolution of the 60s would not have taken place. Also, without this invention, feminism becomes impossible, and without feminism, the exit of women from the home and their entry into the workforce on the same terms as men would not have taken place. So it’s easy to see that that one technological “advance” alone has been enormously destructive to white culture and race.
There have, of course, been countless other examples, but I’ll confine myself to just one for now. Most significantly for your thesis, which is erroneously focused only on the Jews, you should recall that Jews exist in white society at all only because of the Roman conquest of Judaea, which itself was a result of Roman technological superiority in relation to other peoples of their time and place. In other words, it was only Roman “advances” in fighting techniques and organization that caused the problems you are complaining about.
apollonian: “… I’m not really sure the “white race†is actually being destroyed so much–it’s just the weaklings are being eliminated …”
That’s a eugenicist point of view, and fits in very well with the one espoused by Harari. The destruction of race is incremental, and the transhuman project is open-ended with no logical stopping point. Pursued long enough, eventually race disappears and the result is man as an artificial, GMO product.
You need to decide whether you are in favor of transhumanism or are opposed to it. If you’re in favor of it, stop complaining about Jews. They’re helping give you what you want! Harari is your representative and publicist.
You are completely, hopelessly wrong- the parasite had colonized the civilized white societies long before the Roman conquest of Judea, there had been a lot more parasites outside of Judea than in Judea before 73 BC.
Most significantly for your thesis, which is erroneously focused only on the Jews, you should recall that Jews exist in white society at all only because of the Roman conquest of Judaea, which itself was a result of Roman technological superiority in relation to other peoples of their time and place. In other words, it was only Roman “advances†in fighting techniques and organization that caused the problems you are complaining about.
“Progress” And “Advance” Could Not Possibly Or Even Plausibly Be Cause Of Western “Decline”
“…I’m saying that the white race and its culture are being destroyed incrementally with each new technological “advance†it makes.”
So what “advance” are u talking about? And I’m not really sure the “white race” is actually being destroyed so much–it’s just the weaklings are being eliminated, which happens to lots of other races too–note the prevalence of warfare and the recent “covid pandemic.” Then there’s the deliberate closing down of the farms, as in Netherlands, for another example. Regarding my own “case,” note I merely second St. Augustine and the Greeks w. their “tragic” view holding that criminals largely control and affect the society, especially politically in the midst of human propensity for “sin,” foll0wing the Greek-Christian “tragic” view.
I also invoke Oswald Spengler who theorizes the inevitable, CYCLIC “decline” and eventual collapse of empires/civilizations, including the present Western and United States, following the previous Roman example, noting the passing of the objective Aristotelian view and strict rule-of-law, giving way to subjectivism, hence dictatorship, like socialism, built upon moralism and virtue-signaling, this subjectivism being manipulated predominantly by the satanists, these satanists naturally dominated and led by Jews by means of satanic manipulation of the over-populated “liberals” and leftists.
Hence the Judaic conspiracy is un-questionable as it is blatantly reflected fm their religion, “Oral Law Trad.” subjectivism and Talmud, their efforts directed against “Amalek,” mere euphemism for gentiles, but especially against Christianity and its objectivistic/determinist philosophic foundations. And it isn’t “progress” at all which the satanists primarily feature and employ–it’s always the typical moralizing and virtue-signaling so blatantly reflected in the satanic dupes, the over-populated “liberals” and leftists who arose fm the previous success of the original civilization’s founders.
So it’s the satanists and subjectivists, led by Jews, who manipulate the over-populated weaklings and inferiors, like “liberals” and leftists, who dominate so disastrously AGAINST any real “progress.” It’s really ur own thesis about progress which seems quite incoherent and illogical. Judaic conspiracy merely takes advantage of the “decline” phase of the empire and culture–in accord w. Spengler’s theory of “Decline….”
apollonian: “… if it wasn’t Jews conniving (successfully) to rule and dominate–it would just be someone else.”
