9/11 committed by evil joooz and their evil honky friends.
That’s where the blame lies.
The vast majority of honkyz don’t really know the amount of power, jooooz have over the usa and world in general.
It wasn’t the “American” government behind the 911/anthrax attacks
It was Israelis with the help of American traitors
Who benefited from the US entangling itself in the ME because of the 911 false flag attack?
Only fake Jews and Israel
I have no mouth so cannot … is a little interesting. Ellison has many others that are simply disgusting or boring. Apparently he is now very wealthy and still alive.
Did like his novel A Boy and His Dog, it of course turns on a bad joke, the film of the same title is pretty good.
I checked re. suing.
Since the Ellison copy of the story was in colour, it would have been from the New Outer Limits, not the original The Outer Limits, so it would have been made over ten years after PKD’s death.
Whether his family noticed it, I don’t know. Perhaps Ellison gave a little cash at the time.
As for The Hanging Stranger/The Body Snatchers/Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the copying is obvious, but PKD was just a small-time writer, and Finney’s copy was originally serial in an N.Y. publication for the upper-middle classes.
I’d be surprised if PKD didn’t notice the original movie, perhaps he just didn’t.
The U.S. is ridiculous about copyrights, but it tends to only become of interest when Jewish interests are involved.
One great example to me was the children’s film Finding Nemo. Its design is a clear ripoff of a French children’s book, Pierrot le poisson clown.
Although the clownfish in the Jewsney film is clearly an exact copy of the one in the French book, U.S. courts refused to find against Jewsney.
A particularly funny line from the learned elders of U.S. jewstice was that it can’t have been a copy because the clownfish in the Jewsney copy had three stripes while the one in the French book had two, or vice versa.
Absolute nonsense, the Jewsney fish was an exact copy of the anthropomorphised fish in the French book.
I am aware that the actual company name is ‘Disney’, but Jews long hated Walt (he didn’t give them preferential treatment, quite the opposite), which is why they had some kind of attack party once they’d taken control following his death.
You may enjoy The Hanging Stranger, it is in the public domain and so is on Project Gutenberg. It is quite a good tale.
Well, I am not very well read in science fiction.
I only know this particular story from Harlan Ellison, and it was rather f***d up to say the least. Just like Meamjojo.
Your comments rather left me wondering why PKD did not sue those other two authors.
I assumed that opyright infringements are a rather serious crime in the US?
Is this the plot for "I have no mouth, and I must kvetch" ?Replies: @Che Guava, @Che Guava, @Che Guava
meamjojo wants to live until the universe dies and the only way to do that is for the entity that is meamjojo to be uploaded to a computer capable of running forever.
The relevance of The Hanging Stranger is that it preceded the start of Jack Finney’s The Body Snatchers series by several months.
Finney was clearly aware of PKD’s story, and just copied and verbosified it. In the original and best film of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the hanging stranger was a major feature, so Mainwaring et al. must have been aware of the original tale by PKD.
That is a score of at least two that were stolen from him and made into films or television shows. Second being Ellison’s non-attributed theft of Adjustment Team for the new Outer Limits. I would suspect that there were one or two more other than those.
When I read on Wikipedia that Lynch’s Dune was homophobic I was overjoyed. The world’s greatest film just got even better.
Sure they do. I smoke 3/4 cigarettes a day, and I have work colleagues who do the same.
Is this the plot for "I have no mouth, and I must kvetch" ?Replies: @Che Guava, @Che Guava, @Che Guava
meamjojo wants to live until the universe dies and the only way to do that is for the entity that is meamjojo to be uploaded to a computer capable of running forever.
I recently re-read PKD’s The Hanging Stranger.
Jesus was a Jew. We know the secret handshake.
Mr Lynch was honest enough to say
that the issues regarding 9/11 created a lot of questions but no real answers. I ha forgotten about “Straight Story” another delightful film, until I read the American Conservatice on Mr Lynch.
Until I read a n article at The American Conservative, I completely forot about
“Straight Story” another great film sublime
Half Swede,
Any doctor will tell you that smoking will shorten your life. I am old enough that I have seen it for myself. Many of my friends and some in my family died early. Can you guess what they all had in common? And every damn one of them was in denial about it. If you want to try and refute the fact that smoking shortens your life I suggest you are either in denial, because you are a smoker, or else you are simply brutally stupid. Or possibly both.
Since I am all for cleaning up the human gene pool I suggest you switch to unfiltered Camels. Did you by any chance take the Covid vax? I do hope so.
Even if smokers had a slightly lower life expectancy, and that was supposed to be bad, that doesn’t prove smoking caused it you fucking idiot.
Riding subway trains in the evening of the fourteenth of this month, I saw our version of the little man from another place.
He was careful not to show his face.
My legs were tired, hours of walking that day, so we rode the elevator down to the metro line. I pressed and held the ‘open’ button to give him precedence, he gave a little salute to thank me for my politeness. Never showed his face.
It was spooky, he was just like the little man from another place, except an introvert, not an extrovert.
I think that some kind of synchrocity to do with David Lynch had been in play.
I agree that 9/11 Mysteries may be the best video intro to 9/11 by way of the demolitions issue. There is an interesting back story about how Bugsy Siegal’s nephew engaged the most powerful law firm in Chicago to harass the 9/11 Mysteries filmmaker for using a “proprietary” short clip of the demolitions filmed by someone who was probably set up to film them.
Thanks, I have often thought that my ‘Grand Unified (conspiracy) Theory of Everything’ starting in the ancient past and also incorporating my personal paranormal experiences, would make a great film series. My theory puts me in a minority of just one singular individual – so the material would be unique. It would be nonfiction also but marketed as fiction.
Trouble is they would assassinate me and ban the films, of course.
