Meh, I have separation of church and state where music and art are concerned. I like a lot of Jewish musicians, highest among them steely Dan, I agree. I typically decide whether I like something and then delve into them autobiographically, so ethnicity tends not to be a factor. Jews tend to have great technical ability, which leads to good music, so you’d be cutting yourself off from lots of great stuff with some type of internal boycott. I myself am going on 85 and still enjoy all manner of rock/pop.
Fagan the Jew had no talent.
Mike the Kike… Hmmm… no bias there, eh?
Donald Fagen a genius? WTF… You mean… Jew-nius.
Wife abuser, beater and assaulter, yes.
Asshole to the family of the talent he piggybacked.
Obscene, rude, opinionated, butt-ugly, yes, and more.
What… he is a … Jew???
Who’da thunk it.
In regard to Steely Dan, I am usually very much anti-Jewish, but Steely Dan was one of my favorite groups. I normally did not listen to “easy listening” music, but I thought Steely Dan were excellent performers and they had excellent back-up musicians. I am now 73 years old and am completely out of the music scene. My newest album in my collection of CDs is by Collective Soul.
As for Roger Waters’ political beliefs, I am behind him 110% and, of course, Pink Floyd was one of my favorite groups.
Too old to rock & roll; too young to die!
Thank you.
“Clearly those 100,000 dead kids were well-nourished before the IDF massacred them. So what’s the problem? ”
Having problems with reading comprehension and what the discussion is about, I see.
Limit your sarcasm to the american ones. Europe has sprouted tons of great millennial artists. They've been making the best rock in decades.
but hey – check out all those great millennial artists, huh?
Nice quotation marks, RT.Replies: @Cock_Crudson, @Badger Down
The US has effectively been “stealing†Syrian oil for a decade, Waters claimed.
The US has been brazenly stealing Syrian and Iraqi oil for a decade, it’s true.
It is not, as poster Felpudinho has proven in his regular posts.
"The reality on the ground in Gaza is indeed far worse than it appears. "
Clearly those 100,000 dead kids were well-nourished before the IDF massacred them. So what’s the problem?
Having problems with reading comprehension and what the discussion is about, I see.
"Clearly those 100,000 dead kids were well-nourished before the IDF massacred them. So what’s the problem? "
“The reality on the ground in Gaza is indeed far worse than it appears. ”
It is not, as poster Felpudinho has proven in his regular posts.
I challenge you to show photos of kids in Gaza suffering famine, emaciated so that their ribs are showing, listless with no energy to move, such as we see in places like Sudan.
No photos? It didn’t occur…
Of all the writers on TUR, Sailer is the most useless to the premises and aims of the website.Replies: @arbeit macht frei, @meamjojo
And you are not alone. Steve Sailor will refuse to NOTICE anything long those those lines no matter how long he lives. He also will shill in his way for what he thinks good about WASP empire.
“Of all the writers on TUR, Sailer is the most useless to the premises and aims of the website. ”
Too many here seem to believe that TUR is or should be an echo chamber for THEIR particular beliefs
Too funny….
Of all the writers on TUR, Sailer is the most useless to the premises and aims of the website.Replies: @arbeit macht frei, @meamjojo
And you are not alone. Steve Sailor will refuse to NOTICE anything long those those lines no matter how long he lives. He also will shill in his way for what he thinks good about WASP empire.
the bay area is full of d bags, meanjew for example. our host mr unz is totally out of place there in my humble opinion.
What does that even mean? Is it something to do with taking a bath? How can taking a bath be called genocide?Replies: @arbeit macht frei
"Ethnic cleansing IS genocide"
a previous poster suggested never mentioning bruce springsteen’s name without the word “asshole” before it. i agree, springsteen is a woke asshole. this now applies to the unz review’s resident zionist jewboy troll meanjew as well. oops, sorry, asshole meanjew.
Your bleating has zero effect on the world. If you are unhappy with the state of the world you live in and who is in control, then feel free to self-destruct.Replies: @Abhuman, @lavoisier
"And once that evil force allied, as its Judaizing heretical theological and thus philosophical heart and soul demanded, with international Jewish financing, it began its march to destroy the entire world to rule every square mile of the globe.
You clearly do not want people thinking about that level of evil. You serve Mordor."
If you are unhappy with the state of the world you live in and who is in control, then feel free to self-destruct.
There is a lot of unhappiness over the servile state we are in regarding the Jews. Those who are not unhappy are either oblivious to that level of control the Jews have, brain-dead evangelicals, or venal whores who are sell outs for the shekels. The political class in Western nations are a good example of the last category.
Those who know the reality have no intention of self-destruction but are focused on upending that level of control and the harm that control has caused to the West and to world peace.
There is a lot of blame to go around for Jewish ascendancy over the West. It is not just about the Jews.
Actually, I encourage jojo to keep up the good work. His waffle is super-efficient Jew-pill and he delivers it without prescription and free of charge. If you didn’t dislike Jews before, memejoojoo is ready to make a hell of an effort to change your mind.
CIA Anglin has revealed the source of his political ideas—a singer.
Singers sing to please the audience. Their heads are empty; if they had ideas of their own, they could not perform.
like so many others, I too admired, (and still do) his stand on Palestine.
waters, until i found out about his support for palestine.
But I have issues with Waters that have nothing to do with Palestine, but go to his character and principles, (or lack of).My gal saw he was coming to Miami, and so I laid down almost a grand for decent tickets. The best tickets were $2k a pop!So it started out good, with the old Pink Floyd stuff, and the light show and so forth, for about the first half. And then it turned into a Roger Waters political diatribe against candidate Trump. With huge balloons of Trump as a pig, and massive banners with images of Trump with a huge dick in his face. (there were tones of kids in the audience, I guess whose parents wanted them to see what Pink Floyd was all about). Anyway my gal got disgusted with this guy turning a music concert into his personal rancor over Trump. And he was also ranting about Trump's greed, which for a guy who was charging two thousand dollars per ticket, that came off as pretty vile. But Waters was too egotistical to care about the people who paid to see a concert, and not listen to, or watch him spew his vulgar spleen.I came away with a new sympathy for David Gilmore. I'm also not impressed when I see him preening his British 'virtue' while dressed as a Nazi performing in Germany.'s obviously getting off on that. The guy's smug is off the charts.
principles matter, they shape our character and influence the direction of our work.
