War over by March (2022)? Yes, the Ukrainian military was basically destroyed.
The Ukrainian military was basically destroyed and yet pushed the Russians out of Kiev and past the Donbas lines? Up to Bakhmut which took 10 months for the Russian military to capture through a private military group? A peculiar definition of destroyed.
The West flooded Ukraine with arms and demanded Zelensky not negotiate and here we are.
The Russians were pushed out of Kiev before the aid arrived. Which means the Russians got their asses kicked by a smaller military using mainly 70s/80s Soviet equipment.
MacGregor, Ritter and others on both sides made incorrect predictions but that’s war, things change.
It’s not simply incorrect predictions. They are cheerleaders.
They don’t talk about successes by Ukraine. It’s all about how Russia is winning and is about to crush them.
I don’t want cheerleaders from either side. Military analysts are supposed to provide analysis of the situation. As in giving their expert opinion on what is happening.
Why don’t you post your comments at Andrei Martyanov’s site at smoothiex12 blogspot com and Larry Johnson’s site at sonar21 com and we’ll see how you do.
Why would I do that? They are both in the tank for Putin and most likely censor the comments. There are a dozen bloggers that are in the tank for Putin. Half of them will disappear when this is over. A certain blogger here already scrubbed his posts from last year.
You’re obviously a butthurt Russia hater. I hope you sign up and end up at the next town Russia exterminates.
I hate all totalitarian governments. It’s not specific to Russia.
I also hate insecure tyrants like Putin that make life hell for others. I’ve dealt with them in real life and have learned to avoid them. They eventually turn on everyone because at the end of the day they hate the world for shortchanging them. It’s an eternal bitterness the corrupts everything it touches. Putin is a magnified version of an incel going on a shooting spree.
You wish I were dead and yet your bunker dwarf kills innocent people on a daily basis. Your priorities are warped from emotionally attaching yourself to a dictator out of hatred for the West. I am very critical of the Western status quo but that doesn’t mean I have to defend a mass murdering dwarf and his totalitarian empire that has the world’s highest abortion rate.
Not everything needs to be boiled down to Us vs Them like Bantu tribalists. It’s actually possible to oppose the Western status quo and also Putin’s dictatorship.
And according to the unanimity of the West’s media and leadership, Ukraine is on the cusp, the very edge of victory!!
I haven’t seen anyone make that statement. Go ahead and provide a source.
There is anticipation over the offensive but no one can declare the outcome with certainty.
I can however provide no less than a dozen videos where MacGregor rambles about how Ukraine is about to be crushed. Starting in March of last year.
Are you a deep fake designed to drive me the short distance to madness?
You have been getting more shrill over time. Maybe taking responsibility for your own personal life would be a healthy step rather than ranting about whites and global warming. You’re very smart but I think you’re a bit in denial about certain things.
Right-wing thinking comes from the needs of men to create and provide for families.
Genocidal wishful thinking, bordering on psychosis, from a really vicious Banderite troll.
This situation would inevitably emerge and consolidate due to the following factors:
"...the country will split-up into smaller countries..."
Wishful thinking from a vicious homicidal troll, of course, but at least it does outline the precise nature of the Evil Atlanticist machinations to destroy Russia and vivisect it. Now being extirpated in The Ukraine.
A veritable rogues’ gallery of Rightwing bunyip fascists-the milieu from which you slithered. At least the news that Staley is dead cheered me a little-I wonder if John Hewson has removed Staley’s knife from his back, yet. Murdoch turned on Whitlam because Whitlam refused some of Murdoch’s demands-the pattern followed subsequently for fifty years. And then it’s off with the Gish Gallop of lies, as if in the Melbourne Cup!
Inflation was high everywhere in the developed world because of the oil shock in Whitlam’s time. Connor was correct, as the current farce where our gas, owned almost exclusively by foreigners, is exported for tens of billions, and the absentee landlords pay almost NO tax on these profits, while gas costs more for the poor local proles than it does in Japan, an export market for OUR gas.
Murphy raided ASIO because it was in cahoots with Croatian terrorists following its pattern, true until today, of serving the USA and the ‘Five Eyes’ Anglosphere FIRST, and Australia only when its interests coincide. Which, of course, is why the CIA and its asset Kerr, and fellow travelers Barwick, Mason, Fraser and the rest of the reactionary infestation, got rid of Whitlam, one of scores of leaders, many democratically elected, ousted by the Great Satan over the decades. But it’s China and Russia that ‘interfere’ in the affairs of others, is it not Top Level.
I often wonder what drives Rightists. Greed, of course, arrogant belief in their own superiority, a distaste or open hatred of others, whether of races, religions, sexual preferences, sex, ideologies etc. A taste for bullying and intimidation, cultivated in those ‘elite’ schools. Whitlam, the opposite of all these, save perhaps for a little, justified, arrogance, was viscerally hated by the reactionaries because he was a class traitor who tried to improve the lives of the serfs, and other downtrodden.
When he poured sand into Vincent Lingari’s hand to symbolise not just land rights, but the very humanity of the Indigenous, the Right went ape-shit with rage, a rage undying to today, as they spread lies and hatred in order to thwart the Voice referendum. Good God, Toppers-you embody everything that I have grown to despise about this country. Are you a deep fake designed to drive me the short distance to madness?
You have been getting more shrill over time. Maybe taking responsibility for your own personal life would be a healthy step rather than ranting about whites and global warming. You’re very smart but I think you’re a bit in denial about certain things.
Are you a deep fake designed to drive me the short distance to madness?
I admire your courage to dispute and argue with this genius of another world yet to be discovered. It would be an inverse world where stupidity is wisdom, and ignorance is knowledge.
Yanukovich fled from fascist killers
And justifiably so.
The same killers went to Odessa and burned 48 people alive in the Trades Union House for opposing the coup.
In this context, there is really no surprise that Russian speaking oblasts rose up in rebellion.
If I’m a “brain dead retard” you must be a blade of grass. Anyway, according to the Ukrainian constitution they needed 338 votes, they didn’t get them, even with guns in the street. Is that really too hard for you to understand? President Johnson beat his impeachment by 1 vote, Yanukavych beat his by 10. In your mind, do you think Johnson was legally removed? You guys gained power in a violent revolution, lots of countries have been founded that way. Castro was popular and Batista wasn’t, Castro won. Your oligarchs beat his oligarchs, take the win but don’t try to piss down my leg and tell me it’s raining.
Thank you, Johnstein for affirming my thesis that you are as dim as a wall night light. The conditions, armaments, materiel, trained military of WWII was comparable to today’s Ukraine military on steroids, built up for 14 years by NATO and the JewSA, and for ONE PURPOSWhat are you suggesting? Russia is now the underdog? Russia started the war with a massive advantage in every single area. https://gdb.rferl.org/9DAA492C-3742-4AF0-9C74-EA6BD7056F5F_w650_r0_s.pngThe Ukrainians pushed them out of Kiev with their mostly Soviet era military. That would be equipment that was mostly manufactured in the 1970s and 80s. Did Putin underestimate the Ukrainians or is the Russian military really that incompetent?How do you explain that loss in the context of Jews and NATO?Let me guess, go on an unhinged rant that avoids the question and hope no one notices.Replies: @Poupon Marx, @The seventh column
Russia has a much larger military and it took them 10 months to take a city of 70k that is in complete ruins. The Germans took Ukraine in a month.�
the explanation is corruption…
He did not need to be removed by parliament through impeachment because he had previously already announced his resignation and then fled the country to Russia, from where he attempted to rescind his earlier resignation and talked of a "coup". By that time it was already too late because his reversal of sentiment was legally irrelevant.
"The Ukrainian parliament needed 338 votes to remove Yanukovych..."
It was the prospect of losing early elections, which were stipulated in the agreement he had signed with the three opposition party representatives (brokered by diplomats from Germany, France, Poland, and Russia upon the initiative of the EU) just a few hours before, that had triggered his choice to flee.
The Rada did not follow, or claim to follow, the impeachment route. They passed a resolution that established that Yanukovych had removed himself from fulfilling his constitutional duties. The resolution stated that due to the fact that Yanukovych had unconstitutionally stopped fulfilling his presidential duties, the Rada was calling early presidential elections as is their right under Article 85/7. It seems that nothing in the constitution prohibits parliament from passing such a resolution, which has the full legal force of a law, according to Article 91. The speaker of the Rada signed the resolution, again in accordance with the constitution (Article 88/3).
Lying, as ever. Yanukovich fled from fascist killers, after the ‘agreement’ negotiated with EU intermediaries, to hold early elections, was rejected by your beloved Banderites fascists, probably on orders from the USA, if they needed them.
So you have simply inverted the facts, a typical fascist tactic. The trade-mark ‘sniper killings’, a sign of most Colour Revolutions at their climax, had begun, coming from Banderite controlled buildings.
And justifiably so.
Yanukovich fled from fascist killers
Because parliament wasn’t sitting you braindead retard.
Not a single member present voted to keep him. They were in the process of being recalled to have sufficient.
He was never going to not be removed. His own fucking party disendorsed him
There was never any suggestion of a US military base in Crimea. Putin bot lies just get more and more ridiculous.
Yanukovich fled the country when 800,000 marched on the Maiden (apparently every single one was a glowie, it had nothing to do with the fact that he was elected on a platform of joining the EU, then refused, mysteriously became a billionaire and pivoted to Russia (where he now lives).
His own party disendorsed him. Not a single parliamentarian voted to NOT remove him, the vote was 312-0. As there wasn’t 75% of members there it didn’t pass, and a second vote was being arranged as parliament was being recalled.
He then fled the nation. This is not a coup
“The Ukrainian parliament needed 338 votes to remove Yanukovych…”
He did not need to be removed by parliament through impeachment because he had previously already announced his resignation and then fled the country to Russia, from where he attempted to rescind his earlier resignation and talked of a “coup“. By that time it was already too late because his reversal of sentiment was legally irrelevant.
The Rada did not follow, or claim to follow, the impeachment route. They passed a resolution that established that Yanukovych had removed himself from fulfilling his constitutional duties. The resolution stated that due to the fact that Yanukovych had unconstitutionally stopped fulfilling his presidential duties, the Rada was calling early presidential elections as is their right under Article 85/7. It seems that nothing in the constitution prohibits parliament from passing such a resolution, which has the full legal force of a law, according to Article 91. The speaker of the Rada signed the resolution, again in accordance with the constitution (Article 88/3).
It was the prospect of losing early elections, which were stipulated in the agreement he had signed with the three opposition party representatives (brokered by diplomats from Germany, France, Poland, and Russia upon the initiative of the EU) just a few hours before, that had triggered his choice to flee.
After that key premise of early elections had been legally established, any subsequent vote to remove him through impeachment was thus largely symbolic, so it does not matter that such a vote was 328-0.
War over by March (2022)? Yes, the Ukrainian military was basically destroyed. Russia is destroying it for the third time. The Ukrainian military is scraping the bottom of the barrel for victims to send to the front. The West flooded Ukraine with arms and demanded Zelensky not negotiate and here we are.
MacGregor, Ritter and others on both sides made incorrect predictions but that’s war, things change. We don’t know what the Russian general staff is thinking and planning.
Why don’t you post your comments at Andrei Martyanov’s site at smoothiex12 blogspot com and Larry Johnson’s site at sonar21 com and we’ll see how you do.
You’re obviously a butthurt Russia hater. I hope you sign up and end up at the next town Russia exterminates.
Maybe you guys really just don’t know. You can read and write; you can’t just be illiterate. The Ukrainian parliament needed 338 votes to remove Yanukovych, some parliamentarians, in fear of lives, fled. Others, under the threat of violence, remember the police had abandoned the city because of the armed insurrectionists, voted in favor of his removal. They needed 338 votes to remove him, they only got 328. And that was under the threat of armed thugs. When the Brits burned the White House and Madison fled, did he automatically lose his presidency? Are you truly unfamiliar with the violent color revolution that took place in Kiev? Is that possible? You pass yourself off as an educated person and you really don’t know what happened? Your guys won the brief civil war and took control of the country. Why not admit the facts?
