You forgot to call everyone’s attention to the death threats and perverse posts you have made. You project your own mental instability, psychopathy, and perversion on others.
“Run Al, run for your life
Tick, Tock. Every Catholic in the world will hunt you down.
And if any violence against Jews is a result of you website. You will be prosecuted.
Run Al, Run for your life. And pray that no crazy person viewing your website decides to buy a gun and kill a view Jews after reading your Catholic Plan.
The Catholic Plan against the Jews.
Pray Al then run for your life.â€
“we will come after you for denigrating and threatening the well being of Jews, Judaism our culture and our livelihood. We will hunt you down, every last one of you, and destroy you. Think Germany and the Jews.â€
I want you to go deep down where the corpses are. Find those corpses and fuck then until your dick false off. Then choke until you yourself become a corpse.â€
“Yeah baby. STD’s from a bris.â€
“Go Jerk off on some S & M porno.†
“The Jews killed Jesus because he was a false messiah and claimed to be the son of god. Jesus as the son of god is idolatry. God is not human and can have no children.
Why don’t you go to church and masturbate in front of his statue. The false Messiah.â€
In this video Fredriksen speaks with great admiration for Augustine. As a fellow academic she remarks almost with envy that he produced the equivalent of a 300 page book every year for 40 years without the aid of a computer a word processor an editor or a publisher!
Augustine formulated the pernicious doctrine of original sin which is completely invalidated by modern science. Death has always been present on this unhappy planet and certainly was not introduced by a mythical couple named Adam and Eve. But original sin opens the door for religious authorities to blame their followers for their suffering and to abuse them. This happens equally in Judaism and Christianity.***
Watch this video and learn about the original Jewish followers of Christ whom he went out of his way to save from the coming Roman siege and destruction of Jerusalem. And then church führers like Augustine turned on them branded them heretics and authorized the use of violence to destroy them!
***Here’s an analogy for the original sin scam in Genesis 3. Imagine two young children a boy and a girl brother and sister who hears strange noises in their house. They get up in the middle of the night grope their way around the dark house moving from room to room. Finally they open the door to the bedroom and see Daddy beating the crap out of Mommy. Daddy hears them and turns to stare at them with an enraged face. He points his finger at them and says
It’s your fault this happened to your mother. You are to blame.
Space does not allow of lengthy quotations from papal documents to show that, on the one hand, the sovereign pontiffs insist that Catholics must stand unflinchingly for the integral rights of Christ the King as contained in the papal encyclicals, while, on the other hand, keeping their minds and hearts free from hatred of Our Lord’s own nation according to the flesh. On the other hand, they must battle for the rights of Christ the King and the supernatural organization of society as laid down in the encyclical Quas Primas, unequivocally proclaiming that the rejection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the True Messias, by His own nation, and the unyielding opposition of that nation to Him, are a fundamental source of disorder and conflict in the world. On the other hand, as members of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Catholics should neither hate the members of that nation in which, through our Blessed Mother, the Lily of Israel, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity assumed human nature, nor deny them their legitimate rights as persons….That is fair, but the problem with Catholicism is the dogma keeps one inside a box too restricted to bare any creative thought. Judaism has no such dogma, and one can be very creative with ideas and associations to form new thoughts and ideas, that fundamental of Judaism, and Protestantism is too natural for Catholicism. Catholics hate creativity they discourage it, for it creates disorder and conflict, and in conflict with the supernatural organization of society of Christ the King.Judaism does not claim to have the flesh of g-d to form a kingdom here on earth. We are just poor creatures trying to live as g-dly as life as possible within our realm of not the supernatural, but of the reality here on earth.Catholicism in the Middle Ages used catholic dogma to terrorize the uneducated into superstitious ideas about Jews. They used the Jews to foil good from evil. The old g-d and the flesh of g-d in the trinity.But in modern times, the superstition and dogma of Catholicism just does not hold up, especially compared to the innovations by people like Elon Musk or George Gershwin which would be impossible for a Trad Rad catholic to become. The dogma of Mariology alone is just impossible to believe, even with the greatest of faith. That dogma is also so far away from the Jewish Jesus on earth. The idea of the immaculate conception, Mary's pre destiny as the third flesh of g-d, and finally her Assumption into heaven as a whole person is dogma that is not worth of divine rights. They opened her tomb and her clothes were there. Kind of like Jesus, only worse. These SSPX people are jealous. Jealous of the creativity and freedom that Judaism brings to human intellectual thought, and because of that the catholics blame the Jews for all that is wrong with the world, and condemn Judaism as naturalism, a heresy. The Jews are no more responsible for the ills of the world as the world would make natural progress irregardless of Judaism. They hate us because they cannot be us and stay a Catholic. The point for UR is that Al is a priest kicked out of the SSPX for Holocaust denial and hatred of Judaism as a religion, which is a sin against G-d. Al is jealous, Al is a heretic, Al is a failed Priest, Al is a loser. At let the fools here on UR lap is grotesque images up, for sure they are gratuitous bile, that no Catholic would abide by, only an anonymous loser. I think Paula Friedricksen, speaks to these two dichotomies very well.That is why Catholics like Laurent must post hideous photos of religious Jews, it is their only form of free expression and creativity, the hatred of the Naturalism of Judaism. SadReplies: @Michael Korn, @Al Liguori, @Edmond
Judaism’s love of freedom to sin.
The 10 Commandments infringed upon their freedoms to lie, murder and formicate. 😊
We ha!!!Replies: @Seraphim, @Al Liguori
Encourage women to smell their poop to be more
inclusive to Trans women Some women have a hole where their penis used to be, and that hole often shares
microbiome with the colon-creating a distinct transitioning odor.
Give credit where the credit is actually due, Fran, to Jamey Braunstein.
Braunstein’s original piece is archived at:
The Jewish original was so repulsive that the Wayback Machine says this:
Apparently Jewish perversion is so repulsive that the original author’s attribution was disappeared, the article mirrored, and given to the anonymous AFRU staff at Such antisemitism to deprive a jew of due credit!
Anyway I am here to correct that injustice. Let’s give credit where credit is due: Perversion is from the jews:
And let’s not forget “Messiah Schnnerson’s” mamzer from adultery with an underage gentile:
Whenever you project your own psychopathy onto others, don’t forget to mention the death threats you have made against me and Geocat:
“Run Al, run for your life
Tick, Tock. Every Catholic in the world will hunt you down.
And if any violence against Jews is a result of you website. You will be prosecuted.
Run Al, Run for your life. And pray that no crazy person viewing your website decides to buy a gun and kill a view Jews after reading your Catholic Plan.
The Catholic Plan against the Jews.
Pray Al then run for your life.â€
“we will come after you for denigrating and threatening the well being of Jews, Judaism our culture and our livelihood. We will hunt you down, every last one of you, and destroy you. Think Germany and the Jews.â€
As usual, jews will not criticize jews for the genocide, looting, or perversion that jews do, but jews will lose their minds when goyim notice and mention the things that jews do.
Let me guess, beside being a simp & white knight for an ethnocentric hag, you're also a fucking Boomer, and a Zio Christian as well?Dare I throw-in vaxxed?Congrats Lancelot, you've defended your damsel, and a fine lass she is . . . the finest kind of girl that only comes of 50 generations of refined, laser-focused endogamy.Replies: @EliteCommInc.
Miss Taubman, I have no doubt that we disagree on many issues. But allow me to extend some manner of empathy in your direction regarding the personal nature of the attacks. If there were some way to guard your person against such attacks online, I certainly would.
Hmmmm . . .
Not sure where to go this . . . save
opinions vary.
Thank you, Annamaria
The tribe of jewish genociders and liars is disgusting.
This is a word for them: Disgust!
I agree.
Dear Ron and Laurent,
Al Liguori’s postings are below standards of decency that should be allowed on UR. His comments and memes, are consistantly vulgar, horrific and repetitive Al is an obsessed with perversion, and debasing behavior. What he accuses the Jews of, has become his own obsessiveness with perversion. It is Al who is the pervert, that he projects in on to the Jews. Al’s postings and behavior on UR is not the discussions of a mental health person. Not just mentally unhealthy but potentially dangerous.
Maybe I have watched too many episodes of Criminal Minds, or studied FBI profiling of sexual perverts, but in my opinion Al is not harmless. When law enforcement review criminals after the crime they go back and scrub thru internet posts. And what they find with perverts is similar to the genre that Al posts, dripping blood cartoons depicting violence, bodies torn apart with cartoon memes. Non stop perversions. Normal mentally healthy people do not post that imagery.
It is really classic postings of someone with a disturbed mind, the Catholic religious ideology, is cover for his perverted happy space. If church figures saw his postings would lock him up. Discussions of fecal matter, and urination, etc, which honestly Ron you should reject as below your standards. And Ron it is mostly repetitive memes. Let me repeat perversity is not in his accusations of Jews, it is within himself and his own obsession with it. There is a distinction between an intellectual discussion of a subject and a gratuitous obsession with a subject matter. Al’s raison d’être is perversion. I am pretty sure a psychologist would find him projecting his own fantasies and obsessions, and it is unhealthy to allow it to be posted.
I would recommend for protection of your website that you ban him. Why be a part of something that could lead to a real horror story, not the make pretend ones he posts about.
I wish Laurent would way in on this, and you also Ron. The man is sick.
“Run Al, run for your life
Tick, Tock. Every Catholic in the world will hunt you down.
And if any violence against Jews is a result of you website. You will be prosecuted.
Run Al, Run for your life. And pray that no crazy person viewing your website decides to buy a gun and kill a view Jews after reading your Catholic Plan.
The Catholic Plan against the Jews.
Pray Al then run for your life.â€
“we will come after you for denigrating and threatening the well being of Jews, Judaism our culture and our livelihood. We will hunt you down, every last one of you, and destroy you. Think Germany and the Jews.â€
I want you to go deep down where the corpses are. Find those corpses and fuck then until your dick false off. Then choke until you yourself become a corpse.â€
“Yeah baby. STD’s from a bris.â€
“Go Jerk off on some S & M porno.†
“The Jews killed Jesus because he was a false messiah and claimed to be the son of god. Jesus as the son of god is idolatry. God is not human and can have no children.
Why don’t you go to church and masturbate in front of his statue. The false Messiah.â€
Miss Taubman, I have no doubt that we disagree on many issues. But allow me to extend some manner of empathy in your direction regarding the personal nature of the attacks. If there were some way to guard your person against such attacks online, I certainly would.
Let me guess, beside being a simp & white knight for an ethnocentric hag, you’re also a fucking Boomer, and a Zio Christian as well?
Dare I throw-in vaxxed?
Congrats Lancelot, you’ve defended your damsel, and a fine lass she is . . . the finest kind of girl that only comes of 50 generations of refined, laser-focused endogamy.
We ha!!!Replies: @Seraphim, @Al Liguori
Encourage women to smell their poop to be more
inclusive to Trans women Some women have a hole where their penis used to be, and that hole often shares
microbiome with the colon-creating a distinct transitioning odor.
Wee ha?
So typically jewish! Perversion is from the jews:
I want you to go deep down where the corpses are. Find those corpses and fuck then until your dick false off. Then choke until you yourself become a corpse.â€
“Yeah baby. STD’s from a bris.â€
“Go Jerk off on some S & M porno.†
“The Jews killed Jesus because he was a false messiah and claimed to be the son of god. Jesus as the son of god is idolatry. God is not human and can have no children.
Why don’t you go to church and masturbate in front of his statue. The false Messiah.â€
Probably that’s what happened to the rebbetzin. It is medically proven that coprophagia (eating one’s own feces) and scatolia (fecal smearing) are associated with neurodegenerative dementia, developmental delay, frontal lobe dementia, schizoaffective disorder. She displays all these symptoms. I’ve heard that Ayurveda asserts that a cause of insanity is an intoxication of the brain with the feces that the child frequently eats.
In Eastern European languages ”eating shit” means lying.
Jewish obsession with shit, delighting in scatology, are frequently pointed at as typical behaviour. They see it as punishment “mock[ing] the words of the Sages will be judged with boiling feces.â€
, exorcism, derision, insult.
The best Al Liguori of 2025:
Encourage women to smell their poop to be more
inclusive to Trans women Some women have a hole where their penis used to be, and that hole often shares
microbiome with the colon-creating a distinct transitioning odor.
We ha!!!
For the record I have never been a seminarian or priest or theologian. I am only a Catholic-educated and happily married layman who is raising lots of our Catholic children in the one, true, Catholic, and Apostolic Church and Faith.… and more are on the way.
Catholic dogma is infallible and unchangeable. it can be refined over teh ages, but not turned into its diametric opposite “Jews are damned†cannot be “refined†into “Jews are our elder brothers/†That’s just one pf many reasons that we know the ovus Ordo is imposter Catholicism suborned by the Jews.
Catholic dogma is infallible but you Al are a lying Hoe. Seriously when they thru you out of the church, did they do it because you are a liar, or did they just send you to an insane asylum. I have never met a more mentally disturbed lunatic in my life.
AL Liguori is infallable in his padded room. Keep all women and children away.
I have looked at this list. Most are from the 2nd and 3rd century. Everyone on this list espousing Jew hatred is taken out of context, a pack of lies. Your other lies. You are not a married man with children, a married man with children would not have the time to sneak in his basement and write such perverse bullshit. You do not have to be an FBI profiler, to look at what you write and know that you are a very disturbed man, and most certainly a priest that has been kicked out of the church for sins, such as Holocaust denial. Who do you think you are kidding, with the claim that you are married with lots of Catholic children. LOL. LOL. Your deep perversity speaks for itself. Here is one of magisterial Jew haters, the one on your list. I could go thru the entire list and find your bullshit. Pope Paul IVSuch hostile views have not mellowed much with time; modern historians tend to view his papacy as an especially poor one. His policies stemmed from personal prejudices—against Spain, for example, or the Jews—rather than any overarching political or religious goals. In a time of precarious balance between Catholic and Protestant, his adversarial nature did little to slow the latter's spread across northern Europe. His anti-Spanish feelings alienated the Habsburgs, arguably the most powerful Catholic rulers in Europe, and his ascetic personal beliefs left him out of touch with the artistic and intellectual movements of his era (he often spoke of whitewashing the Sistine Chapel ceiling). Such a reactionary attitude alienated clergy and laity alike: historian John Julius Norwich calls him "the worst pope of the 16th century."[15]Replies: @Al Liguori, @Al Liguori
For years I have placed before you the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium of the Church on the jews: Every and any honest and decent person can verify that these are accurate and of official Magisterial authority. You have never done so because you are neither honest nor decent.
You do what jews do—you accuse other of what you do yourself. Here is a representative sample of your perversity:
I want you to go deep down where the corpses are. Find those corpses and fuck then until your dick false off. Then choke until you yourself become a corpse.â€
“Yeah baby. STD’s from a bris.â€
“Go Jerk off on some S & M porno.†
“The Jews killed Jesus because he was a false messiah and claimed to be the son of god. Jesus as the son of god is idolatry. God is not human and can have no children.
Why don’t you go to church and masturbate in front of his statue. The false Messiah.â€
So typically jewish! Perversion is from the jews:
Thank you for posting salient Extraordinary Magisterium on the jews! Magisterium abounds regarding the jews, but panicked and desperate, Chabad Fran will only post jewish whining about Catholic dogma. Besides Extraordinary Magisterium (when a true Pope invokes his privilege as the teacher of all Christians to explain Catholic dogma or morals ex catherdra, “from the Chair [of St. Peter],” there is also Ordinary Magisterium, namely “what has alway and everywhere been taught by the Church.” Here is a small, but representative sample of such Ordinary Magisterium from the Doctors of the Church, Saints who have especially well-articulated Catholic teaching. Since Fran and Frederiksen are so enamoured of St; Augustine’s teaching on the jews, pay special attention here to what St. Augustine actually teaches without perversion by talmudic hacks! Note too there is not a single word advocating “extermination” as the jew liars here have falsely accused.
Doctors of the Church excerpted from The Church on the Jews:
Thanks for allowing the Talmud scan images. I try to avoid posting several images at a time, however we are used to Fran Taubman posting faked photos, so when I make accusations about Talmud content, I like to prove their authenticity by including the genuine scans. I will try to avoid doing so. Thanks again.
The only rape I know about is the serial raping of Palestinian (Men) prisoners that was actually videotaped. When the Israeli government HAD to address the horrors; the Israeli people actually banged on the prison gates so that the raping would continue!!!! Unbeleivable.
Are the jews human?
Jews are into sick sexual practices often involving feces. I don’t think they can help themselves.
There was one jewess hostage that was taken and released by the Palestinians that was so distraught that the Palestinian men didn’t give her any attention while she was being held captive, that once she was released, she went out and got a nose job! ( a jewess right of passage I presume) and was posting glamour shots after the surgery!!!!
The rejection of the Christ causes such supreme mental illness that jew behaviors always amaze!
I have looked at this list. Most are from the 2nd and 3rd century. Everyone on this list espousing Jew hatred is taken out of context, a pack of lies. Your other lies. You are not a married man with children, a married man with children would not have the time to sneak in his basement and write such perverse bullshit. You do not have to be an FBI profiler, to look at what you write and know that you are a very disturbed man, and most certainly a priest that has been kicked out of the church for sins, such as Holocaust denial. Who do you think you are kidding, with the claim that you are married with lots of Catholic children. LOL. LOL. Your deep perversity speaks for itself. Here is one of magisterial Jew haters, the one on your list. I could go thru the entire list and find your bullshit. Pope Paul IVSuch hostile views have not mellowed much with time; modern historians tend to view his papacy as an especially poor one. His policies stemmed from personal prejudices—against Spain, for example, or the Jews—rather than any overarching political or religious goals. In a time of precarious balance between Catholic and Protestant, his adversarial nature did little to slow the latter's spread across northern Europe. His anti-Spanish feelings alienated the Habsburgs, arguably the most powerful Catholic rulers in Europe, and his ascetic personal beliefs left him out of touch with the artistic and intellectual movements of his era (he often spoke of whitewashing the Sistine Chapel ceiling). Such a reactionary attitude alienated clergy and laity alike: historian John Julius Norwich calls him "the worst pope of the 16th century."[15]Replies: @Al Liguori, @Al Liguori
For years I have placed before you the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium of the Church on the jews: Every and any honest and decent person can verify that these are accurate and of official Magisterial authority. You have never done so because you are neither honest nor decent.
[Including enormous numbers of images is bad behavior. In the future your posts may be trashed and if you persist, your commenting will be sharply restricted.]
Chabad Fran’s rabbi sez:
Isaac from the Old Testament… get this… was actually a female soul born into a male’s body until he prayed to God and God swapped souls – male for female, Adam‘s bestiality, curing the flu with dog manure, rabbis with expensive farting whores, Jonah flashing his penis at the whale to escape, & “The sorcerer Balaam” [code word often used for Jesus in vernacular translations] screwing talking donkeys and then using his penis to make prophesies, . Jew ‘splain all your sicko sages: And you had better tell your favorite “Catholic scholar” who converted to Judaism that every non-Jew female who wishes to convert and become a talmudic jew is a male soul trapped in a female body. The ‘wisdom’ just doesn’t stop. See Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (aka Isaac Luria) on “Cross-Gender Soul Migration”. When it comes to Judaism perversion is the order of the day and… oh… men can reincarnate, but women cannot… and what about those rabbis sniffing semen on the bedsheets and peeping on other rabbis, voyeurs in the outhouse??? Satanically perverse people! …and don’t forget: “Before excreting don’t forget to check your compass heading”!!!
There are striking visuals to juxtapose with jews’ squealing about special jewish righteousness & victimhood.
The fascist jewiish state’s bombing of the densely populated Gaza, with use of white phosphorus (the real holocaust), plus the imposed starvation and the physical elimination of medical personnel have resulted in the greatest ever numbers of pediatric amputees.
The largest ever numbers of Pediatric amputees—these small intentionally handicapped Palestinian children—are the image of jewish amorality, sadism, psychotic hatred, cruelty , and the overall lack of conscience. As the actions of global jewry have shown, jews at large are supremacist lunatics possessed by genocidal urges.
The tribe of jewish genociders and liars is disgusting.
This is a word for them: Disgust!
I agree.
The tribe of jewish genociders and liars is disgusting.
