“Spoken like a Jew.”
I would have said the same thing a year ago. But as you yourself write, “What is ‘America’s dominant white culture’? It’s been destroyed.”
Yes, it has been destroyed and it’s not coming back.
You and I are not going to have the white country we’d like to have.
Not unless we found a new country.
I don’t believe in wasting my time and energy on lost causes.
We need to deal with reality.
And the reality of the situation is not as bad as some people think.
How is what I have said not true? The second generation of Latino immigrants gets Americanized, and by the third generation, they’re intermarrying with whites.
Would you say the child of a white and a Cherokee Indian would be a terrible thing? I wouldn’t.
Most Hispanics are already half white/half Indian, and they’re only going to get whiter. An Asian-white blend is also not so bad.
Most Asians and Hispanics are conservative and family-oriented in their outlook. They’ve been voting Democrat for the freebies, but that is changing. They don’t want to be displaced by newer migrants.
In one way, this whole situation is an improvement. The Third World immigrants can’t be guilt-tripped by Jews the way whitey can.
Concentrate on the real problem: Jews. That’s my recommendation. And if you can’t stand being around non-whites, there are still small towns you can move to that are totally white. But don’t expect that to last for long.
“I don’t care about the migrants. Most will blend into America’s dominant white culture. With intermarriage, they’ll become whites of a slightly darker hue. America’s demographic problem is not migrants, but Jews and unassimilated blacks.”
Spoken just like a Jew.
What is “America’s dominant white culture”? It’s been destroyed, and it’s no coincidence that this destruction has taken place in the last 40 years through massive immigration. It’s not the migrants’ fault. They’re coming because they can. It’s the fault of the ruling clowns who are allowing it.
Now, if you’re looking at America as just another marketplace, a strip mall, a place to hustle in, then you might have a point. But America never used to be like that, and that is what’s been lost. These “economic migrants” (which is exactly what they are) are not drawn to America because they want to live in a country with a rule of law or freedom of speech; these things are not important to them. No, they’re coming for the hustle. If that’s what you think they’ll “blend” into, then you’d be right about that. But America never used to be about the “hustle”.
“Intermarriage” between a wolf and a dog works. I mean, you do end up with something. But you lose the dog.
Maybe you’re fine with that.
This is not what happened at all. Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians were invited into France in the 1960s by the French government, at the behest and support of private enterprise, with promises of well-paying jobs, security, housing, etc. in exchange for their desperately needed labour to fulfill France's huge post-war construction boom. These workers then remained in France, with their wives, and had children. These were raised in France, schooled in the French system, and imbued with French ideas and French cultural sensibilities, namely the famous "laïcité", the secular nature of the state and country, the primacy of the French Republic above all else. The country is now 2/3 generations into this trend, with most of the descendants of these workers so integrated into the French system that their foreign ancestry is incidental to them ... at least to the older generations and those who have succeeded.
The French defeat in Indochina in 1954 led to their withdrawal from sub-Saharan Africa and then the final loss of Algeria in 1962. The third worlders saw the weakness and followed up by mass migrating into the French homeland in Europe. If France would not defend its own citizens in Hanoi or Algiers, then why do so in the Paris banlieues?
Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians were invited into France in the 1960s by the French government
They all need to be sent back to their homelands. This was not done with the permission of the native populations. Making such demographic changes without the express discussion and permission of the natives is criminal and equals war on the native populations by greedy, traitorous governments. Simple As.
in exchange for their desperately needed labour
Why did Japan not need this labour in the past?
Besides there was no need to give these foreign peoples citizenship, Gulf Arab countries do not give citizens to most of the workers who come to their countries. That is much wiser policy.
you should ask yourselves what you did to cause the problems you are facing, instead of looking for scapegoats
This is pure bullshit. The European nations could have gone and bombed the Middle East AND easily stopped any refugee coming in. If that would have been their policy, that could have been easily done. The truth is that it is the express policy of the Zio-Satanic-Globalist-Commie elites of the West to use the military and economy of the West as weapons against their enemies in the Non West AND AT THE SAME TIME use the foreign infiltration of non-Westerners as weapons against the general population of the West. Invade the World and Invite the World. Both are connected to each other, both stopped and reversed. Europeans are not the only ones who built Empires in history. Non Europeans have built far more brutal Empires in history and even today there are many cases of non White countries who act as colonial/ Imperialist powers in Kurdistan, Balochistan, West Sahara, Kashmir, Nagaland, Irain Jaya/ West Papua, Khalistan, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Tibet, Xinjiang, Karen Lands, Biafra etc… By your idiotic logic, millions of refugees should flood Mongolia or Arabia. Millions of Hindus/ Jains etc… should have the right to migrate to Arabia and Turkey because of Islamic colonization of their homelands in the past.
I would agree with everything except the migrant part.
But globalism says even the Core possession of a people/culture must be placed on the auction block or turned into something like a brothel.
If nothing else, the emerging Eurasian alliance of Russia-China, allied with Iran, will become the dominant imperial power. One wonders how the elites will fight their future wars when their own armed forces are falling apart due to recruiting shortfalls and potential supply chain disruptions.
Important issues indeed.
Firstly, the armed forces. On the one hand, when cretins are in power, no matter how evil they are, they are still cretins. So, for example, the cretins in power in the USSR in 1938 – 1941 were convinced that their purges of the army, as well as their strategic and tactical doctrine, were making it invincible.
The reality of the German army quickly proved this to be false. This is a pretty clear historical precedent, that it is more than possible for an elite to be so stuck up their own asses, as to believe their own propaganda all the way until reality intervenes. So it’s not impossible that globohomo really thinks that what they do to their own armies, civil industries, and cities, will work out great, even if an external challenger appears.
Though likely they bet the house on external challengers not appearing, on both China and Russia becoming a second mega-Ukraine and a third mega-Ukraine by 2010, and everyone living happily ever after with lots of goyslop, drugs, and tranny porn.
Secondly, places like China, Russia and Iran started from a vastly lower base. The current apparent parity in capability is due to a combination of a) an incredible effort by China, Russia, and Iran, and b) the incredible regression of the West. The first party takes two steps forward, the second party takes ten steps back, and they meet.
So the US, the UK, France, Germany, and so on, have completely squandered what they had even just 20 years ago, and only this allowed the loose anti-globohomo coalition to sort of catch up. And Poland is currently picking up the military ball which Germany has dropped, we’ll see how that goes.
Thirdly, the West is the external influence, the external stress-factor, which forces the anti-globohomo coalition to try and perform so well. The moment the influence is gone, the impulse to perform at a stellar level is also gone.
US military capability during its peak circa 1990 is something no one wants to go beyond. Indeed, they’d rather settle back in comfortable mediocrity and forever be “great powers” on the military level of Italy or Spain. It’s only external pressure that forces them to go beyond that.
Thus, if and when Western military capability is eroded to the levels of a nuclear Brazil, this does not necessarily mean that China and Russia will speed past into a future of incredible achievements. Rather, the moment the West becomes a nuclear Brazil, everyone will very likely heave a sign of relief that superhuman effort is no longer warranted, and will also gladly regress to the level of a nuclear Brazil, which is the comfortable ceiling of all cultures not based on the Anglo-Nordic-Protestant heritage.
Fourthly, and lastly, China, Russia, and Iran also have below-replacement birth-rates. Iran’s birth-rate today is literally the equivalent of those of Denmark and Sweden. The rates of Russia (and Cuba, and Belarus) are even worse. China’s is worse still. The only chaps breeding there are the poor genocided Uighurs, whose population has grown by like %35 in the last ten years, whereas the Chinese proper have completely stopped procreating.
(In this sense it is safe to say that it’s not per se globohomo that brings zero fertility, it’s modernity as such. What globohomo brings on top of all that is population replacement, nation-dissolvement, drugs, and trannies. Thus getting rid of globohomo will help solve the latter, but not necessarily the former)
Therefore, keeping all of the above in mind, we can say that the current globohomo overlords only have to not allow the former West to slip below the level of Brazil or South Africa, and they’ll still be sitting pretty. Perhaps not masters of the world, but half the world. And who knows. Maybe with the correct info-war and bio-war tricks they can still bring about regime-change in the other half of the world, and “bring them into the fold”.
tl;dr nobody wants to maintain in perpetuity a competence levels that rivals the West at its peak. It’s an inhumanly draining effort for anyone that’s not the trad West, and now that the trad West is having its anthropological dominant type altered, thus lowering its competency, soon everyone will be able to chill a bit and regress to Italian levels of competence, without fear of being destroyed or conquered by a more advanced opponent, since the only more advanced opponent will have been relegated to the past.
