Sadly true.
There will be a rerun of the second Boer war.
Only more openly vicious.
So many comments here us that talisman word – Apartheid – bandied about just like Democracy.
If only those who use it would do a little homework they would understand history a lot differently.
Apartheid means complete separate development – it was NEVER properly implemented and therefor never really existed. What existed was a half-baked bastardized version of it, due to the usual greed of using the cheap labor of blacks in white areas. Orania is a working example of real apartheid.
BTW, real Democracy as practiced by the ancient Greeks also does not exist anywhere today. Only majority rule, another bastard.
My red pill moment – spending the first 39 years of my life in South Africa. Do I need to elaborate further?
There will always be racial tensions between certain races no matter how hard you try to truly connect, its hard wired into all of us. The only and obvious solution is to live apart – like most of the world has since the beginning of time. You want to experience other races and cultures, good thing, that’s what tourism is for.
I notice the percentage of blacks remaining steady and the percentage of Mexicans is exploding. While in no way ideal, it’s worse news for blacks than for me.
We’re in Southern AZ and vacation in Mexico. Often the other guests will be all Mexican and what happens is a normal vacation experience. I’ve never been to an all-black resort, but I’m sure it would be more eventful than I care to deal with.
I believe that your whites and browns at least have a common frame of reference to coexist that’s missing with the du’s and that might affect how things play out
I’m trying to imagine a ‘black contractor’ I guess he’d have a crew of ‘black tradesmen’ and they would all come to my house and remodel the kitchen. They could tape it and show it on HGTV
I am fully supportive of the Volkstaat. It’s sad it’s come to this when the Boers built South Africa, but the rest of the nation is a lost cause. The ideal solution would be the restoration of the Bantustans, but that doesn’t seem feasible any more.
“Gap Theory” is a whole new level of finance/economics insight you exclusively are delivering because the John 8:44 children of the devil in their relentless deception have obscured this beneficial knowledge from us.
We really need a trivium style college of economics, where history can be debated and re-written.
Here you begin that process of bringing sophisticated and thus intentionally obscured truth to light:
Major Clifford Hughes Douglas gets little mention.
Gap theory is advanced economics, and Douglas proved it beyond question.
Gap theory was used accidentally by NSDAP economist Fritz Reinhardt. Douglas was actually sending letters to Hitler, explaining how Hitler can save the world. Reinhardt may actually have learned to inject debt free money into families as required by Douglas gap theory.
(It is good economics to support family formation, while simultaneously dealing with the gap problem. NSDAP Germany got it right.)
Once again, we find the ultimate expression of advanced economics in NSDAP Germany, and all of the above writers are silent on the subject.
I’m going to go with the “Third Rail†theory, where the Jew cannot be named, and to do so, is a career (stopper) or possible death sentence.
Douglas named the Jew, and he has been wiped from history, although I would rank him among the greatest economists who ever lived. Reinhardt, another great one – wiped from history.
Truly we are at the point where speaking accurately and concisely of Jew power, Jew financial predation, Jew contamination of cultural habitat is as dangerous as it was for God Incarnate Jesus and his disciples who were martyred.
Please expound on the mechanics/specifics of Gap Theory and the “gap problem” to further edify.
You have educated us here and convinced overwhelmingly that “Industrial Capitalism” which originated as “the American System” founded on the previously proven sound concept of sovereign money is the optimal financial/economic system for the benefit of society, the people, the nation, while “Finance Capitalism” is exploitive of society, the people, the nation because it is the system of predat0ry Jew usury.
These are key insights you express on that while discussing contemporary authors:
Sovereign money, and releasing debts annually is the most advanced money system. The closest approximation to that was King Edward’s Talley stick system in the upper middle ages.
…the American System of Economy’s ultimate expression is fascism, … there is no question about it, that the advanced fascist economies were using American System methods, that had since been refined.
If you overlay the debt cycle onto the American economy, the debt cycle exactly corresponds to women entering the workforce as new debtors. New debts pay off old debts.
The “malthusians†are really usurers, who work out scams in order to be paid, society be damned.
…name the Jew, who in turn is an agent for usury.…think about society as an integrated hierarchy and organism…. The last time that occurred in history was NSDAP in Germany.
Economics is really political economy, and male/female and formation of family are part of economy. The family unit is the cornerstone of any civilization, and if you are an economist, and ignore this, you are remiss in your duty.
Maslow’s elucidation of the things that govern human needs was brilliant and can be studied by people everywhere who are concerned about understanding human motivations.
Because of the insane blm, white fragility bs along with cancel and me2, white professionals are just opting out and avoiding women and poc. No more will we work closely or get close relation ships when one misunderstood word or statement can be used to blackmail or fire you. I just avoid any interactions if possible and Never 1 on 1 or closed door. I will Never coach or help another employee or take on another trainee. Interactions are just not worth it. Same in public, unapproachable is the new standard, less marriages, less Interaction, less understanding, that will work wonders!
Why did you not point out the black vote percentage for Obama north of 95%? Same will happen with us all when everyone is sensitized, the clear result.
They developed nukes because of threats of military intervention by USA and UK ,not USSR .
You don’t need nukes against guerillas .
Perhaps, but it is still no badge of honor to be the superior criminal.
It might be of interest that the island of Albion was used by the Continentals much like the USA and Australia was used later. A place to send your criminals and delinquents. So we could say Britain, much like the Jews, is a State founded by mostly criminal elements.
To find a truly peaceful state it seems we must go back to the Germanic Hollanders in the time of Tacitus. Who said of them, they were the best and strongest people in all of Germany, but they did not take slaves and they did not attack anyone unless provoked. I believe the Holy Charlemagne put an end to that effrontery.
1 side of my family is from the Deep South….the others are Yankee and western transplants.
Anyway in the 70s & 80s there literally were tens of thousands of jobs down here in the various plants, chemical refineries, shipyards(where my dad & grandfather worked) and seafood processing factories….
In the early 2000s, after ten years of massive plant and shipyard closures…..the latinos flooded in….first a trickle and then the floodgates blew open. After Katrina they took over what construction and labor work was left by underbidding everybody else.
Anyway my grandparents old neighbourhood went from full blue collar white to mixed to 80% black today…..i moved out 3 yrs ago but my point is…..if you think you can create a whites only state inside a black nation and continent that eventually will snipe and scratch til there is no more border…..and will blame you for all their problems whether right or wrong….
My point… may take 40 odd yrs for your industry to vanish……but it will vanish…..and eventuslly the Africans will come to take what they see as theirs……
The reason for this is because a lot consume the US propaganda (both entertainment and corporate news media). So despite the reality of living with a large black population, they will still end up supporting BLM, white privilege, and other such stuff.Replies: @AnalogMan
I have spent a lot of time in SA and it beggars belief that the country’s Whites can remain so gullible.
Very true, but only part of the story. The Afrikaners were religious Calvinists; they had three racially segregated versions of the Dutch Reformed Church. Then one of their Coloured co-religionists (can’t think of his name) became head of the World Council of Churches, which started a campaign to convince them that Apartheid was a sin!
This was so effective, especially among the church “tannies” (aunties), that it turned their brains to mush. These are the people who, even today, insist that we can still “make it work”. When I finally left SA, the wife of a former colleague asked me why. I explained that SA was finished. Doesn’t exist any more. Her response?
“Well, if you’re so negative, then maybe you should just leave.”
So I did.
Savant is right. The level of delusion is incredible. Mostly because they can’t change it, and they can’t escape it, so they make a virtue of necessity.
(Hi, Sav. Have you cleaned up your comments section yet?)
Prior to the release of Mandela from prison there was a referendum in which whites were asked whether they wanted to share power with he blacks, yes or no.
I beg to differ. That’s not what I voted for. The referendum was about whether there should be negotiations with the terrorists. The promise was that any negotiated settlement would be presented to the voters in a separate referendum. That promise was a lie.
The whole bone of contention was the policy of Apartheid. This policy envisioned the Balkanization of the country, with each national group getting its own independent homeland. The way it was being implemented obviously favoured the Whites. The Communists rejected the whole concept, and wanted to take over the whole pot as a unitary state. I didn’t much care what they did with the rest of the country, as long as we kept a piece for ourselves.
The Western Cape would have been the ideal place for a White homeland; the first European settlement, at a time when the nearest Babuntu was hundreds of miles away in the Eastern Cape.
We got nothing. That bastard De Klerk gave away the whole farm.
Even Singapore would have been a better model.
South Africans did not need the example of Rhodesia. They had seen many examples, from Ghana in 1958, through Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, the entire African continent, one by one they went the same way. We tried to tell you, but you wouldn’t listen.
South Africa was betrayed by its politicians. I knew it was just a matter of time when they betrayed Rhodesia. They were not going to fight for us. First time I was ashamed of my country.
De Klerk’s wife was throat slashed and murdered in her own apartment. So he got retribution for his sell out.
You must be joking!
As part of De Klerk’s payoff for betraying his country, he got a nice new Greek mistress, divorced his wife and buggered off to Greece with his new squeeze. The murder of his ex-wife was probably just a bonus.
You should absolutely write about your experiences at that school. American Renaissance regularly publishes stories from whites who attended or taught at majority-minority schools. If you’re interested in, please email me: [email�protected]
Hi Omegabooks,
This is Chris Roberts with American Renaissance. I’d love for your to write about your awakening out in West Texas. AmRen regularly publishes stories like that, and your sounds interesting. Please email me: [email�protected] Thanks! – Chris
Dear Mr. Frivilous,
I’d love for you to write about your experiences with petty crime at the hands of blacks and immigrants. American Renaissance is interested in published exactly that kind of story. Please email me at: [email�protected] Thanks – Chris
You said as many White women voted for Biden as Trump. That is false. You have to understand, I have been going rounds with misogynists in these parts for years, and I have learned from bitter experience that they are some of the most exasperating and dishonest sophists I have ever encountered. They will continue to make the same arguments over and over and over again, even after being confronted with clear evidence that they are wrong.If I have unfairly tarred you with that brush, my apologies.
what lie?
