Francis Miville, your insinuation that Jews have always been responsible for European academic pursuits for their own sake, going as far back as the Italian Renaissance, greatly challenges my understanding of Europe and Whites, and my beliefs about Western genius and intellectualism. Your comments about Jefferson’s Jewishness challenges my most precious beliefs in a very similar way, as do many of your other comments along the same anti-semitic lines. As a result of this, I’ve become intensely curious.
Do you have any sources I can read that establish that these suppositions of yours are true? I really do care about the truth and would be really glad if you can share with me the sources you that shaped your current world view.
While your claims conflict with my own understanding, the implications if they’re true are quite extraordinary for my conception of reality and the world. The ideological consequences for me are very significant, so I do not feel comfortable ignoring them or dismissing them as cranky without thorough investigation.
Can you guide me to books that shed substantial lights on this issue, especially ones that you have personally benefited from? I want to go through them and come to my own conclusions.
Thanks in advance.
All these idealistic crusades you are listing here have, like Marxism which was the original model of all of them, been designed by Jews for an exclusively White clientele of useful idiots to exploit and quietly destroy. They especially love Whites giving more attention to exotic animal species than to themselves, so as for them to hate humanity in general as the chief enemy of these species, and the White race in particular : actually you won’t be accepted in any of these exotic species defence group without perfect adhesion to Prince Phillip’s WWF principles : you have to manifest a kind of political correctness sold to Whites only. Ecological consciousness is part and parcel of the greater Jewish-marketed New Age religion, and in case you haven’t noticed it they have actually zero concern for the conservation of real ecosystems in the same way Marxism has nothing to do with real workers. Academic pursuits for their own sake have all been under strictly Jewish supervision (in the very same way they used to be all Brahmanic in traditional India) from their very inception from Italian Renaissance onwards, the works that get approved and published accrue high marks and recognition only in as much as they heighten the Jewish cause’s good repute, in the very same way religious books accrue good marks in proportion of their usefulness to their missionary activities and to the expansion of the cult. Actually academic and humanistic pursuits done for their own sake are nothing but a Jewish response to Christian theology, which condemned all curiosity as sinful except in the narrow realm of studies that was considered useful for one’s salvation. Whites by themselves would have never conceived of gratuitous studies for their own sake, their natural tendency would rather have been hunting, pillaging and warfare for their own sake as the ultimate sport. Humanistic intervention against famine or Ebola among Black Africans is yet another Jewish counter-response to Christian involvement in the same territories, it is designed to exploit White guilt complex in a non-Christian way.
If the immigration law of 1965 had been put up to popular vote, it wouldn’t have lost. The proof of it is given by Switzerland and California, two states where all laws risk being submitted to popular referendum. Referendums taken in Switzerland have never, never failed to lean in the direction wished by the Banking establishment and by Davos in particular. The Swiss people adore money as the tangible manifestation of divine grace, and such a national character is always the long-term result achieved by giving all people the right to vote down or in each law separately. As of lately they have voted for the establishment of the most stringent vaccine pass system of all Europe, despite the dreams of many who thought the Swiss to be less brainwashed and more prone to independent opinions than citizens of too big, less authentically democratic nations. They also have voted for sexual diversity and gay supremacy despite their strong calvinistic mental imprint, just on hearing that voting against it might irk the banks to the point they might outsource their operations to somewhere in Asia. Anyway, when you are a Calvinist, you never vote against money even when money asks to renounce to your Calvinistic faith in favour of Marxism.
California has likewise thanks to mass consultations about each law resulted into the mess it has become today : all those referendums have resulted in the social laws helping the modest classes being turned down one after another, in higher education becoming the most unaffordable of the world, and in the general transformation of the social fabric into third world.
People when too directly consulted always vote for money and for the supremacy of ethnic groups known to be the invisible hand behind money. Had for instance the 1965 immigration bill been submitted to popular vote, the powers that be would have arranged the media big picture so as for the fiercest opposition to that bill voiced by traditional pro-Soviet Communists in the Rust Belt states on one hand, and by Wallace’s partisans in the Bible Belt on the other hand. The Churches of all horizons would have been all for, presenting the workingman’s opposition to it as a lack of Christian solidarity for an unworthy material gain. The New Left would have been 100% for and John Lennon would have made special concerts for it on one hand, while Elvis Presley would also have made one. The bill would have one at 75%. Big numbers’ opinions always follow big money’s.
If what you state is true you should no longer define yourself as a White American. Actually it might be that such a melting pot of various European races incompatible among themselves has resulted into far more dangerous and mortal mental degeneracy than White-Black miscegenation as promoted on the screens and billboards, and that such a mutt paleface race is more antithetical to what Europeans races still are here and there than mestizos or Mexicans. I think that the experiment is over and that its designers and beneficiaries, who were Jewish right from the very start, are about to end it as they have gathered the information they want. The very concept of Melting Pot was always put forward by Jewish authors from the 18th century.
Very true. As a matter of fact, the whites in a number of Western countries have already declined from the second-class citizen status straight into third. The (((project))) is now moving from "moderate" levels of anti-white oppression into open, full-spectrum hostility which is supposed to culminate into outright genocide.
Those who point to the protected status of minorities across contemporary Western nations forget that this is a side-effect of a particularly nasty White political hallucination that will evaporate as soon as Whites fall into minority status themselves. Whites who believe they will be granted, in an inter-ethnic quid pro quo, legal privileges, preferential paths to employment, and outsized representation in everything from TV ads to government have clearly not been reading between the lines of the hostile mass propaganda. They are living in a fool’s paradise. Where sleepwalking White’s expect reciprocity they will find only revenge.
In Europe Whites that realize they are of the kind of Whites targeted to be third class and new third world — most often former Hippie or Leftie Whites — take the easy way out of their quandary : converting to radical Islam. Especially when they realize that it is the Zionist Jews that betrayed their leftist dreams after having pushed them into those dreams. Brittany, a White Thrash country, is now witnessing a multiplication of black niqabs due to native conversion rather than to immigration, and these newly converts are the nastiest Islamists of all to the point they frighten most North Africans. Once you are a radical Muslim and don an Arab name, a turban or a niqab, you no longer are a White. You may have a White skin but among Muslims it is a capital good like a good diploma. Jews in France who up to now demonized the “white supremacism” of the traditional local populist right are now panicking belatedly about the “Islamic Left”. For many White men in Scandinavia Islamism has been the occasion to escape feminism.
Who will feed the Talented Minorities, particularly, The Most Talented One? 🙂
Canada will a Moslem country by 2030 and it will be good seeing all those Christian churches converted into mosques—-empty buildings 2021 being used in 2030 by a dynamic Moslem majority. Names populaire—Jason and Justin replaced by Faruk and Abdullah —-praying 3 times per day—rather than at birth and death—Canada will be improved. Jews will depart and live in New York City.
Congress is just a few hundred whores. They’ve been bought and sold many times.
That’s more like it HammerJack… you’re living up to your screen name.
This can’t be repeated enough. The many apologists for the ruling tribe (on this site and many others) keep saying “How could we possibly control anything? Why, we’re only 2% of the country!”
But you don’t need population to control the masses. All you need is power. Congress is just a few hundred whores. They’ve been bought and sold many times. If you combine that with control of Wall Street (finance) and Hollywood (propaganda) you have all the control you’ll ever need, and then some.
That is because Americans believe in individualism.
Individualism is the ultimate form of Divide and Conquer
Could not agree more. Very sad.
NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the average White American. And precisely because of that stupidity, he/she is likely doomed. We have a disease of the mind that has left us defenseless. The absurd belief in equality has left us believing because this is “America†that things will just continue on as they always have?. They won’t. Hell, even the Germans, a literally occupied nation & people who’ve had an unrelenting propaganda campaign against them for the last 76yrs have shown a greater survival instinct than the average White American.
Demography IS destiny. If we White Americans do not wake up to that fundamental fact, this “experiment†is over..
Not shown: her 60-yr-old husband. Call me old-fashioned, but I still say she’s too young. Well, I’m about to be carted off to Diversity Training Camp for remarks like this. See you guys on the flip side.
Thanks. Great documentary. Watched it and saved it.
I especially appreciate them noticing that the anti-white invasions are not good for the jews. This project will end them since it’s both weakening their host countries and waking up whites while the other goyim already hate them or push their own tribalism. This will get very ugly for all sides but, frankly, I can’t wait.
