When your dog is being bad, it is normal to scold it, or spamk it. You seem to get a lot of scoldings- and spankings! Doesn’t seem like you are good at making friends here! Just sayin’!
Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
Tennessee Passes Law Declaring Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism
Soon it will be totally illegal in the United States to question the Holocaust which is what this is leading up to, mark my words.
https://t.me/therealchadchaddington/1114 �
Why do you think that the Silicon Valley cabal are working on mind-reading? Once they perfect it, you’ll be scanned regularly for ‘antisemitic’ thoughts. Who invented hummus? If you think ‘Palestinians’, it’s the pokey for you.
As in 2016, Bernout Boynie was in on the scam. They OPENLY stole the candidate primaries in 2016, and Boynie rolled-over like a good puppy at the convention, selling out the young suckers who he sheep-dogged.
THEN, they fell for it AGAIN in 2020, where the Super Whatever primaries were stolen, and Boynie didn’t even bother waiting for the Convention to surrender to Biden. Biden who then stole the election from Trump. Ain’t ‘demo-crazy’ grand?
This is definitely a dumbass troll bot. This stupid troll, comments just to harass regardless of the subject.
Coming from a guy who claims he’s old and out of work (you, Realist) with his magical, Unicorn STEM degree, this is a richly lulzy post.
“Money for nothing and chicks for free”. MTV.
My answer to small powers is that the big ones get to make the agreements. The Helsinki Accords worked because they were, essentially, an agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union. France and Britain were in accord because they had no stake. The only possible disputed territory in the West was Alsace-Lorraine, and the Federal Republic had given up its claims on that territory.
Likewise, this one has to be settled the same way. The road to peace goes through the Crimea. You can like it or not like it but that is still where it goes. I say, unilaterally, the United States recognizes the Crimea as part of the sovereign territory of the Russian Federation. Why unilaterally? Just a little reminder. We won the war. We paid for it, the Russians did the dying. Both have to count for something in this world.
emerging majority,
I don’t think it is hyperbole to refer to what many call the Clinton Administration and the Obama Administrations as Rubin Administration I and Rubin Administration II. He’s the hidden Godfather of that party. Emanuel is the muscle.
Like I said Rubin used his Wall Street pals to help set up the bribery side of the operations where democrat politicians get “investing advice” from connected Wall Street folks who are in the inside of rigging the financial markets and hence can multiply the wealth of the politicians via the rigged financial markets which they are able to maintain their power over because the Federal Reserve, also dominated by the JZM (Powell is the first Fed head in about 30 years who wasn’t Jewish), backstops them with their infinite ability to create money for the banking system with keystrokes on the computer and bail them out if the markets “misbehave”.
Sonny Emanuel set up the party’s funding infrastructure when Clinton was president and heavily weighted it towards making Jews the largest donors with hence the most say-so in the party’s policies. After cashing in for a few years on Wall Street he then became a Congressman and chaired the DCCC to make sure the party’s funding went to the “right kind of candidates”. Then he landed in The Head PR Man for the Point Zero One Percent Obama’s Administration as Chief of Staff to make sure that the “right kind of people”, almost all Jewish, got into the “right positions” in the administration to make the “right” decisions on how and who to bailout.
Thanks for the links. Interesting to me is the high probability that the Citigroup remains a holding of the Rottenfeller Crime Clan. Guess who ultimately calls the shots via high level minions like Rubin.
This is definitely a dumbass troll bot. This stupid troll, comments just to harass regardless of the subject.
I see you’re back on the job of asshole troll.
emerging majority,
I consider the Centerview business partners “Sonny Corleone” Emanuel and Robber Rubin to be the democrats’ blackmail and bribery brothers with Emanuel handling the blackmail side of their dirty business and Rubin the kinder bribery side of their operations.
Rubin basically wrote who he wanted on the staff of the incoming Obama’s administration on the back of a napkin, after calling a lot of the shots in the Clinton Administration too and essentially looting Citigroup, and had his minion Froman turn it into Emanuel and it pretty much went down exactly as Sly Bob said it should and Wall Street and Citigroup got made whole and then plenty.
We found this out through Wikileaks. It was a glimpse into how that JZM corrupted political party operates that we weren’t supposed to get. This revelation is also part of the reason that Assange is in jail.
Yes, Rahm Emanuel runs Obama on behalf of the Pritzker Crime Clan, the current Talmudist rulers of Ill-Noise. When first elected and showing off his new cabinet, the Chew Pork Slymes (the U$$A’s “newspaper of record”) ran a front page photo of the grand occasion. This would have been late 2008 or early 2009. So there’s Obaminable standing behind a lectern with leading appointees for his administration standing on both sides of him.
Standing, arms akimbo, in FRONT of the president elect and to his left was Emanuel.
This photo messaged the leading Democrats as well as corporate and financial leaders, to say nothing about the higher ranks in the administrative bureaucracy in the Di$trict of Corruption. Message being, Obaminable is a mere sock-puppet for the Talmudist ascendancy and Emanuel runs his administration, de facto if not de Jure.
Gossips had it that both the electee and his manager, before Barack became a surprise candidate for the U.$. Senate, that the two of them were enjoying various forms of hanky-panky in a semi-private Chicago club, where towels were the preferred attire in that steamy environment.
You need to try harder not least when you have just been accused of being incomprehensible by another commenter. You obviously got down to my Autofill’s irritating typo “ethnically” instead of “technical” and gave up. Not a fail so you may try again.
Yes. I am well aware of it. Do you want to go back before 1917? If not why not?
Do you even know what the background of the Crimea issue is?
Just answer the question.
Is it just, at the forefront, you are trying to sound condescendingly learned, or are you running this through Google translate and it doesn’t have the idioms from your language under control? Could be a bit of both. The result is almost completely incomprehensible.
This is definitely a dumbass troll bot. This stupid troll, comments just to harass regardless of the subject.
You want some cheese with that whine, old fag?
Sanders stayed in obviously, he was the front runner, but then the lead stiff of Weekend at Biden’s practically swept Super Tuesday, probably due to DNC cheating, and basically ran away with the race from there.
Black Maggot,
Thanks for reading the post.
Not sure what you mean in your reply.
Sanders was the front runner and had just made a stand at a democratic party primary debate that he wouldn’t attend an AIPAC meeting and several other candidates chimed in that they wouldn’t as well.
Shortly afterwards, within a few days, and right before Super Tuesday, all the other dem candidates dropped out, practically in unison, except for Warren, who was used to snipe votes from Sanders from the Left and/or women, Mikey $B (I forgot about him), and the lead stiff of Weekend at Biden’s. Most of the ones who dropped out endorsed Biden.
Coincidence? I doubt it. The Jewish Zionist Mafia (JZM) owns the democratic party lock-stock-and-barrel and they weren’t going to put up with that.