I don't know why you would be surprised by this. Women are more group-oriented than men. Racial solidarity and patriotism are feelings. They are emotions that are not always rational. Contra the tendency in the dissident right to claim that nationalism is rational and globalism is emotional, the truth is that a sentimental attachment to people, place, and culture is the beating heart of nationalism. Unsentimental, bottom-line thinking is every bit as corrosive to the nation-state as pathological altruism. Consider: does something that catastrophically stupid happen to a superpower? Bottom-line thinking.As for your last two questions, there again the facts are complicated. According to polls, women are as likely to support White racialist policies as men, but they are not as likely to vote for nationalist politicians and parties.The reason appears to be that women are particularly sensitive to feeling that they are out of the mainstream, and will reject parties that they believe to be fringe. Of course, the media manipulate this to their advantage, rather like they manipulate men in various ways I won't go into unless you ask.The bottom line is that women's votes tend to express their patriotic nature best when they feel they are within the mainstream. Hence, the willingness of many White women to support Orange Hitler in spite of the media's relentless demonization of him. They knew they weren't alone, that many other decent people share their reservations about globalism but are intimidated into silence. exact same thing happened with the Brexit vote. To give women a yes/no choice is to implicitly give them moral permission to say no to globalism. Of course, younger women, recently graduated from university, were much less likely to vote for Brexit, but that isn't because they're not nationalist by nature, but rather because of the intense moral shaming they experienced in higher ed. That brainwashing wears off over time, but it doesn't happen overnight. There was no gender gap in the 35+ age groups. can tell you that it was very difficult for me to accept the truth about race, and harder still, the JQ. The pangs of guilt and shame were real and very painful. Gut women are not the problem. Hostile elite control of higher education is the problem.
But that is contrary to everything I’ve ever glimmered, living on this rock for nearly six decades.Are white women more inclined to support white racialist politics- than white men?Do they vote for (how did you put it?) ‘nativist’ politicians and policies more than white men do?
OK, but do you have any evidence that White women have made such a bargain? Do White women actually support gender-based AA more than race-based AA? The fact that they are more likely to vote for Democrats certainly doesn't prove that. With only two parties to choose from, people have to compromise. Even plenty of men (my own father!) vote Democrat because they are concerned about SS and Medicare. He's certainly not in favor of discrimination against himself!For what it's worth, I happen to think that gender-based AA is more justifiable than race-based AA. Suppose a woman takes time off to have kids. She's not going to have as much experience as a man who didn't. Should that be held against her? Does the process of raising children not entail growth in it's own right? If an employer chooses to ignore that gap, is that "affirmative action"? I don't know the answer to that, but I think reasonable people can disagree on the question.In any event, I'm sorry about the wordiness of this reply, and I likewise wish you a Happy New Year.Replies: @Rurik
not quitethey get gender affirmative action, because they made a devil’s bargain with Jewish supremacy, to go along with racial affirmative action- so long as they too can get their unearned benefits from the bargain too.
unfairly tarred you with that brush
Thanks, accepted.
How does something that catastrophically stupid happen to a superpower? Bottom-line thinking.
That’s definitely part of it.
Hence, the willingness of many White women to support Orange Hitler in spite of the media’s relentless demonization of him.
‘Orange Hitler’?
Did he seem like a ‘Hitler’ to you?
I can tell you that it was very difficult for me to accept the truth about race, and harder still, the JQ. The pangs of guilt and shame were real and very painful.
that sounded sincere and heartfelt. If you’ve had the courage to undo your ((programming)), then that is more than most men can muster.
For what it’s worth, I happen to think that gender-based AA is more justifiable than race-based AA.
“More” ? !
Suppose a woman takes time off to have kids. She’s not going to have as much experience as a man who didn’t. Should that be held against her? Does the process of raising children not entail growth in it’s own right? If an employer chooses to ignore that gap, is that “affirmative action� I don’t know the answer to that, but I think reasonable people can disagree on the question.
In a sane society, women shouldn’t have to work. A man should provide for her and their offspring, with a safety net provided by the state. Provided she’s raising children who represent the heritage of the nation.
No one should be taxed to fund raising children who will one day be enemies of the nation. Witness what’s going on today in the ZUSA. Our demographic shift has resulted in a government that is overtly hostile to the founding stock of this dying ((murdered)) nation.
There was some talk of National Socialism on this thread, and some of its more virtuous tenets. I liked their policy of Lebensborn, So I’d be the ultimate supporter for that kind of Affirmative Action.
But again, this is all academic, because now it’s ‘all she wrote’, and the ZUS is going down hard.
I hope you and the rest of the good people here all have a plan, because it looks like ‘wokeness’ ((anti-White hatred on acid)) is here with a vengeance.
God bless
Yeah, but didn’t most nations tend to abuse and take from other peoples if they had the power and the shrewdness / strategy to do so effectively? Brits were just really good at it.
I mean, who would trust the English…anywhere? They backstabbed their way into an empire, stealing anything from whites they couldn’t take from natives. The history of the British Empire is one of the most horrendous studies of duplicitous statecraft, proxy war engagement and good old fashioned massacres for convenience.
I’m of the opinion that the British should be forced to pay indemnities to all of their former vassals to the point that England would never be a viable, first world nation again. There’s just such evil to the English that I’m no longer surprised when I read a story that goes like, “so here’s how the British fucked over this group of people.”
Yes, Australia, where police drag white people out of their cars and beat and terrorize them for “violating lockdown.†Sounds great.
Classic understatement, understatement being a classic trait of gentlemen with true class.
I expose the money mechanics on a intermittent basis here at UNZ.
published yesterday citing as authority with approval this:
the former being an extremely sophisticated example of how those whom you call our "(((friends)))" are to quote the Stones "practiced at the art of deception...(can) tell by (t)he(i)r blood-stained hands" doing controlled opposition and bringing diversionary controversies on the flank to distract from real issues and the truth.
is a source familiar to you and most importantly your take on all of this.
Ehret, Brown and Hudson also fail on gap theory.
We really need a trivium style college of economics, where history can be debated and re-written.
All of the pieces actually fit together into a coherent whole, but if you read any one of the writers above, you can miss important pieces.
That doesn’t mean they are controlled opposition… it just means they are not complete.
For example, Major Clifford Hughes Douglas gets little mention.
Gap theory is advanced economics, and Douglas proved it beyond question. Yet? Where is Hudson on gap theory? Brown? Ehret?
Gap theory was used accidentally by NSDAP economist Fritz Reinhardt. Douglas was actually sending letters to Hitler, explaining how Hitler can save the world. Reinhardt may actually have learned to inject debt free money into families as required by Douglas gap theory.
(It is good economics to support family formation, while simultaneously dealing with the gap problem. NSDAP Germany got it right.)
Once again, we find the ultimate expression of advanced economics in NSDAP Germany, and all of the above writers are silent on the subject.
I’m going to go with the “Third Rail” theory, where the Jew cannot be named, and to do so, is a career or possible death sentence.
Douglas named the Jew, and he has been wiped from history, although I would rank him among the greatest economists who ever lived. Reinhardt, another great one – wiped from history.
Here you begin that process of bringing sophisticated and thus intentionally obscured truth to light:
We really need a trivium style college of economics, where history can be debated and re-written.
Major Clifford Hughes Douglas gets little mention.
Gap theory is advanced economics, and Douglas proved it beyond question.
Truly we are at the point where speaking accurately and concisely of Jew power, Jew financial predation, Jew contamination of cultural habitat is as dangerous as it was for God Incarnate Jesus and his disciples who were martyred.
Gap theory was used accidentally by NSDAP economist Fritz Reinhardt. Douglas was actually sending letters to Hitler, explaining how Hitler can save the world. Reinhardt may actually have learned to inject debt free money into families as required by Douglas gap theory.
(It is good economics to support family formation, while simultaneously dealing with the gap problem. NSDAP Germany got it right.)
Once again, we find the ultimate expression of advanced economics in NSDAP Germany, and all of the above writers are silent on the subject.
I’m going to go with the “Third Rail†theory, where the Jew cannot be named, and to do so, is a career (stopper) or possible death sentence.
Douglas named the Jew, and he has been wiped from history, although I would rank him among the greatest economists who ever lived. Reinhardt, another great one – wiped from history.
Edit- From ‘all’ to “Most of these are higher”- early Yankees exempt.
You are also lectured on “whether you knew” Obama “funded” ISIS and Al Queda, as if bitter-boer is such an expert now on the Middle East. No credible source is given for this claim, but it would be nothing unusual to fund one faction to fight against another faction. The CIA has done it for decades, and white Ronald Reagan funded violent Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan, and funded right-wing terrorists in South America. White Reagan also transferred advanced arms technology to China during his administration.
So bitter-boer’s “oh those evil bleks” snarling is once against exposed as selective. If its white people doing the same thing then he remains silent.
Classic understatement, understatement being a classic trait of gentlemen with true class.
I expose the money mechanics on a intermittent basis here at UNZ.
published yesterday citing as authority with approval this:
the former being an extremely sophisticated example of how those whom you call our "(((friends)))" are to quote the Stones "practiced at the art of deception...(can) tell by (t)he(i)r blood-stained hands" doing controlled opposition and bringing diversionary controversies on the flank to distract from real issues and the truth.
is a source familiar to you and most importantly your take on all of this.
Both Matthew and Ellen are doing good work.
I have challenged both of them, and Ellen even corrected me once in an email, and she was right.
If you read Matthew Ehret, just remember that he gets most of his information from LaRouche Pac., and that group is curiously silent about the Jew, and machinations before Bank of England formation in 1694.
For example, Ehret thinks that the Bank of Amsterdam was a Venetian conspiracy. But, it was not a bank of issue (it only intermediated existing money), and instead came into being as a response to predatory Jewish stock market capital, and money changers in the stock exchange.
Ellen is fairly accurate, and Hudson has said this, to paraphrase, “She is for state banking because it is the most likely public option that can be passed, and she is probably right.”
In other words, state banks are not the ideal solution to the money power problem, but Ellen’s approach is the practical one. Sovereign money, and releasing debts annually is the most advanced money system. The closest approximation to that was King Edward’s Talley stick system in the upper middle ages. Funny how both Hudson and LaRouche people ignore this example in history.