That said, they should have noted that the jewish public excuse for “multicultural” Sweden – jewish ability to blend in among other minorities – makes no sense whatsoever. In Sweden they are a tiny fraction of a percent so how come they’re still feeling unsafe (lol) in a country that’s already 25% invaded? How come they’re only accelerating the invasion despite the fact that the invaders are Muslim hostiles?
The answer is that the plan is a total, worldwide, white genocide. They’ll fail and pay for it but that is the plan.
A must watch documentary, Why is Sweden multicultural?
“The Pew findings indicate that any kind of White awakening to a full realization of the true nature of White decline will be a mammoth task.”
There are templates in not all too distant American history that demonstrate how full realization of the true nature of things can crystallize to diamond hardness over a relatively short period of time. The pressure on white Americans needs to be drastically ramped up.
As I’ve said numerous times, most of you dummies have taken the Lethal Injection already, so an angry Knee-Grow is the least of your problems.
I know and understand this is a Zionist program directed against whites, what I meant was that too many whites didn’t reject it, they embraced it, and by embracing it, they embraced their own demise. I didn’t even mention the old “school busing federal law”, that allowed negro kids from the ghetto to be bused into the white suburbs, and vice versa.
I am rather skeptical this PEW research is representative at all. Even classic Democrats understood that Trump won because of being against immigration, with Hilary wanting even more. Trump would have won a second time without intervention. Further, white flight is a real phenomenon; even leftists — or Greens here in Germany — don’t live in ghettos and send their children to private schools because they are white.
I’d say most people are little interested on politics or “the future” anyway, they mostly care — nowadays — about fornicating to increase the filth in their lives, or traveling, making money and so on. Few, unfortunately, read books, let alone serious books.
As Vox Day once said, a determined right minority is enough to pull the majority towards their policies.
Domestic terrorism can take many forms, inspired by a wide range of violent ideologies whose common, dangerous feature is the resort to violence rather than the peaceful expression of views and resolution of differences. Individuals subscribing to violent ideologies such as violent white supremacy, which are grounded in racial, ethnic, and religious hatred and the dehumanizing of portions of the American community, as well as violent anti–government ideologies, are responsible for a substantial portion of today’s domestic terrorism. Tackling the long–term contributors to this challenge demands addressing the sources of that mobilization to violence – with leadership from relevant domestic–facing agencies, coordinated by the White House’s Domestic Policy Council and in close partnership with civil society [translation: snitches].�Replies: @aandrews
I was wondering what the new obsession would be, after they got their asses handed to them in Afghanistan.
Domestic terrorism can take many forms, inspired by a wide range of violent ideologies whose common, dangerous feature is the resort to violence rather than the peaceful expression of views and resolution of differences. Individuals subscribing to violent ideologies such as violent white supremacy, which are grounded in racial, ethnic, and religious hatred and the dehumanizing of portions of the American community, as well as violent anti–government ideologies, are responsible for a substantial portion of today’s domestic terrorism. Tackling the long–term contributors to this challenge demands addressing the sources of that mobilization to violence – with leadership from relevant domestic–facing agencies, coordinated by the White House’s Domestic Policy Council and in close partnership with civil society [translation: snitches].
How many blacks are there in America nowadays ?
Television and media suggests they are the majority.
Whites must’ve become a minority suddenly without even realizing it.
Based on the number of advertisements featuring blacks it suggests that they are now the dominant source of spending power and the most important consumer base
“Do any Unz readers have jobs/lives/etc.?”
Well, they do have lives in that they must exist in physical forms, and can type out posts with one finger at whatever public library lets them use their desktops before throwing them out for the evening.
But jobs…come the fuck on. The posters here aren’t educated or talented people, who would hire them to do anything? Maybe a few of them have minimum-wage positions at Wal-Mart or something that requires a pulse and sneakers to wear. That’s about it.
On a different subject.
You might not be interested in all the treachery of 911. But if you are, this Dennis Cimino interview is fantastic:
I couldn’t resist borrowing liberally from some of your comments on the “Sleepwalking” article and sending them to Charles Ortel who, in spite of the fact that he seems to be a bright enough guy, spends considerable time and energy making videos recounting the minutiae of crimes committed by the political class, as if exposing every last bit of it will make a difference.
He’s certainly old enough to know better, but is still apparently tone deaf to reality.
Yes, I of course I agree. People are dumb as bricks — and this guy is naive.
I’m amused by people’s ideas about all this. I think he is some sort of PHD.
Did anyone else’s jaw drop to the floor when they read this?
My jaw hasn’t dropped like that since yesterday, since I read that the National Archives put “trigger warnings” on our founding documents, posting “contains language some may find offensive.”
Someone seriously missed the stories of Chicago, of Oakland, of New Yorkers attacked in the streets, of mass looting (not “Floyd bump”– this is pretty much daily, somewhere now, in “flash groups”)– they missed the whole “Soros AG’s and DA’s let criminals go without bail so they can re-offend immediately? For that matter, someone doesn’t realize “Floyd” was not a “bump,” but a “we’ll riot whenever we are not in control/power,” exactly as we see in the middle East? That it is now part of American culture?
And then to add “cleaner”? Are you kidding? Areas of major cities look like Third World slums, with people camping out on public streets, people “do their business” on public streets — all this got by someone?
I wish I could like in that kind of head-in-the-sand bliss…
HIAS doing HaShem’s work!
… any chance HIAS will try and resettle any of these so-called “refugees†in the Apartheid state?
There are 180 Million White People in America alone.
The Globe is infested by only 15 million Jews.
Who will win this Race War? Not Zion Pigs.
The White Identity is now a thing, a Real Thing.
Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come.
The days of White intrafighting are coming to a close.
A New Order of White Identity is now coming into being.
The Whole World will shake when this birth goes mainstream.
Which now it WILL.
I’ve been away for a week visiting relatives in New York, so I apologize for the delay in replying.
The speaker is a bit naive on energy. Setting aside one day to pray to the energy gods is just bullshit. It serves no realistic purpose as it will be ignored. For energy, the US needs Thorium nuclear reactors (SMR’s) by the railroad car load to add to the existing capacity and to replace the older generating plants, nuclear and fossil. I’m a proponent of EV’s because they are simply better in all respects. I could care less about the carbon nonsense because any climate change is controlled by the sun and the galaxy. Human influence is a rounding error.
We should transition to a mostly electrical future and that should include reducing our dependence on the existing grid because the future will surely not be compatible with a single point of failure. We need regional grids and even neighborhood grids and all the way down to single home “grids” called self sufficiency. The future needs to dump the monopoly control mechanisms in all respects, and the electrical grid as it exists today is an excellent place to start.
His information ideas are never going to happen as long as there’s a gov’t that wants the existing infrastructure as the ministry of propaganda. Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc are gov’t organs of disinformation. If they didn’t exist, the Fed Gov would invent them, and actually did invent them by proxy. As long as stupid people get their information from the State’s propaganda organs, nothing changes. It is when the SHTF economically and the average brain dead voter realizes he’s been had is when said voter will wise up because there is no alternative to the reality rapidly approaching.
His sensemaking assumes that people are smart enough to make sense of information. That is far from the truth. The average person is dumb as a stump and will believe anything some authoritative voice tells them. Huge swaths of the population vote. They believe in religious fairy tales about gods, resurrection and all manner of blatant bullshit. These people are the stumbling block towards future progress and only their awakening to the realization that absolutely everything the gov’t tells them is a lie will convert them to listening to alternative sources with a completely different interpretation.
This is going to be one tough nut to crack. I doubt this can happen before there is a revolution that brings in a different “authority” and narrative and then the dolts will listen to the new message, not because they agree with it but because the new boss says so. They’re too stupid to do otherwise. His sense making diplomats ARE the new government that the sheep can follow. If that transition away from the current thieves and liars doesn’t happen, then there are no sense making diplomats. If there’s a dissolution of the USA and we get a chance at various smaller gov’ts, then people can vote with their feet and the tribes he mentions can gain control of geographic areas. That’s the only way this might work.
Council of elders. That is truly funny. He’s proposing a new set of scumbags, nothing more. Same with his censure idea. Any group given any kind of authority will quickly become corrupt as that’s what all gov’t is – corruption written into law.
