It would be interesting to do the same for Israel. My guess is that if Israel's supporters had to pay out of their own pockets or actually do some fighting, the support for Israel would be shown to be a mile wide and an inch deep, if even that. Replies: @David Burberry, @Beyond the pale and fedup
I say we set up a national charity where citizens can donate money to Ukraine, rather than our government taking money from citizens and sending it there. Or they can just add a donation to their annual tax return. How much will citizens choose to send to Ukraine? I’d guess less than a billion dollars annually, because they know Ukraine don’t matter.
Its all 100% tax deductible. so everybody gets to pay for a few’s smug kindness.
Its bad diets with missing vitamins and minerals. people complain about California being snooty and faddish, but they are up on diet and nutrition where it counts. they have been for seven decades.
We are all living in the United States of Israel now. Can you say: Goy?
“Indonesia has carried out a verification and assessment visit to the overseas halal agency (LHLN) of Canada and is waiting for the results of halal accreditation. If the Halal Certificate Mutual Recognition Agreement has been signed, meat from Canada can enter Indonesia,” he explained.
Senate Confirms Lew as U.S. Ambassador to Israel –
Scratch a liberal, find a fascist. ALWAYS.
It is up and running now…here is the Washington quote: a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification.â€
Your website does not appear to be up and running. You used to have a great quote from George Washington on it. Could you please share that here?
Menendez has always been a corrupt beaner and Cardin is a sleazy Zionist. Two deplorable individuals seen as leaders of the Democrat Senate.
Chris Hedges has a good article on when Liberalism fails it turns to Fascism on Consortium News website, where he goes wrong is attributing this phenomenon only to the right and Trump and Trump supporters.
What Hedges doesn’t recognize are Democrats, or so called left of politics, are also of privilege and liberal in behavior but wear their so-called socialism like a sports coat taking it on and off as it suits them.
What Fascism needs to grow is a privileged ruling class who try to cling on to the shifting sands of power by supporting whatever fanatic who take power no matter how distasteful they are.
Its the nature of Power that is the problem, it has to be put on a shelf high enough that nobody can reach it unless its a whole population partnership or nothing situation, the individual psychopaths are people reaching power now, they are the last people you want to have it!
Thank you – this is very very credible and I will pass it on, but I fear no one in this White House is listening! I too have been fearing that some incident will be staged to enlarge this war enormously, taking in Lebanon, Syria and Iran… And that idiot Biden might be getting drawn into a trap set by Netanyahu!
Off subject but head this…
The US navy is sailing toward a Gulf of Tonkin/Pearl harbor event in the eastern Mediterranean next week. Israel is planning to perpetrate a false flag attack against a carrier support vessel using a powerboat dressed up as a Hezbollah gunboat. As you might guess, this attack will be used to pin blame on Iran and drag the US into a shooting war with Iran, which is what Netanyahu has wanted since 911. . This attack will take place from Cyprus using a modified iranian version of a Russian Kornet missile captured from Hezbollah in 2006. The attack will take place in the early morning hours of Sunday this week but possibly next sunday. Several NYC financial institutions linked to Israeli intelligence have begun quietly trading oil futures contracts and options to profit from this attack. They continue to position for a major global market move in major asset classes on Monday morning for maximum effect.
Someone needs to make a warning.
A war between the US and Iran would lead to 10-20k dead American service men and women and likely hundreds of thousands of Iranians. Worse, the US will likely use tactical nukes against Iranian positions near the gulf and possibly Iranian cities
This must be stopped before it happens
A pox on all their houses. The US government is a revolving door of corrupt Israel-firsters. Giraldi does us proud in encapsulating these corrupt officials destroying America.
Maybe Bob Menendez and wife could save his political career by dressing more in the mold of Kanye West and Bianca Censori and receive more “Likesâ€
In the West, Jonathan Greenblatt's ADL supports multiculturalism and smears anyone who opposes mass-immigration. � @Sir Launcelot Canning
Yet when it comes to Israel, he always sides with the far-right Likud government. Why isn't he advocating the same open borders for Israel that he does for America? �
Scotch-Irish rodentine lout slob LBJ
It’s even worse than that. LBJ was a crypto-Jew:
Ha! You took Barbara Lerner-Spectre’s quote and inverted it.
One of my favorite words and in the same league with “odious”. Either word perfectly describes Menendez, Cardin etc.
One must recognize the ancient, visceral hatred Jews have for Christian Russia.
Bolshevism and Regicide were but two aspects of their vengeance.
Great article, Phil. If I recall correctly, you have previously written a couple of articles related to William Browder and The Magnitzky Act. I think you may even have viewed the screening of Nekrasovâ€s The Magntizky Act: Behind The Scenes.
The tit-for-tat that has severely damaged relations with Russia is based on the standard narrative embraced by many regarding who Magnitsky was and what he did, but is it true?
I read most of the book and have provided the most damaging quotes that come out of Browder’s own mouth (see below).
In September 201[4], U.S. Government filed a civil forfeiture case against Prevezon Holdings owned by a Russian citizen Denis Katsyv on allegations that he was linked to the $230 million Russian tax fraud.
Six months later, in February 2015 process server Nicholas Casale caught up with [Browder] in New York as he sat in a limousine after a TV appearance. As Casale approached him, Browder escaped again by opening the limo door on the opposite side and running away through traffic on foot. Unfortunately for Browder, the judge ruled that the subpoena was served properly that time and the date for his deposition was set for Wednesday, 15th April 2015. On that day, Browder was obliged to appear in New York at the offices of Baker Botts, LLP, where he would spend fully seven hours of the day being questioned by attorneys Mark Cymrot, Esq, Paul Levine, Esq and Moritz Abramovitz, Esq.
Sergei Nekrasov, a Russian film maker and critic of Putin and his ruling group, undertook to make a film about Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer who had allegedly uncovered a corrupt police plot and was killed in police detention in order to silence him. In the course of making the movie Nekrasov discovers anomalies in the narrative presented by one Bill Browder, a British investor who had hired Magnitsky to defend his commercial interests from Russian state corruption. Instead, Nekrasov’s investigations reveal that Magnitsky and Browder were likely evading tax from the Russian state and that Magnitsky had been questioned and detained by police in that regard. Furthermore the cause of Magnitsky’s death was not as a result of the alleged assault by the police, but through illness leading to heart failure – arising from an existing condition. The implications of Nekrasov’s movie is that the Magnitsky Act, through which the United States has enforced severe economic sanctions against the Russian Federation, was part of a manufactured case about Russian corruption and violation of human rights. This conclusion raises the question to what purpose? The narrative around Magnitsky appears to dovetail with what has become known as Russiagate, the alleged interference in US democracy and rigging of the 2016 election by Russia in favour of Donald Trump.
