Near impossible to read this unhinged screed, which is a common symptom of atheistic Shaken Brain Syndrome. Why is this kind of drivel being featured on Unz? I consider Dawkins — as well as Dennett, Harris and the scientific Wahhabi cult at the Center of Inquiry — to be toxic too. But this reads like real bad acid trip…
But who says anything was created? Maybe things just emerged.And of course, people have asked 'who created the creator?'Replies: @Badger Down
Creation itself speaks of a creator.
More than 100 years ago, intelligent people asked “Did your God really create dinosaur turds and age them so that they appear to be millions of years old?” And some foolish people answered “Yes, because the Bible says the Earth was “created” 6,000 years ago.”
What a tiresome article.
Some good points (Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc), but the Demon of Old Testament IS by far the most demonic being in any religion (and I have studied them all, including smaller ones such as Sikhism).
Just because you can kill millions of people without being religious, it doesn’t mean the most evil being ever invented is not the most evil being ever invented.
As a Slav, at least, I can tell you that none of our Gods ever demanded any genocides, and even if they had, I’m sure it would not have included these peoples’ animals and children. Only Jews can invent something as grotesquely evil.
BTW, not a fan of homosex here, but you seem so obsessed with it that I wonder if you’re not fighting your own temptations. You can manage, big guy!
The pregnant one with the stick people written on it? Yikes, are we all related Poupon Marx?
I speak as a life-long atheist.
I thought you were smarter than that. You obviously have not read Jung deeply enough, and having their names juxtaposed creates confusion. Jung left Freud by the side of the road in 1913.
The fallacy of the evolutionist can be summed up in one basic sentence Adam and Eve didn’t have a belly button!!
It’s funny how in this modern world of ours a someone like Darwin could get so much traction and respect. In the world of the Old Testament Darwin wouldn’t have stood a chance. Actually no one would have even broached the subject that we evolved from apes. Darwin would have been laughed out of existence. Everyone in that world knew without a doubt that God existed. period! Noah wasn’t a fable! The Tower of Babel wasn’t a fable etc etc!!! The problem however, was he was an unknown to most, so idolatry in its many forms took over. St. Paul said it best:
Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. 1:22-23
As for this idea of a bloodthirsty tyrant. The story of the Old Testament is one of TREASON pure and simple. That you a creation of your father turns against him for another and this for no other reason really than sinful pleasures or treating yourself as a lord as the Egyptian pharaohs did turning people into slaves well what do you think such children deserve? What goes around comes around!!!
And lastly whoever or wherever this idea that faith is blind because God can’t be observed to exist came from well study climate change from the biblical perspective and one will quickly learn that what we are seeing today is Divine Communication exactly as it was in the Old Testament.
So do you like being lied to? Industrial pollution is a lie!!!!!
Christians wish Jesus looked like me, but too bad those sources are known forgeries and Jesus is a fictional j-wish character.
— Adam Green – Know More News (@Know_More_News) July 1, 2023
Jag Mundhraz:
Atheists who think believers believe in a Sky Daddy is arrogant in the extreme.
No, that’s an accurate description of Christianity.
Matthew 6:9
Our Father which art in heaven,
Luke 11:11-13
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
The unbeneficence of the cosmos is a reason for not believing in God. Darwin wrote:
I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae [wasps] with the express intention of their [larva] feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars, or that a cat should play with mice.
The world that exists is not the world that a Heavenly Father would have created. Marcion made the same argument 1500 years ago.
I mean the article above. There is no POV.
Easy way to prove that “The Evolution Theory†was and has always been a LIE!
Humans have never evolved from any type of orangutan, gorilla, or chimp. The only way any biological living person or animal could ever pro-create has always required both species having the same amount of chromosomes.
It is crucial that reproductive cells, such as eggs and sperm, contain the right number of chromosomes and that those chromosomes have the correct structure. If not, the resulting offspring may fail to develop properly. For example, people with Down syndrome have three copies of chromosome 21, instead of the two copies found in other people.
Humans have a characteristic diploid chromosome number of 2N=46 whereas the other Great Apes (orangutans, gorillas, and chimps) are all 2N=48.
The only anomaly that has happened in the animal and plant world are hybrids. Hybrids are not considered a new species because they are sterile.
For example: “The Liger”
Among lions, tigers, and domestic cats, all three have the same number of 38 chromosomes, yet they have different appearances. How are differences explained?
The tiger’s gestation period is about three and half months.
After a four-month gestation period, a lioness will sneak away from the pride to give birth to a litter of two to six cubs. (110-120 days)
Even though the gestation period for these animals is different. It is possible for an hybrid to be born, for example “ A Ligerâ€. It is very rare, and the offspring is sterile and is usually rejected by both of the parent’s breeds.
What the fuck is wrong with people? The universe is here. It was, therefore, brought into being somehow. Or maybe it was just always here. No matter. “God” is merely a placeholder or variable name to label the ultimate source of everything.
The main point to keep in mind about God is, I am not him. I do not get to make reality according to my wishes. I may be able to do some things to influence it, but that is strictly not up to me.
Stoicism is sort of in vogue right now, and it teaches the same thing: There are things within our control and things not in our control. And demandingness or whining about not getting my way is the source of 90 percent of my suffering.
So if God is demanding, jealous, or whatever, it is merely another way of saying the universe does not go the way I want it to.
Atheists who think believers believe in a Sky Daddy is arrogant in the extreme.
No, that's an accurate description of Christianity.
Atheists who think believers believe in a Sky Daddy is arrogant in the extreme.
Luke 11:11-13
Our Father which art in heaven,
The unbeneficence of the cosmos is a reason for not believing in God. Darwin wrote:
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
� world that exists is not the world that a Heavenly Father would have created. Marcion made the same argument 1500 years ago.
I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae [wasps] with the express intention of their [larva] feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars, or that a cat should play with mice.
I realized Dawkins was a twat when I saw video of him insulting Christians and getting high fives from his acolytes afterwards at some lecture. Technically I qualify as atheist or maybe agnostic, but the fact is that I just don’t seem to like other atheists in general. They are grating in a way similar to vegetarians, always insisting on sharing their obsessions.
It seems natural to me to file atheism under religion. They may have freed themselves from a particular religion, but the average person who feels the need to share their atheism still seems to think in a religious way, as in correct thoughts deserve some kind of reward from the universe.
I chanced on this article and was reading it for a bit, not knowing who wrote it, and thinking to myself, this is one hell of a stupid article …. it beggars comment really, it is pointless to argue with such inexplicable idiocy …. and so I looked to see who wrote it ….. JF …. who in the hell is this guy ????
I thought it was an oldie … but it’s new …. weird ….
People say Gonzalo Lira was arrested for criticizing Zelensky, but his last video before he was arrested was mocking Der Fuehrer Jozef Biden.
“But the thing they have in common is … life. What is it?”
A feed-back mechanism based on physical laws.
Nature is good at that.
“Who are the good guys here?”
Um, those who don’t consider other people, or their property, to be their property.
I guess that would be about .1 percent of the so-called human race.
If so, why not demand that Jews give up on Jewishness, an identity that simply cannot be divorced from the religious history of the Jews?
“Judaism – it ends with me.”
I think that is the best attitude to encourage.
Plenty of Jews today manifest it by marrying out, breeding out, and refusing to raise their offspring as Jews.
Of course, that doesn’t change the genes, so it is unlikely to please the hardcore set of WNs, but it should please everyone else.
I would like to think so!
Creation itself speaks of a creator.
But who says anything was created?
Maybe things just emerged.
And of course, people have asked ‘who created the creator?’
The existence of a creator also speaks of a creator. Thus an infinite chain of creators creating creators. Thus, absurdity ad infinitum. Maybe the truth is that the universe has always been and will always be.
Well said!
Greetings J-F,
If Yahweh doesn’t exist, then Yahweh never existed. Therefore, the Hebrew people have perpetrated on humanity a massive soul crushing hoax. And since there’s no point in debating with or about a God who never existed, it’s incumbent upon a strenuous, race of self-actualizing supermen to extirpate this tumor, this neo-plasm from European Civilization. Oh, that’s been tried already. (Perhaps the above statement would have been an effective defense at Nuremburg).
The twentieth century was the laboratory wherein social experiments were conducted. Atheists, (alcohol) abolitionists, eugenicists and Malthusians had their chance to build a better world. That’s all sand through the hourglass now. “History is a nightmare they’re trying to wake up from,” observed Stephen Dedalus when charged with teaching Irish boys about history.