In a way, I’m in agreement with you here. But it’s my contention that it’s technological “progress” that is the primary thing that shapes modern life, and that this is something that develops autonomously according to its own internal logic, entirely independent of Jewish evolutionary strategizing (i.e., “conspiracy”) against other races. Put another way, as I see it, “Progress” is something that would take place regardless of who is in charge. “Progress” is the white man’s cynosure and at the heart of his current domination of the world, and I think the evidence shows that most of it has resulted from the efforts of white men from the Industrial Revolution forward. Certainly the kind of transhumanist dystopia discussed in the article will not be possible without a good deal of further technological “progress”. More, it’s easy to show that most of the complaints the right voices about Jews are only the results of unforeseen side effects of technological “advances” already made, side effects which have altered white culture to an astonishing degree. So, in effect, I’m saying that the white race and its culture are being destroyed incrementally with each new technological “advance” it makes. Jews such as Harari may cheerlead for it, but it would take place even without them. Haemers does make a good case that the transhumanist project is straightforwardly poised to make mankind obsolete, but there’s no evidence that I can see that white people are opposed to the technological “progress” that will make that outcome a reality. On the contrary, they are as busily engaged in it as ever.
What Haemers doesn’t do, and what you would need to do to make your case, is to show that “Progress” is itself a Jewish conspiracy, and that if Jews didn’t exist, none of it would have taken place, nor would it continue. That’s quite a tall order, and I don’t think anyone here is up to it.
So what "advance" are u talking about? And I'm not really sure the "white race" is actually being destroyed so much--it's just the weaklings are being eliminated, which happens to lots of other races too--note the prevalence of warfare and the recent "covid pandemic." Then there's the deliberate closing down of the farms, as in Netherlands, for another example. Regarding my own "case," note I merely second St. Augustine and the Greeks w. their "tragic" view holding that criminals largely control and affect the society, especially politically in the midst of human propensity for "sin," foll0wing the Greek-Christian "tragic" view.I also invoke Oswald Spengler who theorizes the inevitable, CYCLIC "decline" and eventual collapse of empires/civilizations, including the present Western and United States, following the previous Roman example, noting the passing of the objective Aristotelian view and strict rule-of-law, giving way to subjectivism, hence dictatorship, like socialism, built upon moralism and virtue-signaling, this subjectivism being manipulated predominantly by the satanists, these satanists naturally dominated and led by Jews by means of satanic manipulation of the over-populated "liberals" and leftists.Hence the Judaic conspiracy is un-questionable as it is blatantly reflected fm their religion, "Oral Law Trad." subjectivism and Talmud, their efforts directed against "Amalek," mere euphemism for gentiles, but especially against Christianity and its objectivistic/determinist philosophic foundations. And it isn't "progress" at all which the satanists primarily feature and employ--it's always the typical moralizing and virtue-signaling so blatantly reflected in the satanic dupes, the over-populated "liberals" and leftists who arose fm the previous success of the original civilization's founders.So it's the satanists and subjectivists, led by Jews, who manipulate the over-populated weaklings and inferiors, like "liberals" and leftists, who dominate so disastrously AGAINST any real "progress." It's really ur own thesis about progress which seems quite incoherent and illogical. Judaic conspiracy merely takes advantage of the "decline" phase of the empire and culture--in accord w. Spengler's theory of "Decline...."
"...I’m saying that the white race and its culture are being destroyed incrementally with each new technological “advance†it makes."
They also didn’t get the real clot shot, or only rarely. Israeli excess mortality is a fraction the US equivalent, The toxic batches were no doubt given, in the main, to Arab Israelis or to Christians.
Yuval Noah Harari, is an outspoken proponent of transhumanism.
And what better way to push the concept, than to have an actual transhuman or some type of hybrid, as its spokesperson.
Kind of spooky, when one thinks about it.
Besides the flicking tongue hardware/software glitch, the Yuval Noah Harari beta-model has some glaring EQOS (emotional quotient operating system) bugs, as in the case of its inability to listen, let alone care, what others may have to say or think.