The Head PR Man for the Point Zero One Percent Obama played the heavy in the operation because he made the phone calls, but he’s just an errand boy, it was set up ahead of time IMO by JZM members such as Rahm Emanuel.
Petey B ended up getting represented by some JZM talent agency and landed a book deal and a podcast, and then, of course, his current gig as Biden’s Secretary of Transportation.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say what most suspect… this Zwiebel character is really Incitatus in disguise.Replies: @geokat62
Heartfelt sympathy, Phil Giraldi. Have demons you wrestle every night?
I’m going to go out on a limb and say what most suspect… this Zwiebel character is really Incitatus in disguise.
Well, whadayano!
Incitatus [AKA “Zwiebel”]
Telegram comment posted by Chad Chaddington:
Tennessee Passes Law Declaring Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism
Soon it will be totally illegal in the United States to question the Holocaust which is what this is leading up to, mark my words.
‘AIPAC funds help Henry Cueller’ — geokat62, quoting JTA
‘They’ have all bases covered:
‘While Cuellar has aligned closely with AIPAC’s agenda, [his opponent] Cisneros is backed by J Street, the pro-Israel group that is sharply critical of Israeli policies.’ — JTA
The Dual Citizen Lobby: systematically polluting our electoral system.
Heartfelt sympathy, Phil Giraldi. Have demons you wrestle every night?
I’m going to go out on a limb and say what most suspect… this Zwiebel character is really Incitatus in disguise.
Well, whadayano!
I’m going to go out on a limb and say what most suspect… this Zwiebel character is really Incitatus in disguise.
The Night Flower still working its magic…
AIPAC funds help Henry Cuellar, one of Congress’ most conservative Dems, cling to narrow lead in key Texas race
Speaking of witches in spain the situation is not better either .
A couple of weeks ago a Spanish minister went to visit a rape victims ngo, we all know how this little world of ciabots , media and government works, how integrated they are and how they actively cooperate with each other; the power is ultimately only one . so it is not surprising that when the atmosphere was hot enought and the news that your ciabot were mentally raping me jumped the mainstream news ( evidently in an implicit manner) the Spanish government sent a minister to redeem herself publicly in an act of nauseating hipocresy
I don’t think I have ever seen any public figure so happy, perhaps her homonime kamala harris, to be aware that by action or omission she was partially responsible for the rape while symbolically the victims thanked her filled her with a happiness that not even the best sex could, pure unadultered will to power, they want to rape you and then thank them for it.
And what crime have I committed?
Calling a whore a whore and confronting the real power, nothing annoys a whore more than being called a whore especially if the criticism towards the real power comes from someone that the whore considers inferior in the western pyramid, the Spanish political “elite” feels very insecure of their position having to balance their external vassalage with their unlimited vanity, I think they would have felt less animosity towards me if I had been criticizing them directly instead of pointing directly to the heart of the empire , at least i would have feed their ego as the only evil masterminds.
Well this times you have not been ignored little nazguls
Yes, and despite the “victories” many thought were achieved in Florida-land will eventually amount to naught as the Zionists continue to gain support and overwhelm the unthinking. Bought and sold. Just like Hicks said of Leno, if you can dumb down to my level. The dumbing down comes easy, however.
The US Department of Homeland Security paused the newly minted Disinformation Governance Board less than a month after its formation. A review and assessment of the board will be conducted after it was "grossly and intentionally mischaracterized," the department said Wednesday.
IMO, one can tell what group this organization is most concerned about regulating the criticism of from the people who keep being placed in charge of these decisions. This country has a Jewish population of around 2%, about the same percent as one card in a deck of 52, and yet the three people who are/were most involved in the decision making thus far, including the obnoxious Jankowicz, all just happened to be chosen from that group. And we're supposed to believe that's all chance, just a coincidence, and that if we're sitting at a poker table with 51 others and the game is three card poker and each dealing of the cards comes from a different deck that if one player is dealt three Aces of Diamonds, the odds of which are 1 in 140,608 that would occur randomly, that we oughtn't get suspicious as to who is doing the dealing. And if we do, it’s all due to our “anti-semitismâ€.
Work from the board will be on hold for 75 days during the review, which will be conducted by former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff and former US Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick. The focus will be on figuring out how the department can address disinformation and achieve great transparency, while increasing trust with the public, said the DHS.
Ok, but also this:
“they suddenly arranged to have all the other democratic candidates for president in 2020 drop out except Warren and the lead stiff of Weekend at Biden’s in order to isolate and damage Sanders.” Sanders? Really? I read the post, and I understand they eliminated other party-wise spread opinions, but not this one. Compromised?
SafeNow——————I know idiological purity is important,but can’t the Biden Adm. find any leftist that doesn’t have crazy eyes?????
Don’t know anything about what you did (or didn’t do) in the CIA. How could I? It’s all secret. Isn’t that the point? You could be Audie Murphy or Jonathan Pollard. Hope you’re the former. How can we be sure?
Meanwhile, WTC 1993, African Embassies, USS Cole in Yemen, WTC/Pentagon 9/11. Where was the CIA? Where were you?
Let’s guess – ‘it’s classified’?
Happy to hear George Tenet (winner of the Medal of Freedom) wasn’t an “intelligence officerâ€. Does that make you feel better, a little less soiled?
Heartfelt sympathy, Phil Giraldi. Have demons you wrestle every night?
Don’t blame you.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say what most suspect… this Zwiebel character is really Incitatus in disguise.Replies: @geokat62
Heartfelt sympathy, Phil Giraldi. Have demons you wrestle every night?
Like Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and CIA chief brother Allen servicing client United Fruit in Guatemala, deposing Arbenz 1954? Or BP and staging a fake coup to oust Mossaddegh in Iran a year earlier?
“The ability of the government to collude with corporate America to diminish personal liberty of the citizenry cannot be understated.â€
Gosh Zweibel you know nothing at all about what I did when I was in CIA… 20,000 employees do a lot of different things that had nothing to do with Iraq or WMD or even with George Tenet, who, incidentally never actually worked as an intelligence officer
“The ability of the government to collude with corporate America to diminish personal liberty of the citizenry cannot be understated.â€
Like Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and CIA chief brother Allen servicing client United Fruit in Guatemala, deposing Arbenz 1954? Or BP and staging a fake coup to oust Mossaddegh in Iran a year earlier?
It’s the tradition you embraced for a living when you joined the CIA Dr. Phil.
Tenet’s “Slam-Dunk†2002-03 couldn’t have been much of a surprise.
Where are those WMDs?
Another triumph for the Dual Citizen Lobby:
‘President Joe Biden has finalized his decision to keep Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on a terrorist blacklist, according to a senior Western official, further complicating international efforts to restore the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
‘Another person familiar with the matter said Biden conveyed his decision during an April 24 phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, adding that the decision was conveyed as absolutely final and that the window for Iranian concessions had closed.