Video Link
I think there is a resurgence of anti-Palestinianism because at this point in time Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think Hamas is going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society they once were in the last 70 years. Hamas is going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Hamas will be resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.
It’s chaotic alright. When the lone superpower indulges and flatters the worst tendencies of its insane elites, whaddya expect?
World in chaos w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live)
EXACTLY! Menendez made the mistake of taking bribes from Egyptian contacts. Definitely wouldn’t be a problem taking gold and whatnot from Israeli hands or the likes of AIPAC or young Bankmam-Fried. 95% of Congress does that.
Right after Menendez was replaced by Cardin, as head of Forn Relashuns, Cardin chewed into Egypt threatening to hold funds! Then the Israeli war started, in which Egypt voiced opposition.
Taking money from a country other than Israel is career ending! Career Ending. Plus, like the mob, the giving country gets it’s entire family taken out.
Philip, sir
Have you noticed that not a word has come out of the two lady senators that always defend Palestinians this time?
Not a word from the rapper, neither.
Where is Mel Gibson?
Regardless of all the facts you and others have explained here at I still ask:
How do the Jews do it?
If US wasn’t “archinterventionist” they wouldn’t have intervened against the king of England to wrestle taxman powers away from London.
The Jew-controlled ethnic agitation outfit called ADL and crooked crook US Senator Ben Cardin and crooked crook US Senator Bob Memendez all put the interests of Israel over and above the interests of the USA. The Jew-controlled ADL, Ben Cardin and Bob Menendez all push for the USA to be flooded out with nation-killing mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, REFUGEE OVERLOAD, ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION and amnesty for illegal alien invaders.
The ADL is an evil and immoral JEW PRESSURE GROUP that pushes mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration and REFUGEE OVERLOAD and ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION and multicultural mayhem and all manner of other anti-White crud.
JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) and the ADL are using mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration as demographic weapons to attack and destroy all European Christian nations.
Plenty of European Christian politicians are colluding with JOG and the ADL to attack and destroy the nations of the European Christian people.
The Jonathan Greenblatt-type Jews at the ADL had that rich boy scumbag Leprechaun rat John F. Kennedy put his name on a 1958 Jew-written book that promoted mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration and that piece of shit Scotch-Irish rodentine lout slob LBJ pushed through the 1965 Immigration Act and the plan was to attack the European Christian ancestral core of the USA by using mass immigration as a demographic weapon.
The Jew-controlled ADL is evil and immoral and they should be registered as FOREIGN LOBBYISTS for Israel.
The ADL is run by unassimilated interloper Jew infiltrators.
The evil and demonic Jew-controlled ADL used the nation-killing 1965 Immigration Act as a demographic weapon to attack and destroy the European Christian ancestral core of the USA.
Keith Woods:
In the West, Jonathan Greenblatt’s ADL supports multiculturalism and smears anyone who opposes mass-immigration.
Yet when it comes to Israel, he always sides with the far-right Likud government. Why isn’t he advocating the same open borders for Israel that he does for America?
In the West, Jonathan Greenblatt's ADL supports multiculturalism and smears anyone who opposes mass-immigration.
Yet when it comes to Israel, he always sides with the far-right Likud government. Why isn't he advocating the same open borders for Israel that he does for America?
— Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) October 9, 2023
It's even worse than that. LBJ was a crypto-Jew:
Scotch-Irish rodentine lout slob LBJ
In your face corruption!!
Exclusive—Alex Marlow’s ‘Breaking Biden’: Antony Blinken Is the Patron Saint of the Military-Industrial Complex
Spend any significant time in Washington D.C. and you’ll learn that pretty much everything that is said about the Military-Industrial Complex—a term that was popularized by Dwight D. Eisenhower—is true, if not worse.
It is a truly national disgrace that the diplomats who are tasked with carrying out our foreign policy and those who allocate and distribute our war budget make millions of dollars from the defense industry itself.
As documented across multiple chapters of my new book, Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration, there is no person in Joe Biden’s administration who is a bigger part of this swampiest part of D.C. than Secretary of State Tony Blinken.
Secretary of Boeing
In 2018, Antony Blinken — then managing director of the Penn Biden Center, home of Joe’s infamous classified documents — co-founded WestExec Advisors, a boutique D.C. consultancy focused on “advising companies on geopolitical risk and emerging opportunities.â€
Ron Unz or anyone else know what happened to longtime fan favorite commenters, Wally and Authentic Jazz Musician? Did these two old geezers die on us or did they just lose interest and wander off.
Hamas won, but only narrowly, over the Quisling PA. I rather think that they would win more handily, today, but ‘democracy’, ‘freedom’ and ‘human rights’ do not exist in the Free World if you do not bribe Western politicians.
The current situation, where a tiny minority, elite Jews, control nearly all Western regimes, the Anglosphere and France virtually totally, is certainly unprecedented. And, as we see in the destruction of International Humanitarian Law, day after day, in Israel’s relentless barbarity inflicted on the imprisoned Palestinians, it is not a situation that advances humanity, but rather flings it back to Bronze Age viciousness.
Two servants of Zion, both execrable.
“Maybe we should simply assume that anybody in power is always corrupt, and always will be.”
I’m not a fan of blanket condemnations, certainly there are, or have been, politicians less corrupt and more concerned with the well being of their nation that others. The late Muammar Gaddafi of Libya is a recent example. It can be said that such leaders are not long for remaining in power (or even remaining upright) in the modern age unless backed by tremendous military strength in the form of nuclear deterrence (i.e. Putin).
Far as the governments of the west is concerned that conclusion is pretty much on the mark.
I wonder about that. Just like with the “free press,” I get the impression that the US (maybe the West in general) just had a brief moment — less than a century? — when people had some reason to forget that corruption and lies were the rule, not the exception.
Sure, there are better and worse times, but world history seems to be 99.9% made up of unjust rulers and their lackeys taking every possible advantage of their subjects until revolution puts the opposing unjust rulers and lackeys in charge. Maybe we should simply assume that anybody in power is always corrupt, and always will be.
Ramz is right about the brown-nosing cuck maggots.
US Senator Ben Cardin and US Senator Bob Menendez are unassimilated interloper rat whore politicians.
Ben Cardin and Bob Menendez both put the foreign policy interests of Israel over and above the foreign policy interests of the United States of America.