His incentive idea would put the world back to pre industrial revolution standards. It’s a good idea to charge the true cost of things, but recommending a tax mechanism is insane. Tax means gov’t control and extortion via the barrel of a gun. That’s no way to restructure the society, one new force replacing the old. The world needs corporations to produce the goods and services the mindless masses need to survive. Those corporations need to be restructured to be less destructive at a fundamental level and the first thing would be to get rid of the concept of a corp being a gov’t controlled and licensed entity. Corporations should not pay any tax at all. All corporations should be the private domain of their investors with the stipulation that they can not absorb other corporations and grow to humongous scales. There needs to be competition in every segment of the market and gov’t control eventually means gov’t capture and no real competition against the market leader.
etc, etc, etc
He’s naive.
The decline of the White population is a result of the War on the White Race that has been going on for decades. The people promoting this idea, Jews, openly admit this. They are just smart enough to use the terms, “Multiculturalism” and “Diversity” to mask their Hatred for the White Race and its Institutions. White people who think the decline of the White population is no big deal will get a rude awakening. Likely when it is too late.
The anti-white garbage is coming from the universities and the university system has been fully captured.
“This is to say nothing of the 15% of respondents who told Pew that such a transformation is “good for society†or “very good.†I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this last figure was dominated by Jews in Whiteface ”
Jews are 2% of the American population.
Good for you, in that you have named the topic that most Americans are simply too stupid (left hand side of the Gaussian IQ curve) to comprehend and therefore to consider as to projected outcomes. I am writing about the “quantity” of nuclear weapons that exist in America’s “arsenal”, most of which have a location (undisclosed) and are likely “ready” for “initiation”!
The dilemma is: What happens to ownership, physical possession, electronic control and targeting of such weapons if in 20 years the (intelligent) White segment of the American population drops below approximately 1/3 of the White race (and I do not include mixed mestizos, White miscegenated with typical mextizo, or mulatto, White miscegenated with Negro as a part of the White race) and becomes subjected to discriminatory laws, regulations, decrees, random POC violence within a neighborhood, and/or other legalistic or actual violence leading to large numbers of deaths? These weapons are “large”, obviously lethal, and some can irradiate “handlers” if such are typically POC’s who have no “conception” of nuclear physics and will die within days and possibly radioactively contaminate a “large” area!! The presumption is that some type of mextizo, black, some “Asians”, form of government, or multiple such governments, representing different tribal “groupings” attempt to seize such weapons from the historically White members of the armed forces who are the vast majority of the persons presently controlling those weapons. In a perverse manner such tribal groupings would not hesitate, for even a microsecond, to use such weapons in order to accelerate the extermination of Whites in America. The problem that such would encounter in doing such would be the collateral damage to their communities and peoples.
But I have always maintained that Hiroshima yield-size weapons would be an excellent defensive and yet thoroughly destructive weapon to be used by White communities to eviscerate black-brown communities without destroying most of the habitant. And I claim that if a group of people have lived in a country/society for centuries and have provided the blessings of liberty and freedom to all whom have legally resided in such a country; but now those very same “others” in that society are “licking their chops” at the thought of mass rape and execution of White females and the systematic slaughter of White males in order to act out some type of psychopathic “revenge” against the White citizens of that society because generally speaking the Whites were “superior” in intellect and thus led that nation in becoming the prosperous, safe, peaceful, free society that it was, until every rag-picker from around the world proclaimed their God-given right to invade that society and become the new extended parasite class that demanded that Whites work until they drop dead from exhaustion but constantly produce so that the rag-picker parasite class had all the “goodies” available to them, FOR FREE, on this planet!!!
In such a circumstance the White segment of society is indeed justified in defending their people from mass extermination by using every weapon available to them for protection. And if such weapons vaporize large groups of “others” off of the face of the planet, then perhaps those “others” should have thought about how they could live in HARMONY with their fellow citizens before they developed their psychopathic “brain farts” about revenge for feeling inferior!!
I do not see the behavior you discuss as independent of comprehensive material reality. happiness is relative, doing good is relative totally. I did not understand the natural parasitism of the political party that the Bolshevik experience exposed. in that I was later. those who use Marxism to create the |Bolshevik reality knew. real politicians always knew.
the parasitism of the political party isn’t independent reality. they must eat to live and political corruption gives them long term security in having something to eat always. Marx said so…the political party is parasitic and corruptible.
the Hungarians in 1956 came up with an answer, practical! they implemented it and the Bolsheviks smashed them. that generally development proves what I don’t understand about all you talk say…the interdependence relativity of humans and life as a whole that which out of we came and remain part and potential in.
humans have already made the wrong evolutionary choices and I don know if we can undo them, the continuation of capitalism is one such choice, Christianity the same as choosing what the Jews lay before us…Christianity and capitalism basic among much else that is obviously insane like homosexuality abortion, transgenderism etc.
I don’t see those things as choices between bad and good. purely, what the hell is that bad and good. Bad and good do not exist save as factors of debate and description of behavior based in religion limitedly. cause and effect is the relativity here the way of life itself. we must do what is consistent with a survival. we must discover what that is and do it, it is relative to the position we find ourselves in in life. if we have been exploited and are ordinary our behavior is so disciplined by that reality. we must make the evolutionary choices that are consistent with our survival and such choices will help revolutionize life.
technological advance is also basic relative to changing life fundamentally. the overall basic technological development we have achieved has already changed life and is increasingly making working people redundant in life. the capitalist intend to solve that problem by depopulation and revolution from the top down. the working people have no choice but to do the same from the bottom up eliminate the capitalist and organize life for the people. the Hungarians in 1956 demonstrated one way that could be done
so by cause and effect we live…that is the way of nature. you talk with an air of conclusion that divorces one from reality. we were not always here. white people were not always here, were not the first people. there is only one human species. the world was here long before us. conservatively life is around 178 millions years old., by human standards that is a huge quantity of time. but the planet was not always here then what came first the solar system and then planets? and how long ago was that? how long did the solar system take to come into being and set itself up…and where is that currently in its own evolution and life, and what would the anwser to that mean to and for us.
and beyond the solar system what is there. there clearly is a there to that? so what is it?
I don’t see that we can be conclusive to anything the way you are. when I speak of Marxism I know lots that there is to it, all the scam prior to the Rusky Revo and afterwards into all that has gone on to this point. but there is much I found functional in Marxism relatively…relative to many things I did used to do up t now analytically. I live open ended: humans know what we know so far and must come to know as much as possible giving us seemingly our best chance at indefinite survival.
Can humans achieve eternal life even with the Zionist material artificial material synthesis?
can humans come to know all there is to know about existence? I don’t know but as it stands we do not know nearly enough.
Jesus Humphrey Christ-on-a-blown-tire Bike: 2,700 words!
I read the occasional Ron U article. Emphasis on occasionally. They’re usually good, but like fine wines, not for everyday chugging/mental imbibition.
As for the good Mr. Joyce: has he never read Strunk & White? Has he no sense of editing?
Mein gott!
Dude, PUHLEEZ keep your pieces in the 800-900-word range. Better 3 small pieces well-written (and thus well-READ) than one humongous verbal stem-winder that gets eaten by the Tempus Teal Deer (TLDR).
All young White people that are concerned with the long-term survival of the race must get educated, must get influential in academia, politics, business and media and must work towards re-instating White ethnic interests.
Quoting from geokat62’s post, can you see the fanaticism that Jews are indoctrinated with?
My grandmother reminded me of my obligations as a Jew. She said I was twice indebted: to her for the blood she had once given me and to Abraham for everything else. She said these debts must be honored. Until they are honored, she said, dying was not within my rights. She said: “You are our only revenge. You are our Hitler. Promises have been made. The dead are watching and must not be disappointed.â€
The dead are watching. You are our revenge. Promises have been made. These people are raised with such thinking patterns it’s no wonder they are full of irrational hate towards non-Jewish White people. In this Jew’s eyes there’s no difference between German Nazis and White Americans even though White Americans fought the Nazis. They’re all the same Edomites/Amalekites to him – a group of people he must work to destroy, because he is programmed that way by religion.
Non-Jewish Whites must also become fanatical. Otherwise the preservation of White people is not guaranteed.
You’re delusional if u don’t think minority majority metro areas aren’t experiencing an uptick in crime after a steady decline from a couple decades of gentrification. Ghettos are where the majority of crime takes place in the first place. Hey since u think importing 3rd worlders is so wonderful why not move to Somalia, Zimbabwe, Haiti, Mexico or El Salvador w/ your pets/brethren. Adios
There might be some praiseworthy aspects to the book, but I certainly view her as an enemy. I think someone from the America First Party recommended the book to me. I remember when I first got it (maybe 2004), excited to read this revolutionary book. But it wasn’t for me. I enjoyed some of it early on at least.
