Basically, sucks to be among the downtrodden, whether Palestinian or other ethnic group.
As to your new book (according to Amazon, released in 2023, not just now), it doesn’t look like your writing is all that popular.
Pro tip for you: Most people don’t want to hear or read unrelenting “woe is us” whining.
“The author’s new book, “THERE!†is just out. 18 chapters of the best in old-style on-scene reporting from hot spots around the world. Please support my work by purchasing a copy from Amazon Books.”
Best Sellers Rank:
#4,022,473 in Books
#16,308 in U.S. Political Science
#16,801 in History & Theory of Politics
“the eradication of Zionism in all its forms.”
Zionism is the ugliest form of fascism.
Rational racist links too black nationalist account. Anti zionists are at the least dumber then Bibis religious zealots
‘We have reached unprecedented levels of support for Palestine on this campus’: a student on Oxford’s Gaza Solidarity Encampment
Gaza solidarity encampments have spread across Britain, inspired by the wave of student organizing in the U.S. An organizer at Oxford University discusses student demands and how the U.K. protests compare to U.S. activism…
The age of mortality in the US is not plummeting for all the “enrichers” Biden has been letting in. They have not been measured because they’ve barely been counted.
In a few years they’ll probably be changing all the stats. And public policy, and nobody knows what else.
Don’t speak too soon, wheel’s still in spin, and all that.
Good to know that you are not a serious person. That you will just continue spewing your propaganda BS because you are so indoctrinated, that you can’t tell the truth from falsehood. SAD!
And no, I have no interest at all in debating you. I have a bottom level of IQ required before I would do such a thing and you don’t qualify.
As for the 34,948 number, don't you feel that this is a bit too exact? It is and it is a completely false number. More evidence:
Israel Has Created a New Standard for Urban Warfare. Why Will No One Admit It?
Updated Mar 26, 2024 at 9:39 AM EDT
By John Spencer - chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point; served for 25 years as an infantry soldier and two tours in Iraq
I await your considered response.Replies: @Brett Redmayne-Titley
How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers
The evidence is in their own poorly fabricated figures
by Abraham Wyner
March 07, 2024
Spewing Zionist screed does not absolve your mind of the definition of Genocide. Please refer to Oxford’s or Webster’s for a definition not in the Talmud or the Torah. Or perhaps Jewish revisionist history can next rip that page from every dictionary in the world?
As a formal reply… I challenge you to publically debate me on this topic anytime…anywhere!
But you, like all Zionists, fear the truth and only hide behind lies that you scream for the uneducated to accept or you’ll whine about the Halocaust, yet, again.
So…I know you, like all Zionists, will not accept my challenge. WE the educated and the moral ( like the students) know the truth…it’s Genocide. Period.
You and you barbaric mind can hid in the shadows of Zionism, but the world and the students are shining a light on you and your ilk for all the world to see and understand…
Zionism is evil.
“Why? Please explain to the readers your accademic rational for your baseless desires for censorship of YOUR MIND infecting the conscience of the students.”
Here’s an article for you:
It’s time to quash campus radicalism
By Jason Bedrick – – Wednesday, May 8, 2024It’s clear from Monday’s “Day of Rage†that anti-Israel protesters don’t care about winning the hearts and minds of their fellow citizens. The sight of kaffiyeh-clad crazies storming the barricades outside the Met Gala, burning an American flag, and vandalizing the 107th Infantry Memorial in New York’s Central Park will endear their cause to no one.
Like much of what’s wrong with the world today, the Day of Rage originated in academia and then, like a virus escaping a Wuhan lab, wreaked havoc on the rest of society.
Blocking traffic so that people miss their flights, are late to work or can’t pick up their children does nothing to convince anyone about the justice of a cause. But for many protesters, the cause is irrelevant. It’s merely a pretext for “mostly peaceful†misfits and malcontents to inflict destruction and inconvenience upon normal Americans.
WHY? Because no one wants ot listen to their uninformed ranting on subjects that they don’t have a clue about. Unfortunately, freedom to speak doesn’t require knowledge of what one is speaking about.
As to your “34, 948”, it is bogus.
Israel has killed approximately 15k Hamas militants. That amount has to be subtracted out of your number, leaving approximately 20k that are a mix of men, woman and children. Contrary to Hamas propaganda, these aren’t all innocent woman and children. In fact, some sizable percentage of the 20k are likely also Hamas operatives.
20k dead civilians to 15k dead Hamas militants is a 1:1.33 ratio. This is an incredibly low number in warfare. Most ratios are more like 1:6-9. See:
Israel Has Created a New Standard for Urban Warfare. Why Will No One Admit It?
Updated Mar 26, 2024 at 9:39 AM EDT
By John Spencer – chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point; served for 25 years as an infantry soldier and two tours in Iraq
As for the 34,948 number, don’t you feel that this is a bit too exact? It is and it is a completely false number. More evidence:
How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers
The evidence is in their own poorly fabricated figures
by Abraham Wyner
March 07, 2024
I await your considered response.
Why? Please explain to the readers your accademic rational for your baseless desires for censorship of YOUR MIND infecting the conscience of the students.
WE assume that 34, 948 is not enough murder to satisfy your conscience nor you intellect.
As for the 34,948 number, don't you feel that this is a bit too exact? It is and it is a completely false number. More evidence:
Israel Has Created a New Standard for Urban Warfare. Why Will No One Admit It?
Updated Mar 26, 2024 at 9:39 AM EDT
By John Spencer - chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point; served for 25 years as an infantry soldier and two tours in Iraq
I await your considered response.Replies: @Brett Redmayne-Titley
How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers
The evidence is in their own poorly fabricated figures
by Abraham Wyner
March 07, 2024
Here's an article for you:
"Why? Please explain to the readers your accademic rational for your baseless desires for censorship of YOUR MIND infecting the conscience of the students."
It’s time to quash campus radicalism
By Jason Bedrick - - Wednesday, May 8, 2024
It’s clear from Monday’s “Day of Rage†that anti-Israel protesters don’t care about winning the hearts and minds of their fellow citizens. The sight of kaffiyeh-clad crazies storming the barricades outside the Met Gala, burning an American flag, and vandalizing the 107th Infantry Memorial in New York’s Central Park will endear their cause to no one.
Like much of what’s wrong with the world today, the Day of Rage originated in academia and then, like a virus escaping a Wuhan lab, wreaked havoc on the rest of society.
Blocking traffic so that people miss their flights, are late to work or can’t pick up their children does nothing to convince anyone about the justice of a cause. But for many protesters, the cause is irrelevant. It’s merely a pretext for “mostly peaceful†misfits and malcontents to inflict destruction and inconvenience upon normal Americans.
We now have deep structural problems in a nation incapable of producing world class leaders.
Were “Jewish Century” formatted conspirators bent on making the world entirely dependent on the Warfare/Welfare state and the fiat grift ever “world class leaders”? I think not.
Would Biden stack up to FDR or even Lyndon Johnson? To ask the question is to realize how fucked the current citizens of the USA really are.
You named two prime examples of exactly what I’m talking about. These are classic Marxist-Zionist fusion lackeys — decrepit, arrogant and insane.
FDR did WW2 for Big Brother/ZOG, and LBJ did the Vietnam war and the USS Liberty. Both their administrations were filled with jew and zionist conspirators, worms and parasites. They both laid the structural centralization required by Zionist slavers to enslave the Anglosphere to the Golden Calf Ponzi.