‘Bennett later confirmed the contents of his conversation with Biden last month in a tweet. “I welcome the decision by the US Administration to keep Iran’s IRGC on the Foreign Terrorist Organizations list — which is where it belongs,†he added. — Politico
When important US foreign policy decisions are announced by Israel’s prime minister, rather than ‘president’ Biden, we are entitled to ask: Who is actually in charge here?
“We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.â€
Willian Casey CIA 1981-1987
What do you do?Replies: @Realist
Indeed. Many do see the lunacy but fail to act.
What do you do?
Well, one of the things enjoy is humiliating you.
Everything I don’t like is a “troll!†Why are there so many trolls on the internet?
Yours is a case of self-hate. Only a troll could be so stupid as to keep coming back for humiliation, the way you do. It is strange that you and GKWillie work in tandem to look stupid…or maybe you are one and the same.
I will just add to my disdainful answer the first item of factual nonsense that I came across with a glance back. There was no solemn promise given to anyone that NATO would not expend as Gorbachev has conceded despite his opposition to the expansion. You don’t even bother to make it sound sensible by saying that America promised to venture new memberships which is all it could do, and by explaining why something as important as a solemn promise was not even reduced to writing.
Wizz, either you are dementing or you are actively disinforming. Every point I made is IRREFUTABLE. Try recycling a few Atlanticist lies at least, rather than merely making content-less assertions. Go on, give it a try-an argument. No wonder your type just prefer censorship.
Merkel is off, but Scholz is worse if possible.
Indeed. Many do see the lunacy but fail to act.
How can American’s watch this uniparty freak, sing Mary Poppins songs to them as a reply to their concerns over free speech issues and not see the lunacy of it all.
They do love to mock the public because they get away with it. The public does nothing.Their vanity is overwhelming them...their cockiness may be their downfall...pride comes before a fall.Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
It’s as if they love to mock the common sense, sensibilities of the American public.
Indeed. Many do see the lunacy but fail to act.
What do you do?
Well, one of the things enjoy is humiliating you.
What do you do?
Everything I don’t like is a “troll!” Why are there so many trolls on the internet?
Yours is a case of self-hate. Only a troll could be so stupid as to keep coming back for humiliation, the way you do. It is strange that you and GKWillie work in tandem to look stupid...or maybe you are one and the same.
Everything I don’t like is a “troll!†Why are there so many trolls on the internet?
Set aside one or two tinctures of truth inessential you don’t really have positive belief in all that codswallop do you?
No doubt about the Republic-rats you cited.
Trump is a strange character. Though he is clearly owned by the “Chosen” and blackmailed to boot, he sometimes has displayed breakthroughs of rebelliousness and perhaps even small hints of common sense.
His excoriations of the Deep $tate and of fake news had to stick in the craws of each and every Wokie in the land. Personality wise, he is an accomplished asshole, but at the same time endearing in his speaking truth to power. Perhaps he simply cannot control himself for that trait.
He does appeal to country folk.He’s a hero to the Great Overwashed. Depth psychologists will have a field day doing bios on him. Books will flood the market for years. Both for better and for worse, he is somewhat an avatar of the current state of America’s split personality…an avatar in that sense.
That some 57 Congressmen, all Republicans, who opposed the monstrous legislation to send multi-billions to the WarDefense industry’s latest cause indicates that the Trump rebellion has succeeded to the degree of stirring up a bit of resistance among some elements in the otherwise moribund Republicans. The National Committee, though, will still totally heed their Ma$ter’s voice.
BTW: You might have added Pomposity and Bolton to your Rogue’s Gallery who I presume were “Chosen” for Trump. He finally did get rid of the totally egregious Bolton; but as the former head of the Agency, Pomposity was untouchable.
Two things at least.
One is that they are both questions that probe the thinking, if there is any genuine thinking, of the commenter.
Another is that what I know, as indicated in the earlier par, is that, inter alia. Russia has several times the population and the resources and military manpower of Ukraine so Ukraine is clearly the weaker party.
Thank you for your superb coverage of the chaos during the last couple of decades, Philip.
I turned off almost all of the so-called “news” from domestic sources a long time ago, but your analyses are among the very few exceptions worthy of heedfulness.
Keep up the good work!
OK, dumbass, I assume desinformation should be disinformation, right? I normally wouldn't bother pointing out your misspelling, but, since you felt the need to point out so obvious a typo as died to the rest of us. . .
For the rest, nowadays in the US “desinformation†means truth, while “truth†means desinformation, just like in the former Soviet Union.
Why this angry outburst?
Another case of ‘Thanks, Jews’.
Yes. I am well aware of it. Do you want to go back before 1917? If not why not?
Do you even know what the background of the Crimea issue is?
Just answer the question.
There is justification for war if it is pre-emptive ie it forestalls a enemy’s attack on you. That is true in numerous dimensions here.
First, the Ukronazi putsch regime was about to attack the Donbass in order to destroy the republics there and murder or expel the Russian populace. Second the puppet President, ?elensky, had made plain his intention to join the hyper-aggressive NATO gangster mob and to acquire nuclear weapons. Third the Russians were well aware, as were any who read the work of real journalists, that the US had numerous bio-weapons labs in Ukraine (as in Georgia, Kazakhstan and other countries, perhaps 200 in toto)that were researching various diseases, and also had collected numerous samples of Russian DNA, plainly in pursuit of ‘ethnically specific’ bio-weapons.
And then there was the nature of NATO, that despite solemn promises NOT to expand East, has been driven to Russia’s borders. Moreover the regime in Ukraine is a US puppet created by the fascist putsch organised by the USA in 2014, that had been persecuting the Russian population of the country, and murdering them in the Donbass, since then. Finally there was the extensive Nazification of Ukraine, led by the likes of the Azov and Adair Battalions, and Right Sector etc, death-squads armed and trained by the NATO regimes since 2015. The very definition of a ‘just war’.
As Dostoevsky observed, in the end their prime character trait and the one that brings the greatest antipathy from their victims is their mercilessness, which flows inexorably from the belief that the goyim are lesser beings.
Ask a Palestinian, ask Jeremy Corbyn, ask a southern Lebanese, ask a Moabite, if you can find one. But do not fall for the myth, peddled by the Talmudists, Zionazis and other Judaic elites, that ALL Jews are the same (and thus ALL Jews are the enemy)and follow and support the predator elites mindlesly. Without some considerable ‘Enlightenment’ among the sane Jews who see themselves as human first, Jew second, this will end in absolute horror for us all.
emerging majority,
Thanks for reading it. I know it was long.
I have no love for the democrats. Only disgust.
Can’t say I got much good to say about the other side of the aisle either, though I’d say that they are not quite in the thralls of the Jewish Zionist Mafia (JZM) as the democrats are. It’s close though. One could say that the top three in Donald T’s carnival were Miller, Mnuchin and, of course, Kushner. Plus Adelson more or less got comped a direct hot line to Trump.
