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Elite Theory and the Grooming Gangs

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The House of Commons voted down a renewed inquiry into the “grooming gangs” scandal in the United Kingdom by a vote of 364 to 111. The Labour Party closed ranks with not a single defector. The Conservatives accused Labour of “cowardice,” but Prime Minister Keir Starmer shot back that the Tories had done little on the issue when they were in power. The Tories are now in third place in the polls, with Nigel Farage’s Reform Party tying the governing Labour Party at 25 percent. If there was a general election today, the Labour Party would almost certainly lose its government, not just its supermajority. It is one of the largest polling collapses in British political history.

All of this was essentially driven by Elon Musk, who began posting about the issue last week. It looks suspiciously like a pivot — a way for the self-proclaimed “TechnoKing” to reclaim his crown on the populist Right after his disastrous foray into the H-1B visa debate. Given Mr. Musk’s idiosyncrasies, it is possible that he noticed the issue for the first time and decided to post about it. However, if we assume the world’s wealthiest man is capable of some political strategy, we are obviously being used. At the same time, the Right is also using him.

It is encouraging that Mr. Musk feels he must appeal to the populist Right. After all, he is picking some powerful enemies, with not just the British political establishment but the entire European Union lining up against him. Assuming he is driven only by self-interest, he is still taking a significant risk.

Some in the British political class are accusing him of inciting possible violence against Jess Phillips, parliamentary undersecretary of state for safeguarding and violence against women.

Violence against political leaders is deplorable, but the British establishment seemed fairly indifferent when a Somali-descended Muslim murdered MP David Amess in 2021. “UK Muslim groups brace for rise in hate crime after killing of David Amess,” said The Guardian at the time. There has been little soul-searching in the British government, despite the murder of an MP by a man who was already known to the security services and a resulting lawsuit by the victim’s daughter. The murderer explicitly said he assassinated Mr. Amess on behalf of Islam, though he insisted he is only a “moderate Muslim.”

Labour’s militancy on the grooming-gang issue is astonishing. Aside from the unanimity of their response, they even chanted “shame” when an MP said it was not “far-right” to stand up for victims of “mass rape.”

Keir Starmer himself tried to dismiss the entire controversy as “far-right.” “When the poison of the far-right leads to serious threats to Jess Phillips and others, then in my book, a line has been crossed,” he said. “I enjoy the cut and thrust of politics, the robust debate that we must have, but that’s got to be based on facts and truth, not on lies.” He also implicitly accused Elon Musk of getting “some vicarious thrill from street violence” because Mr. Musk has called for freedom for Tommy Robinson. However, the Prime Minister is vulnerable. He was director of public prosecutions from 2008–2013 and allegedly did not do enough to prosecute the offenders and stop the ongoing abuse.

The complicity of specific people is still up for debate — after all, that is why there is supposed to be an inquiry. However, it seems clear that the British state, if not totally complicit, tried to muzzle the issue to preserve the image of a successful multicultural and multiracial society.

The Telegraph says:

Denial about the extent of the problem is rooted deep in Britain’s political system. At times, it appears that the government’s approach to multiculturalism is not to uphold the law, but instead to minimise the risk of unrest between communities. Confronted with gangs of predominantly Pakistani men targeting predominantly white children, the state knew exactly what to do. For the good of community relations, it had to bury the story.

In Rotherham, a senior police officer told a distressed father that the town “would erupt” if the routine abuse of white children by Pakistani heritage men became public knowledge. One parent concerned about a missing daughter was told by the police that an “older Asian boyfriend” was a “fashion accessory” for girls in the town. The father of a 15-year-old rape victim was told the assault might mean she would “learn her lesson”.

The ordeal had been so brutal that she required surgery.

As the 2014 Jay Inquiry into Rotherham found, children were “doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight”, “threatened with guns”, “witnessed brutally violent rapes and were threatened that they would be the next victim if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators, one after the other”.

In the same town, a senior police officer allegedly said the abuse had been “going on” for 30 years, adding “with it being Asians, we can’t afford for this to be coming out.”

Two major trends are colliding. First, the postwar national mythology that holds white “racism” is a unique moral evil is being taken to its logical conclusion. It might be a bit much to say that the British state wants white girls to be raped or abused. However, it is reasonable to say that those in power in the United Kingdom clearly see racial tensions, and especially white reaction, as a far greater evil. Keir Starmer’s extraordinary ruthlessness in suppressing an outbreak of white working-class violence earlier this year is proof of that. Indeed, that was what seemingly first drew Mr. Musk’s attention to the United Kingdom.

