Just a belated comment about the supposed Satan worshippers rather than the idea of Black Mass attenders it is worth remembering that supposedly some Talmudic Jews worship a kind of Adversary figure more akin to how ancient middle east folk accounted for a polarity in the spiritual forces ruling the world, something of which appears in Greek Mythology. In other words perhaps the Satan worshipping aspect is code for Talmudic Jews who worship money.
A basic knowledge of freemasonry tells you that it is disguised luciferianism, therefore satanism. What a letdown to read something like this from Guyenot, missing a good half of the whole picture.
Yes that’s all good and well, but who is to say that your particular recommendations are the correct ones…
Cerainly God himself hasn’t…
I mean a great deal of Quran has to come with a warning that this part isn’t nonsense..and makes perfect sense …because some blokes have decided that at some point…that may be problematic..
even though it doesn’t..make any sense.. and they know it..
and then of course you have the rather uncomfortable cof cof … Satanic verses… it certainly seems that Islam is just as confounded by the Abrahamic creations as the Christians..
Which of course is all political…and makes for obedient slaves, either way..both in and out..
Presumably that’s because it’s all the work of jewes and a grand fabrication….even this Satanism lark..which lets be clear is perfectly tailored, which incidentally jewes are renowned as, for the mentally retarded..which unfortunately accounts for 99% of the imbeciles shuffling around Gods green Earth..
Mouth breathing nonsense the jewes have stitched together for them…
Double standards again from one of Unz’s resident Hasbara Zio Agents.
Study finds widespread history of sexual abuse among formerly Orthodox
While Jews are no more likely to be sexually abused than other Americans, individuals who have left the Orthodox community are more than four times as likely to have been molested as children than the general population, a new study has found…
Another Example Of The I.Q Of An Ashkenazi ”
Zionist ” Jew”! 😂
There does seem to be are strange and disturbing overlap between pedophilic blackmail operations, intelligence agencies, MkUltra programming, and dark occult themed sadism
In 1987 the Washington Post ran a weird story about ‘The Finders’
The article concerned a case of possible kidnapping and child abuse, and read in part as follows:
“Authorities investigating the alleged abuse of six children found with two men in a Tallahassee, Fla., park discovered material yesterday in the Washington area that they say points to a 1960’s style commune called the Finders, described in a court document as a ‘cult’ that allegedly conducted ‘brainwashing’ and used children ‘in rituals.’
“D.C. police, who searched a Northeast Washington warehouse linked to the group removed large plastic bags filled with color slides, photographs and photographic contact sheets. Some photos visible through a bag carried from the warehouse at 1307 Fourth St. NE were wallet-sized pictures of children, similar to school photos, and some were of naked children.
“D.C. police sources said some of the items seized yesterday showed pictures of children engaged in what appeared to be ‘cult rituals.’ Officials of the U.S. Customs Service, called in to aid in the investigation, said that the material seized yesterday includes photos showing children involved in bloodletting ceremonies of animals and one photograph of a child in chains.
“Customs officials said they were looking into whether a child pornography operation was being conducted … Their links to the D.C. area have led authorities into a far-reaching investigation that includes the Finders – a group of about 40 people that court documents allege is led by a man named Marion Pettie – and their various homes, including the duplex apartment building in Glover Park, the Northeast Washington warehouse and a 90 acre farm in rural Madison County, Va. …
“The children, identified in a court document only by the first names of Honeybee, John, Franklin, Bee Bee, Max and Mary, were described as ‘dirty, unkempt, hungry, disturbed and agitated.’ They had been living in the rear of the van for some time, the document said. Yesterday, police spokesman Hunt said one of the children, a 6 yr. old girl, ‘showed signs of sexual abuse’ …
Thed US News & World did the only follow up on it….
One of the unresolved questions involves allegations that the Finders are somehow linked to the Central Intelligence Agency. Customs Service documents reveal that in 1987, when Customs agents sought to examine the evidence gathered by Washington, D.C. police, they were told that the Finders investigation ‘had become an internal matter.’
“The police report on the case had been classified secret. Even now, Tallahassee police complain about the handling of the Finders investigation by D.C. police. ‘They dropped this case,’ one Tallahassee investigator says, ‘like a hot rock.’ D.C. police will not comment on the matter. As for the CIA, ranking officials describe allegations about links between the intelligence agency and the Finders as ‘hogwash,’ perhaps the result of a simple mix up with D.C. police. The only connection, according to the CIA: A firm that provided computer training to CIA officers also employed several members of the Finders.â€
“Among the evidence seized – detailed instructions on obtaining children for unknown purposes and several photographs of nude children.
“According to a Customs Service memorandum obtained by U.S. News, one photo appeared ‘to accent the child’s genitals.’ The more the police learned about the Finders, the more bizarre they seemed: There were suggestions of child abuse, Satanism, dealing in pornography and ritualistic animal slaughter…..
“None of the allegations was ever proved, however. The child abuse charges against the two men in Tallahassee were dropped; all six of the children were eventually returned to their mothers, though in the case of two, conditions were attached by a court. In Washington, D.C. police began backing away from the Finders investigation. The group’s practices, the police said, were eccentric – not illegal.â€
There were a series of memos written by Special Agent Ramon J. Martinez, United States Customs Service.
What he described was an international terrorist organisation with a speciality in child trafficking , military intelligence connections and weird ‘blood rituals’ mixed with kiddy porn. You can find these memos with a simple internet search
That is one such unresolved story that incites panic amongst the unsophisticated
The Franklin Scandal broke right around of the Finders Story.
Nick Bryant wrote the definitive work on The Franklin Scandal. It’s an outstanding piece of investigative journalism that he spent 7 years on.