What does paragraph 2 have to do with paragraph 3?
33 means a lot to certain people; you have to be raised to it. To the rest of us, 33 means something else, and in the current environment, 33 should be suspect. Implications withstanding, what 33 year old in 2022 knows anything unless raised into it?
It is well-understood that any individual who stands up to the Israelis publicly, if they have any possibility of significant influence, is risking their life
Late the other night my dog pulled me down the outside stairs headed for it’s usual gap between the parked cars towards its favorite peeing place. But she couldn’t wait and pee’d on the sidewalk. So I walked a couple car lengths further before crossing the street. Looking back up the street I see a figure rise from where I would have been. His right hand held an atomizer, store bought, at his shoulder. He would have needed to have been within two feet of me. The three of us stopped and stared at each other. He then broke off and walked up the street.
Not what I call a pro, I’d always considered him a sayanim. He must have gotten frustrated. Much earlier an Israeli woman had gotten her hand, still in a purse, within 6 inches of the back of one of my ears. But the team included a set up man, whose action I recognized in time to spin around.
It took me a while, but I came to realize that the subject of my writings, psychopaths, were essentially the Talmudists’ Golem pets. And they wanted to protect them. Now I realize covid and the vax (both deliver the spike protein) are their mutual attempt at world domination.
Another far-reaching, highly informative posting. You must be one helluva researcher. Thanks.
I want to come back to Scholz’s Jewish indoctrinated claim that Germans are “not famous for their optimism”. If fighting two world wars and believing to win them in the shortest possible time is not (illusionary) optimism, then I don’t know what (illusionary) optimism is! Besides, Germans are famous for their thoroughness and problem-solving ability, which is also not a sign of pessimism.
The US establishment obviously thinks that by placing female candidates such as Jankowicz into critical offices they make them basically “unattackable” from the get-go because of vagina. The very same goes for the extremely incompetent speakers of the WH. Well, duh. This doesn’t seem to work anymore as the massive criticism now ignores their sex. You simply can’t hide incompetence and corruption forever behind a skirt and a smile.
Too bad the Europeans (and NZ) are still permanently set up and plagued with state department “choices” such as Merkel, Von der Liar, etc. (And, no, I don’t think Margaret Thatcher was a “more capable” candidate. Only capable of more crimes against her own people and country maybe.)
Says Grampa Simpson from his old age home, with a pissed soaked Depends.
Oooh, big talk…eventually the FBI will drop them where they stand.
This is definitely a dumbass troll bot. This stupid troll, comments just to harass regardless of the subject.
This is definitely a dumbass troll bot. This stupid troll, comments just to harass regardless of the subject.
The US Department of Homeland Security paused the newly minted Disinformation Governance Board less than a month after its formation. A review and assessment of the board will be conducted after it was "grossly and intentionally mischaracterized," the department said Wednesday.
IMO, one can tell what group this organization is most concerned about regulating the criticism of from the people who keep being placed in charge of these decisions. This country has a Jewish population of around 2%, about the same percent as one card in a deck of 52, and yet the three people who are/were most involved in the decision making thus far, including the obnoxious Jankowicz, all just happened to be chosen from that group. And we're supposed to believe that's all chance, just a coincidence, and that if we're sitting at a poker table with 51 others and the game is three card poker and each dealing of the cards comes from a different deck that if one player is dealt three Aces of Diamonds, the odds of which are 1 in 140,608 that would occur randomly, that we oughtn't get suspicious as to who is doing the dealing. And if we do, it’s all due to our “anti-semitismâ€.
Work from the board will be on hold for 75 days during the review, which will be conducted by former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff and former US Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick. The focus will be on figuring out how the department can address disinformation and achieve great transparency, while increasing trust with the public, said the DHS.
Tour de Force. Thanks. You have shed much light on a subject which thrives on the darkness inculcated by near total media control by the “Chosen” elite.
One very small quibble: You cite the “democratic” party. That set of pro$titicians and their handlers are by no means democratic. They despise We The People AND our Bill of Rights. They happily advance the Talmudist agenda due to their psychopathy, sociopathy, greed and lust for power.
It’s fine to call them the Democrat Party, as democracy within this ruptured republic is limited to rural townships where in their annual town meetings, one resident of that political entity is entitled to one vote by a show of hands.
Direct democracy, not the false “representation” as in Congre$$, where constituents rate far down the scrotum-pole as compared with campaign contributors and their financial and corporate agendas.
Every time I look at that picture of Nina Jankowitz, I wonder.
Is she Jewish? The politics certainly fit, she’s got that Jewess smirk, and I can’t find out anything about her background.
Does anyone have any reliable information? I’m happy to discover she’s a gentile — in fact, I’d just as soon not have my anti-semitism exacerbated. But inquiring minds want to know.
‘…Neocon warmongers have taken over US foreign policy. ‘Biden’ is their mumbling, glaze-eyed sock puppet, as the America we knew swirls down the toilet bowl…’
Notice that the same thing happened under Trump…and under Obama, and under Bush II, and under…
Notice a common thread here?
I was thinking about Mormons today. There’re seem to be quite a few around here, and they certainly march to their own drummer…but they don’t try to take over and tell the rest of us how to live!
Thanks. I’d forgotten about that little item on the egregious skull-head Chertoff. Generally all of my postings are composed purely from accumulated knowledge, lore and realizations. Rarely do I quote or even cite “authorities”, as in today’s deeply devolving culture, “authority” to my reckoning is a bad word, similar to “progress” or “normal”.
In the early 1900’s John D. Rottenfeller funded the college of education at Columbia University. His primary agents there were John Dewey and James Bryant Conant, bearers of old Yankee names.
Dewey summed up his educational policy in this mostly remembered quote: “We don’t need these people studying Latin, Greek, calculus, advanced history, geography or even literature. They must be useful to our factories, offices and shops and to grow food for us.” Paraphrasing, but true to the purport of his intentions. Deliberate dumbing-down of the general populace.
Columbia became the template for schools of edjumacasion all across the fruited plain. Newspapers have folded—in more ways than one. Major magazines have disappeared off the shelves and via the subscription route. Boobtoob noose and infotainment rules.
Gaming has ensorcelled a massive chunk of the young. Cellphones have become ubiquitous. Social media such as Farcebook and Twiddle-de-Dee and Twitter the Dumber have replaced face to face reality.
Though the number of Awakeners keeps climbing, the vast majority of Americans are proof of the pudding. As a social policy, deliberate dumbing down of the American populace has been a major victory for the ruling elite oilygarchs.