In contract law, a contract signed under the threat of violence is void. Do you think the vote to remove Yanukovych would have even got 328 votes if gunmen weren’t ready to shoot the dissenters? And they still didn’t get the constitutionally required 338. Johnson was acquitted in the US Senate by 1 vote, using your logic, he should have been removed anyway.
He did not need to be removed by parliament through impeachment because he had previously already announced his resignation and then fled the country to Russia, from where he attempted to rescind his earlier resignation and talked of a "coup". By that time it was already too late because his reversal of sentiment was legally irrelevant.
"The Ukrainian parliament needed 338 votes to remove Yanukovych..."
It was the prospect of losing early elections, which were stipulated in the agreement he had signed with the three opposition party representatives (brokered by diplomats from Germany, France, Poland, and Russia upon the initiative of the EU) just a few hours before, that had triggered his choice to flee.
The Rada did not follow, or claim to follow, the impeachment route. They passed a resolution that established that Yanukovych had removed himself from fulfilling his constitutional duties. The resolution stated that due to the fact that Yanukovych had unconstitutionally stopped fulfilling his presidential duties, the Rada was calling early presidential elections as is their right under Article 85/7. It seems that nothing in the constitution prohibits parliament from passing such a resolution, which has the full legal force of a law, according to Article 91. The speaker of the Rada signed the resolution, again in accordance with the constitution (Article 88/3).
Thank you, Johnstein for affirming my thesis that you are as dim as a wall night light. The conditions, armaments, materiel, trained military of WWII was comparable to today’s Ukraine military on steroids, built up for 14 years by NATO and the JewSA, and for ONE PURPOSWhat are you suggesting? Russia is now the underdog? Russia started the war with a massive advantage in every single area. https://gdb.rferl.org/9DAA492C-3742-4AF0-9C74-EA6BD7056F5F_w650_r0_s.pngThe Ukrainians pushed them out of Kiev with their mostly Soviet era military. That would be equipment that was mostly manufactured in the 1970s and 80s. Did Putin underestimate the Ukrainians or is the Russian military really that incompetent?How do you explain that loss in the context of Jews and NATO?Let me guess, go on an unhinged rant that avoids the question and hope no one notices.Replies: @Poupon Marx, @The seventh column
Russia has a much larger military and it took them 10 months to take a city of 70k that is in complete ruins. The Germans took Ukraine in a month.�
And according to the unanimity of the West’s media and leadership, Ukraine is on the cusp, the very edge of victory!! Break out the Manischivshits, Johnstien, and the matzo’s on a swizzle stick. And crackers made from dried skin from Ukrainian soldiers with gefilthy fish and pickled foreskins.
So how was the legally elected president of Ukraine removed from office? By ballot or by gun?
He ran off.
The Parliament voted 329-0 to remove him.
That was actually the second time he was accused of fraud. He had already been elected previously and then resigned after accusations of voter fraud.
I suppose it’s possible that you really just don’t know what happened but even mainstream press admitted there was a color revolution. Did you miss that?
What is your point?
Yanukavych’s own party has disavowed him. He ran off to Russia instead of facing charges. This was a statement from his party when he left:
we strongly condemn the criminal orders that led to human victims, an empty state treasury, huge debts, shame before the eyes of the Ukrainian people and the entire world
There is evidence that he took over 100 million in bribes. He had a modest government salary and yet somehow had a mansion with $12k chandeliers. There were tablecloths that cost thousands. His mansion is now a museum of government corruption:
Are you suggesting that he was innocent or that he should have stayed in power? If Biden was caught taking 100 million from a foreign country would you argue that he should stay in power?
Thank you, Johnstein for affirming my thesis that you are as dim as a wall night light. The conditions, armaments, materiel, trained military of WWII was comparable to today's Ukraine military on steroids, built up for 14 years by NATO and the JewSA, and for ONE PURPOSE: to provoke Russia into a proxy war, in order to defeat and dismantle it for plunder. To destroy it, genociding millions of Russians (portrayed as subhuman by Ukrainian Nazis, in a supremely ironic and reflective denigrating constancy.
Russia has a much larger military and it took them 10 months to take a city of 70k that is in complete ruins. The Germans took Ukraine in a month.
Russia has a much larger military and it took them 10 months to take a city of 70k that is in complete ruins. The Germans took Ukraine in a month.
Thank you, Johnstein for affirming my thesis that you are as dim as a wall night light. The conditions, armaments, materiel, trained military of WWII was comparable to today’s Ukraine military on steroids, built up for 14 years by NATO and the JewSA, and for ONE PURPOS
What are you suggesting? Russia is now the underdog?
Russia started the war with a massive advantage in every single area.
The Ukrainians pushed them out of Kiev with their mostly Soviet era military. That would be equipment that was mostly manufactured in the 1970s and 80s.
Did Putin underestimate the Ukrainians or is the Russian military really that incompetent?
How do you explain that loss in the context of Jews and NATO?
Let me guess, go on an unhinged rant that avoids the question and hope no one notices.
There was no coup and certainly no arming of anyone involved by the US.
The US didn’t arm, encourage and support the coup?
So how was the legally elected president of Ukraine removed from office? By ballot or by gun? I suppose it’s possible that you really just don’t know what happened but even mainstream press admitted there was a color revolution. Did you miss that? Just because you agree with the coup plotters doesn’t mean there wasn’t a coup. Yanukavych had even agreed to new elections but the plotters knew that his signed treaty with Russia wouldn’t have the votes to be rejected so they had to remove him quickly. I’m really amazed at how many are ignorant of the facts about what happened in 2014.
Russia has a much larger military and it took them 10 months to take a city of 70k that is in complete ruins. The Germans took Ukraine in a month.
Thank you, Johnstein for affirming my thesis that you are as dim as a wall night light. The conditions, armaments, materiel, trained military of WWII was comparable to today’s Ukraine military on steroids, built up for 14 years by NATO and the JewSA, and for ONE PURPOSE: to provoke Russia into a proxy war, in order to defeat and dismantle it for plunder. To destroy it, genociding millions of Russians (portrayed as subhuman by Ukrainian Nazis, in a supremely ironic and reflective denigrating constancy.
That’s right, using the dumb, stupid, backward, and servile Ukrainians to take out the berm, the block toward planetary spread of globohomo, LGBTQLETTUCEANDTOMATO=, transfering wealth to the world’s Jewish Kleptocracy and crazed control Satanists. Ukrainians are the disposable, one use, landfill refuse for the International ZIO Oligarchies. A people so stewpid that there is no recognition of the reasons and purpose they are being used.
What fighting machine did Ukraine present to the specific military force of the Germans? In the 14 years of bulking up the all brawn and no brains of the Ukrainians, The West ensconced defensive placements, bunkers, installed airports, conscripted and equipped the military for one reason only, to be expended in destroying Russia, a country that tried for 2 decades to entreat the West toward cooperation, trade and peaceful coexistence; even to the point of suggesting its own affiliation with NATO.
Your clumsy, oafish attempts, along with other pimped out shabbas goys, hasbara sayanim to portray Russia as expansionist, unjustifiably aggressive go against the unarguable and irreducible and immutable extensive public record, in numerous instances, documents, over a long period.
Who is your pimp? Mossad Information Disruption Bureau or the CIA/alphabet NATO, etc? Who are you whoring for? Isn’t it ironic that you task and impugn Russia for its alleged sins and wrongs, while you shamelessly and inanely lie and dishonor yourself in a world forum?
Thank you, Johnstein for affirming my thesis that you are as dim as a wall night light. The conditions, armaments, materiel, trained military of WWII was comparable to today’s Ukraine military on steroids, built up for 14 years by NATO and the JewSA, and for ONE PURPOSWhat are you suggesting? Russia is now the underdog? Russia started the war with a massive advantage in every single area. https://gdb.rferl.org/9DAA492C-3742-4AF0-9C74-EA6BD7056F5F_w650_r0_s.pngThe Ukrainians pushed them out of Kiev with their mostly Soviet era military. That would be equipment that was mostly manufactured in the 1970s and 80s. Did Putin underestimate the Ukrainians or is the Russian military really that incompetent?How do you explain that loss in the context of Jews and NATO?Let me guess, go on an unhinged rant that avoids the question and hope no one notices.Replies: @Poupon Marx, @The seventh column
Russia has a much larger military and it took them 10 months to take a city of 70k that is in complete ruins. The Germans took Ukraine in a month.�
He, (Aleksandr Zadostanov) and the gang (Night Wolves) are as authentic as it gets.https://www.rferl.org/a/bulgaria-night-wolves-russia-putin/32017720.html(of course they'll lie about them, as they're hated because they're friends with Hitl.. er, I mean Putin ; )just do a search for Night Wolves, or Aleksandr Zadostanov and you'll get a trove.Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
Wearing a biker vest that says “Russia†instead of “РоÑÑицdoesn’t exactly exude confidence either.
Wearing a biker vest that says “Russia†instead of “РоÑÑицdoesn’t exactly exude confidence either.
He, (Aleksandr Zadostanov) and the gang (Night Wolves) are as authentic as it gets.
This is an interesting cultural phenomenon and I don’t doubt their sincerity or depth of their patriotism to their country. Just saying their mode of expression seems VERY American for a Russian nationalist group.
Also interesting there’s a chapter in Bulgaria. Suggests a lot of sympathy for Russia from a NATO & EU member.
Wearing a biker vest that says “Russia†instead of “РоÑÑицdoesn’t exactly exude confidence either. In the Soviet days it was always “CCCP,†never “USSR.â€Replies: @Rurik
the head of a Russian motorcycle gang
Wearing a biker vest that says “Russia†instead of “РоÑÑицdoesn’t exactly exude confidence either.
He, (Aleksandr Zadostanov) and the gang (Night Wolves) are as authentic as it gets.
(of course they’ll lie about them, as they’re hated because they’re friends with Hitl.. er, I mean Putin ; )
just do a search for Night Wolves, or Aleksandr Zadostanov and you’ll get a trove.
This is an interesting cultural phenomenon and I don’t doubt their sincerity or depth of their patriotism to their country. Just saying their mode of expression seems VERY American for a Russian nationalist group.He, (Aleksandr Zadostanov) and the gang (Night Wolves) are as authentic as it gets.
Wearing a biker vest that says “Russia†instead of “РоÑÑицdoesn’t exactly exude confidence either.
“The borders were so fluid…much of Poland then, is Ukraine now.”
The specific region of West Ukraine was part of Poland from 1920-39, then reverted to the USSR in 1939 as part of the Hitler-Stalin pact, was reclaimed by Moscow from 1945-91, and then split off as part of the new Ukrainian state which also included East Ukraine. But, for example, Warsaw was never regarded as part of Ukraine. One can identify regions which were and were not.
I tried to find the quote which you gave from Goodhart at the link which you provided, but it doesn’t appear to be there. Were you mixing up links by accident?
Anyway, it remains a simple fact that very few Jews had joined with the Bolsheviks before White pogroms drove them to it. All of the general reports of the White armies advancing across the Ukraine show a pattern where Jews welcomed them, and then were confronted with pogroms. The link to OO which you gave does include some more claims about alleged Jews having acted as guerillas in some location or other. While it’s not possible to comment specifically on each claim, that general type of story should be regarded as dubious. I had cited the case of October 1919 where:
The anti-Semitic Vecbernie ogni published detailed charges of Jews firing from windows, but the liberal organ, Kievskaia zbizn’, decided to investigate and found all the accusations false.
But I obviously can’t comment any every single similar claim. Still, we can say that such stories usually turned out to be either false or exaggerated.
The Whites, however, were not predominantly interested in fighting Lenin’s party as such. Any type of Leftist or liberal group was treated with hostility even when it was clear that the majority of Russians supported such a group. Most of the prominent Jews on the Left in 1918 supported either the Mensheviks or the Social Revolutionaries. These were also the only parties besides the Bolsheviks which had any support from Russians. But the Whites could never accept that fact and treated all such parties as one single force directed by the Learned Elders of Zion. This was what guaranteed the White defeat.