I can’t actually communicate with the deceased in dreams btw – I see them sometimes, but they never speak or fly. They just look at me with all knowing eyes. Although I did try communication with a missing (dead) person once during waking hours, this practice is subject to the Jewish curse apparently. Anywho this was the first and only time I heard ‘voices’ – the guy yelled at me. I know they say the voices heard by mentally ill are just internal dialogue – but internal dialogue is not an audible sound (as we all know). V2K is an ‘audible’ sound heard only by the target – for example.
Kevin I know it isn’t cool. But I would quite happily make money off of the paranormal, not for personal gain. I just really want to build a fortress where any NZer can run to when their lives are in danger.
I have a Twitter but have never used it. Perhaps I will take a photo of a photo, upload it and link it here. The photo is 3 evil clown ghosts (Jin) sitting in a car. It creeps me out – even thinking of retrieving the photograph from storage. But I wouldn’t mind pawning it.
I took a look at your link too. The Barrett Issue. There is an email at the bottom – I almost sent them a big F you. But didn’t do it.
It isn’t a stretch to see David Lynch as a 9/11 truther.
For example, “Mulholland Drive” is absolutely a send-up of Hollyweird’s casting couch culture.
When Naomi Watts’ character is dropped off by the old couple, they get “super smiley” as they have done a favor for the elites and now they’ll get their reward.
There isn’t always a narrative to grasp in his movies. But that doesn’t mean they’re “arthouse” or trash. They are entertaining and perplexing. I WANT to know what’s going on while watching a Lynch film.
“Dune” is re-imagined every generation now as it’s solidly a part of our pop culture. Yet the mini-series from a generation ago, the Sci Fi channel one, is all but forgotten. Lynch’s bizarro-world with the navigator / space guild scene, the WAY OUT Harkonnens, the low-tech clockwork buzzing of devices, was all given the ok by Frank Herbert himself who was reportedly on set.
Also the cast of “Blue Velvet” and “Dune” has a lot of correlation. Actors liked working with Lynch.
For a lark, watch the clip of Lynch describing his one meeting with George Lucas to have him direct “Return of the Jedi” – imagine that…
if i were you meanju i’d want to live forever too, because the judgement that awaits those who reject the world of our lord jesus christ is very harsh.
tick tock tick tock…
You are an idiot, and I hope you are also a smoker. Just keep taking huge hits and telling yourself everything is going to be ok.
I have a friend that is dying of cancer right now. He was a smoker. Now, causation is a tricky matter. No one can definitely say that his cancer was caused by smoking. But when you look at large groups of smokers one thing that is immediately obvious is that they die earlier that non smokers. Statistics are not so good at predicting outcomes for individuals but rather good at predicting outcomes for large groups. If you had any education you would know that.
My dying friend has been in denial his entire life about the dangers of smoking. I’m surprised he made it into his 60’s. I fully expect to see him laid out in his coffin with a little sign saying, “This isn’t happening. But if it is happening, it wasn’t my fault.”
A lot of cancer is caused by errors in DNA. Tobacco use enhances the probability of such errors. Every person has a mechanism that checks DNA for errors. Most people have a DNA error reader of average ability. A small number of people have a poor checker. Those are the ones that get cancer while they are still young. Conversely, a small number of people have a rather robust DNA checker. Those are the people that smoke 3 packs a day and die at 95 by breaking their hips.
Both my uncles on my dad’s side died in their 50’s due to cancer. Both smoked. One of them drank pretty heavily. I have a friend that I have known for almost 60 years that is dying of cancer right now. I have been telling him since we were in our teens to put the cigarettes down. He would always reply with the old trope of knowing someone that smoked and lived into their 90’s. It didn’t work for him.
Had a friend that knew a young guy in his 20’s that liked to chew. He developed a sore in his mouth that he paid no attention to because he was in his 20’s, and no one that age thinks about cancer. Turns out it was cancer and it killed him because he waited to long to see a doctor.
Another factor is dosage. Huge difference between a half a pack a day and 3. We can quibble about ages of death but the bottom line is you are playing Russian roulette with your health for no return at all save a mild buzz. It ranks high on the stupid scale as far as I’m concerned.
If you’ve got Junger’s genes, 100 isn’t that bad. Not a lot of Jungers out there, though. Most are in wheelchairs, wearing a diaper, getting abused by nursing home staff.
it don’t take 3 1/2 hrs
Sure it was just a joke? This is Hollywood we're talking here. ;-)Replies: @Zduhaci, @Dave Bowman
Unlike the Hollywood producer who is said to have wisecracked “I have the heart of a small boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk†...
((( Hollywood producer ))).
Literally anything is possible.
Maybe you should contact Lynch on the dream plane and try to sell him your script for a remake of Richard Linklater’s Waking Life.
I have watched Loose Change and many other videos about September 11, 2001 – including “no planes” videos. The video that I think is the best of all is this one – no hype, fanfare or dramatics. Just the apparent FACTS and observations. Video –
Thank you.
Is this the plot for "I have no mouth, and I must kvetch" ?Replies: @Che Guava, @Che Guava, @Che Guava
meamjojo wants to live until the universe dies and the only way to do that is for the entity that is meamjojo to be uploaded to a computer capable of running forever.
Not that Ellison is a great writer. A few good works. PKD was always irritated that he never had any television shows made from his stories, but two or three were stolen, so he did have a couple of TV episodes made from his stories, but only by theft.
Ellison wrote an Outer Limits episode that was clearly a copy of Adjustment Team by PKD.
That wasn’t the only example, although the only one by Ellison AFAIK.
while blocked as a citation, I recommend the Documentary about Mr Lynch’s life.
His best film for me will always be
Elephant Man.