We fought the Jews and the Jews won. We’re all mercenaries now. And as Machiavelli correctly noted, mercenaries fight for the highest bidder. Only Jews are permitted to be tribal. An atheist Jew will come to the defense of a religious Jew. The same is not true among the Goyim.
A thoughtful atheist with a historical sensibility is condemned to a meandering, bohemian, dive-bar existence. A stream of melancholy that runs until Last Call. It’s the “beautiful loser” exhibit in the modern museum. If you’re going to be an Atheist, be a Christian Atheist. The “Anointed One” was generated to solve the Jewish Problem. There’s a price to pay to be free. The free man must pass through the Gauntlet of the Jew and the Mason. If you take on the Jews, you’re going to lose. But you will have Life. You will be a real person in a fake world. Catching a beating for “calling out” the Master Religion is “the Word becoming Flesh.” When you absorb violence for criticizing the group that may never be criticized, you are in fact practicing “Christianity.”
The Talk of the Town Trailer Estates Park Sociology Round Table after their table tennis championship opines as follows:
Granny Yiddell (bitter retiree) – The Temple only wants money. Sure, they’ll discount membership if I humble myself with a statement of financial need. What about all the money that Solomon, my former disgusting husband gave them for years before he took all our money and gave it to a Filipina that he met on the internet? I’ve had it with religion.
Mother (opinionated parent) – I remember Jan Crouch having fits on Channel 40. These religion people only want money.
Jabber (shut-in) – Kenneth Copeland creeps me out. He looks like a peevish Algebra teacher at at a middle school OK, but then he starts having a fit on TV. Time to change that channel back to “Gomer Pyle, USMC” and enjoy life.
Father O’Hair (wannabe priest) – My rigid piety needs no manipulation from the religion charlatans. My core is hard as a rock.
Bozero (Latino clown) – This is a scary topic that I’ll pass on.
Fiona (party fun lady) – Paul Crouch Jr. made films predicting the end of the world. When? The religionists are like Al Gore – they keep moving the goal posts.
I tried reading this drivel, but just couldn’t get through it. The word salad is so dense that I can’t extract any useful meaning in a reasonable period of time, so it’s just not worth the effort.
Worst writer to appear on this site.
Creation itself speaks of a creator. Denying the fact of being created is as absurd as people who espouse “wokism” as truth.
But who says anything was created? Maybe things just emerged.And of course, people have asked 'who created the creator?'Replies: @Badger Down
Creation itself speaks of a creator.
I think the Dawkinsian image with them wearing witches’ pointed hats is funny.
But the strange phenomenon called life is the key, I think. Does anyone know what life is?
All men must die. I guess it was the realization of that fact, that humans are mortal, that gave birth to religions, a kind of denial.
Are humans better than ants? Either can say to the other, “You’re born, you breed, you die.” In that respect ants are as good as humans. Maybe better because less less destructive.
But the thing they have in common is … life. What is it?
Pagans believed in tosh, so they were evil. Atheists believe in nothing, so they are evil. Jews are evil regardless of what they believe. And Christians support Jews so they are evil enablers.
Who are the good guys here? And Dawkins don’t matter, The God he does not believe in does not exist.
I don’t like Billy Graham (a lot more famous than anyone else you can name) but he wasn’t an orgiast. Nor was the #2 guy, or #3 guy, or #4 guy, along that side of things. MLK was the best they had from a PR perspective.
MLKJr wasn’t canonised because of his role as a god-grifter; my own view is that he was canonised for trying to stop black people from listening to MalcolmX (who, for a while there, advocated defensive racial violence). MLKJr’s ‘non-violence’ American-satyagraha philosophy ran diametrically counter to MalcolmX’ advocacy for violence – and helped ensure negro compliance at precisely the right time.
MLKJr’s Civil Rights work was several orders of magnitude more important than his god-grifting. A Civil Rights icon who enjoys the odd 3/4/5-way is no biggie; a religious leader who fucks consenting adults – in whatever numbers – is to be congratulated.
In breaking news: I’m not sure where to rate Jerry Falwell Jr in the rank-ordering of Evangelicals – but Falwell père has got to be near the top of the current crop.
It’ll be interesting to see how the nutball father reacts to what happened a few days ago: Falwell fils just got exposed as someone who – like John Bolton – likes to watch his wife get fucked by randoms.
Did you spend weeks hiding in Billy Graham’s bedroom? Stalk out his motel rooms with sophisticated surveillance equupment?
Great, than you know nothing but what you Khazar overseers tell you.
SO Pease STFU.
In 2018, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan at a luncheon said: “We see moral relativism becoming more and more pervasive in our culture. Identity politics and tribalism have grown on top of this.†Ryan went on to discuss Catholic social doctrine, with its emphasis on “solidarity†with the poor and weak, as “a perfect antidote to what ails our culture". Now imagine a White House staffer who is Christian who openly opposes certain Trump policies on the basis of Ryan's comments. The result? They would be quickly cleaning out their desk. Lest we also forget that ex-presidential press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders touted God “wanted Donald Trump to become presidentâ€. How can that be when Trump has routinely demonstrated behavior unbecoming of a Chief Executive, but more importantly, of an alleged God-fearing man?The religious right routinely mock Democrats for their perceived lack of religious convictions, but neglect to criticize their own evangelical brethren for their hypocrisy and heresy.Replies: @neutral, @Charlotte, @Anonymous
We can hear the spectacle of cruel laughter throughout the Trump era. There were the border-patrol agents cracking up at the crying immigrant children separated from their families, and the Trump adviser who delighted white supremacists when he mocked a child with Down syndrome who was separated from her mother. There were the police who laughed uproariously when the president encouraged them to abuse suspects, and the Fox News hosts mocking a survivor of the Pulse Nightclub massacre (and in the process inundating him with threats), the survivors of sexual assault protesting to Senator Jeff Flake, the women who said the president had sexually assaulted them, and the teen survivors of the Parkland school shooting. There was the president mocking Puerto Rican accents shortly after thousands were killed and tens of thousands displaced by Hurricane Maria, the black athletes protesting unjustified killings by the police, the women of the #MeToo movement who have come forward with stories of sexual abuse, and the disabled reporter whose crime was reporting on Trump truthfully. It is not just that the perpetrators of this cruelty enjoy it; it is that they enjoy it with one another. Their shared laughter at the suffering of others is an adhesive that binds them to one another, and to Trump.
It’s quite simple, they prefer a narcissist pretending to be a Christian who is indifferent to them to a narcissist pretending to be a Christian who is hostile to them. I’m sure you understand full well “voting for the lesser of two evils” if someone tells you they’re thinking of voting for the Green Party. Though FWIW I’m not voting for Trump due to the alignment with the neocons.
It's called democracy. Combined with isolationism. We actually don't like foreign wars, and withdraw support from those who get us into them.
(...because the Yanks are just as perfidious as the Poms).
With all due-- and sincere-- respect to M. Minard, Florence Nightingale's coxcomb chart preceded that by a few years.
Napoleon’s invasion of Russia was the subject of the first-known infographic – Minard’s famous 1862 ‘Carte Figurative‘ outlining the disastrous consequences…�
Calling Minard’s graphic “the first-known infographic” was a bit off, but if you look closely it is stunning in how much information is conveyed clearly. Here is some praise for it.
Nightingale’s chart which you included is also notable. More on that:
Another candidate.
Playfair, who argued that charts communicated better than tables of data, has been credited with inventing the line, bar, area, and pie charts. His time-series plots are still presented as models of clarity.
Playfair first published The Commercial and Political Atlas in London in 1786. It contained 43 time-series plots and one bar chart, a form apparently introduced in this work. It has been described[by whom?] as the first major work to contain statistical graphs.
Playfair’s Statistical Breviary, published in London in 1801, contains what is generally credited as the first pie chart.[8][9][10]
For those who are into this sort of thing, there is a reprint version of his atlas.
I guess that's genuinely qualitatively different from being a gay tweaker who straight-facedly told a reporter that he bought meth from a gay escort once, but never used it or had sex.
The most famous black reverend that people can think of, MLK, attended orgies
There are a lot of phony balony televangelists. Queers, druggies, guys with $500 haircuts, some that seem like they’ve had plastic surgery, or who sell snake oil merchandise – that’s not the point. My point is the MOST FAMOUS black pastors – the ones people idolize to this day, have portraits hanging on the walls of their homes, are phonies.
I don’t like Billy Graham (a lot more famous than anyone else you can name) but he wasn’t an orgiast. Nor was the #2 guy, or #3 guy, or #4 guy, along that side of things. MLK was the best they had from a PR perspective.
