Near impossible to read this unhinged screed, which is a common symptom of atheistic Shaken Brain Syndrome. Why is this kind of drivel being featured on Unz? I consider Dawkins — as well as Dennett, Harris and the scientific Wahhabi cult at the Center of Inquiry — to be toxic too. But this reads like real bad acid trip…
But who says anything was created? Maybe things just emerged.And of course, people have asked 'who created the creator?'Replies: @Badger Down
Creation itself speaks of a creator.
More than 100 years ago, intelligent people asked “Did your God really create dinosaur turds and age them so that they appear to be millions of years old?” And some foolish people answered “Yes, because the Bible says the Earth was “created” 6,000 years ago.”
What a tiresome article.
Some good points (Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc), but the Demon of Old Testament IS by far the most demonic being in any religion (and I have studied them all, including smaller ones such as Sikhism).
Just because you can kill millions of people without being religious, it doesn’t mean the most evil being ever invented is not the most evil being ever invented.
As a Slav, at least, I can tell you that none of our Gods ever demanded any genocides, and even if they had, I’m sure it would not have included these peoples’ animals and children. Only Jews can invent something as grotesquely evil.
BTW, not a fan of homosex here, but you seem so obsessed with it that I wonder if you’re not fighting your own temptations. You can manage, big guy!
The pregnant one with the stick people written on it? Yikes, are we all related Poupon Marx?
I speak as a life-long atheist.
I thought you were smarter than that. You obviously have not read Jung deeply enough, and having their names juxtaposed creates confusion. Jung left Freud by the side of the road in 1913.
The fallacy of the evolutionist can be summed up in one basic sentence Adam and Eve didn’t have a belly button!!
It’s funny how in this modern world of ours a someone like Darwin could get so much traction and respect. In the world of the Old Testament Darwin wouldn’t have stood a chance. Actually no one would have even broached the subject that we evolved from apes. Darwin would have been laughed out of existence. Everyone in that world knew without a doubt that God existed. period! Noah wasn’t a fable! The Tower of Babel wasn’t a fable etc etc!!! The problem however, was he was an unknown to most, so idolatry in its many forms took over. St. Paul said it best:
Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. 1:22-23
As for this idea of a bloodthirsty tyrant. The story of the Old Testament is one of TREASON pure and simple. That you a creation of your father turns against him for another and this for no other reason really than sinful pleasures or treating yourself as a lord as the Egyptian pharaohs did turning people into slaves well what do you think such children deserve? What goes around comes around!!!
And lastly whoever or wherever this idea that faith is blind because God can’t be observed to exist came from well study climate change from the biblical perspective and one will quickly learn that what we are seeing today is Divine Communication exactly as it was in the Old Testament.
So do you like being lied to? Industrial pollution is a lie!!!!!
Christians wish Jesus looked like me, but too bad those sources are known forgeries and Jesus is a fictional j-wish character.
— Adam Green – Know More News (@Know_More_News) July 1, 2023
Jag Mundhraz:
Atheists who think believers believe in a Sky Daddy is arrogant in the extreme.
No, that’s an accurate description of Christianity.
Matthew 6:9
Our Father which art in heaven,
Luke 11:11-13
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
The unbeneficence of the cosmos is a reason for not believing in God. Darwin wrote:
I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae [wasps] with the express intention of their [larva] feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars, or that a cat should play with mice.
The world that exists is not the world that a Heavenly Father would have created. Marcion made the same argument 1500 years ago.
I mean the article above. There is no POV.
Easy way to prove that “The Evolution Theory†was and has always been a LIE!
Humans have never evolved from any type of orangutan, gorilla, or chimp. The only way any biological living person or animal could ever pro-create has always required both species having the same amount of chromosomes.
It is crucial that reproductive cells, such as eggs and sperm, contain the right number of chromosomes and that those chromosomes have the correct structure. If not, the resulting offspring may fail to develop properly. For example, people with Down syndrome have three copies of chromosome 21, instead of the two copies found in other people.
Humans have a characteristic diploid chromosome number of 2N=46 whereas the other Great Apes (orangutans, gorillas, and chimps) are all 2N=48.
The only anomaly that has happened in the animal and plant world are hybrids. Hybrids are not considered a new species because they are sterile.
For example: “The Liger”
Among lions, tigers, and domestic cats, all three have the same number of 38 chromosomes, yet they have different appearances. How are differences explained?
The tiger’s gestation period is about three and half months.
After a four-month gestation period, a lioness will sneak away from the pride to give birth to a litter of two to six cubs. (110-120 days)
Even though the gestation period for these animals is different. It is possible for an hybrid to be born, for example “ A Ligerâ€. It is very rare, and the offspring is sterile and is usually rejected by both of the parent’s breeds.
What the fuck is wrong with people? The universe is here. It was, therefore, brought into being somehow. Or maybe it was just always here. No matter. “God” is merely a placeholder or variable name to label the ultimate source of everything.
The main point to keep in mind about God is, I am not him. I do not get to make reality according to my wishes. I may be able to do some things to influence it, but that is strictly not up to me.
Stoicism is sort of in vogue right now, and it teaches the same thing: There are things within our control and things not in our control. And demandingness or whining about not getting my way is the source of 90 percent of my suffering.
So if God is demanding, jealous, or whatever, it is merely another way of saying the universe does not go the way I want it to.
Atheists who think believers believe in a Sky Daddy is arrogant in the extreme.