Pink Floyd is in my top three all-time great rock bands. Sine On You Crazy Diamond ~ was a tribute to Syd all in all, insofar as he's speaking out in defense of Gaza, all else is forgiven. Everything pales now as this horror is being perpetrated in real time, as a blot on every single living human adult, who knows of it, and doesn't speak out in defense of Gaza. Remember when you were young you shone like the sun
pink floyd was syd barret’s band
Pagan Feminist Rurik is complaining about Roger Water’s hatred of kikes and their lackeys, the most famous example of which is the orange monkey trump? Color me surprised? Should he have praised the kikelover instead?
And you are not alone. Steve Sailor will refuse to NOTICE anything long those those lines no matter how long he lives. He also will shill in his way for what he thinks good about WASP empire.
Of all the writers on TUR, Sailer is the most useless to the premises and aims of the website.
Too many here seem to believe that TUR is or should be an echo chamber for THEIR particular beliefs
"Of all the writers on TUR, Sailer is the most useless to the premises and aims of the website. "
His wife co-wrote a good portion of “The Division Bell†with him, so the Yoko Ono comparison is an apt one. And as another commenter pointed out, David was not good at writing things by himself. Almost everything he did on “Momentary Lapse of Reason†was also co-credited to outside writers.
My question is how is Roger getting away with criticizing the Jews without having his life destroyed by them? You would think that at the very least he would be de-banked.
Limit your sarcasm to the american ones. Europe has sprouted tons of great millennial artists. They've been making the best rock in decades.
but hey – check out all those great millennial artists, huh?
Nice quotation marks, RT.Replies: @Cock_Crudson, @Badger Down
The US has effectively been “stealing†Syrian oil for a decade, Waters claimed.
name one…
I agree. David Gilmour is an excellent rock and blues guitarist. He has an impeccable sense of those styles and he always deploys very tasteful phrasing in those idioms. He doesn’t venture outside of those familiar parameters, or at least not publicly. Which is fine, it’s a business, to be frank. He has a very successful career in that, and deservedly so.
You’ve got countless jazz and classical guys with far superior chops than any of rock’s guitar gods. And the jazz guys have improvisational skills at modern guitar soloing that are simply in another league than the rock gods entirely. You see someone like Joe Pass sitting down and improvising a masterpiece album in pretty much one take, and it renders silly all talk of rock god guitar pecking orders. None of them are in same universe of musical mastery and fluid technique. But high art music just doesn’t sell, it doesn’t get to be the sound of a generation, and so it doesn’t enable the rockstar lifestyles.
There’s nothing wrong being a leader of popular forms and trying to put out things that don’t suck. But it’s not Bach.
So YOU believe that these supposed Israel censors ALLOW the videos and photos we see of Palestinians being taken to the hospital and of dead and injured bodies after Israel strikes against Hamas cells or operatives?
"The photos you see are censored by the IDF media corps. "
The censors acting on behalf of the Sanhedrin today are more sophisticated than “meamjojo” imagines. The reality on the ground in Gaza is indeed far worse than it appears.
It is not, as poster Felpudinho has proven in his regular posts.
"The reality on the ground in Gaza is indeed far worse than it appears. "
Well, who runs the media?
I agree that artists tend to atrophy as they get older, but I believe with rock music, there is more of a youth vibe to it. It has to be hip and in the minute, so to speak. It’s not so much that they lose the technical ability to make the music, as that they grow out of the genre.
This is one of the best anglin posts. Do you guys even realize Fagan and Becker of steely Dan are Jewish? That’s right: the greatest rock artists are Jewish. And Born in the USA is the greatest Springsteen album. The article is wrong about that too.
“Ethnic cleansing IS genocide”
What does that even mean? Is it something to do with taking a bath? How can taking a bath be called genocide?
“The photos you see are censored by the IDF media corps. ”
So YOU believe that these supposed Israel censors ALLOW the videos and photos we see of Palestinians being taken to the hospital and of dead and injured bodies after Israel strikes against Hamas cells or operatives?
You really think any censor would allow such photos? You are dumber than a rock.
The Boss, huh. I was a big fan until he went full on woke. Now I never say his name without the pejorative “asshole” before it.
David Gilmore was always one of my favourite guitarists.
Always remember the concert at Olympic Stadium in Montreal in 1976, Worst audio ever, sounded like the music was coming out of the public address system.
You're a silly cunt.
Roger Waters is not only the founder of Pink Floyd, he’s the creative genius that gave us Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall. David Gilmore was just a replacement for Syd Barret who tripped out on LSD and never came back down to earth.
His solo in “Time†has always been one of my favorites as well.
Ethnic cleansing IS genocide.
What does that even mean? Is it something to do with taking a bath? How can taking a bath be called genocide?Replies: @arbeit macht frei
"Ethnic cleansing IS genocide"
I generally prefer Waters’s simplicity over Gilmore’s complexity. And I find Gilmore’s lyrics to be overwhelmingly gay. “On the Turning Away”? “Learning to Fly”? Etc. Shit’ll give you AIDS, yo.
And anyone who disagrees with me is an idiot and this is very important stuff.
I don't see this in any photos of Gazans. They mostly look healthy enough to walk back and forth for miles each day as Israel moves them around. I don't see any gaunt skeleton people such as we see in places like Sudan.
"Various relief organizations have conclusively proven that there is mass starvation in the Gaza Strip."
The photos you see are censored by the IDF media corps.
There has been total censorship of all IDF war zones since the very beginning of the Gaza War and this was openly introduced and passed as an emergency bill or regulation by the Hebrew Zionist War Cabinet, a cabal of murderers and liars.
Censorship was the first thing the Hebrew killers and generals imposed precisely because they knew what they were about to do would be ethnic cleansing bordering on genocide–an accomplished fact now, as noted by outside observers for more than a year.
So YOU believe that these supposed Israel censors ALLOW the videos and photos we see of Palestinians being taken to the hospital and of dead and injured bodies after Israel strikes against Hamas cells or operatives?
"The photos you see are censored by the IDF media corps. "
Let’s not forget Kyle Rittenhouse who dispatched two jewish criminal child molesters to the great hereafter and wounding a third.
He did society a favor by disposing of the trash.
Rittenhouse was prosecuted, not for self-defense, but for taking two child molester jews out of existence.
The prosecutor himself was jewish and according to his own talmudic law could not allow a gentile to kill a jew, even in self-defense.