MLKJr wasn't canonised because of his role as a god-grifter; my own view is that he was canonised for trying to stop black people from listening to MalcolmX (who, for a while there, advocated defensive racial violence). MLKJr's 'non-violence' American-satyagraha philosophy ran diametrically counter to MalcolmX' advocacy for violence - and helped ensure negro compliance at precisely the right time.MLKJr's Civil Rights work was several orders of magnitude more important than his god-grifting. A Civil Rights icon who enjoys the odd 3/4/5-way is no biggie; a religious leader who fucks consenting adults - in whatever numbers - is to be congratulated.In breaking news: I'm not sure where to rate Jerry Falwell Jr in the rank-ordering of Evangelicals - but Falwell père has got to be near the top of the current crop.
I don’t like Billy Graham (a lot more famous than anyone else you can name) but he wasn’t an orgiast. Nor was the #2 guy, or #3 guy, or #4 guy, along that side of things. MLK was the best they had from a PR perspective.
Allowing the darkness into the light seems a much more accepting and less prideful way of expressing a similar sentiment.
Lucifer is literally the Lightbringer.
I like to bring light into darkness, so I never understood that.
Even that would be overkill. 20 modern anti-shipping missiles would do. There's not even a need for half-decent air defences because of the relatively short range - and ease of detection - of modern aircraft capable of destroying missile launchers.The logistics of bringing an invasion force overland from Australia's north, make it 100% a non-starter. That's a been known-known for the three generations - even given the relative resource-richness of the NT and northern WA.Back in the olden days, Suharto was known to have expansionist designs (and resource envy), and the Australian defence establishment were genuinely concerned about Indonesia as a threat because of the massive manpower they (the Indos) could bring to bear. (FWIW, Australia's defence planners knew full well that they could not count on US help if Suharto hit the 'Go' button... because the Yanks are just as perfidious as the Poms).Everyone had a look at the feasibility of a land invasion of Oz from the north, and as soon as someone mentioned "Large forces need a lot of water" everybody laughed and calmed down.Invading Oz from the north is "Napoleon invading Russia"-level stupid: nobody wants to be that infographic[1].Australia's defence strategy has always been based around ignoring anyone who tried to come overland (sacrificing anybody stupid enough to refuse to abandon anywhere northwest of Katherine).
It would be easier to stack our northern coastline with a few dozen nukes, rather than depend on the ANZUS Treaty.
because the Yanks are just as perfidious as the Poms
I agree. But Australians love to believe that our Great and Powerful Friends really are our friends.
You’re correct of course about the impossibility of invading Australia from the north. There are various reasons why the Japanese didn’t invade us in WW2 but the main one is that they thought about it for about ten minutes before realising it was utterly hopeless.
But Australians convinced themselves that we were only saved from invasion by our American friends. Even many Americans believe that nonsense.
they committed fuck-all troops and matériel to PNG or the Solomons).
Lol @ your trolling. Is Guadalcanal in the Solomons?
It's called democracy. Combined with isolationism. We actually don't like foreign wars, and withdraw support from those who get us into them.
(...because the Yanks are just as perfidious as the Poms).
With all due-- and sincere-- respect to M. Minard, Florence Nightingale's coxcomb chart preceded that by a few years.
Napoleon’s invasion of Russia was the subject of the first-known infographic – Minard’s famous 1862 ‘Carte Figurative‘ outlining the disastrous consequences…�
That’s just a chart (I didn’t know that Nightingale invented that style of chart though). I’ve never liked ‘radial’ charts myself since they’re effectively just a weird way of presenting bar charts.
Of course all charts are infographics, after a fashion – but in that case so are all geometric representations, in which case
>> Pythagoras has entered the chat
>> Archimedes has entered the chat
All the more reason to scrap it. Australia needs to abandon the illusion that the US will ever treat us as an actual ally. We need to scrap the Five Eyes alliance as well.Replies: @Kratoklastes
It’s been largely a dead letter since David Lange called the US’ bluff over nuclear (armed or powered) warships in NZ waters.
Australia needs to abandon the illusion that the US will ever treat us as an actual ally. We need to scrap the Five Eyes alliance as well.
I don’t think that the actual decision-makers have any illusions – for them, it’s just a profitable grift: the same with Five Eyes.
As you’re almost-certainly aware, Five Eyes is just a scam designed to get around legal impediments to domestic surveillance: ASIO, DSD and the rest of them ‘fail to detect‘ (lol) the fact that the Yanks surveil us, on the promise that the Yanks will let us see it before they hand it over to (((YouKnowWho))).
Not that it matters to the bureaucrats: if you’re a DSD bureaucrat at EL1 or above, consulting to Five Eyes is a lucrative side gig after you hit pension age.
They’re not remotely interested in what we peons think: we’re there to be fleeced to pay the bills, and our opinions and preferences are just noise that very occasionally gets mentioned.
There are enough Mrs Jessups[2] in Western society who trust all bureaucracy implicitly, so the Little Eichmanns don’t have to concern themselves that the zeitgeist will ever change.
[1] To the extent that these impediments have not already been undermined or abandoned like other naïve historical artifacts: properly-sworn warrants; rights to silence and against self-incrimination; unanimous juries; open courtrooms.
[2] Mrs Jessup is kind of a 1940s Karen, for those who don’t know about “The Sullivans“. She was a 50-something prissy local busybody/scold – the wizened old harridans that exist in all security states.
Even that would be overkill. 20 modern anti-shipping missiles would do. There's not even a need for half-decent air defences because of the relatively short range - and ease of detection - of modern aircraft capable of destroying missile launchers.The logistics of bringing an invasion force overland from Australia's north, make it 100% a non-starter. That's a been known-known for the three generations - even given the relative resource-richness of the NT and northern WA.Back in the olden days, Suharto was known to have expansionist designs (and resource envy), and the Australian defence establishment were genuinely concerned about Indonesia as a threat because of the massive manpower they (the Indos) could bring to bear. (FWIW, Australia's defence planners knew full well that they could not count on US help if Suharto hit the 'Go' button... because the Yanks are just as perfidious as the Poms).Everyone had a look at the feasibility of a land invasion of Oz from the north, and as soon as someone mentioned "Large forces need a lot of water" everybody laughed and calmed down.Invading Oz from the north is "Napoleon invading Russia"-level stupid: nobody wants to be that infographic[1].Australia's defence strategy has always been based around ignoring anyone who tried to come overland (sacrificing anybody stupid enough to refuse to abandon anywhere northwest of Katherine).
It would be easier to stack our northern coastline with a few dozen nukes, rather than depend on the ANZUS Treaty.
(…because the Yanks are just as perfidious as the Poms).
It’s called democracy. Combined with isolationism. We actually don’t like foreign wars, and withdraw support from those who get us into them.
Napoleon’s invasion of Russia was the subject of the first-known infographic – Minard’s famous 1862 ‘Carte Figurative‘ outlining the disastrous consequences…
With all due– and sincere– respect to M. Minard, Florence Nightingale’s coxcomb chart preceded that by a few years.
>> Pythagoras has entered the chat
>> Archimedes has entered the chat
For those who are into this sort of thing, there is a reprint version of his atlas.
Playfair, who argued that charts communicated better than tables of data, has been credited with inventing the line, bar, area, and pie charts. His time-series plots are still presented as models of clarity.
Playfair first published The Commercial and Political Atlas in London in 1786. It contained 43 time-series plots and one bar chart, a form apparently introduced in this work. It has been described[by whom?] as the first major work to contain statistical graphs.
Playfair's Statistical Breviary, published in London in 1801, contains what is generally credited as the first pie chart.[8][9][10]
I think what makes the plantation analogy so silly (and cucky)
It certainly fits on Election Day. If a demographic faction is abused or ignored by its own party, it will find some way to rebel. Cf. Theodore Roosevelt. Cf. George Wallace. Cf. H. Ross Perot. Cf. Ralph Nader. Cf. Jill Stein. Cf. the Conservative Party of New York State.
Blacks could cause earthquakes in the Democratic Party simply by staying home or voting for this or that third party or independent. Yet they never do. It’s always home to massa in the end.
What’s up with this dynamic? Defenses of the Electoral College fifty or sixty years ago made the argument that it gave concentrated minorities power in big swing states. So why don’t blacks ever use this? Jews sure as hell do.
It would be easier to stack our northern coastline with a few dozen nukes, rather than depend on the ANZUS Treaty.
Even that would be overkill. 20 modern anti-shipping missiles would do. There’s not even a need for half-decent air defences because of the relatively short range – and ease of detection – of modern aircraft capable of destroying missile launchers.