Indeed. What’s up with insertion of ‘vegan’ as a term of opprobrium?
I would like to see Mr. Haemer explain how it is any part of my, or anyone’s, duty to spend our pittances on supporting a chemically contaminated, industrialized food supply.
Maybe Harari isn’t a lunatic. A lunatic would be blameless for his delusions, after all. Harari is more likely just a garden variety ringmeat mongoloid dickweed with evil intentions.
No. Nobody with even a glimmer of human intelligence would give a tin shit what that mentally and morally retarded queer jew has to say about anything.
Life Sucks–Greek Tragic Cultural Overview Continues To Prevail For “Civilization”
(a) Judaism is itself a conspiratorial “religion”–a war strategy against “Amalek” (gentiles). For the Jews, the anti-semites (gentiles–“Amalek”) are all working, in various degrees of cooperation and concert, for Amalek in conspiracy against Jews–see the Books of Samuel in Old Test. which consp. motivations are further developed in Talmud and Zohar (Cabala).
(b) The main, KEY weapon of any conspiracy to rule any society is the central-bank of issue, literally legalized counterfeiting, by which real money, commodity-based, like gold/silver, w. intrinsic value, finite in quantity, is made irrelevant or inactive, and FIAT-CURRENCY is substituted, which is practically infinite in quantity, constantly issued forth, giving the rulers a huge, gigantic, overwhelming ADVANTAGE in funding and finance–allowing the rulers to buy up the entire mass-media and “big-tech,” all politicians and judges, public edjewmacation, etc.–practically everything and everybody.
Thus the two sham political “parties,” pretended “liberal” and “conservative,” Demon-rats and Repubs, are dominated by Jew financiers at the top in the typical “good-cop” vs. “bad-cop” charade.
It is true, as St. Augustine teaches, in “City Of God,” following fm TRAGIC view of preceding Greek civilization and Homer, that life sucks, and if it wasn’t Jews conniving (successfully) to rule and dominate–it would just be someone else. Jews merely took over control of central-banking fm preceding goyim tyrants, after all, most definitively by Rothschilds by end of Napoleonic wars.
But it’s that hope of serious, genuine individual freedom and liberty that springs eternal and occasionally succeeds in briefly popping up for a while until it becomes corrupt–as in USA, the Constitutional Republic destroyed in the 1860s by the Puritan-derived abolitionists of Massachusetts against the heroic leaders of the South, like especially John C. Calhoun, the anomaly being the “peculiar” institution of slavery which confused so many as to the actual historical forces in play–even to this very day.
It’s just that after a good while, the incumbent tyrants (like the Jews, presently) become sooooo tiresome, odious, disgusting, and putrid, that gentiles unite to a limited degree in overthrowing and expelling them–as done in Rome, 4th cent., Spain in late 15th cent., and other places and times too.
The present economic crack-up is looking evermore definitive, the Petro-dollar tottering and sure to collapse, and this time Jews are seriously threatened, so look for some false-flags and uptick in the warfare, as we have presently in Ukraine so the Jews can muddy the political waters and setting-up the shop of rulership and dominance in some other head-quarters after a few yrs of bloody turmoil–that seems to be the current plan, such as it is, evidently, at any rate.
I don’t blame the jews for everything. Had we not the jews, we’d probably still be in a sort of “soft degeneracy” resulting from excessive affluence: nihilism, ennui, childlessness, breakdown of martial values, etc.
