Courage and moral clarity are rare human qualities. They are virtually extinct among the journalistic class of people.
Much like the political class. Venal, easily bribed, not that bright, and devoid of principle. The type of individuals that are easy to control.
Bravo, dear boy. ‘Faguar’, bingo! They want to shut the pubs to stop stale, pale males from having heretical convos, regarding globohomoshlomo, and the advance of the science of ebonics and jizzlam.
Just don’t mention Barbara Roche and her consanguineous conspirators. Not allowed!
The Guardian, as like all western media, has become nothing but a Zionist “wailing wall!”
The use of ‘rebels’ for mostly foreign jihadist butchers is necessary to defend thirteen years of Guardian lying and service to jihadism, that Imperial catspaw. For their work regarding Syria, now to become a second Libya, the Guardian presstitutes deserve to burn in Hell, but I fear that their Master, Satan, will only make them welcome.
The Guardian of Israel is a particularly filthy, Imperial, Atlanticist sewer, inhabited by some of the most scabrous specimens of the genus Homo extant.
The guardian turned to crap when it started to appeal to left Americans – who are as imperialist as their right wing, more so now that they are being encouraged to hate Russia and Iran. Particularly Russia. Trump was hated by the eternal war brigade because he was anti war, and anti NATO. These were once leftwing ideas in Britain but with Trump they morph into being codified right wing.
Anyway while a publication for British leftists – particularly under Seamas Milne – could easily be extremely sceptical of democrats or republicans, once it has to appeal to yanks the game is over.
Look at the journalism about Syria. Boo Russians. Up the “rebelsâ€. Plucky Israel supporting the “rebels†while fighting the Hamas “terroristsâ€.
The guardian continues to use of “rebels†for a clear off shoot of Al Queda. Absolute mind control.
I seem to recall the Guardian turning into a crappy publication almost overnight about a dozen or so years ago. Great Britain continues its descent into Stalinesque tyranny and thought control. And Jaguar is now Faguar. I hear English pubs are shutting down in droves. Have fish and chips been declared illegal yet?
Funny how that overwhelmingly successful air raid against Iran DIDN’T DO SHIT, and the Isn’traely Air Force was turned back over 100 miles from Iranian air space.
Go pound sand, pilpul-boy.
Your Talmudist pilpul is no good here, fake Jew-Jew.
The author makes a serious error giving the Guardian existence beyond the collection of freaks running the place. It’s the same problem with those now staffing all of the legacy media and their evil twins at fact-checking outfits—of allowing these leftist freaks on psych meds to shape world events from one nut house or the other, in this case a nut house formerly known as the Guardian.
Calculated democide of the ancient inhabitants of the Levant has been the Zionist entity’s national purpose since before the 1948 inception of the mafia-state. “The People Who Shall Live Apart”, refusing assimilation as the core principle of their ethnic identity, assumed parasitic control over both the United Kingdom and the United States like Sinbad’s “Old Man of the Sea” who climbs onto an unwary victim’s back begging for a ride with the intention of staying on forever.
Under this control the UK and US both agreed in 1923 to target non-combatant populations in planned-for wars using aerial bombardment, after the British had practiced calculated democide on the wives of the highly capable Boer guerillas, to the toll of 24,000 dead in their concentration camps 1898-1901.
The pretext that the Gaza victims “voted for Hamas” has an historical precedent in the pretext that the 300,000 victims of the Dresden bombing “voted for Hitler”, when very many of them only committed the crime of being German speakers fleeing the east from the Russians and had never had anything to do with Hitler.
The American and British “Allies” committed far greater extent of war crimes than the Germans. When War Criminal Eisenhower, killer on the Rhine Medows Camps of 100,000s of legitimate Wehrmacht combatants, arrived at the Ohrdruf concentration camp, there were large numbers of bodies present, not of targeted Jews but of ordinary concentration camp inmates of all nations who had died, not in gas chambers, but because the Allies’ war crime of bombing water transmission facilities and food trains caused high lethality from flea-borne typhus in the camp environment of vastly insufficient sanitation. Eisenhower engaged Psychological Warfare specialist General Robert A. McClure, with storied psy-warrior C.D. Jackson (CIA and Time Magazine, he bought the Zapruder film to obscure actual Dallas 11/22/63 events), to produce Billy Wilder’s mass-propaganda cinema of lies “Death Mills”.
The Israeli Defense Force’s demonic sexual tortures had the historical precedent of the Cheka’s sexual theatre of blood killing tens of millions of Russians and Ukranians.
“…while Jews were only a minuscule percentage of Russia’s population, between 80% and 90% of all Russian revolutionaries were Jews and, in some segments like the Gulags and the CHEKA, Jewish participation was effectively 100%. Jews absolutely dominated the entire Bolshevik regime after the 1917 Red October Revolution. Almost all the ministers in the first Soviet government were Jews, and the few who were not, were Freemasons, had Jewish wives, and spoke Yiddish. ‘The Bolshevik’s revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world.’ … about 90,000 Jews from many European regions poured into the major cities of Russia, to be given prominent executive positions in all major sectors of government and the economy. … These Jews also specialised in torturing and killing women and children, inevitably raping the women before they were killed. The CHEKA Jews quite openly roamed the countryside kidnapping and killing children … Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn estimated that in total the Jewish regime in Russia managed to exterminate more than 60 million people … Lazar Kaganovich openly boasted of personal responsibility for killing at least twenty million people. … Genrikh Yagoda was responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. … Lavrentiy Beria … was a bloodthirsty sex maniac and pedophile who buried children in his basement, apparently many while still alive.” Larry Romanov, “Stalin’s Jews”,
Uh huh. More threatening, belligerent words that have no power behind them.
You work for Iran, yes?
The Brits are more irrelevant today than at anytime in the last millennium, their support for both war in Ukraine and support for genocide show they’re unfit to be a permanent member of the security council anymore, for that forum to be of any relevance anymore Britain must be replaced at that table by a new continental power.
It is said Trump has an affinity with Britain because of his Scottish roots, Scotland isn’t Britain, we will see that Island fracturing into it’s base parts in the future.
The Ukraine war has being particularly a British project…even today the British tried to talk of the ending of it “not to be about real estate” and the real estate they mention, as a matter of course, is the return of Crimea.
Now we get to the Crux of the Ukrainian war, Crimea, and the historical want, by the west, of that piece of strategic land, he who possess Crimea possesses the black sea, Turkey controls who enters, Russia controls where they go and what they do.
Like a spoilt child the west tried to snatch this piece of land again, and again they fail so the “new world order” with the U.S as the rule maker is over, they will try and resurrect it…but this isn’t Lazarus, there is no rising of the dead in this case.
Our Jewish friends who totally control the mainstream media (Jewish Press) always act with unity of purpose.
Ask Cynthia McKinney, she knows the score.
As I say, it’s a simple thing, just always refer to the mainstream media as the Jewish Press
It is the truth after all.
Those who know the truth about what is happening in the US need a unity of purpose too
That purpose should revolve around destroying the credibility of the Jewish Press.
But it is done well here !
They are not Jews. But “Americans” memory definitely do not get back to 1947, for to not speak about the export of Germans to Palestine from nazi Germany before the war.
so why are they now, allowing a single ray of truth to shine through? is this because trump is back and they no longer have to protect the equally repugnant demoncrats? i find the timing to be suspicious.
If, as he’s been indicating, President Trump tries to further throttle free speech about Israel, Establishment rags like The Guardian and NPRogressives generally can crow in outrage from this new perch.
What with the constant fire hosing of kaleidoscopic bullshit, it’s hard to tell how much of it all is duplicitous or delusional. But it helps a person to keep his sanity reading these analyses from Mr. Cook.
Can you point to one newspaper in the entire world that has been telling the truth about what is happening in the world?
I have yet to find one
Including among the Arab Press, where they all hew to the holohoax story
Therefore the entire mainstream media is the Jewish Press
Isn’t it?
It’s true that words are cheap, especially in the ME
The Israeli owned Mullahs and Hezbollah elite throw around words like they’re going out of style.
If the Israelis were only up against words they would win.
But the Israelis are up against an irresistible force;
The Palestinians right now and ultimately the all the Arabs of the ME.
Israel was always a long shot.
It’s the Jewish Press (mainstream media)
Start calling it that and get other to do the same.
The power of the Jewish Press rests on its credibility
Once that credibility has been destroyed all the money and bombs in the world won’t bring it back
Just as in the USSR how Pravda became a laughing stock and symbol of state propaganda
The same thing needs to be done to the Jewish Press.
it’s obvious now, that unit 8200 troll jojo, has been tasked with combating the use of the word genocide, to dilute it and pollute it, in an attempt to destroy the meaning of the word in our minds. every time the word pops up in the threads, the dogfaced boy attacks it, snarling and foaming at the mouth. he’s attempting to cover this legal term, in his poisonous, rabid hasbara saliva, to the point that no one will touch it, fearing they become infected with his primative spiritual lycanthropy.
this is the word they fear and we must beat them over the nose with it, like a rollup newspaper of the truth (pravda), until the vicious little beasts run yelping, with their tail tucked between their legs. this is the word they don’t want to hear, that they misappropriate, just like the words semitic and holocaust. this is the word that will beat them in the end and destroy the eight decades of supremacist brainwashing, in which they are so heavily invested. this word will kill zionist supremacy and bring down their henious occupation of palestine. shout it from the mountain tops.
the guardian has never been the same, since mi6 sent some i.t. guys in with sledgehammers, to reboot their hard drives and edit the wikileaks story. they apologized profusely for having reported the truth and promised never do it again, now understanding the errors of their ways.
so why are they now, allowing a single ray of truth to shine through? is this because trump is back and they no longer have to protect the equally repugnant demoncrats? i find the timing to be suspicious.
If, as he’s been indicating, President Trump tries to further throttle free speech about Israel, Establishment rags like The Guardian and NPRogressives generally can crow in outrage from this new perch.
so why are they now, allowing a single ray of truth to shine through? is this because trump is back and they no longer have to protect the equally repugnant demoncrats? i find the timing to be suspicious.