They are not controlled opposition. History is something that is agreed upon by observing the facts.
Some people have real problems when you challenge what they think they know, because the challenge will un-moor them.
Hudson ignores Bolsheviks, because it is too close to home (his Dad was a Trotskyite), and Hudson inherited Trotsky’s manuscripts. Ellen pushes state banks, as they are low hanging fruit, even if non ideal.
Ehret fails also: The concept that the American System of Economy’s ultimate expression is fascism, is something that LaRouche head would explode over. Yet, there is no question about it, that the advanced fascist economies were using American System methods, that had since been refined.
It would be easy if you could have one source where the truth was honed down to a diamond by unrestrained debate, but we don’t have that.
I get it that you worry about hidden agendas, because that is operative today.
If you overlay the debt cycle onto the American economy, the debt cycle exactly corresponds to women entering the workforce as new debtors. New debts pay off old debts.
The “malthusians” are really usurers, who work out scams in order to be paid, society be damned.
So, Ehret is not wrong on the big picture, but he does get confused about details, and he will never name the Jew, who in turn is an agent for usury.
Nowhere does the economy of Ellen Brown, Matthew Ehret, or even Hudson think about society as an integrated hierarchy and organism. OK, Hudson does think that way. He gets a pass. The last time that occurred in history was NSDAP in Germany.
Economics is really political economy, and male/female and formation of family are part of economy. The family unit is the cornerstone of any civilization, and if you are an economist, and ignore this, you are remiss in your duty.
Sovereign money, and releasing debts annually is the most advanced money system. The closest approximation to that was King Edward’s Talley stick system in the upper middle ages.
...the American System of Economy’s ultimate expression is fascism, ... there is no question about it, that the advanced fascist economies were using American System methods, that had since been refined.
If you overlay the debt cycle onto the American economy, the debt cycle exactly corresponds to women entering the workforce as new debtors. New debts pay off old debts.
The “malthusians†are really usurers, who work out scams in order to be paid, society be damned. the Jew, who in turn is an agent for usury.
...think about society as an integrated hierarchy and organism.... The last time that occurred in history was NSDAP in Germany.
Economics is really political economy, and male/female and formation of family are part of economy. The family unit is the cornerstone of any civilization, and if you are an economist, and ignore this, you are remiss in your duty.
This bitter boy Wyatt must have some sort of obsession complex. Maybe the black kids kicked his ragged butt when he was going to skool, so he is now this big blowhard expert on the blacks. Let’s look at some more pronouncements of the pathetic poltroon:
He blathers about “everyone else gets along, except for you know, those eeeevill blacks. Cue ominous musics.. but back in the REAL world, credible conservative historians (Sowell 1981, 2005, Barone 2001) show that assault, murder, riot, incarceration, etc etc was heavily a white Irish specialty for decades in the US. Even Italians at one time posted higher murder rates than the blacks..
Our bitter-boy “race expert†then adds the next statement to his already overflowing crock of feces. He says:
“There are people in America today who came fresh off the boat from Vietnam not even speaking English and within 50 years, they’re doing better than blacks who’ve been here and able to generate wealth and knowledge for centuries.â€
But on another thread he was on there whining about Asian immigrants who were taking away American jobs. And what he fails to realize about Vietnamese immigrants are that most were not “fresh off the boat†non English-speakers. Most did indeed speak English and most came by air, not “boat.â€
As for Vietnamese doing better than blacks, sure, but they have almost caught up with whites in the very short 50-year time span as far as income, even though according to blowhard, they supposedly are “fresh off the boat.†Using the blowhard’s reasoning, this means they are “better†than whites who have been in place for centuries, to reach such heights in such a short time. And indeed Asian median household income at %87, 243 exceeds white income at $67,937, an approximate 22% Asian advantage . Using the dummy’s “comparative†approach, this means Asians are “better” than white people. (US Census 2017).
The dullard then talks about how he can go to town and speaka da “broken†Spanish and have a “makeshift†crew in about 15 minutes. Well whoop-dee-dee! Using his “bro gringo†approach, this means Mexicans are better than white people, because they will sign on to work his BS low-paying projects Oh joy, muchacho…
I notice you defend the police, but attack teachers. That is the usual approach. Men who go along with the anti-White system in order to keep their jobs get a pass, but not women. Let's call it the pr!ck pass, lol.Replies: @John Johnson, @Parsnipitous
Don’t forget lying to children about race and pushing White guilt in public schools.
Visit any elementary school during MLK month and tell me I’m wrong.
The takeover of PC/Cultural Marxism does coincide with the feminization of western societies. It’s complex, but women seeking power certainly plays a role in our malaise.
Is this Wyatt guy always this bitter racist or is he making a special effort? Your calm probing reveals that this racist does think blacks are irredeemably unintelligent and belligerent, but he is also describing himself pretty much.
He next compounds his ignorance with statements such as this:
“ I’m smart enough to understand what the bell curve actually means. There is a spectrum for intelligence and ability that has positive correlations with social ability. Asians, whites, hispanics and most other groups fall within respectable parameters..â€
Actually this is not what Murray’s Bell Curve argued. Murray did not single out and condemn blacks as beyond “acceptable parametersâ€. This is Wyatt’s racist interpretation. And the same “acceptable parameters†he touts brought us the mass murder of millions of Jews and Poles in the Holocaust by those cool white Germans, and another ten million or so by “acceptable parameter†white Russians in the Holodomor, and another 50-60 million or so in “acceptable parmeter†Asians under “Chairman†Mao. Whoops, there goes the fool’s self-styled “understandingâ€.. LMAO..
In his flatulent excretions, Wyatt then mentions “blacks still manage to fuck up resource and land rich nations.†But this actually pretty much describes white nations like those resource rich Germans who started 2 world wars that killed over 30 million people, or those nice white Russian, with even more rich resources, that killed among their own another 10 million or so to establish “socialism,†plus those wonderful Asians in resource- rich China who iced among themselves another 50-60 million. Whoops- there goes that blowhard Wyatt again, as dumb as a sack of wet rocks. He must do this for a living..
Blowhard Wyatt then imagines himself some sort of “expert†on evolution, but it is clear this ignoramus doesn’t understand the first thing about the subject. He says:
, “how does 50,000 years of evolution in complete different biomes create no differences in temperament, intelligenceâ€
But notice how the “expert of effluvia†cannot even cite a single credible scientific source to back up what he says or insinuates. Using the dummy’s approach, if these “biome†are so responsible, then they created the murderous mindset and actual action that led his Nazi friends in Germany to murder tens of millions of Jewish and Polish people? And maybe the cold-climate steppe was responsible for Comrade Stalin’s mass murder of additional millions, or aided along the mass-murdering smilin Mao to the odd tens of millions. Maybe the retarded Wyatt is right- for all of these mass murderers ancestry is from cold climate biomes so it must be “true” per his bogus “biome theoryâ€. LOL..
But you say, what about those evil blacks and their crime mentioned by “expert of effluvia†Wyatt? Sounds dire, but his much touted white “role models†actually exceeded blacks in criminality, depending on the era measured.
As shown by conservative authors Michael Barone (The New Americans 2001) and Thomas Sowell (Ethnic America 1981), for example, the cold-biome white Irish exceeded blacks in murder rates, out-of-wedlock births and street mayhem for decades. The Italians had higher murder rates than blacks in various years of the 20th century. When older murder rates are looked at, touted cold-biome “role models†look even worse than blacks.
Dullard Wyatt talks about FBI statistics. OK, let’s go with this argument for a moment and use FBI stats and equivalencies.
According to the FBI SHR data, in 2011 the black homicide rate was around 17.51 per 100,000. This is relatively high but often surpassed by whites- it just depends on the time period you want to study. The supposedly more self-restrained Dutch of Amsterdam posted a whopping 47 per 100,000 in the 16th century, higher than any rate ever recorded for New York City, Irish and all. In Maryland the rate at which unrelated European adults killed was 29 per 100,000 adults per year in the mid 1600s. In white Virginia it was 37 per 100,000. The supposedly more virtuous Yankee peoples in colonial America in the Chesapeake posted a rate of 12 per 100,000. (Epstein and Gang 2010. Migration and Culture, Vol 8)
White Oregon posted a rate around 30 per 100,000. (Randolph Roth- Homicide Rates in the American West) Using modern FBI formulas, white Los Angeles County in the 19th century ran up a body count of about 414 homicides per 100,000. (McKanna 2002. Race and Homicide in 19th Century California). Nor is the West unique. Studies show the heavily white Scotch-Irish Kentucky-Tennessee borderlands posting a rate of 24 per 100,000 starting in the 1850s. All of these are higher than the black FBI rate of 17.51 per thousand. Whoops- there’s goes Wyatt’s “biome theory†again- cue the sound of a flushing toilet.
Already debunked on his “biome theoryâ€, the pathetic poltroon presumes to pronounce on Jews, talking bout he knows of “only two†Jews who were critics of neo-cons. Actually, if the dummy knew anything about Jews he would discover that there are thousands of religious Jews that want nothing to do with interventionist neo-conism, or its secular parallels, or indeed the Zionist project either in the US or today’s Israel. Whoops, there goes his “expert opinion†again.. I don’t know what makes this boy so dumb but it really works.
As for south Africa, my Jewish friends have visited multiple times in the 2000s and hung out with the “darker locals†and have had no trouble at all, and have not been “burned alive†contrary to the claims of the manure-filled mouthing of our rather dull “biome theorist.“
Finally the dullard then talks about “cherry-picking†but then himself presents a crock of cherry-picked bullshoet bout “biomesâ€, Jews etc. What he is lacking in intelligence, he more than makes up for in ignorance.
Hi Rich. Do you have any references to back up this curious take on US history? Or is it just what you'd like to believe happened?Replies: @Rich, @Sam J.
The continental United States was a vast, mostly empty land that could have easily been shared, except that hostile Indians.. refused to honor treaties.