This is not simply political cowardice but a deeply ingrained moral belief that is utterly foundational to the Western political order, as outlined in books from R.R. Reno’s Return of the Strong Gods to Dr. Paul Gottfried’s The Antifascist State. A crime against a white girl is simply a crime — something random, regrettable, and managed with more resources, empathy, and education. A backlash against Muslims is a political threat to the egalitarian premises of the state, which is why speech that could prompt such a reaction is punished more harshly than actual sexual assault. If there is a culture of abuse in certain Muslim communities within Britain, the attitude of elites is to ignore it rather than inflaming tensions. It is critical to understand that the people doing this believe they are moral and righteous to do so.

The second thing that is occurring is the sudden support of actual elites for accountability. The grooming-gangs scandal is nothing new; figures such as Nick Griffin and others on the “far right” were talking about it decades ago. However, precisely because of the source, those claims were dismissed at worst or mostly ignored at best by those with real power. It is news now simply because Elon Musk decided to make it news — and he probably decided to make it news for his own ends.

That does not mean he is wrong on the issue. Moreover, it also means that had the “far right” alone spoken out on this, no one important in 2025 would care about it. Policy, public opinion, and the news cycle are dictated from the top down. Elon Musk is probably the most powerful figure in the world when it comes to determining tomorrow’s headlines, which is why democratic leaders regard him as such a threat.

Credit Image: © Allison Robbert – Pool Via Cnp/CNP via ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Allison Robbert – Pool Via Cnp/CNP via ZUMA Press Wire

I have long believed that “those who know, can’t, and those who can, don’t know.” People who understand race realism, long-term demographic consequences, and white identity are essentially prevented from gaining any position of influence. Political leaders who could stop “preventable evils” are ignorant (at best), because that is what the system selects for. Yet what is the system? The system is fundamentally the media apparatus that determines which issues are “legitimate” for discussion in polite company and which must be relegated to the fringe.

We have seen both ways this works in recent weeks. Elon Musk pledged to go to “war” with opponents of H-1B visas, allowed tweets that revealed Nick Fuentes’s home address to remain posted (arguably leading to an attempt on his life), banned many of Mr. Fuentes’s supporters from X, and called for a race-blind meritocracy. Just a few days later, he began rallying people to defend European identity and using the “grooming gangs” issue to mobilize against the Labour government. Pleas for logical consistency are largely pointless, because the man with the gold makes the rules, and we are still in a far better position now than we were just a few years ago because of Mr. Musk’s actions. Yet we should not kid ourselves that we are “redpilling” elites. We are simply a force that they can use.

This is a good thing. Politics is a long game, and it is rare that a true believer labors in the wilderness for decades only to seize power at a given time and deliver total victory. In just the last few years, we have seen some of the key assumptions of the liberal order come under attack, notably the contention that all people will naturally assimilate to Western norms. Western democracies have responded with force and censorship, because their leaders no longer have confidence in their own ideas. After a catastrophic end to his first term, Donald Trump stormed back and easily won the recent presidential election, despite hysterical warnings from the political establishment that he was a “fascist.” All this suggests the system’s grip is weakening and our opportunities are growing.

However, we will not simply be given power. In the political sphere, white identitarians will need to begin actually winning office for us to be taken seriously. In media and journalism, original reporting is proving to have a bigger impact than even the most insightful commentary, precisely because elites can use it as a weapon in their own competition. We should not be naïve and expect that leaders like Mr. Musk or President Trump are secretly “on our side,” but we can build enough political power that we are a force they feel they must cater to. That alone is a far better position than anything we have seen since the end of the Cold War. It is also the first step to building up elites of our own who can forthrightly take our own side.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. True Blue says:

    Thank a “stein”
    Muslims never had the political clout to force your borders open, to keep this hidden, or to villanize you for speaking out about it.
    But, a group of people who have a long and sordid history of throwing open the gates of European cities to Muslim invasion do. And they happen to control your media.

    Time to kick all dual citizens out once again.


    JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) Are Evil, Ungrateful Nation-Killing Jew Rat Creatures.

    JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) Has Declared War On European Christendom and the European Christian people wherever they are on the globe.

    The JEW/WASP Ruling Class Of The American Empire And The Jew-Controlled Ruling Class of England Must Both Be Politically Decapitated

    There is no doubt that JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) plotted to racially transform the United States of America — and many other European Christian nations such as England, Germany, Australia, Canada, France…etc. — by using mass immigration as a demographic weapon. It is a historical fact that can’t be disputed. I must add, however, that the legacy WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire was a willing accomplice to JOG’s demographic execution of America.

    All Jews who push mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration — such as Mark Zuckerberg, Antony Blinken, Merrick Garland, Charles Schumer, Paul Singer, Bill Ackman, Mim Adelson, Mike Bloomberg, Les Wexner, Haim Saban, George Soros and all the other Jew Mass Immigration Extremists — must be EXPELLED from the USA.