Thankfully, Rittenhouse had a fair judge and good legal team…
Pop music stars are jingle writers. If the jingle sticks, they make some money. Beethoven, Vivaldi, Bach, Handel, great in their youth, all improved with age. Rock music isn’t that complicated, it just matters if you can put your three chords together along with words that rhyme. And that the kids like it.
You are absolutely correct. Gilmour is hardly a songwriter at all. Even on the Floyd songs where he did write some stuff, it was almost never the whole song (though I think his three-part composition, “The Narrow Way,” which he wrote entirely himself for the Ummagumma album, is a very fine bit of music). And if you take a look at the entire Floyd song catalogue, you will see that the overwhelming majority of it is written solely by Roger, even the early post-Syd Barrett stuff, from tender ballads like “Julia Dream” to acid-blues jams like “The Embryo” to jazzy ditties like “San Tropez.” Without Roger Waters, there would have been no Pink Floyd after Syd Barrett crashed and burned.
Gilmour is only a good guitarist, though especially good for what the Floyd were trying to do. But he’s also overrated. Listen to him on acoustic, without all his electronic effects, and he’s pretty humdrum. (That’s not remotely true for the great ones: Hendrix, Page, Clapton, et al, who are all fabulous on acoustic.) And if you listen closely to his much-ballyhooed solos after DSOTM, you will hear him recycling many of the same licks, time and again. I play guitar myself, and I see many of my own limitations in him: he’s trapped in the pentatonic prison. He created this prison for himself (with Roger’s help) by craving the soloist’s spotlight, which was something of a shame, in that he did some very fine work in the early going by concentrating on quietly adding texture and depth to the music instead of making dorky faces while playing gussied-up blues licks. (Just listen to his improvised guitar work on the many live recordings of “Careful with that Axe, Eugene.” It’s brilliant, as is his scat singing; by the time we get to the song “Wish You Were Here” some eight years later, he just sounds like some twit in a college dorm.)
I’m convinced that without Roger’s creative imagination, drive, and energy, Gilmour would have been just another good guitarist among a generation of many thousands of good guitarists. He also seems to have barely half the number of brain cells as Roger.
Your bleating has zero effect on the world. If you are unhappy with the state of the world you live in and who is in control, then feel free to self-destruct.Replies: @Abhuman, @lavoisier
"And once that evil force allied, as its Judaizing heretical theological and thus philosophical heart and soul demanded, with international Jewish financing, it began its march to destroy the entire world to rule every square mile of the globe.
You clearly do not want people thinking about that level of evil. You serve Mordor."
Counselling suicide now? You lack self-awareness. You have no idea how awful your karma is.
What matters is that Waters isn’t for his own English brethren
Why would anyone be for Anglos? Anglos are subhuman trash. Waters is one of the only examples of a good Anglo, doing his best to make up for his low quality ancestry by advancing the cause of a more noble people.
“He seems to have been very consistent in his views over time and comes about them from a genuine place, it appears. ”
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, no matter how misguided or wrong they may be.
“Various relief organizations have conclusively proven that there is mass starvation in the Gaza Strip.”
I don’t see this in any photos of Gazans. They mostly look healthy enough to walk back and forth for miles each day as Israel moves them around. I don’t see any gaunt skeleton people such as we see in places like Sudan.
So who are you going to believe? Your lying eyes or AID agencies looking to keep the cash rolling in so they get paid?
What’s to discuss? The Tribe’s global agenda has been the same satanic program for enslavement and death to the Other that was conceived by Moses the Sorcerer 3,000 years ago and is being carried to a horrifying conclusion by his followers right now:
Note that to view the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.
“And once that evil force allied, as its Judaizing heretical theological and thus philosophical heart and soul demanded, with international Jewish financing, it began its march to destroy the entire world to rule every square mile of the globe.
You clearly do not want people thinking about that level of evil. You serve Mordor.”
Your bleating has zero effect on the world. If you are unhappy with the state of the world you live in and who is in control, then feel free to self-destruct.
There is a lot of unhappiness over the servile state we are in regarding the Jews. Those who are not unhappy are either oblivious to that level of control the Jews have, brain-dead evangelicals, or venal whores who are sell outs for the shekels. The political class in Western nations are a good example of the last category.
If you are unhappy with the state of the world you live in and who is in control, then feel free to self-destruct.
Fagan the Jew had no talent.
The child rapists deserve to be hated. You fucking jews are something else: do evil, and it’s the victims who are to blame. No wonder so many of you are sexual predators.
Rameau, Bruckner, Scarlatti, Janacek, Ives, Chabrier.
Verdi wrote Otello at 73 and Falstaff at 79.
You first, asshole.
Don’t agree that Gilmour is the better song writer. Rogers was the driving force behind most of the 70’s music. Gilmour did help to shape the songs in significant ways and probably was unjustly denied co-writing credits on many songs. His guitar parts were basically entirely his own creations and they very often ended up being integral to the identity of songs exclusively credited to Rogers. For example, he received no writing credits for Pink Floyd’s big radio hit, “Another Brick in the Wall Part II”, even though the song wouldn’t be the same without his guitar part (especially the solo). Rogers is said to be a massive hypocrite who literally won’t share anything in spite of writing songs remonstrating against greed (i.e. “Money”).
Unfortunately, Gilmour is not a good independent song writer. Post 70’s floyd isn’t very good, especially post-Roger’s Floyd (after the final cut). Also Gimour’s Jewish wife co-writes the mostly-awful lyrics.
All that said, I’m not a huge PF fan. I can enjoy them in small doses but I don’t think of them as the musical second coming, or anything like that.
Went to a 3 day concert a few years ago and saw Dylan, Paul Macarthy, Neil Young, the Rolling Stones, the Who, and Roger Waters. Hands down the best of all was Roger Waters by far!!!!!! He closed the show and showed his power.
The second best was the Who! Roger’s politics keep him rocking because he’s the real deal with morals and vitality. The Who were great too! They are smart and know what time it is. The other bands seemed like jaded faded old rock stars of banal morals and that have exhibited the decadence of excess for far too long. They were boring…..doing the same old songs. They don’t want to open their mouths to keep the cash flowing. They are afraid to touch the third rail but Roger is motivated and fearless!
like so many others, I too admired, (and still do) his stand on Palestine.
waters, until i found out about his support for palestine.