He’s wrong about this. In the book I referenced
“Hernando de Soto: A Savage Quest in the Americasâ€
Hernando de Soto saw a vast amount of abandoned villages that had been abandoned way before he got there. Later all signs of the villages were gone leaving the impression that no one had ever been there. The reason was a die of possibly as high as 90% of the population. Maybe the worst plague ever.
Where people make a mistake is they take the “true” statements of later people who came to the Americas after the plagues had burnt off the population. What they found was an empty land with a few hunter gathers. That being the optimal lifestyle for a people who had been complete ruined. Their civilization was completely destroyed.
“…What Patrick doesn’t mention here is that most whites were always pessimistic or at least cynical. Why? Because they knew they had long enjoyed a game rigged for their benefit and privilege…”
You act like Whites just wandered into South Africa with all these roads and water works and stuff already set up for them when the fact is they built the place from scratch and the majority of the Blacks came from the North. Far North.
There was nothing but dirt when they got there. Morally they have the right to throw out all the Blacks not descendant from Bushmen of which there are very few.
Patrick is correct in pointing out that a mostly white “Free State†would not have been workable in South Africa. As he himself notes, the notion was a non-starter because large numbers of Boers would have had to pack up and move to the pure white state- a dubious proposition since whites at around 8-12% of the population already controlled almost 80% of the land, including the best land. Why would they pack up and move from such a nice position? No wonder the notion found few takers. The deal under apartheid offered to blacks by Botha et al, was a similarly laughable non-starter, as the “loser takes all†Bantusans and their chopped up, fragmented land areas and petty funding demonstrated,
The “enclave alternative†of Orania has a mere 1700 residents and is a miscellaneous non-entity- just a tiny white settlement. Botha would have doubled over in laughter. McDermott says that Orania shows a separatist idea could work, but Orania has already been substantially achieved in mostly white suburbs, where pricing and tight zoning regulations keeps out the vast majority of blacks. The same pattern has worked for whites in the USA, where separation de facto, in schools, neighborhoods, work and worship has lsargely been achieved.
As for De Klerk fumbling- he drew some tough cards from the deck. The White Right Alternative†rejected a separate white state on a specific bloc of land, and sought to continue rule primarily with the failed “Bantusan†policy and by continued brute force.. All of these were losing long-term hands, particularly given the disinvestment movement and continued overseas sanctions. De Klerk’s “triangulation†approach stalled because he relied mostly on the ANC alliance, and did not cultivate a mass-based coalition among coloreds, whites and moderate blacks as a backstop to counter-balance the ANC. His deal should have been with the ANC, yes, but ALSO that other coalition as balance..
Patrick says:
(Two decades ago, the idea of a White homeland in South Africa seemed dead in the water. Any area reserved for Whites that was too far away from the cities or from employment opportunities seemed impractical. Many Whites at the time also believed, or at least hoped, that South Africa would soon become the harmonious and prosperous multiracial nation that had been promised.)
Actually most whites looked to preserve the advantages and privileges they had enjoyed before Mandela, without the snarling openly racialist face of apartheid that had brought so much international opposition. They were not so much interested in happy-clappy multiculturalism, as they were in removing the sanctions and hindered movement (such as SA airlines being banned), along with overseas investment, painful barriers that they deeply resented.
Patrick says
(That hope is now gone. A worsening economy, ever-present crime, and rising corruption have all left their mark (detailed in my previous article, South Africa’s Protection Racket). According to public opinion polls, South Africans have grown increasingly pessimistic. The situation briefly stabilized when Cyril Ramaphosa replaced Jacob Zuma as president in 2018, but his promised reforms never materialized. Now public sentiment seems to be worsening again )
What Patrick doesn’t mention here is that most whites were always pessimistic or at least cynical. Why? Because they knew they had long enjoyed a game rigged for their benefit and privilege. The bill for the long party, at least partially, came due in 1994 and after. Furthermore whites knew that in an open market with free competition, many of the jobs they held would be lost to blacks fair and square, which is precisely why whites implemented the special rigging of the “colour bar†– a white protectionist measure that shut blacks out of the much touted “free market.†It is ironic that those whites who rail against “wasteful†government or “government interference†were among the foremost beneficiaries of precisely that under the apartheid state, which created, as respected white journalist Allister Sparks suggests, a sort of white socialism. As Sparks notes in The Mind of South Africa (1990), in its efforts to provide high-paying jobs for whites, the country -QUOTE: “eventually acquired the largest amount of nationalized industry of any country outside the Communist bloc.â€
In short White South Africans were among the foremost practitioners of “state socialism†in the world, with their “white socialism†variant under apartheid.
Patrick says
(The Rainbow Nation’s days may be numbered, but now there is something new to hope for. An independent Western Cape would not be the volkstaat — nor indeed an ethnostate of any kind. But it would at least free the nation’s White population from the worst excesses of majority Black rule and reestablish the right of self-determination. )
Whites at 8% of the population, have no need for anything so dramatic as secession which is a long shot in any event. Such would be rejected by a black majority that can be manipulated easily by leaders shouting alarms about “return to apartheid†and so on. Secession is dead on arrival, unless a large bloc of blacks can be found to support the same in cooperation with the whites – good luck with that.
But whites have already achieved practical separation through their gated communities, zoning regulations, price-barrier suburbs and localist political influence. Behind these walls, they can continue to enjoy their higher incomes, much better paid jobs, better business prospects, massive land holdings and massively better wealth than the blacks. With these main white building blocks already in place, who needs secession?
“…under the leftist propaganda machine that exists today it’s difficult to get an honest argument on population because pretending that a stone age people, who left behind no cities, no large agricultural industry…”
While I can agree that the left is plague a lot of the rest of what you wrote is nonsense. The Indians had vast cities. They never got close to the technological level of Europeans but there were a lot of them.
In South America this guy
went down the Amazon and found vast cites. You read about it in this book.
“The Discovery Of The Amazon: According To The Account Of Friar Gaspar De Carvajal And Other Documents”
No one believed him because for 200 years or so no one went as far as him. When they did there was no one there. Now we’re finding through laser mapping these vast cities and this strange dirt called terra preta, (amazing stuff), that they manufactured either on purpose or by accident. Likely on purpose.
Here they talk about it but at the same time they are idiots. They say,”…We don’t fully understand why this flourishing society disappeared centuries ago…”. That’s because they are complete buffoons and want to blame the disappearance on Whites or some mystical reason but the fact is that disease that the natives had zero immunity to wiped their asses out. The continent of Europe, Asia, Africa India etc. are all tied together and eventually any disease works it’s way around this vast territory. A territory so vast as to make disease more deadly.
A great book on plagues. This book is a HAVE TO READ. Major excellent work. As a matter of fact anything written by him is good.
“Plagues and Peoples” by historian William H. McNeill
The same happened in North America. Saying the US was empty is really only later after vast and I mean vast amounts of people were wiped out. The early explorers brought them but the diseases spread well before most explorers finally got around to really exploring the US in total. Hell it wasn’t until Lewis and Clark Expedition 1803 that we went across the continent.
An early explorer in the Southern US was Hernando de Soto and a book about his explorations is
“Hernando de Soto: A Savage Quest in the Americas”
A good book to read but it does drag a bit in places but you will learn a lot.
Now the final question does the US belong to Indians. NO. I believe and there’s a great deal of evidence to prove that Europeans got here way, way before the Indians during the ice age and were mostly wiped out by the comet strike on Greenland about 12,000 years ago. Most of those left were killed by the Indians. Early Spanish explorers found tribes that looked to be nothing more than Whites.
That doesn’t change the fact that we did the Indians dirty but that’s what most of history is is doing people dirty.
South Africa under B.J. Vorster specifically threw Rhodesia under the bus as part of Vorster’s new foreign policy of improving relations with neighboring black states.
Additionally, it should be pointed out that while Zimbabwe was not well governed the land seizures and thus general collapse did not begin until 2000.
A lot of the problem with white South Africans is there seems to be almost zero unity between the two main groups, Afrikaner and English. They really seem to dislike each other, maybe more than either dislike blacks.
It seems that the foundations of white South Africa are inherently fragile because of the beef between Afrikaners and English that persists strongly to this day.
I’ve noticed that many of the white South Africans I’ve spoken to will criticise the other white group far more than they do blacks.
Thank you sir.
For those yammering about Whites stealing the land in South Africa?
Go find out about Shaka Zulu and his Mfecane. When White man came to South Africa, it was a wasteland of scared canibals hiding from the Zulu omnicide that destroyed all forms of life on their way north, leaving not a scap to eat for the few left alive to hunker in holes in the ground. They were very glad when White men with guns came to free the land, and they could rebuild their little tribal villages on protected farms.
There the Blacks and Boere lived in peace and mutual benefit, until the Brits found out there was diamonds (the birth of de Beers) then gold (the start of White genocide and the institution of Apartheid BY JEWISH BUSINESSMEN usurping the minerals).
And aside, while the Oppenheimers are English-speaking Jewish, the Ruperts spoke Afrikaans in public, but they were always known as “Boerejode”, Afrikaans-speaking Jewish. De Beers has always been Anglo American has always been the Rhodes Foundation has always been the honeypot of International Jewry.
As for the farm murders? Go ask Monsanto and co, the CFR, the Rhodes and Tavistock crowd: Their New Jerusalem wants all the factories in China, all the food shall come from Yankee hands, and Africa shall be for mining. Our farmers are not being killed for political reasons, the land is being cleared for mining. The killers are mostly trained military gangs imported from up north.
Look closely at South Africa, people, we are the social engineering laboratory of Zog. Everything they do here, is practice for what will happen in Europe and America and Australia etc. Just look at education: You call it ‘outcomes-based, curriculum2000, EQUITABLE education (go look that word up, it does not mean what you think). We used to call it Bantu Education, now you all have it, and you can’t pay for it, at least the Blacks in South Africa got it for free.
Thanks for your reply Wyatt.
You seem to believe you’ve already answered my key question which was about proposing feasible solutions for humanity as a whole. I don’t think you even understand the question.
I’ll pass on responding further, which will give you more time and opportunity to vent your angry and embittered rhetoric on others who may take it more seriously.