I remain aloof of his explorations into violence and intimacy, not that such seedy worlds don’t exist. I just not sure I need the graphics, the same applies to Mr Tarantino. Just too much and a tad exploitive, though a look at Mr Lynch’s life suggests that is less so for him. Iam convinced that he had a learning disability that film allowed him to channel his issues though.
Since the thread is long, an off-topic reply to you.
Greg Egan, I read some stories and a novel or two by him, he was really a bad writer at first, he improved, but is horribly PC most of the time. Also became less to do with play with extrapolating realistic science and more to do with fantasy.
What is termed science fiction falls into a few categories. Space opera, E.E. Smith, Frank Herbert, Star Wars, many others, have nothing to do with a feasible reality. It is just a variety of fantasy.
So-called ‘hard’ SF is also fantasy, it sort of stays within the rules of physics, but posits impossible advances that would take centuries or more, if they are actually possible.
The ‘mundane S.F.’ trend was/is interesting, rule is realistic extrapolation from present knowledge.
Then there are the purely allegorical, simply fun, philosophical, imaginative, and paranoid strains.
I have read Banks, only a couple of stories like you describe.
Also know something of the current state of brain scanning and expert on how computers work. Uploading won’t happen within your lifetime and, if it ever does, it won’t be you. A scan only provides a rough view of activity. Building an accurate model, even though it would still be inaccurate without flows of neurotransmitters and a representation of the biological you, would require analyzing or dissecting your brain neuron by neuron and synapse by synapse. It is neither possible nor desirable.
Also, the current model of ‘neural network’ chips by, for example, NVidia, has nothlng to do with neural-network modelling, it is a floating-point calculation for an earlier idea called the perceptron.
No electronic system can model the brain. Sure, it can be an amusing fictional device.
'a certain J. Hoberman' seems somewhat dismissive. Hoberman has been one of the best film critics since the 80s writing for the Village Voice.
The obit writer, a certain J. Hoberman, seems amused by Lynch’s “manichean†juxtaposition of extreme Capraesque innocence with equally extreme beyond-Kafkaesque suspicions of depravity. From the Establishment point of view, the fact that Lynch was a 9/11 truth-seeker seems par for the course. Of course his legendarily paranoid imagination would wonder what was crawling around beneath our perfectly-manicured American lawn.
I liked Jeanne Dielman, but I watched it over the course of a few days. It is certainly not the greatest film ever, though. Far from it. If anything, it’s an interesting experiment in filmmaking and not much else.
David Lynch sucks. In addition to being perverted, his movies are badly acted and boring. And he hides his incompetence by snowing the critics into calling shit art.
Said an utterly inconsequential loser who’s never had even the hint of an original thought in his entirely meaningless life.
Sorry jagoff, no one gives a shit what you think.
Find a photo of Ernst Jünger at 100. You have to take one cold bath per day, though.
The way they wheeled him out on that gurney into the cameras, comatose with his mouth open to catch flying insects, true compassion.
‘Jimmy is keen to vote for Kamala’ yeah right, they made FJB look human that day.
100? meamjojo wants to live forever! meamjojo wants to live until the universe dies and the only way to do that is for the entity that is meamjojo to be uploaded to a computer capable of running forever.Replies: @Commentator Mike, @arbeit macht frei, @Che Guava, @Pythas, @Cloud Posternuke
"People attack me for being pro-smoking, but what do you want? You want to live to be 100? Why would anyone want to do that?"
meamjojo wants to live until the universe dies and the only way to do that is for the entity that is meamjojo to be uploaded to a computer capable of running forever.
Is this the plot for “I have no mouth, and I must kvetch” ?
Good point. Finding peace through becoming nothing does seem uninspiring.
Yes, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that he was portraying a vampire.
Three suggestions that some may not have heard of/seen for Lynch fans.
He organised a kind of theatrical performance called Industrial Symphony No. 1. It features Julee Cruise and The Little Man from Another Place, others too. It’s on the ‘net.
After Twin Peaks, he and Mark Frost made a series called On the Air. Only lasted for seven episodes, it is goofy and light, cartoonish acting, bright colours, several Twin Peaks cast members. I found it on rental tape. Thought it was fun.
Finally, and non-purist, there is a longer version of Lynch’s Dune. In Japan it was labelled ‘Director’s Cut’, but that was a lie: Lynch neither approved nor participated in making it. The extra forty minutes do add to the story. Apparently, parts have poor image quality, but I’ve only seen that version on Super VHS, so it wasn’t noticeable.
I know people who get mad when I try and discuss these things. It’s obvious they don’t want to think about it. They don’t want to understand the world they live in. It must be terrible to live a life ‘looking away’. None of them have a sense of humor, though they would reply to that characterizing in the negative. I attribute that to the fear of actually knowing what is going on. What a way to live.
Documentary? Bits and pieces. Misdirection totally.
documentary Loose Change by Dylan Avery. And it was a film that has been watched by million viewers because you could see it through the internet. No charge. And the film sums up in a way all the theories about US government having planned the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center
Well, it’s not that far fetched. After all the US government planned the attack on the USS Liberty, and the FED, and the Bank of England, and the Holohoax, and the overthrow of the Romanovs, not to mention the “French” Revolution, and the Kalergi Plan.
I see Jason “Loose Change” Bermas is still out and about truthing. He’ll tell you to kill yourself if you start in with the anti-fake-semite-ism so knock it off.
Sure it was just a joke? This is Hollywood we're talking here. ;-)Replies: @Zduhaci, @Dave Bowman
Unlike the Hollywood producer who is said to have wisecracked “I have the heart of a small boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk†...
I don’t think white collar jobs were that stressful and hectic before the Thatcher-Raegan era. Everything seemed to be much more easy going and it was fairly easy to get jobs. It wasn’t that competitive in the workplace, and people were more pleasant and nicer. People just seemed to have more time on their hands. It’s all got much worse since then.
