quick…how many years were dinosaurs around before being wiped out about66 million years ago.?…guesss and write it down.
In the Jurassic it was abut 200 million years. Let that sink in….Nobody has commented on the Time factor.
At least a billion years is a long time for Chance to occur.
Silly folks with fancy degrees. Evolution is the only possibility.
Joe Webb
The Blacks are not the problem : were them all to flee to Liberia at the call of some strange prophet, the elite would replace them with better intelligence killers, like the Mexican cartels, like the Khmer Rouges which would be called in droves to kill all intellectuals they meet with. By the way the Khmers rouges that did their butchering job (not the few dreamers that studied in Paris and remained living their dreams in the forest) were trained by the US under Lon Nol before being unleashed under the Kampuchean flag. The problem is not the Blacks : it is the USA and its Jewish-Skull and Bones elite. What they do to most Whites now they did to many other Whites as well as to natives from 1776 onwards. There is nothing to do for the the US. You cannot change the US from degrading their school system any more than change the Taliban State of Afghanistan from stoning infidels. If you want better schools for Americans you must fight America first.
Does anyone think this is going to stop? How?
It’ll run out of “steam” – taxpayer funding – of its own accord. The dream will die when no one can pay for it anymore.
White Nationalism? Interesting idea, just not practical.
It won’t be politically organized before a conflict. It’ll be the de facto arrangement AFTER a conflict when communities re-settle quickly in the post-horse-buggy era (cars and planes).
Planes and cars full of blacks/browns got us into this mess, planes and cars full will also get us out.
Except for 30% or more of whites who are GONERS.
AND except for the (((B)))lack originals of course. They are an open question – some may try and stay with us. I don’t know how wise that’ll be in the inevitable circumstances and mindset.
Ah well. I wish their multi-culti experiment well. It’ll be splendid to watch live on the future streaming reality shows called “tik tok” and “rumble” or whatever isn’t censored.
John Carpenter will accidentally be correct – Escape from Jew York, Escape from Jew Angeles!
The proof is overwhelming, but the scientific rationale, as I described in Comment #15 above, is an further explanation about the high correlation between White Trashionalism and homosexuality.Replies: @Thomm
"Fuentes has described himself as the "straightest guy" and attempted to defend himself as an incel by claiming that "the only really straight heterosexual position is to be an asexual incel", as "having sex with women is gay ... What's gayer than being like, 'I need cuddles. I need kisses ... I need to spend time with a woman.'"[30][31][32]"
Here is the Wayback machine link for how the Alt-Right is a network of homosexuals (with recordings as proof) :
But Fred Reed is 100% correct in his assessment of White Nationalism.
Here is where Truth outright got Trinity to admit his homosexuality, in the links below :
Trinity’s projection is total, since Truth got him to admit that Trinity would rather have sex with a white man than even the prettiest mulatta/quatroon woman in the world.
Moving on, here is where Tallest Skil refused to say that he would prefer the prettiest Chinese woman in the world over a white man, as a sexual partner :
Think about it. He prefers a man over the prettiest Chinese woman in the world.
This pattern regarding White Trashionalists repeats itself again and again. They are homosexuals, and are responsible for that fact that in the United States, whites are 62% of the population, but almost 100% of all LGBTQ people. The destruction they have caused to white youth is total.
The band is great.
Does the vocalist struggle with tempo and key?
“…events that transpired in [BOLSHEVIKS Russia] look like a kinder garden tea party…”
During the decades around World War Two, BOLSHEVIKS were responsible for the deaths of eighty million White folks, primarily German people, Americans, Russians, and folks in the Ukraine.
If the zionists toss some of their nuclear weapons and start World War Three, they will have no place to hide.
Every last jew will be hunted and exterminated.
We need to convince them to stop.
Unfortunately, they are invested in destruction as a process.
They do not seem to have a throttle, a rheostat.
They only have a broken ‘ON’ switch.
More proof of what the true premise and purpose of ‘White Nationalism’ :
1) Alt-right exposed as a network of homosexuals (with recordings) :
2) Greg Johnson says that about 40% of White Nationalists are homosexuals (and he considers this to be a good thing). More from Greg Johnson :
3) Nick Fuentes’ Wikipedia article :
“Fuentes has described himself as the “straightest guy” and attempted to defend himself as an incel by claiming that “the only really straight heterosexual position is to be an asexual incel”, as “having sex with women is gay … What’s gayer than being like, ‘I need cuddles. I need kisses … I need to spend time with a woman.’”[30][31][32]”
The proof is overwhelming, but the scientific rationale, as I described in Comment #15 above, is an further explanation about the high correlation between White Trashionalism and homosexuality.
This is a very apt article from Fred Reed, which explains the state of White Nationalism.
For one thing, in the United States, whites are 62% of the population, but 95% of all LGBTQ people. How could this be? It is because ‘White Nationalism’ fought hard to create this situation.
As we can see above, various WNs, when faced with the simple question of whether they thought it would be worse for them to have sex with a white man or the prettiest quatroon/mulatto (such as a 1970s Pam Grier or a 1990s Halle Berry), many either said they would choose the man, or refused to answer the question even after it was posed a second, third, or fourth time to them. This is a situation where no answer clearly IS an answer.
Remember that a regular heterosexual man (white or otherwise) would have no hesitation in making it super clear that he prefers a 1990s Halle Berry (or equivalent famously pretty mulatto/quatroon) over a man (of any race) as a sexual partner.
Their rationale is that race loyalty has to trump sexual orientation, and that producing no baby is better than producing a quatroon or octoroon baby. At least they are able to spell out their logic.
The full list of commenters here who either outright said they prefer the man, or would not say that they prefer the prettiest quatroon woman in the world over a man, is as follows :
Mike Tre (aka MikeatMikedotMike)
Hangnail Hans
Twodees Partain
William Badwhite
Cowtown Rebel
Remember that any of these individuals can get removed from this list at any time if they simply say that having sex with a 1990s Halle Berry (or equivalent very pretty quatroon/mulatto) is much better than having sex with a white man. The central premise of ‘White Nationalism’ really is homosexuality and transgenderism.
Truth, Rosie, Mrs. Alden, Audacious Epigone, and Anatoly Karlin will all vouch for having seen members of this list behaving as described above.
Everything makes sense when you consider the following :
i) Nature created homosexuality to divert the most defective genes out of the gene pool.
ii) White Trashionalists tend to be almost 100% male and absolute bottom of the barrel ne’er do wells. Yet the fat, bluehaired feminists are entirely white and equal in number to the White Trashionalists.
iii) There is an unusually high variance in white quality. Much more than in other races.
iv) Most White Trashionalists say that they would rather have sex with a white man ahead of a famously pretty mulatto/quatroon woman like 1970s Pam Grier or 1990s Halle Berry.