No, that's an accurate description of Christianity.
Atheists who think believers believe in a Sky Daddy is arrogant in the extreme.
Luke 11:11-13
Our Father which art in heaven,
The unbeneficence of the cosmos is a reason for not believing in God. Darwin wrote:
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
� world that exists is not the world that a Heavenly Father would have created. Marcion made the same argument 1500 years ago.
I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae [wasps] with the express intention of their [larva] feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars, or that a cat should play with mice.
I realized Dawkins was a twat when I saw video of him insulting Christians and getting high fives from his acolytes afterwards at some lecture. Technically I qualify as atheist or maybe agnostic, but the fact is that I just don’t seem to like other atheists in general. They are grating in a way similar to vegetarians, always insisting on sharing their obsessions.
It seems natural to me to file atheism under religion. They may have freed themselves from a particular religion, but the average person who feels the need to share their atheism still seems to think in a religious way, as in correct thoughts deserve some kind of reward from the universe.
I chanced on this article and was reading it for a bit, not knowing who wrote it, and thinking to myself, this is one hell of a stupid article …. it beggars comment really, it is pointless to argue with such inexplicable idiocy …. and so I looked to see who wrote it ….. JF …. who in the hell is this guy ????
I thought it was an oldie … but it’s new …. weird ….
People say Gonzalo Lira was arrested for criticizing Zelensky, but his last video before he was arrested was mocking Der Fuehrer Jozef Biden.
“But the thing they have in common is … life. What is it?”
A feed-back mechanism based on physical laws.
Nature is good at that.
“Who are the good guys here?”
Um, those who don’t consider other people, or their property, to be their property.
I guess that would be about .1 percent of the so-called human race.
If so, why not demand that Jews give up on Jewishness, an identity that simply cannot be divorced from the religious history of the Jews?
“Judaism – it ends with me.”
I think that is the best attitude to encourage.
Plenty of Jews today manifest it by marrying out, breeding out, and refusing to raise their offspring as Jews.
Of course, that doesn’t change the genes, so it is unlikely to please the hardcore set of WNs, but it should please everyone else.
I would like to think so!
Creation itself speaks of a creator.
But who says anything was created?
Maybe things just emerged.
And of course, people have asked ‘who created the creator?’
The existence of a creator also speaks of a creator. Thus an infinite chain of creators creating creators. Thus, absurdity ad infinitum. Maybe the truth is that the universe has always been and will always be.
Well said!
Greetings J-F,
If Yahweh doesn’t exist, then Yahweh never existed. Therefore, the Hebrew people have perpetrated on humanity a massive soul crushing hoax. And since there’s no point in debating with or about a God who never existed, it’s incumbent upon a strenuous, race of self-actualizing supermen to extirpate this tumor, this neo-plasm from European Civilization. Oh, that’s been tried already. (Perhaps the above statement would have been an effective defense at Nuremburg).
The twentieth century was the laboratory wherein social experiments were conducted. Atheists, (alcohol) abolitionists, eugenicists and Malthusians had their chance to build a better world. That’s all sand through the hourglass now. “History is a nightmare they’re trying to wake up from,” observed Stephen Dedalus when charged with teaching Irish boys about history.
We fought the Jews and the Jews won. We’re all mercenaries now. And as Machiavelli correctly noted, mercenaries fight for the highest bidder. Only Jews are permitted to be tribal. An atheist Jew will come to the defense of a religious Jew. The same is not true among the Goyim.
A thoughtful atheist with a historical sensibility is condemned to a meandering, bohemian, dive-bar existence. A stream of melancholy that runs until Last Call. It’s the “beautiful loser” exhibit in the modern museum. If you’re going to be an Atheist, be a Christian Atheist. The “Anointed One” was generated to solve the Jewish Problem. There’s a price to pay to be free. The free man must pass through the Gauntlet of the Jew and the Mason. If you take on the Jews, you’re going to lose. But you will have Life. You will be a real person in a fake world. Catching a beating for “calling out” the Master Religion is “the Word becoming Flesh.” When you absorb violence for criticizing the group that may never be criticized, you are in fact practicing “Christianity.”
The Talk of the Town Trailer Estates Park Sociology Round Table after their table tennis championship opines as follows:
Granny Yiddell (bitter retiree) – The Temple only wants money. Sure, they’ll discount membership if I humble myself with a statement of financial need. What about all the money that Solomon, my former disgusting husband gave them for years before he took all our money and gave it to a Filipina that he met on the internet? I’ve had it with religion.
Mother (opinionated parent) – I remember Jan Crouch having fits on Channel 40. These religion people only want money.
Jabber (shut-in) – Kenneth Copeland creeps me out. He looks like a peevish Algebra teacher at at a middle school OK, but then he starts having a fit on TV. Time to change that channel back to “Gomer Pyle, USMC” and enjoy life.
Father O’Hair (wannabe priest) – My rigid piety needs no manipulation from the religion charlatans. My core is hard as a rock.
Bozero (Latino clown) – This is a scary topic that I’ll pass on.
Fiona (party fun lady) – Paul Crouch Jr. made films predicting the end of the world. When? The religionists are like Al Gore – they keep moving the goal posts.
I tried reading this drivel, but just couldn’t get through it. The word salad is so dense that I can’t extract any useful meaning in a reasonable period of time, so it’s just not worth the effort.
Worst writer to appear on this site.