Books like LotR, Narnia, nonfiction like Machiavelli, Aristotle, Solzhenitsyn, etc. all excited me. I can read and reread even just a page, a sentence from those books, and it’s usually enjoyable. People who like Ayn Rand are clearly very different from me.
The “Imaginative Conservative” website comes to mind. People on the right have “imagination” and so are different from Rand. And that website hosts, or hosted, libertarians; but no one is perfect.
I learned the Anton LeVey Satanist movement values both Nietzsche and Ayn Rand. Not surprising, I like none of those 3 people.
A question I have is whether Rothbard was my enemy. I’ve read almost nothing by him. I might never have time to read him. But I am curious. And I’m obviously aware he’s Jewish, but that doesn’t make him my enemy. I was surprised to read Wilhelm Röpke was Jewish, though it makes sense, explains some things, explains why he’s not better.
I tried reading dear Annie’s “Shatless Bugged” three times but her wooden characters and obvious lack of real- world ass kickings led me to think very little of her.
“Rand was born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum on February 2, 1905, to a Russian-Jewish bourgeois family living in Saint Petersburg.”
Screw the fallen woman. She was friggin’ aggro over the loss of something she never had, her mommy and daddy’s privelige of looking down on people with impunity.
Indeed. And here are the key failings of libertarianism: @Weaver
There is no such thing as a utopia.
We need virtuous elites, and elites need to be from the same group as those they rule over.
I like where the writer says some ideologies might be designed to break. I believe some wish for the US system to “break” in that way, to then prove the promised predictions of Marxism. Libertarianism certainly seems like a weak system that could break easily.
There has been a movement similar to libertarianism, that I know of: Chinese Taoism. Buddhism might have been similar in India early on, but that’s just a guess of mine. Buddhism was originally supported by the merchants in India, I’ve read.
According to Marx, nationalism is a means of capitalists to manipulate and oppress workers. So, of course, it has to be destroyed. Bolsheviks need to destroy all of history, all tradition, all religion, etc. Then, finally, their dream can be released. And that dream is the enslavement of mankind under Jews.
But the Chinese obviously interpret and apply it differently. So, “Marxism” today doesn’t equate with the original version. US Marxism is probably closer to the true spirit, and the Chinese hate woke culture. So, “Marx” today has come to be a new thing. I know it’s fashionable to say the woke are wrong, but they’re not in this case. Marx is trash; the Cold War made fools of all participants. Russians fought for people who hated them against Hitler, who might have also hated them; however, maybe Russia’s elite was less and less Jewish after Stalin took over.
A frontier ideology is a good description of libertarianism. I have a book from Chronicles, no longer sold there, but the author says as a society fills, it might be natural for government to expand. He writes how a young man struggles to learn an ideology, then masters it, then as he grows old he comes to question it… Anyway, there’s a book; so, one of the geniuses once associated with Chronicles made a similar point.
My understanding is Hitler was obligated to attack the US if the US attacked Japan first. But Japan attacked first; so, no obligation. I could be wrong, wouldn’t be the first time.
I realise the US provoked Japan. The US knew the attack was coming. But just like with Germany attacking Russia, the US was able to portray WWII as a defensive war, as a war in which we had “no choice” in. There was an incredibly strong anti-war movement in the US. Japan blew that away with Pearl Harbor.
Whenever China takes Taiwan, and I hope it doesn’t of course, my understanding is the US is not fully obligated to declare war in Taiwan’s defence either, but that’s a separate matter from Pearl Harbor. If I believed the US was about to war with China, I’d move.
Hitler had to declare war on the USA, They had a treaty with Japan so once Japan was at war with USA, Germany had to help Japan, Just like if China attacks Taiwan then USA would have to declare war on China, Even the South China sea Islands basically unpopulated tiny Islands, USA has to go to war over China for Japan, there is no choice, it is mandatory, does not matter who the President is, The President, Congress and Senate and the American people could be 100% against it, it does not matter, We have ZERO Choice.
There is no such thing as a utopia.
Indeed. And here are the key failings of libertarianism:
Just because the future looks dire doesn’t mean Stalingrad could have changed things.
Anyway, Hitler shouldn’t have declared war on the US, and he shouldn’t have scared Britain into declaring war on Germany. Those are major mistakes. However, as strong as the Soviet Union was, he had no chance anyway, unless somehow getting the US to ally with him. While the rest of Europe spent on welfare, Russia was spending on war. Russia’s military was massive; Stalin dreamed of taking all of Europe.
Germany defeating Russia would be like Japan defeating China today. It’s just not possible. While Germany was able to take Russia by surprise, before it could attack; he also gave Russia the myth that they were fighting a defensive war. Hitler’s attack probably transformed Russia, under Stalin, into a very different polity, which is to say a stronger, better functioning, more united one. Russians also came to see Germany as ethnic purists viewing Slavs as mixed and subhuman. According to Serbs, for example, a million Serbs were killed by Hitler.
So, Hitler did a great deal of damage to northwest Europeans. Maybe he also saved Europe from Stalin. Who knows? We’re here regardless of who is to blame, but things are absolutely not as dire as you think. It’s always more difficult to preserve something than to destroy it, but playing the “what if” game is for losers.
Losing to France in 1066 is why we’re where we are. No, Cromwell destroyed England. No, the French Revolution is to blame. Etc. The list continues. There’s some Irish folk song that still complains about the Vikings (Irish Ways and Irish Laws). Oh, how perfect things were before those Vikings! Well, before the Vikings the Tuath Dé ruined things for the Fir Bolg. No, Sargon of Akkad ruined everything, created the first empire we know of, set the example of evil. No, etc.
Life continues. If people are strong and capable, we’ll be fine. If not, we’ll be like every other race that becomes weak and corrupt.
Then you’ve got nothing to worry about, so why bother dropping by with your agitprop? Be seeing you.
It’s fine. In the US, Americans are brainwashed into Cold War thinking as well. If I tell an American we should do more to help the poor, reduce the wealth gap, he’ll tell me that’s Marxism. And then he’ll tell me Marxism means we end up in work camps, with millions murdered.
But yes, people fighting for the US during the Cold War were scammed. People fighting for the USSR during the Cold War were scammed. Politics is often about scamming people into fighting for false promises. Americans were lied into the Iraq War. The Syrian War is based on lies. That’s just standard for politics.
But you can also have good people doing good things. The US currently still has a pleasant standard of living which is the result of many things but partly the result of good intentions, good faith. We are still very free here, in most respects. China has done a lot to improve the lives of its people. Things can improve even if the doctrines are bad.
But yea, I’d have to talk with you more. I dunno exactly what would click with you. I’ve had talks with my dad. I explain something to him. Then he turns on Fox News and repeats whatever they say. Fox isn’t even an ideology; it’s just a talking head telling him what to think. My dad was against the Iraq War, but in the spirit of “supporting the troops” tends to support the warring, doesn’t want to hear that it was based on lies. He doesn’t want to hear that those in power are bad people.
Much of society is a lie, but what’s real is we have families, as you said, we have friends, kin. We can enjoy this world and be safe, do good for those around us, find fulfillment.
Currently they sit on the Supreme Court with the Jews, destroying whites by the day. They must be seen as quite the good goyim because there is not a single seat for an Irishman there, another group of very good goyim.
oh boy! all of that makes little sense to me weaver. by all you discuss paper should make itself and stay paper forever, never decay and become compost and more ultimately in the process of life. by all you discuss the world is just there unchanging.
Solzhenitsyn is whom one should read to understand the Soviets and the Bolsheviks. Or, what I should say, is he’s the best authority I know, because I’m not from Russia.
He wrote The Gulag Archipelago and 200 Years, the latter book describes the Bolsheviks as seeing Russians as a foreign group to be conquered, because most (~90%) of the Bolshevik leadership was Jewish or part Jewish.
Burnham, an ex-Trotskyite who converted from Trotsky to Catholocism, wrote “the Managerial Revolution” and “the Machiavellians”, two different books.
Belloc’s “Servile State” (some find it unpleasant to read) and GK Chesterton’s “Outline of Sanity” (fun, easy, free online read) are good.
Anyway, you’re not likely to have time to read even Solzhenitsyn, but there are a lot of books to read if wanting to find criticism. In the West, “conservatives” like me generally reject ideology. And that comes from… yet another pair of books, Burke’s “Reflections on the Revolutions in France” and Russell Kirk’s “Conservative Mind.” Since you’re coming from a Marxist country, you likely assume these books argue for liberalism. Well, Kirk was more of a liberal than I am, though he also explicitly rejected all ideology. But I’ve never considered myself a capitalist, and I want things in the US like Universal Basic Income (my goals might change with the situation in the US).