But globalism says even the Core possession of a people/culture must be placed on the auction block or turned into something like a brothel.
The French defeat in Indochina in 1954 led to their withdrawal from sub-Saharan Africa and then the final loss of Algeria in 1962. The third worlders saw the weakness and followed up by mass migrating into the French homeland in Europe. If France would not defend its own citizens in Hanoi or Algiers, then why do so in the Paris banlieues?
This is not what happened at all. Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians were invited into France in the 1960s by the French government, at the behest and support of private enterprise, with promises of well-paying jobs, security, housing, etc. in exchange for their desperately needed labour to fulfill France’s huge post-war construction boom. These workers then remained in France, with their wives, and had children. These were raised in France, schooled in the French system, and imbued with French ideas and French cultural sensibilities, namely the famous “laïcité”, the secular nature of the state and country, the primacy of the French Republic above all else. The country is now 2/3 generations into this trend, with most of the descendants of these workers so integrated into the French system that their foreign ancestry is incidental to them … at least to the older generations and those who have succeeded.
The problems one sees in France today with its North African-descended population are due to the inability of an increasing segment of them – namely, the young – to succeed in a declining and increasingly impoverished France (working-class native French are having the exact same problems) and the embitterment and disillusion which follows.
They all need to be sent back to their homelands. This was not done with the permission of the native populations. Making such demographic changes without the express discussion and permission of the natives is criminal and equals war on the native populations by greedy, traitorous governments. Simple As.
Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians were invited into France in the 1960s by the French government
Why did Japan not need this labour in the past?Besides there was no need to give these foreign peoples citizenship, Gulf Arab countries do not give citizens to most of the workers who come to their countries. That is much wiser policy.
in exchange for their desperately needed labour
Michael Rapaport’s meltdown is astounding. They always return to the mothership.
How many other supposedly prominent liberal progressive universalist (For others) Jews can we count who lost their minds from Zionist propaganda? We needn’t mention Sarah Silverman and her crazy settler sister. (An interesting game. How many degrees of relation, not even separation, is any given American Jew from a crazy settler?)
Rachel Reilly in the UK (Yes, she is Jewish apparently, Jewishness is a sticky identity, reminds me of the joke of the 6 year old talking to his friend “I’m half Jewish and half nothing”.) who proudly jumped into a histrionic meltdown about Jeremy Corbyn’s supposed antisemitism (This led to a coup where the Israel-lobby stooge Keir Starmer became leader who is now in trouble and may even have blown up his whole political career, along with the speaker of the house and the entire Labour front bench over trying to sabotage a vote with the speaker on a Gaza ceasefire by throwing out all parliamentary procedure) and completely melted down on social media.
Also Stephen Fry who similarly supported the coup and antisemitism hoax against Corbyn.
Basically a massive scandal has emerged in the UK where a former Labour MP and now speaker of the house Lindsay Hoyle had a very strange meeting with Keir Starmer before the vote. Since it was the SNP’s “opposition day” where they were treated as if they were the main opposition in deference to their large but still smaller than Labour numbers, they get 2 or 3 of these a year. They chose one to table this motion since both Labour and the Conservatives are completely owned by the Israel/Jewish lobby. As such they tabled a real demand to call for an immediate half to the Israeli slaughter and ethnic cleansing operation that has obviously no credible thread of “self-defense”. Both Labour and the Conservatives favoured essentially the same text that made a false equivalence with Hamas and which contained conditions for Israel to stop killing civilians for fun that were impossible and designed to be impossible.
Labour were scared because they’d be forced to vote on the SNP proposal and in the process the Jewish-owned leadership would be split with some actual humans who still make it through to become Labour MPs. It would put huge pressure on Israeli-stooge Starmer and might even force him to explain himself. Except, for no given explanation, Hoyle instead tabled the Labour and Conservative proposals rather than the SNP one despite it being the SNP’s opposition day wherein they are to be treated as if they are the main opposition and have their motion voted on.
This caused a meltdown of unheard of proportions in parliament and while the Conservative MPs were walking out in protest, Labour voted for their proposal, ending the matter and preventing another vote!
It’s all so out in the open now. That the Labour party is owned by Jewish money. There is absolutely no explanation Hoyle can give as to why he did it except he wanted to get Starmer out of a jam he deserved to be in. The speaker in the UK parliament is very well paid so I don’t know what was said to him by Starmer, was it a bribe or a threat?
Yes the foreign occupation governments of US/UK/EUSSR are fully guilty of every crime you list, as are the elite natives of all of these countries who have aligned with the largely jewish criminal cartel who controls all western regimes. To an extent, the non-elite natives of these countries have some also share a degree of responsibility for their laziness, stupidity and failure – and for choosing to believe in the unending stream of lies which have been spewed 24 x 7 x 365 for over a century now.
Just imagine what might have taken place if the common soldiers who started the famous Christmas Truce in 1914 had refused the order to go back to war and instead turned their weapons upon those issuing the orders? That’s all it would have taken. The great slaughter could have been stopped short. Gen. Smedley Butler’s booklet War is a Racket was written in 1935. What if enough Americans of the era would have read and understood what the lawless regime in Washington was up to and said no to FDR’s plan to enter another round of world war? Henry Ford and others wrote about the problem as well (and were shouted down by the Mighty Wurlitzer). Even Charles Lindbergh’s father – a member of congress in the WW I era – penned a warning about joining the banksters’ blood banquet in Europe. For his trouble, the Wilson administration forbade publication of his book and destroyed the printing plates. Keep in mind that Wilson won the 1916 election by promising not to enter the war.
Importing Palestinians to the west solves nothing and will only serve to advance the genocidal Cudhove-Kalergi plan of the same Zionists against the native populace of Europe and the European populations of the North America, Australia and New Zealand.
> Why is it syria, lebonan jordan egypt’s responsibility to take in those unarmed civilian refugees that are being displaced by US/NATO terrorist bombs?
Let’s exempt Syria and Lebanon as they are presently under attack from the blob. It is very much Egypt, Jordan and Turkey’s responsibility – along with Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and Kuwait. Yemen’s Houthis are the only ones in the theater who are standing up to Zionist power and that of their western step-n-fetchit regimes. The countries I listed above are largely Sunni Muslim and thus share a culture with that of the Palestinians. That’s why they are the ones who need to take them in. The fact that none of the countries in the above list have lifted a finger to help show that they are compromat regimes whose elites are controlled by the blob, and abetting Israel’s genocidal campaign. Sending refugees to Europe or the US is abetting another of the blob’s genocidal campaigns.
I don’t care about the migrants. Most will blend into America’s dominant white culture. With intermarriage, they’ll become whites of a slightly darker hue. America’s demographic problem is not migrants, but Jews and unassimilated blacks.
Most of the black problem is caused by Jews who have used blacks as proxy warriors against whites — to the disadvantage of both whites and blacks. More and more blacks understand this.
Jews — although they seem all-powerful now — are not in the advantageous position they occupied in the past. There are several reasons for this:
1) “Noticing”: Jews have become more brazen and arrogant as they have become more influential and powerful. What used to be a charm offensive has turned into something just plain offensive. This is being noticed — in spite of censorship — by more and more goyim, who are beginning to think less favorably of Jews.
2) Gaza genocide: Need I elaborate?
3) Demographic change: The globalism and demographic change Jews have encouraged as a protection against “too many whites” is already working against Jews. “People of color” don’t care about Jewish gripes. They have their own grievances. They don’t feel guilty about the Holocaust. Nor can their heart strings be tugged over past European expulsions of the Jews.
4) Young people are leaving evangelical Protestant churches: “Christian Zionists” are getting less politically powerful as they age and die off.
5) The Jewish Holocaust narrative can’t withstand even casual scrutiny. Even if it could, it is fading into history. Few people care about anything that happened over 75 years ago. It doesn’t help the Jewish “victim” narrative that Jews have been doing to Palestinians exactly what they (in many cases falsely) accused the Nazis of doing.
6) Jews promote things a lot of people don’t like: Porn in children’s books, Drag Queen Story Hour, hatred of white people, scorn for Christians, endless wars for Israel, etc. It’s as though they were offering a banquet of poop and calling it a gourmet feast. People are rebelling and will continue to rebel.
7) Intermarriage with goyim. The rabbis have lost their grip on most Jews, who feel free to marry non-Jews. Jewish identity is fading away.
Ideally, the only Jews around one hundred years from now will be deeply religious Jews who stick to their own and don’t meddle in other people’s affairs.
well said. but….the truth is bitter
They also got rid of the thuggee cults and ended suttee.