You have again confirmed that you are cognitively challenged and emotionally conflicted, as I will explain in detail below.
...phantasmagorical “predictions:â€
I suppose you are an Integrity Initiative or 77th Brigade or some other Imperialist troll, given the breadth, depth and impudence of your lying. You’ll need to try harder, troll-I imagine Bakhmut is sticking in you craw. And you STILL have the impertinent mendacity to claim that Russia is ‘losing’ militarily. ‘It is widely reported..’ that you are a particularly nassty, Imperial, troll-take that one to the bank.
There was no coup and certainly no arming of anyone involved by the US.
The US didn’t arm, encourage and support the coup?
Now you really are going full deranged, Top Level. Dementia praecox is like that. Two really BIG Big Lies that the technique’s father, Adolph Hitler, could have envied. Then a really feelthy lie about Minsk, which Russia was not a party to, but was ‘guaranteed’ by Germany and France, who now boast of their duplicity.
It was a supposed agreement between the Banderite regime and the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics, guaranteed by France, Germany and the OSCE. Minsk II in particular was drawn up by France to rescue the Banderite forces encircled in Debeltsavo. Your Banderite and neo-Nazi idols NEVER intended observing it, of course. Despicable, EVEN for you.
Don't fool yourself, communist elites are no different than elites of any other system. Even in the Soviet period, the nomenklatura had their own comfy dachas while the proles stood in bread linesReplies: @John Johnson, @mulga mumblebrain
I don’t think anyone actually believes he is a Communist when he built a 1.3 billion dollar mansion with a strip club and a casino.
Unfortunately, ‘Pop’, what the troll asserts is a dirty lie, his stock-in-trade.
Don't fool yourself, communist elites are no different than elites of any other system. Even in the Soviet period, the nomenklatura had their own comfy dachas while the proles stood in bread linesReplies: @John Johnson, @mulga mumblebrain
I don’t think anyone actually believes he is a Communist when he built a 1.3 billion dollar mansion with a strip club and a casino.
Oh I’m aware that Communist party leaders lived much better than their supposed equals. The Communists took the vacation of homes of the evil capitalists and then let party leaders rent them. It’s state owned now comrade, however you must be on a special list to access them.
But there is nothing in Putin’s policies that suggest he believes in helping the proletariat or reducing wealth gaps.
He misses the USSR as a power structure. He would happily rule over Easter Europe even if it meant suffering for everyone else. Putin like many Russians believe that their rule should end at the German border. He would take that rule in exchange for the horrors of Communism and its economic failures. Of course he would prefer 1917 Imperial Russia but would gleefully bring back the USSR if it were possible.
Just a power hungry dwarf that really doesn’t give a flying f- as to what works well for the people. Communism, state mafia capitalism, whatever. As long as he can send political dissenters and journalists to prison it really doesn’t matter.
I don’t think anyone actually believes he is a Communist when he built a 1.3 billion dollar mansion with a strip club and a casino.
Don’t fool yourself, communist elites are no different than elites of any other system. Even in the Soviet period, the nomenklatura had their own comfy dachas while the proles stood in bread lines
You have again confirmed that you are cognitively challenged and emotionally conflicted, as I will explain in detail below.
...phantasmagorical “predictions:â€
Such a large word count, but pitifully low meaning and significance. This is similar to loud farting and a low volume voice. “…..controlled Russian media”. Really? RT is what? Worse than Western media?
You are all over the place with non-sequiturs too numerous to mentioned, and tiresome in their banality. IOW, you are a bull shitter.
You will or perhaps have a place in a stultifying, ossified public bureaucracy as a classic apparchik. Jews in public hearings before regulating or other government authorities, talk like you, in circles, foggy ambivalence, chaff instead of wheat, and moronic failures of logic and fact.
I think of you as a cartoon character, Foghorn Leghorn, a caricature of a wordy, long rhetorical, inflated self-important Southern Senator of the old 19th century and the latter day Southern Democrat.
You use of the language attempts a piss elegant substitution for fact, empiricism, and concrete consistency. Therefore, I rate your scribblings as turgid, turdgid, and the work of a court jester playing the fool.
I’ll only spend time on the monstrous lie
The US didn’t arm, encourage and support the coup?
There was no coup and certainly no arming of anyone involved by the US.
What do you know about the Minsk Accords – and Russia’s dailure to honour them and previous legally binding and certain agreements? Bugger all obviously.
Non- existant. Fighting is being done by contract soldiers, and regular standing military.
• Resentment concerning high numbers of forced conscripts from non-Russian regions.
.....Conclusion: you don't know what you are talking about, are ignorant or a stupid liar.
Katharina Buchholz,
Feb 23, 2023
According to a new survey by the independent institute Levada Center, 75 percent of Russian said in January that they supported the actions of Russian military forces in Ukraine, as the survey is putting it. This support dipped to 72 percent in September around the announcement of partial mobilization and again to 71 percent in December. When the war had just started in March, support had been at 80 percent.
Reparations? That is for the losing side. Russia has as close to perfect certainty of prevailing with Ukraine surrendering unconditionally as possible. The economy of Russia is stronger than ever, the inflation rate is low single digits, there is no "wartime economy", and no shortages of any significant goods or services. Any of these are being filled by the ingenuity of the Russian people and BRICS, etc countries
• Unwillingness to share high burden of war reparations through additional sacrifices.
The unanimous opinion, baed on concrete and overwhelming evidence is that the Russian military is several TIMES MORE POWERFUL THAN BEFORE 2023. This is universal among former high officials in the covert and military service. This is the perfect consensus among the long line of authored articles here and other venues. Conclusion: You are a serial liar.
• Weakened Russia military unable or unwilling to suppress dissent and independence..
• Understanding that the constellation of factors is an opportune moment to break free.
Meaningless drivel, nonsense...Replies: @Been_there_done_that
• International encouragement and support, including through diplomacy and media. �
…phantasmagorical “predictions:â€
You have again confirmed that you are cognitively challenged and emotionally conflicted, as I will explain in detail below.
Neither I nor the commentator I had responded to made any “predictions” as such about an outcome. The original prior comment was explicitly prefaced twice with the word “probably“. Taking that possible situation into account as a premise, I then responded to clarify and suggested that it “would emerge” – rather than be imposed. Thereby I wanted to contradict an unsupported allegation that had been made in a parallel thread, namely that active, public plans were purportedly underway to break up Russia into fragments. In my initial comment here (#49 above) I even linked to my other comments, which also contained the following sentence:
“Such an inevitable process cannot be imposed from afar because it is an organic and internal dynamic that will unfold naturally, rather than according to some external plan or outline.”
In the context of what I had actually written, my follow-up, to which you had objected so hysterically, could thus be accurately paraphrased to describe the mechanisms in which the outcome would ensue:
“If a split-up of Russia were to occur in the future, it would arise and consolidate due to these plausible factors:”
In your latest response, not only did you project a straw-man at the outset (“predictions“), but you could not even credibly contradict the reasonable (“phantasmagorical” in your view) factors that I had cited. Your flawed response relied on skewed opinion, contrived “consensus“, and a dubious survey or poll, all of which have been presented by a totalitarian regime, as part of its war propaganda campaign, hence these claims are notoriously unreliable or transparently false.
It has been widely reported that Putin’s regime has tried to spare Russian men in the country’s two main metropolitan regions from military service, so that a disproportionately high number of fighters (“cannon-fodder”) consists of non ethnic Russians from the peripheral regions. There can be no doubt that this could lead to resentment, as more of them die and the facts cannot be suppressed.
The claim that the Russian army is now several times more powerful than before 2023, as you boldly stated, is supposedly based on “unanimous consensus“, purportedly coming from “overwhelming evidence“. The conclusion, which you wish for an objective observer to derive, reduces to the notion that any compelling evidence, contrary to what the controlled Russian media present, must be a lie, by definition. This implied proposition is simply absurd – “believe what we say, not what you see”. This is surely the case because it is obvious that the many tanks, aircraft, personnel carriers, howitzers that were destroyed last year, and the thousands of missiles depleted from stockpiles, most of which have not been replaced, along with the dead and incapacitated fighters and generals, cannot possibly support the assertion that the military is now somehow stronger after all these losses.
Invoking some survey from last January when the discussion is about a possibly developing situation in future years is completely disingenuous. An honest survey that might have come to a different conclusion would never have been published in the regime’s controlled media. Even if the result of the survey were accurate, the fact that a substantial number of people would have been afraid to respond honestly in light of the penalties for expressing unfavorable opinions, renders it untrustworthy. Yet even if the responses were genuine, the survey would merely reflect the effectiveness of the state propaganda on shaping people’s opinions, which are known to change over time, especially when what people see and experience is not consistent with what they are told to believe. For these four reasons your reference to a survey is irrelevant.
My reference to “reparations” was merely a shorthand word to describe binding economic commitments made by Russia as part of a comprehensive political settlement negotiated by various parties. In other words, as is often the case in civil litigation, in which one party agrees to pay a huge fine without admitting guilt, Russia could agree to heavily fund reconstruction efforts as part of a deal to not prolong the war, which they would not admit to having “lost”, even though the military obviously failed to accomplish its primary goal to overthrow the Ukrainian regime.
Knowing that you could not provide credible counter-arguments to my clarifying comments (just as you have also failed to do in your subsequent attempt), you had initiated our interchange (#189 above) with a revealing personal projection that began with: “…your mommy use for laundry saop…?” As you typed the word “mommy“, this must have spontaneously elicited memories of your own mother, subliminally prompting you to misspell the simple word “soap” to conform to the way that she pronounced it, obviously in a thick Brooklyn accent. Did she yearn for an alternative reality in the old world, living in an imaginary worker’s paradise, that served as a guideline for your own delusions?
Moreover, the conscious choice of your handle is far more conspicuous than your inattentive misspelling and should raise questions about your general state of mind and habits. Using a double entendre (French: Baby Marx / English: Poop on Marx) definitely exposes a conflictual circumstance. Were your parents avowed Marxists whose dedication you failed to match? Also, utilizing baby-talk to circumscribe the word “shit” is nothing other than a reference to the mental disorder of coprophilia (scatophilia). Is this a conviction or a hobby? No doubt, every time readers see this handle in bold-face letters, they may wonder: What might a pervert like that look like in real life? Are you all hairy, with a fat body attached to a damaged dick? In any case, you should always have plenty of laundry soap on hand to clean up after your escapades.
Russia has a much larger military
I thought they were on their last legs and running out of equipment?
Still I admire your persistence
“And thanks to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for giving us this opportunity and the high honor of defending our homeland,†Prigozhin stressed.
He gave that speech with bombs going off in the background.
But yea I’m super duper impressed.
Russia has a much larger military and it took them 10 months to take a city of 70k that is in complete ruins. The Germans took Ukraine in a month.
Do they even have it? Who knows.
Yes by all means hand out those medals.
Thank you, Johnstein for affirming my thesis that you are as dim as a wall night light. The conditions, armaments, materiel, trained military of WWII was comparable to today's Ukraine military on steroids, built up for 14 years by NATO and the JewSA, and for ONE PURPOSE: to provoke Russia into a proxy war, in order to defeat and dismantle it for plunder. To destroy it, genociding millions of Russians (portrayed as subhuman by Ukrainian Nazis, in a supremely ironic and reflective denigrating constancy.
Russia has a much larger military and it took them 10 months to take a city of 70k that is in complete ruins. The Germans took Ukraine in a month.
In a hundred years, I wonder how Russians will rate Putin amongst their past leaders? Would it be in this order?
Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Putin (the Great?) ….?
The fight of Rusia is against “those who want to dominate the World”, they are the same “chosen” removed by Germany and infiltrating the Western white, Christian World – profitable stupid cow to enjoy free milk by usury, corruption, lies, theft,… with the visible and undoubtedly evidence of demolishing it.
No, could not.
That Rusia was no Rusia, was the SSSR, the non-Rusian state made by non-Rusian people.