But the point here is they were writing from a particular time in history, with a particular set of values, but they were also arguing against ideology, against these simplistic mass ideologies. Kirk’s highest argument, his truth, was to reject ideology fully. As such, he never even attempted to create a doctrine. His doctrine was to reject doctrines, and there’s a lot of wisdom to be learned there. So, to explain, Kirk would have me focus on what I value, what I want to achieve, where my duties are. And he’d remind that if I pull off some radical revolution, all things decay and the new society couldn’t be expected to last. So, doing some horrible thing would probably not lead to the results I’d hope for. It’s better then to make the best of society as we reasonably can.
But there are just a lot of things to learn. Paul Gottfried, perhaps in an attempt at fame, wrote about the Therapeutic State, which was meant to be an expansion of the managerial state from Burnham. Before his death, Sam Francis, another writer, crushed Gottfried’s book in a review. I doubt you’ll have time to read much if anything listed, but here’s the review, which just gives you a window of what a political analysis looks like.:
There’s always an elite. We can’t escape being ruled by others. But we can support “good” elites over worse ones. The ideal is perhaps an ideal (I’m abusing Aristotle a bit here) of Aristotle, to attain “aristocracy”, rule by the best in society, masters who will treat us well. Similarly, the ideal is perhaps as from Burnham’s Machiavellians, that “freedom arises from a balance of power,” which is to say an elite that can’t fully exploit us due to a balancing of powers.
This vaccine is making you Sports lose it, Bro.
Oh, Marxism is just a Western scam. It’s an impossible promise to enable what used to be called a “tyrant”, or a small group acting similarly, to come to power. Did the Bolsheviks see the Soviet Union as “communist”? No. It’s always this revolution that’s talked about but never happens, rights that are promised but never realised.
Historically, if you want to come to power, you promise some unhappy group better treatment if they’ll support your rise to power. And your power grabs within society are justified as serving their interests. You also empower a new elite whose power comes from your rule, not from the past.
In the West we say this is some unheard of, unique revolution, because we don’t read our history. But it’s just not. The Greeks are where we get the idea of tyrant from. They described it differently sometimes, but that’s roughly what it is.
Anyway, Marxism believes that capitalism has to come first, destroy everything, separate people into workers and capitalists, then the workers come to power. But in the Soviet Union, it hadn’t undergone “capitalism” yet. And again, that wasn’t even seen as communism by the people undertaking the revolution themselves. They saw it as something new, not capitalist but not communism either.
It’s just a dream to inspire people towards revolution. If you believe in such a dream, you might do good things, just as some Taliban radical might do good things, but it’s just another cult. You just joined a cult to serve an exploitative elite, as you call them. But results are up to those in charge. If people want to create a better society, they can do so under liberalism or socialism. It’s up to those involved, especially those in charge, as to the results.
China needs a closed system, needs an authoritarian system, to resist the West. When Syria tried to reduce its socialism, it lost control. Syria also saw an expanding wealth gap, which is harmful in any society. (A good liberal society would not allow a large wealth gap.) There are different aspects here to consider.
The US really is not a “capitalist” society today in most respects. We’re better understood as a “managerial” society. We have managers in charge of both big businesses and big governments who manage property that is not theirs. They come to power based on the unique skills they have to offer in managing that property, which is again the property of others.
The only real revolution that has happened is fewer are needed to work agriculture. That is primarily what is different about today from thousands of years ago. We also have better technology in general, larger scale society, easier transit.
In the Soviet Union, in China, in every society you have exploitation. We have it today; we will have it until the end of time, always.
When classical liberalism was first on the scene in Europe, you had conservatives warning that it would lead to monopolies and wealth gaps, which were countered with promises that it would not. So, Marx isn’t the first to develop that theory. Marx also rambled about a lot of things.
The earliest political science book from Europe, the earliest good one, is Aristotle’s Politics. He talks of the need for a large middle class. Because a sharp wealth divide leads to what? Instability. Machiavelli talks about citizens having unity over their common material situation, talks also of generals needing to eat with their soldiers to show a common connection. The Spartans, of Greece, similarly ate together and aimed for unity among their free. Societies are always trying to create a sense of unity, because everyone knows that something like Marxism results if there is a lack of unity.
If you live long enough, you’ll dream that if just something happens, utopia will arise. And if you keep living, you’ll see that it doesn’t. In your life, you might see society get better, and you might see it get worse. But there’s no utopia. People strive for dreams that can’t be realised.
People like me dream that if we just get a homeland, we’ll be safe and happy. But politics continues. There will always be problems. Under Marxism, the Bolsheviks argued that if they just killed enough people, just a few more million, just a few more million, just a few more that utopia would arise. And it never did. In the end, they just did horrible things for an impossible ideal. Similar to the Bolsheviks, Israel does horrible, horrible things to Arabs, for an impossible ideal of a safe homeland. In the US, some of the Neocons who support US wars were originally Trotskyites who were simply angry that Stalin took power. The Neocons were just another elite, not true believers.
Striving for the impossible is just part of politics. You might find that an elite offers you a better life, for a time at least, in exchange for your support of it.
I have my criticism of current US society. I have my set of reforms I would make. But as Belloc warned in his “Servile State” book: “Socialism” is just a return to slavery. It’s just a more complete form of slavery than the exploitation you see under capitalism. Poor people are just promised the impossible to get them to do things, for an elite to make use of them. None of these revolutions are as promised. It’s just for the weak and uneducated to believe in.
If you want a list of books to read, you can learn from most anything that predates the European Enlightenment. But generally if you read from multiple periods, multiple sides, multiple civilisations, you’ll learn the most. Marxists of course tend to want to destroy history, so that people can’t learn different aspects of history, can’t resist. If history books are destroyed, then humans will just have to relearn those thousands of years. But reality doesn’t change.
“The second south italians and jews were let in, was the beginning of the end.”
What’s wrong with South Italians? I mean I know they’re genetic outliers on the European spectrum, but it’s not like culturally they’ve damaged and looted White America and the USA like the Jews have. Where are the South Italian Jennifer Rubins or Emanuel Cellers?
I don’t know but Marxist economic analysis has much value as far as I saw/see. You will admit wont you that there is change, development, concrete stuff that changes reality?
like for eg capitalism is for profit and cost efficiency can be crucial to profits. capitalism cant work otherwise but by efficiency in production… unless an ultimately unkempt, bureaucratic absolute monopoly arises and does not care. yet still inefficiency in production would get to that eventually and destroy even if it has no competition.
such a monopoly would die and it would die faster the moment some competition appeared. but the development of productive efficiency to high yet still developing levels, leads to the question of ‘what is to be done with the people!’ that is a question already faced by current social economy for efficiency in production eliminates jobs in reams.
I appreciate the reply. I don’t expect capitalism’s end will change things as much as you hope. Elites are always in charge. One elite passes, another fills the void. Exploitative systematic social organization, as you call it, doesn’t have stages. It’s permanent in one form or another.
Politics is more like a wheel going in a circle, not an advance in a direction. When the US dollar finally loses reserve status, when the US can no longer import goods from China, the world will continue much the same as it always has, just with new players, new powers.
The US elite seems to want global domination in part to prevent nuclear war, prevent the spread of nukes also. So, as with every side, it has its set of arguments.
I do expect most any new elite will be better than the US/Europe’s, for what it’s worth. I’m white. The people in charge of the US are crazy. A multipolar world order might be better. Some say China will eventually attempt its own unipolar order, under China.
I posted up by mistake the unedited copy of my post! sorry about that but yet I thought enough got through to demonstrate that I do not think white people were always dominant.
Why would humanity ceased to exist? I thought I was clear enough about that too. We have become very suicidal indeed! and in that direction we have the powerful Zionist death cult interest that contributes strongly to suicide impetus. And those people are prepared to blow up the planet if they are going to lose their power by the ending of capitalism… which must be changed if humanity is to survive
As I said the means of collective suicide are vast and easily equal to the billions of people alive. And at this savage stage of life we have evolved at the end of capitalism, the means collective suicide appear easier to trigger.
To me it does not matter by ethnicity who live on as long as humanity lives on. I do have that interest! I have children and grandchildren and would die happy if they are alive and well with families of their own. But white elite/Jewish capitalism must go. That is the major problem! the last stage of exploitative systematic social organization.
