In other words, The Great Replacement is revenge for The Holocaust. (((They))) are taking it out on all White people, now!
Another irony is that we Whites are being replaced by a people who doubt The Holocaust happened at all, and hence cannot be guilt tripped so easily. I am speaking of the Muslim Arab immigrants, of course. And they, among other things, deny it with impunity!
Perhaps, all is lost. Perhaps, this is the actual end of The White Race. Oddly, the Blacks and Browns cannot take much glee in it for long. After all, do to all the miscegenation they will not exist in pure form either. All will be of an almost uniform brown, like in the Indian subcontinent. But, the lighter browns will lord it over the darker browns.
Intriguingly, there is Nationalism for the Israeli Jews, but Globalism for the Goyim. The Jews should consider very carefully whether they really want White Goyim to be bred out of existence. There would be then a Brown Mass which they only think that they can control.
Thought-provoking nevertheless, and the writer does get some points for style. That said, these days, anything other than action could be construed as ‘passé’, surely?
Might I suggest some Kalergi as additional reading, sir?
The idea that the controlling elites want to create an indistinguishable homogeneous mass of consumers is a big red herring.
Why would these elites want any number of useless eaters milling around when they already have all the resources and automation they need to feed their ever growing appetites.
They simply want to eradicate 90+% of their useless eaters.
If you were an elite breathing the rarified air that they do, you would want the same thing.
“What is called for, it seems, is a return to the ancient convictions that beings possess intrinsic and unalterable “natures,†that there are inherent limits on the human ability to transform them, and that we attempt to transgress those limits at our peril.”
Just another “silly”thought 🤔:
Instead of a “return” to _anything_, how about an _advancement_ to the idea (reality, actually), that all humans are individually unique in everyway, and deserve to live their lives in total freedom just as long as they do not initiate aggression (via governments,or by other means), against others?
For example: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ” ( US Declaration of Independence. 1776)
Song ” Live Free or Die”:
Video Link
Regards, onebornfree
The elite project is coming to fruition, complete control over the world…you will own nothing and be happy…of course they will own and control everything…life and death, breeding, who is wealthy, who is a worker etc…etc.
This was all accomplished by moulding the brain of the masses through entertainment and to only think a certain way. Group cohesion was smashed using money and multiculturalism, and now the final resistance is being smashed with Russia, their war will never end and it looks like China has being playing a double game.
Outdated article by an outdated author ( hint : outdated site like amren ).
About an outdated, old and cowardly homosexual who writes pilpul about outdated Philosophers ( who gives a shit about Heidegger ) , it’s so passé… Like the french ” new-right ” .
The only interesting fact, this author, like Camus, like Amren never name the (( elephant in the room )).
You are wrong. In the Bible, the root of all evil iS ENVY. don’t distort texts to reflect your own envy.
“Mr. Camus suggests, furthermore, that speaking of the “theory†of the Great Replacement is like speaking of the “theory†of the gas chambers” or the “theory†that the US where on the Moon or the “theory†of anthropogenic climate warming etc., could one say, if you know what I mean…
No. Wrong.
It is not the “great replacement.” It is rather “the great impoverishment.” The rich are forcing in vast numbers of the surplus population of the miserable third world for one reason: to drive wages and living standards down for the many, and rents and profits up for the few.
Follow the money. When the rich enact policies that make themselves even richer, at the expense of making everyone else poorer, any suggestion that this involves morality or culture or ethics etc. must be rejected with outrage.
When a handful of wealthy white plantation owners in the pre-civil war American South brought in all those African slaves, did they seek to ‘enrich’ the south? Did they perhaps hate blacks? Rubbish! They loved only money.
The Bible tells us that the LUST for money is the root of all evil. I would be more specific: the LUST for the easy profits of cheap labor is the root of perhaps 95% of the evil in the world.
” … he sold his soul too many times.”
Yes, well, as I said, he’s not perfect like you are, O Perfect One.
It matters because his admirers see him as unique and different.
The fact is he played it as dirty as the rest and spread tons of lies.
Perception vs Fact.
Was/is Buchanan better than most? Yes.
But he sold his soul too many times.
” … carried too much filthy water for crooks … that made him a gangster.”
Yeah, well, I guess we’re not all perfect like you are.
The problem is people see Buchanan as a man of principles when he carried too much filthy water for crooks.
I get it. He was being a team player, but that made him a gangster.
” … he praises Nixon …”
Well, duh. That’s what he was there to do. Nixon was the best we could get at the time.
Whining about the past from a standpoint of 20/20 hindsight is really quite petty, don’t you think? I think it is.
“Oliver North was a detestable scumbag.”
Who the fuck cares? When are you people going to get serious?
“Was he the one who changed, or was [it] the world around him?”
It was both. That’s to be expected. People aren’t static, and neither is the world.
“Has he ever showed any regret for his early position during the Cold War?”
Why should he show regret? His position was the right one. If the nation had sided with him instead of being more or less indifferent, commie Jews wouldn’t have taken over the universities and given us cultural Marxism, Critical Race Theory, mass nonwhite immigration, unwarranted sympathy for black criminals, BLM, Antifa, etc.
” … perhaps you can provide some evidence that he changed in any way along all those years.”
I’ve already shown how he turned on the Jews. Read his books if you want to know more.
In his take on the Southern Strategy, he praises Nixon for desegregating schools.
Nixon was a deeply compromised man, and Buchanan threw in his lot with him.
Oliver North was a detestable scumbag
Was he the one who changed, or was the world around him? Has he ever showed any regret for his early position during the Cold War? I simply assumed that he was and is always the same, except that after the demise of the Soviet Union and the turning of China into a capitalist country he saw no reason to keep getting involved in foreign wars. And aside from that, I also assumed he was always a white supremacist (rather than a white nationalist, who wants a country for whites only), but he only made it explicit when he perceived the U.S. policies and culture to be harmful to the white race.
But of course I have read only a small fraction of his writings, so perhaps you can provide some evidence that he changed in any way along all those years.
I watched the video. Buchanan does not justify America’s imperial role in Vietnam. He praises Nixon for getting us out of that war. As for Israel, he is just listing off Nixon’s accomplishments as people would have seen them at the time. Later on, Buchanan would complain that Congress was nothing more than an “amen corner” for the Israeli Knesset.
As for Oliver North, the Democrats were using him to try and destroy Reagan’s presidency. Would you rather have had the Democrats in control? Then you would have gotten the worst of all possible worlds – the support for Israel you complain about, the imperialism you complain about, and antiwhiteism to boot.
There is a reason why the uniformly Democrat South turned Republican, thanks to Nixon’s Southern Strategy, which the Democrats raged about, calling him a racist.