Any little zoglodyte brainwashed to worship the “Greatest Generation” and Holocaustianity is likely to take umbrage to the above paragraph, and react with indignation or contempt. Don’t. Instead, react with outrage at what these Zionist slavers and parasites have done.
Lincoln went to war against Zionist slavers and parasites, and won. But he didn’t finish the job, and left them alive to build up the Marxism they utilized in WW2 to bait Germany into war with Communist Russia and zoglodyte Churchill’s Anglosphere (Marxist-Zionist ZOG). This is a mistake Moses never would have made.
But he couldn’t finish the job because he was assassinated by a Zionist.
Read meamjojo’s comment above to ascertain the mind of a Zionist slaver. In fact, I’ll quote it:
meamjojo: “All these student tents and associated paraphernalia should be torn down and burned in front of them. Maybe throw a couple of students onto the bonfire or tie them to the stake as they did with supposed witches centuries ago.”
This is a jew who doesn’t know Moses, Jesus Christ or the Trinity. This is a Talmudist jew parasite who has likely never read the New Testament or if he did, was brainwashed by his rabbis and their blade to dismiss it outright; who was literally carved into submission and is today a zoglodyte slave and propagandist for Talmudist rabbis, enemies of Moses, Christ and God.
But even meamjojo is not beyond salvation, at least in theory. In reality, he may be, but in theory, after he has done his time and paid the price for spewing Zionist propaganda for ZOG, in theory, he can be saved.
He’ll try to bait, ridicule, beat, berate, agitate and mock useful idiots into joining ZOG so he can feel “safe”, but in reality, he’ll never feel safe because he is against God. Zionism is about useful idiots whose freewill was taken from them by Talmudist rabbis and their operatives, and who are forever agitating for a feeling of safety and contentment that these top rabbis know they will never achieve.
But if memjojo were to start practicing Christian Logos immediately, and come to understand the error of his ways, confess his sins and malice, and work to reverse the damage he has done… who knows?
All these student tents and associated paraphernalia should be torn down and burned in front of them. Maybe throw a couple of students onto the bonfire or tie them to the stake as they did with supposed witches centuries ago.
Triumphalism is fine. Don’t be premature.
Vietnam protests were the beginning of student-as-citizen in American life. Prior, mass college attendance was a trick concocted by the FDR-Ttuman regimes to keep returning GIs from flooding the labor market after 1945.
The FDR-Truman gambit was genius. Millions of returning vets would have destroyed the American system. We’d have gone to communism or fascism by 1950 had they not planned ahead and stayed with it.
What’s changing now is a large number of university degrees are barely more than high school diplomas back in the 1930s. Worse is that student debt impoverished some students worse than the Dust Bowl did.
We now have deep structural problems in a nation incapable of producing world class leaders. Would Biden stack up to FDR or even Lyndon Johnson? To ask the question is to realize how fucked the current citizens of the USA really are.
Were "Jewish Century" formatted conspirators bent on making the world entirely dependent on the Warfare/Welfare state and the fiat grift ever "world class leaders"? I think not.
We now have deep structural problems in a nation incapable of producing world class leaders.
You named two prime examples of exactly what I'm talking about. These are classic Marxist-Zionist fusion lackeys -- decrepit, arrogant and insane.FDR did WW2 for Big Brother/ZOG, and LBJ did the Vietnam war and the USS Liberty. Both their administrations were filled with jew and zionist conspirators, worms and parasites. They both laid the structural centralization required by Zionist slavers to enslave the Anglosphere to the Golden Calf Ponzi.Any little zoglodyte brainwashed to worship the "Greatest Generation" and Holocaustianity is likely to take umbrage to the above paragraph, and react with indignation or contempt. Don't. Instead, react with outrage at what these Zionist slavers and parasites have done.Lincoln went to war against Zionist slavers and parasites, and won. But he didn't finish the job, and left them alive to build up the Marxism they utilized in WW2 to bait Germany into war with Communist Russia and zoglodyte Churchill's Anglosphere (Marxist-Zionist ZOG). This is a mistake Moses never would have made.But he couldn't finish the job because he was assassinated by a Zionist.Read meamjojo's comment above to ascertain the mind of a Zionist slaver. In fact, I'll quote it:
Would Biden stack up to FDR or even Lyndon Johnson? To ask the question is to realize how fucked the current citizens of the USA really are.
This is a jew who doesn't know Moses, Jesus Christ or the Trinity. This is a Talmudist jew parasite who has likely never read the New Testament or if he did, was brainwashed by his rabbis and their blade to dismiss it outright; who was literally carved into submission and is today a zoglodyte slave and propagandist for Talmudist rabbis, enemies of Moses, Christ and God.But even meamjojo is not beyond salvation, at least in theory. In reality, he may be, but in theory, after he has done his time and paid the price for spewing Zionist propaganda for ZOG, in theory, he can be saved.He'll try to bait, ridicule, beat, berate, agitate and mock useful idiots into joining ZOG so he can feel "safe", but in reality, he'll never feel safe because he is against God. Zionism is about useful idiots whose freewill was taken from them by Talmudist rabbis and their operatives, and who are forever agitating for a feeling of safety and contentment that these top rabbis know they will never achieve.But if memjojo were to start practicing Christian Logos immediately, and come to understand the error of his ways, confess his sins and malice, and work to reverse the damage he has done... who knows?
meamjojo: "All these student tents and associated paraphernalia should be torn down and burned in front of them. Maybe throw a couple of students onto the bonfire or tie them to the stake as they did with supposed witches centuries ago."
The only genocide in Vietnam was against the peaceful people of South Vietnam. You were lied to by your teachers.
Yes we outnumber the genocide pigs.
If they want dumbshit pigs to break a law, they just don’t tell them about it. The IQ cap on their Wonderlic test does the rest. Pigs live in little pig ghettos and talk only to each other but there’s a point where even they can sense why normal people despise them.
Fear not, the Jews (now known as lower-case “jews” or Zionists) succumbed to worship of the Golden Calf/Imperial fiat long ago, and they still exist, albeit in Talmudist form as soulless ghouls and mentally ill weirdos. These Marxist-Zionist/ Big Brother/ ZOG-fashioned zoglodytes will exist in the same form.
If these protesting students really want to take on the insane ZOG plan for the human race, they’ll name the Marxist-Zionism (pioneered in Labor Zionist-founded early Israel by communist jews and Zionist Cousinhood financial backers) that has always been the touchstone of and hallmark of ZOG.
But they refuse to name the “Marxist” half of the equation, and so will continue spinning their wheels in futility, and allowing Marxist jew and zoglodyte infiltrators, fiends and double agents into their camps, tents and ramparts. They’re too dumb and indoctrinated to know better.
Maybe if they put up a Cross at the entrance it would help to ward off the vampires, but “Christian” Zionists long ago took up the Cross in order to putrefy it, so that probably won’t work anymore.
But a recent more constructive commenter suggested anti-fiat “Labour Capitalism”, which seems to be the bane of the fiat parasites (aka Golden Calf grifters).
It would certainly put the lie to the misapprehension that the “Labor Zionists” were ever anything other than a crime gang of liars, parasites, maniacs and mass killers.
The U.S. Constitution leaves election management up to state and local officials, so voting systems and protocols vary across thousands of jurisdictions. Partly for this reason, a 2019 investigation was launched by senators Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), and other Democratic lawmakers in0to the three largest suppliers of US digital voting machines, Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems & Software, and Hart InterCivic. Together they hold over 92% of all US distribution of voting machines.