Ben Cardin and Bob Menendez both fully support the use of mass immigration as a demographic weapon to attack and destroy the European Christian ancestral core of the USA.
These two crooked crook sleazebag politician rats, Ben Cardin and Bob Menendez, fully supported and voted for the treasonous Obama/Biden/Rubio/Graham Mass Legal Immigration Surge — Illegal Alien Invader Amnesty bill(S 744) of June of 2013. Then-House Speaker Boehner killed that Cardin/Menendez treasonous immigration bill(S 744) in the US House to prevent a bloody political civil war in the Republican Party over immigration and to prevent a treasonous immigration bill from becoming law.
The Obama/Biden/Cardin/Menendez/Rubio/Graham treasonous 2013 immigration bill — S 744 — would have given amnesty to upwards of 40 million illegal alien invaders and it would have tripled legal immigration to over 3 million foreigner mass legal immigration infiltrators a year.
Evil and demonic politician rats like Ben Cardin and Bob Menendez are clear and present threats to the safety, security and sovereignty of the United States of America. Ben Cardin and Bob Menendez are enemies of the European Christian ancestral core of the USA.
Treasonous interloper politician rats like Ben Cardin and Bob Menendez have very shallow ancestral roots in the USA, and it is clear by their actions that they are treasonous enemy agents doing the bidding of elements hostile to the European Christian ancestral core of the USA. Say what you will about Obama, at least that Mulatto bastard has 14 ancestors who fought in the American Colonial Secessionary War From The English Empire(American Revolution).
Lindsey Graham might be an old stocker of sorts from South Carolina, but Graham puts the interests of Israel over and above the interests of the USA and Lindsey Graham pushes mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration. Marco Rubio is an interloper infiltrator just like Ben Cardin and Bob Menendez, and Rubio puts the interests of Israel over and above the interests of the USA.
Mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, REFUGEE OVERLOAD and ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION increases housing costs, lowers wages, swamps schools, overwhelms hospitals, destroys habitat for wildlife, causes urban and suburban sprawl, creates multicultural mayhem and brings infectious diseases and terrorism to the United States of America.
Ben Cardin And Bob Menendez Are Evil And Treasonous Politician Rats
It seems that it was Nadine’s business acumen that appealed to Bob. She was hired as his wife to do a job of selling political favors. How quaint that they met at an IHOP restaurant and then he proposed to her at India’s Taj Mahal before marrying her three years ago
The Israel-Palestine war is Washington’s fault By Robert Inlakesh
The administration of US President Joe Biden and decades of failed American policy decisions in West Asia set the stage for the eruption of the horrifying violence we see today in Palestine and Israel. Through sidelining the Palestinian cause for statehood and instead seeking a symbolic normalization deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Washington overlooked its own regional strategy.
In the early hours of Saturday morning, the armed wing of Hamas, the Qassam Brigades, launched an unprecedented military operation against Israel. Scenes instantly flooded social media of Palestinian fighters gunning down Israelis in cities such as Ashkelon, blowing up military vehicles, and killing and capturing hundreds of Israeli soldiers. It was a surprise offensive the likes of which hadn’t been seen in over 50 years. It also represented a colossal failure for the Israeli government, military, and intelligence and security services, causing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to declare war on the Gaza Strip.
In the US, condemnation from politicians of the attack was unanimous and bipartisan, as elected officials expressed their outrage at the loss of Israeli life. However, in all of these statements, not a single one recognized their own government’s role in the attack. Washington, along with most of the collective West, has been imposing sanctions on the Palestinian Authority (PA) for nearly 17 years. The peace process between Israelis and Palestinians – aimed at reaching a ‘two-state solution’ whereby Israel and Palestine would exist side by side as independent, mutually-recognized states – has been effectively dead for around two decades, with the last failed attempt to pressure the Israeli government to negotiate coming under former US President Barack Obama.
In 2006, the legislative elections held in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) resulted in a landslide victory for Hamas. Failed US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was recorded as having stated at the time that “we [the US] should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.†While the US did not interfere, the American government decided it would sanction Gaza and cut off the flow of aid to the PA after the elections did not favor the Fatah Party it was financing.
Israel has nuclear weapons and refuses to sign the NPT
… while the US ignored the Symington Amendment prohibiting aid to non signatories.
You got this backwards. First Yanukovych was overthrown and the civil war broke out in early 2014. Then Minsk I was signed in September 2014.Replies: @Rev. Spooner
They then lied again in 2009 with the Minsk Accords, which were supposed to give some measure of autonomy to the Russian ethnic regions of Ukraine in the Donbas, an apparent concession that served as cover for arming and training the Ukrainian Army. Finally, the US and its friends arranged for regime change in Ukraine in 2014 to replace the friendly-to-Russia President Viktor Yanukovych with a pro-western candidate
I think your’e right. The Maidan Coup engineered by the “Fcuk the EU” Nuland from US.
Why is it that where ever there is bloodshed, the USA is involved?? People say one shouldn’t generalize, but in America’s case this becomes difficult. Are they all warmongers? Don’t they see the suffering they cause? This Gaza massacre going on right now is also due to American policies.
Bill BROWDER (British/American national) is a jew like MOST Russian oligarchs and also a murderer.
There’s a documentry that was commissioned by him but the investigative director turned against Browder when he found evidence that Browder was the villian. Search for it.
>High intelligence has been linked with high morality. Any comments anyone?
It’s an interesting topic — there is research into the nature v nurture question for what’s known as the Big Five Personality Traits (Five-Factor Model) of Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (OCEAN), as well as how these traits correlate with other human characteristics like intelligence (IQ or g) — which one of the five personality traits corresponds to ‘high morality’? — hard to say, but conscientiousness seems to be the best fit — generally, so far it looks like there is some positive correlation between openness and intelligence, whereas for the other personality traits it seems to be mostly neutral, or a slight negative correlation (neuroticism) — you can read a little more about that e.g. here and here.
I didn’t recognize the name Broder, but reading this article I did recall the scandal around Hermitage (and other American financial companies) in Russia, since I was a mutual fund investor around that time, and among those focused on emerging markets Russian funds were often very good performers — about that era, I can say that if learning what was done to Russia by mostly Jewish vulture capitalists is not enough to get you to consider what might be behind ‘anti-Semitism’, then I’m not sure what it would take.
I perhaps have a different view. Priorities people!
Mrs. Menendez has an amazing rack.
I very much need to see her naked. Preferably doing stuff. Preferably within arms’ reach.