Then there was Spiro Agnew, who made no secret of his anti-Jewish sentiments after he lost his vice-presidency. And Nixon’s comments on the Jews, captured on the White House tapes.
I think you’re talking about the Buchanan of the 1970s and 1980s.
Buchanan evolved and become a white nationalist.
He attacked the Jews and paid the price for doing that.
He became an isolationist, opposing all wars that weren’t defensive.
Far from being a sell-out or “compromised”, he was the first opposition with a national following.
WRAP-UP AT THE CASTLE: A Trump Landslide? Brimelow, Harrison Smith, Derbyshire, Sailer, Woods, Taylor.
VDARE's April 28 Conference Panel Video @Steve_Sailer @KeithWoodsYT @HarrisonHSmith— VDARE (@vdare) June 6, 2024
VDARE EDITOR Peter Brimelow writes: We’ve finally gotten around to posting our VDARE Conference’s Sunday morning wrap-up panel, held April 28. Hey, it’s worth waiting for. And this is metapolitics!
Buchanan was too much of an insider and player.
In the video, he defends Oliver North. Buchanan was obliged to.
Buchanan calls for ‘republic, not an empire’ but then justifies America’s imperial role in Vietnam.
Buchanan also praised Nixon for favoring Israel.
Do tell. Care to elaborate?
[GTK Radio – Debate – “Is It Too Late to Save White America?” – Jared Taylor & Greg Johnson – Jun 9, 2024 – Transcript]
[Cover Image]
[In this livestream episode Frodi Midjord host a debate/discussion with Jared Taylor and Greg Johnson on “Is it too late to save White America?â€
Buchanan was also compromised.
A 2013 PRRI survey was done on libertarian opinions involving various political topics. It rated views on immigrants 1 to 100 with 1 being cool and 100 being warm. Among the general public the rating was 56, indicating warm attitudes towards immigrants. Among libertarians the rating was 43, somewhat cooler. This should not be surprising, since this same survey found 94% of libertarians were non-Hispanic Whites and most immigrants now are non-Whites.
This same survey also found that more libertarians vote for the Republican party than for the Democrat or Libertarian party. The Libertarian party is not representative of the views of the average libertarian.
At the DNA level, Ashkenazi Jews are mainly Europan. They have their own story, for sure, but it’s pretty obvious they’re a mainly white group – more white than they’d like to be.
The sociopolitical and sociobiological explanation for why upscale women adopt black children is pretty simple. If they adopted white children, they would have to face up to the institutional and legal barriers our present system puts before whites who are affuent, and let me explain.
Well-off people have no problem with providing their own children with an end run around these barriers. It is the natural order of things for parents and extended families to do this, so they can do so without needing to recognize that these barriers exist. If they adopted some American white kid from the lower orders, they would have to recognioze what they were doing, which is giving one kid a way out of ciurcumstances all others live under. Except them, of course.
All these people are really doing is buying a few generation of tine for their own class before the wolfpack descends on them. I think they see it, actually, but if you don’t confront it, it stays in the back of your head, where it’s out of sight and out of mind.
The word Jew is very vague
Agree and it risks both oversimplifying and hurting at least some allies.
“Zionist” covers the ground better. Where I’m at there are few Jews and loads of Christian Zionists, the one form of mammalian biped lower than insects. They infest the whole of Red State USA and it’s probably safe to say extreme nut liberals and perverts are less dangerous.
When you say Zionist you refer to the religious nuts who believe too much and political and corporate lice who support it for the money.
It’s a case of hating people for what they do irrespective of what they are which aligns with what Western man is good at anyway.
You start off by saying he had no direct connection to what is now the USA, and then end with claiming he was mentally ill and shaped our country. So which is it? No reason to keep reading your ignorant trash beyond the first sentence, but I did. So don't worry, I will keep fileting your body of work. He did set foot in North America, on an island. He was searching for the New World. He found it. That is the direct connection to what would become the USA, probably via your slave trade, etc.
Good to remember that Columbus has no direct connection to what is now the United States. He never set foot in North America...mentally ill people such as Columbus have played in the shaping of our country
Well duh, he was already dead. For over a century.
The Anglo-American colonies began over a century later in land he never saw.
The Protestant settlers there would have had nothing but contempt for an Italian Papist in any case.Strong projection that has nothing to do with subject matter. He probably would have had contempt for protestant settlers, but protestant settlers were too retarded and busy killing each other in the old world. They wouldn't arrive to the New World to kill each other some more until hundred plus years later.
“I guess you can surmise that Protestants hear voices from God, and they just kill their neighbors for hundreds of years, or float around the world as pirates biting the ankle of the Armada for gold. (Protestants don’t actually communicate with God, they worship idols like false pastors and rattlesnakes at the revival, which is why they didn’t find the New World for over hundreds of years later).”
In reply to one unreasonable and unfair attack you make another unreasonable and unfair attack.
In the meantime, the Jew laughs at the goyim fighting with each other.
To answer Taylor’s question “can the US be our home again?” we have to look to history.
It took 3 centuries for Italy to restore its independence from the Fall of the City-State of Florence to the King Victorio Emanuele II proclaimed Rome the capital of the Kingdom of Italy. It is the self destructiveness of not only its elite class aligned with the Knowledge Class but also with the Fundamentalist Christian Zionists and the Working Class who preach loving their captors, enslavers and brainwashers and mutilators of their own children.
Your bigoted jewish screed jumps around and makes no sense.
Good to remember that Columbus has no direct connection to what is now the United States. He never set foot in North America…mentally ill people such as Columbus have played in the shaping of our country
You start off by saying he had no direct connection to what is now the USA, and then end with claiming he was mentally ill and shaped our country. So which is it? No reason to keep reading your ignorant trash beyond the first sentence, but I did. So don’t worry, I will keep fileting your body of work.
He did set foot in North America, on an island. He was searching for the New World. He found it. That is the direct connection to what would become the USA, probably via your slave trade, etc.
The Anglo-American colonies began over a century later in land he never saw.
Well duh, he was already dead. For over a century.
The Protestant settlers there would have had nothing but contempt for an Italian Papist in any case.
Strong projection that has nothing to do with subject matter. He probably would have had contempt for protestant settlers, but protestant settlers were too retarded and busy killing each other in the old world. They wouldn’t arrive to the New World to kill each other some more until hundred plus years later.