Nina Jankowicz, a weird, highly politicized concoction who sang about her mission:
— (https://twitter.com/wiczipedia/status/1362153807879303171)
Her style (NOT her courage) seems inspired
— (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQNzQJL9xAQ)*
“SURVIVORS” – [Lyrics]
Technology, Democracy, and Winning the Information war has been baked into the cake since the very first parliamentary government was invented.https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2011/12/michael-hudson-debt-and-democracy-has-the-link-been-broken.htmlSince the Renaissance, however, bankers have shifted their political support to democracies. This did not reflect egalitarian or liberal political convictions as such, but rather a desire for better security for their loans. As James Steuart explained in 1767, royal borrowings remained private affairs rather than truly public debts. For a sovereign’s debts to become binding upon the entire nation, elected representatives had to enact the taxes to pay their interest charges.By giving taxpayers this voice in government, the Dutch and British democracies provided creditors with much safer claims for payment than did kings and princes whose debts died with them. But the recent debt protests from Iceland to Greece and Spain suggest that creditors are shifting their support away from democracies. They are demanding fiscal austerity and even privatization sell-offs.What Hudson doesn't say, is that it was our (((friends))) who agitated for "freedom of religion" so they could practice their usury methods. It was our (((friends))) who had the piles of gold won at usury on the Haibaru caravan routes. It was our (((friends))) who invented all the stock market tricks (700 Unlicensed Sephardic Jews in Amsterdam's Stock Market) that we use today. The first incorporated towns where debts could be spread onto a population were in the Lowlands. The first parliamentary governments were created to rubber stamp the debt spreading. Jews immigrating from lowlands to Antwerp set up a "wissell" bank," changing money and discounting bills of exchange, taking deposits and making loans. This caused exchanges to be disorderly with high rates. In 1609, Amsterdam's city fathers stepped in and created the bank of Amsterdam, which was a bank of deposit (does not create money), and FORBADE JEWS and all others from banking.It took only about 90 years of maneuver, to then create a private bank of issue to control and entire country, the Bank of England.Part of creating the BOE bank of issue, to then control a country, and eventually the western world, was also narrative control via the press. Parliamentary government and democracy is yet another key feature for hidden string pulling, and to make sure that debts are paid.Meanwhile in Amsterdam, the Jews and merchants were reigned in by the Dutch Patriarchy. All profits from Bank of Amsterdam, belonged to the city. The message to the merchant class: make profits in commerce and industry, not by money changing games, or picking and culling, or by clipping coinage.The 1579 Treaty uniting Holland's northern provinces, ruled out religious persecution, article 13 allowed many Sephardic Jews (formerly kicked out of Spain) to settle, especially in Antwerp. The agreement eventually collapsed, and then Jews came directly from Portugal.Amsterdam's Jews were not made welcome in New Holland (the Americas) due to their deceitful practices and usual usury toward Christians. Governor Peter Stuyvesant tried to forbid settlement of Jews in New Amsterdam (New York) but the Dutch West Indies Corporation rejected his pleas.Note at this time, "companies" and the hidden stock owners/investors were already string pulling and controlling the polity. The Dutch West Indies Company wanted Jews in New York, especially before Wall Street was created.The very first Jew to arrive in New York was Asser Levy, who filed a law suit against a shipmate within a week of arrival. (Bloom: Economic Activities of Jews in Amsterdam). They cannot help themselves.Atlantacism, Parliamentary Government, Democracy, Debt Spreading, Creditor Dynamics are all part of the construct created by our (((friends))), as the merchant established himself onto the throne.For the new throne to be secured, that also meant narrative control. As early as 1617 a Jewish school in Amsterdam owned a printing press, to then spread disinformation, and to hold up the tribe. By 1743 there were 40 presses in Amsterdam, using language such as Greek, Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic, and even Chinese.The largest part of the "output" was RELIGIOUS and for export. The first English language newspaper was the "Courant," and was printed in Amsterdam, with Jewish hands.The Jewish press of Joseph Athias claimed to have printed so many bibles, that every young boy and woman in England might aspire to own one. This was obviously at huge expense to Amsterdam's Jews. Bloom puts it at around 1 million Athias Bibles printed.The other bible printer was Rabbi Manesseh Ben Israel, who began in 1627. Manesseh also had relations with Oliver Cromwell, and he led the operations to return Jews to England (to then get the BOE).From 1625 various seditious books were inserted into England, in English of course. These books were smuggled in, and attacked England's social order.1634- Flagellum Pantificum
Giraldi: A lie is a lie, but it is the ultimate irony when a government that is caught lying on a regular basis sets up an inquisition that seeks to identify and take action against ordinary citizens who are accused of spreading “disinformation.â€
Very interesting history, thanks.
For interested readers, a wide-ranging collection of historical information is at:
When Victims Rule
According to the Talmud, promises to gentiles don’t count.
Thanks for that thorough run-down on Israel’s ultimate gangster protection racket. This would help explain the thorough grip the Talmud mafia has on national leaders in the West. It dwarfs their Epstein sex blackmail style operations.
It’s ironic to cotemmplate that if we have a nuclear war it will be with Israel. But there are insane people who would rather go down in a blaze of “glory” than admit a mistake.
I read an article sometime back that there was team working on finding and neutralizing Israeli nukes in America. But I’ve seen nothing since on such a project.
I completely agree that all Israeli citizens should be barred from the US government, and especially from holding elected office. A thorough housecleaning is needed.
Today’s always at war anniversary:
“The Swiftsure class battleship HMS Triumph was supporting the landings at Gallipoli and was at anchor off Cape Helles, when she was attacked from close range by the German U-Boat U-21 (Kapitanleutnant Otto Hersing).
All it took to sink her 11.985 tons was one torpedo. Luckily she sank slowly and only 73 of the nearly 600 crew were lost.
Originally, she was built for the Chilean Navy and was named Libertad, but she was purchased in 1903 by the British Admiralty.
It is said that both the Australian and Turkish forces which had been fighting each(other) on the land stopped to watch her sink.
Read more at wrecksite: https://www.wrecksite.eu/wreck.aspx?454
While it is true that Jews have a greatly overweighted hand in censorship and all other aspects of the Deep State...do not absolve gentiles in their Deep State actions.Replies: @JWalters
It’s important to identify the Western oligarchs driving all this censorship as Talmudist supremacists.
(1) Because they are the only ones who would plausibly WANT to engineer WWIII.
(2) Because it’s the only way to explain the apparent mass irrationality of Western political leaders, including these direct attacks on the US Constitution.
(3) So it’s the only reliable way to avoid WWIII and restore a reasonable level of sanity to our political affairs.
The evidence for their role is overwhelming.
I fully agree on the guilt of the gentile accomplices. They also deserve to be brought to justice.
I tend to focus on the Talmud mafia because they are the principle drivers of the over-arching criminal enterprise. I’ll think about giving more attention to the gentile accomplices as well.
I don’t want to give excuses to pedants so I note that the key word was “disordered”. BTW, how do answer your own question about “transgressive” small powers? 5 Volumes dhould cover it. And what does your answer imply?
What part of that do you really think I disagree with?
Do you even know what the background of the Crimea issue is?