Creation itself speaks of a creator. Denying the fact of being created is as absurd as people who espouse “wokism” as truth.
But who says anything was created? Maybe things just emerged.And of course, people have asked 'who created the creator?'Replies: @Badger Down
Creation itself speaks of a creator.
I think the Dawkinsian image with them wearing witches’ pointed hats is funny.
But the strange phenomenon called life is the key, I think. Does anyone know what life is?
All men must die. I guess it was the realization of that fact, that humans are mortal, that gave birth to religions, a kind of denial.
Are humans better than ants? Either can say to the other, “You’re born, you breed, you die.” In that respect ants are as good as humans. Maybe better because less less destructive.
But the thing they have in common is … life. What is it?
Pagans believed in tosh, so they were evil. Atheists believe in nothing, so they are evil. Jews are evil regardless of what they believe. And Christians support Jews so they are evil enablers.
Who are the good guys here? And Dawkins don’t matter, The God he does not believe in does not exist.
Many White men have died or been horribly injured in the quest to conquer the air
All those sacrifices so that White hating non-Whites can fly from their shitholes to White countries to parasite off Whitey. So that White hating rapsta “artists” can go around the world singing his or her White hating songs and makes the money for their White hating Jewish producers. And many more such cases. Giving White technology to non Whites (racial enemies) created by the genius of White men after a path of hard work and sacrifice is stupidity. And the white race is extremely gifted by Mother nature but is also extremely stupid at the same time.
Your point is exactly correct imo. I would like to add another point to this conversation: If people of color are left within their own traditional culture they can produce great beauty. I saw this when I went to Samoa twenty five years ago (Samoans are the most extreme criminal race in the US).
they all flow, like a sewer to the cosmic sea, from Judaism
… hmmm – I would say you’re right, but the historical truth is, Judaism itself is but a remake from Marduk and Tiamat and the likes (Babylonian/Assyrian mythology), I have written about this under , whilst the Torah itself is “Inhalt 440-250 v. Chr.; konsonantische Kanonisierung um 135 n. Chr. — 150 v. bis 100 n. Chr. wurden die Bücher der Torah in Alexandrien als ‘Septuaginta’ ins Griechische übertragen // contents 440-250 BC; consonantal canonisation around 135 AD — 150 BC to 100 AD the books of the Torah, in Alexandria, were translated into Greek as ‘Septuaginta’ “, Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion V, Verlag Schiler & Mücke, Berlin/Tübingen 2020, p. 140
clean up
makes cities modern?
Does anyone else have and/or had old and big (modern) cities?
Muslims have the same ability, but for "religious" (sic) reasons - God being the Truth, any apparent contradiction in the qur'ân has to be explained away - they also have what is called "Abrogation" (Q 2:106, 3:185, 16:101), the so-called "Medinese verses" (nothing to do with Medina) superseding the so-called "Meccan verses" (nothing to do with Mecca) in case of conflict. So for instance 16:67 and 47:14 recommend drinking wine, 2:219 and 5:90 prohibit it. A Buddhist influence ("surÄmeraya-majjapamÄdatthÄnÄ veramanÄ« sikkhÄpadam samÄdi-yÄmi // I promise to endeavor not to make use of substances that bewilder the spirit and disturb the conscience", Vom Koran zum Islam, Schiler Verlag, Berlin 2009, pp. 388-9) has been at work here. As recently as 4 days ago, I spoke about the matter to a Mohammedan who of course denied the whole thing.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
leftists have the ability “to hold simultaneously two opinions which [cancel] out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of themâ€
But, Rene, the Moslems got all that straight from Judaism. You know ‘pilpul’ etc. All the monotheisms are rife with contradictions, hypocrisy, double-dealing, selective morality etc, and they all flow, like a sewer to the cosmic sea, from Judaism.
The elites (hate to even call them that)
one possibility is to write “the so-called elites”, another = “the ‘elites’ ”
leftists have the ability “to hold simultaneously two opinions which [cancel] out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of themâ€
Muslims have the same ability, but for “religious” (sic) reasons – God being the Truth, any apparent contradiction in the qur’ân has to be explained away – they also have what is called “Abrogation” (Q 2:106, 3:185, 16:101), the so-called “Medinese verses” (nothing to do with Medina) superseding the so-called “Meccan verses” (nothing to do with Mecca) in case of conflict. So for instance 16:67 and 47:14 recommend drinking wine, 2:219 and 5:90 prohibit it. A Buddhist influence (“surÄmeraya-majjapamÄdatthÄnÄ veramanÄ« sikkhÄpadam samÄdi-yÄmi // I promise to endeavor not to make use of substances that bewilder the spirit and disturb the conscience”, Vom Koran zum Islam, Schiler Verlag, Berlin 2009, pp. 388-9) has been at work here.
As recently as 4 days ago, I spoke about the matter to a Mohammedan who of course denied the whole thing.
You live in China as much as I live on the moon.
Is a ‘Jewish hatred of Catholicism’ infectious? I despise all the monotheisms, but not the adherents, with exceptions like you, of course. Catholics bigots are near the bottom of the human heap.
In Australia 11% of girls are abused before the age of 15, and 4.6% of boys. While I acknowledge your facts outlined above, and they mirror the finding of our Royal Commission into ‘Institutional Responses to Child Abuse’ that sat between 2013 and 2017, I find your attempts to assert that paedophilia is mostly a homosexual phenomenon, misguided. It really does seem to be a male phenomenon.