But I have issues with Waters that have nothing to do with Palestine, but go to his character and principles, (or lack of).My gal saw he was coming to Miami, and so I laid down almost a grand for decent tickets. The best tickets were $2k a pop!So it started out good, with the old Pink Floyd stuff, and the light show and so forth, for about the first half. And then it turned into a Roger Waters political diatribe against candidate Trump. With huge balloons of Trump as a pig, and massive banners with images of Trump with a huge dick in his face. (there were tones of kids in the audience, I guess whose parents wanted them to see what Pink Floyd was all about). Anyway my gal got disgusted with this guy turning a music concert into his personal rancor over Trump. And he was also ranting about Trump's greed, which for a guy who was charging two thousand dollars per ticket, that came off as pretty vile. But Waters was too egotistical to care about the people who paid to see a concert, and not listen to, or watch him spew his vulgar spleen.I came away with a new sympathy for David Gilmore. I'm also not impressed when I see him preening his British 'virtue' while dressed as a Nazi performing in Germany.'s obviously getting off on that. The guy's smug is off the charts.
principles matter, they shape our character and influence the direction of our work.
Pink Floyd is in my top three all-time great rock bands. Sine On You Crazy Diamond ~ was a tribute to Syd all in all, insofar as he's speaking out in defense of Gaza, all else is forgiven. Everything pales now as this horror is being perpetrated in real time, as a blot on every single living human adult, who knows of it, and doesn't speak out in defense of Gaza. Remember when you were young you shone like the sun
pink floyd was syd barret’s band
hey rurik, i responded to muh muh’s comment before i saw yours, once again we have very similar opinion, this time musically. i agree with you that waters still has a long way to go on subjects other than palestine, his view of the russian smo, shows this in particular.
i’m glad he has the nerve to stand up to the zog beast, at least in palestine and this is where the light needs to be focused most brightly. he is risking his career and his life going up against these genocidal maniacs, he just needs to broaden his view of the world to understand that this struggle is larger than just palestine.
Syd was the unintended muse of the band.
barret’s early meltdown brought gilmour into the band. he was a good friend of barret and didn’t want to replace him but syd was too far gone. gilmour tried to help syd with his solo work but syd never got far with that.
this is true, including, wish you were here, one of my personal favorites.
like so many others, I too admired, (and still do) his stand on Palestine.
waters, until i found out about his support for palestine.
But I have issues with Waters that have nothing to do with Palestine, but go to his character and principles, (or lack of).My gal saw he was coming to Miami, and so I laid down almost a grand for decent tickets. The best tickets were $2k a pop!So it started out good, with the old Pink Floyd stuff, and the light show and so forth, for about the first half. And then it turned into a Roger Waters political diatribe against candidate Trump. With huge balloons of Trump as a pig, and massive banners with images of Trump with a huge dick in his face. (there were tones of kids in the audience, I guess whose parents wanted them to see what Pink Floyd was all about). Anyway my gal got disgusted with this guy turning a music concert into his personal rancor over Trump. And he was also ranting about Trump's greed, which for a guy who was charging two thousand dollars per ticket, that came off as pretty vile. But Waters was too egotistical to care about the people who paid to see a concert, and not listen to, or watch him spew his vulgar spleen.I came away with a new sympathy for David Gilmore. I'm also not impressed when I see him preening his British 'virtue' while dressed as a Nazi performing in Germany.'s obviously getting off on that. The guy's smug is off the charts.
principles matter, they shape our character and influence the direction of our work.
Pink Floyd is in my top three all-time great rock bands. Sine On You Crazy Diamond ~ was a tribute to Syd all in all, insofar as he's speaking out in defense of Gaza, all else is forgiven. Everything pales now as this horror is being perpetrated in real time, as a blot on every single living human adult, who knows of it, and doesn't speak out in defense of Gaza. Remember when you were young you shone like the sun
pink floyd was syd barret’s band
He doesn’t like Jews though. He’s good.
That is simply unfair. He is a successful artist, he doesn’t have time to get intimate on historical questions. It’s not a fault to be a regular guy.
His political outlook is relatively ignorant for sure, but the fact that he’s out there battling the Jews despite being bottled on boomer propaganda is a sign of an independent mind with great intuitive ability. Being a commie boomer and still ending up as an enemy of Jews is impressive and deserves respect.
Roger Waters is not only the founder of Pink Floyd, he’s the creative genius that gave us Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall. David Gilmore was just a replacement for Syd Barret who tripped out on LSD and never came back down to earth.
You’re a silly cunt.
Waters was A founder, not THE founder. And without Gilmour, no one would have given Waters a second thought.
Gilmour’s guitar playing, singing, songwriting and general musical sensibility made that band. Floyd never would have achieved anywhere near the success they did without Gilmour.
And not to put too fine a point on it, but Gilmour is responsible for both the most iconic guitar riff ever recorded–Wish You Were Here–and two of the greatest guitar solos ever recorded–Comfortably Numb and Another Brick In The Wall.
“I agree with AA that Pink Floyd is one of the greatest rock groups of all time.”
Pink Floyd is not really a rock band, and never were (except briefly, with Syd). They don’t play rock and roll music, they are a group of Yoko Ono-like artists who do high-concept performance art which uses a “rock and roll” musical basis as its surface and matrix. Nothing wrong with that, to be sure, it’s often rather cool, just don’t be confused as to what it actually is.
Roger Waters is a decent songwriter, but like virtually all Boomers and all Brits and white Americans, his political outlook is shallow, childish, hysterical and sentimental, rather poorly historically informed and without anything like what I would consider a grown-up or serious-minded conceptual basis.
Apparently –spoiler alert!– Nazis are bad, and so is racism. And “we don’t need no education.”
Yes you do, Roger. Yes, you do.
Fagan the Jew had no talent.
Ok, why don’t you post some links to your material, since you’re an expert on such matters?
What’s that? You’re a sorry little cunt and have no fucking idea what you’re talking about?
Donald Fagen is a musical genius who, along with his writing partner Walter Becker, changed the course of contemporary music history by essentially creating a genre of music which didn’t exist before. Many have tried to copy the Steely Dan formula, but none have succeeded.
If Fagen had done nothing besides create his solo masterpiece, The Nightfly, he’d still considered a giant in music history.
You don’t know shit about music, asshole. You just hate Jews.
Post-Floyd Gilmour is mostly boring weed music; he did his best work inside PF. I liked Roger Waters’ solo records, even if they creatively petered out after The Final Cut. Pink Floyd was better together.