Sep 22, 2023 New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, wife facing federal corruption charges
New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez and his wife are facing new federal corruption charges, and Gov. Phil Murphy is now calling for the senator to step down. CBS New York’s Christine Sloan reports.
… I wonder if they have ever taken a public position that the slaughter of the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks was a genocide because Jewish groups object to their victimhood being shared with anyone else using that label?
Speaking of Jewish groups…
Gab comment posted by The Nose:
AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) lobbies congress to bomb Israel’s neighbors.
HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) brings Muslims to America after we bomb Israel’s neighbors.
ADL (Anti-Defamation League) censors and deplatforms Americans when we reveal what AIPAC and HIAS are doing.
What is that old saying about a stopped clock being right twice a day? Of course I agree with that position but I wonder if they have ever taken a public position that the slaughter of the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks was a genocide because Jewish groups object to their victimhood being shared with anyone else using that label?
Speaking of Jewish groups…
… I wonder if they have ever taken a public position that the slaughter of the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks was a genocide because Jewish groups object to their victimhood being shared with anyone else using that label?
It should be noted that Menendez (a variation of Mendez) is a prominent Sephardic surname.
usually I am 100% in agreement with Giraldi… this time I am conflicted.. tell you why both of these Senators have called on USA to prevent another genocide of Armenian Christians by (this time) Azeri turks by enforcing section 907 act preventing sales of weapons to agressor Aliev dictator..Bravo Senators!….surely you can’t disagree with that Mr. Giraldi…say it ain’t so!
I know Menendez is up their in years–how old is Cardin? 126 or thereabouts like the rest of Congress?
Candidate Vivek walks a tightrope in response to the Israel-Palestinian war in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson. He doesn’t call out AIPAC by name, of course, but they are implied in his discussion of foreign PACs subverting the federal government. Oh, and at the end of the interview Tucker obliquely implies that Lindsey Graham is a fag.
The tit-for-tat that has severely damaged relations with Russia is based on the standard narrative embraced by many regarding who Magnitsky was and what he did, but is it true?
Great article, Phil. If I recall correctly, you have previously written a couple of articles related to William Browder and The Magnitzky Act. I think you may even have viewed the screening of Nekrasovâ€s The Magntizky Act: Behind The Scenes.
What I’m not sure of is whether you are aware of a book The Killing of William Browder: Deconstructing Bill Browder’s Dangerous Deception that was written by Alex Krainer.
Although Amazon has decided to de-list the book, fortunately for us, it is still available online at:
What is so special about this book is that it builds much of its case against Browder based on the testimony he provided in the Prevezon case.
Do you recall the YouTube clips you included in one of your articles that showed Browder running away from someone who was trying to serve him a subpoena? Well Krainer provides some interesting background information about this rather strange behaviour and what happened next:
In September 201[4], U.S. Government filed a civil forfeiture case against Prevezon Holdings owned by a Russian citizen Denis Katsyv on allegations that he was linked to the $230 million Russian tax fraud.
Six months later, in February 2015 process server Nicholas Casale caught up with [Browder] in New York as he sat in a limousine after a TV appearance. As Casale approached him, Browder escaped again by opening the limo door on the opposite side and running away through traffic on foot. Unfortunately for Browder, the judge ruled that the subpoena was served properly that time and the date for his deposition was set for Wednesday, 15th April 2015. On that day, Browder was obliged to appear in New York at the offices of Baker Botts, LLP, where he would spend fully seven hours of the day being questioned by attorneys Mark Cymrot, Esq, Paul Levine, Esq and Moritz Abramovitz, Esq.
I read most of the book and have provided the most damaging quotes that come out of Browder’s own mouth (see below).
Here is the link to the full transcript of Browder’s deposition in the court case of U.S. District Court – Southern District of New York: USA v. Prevezon Holdings
The book also made several references to an article, The Money Plane, that was published in the New York magazine that also contained some very incriminating evidence. Here’s a link
Not sure you’ll agree, but I think there is sufficient material in the new book, the deposition, and the New York magazine article on which to base a very interesting article for Unz Review.
Here are two of the most damaging quotes from the book that point to Browder’s guilt…
Quote #1 – Browder himself comes across as the dodgiest character of them all. He claims that he can’t remember important details about his story at least 50 times and answers “I don’t know†fully 211 times. Moreover, he appears to lack expertise in just about every relevant subject: twenty six times he declined to concede straightforward assertion because he was not an expert on the subject matter, like a man who refused to confirm that 1 + 1 = 2 because he wasn’t a mathematician. In fact, Browder comes across as the diametrical opposite of the character he projects in the countless speeches he delivers around the world. On such occasions, and I’ve had the privilege to witness two of them, Browder comes across as a highly competent man with remarkable command of detail and nuance with which he builds up his gripping tales…
Quote #2 – When Mr. Cymrot questions Browder about this, Browder does not deny it:
Mr. Cymrot: Did you ever have somebody suggest to Mr. Magnitsky that he should take responsibility for the Saturn and Dalnaya Step tax returns?
Browder: I don’t remember.
I would have expected Browder to reply, “absolutely not†to that question. Instead, Browder’s “I don’t remember,†suggests that Magnitsky may indeed have been asked to take the fall for Saturn and Dalnaya Step.
Here are some more of the most damaging excerpts from Krainer’s book:
We must be living through the most criminal age in human history. I’m no historian but it sure ‘feels’ that way.
Good point. Menendez is a mercenary goy while Ben is ‘of the Tribe’. Ha!
I was under the impression that many were worried about Menendez’ close ties to Egyptians. Sometimes the interests of Israel and Egypt differ, and they don’t want there to be any chance of conflict. Also, removing Menendez would allow the democrat gov Murphy to appoint another black lesbian to his senate seat since we don’t have enough of them in positions of power.
Check out Bill Browder’s Wiki page and those of his grandfather Earl and his father Felix.
It’s been asserted lately that many Wiki pages have been ‘edited’ on CIA computers, so whether the Browder pages are reliable or not is anybody’s guess.
Earl was the head of the U.S. Communist party in its heyday and ran for president in ’36 and ’40. Most Unz readers will already be cognizant of his identity and career.
I for one knew nothing about Earl’s sons and grandsons. All of these individuals seem to have been (or are) mathematical geniuses. Their Wiki pages are long and detailed and well worth reading.
Both Earl’s wife and Felix’s wife were jewish.
High intelligence has been linked with high morality. Any comments anyone?