And was no “Nazi”, the Germans were Nationalist (loving the homeland) and non-Marxist Socialist (loving own people). This is the disdainful tag coined by the Sozi – the Jewish Bolsheviks.
Actually, Putin is going this way.
He can afford to use the term for the Ukrainins for the murdering of the Russians, not for the ideology.
And the Ukrainians can displaysort of Nationalism but in no way they are non-Marxist Socialist.
“And thanks to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for giving us this opportunity and the high honor of defending our homeland,” Prigozhin stressed.
Bakhmut has been .l.iberated from the Zylenskyy Nazi scrum—now the comedian is in Japan talking to intellient leaders like Amtrak Joe Biden ( last in his law class) Justin Trudeau ( an actor) Rishi Sunak ( a rich wife) Macron (Paris is burning) and Olaf Sholts ( a real square head) and the bleached bimbo from Italy—-
Thank you for the reply. For some reason, I am not getting “alerts” in my e-mail, letting me know that I received any reply to any post that I make on Unz.
Thank you also for the link to the article on Consortium News. The article pretty much confirms what the loan officer told me about Mr. Putin and his former country and also the conclusions about Mr. Putin and Russia that I have personally reached.
In my hobby of amateur radio (ham radio), I never cease to be amazed at how friendly Russian amateur radio operators (“hams”) are when I communicate with them and feel very honored that they would want to communicate with ME, an American, rather than with the thousands of other ham radio operators all over the world with whom they could communicate instead.
When I sat down with the loan officer who was a Russian emigrant, I told him that I had high hopes of flying to Moscow and spending a few weeks there, taking a train west to St. Petersburg, getting back on the train and taking it east to Vladivostok. Then I would fly from Moscow to Stockholm, Sweden and spend a few weeks there, in the land of my ancestors.
The loan officer told me that it was admirable that I would take such an interest in his former country but he offered me some cautionary advice. He told me that I would be at least as safe in Russia as I am in the USA (he said that both countries have “bad” as well as “good” areas), but that there were some things that I needed to know before embarking on a trip.
He told me that there would be a few “problems” that I would need to take into consideration. First, that the Russian government wanted an exact itinerary of my proposed travels in Russia; that most public signage is in the Russian language, with very little English along with the Russian; that many places would take only Russian rubles in their commerce and did not honor American credit cards and that English was not (yet) that widely used there.
So I gave up hopes of my travels through Russia and instead spent three weeks in Sweden. So now I am content for my radio signals to travel to all parts of Russia and for me to be able to communicate with the Russian people.
Thank you.
This situation would inevitably emerge and consolidate due to the following factors:
"...the country will split-up into smaller countries..."
Your phantasmagorical “predictions”:
• Resentment concerning high numbers of forced conscripts from non-Russian regions.
Non- existant. Fighting is being done by contract soldiers, and regular standing military.
Soon, that will expand to include conscripts. Many in the military are patriotic volunteers.
Levada See 75 Percent of Russians Supporting War
Katharina Buchholz,Feb 23, 2023
According to a new survey by the independent institute Levada Center, 75 percent of Russian said in January that they supported the actions of Russian military forces in Ukraine, as the survey is putting it. This support dipped to 72 percent in September around the announcement of partial mobilization and again to 71 percent in December. When the war had just started in March, support had been at 80 percent.https://www.statista.com/chart/28436/support-for-war-in-ukraine-russians/
…..Conclusion: you don’t know what you are talking about, are ignorant or a stupid liar.
• Unwillingness to share high burden of war reparations through additional sacrifices.
Reparations? That is for the losing side. Russia has as close to perfect certainty of prevailing with Ukraine surrendering unconditionally as possible. The economy of Russia is stronger than ever, the inflation rate is low single digits, there is no “wartime economy”, and no shortages of any significant goods or services. Any of these are being filled by the ingenuity of the Russian people and BRICS, etc countries
• Weakened Russia military unable or unwilling to suppress dissent and independence..
The unanimous opinion, baed on concrete and overwhelming evidence is that the Russian military is several TIMES MORE POWERFUL THAN BEFORE 2023. This is universal among former high officials in the covert and military service. This is the perfect consensus among the long line of authored articles here and other venues. Conclusion: You are a serial liar.
• Understanding that the constellation of factors is an opportune moment to break free.
• International encouragement and support, including through diplomacy and media.
Meaningless drivel, nonsense…
You have again confirmed that you are cognitively challenged and emotionally conflicted, as I will explain in detail below.
...phantasmagorical “predictions:â€
Ehhh… a lot of rich people are Party members, including Jack Ma:I am a little more hopeful. They have a 2000 year Confucian history of doing exactly that. The slapping down of Alibaba’s Jack Ma is not a surprise…it was done very publicly to serve as an example to all other overly ambitious tycoons.
It seems improbable that the Chinese will succeed in preventing the rich from eventually taking over the Government
From the article:
In high school the top students take a bunch of exams to try get Party membership on the theory this will help them advance in life. There are nearly 100 million Party members, so it isn’t that exclusive. Getting into the Party is a lot like getting into a top school in the USA. Communist Party membership is not that different from membership in the Confucian bureaucracy in that respect. People try to get into the government to get rich. The whole limited government in favor of private wealth is a distinctly anglophone practice as far as I know. China is much more statist, more like France than England. Though Xi has cracked down on outward displays of wealth by China’s ruling class, Xi Jinping’s extended family is known to be loaded:
Party affiliation is simply a matter of practicality for advancement in China
Just a thought that popped into my head.
To which she replied, “you see, only the top student is selected to join the CPCâ€.
Perhaps in the PRC, the cultural memory of the 1500 year old tradition of studying hard to pass the Imperial Civil Service examinations and thus be appointed as an “official” åšå®˜…..is now translated into an admission into the CPC?
Or am I being to romantic about it all? LOL.
So being a Party member means you are on the management team of China’s Only Landlord, Inc. It’s definitely not a vow of poverty for most.
Certainly so.
Kishore Mabubhani relates a story in one of his videos about how he was doing research in Harvard (or one of the other Ivy League schools) for one of his books. He was assigned a Chinese post grad student to be a research assistant. One day while taking a break over tea etc, they chatted about her life in China.
She described how she was “only” the second student in her school, and how disappointed she was at that. Mabubhani was surprised and said “oh, why are you disappointed, surely coming in second is also considered very good”. To which she replied, “you see, only the top student is selected to join the CPC”.
It follows that it is no surprise that people of this calibre are more than able to rise to the top of their profession or make nice pile of cash should they choose to go into business.
While this only an anecdote, it indicative of the calibre of people that the CPC admits. It is a far cry from those of Liberal Democracies, where anybody who has a glib tongue and ambition to earn easy money and a generous pension can aim to be elected.
As someone from SG observing this process, it is strangely familiar to us. If you wish me to elaborate, please ask.
This post becomes too long, otherwise we should also go into the decades long, highly competitive, merit driven process which Central Government ministers are selected…let alone Politburo and President.
I am a little more hopeful. They have a 2000 year Confucian history of doing exactly that. The slapping down of Alibaba's Jack Ma is not a surprise...it was done very publicly to serve as an example to all other overly ambitious tycoons.And the future looks bright too. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics appears to be developing/returning to its roots.What will it be in 100 years? Confucianism with Marxist Characteristics?This is a very interesting video. Watch their reception for the Central Asian leaders. Notice the unabashed alluding to their ancient past (Tang dynasty circa 600-1000AD).
It seems improbable that the Chinese will succeed in preventing the rich from eventually taking over the Government
It seems improbable that the Chinese will succeed in preventing the rich from eventually taking over the Government
I am a little more hopeful. They have a 2000 year Confucian history of doing exactly that. The slapping down of Alibaba’s Jack Ma is not a surprise…it was done very publicly to serve as an example to all other overly ambitious tycoons.
Ehhh… a lot of rich people are Party members, including Jack Ma:
From the article:
Party affiliation is simply a matter of practicality for advancement in China
In high school the top students take a bunch of exams to try get Party membership on the theory this will help them advance in life. There are nearly 100 million Party members, so it isn’t that exclusive. Getting into the Party is a lot like getting into a top school in the USA. Communist Party membership is not that different from membership in the Confucian bureaucracy in that respect. People try to get into the government to get rich. The whole limited government in favor of private wealth is a distinctly anglophone practice as far as I know. China is much more statist, more like France than England. Though Xi has cracked down on outward displays of wealth by China’s ruling class, Xi Jinping’s extended family is known to be loaded:
Look, the communist party has a monopoly on land ownership in China. So being a Party member means you are on the management team of China’s Only Landlord, Inc. It’s definitely not a vow of poverty for most.
I’m unsure of the details but I believe Jack Ma’s problem was being a little too outspoken in adopting certain features of the western bourgeois system and for getting too cozy with foreign capitalists.
Perhaps in the PRC, the cultural memory of the 1500 year old tradition of studying hard to pass the Imperial Civil Service examinations and thus be appointed as an "official" åšå®˜.....is now translated into an admission into the CPC?
To which she replied, “you see, only the top student is selected to join the CPCâ€.
you sound more and more desperate
Putin doesn’t even know how to imitate a confident man.
the head of a Russian motorcycle gang
Wearing a biker vest that says “Russia†instead of “РоÑÑицdoesn’t exactly exude confidence either. In the Soviet days it was always “CCCP,†never “USSR.â€
He, (Aleksandr Zadostanov) and the gang (Night Wolves) are as authentic as it gets.https://www.rferl.org/a/bulgaria-night-wolves-russia-putin/32017720.html(of course they'll lie about them, as they're hated because they're friends with Hitl.. er, I mean Putin ; )just do a search for Night Wolves, or Aleksandr Zadostanov and you'll get a trove.Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
Wearing a biker vest that says “Russia†instead of “РоÑÑицdoesn’t exactly exude confidence either.
It seems improbable that the Chinese will succeed in preventing the rich from eventually taking over the Government
I am a little more hopeful. They have a 2000 year Confucian history of doing exactly that. The slapping down of Alibaba’s Jack Ma is not a surprise…it was done very publicly to serve as an example to all other overly ambitious tycoons.
And the future looks bright too. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics appears to be developing/returning to its roots.
What will it be in 100 years? Confucianism with Marxist Characteristics?
This is a very interesting video. Watch their reception for the Central Asian leaders. Notice the unabashed alluding to their ancient past (Tang dynasty circa 600-1000AD).
Video Link
Ehhh… a lot of rich people are Party members, including Jack Ma:I am a little more hopeful. They have a 2000 year Confucian history of doing exactly that. The slapping down of Alibaba’s Jack Ma is not a surprise…it was done very publicly to serve as an example to all other overly ambitious tycoons.
It seems improbable that the Chinese will succeed in preventing the rich from eventually taking over the Government
From the article:
In high school the top students take a bunch of exams to try get Party membership on the theory this will help them advance in life. There are nearly 100 million Party members, so it isn’t that exclusive. Getting into the Party is a lot like getting into a top school in the USA. Communist Party membership is not that different from membership in the Confucian bureaucracy in that respect. People try to get into the government to get rich. The whole limited government in favor of private wealth is a distinctly anglophone practice as far as I know. China is much more statist, more like France than England. Though Xi has cracked down on outward displays of wealth by China’s ruling class, Xi Jinping’s extended family is known to be loaded:
Party affiliation is simply a matter of practicality for advancement in China
Churchill was very small guy a fact which could be used to explain a lot in your theory.
Churchhill was a total asshole. Bombed German cities at night while talking about the cruelty of the Nazis.
Although Hitler was a fairly decent looking man of average stature. So where did he go wrong?
It’s obviously not a hard rule. There have been short and noble men but one can’t help but notice how many angry dictators have been small or short changed in some area.
Hitler was of average stature but also had a peculiar penile disorder where had to pee sitting down (penile hypospadias). That would have been exposed during his time in trench warfare. It could explain at least part of his anger and desire to destroy.
you sound more and more desperate
Putin doesn’t even know how to imitate a confident man.
in fact, between these two guys, one a very rough and tumble hard-ass leader of a gang, there’s no doubt who the alpha is.