These “politicians” were not elected. Voting machines are a myth hence the Judaic Lobby SELECTS them. (((Mr. Wyden))) does not represent this country. He is in favor of violating the Constitution while getting paid to do so.
Major Tax Increase Introduced in Congress
Oregonians Decriminalized Hard Drugs. Now Many Regret It.
Few Oregonians will benefit from clean energy rebates
How homelessness in Oregon started, grew and became a statewide crisis
US Congress Senator Ron Wyden [D]
Oregon is a state completely in ruins.
All this killing and mayhem would not be possible if it wasn’t for the grubby arms industry.
Weapons should be defensive only, the weapon systems such as the aircraft Israel is using should be able to be deactivated by the manufacturer when used as an offensive weapon against the defenceless.
All advanced countries participate in this “merchant of death” industries and are dripping in blood.
Victim’s of these weapons must focus on the source, if your loved-ones are killed by these weapons then those that design and manufacturer these weapons are a legitimate target and cannot complain if assassination targeting them start to happen.
If the world is to rid itself of this draconian industry then the consequences of actions must be brought to all those participants in those actions, it makes sense to seek revenge against the soft underbelly rather than the harden soldier, lets see soldiers of war conduct war without the support of the manufacturer.
There are other valuable sources of information about such themes. You can find one of them as a link in this page under “selected alternative media”, Mondoweiss. The other is Middle East Eyes. Occasionally you can also find very good information in The Grayzone, but they haven’t been publishing new articles very often. Sometimes I think that Mondoweiss has had better days, but it may still be interesting, including the articles by Jonathan Ofir. Mintpress and Consortium News could also be mentioned. Mintpress used to publish articles by Miko Peled and publishes also other authors (links to both pages above in the list of links).
O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!
Sondern lasst uns angenehmere anstimmen
Und freudenvollere!
Freude (Freude)
Freude (Freude)
keep going Brett. My recomendation to the list, of course:
Thierry Meyssan Is a tidy reference in the middle east
It was possible to admire the Swashbuckling Paratrooper and Tanker Jews of the 1960s and 1970s. Not anymore.
Steve claims that he was stabbed. He is the king of bettors, except when it comes to betting Ron Unz. In that case, he has his admin delete comments (and ban me outright) at his substack that raises awareness that the king of bettors had his ass handed to him by Unz.
Dear Bro Notsofast,
Seeing what is happening in Gaza right now I find myself hoping for this horrific genocide to ignite a wider war against the squatter-state and all complicit western nations, and praying that the Arab and Muslim nations finally manage to put western imperialism down, once and for all.
Of course the old adage “be careful what you wish for” comes to mind, and who knows what a world led by non-western interests might look like. But given that we already know what the current cabal has in store for the world and its people, flora and forna, the alternative certainly can’t be any worse!
Of course my everlasting hope is that all centralised systems of power evaporate in the light of enlightenment* and that mankind evolves in accordance with natural law and Divine Love. And I know, just as our Palestinian brothers and sisters know, that it is Divine Love that unites hearts and frees our souls.
And so I pray that any future “world order” that rises from the ashes of the coming war will be inspired and led by Palestine, and that poverty and oppression are erased alongside the megalomania, greed and psychopathy that creates them.
All my love,
* as oposed to “a puff of enlightenment”, which is just silly!
The only real way to escape Israeli media and all things Jewish (wars, etc.) would be to find a mountain with a cave and then move into it. Back in the 90’s those preppers used to talk about things like that and everyone said they were nuts, doesn’t sound so crazy now.
Who got jabbed in the arse?
Breaking: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It's considered…
— Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) October 21, 2023
thank you sister kali, for speaking my first two words, that i had intended to post. yes, thank you brett, for your service (and i mean that most sincerely) to humanity and mankind in general.
thank you brett, for not selling out, which would be quite lucrative, in this dark day and age, and thank you, my beloved sister kali, for just the same.
it is the truly good people of the world that keep it, from being burned to a cinder. please keep up the good work, both of you!
Thank you!
I have few words to share right now having just watched Max Igan’s most recent report on the horrific genocide taking place in Gaza:
Please do consider naming and shaming the outlets that have canned you.
Thank you for the links and for your courage and determination.
Viva Gaza! Viva Palestine!
Very best wishes,
Kremlin Telegram channels are the best at obfuscating Russia’s central role in the existence of the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine. USEUNATO censorship can focus on other issues thanks to that.
Sure, looks like that Winston Smith fella got his self in a real mess!
In case you missed it:
PS To whom it may concern: The above article illustrates how some ‘democratically elected representatives’ in Austfailia [mainly LNP] work *against* us, we the people’s interests. Grrr!
Freedom fighters, my ass. Hamas are crude, infantile, narcissistic criminals. And Israel had good reason to take Gaza decades earlier. I have no problem with Israel wiping them out.
“American goyim are crude, infantile… And Israel had good reason to connive them into fighting Greater Israel’s wars decades earlier. I have no problem with Jews wiping them out after they’re of no further use to the Jews.”
Freedom fighters, my ass. Hamas are crude, infantile, narcissistic criminals. And Israel had good reason to take Gaza decades earlier. I have no problem with Israel wiping them out.
@mulga mumblebrain
Freedom fighters, my ass. Hamas are crude, infantile, narcissistic criminals. And Israel had good reason to take Gaza decades earlier. I have no problem with Israel wiping them out.
the last fifty years in Austfailia
More like nearly 48, counting from the 11Nov’75 zusa coup against EGW, as I’m sure you know.
the moral imbecility of the ‘Blairite before Blair’ Labor Party
Not just; it was mainly ‘the Sydney spiv in a suit’ that forced neoliberalism upon the hapless populace – “What would you rather? An irrational economics?”
It must be, that our ‘democratic representatives’ are schooled in anti-populace subversion – and they all pass with flying traitorous colours.
But why that populace tolerates the continuous nibbling-away of the original Medibank, say, is beyond me – AFAIK latest drastic ‘nibbler’ = Abbott, practically killed off bulk-billing for all ‘normal customers’, except tolerating such nibbling-away is a possible proof that the populace as electorate is in balance sadly just too dumb. But you know that too.
and this is a notable sign-post on the Highway to Hell
Yep. rgds
PS Neoliberalism = mostly privatisation = populace financial-death by a thousand cuts.
That is one way to look at it.There is another (quote edited for brevity):
UR honeypot? Who does it want to catch? Those who support Palestinians or those who want to get the immigrants expelled? I doubt that old age pensioners, and most of those commenting on UR tend to be in that age bracket, Loup Bouc being typical, are really a threat to anybody.
Here is a little homework for you, should you feel a need to research that topic further:make a list of "avatars" here which dissapeared within...say...last 3 months. Make a list of new "avatars" which appeared at the same time. Compare them.
Social Honeypots are tools deployed in Online Social Networks (OSN) to attract ....... individuals interested in.....more sensitive subjects like political views and conspiracies. With all these individuals gathered in one place, honeypot owners can conduct many analyses....
It appears that my comments re this shitshow in ME started to dissapear in limbo.
Make of that what you will.
…. there is a lull in the bombing and a pause in plans to invade. Could it be that maybe, just maybe, the reality of Hezbollah and Iran plus the consolidation of BRICS is starting to penetrate the psychopathy….
First, 97 % of people commenting here are morons and of those around 90 % have no idea how military and war things work.
You could very likely be one of them.
That’s O.K. as long as there is a wish to learn and keep polite.
Your comment is at least later, so I’ll try to address the former.
In military there is a commander intent and execution of that intent.