Ergo, the white race has a unique quarantine and filtration mechanism for unwanted genetic waste matter. The upper 90% of white people have no flaws, while all the flaws neatly concentrate into the bottom 10% for continuous, efficient removal from the gene pool. This is why the white race keeps improving, we have a special feature where the wastematter gets eliminated from the gene pool via a defective subrace that comprises the bottom 10% of whites.
The males of this defective subrace become the White Trashionalists, while the women become the fat bluehaired feminists. This is why there are no women in White Trashionalism, but fat bluehaired feminists are both equal in number and defective IQ/appearance to the male White Trashionalists.
This explanation is both robust and elegant, and really does explain everything.
Excuse me? There was no American Nation in 1619. That was the British Empire. And guess what? Anglo-Americans are the ONLY ones who ever eradicated slavery. Everyone else was Johnny Come Lately. Some very late indeed.
But in 1619 the Historic American Nation, progenitors of today’s White Nationalists, began importing blacks and continued in high volume
This is even more ridiculous. The people who imported them are long since dead, and aren't doing any complaining. Reed is the type who always insisted that immigration was a minor thing, and now says it's so major we can't do anything about it. Except lie back and think of...what now?Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
Having imported them, they now complain of their presence.
Fred Reed, huh? It’s been a while. Fred Reed has become a Banana Republican, living in his gated community in Mexico on the US $. When the $ goes down the toilet, as it most certainly will, he will have to live as a Mexicano. Though I wished him luck and gave him advice, I got sick of this guy’s writing as you did, Mike. Here is Peak Stupidity‘s take on Fred Reed’s writing, from 5 years back:
[Fred Reed mode] America is decaying. There is no unified American culture anymore. There are lots of people mixed together from all over the world. There are bad ignorant Americans that are trying to prevent people from coming in from all over the world. Things don’t work well anymore. The new foreigners are better than those ignorant foreigner-hating Americans at working. America has changed for the worse from back when I was a kid when it was 90% white.
Trump is a clown. The TV news that I watch all day is full of people criticizing the President for everything and making fun of him. TV sucks. Americans should see how bad their country is on the TV. Trump wants a wall built. Bad ignorant Americans want a border barrier built. Walls don’t work. Americans just don’t want we Mexicans to assimilate and exchange bodily fluids with them. Mexicans don’t want to assimilate and be part of the crass, new, sick American culture that I watch on TV. Mexican culture is better and we have great engineering schools and gated communities. Mexico is better, so Mexicans don’t want to go to America. There is no need for a wall, but they don’t work anyway. Bodily fluids! [/Fred Reed mode]
Carney the hasbara Jew troll:
You response here is to Lemmy Tellyuh, who concluded:
German-Americans, Russo-Americans, etc. are not attacked for having European heritages, but for being…â€White.â€
Fred either…
…understands that and is a race traitor;
…understands but is a race coward;
…doesn’t understand and is a dunce; or
…became a Jew and wants Whites to be self-doubting, weak, and disorganized.
“Fellowwhites” are Jews who identify as “White” when convenient, but “not-White” Jews when convenient.
You, Carney the hasbara Jew troll, are a fellowwhite, steering the conversation away from Jewish suppression of White free speech — while counseling that “being pro-white… just might… be pulled off successfully.”
Go ahead, congratulate yourself for being a fearless evolution skeptic.
The evidence for the alleged “Holocaust” is far flimsier.
We’d love to hear your take on that. If you don’t know where to begin, here’s a starter kit:
— ( https://www.unz.com/?s=holocaust&Action=Search&authors=ron-unz&ptype=all )
Or maybe it isn’t about his feelings and motivations at all, and is about the brutal facts of numerical and political reality that exist in total and utter indifference to what you, I, and very probably Fred want.
I say “maybe” because I’m not totally sold on Fred’s premise that any white advocacy or solidarity is impossible and doomed. Naturally I hope otherwise, but it’s not just that; I think that being pro-white and/or a race realist might, just might, IF WISELY AND EFFECTIVELY DONE, still be pulled off successfully.
In any case, don’t immediately assume that someone who makes a claim about current or future reality, is doing so because he WANTS things to be the way he says they are or will be. Not everyone is a rah-rah Pollyanna.
"Fellowwhites" are Jews who identify as "White" when convenient, but "not-White" Jews when convenient.
German-Americans, Russo-Americans, etc. are not attacked for having European heritages, but for being…â€White.â€
Fred either…
…understands that and is a race traitor;
…understands but is a race coward;
…doesn’t understand and is a dunce; or
…became a Jew and wants Whites to be self-doubting, weak, and disorganized.
In the grand scheme of things, we are continuously evolving. We looked entirely different 100,000 years ago, and barring nuclear interruptus, will look entirely different in another 100,000 years. We had no particular say in the matter up to this point, but that is going to change due to scientific capability now on the horizon. The racial constructs we so concern ourselves with today will be replaced. We are adding a new species, the intelligent machine, to the population. There are those who want to make human and machine hybrids. It’s going to get very strange out there-except for the newly minted, who wake into a world, and take what they find as always having been there, and become immersed in it.
The age of nations and races will surely fade over the centuries, for better or worse.
Fred: oy! What happened to your cojones, ese?
I haven’t read him in months. Missed Mencken’s doppelganger. I honestly thought he’d passed. I tried contacting him several times, to no avail. Then I saw his relatively recent contribution and got excited.
Then, sadly, I read his piece.
My, how the once-mighty have fallen!
Mr. Reed once wielded a kick-ass Southern venomous-penimus. Witty, insightful, wise, caustic, and brave. Then he vamoosed to Meh-Hee-Coe, married a beaner, sprouted a kid, and now disowns being White.
Fred reminds me of “fathers’ rights” groups who refused to join with “men’s rights” groups because they thought feminazis wouldn’t come for dads. They didn’t “get” that the women’s movement sees all danglers as The Enemy.
Fathers are attacked because they are male, not just dads.
Similarly, German-Americans, Russo-Americans, etc. are not attacked for having European heritages, but for being…”White.”
Fred either…
…understands that and is a race traitor;
…understands but is a race coward;
…doesn’t understand and is a dunce; or
…became a Jew and wants Whites to be self-doubting, weak, and disorganized.
Incidentally, I wasn’t able to see your post on my account, which suggests I’m getting replies I’m unable to reply to from my account. If you are aware how that is possible, or if you did that by some sort of blocking, I’d appreciate knowing.
The “western†world was designed to expand and include everyone across the planet. If the structure collapsed then you don’t exist at all, think about the math in that statement.
Civilizations develop, they aren’t “designed.” White people exist, European people exist, their civilization exists. The delusion is pretending that is a “design.” Who “designed” it? Philosophes? Obviously it far predates those pretentious buffoons. Columbus discovering America did not make the Indians Westerners. Hispanic Civilization, when heavily Indian, is not actually regarded as part of Western World. Is Bolivia part of the Western World? Guatemala, El Salvador? Not really. Any more than the Navajo reservation is.