Everything normal, with more of the same. Without taking into account the origin of the disaster that the system accumulates. It is incredible that they think of continuing to kill as long as there are nations that do not have nuclear weapons.
Thanks, Mr. Giraldi, for another highly informative report.
So who’s on deck to head Foreign Relations if Cardin doesn’t run again?
Likely that person is in the tank, too.
By the way, Bill Browder is Jewish. Earl Browder, who headed the American Communist Party, married a Jewess.
They then lied again in 2009 with the Minsk Accords, which were supposed to give some measure of autonomy to the Russian ethnic regions of Ukraine in the Donbas, an apparent concession that served as cover for arming and training the Ukrainian Army. Finally, the US and its friends arranged for regime change in Ukraine in 2014 to replace the friendly-to-Russia President Viktor Yanukovych with a pro-western candidate
You got this backwards. First Yanukovych was overthrown and the civil war broke out in early 2014. Then Minsk I was signed in September 2014.
” In your face corruption ” is the hallmark now of these United States of America!! Honesty and integrity have gone extinct!! There is no such thing as dirty money anymore Satan rules here!!
Negro-Saxon “culture” produces only kike-lovers, faggots, degenerates and other assorted Sub-Humans. What is the point of this article even? One more kike servant in the JewSA.
Quality filler, though.
Just a thought, but does the sudden interest in Bob Menendez’s corruption have anything to do with the fact that his wife “Nadine … Arslanian … was born in Lebanon of Armenian descent”
It would certainly be more difficult to carry out American pro Azerbaijan foreign policy in the Caucasus if the Chair of the House Foreign Relations Committee was pro Armenian and the timing fits perfectly.
When he refused to recant he was both beaten and denied medical treatment to coerce him into cooperating, resulting in his death in jail at age 37 in November 2009.
Love stories with a happy ending
You have to wonder if Menendez wasn’t by chance set up for the fall as a cost-cutting measure, because Cardin will do the same job for free.
They had managed to pull Menendez’ (chest) nuts out of the fire once, but nobody believed he was innocent, so his campaign would have cost more money to get him re-elected.
Iran’s nuclear program began with help from the USA back in the era of the Shah dictatorship. Iran became a democracy, but one whose candidates are pre-approved, just like in the USA.
We’ve been told Iran would soon field a nuclear weapon every year for the past three decades. If Iran or North Korea withdraws from the NPT, this would not be illegal. (Israel has nuclear weapons and refuses to sign the NPT). The biggest violators of nuclear weapons treaties are the United States and Russia:
... while the US ignored the Symington Amendment prohibiting aid to non signatories.
Israel has nuclear weapons and refuses to sign the NPT
Observations: It has become abundantly clear from the reaction in the entire West, first to Ukraine and now to this event, that all of the rest of the Western nations are puppets of the Anglo-Judaic Empire. How else could Germany be committing national suicide with its cucked reaction to the Nord Stream sabotage and all of these countries putting Izraeli flags on their government buildings and making statements like ‘We stand with Izrael’ without the control of the NEOCON/Bolshevik run American government. This control has to be defeated, no destroyed, at its source, Washington DC.
A public service announcement via Donald J. Trump aka Zion Con Don:
Clearly there’s no such thing as a “MAGA Republican.” Only MIGA Republicans along with their alleged foes the Democrats. Make America come first and remain neutral in ANY conflicts that we the people do not want to endure.
Replies: @Paul C.
Ukraine just told the truth about the failed counter offensive and Russian advancements. We also have reports that captured Ukrainian soldiers are turning up drugged out of their minds on some kind of inhibition blocker. Reports say these soldiers are going on withdrawals after being captured.
Yes, I agree completely. All wars are bankers wars. There’s likely multiple goals of the Ukraine fiasco. One, money laundering. The criminals are stealing taxpayer’s money. Two, white, Christian genocide of Ukrainians. These Khazarian’s want Ukraine to be their “new Israel”. “War” allows them to hollow out the people and remake the country as they would like it. Prostitution might be a #3. I bet many children and young women are being sold into prostitution, perhaps in Israel. #4 might be a way to bring a larger between the US and Russia or Russia & China. Perhaps a large war precedes the financial collapse required for the Great Reset.
The question I struggled with for a longtime was, is Putin in on it? I’ve come to believe he is. He’s likely a masonic puppet like the rest as evidenced by his association with Chabad Lubavitch, the Sputnik vaccine and Holocaust denial laws. He’s not on the LGBT train and otherwise seems like a statesman. Let me know if you have any thoughts on this.
This is great content, thanks for sharing. I read most of David Webb’s PDF, The Great Taking, and it’s a must read. He’s figured out the mechanism for how “we’ll own nothing” as the plotters of the “Great Reset” suggest. It’s a sobering read especially for those of us with a mortgage. But knowledge is power and it will force us to confront this and take whatever steps we can. Stay out of debt, own tangible assets and grow your own food. Obviously the best outcome is to thwart their plans which will be painful for even the prepared as we watch society fall apart greatly beyond what we’re seeing now.
BTW, I own the book: They Own It All (Including You!). I just haven’t gotten to reading it yet but it’s now at the top of the list. Thanks again.
President = 5,000,000
Vice President = 2,000,000
Senators = 1,000,000
Representatives = 500,000
All wars are bankers wars. Some people — influential psychopaths inhabiting banking houses and fascist mega-corporations — made enormous profits on this war. And some were the most active supporters of the war profiteers and war criminals — like Clintons, Obamas, Kagans clan, Ukrainian oligarchs like Kolomojsky, and British profiteers like the Arbuthnots and Blairs families. Zelensky is personally guilty of deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings.
Ukraine just told the truth about the failed counter offensive and Russian advancements. We also have reports that captured Ukrainian soldiers are turning up drugged out of their minds on some kind of inhibition blocker. Reports say these soldiers are going on withdrawals after being captured.
I think that InfraGard thinks that they own the United States. Was InfraGard Bill Ayres idea? It seems that way to me. I know that it started under the Clinton Regime and SS member Louis Freeh.
One thing that i have happen to have noticed since InfraGard has been created is the way that everyone acts like insane, retarded, talentlass, sadistic, terrorists. If someone can please explain to me how it is that anyone would feel protected by acting that way in addition to not having any constitutional rights, I would certainly love to hear about how that improved life for you in any way at all. That would not make me feel protected….at all. So if a spokesperson from InfraGard or an FBI agent could respond, I think that the public would like an explanation on that, in addition to me.