LOL I guess you really do have some type of alpha tribal attachment to him. That’s gay.
I actually don’t trust any political leaders and especially not if they try to look cool.
But I really, really don’t trust political leaders that murder the opposition instead of engaging in a debate and letting the people decide. It tells me that they have zero confidence in their own ability to explain their actions and just want to off any dissenters. Definitely not an alpha male if he can’t even explain himself. In fact I find it extremely weak and effeminate to lock up female journalists that ask questions. You’re basically scared of women.
Why don’t you explain how mr. cool was once the same height as Medvedev if he is 5’7.
If anyone is interested in the Pogroms during the Civil War which pushed the Jewish people into supporting the Bolsheviks and the Red Army see the recent book, “In the Midst of Civilized Europe” (2021) by Jeffrey Veidlinger, some audio interviews and lectures are available below.
As mentioned before the Jews were content with the Provisional Government following the February revolution and emancipation from the Pale of Settlement in March, 1917, the Jews were represented by the Bund, the Mensheviks and the radical terrorists, the SRs–least being found in the Bolsheviks. It was the Pogroms after 1917, into 1918-1921 during the Civil War that Jews were rescued by the Red Army in the town’s and villages against the White Army who would then join with the Red Army to help those in the next villages under attack from the Pogroms.
For example, the buffoonish hoaxer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, in his Letter to the Soviet Leaders, repeats a tall tale about “66 million.†There are very few “Jewish reports†which could approach this level of bollocks by Solzhenitsyn.
Solzhenitsyn advocated Kurganov’s estimates of 110 million allegedly killed. Mindlessly repeated in his books, The Gulag Archipelago, Letter to the Soviet Leaders, and Warning to the West.
Letter to the Soviet Leaders, 1975:
“In addition to the toll of two world wars, we have lost, as a result of civil strife and tumult alone–as a result of internal political and economic “class†extermination alone–66 (sixty-six) million people!!! That is the calculation of a former Leningrad professor of statistics, I. A. Kurganov, and you can have it brought to you whenever you wish. I am no trained statistician, I cannot undertake to verify it; and anyway all statistics are kept secret in our country, and this is an indirect calculation. But it’s true: a hundred million are no more (exactly 1 hundred, just as Dostoyevsky prophesied!)…â€The Gulag Archipelago, abridged 2018:
“According to the estimates of emigre Professor of Statistics Kurganov, this “comparatively easy†internal repression cost us, from the beginning of the October Revolution up to 1959, a total of sixty-six million–66,000,000–lives. We, of course, cannot vouch for his figure, but we have none other that is official. And just as soon as the official figure is issued the specialists can make the necessary critical comparisons.Warning to the West, 1989:
“Forty years earlier Dostoevsky had predicted that socialism would cost Russia 100 million victims. At the time it seemed an improbable figure. Let me ask the British press to acquaint its readers with the impartial three-page report of the Russian statistician Professor Ivan Kurganov. It was published in the West twelve years ago, but, as is so often the case with matters of social significance, we only notice things that are not contradictory to our own feelings. From Professor Kurganov’s analysis, we learn that if Dostoevsky erred, he erred on the side of understatement. From 1917 to 1959 socialism cost the Soviet Union 110 million lives!â€
Ivan A. Kurganov was evacuated out of Russia in 1943, when he moved to Germany and continued his anti Bolshevik campaign (as formerly an officer in the White Army during their Civil War, 1918-1921) before changing his name from Ivan A. Koshkin to Kurganov and moved to America in 1950. His report. Three Figures was published in the early 1970s and picked up in Samizdat and by Solzhenitsyn. Kurganov’s methodology was to estimate the growth rates in Russia’s population birth from 1918-1959, he claimed Russia should be at 300 million total, therefore there are missing 110 million unborns from his estimates therefore 110 million have been killed by Communism. Kurganov strangely had helped Solzhenitsyn build his house in the United States, being a former propagandist for the Third Reich.
The Case of Professor Kurganov. Who Came Up with 110 Million Victims of Stalin?
didn't he preside over the Holodomor, sending in Kaganovitch to do his dirty work?
Stalin strongly criticized Ehrenburg’s monstrous statements,
«If you’ve perused (or read) it yourself, did you come away thinking Stalin had nothing against the German people per se?»
“Order of the Day issued on Red Army Day, February 23, 1942 by Joseph Stalin, People’s Commissar of Defense and Chairman of the State Defense Committee of the U.S.S.R.”
“Occasionally the foreign press engages in prattle to the effect that the Red Army’s aim is to exterminate the German people and destroy the German state. This is, of course, a stupid lie and a witless slander against the Red Army. The Red Army has not and cannot have such idiotic aims. The Red Army’s aim is to drive out the German occupants from our country and liberate Soviet soil from the German fascist invaders. It is very likely that the war for the liberation of the Soviet land will result in ousting or destroying Hitler’s clique. We should welcome such an outcome. But it would be ridiculous to identify Hitler’s clique with the German people and the German State. History shows that Hitlers come and go, but the German people and the German State remain.â€
you sound more and more desperate
Putin doesn’t even know how to imitate a confident man.
He is a relatively self assured looking man. That’s certainly true up until about 2021. Then you do see him age.
didn't he preside over the Holodomor, sending in Kaganovitch to do his dirty work?
Stalin strongly criticized Ehrenburg’s monstrous statements,
«didn’t he preside over the Holodomor, sending in Kaganovitch to do his dirty work?»
That’s a famous hoax, there was a general bad harvest in the southern USSR, extending as far west as Ukraine, and some people thought it was only about them.
«If so, I’d find it difficult to imagine that he had a humane side to him.»
He surely had a humane side to him, as well as a vicious one. Not a one-dimensional character.
«If you’ve perused (or read) it yourself, did you come away thinking Stalin had nothing against the German people per se?»
That’s exactly what he wrote in the piece I took a phrase from. As a ruthless leader over a country of average people, I guess he recognized Adolf Hitler and Germany in a similar situation.
Churchill was very small guy a fact which could be used to explain a lot in your theory. Although Hitler was a fairly decent looking man of average stature. So where did he go wrong? Trying to capture Donbas instead of Moscow? Such esoterica!
This stuff about men’s height, John, I mean really, you sound like a woman searching for a husband.
No…he is homeless, Brennan fired him for IQ problem.
I am sure, I sent this reply to …this is some kind of sabotage.
The Chinese have allowed a number of individuals to become wealthy, but it is critically important that they have so far been barred from political influence. The Chinese are pragmatic thinkers, and when Deng Xiaoping assumed a leadership role in 1978 he realized that Mao’s economic policies were not working and began making serious changes by decentralizing industry and agriculture, allowing
enterprising individuals to create wealth and educating millions of technicians and managers.
This policy has created the most successful economic transformation in history, fueled of course by
cheap labor and massive infusions of Western capital which have also caused some industries in the West to virtually disappear, impoverished the working class in other countries and spawned an unseemly crop of billionaires worldwide.
The historical record is very clear. The wealthy have always used their money to buy political power,
and many political leaders have used their positions to acquire wealth. It seems improbable that the Chinese will succeed in preventing the rich from eventually taking over the Government. Is this not
the reason oligarchs love democracy, the type of government best suited for corruption.
I am a little more hopeful. They have a 2000 year Confucian history of doing exactly that. The slapping down of Alibaba's Jack Ma is not a surprise...it was done very publicly to serve as an example to all other overly ambitious tycoons.And the future looks bright too. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics appears to be developing/returning to its roots.What will it be in 100 years? Confucianism with Marxist Characteristics?This is a very interesting video. Watch their reception for the Central Asian leaders. Notice the unabashed alluding to their ancient past (Tang dynasty circa 600-1000AD).
It seems improbable that the Chinese will succeed in preventing the rich from eventually taking over the Government
I disagree. He is a favoredist. He is favored by the vast majority of the Russian Federation, with higher approvals than any other leader in the World, except perhaps the Prime Minister of Singapore.
Putin doesn’t even know how to imitate a confident man.
you sound more and more desperate
I can’t think of any one on the world’s stage, whose bearing is more self-assured and demeanor is more cool headed that Vlad Putin.
here he’s pictured next to a long-time friend of his, the head of a Russian motorcycle gang, and he exudes nothing but alpha confidence, even next to the much taller man.
in fact, between these two guys, one a very rough and tumble hard-ass leader of a gang, there’s no doubt who the alpha is.
Wearing a biker vest that says “Russia†instead of “РоÑÑицdoesn’t exactly exude confidence either. In the Soviet days it was always “CCCP,†never “USSR.â€Replies: @Rurik
the head of a Russian motorcycle gang
Audie Murphy was 5 foot 5 inches, the most decorated soldier of WWII. Medal of Honor.
What are you compared to Putin? To me, you are a CIA slattern giving BJs in the back alleys and bathrooms at Langley. MOC- Money Over Conscience.
“…doing well for myself”. Sure, taking CIA money for defaming a great man, a great people, and cleaning up after giving the Zionists colonics with no gloves.
Actually, the land that Israel occupies is a harsh place, not given easily to produce food and provide sustenance.
By contrast, Ukraine is fertile, rich in everything needed to sustain and support life. And the Jews are like ticks waiting to hop on and suck the blood out of the fat ewe, aka Gentiles and Goyim Dumbkin.
Tell us just how tall someone needs to be before his height stops affecting your assessment of his ideas, character, and conduct. A specific height number, please, and your reasoning in picking that number.
It’s obviously a factor in his outlook if he wears shoe lifts and deceives his own blind followers into believing he is 5’7 as seen in this thread.
If you didn’t emotionally attach yourself to an insecure mass murdering dwarf then you wouldn’t get so frustrated trying to defend him.
Short man syndrome is real and Putin obviously has it. A short man can be confident but Putin certainly isn’t in that group.
There would be at least 100k fewer Orthodox men in graves if Putin was a foot taller.
He is hopelessly insecure and trying to compensate by going out as a conqueror.
Now get back to defending your insecure little dictator as he threatens the world with nukes since his failed plan of conquest isn’t working. But you tell yourself that I’m the problem even though I can enjoy my life without desires of conquest or murder. Confident men don’t need 1.3 billion dollar mansions or pictures of themselves shirtless. They don’t need wars of conquest. Putin doesn’t even know how to imitate a confident man.
Lastly, you have neglected to mock other short male leaders, like 5’7″ Macron (same as Putin) or the 5’3″ Irish dipshit. Please be thorough and evenhanded.
Putin is not 5’7. That is a lie. I provided a picture with him and Medvedev standing next to each other.
Half the reason we call Putin a dwarf is that it is obviously an issue for him. His censors scour the internet looking for any Russians that call him a dwarf, crab or little naches.
I don’t like dwarf totalitarians that kill people for questioning the government and start wars that they can’t explain. I’m not giving your dwarf a break so find a better idol.
This is a free speech website. If you want to start your own pro-Russian website where you censor dissent just like the dwarf’s totalitarian state then by all means do so.
you sound more and more desperate
Putin doesn’t even know how to imitate a confident man.
Fix your eyesight, they have support for homeless.
Stalin strongly criticized Ehrenburg’s monstrous statements,
didn’t he preside over the Holodomor, sending in Kaganovitch to do his dirty work?
If so, I’d find it difficult to imagine that he had a humane side to him.
But thanks for the link. It looks like the kind of thing a scholar of WWII would definitely want to read.
If you’ve perused (or read) it yourself, did you come away thinking Stalin had nothing against the German people per se?
Tell us just how tall someone needs to be before his height stops affecting your assessment of his ideas, character, and conduct. A specific height number, please, and your reasoning in picking that number. This is a fascinating area of science and logic that I never knew about.
Also, if being below a certain height is an irremediable moral failing, how do we view people from terribly poor countries who have stunted growth from poor and inadequate nutrition? Are they still evil and untrustworthy because they’re shorter than your preferred height, or do they get a pass?
Lastly, you have neglected to mock other short male leaders, like 5’7″ Macron (same as Putin) or the 5’3″ Irish dipshit. Please be thorough and evenhanded.