I had a great time when I was waitering in high class restaurants during my student days. I’m not sure it would be as pleasant these days.
I prefer to now live on the margins of society. I hate big cities and prefer small towns and spending more time outdoors. Travel has become really annoying but I still do it. It’s getting to the destinations that is horrible, but once there it’s nice, as long it isn’t big or crowded. I really hate watching people in big cities living those lonely and alienated lives, working their asses off just to pay the bills. What a waste.
So I didn’t really know of this guy David Lynch. Knowledge of movie stars and pop culture is my weakest subject. However your tribute Kevin sent me back down the rabbit hole. Thanks for that, and now storytime.
It is said this type of meditation he was into, can progress to the point where a person can take control of their own dreams while sleeping. Cosmic meditation – I’ve never heard of it, however I can relate because I started taking control of my own dreams at around age 15. Being aware of the fact this is a dream. I would practice flying outside my house every night while sleeping and eventually I mastered flight. As a consequence, my dream self is safe always – because I can just fly away or if I choose to strike an enemy – they get severely hurt. Whereas previously if I struck an enemy during dreamtime, it used to be a very weak strike. In addition, if I wake up remembering some cryptic dream code – all I have to do is think, what if that was dream me trying to convey a message to physical me and immediately I understand the cryptic code. The code didn’t come from anywhere but myself. So dream codes are now easy to decipher.
The Quran is said to be charged with barakah. All I can say is this, if I read the Quran – that same night the Quran enters my dream. Nothing else, no book or movie or whatever, does this. In fact I met that nasty big black bird after reading the Quran – what a horrible bird. I wasn’t afraid, well maybe for a micro second. This bird stood like a man on long stalk legs, is 8 feet tall and tries to intimidate when it bursts open its 3m wingspan and does a hell squawk revealing sharp teeth in it’s pelican beak.
David Lynch was a sick bastard. Blue Velvet? Awful. Sick. Sick. Sick. Rest In Peace, Mr. Lynch.
We still don’t know where consciousness comes from. Is it stored in the sperm, the egg , created in the union of the two or bestowed on all living things by the god entity?
Once your brains content and workings can be uploaded to a virtuality, then there is no need to maintain a physical form. You can be anything you want or live any reality that others have created.
SF author Greg Egan explores the brain storage idea in some of his stories with a device called the “Jewel” which can duplicate you exactly. SF author Peter F. Hamilton in the Commonwealth books has his characters wearing devices that record everything going on in your brain so that you can be restored if you die, thus granting you immortality. You can also be uploaded to a computer powered directly by a sun, so it will never lose power.
SF author Iain Banks in one of his Culture novels puts characters being criminally punished into virtual hell, where they experience everything that Dante and others imagine a hell to be. I kind of like this idea for criminals and Muslims and certain TUR posters.
There are many, many more similar stories in the SF genre.
Be careful to not limit your imaginations by what seems technically possible today.
Anglin: “Interesting boomer. Poster boy for smokers’ rights.” OK, whatever.
“You want to live to see Zion cover the Earth. But you have a problem, there’s that other group that wants Islam to cover the Earth and there’s a lot more of them. ”
But Jews are a lot smarter. Eventually, we will get our own planet.
I didn’t know Lynch did a movie about Richard Spencer.
Richard Spencer used to deliver pizzas in Charlottesville pic.twitter.com/GxY1VokkhB
— 𕎠𕀠𔻠𔾠𔼠(@Widge0) January 17, 2025
I smoke about 2 packs PER YEAR. I am a social smoker. When will those antismokers make a distinction. Just because they had a problem with tobacco doesn’t mean everyone does.
That’s right, don’t mention how they (allegedly) died and leave it to the readers to fill in the blank with “lung cancer.” You story is so dumb and fake.
There’s something notorious about reaching the age of 21. I can only wait patiently to see how it feels.
You must have watched Eraserhead.
documentary Loose Change by Dylan Avery. And it was a film that has been watched by million viewers because you could see it through the internet. No charge. And the film sums up in a way all the theories about US government having planned the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center
Documentary? Bits and pieces. Misdirection totally.
Exactly the point of jews making, offering Loose Change – U. S. gov’t planned and is to blame.
Any loose jew tongues flapping in the direction of jews?
I agree wholeheartedly.
Despite some financial and professional success, some days I bitterly resent having gone to college and worked as a professional. IMHO the degreed workforce is treated far more harshly than the working class, especially when it comes to expectations for work hours and performance. Plus, having to navigate the “changing demographics” of the workplace was a source of endless and painful frustration. My personal life suffered greatly because of management’s expectations. To call working as a degreed professional a mixed blessing is being generous.
When I was a young man in the late 80s, I worked as a bartender and waiter in upscale restaurants. I absolutely loved it. The work was easy, the tips were great, I always had cash in my pocket, I met some very interesting people, and I had a good time. Yeah, it was busy for the most part, but the hours flew by. If I could go back in time I would stay there.
Almost no smoker smokes a pack of cigarettes a week.
Them (they) acknowledge there is a dose dependent, or exposure-over-time effect on risk, often expressed in pack years.
Science will eventually have a solution to that problem.
Probably had more impact on my life than any other film maker. I remember watching twin peaks in my 20s (this was 2012) and I was hooked. Watched everything he ever made. Then the new series came out several years ago and it was like experiencing all of that all over again. Lynch brought me into another world. I wish I could figure out the riddle of David Lynch (who he really was, what made him tick) but it was out of that mystery that such beautiful, transcendent imagery, stories and characters emerged. Everything was so alien and yet it seemed as though it had all been experienced by me somewhere before. All I can say is RIP David. Thank you for filming the story of my life and making it way more interesting than I ever could.