Remember. No good deed goes unpunished.
If people wanna burn widows, let them.
You think any Hindu shows gratitude to the British?
Wasn’t it the British who introduced tea to India? They also got rid of the thuggee cults and ended suttee. They also gave India a railroad network, bridges and a working lingua franca, English. But in any case I think it was a (long term) mistake for them to go there. You do make some interesting points though.
Read the real, not the Masonic history of the French Revolution. Start withAbbe Burreul and a biography of the one person most responsible, Phillipe d’ Orleans.
The British took over India because it was already a very advanced agricultural manufacturing society. Australia and Canada were empty wildernesses. Canada could barely feed itself.
India had SUGAR yum yum. That can’t be grown in Europe. Europe had very plentiful linen. But turning the flax stalk into usable threads for weaving took a year. India had cotton easily processed into usable threads in a few weeks, India had so much that England and Europe needed and wanted. Plus precious jewels rubies. sapphires pearls gold and diamonds. Land suitable for rice and tea. Plus a huge population and subsistence level labor. Surprised it took so long. Alexander the Great planned to conquer India
But despite DNA studies showing lingering differences among the various castes, lots of Brahmins in India look dark like the natives. Over 1000 yrs, they’ve been absorbed far more than they’d like to admit.
Aryans who settled in India were mostly males. They procreated with the native females right from the start. Frankly, why wouldn’t they? The natives, the descendants of the Indus Valley Civilization, were at least as developed than the Aryans, in some ways probably more.
Plenty of Germanic and Slavic barbarians became ‘Romans’ or ‘Greeks’.
Germanic yes. Slavic – no! This shows your misunderstanding of Slavs.
When Germanic Langobards invaded Italy, they gradually became Italians. When, however, Slavs invaded Italy around the same time, they decided it was better to retreat than to lose your language, so almost the entire Balkan is composed of areas that would have been a part of Italy today as the pre-Slavic people spoke Vulgar Latin, but instead they are Slavic today even in areas which have less then 50% genetics of Slavs from Eastern Europe (Serbs, Montenegrins, Dalmatians, Macedonians, Bulgarians).
Austrians lost the empire, but they still had the Austrian Core.
Austrians are a fake nationality. They are basically alpine Celts that were Germanized. BUT, Eastern and Southern Austrians are heavily Slavic in ancestry, so Austrians really haven’t any identity as they have neither a language that is just theirs nor homogenous genetics (Slavs are far more Aryan than most germanic speakers who are largely Germanized Celts (the exception being the native Germanic speakers: Scandinavians and Northern Germans).
“As for the most logical place for a largely Arab Muslim population to re-locate, the behavior of the Zionist state’s Arab neighbors is quite telling…”
Is it Egyptian,Syrian, Jordanian, Lebanese terrorist bombs or Anglo/NATO terrorist bombs slaughtering & maiming 30,000+ brown semitic children & babies?
These last 100 YEARS since balfour declaration, did most freedom/democracy loving anglos & euros support or oppose
the Great Replacement of Palestine by eastern european illegal alien migrants fleeing Europe after hitler came to power
who turned indigenous semitic people of occupied Palestine into a hated minority in their own country
kidnapped to rot in prisons or held hostage in 2 concentration camps called Gaza & West Bank?
Take responsibility for the Iraqi ,Syrian, Afgani, Palestinian, Yemeni, Libyan refugees that globalist neo imperialist empire’s US/NATO military migrants created with their bombings, wars of aggression & Navy blockades these last 90 years
Why is it syria, lebonan jordan egypt’s responsibility to take in those unarmed civilian refugees that are being displaced by US/NATO terrorist bombs?
Jayus krist anglos own up to & take responsibility for your war mongering anglo/NATO countries’ “invade/bomb/destabilize the world, import & invite the world”
Quote by US/UK supported White eastern european irgun terrorist & first Isrseli Prime minister Ben Gurion:
“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs.
There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault?
see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that? Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves; politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves. The country is theirs… whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. ..”
“…We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.”
The most pivotal event in history, shall be the abdication of the White Race!
Whatever else, the core of people is in what they do, or fail to do. As some sacrfice to know, and share, so others can do a part also, compared to others who sit.
Side point on snip in article, ny post, few photos and claiming ‘gunman kills 2 cops and paramedic etc, probable psyop, to continue pump ‘police, many arent who we assume. Note language, ‘gunman’, and what are ‘police’, gunmen, and schemers, smiley frauds. The nine eleven bs was nothing next to daily psyops by ‘police’ and media cons, same time they and ‘court cons free pervs and robbers, and harass truthers, good people. Think people may not recognize thats what’s subverting us, from standing for selves and territory, though is in face. The cop car here or there, reminds people theyre a gang, as others aren’t.
On identity, Is it laziness or in part that much supposed history is false, here, false in isreal, false everywhere, because people too busy clinging false money, forget other history(s), long ago. The article makes points on identity, and failure to assert, just adding *self-determination also creates identity, each of us.
Would wind back to first point also, in recent rethinkng and looking at situations on ‘police as subtle psyop military, which hadn’t recognized before, reminds of someone I came across many years ago, who recognized before others. Smart that person. Things we share can resonate.
On identity, even if we dont have much sense of history, or dont sense spirit to act with, can remember indians, how they lived, and fought. And after that time, though some are too young to remember, for a long time we lived together, whites and indians. Most didn’t live on reservations, until the fifties and sixties cons begun baiting them with bogus money, to then do casinos schemes, then some became dejected, or lazy from money, alcohol became a situation. Few years ago some tried to fight the pipeline, we should have also. Don’t need more destruction. Important to connect energy, truth friend or two, share ideas.
Appreciate the article JF.
The Germans completely absorbed the Baltic Old Prussians – so much so that the Old Prussian language disappeared and Prussians became indistinguishable from Germans. Had they continued the course they were on, parts of what are now Poland and the Czech Republic would have likewise been assimilated, the people there speaking German and taking on German names. Also, Japan if left to their devices in Korea would have done the same to the Koreans.
The “French” Revolution, like the “Russian” Revolution, was a jewish endeavor. Explained quite well in Juri Lina’s “Under the Sign of the Scorpion”
‘Also, how many toilet people swarming the border are from nations with governments overthrown by the US? ‘-Not only the US, UK and France;those that were not overthrown suffer from the pernicious influence of the IMF and World bank loans-institutions controlled by western nations.
‘ Why would you go to the country that made your life at home hell?’-Perhaps because you are trying to survive?
My commentary is simply to ask us to look inside and acknowledge our contributions to our problems:having a nation of just one ethnic group is not going to solve problems. Remember the French revolution? One ethnic group,one culture, one language. However, TPTB at that time,oppressed the citizens so much that a bloody revolution took place. And it is the same thing here in the US-TPTB don’t care about the fact that so many whites are sinking deeper into poverty and frustration every year.
‘As for Gaza, when the Palestinians’ Arab/Muslim neighbors refuse to lift a finger to help, why would you expect people far away to fly in like a white knight to rescue them, especially when neighbor Erdogan has a very significant military who could force Israel to allow humanitarian aid? Most whites in Murika and Europe are so throughly gaslighted they are advocating their own extermination and unable to even help themselves. As for the few nationalists, our first responsibility is to help our own. That’s also the first responsibility of all the folks in Egypt, Jordan, etc. The self-styled Sultan Erdogan hasn’t stopped selling the stolen Syrian oil to Israel as he bloviates about Gaza, has he? Leaving NATO and expelling the US military would be a start’.-Agree
One problem is that about 5 million dissidents are currently locked up in European prison complex. These are not criminals but nationalists (or right-wingers). You would have to release them. They would need women, but where to get them, they are all now hanging around with blacks and arabs and muslims. So there would be fierce street violence over female resources. So better not let them out of prison. What is left of the natives on the street? Homos, gays (there is a difference), trans, tumtums, gamers, incels. Nobody wants to date them. In effect, European men are… eliminated. All columns and self-help gurus came in… too late.
Things can change overnight. One attraction of deportation is that it is very straightforward in practice once the hard decisions have been made. Painful and ugly, but straightforward.
Will never happen. Not in a million years. White America is done-zo. These invaders aren’t going anywhere.
Americans do not have the stomach for mass deportations.
You’re talking about forcibly deporting 30-40 million people, largely on an ethnic basis.
It won’t happen. Americans don’t have that kind of iron in them. They are not a resolute people with a strong national character. They’re a soft, degenerated people primarily focused on consumption. As long as the stream of Cheetos and NBA keeps flowing, most of them simply don’t care.