Once capitalism is ended by popular uprising, and resulting popular systematic social organization of life in what remains of the nations that would be torn apart by revolution, all human problems become tractable, can be worked out without apocalyptic resort
Her Objectivism was basically, “what’s right is whatever she says is right.” Supposedly Leonard Peikoff, a student of hers, wrote a book explaining it, because she couldn’t explain it herself. The Internet says she declared it the only official version.
I dunno why, on the official website for her cult, “socialists” are credited with warning that her “capitalism” leads to monopoly when conservatives were making the same warnings when liberalism was first spreading and the bourgeoisie growing. It’s just people taking credit for ideas hundreds if not millions had stated previously. Bunch of stupid ideologies.
Current wars don’t serve any ethnic interests, except maybe Israel’s. Covid is the product of the US and China working together. (US funding in Wuhan.) Imagine what’s possible if all of humanity worked together. I don’t personally fear Covid…
US dysfunction is perhaps explained as a larger failure of the US system. Wars, healthcare (eg Covid vaccines), so many things are for profit at the expense of the whole. If China or another power becomes dominant, it could have similar problems, just as we’ve seen throughout history. You seem to believe whites have always been dominant.
Why would humanity cease to exist? There are billions of humans.
Telegram comment posted by Red Ice:
When the CDC was talking about how to prepare for a zombie apocalypse, they weren’t joking. This is frightening footage out of Philadelphia.
Introductory paragraph to, The One Thing Jews Should Be Doing To Combat White Supremacy:
What did you feel when you heard the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia, chant, “Jews will not replace us?†Fear, of course. Bewilderment, perhaps anger. But I bet a lot of Jews felt another emotion, which they’re less likely to articulate in public: snobbery. “Replace you? Where, behind the counter at Wendy’s? We’re successful, industrious, upper-middle class. You’re the dregs of society. Replace you? Don’t kid yourselves. When it comes to America’s class hierarchy, we replaced you and your kind long ago.â€
Funny that you object to the word “unfortunate” while not mentioning the term “anti-white” which is quite the euphemism.
Before too late for what?
The human species is from one biological source and has expanded into all that we have been. there is the one goal that is crucial for the human species…that it survives indefinitely. and even that is absolutely concern for all alive for we all die…and what is ceases to be of any concern to us.
so what are we alive through our lives to do about what can happen to white people a particulate of the total human population? are we to drop bomb them sanction and starve, riot and murder, endless political games, color revolutions currently, waste human resources now, to ensure white people survive?
for how long are we to do such then, into the future for white people to live forever?
and what of nature? Isn’t there a functional aspect to all this that is basic? like you survive if you can and if you cant that’s it! you must be able to survive and respond to all natural developments successfully, mutate successfully? suppose a functional biological demand arises due to some unique environmental change occurs that white people but not all humans, cannot respond to successfully develops! what then for white people
And look at white people now with their Covid! Who made Covid and put it into the environment and have built this massive program of propaganda, hostile medical systems globally to kill that are killing ordinary humans maximally, including ordinary white people? Isn’t all of that product of the while elites… that they thought of, created, developed over the planet…led by the white Jewish power section but roping in all elites, even those of color, on the side of mass human murder?
How in the hell are white people, most of them ordinary like the rest of us, to survive in such reality then? How is any human to survive such period? As I began to read I realized that the stage we have evolved this is silly irrelevant issue… this article here. Deliberate! Propaganda! Can humanity as a whole survive, continue to exist! and for any real time longer given what we ourselves have done to the planet! To ourselves??
It does not look good for humanity at this point. Humanity has become decisively suicidal and at this point we have ringed ourselves with the death devices globally, that would not take much again to trigger. The question is not white survival! who the hell cares! But of humanity as a whole! That question maybe can raise some concern among people.
But even that question given the general contempt I note among humanity for itself I live among… given how we are! how contemptible we have behaved among ourselves for so long, and the fact that we all die anyway… raises any basic concern these days. Increasingly the sense is developing that humanity is on its collective way out of existence
Although the New York Post refers to the author of the report as a “white New York City psychoanalyst,†the Patriotic Alternative’s Mark Collett does an excellent job exposing the ethnic origins of this individual in his latest video, Jewish Professor calls Whiteness Parasitic…
A white New York City psychoanalyst is under fire after publishing a report decrying his skin color as a “malignant, parasitic like condition†without a “permanent cure.â€
Dr. Donald Moss — a published author who teaches at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute — published “On Having Whiteness†last month in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association.
“Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has — a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which ‘white’ people have a particular susceptibility,†an abstract of the article on Sage Journals says.
“The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world.Â
“Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse,†states the paper, also published on the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed site.
The “deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples,†the abstract says — and “once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate.â€
While “effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions,†there is “no guarantee against regression.â€
“There is not yet a permanent cure,†the abstract says.
Replies: @Anonymous
My grandmother reminded me of my obligations as a Jew. She said I was twice indebted: to her for the blood she had once given me and to Abraham for everything else. She said these debts must be honored. Until they are honored, she said, dying was not within my rights. She said: "You are our only revenge. You are our Hitler. Promises have been made. The dead are watching and must not be disappointed."
She said the machine will work forever. In America, every part can be replaced. Every vital fluid can be found, everything kept clean. What has been done once can be done again. What has been achieved can be repeated.
She said: "You will die only by an act of will. As long as you are alive, Hitler has lost."
Every. Single. Time.
Great find geokat62. Thanks.
There are Consequences to Ignorance and Stupidity.
Example If Americans want to have Massive Immigration of unskilled, Uneducated People from Countries Hostile to the USA, Who have had MAJOR Problems assimilating into any Country they have gone to and Greatly INCREASE Crime and Murder and Rape (Ask Sweden formerly a very peaceful Country) Then maybe they need to look in the Mirror and say this is on me. Even the Founding Fathers wanted to limit Immigration To Whites from Europe who would assimilate easier and to have LONG Moratoriums on Immigration to give the incoming groups time to Assimilate so the different groups are not fighting each other, Then Ted Kennedy came up with the Hart-Cellar/1965 Immigration act to allow Groups with nothing in common from all over the Globe to come in and Americans Overwhelmingly Supported it, and Now There are no more long Moratoriums on Immigration almost all coming from low trust societies, with corrupt values, and Surprise many of the groups are hostile to the USA’s dominant group (Whites) In fact Hostility to Whites is the Glue holding many of the Democrat Groups together (Example LGBTQ and Muslims) and the Worst part is White Leaders are scared to call out the hostility to Whites, and forget about them advocating for Whites that is a pipe dream.
All they had to do was Stick with what the Founding Fathers put in the Constitution and Bill of rights especially 1790 bill of rights, Now the once Dominant group is a 2nd class citizen at best.
Good ‘ol Annie Rand! She was supposed to have been an upper class baroness or something and her individuality tanked when she died in the horsepital with the taxpayers covering her SSI medical treatment she couldn’t pay for herself.
Excerpts from, NYC psychoanalyst calls whiteness incurable ‘parasitic like condition’:
A white New York City psychoanalyst is under fire after publishing a report decrying his skin color as a “malignant, parasitic like condition†without a “permanent cure.â€
Dr. Donald Moss — a published author who teaches at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute — published “On Having Whiteness†last month in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association.
“Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has — a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which ‘white’ people have a particular susceptibility,†an abstract of the article on Sage Journals says.
“The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world.Â
“Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse,†states the paper, also published on the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed site.
The “deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples,†the abstract says — and “once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate.â€
While “effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions,†there is “no guarantee against regression.â€
“There is not yet a permanent cure,†the abstract says.
Although the New York Post refers to the author of the report as a “white New York City psychoanalyst,†the Patriotic Alternative’s Mark Collett does an excellent job exposing the ethnic origins of this individual in his latest video, Jewish Professor calls Whiteness Parasitic…
The highlight of the short video (under 10 mins) is the following excerpt Collett somehow managed to dig up from a book the white psychoanalyst Dr. Donald Moss wrote, Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Man (page 69). It gives us a small window into what might be motivating someone to write such an article:
My grandmother reminded me of my obligations as a Jew. She said I was twice indebted: to her for the blood she had once given me and to Abraham for everything else. She said these debts must be honored. Until they are honored, she said, dying was not within my rights. She said: “You are our only revenge. You are our Hitler. Promises have been made. The dead are watching and must not be disappointed.”
She said the machine will work forever. In America, every part can be replaced. Every vital fluid can be found, everything kept clean. What has been done once can be done again. What has been achieved can be repeated.