Curious in your kook rant with your sourced book, YOU ALSO LEFT OUT THAT DIVINE INSPIRATION FROM THE LORD IS WHAT GOT HIM TO CROSS THE ATLANTIC AND FIND THE NEW WORLD. I guess you can surmise that Protestants hear voices from God and they just kill their neighbors for hundreds of years, or float around the world as pirates biting the ankle of The Armada for gold. (Protestants don’t actually communicate with God, they worship idols like false pastors and rattlesnakes at the revival, which is why they didn’t find the New World for over hundreds of years later)
I meant more in the sense of Orania, no government involvement, not even state. Reclaim lost regional identities in stead of being part of the shapeless mass and not necessarily succession or coming into direct conflict with government.
It is no longer possible for me to speak or write of America in the 1st-person. Grammatically, I now can only refer to America and Americans in the 2nd and 3rd-person.
This is not a product of some deliberate or reflexive anti-American shtick. No. It is a consequence of how foolish I sound to myself when I speak or write of America in the 1st-person. That is 1st-person no longer accurately reflects my relationship to the geopolitical entity known as the USA, nor its relationship to me. It is low-fidelity.
While I am certainly not drawing a comparison between the America of the late 1970s – early 1980s and the America today, Ronald Reagan once said something very interesting that further illustrates this point, albeit within a milder context. When asked by a reporter why he had left the Democratic party to become a Republican, Reagan replied that he didn’t leave the Democratic party, the Democratic party had left him.
These are deep cognitive-linguistic shifts. Perceptive, intelligent people will adjust their language to more accurately reflect their circumstances. And even more importantly, what is immediately conscious for such people is certain to be unconscious for millions more – and in any case, with the commensurate behavioral ramifications soon to follow.
Ya’ll catch my drift? This ain’t going to end well.
The Powers-That-Be should be paying attention. But they won’t. Or is it that they just can’t?
The states are no longer much different from one another on the main political issues. All local state governments tow the federal line as they are dependent on federal tax dollars, it’s been fixed that way.
Dependence on federal money for critical sectors of local economies (social security, agricultural and industry subsidies etc.) is what keeps the “union” together. Even if a state was permitted to cede from the union, it would be initially economically devastated, that would cut to close to the bone for most of it’s members.
Orania is a great example of a working solution, however it took extreme circumstances to birth it and only in a place that nobody else wanted.
“Anyone who has even the remotest chance of winning the presidency or ever had in the past was bought and paid for in advance. The people’s vote does not matter.”
This “truism” needs to be put to bed once and for all.
All the pro-white candidates I listed threw their hat into the ring, and the white majority had the opportunity to vote for them but didn’t.
“The word ‘Jew’ is very vague.”
No, it isn’t. A Jew is anyone who calls himself a Jew and is accepted as such by other Jews.
In Southern Africa(there are also whites in Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe) people tribalize, so many whites will also. I’m thinking about starting to use Boer instead of Afrikaner. The Afrikaans language will inevitably become more inclusive, it is the most commercially successful indigenous language in South Africa, so it is good at merchandizing itself to nonwhites as well.
Whites in the US may want to do something similar. Scale down from being American to being Texans, Virginians, etc., pre-Civil War nations or groups. Something not everyone in the US could aspire to. The idea is to form a cultural barrier against your government, harmful modern culture and racial assimilation into the “melting pot”.
The correct analysis and prescription is that the decline of Whites and the West is due mainly to genetic deterioration which is solvable by eugenics were that to be politically practicable.
Before Westerners’ Industrial Revolution, which reduced youth mortality from 50% to today’s less than 1%, the richer / higher-IQ half of the population had fewer babies but more descendants than the poorer / lower-IQ half, because poor children died at higher rates than rich children. This was eugenic and had gone on since time immemorial.
The richer / higher-IQ half still have fewer babies today but now also have fewer descendants because we have the medicine and technology to save nearly all babies/children. This is dysgenic and is unprecedented in all of human history.
Another, probably more important, aspect of our Industrial Revolution, is that it has enabled far greater ease of travel, which means that White parents are usually much more genetically distant than they used to be five or more centuries ago – too genetically distant.
This within-race outbreeding means that White children and adults tend to be less loyal to, or alienated from, their family, community, country, race, etc. than nonWhites, and explains perhaps most of the the lack of White race solidarity and thus pushback against jewish and other nonWhite attacks in White countries.
For further details on the genetics, see the work of Professor Edward Dutton and Woodley of Menie, among others.
Well Jared, it is time to burn this mothereffer to the ground.
I am not turning over crap to those people.
You nailed it.
I didn’t. I thought the ever-cheerful and positive Mr. Taylor would have a plan.
Black pills all around.
Anyone who has even the remotest chance of winning the presidency or ever had in the past was bought and paid for in advance. The people’s vote does not matter.
The word Jew is very vague, it’s so easy to say “Jew” instead of typing out a few more words. A more specific wording would be Talmudic Zionist Jews. Just saying “Jews” doesn’t narrow it down.
People can see many of those that claim to be Jews have pale white skin without a semitic tone, so the definition of semitism doesn’t match and a claim of anti semitism no longer works.
Agree and it risks both oversimplifying and hurting at least some allies.
The word Jew is very vague
If you were in the Army, you know the greatest liability any frontline American combat unit has is the blacks in its ranks with Hispanics vying for that position. So much bitterness from these blacks and Hispanics despite every minority, plus women, being given wildly unmerited preferment by the Pentagon over more qualified white males from training and assignment to promotion, and that’s for a lifetime career in the military.
Only a jackass among America’s young white men proud to be wasted as cannon fodder would ever consider joining the military, and doubling the insult by risking his life for Israel, an enemy that has nearly officially announced it will throw the US under the bus once it’s military and economy are exhausted fighting for Greater Israel.
And, yes, it is more than strange that Jared Taylor will not mention the role of the Jews in subverting Legacy America for the past seventy-five years and more. Recently published correspondence between Brandeis and Frankfurter make it clear the most important Jews in America were planning the utter destruction of the United States going all the way back to 1930.
If whites had their own interests at heart, they would have elected the following candidates for president:
1860: John C. Breckinridge instead of Abraham Lincoln.
1912: William Howard Taft instead of Woodrow Wilson.
1916: Henry Ford instead of Woodrow Wilson.
1940: Robert A. Taft instead of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1944: Gerald L.K. Smith instead of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1948: Gerald L.K. Smith or Strom Thurmond instead of Harry Truman.
1952: Robert A. Taft instead of Dwight D. Eisenhower
1956: Gerald L.K. Smith instead of Dwight D. Eisenhower
1960: Orval Faubus instead of John F. Kennedy
1964: George Wallace instead of Lyndon B. Johnson
1968: George Wallace or Lester Maddox instead of Richard M. Nixon
1972: George Wallace, Lester Maddox or John G. Schmitz instead of Richard M. Nixon.