Yes, when retards speak.Replies: @lloyd
It’s been said that the Nazi Empire was doomed in Russia because it offered only extermination/enslavement for the natives.
The Germans got plenty of soft power support in the Soviet Union in the war. Hasn’t Jung-Freud heard of the Azov Brigade? The Wehrmacht were often popular because they encouraged peasant enterprise instead of Soviet planning. The Germans considered themselves superior to the Russians. Having been to Russia, that seems a natural assumption. Even their most fervent National Socialists did not deny the humanity of the Slavs. No reference “to two legged beasts” that now trips from tongues of Israeli leaders. To this day, the “Neo Nazis” in Eastern Europe overtly or covertly look back favourably to the Wehrmacht. Israel could have done the same for Gaza for much more. But it chose to do the opposite with hard power and now may be facing extinction.
Don’t hold your breath…
Like I said a while back the red-coat scum wanted to import their red-coat empire into red-coat land.
Now the faggot french have done the same thing, thanks to the scum jews. To hell with those countries!
All our problems in the West are caused by women. Women in the c-suite, boardroom and government making abominablely stupid policies. Who could have encouraged this?
Indeed they are not scapegoats but willing accomplices to genocide themselves. Exactly the same as all the gaslighted whites who line up behind the narrative broadcast 24 x 7 x 365 by the Mighty Wurlitzer to the enteral accompaniment of Hava nagila played on piano with a shriveled penis.
One good thing in all of this is that there is the distinct possibility that white womyn are going to get the shit kicked out of them by the new brownies taking over the countries these women helped deracinate and destroy. Get me the popcorn, there’s a pig roast coming and I’m going to have a blast.
Replies: @Exalted Cyclops, @anonymous
Marine Veteran Ethan Hertweck Died Helping Ukraine. Now, His Family Begins the Daunting Task of Bringing Him Home.
Military.com | By Drew F. Lawrence
Published January 10, 2024
The family of a Marine veteran who died fighting in Ukraine last month is facing the daunting task of repatriating his remains, an often heartbreaking endeavor that roughly 30 families of American veterans who have died in Ukraine have undergone or are currently undergoing.
Don’t worry good ol boys. Conscription is coming! Yee-haw!!! Die for Bibi! Sean Hannity thanks you for your service but, alas, he’s too old to fight for the NYC tunnel diggers. So are all the other assholes in Knesset on the Potomac.
The real enemy of whites and the west as always is Jews. That having been said it made no sense for the british to try to take over places like the Indian subcontinent. They would have been better off just concentrating on almost empty places like Australia and Canada.
The groups you mentioned are hardly scapegoats. They’re the source of the problems, and you know it. Also, how many toilet people swarming the border are from nations with governments overthrown by the US? Why would you go to the country that made your life at home hell?
Ridiculous, rabbinical take.
There is no such thing as a limited strategic retreat.
The French defeat in Indochina in 1954 led to their withdrawal from sub-Saharan Africa and then the final loss of Algeria in 1962. The third worlders saw the weakness and followed up by mass migrating into the French homeland in Europe. If France would not defend its own citizens in Hanoi or Algiers, then why do so in the Paris banlieues?
Similar with Britain in Rhodesia, the Portuguese in Angola, etc.
It might have been possible for France (or Britain or the Netherlands or Portugal, again etc.) to maintain themselves as White nation-states by sealing their borders and promoting nationalism for themselves. Something like this was tried under De Gaulle. But in more recent decades, the forces of Globalization have taken control and opened the frontiers. We see the outcome from Calais to the Rio Grande, with Malmo and Rotherham in between.
But globalism says even the Core possession of a people/culture must be placed on the auction block or turned into something like a brothel.
And the dilemma comes down to the hostile elites running the Western world these decadent days. One can imagine that in their own minds they believe they are creating the fabled New World Order in which they are going to rule the planet.
The reality is a gradual self-destruction of their core countries. If nothing else, the emerging Eurasian alliance of Russia-China, allied with Iran, will become the dominant imperial power. One wonders how the elites will fight their future wars when their own armed forces are falling apart due to recruiting shortfalls and potential supply chain disruptions.
Until these hostile elites are replaced with a new and nationalist ruling class, the collapse will continue. Let’s note the hostile elites recognize this situation to some degree, which is why they are cracking down on AfD, the Identitarians, Donald Trump, and other expressions of nationalism and populism.
Well, it is time for nationalists and populist worldwide to network into a united front to regain control of their own countries. Which is why it is vital to keep the interwebs open and free because this is the primary means of communications in the era of IT.
This is not what happened at all. Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians were invited into France in the 1960s by the French government, at the behest and support of private enterprise, with promises of well-paying jobs, security, housing, etc. in exchange for their desperately needed labour to fulfill France's huge post-war construction boom. These workers then remained in France, with their wives, and had children. These were raised in France, schooled in the French system, and imbued with French ideas and French cultural sensibilities, namely the famous "laïcité", the secular nature of the state and country, the primacy of the French Republic above all else. The country is now 2/3 generations into this trend, with most of the descendants of these workers so integrated into the French system that their foreign ancestry is incidental to them ... at least to the older generations and those who have succeeded.
The French defeat in Indochina in 1954 led to their withdrawal from sub-Saharan Africa and then the final loss of Algeria in 1962. The third worlders saw the weakness and followed up by mass migrating into the French homeland in Europe. If France would not defend its own citizens in Hanoi or Algiers, then why do so in the Paris banlieues?
Important issues indeed.Firstly, the armed forces. On the one hand, when cretins are in power, no matter how evil they are, they are still cretins. So, for example, the cretins in power in the USSR in 1938 - 1941 were convinced that their purges of the army, as well as their strategic and tactical doctrine, were making it invincible. The reality of the German army quickly proved this to be false. This is a pretty clear historical precedent, that it is more than possible for an elite to be so stuck up their own asses, as to believe their own propaganda all the way until reality intervenes. So it's not impossible that globohomo really thinks that what they do to their own armies, civil industries, and cities, will work out great, even if an external challenger appears.Though likely they bet the house on external challengers not appearing, on both China and Russia becoming a second mega-Ukraine and a third mega-Ukraine by 2010, and everyone living happily ever after with lots of goyslop, drugs, and tranny porn.Secondly, places like China, Russia and Iran started from a vastly lower base. The current apparent parity in capability is due to a combination of a) an incredible effort by China, Russia, and Iran, and b) the incredible regression of the West. The first party takes two steps forward, the second party takes ten steps back, and they meet.So the US, the UK, France, Germany, and so on, have completely squandered what they had even just 20 years ago, and only this allowed the loose anti-globohomo coalition to sort of catch up. And Poland is currently picking up the military ball which Germany has dropped, we'll see how that goes.Thirdly, the West is the external influence, the external stress-factor, which forces the anti-globohomo coalition to try and perform so well. The moment the influence is gone, the impulse to perform at a stellar level is also gone.US military capability during its peak circa 1990 is something no one wants to go beyond. Indeed, they'd rather settle back in comfortable mediocrity and forever be "great powers" on the military level of Italy or Spain. It's only external pressure that forces them to go beyond that.Thus, if and when Western military capability is eroded to the levels of a nuclear Brazil, this does not necessarily mean that China and Russia will speed past into a future of incredible achievements. Rather, the moment the West becomes a nuclear Brazil, everyone will very likely heave a sign of relief that superhuman effort is no longer warranted, and will also gladly regress to the level of a nuclear Brazil, which is the comfortable ceiling of all cultures not based on the Anglo-Nordic-Protestant heritage.Fourthly, and lastly, China, Russia, and Iran also have below-replacement birth-rates. Iran's birth-rate today is literally the equivalent of those of Denmark and Sweden. The rates of Russia (and Cuba, and Belarus) are even worse. China's is worse still. The only chaps breeding there are the poor genocided Uighurs, whose population has grown by like %35 in the last ten years, whereas the Chinese proper have completely stopped procreating. (In this sense it is safe to say that it's not per se globohomo that brings zero fertility, it's modernity as such. What globohomo brings on top of all that is population replacement, nation-dissolvement, drugs, and trannies. Thus getting rid of globohomo will help solve the latter, but not necessarily the former)Therefore, keeping all of the above in mind, we can say that the current globohomo overlords only have to not allow the former West to slip below the level of Brazil or South Africa, and they'll still be sitting pretty. Perhaps not masters of the world, but half the world. And who knows. Maybe with the correct info-war and bio-war tricks they can still bring about regime-change in the other half of the world, and "bring them into the fold".tl;dr nobody wants to maintain in perpetuity a competence levels that rivals the West at its peak. It's an inhumanly draining effort for anyone that's not the trad West, and now that the trad West is having its anthropological dominant type altered, thus lowering its competency, soon everyone will be able to chill a bit and regress to Italian levels of competence, without fear of being destroyed or conquered by a more advanced opponent, since the only more advanced opponent will have been relegated to the past.