The logistics of bringing an invasion force overland from Australia’s north, make it 100% a non-starter. That’s a been known-known for the three generations – even given the relative resource-richness of the NT and northern WA.
Back in the olden days, Suharto was known to have expansionist designs (and resource envy), and the Australian defence establishment were genuinely concerned about Indonesia as a threat because of the massive manpower they (the Indos) could bring to bear. (FWIW, Australia’s defence planners knew full well that they could not count on US help if Suharto hit the ‘Go’ button… because the Yanks are just as perfidious as the Poms).
Everyone had a look at the feasibility of a land invasion of Oz from the north, and as soon as someone mentioned “Large forces need a lot of water” everybody laughed and calmed down.
Invading Oz from the north is “Napoleon invading Russia“-level stupid: nobody wants to be that infographic[1].
Australia’s defence strategy has always been based around ignoring anyone who tried to come overland (sacrificing anybody stupid enough to refuse to abandon anywhere northwest of Katherine).
[1] Napoleon’s invasion of Russia was the subject of the first-known infographic – Minard’s famous 1862 ‘Carte Figurative‘ outlining the disastrous consequences…
It's called democracy. Combined with isolationism. We actually don't like foreign wars, and withdraw support from those who get us into them.
(...because the Yanks are just as perfidious as the Poms).
With all due-- and sincere-- respect to M. Minard, Florence Nightingale's coxcomb chart preceded that by a few years.
Napoleon’s invasion of Russia was the subject of the first-known infographic – Minard’s famous 1862 ‘Carte Figurative‘ outlining the disastrous consequences…�
I agree. But Australians love to believe that our Great and Powerful Friends really are our friends.
because the Yanks are just as perfidious as the Poms
It’s been largely a dead letter since David Lange called the US’ bluff over nuclear (armed or powered) warships in NZ waters.
All the more reason to scrap it. Australia needs to abandon the illusion that the US will ever treat us as an actual ally. We need to scrap the Five Eyes alliance as well.
I don't think that the actual decision-makers have any illusions - for them, it's just a profitable grift: the same with Five Eyes.As you're almost-certainly aware, Five Eyes is just a scam designed to get around legal impediments to domestic surveillance: ASIO, DSD and the rest of them 'fail to detect' (lol) the fact that the Yanks surveil us, on the promise that the Yanks will let us see it before they hand it over to (((YouKnowWho))).Not that it matters to the bureaucrats: if you're a DSD bureaucrat at EL1 or above, consulting to Five Eyes is a lucrative side gig after you hit pension age.They're not remotely interested in what we peons think: we're there to be fleeced to pay the bills, and our opinions and preferences are just noise that very occasionally gets mentioned. There are enough Mrs Jessups[2] in Western society who trust all bureaucracy implicitly, so the Little Eichmanns don't have to concern themselves that the zeitgeist will ever change. [1] To the extent that these impediments have not already been undermined or abandoned like other naïve historical artifacts: properly-sworn warrants; rights to silence and against self-incrimination; unanimous juries; open courtrooms.[2] Mrs Jessup is kind of a 1940s Karen, for those who don't know about "The Sullivans". She was a 50-something prissy local busybody/scold - the wizened old harridans that exist in all security states.
Australia needs to abandon the illusion that the US will ever treat us as an actual ally. We need to scrap the Five Eyes alliance as well.
How can blacks be so religious and so dysfunctional? Contradicts the correlation between religiosity and bourgeois values observed by Charles Murray.
Maybe blacks are not just a gigantic amorphous blob. Are religious blacks really dysfunctional? Are the dysfunctional blacks religious? Maybe the blacks committing crimes and the blacks who attend church regularly are not the same blacks? I don’t think the average black churchgoer goes to church on Sunday and then goes and robs a liquor store.
If you look at white crime you always find that the vast majority of the crimes are committed by a very small proportion of the population. Among that same proportion of the population you’ll find dysfunctionality of every sort.
I imagine it’s the same with blacks.
As an Australian I'd love to see the ANZUS treaty scrapped.
it would be easier to stack our northern coastline with a few dozen nukes, rather than depend on the ANZUS Treaty.
It’s been largely a dead letter since David Lange called the US’ bluff over nuclear (armed or powered) warships in NZ waters.
As Lange made clear, the treaty obligations were largely one-way, and everyone knew it. NZ and Australia were expected to commit resources when the US asked, irrespective of the interests of Australia or NZ… where as US support for the junior treaty partners was only ever likely if it was in the US’ direct interest. (Much the same as WWII: the US presence in Australia was solely so that they could use Aus as an airstrip, a supply depot and a brothel – they committed fuck-all troops and matériel to PNG or the Solomons).
At the end of the day, ANZUS exists because cronies of the political class can aspire to SES-level sinecures, and the really lucky ones can get 7-figure scraps from the defence-procurement table.
(Disclosure in case Gueleiter Potatohead-the-Corrupt-DrugCop and his Sicherheitsdienst is reading: my younger sister was a defence bureaucrat until she got tapped to be a Senior Advisor to Gillard while Gillard was PM – advising on defence procurement. She left that role – and tripled her salary – to be CEO of a consulting ‘NGO’ mostly funded by Raytheon and Thales: the firm is a machine designed to vacuum up pots of defence money, and fuck-all else. She has very very very different opinions to me and is not in any way a source of input to my musings).
All the more reason to scrap it. Australia needs to abandon the illusion that the US will ever treat us as an actual ally. We need to scrap the Five Eyes alliance as well.Replies: @Kratoklastes
It’s been largely a dead letter since David Lange called the US’ bluff over nuclear (armed or powered) warships in NZ waters.
The most famous black reverend that people can think of, MLK, attended orgies
I guess that’s genuinely qualitatively different from being a gay tweaker who straight-facedly told a reporter that he bought meth from a gay escort once, but never used it or had sex.
There’s no point in trying to generate a rank-ordering of religious hypocrisy: it’s not as if the imaginary sky maniac gives that much of a fuck what anyone does – what, with being a figment of people’s imaginations and all.
It’s real, it’s just different.
Christianity is huge in Africa, but it’s nothing like Christianity in America, it’s all tied up with voodoo and animism and various bizarre tribe-specific ideas. Black Protestants (AFAIK the dominant black denomination in the USA) are nowhere near as esoteric but are still very different from WASPs.
Also what AE says about individual vs. group is true, albeit worded bizarrely. Religion correlates negatively with intelligence but positively with some other prosocial traits like fertility and family formation, so you can’t look at it in isolation without getting a ton of noise, you have to combine it with other measures.
In 2018, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan at a luncheon said: “We see moral relativism becoming more and more pervasive in our culture. Identity politics and tribalism have grown on top of this.†Ryan went on to discuss Catholic social doctrine, with its emphasis on “solidarity†with the poor and weak, as “a perfect antidote to what ails our culture". Now imagine a White House staffer who is Christian who openly opposes certain Trump policies on the basis of Ryan's comments. The result? They would be quickly cleaning out their desk. Lest we also forget that ex-presidential press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders touted God “wanted Donald Trump to become presidentâ€. How can that be when Trump has routinely demonstrated behavior unbecoming of a Chief Executive, but more importantly, of an alleged God-fearing man?The religious right routinely mock Democrats for their perceived lack of religious convictions, but neglect to criticize their own evangelical brethren for their hypocrisy and heresy.Replies: @neutral, @Charlotte, @Anonymous
We can hear the spectacle of cruel laughter throughout the Trump era. There were the border-patrol agents cracking up at the crying immigrant children separated from their families, and the Trump adviser who delighted white supremacists when he mocked a child with Down syndrome who was separated from her mother. There were the police who laughed uproariously when the president encouraged them to abuse suspects, and the Fox News hosts mocking a survivor of the Pulse Nightclub massacre (and in the process inundating him with threats), the survivors of sexual assault protesting to Senator Jeff Flake, the women who said the president had sexually assaulted them, and the teen survivors of the Parkland school shooting. There was the president mocking Puerto Rican accents shortly after thousands were killed and tens of thousands displaced by Hurricane Maria, the black athletes protesting unjustified killings by the police, the women of the #MeToo movement who have come forward with stories of sexual abuse, and the disabled reporter whose crime was reporting on Trump truthfully. It is not just that the perpetrators of this cruelty enjoy it; it is that they enjoy it with one another. Their shared laughter at the suffering of others is an adhesive that binds them to one another, and to Trump.