However, what I DO blame the jews for:
1. Communism (cf. “The World Hoax”, “Behind Communism”)
2. Feminism (cf. Andrea Dworkin)
3. Endless promotion of race-mixing as an ideal (cf. any 5 minutes of contemporary TV)
4. Endless promotion of homosexuality as an ideal (cf. Magnus Herschfeld [for starters])
5. The mainstreaming of pornography (cf. “Merchants of Sin”)
6. Endless mockery of Whites/Europeans in their ancestral homelands via media control
7. Mass nonwhite immigration (cf. Jake Javitz and the actual instigators of the 1965 Immigration Act [that Tipsy Teddy was the friendly goy face of])
Oh, and how about nearly every war for the last hundred plus years or so– nearly all of which were fought for jewish financial/geostrategic interests, which we got promptly “repaid” for by the likes of Larry “Pull It” Silverstein and the endless Mideast imbroglios fomented by Great Gatsby invoking genteel WASPs with names like Feith, Perle, Wolfowitz, and Wurmser?
For bonus points I thank them especially for the heroic personages that are Tim Wise and Noel Ignatiev, who have actually done us all a favor by laying out the serpent seed jews’ ancient, genocidal hatred of the white goyim in its full unambiguous glory
Oh, and how could I forget the wonderful Jewish contribution to pop music? What would we do without inane, watered down “Christmas” ditties by the likes of Irving Berlin, not to mention the youth mind poisoning legacy of rock and roll and rap music?
For your sake, I hope you’re a jew and not some wayward Boomer en route from National Review because NO ONE is buying the “jealously because of talent and intelligence” line of Juden Peterstein and the rest of the Stepin Fetchit “conservative” phonies that have sold us down the river for the last half century plus now. From a “loony”
Connaître Dieu, n’est pas une Doctrine, ni enseignement DIPLÔMÉ de l’Édifice de l’illusion -SOSIÉTAL!….. Non! Absolument pas !ni qque doctrine ===>Yuval Noah Harari l’Idiot*Juif …!
,,,Le vent….. Nous en percevons que l’EFFET & ses composantes agencé à la tempérsature +++++, ..!
*(CONTROLÉ vos PENSÉES, )…Pause……..Ces Pensées auquel vous accordez votre *(ATTETION ) ne se réalisent t-ELLES PAS !
QU’en est il en votre Vie-Excistance ? Vos Amours, vos PROJETS, SONT T_ILS TOUS VOS DÉSIRS?
Familles, N Enfants, véhicules, ….Maison, +++ Richesse ====> EXPÉRIENCE EN VOTRE FORME ….. ….PAUSE CONSCIENCE………..
(((Yuval Noah Harari))) Revealing Human-Reptilian Hybrid Traits.
Why Do Snakes Flick Their Tongues?
That… was surreal.
That thing is definitely not human.
David Icke was right about the pedo elites. Did he actually nail the shape-shifting reptilian thing too? Good golly
I strongly suspect that many of the loonies who blame EVERYTHING bad in the world on ‘the Jews’ are in fact Jews attempting to discredit this forum, and ANY criticism of the behaviour of ANY Jew, ANYWHERE. Some Jews are shonks, thieves, killers and hypocrites, just like some members of any collective. However, Jews do, I would say, over-achieve in these and other fields.
Karl Haemers: “Harari … is … a spokesman for the sociopathic transhumanist futurology the World Economic Forum is not only envisioning, but increasingly imposing over today’s world through its many partners.”
The phrasing here is fascinating. Is the transhumanist future Harari lays out really being imposed? It’s hard to see how. If the mass of mankind weren’t fully on board with it, there’d be far more Luddites. There’d be millions of Ted Kaczynskis, not just the one serving eight consecutive life sentences in Supermax, and instead of being just a tiny sect, Amish would be everywhere. Then there’s the adjective “sociopathic”. If the mass of mankind are indeed on board with this program, as they seem to be, then it would mean that they, too, are sociopaths.
Does anyone here believe that the future sketched out in the article is only the result of a Jewish conspiracy? That it wouldn’t happen without specimens like Harari, Schwab, Soros, et al., to oversee and implement it? If so, I’d like to hear the case for that. It’s a case that Haemers himself apparently can’t be bothered to make. Without Jews, would the future suddenly be all rainbows and unicorns? Would “Progress” stop, or take an entirely different course? Explain.