1976: Lester Maddox instead of Jimmy Carter.
1984: Bob Richards instead of Ronald Reagan.
1988: David Duke instead of George H.W. Bush.
1992: David Duke instead of Bill Clinton.
1996: Patrick J. Buchanan instead of Bill Clinton.
2000: Patrick J. Buchanan instead of George W. Bush.
2004: Michael Peroutka instead of George W. Bush.
2008: Chuck Baldwin instead of Barack Obama.
2012: Virgil Goode instead of Barack Obama.
2016: Darrell Castle instead of Donald Trump.
2020: Don Blankenship instead of Joe Biden.
Taylor assumes Jews are white, but he’s wrong. Jews are Semitic and instinctively anti-white. Jews comprise 2 percent of the U.S. population. That means there are fewer whites in America now than Mr. Taylor claims.
We all know about RINO’s. Republicans In Name Only. We need a name for white traitors.
I suggest WINO’s. White’s In Name Only. The WINO-In-Chief currently is Donald Jewdass Rump.
A bankrupt piece of garbage who was saved from bankruptcy (no want wanted to lend this ego maniacal loser a dime). Then a Rothschild came along and bailed his jewdass out. He became the Resident of the Jewnited Sodomite States of Amermongrels.
What his MAGGOT WINO dupes didn’t know was that he had no interest in serving his white voters but like a trans Killary Clinton with a penis he served only his jewish masters.
So, who are these WINO’s?
Most are media psy oped zombies that Paul Craig Roberts has dubbed the insouciant masses.
Then there are white Christians, Communists, Freak Mason’s and the brotherhood of man deluded zealots who don’t realize that other races are only loyal to and fight for their own race with a few exceptions such as avaricious traitors who sellout their own people.
Yet others can be persuaded by bribery or blackmail to betray their own race.
Then there are just as dangerous whites who deny that their even is a white race. Of course black Africans, Latinos and Asians laugh their asses off at useful idiots like EMJ.
Last but not least are flagrant white traitors who knowingly sell out their entire white race for a job, profit, fame and or power. Politicians, Corporate executives, actors, writers, scientists….
White people must now make a choice between patriotism to suborned authoritarian regimes that now hate and fear their own white citizens or fight this tyranny for white nation states. You Have A Right To Fight To Be White!
Betteridge’s law.
“they will only create another war.”
Indeed and that’s apparently fine with them to? here’s Grenville Clarke:
“Perhaps it may take a few nuclear bombs and several million deaths.”
And Joseph Clarke:
“The people will follow when the leaders tell them there is no alternative.”
When all is said and done really it all comes down to money pure and simple and America had more of it than any other nation in the entire world and why or how?
Marine General Smedley Butler 1881- 1940}
who referred to himself as little more than “a high-class muscle man for Big Business, Wall Street and the bankers.â€
“I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.†{War is a Racket 1935}
Dr. C. M. Ward:
America which has 1/3rd of the worlds population uses up something like 87% of the worlds resources.”
This problem is long term and many sided. #1 Feminism, an example is the refusal to have children because of lifestyle choice, money, suitable men, or my favorite, the”climate”. If white women are the smallest percentage of women on the planet, and we’re told that overpopulation is harming the climate, then explain to me how the climate can be saved if only white women stop having children. I believe this is why the term dumb cunt was invented.#2 Miscegenation, we can thank the mass media for this one. Famous women adopting black babies like its a fad. Hey average women, you’re not madonna or one of the other freaks who have money. Now your stuck raising some thugs baby because you thought it was the cool thing to do. Again, dumb cunt. #3 Tech, a small example is the obsession with cell phones. Let me ask everyone a question. When was the last time you left home without your cell phone? Are you an emergency surgeon on call? Try it once a week, taste freedom again if only for a little while. Has everyone noticed that young people are addicted to their cells? If I see one more parent letting a toddler play with their phone I’m going to scream. You wouldn’t give them cigarettes, or narcotics, but you let them play with something just as addictive. #4, HartCellar should be rescinded along with anchor babies. This law was a devious plan from the beginning and its time to put it down. #5, Traitors in government. Well, we know what should happen to them. #6, Too many to mention, sorry.
But the question is WHY do Whites behave self-destructively? The answers are in a book here at TUR – Erectus Walks Amongst Us, in the “controversial” HTMLs. Some readers, adherents of the firm of Yahweh & Son, will reject the author’s conclusions. IF religious fantasies are put on hold, however, the conclusions are unfortunately undeniable.
Enjoy your pensions* and your retirement in the coming Brazil high-on-bath-salts country, all you white cops, federal agents, government functionaries, corporate and business leaders, C-Suiters, et al., who did either nothing, and/or went along with it and/or took a knee or conspired with them because you’d think it would benefit you. �
Saudi Arabia will no longer sell oil in dollars. There is now NOTHING of value backing the dollar. Every fiat currency eventually goes to zero, there are no exceptions. The system is collapsing. Prepare.
White people will get their backs pushed up against the wall and that will turn the tide. White people still have it too easy.
So, you posted ‘agree’ to Me am Jew Joes threat (partly against you). Did you know that you can change the ‘Agree’ etc. posts later? Really, doesn’t matter if you know or not, Haxo Angmark is just a yid troll, as many, moi aussi, have suspected for over a year.
Good to remember that Columbus has no direct connection to what is now the United States. He never set foot in North America and was a Catholic religious fanatic. The Anglo-American colonies began over a century later in land he never saw. The Protestant settlers there would have had nothing but contempt for an Italian Papist in any case. He becomes celebarted in US folklore in the 1890s age of imperialism, which coincided with the 400th anniversary of his voyage.
Columbus had regular conversations with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, who told him he had the holy destiny to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple with the gold of “the new world†they would lead him to discover. He imagined in this way he would personally inaugurate the Second Coming of Christ. He tried to peddle this crazy scheme to numerous royals but only Isabella of Spain was nutty enough to go along with it, and that only at the urging of her minister of finance Santangel. She was a religious fanatic herself, conducting a vicious war with the Muslims, and she expelled all the Jews from her kingdom the same year Columbus set sail. Columbus also “discovered†the Garden of Eden in Venezuela and King Solomon’s mines in Panama. We could safely say the Great Admiral did not exactly have both oars in the water.