Great to see I’m not the only one who gets it!! Yes, they have taken over the world with money created out of thin air and loaned to governments at interest. All governments have been captured by the Jewish banking cartel.
They even let a little truth out in Hollywood. Look up “The International The Essence of Banking scene” and it says it right there- the essence of banking is to get nations and individuals enslaved with debt.” And that is what has happened to our world and now they are moving forward with their end game–the Great Reset. They plan on a massive cull of the human population and then they will enslave the survivors in their digital slave grid.
Former Russian Military Intelligence Officer, Vladimir Kvachkov: ‘Pandemic’ is Planned Depopulation
Spot on! And this explains Jewish power across the West and world. Nations no longer control their own currencies. A small cabal of families do. Complete subversion.
But they’re not satisfied owning the world through thievery. They seek to destroy it.
Collectively we’ve been backed into a corner and need to strike back before we’re dead. They are accelerating our demise.
Replies: @Paul C.
Ukraine just told the truth about the failed counter offensive and Russian advancements. We also have reports that captured Ukrainian soldiers are turning up drugged out of their minds on some kind of inhibition blocker. Reports say these soldiers are going on withdrawals after being captured.
Who Owns the United States?
The central bankers who took over America with the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
Congressman Louis McFadden was a hero who tried to warn the American people about the Federal Reserve (just like former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul) and then he was poisoned:
Congressman Louis Thomas McFadden (1878–1936) was a Republican member of the House of Representatives from Pennsylvania. He served from 1915 to 1935. He was the chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency between 1920 and 1931. Although smeared by the usual suspects as a crank, he was highly experienced and knowledgeable of banking issues and controversies for two decades.
Here are some key quotes from McFadden
“It was not accidental [the 1929 stock-market “crashâ€]. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. … The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as rulers of us all.â€
“Open the books … and you will be staggered to see how much American money has been taken from the United States Treasury for the benefit of Russia. Find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of Soviet Russia, by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York [owned by the Rockefellers].â€
“When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and industrialists … acting together to enslave the world … Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is–the Fed has usurped the government.â€
“Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. government institutions. They are not … they are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the U.S. for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers, and rich and predatory money lenders. The sack of the United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.â€ @Eric135
The Biden Administration is deporting a German family that has lived in the United States for 15 years. The parents came because they wanted to homeschool their children, which is illegal in Germany. It’s unclear if they will face punishment on their return.
“With effort I contain the rage that wants to say F*&k your effrontery … ”
LOL. I advise a “cool cloth”.
Dampen a washcloth with cold water, lean back on a recliner in a darkened room, close your eyes, and put the washcloth on your forehead.
You’ll feel better in no time!
USA is an idiot nation and will disappear soon. I dont live in USA and I tried to help many times to help to solve some problems like excess of immigration, illegal immigration, to keep safe borders, and in education (USA is importing many people with low level of education and IQ) BUT all the politicians lack of email to contact them from outside the country. They have contact pages that require to inform an address in USA. SO ONLY people living in USA can contact them, the rest of the planet can not help. because no chance to send them a message and a proposal to help for an economic reward. IN 2024 and from 2025 …on, there will be very bad things for USA due to invasion and vaccines.
Just in: A little bit of good news, Kevin McCarthy was just voted out as Speaker of the House. “One giant fall for a Zionist stooge, one small step for the revolution that has to happen.”
With effort I contain the rage that wants to say, F*&k your effrontery at telling me to “find out what my sins are.”
There is NOTHING, nothing you can say to redeem tin-pot Elmer Gantry Rick Wiles. In fact, I repeat my Thanks for cementing the recognition that Wiles is a fraud of a very dangerous kind.
Yesterday Wiles spoke — again — of the “dream” that provoked his mission to be a “watchman.”
The man who thinks bashing “Nazis” is a joke; who takes advantage of many opportunities to call out the “evil” of “Nazis” calls himself a watchman but does not recognize who the enemy is.
Will Wiles use his platform to advocate for these “white Christians”?
The Biden Administration is deporting a German family that has lived in the United States for 15 years. The parents came because they wanted to homeschool their children, which is illegal in Germany. It’s unclear if they will face punishment on their return.
I just wonder what Carlin would have said about the current situation; Trump’s witch hunt, Biden’s condition, Ukraine, etc.
Would he have named the Joo?
He was in failing health but he seemed to have died suddenly, just sayin. 🤔
Yeah, he was only 71 and he’s been gone 15 years already, time flies.
Does it matter? All statements must be evaluated irrespective of its source; but the evaluation must include the motives of the source in making that statement.
One needs to only check if Carlin’s statements are true or false, and, what his motives are in making those statements. Of course no one can divine another’s motive with 100% accuracy, but whatever appears to be the motive to the evaluator is good enough. With those, the evaluator can draw his own conclusions and act accordingly.
Trying to evaluate the moral character of a source is a useless job.
” Yes, it is [Christian to say that people can only be saved by becoming Roman Catholics].”
No, it isn’t.
Wiles is not a prosperity gospel preacher. He doesn’t own a private jet, multiple mega-mansions, etc. He doesn’t want to own them.
Prosperity gospel preachers do not represent Protestantism. They are a modern version of the prototypical 19th century American snake oil salesman and con artist.
Max Weber identified all of Protestantism with Calvinism in his book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
This is an error. But Weber’s book, unfortunately, is responsible for the widely prevalent and false idea that Protestantism is all about amassing wealth and exploiting other people.
Even Calvinists were not guilty of what Weber charged them with.
He identified them with American Puritans, who lived modestly and tithed heavily to their churches. They valued hard work (obviously a necessity in order to survive in the wilderness) and with hard work comes eventual prosperity.
Puritans believed wealth was a gift from God. Do Roman Catholics not give God credit for good things?
“Thank you for … saving me from eternal damnation.”
It would not be in my power to do that.
No need to thank me for something I haven’t done.
” … can an ex-Roman Catholic get Wiles’s oft-promoted miracle money?”
“‘Miracle money’ is money you receive unexpectedly. I assume as a Catholic you prayed for a lot of things. The only difference here is that you make a pledge to give a percentage of any unexpected money you receive to Trunews.
Of course, you don’t have to give it if you don’t get it. And you don’t even have to give it if you do get it.
Rick isn’t ripping anyone off. He isn’t doing anything different than what Roman Catholics and other churches do — asking for contributions.
I don’t remember ever praying to get anything from God. I pray for God to bless and protect others.
Are miracle money prayers answered? I have no idea. Christians believe Jesus performed miracles. They believe God can do anything.