During the Bicentennial a hideous holocaust memorial was erected in what had been a pleasant little park on Boston’s Freedom Trail. Its removal will signify the removal of a far greater threat to our freedom than old King George ever was.
With this announcement, shrouds should be draped over the many holohoax monuments dotting Western cities.
It is offensive to display Jewish fake victimhood memorials at a time the Jewish state is commiting genocide.
Pending their demolition, they should be covered so as not to offend our senses.
Use the word all you want. It has no effect due to overuse and misuse. [Shrug]
I wonder how many times the word has been used in public media over the past year? How many millions of times?
And yet, Israel keeps doing what it must to eradicate terrorists Hamas and Hezbollah despite the extensive public use of the word and the hair pulling by the UN and other leftist organizations.
Your words are all limp and flaccid. They have no power. YOU have no power, no agency.
I ignore all articles that do nothing more than argue with somebody else. Want to share your ideas? State them plainly. I can read arguements all day long in the comments section if I want.
There is so much oil that the US has to spend large amounts of money ‘fracking’ and Canada uses large quantities of natural gas and water to ‘mine’ the tar sands?
“Meanwhile, yet more nonsense in your comment # 19 and your asinine claims that oil production is facing a natural decline.”
So shill.
‘According to the supermajor, global oil production is facing a natural decline at a rate of some 15% annually over the next 25 years. For context, the IEA sees the rate of natural decline at 8% annually. Exxon points out, however, that the faster decline rate is a result of the shift towards shale and other unconventional oil production, where depletion happens faster than it does in conventional formations.
“To put it in concrete terms: With no new investment, global oil supplies would fall by more than 15 million barrels per day in the first year alone.” This is a scary prospect because “At that rate, by 2030, oil supplies would fall from 100 million barrels per day to less than 30 million – that’s 70 million barrels short of what’s needed to meet demand every day.” ‘?
“ when you
43:02 get into energy security you know as strong as the Israeli Lobby is they’re not as strong as you know Exon Mobile
43:11 standard when we’re talking you know hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars of economic potential uh with a
43:18 global scale um the Israel Lobby doesn’t control them the Israeli Lobby doesn’t
43:23 control the pharmaceutical industry the Israeli Lobby doesn’t control a whole bunch of things in the United States they have a very limited um you know
43:31 span of control and influence on things that pertains particularly to Israel uh
43:37 the isi lobby does not control the Pentagon I’ll just make that absolutely clear the Israeli Lobby doesn’t control
43:42 the Pentagon they may have the ability to influence the Pentagon�
Video Link
“I saw the reality of the um pro-israeli Lobby
45:47 and the influence that they have everywhere they’re everywhere they they
45:52 control everything but at the same time within the United States within the
45:58 establishment um there are elements that are just vehemently anti-israel um where where the lobby
46:05 hasn’t broken into and these are you know deeply entrenched things and that’s when you get into energy security you
46:11 know as strong as the Israeli Lobby is they’re not as strong as you know Exon Mobile
46:18 standard when we’re talking you hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars of economic potential uh with a global
46:25 scale um the Israeli Lobby doesn’t control them the Israeli Lobby doesn’t control the pharmaceutical industry the
46:32 Israeli Lobby doesn’t control a whole bunch of things in United States they have a very limited um you know span of
46:38 control and influence on things that pertains particularly to Israel uh the
46:43 Israeli Lobby does not control the Pentagon I’ll just make that absolutely clear the Israeli Lobby doesn’t control
46:49 the Pentagon they may have the ability to influence the Pentagon they’ve sucked parasites Here There and Everywhere they
46:56 know control the Pentagon um and they don’t control the military-industrial
47:02 complex as much I can tell you that we when you take a look at the amount of money we send to Israel it Pals in
47:08 comparison with the other contracts that we put around the world I mean what was
47:13 $3.8 billion dollar a year as our military sales to uh to Israel we conclude contracts bigger than
47:20 that with other people you know on a monthly basis so the idea that the military-industrial complex is be hold
47:27 to Israel is absurd um the the Israelis have a lot of
47:32 influence but there’s a lot of independent uh the big thing is on policy that impacts Israel where a
47:40 specific policy impacts Israel the lobby has a tremendous amount of influence but
47:45 um you know I will tell you right now that we did not invade Iraq because of
47:53 Israel I mean Israel played a role in it they a supporting role but I remind people that um up until
48:00 1998 uh the Israelis were actually working with the United Nations to
achieve the disarmament of Iraq uh in opposition to the American policy of regime change see the Israelis had a
48:12 regime change policy in place that was brought to fruition right after the Gulf War ended um when Yuri sagay um the
48:22 commander of uh Military Intelligence made a decision that they need to kill San Hussein . . . the United States we went to
50:57 war in Iraq not for Israel we went war in Iraq for oil and Regional dominance
51:03 now people say well that’s part of the project for New American Century and all this stuff yes that’s peripheral but
51:08 America Goes to War for America�
So shill
Look, look, over here, at the ‘wicked’ Russians/Chinese, immigrants or the ‘ZOG’.
Don’t look over there at the plutocrats and the M.I.C., there’s nothing to see?
Companies like Exxon and organizations like OPEC have an incentive to promote the narrative that oil is depleting, since doing helps push up prices, by generating FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt).
The historical trend over the last three decades is quite clear though – see the graph in the link below:
Crude oil production
Bear in mind that even in the worst case scenario, there are CTL (coal to liquid) and GTL (gas to liquid) technologies to cover any possible oil shortfall.
Last, but not least, we never know what new investments will discover. As a professor of mine put it three decades ago:
‘We are not running out of oil. We are running into oil.’
Indeed, we are finding oil deposits in all sorts of places – from off the coast of Namibia to western Poland. So, there’s no need to be pessimistic on the energy front.
[Our dysfunctional financial system is another story though. My friend Oliver Heydorn provides a valuable insight here:
Yes, ignorance on steroids. That statement of yours proved it.
Let’s get something straight. ZOG conjured up the Anthropogenic Global Warming hoax, as a means of impoverishing the working class – by making them pay far higher energy prices than they otherwise would in an unfettered Free Market.
Simultaneously ZOG, through its subsidiary entities (like Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street etc), are majority and/or controlling shareholders in the Defence contractors.
In other words ZOG is the MISSS (Military Industrial Security Surveillance State).
They’re also the major shareholders of Exxon/Mobil, Chevron and the rest.
But you’re TOO STUPID to work out that you’ve been played.
You don’t even know that you are a USEFUL IDIOT working to advance ZOG’s agenda.
You and Greta Thunberg – two of a kind.
Meanwhile, yet more nonsense in your comment # 19 and your asinine claims that oil production is facing a natural decline.
The same disinfo peddlers that are telling you that were saying the world had reached ‘Peak Oil’ about 15-16 years ago.
ACTUAL OUTCOME: Oil production is significantly higher than when we were supposedly at ‘Peak Oil’.
Jimmy, you are a gullible little man. You lap up everything Neil De Grasse Tyson tells you like it’s the gospel truth.
Grow up and try to be more mature. Your ‘betters’ in Big Gubmint are not looking out for your welfare and that of your loved ones.
The ZOG owned western MSM lies about everything. Try to get your info from sources with integrity.
I appreciate your admission that you've decided to opt for a blissful existence, rather than face reality and have to put in the hard yards by learning the actual science.
LOL. Ignorance is bliss!
This from a shill for the plutocrats, the MIC and the FF industry!
Capitalism by itself is not the problem, global robber-baron extortionomics is the problem. Keep it real for the little guy earning minimum wage. And for elderly and disabled and low income. Start some charities and some trade schools and adult night schools, since K12 and higher ed systems are not getting the job done. Enough leftist ‘isms’, go find the people hardest hit, and work on helping them. People can spout off all day up at the podium and help no one and affect nothing. Give off from that, and interview billionaires and poor people alike and thus compile and develop a better knowledge base and use that as a tool to help with. More charities, jobs programs, education resources, public information resources, and above all, honest goodwill and assistance where/when needed so people get some guidance and a little help toward living a better life. Life is NOT fair and socialism is ruinous, so, find a better way.
‘According to the supermajor, global oil production is facing a natural decline at a rate of some 15% annually over the next 25 years. For context, the IEA sees the rate of natural decline at 8% annually. Exxon points out, however, that the faster decline rate is a result of the shift towards shale and other unconventional oil production, where depletion happens faster than it does in conventional formations.
“To put it in concrete terms: With no new investment, global oil supplies would fall by more than 15 million barrels per day in the first year alone.” This is a scary prospect because “At that rate, by 2030, oil supplies would fall from 100 million barrels per day to less than 30 million – that’s 70 million barrels short of what’s needed to meet demand every day.” ‘?
LOL. Ignorance is bliss!
I appreciate your admission that you’ve decided to opt for a blissful existence, rather than face reality and have to put in the hard yards by learning the actual science.
Of course that didn’t surprise me. Most Climate Loons like yourself are too lazy to look into anything in depth. You and your ilk prefer to be spoon fed pleasantries from your ‘betters’ in Big Gubmint.
To each his own. You’re entitled to remain ignorant if you wish.
In the article you linked to, there’s the following claim:
‘the fossil fuels which still account for 85 percent of the energy (Nuclear and Hydroelectric account for most of the rest) which powers everything we do are a precious and finite resource.’
This assumes that the biotic theory of hydrocarbon formation is correct. I’d argue that the abiotic theory is much closer to the truth.
Earth Is An Oil-Producing Machine — We’re Not Running Out
I was introduced to this theory by Thomas Gold’s book, ‘The Deep Hot Biosphere’ over two decades ago – and since then, far from running out of hydrocarbons, we’ve been producing more and more – which strikes me as confirmation of Gold’s thesis.
(That said, I personally prefer hydroelectric and tidal power, since their EROI (Energy Returns on Investment) surpasses even that of hydrocarbons.)
Democracy is a challenge to Capitalism? Only a Covid clot shot neurologically impaired simpleton would make such a preposterous assertion.
Neoliberalism, observes Monbiot, emerged as capitalism’s response to its biggest challenge: democracy.
Of course the Jewish owned MSM will be bleating constantly how 'Capitalism is failing', how the 2008 GFC was the fault of capitalism, when it was no such thing.