If it involves taking control of something delusional like “the white worldâ€
Most whites live surrounded by other whites, and see non-whites as belonging to separate peoples. This is in fact reality and is born out by facts. Those who deny it are the delusional ones. Whites have their own civilization. If you want to quibble about the meaning of white, go at it – whites are not confused about it. Whites know exactly who is NOT WHITE. They know who is marginally white. And they know who are the people descended from white European Christian Civilization.
At the core you have no real identity, no economy, no goals and no standards.
This is stupidity. People who don’t know they are whites (or don’t admit it) definitely suffer from a weak identity. Somebody who says that a negro can fully belong to their European nationality as easily as a white man does not know what nationality is. He is delusional.
Goals? The goals are simple. SELF-PRESERVATION and ERADICATION of the current system.
If the white world didn’t exist, there would be no compulsive need to destroy it or even to deny it exists. It is solipsistic psychosis of the Jews and their enablers to deny it exists.
The Jews know very well the white world exists, and insist upon its destruction.
OK Boomer. The Western world exists among the whites. It doesn’t exist among the others. It doesn’t matter what accent they have. It doesn’t matter that white men marry these women who become “sociologically white.”
What matters is that our society only really exists among us, and without us, the whole structure collapses. The white people must regain control of the white world, and that involves removing the Jews from power.
A Farewelll
by Fred Reed
September 10, 2024I have been writing this column, off and on, mostly on, for–dear God, can it be nearly thirty years? Yet nothing lasts forever, neither columns nor columnists, and Fred on Everything, for unexpected reasons with which i will not bore the reader, has reached its end.
Columnizing is a curious trade. I suppose that from time to time most in it ask themselves, why am I doing this? It is not from vanity or the desire to see one’s name in print. At the age of twenty, a new writer thinks that if only he can be published in the next most important outlet, he will be happy and fulfilled. At thirty, he thinks, oh hell, its deadline, what can I write and how can I make it seem fresh and interesting when almost every subject has been written about thousands of times by thousands of writers also on deadline?
I suspect that few columnists think that their output will accomplish anything. People seldom change their minds. Most likely we are just bellowing at the universe to behave itself. It doesn’t.
Unlike many in our ashen trade, I have been fortunate in not having an editor to tell me what to write and not being constrained to specialize. “Fred on Everything†may sound pompous but it is not restrictive. Thus i could write about anything from the military-industrial complex to being a barefoot-and-BB gun-toting Tom Sawyer simulacrum in small-town Alabama to robots and the realities of Mexico. This has been fun for me and, apparently, for a certain kind of reader.
But not to most. What most readers want is to be told over and over what they already believe, preferably in combative prose. Most columnists and websites do exactly this. I could never do it, perhaps because of some psychic defect. Or maybe I am just bull-headed. The result has been that readers have been few by internet standards but, at least in my judgement, a superior and versatile sort who can disagree without huffing-and-deleting. I regard them–you– as fellow conspirators against the expected, the tedious, and the ordinary. It has been fun. I thank you for the years.
I thought you were dead! Glad to see you aren’t!
Please write more often, and God bless you!
In other words, bow down White man and accept your fate of your race going extinct.
But in 1619 the Historic American Nation, progenitors of today’s White Nationalists, began importing blacks and continued in high volume
Excuse me? There was no American Nation in 1619. That was the British Empire.
And guess what? Anglo-Americans are the ONLY ones who ever eradicated slavery. Everyone else was Johnny Come Lately. Some very late indeed.
Having imported them, they now complain of their presence.
This is even more ridiculous. The people who imported them are long since dead, and aren’t doing any complaining.
Reed is the type who always insisted that immigration was a minor thing, and now says it’s so major we can’t do anything about it.
Except lie back and think of…what now?
[Fred Reed mode] America is decaying. There is no unified American culture anymore. There are lots of people mixed together from all over the world. There are bad ignorant Americans that are trying to prevent people from coming in from all over the world. Things don’t work well anymore. The new foreigners are better than those ignorant foreigner-hating Americans at working. America has changed for the worse from back when I was a kid when it was 90% white.
Trump is a clown. The TV news that I watch all day is full of people criticizing the President for everything and making fun of him. TV sucks. Americans should see how bad their country is on the TV. Trump wants a wall built. Bad ignorant Americans want a border barrier built. Walls don’t work. Americans just don’t want we Mexicans to assimilate and exchange bodily fluids with them. Mexicans don’t want to assimilate and be part of the crass, new, sick American culture that I watch on TV. Mexican culture is better and we have great engineering schools and gated communities. Mexico is better, so Mexicans don’t want to go to America. There is no need for a wall, but they don’t work anyway. Bodily fluids! [/Fred Reed mode]
Thing is:
Most White Nationalists are, to some degree, Jared Taylor likely included, ‘supremacists’.
Mr Fred Reed is not a White Nationalist – and, irony of ironies, he is a supremacist. Need proof? Look:
This puts a naked savage in the wilds of Papua New Guinea in the same category as a Chinese theoretical physicist.
IQ does not matter. Nor do achievements, of any kind.
Ethnic Nationalism is based on Genetic Similarity. Nothing more.
Do I wanna standards, or just relatedness?
Yes – personally – I’m a pro-Eugenics, even.
(But, thing is, I’m only pro-Eugenics for my group. What other groups do or don’t: none of my business!)
“Hispanics” who are more-or-less 80% White are White.
Half-Lebanese, half-Persian or half-Turk are White. (however, I wouldn’t let ’em in, if they’re Muslims. I can elaborate on that, if enquired.)
Jews, Blacks‽ Same! There is a point where you have these ancestries in you and them being immaterial.
No ‘One-Drop Rule’.
White Nationalists don’t need the whole America: just a place somewhere in this vast World.
Such a place must be acclimatised to the White sensibilities and, to boot, not landlocked. Of course: land – the more, the merrier. But, if it’s Singapore-sized, that’ll do.
P.S.: I’m an “omni-nationalist”, actually – of free-thinking libertarian leanings.
This is a GREAT article. How did I miss it? And NO COMMENTS?
I’m White (not nationalist).
LSD has worked to help some people suffering from Darwinism. Ask you Doctor.
Someone please remind me who said:
‘ Fish do not swim, they are swum. Birds do not fly, they are flown.’ W.R. ? V.S. ?
I ask myself what thought have I had that I can call mine?
If for far before aware, it’s travel had begun.
Sometimes when quiet alone in bed I catch the fucker broadcasting and shut him up so I can sleep But the rest of the day I’m blinded by the light.
A Farewelll
by Fred Reed
September 10, 2024I have been writing this column, off and on, mostly on, for–dear God, can it be nearly thirty years? Yet nothing lasts forever, neither columns nor columnists, and Fred on Everything, for unexpected reasons with which i will not bore the reader, has reached its end.
Columnizing is a curious trade. I suppose that from time to time most in it ask themselves, why am I doing this? It is not from vanity or the desire to see one’s name in print. At the age of twenty, a new writer thinks that if only he can be published in the next most important outlet, he will be happy and fulfilled. At thirty, he thinks, oh hell, its deadline, what can I write and how can I make it seem fresh and interesting when almost every subject has been written about thousands of times by thousands of writers also on deadline?