Thanks for your sure-to-be thoughtful response.
Add Modi to the mix of Napoleons, 5’7â€
My name is John J”ohnson
I come from Wisconsin ( Choke –that smoke from Canada —cough cough !!)
I work in the lumber yard there
Wherever I go
All the people know
I am dummer than a sack of hammers
Couple notches taller than you??
The Chinese have allowed a number of individuals to become wealthy but it is critically important that they have so far been barred from political influence. The Chinese are pragmatic thinkers, and when
Deng Xiaoping assumed a leadership role in 1978 he realized that Mao’s economic policies were not
working and began making serious changes by decentralizing industry and agriculture, allowing
enterprising individuals to create wealth and educating a large number of technicians and managers.
This policy has created the most successful economic transformation in history, fueled of course by
cheap labor and massive infusions of Western capital which have also caused some industries in the West to virtually disappear, impoverished the working class in other countries and spawned an unseemly crop of billionaires worldwide.
The historical record is very clear. The wealthy have always used their money to buy political power,
and many political leaders have used their positions to acquire wealth. It seems improbable that the Chinese will succeed in preventing the rich from eventually taking over the Government. Is this not
the reason oligarchs love democracy, a type of government best suited for corruption.
A person closer to camera appears higher. Cross-eyed people cannot notice it. He is much taller than the person behind.
What are you suggesting? Putin is actually the same size as Medvedev? That would mean they are both 5’4.
Are they close enough in this picture for you?
Putin is around 5’3.
Dictators must hate the internet.
For your illiterate suggestion, Hungary or Czechoslovakia were never part of USSR, but Ukraine was including 15 other union members.
Yanukovich was removed by the CIA apparatchiks (a la Allende motive) because he refused to allow US military base to be stationed on Crimea. A reason for Putin’s immediate take over that Russian peninsula.
Stop gaslighting! Communist Lenin seems to be Putin's most respected mass murderer of Russians [1][2][3]. At the same time, this globalist clown insults and denigrates Russian Tsar, Nicolas II [4].
If Putin admire Communism, it means he admire his political opposition.
I never rely on MSM (WP or Newsweek), they have nothing to tell me. Lenin is not removed for the same reason Rushmore is not removed – despite slave holders are not popular these days. A country should not have blank pages in history.
Nicholas II was a weakling, ignorant of not using his power against Jewish Bolshevism (minuscule minority) takeover. Even his cousins from England gave up on him. A sad story and end of a beautiful person.
Very, very true, and salient, as the same fiend that had Germany by the throat, is the exact same fiend that is menacing and killing Russians, and yet the Russian ego will never, ever allow that obvious fact to be said out loud, as it would be too hurtful to their egos.Reported in Russia today, the Russian delegate to the UN is complaining of hate speech by Ukraine, directed at Russians.
Sooner or later, Putin and Russia will be forced to either refute the lies of Ilya Ehrenberg, or they will be forced to watch their beloved Russian Volk descend into the same Judaic hell that they faced 100 years ago. This is the same fate that the German Volk faced after Judea finally prevailed in their war against Germans and Germany.
https://www.rt.com/news/576463-un-ukraine-russophobia-nebenzia/yes, you see it's mean and hateful to speak of Russians that way, when they've invaded a nation (that was being used by ZOG to menace and terrorize Russia). But this, you see, is different!
“a flagrant example of hate speech,†the Russian envoy to the UN has said 'Budanov declared: “We’ve been killing Russians and we will keep killing Russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of Ukraine.â€
This isn't hate speech at all! but reasonable and measured language when you're talking about Germans, (who were doing the exact same thing Russians are doing today)I don't know if Putin and the Russians are too stupid to see the Obvious parallels and flagrant hypocrisy, or whether they're just knowingly dishonest, and pretending that the situation Germany faced, was somehow different than what Russia is facing today. For obvious reasons of vanity and maintaining the disgusting lie that has been rammed into everyone's face, ever since the Red Army rapists enslaved half of Europe, (and Russia, who suffered from the ((Bolsheviks)) more than most), this lie has been sacrosanct. But admitting that, would I suppose be too revolutionary for the tender sensibilities of most Russians, (and Poles and others), who're more interested in maintaining the blood libel aimed at Germany, (envy, don't ya know ; ) than pointing out whom it has been who's been terrorizing and genociding Russians and Poles and Ukrainians and Germans and so many others, for hundreds of years now. Better that you don't offend them! because that would be like telling your master to go pound sand, and have to endure dirty looks from her!http://mondoweiss.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/25858-thumb.jpgI think even Lavrov would soil himself, than ever consider saying anything that might be offensive to that murderous slag.Replies: @Blissex
“Kill! Kill! In the German race there is nothing but evil; not one among the living, not one among the yet unborn but is evil! Follow the precepts of Comrade Stalin. Stamp out the fascist beast once and for all in its lair! Use force and break the racial pride of these German women. Take them as your lawful booty. Kill! As you storm onward, kill, you gallant soldiers of the Red Army.â€
-- Ilya Ehrenburg “Do not count the days, do not count the miles. Count only the Germans you have killed. Kill the German - this is your old mother's prayer. Kill the German - this is what your children beseech you to do. Kill the German - this is the cry of your Russian earth. Do not waver. Do not let up. Kill.â€
-- Ilya Ehrenburg “Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our moral enemy. Have no mercy on women, children, or the aged! Kill every German - wipe them out!â€
-- Ilya Ehrenburg
«“Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our moral enemy. Have no mercy on women, children, or the aged! Kill every German – wipe them out!†— Ilya Ehrenburg»
Stalin strongly criticized Ehrenburg’s monstrous statements, and wrote instead:
Ioseb dze Jughashvili, “The Order #55 of the National Commissar for the Defense”, 23 February 1942
“Hitlers come and go, but Germany and the German people remain.”
didn't he preside over the Holodomor, sending in Kaganovitch to do his dirty work?
Stalin strongly criticized Ehrenburg’s monstrous statements,
«From what I have read and seen of Vladimir Putin, I am very impressed with him. He seems like he is a very intelligent person and, unlike the politicians in my country (the USA), he actually gives a damn about his fellow countrymen and is trying his best to make things better for them.»
Even the most good-willing politicians have to eventually involve themselves in shady things, esepcially after 20 years at the tope of the RF state, but here is a report about the early career of Putin:
“For years I had been creating programs to open up relations between the U.S. and USSR, and hopefully to help Soviet people to get beyond their entrenched top-down mentalities. A new program possibility emerged in my head. Since I expected it might require a signature from the Marienskii City Hall, an appointment was made. My friend Volodya Shestakov and I showed up at a side door entrance to the Marienskii building. We found ourselves in a small, dull brown office, facing a rather trim nondescript man in a brown suit.
He inquired about my reason for coming in. After scanning the proposal I provided he began asking intelligent questions. After each of my answers, he asked the next relevant question. I became aware that this interviewer was different than other Soviet bureaucrats who always seemed to fall into chummy conversations with foreigners with hopes of obtaining bribes in exchange for the Americans’ requests. This bureaucrat was open, inquiring, and impersonal in demeanor. After more than an hour of careful questions and answers, he quietly explained that he had tried hard to determine if the proposal was legal, then said that unfortunately at the time it was not. A few good words about the proposal were uttered. That was all. He politely showed us to the door. […] I remember looking at his business card in the sunlight –– it read Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.â€
I'm not so sure about that. I think that the vast majority of the millions of copies of Suvorov's seminal book were actually published in Russia, which is where it originally gained global notice, and the same was true of a couple of his follow-on sequels:
One final note: Mr. Unz probably ought to keep any possible visit to Russia on the backburner, for his advocating that Soviet Armies were on the verge of attacking the peace loving Germans would NOT be appreciated.
Instead, the only part of the world in which the book and all mention of the subject was almost entirely banned for decades was the US, Britain, and the rest of the Anglosphere.
[The English edition of the] book sold 800 copies.
Some months later, a German edition of the book, under the title Der Eisbrecher: Hitler in Stalins Kaulkul, was published in Germany by a smallish house, Klett-Cotta, to timid and gingerly reviews. It sold 8,000 copies. In 1992, Suvorov’s manuscript was delivered to a maverick publisher in Moscow, and at last the book saw the light of day in the original Russian, quickly selling out its first print run of 100,000 copies. In the years that followed, over five million copies have been sold, making Suvorov the most-read military historian in history.
And yet, in the nearly 20 years that have elapsed between Icebreaker‘s launch in England and the present publication of The Chief Culprit, no British, American, Canadian, or Australian publisher saw fit to exploit potentially global interest in the drifting Icebreaker—or to so much as touch Suvorov with a barge pole—despite the fact that the almost unobtainable $20 copies of the long-out-of print Hamish Hamilton edition have been changing hands on the internet for upward of $500.
US Naval Institute Press published Victor Suvorov book:
The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start World War II
This book is not a translation from Russian original but more like 500 pages long well-researched monography. In other words only facts and their analysis w/o lyrical intermezzo’s.
Our library has a copy (well read !).
Things were better in various ways for both sets when…
He’s a little more sinister than that.
My searches suggest this is narrowly true. There is a Wiki on the law Putin signed in 2014:Law Against Rehabilitation of Nazism
Russia makes Holocaust denial illegal
Problem is, the Nuremberg trials wiki doesn't seem to have made a judgement about the numbers of dead Concentration Camp humans. So denying the Camp murders happened would - I think - be illegal, but debates about whether the death counts were 3 million or 9 million probably would be allowed.
The law introduced Article 354.1 to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, making it a criminal offense "to deny facts recognized by the international military tribunal that judged and punished the major war criminals of the European Axis countries [this refers to the Nuremberg trials], to approve of the crimes this tribunal judged, and to spread intentionally false information about the Soviet Union’s activities during World War II" as well as "the spreading of information on military and memorial commemorative dates related to Russia’s defense that is clearly disrespectful of society, and to publicly desecrate symbols of Russia’s military glory".[2]
Obviously the USSR was as guilty as Germany in their shared invasion of Poland, but that bit of reality can't be spoken out loud in modern Russia.
Shortly after its passage, the law was used to convict Russian blogger Vladimir Luzgin, who compared the September 1939 German invasion of Poland to the Soviet invasion of Poland and referred to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, writing on Russian social media platform VKontakte that "communism and Nazism closely collaborated". Prosecutors accused him of knowingly posting material that may worsen people's view of the Soviet Union, and the court agreed, stating that he had falsified history by stating "that the communists and Germany jointly attacked Poland, unleashing World War Two, or in other words, that Communism and Nazism co-operated honestly".[4][7] Luzgin was fined 200 thousand rubles (roughly equivalent to US$6,000 in 2021) for "circulation of false information about the activities of the USSR during the years of World War II", though, as was noted by human rights expert Jacob Mchangama, this claim was "essentially, factually correct".
That's the equivalent of what DeSantis is doing in Florida. Call it the "chickenshit factor" - Russia has its share of idiots with a bit of power - just like everywhere else.One final note: Mr. Unz probably ought to keep any possible visit to Russia on the backburner, for his advocating that Soviet Armies were on the verge of attacking the peace loving Germans would NOT be appreciated. Quite possibly the Russians might make a big deal out of arresting him and fining him tens of thousands of dollars - especially if they happened to need a counter to something stupid the US was doing.Replies: @John1955, @Ron Unz
In April 2015, Russian journalist Polina Petruseva was fined 1,000 rubles (US$18) for posting on the social media platform VKontakte a historical picture showing German Nazi troops in Russia, a picture otherwise available from, among others, Wikipedia.
One final note: Mr. Unz probably ought to keep any possible visit to Russia on the backburner, for his advocating that Soviet Armies were on the verge of attacking the peace loving Germans would NOT be appreciated.
I’m not so sure about that. I think that the vast majority of the millions of copies of Suvorov’s seminal book were actually published in Russia, which is where it originally gained global notice, and the same was true of a couple of his follow-on sequels:
[The English edition of the] book sold 800 copies.