All of that was/is Vatican / Catholic “Church†post their 1054 AD schism. They are former Christians, now heretics and schismatics, and it shows by the deeds you mentioned, as they have fallen. They have done evil to real Christians as well, e.g. to the Orthodox Christian Serbs [1][2][3].
... burned people alive ... molested children ...
Avro Manhattan… world renowned authority on Roman Catholicism! I wonder if he could be…Jewish? Yep. Sensational account! Revealed at last! There really is nothing new under the sun.
The rate of incidence for sex crimes is about 1 %.
That is far less than that of Protestants, Jewish Rabbis, Boy Scout troopmasters or certainly Public School administrators. The leader in sex crimes against children is usually inter family related ie Step Fathers, Friends, uncles etc.
Jews made a crisis, than brought suit against the centralized Catholic Church and in so doing, forever tarnished the clergy who was their archnemesis.
Free Republic
Pedophilia Only a Catholic Sin?
August 14th, 2009 | Kevin Roeten
..your jewish hatred of Catholicism is telling…
crawl back into your IDF unit 8200 cubicle and STFU
“…Ok so Nazis killed Jews by the millions…”.
Can you point to any authenticated forensic evidence to prove this?
Or are you simply regurgitating drivel you ingested with your mother’s milk?
There is nothing peaceful about Christianity.
Nigga, please!
You make the same mistake sambos/feminitwits do: you think juries in the court of public opinion should decide cases based on just one side’s presentations and summations. That mbutu won’t hunt.
Christians are evil incarnate…until you look at all other religions.
Devout Taoists butchered people alive, slowly, for things like adultery. Google lingchi photos and try not to vomit.
Holier-than-thou Tibetan monks used orphaned children to build temples and get buggered.
Muslims behead White bints who backpack alone in Morocco.
Jews emulate Nazis by channeling the Fourth Reich to shoah Palestinians.
Shintoists raped Nanking and used Chinese coolies’ bodies to test samurai swords.
Christianity is not perfect, just perfecter than other religions. I’m down with criticizing it like I am White flaws…but only when Honkies/Xtians get to critique back in kind.
The prime sin of White Christians today is thinking Jesus loves pussified cowardly arses.
Once Christians were confident, onward marching soldiers. Today they are cucked weenies, drinking beer while watching sports as Rome burns.
What is the other book called? It’s called Black British Lives Matter: A Clarion Call for Equality (2021) and is an entry in the ever-fascinating and ever-essential field of what John Derbyshire would call Blackety Blackety Black Black Black Blackety-Blackness Studies. Derbyshire captures the full intellectual richness and profundity of the book in that formulation.
It’s embarassing and disgraceful that Tobias Langon keeps dragging this hopeless english race traitor into his arguments, it not only undermines us but makes fools of us. Why does Tobias keep dredging Derbyshite up and put him forward as some sort of beacon we are to aspire?
Maybe it’s an underhanded kike tick like they’re known for, to raise the worst of us and shove them in our face?
No one gives a shit about Derbyshire , Tobias you kike, you won’t be winning us over to your groveling whimsy declaring us to be the most put upon bitches who ever crawled upon the earth.
You’re just another Ron Unz kike in goy clothes. Go ask Ron why his e-commerce site hasn’t been shut down. Better yet, ask the ADL you rat faced jew.
‘Belloc, Chesterton, and Feeney have set me a positive example of Christian wisdom, insight, and intelligence. Dawkins has done the opposite. He’s set me a negative example of anti-Christian foolishness, blindness, and stupidity. With the able assistance of Christopher Hitchens, he’s taught me to regard atheism as uncouth, adolescent, and autistic.‘
The usual response of god botherers when attempting to counter rational adults who do not need the comfort of a security blanket: dismiss them as ignorant, immature and insane. They seem unaware that the truth does not need to be protected with sneers, abuse and draconian repression of dissent.
I would not entirely discard the notion that there is a statistical correlation between autism and atheism.
Only in religious countries like America but in NW Europe, where atheism is the uncontroversial default, it’s probably the other way around.
The Three Horsemen would not make a single red cent in Europe, because nobody cares about religion one way or another. Ask a Christian to list the things he thinks is important to his identity, and he’ll list religion near the top. Ask an Euro-atheist where he rates being an atheist, it’s probably not on the list at all; fish and water etc.
“If Whites had the same “in-group amity/out-group enmity†as all other races…”
Whites just haven’t had good leaders. Instead of instilling pride in their people, our leaders have torn us down, made us feel ashamed. Nationalistic people pose a threat to the elites.
“But we do not fight against our racial competitors, we subsidize them. We feed, clothe, and give physical and political shelter to people who are necessarily our opponents for the resources of this Earth.”
Again, it is our leaders who are doing this, and they’re not doing it out of benevolence. These people are short-term thinkers, narcissistic, possibly psychopathic, by nature, and all they are interested in is creating wealth and maintaining power.
They want a divided, diverse citizenry, not a cohesive population. They like chaos, because in chaos the people cannot gang up on them; they’re too busy just trying to survive. While we pay to feed, clothe and subsidize the newcomers, the elite leaders are laughing all the way to the bank. They get cheap labor, new consumers for their products, and new debtors for the banking system.
The elites (hate to even call them that) don’t care how many come from the Third World because they’re not living among them. We are. When illegals recently arrived at Martha’s Vineyard, they were quickly shown the door.