The role that mentally ill people such as Columbus have played in the shaping of our country is detailed in John D. Gartner’s intriguing study, “The Hypomanic Edge The Link Between Craziness and Success in America.†(Simon & Schuster, 2005)
You start off by saying he had no direct connection to what is now the USA, and then end with claiming he was mentally ill and shaped our country. So which is it? No reason to keep reading your ignorant trash beyond the first sentence, but I did. So don't worry, I will keep fileting your body of work. He did set foot in North America, on an island. He was searching for the New World. He found it. That is the direct connection to what would become the USA, probably via your slave trade, etc.
Good to remember that Columbus has no direct connection to what is now the United States. He never set foot in North America...mentally ill people such as Columbus have played in the shaping of our country
Well duh, he was already dead. For over a century.
The Anglo-American colonies began over a century later in land he never saw.
The Protestant settlers there would have had nothing but contempt for an Italian Papist in any case.Strong projection that has nothing to do with subject matter. He probably would have had contempt for protestant settlers, but protestant settlers were too retarded and busy killing each other in the old world. They wouldn't arrive to the New World to kill each other some more until hundred plus years later.
Enjoy your pensions* and your retirement in the coming Brazil high-on-bath-salts country, all you white cops, federal agents, government functionaries, corporate and business leaders, C-Suiters, et al., who did either nothing, and/or went along with it and/or took a knee or conspired with them because you’d think it would benefit you.
*it’d be a shame if in a decade the dollar— for which you sold your soul and civilization out for— were to lose its value with the rise of new international currency trade system.
Meanwhile American whites in the military or military contractors are the ones behind satellites, drones. AWACS, ATACMS, et al., and the targeting and killing Russians trying to defend their own people and their historic lands. Yes, a lot of these whites are motivated by money, but they also really think they are doing good.
Same with whites in the U.K., who are so anxious to kill Russians and destroy Russian infrastructure as London becomes a no-go zone and English girls are made sex slaves by Muslim invaders and their Prime Minister is a street shitter wog.
White generals in Germany spend their time plotting to target Russian infrastructure in Crimea at the same time German citizens are being raped and brutalized by invaders.
Same with whites in France.
Yes, Jews were behind it all. Usury, slavery, the civil rights proxy war, the 1965 Immigration Act, the Great Replacement, hatred of Russia, et al., but don’t whites have any agency to resist being a greedy drug whore domestically and a psychopathic killer internationally? Can’t they resist or reform as they watch their country and civilization go down the drain in tighter and tighter spirals? That’s a rhetorical question of course because we see what has become of them.
Only E. Michael Jones has the right analysis and prescription while Jared Taylor never even broaches the JQ subject.
When was the last time a majority of whites voted for a Democrat for president? Sixty years ago, in 1964. Lyndon Johnson. Since then, every Democrat president got only a minority of the white vote. Non-whites put them in the White House. Whites didn’t get the president they wanted. They didn’t want Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton or Barack Obama or Joe Biden.
As if LBJ, or Bush 1, or Bush 2, or Zion Don were any better.
Here’s a little secret for you: Whites never got a president they wanted. All Whites ever get is what the Jews want.
Why are the Republicans acting like jobbers for the Democrats? Why aren’t they more pro-White? Why aren’t they trying to preserve their White voter base? Because they are jobbers for the Democrats. They are there to gracefully lose every time. Is that the party Whites want, as compared to the Dems whom Whites “don’t want”?
American Renaissance Scholars for Humane Oversight of Less Evolved Species.
To be more specific.
The Jews have succeeded in destroying all White nations with mass immigration. I fear for my offspring and the offspring of all Whote people.
As usual, Mr. Taylor fails to mention the jewish problem. Why does this guy never mention organized jewery’s hated of whites and ethnic Europeans? Jews are instrumental and the driving force behind “cultural” movements such as mass non-White migration into White lands, such as the USA.
As someone who had nowhere to go and enlisted in the US military at a young age, I deeply regret my decision to sacrifice so many years of my life to this god forsaken jew run “country”. I hate what the USA has become, it’s unrecognizable because the ethnic demographics have been destroyed by jewish “multiculturalism” and other degenerate “social revolutions” such as the LGTBQ circus, “democracy”, but most of all, the fact that there are plenty of Whites who HATE who they are and hate their ancestors and heritage.
After reading this blog on and off for a few years now and learning about the importance of race, (a racially homogeneous country is what truly provides the foundation for a strong country), I don’t count non-Whites as “American”, they are simply “African American”, “Asian American”, etc… This entire country has embraced degeneracy of the highest order, and it starts with Whites ignorance of race. The Whites who hate themselves and embrace the sick, backwards, twisted religion on “racism” are some of the absolute worst.
Fuck this country, I hope we lose the next jew run war that the kikes will inevitably drag the US into (probably in the next decade I estimate, there will be another major war). The vets in WWII should have fought WITH Germany in WWII, NOT AGAINST HER. You dumb fucks wouldn’t be in this mess if you had made good relations with Germany. The kikes who started communism in Russia should have been the enemy.
Anyway, have fun dying for a delusional tribe that absolutely hates you for being White and wants your people destroyed. Fuck the USA, I wipe my ass with the flag of this once great country.
Looks like that Kalgeri plan wasnt fiction after all eh?
David Rothschild recently tweeted that Zelensky is going transform Ukraine into a multicultural E.U. country.
Poland just elected lefty authoritarian Donald Tusk who is eager to multiculturalize Poland.
Finland joined NATO, and the Baltic states are in NATO, which means they will come under more pressure to multiculturalize as other NATO and EU countries have.
Belarus and Russia look like they will be the last majority white nations.
Joe Biden recently complained that India and Japan are xenophobic nations that don’t take in enough migrants.
The Banksters want a one world economy ran by global organizations like the WHO and WEF. They obviously really intend to foist this on humanity. Only Asia is really holding out, which is why that continent has several nations under clownworld proxy attack.
Boers say there will always be whites, in lots of places. Adapt to circumstances.
Does this constant hectoring help explain why there are so few white babies?
Yep. Especially since white kids are born to be unemployed —
All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens
…the only job growth in the US is for illegals, who will work for below minimum wage, which also explains why inflation hasn’t spiked in the past year as millions of illegals were hired.
these are bogus, #’s which have no facticity: the counts 7,000,000 white-hating Jews as White, 6,000,0000 white-hating Muslims as White; countless “legal” hispanics as White, and c. 40,000,000 non-white illegals are not counted at all. In real #’s,
‘Murka is ALREADY a white minority entity.
adios, YT. It’s possible, just barely possible, that Whites might survive in Hungary. Or
When I was young, I revered the Western Classics and went to University to study them. In 1976, I remarked to an “elderly” American that I was studying Classics. He laughed and changed the subject. As I say in New Zealand where I encountered parallel responses, don’t blame them. Blame yourselves. It is too late now. They are not going away. But your history doesn’t have to be libelled.