When you replace all occurrences of “animals” with “goyim”, “we the people” with “jews” and “science” with “deep state operatives” in the bullet list, then everything that kinky “transhomo” says makes perfect sense.
Jew Religion IS Subjectivism–Following “Midrash” And “Oral Law Trad.”
“…[F]or being a Jew is matter of attitude rather than belonging to a certain religion.”
Though I agree w. much of what u say, u should realize the Jew “religion” is “Oral Law Trad.” which is subjectivism, the rabbis “interpreting” (“midrash”) Torah, etc. So yes, it is a “matter of attitude,” but it’s also their religion, by which they’re trained and affected, which features and emphasizes subjectivism–their religion is literally SUBJECTIVISM, the extreme form of which is satanism.
Most Jews are mostly subjectivists, most of the time, surely, many of them even denying they’re satanists, but the leaders are un-questionably satanists and they too easily manipulate the lower-level Jews–no different fm the closely associated masonic activity, treatment, and practice.
Jews are generally far more organized than gentiles, including gentile satanists, why Jews dominate and control–they essentially direct the US Federal Reserve “bank” legalized counterfeiting machine, issuing forth practically infinite fiat-currency–which is their primary existential instrument of control and rulership rendering the funds to buy and control everything else, literally, including the media, which such control and manipulation in all the subtle forms, very, very few can resist.
Indeed. Closets exist for a reason.Replies: @René Fries
Every time I hear of a man talk about his “husband†or a woman talk about her “wifeâ€, I cringe,.....
No need of dictionaries except for Latin and Greek; German, Dutch, French, Italian and English books (and 2 or 3 in Luxembourgeois) were all I ever needed.
“ And this sort of child-like subjectivism will always tend to arise among humans even if Jews were once totally and completely eliminated; satanism would arise again–it’s a problem of subjectivism, humanity, and human corruption of irrationalism.â€
And that puts to rest the contention that by eliminating the Jew everything will be hunky-dory, for being a Jew is matter of attitude rather than belonging to a certain religion. And nowhere was this phenomenon more obvious than when crooked Joe Biden said out loud “you don’t have to be a Jew to be Zionist†and he could have added “or a satanistâ€.
Though I agree w. much of what u say, u should realize the Jew "religion" is "Oral Law Trad." which is subjectivism, the rabbis "interpreting" ("midrash") Torah, etc. So yes, it is a "matter of attitude," but it's also their religion, by which they're trained and affected, which features and emphasizes subjectivism--their religion is literally SUBJECTIVISM, the extreme form of which is satanism.
"...[F]or being a Jew is matter of attitude rather than belonging to a certain religion."
He’s just a TED Talk speaker for the elites. He tells them what they want to hear, that their data mining is the silver bullet against freedom of the masses, and that there’s no alternative to elite Jewish rule. Bedtime stories for Rothschilds, essentially.
It’s not a bad grift. Gotta respect the game.
Josef Mengele’s satanic soul has incarnated in this trash being, what a heavy punishment to the Jews.
Never mind. There is a list! Computers are not exclusively Jewish new world order tools. Imagining a force is without an equal and opposing force is naïve. The harder Jews push the harder becomes the resistance.
Blind hubris is a fools paradise. The Internet reminds me of the Sorcerers Apprentice. The Jew would control the world if it could be controlled but it cannot be controlled. Every time the Jew cleaves the metastasizing truth the truth multiplies. Jewish vanity knows no limits — their names, addresses, occupations, affiliations are compile-able, traceable, and cross reference-able — and thanks to that unbounded egoism there is nowhere for them to hide.
The list is the blockchain. The census is theirs but the blockchain cannot be owned like a newspaper chain, a TV network, or a thousand radios distributing the same news. Information wants to be free. Notice how much of Jewish energies are spent watching those they label anti-Semitic. Everywhere one carefully looks one sees the Jew caught on the horns of a dilemma; the urge to display and the necessity to camouflage exist too in the Jungle.