It is obvious to all that what exists in the U.S today is a FAILED SYSTEM.
I cannot begin to emphasis how important that last one on the list is. ie: VOLUNTARY EXCHANGE.
capital accumulation, competitive markets, price systems, private property, recognition of property rights, self-interest, economic freedom, meritocracy, work ethic, consumer sovereignty, economic efficiency, limited role of government, profit motive, a financial infrastructure of money and investment that makes possible credit and debt, entrepreneurship, commodification, voluntary exchange
All of these despicable rodents were in favour of Britain remaining subservient to those unelected Rothschild installed members of the European Parliament in Brussels that ensured Britain would be under the thumb of the ZOG financiers and thus not be a sovereign nation anymore.
SUMMARY: It should be evident to all that George Monbiot is a TOOL OF THE ZOG ESTABLISHMENT after watching that interview with Chris Hedges.
In the latter part of the interview Monbiot is scathing of the Brexit movement and claimed that Brexit was all part of the Neoliberal agenda to impoverish the masses (or words to that effect).
This should tell you everything you need to know about this Marxist imbecile, seeing as the full array of ZOG sock puppets (Tony Blair, David Cameron, the entirety of the ZOG owned British MSM, then Prince Chuck etc), were all against a Brexit.
Look, look, over here, at the ‘wicked’ Russians/Chinese, immigrants or the ‘ZOG’.
Don’t look over there at the plutocrats and the M.I.C., there’s nothing to see?
LOL. Ignorance is bliss!
I appreciate your admission that you've decided to opt for a blissful existence, rather than face reality and have to put in the hard yards by learning the actual science.
LOL. Ignorance is bliss!
Well Jimmy, let’s make sure there’s not a 16th mass extinction.
Because if we follow the ludicrous suggestions of the Climate Loons (and their insane plans to reduce CO2 as low* as possible), then humanity will be the next mass extinction.
(*Below about 150 ppm of CO2, every living thing dies).
15 mass extinctions
Jimmy Chuck writes:
the implications ….. of the carbon dioxide is really dangerous if you heat your ….. planet sufficiently to cause your Arctic to melt
The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is a NEGLIGIBLE DETERMINANT in the average Earth temperature. We KNOW this for certain.
Right now CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere are around 400 ppm. But in the past, when CO2 was between 2000 and 3000 ppm, the planet went into an Ice Age !!
That’s not a one-off anomaly either. There are countless other time periods where CO2 was high and yet the planet was colder, or lower than normal CO2 where the planet was warmer than the average.
Secondly, the Climate Alarmists know nothing about the concept of Cause and Effect.
The climate alarmism is based on the premise that CO2 rises FIRST and the effect of that is a rising temperature.
BUT, Ice Core samples demonstrate, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, that throughout Earth’s entire history, the temperature rises first and THEN CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere rise.
ie: the OPPOSITE of what the rabid Green extremists are telling us.
And that is to be expected.
The vast bulk of the CO2 in the world is dissolved in the oceans.
And, in accordance with the scientific phenomenon of ‘Outgassing’, when a gas is dissolved in a liquid, heating that liquid will cause some of the gas to be released into the atmosphere.The more the temp rises, the more of that dissolved gas is released.
And, as the Earth cools (as it does from time to time ALL ON ITS OWN – ie: without the input of mankind), the reverse is true.
In that the oceans will ABSORB CO2 from the atmosphere.
So then, what causes the Earth temp to rise, you might ask?
(This is a question which the Climate hoaxers NEVER address – because to do so would debunk their infantile scam).
There are a variety of factors, but here are three of the major ones:
1) Variation in Solar activity
2) Natural variability of the tilt of the Earth’s access
3) Natural variability of the elliptical path of the Earth around the Sun.
Summary: Jimmy, it appears you are clueless in relation to true Climate science and that, like that autistic teenager Greta, you’ve been sucked in by easily disprovable Climate warming claptrap.
Try to be more discerning in future. Do your own research and don’t rely on the ZOG controlled MSM and other ZOG controlled entities for your information.
To the extent that CO2 is rising incrementally, this is due to NATURAL causes over which humans have no control.
The good news is that, to the extent that CO2 has risen over the last 150 years or so, this is Greening the Planet and significantly increasing crop yields** per hectare of arable land – enabling more than enough food to feed an increasing world population.
(**Deserts are receding and large stretches of land that were once marginal are now suitable for agricultural use).
Let’s hope CO2 increases to the sweet spot of between 1200 and 1500 ppm, which will see the entire planet become a lush paradise of abundance, as it once was.
Democracy is a challenge to Capitalism? Only a Covid clot shot neurologically impaired simpleton would make such a preposterous assertion.
Neoliberalism, observes Monbiot, emerged as capitalism’s response to its biggest challenge: democracy.
Of course the Jewish owned MSM will be bleating constantly how 'Capitalism is failing', how the 2008 GFC was the fault of capitalism, when it was no such thing.
It is obvious to all that what exists in the U.S today is a FAILED SYSTEM.
I cannot begin to emphasis how important that last one on the list is. ie: VOLUNTARY EXCHANGE.
capital accumulation, competitive markets, price systems, private property, recognition of property rights, self-interest, economic freedom, meritocracy, work ethic, consumer sovereignty, economic efficiency, limited role of government, profit motive, a financial infrastructure of money and investment that makes possible credit and debt, entrepreneurship, commodification, voluntary exchange
All of these despicable rodents were in favour of Britain remaining subservient to those unelected Rothschild installed members of the European Parliament in Brussels that ensured Britain would be under the thumb of the ZOG financiers and thus not be a sovereign nation anymore.
SUMMARY: It should be evident to all that George Monbiot is a TOOL OF THE ZOG ESTABLISHMENT after watching that interview with Chris Hedges.
In the latter part of the interview Monbiot is scathing of the Brexit movement and claimed that Brexit was all part of the Neoliberal agenda to impoverish the masses (or words to that effect).
This should tell you everything you need to know about this Marxist imbecile, seeing as the full array of ZOG sock puppets (Tony Blair, David Cameron, the entirety of the ZOG owned British MSM, then Prince Chuck etc), were all against a Brexit.
“seeing as we know that Anthropogenic Global Warming is a hoax “?
Climate has changed before?
“ . . . it is these ocean state changes that are
1:02:28 correlated with the great disasters of the past impact can cause extinction but
1:02:35 it did so in our past only wants[once] that we can tell whereas this has happened over
1:02:40 and over and over again we have fifteen evidences times of mass extinction in the past 500 million years
1:02:48 so the implications for the implications the implications of the carbon dioxide is really dangerous if you heat your
1:02:55 planet sufficiently to cause your Arctic to melt if you cause the temperature
1:03:01 gradient between your tropics and your Arctic to be reduced you risk going back
1:03:07 to a state that produces these hydrogen sulfide pulses . . . “?
Video Link
The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is a NEGLIGIBLE DETERMINANT in the average Earth temperature. We KNOW this for certain.
the implications ..... of the carbon dioxide is really dangerous if you heat your ..... planet sufficiently to cause your Arctic to melt
And, as the Earth cools (as it does from time to time ALL ON ITS OWN - ie: without the input of mankind), the reverse is true.
The vast bulk of the CO2 in the world is dissolved in the oceans.
And, in accordance with the scientific phenomenon of 'Outgassing', when a gas is dissolved in a liquid, heating that liquid will cause some of the gas to be released into the atmosphere.
The more the temp rises, the more of that dissolved gas is released.
To the extent that CO2 is rising incrementally, this is due to NATURAL causes over which humans have no control.
Summary: Jimmy, it appears you are clueless in relation to true Climate science and that, like that autistic teenager Greta, you've been sucked in by easily disprovable Climate warming claptrap.
Try to be more discerning in future. Do your own research and don't rely on the ZOG controlled MSM and other ZOG controlled entities for your information.
This elephant ?
No ‘BAU’?
‘Most’ ‘economic thinking’ is ‘short run’ and ‘redundant’?
‘It’ ignores the ‘supply side’?
‘Growth’ {and ‘civilisation’} depends upon ‘cheap’ F.F. – those so called ‘halcyon days’ are ‘over’. ?
“The crisis now unfolding, however, is entirely different to the 1970s in one crucial respect… The 1970s crisis was largely artificial. When all is said and done, the oil shock was nothing more than the emerging OPEC cartel asserting its newfound leverage following the peak of continental US oil production. There was no shortage of oil any more than the three-day-week had been caused by coal shortages. What they did, perhaps, give us a glimpse of was what might happen in the event that our economies depleted our fossil fuel reserves before we had found a more versatile and energy-dense alternative. . . .
And this is why the crisis we are beginning to experience will make the 1970s look like a golden age of peace and tranquility. . . . The sad reality though, is that our leaders – at least within the western empire – have bought into a vision of the future which cannot work without some new and yet-to-be-discovered high-density energy source (which rules out all of the so-called green technologies whose main purpose is to concentrate relatively weak and diffuse energy sources). . . . Even as we struggle to reimagine the 1970s in an attempt to understand the current situation, the only people on Earth today who can even begin to imagine the economic and social horrors that await western populations are the survivors of the 1980s famine in Ethiopia, the hyperinflation in 1990s Zimbabwe, or, ironically, the Russians who survived the collapse of the Soviet Union.†?
That is hilarious, Truth Vig. Hedges is a William Sloane Coffin pseud. The real one got bullets shot through his window and got prosecuted by fed cocksuckers. This fake one interviews the guys who shredded Snowden’s dump.
As UR readers would’ve observed from the interview he had with Chris Hedges, George Monbiot is an ECONOMIC IGNORAMUS without parallel.
For anyone interested in learning some REAL economics, you won’t do better than listening to the economic adviser for Dr Ron Paul’s 2008 Presidential campaign.
The video* below features Peter Schiff in the latest Ron Paul Liberty Report:
Video Link
(*BTW, I’ve posted the same video above in the Chris Hedges thread titled ‘The Secret History of Neoliberalism (w/ George Monbiot)’, but it’s not likely to see the light of day.
You see, Hedges has already trashed my previous attempts to post comments there.