The execution depends on available resources and time. Time as detriment, most of the time (pun intended).
In plain language, bombing wise, there is a personnel fatigue (pilots in particular) and equipment fatigue (planes in particular).
Both, after intensive period of use need rest, refit, overhaul..blah..blah…
Then, there is a CiC element. Assessing what’s done and based on the assesment planning and organizing the next move.
Continue bombing as it is/combination of bombing and limited land incursion/full land incursion/whatever.
And, all above done by, essentially, just mobilized force.
That’s a lot of work for, fundamentally, mostly regular civilians. IDF isn’t US military. Time….
So, the operational pause has nothing to do with Iran, whatever. It has everything to do with actual capabilities of IDF and the state of Israel.
One more element: because IDF land forces are essentially civilians it takes TIME to get them up to the level of competence required for proper MOUT operations. Jews aren’t dumb as Russians. The regime in Jerusalem does care for its people. The only way to have own casualties at the tolerable level is to TRAIN/prepare own forces for such combat. That takes TIME.
And, there is one more element (Jews are smart): Western public. The intention is to make this topic, after initial “Jews are right to fight Hamas” onslaught, dissapear.
Jews are doing all this by the book.
The rest of the world either supports it or can’t do anything about it.
Of course, morons can’t handle that reality and need hopium.
All good….. in the Clown World.
Gershon Baskin says its time to say enough.
At least 2,434 Palestinian children (while 143 Israeli children) have been killed by someone from the other side since 2000. That was before this particular event which has probably altered that proportion of 143 to 2,434. I’d say enough happened long ago (if you get my meaning, which I doubt).
Gershon says a ground invasion is imminent.
Pardon me if my information is out of date but from what I can tell, there is a lull in the bombing and a pause in plans to invade. Could it be that maybe, just maybe, the reality of Hezbollah and Iran plus the consolidation of BRICS is starting to penetrate the psychopathy Netanyahu, Smotrich and Ben-Gvir appear to be smitten with (that I am beginning to believe is a product of centuries of immersion in “chosen-ness” ideology) .
….puts the lie to much of Baskin’s spiel.
.... there is a lull in the bombing and a pause in plans to invade. Could it be that maybe, just maybe, the reality of Hezbollah and Iran plus the consolidation of BRICS is starting to penetrate the psychopathy....
UR honeypot? Who does it want to catch? Those who support Palestinians or those who want to get the immigrants expelled? I doubt that old age pensioners, and most of those commenting on UR tend to be in that age bracket, Loup Bouc being typical, are really a threat to anybody.
That is one way to look at it.
There is another (quote edited for brevity):
Social Honeypots are tools deployed in Online Social Networks (OSN) to attract ……. individuals interested in…..more sensitive subjects like political views and conspiracies. With all these individuals gathered in one place, honeypot owners can conduct many analyses….
Here is a little homework for you, should you feel a need to research that topic further:make a list of “avatars” here which dissapeared within…say…last 3 months. Make a list of new “avatars” which appeared at the same time. Compare them.
Keep the result to himself; most of readers here wouldn’t understand it anyway for a couple of reasons, none complimentary.
I don’t care other than it’s a win win for Jews – they get to kill two birds with one stone: they clear out more Arabs from the Middle East and send them to Europe to help out with their White genocide project. Then those Arab immigrants will hate Whites even more for allowing Jews to get away with expelling them. But if there is a pushback … other than cops banning pro-Palestinian demos…
UR honeypot? Who does it want to catch? Those who support Palestinians or those who want to get the immigrants expelled? I doubt that old age pensioners, and most of those commenting on UR tend to be in that age bracket, Loup Bouc being typical, are really a threat to anybody. In fact I’m sure that nobody here is some ideological Godfather who controls armies of skinhead White supremacists or Islamist fanatics.
100% correct.Now, a little 'shift:'
I really think that now the Zionazis have COMPLETELY captured the West, as we see in Western political insects REFUSING to condemn the collective punishment and other war crimes inflicted on Gaza, Israel has supplanted the USA as the focus of Evil in the world
[my bolding] Stick that in your pipe, and smoke it. Nothing at all towards you, MM; but I'm utterly 'flabbergasted.' rgdsPS source of [gxl8] quote:
After polls a few months ago indicated that the proposal would be accepted, a campaign led by the conservative opposition parties began to gradually undermine the arguments of its supporters. According to media reports, the strategy of the “No†side was implemented by advisors to the ultra-conservative right in the USA who belonged to Donald Trump’s camp. It is as simple as it is effective: the media has been flooded with half-truths, falsehoods and even naked lies for months.
Jacinta Price speaks at a media conference after the vote.
Conservative politician Jacinta Price, one of the few indigenous voices of the opponents, claimed that indigenous people owe “electricity and regular food†to colonization. The rhetoric of opponents was at times so aggressive that Aboriginal organizations reported an increase in racially motivated hostility.
EPA/JONO SEARLEThe opponents relied on slogans that aimed at fear of racism against white people. They warned of a division in society, of loss of land and higher taxes, and even of “special rights based on racism†for indigenous people. The slogans were repeated daily in the media - all too often without being questioned by journalists
I predicted the Voice referendum result with uncanny precision. My long suffering relatives, work colleagues and friends all accused me of defeatism and even being on the No side. Of course I did not vote-it only encourages them.
Anyone who knows the history of the last fifty years in Austfailia, where EVERYTHING decent in public life has been destroyed by the Right, led by Murdoch’s mighty hate cancer MSM empire, the Evil of the LNP and the moral imbecility of the ‘Blairite before Blair’ Labor Party, knew EXACTLY what would occur.
The LNP, who had supported a Voice and the ‘Reconciliation’ process for years, when it was politically beneficial to do so, saw defeating the referendum as the easy path back to power after one term in Opposition. They know that c. 20% (at my estimation)of Austfailians are anti-Abo racists, and are the bedrock of their support. And 50% by definition are of sub-median intelligence, and can be easily duped.
So they opposed it at the last moment, then rode behind the Murdoch machine, which went ape-shit with lies and truly raw race hatred, but they were outdone by social media. The ‘boongs’ used to eat their young women and children, they wiped out previous inhabitants of the continent, they were going to steal your backyard and control the Government etc,etc. And, the LNP, having lost all its ‘moderates’ (liberal fascists rather than raving fascists)at the last election were like pigs in shit, Abo-bashing being their greatest delight, at least since John Howard.
During the election, the human suppository Leader of the Opposition, Dutton, a former Queensland (think Alabama with less charm)pig, promised a future referendum on ‘recognition’ in the Constitution. It was a lie, of course, designed to make some think that voting NO would not be the end of ‘Reconciliation’, and, as expected, he dropped the idea today.
The Government ran a lacklustre campaign, headed by a visibly inadequate to the task Indigenous woman. The NO campaign had two villainous Indigenous assimilationists, who campaigned that colonisation had only brought benefits to the Indigenous etc, as leading lights, and the Right raised them to semi-divine status, the Murdochs even suggesting the she-male might be a future PM??!!
Austfailia is rapidly nearing its long overdue comeuppance, and this is a notable sign-post on the Highway to Hell. It has revealed its true features.