I’m puzzled that you use “black†and “white†as descriptors of “raceâ€, but also claim “It’s not the color, it’s the behavior. The skin color is just a convenient probability indicator for predisposition to violence, theft and sexual assault. â€
You solved your own puzzle. It’s far easier to identify the groups using the names everyone already knows than to come up with some bullshit term that requires more words than is needed. Having already read your comment through, I figured out what your problem is. You don’t read things through thoroughly and you already have a judgment rendered even though you don’t even get the premises correct. Look at the italicized word above. Do you understand what that means, dipshit? If I thought all blacks were irredeemably unintelligent and belligerent, I wouldn’t have suggested what I did because it wouldn’t be possible to find blacks with usable IQs, would I?
Unlike you, I’m smart enough to understand what the bell curve actually means. There is a spectrum for intelligence and ability that has positive correlations with social ability. Asians, whites, hispanics and most other groups fall within respectable parameters that, with a decent culture, produces functional civilizations. Meanwhile, the clusterfuck that is sub-Saharan Africa, Baltimore, Detroit and Chicago are shitholes with one singular, unifying commonality. There is no all encompassing, CIA sponsored drug trade tearing Uganda apart like in Central America, no constant NATO proxy warfare in South Africa like there is in Ukraine. There is no great effort to fuck with Africans in Africa like American intelligence agencies do in the rest of the world, especially to the same degree) and blacks still manage to fuck up resource and land rich nations.
So we can say decisively that you’re fuckin’ stupid, exacerbated by the fact that you think you know better because you have a moral position that is based in this fairy flowerchild “peace and help and understanding” bullshit (from your still very white country, mind) while others have to deal with the realities of African hostility like those Vietnamese you were so good enough to ignore. People like you can never answer the question, “how does 50,000 years of evolution in complete different biomes create no differences in temperament, intelligence or future thinking skill?” When critical thinking has to be applied, you can’t even read the test instructions through. If there ever was such a thing as white privilege, it is the privilege of white, left-leaning retards to be wrong about something and still assert that they’re correct.
As I expected, you can’t really answer the question I pose in my fourth and final paragraph.
I did. You just don’t like the answer. It’s also the only viable solution that doesn’t involve culling huge swathes of the black population, but the population boom in Africa, coupled with the inability of Africans to provide functional governance, secure foodstuffs and access to potable water, will ensure that a culling is not if, but when.
And nobody gives a shit about your preening white ass complaining about “bigotry” because anybody intelligent enough to look at an FBI crime report and concludes (correctly) that blacks present a greater danger than any other group is a bigot. Even wealthy blacks realize the dangers that others like them pose and they clear the fuck out of the ghetto the moment they have the power to do so. Beyond that, you have nothing but these vague, lacking logistics and structure ideas on how to improve things. Oh, let’s be more kind and compassionate and caring. Ironclad plan you got there, emu-fucker.
I’d prefer to stand in solidarity with real leaders such as Dr Cynthia McKinney.
Well done, boy. You found ONE. Out of 40 million in America and 1 billion worldwide, you know of one. I know of at least two jews (just 6 million US or 15 million worldwide) who were hard critics of the neo-cons. Gilad Atzmon and Russ Feingold both oppose(d) neoconservatism and the Bush administration for kow-towing to Israel. See? I already doubled your count and these were just the ones I could remember off the top of my head. I can match you an American injun too. Ryan Dawson has done a lot more to clue people into the fucked up relationship between America and God’s Chosen than this black woman I vaguely recall hearing about.
But because you are a leftist and therefore special needs, let me get the wiki definition for “Cherry-picking fallacy:”
“Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position. Cherry picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally. This fallacy is a major problem in public debate.”
But we all have specialities. McKinney has been very effective at challenging neocons, but her command of vulgarity and verbal abuse is doubtless far less advanced than your own.
Left leaning idiots are always the same. You’re more concerned with pretending to be smart and increasing your social standing than you are in understanding reality as close to 1:1 as you can. You are ungodly amounts of pretentious, you can’t read for shit and actually interpret the meaning that is intrinsic to what I said. How you can see fit to condescend to me is almost cliche in how common it is. I will say it again so it sticks.
You [i]think[/i] you are smart for having a [i]moral[/i] position, but you offer no solutions to problems presented and then want to belittle my analysis not because it is non-factual, but because you don’t like it. Take me up on the offer. Go to Johannesburg South Africa for a week, really hang out with the darker locals and if you haven’t been burned alive for being white, we can have a discussion about it.
This is why white lefties are despised like no other. You have the gall to insist that your viewpoint is obvious, even though it's wrong. Everyone else gets along. The only people who don't come from Africa and they have the predilection for assaulting, murdering, raping or thieving from everyone else. Anyone who is either honest and aware of crime stats or has to live among blacks understands the racial component of criminality. America, Canada and Brazil are melting pot nations with vastly different ethnic and racial compositions. You know what each has in common? Blacks make up a minority population in each, but they make up a majority or disproportionate plurality of the incarcerated criminals. How is it that you can get all kinds of different groups together, but the blacks end up behaving the same? That is to say, badly.
It was intended as no more than statement of the obvious.
You think this is what it's about and that you're wise to point it out, but all it tells me is that you're dumb enough to think this is about skin color. That was the immediate red flag that you have no idea what you're talking about.
a gated community in which people of contrasting skin-colours are banned from entry
Just do what the Soviets did while breeding foxes. Select for high intelligence, amiability and aversion to violence and allow only them to breed. Technically, you could limit African reproduction so that only the most functional are allowed to have children and make them comparable to everyone else. It would have the effect of accelerated evolution over a relatively short (in evolutionary terms) period of time.
If you have an alternative proposal that has relevance beyond the boundaries of a gated community in which people of contrasting skin-colours are banned from entry, go ahead and suggest it.
Thanks Wyatt
Yes, I’m well aware of the evil role played by Obama and his Administration in the Syrian and Libyan conflicts. Overall, (so far!) I’d rate Obama as an even bigger war criminal than Trump. If you doubt that I’ve long been a critic of the Obama/Biden Administration’s foreign policies, check out my Twitter timeline. I’ve been posting there since before 2011.
Anyhow, I think I now have sufficient information about your opinions on this topic.
I’m puzzled that you use “black” and “white” as descriptors of “race”, but also claim “It’s not the color, it’s the behavior. The skin color is just a convenient probability indicator for predisposition to violence, theft and sexual assault. ”
In that case, if skin colour isn’t really relevant, how do you know a “black” is truly a “black”? Is it by examining an individual’s criminal record and defining them as “black” if they have lots of convictions? Can you see a problem with that type of analysis?
As I expected, you can’t really answer the question I pose in my fourth and final paragraph. Insofar as you present proposals, none of them are scalable to a global level. Any political leader idiotic enough to try imposing these bigoted ideas on the world as a whole would probably trigger a cataclysmic world war. If attempted at a national level only (eg within the USA), he or she would likely cause civil war and subsequent immiseration of the entire country.
I’d prefer to stand in solidarity with real leaders such as Dr Cynthia McKinney.
McKinney showed more balls during her brief period in the House of Reps than 99% of the gentile beige-skins who’ve occupied Congressional seats over the last 50 years. See for example her grilling of Rumsfeld and Myers – two “white” criminals who never expected to be called to account for their treasonous actions on 9/11.
Since leaving Congress, McKinney has earned a doctorate. Impressive for a mere female who you seem to think shares with other Afro-Americans a “predilection for assaulting, murdering, raping or thieving from everyone else” .
But we all have specialities. McKinney has been very effective at challenging neocons, but her command of vulgarity and verbal abuse is doubtless far less advanced than your own.
It was intended as no more than statement of the obvious.
This is why white lefties are despised like no other. You have the gall to insist that your viewpoint is obvious, even though it’s wrong. Everyone else gets along. The only people who don’t come from Africa and they have the predilection for assaulting, murdering, raping or thieving from everyone else. Anyone who is either honest and aware of crime stats or has to live among blacks understands the racial component of criminality. America, Canada and Brazil are melting pot nations with vastly different ethnic and racial compositions. You know what each has in common? Blacks make up a minority population in each, but they make up a majority or disproportionate plurality of the incarcerated criminals. How is it that you can get all kinds of different groups together, but the blacks end up behaving the same? That is to say, badly.
These are basic bitch observations about patterns and behaviors that are contested only because they impugn the problem children of the world. Blacks are the most perfect political tools for leftists because no matter how much you invest in them, no matter how much they get a leg up from everyone else, they always fuck up as a group. America has spent collective trillions, spent more than was made in slavery, on trying to improve blacks and it has been a categorical failure.
There are people in America today who came fresh off the boat from Vietnam not even speaking English and within 50 years, they’re doing better than blacks who’ve been here and able to generate wealth and knowledge for centuries. Even illegal Mexicans have less of a negative effect on America and they’re not even supposed to be here. I can literally go down to certain parts of town, speak broken Spanish and have a makeshift construction crew in about 15 minutes. I know for a fact that they are not as likely to steal tools or money than the blacks within the same town. They’re also more knowledgeable and more skilled. They make themselves valuable so that they can function in America.
a gated community in which people of contrasting skin-colours are banned from entry
You think this is what it’s about and that you’re wise to point it out, but all it tells me is that you’re dumb enough to think this is about skin color. That was the immediate red flag that you have no idea what you’re talking about.
It’s not the color, it’s the behavior. The skin color is just a convenient probability indicator for predisposition to violence, theft and sexual assault. Nearly all white West Virginia is one of the safest states in America. El Paso, Texas, 83% Hispanic, is one of the safest cities in America. There is not one city in America with a black population above 10% that rates as safe and the more blacks there are, the more dangerous it is. But this statistical reality isn’t that obvious to you, is it? But let me give you an example of this in your own country.
You know, for some reason, I couldn’t find Vietnamese in Australia (or anywhere, really) defending themselves from rampaging Chinese citizens, Indians, Arabs, Latinos or any other non-white groups. Why do you think that is? Why is that every other racial and ethnic groups seem to understand that open violence is impermissible in nations with basic, enforced systems of law and order?
If you have an alternative proposal that has relevance beyond the boundaries of a gated community in which people of contrasting skin-colours are banned from entry, go ahead and suggest it.