If nothing else, the emerging Eurasian alliance of Russia-China, allied with Iran, will become the dominant imperial power. One wonders how the elites will fight their future wars when their own armed forces are falling apart due to recruiting shortfalls and potential supply chain disruptions.
The Khazarians already said it, the idea is to kill all Palestinians over four years of age, of course with weapons and salaries given by the West.
It is a scandalous revelation that white Western Christianity from the north, after twenty centuries killing and stealing in the name of Jesus Christ and seven decades preaching human rights to the entire world, is exposed and is no longer truly Christian nor does it care about the rights of The humanity.
And as a challenge to the world, it joins the genocide by giving away weapons to the Khazarians, paying salaries to the criminal soldiers, protecting their borders and guaranteeing political and legal impunity against the world with its nuclear weapons.
Replies: @Exalted Cyclops, @anonymous
Marine Veteran Ethan Hertweck Died Helping Ukraine. Now, His Family Begins the Daunting Task of Bringing Him Home.
Military.com | By Drew F. Lawrence
Published January 10, 2024
The family of a Marine veteran who died fighting in Ukraine last month is facing the daunting task of repatriating his remains, an often heartbreaking endeavor that roughly 30 families of American veterans who have died in Ukraine have undergone or are currently undergoing.
The Giant War-Sow, Llord Alex Soros and the Handless Piano-picker of Kyiv thank him for his service.
A valid point about a “benefit” (curse) of invading the world, but there are some serious errors as well. The genuine nationalists in the west have some understanding that the imperial regime’s militarism resulted in many of these problems across the world. You’re ignoring the other side of the coin though. The ruling oligarchy’s strategy in the western homelands is summed up in a simple phrase: Invade the world, Invite the world.
Taking the present example of Gaza, it’s obvious that Israel’s plan is to ethnically cleanse Gaza and re-settle it with jews. At the same time, we already see jewish organizations agitating to import the displaced Palestinians into Europe, the US, and all other white countries. As for the most logical place for a largely Arab Muslim population to re-locate, the behavior of the Zionist state’s Arab neighbors is quite telling, as noted here. Further, we’ll not be seeing the likes of Hakeem Jeffries of Ilhan Omar advocating pressure on Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Gulf States to take them in. Instead the two clowns above will be joining with every Jewish organization in Murika to have them resettled here.
You ignore your own people’s part in the ongoing genocide of Europe at the hands of it’s evil oligarchy and blame some of their other victims. The political systems of the west are utterly rigged to produce only results desired by the oligarchs. We couldn’t vote these devils out even if the majority of whites weren’t already gaslighted to the point where they sign up to kill other whites on behalf of bloodthirsty monsters like V. Nuland the War-Sow from Hell – as with Ethan Hertweck mentioned below, who just won his Darwin Award with Kosher Klusters. All of the imported multicult invaders are aligned with the oligarchy – and like Hertweck will do whatever they’re told by the overlords.
As for Gaza, when the Palestinians’ Arab/Muslim neighbors refuse to lift a finger to help, why would you expect people far away to fly in like a white knight to rescue them, especially when neighbor Erdogan has a very significant military who could force Israel to allow humanitarian aid? Most whites in Murika and Europe are so throughly gaslighted they are advocating their own extermination and unable to even help themselves. As for the few nationalists, our first responsibility is to help our own. That’s also the first responsibility of all the folks in Egypt, Jordan, etc. The self-styled Sultan Erdogan hasn’t stopped selling the stolen Syrian oil to Israel as he bloviates about Gaza, has he? Leaving NATO and expelling the US military would be a start. You should direct your complaint about inaction to the plight of Gaza to Erdogan et al. Your comment boils down to just another pot complaining about the kettle’s blackness.
What is truly ominous about globalism is it is an attack on the Core itself. It isn’t like losing (or gaining weight) but like a flesh-eating disease.
Or it could be previous Imperialist countries, for example, Great Britain, France or more recently the US being in their turn subjugated by an expanding Jewish Empire. The evidence points that way. Political decisión making in GB, FR and the US conforms to Jewish and Israeli interests, disregarding the interests of the respective ethnic majorities (who are converted into tax cattle, cannon fodder and ethnically replaced).
In the 1990’s after the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a major attempt to extend the Jewish Empire into Russia – which in fact failed. The second try (Ukraine war) is also failing, but goes to show Jewish anger and frustration with Russia and their own client WEF “Young Global Leader†Vladimir Putin.
Comparable to Emperor Trajans reaction regarding his failure to incorporate Parthia ( including what is now Iran) into the Roman Empire.
Deportation is the next big thing in the USA.
This process will be interesting because the countries of origin will be forced to repatriate the people who entered the USA illegally. The participation of the US government in the original illegal process will not be an acceptable excuse to stop this deportation.
Meanwhile, as the core is being hollowed out and millions from the third world invade over your border and destroy your country, white boys from the Ozarks head off to die for Juden’s war against Russia. The effectiveness of the (((media))) propaganda brainwashing in the West is stunning.
Marine Veteran Ethan Hertweck Died Helping Ukraine. Now, His Family Begins the Daunting Task of Bringing Him Home.
Military.com | By Drew F. Lawrence
Published January 10, 2024The family of a Marine veteran who died fighting in Ukraine last month is facing the daunting task of repatriating his remains, an often heartbreaking endeavor that roughly 30 families of American veterans who have died in Ukraine have undergone or are currently undergoing.
It’s been said that the Nazi Empire was doomed in Russia because it offered only extermination/enslavement for the natives.
Yes, when retards speak.
Eventually, the Colonizers are themselves colonized. We are truly living in the Post British Dark Age!
If you are serious about saving your race/nation, you should ask yourselves what you did to cause the problems you are facing, instead of looking for scapegoats (muslims, blacks, jews, legal/illegal migrants, blah blah…). You sat on your hands while successive us governments were/are waging wars/overthrowing governments all over the world, thereby generating the refugees swamping your nations. Right now your government is aiding/abetting the isreali genocide in palestine,and what are you doing? Nothing. And if, as a result of this latest atrocity, a stream of palestinian refugees enter the US and other western nations,it will be the usual ‘low IQ thirdworlders bringing down western civilization’. Pathetic.
This is pure bullshit. The European nations could have gone and bombed the Middle East AND easily stopped any refugee coming in. If that would have been their policy, that could have been easily done. The truth is that it is the express policy of the Zio-Satanic-Globalist-Commie elites of the West to use the military and economy of the West as weapons against their enemies in the Non West AND AT THE SAME TIME use the foreign infiltration of non-Westerners as weapons against the general population of the West. Invade the World and Invite the World. Both are connected to each other, both stopped and reversed. Europeans are not the only ones who built Empires in history. Non Europeans have built far more brutal Empires in history and even today there are many cases of non White countries who act as colonial/ Imperialist powers in Kurdistan, Balochistan, West Sahara, Kashmir, Nagaland, Irain Jaya/ West Papua, Khalistan, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Tibet, Xinjiang, Karen Lands, Biafra etc... By your idiotic logic, millions of refugees should flood Mongolia or Arabia. Millions of Hindus/ Jains etc... should have the right to migrate to Arabia and Turkey because of Islamic colonization of their homelands in the past.
you should ask yourselves what you did to cause the problems you are facing, instead of looking for scapegoats
No, the American Negroes were not “selectively bred” for sports or for anything else. How can a species that takes 16 years to reach sexual maturity be selectively bred? More than likely the African stock was gradually improved by survival of the fittest and the introduction of Northwest European and Sephardic genes which gave advantage to survival in the Northern hemisphere.
I admit I never ‘got the memo’ on Bl@ck is Beautiful’ but that’s just me; all over the world Bl@cks are sought after and when they are unavailable they are imitated. Women of all nations from Inuit to Han to Scandinavian to Semites pursue Bl@ck men and try to attract them by emulating the Bl@ck female with twerking, tanning salons, corn rows, lip and arse enlargement.
There are some successful African soccer players in Europe?
Was this steaming pile of dung written by a white guy?
It’s only purpose seems to be to demoralise white men – “oH we’Re sO weaK aNd paThEtiC neXt tO alL tHE biG sTronG blAcK Guys.”
What a load of old bollocks.