That’s the sort of COWARD Chris Hedges is – he’s just too GUTLESS to accept contrary opinions).
Contrast that to Jonathan Cook. He may not agree with what I have to say, but he’s not a tyrant that wishes to muzzle me and impose censorship.
He is a genuine advocate of Free Speech and walks the walk – not like the phony** Chris Hedges.
I congratulate you Mr Cook for being a gentleman and will look out for your UR articles in future, always seeking to contribute to the commentary in a constructive way.
(**I’ve already had an exchange with Ron Unz and recommended that he ditch Chris Hedges, because he’s bringing this great webzine into disrepute.
I mentioned that few people read the articles from Hedges and even fewer people bother to post comments there – such is the LOW QUALITY of output from Hedges).
I’ve noticed that Chris Hedges appears on The Jimmy Dore Show from time to time as well, so evidently Jimmy hasn’t caught on to what a fraud Hedges is.
You know Hedges was strongly advocating for the clot shots during the Covid Psyop and fully supported the tyranny/lockdowns from the ruling ZOG establishment.
It should also come as no surprise that Chris Hedges was, and still is, someone who was sucked in by the Anthropogenic Global Warming Hoax.
Does that really surprise anyone? I mean, just look at that ugly melon of his.
He looks like he has an advanced case of Downs Syndrome.
In a head-to-head with Greta Thunberg, Hedges clearly looks the more retarded – it’s not even close.
Monbiot is a shit plenum …. [a] candida-reeking cunt
You certainly hit it out of the park with that comment.
(That has to be a front runner for ‘best encapsulation of a clueless Socialist’ in UR this year).
My congrats to you for that.
Meanwhile, seeing as there is a Chris Hedges article also running concurrently in the UR that deals with the Monbiot interview, I tried to post the exact same post (scroll up to my comment # 2), in the Chris Hedges thread on two occasions.
Each time Hedges purged it. Obviously he’s a thin-skinned prick (like Steve Sailer) that is trying to ingratiate himself with his ZOG benefactors.
Most UR readers are already aware of this but for those that aren’t, Steve Sailer and Hedges are clearly servile minions of Malignant International Jewry.
Especially in the case of Steve Sailer, he won’t tolerate a word of dissent in relation to the Holohoax. If you even hint that one yid less than 6 million was killed during WWII, or that those pedal powered skull crushing machines were not actually used on Jews, he’ll come down on you like a ton of bricks.
Oh good. I’m glad somebody pointed that Monbiot is a shit plenum. Hedges is not helping his residual impotent-handwringing cred by taking that candida-reeking cunt seriously.
In fact, unless Hedges scooped out his eyes and skullfucked him livestream, Hedges will indelibly marked as the hopeless dupe we remember from his NYT days.
You certainly hit it out of the park with that comment.
Monbiot is a shit plenum .... [a] candida-reeking cunt
David Stockman is a Goliath of truth and integrity.
UR readers should get a hold of his book: ‘The Great Deformation – The Corruption of Capitalism in America’, for proof that the U.S has descended into being a Socialist shit-hole.
Meanwhile, this is my favourite David Stockman clip of all time. Watch the first 9:30 of this video below as Stockman tears these Fox News warmongers a new arse hole:
Democracy is a challenge to Capitalism? Only a Covid clot shot neurologically impaired simpleton would make such a preposterous assertion.
Neoliberalism, observes Monbiot, emerged as capitalism’s response to its biggest challenge: democracy.
Of course the Jewish owned MSM will be bleating constantly how 'Capitalism is failing', how the 2008 GFC was the fault of capitalism, when it was no such thing.
It is obvious to all that what exists in the U.S today is a FAILED SYSTEM.
I cannot begin to emphasis how important that last one on the list is. ie: VOLUNTARY EXCHANGE.
capital accumulation, competitive markets, price systems, private property, recognition of property rights, self-interest, economic freedom, meritocracy, work ethic, consumer sovereignty, economic efficiency, limited role of government, profit motive, a financial infrastructure of money and investment that makes possible credit and debt, entrepreneurship, commodification, voluntary exchange
All of these despicable rodents were in favour of Britain remaining subservient to those unelected Rothschild installed members of the European Parliament in Brussels that ensured Britain would be under the thumb of the ZOG financiers and thus not be a sovereign nation anymore.
SUMMARY: It should be evident to all that George Monbiot is a TOOL OF THE ZOG ESTABLISHMENT after watching that interview with Chris Hedges.
In the latter part of the interview Monbiot is scathing of the Brexit movement and claimed that Brexit was all part of the Neoliberal agenda to impoverish the masses (or words to that effect).
This should tell you everything you need to know about this Marxist imbecile, seeing as the full array of ZOG sock puppets (Tony Blair, David Cameron, the entirety of the ZOG owned British MSM, then Prince Chuck etc), were all against a Brexit.
“Democracy is a challenge to Capitalism? Only a Covid clot shot neurologically impaired simpleton would make such a preposterous assertion.
Capitalism goes hand in hand with freedom, with the will of the people, with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
Thank you. Exactly. It gets so tiresome, year after year, decade after decade, to have to define this term properly, to defend the real meaning of capitalism, properly.
I recommend David Stockman, who is sane and rational and an excellent defender of free market economics, once known as “capitalism” and its inextricable relation to healthy democracy. The “finance capitalists”, the debt ogres, banking mafias, the shillers-of-garbage ideology-driven version of so-called capitalism is the mutant version of what was once so splendidly The American Way.
Why didn’t Hedges bring any of this up? Why didn’t he hold Monbiot’s ‘feet to the fire’ and challenge his views on Syria, Libya and Ukraine, Assange (or for that matter Covid, 9/11 etc) ?
The anti-war Left are a shamble of shit. They do not allow themselves to ask the serious questions, for fear of endangering their precious self serving, self perceived ‘virtue’. They rely upon a switcheroo of inserting concepts (‘neoliberalism’, ‘capitalism’,’corporations’) to try and assert agency, instead of simply looking for a pattern in the individuals who created and maintain these systems.
And…Israel is not an aircraft carrier for the US. Let’s all keep repeating this until fuckwits like Cook finally concede that it is a baseless concept that merely covers for their own lack of integrity.
I knew this George Monbiot bloke was a moron before, but his interview made it clear that he is an economically illiterate Marxist of biblical proportions.
He said stuff like ‘Capitalism is inextricably linked to Imperialism’, or words to that effect.
That’s pure B.S.
Imperialism is one country forcibly looting/raping/pillaging the resources of another and thus can be implemented IRRESPECTIVE of the political ideology of the aggressor.
For example, Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union through Operation Barbarossa in 1941, SAVED EUROPE from being completely taken over by the Bolsheviks – and this saved western Europe from Soviet IMPERIALISM.
Yes, Germany lost the war, but in so doing it had completely exhausted the Soviet Union, who had suffered such a catastrophic loss of manpower and material damage, that it was unable to fulfill Stalin’s plans of a complete takeover of the continent.
And then, we have this ridiculous statement from Monbiot:
Neoliberalism, observes Monbiot, emerged as capitalism’s response to its biggest challenge: democracy.
Democracy is a challenge to Capitalism? Only a Covid clot shot neurologically impaired simpleton would make such a preposterous assertion.
Capitalism goes hand in hand with freedom, with the will of the people, with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Now, let me say from the outset. I’m am not an advocate of the present system in the U.S, a system where a relatively few are fabulously rich, while the majority are being further impoverished with each passing day.
It is a system which sees the number of tent cities of the homeless growing like a cancer, while those not lucky enough to secure even a tent end up sleeping under freeway overpasses or wander the streets in an opioid induced stupor.
It is obvious to all that what exists in the U.S today is a FAILED SYSTEM.
Of course the Jewish owned MSM will be bleating constantly how ‘Capitalism is failing’, how the 2008 GFC was the fault of capitalism, when it was no such thing.
ZOG naturally have a motive for smearing Capitalism and it should be obvious to all why that is.
You see, after the present system fails, they will blame capitalism and say:
‘We need to introduce Socialism. We need to introduce a system where you will have no private possessions, you will OWN NOTHING, and you will be happy’.
A system that is run by a Politburo of hand chosen TALMUDIC MISFITS.
‘We need to introduce a system that prevents the excesses of Capitalism. We will introduce MORE government regulations and red tape, we will hire even more USELESS AND PARASITIC GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRATS to micromanage every aspect of our lives, from what car we drive (it will be an E.V – assuming we’re allowed to drive a car at all and not be corralled in 15 min cities using mass transit), what our carbon footprints will be, what we eat (no real meat – just those lab conjured gelatinous concoctions that attempts to resemble meat and/or eating insects/Soylent Green to get our protein levels up).
The fact is that the 2008 GFC was ENTIRELY THE FAULT OF BIG GUBMINT.
The fact is that the RESPONSE to the 2008 GFC was the opposite of Capitalism.
In Capitalism, your reap what you sow. If you deliver products and services that consumers want and outperform your competitors on quality/price, you will do well.
If you don’t your business will fail – and YOU DESERVE TO GO BANKRUPT because you’ve mismanaged society’s scarce resources.
Most importantly of all, in Capitalism the taxpayer is NOT ON THE HOOK TO BAIL YOU OUT if your business goes badly.
Goldman Sachs-of-Shit, and all the ZOG majority owned banks/financial institutions/insurance giants (like Maurice ‘Hank’ Greenberg’s AIG), WOULD ALL HAVE GONE BUST.
But as it was, the American taxpayer BAILED OUT THESE JEWISH MISCREANTS (who got into trouble from their reckless/speculative/illegal business practices in the first place), so we had a situation where profits were privatised and losses were SOCIALISED (as in Socialism).
That is NOT Capitalism.
So, here’s a brief overview of what Capitalism ACTUALLY is (because the Marxists and ignorant leftists continually misrepresent it on purpose):
The defining characteristics of capitalism include:
capital accumulation, competitive markets, price systems, private property, recognition of property rights, self-interest, economic freedom, meritocracy, work ethic, consumer sovereignty, economic efficiency, limited role of government, profit motive, a financial infrastructure of money and investment that makes possible credit and debt, entrepreneurship, commodification, voluntary exchange
I cannot begin to emphasis how important that last one on the list is. ie: VOLUNTARY EXCHANGE.