Just do what the Soviets did while breeding foxes. Select for high intelligence, amiability and aversion to violence and allow only them to breed. Technically, you could limit African reproduction so that only the most functional are allowed to have children and make them comparable to everyone else. It would have the effect of accelerated evolution over a relatively short (in evolutionary terms) period of time.
The question is why though. Why should we spend trillions on fixing Africans? Why are they owed the blood and treasure of foreigners just so that they can be functional? They weren’t screwed over by the European colonial powers. The British did much worse to India and the Indians are on the rise, hindered principally by their own ethnic culture and limited space. Africa is amazing for resources and farmland, but the natives are so incompetent, they manage to fuck up feeding themselves with the working farms they stole from whites.
Just out of curiosity: did you know that the Obama administration was funding Al-Qaeda and ISIS through the CIA and State Department? Did you know that Donald Trump cut the funding to “moderate rebels” and the attacks against Syrian civilians stopped? I wanna know if you knew that.
I expose the money mechanics on a intermittent basis here at UNZ.
Classic understatement, understatement being a classic trait of gentlemen with true class.
Please note this string of publications consistent with the voluminous education you’ve given us beyond the advanced degree:
published yesterday citing as authority with approval this:
the former being an extremely sophisticated example of how those whom you call our “(((friends)))” are to quote the Stones “practiced at the art of deception…(can) tell by (t)he(i)r blood-stained hands” doing controlled opposition and bringing diversionary controversies on the flank to distract from real issues and the truth.
The latter appears to be a fountainhead of the expansive spring of truth you’ve been espousing here for years.
Very eager to know if Ellen Brown
is a source familiar to you and most importantly your take on all of this.
She sure looks like a courageous champion for truth at first impression.
But (((they)))’ve made me leery of the potential of anything being controlled opposition going back to the 1994 book on that most hideous of Jew evil “No-Fault” Divorce Legislation entitled “The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce” by the Jewess Judith Wallerstein who lies beginning with the title. They knew divorce would devastate our children and thereby our society, they know they lobbied to get it enacted state-by-state and to mainstream it via their lawyers and judges, so she titled her report on the devastation “Unexpected” to deceive us from recognizing their evil intent.
Hi Rich. Do you have any references to back up this curious take on US history? Or is it just what you'd like to believe happened?Replies: @Rich, @Sam J.
The continental United States was a vast, mostly empty land that could have easily been shared, except that hostile Indians.. refused to honor treaties.
The scholarship on this subject is so vast, I’m not sure where to start. If you really have an interest in scholarly arguments on the subject, Denevan’s ‘Native Population of North America before 1492″ presents some good essays. Naturally, under the leftist propaganda machine that exists today it’s difficult to get an honest argument on population because pretending that a stone age people, who left behind no cities, no large agricultural industry, and no great transportation network had populations that matched or exceeded European or Oriental people is mandatory.
The continental United States was a vast, mostly empty land that could have easily been shared, except that hostile Indians.. refused to honor treaties.
Hi Rich. Do you have any references to back up this curious take on US history? Or is it just what you’d like to believe happened?
0That’s the leftist, anti-White propaganda you were fed as a kid. It’s not true. Wars were fought, tribes allied to the Whites prospered, those that murdered, raped and tortured White settlers, were punished. The continental United States was a vast, mostly empty land that could have easily been shared, except that hostile Indians, who for the most part, stole the land from earlier tribes, refused to honor treaties. In a hundred years kids will be taught that St George Floyd discovered electricity and cured polio. Don’t believe the calumnies published about European settlers.
Hi Rich. Do you have any references to back up this curious take on US history? Or is it just what you'd like to believe happened?Replies: @Rich, @Sam J.
The continental United States was a vast, mostly empty land that could have easily been shared, except that hostile Indians.. refused to honor treaties.
Oh, what a lovely, kind-hearted sentiment. Why don't you be the first to practice what you preach and go volunteer in South Africa like Amy Biehl did? She believed in the equality of the races and that blacks have the right to self-determine. If you're so confident in universal human equality and whatever other dumb shit you're saying, do what she did! Otherwise, I'll put this in your native Australian. Fuck off, cunt.Replies: @Syd Walker
The future – if there is to be a sustainable future for humanity – will be fashioned by people with a cooperative, generous and inclusive worldview.
“The future – if there is to be a sustainable future for humanity – will be fashioned by people with a cooperative, generous and inclusive worldview.”
It may sound like a sermon. Sorry if that offends you.
It was intended as no more than statement of the obvious. I believe it won’t be possible for humanity to survive – let alone flourish – in an era of ever more powerful and potentially destructive technology unless we do find a way to co-operate effectively. That’s very unlikely if it’s the norm to despise each other and glorify our own particular “race”/religion/prejudices etc at the expense of others.
If you have an alternative proposal that has relevance beyond the boundaries of a gated community in which people of contrasting skin-colours are banned from entry, go ahead and suggest it.
This is why white lefties are despised like no other. You have the gall to insist that your viewpoint is obvious, even though it's wrong. Everyone else gets along. The only people who don't come from Africa and they have the predilection for assaulting, murdering, raping or thieving from everyone else. Anyone who is either honest and aware of crime stats or has to live among blacks understands the racial component of criminality. America, Canada and Brazil are melting pot nations with vastly different ethnic and racial compositions. You know what each has in common? Blacks make up a minority population in each, but they make up a majority or disproportionate plurality of the incarcerated criminals. How is it that you can get all kinds of different groups together, but the blacks end up behaving the same? That is to say, badly.
It was intended as no more than statement of the obvious.
You think this is what it's about and that you're wise to point it out, but all it tells me is that you're dumb enough to think this is about skin color. That was the immediate red flag that you have no idea what you're talking about.
a gated community in which people of contrasting skin-colours are banned from entry
Just do what the Soviets did while breeding foxes. Select for high intelligence, amiability and aversion to violence and allow only them to breed. Technically, you could limit African reproduction so that only the most functional are allowed to have children and make them comparable to everyone else. It would have the effect of accelerated evolution over a relatively short (in evolutionary terms) period of time.
If you have an alternative proposal that has relevance beyond the boundaries of a gated community in which people of contrasting skin-colours are banned from entry, go ahead and suggest it.
“…Nothing was stolen, the land was earned and nurtured. ..”
Look I’m about as nationalistic as they get and pro-White to a fault but we stole their shit. Broken treaties, fake treaties where some wandering bunch was paid off and we grabbed the whole thing. We took their shit.
That being said all the people who are complaining about it don’t have any intention of leaving the US and giving it back to the Indians they just want to scream epitaphs at Whites. They can fuck off as far as I’m concerned.
This was bound to happen. I think it was Andrew Jackson that said something to the effect that we were not going to leave the land empty so the Indians could ride around on vast hunting grounds. Hunter gatherers always lose to farmers. It’s not like I’m for the farmers which is a much worse life. Hunter gathers had it made if you were not murdered by the next tribe over.
Point being it would hurt the Bantu more than the Afrikaners.
resurrecting dubious historical claims would badly hurt them.
“…heavy elements go back to hydrogen ions…”
Uranium must go! It’s hogging all the neutrons. Uranist supremacy must be stopped.
Big liar. I don’t say all of it was empty. Here’s EXACTLY what I said.
“There were not many of them as they were hunter gatherers. Thew place was empty when Whites got there.”
The first sentence is a qualifier on the second and I assumed people had enough sense to understand that. I didn’t say “largely empty” because I had already qualified it from the sentence before. It would have been redundant.
If I said the US western deserts are empty then everyone would know exactly what I mean. If I say a glass is empty would you jump up and down about there being air in it? People would think you a idiot if you did.
You are either making shit up to quibble over nonsense or you’re just stupid.
The fact remains that there was an extremely low population there because the Bushmen had no tech other than stone age. To properly make the place work you needed water and the tech to pump it bring it up or dam it for storage. If you’ll notice South Africa used to have a decent water system which is now falling apart as the Groids destroy it. Same thing happened in Rhodesia. They are not capable of keeping an irrigation system going. We should stop feeding these people as they ran off all the Whites that used to make plenty of food. Rhodesia used to have the largest citrus export business on the planet and they just killed off all the trees because…they are idiots.
Gee John the worst I’ve known, by far the worst, were pretty damn good looking gals and they didn’t seem to care about nor have any need for feminism.
I grew up with several that fucked their way to the top. I don’t recall them ever saying anything about women’s rights. They just did what ever the Hell they wanted and some man paid for it.
I’ve lost count of all the one’s I’ve known that spent more than their husbands earned(one turned to crime to keep her flush with cash) all the while screwing around without consequence.
It’s pretty uncomfortable knowing what the ol lady is doing and pater familias had no clue. Or at least didn’t want to know.
When my ex wife went from a sub to a Dom she got her shit packed and promptly divorced. She had little clue what feminism is and, like (nearly) all her cohort she was just out for herself. And all were succeeding very well.
She was engaged the day our divorce was final. She was married a month later. She knew what to do.
She didn’t have any ugly girl friends. I think pretty women hate ugly women. Yeh, they weren’t all 10s but they were all doing the same thing. And getting their way. It’s not like men were telling them what to do. They wouldn’t have done it.
Maybe it’s just me but it seems like the ones that are keeping things humming and clicking along aren’t really in charge.
Nearly all my engagements with the outside world, yep, sure enough, I’m dealing with a chic.
What?I’m gonna win vs them? Not hardly.
When shit stops running and nothing gets fixed, well, men will prolly be in charge again.
At the place i live i had to sign a 3 page contract basically stating i would never disrespect a woman and numerous examples were listed and several didn’t seem worthy of an offense. Did men come up with that idea?
Maybe it’s not fait accompli. Yet.
In 1898 rabbi Joseph Hayyim Sonnenfeld refused to attend a reception in honor of KaiserWilhelm II of Germany. When asked why he replied: I had heard from my late teacher, R. Judah Leib Diskin of a tradition attributed to R. Elijah, the Goan of Vilna that “… the German nation had descended from Amalek … and how could I bless the divine name of a monarch who ruled over a people whose memory we have been commanded to destroy.”