Nature ensures imbalance is rectified. Everything in the Jungle feeds on everything else. It is in the nature of things that balance is a necessary third force in all affairs. The Jew is third force blind.
“ The disruptive effects of it can be substantially lessened, though, for those who can get over the Organically crippling sickness that is their very own too-precious “selfâ€â€¦.which is the “seat†of all the addictive fascinations and paralyzing fears keeping them in-thrall to the feckless projectors of the “global†facade.â€
Wonderfully stated.
Historians of a better future time will look back on “futurists†like Harari with contempt and their audiences of this era with dismay.
Alvin Toffler was doing the same song and dance 50 years ago.
Jews And Their Perfectly Plotted Place And Purpose In Wilson’s Socio-Biology
Yes, what u say is true enough, BUT u shouldn’t fail to note their very real and distinct socio-biologic place and function as I note above in # 104.
Jews and associated satanists among the goyim (who surely out-number Jews, though they’re far less organized) could not exist without their willing audience, dupes, and fans among “liberals” and leftists–this is their necessary constituency, fan-base, and “market share,” among and within humanity. And don’t forget Oswald Spengler’s theory of rise and fall (“Decline of the West”) of cultures and civilizations which we can confirm and verify in our own American and Western instance.
At first, the founders of a culture, as in case of Roman and American, are honest, forthright, and oriented to straight-forward, OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, but as the culture begins to peak and go into “decline” phase, this objectivity is lost, and the descendants of the original founding heroes adopt SUBJECTIVISM, idea of consciousness creating reality (see Wikipedia), which in extreme form becomes outright SATANISM, defined as making oneself (collectively, in case of Jews, following “Oral Law Trad.”) to being co-equal w. God, the creator.
This subjectivism most often begins in idea of non-existent “good-evil” which has NEVER been proven, is totally subjective, and is surely founded upon inferiority-complex by which the lower-level dupes feel the obsessive need to justify themselves to those they see as “authority,” passing down judgment upon them. Additionally, there’s the equally subjective idea and wishful thinking of a perfectly “free” human will, by which these people consider themselves accomplished and virtuous for their “choices”–as extolled, for example in the mystic-oriented (really subjectivist) Harry Potter books.
Thus Jews and satanists, Jews always leading due to their superior collectivistic organization, form and regiment these smug and hubris-filled virtue-signalers into factions that will ultimately and enthusiastically go to war against other nations’ “liberals” and leftists, the very lowest level of inferiors and weaklings. Thus Jews help to eliminate the weaklings in a genuine Darwinist manner, the CYCLES of Spenglerian history oscillating regularly btwn waves of over-population of these “liberal” and leftist weaklings, Spengler and Darwin thus brilliantly vindicated for their theory and theorizing–the perfect demonstration of Edmund O. Wilson’s DETERMINIST socio-biology.
Every time I hear of a man talk about his “husband†or a woman talk about her “wifeâ€, I cringe,…..
Indeed. Closets exist for a reason.
Harari is a snake oil salesman, like countless of his ancestors and, clearly, a good one. A hundred years he would have been a rag merchant, and today he is peddling bullshit. But his job is made easy because of the willingness of mid-wit rubes to suckered into chasing after the latest novelty
It’s like the tailors in “The Emperor’s new Clothes,” only this time it’s “All the right thinking people follow Noah Yuval Hararri.”
…he sacrifices science for sensationalism, and his work is riddled with errors.â€
His head is filled with worms.
Nowadays, so-called Gene-Editing, which will be resisted by the conservative and religious, will render them useless in the societies of future: normal people cannot compete with gene-edited 200 IQ [neo] humans.
No human can compete with the chess playing robot. No human can compete with a steroid addled athlete. No human could compete with a cyborg…
James Cameron has already explored the mortal dangers to humanity of creeps like Harari in The Terminator franchise, even as he’s glorified the potentially superior morality of hybrids and the deficiencies of deplorable humans in the Avatar franchise.
The Deplorables, it seems, know some things about human nature (somewhat like the Na’vi in Avatar know some things about their own ecosystem) that transcend conventional wisdom.