This is a word for them: Disgust!
Here is a Papal Bull from Pope St Pius V that expells the jews
26 February 1569 Pope Pius V expels Jews unless they become Roman Catholics #otdimjh
Posted on February 26, 2015 by richardsh
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Pope Pius V (who became a Saint in 1712) issues the papal bull Hebraeorum gens (“the people of the Hebrewsâ€). Except for Rome and Verona, all Jews are to be expelled from the Papal States unless they convert to Christianity.
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According to the Bull – a particular type of letters patent or charter issued by a Pope and named after the lead seal (bulla) that was appended to the end in order to authenticate it:
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“The Jewish people fell from the heights because of their faithlessness and condemned their Redeemer to a shameful death. Their godlessness has assumed such forms that, for the salvation of our own people, it becomes necessary to prevent their disease.
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Besides usury, through which Jews everywhere have sucked dry the property of impoverished Christians, they are accomplices of thieves and robbers; and the most damaging aspect of the matter is that they allure the unsuspecting through magical incantations, superstition, and witchcraft to the Synagogue of Satan and boast of being able to predict the future. We have carefully investigated how this revolting sect abuses the name of Christ and how harmful they are to those whose life is threatened by their deceit.
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On account of these and other serious matters, and because of the gravity of their crimes which increase day to day more and more, We order that, within 90 days, all Jews in our entire earthly realm of justice – in all towns, districts, and places – must depart these regions.
After this time limit shall all at the present or in the future, who dwell or wander into that city or other already mentioned, be affected, their property confiscated and handed over to the Siscus, and they shall becomes slaves of the Roman Church, live in perpetual servitude and the Roman Church shall have the same rights over them as the remaining [worldly] lords over slaves and property.â€
Jews were able to take refuge in the slums of Rome and Verona, where the bull never took effect, but several thousand were forced into exile. The towns of Ravenna, Orvieto, Viterbo, Perugia, Spoleto, and Terracina were emptied of Jews, and the Papal States lost numerous entrepreneurs, craftsmen, merchants, and professionals.
They were permitted to return by the next pope, Gregory XIII. (1572-85), who, while he showed an occasional leniency, introduced a large number of severe restrictions.
pope usa
You read:
Read carefully:
Rev. Denis Fahey is careful to cite various Catholic magisterial teachings that show the true meaning of anti-Semitism. As we have always known, the definition of anti-Semitism is not criticism of Jewish beliefs and actions, but hatred of the Jewish race regardless of what they believe or do.
1 Thessalonians 2:14-15
14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are enemies to all men:
Acts 29:32
Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.
Replies: @Al Liguori
Homilies against Jews and Judaizing Christians
Main article: Adversus Judaeos
John Chrysostom with Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nazianzus on a late-15th-century icon of the Three Holy Hierarchs from the Cathedral of St Sophia, Novgorod
During his first two years as a presbyter in Antioch (386–387), John denounced Jews and Christians in a series of eight homilies delivered to Christians in his congregation who were taking part in Jewish festivals and other Jewish observances.[57][58] It is disputed whether the main targets were specifically the so called "Judaizers" or Jews in general. His homilies were expressed in the conventional manner, using the uncompromising rhetorical form known as the psogos (Greek: blame, censure).[57]
One of the purposes of these homilies was to prevent Christians from participating in Jewish customs, and thus prevent the perceived erosion of Chrysostom's flock. In his homilies, John criticized those "Judaizing Christians", who were participating in Jewish festivals and taking part in other Jewish observances, such as the shabbat, submitted to circumcision and made pilgrimage to Jewish holy places.[57] There had been a revival of Jewish faith and tolerance in Antioch in 361, so Chrysostom's followers and the greater Christian community were in contact with Jews frequently, and Chrysostom was concerned that this interaction would draw Christians away from their faith identity.[59]
John claimed that synagogues were full of Christians, especially Christian women, on the shabbats and Jewish festivals, because they loved the solemnity of the Jewish liturgy and enjoyed listening to the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, and applauded famous preachers in accordance with the contemporary custom.[60] Due to Chrysostom's stature in the Christian church, both locally and within the greater church hierarchy, his sermons were fairly successful in spreading anti-Jewish sentiment.
In Greek, the homilies are called Kata IoudaiÅn (Κατὰ Ἰουδαίων), which is translated as Adversus Judaeos in Latin and "Against the Jews" in English.[61] The original Benedictine editor of the homilies, Bernard de Montfaucon, gives the following footnote to the title: "A discourse against the Jews; but it was delivered against those who were Judaizing and keeping the fasts with them [the Jews]".[61]
According to Patristics scholars, opposition to any particular view during the late 4th century was conventionally expressed in a manner, using the rhetorical form known as the psogos, whose literary conventions were to vilify opponents in an uncompromising manner; thus, it has been argued that to call Chrysostom an "anti-Semite" is to employ anachronistic terminology in a way incongruous with historical context and record.[62] This does not preclude assertions that Chrysostom's theology was a form of anti-Jewish supersessionism.[63]
Hilarious… as usual. You pretend that you are citing Catholic commentary to prove your expertise on Catholicism, but you only copy and pasted from Jewpedia.… I mean… Wikipedia. As if Wikipedia is the Catholic Magisterium??? …or even objective??? Who is surprised at your deceit?
The only Catholic reference among your Jewpedia “sources†is [61] which is simply a reprint of St. John Chrysostom’s Adversos Judaeos and casts no aspersions upon him.
All your other “sources†are… wait for it… jewish sources, the Encyclopaedia Judaica and Fonrobert, a talmud and “antisemitism†hack… except for Wilken who is a retired Lutheran minister. What’s next? Will you cite the Bhagavad Gita as a Catholic authority?
[57] Wilken 2004, p. xv.
[58] “John Chrysostom” in Encyclopaedia Judaica
[59] John Chrysostom, Discourses Against Judaizing Christians, trans. Paul W. Harkins, 2010, XXIX
[60] “John Chrysostom” profile, Encyclopaedia Judaica.
[61] Chrysostom, John; “Discourses Against Judaizing Christians”, Fathers of the Church (vol. 68), Paul W. Harkins (trans.), Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, 1979, pp. x, xxxi
[62] Wilken 2004, pp. 124–126.
[63] Charlotte Fonrobert, “Jewish Christians, Judaizers, and Anti-Judaism”, Late Ancient Christianity (2010), Minneapolis, MN, Fortress Press, pp. 234-254
So I provided you with 54 unimpeachable Catholic sources for Catholic dogma on the jews and you rebut with jews and 1 Prot. So what? you live in an echo chamber the size of your very own tenement closet.
Catholic dogma is infallible and unchangeable. it can be refined over teh ages, but not turned into its diametric opposite “Jews are damned” cannot be “refined” into “Jews are our elder brothers/” That’s just one pf many reasons that we know the ovus Ordo is imposter Catholicism suborned by the Jews.
Who ever mentioned that event? The last of the many provocations of the Nazios ment to provoke a reaction of the Palestinians ”terrhorrhists” which would justify Israel’s ”right to defend itself” and solve once and for all the ‘Palestinian problem’. It was all planned long before it happened.
Watching Frederica spewing nonsense after nonsense, a Romanian old saying sprung in my mind:
‘‘S-a suit scroafa în copac/The sow climbed into the tree ” , said about a smug parvenu unaware about his/her ridicule. People add: ”to squeak and shit on the onlookers”. Something like ”Putting Lipstick on a Pig”.
How true are the words of Christ: ”Don’t give what is holy to dogs or toss your pearls before pigs, or they will trample them under their feet, turn, and tear you to pieces.”
To be consistent, “Messiah Schneerson†is himself flushed down the sewer of unrighteousness for his mamzer born of adultery with an underage Gentile girl: A key point of Our Lord Jesus Christ was that He did not come for the saints, but for the sinners, even the jews (!!!) to give all hope of forgiveness and redemption providing that they believe, behave, and are baptized as He taught.Hypocritically you also libel St. Paul. You epitomize the Pharisaical spirit that Christ damned. Jesus had compassion on all sins of weakness (such as St. Peter buckling in terror), but he reserved his harshest words for people like yourself who sit from afar in smug judgment of others. You denounced St. Thomas as a "tub of lard." Can one brag about jewish physiognomy??? [snickering]Whether brawny or obese St. Thomas Aquinas kept the very rigorous fasts like all of his Dominican order (until subverted by jews into the imposter “Catholicism†of the post-Vatican 2 Novus Ordo). You quote "rabbis", the greatest vile filth and scum who've ever lived on the earth, for their commentaries on "virtue"??? We could go on for dozens of lifetimes quoting the degeneracy of "rabbis". Just as Christ accused the Pharisees, talmudic jews are precisely the “whited sepulchers†that Christ damned at Matthew 23:27. Your other allegations are vile talmudic lies from the same satanic villainy that demanded the crucifixion of Christ. When their Messiah actually arrived, Jesus Christ wasn't the type of Messiah they wanted. Christ came to establish a Kingdom "not of this world", but the Synagogue of Satan wanted and still wants a Messiah to make them masters of the universe and to exterminate or enslave all non-jews. That is why they knowingly connived the Deicide, the judicial murder of their Messiah, Jesus Christ, Second Person of the Holy Trinity, True God and True Man.Then there are your lies about Spanish Inquisition. Even the BBC ... no friend of the Catholic Church ... had the integrity to tell the truth about it. But habitual hateful liars such as yourself repeat the slanders anyway.Replies: @Fran Taubman
Rabbi Nachman of Breslov says if a person can’t control his own evil inclination how can he hope to guide others on the path of righteousness?
For years I have placed before you the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium of the Church on the jews: Every and any honest and decent person can verify that these are accurate and of official Magisterial authority. You have never done so because you are neither honest nor decent.
I have looked at this list. Most are from the 2nd and 3rd century. Everyone on this list espousing Jew hatred is taken out of context, a pack of lies.
Your other lies. You are not a married man with children, a married man with children would not have the time to sneak in his basement and write such perverse bullshit. You do not have to be an FBI profiler, to look at what you write and know that you are a very disturbed man, and most certainly a priest that has been kicked out of the church for sins, such as Holocaust denial. Who do you think you are kidding, with the claim that you are married with lots of Catholic children. LOL. LOL. Your deep perversity speaks for itself. Here is one of magisterial Jew haters, the one on your list. I could go thru the entire list and find your bullshit.
Pope Paul IV
Such hostile views have not mellowed much with time; modern historians tend to view his papacy as an especially poor one. His policies stemmed from personal prejudices—against Spain, for example, or the Jews—rather than any overarching political or religious goals. In a time of precarious balance between Catholic and Protestant, his adversarial nature did little to slow the latter’s spread across northern Europe. His anti-Spanish feelings alienated the Habsburgs, arguably the most powerful Catholic rulers in Europe, and his ascetic personal beliefs left him out of touch with the artistic and intellectual movements of his era (he often spoke of whitewashing the Sistine Chapel ceiling). Such a reactionary attitude alienated clergy and laity alike: historian John Julius Norwich calls him “the worst pope of the 16th century.“[15]
So typically jewish! Perversion is from the jews:
I want you to go deep down where the corpses are. Find those corpses and fuck then until your dick false off. Then choke until you yourself become a corpse.â€
“Yeah baby. STD’s from a bris.â€
“Go Jerk off on some S & M porno.†
“The Jews killed Jesus because he was a false messiah and claimed to be the son of god. Jesus as the son of god is idolatry. God is not human and can have no children.
Why don’t you go to church and masturbate in front of his statue. The false Messiah.â€
You mentioned October 7. Why didn’t you mentioned October 5?
You mentioned Jewish rape? Why didn’t you mention that Jewish law demands execution of even children raped by Jews? Fran’s sect Chabad teaches that policy.
You’ve asked this repeatedly and been answered repeatedly. Is dementia-related memory loss now complicating your other intellectual and spiritual disorders?
Council of Florence
“§ 712 It [the Holy Catholic Church] firmly believes, professes, and teaches that the matter pertaining to the law of the Old Testament, of the Mosaic law, which are divided into ceremonies, sacred rites, sacrifices, and sacraments, because they were established to signify something in the future, although they were suited to Divine worship at that time, after our Lord’s coming had been signified by them, ceased, and the Sacraments of the New Testament began; and that whoever, even after the passion, placed hope in these matters of law and submitted himself to them as necessary for salvation, as if faith in Christ could not save without them, sinned mortally. Yet it does not deny that after the passion of Christ up to the promulgation of the Gospel they could have been observed until they were believed to be in no way necessary for salvation; but after the promulgation of the Gospel it asserts they cannot be observed without the loss of eternal salvation. All, therefore, who after that time observe circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the law, it declares alien to the Christian faith and not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation, unless someday they recover from these errors….
Ҥ714 The Most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews, and heretics, and schismatics, can ever be partakers of eternal life, but that they are to go into the eternal fire ‘which was prepared for the devil, and his angels,’ (Matthew 25:41) unless before death they are joined with Her; and that so important is the unity of this Ecclesiastical Body, that only those remaining within this unity can profit from the sacraments of the Church unto salvation, and that they alone can receive an eternal recompense for their fasts, alms deeds, and other works of Christian piety and duties of a Christian soldier. No one, let his almsgiving be as great as it may, no one, even if he pour out his blood for the Name of Christ, can be saved unless they abide within the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.â€
Cantate Domino, from the infallible ecumenical Council of Florence under His Holiness Pope Eugene IV defining the Solemn Doctrine: Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (“Outside the Church, there is no salvation.â€), promulgated by papal bull, February 4, 1444 [Florentine calendar] in Denziger, Enchiridion Symbolorum, The Sources of Catholic Dogma, § 712-714
‘Sal’, or should I call you Moshe-there was little or, perhaps, NO rape by the Gazans who escaped the concentration camp on October 7. Even the official Israeli prosecutorial team set up to identify and indict the ‘rapists’ has, now, admitted as much. Meanwhile the rape of Palestinian prisoners by the Judeonazis, sometimes to death, and with metal implements, goes on. Are you a liar, or a brainwashed bigot? Or both?
Only "one"?
Submit one Church doctrine that supports your view on Jews and Judaism.
Replies: @Fran Taubman, @Fran Taubman
For years I have placed before you the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium of the Church on the jews: Every and any honest and decent person can verify that these are accurate and of official Magisterial authority. You have never done so because you are neither honest nor decent.
This is how incorrect your intreptation of St. John Chrysostom, where you have many quotes as Jewish hate spewed in your Magisterium. You are such an idiot.
Homilies against Jews and Judaizing Christians
Main article: Adversus JudaeosJohn Chrysostom with Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nazianzus on a late-15th-century icon of the Three Holy Hierarchs from the Cathedral of St Sophia, Novgorod
During his first two years as a presbyter in Antioch (386–387), John denounced Jews and Christians in a series of eight homilies delivered to Christians in his congregation who were taking part in Jewish festivals and other Jewish observances.[57][58] It is disputed whether the main targets were specifically the so called “Judaizers” or Jews in general. His homilies were expressed in the conventional manner, using the uncompromising rhetorical form known as the psogos (Greek: blame, censure).[57]
One of the purposes of these homilies was to prevent Christians from participating in Jewish customs, and thus prevent the perceived erosion of Chrysostom’s flock. In his homilies, John criticized those “Judaizing Christians”, who were participating in Jewish festivals and taking part in other Jewish observances, such as the shabbat, submitted to circumcision and made pilgrimage to Jewish holy places.[57] There had been a revival of Jewish faith and tolerance in Antioch in 361, so Chrysostom’s followers and the greater Christian community were in contact with Jews frequently, and Chrysostom was concerned that this interaction would draw Christians away from their faith identity.[59]
John claimed that synagogues were full of Christians, especially Christian women, on the shabbats and Jewish festivals, because they loved the solemnity of the Jewish liturgy and enjoyed listening to the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, and applauded famous preachers in accordance with the contemporary custom.[60] Due to Chrysostom’s stature in the Christian church, both locally and within the greater church hierarchy, his sermons were fairly successful in spreading anti-Jewish sentiment.
In Greek, the homilies are called Kata IoudaiÅn (Κατὰ Ἰουδαίων), which is translated as Adversus Judaeos in Latin and “Against the Jews” in English.[61] The original Benedictine editor of the homilies, Bernard de Montfaucon, gives the following footnote to the title: “A discourse against the Jews; but it was delivered against those who were Judaizing and keeping the fasts with them [the Jews]”.[61]
According to Patristics scholars, opposition to any particular view during the late 4th century was conventionally expressed in a manner, using the rhetorical form known as the psogos, whose literary conventions were to vilify opponents in an uncompromising manner; thus, it has been argued that to call Chrysostom an “anti-Semite” is to employ anachronistic terminology in a way incongruous with historical context and record.[62] This does not preclude assertions that Chrysostom’s theology was a form of anti-Jewish supersessionism.[63]
So I provided you with 54 unimpeachable Catholic sources for Catholic dogma on the jews and you rebut with jews and 1 Prot. So what? you live in an echo chamber the size of your very own tenement closet. Catholic dogma is infallible and unchangeable. it can be refined over teh ages, but not turned into its diametric opposite "Jews are damned" cannot be "refined" into "Jews are our elder brothers/" That's just one pf many reasons that we know the ovus Ordo is imposter Catholicism suborned by the Jews.
[57] Wilken 2004, p. xv.
[58] "John Chrysostom" in Encyclopaedia Judaica
[59] John Chrysostom, Discourses Against Judaizing Christians, trans. Paul W. Harkins, 2010, XXIX
[60] "John Chrysostom" profile, Encyclopaedia Judaica.
[61] Chrysostom, John; "Discourses Against Judaizing Christians", Fathers of the Church (vol. 68), Paul W. Harkins (trans.), Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, 1979, pp. x, xxxi
[62] Wilken 2004, pp. 124–126.
[63] Charlotte Fonrobert, "Jewish Christians, Judaizers, and Anti-Judaism", Late Ancient Christianity (2010), Minneapolis, MN, Fortress Press, pp. 234-254
Millennia after the facts, you’ve fabricated a libelous narrative spawned of your delusional caricature of history. Multiple lifetimes would not be enough to debunk all your vile and pathetic jewish baggage and ritual talmudic lies, but I do address a few examples now.
St. Peter, a man like all of us born under Original Sin hence of fallen human nature, lied under extreme duress, while justifiably suffering grave fear for his life. From that one instance, in your venomous hubris you generalize the character of his entire life, categorically declaring him to be “a liar and a coward”. This “coward” went on to be crucified himself some years later, and for many years wept bitterly over his betrayal of Christ. One wonders how you and your lippy rabbis would react facing the same peril—you with all the pusillanimous “fortitude” of a keyboard warrior.
Recall a core teaching of Jesus at Matthew 7:1-3, that we will all be judged by one standard, no damned talmudic double-standards. Hypocrite! Are Jews the ones without sin casting stones? (John 8:7)
Rabbi Nachman of Breslov says if a person can’t control his own evil inclination how can he hope to guide others on the path of righteousness?
To be consistent, “Messiah Schneerson†is himself flushed down the sewer of unrighteousness for his mamzer born of adultery with an underage Gentile girl:
A key point of Our Lord Jesus Christ was that He did not come for the saints, but for the sinners, even the jews (!!!) to give all hope of forgiveness and redemption providing that they believe, behave, and are baptized as He taught.
Hypocritically you also libel St. Paul. You epitomize the Pharisaical spirit that Christ damned. Jesus had compassion on all sins of weakness (such as St. Peter buckling in terror), but he reserved his harshest words for people like yourself who sit from afar in smug judgment of others. You denounced St. Thomas as a “tub of lard.” Can one brag about jewish physiognomy??? [snickering]
Whether brawny or obese St. Thomas Aquinas kept the very rigorous fasts like all of his Dominican order (until subverted by jews into the imposter “Catholicism†of the post-Vatican 2 Novus Ordo).
You quote “rabbis”, the greatest vile filth and scum who’ve ever lived on the earth, for their commentaries on “virtue”??? We could go on for dozens of lifetimes quoting the degeneracy of “rabbis”. Just as Christ accused the Pharisees, talmudic jews are precisely the “whited sepulchers†that Christ damned at Matthew 23:27. Your other allegations are vile talmudic lies from the same satanic villainy that demanded the crucifixion of Christ.