I smoked into my thirties, quit, and over twenty years later I had a chest x-ray. It was almost as if I never smoked at all. I loved smoking, but had to give it up (plus alcohol) because it roiled my stomach acid.
My father smoked into his forties and lived to 83. My great aunt smoked into her 80s (Benson & Hedges 100s) and died when she fell and broke her hip. God bless her soul, she hated Jews and niggers and loved to tell you about it. I had an older brother who smoked heavily and died in his 50s, but he died of liver and heart disease because he was grossly obese and loved cocaine.
Thank you for sharing that. It was an interesting read.
Now this article I just read was good, but Anglin did an article that was the best out of all the RIP Lynch articles out there.
Just tobacco. The smoking of marijuana is almost actively promoted. While criticism of its use almost a civil rights violation. And marijuana causes all kinds of mental issues to boot, like schizophrenia and psychosis. And it screws up hormonal balance and lowers IQ.So we know the attack on cigarettes is about something other than health.Replies: @Liza, @Hapalong Cassidy
The point is: this smoking thing is really exaggerated beyond anything remotely reasonable.
Count me in on the side that thinks the ill effects of smoking are exaggerated. Oh, I think smoking a pack a day is pretty bad for you, and as one who considers himself a former smoker, I could never fathom smoking at that level (at worst I was maybe a pack a week). But the anti-smoking crowd doesn’t distinguish. To them it’s like lead poisoning – any amount of smoking is bad for you. Which is enough in and of itself to raise questions about their motives.
The obit writer, a certain J. Hoberman, seems amused by Lynch’s “manichean†juxtaposition of extreme Capraesque innocence with equally extreme beyond-Kafkaesque suspicions of depravity. From the Establishment point of view, the fact that Lynch was a 9/11 truth-seeker seems par for the course. Of course his legendarily paranoid imagination would wonder what was crawling around beneath our perfectly-manicured American lawn.
‘a certain J. Hoberman’ seems somewhat dismissive.
Hoberman has been one of the best film critics since the 80s writing for the Village Voice.
His Vulgar Modernism: Writing on Film and Other Media is a must-read compilation.
Also, he, along with his friend Jonathan Rosenbaum, was among the first critics to appreciate Lynch. They wrote a book together called Midnight Films.
Hoberman also wrote excellent books on cinematic periods of the 50s and 60s.
The Dream Life: Movies, Media, and the Mythology of the Sixties.
My one beef with the new generation of critics and scholars that emerged in the 80s is their championing of Chantal Akerman, the worst director ever who made the worst film ever: JEANNE DIELMAN that should be banned by the Geneva Convention for torture.
But homos, Jews, feminists, supposed Marxists, cucks, dorks, idiots, and etc voted lockstep to make it the greatest film ever for Sight and Sound in 2022.
“Reflecting on death in a 2018 interview with Pitchfork, Cruise said, “But I’m not gonna get buried. I’m going to have my ashes mixed in with my dogs’. They’re gonna spread my ashes across Arizona, and Arizona is going to turn blue. It’s not gonna be a red state anymore.””
Didn’t work.
The singularity term as used in physics has nothing to do with the term as used by Kurzweil. He didn’t steal anybody’s idea.
Singularity in physics – a demarcation between the quantum and macroscopic world, or a condition that has no mathematical definition or description, ie “undefined” .
Singularity in transhumanism – a tipping point where technology exceeds the limit of control or human knowledge, generally used in speculation about machine or artificial intelligence or the ability for human consciousness to exist in a digital, electronic, or electrical structure ie non-biological.
A cynic might say these are two equally goofy ideas.
I agree with the statement that boomers are more interesting than young people today are. A lot of the millennials I know seem much more boring and just as corporate as they accuse Boomers of being. A large part of that is consumerism, which tends to depress personality. Part of it is also perspective though – older people have more life experiences, and Boomers tend to have had much more variety of experiences whereas cultural conformity really sets in during consumerist trends and has a homogenizing effect. The videogame and digital era certainly has the effect of crowding out much of what would otherwise have been cultural enrichment (reading, traveling, having more real life experiences than virtual ones, etc). If millennials seem socially awkward compared to Boomers, its party because the millennials came of age in an era of degraded social opportunity.
But it does seem that the fires precipitated his death. Probably the combination of smoke and stress – two things that are potentially deadly for anyone with a chronic respiratory illness.
It doesn’t ‘firm up’ anything and it can cause its own mental problems. It’s an addiction and addicts will say anything to carry the addiction on and justify it. It doesn’t allow for creative work, addicts are addicted, habituated to its effects, and can’t do anything without it anymore. That’s what they mean.
Cannabis is a different animal with different effects, but the two are often smoked together. The interest in cannabis legalization is to cause harm, normalize drug use and to normalize ‘black culture’ as a form of anti-white oppression- give it an upper hand essentially. It started as medical use (and it can be used for some things), then novel cannabinoids were marketed, now you can go online and buy weed anywhere.
The near global crackdown on tobacco smoking is to do with its health effects and the huge burden it is on health systems. But in the hands of the left it does become a jackboot to further their own agenda a bit more.
Lynch, a chain smoker much of his life, was an addict of nicotine and the particular enhanced effects of nicotine through smoking tobacco and that’s what killed him in this case. He wasn’t young, but absent other serious health issues, he would have lived longer.
Dune was OK, but didn’t really touch on the overarching themes of the book that much. Mulholland Drive was incomprehensible, but I enjoyed watching Naomi Watts masturbate. I always thought she was kinda hot.
The rest of it was garbage.
“Smoking is literally the worst thing you can do.”
It’s probably the worst legal habit you can have. A lot of illicit drugs kill you quicker and have far worse side effects. Fentanyl, Crystal Meth and others kill you a lot quicker.