I give a modest amount of money to Trunews. My intention is that the gift comes from me. Not from anyone else. If Rick does anything I disapprove of, my contributions will stop.
“What sin should I confess?”
If you’re not a sociopath, you have a conscience. Consult your past and confess whatever offends your conscience. That will put you in agreement with God’s natural law.
Then read what Jesus says in the New Testament about sin and you will find out what other sins, if any, you need to confess. @Eric135
The Biden Administration is deporting a German family that has lived in the United States for 15 years. The parents came because they wanted to homeschool their children, which is illegal in Germany. It’s unclear if they will face punishment on their return.
“Rick Wiles … speaks highly of Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland.”
I’ve been watching Trunews regularly since 2019. Wiles has never even mentioned their names.
“Wiles as recently as just a few years ago is in business with Jim Bakker.”
All you’ve demonstrated is that he was a guest on Bakker’s show. That’s not the same as being in business with him.
I would say your attempt to smear Wiles has failed miserably. You are wise not to reply further.
Wiles falls into the same trap as much of Protestantism…the prosperity gospel.
A good example of the “prosperity gospel” in Protestantism is that of the “robber barons” of the 19th and early 20th centuries that squeezed their employees (producers) by constantly cutting workers’ wages while living grand opulent lives themselves. They had the financial ability to pay their employees a decent wage, but their own greed “got in the way”. Protestants consider anyone who is not successful in business to be “morally deficient”. This plays right into the Protestant “prosperity gospel” which is relatively common in Protestant circles to this day. It would appear that Protestantism has taken on practices more akin to judaism than Christianity.
One exception to the Protestant “robber baron” attitude was that of Henry Ford, who instituted the 8-hour workday, 40-hour workweek and decent wages $5 of per day. Although not entirely altruistic due to assembly line work being monotonous and to stem employee turnover, Ford’s own writings stated that he wanted workers to “enjoy the fruits of their labor”, something no other industrialist of the day advocated. In fact, wall street types predicted that Ford’s $5 per day wage would result in catastrophe for wall street. Guess what? The OPPOSITE happened. Ford should be credited for helping to create the American middle class.
Perhaps the other pastor is Pastor Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship, located in Kalispell, Montana.
That other pastor, not from Montana, actually wiki says Arizona:
Perhaps the other pastor is Pastor Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship, located in Kalispell, Montana.
Yes, that is the one. HE’S JEW WISE.
Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways and saving me from eternal damnation.
Whew, that was a close call. How can I thank you enough?
One question, though:
can an ex-Roman Catholic get Wiles’s oft-promoted Miracle Money © (Miracle Money© is where you make a deal with god: “You give me $XX dollars in 30 days and I will give 35% to TruNews”)?
Oh — another question: the formula Rick states all the time is, “Confess your sin, call on the name of Jesus and get your name in the book of life. Otherwise, when Jesus returns, you will burn in the lake of fire.”
What I want to know is this: What sin should I confess? Is having been a Roman Catholic a sin?
Is having prayed the Rosary a sin?
How about owning a statue of Mary — sin? Do I have to get rid of the statue of Mary or else go to hell?
“Telling people they can only be saved by becoming Roman Catholics is not Christian.” Yes it is but it isn’t American.
This will be my last reply, since we’re going in circles.
There’s a huge difference between Chuck Baldwin and Rick Wiles. Chuck Baldwin exposes televangelist Zionists such as Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland while Rick Wiles as recently as just a few years ago is in business with Jim Bakker and speaks highly of he and Ken Copeland. Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland prey on Christian’s and are the most anti-Christ lowlifes imaginable.
The difference is who you associate with. Donald Trump says many truthful things as the controlled opposition needs to, to sucker the believing patriots. He speaks against the media and immigration, but yet gives you WARP SPEED because he’s a Zionist. Warp Speed guarantees most early cancer. The Zionists seek to replace the white, Christian population.
Rick Wiles is now saying the right things but his associations suggest he’s a Zionist playing a controlled opposition part. No Christian or self-respecting person would cavort with Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland. The Bible says you cannot serve two masters. Good luck giving your money to Rick’s Zionist handlers. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
TV in the USA and Canada is and always has been a US government social engineering project.
Eric135 has advocated for the leadership of
I think we can all agree that white people of Christian heritage need to unite.
"Rick Wiles . . . Texe Marrs, Jerry Barrett, Raymond Burkhart, Steven Anderson and Chuck Baldwin"
So riddle me this: Are Roman Catholics IN that great Christian unification?
I am not surprised that Roman Catholic hypocrisy is rearing its ugly head in this thread.
“Eric has advocated for the leadership of ‘truth-tellers’ Rick Wiles … Texe Marrs, Jerry Barrett, Raymond Burkhart, Steven Anderson and Chuck Baldwin’, while, against all evidence, disassociating these truth-tellers from ‘Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland’ (and presumably Ron Parsley and John Hagee).”
The evidence is clear that Wiles, Marrs, Barrett, Burkhart, Anderson and Baldwin completely reject the claim that the Jews are the chosen people of God, that God wants the Jews to possess Israel, that God wants the Jews to rebuild their temple and resume animal sacrifices, etc. They completely reject the evangelical Zionism of Hagee and (presumably) Bakker, Copeland and Parsley.
“Eric135 wrote, ‘I think we can all agree that white people of Christian heritage need to unite’ … Several days later, Eric wrote: ‘I am not surprised Roman Catholic hypocrisy is rearing its ugly head in this thread.’ Are Roman Catholics IN that great Christian unification?”
Christians are in that great Christian unification. Praying to Mary and allowing Pachamama to be worshiped in the Vatican are not Christian. Disregarding borders and national sovereignty is not Christian. Telling people they can only be saved by becoming Roman Catholics is not Christian. Saying (in the case of evangelical Zionists) that the Jews are God’s chosen people is not Christian.
All of that notwithstanding, a Christian unification project is not the same as unifying white people of Christian heritage. Many white people know nothing of Christianity and have no desire to learn about it. But they do have Christian heritage. White people of Jewish heritage would not be a part of the unification of white people of Christian heritage, which is what I advocate.
Few self-described Christian preachers will say what the Christian New Testament plainly says: The Jews are not God’s chosen people. This failure to represent Christianity accurately is an invitation for the Jews to take over societies with majority white populations of Christian heritage.
Nothing is more important to white survival than disabusing whites of this false theology. So, a few brave preachers have taken a stand to remedy the situation, and along come Zumbuddi and Paul C. to denounce them.