I saw a Roger Waters concert in Atlanta around 2012. Wow, does that guy put on a show – it was quite memorable. He also provides a bit autobiographical monologue.
He is very anti-war and that mostly stems from the fact that he never knew his father because of war. His Dad was killed in Italy during WWII when Waters was just 5 months old.
He seems to have been very consistent in his views over time and comes about them from a genuine place, it appears.
waters, until i found out about his support for palestine.
like so many others, I too admired, (and still do) his stand on Palestine.
principles matter, they shape our character and influence the direction of our work.
But I have issues with Waters that have nothing to do with Palestine, but go to his character and principles, (or lack of).
My gal saw he was coming to Miami, and so I laid down almost a grand for decent tickets. The best tickets were $2k a pop!
So it started out good, with the old Pink Floyd stuff, and the light show and so forth, for about the first half. And then it turned into a Roger Waters political diatribe against candidate Trump. With huge balloons of Trump as a pig, and massive banners with images of Trump with a huge dick in his face. (there were tones of kids in the audience, I guess whose parents wanted them to see what Pink Floyd was all about).
Anyway my gal got disgusted with this guy turning a music concert into his personal rancor over Trump. And he was also ranting about Trump’s greed, which for a guy who was charging two thousand dollars per ticket, that came off as pretty vile.
But Waters was too egotistical to care about the people who paid to see a concert, and not listen to, or watch him spew his vulgar spleen.
I came away with a new sympathy for David Gilmore.
I’m also not impressed when I see him preening his British ‘virtue’ while dressed as a Nazi performing in Germany.
he’s obviously getting off on that. The guy’s smug is off the charts.
pink floyd was syd barret’s band
Pink Floyd is in my top three all-time great rock bands.
Sine On You Crazy Diamond ~ was a tribute to Syd
Video Link
But all in all, insofar as he’s speaking out in defense of Gaza, all else is forgiven.
Everything pales now as this horror is being perpetrated in real time, as a blot on every single living human adult, who knows of it, and doesn’t speak out in defense of Gaza.
Roger Waters is not only the founder of Pink Floyd, he’s the creative genius that gave us Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall. David Gilmore was just a replacement for Syd Barret who tripped out on LSD and never came back down to earth.
No other artist has ever risked their career and status speaking out against the Zionist Agenda as Roger Waters.
Everyone else is just Zionist ass kissing wankers afraid to speak up.
This man should be given a Noble Peace Prize.
Death to the Zionist Occupation forces of Palestine.
You're a silly cunt.
Roger Waters is not only the founder of Pink Floyd, he’s the creative genius that gave us Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall. David Gilmore was just a replacement for Syd Barret who tripped out on LSD and never came back down to earth.
barret’s early meltdown brought gilmour into the band. he was a good friend of barret and didn’t want to replace him but syd was too far gone. gilmour tried to help syd with his solo work but syd never got far with that.
Syd was the unintended muse of the band.
Without his painful farewell, a lot of Floyd’s hit albums simply wouldn’t have been.
This is why the freedom of speech is sacrosanct, and why the ((corruption)) in media needs to be destroyed!
IF the global public was allowed to have their voices heard, and at least pressure their ((governments)) to stop- genociding people, toppling governments in coups, funded revolutions, and sanctions/war campaigns, and playing ((their)) grand game of global chess… the truth would be revealed that the majority of the world population is against that Satanic garbage.
Instead, we are silenced, and victims of “gate keeping”, to keep that conversation from occurring at a large scale, and instead we get ((filtered)) media to make it appear like those voices are the fringe.
And that’s what happens to people like Roger Waters. He’s in the global majority, he’s in “The Right”, and he is doing all that he can to lend his voice to the dead, dying, and oppressed. However, like most public people doing it, his message is like a lone voice in the darkness.
I still applaud him for doing it, either way.
Steely Dan was named for a dildo.
Fagan the Jew had no talent.
Surprised AA has no clue.
Fagan the Jew had no talent.
agree on gilmour, very sad. pink floyd was syd barret’s band, he did all the writing, guitar and vocals on their debut masterpiece, piper at the gates of dawn, recorded at abbey road studios the same time as the beatles were recording st. pepper’s.
barret’s early meltdown brought gilmour into the band. he was a good friend of barret and didn’t want to replace him but syd was too far gone. gilmour tried to help syd with his solo work but syd never got far with that.
waters took greater control of the direction of the band, which led to the eventual resentment of his bandmates, over creative issues in their music. at the time of the split, i took the bands view of waters and thought he was a narcissist and egomaniac. i only really listen to them up to the wall, which i didn’t like, as it seemed out of place with their previous music, imo.
i held that view of waters, until i found out about his support for palestine. that really reshaped my view of him, as much as gilmour’s views have reshaped my opinion of him, as well. same with eric clapton and van morrison, on their stance on covid as well as csn&y on the other side. principles matter, they shape our character and influence the direction of our work.
Syd was the unintended muse of the band.
barret’s early meltdown brought gilmour into the band. he was a good friend of barret and didn’t want to replace him but syd was too far gone. gilmour tried to help syd with his solo work but syd never got far with that.
David is simply a better musician that Roger. He’s a better guitarist, he’s a better singer, and he’s a much better songwriter.
Anyone who actually believes this nonsense is clearly retarded. Waters wrote ALL of Floyd’s lyrics, and most of its best songs as well.
Also, interesting that Anglin brings up Steely Dan. I wonder if he realizes that Fagen, the creative genius behind the band, is Jewish?
I think it’s well known that for music, poetry (and math), the best work is done in youth.
Blanket statements like this can never be considered applicable to every artist. The human mind likes to put everything into neat boxes, but seldom is it that way in reality. There are way too many factors in the individual artist’s journey that come into play during the course of his life and in many cases, if not all cases, a serious artist who has dedicated his entire life to a body of work will do his best work in his later period. This was noted by Beato toward the end of his video. To wit, Beethoven’s late string quartets. However you look at it, this is definitely one of the peaks of human artistic endeavour. Then there’s the Persian poet, Rumi, who spent the last twelve years of his life composing his “Masnavi”, a series of 6 books containing 25,000 verses that eclipses everything he’d done previously. Miles Davis said, “Genius has no age”, and he is right. Creativity is a unique undertaking and every Soul is unique. There are countless possibilities and the sky is the limit. It is up to each individual.