She said: “You will die only by an act of will. As long as you are alive, Hitler has lost.”
It’s not gonna work out for anyone, Celine.
Of course you know that as well.
Who knows? There’s maybe a chance in say 50 years that whoever is still standing doesn’t even have bugs to eat. Or at least not as many bugs as they would like to eat.
Doubtful they’ll truly miss the bugs once they’re totally gone tho. Out of sight…
Once enough folks think it can’t go on anymore it prolly will stop and hey become something worse.
I take it back. Maybe it does work out for someone. Not many i wouldn’t think.
Hows you planned on pushing your way thru this morass, Celine? All the coattails looks from here have been taken. Careful if you’re standing on a rug.
Most Americans are politically naive. They don’t realize that US politics are about identity tribalism, and if you don’t belong to the tribe that wins elections, you can kiss your rights goodbye. When minorities in Congress speak about their respective “victimized” communities, and how every social problem “disproportionately” effects their community, they’re speaking tribalism. Don’t expect them to do anything for you if you don’t belong to their tribe. Black Senator Warnock was the author of the racist amendment in the covid relief bill that gave federal funds to black farmers and restaurant owners. Whites were either not eligible for the funds, or they could only apply several weeks after blacks did. This racist law was eventually struck down by the courts, but this is an example of how, despite the fact that whites probably also voted for Warnock, he nevertheless only worked to help his own tribe. White Americans have been lulled into thinking that all people really are equal, that America is a fair place where law and order exists, and that racism had been put to bed long ago. But the Democrats and their “woke” mobs rocked that boat and are laying the groundwork for racial animosity all over again.
Actually they do, Katrinka.
See Sgt Pentland’s recent spot of trouble as an example. And that just one of many.
If Sgt Pentland was black (or better yet a black dyke) and the perp a white male, the Jewbox would have lauded the incident as a heroic defense of the neighborhood etc…
Instead he was convicted of assault by an Obama appointed female “judge”.
The only way forward is an attempt at secession, and after that a campaign of resistance in the same model as the IRA.
Thanks for sharing, wacko…uh, Mark.
White people are being socially engineered to embrace their own demise. This a fact, not an opinion. Any objective analysis of western society would bring you to that conclusion. To what end? That is the question. Why do those at the top of the geopolitical food chain, including many whites seem bent on destroying us ? To answer that, one must ask what motivates people more than anything? I would argue legacy and success of ones progeny. Whites still hold more assets and influence than any other citizenry. We also consume more than any other citizenry. I am convinced that the real motivation behind this is the ptb seek to dispossess these assets and disempower us to prevent our ability to challenge them. I believe at some point they came to the conclusion that current resourse consumption is untenable if they want them and their progeny to continue to live in opulance. So to address this and ensure their children inherit the earth, they laid out a plan to dispossess, disempower and eventually depopulate the masses, starting with us. I believe once we are sufficiently rendered powerless, they will shift to other demographics or take a more wide based approach. They would still need skilled people to serve their needs., build their mansions, exotic cars, polish their shoes and cook their delicacies. That would necessitate leaving some of us around but not a meaningful amount of us. My point being is that they arent gunning for just because we’re white per say. Theyre gunning for us because it makes perfect sense when you see the bigger picture and their ultimate goal/s. Everything going on right now is connected. When you see it all through this lense, it all makes sense and the next steps become predictable. The covid hysteria, the climate hysteria, the anti white policies and rhetoric, the mass immigration, the blm riots, the constant propaganda, the dumbing down of education, the propagation of socialism. All of this leads to the same things. Upward flow of assets and power into the hands of fewer and fewer people and constricting the peoples ability to challenge it. In a nutshell, theyre attempting to bring about feudalism on a global scale.
Sorry, gents, but it all ended at Stalingrad. Three to four generations on and you’re totally ruined globally, a blob of recessive traits. Look yourselves in the face. Look around your neighborhoods, your communities. Your mothers are whores and your fathers are drunks and your children, if you even have any, will be too. You’re fat, you’re addicted, you’re dumb, you’re lazy, you possess insane thoughts no matter where you lie on the silly political spectrum, and those of you who even think about such realities as pending demise are the equivalent of the chicken in the interlude between having its head severed and falling down dead – you’re merely a body, running around the barnyard for a minute or two, unable to recognize that you’ve already been killed.
Problem is White men no longer have the guts to do what you propose.
All true. I have found certain coping mechanisms for YT. Some are too vested in the narrative like my Marine friend. He has killed people and will not accept the truth. Probably why so many military guys kill themselves. That and job preference for haitians and blacks over patriotic whites (Ashlee Babbit- state sponsored murder of a vet by an useless AA hire).
Next is ignorance (majority). Programmed by (((education))) and (((media))) into believing a useless burden to society like floyd is holy and revered.
Finally, just fear. YT is still comfortable (homes, food, jew box) so they can betray other white victims. But, it will come for them no matter how they capitulate.
In the end, though, the tribal pull always wins with ALL!
The jooish house of cards built on lies will collapse at some point. Unbelievably, it hasn’t yet with all the obvious jooish programming. The day will come again with ugly joo faces sloping down and their weak bodies labelled with the yellow joo star.
Might not be us who make it happen, but minorities see the joo unlike YT. The hatred joos have programmed toward us will be targeted at them. They can flee to isntreal, but parasites need a host. Our collapse is theirs. I just hope I live to see and even take part in the mass awakening.
This article is provocative and informative. It certainly describes a demographic change in the U.S. and some of its effects. In the late 1990s, I spoke to a Park Ranger, a civil service employee, who worked at a Civil War fort located near Pensacola Beach, FL. At the time I was working at the Association of Retarded Citizens (ARC), via a contract with Escambia County School District. The visit to this park was part of a program whose purpose was to gradually acculturate this population into mainstream society, which this excursion was an example. During our visit I happened to talk to the aforementioned Park Ranger and expressed an interest, in the job he had. He immediately replied that because I was a white male, that it was impossible to be hired because of the emphasis on hiring blacks, latinos, and females through the Affirmative Action Program, a program that hires people based upon their race/gender, and not upon their qualifications/merits. My immediate thoughts based, on this encounter, were surprise and dismay. Now I know what it is like to be discriminated against because of my race and gender. To wrap up my response to this timely and important article, I wish to reveal a particularly telling anecdote.
I lived in Brooklyn, NY for approximately thirteen years. This was during the latter part of the seventies through the early part of the nineties. During that time, I was participating in a particular form of psychotherapy called “Primal Therapy,” which was sometimes mistakenly referred to as Primal Scream Therapy, which was a misnomer. One part of the therapy was something referred to as buddying, which usually entailed two people using a padded room at the Institute, where they talked about their feelings which might involve crying, shouting and pounding the walls and floor. I had asked a black lady to buddy with me, which she consented to. This session usually begins when the two individuals enter the room, shut the door, and assume a position on the floor which could be sitting up against one of the walls or laying on the floor. About ten to maybe fifteen minutes into the session I told her I didn’t feel comfortable buddying with her. She said, “Mark, we usually feel comfortable being with our own kind.”
So many otherwise educated people even in /our thing/ still haven't gotten the memo. You should have been on the "wake up" thing in about 1995. We are decades past "too late" already. Why didn't you act far sooner? The ship has sailed long ago, the statistics prove it. Demographics is Destiny.Replies: @Goddard, @follyofwar, @Briggs
It must be true that whites need to wake up now, before it is too late.
The second south italians and jews were let in, was the beginning of the end.
But if we really wanted to retain a decent country, the absolute LATEST we should’ve risen up against this was 1995, you’re right. That was the absolute LATEST possible time our demographics were still reparable.
It’s nightmarish now. It’s over.
The black population is barely shrinking even with all those black on black murders and abortions. The bigger problem is that the mixed mulatto population is exploding and it’s because white women love to burn the coal and shit out mongrels.