Rod Dreher critized Ruse quite strongly for that tweet. The religious right is not as monolithic as the left portrays it. That is a significant weakness, politically, and no doubt part of the reason it never seems to achieve much.
the progressive elite make blacks high status because it benefits the progressive elite, not because it benefits blacks.
I certainly agree with that.
it would be easier to stack our northern coastline with a few dozen nukes, rather than depend on the ANZUS Treaty.
As an Australian I’d love to see the ANZUS treaty scrapped.
And if you don’t have nukes you’re not an independent nation.
My hunch is that you would not find much religion among those criminals and that black religiousness is represented by older men and women who actually go to church.
Maybe, though AE seems to think the religiousness is real.
OK. Why would that be? One thought that crossed my mind is that the blacks committing all the crime, ie young men, are not the ones going to church, ie the infamous black church ladies. So maybe a more granular demographic analysis would maintain that correlation.
The little that I know of black churches makes me believe that they are different.
The most famous black reverend that people can think of, MLK, attended orgies. Second-most-famous would probably be Al Sharpton. I don’t think churches headed by black ladies, who in their younger cohorts have an extremely high illegitimacy rate would be much better.
Some of what I heard on the radio makes me believe that most of these black churches belong to the Church of Anti-Racism. It is not really much of a stretch, when you consider how many white churches are woke.
I guess that's genuinely qualitatively different from being a gay tweaker who straight-facedly told a reporter that he bought meth from a gay escort once, but never used it or had sex.
The most famous black reverend that people can think of, MLK, attended orgies
Could it be some error relating to self-reporting?
Church attendance rates in many nominally Christian countries in Africa are nowhere close to what they were a few decades ago in many European countries. It never was that high in much of Africa, at least the parts where Christianity is newer (outside of Ethiopia, presumably.)
“You know what THE most insulting thing is from liberals…”
Assuming I am a liberal. The fact of the matter is that I am an educated, white man with children who makes his own decisions about race and culture.
“it is their insufferable preaching on what a true “conservative†is supposed to be”.
Are you not observably engaging in that same behavior you disdain by screaching what ought to be a “true conservative”?
“It is obvious why you would want liberals such as Paul Ryan, McCain, Kasich to be given that label”
First, you are offering a straw man. I am not assigning them this label. Second, you are making the claim that they are other than conservative without evidence. Third, are they not themselves the best judge as to what is their own ideology, that being conservative?
“As for the “if you believe in God, you would … “, this is pure bullshit.”
Lighten up, Francis. OK, please explain in what specific way is this BS? Support your position.
“Liberals are anti religion (more precisely anti Christian). They sincerely do not care for such things, to invoke this fake concern trolling to further their latest liberal cause is despicable, as are you.”
You do realize that ad hominem is not a substitute for discourse, right? So, basically, you wrote a comment that neglected to address my points with substance. I get it, though. My hate facts make about the company that Trump keeps is makes you uncomfortable since it antithetical to the values that the religious right supposedly embraces. I mean, they are even looking the other way when it comes to prominent Jews who are offering their unsolicited advice on how to govern the nation.
Big surprise coming here, Old Sport. It can’t be published until you write it.
You’ve given me a great idea for a book that will never be published, entitled Magic Negros, Tragic Dirt.
To oversimplify, religiosity and functionality inversely correlate at the group level but positively correlate at the individual level.
That blacks as a group are more religious than whites, and predominantly Christian, is proof that the necessity of Christianity in inducing moral behavior is exaggerated. What percentage of violent and/or recidivist black criminals are religious and believe in God, whether Christian, Muslim (Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. or a white-hating personal God that demands and justifies their anti-white violence and criminality?
White leftists mock Republicans for their perceived superstitious religiosity but won’t criticize blacks for their presumably even more superstitious religiosity–because blacks are sacred objects, of course!
Similarly, Steve Sailer mocks Leftists for the “Karen” slur, but refuses to notice it coming from his fanbase. Gottsa get paid!
Not very much unites the rapper Ice T and the “alt-right†activist Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars, but both can agree on this: Karens are a menace. In July, Ice T identified a “Karen of the Day,†tweeting a video of a woman who refused to wear a mask in a dentist’s office. It was another instance of the meme’s suspicious flexibility: Is a Karen a woman flouting the rules or pettily enforcing them? {snip}
{snip} The chorus of disdain that greets any white woman who questions the Karen meme comes from a broad, and unexpected, coalition: anti-racists and bog-standard misogynists. (Finally, a political stance to bring this troubled world together.)
In 2018, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan at a luncheon said: “We see moral relativism becoming more and more pervasive in our culture. Identity politics and tribalism have grown on top of this.†Ryan went on to discuss Catholic social doctrine, with its emphasis on “solidarity†with the poor and weak, as “a perfect antidote to what ails our culture". Now imagine a White House staffer who is Christian who openly opposes certain Trump policies on the basis of Ryan's comments. The result? They would be quickly cleaning out their desk. Lest we also forget that ex-presidential press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders touted God “wanted Donald Trump to become presidentâ€. How can that be when Trump has routinely demonstrated behavior unbecoming of a Chief Executive, but more importantly, of an alleged God-fearing man?The religious right routinely mock Democrats for their perceived lack of religious convictions, but neglect to criticize their own evangelical brethren for their hypocrisy and heresy.Replies: @neutral, @Charlotte, @Anonymous
We can hear the spectacle of cruel laughter throughout the Trump era. There were the border-patrol agents cracking up at the crying immigrant children separated from their families, and the Trump adviser who delighted white supremacists when he mocked a child with Down syndrome who was separated from her mother. There were the police who laughed uproariously when the president encouraged them to abuse suspects, and the Fox News hosts mocking a survivor of the Pulse Nightclub massacre (and in the process inundating him with threats), the survivors of sexual assault protesting to Senator Jeff Flake, the women who said the president had sexually assaulted them, and the teen survivors of the Parkland school shooting. There was the president mocking Puerto Rican accents shortly after thousands were killed and tens of thousands displaced by Hurricane Maria, the black athletes protesting unjustified killings by the police, the women of the #MeToo movement who have come forward with stories of sexual abuse, and the disabled reporter whose crime was reporting on Trump truthfully. It is not just that the perpetrators of this cruelty enjoy it; it is that they enjoy it with one another. Their shared laughter at the suffering of others is an adhesive that binds them to one another, and to Trump.
You know what THE most insulting thing is from liberals (and there are a lot to pick from), it is their insufferable preaching on what a true “conservative” is supposed to be. It is obvious why you would want liberals such as Paul Ryan, McCain, Kasich to be given that label, they are ideologically liberals that given the even more left everything they want eventually.
As for the “if you believe in God, you would … “, this is pure bullshit. Liberals are anti religion (more precisely anti Christian). They sincerely do not care for such things, to invoke this fake concern trolling to further their latest liberal cause is despicable, as are you.
Michael S suggests rather than an electorally unified and active black population directing the Democrat party, the DNC tells blacks what to believe and they believe it:
And the point is?
It is not because we are a nation of dialectic thinkers, that we are all walking around the supermarket looking like ER nurses.
How can blacks be so religious and so dysfunctional? Contradicts the correlation between religiosity and bourgeois values observed by Charles Murray.
Maybe blacks are not just a gigantic amorphous blob. Are religious blacks really dysfunctional? Are the dysfunctional blacks religious? Maybe the blacks committing crimes and the blacks who attend church regularly are not the same blacks? I don't think the average black churchgoer goes to church on Sunday and then goes and robs a liquor store.
How can blacks be so religious and so dysfunctional? Contradicts the correlation between religiosity and bourgeois values observed by Charles Murray.
Speaking about religion and political party…
This is what stutterers face every day. I’m in awe of Brayden’s courage and resolve.
— John Hendrickson (@JohnGHendy) August 21, 2020
Now, who is this Austin Ruse? Well, he is a Christian author who makes a religious case (i.e. evangelical) for Trump, and serves as a warning when one enables their political convictions to supplant their faith. Unnecessary cruelty is not the same thing as boldly proclaiming His truth. Ruse’s comment was in response to this article.
We can hear the spectacle of cruel laughter throughout the Trump era. There were the border-patrol agents cracking up at the crying immigrant children separated from their families, and the Trump adviser who delighted white supremacists when he mocked a child with Down syndrome who was separated from her mother. There were the police who laughed uproariously when the president encouraged them to abuse suspects, and the Fox News hosts mocking a survivor of the Pulse Nightclub massacre (and in the process inundating him with threats), the survivors of sexual assault protesting to Senator Jeff Flake, the women who said the president had sexually assaulted them, and the teen survivors of the Parkland school shooting. There was the president mocking Puerto Rican accents shortly after thousands were killed and tens of thousands displaced by Hurricane Maria, the black athletes protesting unjustified killings by the police, the women of the #MeToo movement who have come forward with stories of sexual abuse, and the disabled reporter whose crime was reporting on Trump truthfully. It is not just that the perpetrators of this cruelty enjoy it; it is that they enjoy it with one another. Their shared laughter at the suffering of others is an adhesive that binds them to one another, and to Trump.