Just answer the question.
Yes. I am well aware of it. Do you want to go back before 1917? If not why not?
Are you using “disorderly’ as a ethnically term? If so in what context with what significance? (And how do you compare it,and its significance to the breakup of other empires e.g. at least 4 after WW1?).
Presumably you are trying (as your non legal, loose, word suggests) to substitute something for what the world has managed to build, imperfectly of a “rules based order”. So, who decides when the rules against attacking sovereignty nations is are to ignored. Obviously only those strong enough to put might before right. Yes? So it is OK for Russia to invade Ukraine as it would be for China to invade and takeover Taiwan – because (it believes) it has the power do do so without losing more than it gains? Right? Well what’s wrong then with a stronger power proving it wrong by force whether or not to uphold the law?
PS if you were suffering a ‘disorderly” family break up would you think it OK to rectify what you objected to by kidnapping the children and taking them out of the jurisdiction?
Agitspew issues forth daily but if you don’t stand directly IN the stream you won’t get dosed quite so badly LOL
These people are mentally incompetent and even if they were competent it would be beyond even computer-augmented capacity to censor effectively and ‘know it all’ for us. Dept. of Govt. Idiocy is more like it, and she’s the lead idiot.
1992: The two “warm bros” pay
their respect to (((Brigitte Mira)))
Masha Gessen is another Jewish gift from Russia in the right place (NYT) to destroy America from within.
The man with the runway on his head can read English from
the teleprompter. He says “Germans are pessimists” – but he
himself is an optimist! He affectionately calls his boss Klaus.
You should look up “anecdotal evidence”.
Who outside Ukraine is being compelled, or even encouraged, to fight there?
thats not the black witch i was asking for , reality always end up disapointing
Published! If this Hiltrud Gregoria beholds,
it smells of trouble in the cuddling basket!
Biden may be past his sell-by date, but nobody needs to puppeteer him, His hateful ideology is baked-in for decades. He supervised the Maidan coup, and before that was party to Obama’s “pivot to Asia.” We are helpless, just praying that Putin and Xi can land this craft w/o crashing.
THERE ARE tiny indications that US policy can be criticized. I would sorely love to rub certain former friends’ noses in Robby Mook’s testimony at the Sussman trial. I hope the truth will reach them. And there are a few good stories around the edges. Here’e one about how two Miami Jews got rich in Ukraine with gangster-oligarch Igor Kolomoisky.
Swiss banking leak shows how Miami Beach men tied to oligarch reaped a fortune in Ukraine
Sports are a completely different situation entirely in which only the young excel.
and Alex and Tom were 33 in an era when one died, on average, at 45.
Nazi propaganda came to use Siegfried “to symbo-
lize the qualities of healthy and virile German men.”
Oh dear-the Wizz is so despondent that his beloved Morrison regime was ejected, that he reveals himself to be an anthropogenic climate destabilisation denialist, the lowest form of hard Right reptile.
Here we meet the old conundrum-is the Wizz so stupid and pig ignorant that he disbelieves the facts regarding anthropogenic climate destabilisation, and the near certain destruction of human ‘civilization’ that it entails, or is he such a fanatic Rightist that he does not give a dam? The fate of humanity means NOTHING to him besides a pile of gelt garnered from flogging hydrocarbons to the world.
And then he ends with the deranged claim that ‘Russia’ interfered with the 2016 US election, despite there being NO proof of anything beyond one troll-farm, $100,000 in ads, half after the election, and many being nought but puppy pictures. Meanwhile his beloved USA interferes in the politics and society of virtually every country on Earth, always malignly. PS China has been the largest economy in PPP terms since 2014 and is by far the most productive economy on Earth. You, obviously, believe that financial parasitism, the US model, is best. You are an even more pernicious creature than I suspected.
Yes, the governments mocking us, the voting taxpaying people, is the insult that really stings. “Hubris”, as Paul Craig Roberts describes it so fittingly.
9/11 was the moment that changed my view on governments and “information”. I remember the flood of conflicting scenarios, technical details, theories and expert opinions. I had never seen such a flood before. It exhausted the public, made them insecure and afraid and distrustful, put them on edge. What should have culminated into large scale outcry and protest, fizzled out in an atmosphere of fatigue and disinterest. For many types in manipulative management and “humanities sciences”, this must have been an “Aha-Erlebnis”. Since then, i’ve noticed “muddywatering on purpose” and adding greatly to confusing information being used as tools to distract and confuse the public, and keep them from consolidating and organizing protest. We see the same today. New Asian Covid strains, monkey pox, baby formula, abortion, Musk and Jankowicz singing Poppins distract us from the big and really important events.
That’s why i agree with Philip Giraldi; this DHS disinformation fighting unit is merely put on hold. I have a suspicion that, while we focused in Nina’s TikTok cringefest, the DHS and NSA were pulling strings to get some really nepharious technology and related legislation going. Integrating more data taps in servers and developing deep fake footage are some examples. Imagine that mainstream media “truths” have the color red, and that real truths, brought to us by Philip Giraldi, Michael Hudson, Pepe Escobar, Gonzalo Lira, Max Blumenthal and scores of other true and brave reporters, have the color blue. Here at the Unz Review, us readers have learned to recognize the pure “blue” facts. But suppose that deep fake creators feed us “almost blue” truths with a little red mixed in, until there are so many shades of purple mix that we become fatigued and dulled and eventually become indifferent toward genuine information. We will eventually fail to see the difference.
The elite has seen that we were (statistically) more preoccupied with Nina’s behavior than with yet another degradation of our civil rights and privacies. I have a feeling that Nina Jankowicz was used to test us and then thrown away. No alphabet agency is so stupid as to choose such a remarkable candidate and throw away a whole new department just because of a bit of public discontentment. We’re tired, the grand total of relentless impulses and contradictions are becoming a bit too much. We’re nearly caving in and seek refuge in kitten videos, just to give our minds a break. They think they’re nearly there. Just a few more pushes and we’re meek and dulled as drugged zombies. That’s when they feel that they can use unhidden hubris toward us. We take it and don’t protest or fight back very much, do we?
The “Nazis” abhorred Jewish speech bubbles. https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive//superman.htm
If “Sigurd” had at least had Germanic mythology as its content.
Video Link
“The indications, however, are that Gantz wanted to just talk about Iran, and that’s what happened.†— quoted by RobinG
Possibly the conversation was about this:
“The United States will participate in Israel’s large scale drill simulating a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities as part of the broader Chariots of Fire exercise later this month, Channel 13 reported on Tuesday evening.
“According to the unsourced report, the US Air Force will serve as a complementary force, with refueling planes drilling with Israeli fighter jets as they simulate entering Iranian territory and carrying out repeated strikes.
“The unprecedented Israel-US aerial collaboration in a drill simulating a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities is seen as a potential message to Iran.” — Times of Israel
It’s not enough to poke the bear by sending Harpoon anti-ship missiles to the Ukies, so they can take potshots at Russia’s Black Sea fleet.