So, if you don’t want to buy an electric vehicle (E.V), [because it is prone to self-combust, it is crazy expensive and depreciates like a stone, because it is environmentally damaging (uses almost twice as much energy to manufacture in the first place than an ICE vehicle and incorporates the use of rare earth metals, lithium, cobalt etc, ALL of which cause untold environmental damage in their extraction], then you should not be forced to buy one.
If you don’t want your taxes going to subsidise all those bird chopping wind turbines or inefficient solar panels (all over a NON-PROBLEM, seeing as we know that Anthropogenic Global Warming is a hoax and that more CO2 in the atmosphere is GREENING THE EARTH and NOT the driver of the infinitesimal 1 deg C rise in temp the planet has seen over the last 150 years), then you should not have to.
If you don’t want your tax dollars going to that poisonous dwarf Zelensky to be used in the Ukraine proxy war or to assist the Apartheid Israeli state in its genocide in Gaza, then you should not have to do that.
And, during the Covid Psyop, small family businesses were arbitrarily shut down and deemed non essential, while ZOG owned/aligned Big Box stores stayed open.
There is nothing Voluntary about that nor is it in relation to the VAXX mandates, whereby people were coerced into taking the deadly experimental mRNA gene therapies that masqueraded as vaccines.
SUMMARY: It should be evident to all that George Monbiot is a TOOL OF THE ZOG ESTABLISHMENT after watching that interview with Chris Hedges.
In the latter part of the interview Monbiot is scathing of the Brexit movement and claimed that Brexit was all part of the Neoliberal agenda to impoverish the masses (or words to that effect).This should tell you everything you need to know about this Marxist imbecile, seeing as the full array of ZOG sock puppets (Tony Blair, David Cameron, the entirety of the ZOG owned British MSM, then Prince Chuck etc), were all against a Brexit.
All of these despicable rodents were in favour of Britain remaining subservient to those unelected Rothschild installed members of the European Parliament in Brussels that ensured Britain would be under the thumb of the ZOG financiers and thus not be a sovereign nation anymore.
Watch this 4 min video featuring the libertarian (and advocate of unfettered Free Market Capitalism) Dominic Frisby*, and observe for yourself why ALL OF THOSE degenerates that were against Brexit were (without exception) bought-and-paid-for foot soldiers of ZOG:
(*The video start slowly but please persist, it will be well worth it – as you’ll find out to your immense satisfaction later on).
Then there’s the elephant in the room that neither Left, Right nor Centre will discuss: the debt-finance system.
The Significance of Monetary Reform: The Disaster of Debt Based Economics
‘Dirty tricks’ intelligence operatives don’t usually expose those who actually run the UK and the West on alternative media. They are more likely to indulge in discrediting authentic dissidents and diversionary sideshows.
The Met Police once infiltrated British lefties who were considered a threat to the establishment. I mentioned this in the past.
Paper conservatives get the same treatment if they don’t follow the script. You wrote the below in September.
The same ‘market discipline’ currently giving Britain’s PM a bloody nose would have crushed a Corbyn programme if he’d won power.
Truss isn’t entirely clueless. She is a trained accountant familiar with budgeting, taxation, and public finances. Unfunded tax cuts for top earners and scrapping a cap on bankers’ bonuses while soaring energy bills and consumer prices are making life unpleasant for normies shows poor judgment on her part.
She and her African lackey were too eager to implement their Britannia Unchained race to the bottom tax haven manifesto.
As with Starmer and Labour, Sunak was the preferred candidate from the beginning. The Hindu golem also wants to cut taxes for his affluent License Raj family, fellow banksters, and corporate overlords. He is just more cautious and wily.
The non-partisan Institute for Fiscal Studies noted the following in August.
Where does this leave the big picture comparison between Mr Sunak’s and Ms Truss’ tax proposals? In the short term, nothing has changed: Mr Sunak proposes a temporary abolition of VAT on fuel as his only immediate change to current policy plans, while Ms Truss plans more than £30bn of tax cuts, relative to current plans, very quickly. To the extent that imminent tax cuts would add to the current considerable inflationary pressures – which they would, although it is hard to say by how much – and prompt the Bank of England to increase interest rates, this remains something that is much more likely under Ms Truss’ plans than under Mr Sunak’s.
In the longer term, the biggest difference between the two candidates’ tax plans is one of scale and timing, not direction of travel.
Across the pond, the bailout package Barack ‘mutt like me’ Obama supported rescued Wall Street. Moreover, his administration protected financial executives from prosecutions. Today he has a net worth of $70 million. He and his wife are expected to earn nearly $250 million in total after leaving the White House.
Though Corbyn deserves praise for not conforming to usual suspects and City of London orthodoxy, he is inconsistent and at times irrational.
He hasn’t organized protests against systemic farm murders in the new South Africa. English girls, being abused by Pakistani Labour voters, equally need his help.
The traditional left would have resisted open borders Corbyn endorsed in 2019. Imported serfs lower wages and are used to circumvent unions funding his party.
Try the Cathoci church . Pedophilia and god together . Even Noble can be awarded while doing both .
Falwell Jr is another vairaint of multiafceted sexual satieteis . He was for 7 years watching the video of his wife having sex with the pool man .
Big Chrill ,Jimmy Savile, and powerful famous sex abusers who ahve infiltrated the highest recahes of Britsih life
CYRIL SMITH ( Big Cyril ) ,cover up by Margaret Thatcher , let the files of over 100 go missing, regular sexual rendevous at Elm Guest House over Hammersmith bridge ( Washington Post ,Juky 7,2014) point to the prevalence .
At least 10 MPs were accused of abusing children and escaping the justice ( Daiky Beast Jul 8,2017)
Plymouth child abuse case by local women
Childrens home in Wales and Engalnd suffered sexual violence at hands of the peopel who were supposed to protect them.
Here in USA Q Anon might have been a distraction from actual sexual violence agisnt children by higher ups.
You seem to be a very low IQ emotional animal who seems to have found out shelter in the right place- Burmese prison guarded by the monks.
Actually the indoctriantion is complete .Violent urge comes easily to you .
Dear Cheedo Goun,
You’re more twisted than Attah Alullah, the Pakistani born jihadi responsible for the not-really-genocide.
If you want to talk smack about Burma, you’re talking to the wrong guy, and you have no idea what you’re talking about.
You’ve never been to Burma, and to say shit like that about monks is like saying Kamala Harris is intelligent, or Fuck Joe Biden is an honest man. It’s just wrong.
Whoever you are, you are poorly informed mah ah lo phin sibu
For George Monbiot to say he’s worried about the loss of soil is spot on to reach the hearts of the majority of British cretins.
I spent a number of years living in England and there’s no words to describe what a cesspit of humanity it is. It’s a disgusting hole.
The trash graduates that are being churned out by the UK educational system are so unbelievable that before meeting anyone under 50 you assume them to be morons and homosexual, and it’s usually both.
The typical English woman virtue signals by dating blacks. Nine times out of ten when you see a Brit woman pushing a pram along the street, it’ll contain a fuzzy headed negro. A constant theme is an English mother with a string of black children all of whom will have different fathers.
English men don’t mind this because most of them are bisexual or homosexual. For instance, the huge number of middle aged English parents with dress wearing sons is phenomenal, and all of these sons will be ugly mentally retarded unheinged basta*ds.
I kid you not, it’s almost impossible for a male to enter any type of store, office or hospital reception in England and not have a camp freak male receptionist hit on them.
In a hospital reception across the bridge from the British Houses of Parliament I personally had a camp freak male receptionist hit on me at 11 a.m. If I was willing this disgusting English basta*d would have gone to the nearest broom closet and engaged in sodomy with me. And the rest of the staff would not have blinked an eye.
Paedophilic Pakistani child grooming gangs run rampant across England. These are a protected species and are allowed rape White English children at their leisure. A 12-year-old White girl went crying one morning to an English police station to report that she had just been raped, and the desk officer insulted her and then handed her over to a gang of Pakistanis who took her from the station spent the rest of the day and that night raping her. This is fact.
The other side to the ubiquitous Pakistani child rape gangs is that White English girls from as young as 8 will frequently be seen touting sexual favours for cigarettes and alcohol. Their mothers will be giving pound-a-shot blowjobs in nearby alleyways, while the fathers (99% of whom will be unknown and black) will be drunk 24/7 on cheap cider they bought from a Pakistani corner shop.
On top of all this is the disgusting fact that in middle class English society it’s very acceptable for 10-year-old girls to have 21-year-old boyfriends. One noted case is where a middle class 14-year-old English slut was murdered. This young English sluts’ history was that she had been dating boys from the age of 11. At 11-years-old, and with the full knowledge of her father, she had been dating a 21-year-old male.
Yet, when this young slut was murdered did her stupid father go and hide his POS face under a rock in shame? Hell no. He went on British TV to whine about the loss of his child. Were any questions raised anywhere in England about how his lack of parenting skills led to his daughter’s death? Hell no. I fu*king kid you not.
Another piece of sh*t case in England is where an English middle aged psychiatrist was murdered in a city park in the middle of the night. The English media was full of how wonderful this man was. They lamented that his death was a great loss to England because he had been a fantastically learned and world leading psychiatrist.
Alongside extolling this murdered psychiatrist’s fantastic pedigree, the English media also casually reported that he had been in the park in the middle of the night looking for sodomy buddies.
This POS homo was to be frequently found on moonless nights searching parks for debauched male strangers to have sex with in the bushes. Carrying the contagious diseases his filthy lifestyle surely imbued him with, he approached a straight male stranger in the dark park and suggested some sodomy, and, unsurprisingly, got slapped into oblivion.
And this English POS was in the business of helping people with mental health issues. In England this is normal.
In some northern English cities it’s quite common to come across males having anal sex with each other in broad daylight in public spaces. Once a passerby berated two freaks that were engaged in public sodomy on a public footway, and another freak that was nearby reported him (the berater) to the English police.
The English police took the report and investigated if the berater had said anything homophobic to the sodomising freaks, but DID NOT investigate or caution the publicly sodomising freaks for public indecency. I kid you not.