More like nearly 48, counting from the 11Nov'75 zusa coup against EGW, as I'm sure you know.
the last fifty years in Austfailia
Not just; it was mainly 'the Sydney spiv in a suit' that forced neoliberalism upon the hapless populace - "What would you rather? An irrational economics?"It must be, that our 'democratic representatives' are schooled in anti-populace subversion – and they all pass with flying traitorous colours.But why that populace tolerates the continuous nibbling-away of the original Medibank, say, is beyond me – AFAIK latest drastic ‘nibbler’ = Abbott, practically killed off bulk-billing for all ‘normal customers’, except tolerating such nibbling-away is a possible proof that the populace as electorate is in balance sadly just too dumb. But you know that too.
the moral imbecility of the ‘Blairite before Blair’ Labor Party
Yep. rgdsPS Neoliberalism = mostly privatisation = populace financial-death by a thousand cuts.
and this is a notable sign-post on the Highway to Hell
I know that you are desperate to see any glimmer of hope in the Clown World. That’s fine. Better than depression and/or substance abuse. Or worse.
Here is a deal:
You watch Pakistan helping Hamas.
I’ll watch IDF pulverizing Gaza strip. And even more, Western MSM doing that fine game with esquisite skill: Srebrenica is genocide/Gaza is legitimate self-defense. And drones eating that shit with grin.
It’s clear what’s going to happen on the ground there. Your types managing that reality is your thing. That’s, actually, one of this honeypot’s primary functions.
All is good in the Clown World.
Yes it will.
Pakistan has nukes, and will it stand aside if Israel demolishes the Al Aqsa mosque and starts dropping nukes on Muslims?
Pakistani party pledges to join Hamas ‘on the frontlines’
Israel will send drones to sink US aircraft carriers if Hizbullah enters the war and then blame Iran .
USS Liberty ‘s rerun .
This time though US will be participating from the very get go .
This is different from 1967. LBJ alone might have known that sailors would soon perish .
This time Fox ,CNN , WSJ and entire Biden Administration know that Israel would stage a false flag and sacrifice a few Americans so that US can enter into war.
US will end from barrage of Russian and Chinese nukes
Not just zusa; IL will go 1st due to shorter nuke-rocket flight-times. After IL will come most ((zusa-concentrations)) and London, but: To repeat, IL 1st to go ‘vaporised/glassed’.
As ((they)) would then be 100% exterminated, ((they)) will never allow the 1st nuke to fly. Even if IL partly ‘survived,’ they can’t scratch themselves let alone feed themselves without massive zusa+ support; they’d starve out there on their stolen sands.
Have a relax.
Talking about evil.
I really think that now the Zionazis have COMPLETELY captured the West, as we see in Western political insects REFUSING to condemn the collective punishment and other war crimes inflicted on Gaza, Israel has supplanted the USA as the focus of Evil in the world
100% correct.
Now, a little ‘shift:’
After polls a few months ago indicated that the proposal would be accepted, a campaign led by the conservative opposition parties began to gradually undermine the arguments of its supporters. According to media reports, the strategy of the “No†side was implemented by advisors to the ultra-conservative right in the USA who belonged to Donald Trump’s camp. It is as simple as it is effective: the media has been flooded with half-truths, falsehoods and even naked lies for months.
Jacinta Price speaks at a media conference after the vote.
Conservative politician Jacinta Price, one of the few indigenous voices of the opponents, claimed that indigenous people owe “electricity and regular food†to colonization. The rhetoric of opponents was at times so aggressive that Aboriginal organizations reported an increase in racially motivated hostility.
EPA/JONO SEARLEThe opponents relied on slogans that aimed at fear of racism against white people. They warned of a division in society, of loss of land and higher taxes, and even of “special rights based on racism†for indigenous people. The slogans were repeated daily in the media – all too often without being questioned by journalists
[my bolding] Stick that in your pipe, and smoke it. Nothing at all towards you, MM; but I’m utterly ‘flabbergasted.’ rgds
PS source of [gxl8] quote:
PPS Prime source of all propaganda = ((Bernays))
Yes it will.
Pakistan has nukes, and will it stand aside if Israel demolishes the Al Aqsa mosque and starts dropping nukes on Muslims?
Israel who uses phosphorus and depleted uranium on civilians ,will gladly nuke Iran if it could . Bastard parasite ungrateful Zionist wants America step up and do it for the parasite bastard unhygienic and ungrateful Zionist .
If US ,does so , US will end from barrage of Russian and Chinese nukes .
Saudi will liquidate all treasury and so will China .
Not just zusa; IL will go 1st due to shorter nuke-rocket flight-times. After IL will come most ((zusa-concentrations)) and London, but: To repeat, IL 1st to go ‘vaporised/glassed’.As ((they)) would then be 100% exterminated, ((they)) will never allow the 1st nuke to fly. Even if IL partly ‘survived,’ they can't scratch themselves let alone feed themselves without massive zusa+ support; they'd starve out there on their stolen sands.Have a relax.
US will end from barrage of Russian and Chinese nukes
It’s getting more real by the day…
How many Jews made out like Josephus. Masada was hardly representative.
thus reinforcing the Judaic group dynamic
I can’t tell if it is religion or some other mental illness, but for this ‘tribe’ [ur-Khazars, never Hebrews = non-Semitic] to select a destination based on some stupid erring ‘myth’ then to invade, mass-slaying the natives to steal their ‘lebensraum’ then illegally occupy = squat upon ‘land never to be theirs’ really is *sick*.
Worse, that most of the ‘Western’ world actually supports this massive crime against hapless Palestinians [= stand-ins for all humanity!] is a) notionally incredible but actually occurring and b) to normal, ‘justice-craving’ people is ‘soul killing,’ not to mention revolting in the extreme. Outrageous! – An ultimate, totally unforgivable crime, string ’em up!
‘Soul killing?’ – Get it – a dig at religion, which [outside of Buddhism, perhaps] has the objective of the impossible ‘life after death’ motive for the sorry, miserable arse of each stupid ‘believer.’ Haw!
Another useful bit of information, for …say….3 % tops, people here.
Resident morons and cranks (remaining 97 %) skip/ignore it. Will mess that daily fix of yours.
Video Link
Parasitism as a way of life was no doubt learned from animals and plants by numerous tribes. The Jews are simply the oldest surviving example of that modus vivendi. Later manifestations include imperialism and colonialism as practised by the Europeans and the USA to today.
The Jews are simply the longest extant Mafia in existence. Over the centuries those Jews wise to the truth and opposed to it either tried to reform Judaism, but were usually killed by the Rabbis for their efforts, or left the operation and converted to other religions, philosophies and ideologies, thus reinforcing the Judaic group dynamic.
I can't tell if it is religion or some other mental illness, but for this ‘tribe’ [ur-Khazars, never Hebrews = non-Semitic] to select a destination based on some stupid erring ‘myth’ then to invade, mass-slaying the natives to steal their 'lebensraum' then illegally occupy = squat upon ‘land never to be theirs’ really is *sick*.Worse, that most of the 'Western' world actually supports this massive crime against hapless Palestinians [= stand-ins for all humanity!] is a) notionally incredible but actually occurring and b) to normal, ‘justice-craving’ people is ‘soul killing,’ not to mention revolting in the extreme. Outrageous! - An ultimate, totally unforgivable crime, string 'em up!'Soul killing?' - Get it - a dig at religion, which [outside of Buddhism, perhaps] has the objective of the impossible 'life after death' motive for the sorry, miserable arse of each stupid 'believer.' Haw!
thus reinforcing the Judaic group dynamic
As far as Satan-yahoo, a psychopath prey to Masada Complex and survivor guilt at not being alive to perish in the Nazi Judeocide, and a hater of goyim and non-fascistic Jews alike, the more nukes the merrier. Like his, possibly unconscious, role model, Hitler (an Aryan Samson?)he seems to want to bring all the world down, to finally prove to his Daddy that he is as big a deal as his dead brother.