In 2018, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan at a luncheon said: “We see moral relativism becoming more and more pervasive in our culture. Identity politics and tribalism have grown on top of this.†Ryan went on to discuss Catholic social doctrine, with its emphasis on “solidarity†with the poor and weak, as “a perfect antidote to what ails our culture”.
Now imagine a White House staffer who is Christian who openly opposes certain Trump policies on the basis of Ryan’s comments. The result? They would be quickly cleaning out their desk. Lest we also forget that ex-presidential press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders touted God “wanted Donald Trump to become presidentâ€. How can that be when Trump has routinely demonstrated behavior unbecoming of a Chief Executive, but more importantly, of an alleged God-fearing man?
The religious right routinely mock Democrats for their perceived lack of religious convictions, but neglect to criticize their own evangelical brethren for their hypocrisy and heresy.
The lighting and general staging was to impart the impression of the new political god.
Blacks aren’t NPCs. They’re the killboxes at the bottom of the world if you fall through it.
Mr. Epigone says:
It brings to mind the plantation analogy white conservatives love hearing non-Democrat blacks talk about. There could be some truth to it, though as Michael allows it doesn’t apply to every issue. Religion is one such issue. The DNC would be happy to jettison God from the party and the platform–separation of church and state!–but blacks make that impossible:
I say:
I hereby acknowledge, begrudgingly and belatedly and without a lot of enthusiasm to be honest, that Mr. Epigone’s KAMALA CLUNKER prediction that Kamala Harris would be the Democrat Party presidential nominee has been somewhat and minutely and partially redeemed by Geezer Boy Biden picking Queen Kamala as his vice presidential running mate.
There, I said it, and I’ll not mention it again.
Biden could’ve picked an animatronic Eleanor Roosevelt as his VP and he would still trounce Trump and the rancid Republican Party. Eleanor ain’t mixed race like Kamala, you say? That’s true and look at the ancestral background of Eleanor Roosevelt:
Ethnicity: Dutch, English, Scottish, Irish, French, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, distant German, Welsh, and Belgian [Walloon]
My Tennessee father had ancestry like that of Eleanor Roosevelt and Biden has German ancestry too!
Rancid Republican Party donors would love to continuously run an animatronic Ronald Reagan and plenty of brain dead Republican Party sap voters would love to vote for animatronic Ronny Reagan.
Morning in America! Forever!
I say piss on Ronny Reagan and his 1986 AMNESTY for illegal alien invaders!
Ronny Reagan was a treasonous donor whore globalizer politician who had shady underworld handlers out of Illinois!
I wrote this about big beautiful Black Church ladies in January of 2020:
Biden will use the AUNT JEMIMA STRATEGY to knock the stuffing out of any sonofabitch candidate who thinks that they’re going to get so-called “momentum†out of narrowly winning Iowa or New Hampshire. They’re all gonna be bunched up in Iowa and New Hampshire and Bernie Sanders is not going to run away with a massive victory like he got over baby boomer bastard Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire.
Big Beautiful Black Church Ladies(BBBCL) in South Carolina are putting lead weights in their large and stylish black handbags and they are going to use their big, beefy upper arms and strong Black backs to electorally pound the stuffing out of the political enemies of Joe Biden.
BBBCL are gonna vote for some Brooklyn-born Vermont Bolshevik Jew who sounds like that cartoon aardvark? Bull-sheetrock!
BBBCL are gonna vote for that baby boomer Tennessee Militia Woman who says she’s an Amerindian Harvard Snot? NOPE!
You say BBBCL gonna go for Buttplug? Pull that thing out of your ear and listen to what you’re saying? NEVER!
Biden wins the Democrat Party presidential nomination on March 3 and that sets in motion a big movement of voters to the Green Party and the surge in support for the Green Party leads to a near simultaneous surge in support for the new political party called WHITE CORE AMERICA that advances the interests of Whites — as Whites — and that will be the political situation as we head inevitably for Civil War II.
My last paragraph hasn’t panned out as I had hoped.
I think what makes the plantation analogy so silly (and cucky) is the unstated but implicit assumption that blacks are either blank slates or “natural conservatives” in the absence of bluegov’s elaborate mind-control apparatus, which is indeed a silly hypothesis.
Just for the record, I believe that blacks in America, given a hypothetical political vacuum, would behave more like blacks in Africa, not like whites in America. In other words, there’d still be staggeringly high levels of criminality, illiteracy and general dysfunction, but with less of a victimhood narrative or overall sense of entitlement, and far less favoritism toward immigrants, abortion doctors and the rainbow mafia. Blacks are not the most introspective bunch, they tend not to come up with elaborate rationalizations for their behavior on their own because they don’t need to and don’t care to; the sacralization of blacks is an invention of white progressives.
And to be fair, just about every Democrat is fundamentally an NPC, I’m not carving out a major exception for blacks. I just don’t believe that blacks have any real power; the progressive elite make blacks high status because it benefits the progressive elite, not because it benefits blacks.
I certainly agree with that.
the progressive elite make blacks high status because it benefits the progressive elite, not because it benefits blacks.
It certainly fits on Election Day. If a demographic faction is abused or ignored by its own party, it will find some way to rebel. Cf. Theodore Roosevelt. Cf. George Wallace. Cf. H. Ross Perot. Cf. Ralph Nader. Cf. Jill Stein. Cf. the Conservative Party of New York State.
I think what makes the plantation analogy so silly (and cucky)
I found Biden’s five minutes uncanny. He portrayed himself as some sort of lightworker, but I just saw a man without a shadow. He was detached from the background, like a superimposed two dimensional image, flat and perfectly evenly lit.
I assume this is his team’s idea of good and accepting. Yet there’s nothing accepting about it at all. It is the totally self-alienated person’s idea of accepting. It is the most inauthentic pretense there is, that of authentic unblemished enlightenment.
Only Biden’s moments of looking confused saved it. It reminded me that he really is a human, underneath all of that pastel, faded Sunday morning cartoon.
If they get into power, they will be able to justify almost anything in the name of doing “good”. There’s the clown from “It”, lurking within them. A bright light, that just wants everyone to get along, and doesn’t understand why life has complexity. “Why doesn’t life fit my pattern?” “There must be hateful people.” “I’ll make them better!” “Down here, where we all float together, equally, in the light.”
This why Bernie 2020 was a self-indulgent wank, in hindsight. A party of socially-liberal millionaires and 80IQ church ladies is not worth leading. As an Australian, I resent these people having such an indirect influence over my life, it would be easier to stack our northern coastline with a few dozen nukes, rather than depend on the ANZUS Treaty.
As an Australian I'd love to see the ANZUS treaty scrapped.
it would be easier to stack our northern coastline with a few dozen nukes, rather than depend on the ANZUS Treaty.
Even that would be overkill. 20 modern anti-shipping missiles would do. There's not even a need for half-decent air defences because of the relatively short range - and ease of detection - of modern aircraft capable of destroying missile launchers.The logistics of bringing an invasion force overland from Australia's north, make it 100% a non-starter. That's a been known-known for the three generations - even given the relative resource-richness of the NT and northern WA.Back in the olden days, Suharto was known to have expansionist designs (and resource envy), and the Australian defence establishment were genuinely concerned about Indonesia as a threat because of the massive manpower they (the Indos) could bring to bear. (FWIW, Australia's defence planners knew full well that they could not count on US help if Suharto hit the 'Go' button... because the Yanks are just as perfidious as the Poms).Everyone had a look at the feasibility of a land invasion of Oz from the north, and as soon as someone mentioned "Large forces need a lot of water" everybody laughed and calmed down.Invading Oz from the north is "Napoleon invading Russia"-level stupid: nobody wants to be that infographic[1].Australia's defence strategy has always been based around ignoring anyone who tried to come overland (sacrificing anybody stupid enough to refuse to abandon anywhere northwest of Katherine).
It would be easier to stack our northern coastline with a few dozen nukes, rather than depend on the ANZUS Treaty.
Thank you. I just saw your reply.