In the midst of this loser environment the typical arrogant English person struts around as if their sh*t doesn’t smell. They are so arrogant it wouldn’t actually be hard to convince them to package their excrement and attempt to sell it.
In their own minds they are better than Americans and other Western Europeans, and way above the Slavs. It’s this arrogance that has Ukrainian flags now more common in England than the Union Jack. You see, in their minds the British Empire still exists. And Ukrainians being slaughtered in their thousands doesn’t matter, it’s all about Empire and superiority.
When a loser people stink and are up to their ears in their own excrement, it’s time for them to drop the arrogance. But the more England and the English stink and the further the excrement rises, the more they cling onto the coattails of Empire.
Someone needs to inform the English morons that they’d never have had an Empire in the first place if it wasn’t for the Ashkenazi Jewish management. If the Ashkenazi had been invited to Ireland instead of England in the 16th century, they’d have just as easily managed the Irish to build an Empire as they did the English.
Being arrogant is one thing, but when the arrogant have absolutely nothing to be arrogant about, it becomes especially nauseating. After a stint with the loser English you’ll develop a deep seated dislike for them and their debauched loser country.
I can tell you with certainty that within two decades the streets and rivers of England will flow with blood. And most of this blood will be British blood.
The Muslims also see what vile disgusting cowardly losers the English are. They see what an abhorrently filthy hellish spectacle that English education and institutions have become.
For instance, Professor Pants Down, the chap that built the computer model which the lockdowns were based on, isn’t just immoral and easily bought, he is actually stupid. I’m not kidding here, this fellow really is of extremely low intelligence, he is actually a cretin and a fool.
Then there’s the current English Prime Minister, Truss. Mentally wise, she’s up the Professor’s street. On top of this, Truss started in a lowly position in British politics and actually slept her way to the top. Again, I kid you not, this airhead had sex with a politician she worked for. When did a prostitute retire after the first client?
This trashy very un-good looking lady is British PM because she followed Ashkenazi instructions and had sex with the correct low-life English politicians.
Historically, low IQ sluts could sometimes sleep their way to employment and movie stardom. And now certinous sluts can sleep their way to being British Prime Minister.
Post Modern English progress, I assume.
Believe me, when the British Muslims are eventually let off their leash the loser White English are going to get one hell of a lesson as to what their much loved diversity is really all about. Their rivers will run red.
In the meantime, the British Autumn roll-out of the mRNA poisons are an astounding success. For Satan and his Ashkenazi puppets that is. The White English are stampeding over each other to get it. The neighbours that got it two days ago and who are now going around with purple faces and black tongues do not deter other English people from taking the jabs.
The mRNA poison might kill English people, but, seemingly, getting dead this way is a less severe type of dead than the dead that results if they get infected with the fictional virus.
This ties in with the old English bit*ch that paid £12million to protect her paedophile son from investigation by US authorities. In the days after the bit*h had paid this, English people went out in their millions into the streets to celebrate her. They had communal meals to honour some milestone the Satan worshipping POS had reached. Later when this vile devil worshipper and paedophile protector died, the English scrubbed the skin from around their eyes wiping away tears for her.
It’s said the Chinese made billions shipping over tissues to the UK. Then , take a look at the disgusting vile inbred creature that now sits on the British throne. An absolute POS. And the English worship him unquestionably. They’d eat his excrement if he presented it to them in a bowl floating on a bed of his urine with a side helping of his wife’s used tampons.
My advice for anyone interested is to avoid England with the same gusto as you’d avoid choosing Iran to hold a homosexual stag party.
Rohingya Muslims are indigenous to the state of Rakhine . The systemic persecution of the coumminty over deacdes from 1960s have led to many changes in the attitudes and the behaviors of the Rohingya .Over last 40 years,the situation has been turned untenable for their survival by the junta and buddha monk.
Roningya reacted only latley by taking up arms to protect themselves from rape,murder,and burning incidents .
Now the situation is different .The coup and the fragmentation of the country along many ethnic lines are inevitable . Today Mynamar’s rebels are acknowledging the pains inflicted on the Rohingya .
Junta is hesitant .Burmese monks are intransigent,racist,fanatic and violent .
But it seems that the country has been hoisted by its own petard.
Buddhism started disappearing from India around 7th AD amd was complete by 10 AD. In Bengal it survived a little longer amkng the ruling class only .
Buddism was Rohingya Muslims are indigenous to the state of Rakhine . The systemic persecution of the coumminty over deacdes from 1960s have led to many changes in the attitudes and the behaviors of the Rohingya .Over last 40 years,the situation has been turned untenable for their survival by the junta and buddha monk.
Roningya reacted only latley by taking up arms to protect themselves from rape,murder,and burning incidents .
Now the situation is different .The coup and the fragmentation of the country along many ethnic lines are inevitable . Today Mynamar’s rebels are acknowledging the pains inflicted on the Rohingya .
Junta is hesitant .Burmese monks are intransigent,racist,fanatic and violent .
But it seems that the country has been hoisted by its own petard.
Buddhism started disappearing from India around 7th AD amd was complete by 10 AD. In Bengal it survived a little longer among the ruling class only .
Buddism was existing only as syncretic Hinduism among lower castes in India when Pathan Turk Central Asian invasion started pounding India .existing only as syncretic Hinduism among lower castes in India when Pathan Turk Central Asian invasion started pounding India .Nepal was Buddist but was forcefully turned into Hindu.
Now Buddha is an avatar or part of gods in Indian system .
Buddha sites in India is owned by Hindu religious bodies and claimed to be built by Hindus
I once got into a spat online with Monbiot over Aung San Suu Kyi. He jumped onto the Suu Kyi hate club blaming her for defending Rule of Law against the Rohingya Muslim lobby pretending the Rohingya were innocent little babes. Monbiot knew nothing about Suu Kyi except it was all the rage for globalists to destroy her character so he got a few seconds in print for writing vomit.
In fact, Rohingya Muslims are Sauid-Pakistani backed jihadi beasts hellbent on killing and disappearing Buddhist, Christians, and Animists, much the same as they did to Buddhists in Bangladesh, which was once a predominant Buddhist country. Not even Bangladesh wants Rohingya back into their homeland because they know there is no such thing as a Rohingya culture. Ask any Muslim in Yangon what they call Rohingya – they call them Bengalis. Myanmar is a better place for having sent them back to where they belong.
But that aside, George Monbiot is a steaming stinking spoiled cunt. He was recently given an Orwell award by they George Orwell Foundation, which itself is Orwellian. George Orwell would have dismissed George Monbiot as a tiny spec of hardened dog shit stuck in a crevice on the soul of his boot just trouble enough to warrant a tap on a rock to knock it loose and dipose of him forever.
Cometh the hour, cometh the cretin. Any brain-dead insect that criticises those with a sane concern over ecological collapse (Moonbat’s one remaining virtue)deserves the fate that awaits it, very soon.
I fondly remember when Moonbat tried to slander the redoubtable Edward Herman over Herman’s as always excellent work refuting the Srebrenica Genocide lies. Herman chewed him up and spat him out.
The Austfailian corpse maggot presstitutes are even worse regarding Assange. A Walkley Award for journalism in 2011, then en masse the vermin turned on him, the she-male feminazi harridans in the lead, replete with slimy slander and contempt. Nothing redounds to Assange’s good repute more than the enmity of these scum.
Whenever It Truly Matters, from Assange to Corbyn, George Monbiot Cripples the Left
Jonathan Cook • October 11, 2022 • 2,600 Words • 5 Comments • Reply
There is no bad apples in the Left or Right, the Alternative Media, Mainstream Media, Journalists. All are, the problem is systemic. If you are not a system whore (including Corbyn) and “made” you are a nobody. All these individuals chose at early age to be integrated into the social slavery that imposes trickle down for submission and following orders. None of these actors is duly vetted by anything of a shadow alternative for society (does not exist, although the times demand it badly).
The article seems to ignore above, and pick a single item out of the bin. Sad, the discussion does not progress. To ignore Montbiot will eat his hat.
About Assange, the approach to his rightful defense, is botched by the same mentality. The one of playing the victim. His defenses should weight in on any single pillar in the systemics of governing and justice instead of playing silly games of toothless solidarity. Yours (the author) and theirs (activists for Assange) approach is simply wrong, gut-less, lacking any courage. Refocus, or play along.
I agree. Voter Democracy is a giant fraud. If we want freedom we must have an autocracy. An autocrat would free Assange in no time.
Why does Cook defend Moonbat for his environmentalism? He is a stupid on this as he is on everything else. Leftards are the problem, thus Cook is a man fighting against himself in a hall of mirrors.
To call Monbiot a “clown” is an insult to clowns. He’s an intelligence asset. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a duck – uh, well, I wonder what it could be – eh?
The idea that the Guardian represents the ‘left’ … suggests to me that J. Cook is some sort of idiot. Or that the ‘left’ is concerned about Assange? The ‘left’ and the ‘right’ would be happy to see Assange burn in hell. ‘Left’ and ‘right’ are both synonyms for ‘the Jews’. Everyone has known this for 50 years …
The Guardian is the public voice of MI6. Monbiot is being paid to recite intelligence agency propaganda. He is not a journalist.
What China has need of is access to the American market The mature economy of America can sell financial services, which provides the basis for an unholy alliance between banks and China. Pessimism about the future is quite in order,
American “public diplomacy” in Russia:
On a personal note, about “Rotarians†(i.e. Sharon Tennison and her folks) visiting Russia. Really – I see no reason for that. Getting a real perspective about present day Russia talking with Gorby (hated by the vast majority of the people of the former USSR) or the crappy liberal Pozner (who never masked his Russophobia and opposition to the “Regimeâ€, no matter that he works for the “state controlled†Channel One). Once again, they plan to visit the “members of civil societyâ€, i.e. the same old 5% consisting of shy and modest members of intelligenzia, urbanites and kreakls. How this will give them an understanding why the Russians keep voting for Putin and EdRo is beyond me. Guess, they are more after seeking someone like them class-wise.
Poland would have an easy time pressuring Germany
We once wuz kangs and will be again!