Pakistan has nukes, and will it stand aside if Israel demolishes the Al Aqsa mosque and starts dropping nukes on Muslims?
Yes it will.
Israel drops a nuke on Tehran–>Pakistan drops a nuke on Israel–>USA drops a lot of nukes on Pakistan is the scenario.
Because Pakistani elites are smart enough to know the scenaro above they’ll choose a simple self-preserving option.
I suggest skipping similar….thinking…. in further communication.
That would be perfect world. Probably too much to hope for, so perfect war should be good enough at this stage. One could be content with ratio of 50 towelheads/1 Jew killed/maimed there on daily basis for the next 3 months.
If you could get all the Jews and Muslims residing in the West to go back and fight it out in the Middle East, that would be even better.
Former, at this stage, correct.
The White Western governments, media, and most of the public clearly support one side only in this fight, and of course would open their doors to every refugee from this and any further wars in the Middle East.
paragraph, not really. All those regimes and, actually everyone, takes into the account two facts: true Jewish mindset and their nuclear capability. Came close in '73.
...No matter what happens...
Pakistan has nukes, and will it stand aside if Israel demolishes the Al Aqsa mosque and starts dropping nukes on Muslims? It only takes one nuke to wipe out all of Israel but many to wipe out all the Muslims.
hahahaha! man, which plane hit Building 7? Maybe one of those planes also weakened! who knows!
Odd standards innit mate?
On the contrary.
The correct, even perfect, standards in Jewish created Clown World.
My primary interest in all this is watching those standards being implemented now straight into our faces.
The sheer hypocrisy…no…schizophrenia…of all that is really interesting to watch.
The, literally, same people who were pushing for hard measures against anyone who even speaks against towelheads are now pushing, hard again, for mass slaughter. Not batting an eye. Same self-righteous and smug arrogance…straight into our faces.
And drones, I mean general public, eats it all.
It’s almost as crazy as watching people on the right supporting, in this case, the very towelheads who they in general hate.
Clown World with solid dose of Twilight Zone. This limited hangout included. Morons. Drones at least can’t think.
The land claims they’ve made are fantastical
Gaza was never a Jewish or Hebrew city
Neither here nor there. The forebears of the majority of the aggressive alien invaders, mass-murdering for spoil [here soil] originally came from Khazaria [as locals they adopted Judaism and Hebrew, as a ‘disguise’ in an attempt to avoid being overrun by their own more local invaders] is where they a) belong (Khazaria) and b) should return to if not c) totally get lost.
Summary: Stolen religion, stolen language and since ~1948 stolen land – plus vicious lies [refer the Big Lie], ‘anti-Semitic’ and the ‘holohoax’ = ((their)) modus operandi.
Reasonable people informed by the truth already know this, only the others [psychopaths, the utterly ignorant, the hopelessly brain-washed may, plus ((they)) will] object]. rgds
If you could get all the Jews and Muslims residing in the West to go back and fight it out in the Middle East, that would be even better.
That would be perfect world. Probably too much to hope for, so perfect war should be good enough at this stage. One could be content with ratio of 50 towelheads/1 Jew killed/maimed there on daily basis for the next 3 months.
The White Western governments, media, and most of the public clearly support one side only in this fight, and of course would open their doors to every refugee from this and any further wars in the Middle East.
Former, at this stage, correct.
Later, not so sure.
Even for former it’s too early: as soon as real carnage starts it would be nice to watch how in THIS particular case slaughtering towelheads is fine, children included.
Remember when Beslan massacre happened? Compare.
And, of course, my personal favourites: Ballkans examples. Srebrenica, for example.
Srebrenica genocide. Gaza …well, we’ll see. It will be good to watch. And, for all its faults, the regime in Kremlin WILL point to that.
There are still some Western MSM outlets which either haven’t received the memo or it’s simply now too hard wired into them to keep the old shit going even with speaking with Jews now.
As for
…No matter what happens…
paragraph, not really. All those regimes and, actually everyone, takes into the account two facts: true Jewish mindset and their nuclear capability. Came close in ’73.
Everyone with brains takes that option into calculus when thinking about escalating with Israel.
You push Israel not hard enough they retaliate much worse than you can ever can.
You push Israel too hard and they drop a tactical nuke on you.
Finding that fine line in between with Jews….well….good luck with that. So, everyone errs on the side of caution.
The OT writers wrote historical fiction. Actually not even historical fiction. As historical fiction is based on real events and people.
Even Jewish writers claim that their foundation fairy tale; Moses and the Exodus from Egypt never happened. Certainly there’s not the nearest mention of any slave revolt looting of the treasury and slaves leaving in Egyptian records. And the Egyptians kept excellent records. In fact, there’s no history of Jews in Sumeria Mesopotâmio Babylon Alexandria at all. Just one mention of the word Haibru a noun meaning bandit nomad. Not pastoralist animal herding nomads who move with the seasons But just bandits.
There’s much overlap between the advocates for mass Arab migration into Europe and mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza. A coincidence I suppose.
Or all those rapes of underage girls in UK and Europe? The correct response to Islamic mass murders, rapes and crimes in Europe is to import more Muslims. That and only that. And who would object most if it were not so? Surely not those advocating genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians? appears that IDF have been working by the and it's on the good schedule.
....technical execution (pun intended) of land warfare...
If the correct response to a concert being wiped out by Muslim gunmen is a siege and invasion of a 2.4 million city after dumping 1000lb bombs on their heads then whites might notice that nothing happened after Bataclan or the Manchester Arena in reprisal. Odd standards innit mate?
On the contrary.
Odd standards innit mate?
Israel is like a splinter driven into the fleshy part of the foot. The Palestinians are the oozing puss around the foreign object. If the Palestinians are finally driven away the entire leg will be next.
...We’ll see....
...If this polarises Whites versus immigrants in the West itself because they support opposing sides in Israel/Palestine, is that so bad?....
...Jews are not their friend so why should Whites automatically take the side of the Jews? ...
If you could get all the Jews and Muslims residing in the West to go back and fight it out in the Middle East, that would be even better.
The White Western governments, media, and most of the public clearly support one side only in this fight, and of course would open their doors to every refugee from this and any further wars in the Middle East. I’d prefer it if they closed their borders and refused to support any side, or at least condemned both sides.
No matter what happens, this conflict is far from over. And if other Arab/Muslim states and USA/NATO get drawn in? I see some predict it would become a world war if Iran is attacked but I doubt it. Russia and PR China will support Iran and provide weapons but I very much doubt they would get directly involved on Iran’s side as some predict; they’d prefer to use Iran as a proxy. The Middle East is a powder keg waiting to blow up, it’s just a matter of when. This Hamas action/Israeli response could be the spark. If not, then the demolition of the Al Aqsa mosque and the building of the Third Temple sometime in the future will surely do it.
That would be perfect world. Probably too much to hope for, so perfect war should be good enough at this stage. One could be content with ratio of 50 towelheads/1 Jew killed/maimed there on daily basis for the next 3 months.
If you could get all the Jews and Muslims residing in the West to go back and fight it out in the Middle East, that would be even better.
Former, at this stage, correct.
The White Western governments, media, and most of the public clearly support one side only in this fight, and of course would open their doors to every refugee from this and any further wars in the Middle East.
paragraph, not really. All those regimes and, actually everyone, takes into the account two facts: true Jewish mindset and their nuclear capability. Came close in '73.