They’re also bringing diverse people in because they plan on making the whole world that way – no countries, no borders, no cultures. Just a sea of humanity, all controlled by them. Digital currency, surveillance, no free speech, and democracy finally laid to rest for the sham it is.
The politicians are not in charge. They’re taking orders from those above them.
The Out of Africa theory says that blacks are the closet related race to the monkeys, actually. It’s amazing that woke people love that theory.
Out of Africa doesn’t really seem correct if you’ve been to Australia, since Australian Aborigines (who are supposed to be the genetically furthest group from black Africans) act even more like monkeys than black Africans do.
I think China is using Covid as an excuse to shut down. It’s either because of a real cold war between the U.S. and China – or – they’re both working together to restrict supply, cause inflation (prevent deflation). Which is it?
That’s nonsense and you obviously don’t know China well. I live in China. There are some very nice cities in China, indeed some beautiful ones, but the majority of cities here are sh*tholes. You could be in a third tier city of a few million people and there would be absolutely NOTHING going on culturally: no music scene, no art scene, not even a single decent bar. Bland commie blocks as far as the eye can see, punctuated with soulless shopping malls all with the same brands of shop. Don’t generalize based on Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Xiamen etc.
Besides their impressive high speed trains and landmark skyscrapers, and beautiful temple architecture, most things are built low quality in China. We can grant that Chinese are hard workers but that doesn’t mean they are good workers. The attitude of workers and businessmen here is to get the job done as quick as possible to get the money. A few months or years later and the product is falling apart. There is no culture of striving for perfection and taking pride in your work here like there is in Japan.
Here’s one example that sums up well the Chinese attitude to work. I was wondering why paint keeps rubbing off onto my clothes here and falling off walls after the slightest impact. Then I learned: when they put a layer of paint on a wall in China, THEY DON’T FIRST PUT ON A LAYER OF PRIMER. So a few months or even WEEKS later you have the paint peeling off the walls. You see it everywhere here. But at that point they’ve made their money, so they don’t care. Don’t get me started on the quality of the pavements here.
Defending priestly paedos AGAIN, are you? There was NEVER any evidence of child sex abuse in day care centres, as you observe. But in regard to priestly paedophilia, particularly in the Catholic Church, there are MOUNTAINS of it, so stop lying you odious apologist.
“””He is a staunch admirer of John Maynard Smith (1920–2004) and William D. Hamilton (1936–2000), for example. Those two really were top thinkers, able to bring the immense power of mathematics to bear on problems in evolutionary biology, “””
Hamilton invented the theory of kin selection. It was his attempt to explain why altruism evolved but it also explains racism.
Animals help animals that are related to them. Makes perfect evolutionary sense since relatives share many genes. Same with people. When someone looks different or talks different we instinctively know they are not a relative and are not to be trusted. Mixing races and languages and cultures always leads to trouble.
You may also be the first to die upon encountering me (combat vet), my friends (vets, combat vets, and/or very skilled hunters)
Imagine being proud of serving ZOG military, lmfao
The anglos are truly the lowest slave race in the world. No wonder why kikes love you so much.
What exactly is the huwhite mutt “altruism”? Bombing and killing people all around the world? Spreading feminism and atheism along with all kinds of sexual perversion, and genocide anyone who don’t accept those things? Serving jewish interests for centuries? Destroying and enslaving the whole world for jews?
E. Michael Jones, while critical of the lavender mafia, has talked about how the propaganda narrative about predator priests has been a multi-decade crafted narrative to subvert the Catholic Church and Christianity by (((those))) who control media, entertainment, and the courts. From Marty Baron* to former PA AG Josh Shapiro to former DA Lynne Abraham. * In 2001 Marty Baron moved from The Miami Herald to the Boston Globe and his first project was to take a wrecking ball to the center of American Catholicism, the Boston Archdiocese. He did so by dredging up 10 cases of predator priests and a supposed cover-up. It involved 10 priests in the past 50 years (out of 60,000 priests who served in the Archdiocese over that time). Nb: more than half of the ten priests featured in the Boston Herald’s Spotlight piece had already left the priesthood, were defrocked, and/or in prison years prior to the Spotlight “investigation†and article. And of course, the story was made into a Hollywood movie (, as an investigator in Boston for many years, know the narrative of predator priests is largely crafted lying propaganda. And given what I know about the narrative in Boston I am forced to believe— through induction— it’s the case nationally and throughout the AngloZionist Empire. The pervasive entertainment and media narrative regarding predator priests is not dissimilar to how major newspapers received Pulitzer Prizes for investigations into how Trump colluded with Russia.Replies: @anarchyst
More Marxists in public schools molested kids than did Homosexual Catholic Priests but Marxists control Hollywood and the Media, and the Vatican has lots of money for Marxist Trial Lawyers to tap.
Australian Catholic Cardinal Pell was accused of “child sex abuse” despite no proof being offered. This is just another instance of hatred of the Catholic Church orchestrated by (((you know who))).
As to Cardinal Pell’s lynching, parallel examples of inaction can be noted.
In the 1990s, the “big thing†being pushed was the supposed rampant abuse of children in day-care centers.
Innocent day-care center personnel were convicted of abuse and imprisoned when none occurred, purely on the statements from children who were coached by corrupt police and social workers with agendas of their own.
The stories were impossible on their face.