I suspect that few columnists think that their output will accomplish anything. People seldom change their minds. Most likely we are just bellowing at the universe to behave itself. It doesn’t.
Unlike many in our ashen trade, I have been fortunate in not having an editor to tell me what to write and not being constrained to specialize. “Fred on Everything†may sound pompous but it is not restrictive. Thus i could write about anything from the military-industrial complex to being a barefoot-and-BB gun-toting Tom Sawyer simulacrum in small-town Alabama to robots and the realities of Mexico. This has been fun for me and, apparently, for a certain kind of reader.
But not to most. What most readers want is to be told over and over what they already believe, preferably in combative prose. Most columnists and websites do exactly this. I could never do it, perhaps because of some psychic defect. Or maybe I am just bull-headed. The result has been that readers have been few by internet standards but, at least in my judgement, a superior and versatile sort who can disagree without huffing-and-deleting. I regard them–you– as fellow conspirators against the expected, the tedious, and the ordinary. It has been fun. I thank you for the years.
The opening comments and examples in this December,2021 Fred Reed piece resonate in 2024:
:….overconfidence is an occupational disease of militaries and militarists..”
In all seriousness… Why don’t American voters understand that?? why do Americans vote against their own quality of life?
Mass-media propaganda mainly. Also, in order to vote for our own welfare we’d need candidates who support that. Anyone who even hints at this is destroyed by AIPAC, ADL, SPLC, et al. And of course their fellow travelers in the mass media.
I agree however, if/when China and the USA did get into a war,if either side thought that all was lost for them, they might just say "hell with it" and release the nukes or the bio-weapons each side surely has stockpiled.
Maybe we should step back before we seek war with a country that A) does not threaten us and B) would most probably defeat us in an all-out world war. Why pick fight with a someone who doesn’t want to hurt you, and who could at the same time destroy you?
The USA needs to cut back what we spend on so-called “defense†by at least 50% annually. That money could then go to better uses like fixing our abysmal infrastructure.
Wow, once upon a time you actually made sense!
What a ridiculous thing to say. “I’d have gone to a different doctor “???
You are worse than useless. Fuck off and die.
Sorry but that is quite the overstatement. They could cut off some of our consumer goods, at the cost of destroying their own economy, but they sure as hell couldn't cut off all of them because China isn't our only trading partner. And as for "one lock or so in the Panama Canal"...well you were not at all clear about what you meant. If you mean they will militarily take the Canal I find that ridiculous. There is no way in hell they could project that much power that far from their land and that close to us and prevail. I suppose they could pack a commercial ship with ammonium nitrate and then have it "accidentally" explode when transiting the Canal. That would screw things up for the entire world for quite a while. To be quite honest the statement I made was meant to be hyperbolic. I was simply speculating that the U.S. might declare war on China if they did something like take Taiwan. This would have the effect of canceling our debts to them, and then we could quickly negotiate a peace treaty that includes us not paying our debts. Even China might consider getting screwed out of trillions of dollars a better alternative to WWIII. But, as I said, I was simply speculating...somewhat tongue in cheek, I might add.SuluReplies: @Jokem, @showmethereal, @Mulga Mumblebrain, @littlereddot
And the Chinese reply by cutting off all of your consumer goods...�
If I remember correctly, China’s exports to the USA accounts for something like 3% of its GDP.
The USA is not even the largest recipient of China’s exports. They export far more to Southeast Asia, then comes the EU. Exports to the USA comes in third.
Yes losing exports to the USA would not be a happy occasion for the Chinese, but it certainly won’t sink their boat.
Suppose you have a honey bee swarm which, having left its hive, must find a new life. It dances according to a known exact and analytical expression. However, this is a differential equation whose nonlinearity permits transitions to different honey bee dance shapes under the right conditions. The swarm dispatches individual bees thither, most of whom will die, whilst hither it re-enters quiescence. Based on feedback, the swarm will dance again. This will repeat until the swarm reaches a decision, moves, and then potentially repeats the dancing routine.
It is unlikely that the swarm fully exploits the myriad decision-making abilities granted by the dynamics of its dance. If the honey bee evolved, could it become stupider individually to somehow fuel a more expensive dance? This would require the swarm to sacrifice too many bees during the swarm migration’s quiescent phase, and swarms that too readily risked self-destruction probably did evolve and promptly went extinct.
Separately, the dance itself also contains decision-making abilities and the underlying bee, if made smarter, could perhaps make a prettier dance. For some reason, bees the world over decided to cease such a relentless inter-swarm arms race of ever-more expensive dances.
What if we made the bees and the environment temporarily mentally retarded? Would we be able to then let evolution work toward the end of a better bee? Maybe this has happened, as my friendly solitary bees have been my companions for the past decade, and perhaps they now enjoy freedom from the strictures of the swarm. They are, however, alone. Likewise, ravens (loners) are smarter than crows, but every year I see crows altruistically acting as nannys for other crows’ young – ravens can’t seem to do better than the group. Thus does the group allow for the maintenance of a different kind of memory. For bees, this is whatever allows the dance to transition to new states based on most recent reports – or feedback – from the external actor known as the bee scout. Of course, the swarm has its own separate memory. Did it delegate some mental responsibilities, or are the mental faculties of the scout orthogonal to those of the swarm?
I could go on, but I should cut this short. I think bees are dumb and simple enough to confidently claim their mental behavior is entirely genetic, as in, they are just little rocket thrusters tied together with rubber bands, all with identical parameterization, all modified only the scouts and inter-rocket rubber bands. Crows are more complicated, but both species use memory. When does memory allow skipping to an otherwise-inaccessible evolutionary path – or shape, in a vast evolutionary dance – and, separately, when does memory serve as a crutch to maintain the fitness of a species as it sunders itself in the process of becoming something new? Can this process make higher-order dances from nothing more than lower-order dances plus memory? Can the more energy-consuming higher-order dances be like memetic plasmids, turning off in lean times and reactivating otherwise? In a superior bee, this would be epigenetic, but in a crow we must call it culture.
Maybe culture is regularized and regulated (wishy-washy AI techno-babble meaning “evolved”) by morality, being a higher order version of memory. This article’s author makes allusions to this but investigates no further… admittedly, the investigation is very complicated, but an aside to make is the “survival of the fittest swarm” became, in AI research with AlexNet the concept of dropout which eventually died out! Even today, the concept of activation function has gone extinct in some state-space models for AI (nonlinearity, or expressivenes, is… expressed elsewhere). For a more accessible discussion, see mid-1900s Xiong Shiling in his “New Treatise on the Uniqueness of Consciousness”… essentially the statement is that your moral sense and the metaphysical Divine lie on the same path. This is interesting, however, only if you are willing to accept that the basic material of evolution will hijack evolutionary regulatory mechanics itself to bootstrap memory (a part of a higher-order evolution… yeah that demands a lot of math i am too lazy to investigate), which in turn… bootstraps… morality! Maybe. (The next part is longevity, then the dao, then the obscurity beyond the dao, then 500 additional steps, then finally divinity. Of course you must swallow mercury pills and, every day, tie your shoelaces above your head while standing without resting your foot against a wall. Chinese philosophy gets rather silly :D.)