The Know Nothings knew something after all.
As soon as the United States was founded as a nation of Northern European Protestant stock, strong measures should have been taken to keep it that way.
The founders apparently didn’t sufficiently grasp the importance of demography – or perhaps implicitly assumed that no majority demographic would ever be crazy or careless enough to let themselves be turned into a minority in their own country. But, in retrospect, there obviously should have been strong constitutional provisions to preserve America’s founding demography.
There were later attempts to rectify this under Coolidge, but that was quickly undone largely because the organized recently-arrived minorities (i.e., the Jews, really) lobbied against it. That is: The Protestant majority attempted to reassert authority over their nation’s demography but they only succeeded in slamming the barn door shut after the horse had already escaped and their efforts were quickly undone. Of course, this isn’t the only policy that Protestants lost the ability to effectively enforce due to immigration of culturally incompatible people from Southern and Eastern Europe. See, for example, Prohibition.
Another important addition to the Constitution would have been provisions to guard against any minority demographic being able to cartelize the nation’s media, or engage in mass organized bribery and blackmail of Congress. But, again, that seems so obvious that the founders probably thought it unnecessary. Alas, here we are in dystopic Weimar conditions where both of these conditions are fact. Of course – if America had maintained its original Protestant demographic then these latter problems – ethnic mafia problems – never would have arisen in the first place.
It really isn’t hyperbolic to say that 80% of America’s biggest problems stem from ethnic demographic problems and 80% of the ethnic demographics problems stem from the Jews.
As a working class white American millennial I have until now only been sold out and passed over by this country. My grandfather was drafted into two wars for this country where I, now 70 years later, do not feel at home and have no expectation of ever experiencing the comfort of a welcoming and flourishing homeland. I feel no affinity for USA, what it currently is or what it has represented in the past. I have no home.
“You don’t want help?”
From a dysgenic race traitor nutcase like you?
LOL. Thanks, but no thanks.
“Consider it done.”
Good thing i’m not muslim, buddy.
But even I know that your understanding of islam is not great. They expressly do NOT accept “the ot” or “the new ot” as the complete, unaltered authoritative word of God.
They believe in the torah as revealed to moses and the Injil as revealed to jesus, but they think that both have been corrupted, at times intentionally.
The YouTube channel Dawahwise is useful to know what the koran actually states and what muslims actually believe on those topics.
As to your other comments, yes, i’m white and proud of it. I don’t want anyone else to be ashamed of whatever race or color God made them either. I’ve dealt with some truly arrogant asshole koreans in LA, including two doctors, so there’s that 😉
Good luck going down with the ship. You don’t want help? Consider it done.
Way back in the 90s I considered myself a libertarian, and hung out with others who also labeled themselves such. I soon saw the error of the philosophy, and moved on. However, almost everyone with whom I associated that called themselves libertarians are now flaming social justice liberals.
Look up a video done by a University in the U.S. It is called “Gumball Immigration” and explains how our system is hurting the people in the host nations. And how what they are “doing” for immigration is like a teacup being poured into an OCEAN. And it in No Way, helps those making less that 2 dollars a day in the WORLD! Look it up please.
. I believe in traditional male-females relationships (i.e. male ownership of females).
I’m currently reading Napoleon Chagnon’s famous book, The Fierce People, about the Yanomamo indigenous tribe of the Amazon, where the men “own” their women. You might consider going to live with them. You might find their culture more congenial than that of the West.
Prostitution is legal in Nevada but, from what I hear, a visit to a "ranch" can be pretty expensive.
The increased supply and reduced risks in legalization lowers the price to a small fraction of the price of escorts in the USA.
I think you're ascribing an unwarranted degree of intentionality to ad hoc regulations and legislations that have sprung up over decades and even centuries. And many feminists support legalizing "sex work," as they refer to it.
The people who create/enforce the laws are the ones defending feminism
I think you’re ascribing an unwarranted degree of intentionality to ad hoc regulations and legislations
Enforcement of law is always intentional.
the manosophere/incel realm
The manosphere is made up of simps, since their entire worldview revolves around trying to impress females so they can get laid. I have zero interest.
I’d recommend reading Jim Goad
Jim Goad is a homosexual with mommy issues. I refuse to read anything that boomer faggot has written.
Either that, or you have that libertarian flaw of reducing all human behavior – including intimate relationships – to strict “transactionalism.â€
I am not in any way a liberal, nor do I believe that females should be allowed to “transact” anything, because that would require allowing them to make decisions, which I firmly oppose. I believe in traditional male-females relationships (i.e. male ownership of females). The only transactions that should be taking place in male-female relations are between the female’s father and her betrothed, as ownership of her is transferred from one to the other at the time of marriage.
You are right about this. Ending birthright citizenship would require nothing more than an executive order exactly like the one issued on the Biden Administration's first day in office that literally opened the border, except this one would clarify/emphasize/explain/reference/note/point to the 14th Amendment's "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" language. In other words, "birthright citizenship" is already "unconstitutional" and is granted solely because everyone thinks otherwise. It is literally nothing but a bad habit. An executive order could break that habit, and we would need the courts to do exactly nothing.
I don’t think we need to go through the onerous process of repealing a constitutional amendment in order to get rid of birthright citizenship. We just need the courts to uphold the Constitution as it is written — not that I would hold my breath waiting for them to do so.
Nice and informative blog, I have read a few articles there. What was truly shocking is what you say about the early-last century Russia and how similar it was to modern day America regarding the JQ. That Russians were supposed to tiptoe around Jewish sensitivities – which was not reciprocated, and then the brutal Bolshevik takeover.
Somehow I was not aware that there was an articulate, sensible intelligentsia in Russia – even though I know their great accomplishments in literature, music, etc. What we were facing for 45 years in Eastern Europe that was the other side mostly – the primitive, beastly, uneducated bolsheviks. Probably most of the Russian intelligentsia fell victim to them.
I wonder if there is a lesson to be learnt from this historic example. Were the Russians too naive (like Americans today)? Was their system (tzardom) too antiquated? The proletariat openly embraced the Bolsheviks in the hope of getting some goodies, that is quite clear (maybe there is a lesson there for you, too). They were dirt poor and felt oppressed.
” … people in Europe have left Christianity en masse for good reason.”
People in Eastern Europe haven’t.
“They left [Christianity] because Christianity actually IS irrational …”
Aquinas built his theology off of Aristotle.
I would not call Aristotle “irrational”.
“[Christianity] purports to follow [the Old Testament] with all its needless cruelty and stupidity …”
Christianity follows Christ.
The Jews reject Christ.