Among all the arts, music is the most spontaneous and powerful, and blacks have been, pound for pound, the most dominant force in popular music in the 20th century with their contribution to or invention of blues, jazz, rock n roll, soul, reggae, rap, and etc. Such music arose from the savage genes, and it turned a lot of people on
Look at the worldwide success of rap music, reggae, and other black-inflected pop music. And blacks have dominated so many of the world’s most popular sports. �
Wrong Again:
white folks built greater civilization but at the cost of becoming dweebier and doglike, at least when compared to blacks. �
Glib and weak analysis.
I don’t really want to put too much effort here given the number of responses and the low brow of the article, but nobody cares about black sports, generally. People care about African AMERICAN sports and accomplishments. No one gives a single shit about African sports teams or their lack of athleticism and lack of interesting music.
EVERYTHING that the black man ever did worth mentioning happened in America. All of it. Possibly because they were selectively bred by whites to be athletic. Actual savages in Africa are often short, weak, pygmies. And Africans in general are weak. They are still very much violent and stupid, but they aren’t that athletic. No one cares about African basketball or African music genres. The slave trade and animal husbandry of blacks produced a new breed of Negro. The American Negro is a white man’s invention.
Things look bad, though. Most are so brainwashed that they mistake “rap” for some form of music.
“Being swamped by Chinese (and Indians) is a real danger and is something that is actually happening to western nations.”
The Anon quote you were originally referring to, that you were cheerleading.
So what exactly is “coming around” then? These are your words not mine.
This is Projection. Dude…I am so sorry some black dude broke his dick off in your wife. And she left you.
Now for some Facts:
Wolves ain’t got shit over this Domesticated Dog Breed: Turkish Kangal
Among all the arts, music is the most spontaneous and powerful, and blacks have been, pound for pound, the most dominant force in popular music in the 20th century with their contribution to or invention of blues, jazz, rock n roll, soul, reggae, rap, and etc. Such music arose from the savage genes, and it turned a lot of people on
Look at the worldwide success of rap music, reggae, and other black-inflected pop music. And blacks have dominated so many of the world’s most popular sports.
Black Rap Music is a HOAX. Most black “Artist” could not sing to save their lives. They have no vocal training, no inherent talent what so ever. No ability to read notes, piano, guitar, violin…nothing. So they Rap and Rhyme and gyrate on stage with Ghetto Slang, hiding behind dark shades, while muttering Ebonics.
Most can’t play ANY Musical Instrument and use nothing but monotone words and Electronic Sound Machines. The entire Rap Music Industry is a damn Joke. The music is an insult, a crap product for idiot slum dwellers. It is the Jew and their marketing that ensures the survival of Crap Rap Music. Rap is like Jewish Art Work….It is Trash without any soul or inherent beauty.
Come on dude….You got fucking played…Rap is Trash and these brothers are selling some bullshit street hustle:
white folks built greater civilization but at the cost of becoming dweebier and doglike, at least when compared to blacks.
Wrong Again:
Yeap….this White dude is a complete puss:
Yeap…and this dude obviously has a vagina:
And of course this Gangly Geeky White Dude dreams of having a black dude screw his wife:
You are a freaking IDIOT dude. One Thing is for Sure….Blacks seem to be stuck in the evolutionary process. They never moved out of Africa so their frontal lobes never fully developed.
13% in Canada,
7% in USA,
5% in Australia,
Qualifies as “taking over”?
A bit melodramatic no?
Ooops, I have responded to you, even though I know I should not engage flat earthers and the like.
Mea culpa. Please forgive me.
Ah I see
So you’re saying there’s bad karma coming to the Indians and the Chinese for taking over North America and Australia?
Or is bad karma for white people alone?
This tongue in cheek article contains many nuggets of absolute truth; the bottom line is that a very thin veneer of domestication separates all of us—dogs, Han, Caucasoids, and sub Saharan Africans–from savagery.
Dogs did not evolve from wolves as much as they were subjected to selective breeding. The same can be said of carp to goldfish, some zebra-like ancestor to horses, and wild jungle fowl to Rhode Island reds.
Dogs: Back in the 1950s when suburbs were sprouting outside of New York City and Philadelphia, in the morning the commuters let their dogs out into the backyards. Barking and scent enabled the dogs to jump the fences and form packs of poodles, Alsatians, Kerry blues, and labs which ran deer through the fields and woods. Sometimes the canines would bring down a deer but often enough a big doe or a buck could stomp their brains out.
I have also seen dogs like pit bulls, beagles, and cocker spaniels run into the woods never to be seen again after hearing the coyotes’ call of the wild.
White Men: It can’t be stressed enough how much the hunt and the camp fire in the tundra shaped and moulded civilisation. Without the cooperation, self sacrifice, division of spoils, and hierarchy of hunting large mammals, no other projects (like warfare and building) would have been attempted.
Around the camp fire the heroic deeds of the hunt were reported and probably commemorated. This was the beginning of literature, theater, and maybe religion, and today the adulation of the negro in the man caves and the spawtz bars bears testimony to these ancient ashes.
What goes around, comes around.
It’s karma baby.
Satire, or the essayist wrote this while watching his wife hump a black male thug.
It’s either that or the essayist is modernizing the sin of Eve: she preferred the fallen serpent over the righteous creation of God; why else did she call Able useless?
You’d get to grow 3 inches.
Interesting you mention "mental defectives." Growing up in Detroit, in the 60s-70s, there were obviously people who watched the Tigers or the Lions, but the only people who were really into sports were mental defectives. You'd see someone on the bus wearing a ball cap and/or Tigers jacket and you knew they were special. I suppose some people obsessed with sports stats or trivia may have been high IQ autistes. At some point, maybe in the 80s, everyone became obsessed with sports: wearing sports related items, going to sports bars, building their week around The Game or their year around the Super Bowl. All this was now supposed to seem "normal". In old novels from the 30s there are Ivy League alumni characters obsessed with the Hahvahd/Yale or Army/Navy game and are treated as more or less harmless weirdos.Say what you will about hippies or punks, their contempt for sports was much healthier.
The only reason that negroes are popular with any white people is because of 60 years of relentless jewish propaganda promoting negroes in sports and entertainment. Such propaganda is aimed at the two digit IQ sector of the white population, females and the mental defectives who are the greatest consumers of spectator sports and movies.
I've noticed this especially on UNZ but really anywhere "evolutionary psych" is pitched. Small genitals, lack of dimorphism (ooh, big words!) etc. Anything to denigrate Asians and even their own race ("We're all hermaphrodites now!"). Yet Asians seem to have no trouble reproducing in vast numbers, with the Chinese having to start promoting infanticide. Isn't that the point, reproductive success?These are the same cranky (in both senses) old men who thought the Beatles and Stones were "girly" while the chicks themselves went wild for them. (Allan Bloom called Mick Jagger a drag queen, which he would know, I suppose; who do you think banged more chicks?). Same with David Bowie.Later, "hair metal" bands were slaying mass poon; then our enemies (You Know Who) used MTV to convince everyone that rap and grunge were "more authentic" and (like Jung/Freud) more "masculine."Is this the same "right wing" that used to obsess about the White race being swamped by waves of Yellow Peril?Replies: @Trinity, @Vajradhara, @bike-anarkist, @Anon, @Truth
She goes on to belittle the oriental race as weak, colorless and lacking in vigor while all the women desire a black man just as she does. The oriental race might not appeal to her, but they appeal to each other and that’s all that matters.
So, let me see if I am getting this; you are all aboard with David Bowie-Mick Jagger-Hair Metal Homo worship, but are anti people watching sports and wearing baseball caps?
Interesting you mention "mental defectives." Growing up in Detroit, in the 60s-70s, there were obviously people who watched the Tigers or the Lions, but the only people who were really into sports were mental defectives. You'd see someone on the bus wearing a ball cap and/or Tigers jacket and you knew they were special. I suppose some people obsessed with sports stats or trivia may have been high IQ autistes. At some point, maybe in the 80s, everyone became obsessed with sports: wearing sports related items, going to sports bars, building their week around The Game or their year around the Super Bowl. All this was now supposed to seem "normal". In old novels from the 30s there are Ivy League alumni characters obsessed with the Hahvahd/Yale or Army/Navy game and are treated as more or less harmless weirdos.Say what you will about hippies or punks, their contempt for sports was much healthier.
The only reason that negroes are popular with any white people is because of 60 years of relentless jewish propaganda promoting negroes in sports and entertainment. Such propaganda is aimed at the two digit IQ sector of the white population, females and the mental defectives who are the greatest consumers of spectator sports and movies.
