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Fraud Governor Accuses Fraud Gamer of Encouraging Looting

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It’s a bit silly to claim that black people are reading Elon Musk’s Twitter account and then saying “oh he’s saying we can loot so let’s go do it.”

That seems unlikely, especially since all blacks stopped following Elon Musk’s account when they found out he is a fraud gamer.

“This bitch be sayin’ he be hardcore, mf ain’t even swoop da mathafukkan chaos erp,” said one black of the fraudulent gamer Musk.

The Guardian:

Gavin Newsom has accused the tech billionaire Elon Musk of “encouraging looting” in an escalation of a row over disinformation surrounding the deadly Los Angeles fires.

The California governor lashed out after Musk, who is President-elect Donald Trump’s wealthiest supporter, reposted a message on X – the social media platform he owns – that falsely accused the governor and his fellow Democrats of decriminalising looting.

Stop encouraging looting by lying and telling people it’s decriminalized. It’s not,” Newsom wrote. “It’s illegal – as it always has been.”

The clash came amid concerns of a looting spree after owners who had been forced to abandon their homes as the flames spread later returned to find the contents had been burgled.

About 30 people have been arrested, most of them for suspected looting, since the fires threatened to engulf several Los Angeles neighbourhoods. One man was found at a fire-damaged home dressed as a firefighter and arrested. Two men were detained on Saturday outside the Los Angeles home of Kamala Harris – the vice-president whom Trump defeated in November to return to the White House – but were later released after no evidence of a burglary was found.

Newsom’s exchange with Musk was triggered by a user who posted a television interview in which the governor said there would be “zero tolerance for looters”.

Above the footage, the user wrote: “LOOTING: Newsom and California Democrats literally decriminalized looting, barring police from arresting looters and prosecutors from prosecuting them. Now he’s opposed to looting.”

Musk, who has been prominent in Republican criticism of the Democrat response to the fires, reposted the message with a clown emoji and a globe.

But is looting illegal in California?

From my analysis of the laws, it is definitely illegal to loot.

Prop 47 effectively legalized theft of anything worth less than $950 (while it was technically still illegal to steal, there was no real punishment), but a lot of that was redacted last year in response to the behavior of the blacks. (People no longer think black people menacing society is cute and adorable.)

From what I can see, looting is more likely to be charged as a misdemeanor than as a felony.

I don’t think it’s legal, however, in the way that retail theft had become de facto legal.

Stealing from people’s homes has typically always been a bigger offense than stealing from a store.

For the record, it is racist to arrest looters.

There are a sum total of zero white looters, so that means it is racist to be against looting.

That’s the definition of racism.

(There actually was one white guy looting, but he dressed up as a firefighter and looted, which is actually clever and interesting.)

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. The muggies were on their way to the set of a scream movie,
    took a wrong turn.

    Palisades is, or was about 30% Jews, so the Santa Ana
    Winds have been renamed the Divine Gaza Blows.

  2. Gavin Newsome is a loathsome man.

    So is Elon Musk.

    If you can loot at Walgreens and Safeway up to a thousand dollars (I believe that is the official number but I doubt the cops in Los Angeles and San Francisco ever lock anybody up for looting at any amount at Walgreens and Safeway) what is the big deal about looting in Pacific Palisades abandoned housing (up to a thousand dollars)?

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