When their Messiah actually arrived, Jesus Christ wasn’t the type of Messiah they wanted. Christ came to establish a Kingdom “not of this world”, but the Synagogue of Satan wanted and still wants a Messiah to make them masters of the universe and to exterminate or enslave all non-jews. That is why they knowingly connived the Deicide, the judicial murder of their Messiah, Jesus Christ, Second Person of the Holy Trinity, True God and True Man.
Then there are your lies about Spanish Inquisition. Even the BBC … no friend of the Catholic Church … had the integrity to tell the truth about it.
Video Link But habitual hateful liars such as yourself repeat the slanders anyway.
I have looked at this list. Most are from the 2nd and 3rd century. Everyone on this list espousing Jew hatred is taken out of context, a pack of lies. Your other lies. You are not a married man with children, a married man with children would not have the time to sneak in his basement and write such perverse bullshit. You do not have to be an FBI profiler, to look at what you write and know that you are a very disturbed man, and most certainly a priest that has been kicked out of the church for sins, such as Holocaust denial. Who do you think you are kidding, with the claim that you are married with lots of Catholic children. LOL. LOL. Your deep perversity speaks for itself. Here is one of magisterial Jew haters, the one on your list. I could go thru the entire list and find your bullshit. Pope Paul IVSuch hostile views have not mellowed much with time; modern historians tend to view his papacy as an especially poor one. His policies stemmed from personal prejudices—against Spain, for example, or the Jews—rather than any overarching political or religious goals. In a time of precarious balance between Catholic and Protestant, his adversarial nature did little to slow the latter's spread across northern Europe. His anti-Spanish feelings alienated the Habsburgs, arguably the most powerful Catholic rulers in Europe, and his ascetic personal beliefs left him out of touch with the artistic and intellectual movements of his era (he often spoke of whitewashing the Sistine Chapel ceiling). Such a reactionary attitude alienated clergy and laity alike: historian John Julius Norwich calls him "the worst pope of the 16th century."[15]Replies: @Al Liguori, @Al Liguori
For years I have placed before you the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium of the Church on the jews: Every and any honest and decent person can verify that these are accurate and of official Magisterial authority. You have never done so because you are neither honest nor decent.
Only "one"?
Submit one Church doctrine that supports your view on Jews and Judaism.
Replies: @Fran Taubman, @Fran Taubman
For years I have placed before you the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium of the Church on the jews: Every and any honest and decent person can verify that these are accurate and of official Magisterial authority. You have never done so because you are neither honest nor decent.
If this is true Catholic theology on the Jews, how come you are anonymous? What is there to fear?
Why would SSPX cast you out of their church for being a H denier? Your quotes are Medieval and not official Church doctrine.
Rev. Denis Fahey is careful to cite various Catholic magisterial teachings that show the true meaning of anti-Semitism. As we have always known, the definition of anti-Semitism is not criticism of Jewish beliefs and actions, but hatred of the Jewish race regardless of what they believe or do
This is Catholic doctrine. If your cause is religious by nature, you quote individuals, you cheery pick. What is the official view the Jews: Stop picking out verses, get to the doctrine. We are where the Blessed Mother Marry is from. Interesting that you hang around such low life scoundrels on this site. You are the furthest creature from Magisterial Catholicism. I doubt you are married with children, no normal person would post your horrors. You are a pathetic psycho. We Jews are your Lords own nation. A lot of what you write are barbaric lies.
How do you reconcile this with you?
Catholics must stand unflinchingly for the integral rights of Christ the King as contained in the papal encyclicals, while, on the other hand, keeping their minds and hearts free from hatred of Our Lord’s own nation according to the flesh. On the other hand, they must battle for the rights of Christ the King and the supernatural organization of society as laid down in the encyclical Quas Primas, unequivocally proclaiming that the rejection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the True Messias, by His own nation, and the unyielding opposition of that nation to Him, are a fundamental source of disorder and conflict in the world. On the other hand, as members of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Catholics should neither hate the members of that nation in which, through our Blessed Mother, the Lily of Israel, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity assumed human nature, nor deny them their legitimate rights as persons….
Did the Jews deserve October 7th? Is rape allowed simply because they’re Jewish? If rape is allowed because they’re Jewish, then I encourage Al Liguori to find and rape a Jewish woman if his God and conscience allows him to. They are not human, yes? I will laugh when you are put in prison.
You read:
Read carefully:
Rev. Denis Fahey is careful to cite various Catholic magisterial teachings that show the true meaning of anti-Semitism. As we have always known, the definition of anti-Semitism is not criticism of Jewish beliefs and actions, but hatred of the Jewish race regardless of what they believe or do.
Chabad Fran sez:
Submit one Church doctrine that supports your view on Jews and Judaism.
Only “one”?
I have given you 54!
For years I have placed before you the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium of the Church on the jews: Every and any honest and decent person can verify that these are accurate and of official Magisterial authority. You have never done so because you are neither honest nor decent.
This is Catholic doctrine. If your cause is religious by nature, you quote individuals, you cheery pick. What is the official view the Jews: Stop picking out verses, get to the doctrine. We are where the Blessed Mother Marry is from. Interesting that you hang around such low life scoundrels on this site. You are the furthest creature from Magisterial Catholicism. I doubt you are married with children, no normal person would post your horrors. You are a pathetic psycho. We Jews are your Lords own nation. A lot of what you write are barbaric lies.
Rev. Denis Fahey is careful to cite various Catholic magisterial teachings that show the true meaning of anti-Semitism. As we have always known, the definition of anti-Semitism is not criticism of Jewish beliefs and actions, but hatred of the Jewish race regardless of what they believe or do
Catholics must stand unflinchingly for the integral rights of Christ the King as contained in the papal encyclicals, while, on the other hand, keeping their minds and hearts free from hatred of Our Lord’s own nation according to the flesh. On the other hand, they must battle for the rights of Christ the King and the supernatural organization of society as laid down in the encyclical Quas Primas, unequivocally proclaiming that the rejection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the True Messias, by His own nation, and the unyielding opposition of that nation to Him, are a fundamental source of disorder and conflict in the world. On the other hand, as members of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Catholics should neither hate the members of that nation in which, through our Blessed Mother, the Lily of Israel, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity assumed human nature, nor deny them their legitimate rights as persons….
Replies: @Al Liguori
Homilies against Jews and Judaizing Christians
Main article: Adversus Judaeos
John Chrysostom with Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nazianzus on a late-15th-century icon of the Three Holy Hierarchs from the Cathedral of St Sophia, Novgorod
During his first two years as a presbyter in Antioch (386–387), John denounced Jews and Christians in a series of eight homilies delivered to Christians in his congregation who were taking part in Jewish festivals and other Jewish observances.[57][58] It is disputed whether the main targets were specifically the so called "Judaizers" or Jews in general. His homilies were expressed in the conventional manner, using the uncompromising rhetorical form known as the psogos (Greek: blame, censure).[57]
One of the purposes of these homilies was to prevent Christians from participating in Jewish customs, and thus prevent the perceived erosion of Chrysostom's flock. In his homilies, John criticized those "Judaizing Christians", who were participating in Jewish festivals and taking part in other Jewish observances, such as the shabbat, submitted to circumcision and made pilgrimage to Jewish holy places.[57] There had been a revival of Jewish faith and tolerance in Antioch in 361, so Chrysostom's followers and the greater Christian community were in contact with Jews frequently, and Chrysostom was concerned that this interaction would draw Christians away from their faith identity.[59]
John claimed that synagogues were full of Christians, especially Christian women, on the shabbats and Jewish festivals, because they loved the solemnity of the Jewish liturgy and enjoyed listening to the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, and applauded famous preachers in accordance with the contemporary custom.[60] Due to Chrysostom's stature in the Christian church, both locally and within the greater church hierarchy, his sermons were fairly successful in spreading anti-Jewish sentiment.
In Greek, the homilies are called Kata IoudaiÅn (Κατὰ Ἰουδαίων), which is translated as Adversus Judaeos in Latin and "Against the Jews" in English.[61] The original Benedictine editor of the homilies, Bernard de Montfaucon, gives the following footnote to the title: "A discourse against the Jews; but it was delivered against those who were Judaizing and keeping the fasts with them [the Jews]".[61]
According to Patristics scholars, opposition to any particular view during the late 4th century was conventionally expressed in a manner, using the rhetorical form known as the psogos, whose literary conventions were to vilify opponents in an uncompromising manner; thus, it has been argued that to call Chrysostom an "anti-Semite" is to employ anachronistic terminology in a way incongruous with historical context and record.[62] This does not preclude assertions that Chrysostom's theology was a form of anti-Jewish supersessionism.[63]
SInce Josefa debunked your claim about converts, let’s return to that lie.
Jews hate Christians ideologically but welcome them as individuals, especially if they convert…
Really? “Welcome”? I wonder if the rabbi informed Fredricksen that despite her conversion, she is actually a ger tzedek ( גר צדק‎) a class of alien who can never be equal to a jew born of a jewish female. The Jews’ obsession with DNA is pervasive. They even presume that their European Khazarian DNA will save them. “Saved by DNA”—such anti-Biblical rubbish.
Readers begin to see that “Jews’ every word is a lie, even ‘and’ and ‘the.’”
We do not hate you "regardless" of what you believe and do. We have quite explicitly documented your talmudic beliefs and your behavior, crimes against humanity, inspired by your beliefs—beliefs and behaviors of which you have boasted and brayed in your own thousands of posts on Unz Review.That your own Synagogue of Satan called down a collective transgenerational curse upon you all is neither my doing nor the Church's doing. You did it to yourselves and to this very moment you continue do it to yourselves. "Semitism" is the cause of "antisemitism." What you wrongly call "antisemitism" is our necessary self-defense.
Rev. Denis Fahey is careful to cite various Catholic magisterial teachings that show the true meaning of anti-Semitism. As we have always known, the definition of anti-Semitism is not criticism of Jewish beliefs and actions, but hatred of the Jewish race regardless of what they believe or do.
"Impossible," eh? Nearly 2 BILLION Catholics believe the "impossible to believe" de fide dogma on the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and Our Blessed Mother. See Pharisees • hating the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Saints, and their intercession: @Fran Taubman
The dogma of Mariology alone is just impossible to believe, even with the greatest of faith.
Read carefully:
Rev. Denis Fahey is careful to cite various Catholic magisterial teachings that show the true meaning of anti-Semitism. As we have always known, the definition of anti-Semitism is not criticism of Jewish beliefs and actions, but hatred of the Jewish race regardless of what they believe or do.
You read:
Submit one Church doctrine that supports your view on Jews and Judaism. Anything from the papacy that you recognize, or papers from within the church. You make up scripture, and there is nothing within the Catholic Church to support your views, nothing. You are heretic, lunatic, working against the church and g-d.
Only "one"?
Submit one Church doctrine that supports your view on Jews and Judaism.
Replies: @Fran Taubman, @Fran Taubman
For years I have placed before you the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium of the Church on the jews: Every and any honest and decent person can verify that these are accurate and of official Magisterial authority. You have never done so because you are neither honest nor decent.
Today, the followers of jabotinsky are in charge of the ongoing Real Holocaust in Palestine, which is supported by all major jewish organizations in North America, including shameless Holo-museums.
The Irgun was a Zionist paramilitary organization that operated in Mandatory Palestine between 1931 and 1948. It was an offshoot of the older and larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah. Irgun has been viewed as a terrorist organization or organization which carried out terrorist acts.
The Irgun policy was based on what was then called Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky [a proud 'jewish fascist" and founder of the fascist youth organization Betar].
The Mussolini-Jabotinsky Connection:
... renowned war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu once stated that Betar founder Vladimir “Jabotinsky's doctrine will continue to feed the flame of Zionism and guide our pathâ€.
The enemies within:
...during their formative years, Zionist and Fascist ideologies had similar intellectual roots and numerous overlappings in terms of their philosophical and political structures. Some of the founding fathers of Zionism regarded themselves as ideological fascists, and their progression from Fascism to Zionism was a logical one, necessitated by political expediency only.
Kol Nidre is their specialty, of course.Replies: @John Trout, @Seraphim
the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) is an American Jewish umbrella organization for the Jewish Federations system, representing over 350 independent Jewish communities across North America ... The Federation movement protects and enhances the well-being of Jews worldwide through the values of tikkun olam, tzedakah and Torah.
Don’t let the phantom of Nahum Goldmann cast a shade on the true creators of the shoahbiz. You don’t have to go further than Wikipedia.
Schneour Zalman Schneersohn(1898–1980), Lubavitch Hasidic Chief Rabbi active in France during World War II. A descendant of Menachem Mendel Schneersohn (September 20, 1789 – March 17, 1866) also known as the Tzemach Tzedek (Hebrew: “Righteous Sprout” or “Righteous Scion”), the third rebbe (spiritual leader) of the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidic movement. Through his mother he was a descendant of disciples of Baal Shem Tov(Israel ben Eliezer, the founder of Hassidism). He emigrated to Mandatory Palestine and from there to France, where he created the Association des Israélites Pratiquants (AIP) (also Kehillat Haharedim), an association of Orthodox Jews promoting religious and educational activities throughout France.
His cousin Isaac Schneersohn (1879 or 1881–1969) was a ”French” rabbi, emigrated from Ukraine to France after the First World War, industrialist, and the founder of the first Holocaust Archives and Memorial. In 1943 ”anticipating the need for a center to document and preserve the memory of the persecution for historical reasons and also support claims post-war, gathered 40 representatives from Jewish organizations together at his place at rue Bizanet in Grenoble which was under Italian occupation at the time in order to form a centre de documentation. Exposure meant the death penalty, and as a result little actually happened before liberation. Serious work began after the center moved to Paris in late 1944 and was renamed the Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation (Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine, CDJC).
The goal of CDJC was to ”document the persecution and martyrdom of French Jewry by collecting massive amounts of documentation, to study discriminatory laws, to support attempts at recovery of confiscated Jewish property, to document the suffering as well as the heroism of the Jews, and to record the attitude of governments, administrations, and various sectors of public opinion… Schneersohn wanted CDJC to be the sole repository and outlet for historiography on the Holocaust, the early efforts in collecting, documenting, and preserving the basic information laid the groundwork for all future Holocaust historiography. The Nuremberg trials presented the opportunity for its first public appearance on the world stage.
Co-founder of CDJC Léon Poliakov (Russian: Лев ПолÑков; 25 November 1910, Saint Petersburg – 8 December 1997, Orsay) was a ”French” historian and director of research at the CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique) who wrote extensively on the Holocaust and antisemitism (he was the first scholar to assess the disposition of Pope Pius XII critically on various issues connected to the Holocaust. Poliakov’s 1951 Bréviaire de la haine /”Harvest of Hate”) was the first major work on the genocide, predating Raul Hilberg’s Destruction of the European Jews by a decade). He assisted Edgar Faure, the French counsel for the prosecution at the Nuremberg Trials.
Born into ”a family, from the Russian Jewish bourgeoisie”. It is not clear what relation was with the brothers Samuel, Yakov and Lazar who were awarded hereditary noble titles, making them one of Russia’s very few noble Jewish families..
Lazar was the leader of Moscow Jewish community for 35 years, and has been the main sponsor of Moscow Choral Synagogue, successful entrepreneur and banker deemed the ‘Rothschild of Moscow, ”creating wealth through stock-exchange deals and trading in Southern Russian step wheat’‘.
Samuel (Shmuel) ”Russian” businessman, informally known as the “most famous railroad king” of the Russian Empire, the senior member of the Polyakov business family, a philanthropist and a Jewish civil rights activist.
Of course, Leon Poliakov was a rabid denouncer of the Jewish ”persecutions” in ‘Tsarist Russia”!
“Jews welcome all races especially if they convert. But Christians cannot abide Jews racially so their converting doesn’t matter. Jews hate Christianity because they think it’s ideas are preposterous. But Christians hate Jews because they can’t stand their racial essence, their personality, their intelligence, and their achievements.”
Wow what a crock this statement is. Jews don’t welcome or accept converts unless they have the jew ashkenazi bloodline- the converts in marriage will always be goys and shiksas, but gentile converts will be tolerated if it advances the jew’s position- like Ivanka and Jared. That was a good tactical move by Kuschner.The rebbe (demon) approved.
As far as preposterous religious ideas. how about having sex with the shekinah at the “wailing wall” to encourage the copulation of the gods ( planets) in the Sephirot? What about the need to kill all of the gentiles to usher in Moschiach? What about the holohoax kabbalah “majik” concocted to maintain victim status and control while you go around genociding and deceiving the world?What about abortion as a jewish sacrament? Blood libel came from somewhere……
Christians don’t like jews not because of their “intelligence” ( I call it chutzpah), but because of their lack of morality and filthy practices that repulse normal people. The jew will step on his mother’s face to get ahead ( and his mother will encourage it). If you want to call that intelligence, go right ahead. I call that a ruthless form of psychopathy.
That’s what happens to a “people” that commits deicide.
Hilarious. You have not successfully defended even your own horrifying jewish doctrines or faked HoloHoax photos, but you presume to pontificate on Catholic morals and dogma. [laughing uproariously!]
For years I have placed before you the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium of the Church on the jews: Every and any honest and decent person can verify that these are accurate and of official Magisterial authority. You have never done so because you are neither honest nor decent.
For the record I have never been a seminarian or priest or theologian. I am only a Catholic-educated and happily married layman who is raising lots of our Catholic children in the one, true, Catholic, and Apostolic Church and Faith.… and more are on the way. Deo gratias! Te Deum laudamus! All decent people celebrate that you are barren. Now, “Go forth…and be jewed no more”
For the record I have never been a seminarian or priest or theologian. I am only a Catholic-educated and happily married layman who is raising lots of our Catholic children in the one, true, Catholic, and Apostolic Church and Faith.… and more are on the way.
Catholic dogma is infallible and unchangeable. it can be refined over teh ages, but not turned into its diametric opposite “Jews are damned†cannot be “refined†into “Jews are our elder brothers/†That’s just one pf many reasons that we know the ovus Ordo is imposter Catholicism suborned by the Jews.Catholic dogma is infallible but you Al are a lying Hoe. Seriously when they thru you out of the church, did they do it because you are a liar, or did they just send you to an insane asylum. I have never met a more mentally disturbed lunatic in my life. AL Liguori is infallable in his padded room. Keep all women and children away.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Your word salad digressions cannot conceal the simple fact that you have not —because you cannot— meet my challenge:
I challenge you to quote a Magisterial document calling for the extermination of the jews.
There is no Church doctrine or Magisterium that calls for the extermination of jews. There is only your perpetual jewish paranoia, a paranoia that you make self-fulfilling in your beliefs and behaviors. However many marranos and heretics you cite, they do not promulgate Catholic dogma. They are not even “peers” to Catholic kindergarteners.
I have repeatedly provided—and you have repeatedly avoided—the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium of the Church on the jews: No calls for extermination. Further, St. Augustine is not unique; his approach to the jews is our rule, not an exception. Your jewish psychopathy prompts you, Chabadniks, and Frederickson to project your own genocidal impulses on decent people. You know, “Kill even the best of the Gentiles”:
The doctrine of Original Sin is Biblical:
And he commanded him, saying: Of every tree of paradise thou shalt eat: 17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death. Genesis 2:16-17
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return to the earth, out of which thou wast taken: for dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return.… And the Lord God sent him out of the paradise of pleasure, to till the earth from which he was taken. And he cast out Adam; and placed before the paradise of pleasure Cherubims, and a flaming sword, turning every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. Genesis 3:19-24
…for the imagination and thought of man’s heart are prone to evil from his youth… Genesis 8:21
Wherefore as by one man sin entered into this world, and by sin death; and so death passed upon all men, in whom all have sinned. Romans 5:12
For the flesh lusteth against the spirit: and the spirit against the flesh; for these are contrary one to another: so that you do not the things that you would. Galatians 5:17
God allows you free will to reject Him, His Word, and His New Covenant. As for the “sages, “Your choice.”