I've noticed this especially on UNZ but really anywhere "evolutionary psych" is pitched. Small genitals, lack of dimorphism (ooh, big words!) etc. Anything to denigrate Asians and even their own race ("We're all hermaphrodites now!"). Yet Asians seem to have no trouble reproducing in vast numbers, with the Chinese having to start promoting infanticide. Isn't that the point, reproductive success?These are the same cranky (in both senses) old men who thought the Beatles and Stones were "girly" while the chicks themselves went wild for them. (Allan Bloom called Mick Jagger a drag queen, which he would know, I suppose; who do you think banged more chicks?). Same with David Bowie.Later, "hair metal" bands were slaying mass poon; then our enemies (You Know Who) used MTV to convince everyone that rap and grunge were "more authentic" and (like Jung/Freud) more "masculine."Is this the same "right wing" that used to obsess about the White race being swamped by waves of Yellow Peril?Replies: @Trinity, @Vajradhara, @bike-anarkist, @Anon, @Truth
She goes on to belittle the oriental race as weak, colorless and lacking in vigor while all the women desire a black man just as she does. The oriental race might not appeal to her, but they appeal to each other and that’s all that matters.
Obviously you don’t live in Australia, Canada, or California. Being swamped by Chinese (and Indians) is a real danger and is something that is actually happening to western nations. A nation is its people and Western nations will cease to exist when the Europeans are replaced with Chinese.
once having had their fill (pun intended)
This BBC thing is a myth most probably made up by Jew media.
Video Link
Blackistan Zoo | The Mythical BBC + Why BW Need to Divest from It
Any only a fool would want to sleep with mudsharks because of disease risks.
Video Link
Blackistan Zoo | Mythical BBC PT 3 | BW Infected w/ H1V on Wedding Day + 20 Yr Old Burned by DL Man
redistributing resources from Western countries to China etc?
Returning…..is a better word. And don’t forget to send some to India too.
A minority without agency (unlike whites)?
If there were such a thing as socialist central planners/representatives/managers/adminstrators etc would they be called Jews/elites/oligarchs/billionaires/plutocrats/shabbos goy etc?
Would these socialists make themselves “richer”/more powerful by ripping off/undermining/destroying the the people with the highest standard of living in order to achieve equality/equity among all peoples, i.e. redistributing resources from Western countries to China etc?
Yeah, sort of -- it would level things. If you look at mutt stray dogs, they more or less look the same, going back to a certain generic type. At least, losing their excessive modifications.
Natural selection would not turn to the canine breed into a new species, but it would restore the original gene distribution
This kinda shows that mutations and inbreeding usually result in defects, not in a “more fit†organism, thus contradicting the theory of “natural selection by random mutations†creating “new speciesâ€.
“Natural selection” by humans result in defects?
Our social mores are more
, more freewheeling and hedonistic.
Western civilization is cherished by the world. All you see and feel is a result of European conquest and ingenuity. Millions upon millions of blacks yearn to migrate to White western societies. None yearn to go to China Iran or Russia. Your facts are supplanted by your ignorance.,Again not only learn but open your droopy eyes and see what is going on. People want to be in the West because it is unsurpassed in all aspects of society, and has laid the foundation for allowing the human spirit to flourish. But, stay in your mud hut if it fancies you. The less of you amongst us the better.
Interesting take on the African. Can’t say I disagree.
this “article” is the perfect proof how somebody can write total pure 100% BS but using the right combination of words make it sound plausible.
Social studies 101, fake name writer: Humans are tribal animals who have survived because they worked together in a society. Get it? Social, society, socialism, commune, communism. As for how the leaders have ALWAYS been scoundrels who use the tribe for their own benefit; well that’s been going on since the invention of agriculture when the last ice age ended 11,650 years ago.
The main question tho comes up once again: WHY UNZ lets this verbal diarrhea get published? Cuz it attacks blacks AND jooz ands NOW Asians too, the favorite’s hate groups of the so called “whites”.
Thanks for that opinion from the firmament. I would think a dog used to protect against other canines should have a rather long coat, making it more difficult for his adversary to sink his teeth into flesh, muscle and bone.
Pit bulls are the “retarded”, “set back a grade or two” of dogs. Their singular characteristic is to attack and lock their jars on a limb and imitate an alligator. Tactics, strategy, learned behavior seems out of this mutt’s league.
They have bad habits of chewing and killing children of their human families-at random and capriciously-with no provocation. Some hero dog.
Pit bulls are the favorite for lower class Mexicans, Inc., because they be “badass”, and intimidating.
True but not all. The direcor of Cemtral Hatcheries having a polythene tent blown away and his engager Linda Lysenko asks him to pop-pop the savages, it is funny, he misses and hits Linda, that isn’t true to the novel but is amusing.
More amusement in it. also many direct quotes from the book. So, 6/10 at least.
Noodling background synths, work well, as does the pop-jazz at Bernard’s failed party.
Also, the two Gammas who pop up in multiple roles, sure, the idea of the makers was to keep production costs down, but the number of scenes they are in as different characters is funny, I’m sure that if Aldous Huxley had iived to see it, he’d have been disappointed, but generally enjoyed it.
I hear of two new series, I am sure they would be disgusting, so I never want to see them.
“It is in the areas of convulsion that blacks pose the greatest threat to the white race.”
It needn’t be that way! Just look at Jewesses … a lot of them have experienced black cocks but once having had their fill (pun intended), they hightail back to the Jewish convenience and conversion in a Jerusalem second. It’s called eating your cake and keeping it too, which aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. We have lot to learn from our “elder” sistas!
This BBC thing is a myth most probably made up by Jew media.
once having had their fill (pun intended)
I suspect the author is just one of those incels who keep trying to convince themselves that they’re just not bad enough for women. While in reality you’re simply not smart enough, or tall enough, or normal enough. None of these cases you can change. But hey everyone’s free to have his own mental defense mechanism to cope.
If the author envies savageness, just grab some nearby pussies/boobs already. You don’t have to put up a 4500-word thought salad with pictures to encourage yourself.
And since you mentioned Asian women with non-Asian men, do they go for ballers, rappers or gangsters, the “alpha” types the author seems to want so much to be? I don’t think so.
“This is why so many Japanese are like the character Yohei in SEVEN SAMURAI.”
Unfortunately, Yohei was stuck on an island and even with a horse could not travel thousands of miles across the vast open spaces of the Central Asia, to which the much touted Mongols had access to.
A coyote would make quick work of a pit bull.Replies: @Trinity
A pit bull will make quick work of a wolf.
Now you are being ridiculous.
“They are regarded as akin to dickless space aliens …”
That’s certainly true of the chinaman…
The author has such a childish view of power it’s comical.
Those wolve-like Mongols nearly got wiped out after their empire collapsed. They’re like an endangered species now. That’s why they’re allowed to celebrate their mass murdering ancestors. Because they don’t matter in any way in toady’s world.
Also I’ve noticed that today only the “slavish” people have space programs, which is the real adventure. Looting everything you can is not something to be proud of in my opinion.
“One-on-one, whites will lose to Jews in wit & will and lose to blacks in sports and sex. Only race-ism unites the white minds, hearts, and bodies into a totality to do war with the enemies.”….and you go on to say that only racism will stitch white minds and bodies into a fist that must be delt with.
This racism is needed part, might be true, it might no be true, it might not…. Anyway I’m just not there … yet. And probably I’m not there …yet… is because of the many “goodfellows”, “white travelers”, or “coconuts” and “bananas” that are all “white on the inside”. Going racist means you must give them up, and that’s where i say, “Well I’m not going there”
As Maharishi, the founder of TM (Transcendental Meditation) said, the human mind, once liberated from the ego (the monkey mind), is naturally ecstatic. A Buddhist monk recently said: “Who needs sex when I constantly feel I’m coming? At the highest level, you realise that you don’t really need sex because you’re always in a state of ecstasy, and nothing can beat religious ecstasy. I’m sure Jesus lived on this level. As I said, ordinary sex is mainly for animals and common people.
(Animalistic) sex is for the hoi polloi. Of course, we want young people to be deluded and think that sex is the greatest thing since sliced bread, for otherwise humanity might go extinct but the connoiseurs of pleasure know better. In fact, the best sexual practices have been inspired by religion. Try Tantric Sex to find out. Even better, practice Karezza, and women will be so grateful to you they will shower you with presents and cook you scrumptious meals because no man has given them so much pleasure for so long before. Karezza was already practiced by the Oneida Community in the 19th century.
Orgasms are shunned because they are thought of as quick intense neurochemical bursts that leave a person exhausted, drained, and restless shortly afterwards.
A pit bull will make quick work of a wolf.
A coyote would make quick work of a pit bull.