To say the end of Apartheid was well handled, stinks. My question to you, what difference has it made since the end of it seeing there is more shit today than there was at that time? What a load of BS.
26 years after the end of the Apartheid most of the wealth is still in the hands of whites. That’s something positive that shouldn’t be dimissed. I believe it won’t be until 2040-50 when South Africa goes Zimbabwe 2001-3 on the remaining whites. That’s up to 50 years of enjoying one’s wealth in South Africa and make orderly plans to dispose of assets.
By rejecting the loaded premise on which your "question" is based.
Explain how you deal with IQ 75 blacks who are more likely to commit petty as well as capital offenses than every other race combined.
People like you have a remarkable way of saying nothing despite putting down a lot. The premise is not loaded with anything untrue, numbnuts. When you look at crime stats and prison stats, any country in which blacks are a sizable minority results in them being a disproportionate amount of the criminals. It doesn’t matter if it’s a country with no history of slavery like Ireland or Canada or if the people there aren’t white at all, i.e., China.
So what’s more likely? Everybody is a mean ol’ racist or there’s something about the average African that makes them incapable of functioning in societies based on law and order? Considering how fucked Africans are in their own homelands, particularly in countries like Somalia that had lower than average rates of colonialism, I would venture a guess it’s the blacks who present the issues, not anyone else. And considering that much of East Asia was under the British thumb for as much time as many African colonies and have only been free and self determining for about a half century and yet are doing better (with their average 103+ IQs,) I’m gonna say that race actually does matter.
The future – if there is to be a sustainable future for humanity – will be fashioned by people with a cooperative, generous and inclusive worldview.
Oh, what a lovely, kind-hearted sentiment. Why don’t you be the first to practice what you preach and go volunteer in South Africa like Amy Biehl did? She believed in the equality of the races and that blacks have the right to self-determine. If you’re so confident in universal human equality and whatever other dumb shit you’re saying, do what she did! Otherwise, I’ll put this in your native Australian. Fuck off, cunt.
Different ‘nations’ call them ‘Cultures’ if you wish have never succeeded in living in peace with each other, other than each having the right to rule over themselves, politicians care less for that as there aim is to rule over others. Democracy is a farce in a multicultural society, this, that South Africa has, will ultimately lead to conflict, it always does, history teaches that and conflict is always to achieve a political objective.
anonymous[331], you’re lack of knowledge of history is glaring. National boundaries are ALWAYS accomplished by conflict.
Look at the US today, the Constitution is in taters, easily circumvented by humans of questionable ethics. If the EFF gets into power they, as the current elites, just walk over it and wipe there asses with it, even thou they use it for gain.
To say the end of Apartheid was well handled, stinks. My question to you, what difference has it made since the end of it seeing there is more shit today than there was at that time? What a load of BS.
I say to hell with the Constitution as it does not protect me neither can I use it to protect myself against tyranny.
26 years after the end of the Apartheid most of the wealth is still in the hands of whites. That's something positive that shouldn't be dimissed. I believe it won't be until 2040-50 when South Africa goes Zimbabwe 2001-3 on the remaining whites. That's up to 50 years of enjoying one's wealth in South Africa and make orderly plans to dispose of assets.
To say the end of Apartheid was well handled, stinks. My question to you, what difference has it made since the end of it seeing there is more shit today than there was at that time? What a load of BS.
uh, is there any country in South America where native Indians are a majority?
the return of lands to their natives (for example South America to its Indian majority
…the return of lands to their natives (for example South America to its Indian majority
uh, is there any country in South America where native Indians are a majority?
I think most are majority white. Some are much whiter than the USA.
It seems to depend in how you look at Mestizos. Only Bolivia is majority Amerindian. Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay are majority White. Columbia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela are majority Mestizo:
Britain doesn’t have a written constitution, it’s ruled by precedent.
You are quite correct. But that is what they are supposed to be working on. Creating a Ministry of Justice was a step in that direction. They want to make sure that there is no independent judiciary.
resurrecting dubious historical claims would badly hurt them.
Point being it would hurt the Bantu more than the Afrikaners.
Any indigene claim is problematic: cro magnon needs to give back to the neanderthal; gymnosperm give back to the angiosperm; heavy elements go back to hydrogen ions.
In some ways, it feels like a “white people’s Israel..
The White Afrikaansers made it a land flowing with milk and honey. Dumbo nailed it.
Yet black liberation is a wonderful thing, no? In S.A. it has now brought the awareness of White beauty back into vogue–that is, with the blacks in government who now daily beg Whites to salvage metropolitan infrastructures brimming with sewage in every gutter of every street–although scattered garbage mercifully covers a large amount of it.
When last in Durban strolling along the Magic Mile was mugged on a Sunday afternoon by six good boys who because they were amateurs failed, bless them, everyone needs a job. Falling backwards with a napster in a headlock into the side window of a parked car I heard a loud POP, and thought shit, I’ve broken it, but no, and no problem, there was only an unconcerned black family inside.
The Industrial Whites had moved outta the cities to private land and taken their factories and jobs with them. Blacks gotta shuttle back and forth. No loitering. Following the big liberation we saw a big change in White personality in that the Whites were now more outgoing to other Whites. In our guess it made them appreciate what they had lost and made them appreciate their own race. They were simply outgoing and effusive to other whites, whereas previously, to me, that had resembled mini versions of American indifference.
Am hoping that here, President Harris will bring about an appreciation of Whites for other Whites. Long overdue.
Kindly reread @Sam J comment. He claims Khois and Hottentot were “original” there but somehow the “land was empty” and other African tribes started migrating down south AFTER Whites made it livable. I still state that this is history according to settled Whites (Boers/British). They found all these indigenous African tribes there even though the land was sparsely populated. That doesn’t mean it was “empty” which, in case you don’t realise, is a code word for terra nullius land grab from Africa to Australia to Americas. If technologically advanced aliens land in some places in Australia and even US, they can declare the same as “land is empty..” and proceed to settle. I would provide several inks and books and archaeological research but it won’t help because we seem to interpret history very differently. Even Early British and Dutch settlers record their skirmishes with natives disproving claims “land was empty..”
Whites in SA have right to self determination to maintain their culture, language and seek even a separate homeland within SA. And i do sympathise with them as they increasingly get swamped by majority blacks whose leadership is simply pathetic and corrupt, but i don’t buy their version of history. What’s indisputable is that regardless of how or when their ancestors settled and owned land in SA, these Whites are integral part of that African country.
Some interesting stuff on Africa at this website
Agree, though the Bantu did originate in west Africa and killed their way south to South Africa. Time-wise I don’t really know!
His tribal ilk were the first to run when black rule was instituted. They were masters at moving money out of the country. The USA is next, unfortunately!
the afrikaner played a good game of rugby.
one could say they won the game but lost the fight.
whites were used by the british empire to build a country that extracted resources at a minimal cost by using cheap black labour.infastructure was built solely for this purpose.
the military was armed as cheaply as possible with leftover ww2 weapons.
the whole exercise was to use whites in to secure resources for multinational global mining companies.
The British (and their J’s) were the bad guys. The Afrikaners left the cape in the 1800’s in The Great Trek to get away from the British, conquered the interior and landed in the Transvaal – Johannesburg, etc. when gold was discovered there, the British/Jews attacked them, wanting to steal the gold mines, see The Jameson Raid, which initially failed. The Afrikaners resisted and the war was on. The British, when losing, resorted to scorched earth, burning farms, starving the boers, creating concentration camps where upwards of 25000 women and children died. The brits eventually won. The Afrikaners took back the country by vote in 1954 I believe. They instituted apartheid, which I grew up under as a non-white! I would still rather live in a fairer, white-run country because apartheid was no fun for me/us but black rule is disastrous!
While Orania is admirable it is tiny, about the size of a European village. It has been growing too slowly and there have not been hundreds of other Oranias sprouting for it to be a viable long term solution for whites in SA.
Half wrong. The fate of the USA was sealed in 1913.
Cool. Explain how you deal with IQ 75 blacks who are more likely to commit petty as well as capital offenses than every other race combined.Replies: @Justvisiting, @Syd Walker
IMO these remnants of Iron Age tribalism are a pestilence on humanity. Our species must surely metamorphose into something more suited to our precarious global coexistence – and fast! Squabbling about “race†and territory is so petty-minded and passé.
Explain how you deal with IQ 75 blacks who are more likely to commit petty as well as capital offenses than every other race combined.
By rejecting the loaded premise on which your “question” is based.
Essentially, you confuse culture with genetics.
But there’s a more fundamental problem with your approach, It starts with the assumption that “The Other” is key to your biggest problems. A world in which everyone thought like that would soon descend into utter chaos and destitution. Fortunately, there are many people who don’t wallow in sectarian spite and seek solutions that benefit all humanity, not just their particular chosen few.
The future – if there is to be a sustainable future for humanity – will be fashioned by people with a cooperative, generous and inclusive worldview. We’re not in the Iron Age any longer. In fact, we all just left the Holocene. This is the Anthropocene, in which the ever-more-evident inter-relatedness of all people and the whole planet demands a new level of intelligent cooperation.
Oh, what a lovely, kind-hearted sentiment. Why don't you be the first to practice what you preach and go volunteer in South Africa like Amy Biehl did? She believed in the equality of the races and that blacks have the right to self-determine. If you're so confident in universal human equality and whatever other dumb shit you're saying, do what she did! Otherwise, I'll put this in your native Australian. Fuck off, cunt.Replies: @Syd Walker
The future – if there is to be a sustainable future for humanity – will be fashioned by people with a cooperative, generous and inclusive worldview.
the return of lands to their natives (for example South America to its Indian majority
uh, is there any country in South America where native Indians are a majority?
I think most are majority white. Some are much whiter than the USA.
It seems to depend in how you look at Mestizos. Only Bolivia is majority Amerindian. Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay are majority White. Columbia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela are majority Mestizo:uh, is there any country in South America where native Indians are a majority?
...the return of lands to their natives (for example South America to its Indian majority
I think most are majority white. Some are much whiter than the USA.