Space does not allow of lengthy quotations from papal documents to show that, on the one hand, the sovereign pontiffs insist that Catholics must stand unflinchingly for the integral rights of Christ the King as contained in the papal encyclicals, while, on the other hand, keeping their minds and hearts free from hatred of Our Lord’s own nation according to the flesh. On the other hand, they must battle for the rights of Christ the King and the supernatural organization of society as laid down in the encyclical Quas Primas, unequivocally proclaiming that the rejection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the True Messias, by His own nation, and the unyielding opposition of that nation to Him, are a fundamental source of disorder and conflict in the world. On the other hand, as members of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Catholics should neither hate the members of that nation in which, through our Blessed Mother, the Lily of Israel, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity assumed human nature, nor deny them their legitimate rights as persons….That is fair, but the problem with Catholicism is the dogma keeps one inside a box too restricted to bare any creative thought. Judaism has no such dogma, and one can be very creative with ideas and associations to form new thoughts and ideas, that fundamental of Judaism, and Protestantism is too natural for Catholicism. Catholics hate creativity they discourage it, for it creates disorder and conflict, and in conflict with the supernatural organization of society of Christ the King.Judaism does not claim to have the flesh of g-d to form a kingdom here on earth. We are just poor creatures trying to live as g-dly as life as possible within our realm of not the supernatural, but of the reality here on earth.Catholicism in the Middle Ages used catholic dogma to terrorize the uneducated into superstitious ideas about Jews. They used the Jews to foil good from evil. The old g-d and the flesh of g-d in the trinity.But in modern times, the superstition and dogma of Catholicism just does not hold up, especially compared to the innovations by people like Elon Musk or George Gershwin which would be impossible for a Trad Rad catholic to become. The dogma of Mariology alone is just impossible to believe, even with the greatest of faith. That dogma is also so far away from the Jewish Jesus on earth. The idea of the immaculate conception, Mary's pre destiny as the third flesh of g-d, and finally her Assumption into heaven as a whole person is dogma that is not worth of divine rights. They opened her tomb and her clothes were there. Kind of like Jesus, only worse. These SSPX people are jealous. Jealous of the creativity and freedom that Judaism brings to human intellectual thought, and because of that the catholics blame the Jews for all that is wrong with the world, and condemn Judaism as naturalism, a heresy. The Jews are no more responsible for the ills of the world as the world would make natural progress irregardless of Judaism. They hate us because they cannot be us and stay a Catholic. The point for UR is that Al is a priest kicked out of the SSPX for Holocaust denial and hatred of Judaism as a religion, which is a sin against G-d. Al is jealous, Al is a heretic, Al is a failed Priest, Al is a loser. At let the fools here on UR lap is grotesque images up, for sure they are gratuitous bile, that no Catholic would abide by, only an anonymous loser. I think Paula Friedricksen, speaks to these two dichotomies very well.That is why Catholics like Laurent must post hideous photos of religious Jews, it is their only form of free expression and creativity, the hatred of the Naturalism of Judaism. SadReplies: @Michael Korn, @Al Liguori, @Edmond
Read carefully:
Rev. Denis Fahey is careful to cite various Catholic magisterial teachings that show the true meaning of anti-Semitism. As we have always known, the definition of anti-Semitism is not criticism of Jewish beliefs and actions, but hatred of the Jewish race regardless of what they believe or do.
We do not hate you “regardless” of what you believe and do. We have quite explicitly documented your talmudic beliefs and your behavior, crimes against humanity, inspired by your beliefs—beliefs and behaviors of which you have boasted and brayed in your own thousands of posts on Unz Review.
That your own Synagogue of Satan called down a collective transgenerational curse upon you all is neither my doing nor the Church’s doing. You did it to yourselves and to this very moment you continue do it to yourselves. “Semitism” is the cause of “antisemitism.” What you wrongly call “antisemitism” is our necessary self-defense.
The dogma of Mariology alone is just impossible to believe, even with the greatest of faith.
“Impossible,” eh? Nearly 2 BILLION Catholics believe the “impossible to believe” de fide dogma on the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and Our Blessed Mother. See Pharisees • hating the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Saints, and their intercession:
You read:
Read carefully:
Rev. Denis Fahey is careful to cite various Catholic magisterial teachings that show the true meaning of anti-Semitism. As we have always known, the definition of anti-Semitism is not criticism of Jewish beliefs and actions, but hatred of the Jewish race regardless of what they believe or do.
The truth is you are nothing Al. Nothing. You follow no Catholic doctrine. Show me one papacy idea, or Priestly writings within the church that purports what you write as legitimate. I will take anyone in the Catholic hierarchy that abides by your writings, and twists and gratuity. There is no one because you are outside church bounds. You are a heretic from Catholicism, and your writings amount to zero within ANY RELIGIOUS SOCIETY. All of your writings are self contained made up bullshit.
You are a psycho.
Hosted on your own petard Al. You speak for no one other than your demented self. Your views are the views of a discarded loser priest. According to SSPX the holy grail of TRAD RAD Catholics, you have defied every church doctrine and commit heresy as follows:
Catholics should neither hate the members of that nation in which, through our Blessed Mother, the Lily of Israel, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity assumed human nature, nor deny them their legitimate rights as persons….
Well as I understand Jesus’ position is that he calls all and all are cursed with the sin of Adam. At any rate, that is progress. Though I would still caution against bending scripture to heap derision on others. That too is your choice
Space does not allow of lengthy quotations from papal documents to show that, on the one hand, the sovereign pontiffs insist that Catholics must stand unflinchingly for the integral rights of Christ the King as contained in the papal encyclicals, while, on the other hand, keeping their minds and hearts free from hatred of Our Lord’s own nation according to the flesh. On the other hand, they must battle for the rights of Christ the King and the supernatural organization of society as laid down in the encyclical Quas Primas, unequivocally proclaiming that the rejection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the True Messias, by His own nation, and the unyielding opposition of that nation to Him, are a fundamental source of disorder and conflict in the world. On the other hand, as members of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Catholics should neither hate the members of that nation in which, through our Blessed Mother, the Lily of Israel, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity assumed human nature, nor deny them their legitimate rights as persons….That is fair, but the problem with Catholicism is the dogma keeps one inside a box too restricted to bare any creative thought. Judaism has no such dogma, and one can be very creative with ideas and associations to form new thoughts and ideas, that fundamental of Judaism, and Protestantism is too natural for Catholicism. Catholics hate creativity they discourage it, for it creates disorder and conflict, and in conflict with the supernatural organization of society of Christ the King.Judaism does not claim to have the flesh of g-d to form a kingdom here on earth. We are just poor creatures trying to live as g-dly as life as possible within our realm of not the supernatural, but of the reality here on earth.Catholicism in the Middle Ages used catholic dogma to terrorize the uneducated into superstitious ideas about Jews. They used the Jews to foil good from evil. The old g-d and the flesh of g-d in the trinity.But in modern times, the superstition and dogma of Catholicism just does not hold up, especially compared to the innovations by people like Elon Musk or George Gershwin which would be impossible for a Trad Rad catholic to become. The dogma of Mariology alone is just impossible to believe, even with the greatest of faith. That dogma is also so far away from the Jewish Jesus on earth. The idea of the immaculate conception, Mary's pre destiny as the third flesh of g-d, and finally her Assumption into heaven as a whole person is dogma that is not worth of divine rights. They opened her tomb and her clothes were there. Kind of like Jesus, only worse. These SSPX people are jealous. Jealous of the creativity and freedom that Judaism brings to human intellectual thought, and because of that the catholics blame the Jews for all that is wrong with the world, and condemn Judaism as naturalism, a heresy. The Jews are no more responsible for the ills of the world as the world would make natural progress irregardless of Judaism. They hate us because they cannot be us and stay a Catholic. The point for UR is that Al is a priest kicked out of the SSPX for Holocaust denial and hatred of Judaism as a religion, which is a sin against G-d. Al is jealous, Al is a heretic, Al is a failed Priest, Al is a loser. At let the fools here on UR lap is grotesque images up, for sure they are gratuitous bile, that no Catholic would abide by, only an anonymous loser. I think Paula Friedricksen, speaks to these two dichotomies very well.That is why Catholics like Laurent must post hideous photos of religious Jews, it is their only form of free expression and creativity, the hatred of the Naturalism of Judaism. SadReplies: @Michael Korn, @Al Liguori, @Edmond
Your ideas are too complicated for me. You know more about Catholic theology than I do. And maybe more about Jews since you live around them and associate with them and I no longer do.
Looking at Lauent’s photo of the Hassid at the Wall again, I think you are correct about photoshopping. Look at the bottom of his coat. You can see that it’s been twisted and knotted into a tail. I don’t think that could be natural.
The fact remains that we live in a harsh world full of suffering. The haves are greatly outnumbered by the have nots. Jealousy and envy are endemic to the human condition. Jews are particularly outstanding in their worldly success and thus invite the envious attacks of others. This is a problem regardless of religious ideology.
According to Israel Shahak, the rabbis relished their roles running the Jewish ghettos of Europe, which they set up in collaboration with the Vatican. The rabbis had complete authority ruling the shtettls like despots. They had their own courts police and ability to punish fine and so forth. Most Jews did not want to live under such an authoritarian system. America is kind of an ideal where Jews can be free to succeed outside the strict controls of Orthodox Judaism and outside the reach of the Inquisition. But how long can this privileged position last?
To Al,
When I called Professor Fredriksen your “peer”, I did not mean in spiritual matters. It’s clear that you occupy a place of your own. I’m sure Jesus himself would sit at your feet to imbibe your rarified spiritual wisdom. I simply meant that she is at your intellectual level and caliber. She’s the one who says that most of the church fathers had even harsher attitudes against Jews than Augustine and that Augustine’s concept of Jews as an accursed “witness people” preserved Jewish lives in Europe. Take it up with her if you don’t like this thesis.
To everyone else,
The original sin myth in Genesis chapter 3 is the root of all the evil in Judaism and Christianity. It is the blame the victim mentality that allows rabbis and priests to abuse their followers and get away with it. Back when he was Grand Inquisitor, Pope Benedict wrote something about the sex abuse scandals in the church. He had the nerve to claim that priests are only as holy as the generation they emerge from and because we live in such a sexually wicked era, then Catholic parishioners have no right to expect their priests to be any better!
Francisco Ayala was an evolutionary biologist at UC San Diego. He had been training to become a Dominican priest but left the program to devote himself to science. He has a fascinating allegorical interpretation of Genesis 3 that offers a lot of insight. He says that eating from the tree of knowledge is symbolic of the fact that humans are the only animals with cognizance of our own mortality and suffering in this world. Eating from the tree was not an act of defiance against some Creator God but rather a metaphor for the painful consequences of human self-awareness. He associates this with the large human brain. And that’s why women are cursed to have painful pregnancies and births. Not as a punishment from God but because the human cranium evolved much faster than the female pelvis and created what was nearly an evolutionary bottleneck in the words of San Francisco neurosurgeon Leonard Shlain:
There is no Church doctrine or Magisterium that calls for the extermination of jews. There is only your perpetual jewish paranoia, a paranoia that you make self-fulfilling in your beliefs and behaviors. However many marranos and heretics you cite, they do not promulgate Catholic dogma. They are not even "peers" to Catholic kindergarteners.I have repeatedly provided—and you have repeatedly avoided—the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium of the Church on the jews: No calls for extermination. Further, St. Augustine is not unique; his approach to the jews is our rule, not an exception. Your jewish psychopathy prompts you, Chabadniks, and Frederickson to project your own genocidal impulses on decent people. You know, "Kill even the best of the Gentiles": doctrine of Original Sin is Biblical:
I challenge you to quote a Magisterial document calling for the extermination of the jews.
And he commanded him, saying: Of every tree of paradise thou shalt eat: 17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death. Genesis 2:16-17
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return to the earth, out of which thou wast taken: for dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return.… And the Lord God sent him out of the paradise of pleasure, to till the earth from which he was taken. And he cast out Adam; and placed before the paradise of pleasure Cherubims, and a flaming sword, turning every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. Genesis 3:19-24
…for the imagination and thought of man's heart are prone to evil from his youth… Genesis 8:21
Wherefore as by one man sin entered into this world, and by sin death; and so death passed upon all men, in whom all have sinned. Romans 5:12
Q.E.D.God allows you free will to reject Him, His Word, and His New Covenant. As for the "sages, "Your choice."
For the flesh lusteth against the spirit: and the spirit against the flesh; for these are contrary one to another: so that you do not the things that you would. Galatians 5:17
Articulate and succinct, you have nailed them. Thank you.
At the same time there is both sadness (seeing their eternal damnation) and humor (seeing their clumsy denials and fabrications) in watching jews like Chabad Fran, “Elite,” and Korn self-destruct panic-stricken because (1) goyim have penetrated the plain text translations of their “holy” books and (2) goyim see what Judaism’s subjective [im]moral relativism has wrought—namely crimes against humanity, including economic crimes against humanity, for which they deserve every measure of justice due.
Their combined pontifications (I use the word advisedly) about the Catholic Church, dogma, and morals bear as much relationship to truth and reality as their word salad attempts at exculpating the horrifying doctrines of Judaism and the genocide. perversion and looting their “holy” books have inspired. Meanwhile these two-fold children of Hell (Matthew 23:25) boast about “freeing” us animals (since we gentiles are not humans) to pursue “naturalism” following the footsteps of the Synagogue of Satan.
Yes, Satan’s Chosen advocate a descent into hell even on Earth (Yeridah Tzorech Aliyah , a talmudic dogma shared by the current ANTI-pope “Francis” ), rather than aspiring to objective good as defined by God Himself. The jews work overtime to bait and switch subjective “Right versus Left” in hopes of blinding us all to what really matters in this life and the next, RIGHT versus WRONG.
It is particularly amusing to see Chabad Fran convince herself that I, a sede vacantist, am actually HIs Excellency Bp. Richard Williamson, an anti-sedevacantist. So much for her perspicacity. Go figure.
Replies: @Al Liguori, @Fran Taubman, @Seraphim
Oh my God! Frederica should heed St.Paul’s advise: ”Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
The more that she withdrew from the Church.
2 Peter 2:22-23: For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
Still no Magisterial documents to support your claims of the Church calling for the extermination of the jews. The reason? There are no Church documents calling for extermination of the jews.… only perpetual jewish paranoia and lies.
I challenge you to quote a Magisterial document calling for the extermination of the jews.
You know it is a lie to call a convert to Judaism my "peer." Your serial habitual lies are so stereotypically jewish. Like Chabad Fran you prove God's accusations and judgments against jews.Marranos @annamaria
You can argue it out with your peer maven Professor Fredriksen…
There is no reason to argue with practitioners of Kol Nidre such as ‘’ (whatever his real jewish name).
Their peculiar judaic/talmudic ‘education’ produces self-righteous non-congenital psychopaths, which makes the tribe a veritable zoo populated by large numbers of those devoid of conscience & mercy, and a very small numbers of the dignified and highly intelligent Jewish individuals who are viscerally hated by the rabbis-led supremacist flock.
The Real Holocaust of Gaza and the genocidal joy of jews both in the fascist jewish state and diaspora have illustrated the true nature of judaic/talmudic education pretty well. And it was their greed and lack of decency that made the tragedy of WWII into a profitable shoah-biz, thus exposing jews as liars and profiteering whiners. There is no way to separate the images of rabbis, pompously carrying Tora, from the horrifying images of the limbless, disfigured, crushed, and dead Palestinian children of all ages, who were carpet-bombed and holocausted with white phosphorous by the “most moral” israeli idiots encouraged and funded by members of the Jewish Federations of North America and the likes of faux jewish ‘philosopher’ B-H Levy, a leading proponent of neo-nazism in Ukraine.
Replies: @Al Liguori, @Fran Taubman, @Seraphim
I am going to continue this on another comment, as this is a really profound group of thoughts and ideas regarding the relationship with the Catholic Church and Judaism.
In the article it says that by criticizing Jewish behavior one is not anti-semitic, because Jewish behavior carries with it, as do protestants the idea of naturalism, which fundamentally is against Catholic Church dogma. By its own nature, Judaism cannot get along with Catholicism. To repeat the above the conflict is thus:
Space does not allow of lengthy quotations from papal documents to show that, on the one hand, the sovereign pontiffs insist that Catholics must stand unflinchingly for the integral rights of Christ the King as contained in the papal encyclicals, while, on the other hand, keeping their minds and hearts free from hatred of Our Lord’s own nation according to the flesh. On the other hand, they must battle for the rights of Christ the King and the supernatural organization of society as laid down in the encyclical Quas Primas, unequivocally proclaiming that the rejection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the True Messias, by His own nation, and the unyielding opposition of that nation to Him, are a fundamental source of disorder and conflict in the world. On the other hand, as members of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Catholics should neither hate the members of that nation in which, through our Blessed Mother, the Lily of Israel, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity assumed human nature, nor deny them their legitimate rights as persons….
That is fair, but the problem with Catholicism is the dogma keeps one inside a box too restricted to bare any creative thought. Judaism has no such dogma, and one can be very creative with ideas and associations to form new thoughts and ideas, that fundamental of Judaism, and Protestantism is too natural for Catholicism. Catholics hate creativity they discourage it, for it creates disorder and conflict, and in conflict with the supernatural organization of society of Christ the King.
Judaism does not claim to have the flesh of g-d to form a kingdom here on earth. We are just poor creatures trying to live as g-dly as life as possible within our realm of not the supernatural, but of the reality here on earth.
Catholicism in the Middle Ages used catholic dogma to terrorize the uneducated into superstitious ideas about Jews. They used the Jews to foil good from evil. The old g-d and the flesh of g-d in the trinity.
But in modern times, the superstition and dogma of Catholicism just does not hold up, especially compared to the innovations by people like Elon Musk or George Gershwin which would be impossible for a Trad Rad catholic to become.
The dogma of Mariology alone is just impossible to believe, even with the greatest of faith. That dogma is also so far away from the Jewish Jesus on earth. The idea of the immaculate conception, Mary’s pre destiny as the third flesh of g-d, and finally her Assumption into heaven as a whole person is dogma that is not worth of divine rights. They opened her tomb and her clothes were there. Kind of like Jesus, only worse.
These SSPX people are jealous. Jealous of the creativity and freedom that Judaism brings to human intellectual thought, and because of that the catholics blame the Jews for all that is wrong with the world, and condemn Judaism as naturalism, a heresy. The Jews are no more responsible for the ills of the world as the world would make natural progress irregardless of Judaism. They hate us because they cannot be us and stay a Catholic.
The point for UR is that Al is a priest kicked out of the SSPX for Holocaust denial and hatred of Judaism as a religion, which is a sin against G-d. Al is jealous, Al is a heretic, Al is a failed Priest, Al is a loser. At let the fools here on UR lap is grotesque images up, for sure they are gratuitous bile, that no Catholic would abide by, only an anonymous loser. I think Paula Friedricksen, speaks to these two dichotomies very well.
That is why Catholics like Laurent must post hideous photos of religious Jews, it is their only form of free expression and creativity, the hatred of the Naturalism of Judaism. Sad
We do not hate you "regardless" of what you believe and do. We have quite explicitly documented your talmudic beliefs and your behavior, crimes against humanity, inspired by your beliefs—beliefs and behaviors of which you have boasted and brayed in your own thousands of posts on Unz Review.That your own Synagogue of Satan called down a collective transgenerational curse upon you all is neither my doing nor the Church's doing. You did it to yourselves and to this very moment you continue do it to yourselves. "Semitism" is the cause of "antisemitism." What you wrongly call "antisemitism" is our necessary self-defense.
Rev. Denis Fahey is careful to cite various Catholic magisterial teachings that show the true meaning of anti-Semitism. As we have always known, the definition of anti-Semitism is not criticism of Jewish beliefs and actions, but hatred of the Jewish race regardless of what they believe or do.
"Impossible," eh? Nearly 2 BILLION Catholics believe the "impossible to believe" de fide dogma on the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and Our Blessed Mother. See Pharisees • hating the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Saints, and their intercession: @Fran Taubman
The dogma of Mariology alone is just impossible to believe, even with the greatest of faith.
Thanks for the videos. Excellent. Did you read the article that Al posted up thread.