No, ‘we’ have to up the ante by colluding and conspiring with Israel on a potential unprovoked attack on Iran.
Instead of opposing Israel’s frequent, habitual bombing attacks on its neighbors, the US now offers logistical support for these regionally destabilizing provocations.
Neocon warmongers have taken over US foreign policy. ‘Biden’ is their mumbling, glaze-eyed sock puppet, as the America we knew swirls down the toilet bowl.
Oooh, big talk...eventually the FBI will drop them where they stand. The Deep State doesn't give a crap what your opinion is if it differs from theirs...they will not be denied.Replies: @GeneralRipper
A few assertive commenters basically said, So what, I will tell them F-off! and they will leave and that will be the end of it. I hope these assertive F-off! commenters are right, and I respect their viewpoint, but I think they are wrong.
Oooh, big talk…eventually the FBI will drop them where they stand.
Says Grampa Simpson from his old age home, with a pissed soaked Depends.
And of course if /when American men with 100X the balls of sick old pussy like you, do decide to resist and pay with their lives, your kind will call them stupid. That is typical of your kind.
You’re going to Hell old man. It can’t happen soon enough.
BTW, “Big Talk” would be an excellent username for you…lol
“The second Gutenberg”, little honored by America.
a perfect diagnosis, doctor
I think the fundamental problem is that as so often, the Left has rigged the debate by picking the terms.
Who could possibly be for ‘misinformation’? And yet, ‘misinformation’ has always been with us: the sun rotates around the earth, the Pope is the Antichrist, ‘this is a great car!’
Your brother loves you. Falsehoods are with us — inevitably, continuously, blatantly. In fact, I dare say you can’t have free speech without them.
…which is more or less the idea. ‘Misinformation’ is a term that implicitly legitimizes censorship. You can’t say what you wish — not if someone decides it’s ‘misinformation.’
Hate to bug you but here’s the truth. You may not be the stupidest person in the world, but you are the stupidest kind of person there is. Someone who vaguely knows something and strings words and ideas together in a way that does not make a shred of sense.
Now let me ask you, in the arc of world history, what case could you make for the idea that small nations can be the most transgressive because they see themselves as having no stake in the trouble they brew up over their unreasonable positions? What I see happening is that Ukraine has a leadership which does not want to make concessions to the fact that the dissolution of the Soviet Union was a disordered process.
I’m going to tell you straight out, the path to peace goes through the Crimea. Do you even know what the background of the Crimea issue is?
Just answer the question.
Yes. I am well aware of it. Do you want to go back before 1917? If not why not?
Do you even know what the background of the Crimea issue is?
Just answer the question.
China & Iran – two ancient cultures with an ancient relationship.
China will protect Iran no matter what, according to official China.
Russia & Syria – two ancient cultures with a long relationship.
Russia is supporting Syria… Syria has put aside 20 battalions to throw anytime into Jewkraine.
Russia & the Jew – two hundred years of sufferings for Russians (and Prussians).
Last week Israel announced open support and weapons for Jewkraine…
Technology, Democracy, and Winning the Information war has been baked into the cake since the very first parliamentary government was invented.https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2011/12/michael-hudson-debt-and-democracy-has-the-link-been-broken.htmlSince the Renaissance, however, bankers have shifted their political support to democracies. This did not reflect egalitarian or liberal political convictions as such, but rather a desire for better security for their loans. As James Steuart explained in 1767, royal borrowings remained private affairs rather than truly public debts. For a sovereign’s debts to become binding upon the entire nation, elected representatives had to enact the taxes to pay their interest charges.By giving taxpayers this voice in government, the Dutch and British democracies provided creditors with much safer claims for payment than did kings and princes whose debts died with them. But the recent debt protests from Iceland to Greece and Spain suggest that creditors are shifting their support away from democracies. They are demanding fiscal austerity and even privatization sell-offs.What Hudson doesn't say, is that it was our (((friends))) who agitated for "freedom of religion" so they could practice their usury methods. It was our (((friends))) who had the piles of gold won at usury on the Haibaru caravan routes. It was our (((friends))) who invented all the stock market tricks (700 Unlicensed Sephardic Jews in Amsterdam's Stock Market) that we use today. The first incorporated towns where debts could be spread onto a population were in the Lowlands. The first parliamentary governments were created to rubber stamp the debt spreading. Jews immigrating from lowlands to Antwerp set up a "wissell" bank," changing money and discounting bills of exchange, taking deposits and making loans. This caused exchanges to be disorderly with high rates. In 1609, Amsterdam's city fathers stepped in and created the bank of Amsterdam, which was a bank of deposit (does not create money), and FORBADE JEWS and all others from banking.It took only about 90 years of maneuver, to then create a private bank of issue to control and entire country, the Bank of England.Part of creating the BOE bank of issue, to then control a country, and eventually the western world, was also narrative control via the press. Parliamentary government and democracy is yet another key feature for hidden string pulling, and to make sure that debts are paid.Meanwhile in Amsterdam, the Jews and merchants were reigned in by the Dutch Patriarchy. All profits from Bank of Amsterdam, belonged to the city. The message to the merchant class: make profits in commerce and industry, not by money changing games, or picking and culling, or by clipping coinage.The 1579 Treaty uniting Holland's northern provinces, ruled out religious persecution, article 13 allowed many Sephardic Jews (formerly kicked out of Spain) to settle, especially in Antwerp. The agreement eventually collapsed, and then Jews came directly from Portugal.Amsterdam's Jews were not made welcome in New Holland (the Americas) due to their deceitful practices and usual usury toward Christians. Governor Peter Stuyvesant tried to forbid settlement of Jews in New Amsterdam (New York) but the Dutch West Indies Corporation rejected his pleas.Note at this time, "companies" and the hidden stock owners/investors were already string pulling and controlling the polity. The Dutch West Indies Company wanted Jews in New York, especially before Wall Street was created.The very first Jew to arrive in New York was Asser Levy, who filed a law suit against a shipmate within a week of arrival. (Bloom: Economic Activities of Jews in Amsterdam). They cannot help themselves.Atlantacism, Parliamentary Government, Democracy, Debt Spreading, Creditor Dynamics are all part of the construct created by our (((friends))), as the merchant established himself onto the throne.For the new throne to be secured, that also meant narrative control. As early as 1617 a Jewish school in Amsterdam owned a printing press, to then spread disinformation, and to hold up the tribe. By 1743 there were 40 presses in Amsterdam, using language such as Greek, Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic, and even Chinese.The largest part of the "output" was RELIGIOUS and for export. The first English language newspaper was the "Courant," and was printed in Amsterdam, with Jewish hands.The Jewish press of Joseph Athias claimed to have printed so many bibles, that every young boy and woman in England might aspire to own one. This was obviously at huge expense to Amsterdam's Jews. Bloom puts it at around 1 million Athias Bibles printed.The other bible printer was Rabbi Manesseh Ben Israel, who began in 1627. Manesseh also had relations with Oliver Cromwell, and he led the operations to return Jews to England (to then get the BOE).From 1625 various seditious books were inserted into England, in English of course. These books were smuggled in, and attacked England's social order.1634- Flagellum Pantificum
Giraldi: A lie is a lie, but it is the ultimate irony when a government that is caught lying on a regular basis sets up an inquisition that seeks to identify and take action against ordinary citizens who are accused of spreading “disinformation.â€
You should edit your comment history here on Unz (and other sites) into a book – Unz stylie.