FWIW I credit you and Mr. Unz for publishing ID’s massive screed, and I have appreciated his communication with me here on UR occasionally, but I see his article — and his reply to my deist comment — as sheer intellectual showing off by someone who takes religious revelations, Catholic dogma, and ancient philosophical definitions as givens and then argues from them.
Any response to him would require getting down in the same mud his mind lives in, and I won’t and can’t do it. There is an old saying from George Bernard Shaw:
Thank you for your blog, AE.
I give some slack to the apologists who say that too much was lost in translation, but that was the biggest factor in my rejection of Christianity in favor of a deism-flavored atheism.The universe seems to be set up in a way that if there actually was any supernatural intervention in it, past or present, we'd never be able to prove it.Replies: @Stargazer, @Wielgus, @Audacious Epigone
By the most straightforward reading, the Bible does say the world is 6,000 years old.
The universe seems to be set up in a way that if there actually was any supernatural intervention in it, past or present, we’d never be able to prove it.
This is precisely how I arrived at my agnosticism.
There is little question in my mind that Proverbs gets closer to the truth of human nature than what passes for knowledge in the typical public school curriculum these days does.
The three responses grouped into what I call “uncertain believers” are:
“Some higher power” comprises 10.5% of the total response pool. That’s probably the closest thing to the deist response the survey question allows for.
Firm theist = KNOW GOD EXISTS
Sure, and Churchill was still right to sound the alarm.
Lol! 🙂
That’s the stupidest comment I’ve read today.
I give some slack to the apologists who say that too much was lost in translation, but that was the biggest factor in my rejection of Christianity in favor of a deism-flavored atheism.The universe seems to be set up in a way that if there actually was any supernatural intervention in it, past or present, we'd never be able to prove it.Replies: @Stargazer, @Wielgus, @Audacious Epigone
By the most straightforward reading, the Bible does say the world is 6,000 years old.
Before his mysterious death in 1593, one of the remarks an informer claimed Christopher Marlowe made was that according to the Indians, the world was much older than 6,000 years. Marlowe was accused of atheism.
Most can, yes, and that shows that they aren't thinking rationally. Rational thinkers are driven by the evidence, they have no "choice" in where the evidence leads them.Replies: @WorkingClass, @iffen, @Servant of Gla'aki, @Rosie
People can choose what they believe.
Most can, yes, and that shows that they aren’t thinking rationally. Rational thinkers are driven by the evidence, they have no “choice†in where the evidence leads them.
Oh dear. This is only true when the evidence is overwhelmingly one-sided.
The evidence is not overwhelmingly one-sided, so yes, whether one takes a skeptical or credulous attitude toward religion is very much a voluntary matter.
“identified Germany as a huge threat long before WWII”
Britain: “Germany is mad! They want to take over the whole world! And by ‘the whole world’ I mean a bit of northern Czechoslovakia and some long-disputed parts of western Poland. But srsly, guys, this whole world-domination thing is the embodiment of evil. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to meet with my ministers in Bombay, Calcutta, Peshawar, Hong Kong, Nairobi, Pretoria, Belfast, Ottawa, Vancouver, Canberra and Christchurch.”
What I love are people who free my mind.
Well then, you’d have really loved Jim Jones.
Keep your mind open, but not so open that your brains fall out.Replies: @AaronB
What I love are people who free my mind.
I think – if I understand you correctly – you’re warning me against being so receptive to new ideas that I might accept some patently absurd ones, as commonly found on the extreme Left.
But I am advocating never settling down in any system – not exchanging one set of ideas for another.
The problem with the extreme Left is not that they are too receptive to new ideas, but that they have a very rigid set of ideas that are just the obverse of traditional ideas, and so still defined by them.
Besides – my heuristic of never believing anything that leads to obvious negative effects should be protective 🙂
What I love are people who free my mind.
Keep your mind open, but not so open that your brains fall out.
In which case the fabrication of our memories would make Him the literal Prince of Lies.
Churchill identified a resurgent Germany and then a Nazi Germany as a huge threat long before WWII.
While I’m sure the argument would be inventive, I’d pity the person who tried to make the case that he was wrong; especially given that his campaigning to build the RAF proved so crucial to saving Britain from invasion. This campaign won out in the cabinet in 1936.
Had he been more influential earlier then the British military would have been much better prepared. Perhaps Mussolini’s Italy would have remained opposed to German expansion. And perhaps through a policy of containment the Nazi party would have had to focus on building Germany up and not on Lebensraum.
Without a huge war as a backdrop and with a country to govern, they would no doubt have ended up becoming far more moderate. All that Hitlerian ranting nonsense only goes down well in the preparation for war or war itself, when everyone is losing their minds.
Winnie wasn’t high up in the power structure, he was a backbench MP – but he had been a major political figure for 30 years, with a lot of supporters.
He wanted to fight Hitler, but thought it should have happened much earlier. How much this was influenced by being baled out of bankruptcy in the early-mid 30s by wealthy Jews I’m not sure. Impressive stock-picking on their part.
What I love are people who free my mind.
The moment someone tells me I must think this or that, I must have this or that belief, I feel like I am being put in a prison.
There is s kind of atheism that is a prison – you must think there is no God, you must think the world is only material (why?!) . People describe atheism as freedom from belief – but in most forms, it is a mental prison. It is not the “negative capability” described by Keats, but a positive belief systems that limits your mind.
There is a kind of religion that is s mental prison – you must believe so and so about God, life, etc.
But in my view the best religion frees the mind – it says, reality is larger and more mysterious than your perceptions and beliefs. Not smaller. Only someone living in a mental prison could be a confirmed atheist.
And the best “atheism” is like the best religion – it says, only someone living in a mental prison can trap God in such specific ideas.
There is a kind of religion that is really atheism, and a kind of atheism that is really – faith.
Keep your mind open, but not so open that your brains fall out.Replies: @AaronB
What I love are people who free my mind.
This quote is just for you (-;
“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.”
Winston Churchill
Not exactly a ringing endorsement. "a local squabble over a city in Poland"From the minutes of Hitlers General Staff conference, May 23, 1939. I assume they haven't been forged.
"Moreover, how could we protect Poland and make good our guarantee? Only by declaring war upon Germany and attacking a stronger Western Wall and a more powerful German Army than those from which we had recoiled in September, 1938. Here is a line of milestones to disaster. Here is a catalogue of surrenders, at first when all was easy and later when things were harder, to the ever-growing German power. But now at last was the end of British and French submission. Here was decision at last, taken at the worst possible moment and on the least satisfactory ground, which must surely lead to the slaughter of tens of millions of people."
Replies: @The Germ Theory of Disease
"Danzig is not the subject of the dispute at all. It is a question of expanding our living space in the East and of securing our food supplies. There is, therefore, no question of sparing Poland, and we are left with the decision: to attack Poland at the first suitable opportunity. We cannot expect a repetition of the Czech affair. There will be war. Our task is to isolate Poland. The success of the isolation will be decisive. "
Those are interesting points, guess I’ll have to adjust my view.
I knew Chamberlain was in charge in 39 when the really stupid decisions were made, but I just assumed (wrongly I guess) that since Winnie was so high up in the power structure and was so pig-headed on so many other matters, that he was OK with this nonsense, but I guess not. Good for him, for once at least. Still doesn’t let him off the hook for persisting in a war that nobody wanted, and a thousand other idiocies. Your Danzig/Poland quote is interesting, but the issue as to how it fits in the larger picture is one for experts, not me.
Weirdly I am not a history buff but rather a historiography buff, and since we are still living in the shadow of the victors’ fake historiography and partially fake history, Churchill and Roosevelt deserve to be kicked in the shins as often as possible to make up for lost time, as there are no heroes in the piece, only different flavors of villain.
The thing interests me because I believe that, like the American Civil War but unlike the Great War, the Second World War could have been prevented by better statecraft. But I don’t write the history books, I only rue ’em.
I give some slack to the apologists who say that too much was lost in translation, but that was the biggest factor in my rejection of Christianity in favor of a deism-flavored atheism.The universe seems to be set up in a way that if there actually was any supernatural intervention in it, past or present, we'd never be able to prove it.Replies: @Stargazer, @Wielgus, @Audacious Epigone
By the most straightforward reading, the Bible does say the world is 6,000 years old.
God could have created the universe one millisecond ago and we would never know.
Neville Chamberlain gave the guarantee to Poland and declared war on Germany, not Churchill, who said he was ‘astonished’ when he heard of the guarantee (he also said it meant a major war).