South America is a different story than North America, but friendly Indians in the South prospered with their association with the Spanish, often intermarried and escaped the savagery of the more vicious natives of the region
In North America there were only 1 million natives, who were constantly warring with each other and often invaded, took their enemies land and enslaved the defeated. Whites carved a nation out of a wilderness and treated the defeated better than any of their fellow Indians would have. Nothing was stolen, the land was earned and nurtured.
Yes, what just happened will wake up some white folks…
I have spent a lot of time in SA and it beggars belief that the country’s Whites can remain so gullible.
The reason for this is because a lot consume the US propaganda (both entertainment and corporate news media). So despite the reality of living with a large black population, they will still end up supporting BLM, white privilege, and other such stuff.
Everybody is an expert now …
Talk of black or white violence or corruption is so divisive in its own way because it immediately paralyses one’s analytical thought processes.
Suffice it to say, the governing parties and the ‘ruling classes’ of people in the former Apartheid era of South Africa had so much time to manage a gradual transition of [the] perceptions of power, to a moderate, more inclusive illusionary-democracy – but they were too pre-occupied satisfying their personal greed, milking the economy for their own short-sighted selfish ends. The power structure had decades to fortify the ‘middle-class’ with all races, to create a bulwark of fortified self-interest, (both real and imagined) but they didn’t use the opportunities, instead allowing racist divisions to fester and invariably dominate every facet of society …
The very wealthy have had no problems with the [vert] violent degeneration and delinquency of the unemployed and unemployable (predominantly non-Anglo) youth because they have always had their safe-houses abroad to retire to. However, the ordinary working-class people of Euro-background and others have borne the cost of the fracturing of South African society and to witness this unfolding is extremely sad.
It is even sadder to hear former South Africans who aided and abetted the racist divisions and brutal oppression, now look at South Africa and absolve themselves of any guilt … and smugly discount the disintegration as African inspired corruption alone. Where were these people when Donald Woods, Steve Biko, Ruth First and others were screaming out for sanity to prevail and for an end to the barbaric inhumanity inflicted upon the ordinary people of South Africa … both ‘black and white?’
And infuriating as it is to deal with and/or witness in South Africa, the poorly educated Africans are now mirroring and mimicking the behaviours they had to navigate and contend with during the Apartheid years. Of course it appears so juvenile, or barbaric when viewed from the other side.
You can imagine how Western Cape secession will play out:
1. ANC South Africa will fall apart even faster than it is now.
2. Farmers will be persecuted and heavily taxed.
3. Western Cape will take in farmer refugees from ANC South Africa.
4. ANC South Africa will starve.
5. The world will blame the white man.
Such a move has zero chance of succeeding. It will be SA writ large in that its economic and social success will increasingly contrast with the poverty and disfunction of the surrounding areas.. This will lead to blacks fleeing into the new statelet, eventually overwhelming the Whites and Coloureds. This is on the assumption that the SA armed forces don’t roll in to get their hands on the loot. International law? That’s funny. South African Whites will get zero support from the ‘international community’ who’d be more likely to apply sanctions on them in support of the black ‘freedom fighters’. If and when Orania gets wealthy enough and the rest of the country poor enough the same will happen there.
I have spent a lot of time in SA and it beggars belief that the country’s Whites can remain so gullible.
The reason for this is because a lot consume the US propaganda (both entertainment and corporate news media). So despite the reality of living with a large black population, they will still end up supporting BLM, white privilege, and other such stuff.Replies: @AnalogMan
I have spent a lot of time in SA and it beggars belief that the country’s Whites can remain so gullible.
He never said it was nobody’s land. He specifically said it belonged to Khosi and Hottentot tribes and the current Bantu leaders are no less invaders than the white man. All true , btw.
Why create a straw man , just address his points.
but it does have a constitutional and moral basis for future prosperity for all, not just for a few.
You’ve got to be kidding, in what planet are you living? How is getting poorer, more corrupt and more chaotic a recipe for prosperity?
Our species must surely metamorphose into something more suited to our precarious global coexistence – and fast! Squabbling about “race†and territory is so petty-minded and passé.
LOL, another dreamer hoping against all known evidence that humanity ‘learns” or “evolves” or “metamorphoses” into something else. Reminds me of revolutionary socialists in the 60s talking about “The New Man”.
Better chant than AMERICA FIRST is NAME THE JEW
” He is changing the constitution of the UK!”
Just for the information, Britain doesn’t have a written constitution, it’s ruled by precedent.
“White People’s Israel”
I don’t think the comparison is apt because the whites in places like Orania aren’t stealing anyone’s land or violently beating up people and herding them into small areas of the country while declaring that they are God’s chosen people. The whites of Orania just want to be left alone and don’t want to lord it over anyone, unlike Israeli Jews, who practice all of the former.
And do what? Move to where? Look anywhere in the Western World and show me, aside from Poland, Hungary and perhaps Slovenia, where they can move that is not demographically headed toward what they would be leaving. Maybe Putin can do a ‘Catherine the Great’ type move and import them to shore up the border with Ukraine.Replies: @annamaria
... enough stable time for people to wind down their affairs in an orderly fashion.
Hungary has a great program for white people willing to have large families. Russia offers free plots of land in Siberia for prospective farmers.
True…..but only off the African continent….the Sahara is your best friend…..
Waste of time and effort…..even if it is successful in the short term in the long term white women will get hooked on dope and become haremmates of black druglords as they are here…..your own women are always your worst enemy…..ready to stab you in the back or whatever….
Then the borders will be poked and sniped by refugees etc which will evolve into full on murder raids…..leave while you still can….australia sounds nice…..New Zealand….Chile….
“They deserve the murders for what they did to the African people. ”
Indeed. They should never have shown blacks the wheel or a written language much less feed them and give them medicines.
Expect the SA black murderers to show up as refugees in Europe. Whoever has been enforcing the policies of open immigration from Africa to Europe is the most hateful enemy of western civilization.
They should leave SA and relocate to those countries that have the white majority able to stand against the holobiz tribe.
The SA is doomed. The west should provide humanitarian help to all SA whites willing to relocate.
a homogeneous society works best.
My post never addressed South Africa.
Because it is the blueprint for our displacement. If we allow white S. Africans to be genocided we will be next.
Too late for that…as I said this country is lost.
From this point of view, South Africa is the historic homeland of Negros and Europeans either live there as foreign residents or leave.
Blacks (Bantus) have been in South Africa for about the same (or less) time than the White Afrikaners. Only the San are really native, and there’s not many of them. The climate of South Africa is closer to the Mediterranean than the rest of Africa – so perhaps your logic means only Italians etc should live there.
Thew place was empty when Whites got there. The vast majority of blacks moved to South Africa after Whites made it worth living there.
Oh boy.., here we go again! The concept of nobody’s land (terra nullius) was a legal and historical fiction for colonial West to grab and occupy land across continents. It is probably a bit creative than “our god gave us this land like 4000years ago and here we are to claim it!” Whites in SA created their own history and myths to justify colonialism and later Apartheid system. Nevertheless, the current generation of Whites have a right to self determination and they have part and parcel of SA; resurrecting dubious historical claims would badly hurt them.
Point being it would hurt the Bantu more than the Afrikaners.
resurrecting dubious historical claims would badly hurt them.
The Continental United States was a vast, mostly empty place when Whitey came along.
Hmm … and how long after landing did the Europeans first encounter native Indians? A day, a week, a month, a year?
Columbus wrote:
There I found very many islands, filled with innumerable people, and I have taken possession of them all for their Highnesses, done by proclamation and with the royal standard unfurled, and no opposition was offered to me.
Hello fow.
I had no idea of the exact percentage. I thought it was something like 3.5%, but wasn’t certain, so I just Googled the latest figures from various Tribal sources, and it seems they claim 2% (approx 6.9 million as of end of 2019, maybe 7, now.) Not sure of how they compute it. Maybe they’re hiding their numbers, but what for, I couldn’t tell you.
Otherwise, I think the comment is quite accurate, unfortunately……..
If it had not been for disease the Indians would have pushed the Europeans back into the ocean. The numbers that died were massive. Probably 90% or more.
I’m not anti-White but we did take their country. At the time we really expanded they had gone back to mostly hunter gatherer and hunter gatherers always, no matter what race, fall to farmers. It didn’t help that the Indians were a ruthless, murdering torturing bunch of savages or a lot of them anyways that practiced genocide on any whites out in the territories. They treated us ruthlessly and got back the same.
In South America an explorer went down the Amazon and wrote about all the huge cities full of people. When explorers went back 200 years later no one was there. They all died. The whole, cities in the jungle, was considered a myth until they found this fertile manufactured dirt called terra preta where the settlements used to be. They used laser imaging and found yes there were vast cities that the jungle had covered up so it was not a myth.
You can say the same thing about white people
Cool. Explain how you deal with IQ 75 blacks who are more likely to commit petty as well as capital offenses than every other race combined.Replies: @Justvisiting, @Syd Walker
IMO these remnants of Iron Age tribalism are a pestilence on humanity. Our species must surely metamorphose into something more suited to our precarious global coexistence – and fast! Squabbling about “race†and territory is so petty-minded and passé.
Explain how you deal with IQ 75 blacks who are more likely to commit petty as well as capital offenses than every other race combined.
We know how the “progressives” will deal with them.
They will build segregated walled-off communities protected by private security forces while telling everyone else they need to “celebrate diversity” and “open borders”.
Hard to believe that studies can be made of the size of villages, numbers first encountered and areas used for hunting and gathering. Science is an odd thing for some people. The Continental United States was a vast, mostly empty place when Whitey came along.
“Why would anyone in the US give a shit about South Africa? This country is on the way out, done. Does anyone understand the ramifications?”
Israel has a DNA test for this. Funny how race only exists if you want to emigrate there.
“Why would anyone in the US give a shit about South Africa? This country is on the way out, done. Does anyone understand the ramifications?”
Because it is the blueprint for our displacement. If we allow white S. Africans to be genocided we will be next.
For the Jews, it is much easier to corrupt Black politicians than Afrikaner politicians. Obvious.
The Opulent, Segregated, Hypocritical, Jewish Gated Communities of South Africa