Well, if the Latinos are so great, why, oh WHY do the Latinos not want to live with Latinos?
Should the Latinos not have by far the greatest knowledge of Latinos?
Why Mexico is so terrible, that Mexicans want to move to White People Countries instead?
Why are we not seeing insane immigration from white countries to Latino countries?
Why are Mexicans not immigrating as much to Latin America?
Why, oh WHY does Kolumbia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Mexico etc have insane levels of Mafia activity, with the average people doing basically nothing to help the government to curb them?
Why is it that many Latin Countries have such insane murder rates? Literally world-leading rates?
Why do they have massive Drug Cartels, which seem to just grow by the decade?
If the Latino people are so great, why on earth would they NOT want to live in Mexico? Why on earth would they move North, to worse climates?
If I remember correctly, doesn’t Elon Musk have pretty much all of his Tesla facilities over there?
You’re wrong. There is a Gigafactory in Shanghai, but the original was in Nevada, another is in New York (focused on solar), another in Texas, another is in Berlin, and the first Tesla factory in California is still in full operation. Yet another Gigafactory is under construction in Mexico and there is a smaller factory in the Netherlands.
Interesting that Reed, after praising the Chinese, blithely assumes that they never take into account any reasons for caution the way he warns the Koreans, Japanese, and Taiwanese would.
Talk of mere changing letterheads could just as well apply to Beijing. If it’s no big deal which letterhead is over the manifest from Taiwan, which flag flies over Taipei, then why would Beijing recklessly risk war with the mightiest nation on Earth, whose navy and nuclear arsenal by FAR outweigh Beijing’s?
China’s own adventure in Vietnam in 1979 did not end well. Nor was sending nearly 200,000 of their sons to be killed (including Mao’s son) successful in conquering South Korea. The Boxer Rebellion and the Opium Wars didn’t turn out so great either. China has been consistently humiliated by Japan; and was unable to expel the Japanese from deep in Chinese territory after well over a decade of bitter and brutal effort costing millions of Chinese lives; the Japanese left China only after having been defeated by WHITE nations – the Soviets and the US-led Western Allies.
So … China’s optimistic assumptions of sweeping victory haven’t panned out great either.
And why does Reed assume that all Chinese governments will forever be fanatically committed at all costs to “unification” with Taiwan?
The Taiwanese themselves for decades insisted that they were the real government of all China and would someday liberate the mainland; a claim that is now for all practical purposes dropped.
The French insisted that Algeria was no mere colony but an integral part of France itself with a million Frenchmen living there; never to be given up — then they gave up.
Countless Arab states insisted for decades that they would never make peace with, let alone recognize, Israel, and yet now many have and many more are obviously poised to do so – which is why Hamas launched its desperate massacre in an effort to disrupt the inevitable.
Germans and Austrians wanted unity for years, generations, and this issue roiled international politics. Now, neither side cares, the issue is dropped.
The Chinese regime has made enormous reversals of policy already. It broke with the Soviet Union on the grounds that Soviets were too soft on America; then it joined with America in a de facto alliance against the Soviet Union. China insisted on maximally disastrous Maoist economics and social chaos for decades; then after his death quietly dropped them for a de facto authoritarian quasi capitalism. The regime’s ideological theoreticians produced whatever contorted double-talk was needed to provide a spurious face-saving rationalization for such brazen about-turns; there’s no reason at all to assume with unalterable certainty that they could never handle letting Taiwan go its own way.
Finally, Reed is shockingly ignorant or deliberately dishonest when he discusses the Taiwanese. Contrary to his claim, the portion of Taiwan that considers itself to be solely or primarily Chinese has collapsed over the years, especially as the older generation of mainland-origin exiles dies off. By contrast, those who have a specifically Taiwanese identity, either solely or primarily Taiwanese, are a substantial majority. Taiwan keeps voting in pro-independence candidates in free and fair elections, including both the current two-term incumbent president and is likely to do so again with her successor. Put short, Taiwan does not want to be ruled by Beijing, and assumptions that they will just roll over and let a hostile invading tyranny crush them are the same assumptions about Ukraine that proved wrong.
Funny how China is cranking out surface warships like M&Ms, then, isn’t it?
I have acted as a geophysicist for most of my professional life. I always accepted evolutionary theory, largely because I never had to think about in much.
One year, I was asked to develop a course on environmental epidemiology (a soft introduction for people who were not going to be specialists). This got me reading up on how cells work (for the first time in my life) and I was immediately gobsmacked–“this is impossible”, I thought. You get into ribosomes, and messenger RNA, and I thought that a billion engineers working for a billion years couldn’t get this to work.
Your explanation of the workings of the eye is similar. How can such things exist?
Dear Fred:
In my opinion, DC is just using Taiwan as a fig leaf; they always have one ready-made for any situation. If they try to start something with China, it’ll be over the rare earth metals you mentioned. A lot of politicians stand to lose fortunes if China pulls any “shenanigans” over them, since they have so much invested in trying to glut the freeways with all-electric cars. If I remember correctly, doesn’t Elon Musk have pretty much all of his Tesla facilities over there?
Keep up the great work . . .
You're wrong. There is a Gigafactory in Shanghai, but the original was in Nevada, another is in New York (focused on solar), another in Texas, another is in Berlin, and the first Tesla factory in California is still in full operation. Yet another Gigafactory is under construction in Mexico and there is a smaller factory in the Netherlands.
If I remember correctly, doesn’t Elon Musk have pretty much all of his Tesla facilities over there?
Fred (like many writers at TUR) doesn't dare connect the highly-relevant (((dots))).Curiously, you excuse him* -- while you rightfully praise (((dot-connecting))) Philip Giraldi:"Giraldi is one of the best in the UNZ coterie. He never disappoints."
Fred Reed assumes that his readers are intelligent enough to connect the dots. He doesn’t resort to Pablum feedings.
Some people simply have a problem with spelling. It must be that.
NO. No we would NOT win. Simple as that.
Never underestimate the influence of vanity on world affairs. The hawks in DC have elevated titles and, sometimes, considerable ability, but they also have the same hormones and egos as patrons in Joe’s Bar in Chicago. A Chinese victory in the style of Tsushima Strait would end the world’s view of America as an invincible hegemon. The fern bar Napoleons might well decide to up the ante and turn a regional into a world war. This it would win. “Win.†Perhaps by blocking the Strait of Malacca and threatening the Three Gorges Dam. The expectation in the Pentagon would likely be that Beijing would see the futility of resistance and surrender. But if it did not?
If he geniuses in DC are smart, they would step the hell back.
That’s a big IF.
Fred appears to have been expunged.Replies: @MEH 0910
This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?