There is no “Judeo-Christianity”.
“[Christianity] is needlessly complicated with its Trinity.”
The Trinity is not complicated. God manifests himself to us in three ways: as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
“[The concept of original sin promotes] injustice.”
If there was no way for people to redeem themselves, I would agree. But Christianity offers a very easy way for people to redeem themselves — especially within Protestant denominations.
“I’d add that the restoration of law and order (physical safety, cleanliness and peace) and the elimination of perversion and mental illness propaganda in public schools, media and public spaces in the aging & dying Europe is most likely to be accomplished by Muslims.”
In other words, you support genocide against white people of European Christian heritage.
That heritage goes back over 2,000 years. But you advocate its replacement and the replacement of all of the cultural artifacts and traditions that go along with it.
This puts you on the side genocidal Jews like Rabbi Rav David Touitou: “Is it good that Islam invades Europe? It is excellent … Islam is the broom of Israel.”
Muslims spent a thousand years trying to conquer Europe. They had to be driven out of Spain. Their attempt to conquer France failed when they were turned back at Tours. They did manage to conquer a portion of the Balkans. They went on to try to take Vienna but failed.
In the meantime, they raided European coastal towns and took Europeans captive, turning them into slaves. One of America’s first wars was against the Muslim Barbary pirates.
And you say Europeans would be better off under Islam? Are you out of your mind?
You complain about the cruelty of the Old Testament but ignore the cruelty of Sharia Law — whippings, stonings, beheadings, etc. You complain about perversion in the West but ignore the fact that Afghan Muslim men routinely rape little boys.
Islam in Europe would mean enslavement and worse for white people of Christian heritage.
“[Islam has] a less pointless complex absurd doctrine [than Christianity] …”
My understanding is that Islam fully accepts the Jewish Old Testament that you so deplore. It simply substitutes Muslims for Jews as God’s chosen people.
Given that you consider the Old Testament irrational, I don’t know why you’d be saying Islam is “more rational”.
I don’t know if you are a white person of European Christian heritage, but you do say that your wife is Asian, and your kids are Eurasian.
In my opinion, you should not even be a part of this conversation about white people defending themselves. You have planted your flag somewhere else.
I will also note my surprise that Mark Green — who, in libertarian fashion, has said, “This realm of personal conduct (also known as ‘freedom) is non-negotiable” would thank you for your comment.
Freedom would indeed be “non-negotiable” under Islam. You would do as you were told or else.
Why convert? The point is to overwhelm the jews with others, just as they are doing to whites here.
“My Asian wifeâ€
That’s all I needed to know
Many Latinos are at least 25% white, which means that they would be good enough for any white ethno-state that used Israeli criteria in allowing immigration and awarding citizenship.
Gotta make sure that they convert to Judaism first! Though there would be large doubts about their sincerity in converting.
Interesting exchange between you and Ian. Thanks! And though for the most part I do agree with you, I’d like to respond to a couple of things mentioned in your response.
i’ll help kill anyone who tries to hurt or expel my family, in lawful self-defense, too — including you, if you come near my asian wife or eurasian kids.
Of course, the elite, et al. will take your side. But not because you’re behavior was lawful, but because you’re wife is Asian and your children not all white.
Ian, on the other hand, would be arrested for doing the same, in spite of the lawless behavior of his attacker, exactly because he’s white.
Though he does have a point, he would be better off putting it differently and not waste his time venting his impotent lust for revenge. Tough talk always falls flat on a keyboard.
Regarding your side of that comment. No white person is going to come for your wife and children. So there’s no need to feed the drama. As you well know, the violence will come from blacks and the hostility will come from other Asians. My sister-in-law’s Asian and I have Eurasian newphews and nieces. The hostility has only come from Sarah Jeong-type Koreans. And they’re the norm.
While waiting tables in NYC 25 years ago I had a table with two women from South Korea. After they initiated some small talk I told them that my sister-in-law was also from Seoul. They looked at each other, looked at me, with disdain, and said, was she adopted? I answered yes. And they said, “Just get us our wine.” That was the first time I ever came face to face with that crap. But, again, I now know that it’s the norm. This would explain why in the 30+ years I’ve known my sister-in-law I never once saw her with another Korean. And, of course, for her the feeling is mutual.
But honestly, we’re way beyond any of that now. The hostile elite is literally buring the West alive. The sheer quantity of people is going to make the quality of life irrelevant, because it will make it impossible. That’s why a very plausible argument could be made that the whole point of mass immigration long-term is, ultimately, population reduction.
But that’s another story.
i’m not telling you my ideal scenario, just what might be feasible.
Any proposal to kill or deport all nonwhites is absurd and you’ll die and lose.
i’ll help kill anyone who tries to hurt or expel my family, in lawful self-defense, too — including you, if you come near my asian wife or eurasian kids.
A population that’s much older and declining and aging, forcibly deporting a population that’s much younger, more numerous in many States, and still growing. Good luck.
Of course, the elite, et al. will take your side. But not because you're behavior was lawful, but because you're wife is Asian and your children not all white. Ian, on the other hand, would be arrested for doing the same, in spite of the lawless behavior of his attacker, exactly because he's white. Though he does have a point, he would be better off putting it differently and not waste his time venting his impotent lust for revenge. Tough talk always falls flat on a keyboard.Regarding your side of that comment. No white person is going to come for your wife and children. So there's no need to feed the drama. As you well know, the violence will come from blacks and the hostility will come from other Asians. My sister-in-law's Asian and I have Eurasian newphews and nieces. The hostility has only come from Sarah Jeong-type Koreans. And they're the norm. While waiting tables in NYC 25 years ago I had a table with two women from South Korea. After they initiated some small talk I told them that my sister-in-law was also from Seoul. They looked at each other, looked at me, with disdain, and said, was she adopted? I answered yes. And they said, "Just get us our wine." That was the first time I ever came face to face with that crap. But, again, I now know that it's the norm. This would explain why in the 30+ years I've known my sister-in-law I never once saw her with another Korean. And, of course, for her the feeling is mutual. But honestly, we're way beyond any of that now. The hostile elite is literally buring the West alive. The sheer quantity of people is going to make the quality of life irrelevant, because it will make it impossible. That's why a very plausible argument could be made that the whole point of mass immigration long-term is, ultimately, population reduction. But that's another story.
i’ll help kill anyone who tries to hurt or expel my family, in lawful self-defense, too — including you, if you come near my asian wife or eurasian kids.
Thank you for such a thoughtful and detailed proposal. Sounds like we’d raise our family in “your” part of europe if we considered europe.