I think it will be a worldview crashing surprise to a lot of people that in our lifetime China will be very powerful and that the Chinese won’t really need to listen to the rest of the world much if they don’t feel like it.
I think it’s more China hasn’t really listened much to the rest of the world in the past, and that won’t change whatever its position on the world stage. Now, a major war in Europe (i.e. not at the desultory level of the skirmishes in Ukraine) would change that, but a major war anywhere always draws attention.
God forbid.
Kissinger loves China.
Kissinger, whose Institute on China and the United States at the Wilson Center advocates “that a strong relationship between China and the United States is vital to geopolitical security,†has been so steadfast and adamant in his argument for a stronger U.S.-Sino alliance that critics have gone so far as to suggest he register under FARA.
Kissinger, on the other hand, never wavered in his adherence to the bargain he and Nixon had struck with Mao and Zhou En-lai. Indeed, on the question of Taiwan, he sometimes seemed more Catholic than the Pope.
When Mao told the two Americans that China would decide to use force against Taiwan any time within the next hundred years, Kissinger expressed surprise China could wait that long.
Similarly, Kissinger told the Asia Society in 2007 that Taiwan should recognize that “China will not wait forever†for unification. Xi Jinping echoed the warning in 2013 when he said “the Taiwan question cannot be passed from generation to generation.â€
Unlike Nixon, who had made two trips to Taiwan as a private citizen in 1964 and 1967 (both as Chiang Kai-shek’s houseguest), Kissinger has never visited the place that was the centerpiece of U.S.-China negotiations. There is speculation that he has deferred his first visit until the original Nixon-Mao deal is consummated and the flag of the People’s Republic finally flies above Taipei’s presidential palace (where it has never been — so much for reunification).
Over the years, Kissinger has also often blurred the distinction between Washington’s one China policy, which essentially defers to the parties to negotiate a peaceful resolution and Beijing’s one China principle, which says the final outcome is non-negotiable and will be settled by force if necessary.
As keeper of the one China flame, Kissinger has encouraged all successive administrations after Nixon’s, as well as all five of China’s leaders, to adhere to the basic understandings and to do nothing to allow the Taiwan issue to upset U.S.-China relations. @neutral
This will lead to the Americans either flogging Germany back to submission or leaving it to defend itself. Seems like Trump would like either outcome more than the present so he wants to push the issue but his handlers only want the former so they’re trying to hit the brakes.
Kissinger is truly one of the vilest international jews on the planet. The fact that the jews see China as such a big threat to their rule is a good reason to support China.
Kissinger, whose Institute on China and the United States at the Wilson Center advocates “that a strong relationship between China and the United States is vital to geopolitical security,†has been so steadfast and adamant in his argument for a stronger U.S.-Sino alliance that critics have gone so far as to suggest he register under FARA.
Kissinger, on the other hand, never wavered in his adherence to the bargain he and Nixon had struck with Mao and Zhou En-lai. Indeed, on the question of Taiwan, he sometimes seemed more Catholic than the Pope.
When Mao told the two Americans that China would decide to use force against Taiwan any time within the next hundred years, Kissinger expressed surprise China could wait that long.
Similarly, Kissinger told the Asia Society in 2007 that Taiwan should recognize that “China will not wait forever†for unification. Xi Jinping echoed the warning in 2013 when he said “the Taiwan question cannot be passed from generation to generation.â€
Unlike Nixon, who had made two trips to Taiwan as a private citizen in 1964 and 1967 (both as Chiang Kai-shek’s houseguest), Kissinger has never visited the place that was the centerpiece of U.S.-China negotiations. There is speculation that he has deferred his first visit until the original Nixon-Mao deal is consummated and the flag of the People’s Republic finally flies above Taipei’s presidential palace (where it has never been — so much for reunification).
Over the years, Kissinger has also often blurred the distinction between Washington’s one China policy, which essentially defers to the parties to negotiate a peaceful resolution and Beijing’s one China principle, which says the final outcome is non-negotiable and will be settled by force if necessary.
As keeper of the one China flame, Kissinger has encouraged all successive administrations after Nixon’s, as well as all five of China’s leaders, to adhere to the basic understandings and to do nothing to allow the Taiwan issue to upset U.S.-China relations.
This will lead to the Americans either flogging Germany back to submission or leaving it to defend itself. Seems like Trump would like either outcome more than the present so he wants to push the issue but his handlers only want the former so they’re trying to hit the brakes.
Merkel Lauds China’s Market Opening in Trade Rebuff to Trump ……/merkel-lauds-china-s-market-opening-in-rebuff-to-tru…
9 Jul 2018 – German Chancellor Angela Merkel praised China for opening up to foreign investment, drawing a contrast with trade conflicts burdening both …
Germany is selling China capital goods.
Germany and Russia gas links: Trump is not only one to ask questions ……/germany-and-russia-gas-links-trump-questions-europ…
11 Jul 2018 – No country is more angry about the pipeline than Ukraine,
Germany only started to effectively opt out of defence spending and give up even the potential for independent action that nuclear power potentially provides after it had no hostile (nonNato) country on its borders. The implied German argument for keeping things as they are is; they cannot trust themselves not to start another war if they are not kept busy with cheap Russian energy, favourable trade imbalances and deindustialsing fellow EU members. The events of 1939-45 have really paid off for German business.
This will lead to the Americans either flogging Germany back to submission or leaving it to defend itself.
Obviously I want the latter, but a significant change in mentality would be necessary in Germany for that to happen. There are too many Germans who have really internalized the whole post-national narrative and cling to all manner of foolish illusions about our “friends” and “partners”. It would be great if Trump with his brutal manner could contribute to shattering those illusions which have already been damaged to the Euro crisis anyway.
Not buying that narrative.
It would cost France and Poland far more than what they would be able to get from Germany.
But not wrong to call it a commuter school.
That is certainly correct. For many decades GW drew upon a very high quality population base and enjoyed a not inconsiderable reputation. For some mysterious reason which you can no doubt divine, this changed considerably in the post-WWII period.
Yes. If the Americans withdrew from Europe right now and Germany refused to build up a proper military, Poland would have an easy time pressuring Germany into unfavorable deals. France, too. I guess you’ve overdosed on WWII history and you think the war aim would be to annex whole states but the main use of military has always been a tool of pressure.
If Poland can bomb German roads and Germany can’t respond, that’s an advantage in any negotiation. Currently America maintains a monopoly on using military strength as a card in diplomacy and it of course regularly does use it and makes it a point to occasionally wreck some infrastructure in an easy target like Serbia, Syria etc. Most states in the world adapt to American interests rather than risk getting the same treatment.
If the American monopoly crumbled, we’d see European states return to acting the same towards their neighbors, and the Germans would be faced with either accepting permanent weakness in any negotiation or rearming. The present situation is unsustainable as a unified Germany as a core part of the EU has much more potential than rump Germany in Europe of Cold War division did and it has started to challenge US interests.
This will lead to the Americans either flogging Germany back to submission or leaving it to defend itself. Seems like Trump would like either outcome more than the present so he wants to push the issue but his handlers only want the former so they’re trying to hit the brakes.
Obviously I want the latter, but a significant change in mentality would be necessary in Germany for that to happen. There are too many Germans who have really internalized the whole post-national narrative and cling to all manner of foolish illusions about our "friends" and "partners". It would be great if Trump with his brutal manner could contribute to shattering those illusions which have already been damaged to the Euro crisis anyway.
This will lead to the Americans either flogging Germany back to submission or leaving it to defend itself.
Germany is selling China capital goods.
Merkel Lauds China's Market Opening in Trade Rebuff to Trump ...
9 Jul 2018 - German Chancellor Angela Merkel praised China for opening up to foreign investment, drawing a contrast with trade conflicts burdening both ...
Germany only started to effectively opt out of defence spending and give up even the potential for independent action that nuclear power potentially provides after it had no hostile (nonNato) country on its borders. The implied German argument for keeping things as they are is; they cannot trust themselves not to start another war if they are not kept busy with cheap Russian energy, favourable trade imbalances and deindustialsing fellow EU members. The events of 1939-45 have really paid off for German business.
Germany and Russia gas links: Trump is not only one to ask questions ...
11 Jul 2018 - No country is more angry about the pipeline than Ukraine,
� @neutral
This will lead to the Americans either flogging Germany back to submission or leaving it to defend itself. Seems like Trump would like either outcome more than the present so he wants to push the issue but his handlers only want the former so they’re trying to hit the brakes.
The vast majority of money is created by the private sector, especially now that it has been four years since Quantitative Easing ended and the FED is actively (if slowly) unwinding its balance sheet.
China creates far more money than America does (as it should, since a fast-growing economy it has more need of credit).
The banks haven’t been sick for years.
Stop listening to libertarians and doomerists.
Replies: @Thorfinnsson
Many of the Colleges of the George Washington University stand out for their age and history. The Law School is the oldest law school in the District of Columbia.[27] The School of Medicine and Health Sciences is the 11th oldest medical school in the nation.[28] The Columbian College was founded in 1821, and is the oldest unit of the university. The Elliott School of International Affairs was formalized in 1898.[29]
The majority of the present infrastructure and financial stability at GW is due to the tenures of GW Presidents Cloyd Heck Marvin, Lloyd Hartman Elliott and Stephen Joel Trachtenberg. In the 1930s, the university was a major center for theoretical physics. The cosmologist George Gamow produced critical work on the Big Bang theory at GW in the 1930s and 1940s. In one of the most important moments in the 20th century, Niels Bohr announced that Otto Hahn had successfully split the atom on January 26, 1939, at the Fifth Washington Conference on theoretical physics in the Hall of Government.
I was wrong to call it a community college.
But not wrong to call it a commuter school.
This article also illustrates many perversions of the American higher “education” system.
What is Germany being protected from? Poland?
Pointing fingers at China is childish when one prints money like there is no tomorrow to keep the sick banks afloat, the trade imbalances going and the state buying the only toys that america is still good at exporting (though the F-35 seems to indicate that that’s going to end soonish)
Throughout his business career Trump was notorious for saying that he was walking away from the whole thing unless his end was more that the agreed terms of the contract entitled him to . He breaks his own personal word so don’t expect him to be bound by agreements he did not negotiate himself. Trump is the ideal man to tell the Germans their racket in which the US pays for the privilege of defending Germany while it runs massive trade imbalances with the rest of the Western world and backs incompetent French banks is not worth keeping.