The sneering Harari’s (and their string-pullers) only know reptilian fanaticism. These are the last “people” that should be in control of human destiny. They’ve projected their own deficiencies onto their many, and again growing, list of enemies.
Useless eaters is bullshit! Define the term. The hebes would like to believe it excludes them since they are such consummate bullshitters and liars. They think they are better because they don’t believe in things like honesty, fairness, decency, kindness. All traits the jews are sorely lacking. If we need to choose a criterion lets choose those. I don’t think there are many jews who will pass. Better still lets choose work ethic. Ever see a jew mow a lawn, build something, fix a car. They don’t know how to work. They are better at the con and benefitting from the work of others.
Sure white boy.
DC is filled with allegedly smart people, high-IQ and high earners, but they are blond to their own predicament and hubris. Same goes for the WEF and MICIMATT types who make all the decisions at the top of this crumbling empire.
Making food and living with other people on the living earth will outlast and outshine the techno bubble still around us today. At least in those places not reduced to rubble or toxic no-go zones where nobody lasts for more than a few days.
Not only will the meek inherit the earth, they’re more fun to be around in a pinch, too.
Not sure about “most conservatives”, but certainly many. You see: Republican lawmakers don’t want to allow ‘Down Syndrome exception’ for abortion!
My personal opinion about many of these “new and wonderful genetic breakthroughs†will come back and bite us in the butt,
Yeah. I share the feeling.
It’s nit-picking, but if I could rewrite my comment…
[…] normal people cannot compete with gene-edited 200 IQ neo-humans.
Well, the Jews secretly love gay boys cause it’s easier to get mankind to become their slaves… Hence their support to the lgbqti movement..
The more gay a society is, the easier to get the protocols going..
Take a look at these VERSICLES the Jews inserted in the bible so that the American evangelists could easily condone homos:
The old testament says that king David said “Your love was more amazing to me than the love of women†referring to gay boy Jonathan…
“I grieve for you, my brother Jonathan! You were so dear to me! Your love was more amazing to me than the love of women.†2 Samuel 1:26
I imagine Jonathan was a dark, hairy, tall and macho like Palestinian…
Hence the hate.
That’s why you see American generals who are faggetty: “yes sir, orders are orders my Jew boss”.
America has become gay capital of the world .
Well, the bosses, the big papas, the main Jew in charge wants it this way.
The Jew says: “American, kill people all over the world”
The American obeys.
The Jew says:
“White boys be gay, bend”.
And presto!
They get in all four.
I mean look at bill Clinton, he screwed over 3 thousand little girls and boys (as old as 12) at Epstein’s little island, yet starved to death a half a million Iraqi children.
Epstein asked him to.
Look at him now,
Do you see what God did to him?🙄🙄
He looks like a retard white donkey.
My God , Vlad, push that button for Christmas, already 🎄🎄🎄
With the state of technology and economy now, only about 40% population need to work, to keep all the 100% in good style. And it means the remaining 60% need not work, but a lot of them are not useless.
From an intellectual and advanced-evolutionary perspective, most people are indeed useless eaters.
Harari is the epitome of a useless eater. He sits in his ivory tower pontificating about how the world should be, writes crappy books and hangs around other useless eaters like Schwab, Trudeau, Macron and Rutte. I doubt if one of them has ever done any useful work, wouldn’t know how to grow plants, fix anything technical, raise animals, build anything or even dispense useful knowledge on how to raise kids. All they know how to be is hypocritical, preaching to the world how they should reduce their carbon footprint while they fly around in private jets, telling everyone to get Teslas while they ride around in their Mercedes limousines. Telling everyone to move into a one room shack while they live in palaces.
Stupid gay nerds…
“Durrr hurrr, but high IQ will solve all our problems!!!â€
Thank goodness, he will not be reproducing, unfortunately, Klaus Schwab has reproduced, with his spawn probably being more foul than he is.