There was not enough time in the day for the abuse to take place. An innocent hug of a child could be construed as abuse by these vicious social workers and police…
The McMartin and Amirault cases come to mind. Innocent people were “railroaded†and sentenced to harsh prison terms despite their innocence.
How many good people came to the defense of the McMartin and Amiraults?–NONE. People were too fearful of being called enablers and worse.
It is easy to see that many people would be reluctant to defend Cardinal Pell from such accusations because of the toxic atmosphere created by his accusers.
Keep in mind that jews still have a visceral hatred of Catholicism and will do EVERYTHING in their power to destroy it.
When it comes to abuse of children by clergy, Protestants have much higher numbers and jewish numbers are even worse.
It is only Catholics who are singled out for vindictive prosecution…
So the West should tear down their old cities and build new ones to be on par with China?Replies: @Munga Bulga
the most modern cities on Earth
No they should clean up the all the trashes, human included.
>only the West has big old cities
The cope is unreal.
makes cities modern? Does anyone else have and/or had old and big (modern) cities?
clean up
What does major mean?Chinese are always and in many cities > villages protesting. A right citizens use.Their gov't listens.Compare to the West where DOJ/FBI/ADL listen and not with good intent.One current "major" protest, I believe, is against an Apple plant owned/operated by Taiwan
That would certainly explain all the recent major protests occurring in China against the government.
Take at a look at the comment sections on UNZ and other alternative media. Now realize that these cuckservatives call the unruly Asians “obedient and soulless bugmen”.
Can you truly blame the kikes and WASP elites for using these low IQ Sub-Humans for their purposes?
I mean we got one right here who is proud of its ZOGbot career.
You know we can check the profile of every commenter on UNZ, right?
I can believe you are a proud ZOGbot. You possess the IQ of one.
Fucking weirdo Negro-Saxon subhuman island monkey.
Video Link
That would certainly explain all the recent major protests occurring in China against the government.
EVERY poll of opinion in China, local or foreign, shows huge majorities satisfied or very satisfied with life under their Government.
Chinese protests actually change local policies.
Western protesters end up of fed lists and nothing changes.
“Of course this stinking racist cretin…”
Oh, good to know that you and your fellow slants are not racist. So you would have no problem with us shipping you about 10 million of our finest negroes?
More Marxists in public schools molested kids than did Homosexual Catholic Priests but Marxists control Hollywood and the Media, and the Vatican has lots of money for Marxist Trial Lawyers to tap.
E. Michael Jones, while critical of the lavender mafia, has talked about how the propaganda narrative about predator priests has been a multi-decade crafted narrative to subvert the Catholic Church and Christianity by (((those))) who control media, entertainment, and the courts. From Marty Baron* to former PA AG Josh Shapiro to former DA Lynne Abraham.
* In 2001 Marty Baron moved from The Miami Herald to the Boston Globe and his first project was to take a wrecking ball to the center of American Catholicism, the Boston Archdiocese. He did so by dredging up 10 cases of predator priests and a supposed cover-up. It involved 10 priests in the past 50 years (out of 60,000 priests who served in the Archdiocese over that time). Nb: more than half of the ten priests featured in the Boston Herald’s Spotlight piece had already left the priesthood, were defrocked, and/or in prison years prior to the Spotlight “investigation†and article. And of course, the story was made into a Hollywood movie (
I, as an investigator in Boston for many years, know the narrative of predator priests is largely crafted lying propaganda. And given what I know about the narrative in Boston I am forced to believe— through induction— it’s the case nationally and throughout the AngloZionist Empire. The pervasive entertainment and media narrative regarding predator priests is not dissimilar to how major newspapers received Pulitzer Prizes for investigations into how Trump colluded with Russia.
Chink, Korean, all the same to me. And my year in Korea taught me all I need to know about Koreans.
So one of them stole my identity??? Why am I not surprised?
But I did like the Korean Army Rangers (from their 9th Infantry Division) I trained with. Training a punk like you would know nothing about. 😀
I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except by me. John 14:6
Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Leviticus 17:11
The Lord Jesus Christ shed His blood for the forgiveness of sins.
Christ died for our sins, was buried and on the third day rose from the dead.
Repent or perish.
“….. I will be the first volunteer. “
You may also be the first to die upon encountering me (combat vet), my friends (vets, combat vets, and/or very skilled hunters), and the millions like us. Good luck with your plan, keyboard warrior.
Imagine being proud of serving ZOG military, lmfao
You may also be the first to die upon encountering me (combat vet), my friends (vets, combat vets, and/or very skilled hunters)�
YouTube is just a vehicle for information and sharing like publishing is for books. You should view and or just listen to this source and their work before judging this. I never judge a book by it’s cover, and only by the text in it. I read and view what others post before commenting one hundred percent of the time. Thanks for your time Sulu, and be blessed!
Another scientist said this, “Science is the Belief in the Ignorance of Experts†Richard Feynman
“In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. Genesis 1:1
Matter, energy, time and space came into being in an organized fashion presenting as the physical universe.
As I said in another post
The evolutionary biologist Pete Medawar said “The strange thing about evolution is everyone thinks they understand it.†He was clearly right.
Agreed – but one has a substantial body of work, and the totally unsubstantiated.
Gravity is a theory, but the ground is hard. Since when did Unz become populated by 13 year olds?
That would certainly explain all the recent major protests occurring in China against the government.
What does major mean?
Chinese are always and in many cities > villages protesting. A right citizens use.
Their gov’t listens.