I agree with AA that Pink Floyd is one of the greatest rock groups of all time. One of my favorites. Top 5 for absolute sure! However, I think Brother Roger’s advocacy efforts on behalf of the Palestinians is in vain. Various relief organizations have conclusively proven that there is mass starvation in the Gaza Strip. This lies directly at the feet of Bibi & the half-Jewish dictator of Egypt. Both of these repellent individuals should be eating off of steel trays in The Hague for the rest of their miserable lives. But don’t hold your breath for any justice. Worthless organizations like the EU are nothing more than piles of DEI manure. Moreover, anything emanating from the UN & the so-called “international community” is nothing more than hot air & just for show.
I don't see this in any photos of Gazans. They mostly look healthy enough to walk back and forth for miles each day as Israel moves them around. I don't see any gaunt skeleton people such as we see in places like Sudan.
"Various relief organizations have conclusively proven that there is mass starvation in the Gaza Strip."
“My point is: he’s against the Jews, and that’s what matters”
No. What matters is that Waters isn’t for his own English brethren. He advocates for a foreign people he has no historical, biological or cultural connection to, while the people that he does share those things with are being marginalized and replaced in their own land. Their young women are groomed and raped by the thousands. Anyone who dare speak against it is politically persecuted.
The Palestinian cause is nothing more than a pet project for Waters. It allows him to present himself as a moral and virtuous, when in really it is just a vehicle for his own narcissism. (Like Sean Penn trying to “rescue” Katrina survivors equipped with a two man dingy occupied by him and his photographer.)
Fuck Roger Waters.
Why would anyone be for Anglos? Anglos are subhuman trash. Waters is one of the only examples of a good Anglo, doing his best to make up for his low quality ancestry by advancing the cause of a more noble people.
What matters is that Waters isn’t for his own English brethren
I do not see any purpose in imitating the cult gestures of Hitler’s ideology, which does not mean that we cannot, or indeed must not, implement certain purely rational elements of this ideology into our own world view.
The CIA and its affiliates create, support and control nationalist and neo-Nazi movements which act destabilizing assets and proxy warriors much like they create, support, and control radical Salafi jihadism (Al Qaeda, ISIS, et al.). “Managing savagery†as Max Blumenthal calls it.
Well before the CIA was fostering Azov and Aidar battalions in post-Maidan Ukraine, they were behind the nazification of Ukraine to undermine the Soviets. This CIA nazification program had the code name AERODYNAMIC and created/fostered the OUN-B Banderite group (see link below). After the fall of the Soviet Union this CIA monster was repurposed to undermine Russia.
Here’s an unclassified document on the program from August 28, 1953:
When the Russians talk about de-nazification and nazis in Ukraine, it is shorthand for these CIA-created proxy warriors and not some grassroots right-wing movement.
Waters and Springsteen have been insufferable leftists for decades now. At least Waters has derailed from that substantially. Gilmour, less outspoken, is lost due to his unfortunate marriage. All three had their day as musical giants. I am not a big Bruce fan, but do like a few select cuts. This is the only one I thought I couldn’t keep off my iPod.
Video Link
So Pink Floyd’s Yoko was a Yenta? Lol. Did not know this.
“David is simply a better musician that Roger. He’s a better guitarist, he’s a better singer, and he’s a much better songwriter”
I will half-wager that AA is trolling us when he claims that Gilmour is a better songwriter than Waters. When Waters left Floyd, all the passion, angst and vision left with him. What remained was the kind of band you watch from a corporate box, led by a guitarist who looked like a bank manager.
In an interview from the 80s, Waters claimed mockingly that the management of his ex-band had contacted him, asking him if he had any “concepts” that Floyd could use for an album. I see no reason not to believe him.
Gilmour’s Jewish wife famously called Waters an “anti-semite”on twitter, for his crime of sticking up for Palestinians. David chimed in with “all true I’m afraid”. This combined with Floyd’s brain-dead support for Zelensky means I can never look at them the same way again.
Unlike Waters, who is both a hero AND a great artist.
Mostly, they can’t. Rick Beato did a great video recently about why musicians do their best work in their youth.
“ISrahell is a racist apartheid state of raving, fucking lunatics, who sworn to bring the world to destruction.”
— Brendon O’Connell
Australian Jew Hater Police Interrogation Video – Exposes Israeli Yeshiva Military Academies –
“They are setting up to exterminate us. This is not a game. … They are going from the war against Persia to the war against Persia and all of the eurasianist forces of Gog and Magog against the Leviathan, and that spells death for everyone!”
— Christopher Jon Bjerknes
Kabbalah of Syria –
Video Link
That is the golden dream of white racism, to build a world where everyone who is different can be killed.
Now that Biden declares himself a Zionist, his participation in the bombing of schools by the Israelis can be better appreciated, because that is the world that has been trying to be built since 1945, after the triumph of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany.
The failure of “racist Nazi†Germany made the West turn towards “racist Zionist†fanaticism because until then the Jews were rejected throughout the West.
According to that, that wonderful world for genocide would be Zionism.
Did Anglin intend to keep harping on the age span of most artists during top artistic production so those many people with short attention spans stop thinking about what should be the main point of this piece: which is that Roger Waters is seeing that ‘the West’, the Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestant Empire, the Anglo-Zionist Empire, is evil personified. WASP empire is Anglo-Zionism is, to get back to art, Oceania and Brave New World and Mordor all rolled into one.
None of this stuff is new. WASP empire is, and has been since before the death of archetypal WASP Oliver Cromwell, Anglo-Saxon Puritan revolution against Christendom, meaning ‘Reformation’ revealed literally to serve as never-ending anti-Christendom with a pagan Germanic soul. And once that evil force allied, as its Judaizing heretical theological and thus philosophical heart and soul demanded, with international Jewish financing, it began its march to destroy the entire world to rule every square mile of the globe.
You clearly do not want people thinking about that level of evil. You serve Mordor.
And you are not alone. Steve Sailor will refuse to NOTICE anything long those those lines no matter how long he lives. He also will shill in his way for what he thinks good about WASP empire.
Your bleating has zero effect on the world. If you are unhappy with the state of the world you live in and who is in control, then feel free to self-destruct.Replies: @Abhuman, @lavoisier
"And once that evil force allied, as its Judaizing heretical theological and thus philosophical heart and soul demanded, with international Jewish financing, it began its march to destroy the entire world to rule every square mile of the globe.