Some months later, a German edition of the book, under the title Der Eisbrecher: Hitler in Stalins Kaulkul, was published in Germany by a smallish house, Klett-Cotta, to timid and gingerly reviews. It sold 8,000 copies. In 1992, Suvorov’s manuscript was delivered to a maverick publisher in Moscow, and at last the book saw the light of day in the original Russian, quickly selling out its first print run of 100,000 copies. In the years that followed, over five million copies have been sold, making Suvorov the most-read military historian in history.
And yet, in the nearly 20 years that have elapsed between Icebreaker‘s launch in England and the present publication of The Chief Culprit, no British, American, Canadian, or Australian publisher saw fit to exploit potentially global interest in the drifting Icebreaker—or to so much as touch Suvorov with a barge pole—despite the fact that the almost unobtainable $20 copies of the long-out-of print Hamish Hamilton edition have been changing hands on the internet for upward of $500.
Instead, the only part of the world in which the book and all mention of the subject was almost entirely banned for decades was the US, Britain, and the rest of the Anglosphere.
Admittedly, it’s possible that things have changed and the book is no longer easily available in Russia, but I have read anything to that effect.
“… laundry saop [sic]…”
Cognitive dissonance on full display again:
Your comment, in which you appear to be projecting from your own personal circumstances, is so juvenile, that you have thereby also shown your incapability of a serious response, because you must be in active denial about the prospective developments I briefly described. In that context you have exposed yourself to the readership as a partisan of Russian colonialism (internally) and imperialism (externally) to support a totalitarian oligarchy, headed by a vainglorious mass murderer with a limited cult following. That’s essentially what this aggressive war against “the West“, which you are implicitly advocating, is all about. Only by remaining within your fantasy bubble can you hope to not appear ridiculous to everybody.
Admit that English is not your primary thinking language and give yourself (and us!) a break. Gees . . .
Vlad !
I am relaying to you 2 messages:
“So also, when you see all these Things, you will know that He is near, right at the Door.”
Matthew 24:33
On Oct 18, 2021 GEN Colin Powell, preparing to meet his Maker, started sobbing then made a deathbed confession: All Synagogues of Satan and Holohoax Museums in Moscow have huge stockpiles of Nigerian yellow cake, from which Talmudists extract U-235 by spinning their Dreidels during Hanukkah, preparing to blow up Russian Capital City.
GEN Powell said he chose to invade Iraq instead of Moscow only because of tremendous pressure from ADL & SPLC. He, unlike Homicidal Talmudist Cuntosaur Victoria Nuland, also said he felt genuinely sorry for 500,000 Iraqi children who perished for no reason at all.
Chose your targets wisely (in case you are NOT a Judas Goat).
So he wasn’t legally removed from office? If the US Senate fails to remove a president by 1 vote, is it okay to have a coup? Do you know why the vote was unanimous? Why not just abide by Minsk? Of course the Russians were helping the people of Luhansk and Dinetsk, after what happened in Odessa, what were they supposed to do? Allow these people to be burned alive like you guys did to those poor souls in Odessa? Come on, why is Donetsk and Luhansk so important? Let them go and go join the EU.
If Putin admire Communism, it means he admire his political opposition.
Stop gaslighting! Communist Lenin seems to be Putin’s most respected mass murderer of Russians [1][2][3]. At the same time, this globalist clown insults and denigrates Russian Tsar, Nicolas II [4].
[1] No plans to remove Lenin’s body from mausoleum, Kremlin says – Society & Culture – TASS (2021):
[2] Lenin’s tomb should stay in Red Square, Putin says – The Washington Post:
[3] Putin vs Lenin: Why the Russian President Won’t Remove the Soviet Union’s Founder:
[4] Putin’s negative assessment of Nicholas II
Regards, Anon001 – Comments Archive @ The Unz Review
So Zelensky hasn’t stolen a dime? The US didn’t arm, encourage and support the coup? The Ukrainians didn’t sign, then ignore the Minsk Accords? Are you stupid or just a moron?
There was no coup and certainly no arming of anyone involved by the US.
The US didn’t arm, encourage and support the coup?
I suppose he's talking in terms of economics and Marxism in a social justice sense. I'm not sure Putin cares a lot about economics, capitalism, or socialism or communism or any of that jazz. He's more into nationalism. His concern is with the nation itself, not whatever economic system it has going on.
I've always liked the ideas of Marxism, of socialism and communism.
A factory was on strike for a long time. Putin went out to the firm and sat down with the workers and the management and heard them both out. Putin then ordered the firm to rehire all of the workers and give them an X amount wage hike.
I think this might be the incident you are referring to.
Huh, interesting… well there was a book written about how height is a strong predictor of U.S. presidential elections. I couldn’t find it on Google but it is probably in the references of this academic paper on the subject:
As someone who is quite tall it intrigues me to see how many heads of government have been short. But I remember from childhood that the greatest ever batsman at cricket, and captain of the Australuan team, Sir Donald [Don] Bradman was only 5ft 7 inches.
The reason for his ousting was simple – the opposition had the votes to block supply. No need for a CIA conspiracy, if an opposition party can bring down the government (which was also incredibly unpopular) they will. With parliament unable to provide supply, the Governor General really had no option but to dismiss parliament.
ALP shills love to pretend that Whitlam was loved, but look at the wipeout in the 75 election. There was no “coup”, the effect of the removal was that an election was held a few months earlier than would otherwise have happened.
Whitlam wasn’t imprisoned, forced to flee the country, he didn’t paint the walls of his office with his brains Allende style, he stood in the election which he was absolutely destroyed in.
Australian politics are so boring that people are desperate to make it more than it is. Desperate lunatics like Pilger providing evidence free assertions doesn’t change this
Total treason in Kremlin [1][2] – Russian MoD, in direct communication with NATO, sabotaging Russian fighters defending Syria.
Excerpt [1]: An interesting account [2] of the battle of Kasham in Syria has come to light recently. The American soldiers who took part in the clash with Assad’s troops and Wagner shared their side of the story and added some hitherto unheard details to their account. This particular line in the story, which you should read in its entirety because it is interesting, really stands out: “The Wagner mercenaries had a surface-to-air system that made it impossible for American aircraft to press the attack. Only after officials in Washington talked to their Russian counterparts did the surface-to-air system get shut down, allowing American aircraft to return and attack.”
[1] Maybe Prigozhin Was Telling the Truth About the Russian MoD?
[2] American Special Forces Versus Russian Mercenaries in Syria – The War Horse
[3] Articles Archive | Rolo Slavskiy / Slavsky | Substack
Regards, Anon001 – Comments Archive @ The Unz Review
Ukraine and Russia were NOT the same country until 1991. The Ukrainian SSR was (allegedly) a fully sovereign nation with the theoretical ability to withdraw from the USSR (worked out fine for Hungary and Czechoslovakia)
Enough of the “USA manufactured coup” lie. Yanukovich was elected on a platform of getting Ukraine into the EU, he took hundreds of millions in bribes (I wonder what country from) and reneged, instead saying he was going to link with Russia instead. 800,000 people marched on the Maiden, 72% of the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove him from office, 3% short of what was required. A second vote was coming and he was almost certainly going to remove him – the only reason it didn’t make 75% was because there weren’t enough on the floor, the vote was 328-0 for his removal, but he had fled the country before a second vote could be held.
As for “arming the Mexicans” who the fuck do you think has been arming the (minority) Russian separatists in the East? (I’ll give you a clue, Russia)
Your present yourself as a person who-writing things that are 180 degrees from the truth, complete non-existent events and inversions of actual events- as one of two personality types:
1) Psychopathic liar and falsifier in a digital sense, 1 versus 0. You are zero. This is for money or even worse: you are a psychotic wretch who has separated from objective Reality and now the entire world exists in your head. If this is true, you need to be interned in a psychiatric hospital.
2). You are a hasbara sayanim {those who assist it outside of Israel. Sometimes called sayanim—Hebrew for “helpers,†or “assistants,†from the root samech-yud-ayin—these individuals reportedly assist Mossad agents with logistical aspects of missions. Examples of these real-life sayanim include local Jews who helped with the 1960 capture of Adolf Eichmann in Argentina and with Operation Magic Carpet, which brought most of Yemen’s Jews to Israel in 1949 and 1950. }
So, either you are sick as shit, no honor, subterranean filth…or you are mentally ill.
You and Johnson use the same rhetoric devices, one or two aggressive sentences to attempt to put the listener on the defensive. This I noticed is a common Jewish play act, to stand close face to face, talk loudly and aggressively and frequently touch the listener somewhere. This intimidation tactic works with meek Goys who are inhibited by Christian jonnny-be-good and charity and luuuuuv.
It worked on Australian officials, used by the Jews who arrived after WWII in order to take over the continent. The Goy is metaphorically and uncomfortably backed into a corner, where he must respond in kind or attempt to placate.
Now, in my professional engineering world of life and death choices, not even the slightest lie or untruth was allowed. Consequences were termination and ruination of one’s reputation. Another consequence for an especially grievous liar is a punch in the face. Not a single peer would acknowledge seeing or hearing anything to do with the incident.
That’s really what Me-am-jew-jew and Johnstein need: a punch in the face or to be bitch slapped until they howl for mercy. People like this are so far gone that they need to have decency and respect beat into them, like a nail into concrete.
“Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.†— Mahatma Gandi
The really successful ones get called “liberators.â€
This situation would inevitably emerge and consolidate due to the following factors:
"...the country will split-up into smaller countries..."
What does your mommy use for laundry saop to do your clothes? Do you still pay your parents for your old childhood bedroom you use, now that you are not able to get the job of your collage “major”. (guffaw).
You don’t know how ridiculous you appear.
Cognitive dissonance on full display again:
"... laundry saop [sic]..."
: “Don’t forget this one.”
Ah, some of my favorite pics come from that parade. 🙂 I keep them right alongside the photo of Il Duce hanging from his lamppost, and the photos of the ruins of Germany in 1945 – as reminders of where the road of fascism always leads.
“Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.†— Mahatma Gandi
Fascists always forget a fundamental rule of life on Earth … ‘what goes up, must come down.’ Forgetting this, they fail to see the wisdom in not pissing everyone off on the way up.
The really successful ones get called “liberators.â€
“Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.†— Mahatma Gandi
People need to remember some very basic facts about ‘communists’ and ‘socialists’. Neither a communist society/government, nor a socialist society/government would have either millionaires or billionaires. These do not coexist.
Russia has millionaires and billionaires.
China has millionaires and billionaires.
Neither is ‘communist’ nor ‘socialist’.
Bernie Sanders, the ‘millionaire socialist’ was always an obvious contradiction and fraud. ‘Millionaire Socialist’ belongs on the list of oxymorons along with ‘Military Intelligence’.
Joe Biden, who was once known as “The Senator from MasterCard”, and who has always been tied closely to banks and corporations in the corporate state of Delaware .. is not a ‘socialist’. ‘Banker’s tool’ yes, ‘Socialist’, no. The two are contradictory and quite exclusive of each other. Giving billions of taxpayer dollars to corporations is not even ‘democracy’. It is foolish, but it is certainly not ‘socialism’.
If you can see millionaires and billionaires, then you are not looking at a ‘communist’ nor ‘socialist’ society where such an accumulation of private property would be banned.
‘Property is Theft’ is a slogan of a communist or truly socialist society, and neither would allow the theft on such a massive scale to create even a millionaire…. at least not unless capitalist inflation runs a whole lot faster and harder to the point where once again a person needs a wheel barrow to buy a loaf of bread.
Peace, Bread, Dignity
One problem here is, where is this Poland where is this Ukraine? Where is this Russia and where is this Pale? Where is this Reich?
The borders were so fluid…much of Poland then, is Ukraine now.
Also The Jews in the region were actively attempting to become political leaders, professors, jurists and with all the attendant authority of police powers. They were not, and are not now, simply attempting to run mom and pop shops as you so carefully inserted into that account. They were power seeking.