Never heard of him, but skimming across the article I surmised that he was a movie director or producer, of some renown. Is it important that I should know who he was? No more than me knowing about Howard Hawks, David Selznick or John Ford. At least those old producers produced some classic movies, I find it hard to consider anything produced since the 80’s a classic. I’ve never seen any of Lynch’s movies, but I think it’s safe to assume that he produced the same cultural rot that everyone else in Hollyweird has been producing for the past 40 years. Now that he’s gone, I’m not going to make a beeline to see any of them.
He’s also on the short list of artists I’d love to meet over coffee (or halal wine) in paradise to say “thank you for your work.” At one point had I hoped to meet him in this life too. He and I were both living in Madison, Wisconsin in 2006 when I was being witch-hunted in the national media as “that 9/11 conspiracy professor.” https://news.wisc.edu/archive/barrettissue/ I was getting major positive coverage in The Capital Times, one of the two local papers, during that period, as well as fair-to-positive coverage from the local CBS affiliate. (High-level people at both outlets were closet truthers.) In December 2006, at the tail end of my six months worth of “15 minutes of fame,” Lynch did his 9/11 interview with Dutch TV. I always wondered if the press coverage of my controversy at the university had something to do with that, and hoped to meet him some day and ask him. I did try to reach out to him a couple of times, but famous filmmakers are hard to reach unless you know somebody.
100? meamjojo wants to live forever! meamjojo wants to live until the universe dies and the only way to do that is for the entity that is meamjojo to be uploaded to a computer capable of running forever.Replies: @Commentator Mike, @arbeit macht frei, @Che Guava, @Pythas, @Cloud Posternuke
"People attack me for being pro-smoking, but what do you want? You want to live to be 100? Why would anyone want to do that?"
Drop dead weirdo. Hey schmuck on two feet, don’t tell me you believe in that singularity crap peddled and popularized by that other guy Kurzweil who stole that term from Paul A.M. Dirac who coined that term in the 1920’s shithead?
“…but literally everything is worse than smoking.”
Denial is not just a river in Egypt, Andrew
I knew a lot of people that smoked when I was young. Most have been dead for decades. The truly unlucky ones died in their 30’s. Boy, I bet they were pissed when they got the bad news. Most of the rest died in their late 50’s.
Smoking is literally the worst thing you can do. And it’s also the most stupid. You are trading decades off your life for a little piss weak buzz. And you can’t stop because you have an addictive brain. How pathetic can you get?
I try and look on the bright side. It takes dumbasses out of the gene pool.
Just tobacco. The smoking of marijuana is almost actively promoted. While criticism of its use almost a civil rights violation. And marijuana causes all kinds of mental issues to boot, like schizophrenia and psychosis. And it screws up hormonal balance and lowers IQ.So we know the attack on cigarettes is about something other than health.Replies: @Liza, @Hapalong Cassidy
The point is: this smoking thing is really exaggerated beyond anything remotely reasonable.
Excessive tobacco may have health consequences, but it does firm up the mind, allowing for creative work – and weed does the absolute opposite. Melts your brain cells down in a manner of speaking, expands you into stupidity. Yes, there is something else going on here, with the war against tobacco and the promotion of marijuana. You have got it right.
But both drugs need to be used by the right person. If you are too tight assed, weed might help. If you are all over the lot mentally, tobacco will fix you if only temporarily. But in the long run, mj is a much worse poison.
Unlike the Hollywood producer who is said to have wisecracked “I have the heart of a small boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk†…
Sure it was just a joke? This is Hollywood we’re talking here. 😉
David Lynch sucks. In addition to being perverted, his movies are badly acted and boring. And he hides his incompetence by snowing the critics into calling shit art.
Said an utterly inconsequential loser who's never had even the hint of an original thought in his entirely meaningless life.
David Lynch sucks. In addition to being perverted, his movies are badly acted and boring. And he hides his incompetence by snowing the critics into calling shit art.
I loved smoking: cigs, joints, pipes, even cigars. I quit tobacco when I was 59. I quit weed for 25 years when I turned 38, god-awful decision but I had to make it, now I now grow my own. I’m really old.
I was convinced in the ’60s that my generation was exceptional and my parent’s delusional and conformist. Then as I read more, saw more film, got into music and art history – I found great mentors, rebels and eccentrics in every generation.
I have noticed young folks have a kinda larval, soft look. I don’t see them doing much outside, and I’m outside quite a bit. Maybe in time the 24/7 digital pastime will lose some luster.
I didn’t get Lynch either. Despite the evocative and provocative nature of the work, I’m not sure what I took away from it. His films were very much a trendy background during my hard-living life in the ’80s. It’s time to look at them again, the old crowd is moving on…
David Lynch Questioned Reality And The Official 9/11 Narrative
Speaking of Talmudic weirdness and the desire to live forever . . . Remember the quickly deep-sixed episode of the Hasidic Jews’ tunnels filled with baby accessories and blood-stained mattresses? I heard an orthodox rabbi explain that what was taking place down there wasn’t outright human sacrifice — the killing of a living person for nutty religious reasons. Instead what they were doing was using the bodies of the very-recently-dead in elaborate rituals intended to create a receptacle for the return of their late Kabbalah wizard, Schneersohn. Presumably members of their creepy inbred community would offer the corpses of their deceased loved ones in hopes that the dead wizard would choose it as his next earthly vessel. I still treasure the mental image of the ugly Hasid crawling up from the sewer and scuttling away.