    England is being paved over in order to house the foreigners. Upwards of 900,000 foreigners a year are flooding into the UK. Most of the foreigners are going into England. Native Brits whose ancestors have been in England for millennia in many cases are being pushed out of certain parts of England by the invading foreigners.

    The evil Jew-controlled ruling class of England is aiding and abetting the displacement of native White Brits by means of mass immigration.

    Many of the voters who voted to leave the European Union in 2016 were displaced native White Brits who were pushed out of London and other English cities by the intolerable living conditions created by mass immigration. They felt like foreigners in their own land.

    The evil ruling class of England pushes mass immigration as a way to destroy cultural cohesion and to destroy national sovereignty. The average native White Brit voted to leave the EU because that was a way to express their displeasure with mass immigration.

    Something has got to give. That is why many people see civil war on the horizon in many European Christian nations such as England and the United States. The evil ruling classes of England and the United States will not stop the nation-killing mass immigration invasion without a fight.

    The evil Jew-controlled ruling classes in England and the USA will soon get a fight, and they will be dislodged from power.


  3. Solutions says:

    Don’t count on any top shelf elites being on your side when it comes to white identity preservation and prospering. They are mostly globalist world citizens who left tribal thinking behind long ago.
    They can and do say the right things at strategic times, but rather watch what they actually do.
    Do they put their money where their mouths are? Ironically it seems that it’s mostly the Jews that do that.

  4. Franz says:

    Musk already knows who really runs “The West”.

    We all recall his enforced visit to Netahayu’s Potemkin death camp so it’s not like Elon don’t know who he cannot criticize.

    And not being able to do THAT, all Musk can really do is make himself a big, fat, obvious pest.

    Sure that might do some good. Keep in mind the limits though.

  5. Screw the Pakis. Why would any White person even cross the street on their behalf? If thinking so makes me a right-wing fascist, so be it.

  6. Looger says:

    https://twitter.com/ Daractenus/status/1877012089660711284

    Spain and France have now joined Britain and Germany in asking the European Commission to open an investigation into Elon Musk under EU’s DSA, openly (and rightfully might I add) accusing him of spreading misinformation and interfering in European politics.

    So, this is really “the hill” they’re going to hold onto here?

    Seems strange, the timing. The gaslighting. The sheer absurdity involved.

    What backs are to walls before this? Was it inevitable that grooming gangs became an issue eventually?

    I don’t understand the sudden crisis-mode operations by the political class, this scandal is decades old and suddenly NOW they’re taking actions against billionaires because… reasons?

    I would think that such obvious crimes and cover-ups be an ultra-silly hill to die on. If only because enough people are pissed about this, that we could see come real dying.

  7. Wokechoke says:

    The British establishment did much the same thing with Jack the Ripper.

    The most likely culprit was Adam Kosminski a Jew from Poland who made a living as a Kosher butcher.

    The London Police were leaned on hard by the Home Office to make it all go away to prevent Pogroms by native whites.

    •�Replies: @Tennessee Jed
  8. @Wokechoke

    Interesting, so exactly how long has the British establishment been controlled by the Jews?

    •�Replies: @Redpill Boomer
    , @Olav
  9. Why does Elon Musk want to stick it to the immigrants in England and then import them by the boatload into the US? What’s up with that?

    •�Replies: @Redpill Boomer
  10. I have always wondered where Britain went so wrong. It chose to fight two ugly wars to the death against Germany and then just gave away its country to black and brown invaders.

  11. @Tennessee Jed

    Probably since not long after Oliver Cromwell.

  12. @obwandiyag

    Elon’s clearly against the importation of welfare bums, terrorists and rapists. Because he takes the correct position on this issue, we’re supposed to forgive him for filling our jobs with Chinese and upper-caste Indians.

  13. Olav says:
    @Tennessee Jed

    Manasseh ben Israel’s [1655] petition to Cromwcll is reminiscent of the kind of argument, formally respectful and implicitly menacing, which was used in this century by Dr. Chaim Weizmann in his dealings with British Prime Ministers and American Presidents; he asked for “the readmission” of the Jews to England in one breath, alluded darkly in the next to the Jehovan retribution awaiting those who resisted such demands, and then depicted the rewards which would follow compliance. The picture is closely comparable with that of a New York Zionist informing an American presidential candidate in our generation that he can only expect the “New York State vote” if he commits himself to uphold the Zionist state in peace and war, by money and arms. The Controversy of Zion, p.122. By Douglas Reed. (written 1956, published 1978) https://ia800200.us.archive.org/12/items/TheControversyOfZion/TheControversyOfZion.pdf

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