“America’s problem is China using the dollar system to hollow out the American economy with a 500 billion trade deficit.”
“… the dollar system is sound only as long as it is backed by the most powerful economy in the world.”
Wrong or oversimplified on many levels.
The dollar system is sound as long as it is backed by the most powerful manufacturing in the world.
Short of having large and diverse enough manufacturing in one single country, like USA circa WWII, it can be sustained only by a series of alliances whose maintenance increasingly relies on political and military means.
China is not the only country that is hollowing the American economy, its manufacturing more specifically. That is true also for Japan, Korea or EU.
The paradox is that if USA “loses its manufacturing base” in those countries, it’s also gone and gone fast.
It is actually a lot worse. US sanctions are basically a statement that Russians are not allowed to play with the American issued marbles. Well, good, that worked when those marbles were highly unique and desirable, and there was a certain scarcity of them. That is not the case today.
...discouraging capital flight
Russia is only relevant in immediate military terms. America’s problem is China using the dollar system to hollow out the American economy with a 500 billion trade deficit. Some Americans benefit from that and their tame economists suggest it can go on indefinitely, but the dollar system is sound only as long as it is backed by the most powerful economy in the world. If China is allowed to continue it will take America’s place.
The news is everywhere in the Chinese media. All you need to do is google or baidu Trump and Putin Chinese name. Just because some Chinese tourists didn’t pay attention to it doesn’t mean it wasn’t reported in the news or discussed in political talk shows.
…discouraging capital flight
It is actually a lot worse. US sanctions are basically a statement that Russians are not allowed to play with the American issued marbles. Well, good, that worked when those marbles were highly unique and desirable, and there was a certain scarcity of them. That is not the case today.
Today dollars are neither a sanctified currency nor particularly scarce. US strategic interest should be to make sure that dollars are used as much as possible and that there is an aura of reliability attached to them. Sanctions work against both those goals. I think Trump understands that, so does his Treasury Sec, they are traders and they know that one doesn’t f..k with a currency, it can never work.
Trump went to Helsinki to start getting Russia back into the dollar system. It seems he got something like a cold shower from Putin and left the meeting really shaken. We saw it in the the teleconference. Then he flew back to DC and almost immediately offered a second meeting, and that shows panic. They are not negotiating, US is pleading to get Russia (and by extension China) back into the dollar reserve currency system. That’s what Trump means by stating that Bush-Obama had a really stupid policy. They did, they killed the golden goose that kept US richer than its economy justifies. It might be too late.
George Washington University (former commuter community college turned ripoff four year university)
That’s news to me — I was born in George Washington University Hospital, and it seems to me that not too many commuter community colleges had hospitals in those days (particularly hospitals which were founded in 1824).
Wiki confirms:
Many of the Colleges of the George Washington University stand out for their age and history. The Law School is the oldest law school in the District of Columbia.[27] The School of Medicine and Health Sciences is the 11th oldest medical school in the nation.[28] The Columbian College was founded in 1821, and is the oldest unit of the university. The Elliott School of International Affairs was formalized in 1898.[29]
The majority of the present infrastructure and financial stability at GW is due to the tenures of GW Presidents Cloyd Heck Marvin, Lloyd Hartman Elliott and Stephen Joel Trachtenberg. In the 1930s, the university was a major center for theoretical physics. The cosmologist George Gamow produced critical work on the Big Bang theory at GW in the 1930s and 1940s. In one of the most important moments in the 20th century, Niels Bohr announced that Otto Hahn had successfully split the atom on January 26, 1939, at the Fifth Washington Conference on theoretical physics in the Hall of Government.
That's wonderful to hear, so when will the sanctions begin to drop? When will anything even be said about letting the sanctions lapse? Actions speak louder than words and all that.
On China, Trump is the invisible hand of the electorate’s collective wisdom tapping the foreign policy and economic establishments on the shoulder and telling them that Russia is not the threat they need to worry about.
Would a cooperative China to USG policy be of any benefit to Russia?Replies: @Sean
The Chinese are probably not as cooperative as Japanese and unlike Japan, China does have to spend real money on defence, but it is is ten times larger than Japan.
The sanctions are at worst a nuisance to Russia, although not without certain benefits such as discouraging capital flight. If Putin is trying to avoid continuation of the sanctions or imposition of new ones he has a very strange way of showing it. He is not bothered so I would not be.
What the US does about Russia by way of restricting trade between the two counties is largely irrelevant to US-Russia relations. America’s attitude toward China is the primary determinate of US relations with Russia.
It is actually a lot worse. US sanctions are basically a statement that Russians are not allowed to play with the American issued marbles. Well, good, that worked when those marbles were highly unique and desirable, and there was a certain scarcity of them. That is not the case today.
...discouraging capital flight
Big mistake, always keep those closest to the seat of power happy. They might be wimps and dweebs, but they are right there, next to the White House, walking the streets of the capitol city. Given the known lower class demographic of DC, an additional pissed-off white collar mob is destabilizing. With Trump it is obvious, but this will hit all leaders from now on - they will have to mollify the DC dwellers and that says that more sh.t is coming. Trump should move the capitol to West Virginia or Kansas...Replies: @Hyperborean, @iffen
...“Journalists†of course are even more broke and are nothing more than innumerate communist agitators.
Trump should move the capitol to West Virginia or Kansas…
Interesting constitutional question.
Big mistake, always keep those closest to the seat of power happy. They might be wimps and dweebs, but they are right there, next to the White House, walking the streets of the capitol city. Given the known lower class demographic of DC, an additional pissed-off white collar mob is destabilizing. With Trump it is obvious, but this will hit all leaders from now on - they will have to mollify the DC dwellers and that says that more sh.t is coming. Trump should move the capitol to West Virginia or Kansas...Replies: @Hyperborean, @iffen
...“Journalists†of course are even more broke and are nothing more than innumerate communist agitators.
Trump should move the capitol to West Virginia or Kansas…
Saint Louis would be an excellent capital; central location of the country, major port city with easy navigation on the Mississippi – plus it looks better on a map.
Yes, there is East Saint Louis, but I am sure Cali or NYC hipsters can always use more ethnic authenticity in their lives…
Alternatively, copy one of the few good things South Africa has left and put the executive, judicial and legislative headquarters in different cities.
…“Journalists†of course are even more broke and are nothing more than innumerate communist agitators.
Big mistake, always keep those closest to the seat of power happy. They might be wimps and dweebs, but they are right there, next to the White House, walking the streets of the capitol city. Given the known lower class demographic of DC, an additional pissed-off white collar mob is destabilizing. With Trump it is obvious, but this will hit all leaders from now on – they will have to mollify the DC dwellers and that says that more sh.t is coming. Trump should move the capitol to West Virginia or Kansas…
Saint Louis would be an excellent capital; central location of the country, major port city with easy navigation on the Mississippi - plus it looks better on a map.
Trump should move the capitol to West Virginia or Kansas…
hopefully Russia will escalate with symmetrical arrests of (actual) American agents.
You need to denounce and disavow that post dissing the Great Patriotic War remembrances (just in case).
On China, Trump is the invisible hand of the electorate’s collective wisdom tapping the foreign policy and economic establishments on the shoulder and telling them that Russia is not the threat they need to worry about.
That’s wonderful to hear, so when will the sanctions begin to drop? When will anything even be said about letting the sanctions lapse? Actions speak louder than words and all that.
The Chinese are probably not as cooperative as Japanese and unlike Japan, China does have to spend real money on defence, but it is is ten times larger than Japan.
Would a cooperative China to USG policy be of any benefit to Russia?
Well, that's a small relief. But if DC has attracted the 'so-called intelligence', and this is it, there is an obvious problem...Replies: @Thorfinnsson
...DC aka “Hollywood for ugly peopleâ€
If you were a talented and ambitious young man, would you want to pursue a career track like this?
I certainly wouldn’t.
The federal government is full of losers who got scammed by George Washington University (former commuter community college turned ripoff four year university) and think they’re action heroes on House of Cards.
There is real money to be made outside of civil service of course, so not everyone in DC is a schmuck. Take the unfortunate Paul Manafort for instance. Usual path here is to get on the staff of a powerful legislator, and then branch out into lobbying, consulting, or contracting. Or run for office yourself.
Back in the day old money WASPs filled the federal offices (which were limited in number compared to today), so there was real talent. That’s all gone. Just a bunch of dull bureaucrats who wouldn’t be out of place in 1980 Moscow.
“Journalists” of course are even more broke and are nothing more than innumerate communist agitators.
Big mistake, always keep those closest to the seat of power happy. They might be wimps and dweebs, but they are right there, next to the White House, walking the streets of the capitol city. Given the known lower class demographic of DC, an additional pissed-off white collar mob is destabilizing. With Trump it is obvious, but this will hit all leaders from now on - they will have to mollify the DC dwellers and that says that more sh.t is coming. Trump should move the capitol to West Virginia or Kansas...Replies: @Hyperborean, @iffen
...“Journalists†of course are even more broke and are nothing more than innumerate communist agitators.
Replies: @Thorfinnsson
Many of the Colleges of the George Washington University stand out for their age and history. The Law School is the oldest law school in the District of Columbia.[27] The School of Medicine and Health Sciences is the 11th oldest medical school in the nation.[28] The Columbian College was founded in 1821, and is the oldest unit of the university. The Elliott School of International Affairs was formalized in 1898.[29]
The majority of the present infrastructure and financial stability at GW is due to the tenures of GW Presidents Cloyd Heck Marvin, Lloyd Hartman Elliott and Stephen Joel Trachtenberg. In the 1930s, the university was a major center for theoretical physics. The cosmologist George Gamow produced critical work on the Big Bang theory at GW in the 1930s and 1940s. In one of the most important moments in the 20th century, Niels Bohr announced that Otto Hahn had successfully split the atom on January 26, 1939, at the Fifth Washington Conference on theoretical physics in the Hall of Government.