When I checked out the Unz Review this morning it was a real jolt reading the words “RIP David Lynch”. I couldn’t read this article right away and simply prayed thanking God for the life and work of this marvelous man. It was interesting to read your perspectives emphasizing his childlike approach to his art and life untainted by cynicism, still capable of seeing great beauty and ugliness, in the world and beyond it. More than anyone else, he could peel back the curtain and capture the hidden higher reality coexisting everywhere in parallel to our own on film, visible to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. I hope to meet this man in heaven someday and enjoy a cup of coffee with him.
Very good points, but in my opinion, this thread should just be about Lynch.
I suppose you refer to The Straight Story.
It was a great film. Elephant Man, a few others would be PG.
I couldn’t find a video of this withot nigumentary, so this is just on a still. Julee Cruise is also R.I.P., two or so years ago, by her own hand, didn’t want to face cancer and the ‘treatments’.
Seems like a good requiem. Lynch is in the mix of this song.
Dune has great casting and visuals, but the script and editing destroyed it.
The Frank Herbert novel does not lend itself to a movie script that is understandable to anyone who has not read the book. Lynch did a fine job of adaptation but the studio execs corrupted Lynch’s film.
Wasn’t that Robert Blake playing that ultra-white Vampire in the Lost Highway clip?
Rated G!
I was under the impression that most, if not all, Zionists are fanatical transhumanists. The more hardcore and hardline the Zionist, the weirder and more Talmudic the stuff they’re into gets. And transhumanism is about as Talmudic as it gets.
Before they were promoting transhumanism, they were shilling Kabbalah (not the modern cult, the much older Talmudic ceremonial magical system) and trying to figure out magical ways of “tricking” God into helping them live forever and so on. Kabbalah always seemed to me a medieval, supernatural version of transhumanism.
This freakshow just keeps evolving with the times.
The point is: this smoking thing is really exaggerated beyond anything remotely reasonable.
Just tobacco.
The smoking of marijuana is almost actively promoted. While criticism of its use almost a civil rights violation. And marijuana causes all kinds of mental issues to boot, like schizophrenia and psychosis. And it screws up hormonal balance and lowers IQ.
So we know the attack on cigarettes is about something other than health.
RIP David Lynch. Thanks for your work. There are so many people on this rock whom I despise and would take pleasure in learning of their deaths (Dick Cheney, I am looking at you) that when someone I’ve enjoyed and admire meets their end… I feel it, I feel something. Everyone’s story ends the same way. The meaning of life is that it stops.
I divide my life up in to pre-seeing Eraserhead, and post-seeing Eraserhead. It had that much of an impact. I go back and forth on whether or not Eraserhead or Blue Velvet is my favorite film, but I ultimately decided that Eraserhead isn’t so much a movie as it is an experience, and therefore Blue Velvet wins on a technicality.
Wild at Heart, Nicholas Cage was still (just) bearable then, I liked it, no big puzzles, so not worth viewing more than twice (wouldn’t mind seeing it again now, though, and that would be the fourth time for me). Laura Dern didn’t seem to like playing a romantic role with wooden him, so that seems to have damaged the film. Still, recommend that you see it again, just suspend belief re. Cage.
Sure, Cage is an irritating actor, but he has been mis-cast in many otherwise great movies. Also hilariously cast in many bad ones. He was truly perfect in Vampire’s Kiss, which I rate as great.
Wild at Heart influenced other films near that time, True Romance, one by Coppola, others, too.
Agree on Inland Empire. I gather it was made for television, to be shown in multiple episodes, I saw it in Tokyo, the cinema showed it without an intermission, very stupid. I kept hoping it would become interesting, it had several interesting five-minute bits, but was just lazy, self-indulgent crap.
Lynch also participated in the soundracks, particularly with Badalametti (also R.I.P.) on Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, and Fire Walk with Me, playing sax, making noise, a little vocal at points on the last of those, and influencing the melodies and arrangements.
Eraserhead was perfect for its time in so many ways. The soundtrack there, too, was by Lynch and a friend of his. Even without the visuals, the soundtrack is great industrial music. The film is crammed with black jokes (the title is from an eraser dropped from a pencil factory in the film), cheap and well-done effects, like mashed-potato horror, etc.
The only film to compare with it, as an industrial-movement work of art, is the film Tetsuo, by Tsukamoto Shinya, about six years later.
Both are Gessanstkunstwerk of industrial-movement art.
Find a photo of Jimmy Carter at 100. You don’t want to be 100.
100? meamjojo wants to live forever! meamjojo wants to live until the universe dies and the only way to do that is for the entity that is meamjojo to be uploaded to a computer capable of running forever.Replies: @Commentator Mike, @arbeit macht frei, @Che Guava, @Pythas, @Cloud Posternuke
"People attack me for being pro-smoking, but what do you want? You want to live to be 100? Why would anyone want to do that?"
Be careful what you wish for. That is quite a popular theme in recent science fiction, but it always goes wrong, not enough money in your account, external power breaking down, etc.
One that I enjoyed reading, nanomachines had taken over the world, can’t recall the title or name of the author, but the opening sentence is ‘There has been a nano-catastrophe.’ So, after the nanomachines (grey goo) destroy all life, they revive all of the people in cryogenic storage, place their heads in flying capsules, those people are so miserable in their new state that they just fly at each other, seeking death.
Many (most?) of those cryogenic body/head storage companies, mainly in the U.S., have long since shut down.
Also, software simulation is neither technically nor philosophically possible. The relation of information to energy and matter also makes it impossible. Information is dimensionless, but representing it is not. Not to mention uploading a mind is pure fantasy.
You could always set up a Me Am Joe Joe chatbot. Haven’t yet tried any of the ones Mr. Unz has set up. Still won’t be you.
It is amusing to hear that you are also an avid trans-humanist.
juxtaposed against the life od Bob Euker who also passed away this week.
interesting that
Elephant Man
I will miss director, producer, wrier, creator David Lynch. A rare mind whose explorations into the dark heart of human existence was not merely a gratuitous journey to shock but a walk though the turmoil of his own mind in an incongruous world.