What I noticed is how out of the box Al is even amongst the most extreme of the Trad Rad Catholics. You can see by reading the article that he is a Priest that has been thrown out of the church, and will only be heard here on UR, his scriptures are not only incorrect they are forbidden to be used to cast the entirety of Judaism as evil. It is agains the core of the church. Al is a bonified fraud, who would be thrown out of the church for his Holocaust denial alone, as William Richardson was cast out heartily by the SSPX. The article brings up some very interesting issues about criticism of Judaism by the Catholic Church: So by the leaders of the SSPX and the most dogmatic of Priest, Al is a Jew hater outside of aloud church boundaries.
Is the SSPX Anti-Semitic?
I’ve read the three articles. I can honestly say that I don’t find anything “anti-Semitic.†In fact, there is only one matter that I believe the SSPX treated incorrectly. It is in the article The Jews Guilty of Deicide.[1] So, the logical question is: Why does Roy Schoeman see anti-semitism in places where others do not? Obviously, it is because different definitions are being employed. But in Mr. Schoeman’s case I’m being rather gratuitous since he has never provided his readers with a working definition, for neither his website nor his two books contain one. Conversely, the SSPX has been very forthright. In the article, “What really is Anti-Semitism?â€Â  Rev. Denis Fahey is careful to cite various Catholic magisterial teachings that show the true meaning of anti-Semitism. As we have always known, the definition of anti-Semitism is not criticism of Jewish beliefs and actions, but hatred of the Jewish race regardless of what they believe or do. Here is an excerpt:
In the excellent review of my book The Kingship of Christ and Organized Naturalism which appeared in the Jesuit magazine, La Civilta Cattolicá (Rome, March 1947), the reviewer laid special stress on the distinction which I have been making in all books. He wrote as follows:
“The author wants a clear distinction to be made between hatred of the Jewish nation, which is Anti-Semitism, and opposition to the Jewish and Masonic naturalism. This opposition on the part of Catholics must be mainly positive by acknowledging, not only individually, but socially, the rights of the supernatural Kingship of Christ and His Church.…
Space does not allow of lengthy quotations from papal documents to show that, on the one hand, the sovereign pontiffs insist that Catholics must stand unflinchingly for the integral rights of Christ the King as contained in the papal encyclicals, while, on the other hand, keeping their minds and hearts free from hatred of Our Lord’s own nation according to the flesh. On the other hand, they must battle for the rights of Christ the King and the supernatural organization of society as laid down in the encyclical Quas Primas, unequivocally proclaiming that the rejection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the True Messias, by His own nation, and the unyielding opposition of that nation to Him, are a fundamental source of disorder and conflict in the world. On the other hand, as members of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Catholics should neither hate the members of that nation in which, through our Blessed Mother, the Lily of Israel, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity assumed human nature, nor deny them their legitimate rights as persons….
Replies: @Al Liguori, @Fran Taubman, @Seraphim
I challenge you to quote a Magisterial document calling for the extermination of the jews.
Still no Magisterial documents to support your claims of the Church calling for the extermination of the jews.
The reason? There are no Church documents calling for extermination of the jews.… only perpetual jewish paranoia and lies.
You can argue it out with your peer maven Professor Fredriksen…
You know it is a lie to call a convert to Judaism my “peer.”
Your serial habitual lies are so stereotypically jewish. Like Chabad Fran you prove God’s accusations and judgments against jews.
I challenge you to quote a Magisterial document calling for the extermination of the jews.Whatever progress you have made, you have not shed the jewish baggage of perpetual victimhood paranoia.Here is Ordinary Magisterium on the jews (= "what has always and everywhere been taught by the Church"): The Church on the Jews may injure your vestigial tribal conceits, but there is not one word calling for extermination.An excerpt regarding the official policy Sicut judaeis non:
He [St. Augistine] did not want them [the jews] exterminated as other church leaders did.
Replies: @Michael Korn
Sicut Judaeis nonDespite her consistent emphatic condemnations of the evils of Judaism, the Church always observed, though the Jews did not observe, a policy of “Live and let live,†a strict policy against forced conversions and extra-legal violence. The policy was articulated in numerous papal proclamations as “Sicut Judaeis non.†Jewish citations of Sicut Judaeis non typically revel in the freedom guaranteed Jews by the Church. Utterly lacking in Jewish citations, such as the citation in Jewish-[dominated] Wikipedia, is the reciprocal duty of the Jews: “Just as license ought not to be presumed for the Jews in their synagogues beyond what is permitted by law, so in those points conceded to them, they ought to suffer nothing prejudicial.†Pope St. Gregory the Great in Edward A. Synan, The Popes and the Jews in the Middle Ages (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1965), p. 46.
“Under the formula ‘Sicut Judaeis non,’ Pope St. Gregory the Great articulated the same principle as the Church’s policy toward the Jews. No one was to harm them, but they were to be given no position of cultural influence, lest they use it to engage in blasphemy and the corruption of morals.â€
Dr. E. Michael Jones, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History
ISBN 9780929891071, p. 64. available at
Sicut Judaeis non
You can argue it out with your peer maven Professor Fredriksen:
Still no Magisterial documents to support your claims of the Church calling for the extermination of the jews. The reason? There are no Church documents calling for extermination of the jews.… only perpetual jewish paranoia and lies.
I challenge you to quote a Magisterial document calling for the extermination of the jews.
You know it is a lie to call a convert to Judaism my "peer." Your serial habitual lies are so stereotypically jewish. Like Chabad Fran you prove God's accusations and judgments against jews.Marranos @annamaria
You can argue it out with your peer maven Professor Fredriksen…
Space does not allow of lengthy quotations from papal documents to show that, on the one hand, the sovereign pontiffs insist that Catholics must stand unflinchingly for the integral rights of Christ the King as contained in the papal encyclicals, while, on the other hand, keeping their minds and hearts free from hatred of Our Lord’s own nation according to the flesh. On the other hand, they must battle for the rights of Christ the King and the supernatural organization of society as laid down in the encyclical Quas Primas, unequivocally proclaiming that the rejection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the True Messias, by His own nation, and the unyielding opposition of that nation to Him, are a fundamental source of disorder and conflict in the world. On the other hand, as members of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Catholics should neither hate the members of that nation in which, through our Blessed Mother, the Lily of Israel, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity assumed human nature, nor deny them their legitimate rights as persons….That is fair, but the problem with Catholicism is the dogma keeps one inside a box too restricted to bare any creative thought. Judaism has no such dogma, and one can be very creative with ideas and associations to form new thoughts and ideas, that fundamental of Judaism, and Protestantism is too natural for Catholicism. Catholics hate creativity they discourage it, for it creates disorder and conflict, and in conflict with the supernatural organization of society of Christ the King.Judaism does not claim to have the flesh of g-d to form a kingdom here on earth. We are just poor creatures trying to live as g-dly as life as possible within our realm of not the supernatural, but of the reality here on earth.Catholicism in the Middle Ages used catholic dogma to terrorize the uneducated into superstitious ideas about Jews. They used the Jews to foil good from evil. The old g-d and the flesh of g-d in the trinity.But in modern times, the superstition and dogma of Catholicism just does not hold up, especially compared to the innovations by people like Elon Musk or George Gershwin which would be impossible for a Trad Rad catholic to become. The dogma of Mariology alone is just impossible to believe, even with the greatest of faith. That dogma is also so far away from the Jewish Jesus on earth. The idea of the immaculate conception, Mary's pre destiny as the third flesh of g-d, and finally her Assumption into heaven as a whole person is dogma that is not worth of divine rights. They opened her tomb and her clothes were there. Kind of like Jesus, only worse. These SSPX people are jealous. Jealous of the creativity and freedom that Judaism brings to human intellectual thought, and because of that the catholics blame the Jews for all that is wrong with the world, and condemn Judaism as naturalism, a heresy. The Jews are no more responsible for the ills of the world as the world would make natural progress irregardless of Judaism. They hate us because they cannot be us and stay a Catholic. The point for UR is that Al is a priest kicked out of the SSPX for Holocaust denial and hatred of Judaism as a religion, which is a sin against G-d. Al is jealous, Al is a heretic, Al is a failed Priest, Al is a loser. At let the fools here on UR lap is grotesque images up, for sure they are gratuitous bile, that no Catholic would abide by, only an anonymous loser. I think Paula Friedricksen, speaks to these two dichotomies very well.That is why Catholics like Laurent must post hideous photos of religious Jews, it is their only form of free expression and creativity, the hatred of the Naturalism of Judaism. SadReplies: @Michael Korn, @Al Liguori, @Edmond
Today, the followers of jabotinsky are in charge of the ongoing Real Holocaust in Palestine, which is supported by all major jewish organizations in North America, including shameless Holo-museums.
The Irgun was a Zionist paramilitary organization that operated in Mandatory Palestine between 1931 and 1948. It was an offshoot of the older and larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah. Irgun has been viewed as a terrorist organization or organization which carried out terrorist acts.
The Irgun policy was based on what was then called Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky [a proud 'jewish fascist" and founder of the fascist youth organization Betar].
The Mussolini-Jabotinsky Connection:
... renowned war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu once stated that Betar founder Vladimir “Jabotinsky's doctrine will continue to feed the flame of Zionism and guide our pathâ€.
The enemies within:
...during their formative years, Zionist and Fascist ideologies had similar intellectual roots and numerous overlappings in terms of their philosophical and political structures. Some of the founding fathers of Zionism regarded themselves as ideological fascists, and their progression from Fascism to Zionism was a logical one, necessitated by political expediency only.
Kol Nidre is their specialty, of course.Replies: @John Trout, @Seraphim
the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) is an American Jewish umbrella organization for the Jewish Federations system, representing over 350 independent Jewish communities across North America ... The Federation movement protects and enhances the well-being of Jews worldwide through the values of tikkun olam, tzedakah and Torah.
The enemies within:
the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) is an American Jewish umbrella organization for the Jewish Federations system, representing over 350 independent Jewish communities across North America … The Federation movement protects and enhances the well-being of Jews worldwide through the values of tikkun olam, tzedakah and Torah.
Kol Nidre is their specialty, of course.
Thank you, Annamaria
From the very outset of this dispute I have been consistently and perfectly clear that since Jesus Christ’s Passion, Crucifixion, and Resurrection the door to Redemption is open to Jews and Gentiles.
Jews can lift the curse they have placed on themselves and their generations since Matthew 27:25.
Believe, behave, and be baptized as the Messiah taught and salvation is available to both Jews and Gentiles—one New Covenant available to all who choose it.
Remain stiff-necked in your satanic beliefs, behaviors, including your fellatio circumcisions, ritual murder, genocide, looting, lying, perversion, and other rituals … and you will remain damned. God cannot deceive or be deceived. Your pilpul and word salad diversions will avail you nothing at His Judgment Seat.
It is your free will choice. Understand your choice:
“Deuteronomy 31:16 & 20; Judges 2:20; Josue (Joshua) 23:16, 1 Kings (1 Samuel) 8:7-8 & 13:13; 3 Kings (1 Kings) 18:18; 4 Kings (2 Kings) 16:3, 17:16-17 & 21:6; 2 Paralipomenon (2 Chronicles) 28:3-4, 33:6, & 36:16; 2 Esdras (Nehemiah) 9:26; Psalms 105(106):36-37; Isaias 57:5 & 65:11; Jeremias 2:13, 7:31, 8:7-10; 11:10, 31:31-33, 32:33-35 & 44:23; Ezechiel 16:20-23 & 36:16ff; Baruch 2:10; Daniel 9:25ff; Osee (Hosea) 4:1-2 & 11:2; Amos 5:20-26 & 9:1; and Malachias 2:8-12.”
I think this matter is settled. We agree that the scriptures in the OT condemn jews for engaging in certain behaviors. But it also makes clear that turning away from said behavior leads back to God, a God waiting with open arms. As such denies Jews condemnation merely because they are Jews.
And it is clear that for those jews that rejected Jesus as messiah, according to scripture they are in error. But in no way are jews prevented from making decisions that redeem them. Neither the Torah not the NT deny redemption merely for being a jew. I think you are playing a legal ease by pretending a change in conduct is key.
Based on the record, I cannot agree. I find it curious that you think you know what I believe as to faith and practice.
anyway, interesting, insightful . . .exchange.
As a rule, I don’t engage in lying.
Enemies within:
Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) support Israel in a number of ways, including:
JFNA launched a $500 million campaign to support Israel in October 2023. Funds are used to address urgent needs like medical supplies and housing, as well as longer-term rebuilding and rehabilitation [for jews only]
JFNA advocates for Israel, including by gathering Jewish leaders in Washington, D.C. to advocate for emergency aid [for jews only]
JFNA organizes solidarity missions to Israel [to encourage the genocide of children and women in Palestine]
JFNA provides support to soldiers, including supplies and medical care [to promote and support the Real Holocaust of civilians in Palestine]
The most obvious achievement of the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) in Palestine: the greatest ever numbers of pediatric amputees among Palestinian children.
“UN: Gaza home to largest number of amputee children in modern history:”
Mazel Tov, JFNA, on the fulfillment of your goal of maiming and murdering the “amalek” children of all ages or “the values of tikkun olam, tzedakah and Torah.”
“On the 17 August 1914, the Supreme Command of the German and Austrian armies issued a proclamation in Yiddish exhorting the Jews of the Russian Empire to revolt (arms in hand) and promising full equality for Jews in the event of a German victory.”
— the ongoing jewish romance with fascism has had indeed a long history, from a Ukrainian dog-faced mongrel Jabotinsky (whom Mussolini correctly called “jewish fascist”) to a salesperson bibi (the pompous genocider mongrel Milejkowsky).
Two names make special decoration for the jewish hall of infamy:
1. Otto Frank, a Nazi collaborator and swindler who concocted very profitable “diaries” of his daughter Anne; her relocation to the camp (were she died in a hospital) was the direct result of Otto Frank swindling activities.
2. Nahum Goldmann, a founder of the World Jewish Congress, who played a leading role in the establishing of the profitable shoah-business, including the extraction schema of “reparations.” (The looter Korbel, a father of a genocidal witch Madeleine Albright, comes to mind). The shoah-business was established concurrently with the jewish fascists’ ethnic cleansing (rapes, looting, and mass murder) of Palestinians, of which Goldmann and his shoah-biz collaborators were well aware.
The Irgun was a Zionist paramilitary organization that operated in Mandatory Palestine between 1931 and 1948. It was an offshoot of the older and larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah. Irgun has been viewed as a terrorist organization or organization which carried out terrorist acts.
The Irgun policy was based on what was then called Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze’ev Jabotinsky [a proud ‘jewish fascist” and founder of the fascist youth organization Betar].
Today, the followers of jabotinsky are in charge of the ongoing Real Holocaust in Palestine, which is supported by all major jewish organizations in North America, including shameless Holo-museums.
… renowned war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu once stated that Betar founder Vladimir “Jabotinsky’s doctrine will continue to feed the flame of Zionism and guide our pathâ€.
The Mussolini-Jabotinsky Connection:
…during their formative years, Zionist and Fascist ideologies had similar intellectual roots and numerous overlappings in terms of their philosophical and political structures. Some of the founding fathers of Zionism regarded themselves as ideological fascists, and their progression from Fascism to Zionism was a logical one, necessitated by political expediency only.
The enemies within:
the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) is an American Jewish umbrella organization for the Jewish Federations system, representing over 350 independent Jewish communities across North America … The Federation movement protects and enhances the well-being of Jews worldwide through the values of tikkun olam, tzedakah and Torah.
Kol Nidre is their specialty, of course.
Thank you, Annamaria
The enemies within:
the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) is an American Jewish umbrella organization for the Jewish Federations system, representing over 350 independent Jewish communities across North America … The Federation movement protects and enhances the well-being of Jews worldwide through the values of tikkun olam, tzedakah and Torah.
Kol Nidre is their specialty, of course.
Isaias 7:14 is the classic example of the Masorete’s “Hebrew Bible†fraud:
Apparently your so-called “hardback copy of the Tanakh” is missing these verses recounting these judgments of God against your nation:
Deuteronomy 31:16 & 20; Judges 2:20; Josue (Joshua) 23:16, 1 Kings (1 Samuel) 8:7-8 & 13:13; 3 Kings (1 Kings) 18:18; 4 Kings (2 Kings) 16:3, 17:16-17 & 21:6; 2 Paralipomenon (2 Chronicles) 28:3-4, 33:6, & 36:16; 2 Esdras (Nehemiah) 9:26; Psalms 105(106):36-37; Isaias 57:5 & 65:11; Jeremias 2:13, 7:31, 8:7-10; 11:10, 31:31-33, 32:33-35 & 44:23; Ezechiel 16:20-23 & 36:16ff; Baruch 2:10; Daniel 9:25ff; Osee (Hosea) 4:1-2 & 11:2; Amos 5:20-26 & 9:1; and Malachias 2:8-12.
Recall that your “Hebrew Bible” is a post-Christian fraud perpetrated by the anti-Christ Masoretes: You are just a damnation denier.
You are a hasbara propagandist. A fake. Not what you pretend to be.
Replies: @EliteCommInc.
“Run Al, run for your life
Tick, Tock. Every Catholic in the world will hunt you down.
And if any violence against Jews is a result of you website. You will be prosecuted.
Run Al, Run for your life. And pray that no crazy person viewing your website decides to buy a gun and kill a view Jews after reading your Catholic Plan.
The Catholic Plan against the Jews.
Pray Al then run for your life.â€“we will come after you for denigrating and threatening the well being of Jews, Judaism our culture and our livelihood. We will hunt you down, every last one of you, and destroy you. Think Germany and the Jews.â€ want you to go deep down where the corpses are. Find those corpses and fuck then until your dick false off. Then choke until you yourself become a corpse.â€“Yeah baby. STD’s from a bris.â€“Go Jerk off on some S & M porno.†“The Jews killed Jesus because he was a false messiah and claimed to be the son of god. Jesus as the son of god is idolatry. God is not human and can have no children.
Why don’t you go to church and masturbate in front of his statue. The false Messiah.â€ is a charlatan a sorcerer who practiced black magic and performed miracles that only a true god could perform. We Jews call Jesus a momzer. An illegitimate son of an unmarried woman.…Mary conceived Jesus unmarried with a non Jewish Roman soldier. So Jesus to me is a fake. …
None of that appeared in a thread line in which I was a commenter. Here I thought it excessive based on the “dogpileâ€.
Miss Taubman and I have many differences, and had she and others engaged in such a conversation of similar dogpiling in similar fashion interspersed in an exchange, I might very well have come to that individuals defense.
I do understand your position but i stand where I came in.
This morning I opened my own hardback copy of the Tanakh (does not include any Talmudic texts) and I can only say, it does not support your conclusions of a jewish damnation. I will probably not comment further as i stand where I came in on this issue.
None of that appeared in a thread line in which I was a commenter. Here I thought it excessive based on the “dogpile”.
Miss Taubman and I have many differences, and had she and others enaged in such a coveersation dogopilig in similar fashion interspersed in an exchange, I might very well have come to that individuals deense.
I do understand your position and i stand where I came in.
Thank you to annamaria and Seraphim for having both the knowledge and the energy to debunk Patrickstein McNallyberg’s hasbara.
Replies: @Seraphim
Trotsky's rise was facilitated by the fact that he was connected to the "financial international" through his relatives. He had four uncles in Russia, his mother's brothers - Abram, Timofey, David and Illarion Zhivotovsky. All of them were respectable entrepreneurs. Abram's business was especially successful; he was a banker and millionaire. … The success of the Zhivotovskys was facilitated by their participation in Freemasonry. When the case of Prince Bebutov, one of the leaders of Russian Freemasonry, arose in 1909, a list of 385 prominent Masons was compiled, with David and Abram Zhivotovsky at the top of the list.
In this environment, marriage ties played a major role. The Zhivotovskys had such a connection with the Brodskys. Lazar Brodsky was called the "Jewish king." He monopolized shipping on the Dnieper, was the owner of the sugar industry, and controlled public life in the southwestern region of the empire. Brodsky defended the project of creating a "promised land" for Jewry not in Palestine, but in Russia, at the global level. The Brodskys were related to the Rothschilds, the Kagans, and other families. Thus, Trotsky was connected to global banking circles through his relatives.
Brodsky defended the project of creating a “promised land†for Jewry not in Palestine, but in Russia, at the global level
Project Ukraine is nothing new. We already talked about the Crimean Affair. But as Repetitio est mater studiorum/repetition is the mother of learning , we’ll repeat it whenever necessary.