...No matter what happens...
Mossad has utilized cadres of these types who blend in well with Arab populations.
The Muhammad Atta of 9/11 for instance, the actual person had his identity stolen and was alive afterwards.
Israel is the people.
The land claims they’ve made are fantastical. Gaza was never a Jewish or Hebrew city. Nor was the coastal area. They had Jerusalem and a few other villages away from the coast in the hills. The coast was civilized and a mix of Greeks, Cretans, Egyptians, some Bedouin and Phoenicians.
The Bible is a record of their genocide about the Bronze Age city states that predated their subversion and influx. The writers of the OT recorded their own crimes.
The land claims they’ve made are fantastical
Neither here nor there. The forebears of the majority of the aggressive alien invaders, mass-murdering for spoil [here soil] originally came from Khazaria [as locals they adopted Judaism and Hebrew, as a ‘disguise’ in an attempt to avoid being overrun by their own more local invaders] is where they a) belong (Khazaria) and b) should return to if not c) totally get lost.Summary: Stolen religion, stolen language and since ~1948 stolen land - plus vicious lies [refer the Big Lie], ‘anti-Semitic’ and the ‘holohoax’ = ((their)) modus operandi. Reasonable people informed by the truth already know this, only the others [psychopaths, the utterly ignorant, the hopelessly brain-washed may, plus ((they)) will] object]. rgds
Gaza was never a Jewish or Hebrew city
You have to ask yourself if it’s possible to distinguish this man from Palestinian Arabs too. A proper Ali G Borat type.
Did the RAF bomb Bradford after Muslims blew up the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester? Did the RAF bomb Tower Hamlets after Muslims blew up the Subway trainstop in Russell Square?
Maybe they should have. Maybe not. Hard to tell which was the wise response.
Hey, this isn’t Newsmax or Pastor Hagee’s blog.
Good God-genocide is 100% kosher. It fills the Torah and the Talmud and the exegeses by the ‘great’ Rabbis. The tracts in the Torah are the oldest extant descriptions of genocide and demands for its use. OF COURSE most Jews would reject it, but MANY have always openly advocated it, particularly among the religious fundamentalist extremists, and the number demanding it now, and happy to say so publicly, is growing like topsy.
Obstinacy added to Evil. Are you John Howard?
They are freedom fighter who WON and kicked the Zionazi psychopaths out of their land. And don’t you psychopaths HATE it, as they proved the racist myth of ‘Israeli invincibility’ to be a LIE.
Yes, it’s a pity that Israel occupied south Lebanon after 1978 and waged a war of terror on the locals, until Hezbollah kicked their heinies out in 2000, then defeated them again in 2006, in what the IDF told the Pentagon was ‘…the best prepared war in Israeli history’. Pity to live next door to a murderous psychopath.
...We’ll see....
...If this polarises Whites versus immigrants in the West itself because they support opposing sides in Israel/Palestine, is that so bad?....
...Jews are not their friend so why should Whites automatically take the side of the Jews? ...
….technical execution (pun intended) of land warfare… appears that IDF have been working by the …certain….book and it’s on the good schedule.
Not long now for the “push”.
Here is what’s going to happen:
IDF will do it slowly and methocically, with extraordinary use of firepower.
Resident morons will try to keep up with their therapy but will soon lose interest.
Resident towelhead ..ahm…”influencers”…will start posting macabre pics. Cranks will feed on them and those two groups will contaminate around 99 % of comment space here.
Every now and then somebody will put some interesting bit of information. Probably twice weekly. Tops.
They’ll feed the algorithm too, which is good.
The ground offensive will be, actually boring. Except for those two groups above, of course.
What won’t be boring will be watching how Jewish PR juggernaut handles the horrors, AND, at the same time keeps the White goyim in check. Like “we can kill and maim Muslims at will, but YOU must be very nice for them no matter what they do”. Watching masters playing, if you will and goyim eating that shit up with smile.Clown World at its best.
The Israeli people WANT WAR with Lebanon.
Taking into account a particular relationships between people, Government and IDF in Israel that feels a bit awkward.
It is the IDF and the Government that do not want war.
The last time Hezbollah didn't wage guerrilla war.
Hezbollah will not be able to wage a guerrilla war against the IDF like they did in the 80s and 90s.
fear not.
Just a few hours ago, Israel carried out the largest bombing attack it ever has on Syria, even though you promised only a few weeks ago that Israel would never be able to bomb Syria again. Basically your side saying that the IDF can’t do something is a guarantee that the IDF will do just that.
” a few hours ago, Israel carried out the largest bombing attack it ever has on Syria, even though you promised only a few weeks ago that Israel would nâ€
Nazi used to laugh at the inmates before herding them inside the trains for the grave yard for the live .
But Israel is still the more moral army .US needs to sustain and protect it . Otherwise no-one will be elected as president of US.Its complex
a broken and famished country. Lebanon used to be the Switzerland of the Middle East
This is what the Collective Waste prosecuted upon Lebanon and Hizbollah and Iran are achieving the reversal.
Cry in your beer.
Westerners have no moral values, we’ve lots of material stuff we must hang on to at all cost. Thus we’re afraid of everything. Especially having our government get mad at us.
You have invoked the “NEW” Canadian spirit!
…We’ll see….
…If this polarises Whites versus immigrants in the West itself because they support opposing sides in Israel/Palestine, is that so bad?….
…Jews are not their friend so why should Whites automatically take the side of the Jews? …
As I said before this is perfect war: Jews and towelheads going against each other over there with modern tech and their (medieval) mindset. What’s not to like as long as doesn’t get nuclear?
Proper White Nationalists (around…say…3 % of people writing here…) should simply enjoy all this.
There ARE possible complications but, overall, the package is very good.
My personal interest is simply technical execution (pun intended) of land warfare and watching Jewish PR machine at works.
Most people here are morons who don’t get either. The level of overall ignorance with low level social intelligence is interesting to watch. Things definitely got worse since Scamdemic.
Still, as that comment/link by “that-handle” shows, even in all this shit there is, sometimes, a very good bit of useful input.
I expect the same ratio in days/weeks ahead. 99 % moronic trash/1 % of quality input.
Worth quick skim through. appears that IDF have been working by the and it's on the good schedule.
....technical execution (pun intended) of land warfare...
The evidence that they did as you claim is as credible as the machine that masturbated thousands to death, the woman who swallowed her family jewels daily then retrieved them out of her excrement, the “survivors” who hid in the chimneys of the crematoria, and the fountains of blood at Babi Yar.
There's the #1 reason for Hezbollah's existence; to keep a check on that nation filled with land thieves, assassins and homicidal maniacs, Israel.
By day twenty, Israel had no heavy armour operational north of their own border. This is when the Israeli tactics were changed to openly destroying as much of southern Lebanon’s public infrastructure as possible. And this they did, resulting in a huge loss of civilian life particularly women and children.
…to keep a check on that nation filled with land thieves, assassins and homicidal maniacs, Israel.
Are you channeling someone?
“While the Zionists try to make the rest of the World believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organisation for their international world swindler, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.
It is a sign of their rising confidence and sense of security that at a time when one section is still playing the German, French-man, or Englishman, the other with open effrontery comes out as the Jewish race.â€
You know who, circa 1923
Peter, Peter, Matzoh eater. Here you present yet another case of one HasBarfa activist licking the wounded weenie of a fellow traveler in Talmudist misinformation.