You clearly do not want people thinking about that level of evil. You serve Mordor."
Of all the writers on TUR, Sailer is the most useless to the premises and aims of the website.Replies: @arbeit macht frei, @meamjojo
And you are not alone. Steve Sailor will refuse to NOTICE anything long those those lines no matter how long he lives. He also will shill in his way for what he thinks good about WASP empire.
but hey – check out all those great millennial artists, huh?
Limit your sarcasm to the american ones. Europe has sprouted tons of great millennial artists. They’ve been making the best rock in decades.
The US has effectively been “stealing†Syrian oil for a decade, Waters claimed.
Nice quotation marks, RT.
Shut up Jojo. No one wants to hear your music criticism any more than they want to hear your endless zionist claptrap.
“Criminal lunatics†in the West want to bring about a future in which genocide is permitted
I think it’s well known that for music, poetry (and math), the best work is done in youth. But for other art forms such as novels or painting or cinema, artists in older ages can still be pretty good and sometimes do their best work. (Well for painting it depends if you can maintain hand dexterity).
In the case of rock/pop music, however, I think it’s more about it being easier to live from early successes than creating new good stuff. Classical composers kept creating new stuff, but most rockstars just live from whatever they created in their youth, then they don’t need to do new good stuff anymore.
How about Jim Morrison, Duane Allman, Janis Joplin, Hendrix, etc. Too many good (artists) die young.
As for Waters – die already mofo!
Why is it that whenever a Jew does a despicable thing, we blame it on the Israeli Lobby? Isn’t there a US Jewish Lobby? If so, how does it differ from the so-called Israeli lobby?
How do you know what Jews support Israel and what Jews don’t? You seem to assume all the bad stuff comes from Israel and its supporters and that the Jewish Tribe doesn’t exist.
Are the leaders of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Israelis? I doubt it. But sure as Hell, they are Jews, and aren’t they among the leaders of the Jewish Lobby? You bet they are. Aren’t the leaders of the IHRA the ones changing the definition of antisemitism and conducting the witch hunt you complain about? Yes. They are NOT an Israeli organization.
Is the “hideous” Jonathan Greenblatt an Israeli? My guess is that he’s an American Jew. Is he a leader of the US Jewish Lobby? You betchum.
Aren’t the leaders of AIPAC Jews? Absolutely. Don’t they lead the Lobby? No doubt about it.
Does the Biden Administration’s antisemitism Czar Deborah Lipstadt live in Israel? I doubt it. Does she even have dual citizenship? Can such US government positions allow such a thing? I’d be surprised. But is she a Jew? Of course. Is she part of the Jewish Lobby? You betchum.
Were the members of the “several Jewish groups that urged the cut of funds to CUNY and demanded that the law school dean be fired” Israelis? My guess is that they were NY Jews, American citizens. Would you say they do the work of the Jewish Lobby? You betchum.
Do you realize that the Jewish Lobby has not only concerns of Israel, but other very dominating concerns? Like what, you might ask. THE DEFINITION OF ANTISEMITISM!!!
Were the variety of West Coast and New York pro-Israel sources that complained about Palestinian defenders Jewish, and do they support the demands of the Jewish Lobby? I’ll bet you on it. Is Brooke Goldstein, the so-called human-rights lawyer, founder of The Lawfare Project, a Jew promoting the political concerns of Jews and lobbying for those concerns. You’re damn right.
“When I last checked, Israel was a foreign country with both foreign and domestic policies…”
Well then, isn’t it illegal for a foreign country to lobby the US government? Correct me if I’m wrong.
So why do you insist on this horse manure of the “Israel Lobby?” It’s plain and simple a Jewish Lobby, and stop trying to deceive us.
Don’t you see how you play in the hands of miscreants when you mis-identify the perpetrators of crimes? You cannot understand or stop wrongdoers unless you can identify them.
So let’s pull back the curtain on these misfits. Who are they? They are the Jewish Leaders of well over 200 US Jewish political organizations who lobby our government and deceive our citizens into thinking they don’t exist. These organizations have endowments in the billions of dollars, and without the wholehearted support of the vast majority of American Jews, the Israeli Jews could never get away with their atrocities.
It’s the world wide, extremely organized political entity we call the Jewish Tribe, which consists of the Israeli Jews and the Diaspora Jews. It’s extremely close knit and tightly controlled by their leaders who are in the process of throwing Judaism itself under the bus, for the sake of their beloved fascist state of Israel.
Why do you deceive us into thinking only Israelis are the culprits? Do you include Israeli Arabs and Christians in that title? It’s the political entity called the TRIBE that we must stop.
But you have to hand it to them. It’s not easy controlling the entire population of a superpower and its government without even being seen.
So Philip, I implore you, give us the full truth. I enjoyed your very informative article, but please help us expose the sources of the witch hunt you’re complaining about.
Almost. Christianity is not a Jesus religion. It’s a Paulist religion. I have no problems with Jesus, but Paul was an asshole.
Originally they created the Balfour declaration, which stayed their desire to create the nation of Israel, this during WW1.
The Rothschilds bankers arranged the Versailles treaty of WW1 and carved up the Ottoman empire and diveed up the middle east, with Britain getting Palestine. The Rothschilds banking cabal created the great depression to put Hitler their stooge in power. Adolf stumbled into WW2 to help create Israel. And all the propaganda that followed since.
I guess this is “anti-Semitic…”:
European Parliament calls for end to Israeli settlements in the occupied territories –
Google: Gentiles in Halacha
This JEWISH document spells out the HATRED Jews have for non-Jews for over 3000 years.
Don’t be caught out by ‘the trickâ€
In August 2002 former Israeli Minister of Education Shulamit Aloni was interviewed on the radio and television program Democracy Now. During the interview, she was asked:
Question: Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called anti-Semitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?
Shulamit Aloni replied: “Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic. And the organization is strong, and has a lot of money, and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong and they are strong in this country, as you know. And they have power, which is okay. They are talented people and they have power and money, and the media and other things, and their attitude is “Israel, my country right or wrong,†identification. And they are not ready to hear criticism. And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.â€
Vito I am not an Evangelical Christian, so therefore I do not have this unabashed support for the Zionist state. I don’t have a Scofield Bible and even though I grew up with Christian faith– I believe that both Judaism and Christianity are heterodox in their history and developmental in their current form in today’s world. The only thing is that Jews would be a bit more honest in admitting this.