The Crimean Affair @
[the] memorandum presented in the summer of 1944 by members of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee to the Soviet leadership containing a proposal to create a Jewish Soviet republic in the Crimea (the Tatar population of which was exiled by Stalin by May 1944) on the territory of the former German republic of the Volga. Noting the successes of the Jewish national regions in the Crimea and in the Kerson region, the authors of the memorandum based their proposal on the lack of a geographical base of a significant part of the Jewish population of the Soviet Union and on the need to grant the Jews equality in governmental-legal terms with the other nationalities of the Soviet Union. They also expressed the hope that “the Jewish masses of all countries, in particular the United States would give substantial aid” to building up such a republic. Despite the rumors that some members of the Politburo of the Central Committee (Lazar Kaganovich and Vyacheslav Molotov [married to the Jewess Polina Zhemchuzhina**]) were favorably disposed toward the idea of the “Crimean Plan,” it was rejected in 1944.
The proposals of the memorandum contained nothing radically new. Projects for establishing a Jewish republic in the southern Ukraine or in the Crimea had been suggested earlier. For example, in 1923 the social leader A. Bragin had proposed that one be established on the Black Sea coast from Bessarabia to Abkhaz with its capital in Odessa, while Yuri Larin supported, in opposition to the Birobidzhan plan, a Jewish autonomous area in the southern Crimean and Azov region centered in Kerch.
Let’s remind that Project Ukraine was part of the larger Project of the League of East European States/Osteuropäischer Staatenbund proposed by the German Committee for Freeing of Russian Jews* for a German-dominated buffer state to be established in the Russian Partition of the multi-ethnic territory of the former Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. “In this Federation Ukrainians, White Russians, Lithuanians, Esthonians and Latvians would together serve as a counterbalance to the Poles, and the Germans, and Jews would hold the balance of power between the two groupings.
1914-2014! Remarkable perseverance of the Kagans!
*The German Committee for the Freeing of Russian Jews (German, ‘Deutsches Komitee zur Befreiung der russischen Juden’) was created in August 1914 by Max Bodenheimer with Franz Oppenheimer, Adolf Friedman and Leo Motzkin to lobby for the socio-political liberation of Jewish people living in the Russian Empire and ensure their protection from pogroms. On the 17 August 1914, the Supreme Command of the German and Austrian armies issued a proclamation in Yiddish exhorting the Jews of the Russian Empire to revolt (arms in hand) and promising full equality for Jews in the event of a German victory.
Ah, but no, no, Jews had no role whatsoever in Russian revolution! That’s Putin’s propaganda!
** Polina Zhemchuzhina: born Perl Karpovskaia in Ekaterinoslav/Dnepropetrovsk/Dnipro. Soviet public figure, candidate member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party, demoted in 1949 and expelled from the Party for links with Jewish nationalists (aka Zionists) and ”friendly conversation in Yiddish with Golda Meir, the first Israeli minister to Moscow”. In January 1949, Zhemchuzhina was arrested. At first, investigators considered making her one of the main—if not the prime—accused in the case against the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee. She was deported to Kazakhstan and interrogated again in early 1953 in connection with the ”Doctors’ Plot”. Immediately after Stalin’s death, she was exonerated of all crimes, reunited with Molotov, and reinstated as a party member.
Today, the followers of jabotinsky are in charge of the ongoing Real Holocaust in Palestine, which is supported by all major jewish organizations in North America, including shameless Holo-museums.
The Irgun was a Zionist paramilitary organization that operated in Mandatory Palestine between 1931 and 1948. It was an offshoot of the older and larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah. Irgun has been viewed as a terrorist organization or organization which carried out terrorist acts.
The Irgun policy was based on what was then called Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky [a proud 'jewish fascist" and founder of the fascist youth organization Betar].
The Mussolini-Jabotinsky Connection:
... renowned war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu once stated that Betar founder Vladimir “Jabotinsky's doctrine will continue to feed the flame of Zionism and guide our pathâ€.
The enemies within:
...during their formative years, Zionist and Fascist ideologies had similar intellectual roots and numerous overlappings in terms of their philosophical and political structures. Some of the founding fathers of Zionism regarded themselves as ideological fascists, and their progression from Fascism to Zionism was a logical one, necessitated by political expediency only.
Kol Nidre is their specialty, of course.Replies: @John Trout, @Seraphim
the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) is an American Jewish umbrella organization for the Jewish Federations system, representing over 350 independent Jewish communities across North America ... The Federation movement protects and enhances the well-being of Jews worldwide through the values of tikkun olam, tzedakah and Torah.
According to the New York Journal-American of February 3, 1949:
The important part played by the wealthy American banker, Jacob Schiff, in the events in Russia, though as yet only partially revealed, is no longer a secret…. In April 1917, Jacob Schiff publicly declared that it was thanks to his financial support that the revolution in Russia had succeeded. In the spring of the same year, Schiff commenced to subsidize Trotsky. Simultaneously Trotsky and Co. were also being subsidized by Max Warburg and Olaf Aschberg of the Nye Banken of Stockholm.
More about the contemporaries' knowledge of the jewish role in the genocidal revolution in Russia:
According to the New York Journal-American of February 3, 1949: "Today it is estimated by Jacob's grandson, John Schiff, that the old man sank about 20,000,000 dollars for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia."
The warning:
Schiff's participation in the Bolshevik Revolution was well known among Allied intelligence services at the time. This led to much talk about Bolshevism being a Jewish plot. The result was that the subject of financing the Communist takeover of Russia became taboo.
You cant' help yourself, "Patrick McNally" but to whitewash jewish crimes. Perhaps you need to investigate the strength of Kol Nidre' influence on your mental life.Replies: @John Trout
Schiff s partner and relative, Paul Warburg, engineered the establishment of the Federal Reserve System while on the Kuhn Loeb payroll. Schiff s descendants are active in the Council on Foreign Relations today.
You cant’ help yourself, “Patrick McNally†but to whitewash jewish crimes. Perhaps you need to investigate the strength of Kol Nidre’ influence on your mental life.
Thank you Annamaria, for this and your other informative posts here on this thread.
Bankrolling the revolution in Russia:
The important part played by the wealthy American banker, Jacob Schiff, in the events in Russia, though as yet only partially revealed, is no longer a secret…. In April 1917, Jacob Schiff publicly declared that it was thanks to his financial support that the revolution in Russia had succeeded. In the spring of the same year, Schiff commenced to subsidize Trotsky. Simultaneously Trotsky and Co. were also being subsidized by Max Warburg and Olaf Aschberg of the Nye Banken of Stockholm.
According to the New York Journal-American of February 3, 1949:
According to the New York Journal-American of February 3, 1949: “Today it is estimated by Jacob’s grandson, John Schiff, that the old man sank about 20,000,000 dollars for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia.”
More about the contemporaries’ knowledge of the jewish role in the genocidal revolution in Russia:
Schiff’s participation in the Bolshevik Revolution was well known among Allied intelligence services at the time. This led to much talk about Bolshevism being a Jewish plot. The result was that the subject of financing the Communist takeover of Russia became taboo.
The warning:
Schiff s partner and relative, Paul Warburg, engineered the establishment of the Federal Reserve System while on the Kuhn Loeb payroll. Schiff s descendants are active in the Council on Foreign Relations today.
You cant’ help yourself, “Patrick McNally” but to whitewash jewish crimes. Perhaps you need to investigate the strength of Kol Nidre’ influence on your mental life.
Thank you Annamaria, for this and your other informative posts here on this thread.
You cant’ help yourself, “Patrick McNally†but to whitewash jewish crimes. Perhaps you need to investigate the strength of Kol Nidre’ influence on your mental life.
In 1916, Woodrow Wilson was re-elected by a hair. He had based his campaign on the slogan: “He Kept Us Out of War!” The American public was extremely opposed to America’s getting involved in a European war. But Wilson was preparing to do just the opposite. His “alter ego,” as he called “Colonel” House, was making behind-the-scenes agreements with England which committed America to entering the war. …
The same crowd which manipulated the passage of the income tax and the Federal Reserve System wanted America in the war. J. P Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, “Colonel” House, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg and the rest of the Jekyll Island conspirators were all deeply involved in getting us involved. Many of these financiers had loaned England large sums of money. In fact, J.P. Morgan & Co. served as British financial agents in this country during World War I. …
Propaganda concerning the war was heavily one-sided. …
During the “war to end all wars,” Insider banker Bernard Baruch was made absolute dictator over American business when President Wilson appointed him Chairman of the War Industries Board, where he had control of all domestic contracts for Allied war materials. Baruch made lots of friends while placing tens of billions in government contracts, and it was widely rumored in Wall Street that out of the war to make the world safe for international bankers he netted $200 million for himself.
German [jewish] born financier Paul Warburg masterminded establishment of Federal Reserve to put control over nation’s economy in hands of international bankers. … While Insider banker Paul Warburg controlled the Federal Reserve, and international banker Bernard Baruch placed government contracts, international banker Eugene Meyer, a former partner of Baruch and the son of a partner in the Rothschilds’ international banking house of Lazard Freres, was Wilson’s choice to head the War Finance Corporation, where he too made a little money. [Note: Meyer later gained control of the highly influential Washington Post which became known as the Washington Daily Worker.]
It should be noted that Sir William Wiseman, the man sent by British Intelligence to help bring the United States into the war, was amply rewarded for his services. He stayed in this country after WWI as a new partner in the Jacob Schiff-Paul Warburg-controlled Kuhn, Loeb bank. World War I was a financial bonanza for the international bankers. But it was a catastrophe of such magnitude for the United States that few even today grasp its importance. The war reversed our traditional foreign policy of non-involvement and we have been enmeshed almost constantly ever since in perpetual wars for perpetual peace.
No need to regurgitate the weasely “suggestions†of the Times of Israel. The tragic revolution in Russia, and its genocidal consequences, were the handiwork if the “most moral and suffering†abroad and within.
Trotsky’s rise was facilitated by the fact that he was connected to the “financial international” through his relatives. He had four uncles in Russia, his mother’s brothers – Abram, Timofey, David and Illarion Zhivotovsky. All of them were respectable entrepreneurs. Abram’s business was especially successful; he was a banker and millionaire. … The success of the Zhivotovskys was facilitated by their participation in Freemasonry. When the case of Prince Bebutov, one of the leaders of Russian Freemasonry, arose in 1909, a list of 385 prominent Masons was compiled, with David and Abram Zhivotovsky at the top of the list.
In this environment, marriage ties played a major role. The Zhivotovskys had such a connection with the Brodskys. Lazar Brodsky was called the “Jewish king.” He monopolized shipping on the Dnieper, was the owner of the sugar industry, and controlled public life in the southwestern region of the empire. Brodsky defended the project of creating a “promised land” for Jewry not in Palestine, but in Russia, at the global level. The Brodskys were related to the Rothschilds, the Kagans, and other families. Thus, Trotsky was connected to global banking circles through his relatives.
The sacrifice of Gaza children has made the usual jewish whining about “blood libel” null and void.
Jews used the blood of non-Jewish children for ritual purposes.
Indeed. Unicef: “Child casualties in the West Bank skyrocket.”
Since October 7, 2023, Israel has killed at least 17,400 children in Gaza, according to Palestinian officials.
That is one child killed every 30 minutes.
Thousands more are missing under the rubble, most of them presumed dead.
The surviving children, many of whom have endured the traumatic impact of multiple wars, have spent their lives under the shadow of an Israeli blockade, influencing every aspect of their existence from birth.
Among the documented children killed, there are at least:
710 babies below the age of one
1,793 toddlers (1-3 years old)
1,205 preschoolers (4-5 years old)
4,205 primary school children (6-12 years old)
3,442 high school children (13-17 years old)
All major jewish organizations (including the shameless Holo-museums) approve and support the genocidal policies of the jewish state. They are a damned tribe of supremacist lunatics, liars (kol nidre), sadists (the Soviet secret police and GULAG), and genociders.
Here is a bloody cherry on the idiotic territorial claims of mongrels jabotinsky, gurion, meir, bibi, snotrich, gvir, weiss, and such:
“Palestinians are more native to Israel than Ashkenazi Jews. Nearly 90% of all Palestinians are descended from the [ancient] Jews…. many Palestinians retain Jewish customs.”
As compared to imposters:
A 2016 study by Dr. Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield found that 90% of Ashkenazi Jews are descended from people who colonized northern Anatolia (now northern Turkey) over 2,000 years ago.
The israeli mongrels, majority of whom are a progeny of degenerates from dirty and noisy east European shtetls, have been murdering the descendants of ancient Jews on orders from other mongrels like Schneerson and the current israeli rabbis David Yosef and Kalman Ber.
Blood libel is no libel but a fact-supported accusation in ritual murder of children by jews.
He [St. Augistine] did not want them [the jews] exterminated as other church leaders did.
I challenge you to quote a Magisterial document calling for the extermination of the jews.
Whatever progress you have made, you have not shed the jewish baggage of perpetual victimhood paranoia.
Here is Ordinary Magisterium on the jews (= “what has always and everywhere been taught by the Church”): The Church on the Jews
It may injure your vestigial tribal conceits, but there is not one word calling for extermination.
An excerpt regarding the official policy Sicut judaeis non:
Sicut Judaeis non
Despite her consistent emphatic condemnations of the evils of Judaism, the Church always observed, though the Jews did not observe, a policy of “Live and let live,†a strict policy against forced conversions and extra-legal violence. The policy was articulated in numerous papal proclamations as “Sicut Judaeis non.†Jewish citations of Sicut Judaeis non typically revel in the freedom guaranteed Jews by the Church. Utterly lacking in Jewish citations, such as the citation in Jewish-[dominated] Wikipedia, is the reciprocal duty of the Jews: “Just as license ought not to be presumed for the Jews in their synagogues beyond what is permitted by law, so in those points conceded to them, they ought to suffer nothing prejudicial.†Pope St. Gregory the Great in Edward A. Synan, The Popes and the Jews in the Middle Ages (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1965), p. 46.
“Under the formula ‘Sicut Judaeis non,’ Pope St. Gregory the Great articulated the same principle as the Church’s policy toward the Jews. No one was to harm them, but they were to be given no position of cultural influence, lest they use it to engage in blasphemy and the corruption of morals.â€
Dr. E. Michael Jones, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History
ISBN 9780929891071, p. 64. available at Judaeis non
Video Link
Replies: @Al Liguori, @Fran Taubman, @Seraphim
Nonsense. If you want a reasonable account of Trotsky’s stay in New York, pick up a copy of Kenneth Ackerman, Trotsky in New York, 1917: A Radical on the Eve of Revolution. For information about Jacob Schiff in these years, look up The American Jewish Archives Journal, Volume 49, Numbers 1 & 2, for the piece by Priscilla Roberts, “Jewish Bankers, Russia, and the Soviet Union, 1900-1940: The Case of Kuhn, Loeb and Company.” No evidence exists of Trotsky ever having received any mysterious sums of money. He acted as an antiwar speaker in New York for two months and supported himself off of donations from audiences who were opposed to US entry into World War I. Then he went to Russia, had his trip interrupted by the Canadians and British who held him prisoner for almost a month, but was eventually released because of protests by the Russian parliament. If he had ever had any strange sums of money with him (he did not) they would have been taken by the Canadians and British.
Replies: @Seraphim
Trotsky's rise was facilitated by the fact that he was connected to the "financial international" through his relatives. He had four uncles in Russia, his mother's brothers - Abram, Timofey, David and Illarion Zhivotovsky. All of them were respectable entrepreneurs. Abram's business was especially successful; he was a banker and millionaire. … The success of the Zhivotovskys was facilitated by their participation in Freemasonry. When the case of Prince Bebutov, one of the leaders of Russian Freemasonry, arose in 1909, a list of 385 prominent Masons was compiled, with David and Abram Zhivotovsky at the top of the list.
In this environment, marriage ties played a major role. The Zhivotovskys had such a connection with the Brodskys. Lazar Brodsky was called the "Jewish king." He monopolized shipping on the Dnieper, was the owner of the sugar industry, and controlled public life in the southwestern region of the empire. Brodsky defended the project of creating a "promised land" for Jewry not in Palestine, but in Russia, at the global level. The Brodskys were related to the Rothschilds, the Kagans, and other families. Thus, Trotsky was connected to global banking circles through his relatives.
In 1916, Woodrow Wilson was re-elected by a hair. He had based his campaign on the slogan: "He Kept Us Out of War!" The American public was extremely opposed to America's getting involved in a European war. But Wilson was preparing to do just the opposite. His "alter ego," as he called "Colonel" House, was making behind-the-scenes agreements with England which committed America to entering the war. …The same crowd which manipulated the passage of the income tax and the Federal Reserve System wanted America in the war. J. P Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, "Colonel" House, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg and the rest of the Jekyll Island conspirators were all deeply involved in getting us involved. Many of these financiers had loaned England large sums of money. In fact, J.P. Morgan & Co. served as British financial agents in this country during World War I. …Propaganda concerning the war was heavily one-sided. …During the "war to end all wars," Insider banker Bernard Baruch was made absolute dictator over American business when President Wilson appointed him Chairman of the War Industries Board, where he had control of all domestic contracts for Allied war materials. Baruch made lots of friends while placing tens of billions in government contracts, and it was widely rumored in Wall Street that out of the war to make the world safe for international bankers he netted $200 million for himself. German [jewish] born financier Paul Warburg masterminded establishment of Federal Reserve to put control over nation's economy in hands of international bankers. … While Insider banker Paul Warburg controlled the Federal Reserve, and international banker Bernard Baruch placed government contracts, international banker Eugene Meyer, a former partner of Baruch and the son of a partner in the Rothschilds' international banking house of Lazard Freres, was Wilson's choice to head the War Finance Corporation, where he too made a little money. [Note: Meyer later gained control of the highly influential Washington Post which became known as the Washington Daily Worker.] It should be noted that Sir William Wiseman, the man sent by British Intelligence to help bring the United States into the war, was amply rewarded for his services. He stayed in this country after WWI as a new partner in the Jacob Schiff-Paul Warburg-controlled Kuhn, Loeb bank. World War I was a financial bonanza for the international bankers. But it was a catastrophe of such magnitude for the United States that few even today grasp its importance. The war reversed our traditional foreign policy of non-involvement and we have been enmeshed almost constantly ever since in perpetual wars for perpetual peace.
According to the New York Journal-American of February 3, 1949:
The important part played by the wealthy American banker, Jacob Schiff, in the events in Russia, though as yet only partially revealed, is no longer a secret…. In April 1917, Jacob Schiff publicly declared that it was thanks to his financial support that the revolution in Russia had succeeded. In the spring of the same year, Schiff commenced to subsidize Trotsky. Simultaneously Trotsky and Co. were also being subsidized by Max Warburg and Olaf Aschberg of the Nye Banken of Stockholm.
More about the contemporaries' knowledge of the jewish role in the genocidal revolution in Russia:
According to the New York Journal-American of February 3, 1949: "Today it is estimated by Jacob's grandson, John Schiff, that the old man sank about 20,000,000 dollars for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia."
The warning:
Schiff's participation in the Bolshevik Revolution was well known among Allied intelligence services at the time. This led to much talk about Bolshevism being a Jewish plot. The result was that the subject of financing the Communist takeover of Russia became taboo.
You cant' help yourself, "Patrick McNally" but to whitewash jewish crimes. Perhaps you need to investigate the strength of Kol Nidre' influence on your mental life.Replies: @John Trout
Schiff s partner and relative, Paul Warburg, engineered the establishment of the Federal Reserve System while on the Kuhn Loeb payroll. Schiff s descendants are active in the Council on Foreign Relations today.
Christians have always fought against each other. Nazi Catholics eagerly invaded Poland and slaughtered Polish Catholics. Catholics and Russian Orthodox are fighting against each other in Ukraine. Christians have no true sense of solidarity because they are an ideology….
What a load of manure, a distortion, an out right lie to whitewash Bolshevism. It was Polish Bolsheviks who slaughtered over fifty thousand German nationals to provoke a German response after they thoughtfully made a protection pact with England. England , Russia and the USA were under heavy Bolshevik influence at that time.