And Elephant Man makes the case more than any other.
I rather like my white person ego drives. Better than some traditional asian way of life: no self identity, no questing, your only goal in life to dissolve without a trace into the buddha or some crap. That doesn’t sound like fun.
100? meamjojo wants to live forever! meamjojo wants to live until the universe dies and the only way to do that is for the entity that is meamjojo to be uploaded to a computer capable of running forever.Replies: @Commentator Mike, @arbeit macht frei, @Che Guava, @Pythas, @Cloud Posternuke
"People attack me for being pro-smoking, but what do you want? You want to live to be 100? Why would anyone want to do that?"
are you suggesting life stops being worth it at some point? but this goes against everything I've been told....if it's true maybe you should stop railing against legalized euthanasia, because for many people this moribundity of life occurs a lot sooner than 100lol, seriously, you have a weird double take on life: puzzled why anyone would drag it along forever past its time, yet condemning those who would end it when it's effectively over alreadyReplies: @don't care, @Commentator Mike
You want to live to be 100? Why would anyone want to do that?
Some say “life is what you make of it” but life just is. There is this western man’s obsession that he has to do something, achieve something, stay busy, and the system is geared to make him do that just to survive. But in the end Westerners are like rats running around in a cage, biting each other, bitching and fighting over everything while trying to justify it by making grandiose statements about the little things they do. Eastern man has largely become the same.
Big shock. I know he was old, but read an interview with him just a few weeks ago, he said he’d had a thorough check-up, no health problems except the emphysema.
He wasn’t just a smoker, but a chain-smoker, thus the emphysema.
I looked up Japanese Wikipedia, no description of cause of death. Would guess too much smoke from the fires.
Andre is incorrect about Lost Highway, it does have a comprehensible plot, as with some points in Twin Peaks, it involves soul-switching and demonic posession.
Mulholland Drive was supposed to be a television show, of course, but the television company was non-cooperative. It is incomprehensible as a whole, but I once read a convincing analysis stating that it was anti-Jewywood.
For example, the landlady with the viper nose from plastic surgery, the director-to-be man, much more.
So many more.
The Straight Story was missing from J-wiki’s list of major works, but was a great film.
100? meamjojo wants to live forever! meamjojo wants to live until the universe dies and the only way to do that is for the entity that is meamjojo to be uploaded to a computer capable of running forever.Replies: @Commentator Mike, @arbeit macht frei, @Che Guava, @Pythas, @Cloud Posternuke
"People attack me for being pro-smoking, but what do you want? You want to live to be 100? Why would anyone want to do that?"
You want to live to see Zion cover the Earth. But you have a problem, there’s that other group that wants Islam to cover the Earth and there’s a lot more of them.
But Jews are a lot smarter. Eventually, we will get our own planet.
"You want to live to see Zion cover the Earth. But you have a problem, there’s that other group that wants Islam to cover the Earth and there’s a lot more of them. "
are you suggesting life stops being worth it at some point? but this goes against everything I've been told....if it's true maybe you should stop railing against legalized euthanasia, because for many people this moribundity of life occurs a lot sooner than 100lol, seriously, you have a weird double take on life: puzzled why anyone would drag it along forever past its time, yet condemning those who would end it when it's effectively over alreadyReplies: @don't care, @Commentator Mike
You want to live to be 100? Why would anyone want to do that?
*occurs sooner than old age
You want to live to be 100? Why would anyone want to do that?
are you suggesting life stops being worth it at some point? but this goes against everything I’ve been told….
if it’s true maybe you should stop railing against legalized euthanasia, because for many people this moribundity of life occurs a lot sooner than 100
lol, seriously, you have a weird double take on life: puzzled why anyone would drag it along forever past its time, yet condemning those who would end it when it’s effectively over already
“People attack me for being pro-smoking, but what do you want? You want to live to be 100? Why would anyone want to do that?”
100? meamjojo wants to live forever! meamjojo wants to live until the universe dies and the only way to do that is for the entity that is meamjojo to be uploaded to a computer capable of running forever.
Is this the plot for "I have no mouth, and I must kvetch" ?Replies: @Che Guava, @Che Guava, @Che Guava
meamjojo wants to live until the universe dies and the only way to do that is for the entity that is meamjojo to be uploaded to a computer capable of running forever.
For all his defects, David Lynch was one of the last true artists of the modern age. Plus he was a funny guy.
It’s almost a cliche that his films follow more the logic of dreams, so one shouldn’t expect clear plots. It doesn’t always work, but when it does, it does. (But many times, it doesn’t).
He did some amazing work, and yet large part of it is marred by defects.
Dune has great casting and visuals, but the script and editing destroyed it.
Twin Peaks was good until the forced revelation of the murder mystery, then it becomes way too silly and pointless.
Lost Highway is interesting as a concept and has one great character, but… I wouldn’t watch it again.
Blue Velvet has some great scenes but I am not sure of the film as a whole. But I suppose it is still one of his most coherent pieces.
Twin Peaks: The Return has some good stuff (the “birth of Bob” episode in particular) mixed with some pretty bad stuff. It’s also way too long, it should have been cut by a half.
That one with Nicholas Cage… Enough said. It’s his worst one, as far as I’m concerned (but I did not see the whole of Inland Empire, that one was bad too.)
Mulholland Drive was perhaps the closest he got to perfection, in the right balance between being weird but fascinating and still making sense on the whole.
The Frank Herbert novel does not lend itself to a movie script that is understandable to anyone who has not read the book. Lynch did a fine job of adaptation but the studio execs corrupted Lynch's film.
Dune has great casting and visuals, but the script and editing destroyed it.