It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.
Huh, Fred’s been back on his old blog this whole time. Go figure.
A Farewelll
by Fred Reed
September 10, 2024
Massive Archive
I have been writing this column, off and on, mostly on, for–dear God, can it be nearly thirty years? Yet nothing lasts forever, neither columns nor columnists, and Fred on Everything, for unexpected reasons with which i will not bore the reader, has reached its end.
Columnizing is a curious trade. I suppose that from time to time most in it ask themselves, why am I doing this? It is not from vanity or the desire to see one’s name in print. At the age of twenty, a new writer thinks that if only he can be published in the next most important outlet, he will be happy and fulfilled. At thirty, he thinks, oh hell, its deadline, what can I write and how can I make it seem fresh and interesting when almost every subject has been written about thousands of times by thousands of writers also on deadline?
I suspect that few columnists think that their output will accomplish anything. People seldom change their minds. Most likely we are just bellowing at the universe to behave itself. It doesn’t.
Unlike many in our ashen trade, I have been fortunate in not having an editor to tell me what to write and not being constrained to specialize. “Fred on Everything†may sound pompous but it is not restrictive. Thus i could write about anything from the military-industrial complex to being a barefoot-and-BB gun-toting Tom Sawyer simulacrum in small-town Alabama to robots and the realities of Mexico. This has been fun for me and, apparently, for a certain kind of reader.
But not to most. What most readers want is to be told over and over what they already believe, preferably in combative prose. Most columnists and websites do exactly this. I could never do it, perhaps because of some psychic defect. Or maybe I am just bull-headed. The result has been that readers have been few by internet standards but, at least in my judgement, a superior and versatile sort who can disagree without huffing-and-deleting. I regard them–you– as fellow conspirators against the expected, the tedious, and the ordinary. It has been fun. I thank you for the years.
Forensic experts were working today to identify human remains found in at least 45 bags discovered outside Guadalajara.
Authorities discovered the sealed bags during a search for seven young employees of a local call center who went missing in late May. https://t.co/bMs9ZUaXMv
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) June 2, 2023
The news of the bags filled with body parts came as thousands descend on the city for the Guadalajara International Film Festival, a weeklong event that kicks off Saturday and draws visitors from across the globe.
Mexico, plagued by organized crime and drug cartels, has been suffering a decades-long epidemic of disappearances. Some 110,000 people have been listed as officially missing, according to government figures. The state of Jalisco leads with some 15,000 reported disappeared.
The case of the call center employees recalled for many a gruesome episode from 2018, when three film students in Guadalajara went missing, sparking large-scale protests in the city. Police later said that the three were beaten, killed and their bodies dissolved in acid. Officials linked the murders to organized crime.
Jalisco state is home turf of a number of criminal syndicates, including the Jalisco New Generation cartel, among Mexico’s fastest-growing and most violent.
"I saw an unlimited number of unneutered dogs with sad eyes cooped up on tiny patios, languishing in their own filth, chained up on roofs, starving in the street, sometimes rotting by the side of the road. What I didn’t see was owners walking their dogs." https://t.co/2yLcLZcyTp
— Helen Andrews (@herandrews) May 19, 2023
Trump certainly may have f**ked up any number of things, but have you considered what the alternative would have been? Would you really have preferred we had Prez. Cankles?
I did a Google News search for Frederick Venable Reed and this is the only link I got:
2023 Telluride Blues & Brews lineup announced
And this is why:
The bill also includes The Teskey Brothers, The Record Company, Anders Osborne, Buffalo Nichols, Adia Victoria, The Heavy Heavy, Jackie Venson, GA-20, Ally Venable Band, Thornetta Davis, The Rumble featuring Chief Joseph Boudreaux Jr., Lady A, Lightnin Malcolm and Jimmy “Duck†Holmes, Kirk Fletcher, Mathias Lattin, Dedicated Men of Zion, Lil’ Jimmy Reed, Gail Ceasar, Rip Lee Pryor, Music Maker Revue band (Ardie Dean, Fred Thomas and Albert White), Joe Waters, Ben Rice Band, D&G Railroad, and Scramble Campbell.
I don’t think massive bombing would have been necessary. Just bomb the bridges. That was hard to do as Red China positions the bridges where air power had to run the gauntlet of AA and MiG’s to get to them.
Red Chinese soldiers might be able to survive on little food – I expect they were ‘of the earth’ can could live off the land to an extent. So, they could survive with food supplies cut back, but not with a shortage of fuel for their vehicles or ammunition for their guns. Red China at the time was what might be described as an infant industrialized nation. Once they got too far from their own border the logistics were strained. With more of a free hand in destroying their bridges that would have been aggravated even more.
As far as Vietnam was concerned, since we were not permitted to invade the North, the best we could hope for was a draw. You could bomb the infrastructure of a country to pieces, turn it into a parking lot, but you don’t own it until you have a 19-year-old with a rifle standing on it.
Air Supremacy and Korean/Vietnam Wars
Just stumbled on the conversation between Jokem and others like Vidi, showmethereal, Mulga Mumblebrain, etc, on how US bombing could’ve changed the results in the Korean and/or Vietnam War.
I agree with Jokem to the extent that massive US bombing could’ve prolonged the two wars but the eventual results would’ve been the same.
Massive US bombing in Vietnam couldn’t stop supplies from reaching the VietCong despite targeting the Ho ChiMinh Trail and suspected conduits in Laos and Cambodia..
As for the Korean War, the Chinese went into Korea with little heavy weapons and each had some pouches of dry food. They could survive for a long time on precious little food.
it was also not easy for the US to bomb supplies INSIDE China. The Yalu River is nearly 500 miles long and the US would’ve needed lots of planes flying 24 hours a day to stop supplies from reaching the PLA.
Further, the PLA was used to being bombed while ferrying supplies across rivers. They’d years of experience surviving Jiang Kai-Shek’s aerial bombings during the Long March and even across the much wider Yangtze River (during the Civil War). Their experts later trained the Vietnamese in handling anti-aircraft weapons.
More important, the Soviet Union didn’t want a war with the US so they stationed their planes on the Chinese side of the Yalu River. It was not easy for US Saberjets to evade the Soviet Mig15s. How good were the Mig15s? Well, the US actually offered a reward to any pilot who would fly one over, which a North Korean pilot eventually did. The US studied the MIG and later came up with the much-improved Supersaber.
A few months into the war a few Chinese pilots started to fly across the Yalu and it was clear the US couldn’t own the skies anymore. A downed US pilot was also with Nixon when the American delegation visited Beijing. He met his Chinese nemesis and said something like “so YOU were the one who shot me down.†The Chinese, a formerly celebrated ace pilot, laughingly replied: “And I’ll shoot you down again if you invade my country.â€
You are not correct. China had demand for 80 million Engineers 2028 —STEM subjects are drilled in China —and currently 36 of 44 educational standings are led by Chinese.
no such thing as smart or small number or fewer or more or control or etc or smart about it, parasitic collusion and bullshit, ceptuxuax, say, do , think, can say, do, think any no matter what and any s perfect
Not meaningfully. Maybe not at all but he lost the marbles he had a while ago. In a lot of ways he made the least of great ability. For the last several years he’s been mostly antagonizing regular people because they don’t worship his big brain the way he thinks it should be worshipped. I don’t respect that at all.