Interesting to note that Cardinal O'Connor's mother was Jewish and converted before she married his father. The Cardinal died before ever finding out. A cousin revealed this to his sister after he died, it was a life long family secret. But Cardinal O'Connor loved Jews, and was very tight with many Jews in New York. His sister claims he would not have minded at all. I think that traditional Catholicism is based on the Jews being cast out, and the salvation as being that of Jesus not as a desirable conclusion, but as an absolute necessity for one's salvation. Do it or die. I have stated above, if a religion is based on hate of another religion, it cannot be correct. This is true of Islam as well. It would have been better for Christianity to have started fresh and divorced from Judaism, and left the Jews alone. It has done nothing for the two religions to be joined at the hip as the evil twin of the holy and pious. Al continues to try and humiliate me, knowing nothing about me, which would be the worst of the worst characteristics under Judaism, which specifically states that let g-d be the judge of humans, not other humans. Of interest would be my Polish partner came to the US as an illegal alien during communism, I sponsored him for a green card, and he is now a US citizen. ( I could not marry him for obvious reasons). We work together, and I have helped support his entire family in Poland. Whenever I visit with him in Turon Poland, (a beautiful Medieval town, with walls), I attend Mass regularly just to take it in. It is a site to behold in a country like Poland. Gold statues everywhere, the mother and the father, lots of smoke and incense. To me it is theater. I am a Jew, I believe deeply in the principals and judge no one. I am sure that Al is in the wrong place, a hateful place, which is not a part of what Jesus preached. Catholicism was based on hate, now that they have changed it, you say that they Judaized it, I disagree, I think they took the hate out which was for the Jews, and now it has nothing special to stand for as a Christian faith. Protestantism is much better as a unifying faith. Pre Vatican 2 Catholicism is based on Jew hatred, without it, it will die a natural death. The nuns marrying Jesus, the celibacy of the Priest. All ridiculous. I am sure that Al is a Priest that was thrown out and could not live outside the celibacy world.Replies: @Michael Korn
At the end of the book he has a personal meeting with Cardinal O’Connor in New York City. His mother remained a devout Catholic to the end of her life and he would get into bitter arguments with her about his interest in returning to Judaism. O’Connor downplayed his mother’s concerns and basically gave him a green light to revert to Jewish practices. He claimed that Pope John Paul II authorized such a choice by writing that Judaism is a valid covenant and releasing Jews from the charge of deicide.
Thanks for sharing these very tender thoughts. Much respect to you.
I’ve flirted with Catholicism for many years. But the truth is that Catholics are extremely unfriendly and defensive people. I’ve never known a Catholic who has invited me to their Church or tried to recruit me or share their faith. They like to be exclusive snobs looking down on everyone else. And yes you are correct much of their religion is based on hate.
But in my experience in the world of Israeli ultra-Orthodox Judaism they too have hate: against other streams of Judaism, against secular Jews, and especially against non-Jews. And above all against Jesus.
After I was baptized I lived for another year in Israel. Once I asked an Orthodox Jew why they hate Christians so much considering how supportive they are of Israel. He laughed and said If God wants to use those fools to help Jews then we won’t stop them. But we don’t have to respect them either. At the end of the day they’re just a bunch of useful idiots!
I’ve come to see the Original Sin story in Genesis 3 as the root of all evil in both religions. It’s a classic blame the victim tale. I believe it lies behind all the sex abuse scandals in both religions. In all cases the rabbi or priest tells his victim: you brought this on yourself. You are guilty. Just like in the Genesis story where Adam and Eve are blamed for figuring out that our lot in this world is one of grievous suffering and death.
Both religions seem locked in a death grip and I believe the world will be better off when they exterminate each other. Then we can revert to the genuine spirituality of the American Indians.
I love the person of Jesus. He’s such a transcendent human being. But his followers were dubious and scummy people. John “the beloved disciple” was a violent impulsive man who wanted to exterminate a Samaritan village because they weren’t respectful enough to Jesus. Peter was a liar and coward. Paul was arrogant boastful and emotionally unstable.
Let’s move on to consider the two pillars of Roman Catholicism: Augustine and Aquinas. Augustine was the worst. He threw a pity party when he decided that living with a common law wife made him an egregious sinner. So he abandoned her and their children and set his sights on spreading the religion of love by persecuting heretics. Augustine was the first Christian leader to authorize violence against heretics. These included in his myopic view the Ebionites and Nazarenes, two groups of Jewish followers of Christ who lived in small humble communities in the Holy Land and Jordan. In the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 Jesus goes out of his way to ensure the survival of these people from the coming Roman siege and destruction of Jerusalem. Yet Augustine knew better than his Master and marked these people for destruction. Augustine also hated women and demonized sexuality. He is responsible for the worst forms of violence and perversion in the Catholic Church. He also formulated the idea of Jews as an accursed “witness people” doomed to wander the earth in ignominy due to the crime of “Deicide”.
Paula Fredriksen, a professor of Christian history at Boston University (and interestingly enough a convert from Christianity to Judaism), says that Augustine’s hatred of Jews was actually a blessing because it guaranteed their survival in the face of even worse hostility from other church leaders like Chrysostom. Augustine believed the Jews needed to be preserved as a constant reminder to the Christian world of the terrible fate of those who rejected Christ. He did not want them exterminated as other church leaders did. He wanted them as Exhibit A in Christian Europe of the fate of heretics and blasphemers. He also said they would never again regain their homeland in Palestine. He struck out on both points. Today we have the State of Israel and Jews are not only not a pitiable witness people but they veritably run the entire global system. So I would tend to agree with you that Catholicism is in a death spiral, crashing and burning as we speak. I find Augustine so vile and reprehensible that I call him ‘Aint Augustine:
Aquinas was marginally better. This tub of lard wedded Jesus to Greek philosophy in a desperate effort to totally sever Christ from his Jewishness. Rabbi Nachman of Breslov says if a person can’t control his own evil inclination how can he hope to guide others on the path of righteousness?
A famous story has the Pope showing Aquinas the Vatican treasury and boasting that the Church has moved past the situation of the Apostles who told the lame beggar in Jerusalem: “Silver and gold have we not…” At which point Aquinas interrupted saying, “And neither, Holy Father, can she say ‘In the name of Jesus pick up your mat and walk!’” This might be the most truthful thing the fatuous fat philosopher ever said.
In my view both Judaism and Christianity are guilty of hate. But while Jews hate Christians ideologically but welcome them as individuals, especially if they convert, Catholics hate Jews personally. That’s why their worst persecution is directed against Jews who convert to Catholicism, as seen in the Spanish Inquisition against Jewish converts and in the Holocaust which killed Jewish converts to both Catholicism and Protestantism.
Jews welcome all races especially if they convert. But Christians cannot abide Jews racially so their converting doesn’t matter. Jews hate Christianity because they think it’s ideas are preposterous. But Christians hate Jews because they can’t stand their racial essence, their personality, their intelligence, and their achievements.
Despite being a Jewish state, Israel is a multicultural and multiethnic society comprised of Jews gathered from around the world. Black white brown and yellow. Christians have always fought against each other. Nazi Catholics eagerly invaded Poland and slaughtered Polish Catholics. Catholics and Russian Orthodox are fighting against each other in Ukraine. Christians have no true sense of solidarity because they are an ideology plastered onto different racial identities, and their racial animosities always end up trumping their ideological comity.
After 24 years wandering in the wilderness of Christianity, I would never advise a Jewish person to convert and try to find a home in a church or within Christian society. It’s a complete and total act of futility.
What a load of manure, a distortion, an out right lie to whitewash Bolshevism. It was Polish Bolsheviks who slaughtered over fifty thousand German nationals to provoke a German response after they thoughtfully made a protection pact with England. England , Russia and the USA were under heavy Bolshevik influence at that time.
Christians have always fought against each other. Nazi Catholics eagerly invaded Poland and slaughtered Polish Catholics. Catholics and Russian Orthodox are fighting against each other in Ukraine. Christians have no true sense of solidarity because they are an ideology....
I challenge you to quote a Magisterial document calling for the extermination of the jews.Whatever progress you have made, you have not shed the jewish baggage of perpetual victimhood paranoia.Here is Ordinary Magisterium on the jews (= "what has always and everywhere been taught by the Church"): The Church on the Jews may injure your vestigial tribal conceits, but there is not one word calling for extermination.An excerpt regarding the official policy Sicut judaeis non:
He [St. Augistine] did not want them [the jews] exterminated as other church leaders did.
Replies: @Michael Korn
Sicut Judaeis nonDespite her consistent emphatic condemnations of the evils of Judaism, the Church always observed, though the Jews did not observe, a policy of “Live and let live,†a strict policy against forced conversions and extra-legal violence. The policy was articulated in numerous papal proclamations as “Sicut Judaeis non.†Jewish citations of Sicut Judaeis non typically revel in the freedom guaranteed Jews by the Church. Utterly lacking in Jewish citations, such as the citation in Jewish-[dominated] Wikipedia, is the reciprocal duty of the Jews: “Just as license ought not to be presumed for the Jews in their synagogues beyond what is permitted by law, so in those points conceded to them, they ought to suffer nothing prejudicial.†Pope St. Gregory the Great in Edward A. Synan, The Popes and the Jews in the Middle Ages (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1965), p. 46.
“Under the formula ‘Sicut Judaeis non,’ Pope St. Gregory the Great articulated the same principle as the Church’s policy toward the Jews. No one was to harm them, but they were to be given no position of cultural influence, lest they use it to engage in blasphemy and the corruption of morals.â€
Dr. E. Michael Jones, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History
ISBN 9780929891071, p. 64. available at
Sicut Judaeis non
Really? "Welcome"? I wonder if the rabbi informed Fredricksen that despite her conversion, she is actually a ger tzedek ( גר צדק‎) a class of alien who can never be equal to a jew born of a jewish female. The Jews' obsession with DNA is pervasive. They even presume that their European Khazarian DNA will save them. "Saved by DNA"—such anti-Biblical rubbish.Readers begin to see that "Jews' every word is a lie, even 'and' and 'the.'"
Jews hate Christians ideologically but welcome them as individuals, especially if they convert…
To be consistent, “Messiah Schneerson†is himself flushed down the sewer of unrighteousness for his mamzer born of adultery with an underage Gentile girl: A key point of Our Lord Jesus Christ was that He did not come for the saints, but for the sinners, even the jews (!!!) to give all hope of forgiveness and redemption providing that they believe, behave, and are baptized as He taught.Hypocritically you also libel St. Paul. You epitomize the Pharisaical spirit that Christ damned. Jesus had compassion on all sins of weakness (such as St. Peter buckling in terror), but he reserved his harshest words for people like yourself who sit from afar in smug judgment of others. You denounced St. Thomas as a "tub of lard." Can one brag about jewish physiognomy??? [snickering]Whether brawny or obese St. Thomas Aquinas kept the very rigorous fasts like all of his Dominican order (until subverted by jews into the imposter “Catholicism†of the post-Vatican 2 Novus Ordo). You quote "rabbis", the greatest vile filth and scum who've ever lived on the earth, for their commentaries on "virtue"??? We could go on for dozens of lifetimes quoting the degeneracy of "rabbis". Just as Christ accused the Pharisees, talmudic jews are precisely the “whited sepulchers†that Christ damned at Matthew 23:27. Your other allegations are vile talmudic lies from the same satanic villainy that demanded the crucifixion of Christ. When their Messiah actually arrived, Jesus Christ wasn't the type of Messiah they wanted. Christ came to establish a Kingdom "not of this world", but the Synagogue of Satan wanted and still wants a Messiah to make them masters of the universe and to exterminate or enslave all non-jews. That is why they knowingly connived the Deicide, the judicial murder of their Messiah, Jesus Christ, Second Person of the Holy Trinity, True God and True Man.Then there are your lies about Spanish Inquisition. Even the BBC ... no friend of the Catholic Church ... had the integrity to tell the truth about it. But habitual hateful liars such as yourself repeat the slanders anyway.Replies: @Fran Taubman
Rabbi Nachman of Breslov says if a person can’t control his own evil inclination how can he hope to guide others on the path of righteousness?
You hypocrite! Where is your criticism of Chabad Fran’s death threats and perverse ruminations?***
Back to the matters at hand. You pretend you have the support of a “noted Catholic scholar.”
Compare your “scholar’s” contentions with what the Church has perennially, infallibly, and unchangeably taught: The Church on the Jews
Your “scholar” is a Judaizing heretic of the same ilk as the talmudic ANTI-Pope Jorge Bergoglio
*** here is a small, but representative sample of Chabad Fran’s version of “love” and “respect”:
“Run Al, run for your life
Tick, Tock. Every Catholic in the world will hunt you down.
And if any violence against Jews is a result of you website. You will be prosecuted.
Run Al, Run for your life. And pray that no crazy person viewing your website decides to buy a gun and kill a view Jews after reading your Catholic Plan.
The Catholic Plan against the Jews.
Pray Al then run for your life.â€“we will come after you for denigrating and threatening the well being of Jews, Judaism our culture and our livelihood. We will hunt you down, every last one of you, and destroy you. Think Germany and the Jews.â€ want you to go deep down where the corpses are. Find those corpses and fuck then until your dick false off. Then choke until you yourself become a corpse.â€“Yeah baby. STD’s from a bris.â€“Go Jerk off on some S & M porno.†
“The Jews killed Jesus because he was a false messiah and claimed to be the son of god. Jesus as the son of god is idolatry. God is not human and can have no children.
Why don’t you go to church and masturbate in front of his statue. The false Messiah.â€ is a charlatan a sorcerer who practiced black magic and performed miracles that only a true god could perform. We Jews call Jesus a momzer. An illegitimate son of an unmarried woman.…Mary conceived Jesus unmarried with a non Jewish Roman soldier. So Jesus to me is a fake. …
Ha, ha, ha… your idea and Chabad Fran’s idea of a “noted Catholic scholar” is plain and simply a subversive Novus Ordo Judaizer pimping for the Synagogue of Satan contradicting 2,000 years of perennial, infallible, and unchangeable Magisterium, official Catholic dogma on the Jews. In his denial of de fide Magisterium, your “scholar” damns himself with you.
You have offered nothing except the typical deceits, straw man arguments like your “hang by the neck”, denials of the plain language of the Bible and the Talmud, and a load of evidence-free declarative sentences of no authority but your own.
I never said Jesus was hanged by the neck. The “hanging on a tree” is a common ancient metaphor for crucifixion.
Even in the Old Tetsament I gave you DOZENS of verse in which God says that the Jews voided the Mosaic Covenant. You say the Mosaic Covenant isn’t voided. What a sick joke that you think anyone will believe you contradicting God.… precisely the satanic megalomania of the rabbis who claim to “defeat” God. Your entire Talmud is a self-serving and diabolical nullification of the Word of God.
I have countered your every deceit with evidence from the Bible and from your damned Talmud, yet you call that inconvenient evidence “name-calling.” Poor baby. You have nothingh, but a bunch of made-up lies.
The redemption in Isaias is the New Covenant that you reject. Isaias 40:2-3 is a prophesy to comfort the Israelites with the promise of the coming of Christ to forgive their sins. Instead of accepting the Messiah, your nation knowingly murdered Him. Instead of forgiveness, your nation earned damnation.
Aggeus (Haggai) 2:15 is a prophesy of Christ Who by His coming made the New Temple, the Church, more glorious than the Old Temple of animal sacrifice.
You have made yourselves “the Synagogue of Satan those who say they are jews, and are not, but do lie” incessantly. Apocalypse 3:9 Deny it all you want until you breathe your last breath, God says you are damned.
Judaic monomania is truly monstrous. ALL that Catholicism represents is Jew-hatred, eh Melanie? No morality, no ethics, no philosophy, just hatred of the Holy People. That would be true of Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism and Swedenborgianism, too, I suppose. Is there anything that the goyim do that is NOT mere ‘Jew hatred’?
Fran/Melanie gibbers on that Jews are a ‘Holy People’, and killing tens of thousands of Gazan children is fine, so she gets what she deserves. If someone was here saying that the Jews, Roma, Poles, Soviet etc killed by the Nazis got their just desserts, I’d hope that they would get similar treatment.
You humiliate yourself with your grammar & spelling alone.You're a fucking cartoon cutout of a cliché vicious, narcissistic, histrionic, lying jew bitch.That you ever may have found a man willing to have jammed his dick inside you [much less marry you] may be one of the miracles of the ages.Did you manage to marry & breed?If so, the stupid fucking Catholics should canonize you IMMEDIATELY.Even now, I can see your carved effigy in the back of the church with the dumbass goy kissing your feet - with tuna scented incense wafting perpetually from beneath the skirt of your whittled cellulose loins.Replies: @Al Liguori, @EliteCommInc.
Al goes out of his way to humiliate me on UR.
I am sure my comments will be met with derision. While I am advocate of free speech.
Miss Taubman and I do not agree on several fronts. However, I am going to defend her here. The language used in reference to her person is completely out of line, inappropriate and unneccessary. The vile nature of the language in my view is beyond the pale.
Miss Taubman, I have no doubt that we disagree on many issues. But allow me to extend some manner of empathy in your direction regarding the personal nature of the attacks. If there were some way to guard your person against such attacks online, I certainly would.
My deepest sympathies.
And am aware that you are more than capable of defending yourself — still my sympathies.
Replies: @EliteCommInc.
“Run Al, run for your life
Tick, Tock. Every Catholic in the world will hunt you down.
And if any violence against Jews is a result of you website. You will be prosecuted.
Run Al, Run for your life. And pray that no crazy person viewing your website decides to buy a gun and kill a view Jews after reading your Catholic Plan.
The Catholic Plan against the Jews.
Pray Al then run for your life.â€“we will come after you for denigrating and threatening the well being of Jews, Judaism our culture and our livelihood. We will hunt you down, every last one of you, and destroy you. Think Germany and the Jews.â€ want you to go deep down where the corpses are. Find those corpses and fuck then until your dick false off. Then choke until you yourself become a corpse.â€“Yeah baby. STD’s from a bris.â€“Go Jerk off on some S & M porno.†“The Jews killed Jesus because he was a false messiah and claimed to be the son of god. Jesus as the son of god is idolatry. God is not human and can have no children.
Why don’t you go to church and masturbate in front of his statue. The false Messiah.â€ is a charlatan a sorcerer who practiced black magic and performed miracles that only a true god could perform. We Jews call Jesus a momzer. An illegitimate son of an unmarried woman.…Mary conceived Jesus unmarried with a non Jewish Roman soldier. So Jesus to me is a fake. …
Let me guess, beside being a simp & white knight for an ethnocentric hag, you're also a fucking Boomer, and a Zio Christian as well?Dare I throw-in vaxxed?Congrats Lancelot, you've defended your damsel, and a fine lass she is . . . the finest kind of girl that only comes of 50 generations of refined, laser-focused endogamy.Replies: @EliteCommInc.
Miss Taubman, I have no doubt that we disagree on many issues. But allow me to extend some manner of empathy in your direction regarding the personal nature of the attacks. If there were some way to guard your person against such attacks online, I certainly would.
Your grasp odf the NT is very warped. As is your grasp of the very texts you use.
First, as proffered, even the a noted Catholic scholar notes, the Gemara, Minash/Talmudic writings are most likely not even talking about Jesus.
The refernce to hanging in scripture is Jesus hung upon a cross. He is not hanged by the neck. But I am curious one of your Gemara references talks about Jesus as “stoned” at least that is hw you use the reference. So you need to make up your mind, either Jesus was stoned or he was hanged or he was hung upon a tree as in crucified. Maybe you think it is all three.
Second, the law is never voided. The word of God is not voided in the OT or the NT. It is fulfilled as I understand the christian texts. Jesus fulfills the law, he does not void it. Nor is the law voided when violated by the Jews in the OT. Sure there is conviction, but the law of God remains as does his promises. And that promise is because of the violation, for the violation, in spite of the violation — because of the conviction. That is the hope — a sure redemption.
Now, It is common place when confronted that some rely on name calling. And a host of change the subject antics. And here it simply will not wash. I use the very references you put forward and on posting several and reading all — they simply don’t rise to to a condemnation of Jews. Jewish conduct that leads to condemnation, but no severing of the possibility of hope.
If not a redemption, then why bother to tell the jews to change. Why bother making promises to redeem them. And I am not talking about vredemption via Jesus. But by ytheir own turning away from practices that offend and violate God’s word. Your arguments here make no sense. They turn in on themselves repeatedly.