“Moreover, how could we protect Poland and make good our guarantee? Only by declaring war upon Germany and attacking a stronger Western Wall and a more powerful German Army than those from which we had recoiled in September, 1938. Here is a line of milestones to disaster. Here is a catalogue of surrenders, at first when all was easy and later when things were harder, to the ever-growing German power. But now at last was the end of British and French submission. Here was decision at last, taken at the worst possible moment and on the least satisfactory ground, which must surely lead to the slaughter of tens of millions of people.”
Not exactly a ringing endorsement.
“a local squabble over a city in Poland”
From the minutes of Hitlers General Staff conference, May 23, 1939. I assume they haven’t been forged.
“Danzig is not the subject of the dispute at all. It is a question of expanding our living space in the East and of securing our food supplies. There is, therefore, no question of sparing Poland, and we are left with the decision: to attack Poland at the first suitable opportunity. We cannot expect a repetition of the Czech affair. There will be war. Our task is to isolate Poland. The success of the isolation will be decisive. ”
That just shows how na�ve you are.� It's decades old at least.Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
I’ve never heard that “saying†before.
I don’t think “naive” means what you think it means. Maybe the usage is different over the pond.
Religious Victorian England utterly dominated the world.
Nonsense. Victorian England did not even dominate Europe. In the Victorian era the major European powers, politically and militarily, were France and Germany. Britain had a vast, mostly worthless, empire. The idea that Britain was a kind of 19th century superpower is a common illusion in the Anglosphere.
A123 - note the lack of mental torment from cognitive dissonance!Replies: @AaronB, @A123, @The Germ Theory of Disease
"As it was I passed through a violent and aggressive anti-religious phase which, had it lasted, might easily have made me a nuisance. My poise was restored during the next few years by frequent contact with danger. I found that whatever I might think and argue, I did not hesitate to ask for special protection when about to come under the fire of the enemy: nor to feel sincerely grateful when I got home safe to tea. I even asked for lesser things than not to be killed too soon, and nearly always in these years, and indeed throughout my life, I got what I wanted. This practice seemed perfectly natural, and just as strong and real as the reasoning process which contradicted it so sharply. Moreover the practice was comforting and the reasoning led nowhere. I therefore acted in accordance with my feelings without troubling to square such conduct with the conclusions of thought.It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations is an admirable work, and I studied it intently. The quotations when engraved upon the memory give you good thoughts. They also make you anxious to read the authors and look for more. In this or some other similar book I came across a French saying which seemed singularly apposite. 'Le coeur a ses raisons, que la raison ne connait pas.' It seemed to me that it would be very foolish to discard the reasons of the heart for those of the head. Indeed I could not see why I should not enjoy them both. I did not worry about the inconsistency of thinking one way and believing the other. It seemed good to let the mind explore so far as it could the paths of thought and logic, and also good to pray for help and succour, and be thankful when they came. I could not feel that the Supreme Creator who gave us our minds as well as our souls would be offended if they did not always run smoothly together in double harness. After all He must have foreseen this from the beginning and of course He would understand it all.Accordingly I have always been surprised to see some of our Bishops and clergy making such heavy weather about reconciling the Bible story with modern scientific and historical knowledge. Why do they want to reconcile them? If you are the recipient of a message which cheers your heart and fortifies your soul, which promises you reunion with those you have loved in a world of larger opportunity and wider sympathies, why should you worry about the shape or colour of the travel-stained envelope; whether it is duly stamped, whether the date on the postmark is right or wrong? These matters may be puzzling, but they are certainly not important. What is important is the message and the benefits to you of receiving it. Close reasoning can conduct one to the precise conclusion that miracles are impossible: that 'it is much more likely that human testimony should err, than that the laws of nature should be violated'; and at the same time one may rejoice to read how Christ turned the water into wine in Cana of Galilee or walked on the lake or rose from the dead. The human brain cannot comprehend infinity, but the discovery of mathematics enables it to be handled quite easily. The idea that nothing is true except what we comprehend is silly, and that ideas which our minds cannot reconcile are mutually destructive, sillier still. Certainly nothing could be more repulsive both to our minds and feelings than the spectacle of thousands of millions of universes—for that is what they say it comes to now—all knocking about together for ever without any rational or good purpose behind them. I therefore adopted quite early in life a system of believing whatever I wanted to believe, while at the same time leaving reason to pursue unfettered whatever paths she was capable of treading.Some of my cousins who had the great advantage of University education used to tease me with arguments to prove that nothing has any existence except what we think of it. The whole creation is but a dream; all phenomena are imaginary. You create your own universe as you go along. The stronger your imagination, the more variegated your universe. When you leave off dreaming, the universe ceases to exist. These amusing mental acrobatics are all right to play with. They are perfectly harmless and perfectly useless. I warn my younger readers only to treat them as a game. "
Churchill: “I therefore acted in accordance with my feelings, without troubling to square such conduct with the conclusions of thought.”
He goes on to say: “Thus I employed this foolproof method to make myself into one of the chief architects of turning a local squabble over a city in Poland into the largest, bloodiest war in all of human history. You’re welcome.”
Not exactly a ringing endorsement. "a local squabble over a city in Poland"From the minutes of Hitlers General Staff conference, May 23, 1939. I assume they haven't been forged.
"Moreover, how could we protect Poland and make good our guarantee? Only by declaring war upon Germany and attacking a stronger Western Wall and a more powerful German Army than those from which we had recoiled in September, 1938. Here is a line of milestones to disaster. Here is a catalogue of surrenders, at first when all was easy and later when things were harder, to the ever-growing German power. But now at last was the end of British and French submission. Here was decision at last, taken at the worst possible moment and on the least satisfactory ground, which must surely lead to the slaughter of tens of millions of people."
Replies: @The Germ Theory of Disease
"Danzig is not the subject of the dispute at all. It is a question of expanding our living space in the East and of securing our food supplies. There is, therefore, no question of sparing Poland, and we are left with the decision: to attack Poland at the first suitable opportunity. We cannot expect a repetition of the Czech affair. There will be war. Our task is to isolate Poland. The success of the isolation will be decisive. "
If we are getting onto sexual abuse scandals in England, it might be worth mentioning that Jimmy Savile published a book in 1979 entitled God’ll Fix It while Cyril Smith, the paedophile, enormously fat and state-protected MP, was a practising Unitarian.
Both men used religion as part of the “respectable” cover they employed to lure their prey.
I've read and talked with people a lot, and I've never heard that "saying" before. It sounds like something a Dawkins follower might have coined 20 years back and everyone agreed he like totally owned that Christian.I didn't say non-religious people all had the same secular religion - the reality is much more like Chesterton's " 'When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything'". You should see where that took some of my non-religious friends in the 1970s - to some pretty strange places. The "God-shaped hole" persists, and manifests itself in all sorts of ways - environmentalists lament sinful man and prophesy fiery and imminent punishment for sin against the planet (though a lot of them like nothing better than a long-haul flight to some exotic destination) - feminists look to a lost Eden before patriarchy - leftists are big on taboo - "he said n***er! Fire him at once!" or "he attacked George Soros - on Holocaust Memorial Day, too!", just the way a Victorian might have accused someone of gambling "and on the Sabbath, too! ".But in all of these there's the (self-)righteousness, the saved and the damned, the sinners to be scorned and cast out - indeed these days white people seem to be the scapegoat or sacrificial lamb for some - I wonder where those concepts came from?Replies: @Anonymous, @Mr. Rational
As the saying goes, not believing in god is a religion the same way that not collecting stamps is a hobby.
I’ve never heard that “saying†before.
That just shows how na�ve you are.� It’s decades old at least.
For an intelligent person told he must pick between that and the world being 6000 years old as a result of the behavior people like yourself,* it's understandable that they would pick the former. After all, expressing belief in the SJW crap can help you get a job.
For example, most atheists in America believe ridiculous things about sex/gender as a social construct and use their galaxy brains not to arrive at the truth, which is actually quite simple, but rather to try to rationalize this and other SJW nonsense.
You're inverting cause and effect here.
In Communist countries they pushed out religion and got ideologies that were much more destructive
It isn't helping, though. Most American christian denominations are involved in the "refugee resettlement" scan. They aren't fighting feminism. They are contributing to the fracturing of the American Right along religious lines.
The point is, since people will be irrational anyway, you might as well go for something which evolved to be useful or helpful over the millennia.
By the most straightforward reading, the Bible does say the world is 6,000 years old.
I give some slack to the apologists who say that too much was lost in translation, but that was the biggest factor in my rejection of Christianity in favor of a deism-flavored atheism.
The universe seems to be set up in a way that if there actually was any supernatural intervention in it, past or present, we’d never be able to prove it.