UN releases online ‘hate speech’ guide –
Being that it comes from Russia Today, I imagine they support it. After all, free speech is criminalized in Russia.
Incorrect title. Torah, Tanakh, Talmud, one or two other terms to confuse the goyim, all a joke really. LOL, let’s go for Midrash.
Ah yes, the Midrash, the big book of apologetics to help close the gapping plot holes in the bullshit Tanakh – nothing could be finer than a Jew and Aunt Jemima.
You surely MUST be joking. Look at the genealogy that supports that MYTHICAL number. Do you really think that Methuselah lived to 969? Or are you pulling my leg?
The decay of the West is not all the fault of ‘the Jews’. This obsession with their omnipotence and omniscience is bizarre. The hit above their weight in good, bad and general malarkey, that is for sure. I mean, where are the goy Marx Brothers and Three Stooges, I ask you?
No, it's called fiction, and their 'god' is a personality disordered cunt, with ALL of their stories lifted from the mythologies of more ancient cultures.Don't take my word for it, just read the Torah - their god is a personality disordered cunt.For the apologetics as to why their god isn't a cunt, as reasoned by greasy-haired short/fat/bald cunty men who spoke Greek, read the Talmud.Replies: @che guava
The Jewish calendar (now 5,783) dates from when G-d created the Earth. This is called ‘creationism’.
Incorrect title. Torah, Tanakh, Talmud, one or two other terms to confuse the goyim, all a joke really. LOL, let’s go for Midrash.
The true point is to grab a rooster by its feet, dance around swinging it overhead, kill it, then cook and eat it. Obviously, part of the point is to get the bird to produce the maximum of panic chemicals before it is plucked and cooked.
Ah yes, the Midrash, the big book of apologetics to help close the gapping plot holes in the bullshit Tanakh - nothing could be finer than a Jew and Aunt Jemima.
Incorrect title. Torah, Tanakh, Talmud, one or two other terms to confuse the goyim, all a joke really. LOL, let’s go for Midrash.
Some see similar as they hold the feet of a rooster, swing it around their heads, and dash out the life.
Pretty strange custom.
After the little dervish dance, swing the bird around like a loon. Seems the idea is to cook and eat the bird later. Not too unnatural, but why dance with and torture the bird first? It’s really very odd.
With all due respect, yes He was raised in the Jewish tradition but He came to us by the Immaculate Conception through Mother Mary and raised with Saint Joseph.
He is the Son of God, not a mere Jew.
There’s a long list of good Jews in the New Testament starting with Our Lord Himself, and continuing with Mary, Joseph, eleven of the Twelve Apostles, Paul after his conversion, etc.
The Great Commission was given to the 12 Apostles. There is a passsge in one of the gospels where Jesus directs them to go to the lost sheep of Israel, I think there were a few non-Jewish disciples, the Samaritan woman at least. He told her to go and sin no more. Also there was the Centurion.
The Jewish calendar (now 5,783) dates from when G-d created the Earth. This is called ‘creationism’.
No, it’s called fiction, and their ‘god’ is a personality disordered cunt, with ALL of their stories lifted from the mythologies of more ancient cultures.
Don’t take my word for it, just read the Torah – their god is a personality disordered cunt.
For the apologetics as to why their god isn’t a cunt, as reasoned by greasy-haired short/fat/bald cunty men who spoke Greek, read the Talmud.
The Jewish empire has been very successful in convincing the childlike populations of the West that their way offered more than the more puritanical Christian way of gilt and self censorship. You no-longer had to feel guilty for that extra scoop of ice cream or that liaison with your best friends wife, the Jewish way allowed you off the hook and Hollywood and the entertainment industry reinforced these modes of thought due to it’s overwhelming Jewish influence.
But every positive has its obverse side and the Jewish way has produced broken families, obesity, mental illness on a huge scale and a collapsing society where everything is reduced down to worth and the most corrupt and debauched rule over us.
I think the world has had enough and unless the west has an epiphany fast then we are going to the bottom of the well with more lies and distractions being necessary to cover the last that were told until the only option of the Jewish overlords is to create WW3.
Its time to reject the Jewish way and to look for something else.
The Jewish calendar (now 5,783) dates from when G-d created the Earth. This is called ‘creationism’. The creation story is a stone age myth, created by an ethnocentric, flat-earth cult that also gave us the yarn about Noah’s Ark.
Like Jesus coming back form the dead and ascending to ‘heaven’ (outer space), these fanciful, Jewish yarns all qualify as childish fairy tales, cooked up by people were were highly superstitious and scientifically illiterate.
No, it's called fiction, and their 'god' is a personality disordered cunt, with ALL of their stories lifted from the mythologies of more ancient cultures.Don't take my word for it, just read the Torah - their god is a personality disordered cunt.For the apologetics as to why their god isn't a cunt, as reasoned by greasy-haired short/fat/bald cunty men who spoke Greek, read the Talmud.Replies: @che guava
The Jewish calendar (now 5,783) dates from when G-d created the Earth. This is called ‘creationism’.
you do realize that the current year Jewish calendar says that it is the year 5783 which makes the Jewish people AT LEAST that old.
Then they’re immature pups. And it shows. Little pups that need their noses rubbed in their own shit.
Human Beings (homo sapiens) otoh, are ~ 600,000 years old. These Judenrats must have evolved from eating human waste.
This will continue to be tolerated until it is no longer in America’s interest to tolerate it. Don’t forget, WWII was a primarily an economic, not a moral issue initiated by the powerful money interests in the U.S., Great Britain and others. It was no accident. Neither was Vietnam, the Civil War and so on. So, when it no longer is profitable for the U.S. to sustain its “special” relationship with Israel and turn a blind eye to its atrocities, then watch for it. The political tone will change and be justified at the highest levels of government and society. Suddenly what was once tolerable will become intolerable, and apartheid will no longer be whitewashed. Orwell’s 1984 will be stood on its head and ubiquitous, incessant charges of Anti-Semitism will be seen for what they are, the ludicrous paranoia of a nation which has drunk too much of its own Kool-Aid. Watch for it, it approaches.
Uh, Mulga, you do realize that the current year Jewish calendar says that it is the year 5783 which makes the Jewish people AT LEAST that old.
Then they're immature pups. And it shows. Little pups that need their noses rubbed in their own shit.
you do realize that the current year Jewish calendar says that it is the year 5783 which makes the Jewish people AT LEAST that old.