But honestly, people in europe have left christianity en masse for good reasons. They left partly because it actually IS irrational, internally contradictory, purports to follow “the OT” with all its needless cruelty and stupidity, is needlessly complicated in its incoherence (“the trinity”) and injustice (“original sin”).
I’d add that the restoration of law and order (physical safety, cleanliness, and peace) and the elimination of perversion and mental illness propaganda in public schools, media, and public spaces in the aging & dying Europe is most likely to be accomplished by Muslims.
Not saying islam is the right religion or they Mo was a prophet. It is not and he wasn’t. But they have less pointless complex absurd doctrine and still have common sense and courage in some respects.
A handful? Sure. Many? No. Usually it was just legalized and had to adhere to certain standards of operation. Stuff like not having syphilitic whores or whatever.
Prostitution was outlawed in many parts of Europe as far back as the 16th century
Not really.
The same standards would have applied in the United States prior to feminism
You don't have to imagine it. It's a scenario that actually exists in many places around the world where prostitution is not criminalized. The increased supply and reduced risks in legalization lowers the price to a small fraction of the price of escorts in the USA.
I can’t imagine a scenario where genuinely attractive women would be willing to sell themselves so cheap.
The legal environment, which makes their profession into a black/gray market, allows them to charge much higher rate than they would otherwise. Escorts do not create the legal environment. The people who create/enforce the laws are the ones defending feminism, not the prostitutes themselves. Remember, these same people encourage open drug use, massive looting, pornography, public displays of sodomy in pride parades, etc. yet they become puritans when it comes to street hookers or brothels? No, it's because feminism operates in a lot of ways like a labor union for sex, and affordable prostitutes are viewed as scabs who nullify the collective bargaining power of females, which diminishes their social control over males. Females are the primary enforcers of the state doctrine, so it's important for the state to maintain female control over the army of simps, otherwise they may defect in greater numbers.Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
High-end escorts are charging what they charge not to prop up feminism, but because that’s what the market allows
The increased supply and reduced risks in legalization lowers the price to a small fraction of the price of escorts in the USA.
Prostitution is legal in Nevada but, from what I hear, a visit to a “ranch” can be pretty expensive.
The people who create/enforce the laws are the ones defending feminism
I think you’re ascribing an unwarranted degree of intentionality to ad hoc regulations and legislations that have sprung up over decades and even centuries. And many feminists support legalizing “sex work,” as they refer to it.
Your frequent use of the term “simp” and your attitude toward male-female relationships in general makes me think you’ve been spending too much time online in the manosophere/incel realm. Admittedly, women, particularly contemporary women, can be a pain in the ass, but that whole online scene is just unbelievably fucked up and makes everything worse. I’d recommend reading Jim Goad on this subject:
Either that, or you have that libertarian flaw of reducing all human behavior – including intimate relationships – to strict “transactionalism.”
Enforcement of law is always intentional.
I think you’re ascribing an unwarranted degree of intentionality to ad hoc regulations and legislations �
The manosphere is made up of simps, since their entire worldview revolves around trying to impress females so they can get laid. I have zero interest.
the manosophere/incel realm
Jim Goad is a homosexual with mommy issues. I refuse to read anything that boomer faggot has written.
I’d recommend reading Jim Goad �
I am not in any way a liberal, nor do I believe that females should be allowed to "transact" anything, because that would require allowing them to make decisions, which I firmly oppose. I believe in traditional male-females relationships (i.e. male ownership of females). The only transactions that should be taking place in male-female relations are between the female's father and her betrothed, as ownership of her is transferred from one to the other at the time of marriage.
Either that, or you have that libertarian flaw of reducing all human behavior – including intimate relationships – to strict “transactionalism.â€
No, FUCK that!!!
Latinos and Asians are NOT friends of whites! They are NOT us! And no, if every single black was removed from the USA tomorrow, and millions of Hispanics and Asians remained, we would still have enormous problems and unhappiness all over the country.
I am sick to DEATH of whites who think “only†blacks are the problem, or are the only enemy
Of whites. I literally want these people silenced.
Totally agree! I’ve been saying something similar to this for a while now.
If we are going to fight with all of our might (and we need to) we need to fight for our entire country.
Most Asians and Hispanics have no history here, DID come from somewhere else, and could easily return – same with recent black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean.
As far as the 25 million blacks who “do have historical ties here†I do not care. Everything they’ve done in the last 100 years, and especially the last 60 years, has been unconscionable. They do have places to go, such as Ghana’s “right of return†program, very similar to Israel. At the very, very, least, I want younger blacks (under age 35-40) to be made to leave — even if we had to throw in a little money. It’ll hurt once, then it’s done.
But yes, I’m so sick of all of these ridiculous, McDonald’s dollar menu solutions and ideas from our people. Not ONE of them will work or help us long-term, and not one is desirable.
We fight for our entire country. We fight to get non-whites OUT! By whatever means necessary.
There is no….other….way….
This is the Truth that many won’t face. And you cannot run from it because it is happening all over the world wherever there are white people. It is happening in South America and will soon be happening in Eastern Europe.
I’ve come across a saying online, “You cannot vote your way out of genocide”. I would add to that, “You cannot secede your way out of genocide” and that is basically what forming an enclave, legally recognized or not, is all about.
People often reference Orania but they are incredibly vulnerable and it is just a matter of time before they are targeted. The mindset of most whites is still in a feminine “I just want to have a good life” paradigm. That paradigm must change or white people are finished. A warrior ethos must be resurrected or we are done for.
Let X = 100,ooo,ooo
If wealth distribution were more equitable around the world so many would not flock to the US.
Your move.
Unfortunately, only one group is in a position to make a move. No need to explain who that group is. And the move they’re making to is to bury the West alive and build their Temple on its collective grave, while dancing (there will be more than five of them).
Demoralization and destruction of the white working class and white traditional families with a heterosexual mother and father.
This is the underlying motive for limitless migration that makes the most sense to me. As the earlier commenter pointed out, for alternative motives, limitless migration doesn’t achieve the objective.
I think that if you sent mass of black Africans into that little shithole, jewish chauvinism disappears fast.
The Tin case — from your description of it — is not “on point”.
It doesn’t replicate the situation of children born in the U.S. to people who crossed the border illegally or overstayed their visas.
Tin’s parents were legal immigrants, although not yet citizens.
“Born in America, you’re a U.S. citizen.”
Not true for children of foreign diplomats.
They can only flock to the US because they are invited/imported/welcomed by some of the citizens in the US?
Allowed by about 12 (20 million globally) million Jews?
Libertarianism is open borders to private property, privately funded, the one who invites/imports is responsible for the invitee etc?
How so?