Compare to the West where DOJ/FBI/ADL listen and not with good intent.
One current “major” protest, I believe, is against an Apple plant owned/operated by Taiwan
with acceptance of the cruelty by Apple.
Not sure why the Chinese gov’t hasn’t interceded. Legalities?
If the truth be known, most Americans would get rid of DC for Beijing in a second.
Rose petals would cover the ground Xi would walk. A Human compared to the deranged,
degraded, depraved American politicians/elites
the most modern cities on Earth
So the West should tear down their old cities and build new ones to be on par with China?
Twaddle, crap and nonsense. White indeed! Does everything derive from race–itself a nonsense category?
In point of fact the CHINESE–hello, non-European, non-“white”– invented the hot air balloon, or Kongming lantern, hundreds of years before Europe thought of ballons.
Well, you gotta admit, the Bahamas–most of the Caribbean for that matter–are wasted on the people who live there.
EVERY poll of opinion in China, local or foreign, shows huge majorities satisfied or very satisfied with life under their Government.
That would certainly explain all the recent major protests occurring in China against the government.
I wouldn’t rely too heavily on youtube for a cosmology lesson. Sure, some of the videos are legit from respectable sources. But many others are simply posted to get the add revenue from all the views and are on par with the national enquirer. So you have to be selective. Also, we are at the beginning with the Webb telescope. Perhaps in ten more years we will have a clearer understanding of the so called big bang. I might suggest you search Roger Penrose. He has some interesting theories concerning the big bang and he is a Nobel prize winner.
The greatest fault of the White race is our Altruism.
Of course this stinking racist cretin has NOT been to China. If he had he would have seen the most modern cities on Earth, with the best infrastructure. If it wants a stink, it should crawl off to any US inner city with its hordes of homeless and human shit and piss flowing freely.
So the West should tear down their old cities and build new ones to be on par with China?Replies: @Munga Bulga
the most modern cities on Earth
Probabilities. It is HIGHLY unlikely that evolution through natural selection will be ‘disproved’, and VERY HIGHLY unlikely that ‘intelligent design’ will take its place.
When it’s time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived.
— Henry David Thoreau.
Stupid, racist, Orientalist PIG (apologies to pigs) ignorance and arrogance. EVERY poll of opinion in China, local or foreign, shows huge majorities satisfied or very satisfied with life under their Government. Of course, your ‘hive’ reference shows your deep racist hatred and contempt. And your ‘revolution’, hatched abroad, is OVER already.
That would certainly explain all the recent major protests occurring in China against the government.
EVERY poll of opinion in China, local or foreign, shows huge majorities satisfied or very satisfied with life under their Government.
Autistic people don’t perceive social relationships
This is getting close to the mark, more so than the usual and superficial characterization as having difficulty with social cues, body language, nonverbal communication, tone of voice, small talk, apology/forgiveness etc.
These things are techniques neurotypicals use to establish, maintain and repair relationship between Self and Other, Significant Other in particular. With limited ability to perceive Relationship the Aspie has no motivation to work on these skills seeing them instead as puzzling perhaps amusing but pointless behaviors by NTs
However even Relationship is a secondary blind spot. The Aspie has a pre-Age of Reason (about age seven) consciousness of Self and of Other. About age seven it dawns on the NT child that he/she is a local center of consciousness, of being alive and having an independent life distinct from family and others. The NT is able to conceive that Others must also have their own feeling of being an independent partaker in life. So the NT then becomes aware of the need for Relationship as the connection between Self and Other as a reciprocal joint endeavour. The Aspie though never develops this awareness of Self, Other and Relationship.
For Aspies the Faculties of Will and of Understanding are tightly bound together and so they develop unyielding iron wills if their Understanding is fixed. Mrs Thatcher was not called The Iron Lady for nothing and she said of herself “This lady is not for turning” and of Other and Relationship truthfully, for her, decreed there was no such thing as society.
Thank you for your engagement, I am also a science nerd and geek as well as a Jack of all trades and a master of none. Which has served me well for well over a half a century CelestiaQuesta. Be blessed!
Sep 7, 2022 James Webb Telescope FINALLY Proves The Big Bang Theory Is Wrong!
The James Webb Space Telescope was eagerly awaited before its launch last year! However, now that the most powerful and most expensive ever telescope is in operation, the JWST is threatening to turn astronomy upside down with a single finding! The latest pictures from the JWST have proven the Big Bang theory did not happen, sending the scientific community into a frenzy! What are these latest pictures from JWST?
What is Greg Crochan contribution to discourse, or to anything? He's more of a "pinhead" than Dawkins. I fail to see why he's so well-regarded by people like Sailer, etc. He wasn't right, not even once.
I think Greg Cochran has called him a “pinhead.â€
It's not Whites, it's Europeans. It's a mix of race and culture, nature and nurture.
The Whiteness of Flight
I don’t think ‘White supremacism’ exists or ever existed.
You are certainly correct that ‘White supremacism’ does not exist (to any large extent) now. Whites have been in cultural/racial retreat for decades.
Inchoate White pride and White solidarity have fallen beneath the bootheel of (((liberal))) ‘anti-racism’. For this stunning and unhappy reversal, we can thank the hypocritical cabal of Jewish-Zionist supremacists who now dominate Zio-America.
But it’s undeniably true that Whites (and certainly most Asiatic peoples, as well) quietly consider sub-Saharan Africans to be a less refined, less-intelligent, less attractive, less dependable, and more prone to violence than other races.