You might want to read Isaiah, which details Israel’s indictments, punshment and sure redemption to come. God’s judgement is never utterly cut off from the Jews, despite their sins. Consider Haggaia 2:15-19
“15 ‘And now, carefully consider from this day forward: from before stone was laid upon stone in the temple of the Lord— 16 since those days, when one came to a heap of twenty ephahs, there were but ten; when one came to the wine vat to draw out fifty baths from the press, there were but twenty. 17 I struck you with blight and mildew and hail in all the labors of your hands; yet you did not turn to Me,’ says the Lord. 18 ‘Consider now from this day forward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, from the day that the foundation of the Lord’s temple was laid—consider it: 19 Is the seed still in the barn? As yet the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree have not yielded fruit. But from this day I will bless you.’ â€
Isaiah 40: 2-3
I wonder whether she realized that I was talking about her!
As far as I remember I tried to engage Michael Hoffman in a discussion about Pico della Mirandola. His response did not encourage me to continue on a blind alley. To be blunt, for me there is little to learn from him. I just follow every now and then his blog because I sympathize with his ‘crusade’.
How Does the Government of Israel Treat Christians? Christian Leaders in the West Should Care
Video – Tucker Carlson
How does the government of Israel treat Christians? In the US, Christian leaders don’t seem interested in knowing the answer. They should be. Here’s the view of a Palestinian Christian. Tucker Carlson has come under fierce criticism for this interview with Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac, who is pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem, and the Lutheran Church in Beit Sahour, both in Israel-occupied Palestine. Isaac holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, a master’s degree in Religion-Biblical Studies from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, and a doctorate from the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies in England. He is the author of several books.
Emblematic of Chabad Fran’s mental and spiritual cancer, you insulted her bird brain and… wait for it… she AGREED!
If Fran were the only one at issue, I agree; she is not worth even 1 heartbeat of anyone’s time —BUT— I would not want innocent readers to be taken in by her lies, so I do respond to some portion of her most egregious deceits and stereotypical Judaic psychopathy… adding a dash of due mockery.
A paramour who is Catholic.… [snickering]… As if!… such amusing confabulation.
As far as Michael is concerned. He responds readily to sincere inquiries and criticism. No need to be shy. I encourage you to correspond. On this subject I am neither his nor your equal, so I stand by for the outcome.
Sure that we may learn from people who are not ‘our clones’. But it certainly requires much ‘distilling’, rather ‘separating the wheat from the chaff’. Hoffman projects his obsession with ‘usury’ and ‘pagan secret societies’ on ‘Christian Platonism‘, leading him to false conclusions and raising doubts about his knowledge of the subject.
Can one call ”a conservative catholic truly deserving the name, defender of Catholic theology of all time” a personage like George of Trebizond ”the most unpleasing of the Greeks of that day, conceited, boastful and spiteful, universally hated for his incompetence, arrogance, and quarrelsomeness” posing as an apocalyptic prophet (advocating for dialogue between Christians and Muslims that together “find the truth for the sake of love”, affirming that the dogmas of Islam and the Koran itself proved the truth of the Christian faith, reviling the ‘Palamite heretics’, hailing Mehmet II the Conqueror as the “king of kings and lord of lordsâ€, the future Universal Emperor, the Messiah*), while condemning as heinous heretics Pico, Ficino, for searching in Kabbalah proofs of the truth of Christian faith?
*Look how he was writing to Mehmet II:
‘‘Observe therefore, most high and wise autocrat, if these things accord not only with what our prophets have foretold (as I myself well know, having studied them more than anyone else, I who take second place to no one in natural talent, in perfection of knowledge and devotion towards Your Greatness), but also with what has been written by many wise students of Mohammedanism.â€
You humiliate yourself with your grammar & spelling alone.You're a fucking cartoon cutout of a cliché vicious, narcissistic, histrionic, lying jew bitch.That you ever may have found a man willing to have jammed his dick inside you [much less marry you] may be one of the miracles of the ages.Did you manage to marry & breed?If so, the stupid fucking Catholics should canonize you IMMEDIATELY.Even now, I can see your carved effigy in the back of the church with the dumbass goy kissing your feet - with tuna scented incense wafting perpetually from beneath the skirt of your whittled cellulose loins.Replies: @Al Liguori, @EliteCommInc.
Al goes out of his way to humiliate me on UR.
Al goes out of his way to humiliate me on UR.
You humiliate yourself with your grammar & spelling alone.
You’re a fucking cartoon cutout of a cliché vicious, narcissistic, histrionic, lying jew bitch.
That you ever may have found a man willing to have jammed his dick inside you [much less marry you] may be one of the miracles of the ages.
Did you manage to marry & breed?
If so, the stupid fucking Catholics should canonize you IMMEDIATELY.
Even now, I can see your carved effigy in the back of the church with the dumbass goy kissing your feet – with tuna scented incense wafting perpetually from beneath the skirt of your whittled cellulose loins.
That is NOT “an early codex.” It is the Soncino translation highly sanitized for gentile consumption. That is why I used the recent Steinsaltz. In fact, the Steinsaltz was such an accurate translation that it inflammed gentile readers and so its publication was stopped!
Erratum: Actually “hanging him upon a tree” is used in Acts of the Apostles, not the Gospels:
And we are witnesses of all things that he did in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, whom they killed, hanging him upon a tree. Acts of Apostles 10:39
Hilarious… maybe it is just another cohencidence that you and Chabad both agree in your lying about “Torah†scholarhsip…
An early codex
“Your every word is a lie, even ‘and’ and ‘the.’†“Hanged” is used by both the Gospels and also by the damned Talmud.
The entire discussion is about the place of jews.
They are damned for all the hundreds of reasons that God has said
Now I don’t make any special pleading.
And yet… your very next sentence is precisely a special pleading.
They are responsible for adhering to the covenant as laid before them.
In the Old Testament “Written Torah,“ God repeatedly convicts the Jews as a nation because they both violated and voided the Mosaic Covenant: Deuteronomy 31:16 & 20; Judges 2:20; Josue (Joshua) 23:16, 1 Kings (1 Samuel) 8:7-8 & 13:13; 3 Kings (1 Kings) 18:18; 4 Kings (2 Kings) 16:3, 17:16-17 & 21:6; 2 Paralipomenon (2 Chronicles) 28:3-4, 33:6, & 36:16; 2 Esdras (Nehemiah) 9:26; Psalms 105(106):36-37; Isaias 57:5 & 65:11; Jeremias 2:13, 7:31, 8:7-10; 11:10, 31:31-33, 32:33-35 & 44:23; Ezechiel 16:20-23 & 36:16ff; Baruch 2:10; Daniel 9:25ff; Osee (Hosea) 4:1-2 & 11:2; Amos 5:20-26 & 9:1; and Malachias 2:8-12.
Do you want me to also provide God’s judgements in the New Testament. I have them readily at hand.
That places them in a unique position as established by God if one accepts the scripture / Torah and the subsequent biblical story. I cannot resolve that for you.
Damned by God is not “unique.†Matthew 7:13
You finally admit that you provide reasons why Jews should damned.
As I have done since our first interaction here, despite your lies otherwise.
But have yet to make a case that God does so.
I quoted you hundreds of verses from the Word of God. So, like every Talmudist, you deny and contradict the Word of God.
I have noted your logical faults and spelled hem[sic] out in detail, especially as ut [sic] relates to the references you attempt to use to support your claims. I simply take a moment to read the passages and find that you are entirely wrong and at times contradicted by the very scriptures you use.
Your undue adulation of yourself is duly noted, but as typical for jews in general and you in particular, the the truth is the diametric opposite of all you claim. There is no substance to: (1) your straw man arguments, (2) your attempts to deny plain language principles by invoking “context†(as if any “context†exculpates any of the genocidal, perverse, megalomaniacal, and blasphemous fundamentals of Judaism!!!), (3) your risible efforts to baffle readers with jargon (worse still, jargon that I had already explained), and (4) your outright lies.
When confronted with the content you present, you are off on another train without ever addressing the content on the table. I won’t confront you with all of your rhetorical problems again.
As typical of Jews in general and you in particular, you accuse others of the sins you yourself do. Honest readers can review our posts and determine for themselves who is honest and logical.
But I am going to wait for you to answer/address
““At Sanhedrin … The Talmud reference is all about the justification and the practice of stoning and the rules thereof.
As my annotated scan of Sanhedrin 43a makes clear, you are not the first Jew to lie about the Talmudic confession of Jewish culpability for conniving the judicial murder of Jesus Christ. So what if Chabad joins your lie?
As lying is one of Judaism’s fundamentals, so too one of Chabad’s fundamentals is lying.
See also CHABAD
Sanhedrin 43a mentions “stoning†and make the usual scurrilous accusations against Jesus of Nazareth (repeated her on Unz Review ad nauseam by our rabid friend Chabad Fran) —BUT—Sanhedrin 43a explicitly acknowledges the hanging of Jesus of Nazareth three times and also boasts that the Sanhedrin had to overcome the Roman inclination towards the acquittal of Jesus.
Oyyyy .. .
Look, this is very careless scholarship. And it certainly is not talking about JUesus of Nazareth, because jesus of nazareth was not hanged, but crucified by the Romans and the behest of jewish leadership demands and pressure from the crowd.
But l’est I get caught up in another rather rhetorical game of hopscotch —
“John P. Meier, a Catholic priest and author of the most recent and highly acclaimed scholarly analysis of the evidence of Jesus’ life, A Marginal Jew, which has even been added to the Anchor Bible Reference Library, takes a middle ground and says “While not accepting the full, radical approach of Maier, I think we can agree with him on one basic point: in the earliest rabbinic sources, there is no clear or even probable reference to Jesus of Nazareth” [Meier, vol. I p. 98].”
Your acknowledgement that the jes played a role in jesus’ death is accurate. That would also be true of the gentiles who carried out the execution. Pilate even attempts to set Jesus free because based on the accounbts — Jesus was innocent of any crime, nt even the crime of kingship authority – over Rome. And I agree that the greater sin according to scripture was the frame up. But that bonly abides a greater degree of grace and is no barrier to God.
So one has to come back to square one . The reference to stoning is about the process, justification and I will add the obedience to do so(?).
But none of these passages condemn jews as jews. Sure there is condemnation for engaging in certain conduct. But there is no passage that that bars anyone from forgiveness. There is but one act that seems to relegate one to a state of unforvigeness and that according to scripture,”greiving the Holy Spirit.” But that is applicable to all, not exclusively to Jews.
Hilarious… maybe it is just another cohencidence that you and Chabad both agree in your lying about “Torah†scholarhsip…
And we are witnesses of all things that he did in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, whom they killed, hanging him upon a tree. Acts of Apostles 10:39
Well tubby, what I say to you seems hateful because jews hate the truth. “One shot, two kills” tells me all about your murderous cult.
The little ‘dove’ has the mind of a bird. Her power of judgement is reduced. Obviously she doesn’t even understand what she’s talking about. Her attention seeking cackling is inconsequential. It is a waste of time to engage in any discussion with her.
Brother Gilbert Conversion Story:
Hassidic Catholic Mysticism:
Chabad Founder Son Converts to Catholicism:
At the end of the book he has a personal meeting with Cardinal O’Connor in New York City. His mother remained a devout Catholic to the end of her life and he would get into bitter arguments with her about his interest in returning to Judaism. O’Connor downplayed his mother’s concerns and basically gave him a green light to revert to Jewish practices. He claimed that Pope John Paul II authorized such a choice by writing that Judaism is a valid covenant and releasing Jews from the charge of deicide.
Interesting to note that Cardinal O’Connor’s mother was Jewish and converted before she married his father. The Cardinal died before ever finding out. A cousin revealed this to his sister after he died, it was a life long family secret. But Cardinal O’Connor loved Jews, and was very tight with many Jews in New York. His sister claims he would not have minded at all.
I think that traditional Catholicism is based on the Jews being cast out, and the salvation as being that of Jesus not as a desirable conclusion, but as an absolute necessity for one’s salvation. Do it or die. I have stated above, if a religion is based on hate of another religion, it cannot be correct. This is true of Islam as well. It would have been better for Christianity to have started fresh and divorced from Judaism, and left the Jews alone. It has done nothing for the two religions to be joined at the hip as the evil twin of the holy and pious.
Al continues to try and humiliate me, knowing nothing about me, which would be the worst of the worst characteristics under Judaism, which specifically states that let g-d be the judge of humans, not other humans. Of interest would be my Polish partner came to the US as an illegal alien during communism, I sponsored him for a green card, and he is now a US citizen. ( I could not marry him for obvious reasons). We work together, and I have helped support his entire family in Poland. Whenever I visit with him in Turon Poland, (a beautiful Medieval town, with walls), I attend Mass regularly just to take it in. It is a site to behold in a country like Poland. Gold statues everywhere, the mother and the father, lots of smoke and incense. To me it is theater. I am a Jew, I believe deeply in the principals and judge no one. I am sure that Al is in the wrong place, a hateful place, which is not a part of what Jesus preached. Catholicism was based on hate, now that they have changed it, you say that they Judaized it, I disagree, I think they took the hate out which was for the Jews, and now it has nothing special to stand for as a Christian faith. Protestantism is much better as a unifying faith.
Pre Vatican 2 Catholicism is based on Jew hatred, without it, it will die a natural death. The nuns marrying Jesus, the celibacy of the Priest. All ridiculous. I am sure that Al is a Priest that was thrown out and could not live outside the celibacy world.
Al goes out of his way to humiliate me on UR. A do not care which g-d you are referring to, it is not religious or pious behavior. Al also knows nothing about me personally, which makes his behavior more contemptible under religious godly values.
That goes for you also, your seem as needless hateful and willing to assign blame for what you see are the worlds problems caused by the Jews, which is a classic scapegoat. Jews have contributed to the good of mankind, you just sound rather uneducated to fully understand history.
But make no mistake Al’s behavior is not in line with Catholic theology.
You humiliate yourself with your grammar & spelling alone.You're a fucking cartoon cutout of a cliché vicious, narcissistic, histrionic, lying jew bitch.That you ever may have found a man willing to have jammed his dick inside you [much less marry you] may be one of the miracles of the ages.Did you manage to marry & breed?If so, the stupid fucking Catholics should canonize you IMMEDIATELY.Even now, I can see your carved effigy in the back of the church with the dumbass goy kissing your feet - with tuna scented incense wafting perpetually from beneath the skirt of your whittled cellulose loins.Replies: @Al Liguori, @EliteCommInc.
Al goes out of his way to humiliate me on UR.
You two sound like old street preachers reinterpreting the Bible. Liguori is not so bad because he is looking for the good in mankind, you are defending a racist, murderous sub-culture.
Man created God in his own image, your God is a murderous, racist totally evil thing.
special pleading | ˌspeSH(ə)l ˈplēdiNG |
…blah, blah, blah… strawman… …blah, blah, blah… special pleading… …blah, blah, blah… outright lie… …blah, blah, blah… gratuitous claim…
That is an interesting tact. It’s a tad self defeating. The entire discussion is about the place of jews. One that is unique to the one’s faith and that of jews and christians alike. We are both singling them out. That makes them special.
Now I don’t make any special pleading. They are responsible for adhering to the covenant as laid before them. That places them in a unique position as established by God if one accepts the scripture / Torah and the subsequent biblical story. I cannot resolve that for you.
Well more progress. You finally admit that you provide reasons why Jews should damned. But have yet to make a case that God does so. I could list a host of reasons why human beings are damed. That is quite another matter as to whether or not they are.
I have noted your logical faults and spelled hem out in detail, especially as ut relates to the references you attempt to use to support your claims. I simply take a moment to read the passages and find that you are entirely wrong and at times contradicted by the very scriptures you use.
When confronted with the content you present, you are off on another train without ever addressing the content on the table. I won’t confront you with all of your rhetorical problems again. But I am going to wait for you to answer/address
““At Sanhedrin 43a the Babylonian Talmud rejoices that the jews overcame Roman opposition to the judicial murder of “Jesus of Nazareth.†That the Romans did the jews’ dirty work does not exculpate the jews. Further, the New Testament describes the plotting and fixes blame upon the Pharisees (John 11:47-53, John 18:14).â€
The Talmud reference is all about the justification and the practice of stoning and the rules thereof.
Note: As far as know Jesus was not stoned. And all attempts to stone jesus wee thwarted. So they could not possibly be talking about the Christ. Not to mention the date difference — and it does not appear to be aa reference to a prophecy about the Christ as Christ was not stoned.”
Even if you wanted to make ethe matter about rome the babylon of prophecy — the content just does not apply, as 43a is neither about Rome nor crucifixion.
I did read your comment 472, you do realize that you are tossing a whole set of beliefs and practices, such as the Kabalah into a hodgepodge of jewfish faith. When inreality, that hodgepodge is not embraced by all jews.
They are damned for all the hundreds of reasons that God has said
The entire discussion is about the place of jews.
And yet… your very next sentence is precisely a special pleading.
Now I don’t make any special pleading.
In the Old Testament “Written Torah,“ God repeatedly convicts the Jews as a nation because they both violated and voided the Mosaic Covenant: Deuteronomy 31:16 & 20; Judges 2:20; Josue (Joshua) 23:16, 1 Kings (1 Samuel) 8:7-8 & 13:13; 3 Kings (1 Kings) 18:18; 4 Kings (2 Kings) 16:3, 17:16-17 & 21:6; 2 Paralipomenon (2 Chronicles) 28:3-4, 33:6, & 36:16; 2 Esdras (Nehemiah) 9:26; Psalms 105(106):36-37; Isaias 57:5 & 65:11; Jeremias 2:13, 7:31, 8:7-10; 11:10, 31:31-33, 32:33-35 & 44:23; Ezechiel 16:20-23 & 36:16ff; Baruch 2:10; Daniel 9:25ff; Osee (Hosea) 4:1-2 & 11:2; Amos 5:20-26 & 9:1; and Malachias 2:8-12.
They are responsible for adhering to the covenant as laid before them.
Damned by God is not “unique.†Matthew 7:13
That places them in a unique position as established by God if one accepts the scripture / Torah and the subsequent biblical story. I cannot resolve that for you.
As I have done since our first interaction here, despite your lies otherwise.
You finally admit that you provide reasons why Jews should damned.
I quoted you hundreds of verses from the Word of God. So, like every Talmudist, you deny and contradict the Word of God.
But have yet to make a case that God does so.
Your undue adulation of yourself is duly noted, but as typical for jews in general and you in particular, the the truth is the diametric opposite of all you claim. There is no substance to: (1) your straw man arguments, (2) your attempts to deny plain language principles by invoking “context†(as if any “context†exculpates any of the genocidal, perverse, megalomaniacal, and blasphemous fundamentals of Judaism!!!), (3) your risible efforts to baffle readers with jargon (worse still, jargon that I had already explained), and (4) your outright lies.
I have noted your logical faults and spelled hem[sic] out in detail, especially as ut [sic] relates to the references you attempt to use to support your claims. I simply take a moment to read the passages and find that you are entirely wrong and at times contradicted by the very scriptures you use.
As typical of Jews in general and you in particular, you accuse others of the sins you yourself do. Honest readers can review our posts and determine for themselves who is honest and logical.
When confronted with the content you present, you are off on another train without ever addressing the content on the table. I won’t confront you with all of your rhetorical problems again.
As my annotated scan of Sanhedrin 43a makes clear, you are not the first Jew to lie about the Talmudic confession of Jewish culpability for conniving the judicial murder of Jesus Christ. So what if Chabad joins your lie? As lying is one of Judaism’s fundamentals, so too one of Chabad’s fundamentals is lying. also CHABAD 43a mentions “stoning†and make the usual scurrilous accusations against Jesus of Nazareth (repeated her on Unz Review ad nauseam by our rabid friend Chabad Fran) —BUT—Sanhedrin 43a explicitly acknowledges the hanging of Jesus of Nazareth three times and also boasts that the Sanhedrin had to overcome the Roman inclination towards the acquittal of Jesus.
But I am going to wait for you to answer/address
““At Sanhedrin … The Talmud reference is all about the justification and the practice of stoning and the rules thereof.
Well done!! I knew you would come thru and you had it in you all along. May Hashem bless you!!