The broader issue, well explored by Nietzsche and others, is simply the wide variation in human traits. Some bestowed by Nature and mostly not subject to our control, and those by nurture, only slightly more malleable. Religion, politics and other human beliefs that seek to equalize these inequalities will have, at best, limited effects, however well intended. Even equality of opportunity is a tall order. Equality of outcome? Utterly impossible, unless by lowering standards until there are no standards.
“Men are not equal. And either shall they become so!”
— Nietzsche, “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”
Ilana Mercer’s blog no longer hosts Fred Reed?
This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?
It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.
Fred appears to have been expunged.
You may be right; you may be wrong. But he also made brains to enable you as a sentient human being, to construct an argument i.e., to provide ‘reasons to believe’, supporting your view. Use it and don’t just make utterly pointless as-if ex cathedra statements Big Daddy says ‘What is is. God made it.’ Wow, I’m convinced – or rather, not.
For a rather more carefully considered and extensive response to the theory of evolution from a mathematician, I recommend reading David Berlinkski’s Deniable Darwin. Look for him on YouTube. Berlinski includes verbatim responses by his critics together with his own response to their comments. So you can make up your own mind. He also happens to be a fine prose stylist with a deft touch in humor.
Fred, have followed your work from afar as ‘one of the poor dumb …. ‘ that followed you overseas to Southeast Asia. So, wtf contact now, first, I haven’t seen any poor dumb reports, and, second, can I get your email to ask a geographic question about living Mexico. Sincerely, an Uncle Sam Misguided Child, Jim
Taiwan could easily escape notice by China with the following:
Everyone put on clown makeup each day.
Sing Elmo songs all day and night.
Sport rainbow wigs.
Then the Chinese would be dumbfounded and give up.
It is NOT a play area, but a secret backdoor designed and placed to be as unwelcoming as possible.
Unrelated question: is Fred still with us?
If China is so invincible Maybe we should unilaterally surrender. Chinese overlords could seize all our guns and enslave Americans. They are so much more advanced than western nations. It is curious that they never came close to western nations by any comparison. But, never mind, Chinese are supreme in every way.
Mexican Mother of 10-Year-Old Who had an Abortion Defends “Rapist,†Won’t Press Charges – Andrew Anglin https://t.co/vw1xp6zBLQ
— The Unz Review (@UnzReview) July 16, 2022
WATCH: The mother of the Ohio 10/y rape victim tells Telemundo's @MariaVargasPion that the child "is fine", and "everything they say about (Gerson Flores) is a lie." pic.twitter.com/Vtpyn404g7
— Jorge Bonilla (@BonillaJL) July 14, 2022
China’s ideology is to ‘serve the people’. The opposite of the USA where it is ‘serve the rich’. China also believes in harmony inside society and between societies whereas the USA believes only in ‘dominance’ in society and between States. Chalk and cheese, good and absolute Evil.
Fred Reed assumes that his readers are intelligent enough to connect the dots. He doesn’t resort to Pablum feedings.
Fred (like many writers at TUR) doesn’t dare connect the highly-relevant (((dots))).
Curiously, you excuse him* — while you rightfully praise (((dot-connecting))) Philip Giraldi:
“Giraldi is one of the best in the UNZ coterie. He never disappoints.”
— (https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/explain-it-to-me-please/#comment-5405966)
* (Unless regular commenters here are merely preaching to the choir, we should keep in mind that newcomers to this site might find such (((dot-connecting))) very helpful.)
Fred Reed assumes that his readers are intelligent enough to connect the dots. He doesn’t resort to Pablum feedings.
Fred (like many writers at TUR) doesn't dare connect the highly-relevant (((dots))).Curiously, you excuse him* -- while you rightfully praise (((dot-connecting))) Philip Giraldi:"Giraldi is one of the best in the UNZ coterie. He never disappoints."
Fred Reed assumes that his readers are intelligent enough to connect the dots. He doesn’t resort to Pablum feedings.
So the coup was carried out and Nixon removed so the US would stop supporting Vietnam. Seems pretty thin to me.
FRED REED: What If Latin America Stood Up To The Hegemon #Cuba #ElChapoGuzman #Guantanamo #IMF #Mexico #NATO #OAS #SWIFT #Waterboarding https://t.co/kQxRyobspm
— ILANA Mercer â˜®ï¸ (@IlanaMercer) June 10, 2022
Fred appears to have been expunged.Replies: @MEH 0910
This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?
It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.
Americans always talk tough, because that is what cowards usually do. But, while insisting they could win every war against every foe forever, they bend over and grab the ankles for their ((masters)). How does such a high and mighty nation blessed by ((God)) end up enslaved by a racist ethnostate of less than 10 million? You people are fat, stupid, and cowardly. But, but, muh Israel, muh master. I love listening to murican marines and their “war stories” – which usually revolve around the gang rape of a 14 year old Asian girl, or the shooting of an unarmed 80 year old grandmother. Murican values.
FRED REED, The one and only, anatomizes the systemic rot of USA: She’s Gonna blow: It’s Weimar, But Where Is Our Adolf?
'Consider America today. By comparison with Japan, #China, Korea, it is a barbarity, a dumpster, an asylum, an abattoir, an astonishmenthttps://t.co/Du8Hi6X354 pic.twitter.com/rX2Csc2133— ILANA Mercer â˜®ï¸ (@IlanaMercer) June 2, 2022
FRED REED: Whites of European origin, though still a majority, fade in influence. Blacks & Hispanics now have enough votes that neither Republicans nor Democrats can trifle with them. While whites, Asians & Latinos get along, blacks get along with nobody.https://t.co/cI141ig5ow
— ILANA Mercer â˜®ï¸ (@IlanaMercer) May 10, 2022
Young libertarians tell this Ann Coulter-era warrior to "rock it," as @Chesschick01 put it, show the tum. I greeted my bestie today in this quaint bathing suit bought in #CapeTown 30 yrs ago. She said it's quite decent,😳and to share. I still say we XX women are absolute peacocks https://t.co/ERYhyxxc8A pic.twitter.com/rlxdVKpDYe
— ILANA Mercer â˜®ï¸ (@IlanaMercer) May 2, 2022
Just love the cute @AnnCoulter belly, @anntensity. Some of us older ladies have bellies better than a teen's, no need for photo-shopping. With coaxing/convincing, I might consider a belly pic …What does @Chesschick01, mistress of saucy pics, advise? Is a swimsuit pic decent? https://t.co/7DsOvHchc8 pic.twitter.com/06cMG8BOoO
— ILANA Mercer â˜®ï¸ (@IlanaMercer) April 28, 2022
Getting Red China to give up the Marxist way of doing things will be done how?