Why such a low opinion?
Because it’s manifestly true.
All one has to do is spend time in any ‘average’ neighborhood (or country) that is overwhelmingly Black.
The reality of White flight’ is due not so much to mythical ‘White supremacism’ as it is to inescapable negro inferiority.
Negros (on average) are also highly dangerous.
Just take a trip to Haiti (or Baltimore) and see for yourself. (Better yet, explore Haiti on YouTube. It’s safer that way.)
Haiti is the world’s oldest, Black-ruled republic. It is an independent, corrupt, and impoverished nation that is a living testament to low negro intelligence, low negro industriousness, low negro planning, and low negro morality.
The popular belief that most sub-Saharan Africans are uncivilized, ugly, and unintelligent endures for one reason only: overwhelming evidence. Reality is not always pretty.
PS- Thank you, Tobias Langdon, for your penetrating, thoughtful, and artfully-crafted essay.
As for non Whites working on aviation, there is a well recorded medieval Arab aviator donning wings and gliding around a city. Some Arab readers may enlighten us more on him and his knowledge.
Will I ever stop hating on the Catholic Church and become a believer?
Moon-landings and beyond, Flight has been White.
Imagine believing the so-called ‘moon landing’ and being an atheist at the same time. And these retards genuinely think they are somehow “superior”. So much for “high IQ creativity invention huwhite superiority”. LOL
>CHINK poster
And what evidence do you present for such a claim, you fucking weirdo Nigger-Saxon scum?
I wish I were a Chinese right now. But don’t worry, when operation to cleanse the monkey island commence from China and Russia, I will be the first volunteer.
>”We The Superior People!!!”
>”We Are Doomed because Christianity Bad!!!”
>”We don’t need God. We need ‘atomic bombs’!!!”
This arrogance and ignorance is precisely the reason why you are going extinct, LOL
For those who don’t know, this is another account of anti-white, anti-American chink poster “HeebHunter.â€
Wrong race.
“HeebHunter” is anti-American, not anti-white.
And not “chink”, he’s German White. At least I’ve gotten that impression.
Why did you invoke me, subhuman imposter island monkey piece of shit? Try to refute what people say before sperging out and stealing identities.
Another day, another (((superior))) Negro Saxon gets throat slitted by niggers.
What the fuck?
Did you really just steal the identity of the Korean guy “Spacewander”?
Are you somekind of sicko?
Go away.
It was my understanding that Wakandans have transcended the limits of verbal and written communication, they now do everything telepathically. It’s a black thing.
?Replies: @lloyd
...the "very clever" white...
White Kiwi males discovered a cure for heart defect babies (blue babies) invented the jet propelled small boat, kiwi fruit, split the atom, made New Zealand a rough land, the most envied nation on earth, brought in freedom of speech, Parliamentary democratic elections, (a mixed blessing) made a pre metal people full citizens, I wrote pre metal to avoid hate speech in New Zealand, ended cannibalism. Now none of that has anything to do with me. I am just making a point. Very clever women and other races in New Zealand who invented things zero. Clever ones of course. That is how they took over the country by sly methods.
And yet science demand we believe their bs that all mankind originated from apes “Out Of Africaâ€,
They need to get their story act together, it falls apart when I’m told my ancient ancestors were black sub Saharan apes, and then I look around and they don’t look, act or think like any of my kind other than mutant primal violent acts chimping out on black victims grievance 24/7/365.
Actually, there is way more genetic diversity amongst sub-Saharan blacks than in the entire population of white ethnicities across the entirety of the Eurasian landmass. White Europeans, from Lisbon to Vladivostok and from Tromso to Gibraltar, are far more similar to one another than are neighboring tribes in most African countries. Also, all the Indo-European languages are more closely related than whatever you find elsewhere on this planet. While the sundry Cro-Magnon horn dog was shagging the fortuitous Neanderthal slut as evidenced by our modern day 23&Me profiles, the highly variegated zoo of hominins still in Africa were having a continuous Bacchanalia intermingling their diverse gene pools frequently but not permanently, generating everything from Watusi’s to the pigmies and Hottentots with Bill Gates is their universal sugar daddy.
All of that is Vatican / Catholic "Church" post 1054 AD. They are not Christians, but rather heretics and schismatics, and it shows by the deeds you mentioned.
Christians burned people alive for translating that foul fictional book into the local language. Christians burned people alive who were accused of being witches. In the late 20th century Christians sexualy molested children.
Ok so Nazis killed Jews by the millions as, at the very least, Bolshevik accomplices. Bolsheviks, including Jewish Bolsheviks murdered gentile Russians and other Slavs by the millions and Spanish Catholics in large numbers for being traditionalists and Christian. Hungarian Judeo-Bolsheviks murdered masses of non-Bolshevik Hungarians. Americans, including Jewish Americans, slaughtered masses of German POWs after WW2. Bolsheviks, led by Jews, attempted repeated overthrows of the interwar German Republic.
What specific ‘ethnic’ lesson is revealed by all this?
Most all historical records from our ancient human past was burned in the Library of Alexandria fire, what was salvaged was hoarded by those who use this knowledge against us. (See Vatican)
No intelligent God would have allowed mankind to harness the power of a Star and use that power to bribe, extort, blackmail and shame us for being human. (((See Synagogue of Satan)))
Jews aren’t Hebrews.
Evolution is a theory. Do some reading of your own.