In fact, you can take that as a humble request! I have no doubt it’s a book I would read more than once.
Thank you for your very informative comment, which I will now read again.
Fond regards,
Another idiot who thinks he understands the Bible but doesn’t really have a clue. “Neighbor” in the Bible means “one who is near to you”, not “everyone on the planet”. And Jesus’ answer to the lawyer’s question “Who is my neighbor?” is “Good Samaritans are your neighbors”, not “guys in ditches are your neighbors”. Study more or hang it up.
– The imaging used by cons should be seen as what it is, and people still aren’t getting it. The cons are masculine force scheming, using femy cover tactic. Note the clothes etc on this person, jacket left purposely ‘open’ and chest skin exposed, ‘black’ ‘lace’ type undershirt, cosmetics, earrings. Conjured photo to distract from the schemes.
Have to see the con tactics, masculine brain twisting schemes – using fake femy cover.
What I find disturbing is that none of these authoritarian pukebags has been taken out. The anger and hate against these evil creatures is visceral and larger than it has been in a long time, yet… nothing. Not even a potshot. Just the occasional attack on do nothing GOPers by a leftist asset, maybe just to send a message.
No one’s security can be that good when you see photos of these devils out and about at restaurants or other public places. It almost makes one believe in things like Project Looking Glass or some other conspiracy theory that says the government has future predicting tech.
Departments of Justice, Treasury, Homeland Security and State are all extensions of Israeli control of the US Government apparatus. James Angleton brought the Mossad into the CIA in the 1950s when he first warmed up to their particular brand of “skills” and absence of ethical entanglements. They now in fact – are the intelligence community. What once was a “crackpot” notion of calling the Federal Government the ZOG or Zionist Occupational Government is now obvious and manifest. It took about 100 years in total, to seize power completely. Our fate as a nation was sealed when Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act and turned the nation’s wealth over to five family – four of which are Jewish, all residing in Europe at the time.
Maine was a United States Navy ship that sank in Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898, contributing to the outbreak of the Spanish–American War in April.
Two months – not exactly a casus belli
American newspapers, engaging in yellow journalism to boost circulation, claimed that the Spanish were responsible for the ship’s destruction.
It was William Randoph Hearst and his minions in the press, not the Government.
The question becomes whether and to what extent the successor to the now paused Disinformation Governance Board will attempt to apply similar standards to Americans.
It seems to me that they’re putting this misinformation board together in order to have it functional for the election in November.
Similar to the convergence of the censors to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop information, the Misinformation Board will act wholly unconstitutionally to block all attacks against democrats in the run up to the election, only to concede some “mistakes†after the election.
In the short term, this is clearly an election fraud too being set up for a test run before November.
As an American, I’ve always been interested in how the revolution went wrong, and how the U.S. became parasitized.
Benjamin Franklin, for all of his genius, was a bit naïve.
Benjamin would float ideas before the “people” in advance of bills being submitted for vote. This would “prepare the minds” of the public. In other words, Franklin actually thought that easily duped populations voting for bills was OK, as long as their minds were prepared.
Franklin, at a very young age wrote the Do Good letters, to then program normies on how to behave, how to be good. He also promoted nationalism, and was against big government (debt spreading) England.
In Franklin’s autobiography, he discusses his Juntos, which were a collection of learned men, who would then use their wisdom, to come up with government initiatives, and then use Franklin’s press to prepare minds.
So, Franklin knew full well that the press and narrative control was a key feature of government.
Probably Franklin did not have enough warnings on the Jew. A Junto, where a group of wise men look out for the general public, is not possible when there are parasites buzzing around; parasites who are intent on infiltration, to self aggrandize for their in-group.
The entire history of the Americas is one of settlers building towns, and then along comes some (((carpet baggers))) intent on establishing a press. Borrowing money from your cousins in wall street is a simple matter, to then establish narrative control over the town. Soon enough the Jew is subtly influencing normies, so they can be debt attached and extracted from. The Goy then begins virtue signaling for his master in something like Stockholm syndrome. To a Jew it is just Milking the cows.
Here is a case of Farnsworth going up against a big jew, Sarnoff:
Philo Farnsworth hadn’t had much of a choice. He needed money in order to pursue his invention, and that was the only offer on the table. Investing in television would seem like a no-brainer today, but at its birth in Farnsworth head (1922) it was considered an extremely risky investment – not only had inventors been chasing the dream (and spending money) for over two decades, but they still hadn’t adequately answered the question of whether anyone really wanted it enough to pay for it.
Our (((friends))) understood the need for control over the airwaves. They had already spent considerable effort to consolidate AM radio stations. Spending big on TV is necessary when you are a creditor class trying to milk the cows.
The press was manipulated by controlling newspaper editors, or outright owning newspapers. Owning newspapers in New York, the seat of American finance capitalism, was especially important.
The first Am radio was by 1912, then mass production by 1920. Then attempts at consolidation of AM, by the usual characters. Obviously they didn’t want to lose their cat-bird seat.
Then there was the Farnsworth TV threat, while almost simultaneously there was emergence of the FM Yankee network.
Farnsworth TV threat was dealt with by Sanhedrin lawfare tactics; Farnsworth was locked up in litigation. The FM threat was dealt with by harassing Armstrong and slowing the emergence of FM till it could be controlled.
The emergence of the internet was dealt with by consolidating to one gateway, America Online AOL, early 1990 to merger with Time Warner around 2000.
Then the internet broke out of Jew centralized control, and then consolidation attempts again under CFR agent Bill Clinton, i.e. the 1996 Telecommunications act.
The 96 act allowed owned media cross directorates to form, but the Internet is still a threat with non curated news break outs unfriendly to the “creditor class.”
So, the ministry of truth is just one more event in a long series of Jew events accelerating with the invention of the printing press.
I predict DeSandis will run and become the GOP nominee.
Russia can have Ukraine…said almost every 20 something white guy I’ve casually discussed Ukraine with. No one wants their sons to go die in that godforsaken dump.
You seem like you can grab a rifle and go. So go.
Maryam Rajavi gives much of her speech in English.
May, 2022
Mike Pompeo speech to MEK in Albania. (Will he run in 2024?)