It happened with the USSR only because the economic pressures forced it to.
I don’t see that happening any time soon, anyone?
Looks to me like it will happen here in the USA first.
I see Red China absorbing the Taliban, etc. and exploiting them to its own purpose.
Obviously the only good long term solution is to encourage China to transition from a communist dictatorship to liberal democracy. When there is no ideological conflict between United States and China, it is only natural that the demanding role of the chief law enforcer in international relations is peacefully handed over to China and America can enjoy her splendid isolation far removed from the asshole countries of the world. Let the Chinese deal with Taliban, Afghanistan, ISIS and any other troublemaker stupid enough to test her patience.
‘…Most Americans can’t tell Taiwan from Thailand. Too true.
But, most Americans also have trouble telling China from Japan’
This is a consequence of discontinuing the teaching of geography.
Replies: @MEH 0910
It’s good to see Fred Reed’s many fans begin to flock to—and comment about–his column, “Fred On Everything,†on Barely A Blog, where it now lives.
FRED REED: "#The country is disintegrating internally, #inflation growing like kudzu on a Georgia roadcut, living standards falling, the schools going to hell, and Washington is worried about…the #Ukraine?"https://t.co/KCXYsbvX0F
— ILANA Mercer â˜®ï¸ (@IlanaMercer) April 24, 2022
…Most Americans can’t tell Taiwan from Thailand. Too true.
But, most Americans also have trouble telling China from Japan, think that India is Muslim-majority, believe that the Philippines are a Spanish-speaking country, that the Christian communities of the Middle East are the product of 19th century British and French missionary efforts, and that Iranians and Afghans speak Arabic.
Mr. Reed does a service in noting the importance of Taiwan Semiconductors–almost on the order of his noting that the US underestimates enemies. At least he knows the world would lose more than a producer of paper parasols.
However, do not underestimate official China’s desire to revolutionize the world. It has never abandoned the Marxist-Leninist ideology, and, judging from Xi’s desire to bring back the Maoist era, it could well be trying to do more of the interference it did in the 1950’s. China’s official ide0logy is a dangerous mixture of revolutionary socialism and jackboot nationalism.
China is objectively an important part of the world order maintained by the United States. So the Sino-US war is a bit like a certain central organ of the human body has suddenly turned cancerous and entered an advanced stage.
This is unbearable for a ruling system that is already in decline.
Fred Reed on Jared Taylor’s podcast:
American notions of Mexico are often decades out of date or just wrong.
The Frito Bandito Corn Chips song
'Put out these days by our side is prose so singularly gutless, charmless, mirthless and prissy that it assaults the senses. …You know, the pointless, talking-points theater that is the #Republican racket.'
Not by #FredReed & #ilanaMercer. Talk us uphttps://t.co/Il98JYsqnd
— ILANA Mercer â˜®ï¸ (@IlanaMercer) April 3, 2022
It’s good to see Fred Reed’s many fans begin to flock to—and comment about–his column, “Fred On Everything,†on Barely A Blog, where it now lives.
best solution is the easiest: keep shoving black culture down america’s throat again and again until it all GETS VOMITED UP AND OUT. when you ingest poison, you throw it back up. see how easy that was?
Fred is wrong about no wokeness in Mexico. When they are not dumping garbage in front of it, they are spraying antifa graffiti on the Benito Juárez Hemicycle:
Mother-of-four among 20 dead in Mexico cockfight massacre https://t.co/3lRR3dJ3NU pic.twitter.com/oQGpilwTaN
— New York Post (@nypost) March 31, 2022
Massacre at Mexican cockfighting venue that killed US mom started as an assassination attempt https://t.co/R4sfNf1PvS
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) April 1, 2022
FRED REED: Everything You Wanted To Know About #Mexico But Were Too Nativist To Ask #DEA #FBI #Homelessness #Narcos #Poverty https://t.co/Q9EbRpET3m
— ILANA Mercer â˜®ï¸ (@IlanaMercer) March 31, 2022
Fred Reed: #Mexico does not have the intense anger that eats America, nor the #KnockoutGame, race riots, and burning cities that have become routine NOB (north of the border, as we say here). No wars. No #Biden. No Trump. No #wokeness. You could do worse.https://t.co/Q9EbRpET3m pic.twitter.com/b4hDyROb1w
— ILANA Mercer â˜®ï¸ (@IlanaMercer) April 1, 2022
Replies: @MEH 0910
It’s good to see Fred Reed’s many fans begin to flock to—and comment about–his column, “Fred On Everything,†on Barely A Blog, where it now lives.
The Frito Bandito Corn Chips song
American notions of Mexico are often decades out of date or just wrong.
We can thank our school system for this.
Give the US Congress control over the Washington DC school system. Have it charged with making it the best school system in the world. Then we will not need a Department of Education as all schools will want to be like that. If the US Congress cannot do that, then what business do they have telling anyone else how to run schools?
This one seems to be his latest, 6 weeks ago:
McChuck————–If Kipling had had to deal with Africans in America,he would have been more blunt.
black men rape white women at a high rate, while the reverse barely happens
I beg your pardon? White women rape black men in great numbers. Just read Mandingo.
Likewise. I have enjoyed many of his articles and he often gave me great laughs.
All I can say to my fellow Americans is, “You fucking, fucking morons. You are getting what you deserve. If you don’t wise up, soon, we’re done, fini!”
The conditions aren’t yet right for white people to act in their own interest. White people are still rich, comfortable, safe and happy for the most part. At most they are grumbling about prices and feeling a little unease about what they are seeing, but no true impetus to rise up in righteous anger. They still have too much to lose, and don’t want anything to rock the boat.
When they feel that their families and lifestyles are under real threat, they’ll be a force to reckon with, but they are still hanging on to the status quo with all their might, trying very hard to ignore anything that makes them feel concern. The current administration is so utterly incompetent that those favorable conditions are taking a turn for the worse, and even the most denial-prone normies are starting to notice that something is wrong. The prevarication from the official sources is not settling the waters like it normally does.
FRED REED: Bear Baiting: For Washington, the #UkraineWar is a win. 'Europe loses the minor amount of sovereignty it had, loses lucrative trade with #Russia, and becomes yet more dependent on the Great White Father on the Potomac.'https://t.co/kdx51xaBn5
— ILANA Mercer â˜®ï¸ (@IlanaMercer) March 24, 2022
Most of what is in this article are obvious truths. However, I disagree about a few of the opinions.
“The great majority of blacks do not do these things, but the great majority of those who do these things are black. ” One in three black men are in prison or on parole for felonies. 98% of those convictions were plea bargained down from much more violent offenses. And most offenses by blacks never get charged.
“The country would never recover.” America would eventually be much, much better off.
“It would be a very good idea to stop the lawlessness, the racial attacks, and the mob robberies before those targeted decide to take things into their own hands.” Crank up the heat so the frog jumps, before it is too late.