Here is more Past It…from your ‘inferred superiority that invented all there is in the world starting with the wheel’…a ‘superiority’ that in fact stole it all from the rest of the world, leaving holes in the ground behind them
There was an interesting essay on TUR about the need for stepping stones from having been completely suckered by the MSM, and then gradually working towards being completely red pilled.
Condemning the billionaires for why we work so hard, while becoming poorer, is one of those stepping stones.
A stepping stone past that one is asking “Why are the western billionaires committing suicide by cannibalizing and destroying the economies they feed off of?â€. The answer to that question is: the Jews, plus a couple hundred years of dysgenics at the elite level.
More than sharing the truth, I work to help people along that path towards becoming fully red pilled. Too much truth all at once short-circuits a person’s mind, and then they revert to their original position, which is a loss for everybody.
and where did your proper education come from your ignorant assine gene challenged superiority and this lunatic world you have built you call superior construction?
just take a look at the world you have built and the idiot, lying education that underpins opinions like yours. Just look at it..this thing you call western civilization that the world is shedding current as fast as it can now that it has an opportunity to do so.
here is is a description:https://www.bitchute.com/video/uBOpMhCmzOzw/
Here in this presentaion is a resurgent example, an apetizer of the world/African history that has been shut down by your superior construction:
who in the hell told you… you invented the wheel? or did you take all from the darker peoples of the world and called it your own, that you made what you did not make? who in the hell needs education- indeed re education, to cleanse all the anti human crap in our head…you or I?
You are a very smart man. But without much knowledge. And you’re not brave either. Or maybe you are? Let’s see if the sentence you quoted is true! Come on, show us all your wolf killer instinct and your big black dong. But I bet you’re a little kitty kitty. Meow!
They merely got rid of one of Europe’s most infamous tyrannies, namely Nazi Germany, to make life easier for another of Europe’s most infamous tyrannies, namely Commie Russia.
Huh? You do know that 8 out of 10 German casualties were at the hands of the “Commie Russians” don’t you?
If anything, it was the other way around. The Russians did the hard work for you.
For all you have said about the Jews, yet you seem to fully believe their Hollywood WW2 narratives.
Do you also believe their Russia Bad narratives too?
All this crap about black vs white or white vs black is deflection from the true source of the problem: the Jews.
The Jews are up to their old tricks of divide and rule. Through their agents like Soros.
Sowing discord in successful white European Christian societies is all they do.
They destroyed South Africa. Their multi culti discordian BS is rampant in Australia, Canada, Britain, Germany, Scandinavia, and the US.
It’s the fucking Jews behind the curtain!
‘…So, for all those who are not ignorant – European (and world) civilization, culture and language originated from VinÄa where…’
And it turns out the Vinca culture was centered in — wait for it…
Serbia! However did I guess?
‘…One tribe would conquer another tribe and use the conquered as slaves, but over generations, the slaves would merge with the community.’
It occurs to me that this assertion hardly jibes with Mungo Park’s observation that four out of every five blacks he saw were slaves. Either slaves were not merging into the free population, or the level of warfare and slave-taking would have had to have been fantastically high; four out of every five blacks would have to have been either personally captured and enslaved, or the immediate descendant of such an individual.
Alternatively, slavery may have simply been the general condition; the slaves were the community. This from 2009:
‘It has come to be widely accepted that slavery prevailed on the African continent before the arrival of the Europeans, and this indigenous slavery is said to have facilitated the rise and progress of the Atlantic slave-trade. According to P. D. Rinchon, ‘from the earliest days of the trade, the majority of the Negroes were living in a state of servitude, and the native chiefs did not have far to seek for the human merchandise’. Daniel Mannix, in one of the most recent accounts of the Atlantic slave-trade, contends that ‘many of the Negroes transported to America had been slaves in Africa, born to captivity. Slavery in Africa was an ancient and widespread institution, but it was especially prevalent in the Sudan.’ In the opinion of J. D. Fage, ‘the presence of a slave class among the coastal peoples meant that there was already a class of human beings who could be sold to Europeans if there was an incentive to do so… So the coastal merchants began by selling the domestic slaves in their own tribes.’…’
No Egyptians were not black. Stop with the fantasies. Blacks never built civilizations like those from antiquity. They just don’t have the mental capacity, and are mentally very weak.
Blacks never built much of anything. Never invented the wheel. The bullshit you spew about albinos populating Europe is asinine. You obviously need some education on albinism as it is not unique to the negro race. I suggest some basic courses in biology and anthropology to get started.
Most Chinese are atheists, and our general conclusion is that religion is basically used to fool fools.
Christians and Muslims can only serve as mascots, but if they dare to engage in politics, they will be destroyed.
(Animalistic) sex is for the hoi polloi. Of course, we want young people to be deluded and think that sex is the greatest thing since sliced bread, for otherwise humanity might go extinct but the connoiseurs of pleasure know better. In fact, the best sexual practices have been inspired by religion. Try Tantric Sex to find out. Even better, practice Karezza, and women will be so grateful to you they will shower you with presents and cook you scrumptious meals because no man has given them so much pleasure for so long before. Karezza was already practiced by the Oneida Community in the 19th century.
As Maharishi, the founder of TM (Transcendental Meditation) said, the human mind, once liberated from the ego (the monkey mind), is naturally ecstatic. A Buddhist monk recently said: "Who needs sex when I constantly feel I'm coming? At the highest level, you realise that you don't really need sex because you're always in a state of ecstasy, and nothing can beat religious ecstasy. I'm sure Jesus lived on this level. As I said, ordinary sex is mainly for animals and common people.
Dogs are not evolved from wolves but are bred out from wild canine lines including wolves.
Well, I'm no archaeo-meteorologist, but it's pretty clear that when complex societies first appear to have formed - basically, around the end of the the last glacial period (11,500ybp, i.e., ~9,000BCE) - those places would have been a whole bunch colder than they are now...
You do know that all the early civilizations were formed in areas where weather is never extremely cold, right?
Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, Egypt etc
It is unfortunate that Europeans and their derivatives do not know where the cradle of their civilization, culture and language is. It’s just ridiculous when some people write that the white race and European culture are endangered and they don’t know where their culture, language, and mythology come from.
So, for all those who are not ignorant – European (and world) civilization, culture and language originated from VinÄa where, thanks to the appropriate Danube microclimate, over 90% of people lived and where language developed over tens of thousands of years. The beginning of culture in general can be considered the end of the Ice Age (about 12000 years ago).
High culture, house building, metal smelting, gold processing, astronomy, calendar, mathematics, crafts, wheel, multi-stories temple, oldest literacy, etc. developed in Vinci over thousands of years. With the retreat of the ice to the north, people began to migrate in all directions. Relatively recently (4000 years ago), people went to Southeast Asia (that journey lasted for about 500 years) and took there the language (from which Sanskrit arose) and the RG Veda mythology.
I think it’s a shame that the vast majority of Europoids have no idea about it, but it’s no accident because the mainstream has been falsifying history for 200 years by inventing meaningless terms like ‘Indo-Europeans’, which is why we often get outbursts of frustration here from brainwashed readers, when the true version is mentioned to them, different from the official one, which has no logic, but they got used to it.
So – VinÄa was the cradle of European civilization, culture, language and literacy!
I buy Kangaroo Steaks, “Sizzle Steaks” and Kangaroo Mince pretty much every week, and have done for five years. The brand is “K-Roo” and it’s in all major supermarkets in Straya.
The mince is really inexpensive (A$12/kg, which is US$8/kg or under US$4/lb). (I won’t write “cheap“, because it’s not low quality- in stark contrast to industrially produced pork, beef, lamb and chicken, which is basically goyslop).
Roo Steaks are best prepared sous-vide, otherwise they get real tough real quick – because Roo meat has such low fat content (~1%). Even sous-vide it needs a deft hand on the blowtorch.
Real talk: roo meat is probably the most humane meat there is… the ‘roo has a perfectly normal life, and never hears it coming. No other prey animal has it that good, which significantly mitigates the obvious ethical wrong being perpetrated.
Roo hunters are licensed and they are extremely good marksmen. Far better for a roo to die quickly from a professional killshot, than to snap its tendon on a fence and die of starvation (or get hit by a vehicle and die of internal injuries).
I still try to be mostly veggie: veggies are ~95% of my food intake by weight, but only ~60% by calories… and most of that is fat from coconut oil, avocadoes and macadamias.
If I feel like doing some body recomp, I will go on an “M&M diet” (Meat and Macadamias) for a while – roo burgers being the main protein.
The best medicine has no flavour either way – it’s the PepePill. (Real talk: the PepePill is just the Black Pill with funnier memes)