Russian Federation is inherently multiethnic state with hundreds of different ethnic groups. East Slavic «VelÃkaja Rusʹ» ethnic European Great Russians made up ¾ of Russian population per census a decade ago. Far from homogeneous—and White Slav «Rússkij» people have much lower birthrates (and sadly much higher abortion rates—highest in the world) than Asiatic/Caucasian Muslim peoples of Russia. Total Russian population shrinking or stagnant at best. In 1990, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic population was 147,532,000. In 2020, Russian Federation on same boundaries: 143,479,000 people. And population skews heavily toward 200 other ethnic groups in Russia with higher birthrates outbreeding traditionally Orthodox Christian European Russians, especially Muslims like Chechnya.Vladimir Putin's government vehemently opposes any sort of “white nationalist†ethnonationalism—racial solidarity with White peoples of Europe and America! Alleged Nazi agitators/far-right extremists get locked up in prison for threatening stability of Putin's Russia—which is more or less built on uniquely Russian civic nationalism. Putin celebrates Islam and Judaism alongside Orthodoxy as traditional religions of Russia. Already Moscow has more Muslims than any city in Europe (~1.75 million Muslims; >10% of Muscovites and growing). Islamic migrants need not cross Russian border—millions of nonwhites born Russian «RossÃjskij» citizens with free movement throughout their country.Unless Russia is to swallow imperial pride, surrender her racially diverse empire inherited from Soviets and Tsars stretching Siberia to Vladivostok, shrink Russia to European core territory, forcibly deport millions of Caucasians, Central Asians, Asiatic Muslims who are now Russian citizens...while still reeling from humiliating 1990s losses of former СССРrepublics to NATO expansionism: extremely unlikely Russia will be ethnonationalist model to the West, saviour of White race. Russians definitely won't want millions of wealthy white American refugees who chose to abandon their homeland when going got rough! Russian people endured endless hardships and horrors with an «Ey, úkhnem!»...Replies: @Joe Paluka
Eastern Europe and Russia will be the last majority white areas on earth. I imagine some American, European, and Canadian whites will someday want to move there
Millions of American whites going to Russia would be a death knell to the Russian nation, the same poisonous mentality that has allowed the US to turn into the mentally diseased nation it is today would contaminate Russia. The white people’s of North America will need to suffer monumentally in order to find their inner strength, in order to fight back against the forces that are causing their decline.
With a poll that asks such a touchy question about race that might paint the person being polled as a racist, you will never get good results. The majority of whites are scared to death of being called a racist so they would rather lie than give their real feelings on the subject.
Meet Israels White Supremacist Jews: Israel’s TOP RABBIS and the ENTIRE GOVERNMENT
We now have two generations of programmed cowards in America.
Secession now.
For Aristotle, democracy is possible only within homogeneous ethnic groups, while despots have always reigned over highly fragmented societies.
A multi-ethnic society is thus necessarily anti-democratic and chaotic, for it lacks philia, this profound, flesh-and-blood fraternity of citizens. Tyrants and despots divide and rule, they want the City divided by ethnic rivalries.
The political and social harmony of a country supposes a minimum of ethnic and cultural unity.Why We Fight: Manifesto of the European Resistance – April 28, 2011 – by Guillaume Faye
Mixed-race societies substitute ideology or dogma for those innate bonds, but these are not as strong, which is why such societies tend to militarize and become totalitarian in order to preserve some unity.
‘Have won’. ‘GAME OVER’.
Words of an enemy, foreign or domestic.
Eastern Europe and Russia will be the last majority white areas on earth. I imagine some American, European, and Canadian whites will someday want to move there
Russian Federation is inherently multiethnic state with hundreds of different ethnic groups. East Slavic «VelÃkaja Rusʹ» ethnic European Great Russians made up ¾ of Russian population per census a decade ago. Far from homogeneous—and White Slav «Rússkij» people have much lower birthrates (and sadly much higher abortion rates—highest in the world) than Asiatic/Caucasian Muslim peoples of Russia.
Total Russian population shrinking or stagnant at best. In 1990, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic population was 147,532,000. In 2020, Russian Federation on same boundaries: 143,479,000 people. And population skews heavily toward 200 other ethnic groups in Russia with higher birthrates outbreeding traditionally Orthodox Christian European Russians, especially Muslims like Chechnya.
Vladimir Putin’s government vehemently opposes any sort of “white nationalist†ethnonationalism—racial solidarity with White peoples of Europe and America! Alleged Nazi agitators/far-right extremists get locked up in prison for threatening stability of Putin’s Russia—which is more or less built on uniquely Russian civic nationalism. Putin celebrates Islam and Judaism alongside Orthodoxy as traditional religions of Russia.
Already Moscow has more Muslims than any city in Europe (~1.75 million Muslims; >10% of Muscovites and growing). Islamic migrants need not cross Russian border—millions of nonwhites born Russian «RossÃjskij» citizens with free movement throughout their country.
Unless Russia is to swallow imperial pride, surrender her racially diverse empire inherited from Soviets and Tsars stretching Siberia to Vladivostok, shrink Russia to European core territory, forcibly deport millions of Caucasians, Central Asians, Asiatic Muslims who are now Russian citizens…while still reeling from humiliating 1990s losses of former СССРrepublics to NATO expansionism: extremely unlikely Russia will be ethnonationalist model to the West, saviour of White race. Russians definitely won’t want millions of wealthy white American refugees who chose to abandon their homeland when going got rough! Russian people endured endless hardships and horrors with an «Ey, úkhnem!»…
I guess it’s a safe assumption you’re not a book reader either.
We do have a bad political tradition; so, it might be inevitable. Maybe something more durable will result from the ashes.
what would mexicans do if they didn’t like other people in their neighborhoods?
what would blacks do?
there’s your answer and your solution
yeah because white people locked up all the blacks they could
stop n frisk kept blacks in jail in NYC where they belonged
show me ONE country, ONE, that is brown and is well-run and first world. ONE.
even hispanic- they do not exist.
it is ludicrous to expect these people to come here en masse and create anything else than a facsimile of where they came from.
the safe, clean areas…who is the dominant demographic there? sure af ain’t Baltimore
polls don’t tell you what the proles think… they tell the proles what to think…
to wit: 7 out of ten respondants noticed a definite improvement in their eyesight once diagnosed with arse cancer so keep up the glyphosate soaked breakfast cereals..
studies show…
6 out of 10 white people agree that being marginalised by a highly partisan racialised government and their brown replacements is fantastic… and hope they will be imprisoned or at least brutalised mentally and physically some time in the near future…
a recent poll shows..
The %age of whites has dropped from about 33% of the global population at the start of the 20th Century to about 19% at the end of the 20th Century, and is currently down to probably 15% or less. Why shouldn’t a white person be concerned about this? It would be acceptable if the population of other races declined in proportion to the decline of the white race, or if the rest just remained in their own continents/countries. Obviously if the numbers of one race decline while the others rise, the race increasing in population will seek to replace that of declining population as nature abhors a vacuum. An ideal balance would be if a third of the world population were white, a third black, and a third yellow, as it probably was for much of the past.
If there is so strong a sense of social fear that even an anonymous poll prompts evasion and disavowals of one’s own interests then the level of cowardice would be such that all is lost anyway.
As I so often commented when Audacious Epigone had his poll blog going here, I strongly question the polling method. “Anonymous� How was the respondent contacted for questioning?
If they call you, it’s not anonymous. They have your number.
When you lose your livelihood for telling the truth, lying to the pollster is an act of self-preservation.
This is to important not to tell us what the link is.
Polls at best just show what a bunch of dumb and non-reader types happen to feel. Not think, but feel since the majority of people can't really puzzle things out because they don't have the basic information to do so and just repeat something they heard elsewhere that sounds good. However, it doesn't matter anyway since the US isn't a democracy and what the majority may feel about something makes no difference, they're not in charge of anything. Consent is engineered by the few who control the many. Immigration policies, all the various wars we've had, none were by popular demand but usually went against the interests of the majority. That those polled have some bovine level of understanding isn't surprising; it's meant to be that way starting with the educational system and working its way through the entertainment and news media establishments. Most polls are for purposes of how to bamboozle and manipulate the masses or they're just plain propaganda.Replies: @Joseph Doaks
fascinated and frustrated by a recent series of polls
“Consent is engineered by the few who control the many. Immigration policies, all the various wars we’ve had, none were by popular demand but usually went against the interests of the majority.”
And unrestricted abortion, homosexual “marriage.” transsexualism, etc., etc., etc.
“It’s just unfortunate that it has been left to this point when anti-Whites have so much control of society and the internet.”
Unfortunate? People who see their country and way of life being destroyed by traitors within their own ranks need to be willing to use stronger language than that!
This is why Amish men grow beards but shave mustaches.
Way back about 15540 when the religion began mustaches were the fashion for military officers. The people who became Amish hate the draft, and their military experience. They lived in Holy Roman Empire territory. HRE always in need of of conscripts . So no mustache was a sign of resistance to the draft and later became part of the mandatory dress code.