You’ve shown what side you’re on — not by making a gross error in the first place, but by persisting in that error.
“If you wanted to get a better sense of what I think, you’d click on my name to review [my] past posts.”
When you persist in doing what hasbara trolls do, there’s no point in reading your other posts.
You’ve shown what side you’re really on, regardless of what your other posts say.
“You responded that you’re only aware of E. Michael Jones and Ron Unz who have come out against the Holocaust narrative; thus, you still believe it’s true until others join the list.”
I did not say I believe the Holocaust narrative is true. Nice try, clown.
“You have no issues with Rick Wiles [having friendly relations with Jim Bakker].”
I’ve already explained why that doesn’t matter. I’m not going to explain it again.
“If Rick Wiles is a changed person and now denounces Synagogue of Satan types like Jim Bakker and Kenneth Copeland, this would be welcome news to me. Please provide the evidence.”
You haven’t denied that Wiles is critical of Jews and rejects the whole concept of Jews being the chosen people. I don’t need to prove to you what you already know in that regard. And I don’t need Rick to denounce Bakker and Copeland because I already know that his position is opposed to theirs.
Why aren’t you criticizing Chuck Baldwin — who you’ve said you like — for not denouncing the Holocaust narrative? It seems that you’re very selective in the denunciations that you want.
Let me be frank: The people who do this are most likely Jewish hasbara trolls. It makes perfect sense for them to do exactly what you and Zumbuddi are doing.
If you wanted to get a better sense of what I think, you’d click on my name to review past posts. Unless you’re intellectually lazy.
I showed you video evidence of Rick Wiles promoting the Holohoax on the Jim Bakker show just a few years ago. You responded that you’re only aware of E Michael Jones and Ron Unz who have come out against the Holocaust narrative, thus, you still believe it’s true until others join the list. I guess it never occurred to you to do your own research? is a good place to start. Unless you’re intellectually lazy.
Rick Wiles — like truth tellers Texe Marrs…
Now you try to compare Rick Wiles to Texe Marrs, who was a giant in the truther community writing dozens of books, some exposing the televangelist, Zionist frauds such as Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland. Yet, you have no issues with Rick Wiles working with a Luciferian like Jim Bakker and speaking highly of Ken Copeland, only a few years ago. Do you even understand that televangelists are wicked people?
I provided you the videos of Jim Bakker, with Rick Wiles sitting next to him, mocking Christ and Christians, selling them dog food and recommending they buy their bibles and then bury them. Did you even bother to watch? Or are you too lazy?
If Rick Wiles is a changed person and now denounces Synagogue of Satan types such as Jim Bakker and Ken Copeland, this would be welcome news to me. Please provide the evidence.
Deutsche Bank is Mafia operation. So much for ‘democracy’.
The deadly infestation:
The following Jews are key members of Bribeden’s Cabinet and/or hold important administrative & influential positions by appointment:
1) Doug Emhof, husband of VP Kamala Harris
2) Janet Yellen, Secretary of Treasury
3) Antony Blinken, Secretary of State
4) Jeff Zionts, WH Chief of Staff
5) David Cohen, Deputy Director CIA
6) Merrick Garland, Attorney General
7) Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security
8) Avril Haines, Director National Intelligence
9) Victoria Nuland, Acting Deputy Secretary of State (replaced Wendy Sherman 7/2023)
10) Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary State for Political Affairs (still – paid for both??)
11) Eric Lander, Office of Science Technology
12) Mandy Cohen, CDC Director (replaced Rochelle Welensky 6/2023 – notably sister of Rod Rosenstein)
13) David Kessler, Chief Science Officer for Covid Response
14) Cass Sunstein, Sr. Counselor at DHS
15) Dana Stroul, Jewish Pentagon Sr. Policy Official on Middle East
16) Anne Neuberger, Director of Cyber Security at NASA
17) Chanan Weissman, Director of Technology at Natl Security Coincil
18) Polly Trottenberg, Deputy Secretary of Transportation
19) Jessica Rosenworce, Acting Chairwoman FCC
20) Jennifer Klein, Co-Chair of Gender Policy Council
21) Jared Bernstein, Member of Council of Economic Advisors
22) Stephanie Pollack, Deputy Administrator of Fedl Highway Administration
23) Gary Gensler, Chairman of Securities & Exchange Commission
Tony Blinken has discovered Waffen SS and loves them:
Eighty-two years ago, Nazis murdered 34,000 Jews at Babyn Yar,†Blinken wrote in a Friday post. “Soviets buried this history, which today Putin’s government manipulates to provide cover for Russia’s abuses in Ukraine.†He added that “the US is committed to justice for Holocaust survivors and accountability for atrocities.â€
Nakba, Tony? Jewish Bolshevik Revolution, Tony? The despicable lies on which the profiteering schema of holobiz was founded, Tony?
Jews hate Russian so much that they would make people blind and deaf only to avoid the truth that faces the damned tribe: The USSR lost 27 million Soviet citizens during fight against fascism. Here come Blinken — and all 37 Jews in US Congress plus the jew-infested US government – and firmly takes the side of self-proclaimed Ukrainian Nazis. He, therefore, follows the genocidal path of Nuland-Kagan who did a Judeo-Nazi putsch in Kiev in 2014 in collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi Party and Mossad Delta battalion.
The ex-Israeli soldier who led a Kiev fighting unit [supporting the efforts of the Ukrainian Nazi Party]. ‘Delta’ has headed ‘the Blue Helmets of Maidan’ of 40 men and women – including several IDF veterans – in violent clashes with government forces.
Jews took a leading role in the Nazification of Ukraine. In any decent state, a genocider like Nuland-Kagan would had been hanged already. But in the mortally infested US, the late Jewish witch Albright (“The death of 500.000 Iraqi children was worth it”) was celebrated by the thoroughly Judaized US government. Jews are new Fascists.
Eric135 has advocated for the leadership of
I think we can all agree that white people of Christian heritage need to unite.
"Rick Wiles . . . Texe Marrs, Jerry Barrett, Raymond Burkhart, Steven Anderson and Chuck Baldwin"
So riddle me this: Are Roman Catholics IN that great Christian unification?
I am not surprised that Roman Catholic hypocrisy is rearing its ugly head in this thread.
Also, some were put in black schools. The main reason some people think that racial distinctions which mattered back then don’t matter now is that Italians (and other southern Europeans) no longer much differ culturally from white Americans broadly. But in a pointedly racial political movement, it’s strange – even dishonest – to think that the same racial distinctions could actually be ignored.