Dave: You are either a bedizened and mind-controlled fool, or a HasBarfa propagandist. It’s quite clear that you have not reached out to alternative news sources in order to broaden your horizons. Thus, I must conclude that you are here to forward the “correct” narrative rather than to share insights of genuine understanding.
Dave. It is regrettable that your skills of comprehension appear to be limited to ten dollar words in massive array, rather than a relative handful of fifty dollar ones. Perhaps you are one of millions of Murrikkkans who have been deliberately dumbed-down by the systematic schemes of the financial and academic elites who have long endeavored to reimpose serfdom upon the masses of people.
Hizballah is an armed ethnic – religious minority in Lebanon, a broken and famished country. Lebanon used to be the Switzerland of the Middle East, till the civil war ruined it. Today, Hizballah has fallen into the hands of Iran’s clerical regime, is financed and managed by Iran, and serves as proxy to fight Israel. Isn’t that a pity?
Which is a good thing. May GOD bless the Palestinians in their wars against the Sub-Human kike invaders. May every kike be wiped clean from God’s green Earth!
the horror the horror
you think their regimes will try anything serious? They will not.
...response of Arabs and Muslims...
I still think this has the potential to ignite the entire Middle East if Israel goes fully genocidal in Gaza. We’ll see.
If this polarises Whites versus immigrants in the West itself because they support opposing sides in Israel/Palestine, is that so bad? But I don’t see Whites doing anything to stem the tide of the Muslim immigrants. Anyway Jews are not their friend so why should Whites automatically take the side of the Jews? The Jews have supported the invasion of Europe by the Muslim immigrants, and Israel has never done anything to prevent it nor has it even condemned it. Israel even armed the Muslim Azeris against the Christian Armenians to assist their ethnic cleansing out of a Christian enclave. When Jews show in words and actions that they are truly allies of Christians and Europeans I may reconsider.
Of course Jews from all over will be heading to fight for Israel, that’s what they’re like.
...We’ll see....
...If this polarises Whites versus immigrants in the West itself because they support opposing sides in Israel/Palestine, is that so bad?....
...Jews are not their friend so why should Whites automatically take the side of the Jews? ...
Oh for the times when “democracy” meant “communist” 🙄
Hezbollah has been quite effective in preventing the shithole state from grabbing Lebanon’s land and water. If they’re defined as “terrorists”, then we need to differentiate between “good” Terrorists and “bad” Terrorists.
I’d put Hezbollah into the former category, and God’s Favorite Thieves and Murderers in the latter.
After glancing at his posting record, I’d say this “Seekers” fellow could be a Good-Christian Racist (American), and if not that then he/she is likely a person located a few several thousand miles away on some stolen land in Southwest Asia posing as one.
As many people know, the Good-Christian Fundamentalists are just itching for the chance to start murdering Jews – for Jesus, of course.
IMO that’s a very good reason for the Apartheid state to avoid using even one nuclear weapon, for a single such event could very well trigger some Good-Christian Fundamentalists into trying for an early start on the Second Coming.
Right. No other race throughout history have been greedy or warlike. The Muslim slave traders were certainly not greedy, along with the conquest of the Mongols, Moors, Persians, Mughals, Egyptians, etc., for wealth, power, and territory.
Replies: @another unz poster
According to your new findings, how many cases of Israeli rape were there in 1948?
About a dozen. In Acre four soldiers raped a girl and murdered her and her father. In Jaffa, soldiers of the Kiryati Brigade raped one girl and tried to rape several more. At Hunin, which is in the Galilee, two girls were raped and then murdered. There were one or two cases of rape at Tantura, south of Haifa. There was one case of rape at Qula, in the center of the country. At the village of Abu Shusha, near Kibbutz Gezer [in the Ramle area] there were four female prisoners, one of whom was raped a number of times. And there were other cases. Usually more than one soldier was involved. Usually there were one or two Palestinian girls. In a large proportion of the cases the event ended with murder. Because neither the victims nor the rapists liked to report these events, we have to assume that the dozen cases of rape that were reported, which I found, are not the whole story. They are just the tip of the iceberg.
According to your findings, how many acts of Israeli massacre were perpetrated in 1948?
Twenty-four. In some cases four or five people were executed, in others the numbers were 70, 80, 100. There was also a great deal of arbitrary killing. Two old men are spotted walking in a field - they are shot. A woman is found in an abandoned village - she is shot. There are cases such as the village of Dawayima [in the Hebron region], in which a column entered the village with all guns blazing and killed anything that moved.
The worst cases were Saliha (70-80 killed), Deir Yassin (100-110), Lod (250), Dawayima (hundreds) and perhaps Abu Shusha (70). There is no unequivocal proof of a large-scale massacre at Tantura, but war crimes were perpetrated there. At Jaffa there was a massacre about which nothing had been known until now. The same at Arab al Muwassi, in the north. About half of the acts of massacre were part of Operation Hiram [in the north, in October 1948]: at Safsaf, Saliha, Jish, Eilaboun, Arab al Muwasi, Deir al Asad, Majdal Krum, Sasa. In Operation Hiram there was a unusually high concentration of executions of people against a wall or next to a well in an orderly fashion.
That can’t be chance. It’s a pattern. Apparently, various officers who took part in the operation understood that the expulsion order they received permitted them to do these deeds in order to encourage the population to take to the roads. The fact is that no one was punished for these acts of murder. Ben-Gurion silenced the matter. He covered up for the officers who did the massacres.
(Ari Shavit interviewing Zionist Historian Benny Morris)
“The worst cases were Saliha (70-80 killed), Deir Yassin (100-110), Lod (250), Dawayima (hundreds) and perhaps Abu Shusha (70). There is no unequivocal proof of a large-scale massacre at Tantura, but war crimes were perpetrated there. At Jaffa there was a massacre about which nothing had been known until now. The same at Arab al Muwassi, in the north. About half of the acts of massacre were part of Operation Hiram [in the north, in October 1948]: at Safsaf, Saliha, Jish, Eilaboun, Arab al Muwasi, Deir al Asad, Majdal Krum, Sasa. In Operation Hiram there was a unusually high concentration of executions of people against a wall or next to a well in an orderly fashion.”
It seems genocide and ethnic cleansing is an acceptable practice among Jews as long as it isn’t carried out against the Jewish people.
In all this…ahm….commenting…about the topic in this limited hangout I’ve found your post the most useful/informative.
So, an attempt to reciprocitate:
Video Link
You’ll find TWO bits of information quite useful, IMHO.
Or…..perhaps you all can join AOC in her condemnation;
Blame it on “anti-semitic Christian fundamentalists”
As a Christian AOC can shove it up here ass until the sun don’t shine.
No…it is not “the Jews”…it is not the Christians you all side with….it is Hamas – those that take pride in slaughtering unarmed defenseless young men and women.
I do not believe the beheaded babies story. Sounds like something we tried to create to justify war in the middle east.
I fully believe the facts about the 260 young women and men slaughtered by cowards.
If you believe that is justified or ok then go ahead. Join BLM and stand your ground.
It is quite obvious those “bad bad Jews” camp out freely in your head and so many others.
If you write something comprehensible I will reply. Otherwise sounds like a bunch of babble
Ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger Effect? No? Here it is, explained... In a nutshell, the effect is is of supreme confidence based on nothing more than being unaware of the existence of skills beyond your understanding.
The resident “teams†will now “educate†you about multidimensional chess play and long term geopolitical planning.
Hamas has a lust for war. Its sole founding principle is the destruction of Israel. If war were 8mm porn, Hamas would be the Long John Holmes of the battlefield.