‘Goodhart an American consular official even includes the testimony of one Jewish mother who reported the “anti-Semitic†death of her son to the American commission even though she admitted her son was a member of the Bolshevik militia: “I tried to explain to her that there was a difference between the case of a man murdered in cold blood and the death of her son who had been shot while fighting for the Bolsheviks. She simply could not understand the difference and kept on repeating “He was such a fine boy.‒
…such fine boys.
Since that link just leads to a general list of other links, there isn’t much point in trying to respond in too much depth to anything specific. But maybe one thing deserves some mention here. The first link that I see on there is to something about the Polish pogroms and it prominently features a comment from the author William Hagen: “Jewish reports tended towards exaggeration.” That certainly does have a general degree of truth to it, and reaches much wider than simply “Jewish reports.” For example, the buffoonish hoaxer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, in his Letter to the Soviet Leaders, repeats a tall tale about “66 million.” There are very few “Jewish reports” which could approach this level of bollocks by Solzhenitsyn.
But that was why I emphasized the issue of research done in the archives after 1991. The estimates of around 150,000 dead out of around 300,000 victims of pogroms (included non-fatal injured) are based off of data which was quietly collected and not published by Soviet authorities until after 1991. This kind of material should be ranked apart from simple “Jewish reports” published in the media at the time.
The fact is that is was only the White pogroms which caused most Russian Jews to lean towards the Bolsheviks. Anyone familiar with the actual historical record knows that up until 1917, most Left-wing Jews were far more likely to lean towards either the Mensheviks or Social Revolutionaries over the Bolsheviks. If the Whites had simply accepted that the vast majority of both Russians and Jews alike supported some kind of moderate Leftist government and avoided coups d’état against the elected Assembly, then the history of the 20th century would likely look very different.
Solzhenitsyn advocated Kurganov's estimates of 110 million allegedly killed. Mindlessly repeated in his books, The Gulag Archipelago, Letter to the Soviet Leaders, and Warning to the West.
For example, the buffoonish hoaxer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, in his Letter to the Soviet Leaders, repeats a tall tale about “66 million.†There are very few “Jewish reports†which could approach this level of bollocks by Solzhenitsyn.
Ivan A. Kurganov was evacuated out of Russia in 1943, when he moved to Germany and continued his anti Bolshevik campaign (as formerly an officer in the White Army during their Civil War, 1918-1921) before changing his name from Ivan A. Koshkin to Kurganov and moved to America in 1950. His report. Three Figures was published in the early 1970s and picked up in Samizdat and by Solzhenitsyn. Kurganov’s methodology was to estimate the growth rates in Russia’s population birth from 1918-1959, he claimed Russia should be at 300 million total, therefore there are missing 110 million unborns from his estimates therefore 110 million have been killed by Communism. Kurganov strangely had helped Solzhenitsyn build his house in the United States, being a former propagandist for the Third Reich. The Case of Professor Kurganov. Who Came Up with 110 Million Victims of Stalin?
Letter to the Soviet Leaders, 1975:
“In addition to the toll of two world wars, we have lost, as a result of civil strife and tumult alone–as a result of internal political and economic “class†extermination alone–66 (sixty-six) million people!!! That is the calculation of a former Leningrad professor of statistics, I. A. Kurganov, and you can have it brought to you whenever you wish. I am no trained statistician, I cannot undertake to verify it; and anyway all statistics are kept secret in our country, and this is an indirect calculation. But it’s true: a hundred million are no more (exactly 1 hundred, just as Dostoyevsky prophesied!)…â€The Gulag Archipelago, abridged 2018:
“According to the estimates of emigre Professor of Statistics Kurganov, this “comparatively easy†internal repression cost us, from the beginning of the October Revolution up to 1959, a total of sixty-six million–66,000,000–lives. We, of course, cannot vouch for his figure, but we have none other that is official. And just as soon as the official figure is issued the specialists can make the necessary critical comparisons.Warning to the West, 1989:
“Forty years earlier Dostoevsky had predicted that socialism would cost Russia 100 million victims. At the time it seemed an improbable figure. Let me ask the British press to acquaint its readers with the impartial three-page report of the Russian statistician Professor Ivan Kurganov. It was published in the West twelve years ago, but, as is so often the case with matters of social significance, we only notice things that are not contradictory to our own feelings. From Professor Kurganov’s analysis, we learn that if Dostoevsky erred, he erred on the side of understatement. From 1917 to 1959 socialism cost the Soviet Union 110 million lives!â€
Why is Solzhenitsyn a writer and not a historian?: https://aif-ru.translate.goog/society/opinion/1355722?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=enThere is a newly published collection containing critical essays on Solzhenitsyn's fictional histories highlighting the Gulag interpretations between Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov. Aside from using White propaganda and his inventive death tolls of Kurganov, Solzhenitsyn also created whole departments which never existed. Conquest in the mid 1990s was forced to revise upon his overestimates, yet Solzhenitsyn driven ideologically kept up with his fictions to death. "The Gulag in Writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Varlam Shalamov (2021)"
“Three Numbersâ€Here is what Kurganov reported in his work “Three Figuresâ€, which was repeatedly published in the emigre press, and in 1990 was also published in the newspaper “Arguments and Facts†number 13 (494):“F. Dostoevsky back in 1871 suggested that the social reorganization of society could cost the people one hundred million heads.The revolution in Russia began with the uprising of 1917, then unfolded in the Civil War, industrialization, collectivization and the complete reorganization of society. During this time, the people suffered really big losses, especially in the initial period of the revolution and during the period of Stalin’s dictatorship.Here are some numbers:– the population of Russia in 1917 within the borders before September 17, 1939 was 143.5 million;– natural population growth for 1918–1939 it should normally be 64.4 million (according to a coefficient of 1.7, taken as the basis for the demographic calculations of the State Planning Committee of the USSR);– mechanical population growth in 1940 – 20.1 million people. This includes the population of the territories annexed in 1940, as well as subsequent annexations (900 thousand – Carpathian Rus, 100 thousand – Tuva and the population of the borders with Poland specified in 1945);– natural population growth 1940–1959 within modern boundaries, it should normally be 91.5 million;– therefore, the total population in 1959 must have been 319.5 million;
– in fact, according to the 1959 census, there were 208.8 million.The total population loss is 110.7 million people.Thus, the population of the USSR lost in connection with the events of 1917–1959. one hundred and ten million human lives.â€110 million human lives – simply monstrous losses!â€Mendeleev and the FinnsThe most interesting thing is that they are not the limit. And you can deduce an even larger scale price of Bolshevism in Russia from the work of a much more authoritative scientist than Kurganov – Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev.The father of the periodic system of elements was interested not only in chemistry, but also in other sciences, in particular demography. In 1906, in the work “To the Knowledge of Russiaâ€, he wrote, based on the data of the first all-Russian census of 1897:“For the whole of Russia, taken as a whole, on the basis of data collected by the Central Statistical Committee of Min-va V.D. on the number of births and dying, must accept an increase of no less than 15 people. per year per 1000 inhabitants. This assumption gives the following probable number of the total population of Russia over the years:… 1950 – 282.7 million. 2000 – 594.3 million.According to official data from the 1989 All-Union Population Census, 286.7 million people lived in the USSR. That is, starting from Mendeleev’s forecast, we can say that the Soviet regime cost Russia 250-300 million human lives. These figures, by the way, were cited in 1996, during the presidential race, in order to prove that only “bloody maniacs†can vote for the communist Gennady Zyuganov. Until you, dear readers, run away to hang communists on poles and demand Nuremberg-2, I suggest you compare the Soviet Union with Finland.Having left the Russian Empire and safely not falling under the rule of the Bolsheviks, Suomi, according to the same scheme for calculating population growth, should have had 6.34 million people by 1960. But in reality it had 4.43 million.Finland had its own Civil War, in which the “whites†won, and it claimed about 30 thousand lives. The Soviet-Finnish and World War II together claimed about 130,000 Finns. Even if all these losses are rounded up to 200 thousand, the question arises – where are the other 1.7 million Finns? Are these the victims of the bloody regime of Mannerheim and his followers? And who else could exterminate a third of the population of the country?!Wrong MethodThe thing is that the calculations of Mendeleev and his contemporaries were based on the fact that the population growth rate would remain at the same level as at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.However, later studies by demographic scientists discovered a phenomenon called the “demographic transitionâ€. Its essence lies in the fact that any country in the course of its socio-economic development goes through three demographic stages. On the first of them, the population grows slowly, since a high birth rate is offset by an equally high death rate. Then, thanks to the development of medicine, the death rate drops sharply, while the birth rate remains at a high level. As a result, population growth increases dramatically. This is the second stage. Finally, there is a decrease in the birth rate and, as a result, a decrease in population growth. This is the third stage. The reasons for the decline in the birth rate lie in the transition of the bulk of the population to an urban lifestyle, the emancipation of women, etc.That is, to put it simply, a developed society is going through a process of declining population growth. In modern Europe, it has reached a level where the natural increase is either minimal or turns into a natural decline.And when Kurganov in his work draws the USSR a growth rate of 1.7, he is silent that in the 1920s-1940s the growth rate in Great Britain was 0.49 percent, in Germany – 0.61, and in France – even 0, 13. And the growth rate of 1.7, declared as accepted by the State Planning Commission, is in fact the growth rate of the population of the Russian Empire in 1909-1913.The more successfully the Soviet Union developed, the lower its population growth rate, as in other developed countries, became.Kurganov’s theme, Solzhenitsyn’s arrangementMendeleev did not know about this. And Kurganov? Of course he did. Then why did you keep lying?Because he really wanted to eat. Selling serious research about the USSR in the West in the Cold War era was much more difficult than political “horror filmsâ€By the way, Ivan Alekseevich Kurganov died in New York in 1980, just a few years before the moment when the whistleblowers of the horrors of Stalinism already in the USSR began to cite his work as evidence of the scale of the “communist terrorâ€.Interestingly, even in emigre circles, Kurganov’s manipulations were well known and seriously criticized.“And what does Solzhenitsyn have to do with it? – an admirer of the writer’s work will be indignant. – Well, the author referred to an unreliable source, he also emphasized that he did not come up with these figures himself!Let’s start with the fact that Solzhenitsyn, who positioned himself not just as a writer, but as a researcher, could not help but know about the viciousness of Kurganov’s calculations. But that’s not the point. Solzhenitsyn gave Kurganov’s figures a meaning that he himself did not put into them.What does Kurganov write? “The population of the USSR lost in connection with the events of 1917–1959. one hundred and ten million human lives.â€And Solzhenitsyn says: “So, in total we have lost from the socialist system – 110 million people.â€That is, the Nobel laureate declares everyone to be victims of socialism: both tens of millions of phantoms, which, as proved above, should not have appeared due to the laws of demography, and 27 million who died in the Great Patriotic War, and victims of the “Red Terrorâ€, and victims “great terrorâ€, and the victims of the “white terrorâ€, and the White Guards, and the Red Army, and innocent emigrants, and those who, like Kurganov, became Nazi accomplices and fled to the West, fleeing from well-deserved retribution. The author of The Gulag Archipelago lumped everyone into one heap – both real and virtual, and Bolsheviks, and enemies of the Bolsheviks.
His Jewish Goebbels is also very short.
Again we see in this picture that he isn’t 5’7.
At some point Putin started wearing shoe lifts. But there are plenty of older pictures.
I do think it is entirely relevant the war. He has short man syndrome just like Stalin. I truly do not believe the war would have happened if Putin was average height. He would have been content to be dictator of the world’s largest country.
It is theorized that Khrushchev only survived the purges by being short. Stalin didn’t like having his picture taken with tall men. In the picture with FDR they are both sitting.
Sorry still trying to figure out how to embed images in comments
FYI the embedding works best in WordPress if you can isolate a link of a jpg or png.
Open the image in a new tab and copy the url.
A person closer to camera appears higher. Cross-eyed people cannot notice it. He is much taller than the person behind.
What about the Great Napoleon heights? Anglos have him at 5’2″ but he was actually 5’6″.
I support your refutation of West’s MSM baseless slanders of Putin.