What he proved was an national pedophilic blackmail ring that went up to the white house and catered to the most powerful men in the world operating out of Omaha. Like Epstein but with more young boys.
It had a deeper level with sadistic abuse and yet another where sadistic abuse was coupled with dark occult theme
It was called a ‘carefully crafted hoax’ by the New York Time . It involved 2 grand juries and a perjury trial where a 17 yea old girl went to jail for 5 years for not recanting.
From 2019. This is just low level
Kiddy porn down to 1 yrs old
Satanic themed
*I found this right around the time of the Dayton mass shooter who happened to be a Satanist who played in a weird heavy metal band.
These guys are right down the street from Dayton , arrested right round the shooting
*Pro Tip: Programmed killers likely were severely abused
I think G-d knows what the Worldwide Church of Satan is. Its leader wears a dress and resides in Rome . . . .
Typical Protestant Baptist pap…the inability to recognize the true synagogue of satan–today’s jews.
Instead you and your ilk bash the only true opposition to the (fake) jewish cabal taking over the western world.
Have you read your Scofield bible lately?
Have you handled any poisonous snakes lately?
This primarily Baptist hatred is spawned by the so-called jew-run Christian zionist movement which promises the “rapture” for only a selected few.
I’ll bet you are one of those seeking the “rapture”.
The way things are going, the “rapture” you desire will most likely be a nuclear mushroom cloud…
The Whore of Babylon sits in Rome!!!
LOL. “small cabal”
The Whore of Babylon in Rome is the largest worldwide pedo and child trafficking organization of the post-WW2 period.
Agree there – the NOI output is garbage and about what you’d expect from a median IQ 82 outfit. Seriously, they even refer to their “elites” as “fruits” (the so-called fruits of islam). I think they all might have just fallen out of the coconut tree!
Sure, but my interpretation of the evidence is quite different. I'm sure there's a good deal of pedophilia and such in elite political circles, but I think it's mostly used as a means of blackmail and control. I discussed all of this in an article a few years ago, with Pizzagate being an important part of my analysis:
Do your own research before fully discounting the entire notion that there are powerful pedophies. There are numerous well-documented episodes proving this to be the case, such as the well-known “Dutroux Affair†and the more recent case of Drąsius Kedys in Lithuania.
Dutroux had accomplices but he, his accomplice wife and other 4 accomplices were neither rich nor powerful.
His father was a teacher he was an Electrician. One of the worst Castro was a school bus driver in Ohio. Kept 3 or 4 girls locked up for years. One had a baby the other girls delivered. Kids healthy but the genetics from the father a disaster.
Of course sex deviants prostitutes drugs people meet people in those circles they never would meet in normal lives. Lawyers and their drug dealers is one example.
Former Mayor of San Francisco and his 11 and 12 year old black girls who lived with their Moms or relatives in the worst projects in the city. Pedophilia younger than 13.
Leibniz and Bošković were Serbs.
Doesn't take much "research" for anyone who's been in a hardware store in the past few decades.
Thanks for the research tip concerning six-pointed screws. �
Got a mouse in your pocket?Replies: @Mom's Basement II, @Mom's Basement II
We were aware of such screws...
Well, I took your advice and used my mouse. I was fascinated by the history of the “screw wars†of the 20th century. Interestingly, the Canadians developed a screw that reduced cam out – the Robertson screw – a very long time ago. Henry Ford wanted to use it in his cars, but Robertson refused, wanting his allegedly superior screw to be used exclusively by Canadians. This screwy patriotism cost Robertson a lot of money. Apparently, the Robertson screw is still a patriotic issue for many Canadian screw users, which might explain the strange reaction I encountered while visiting a screw manufacturer in British Columbia.
Likewise, the sullen fellow I tried to help refused an offer from a Japanese company that wanted his screw design. Again, the issue was a screwy, misplaced patriotism that cost the poor fellow a lot of misery.
I noticed that the Torx company came up with a five-pointed star screw, the Torx Plus, after the patent on the six-pointed Torx screw ran out in 1990. I may have seen this screw in a store once or twice. From videos I watched, I gather that the engagement area between the driver and fastener is greater in the Torx Plus than the Torx, giving it an advantage in some applications. The screw and driver samples my acquaintance had made also had a large engagement area.
History of almost anything is fascinating, including history of screws. Hopefully, a little comic relief is involved.
Doesn't take much "research" for anyone who's been in a hardware store in the past few decades.
Thanks for the research tip concerning six-pointed screws. �
Got a mouse in your pocket?Replies: @Mom's Basement II, @Mom's Basement II
We were aware of such screws...
Amusing response. I had no interest in screws myself. I only wanted to help that fellow’s attitude. I relied on the opinion of my acquaintance and a few other people I contacted. I shouldn’t have used the “royal we.”
Thanks for the research tip concerning six-pointed screws.
Doesn’t take much “research” for anyone who’s been in a hardware store in the past few decades.
We were aware of such screws…
Got a mouse in your pocket?
Not exactly an innovative idea in 1975:
In 1975... This fellow seemed a talented inventor with a new screw with a five-pointed star-shaped receptacle for a matching screw-driver; the combination greatly reduced cam-out {when the screwdriver slips out of the receptacle). �
Thanks for the research tip concerning six-pointed screws. We were aware of such screws, but the five-pointed screw seemed at the time to perform better. I sometimes see it in stores today. At one point, we visited a screw company in British Columbia, where the head of the company called me an idiot for not realizing that the screw companies would just wait for his patents to expire before they produced the screw at no extra cost to themselves.
This seems to be what happened. My poor acquaintance was eventually “screwed over†by the screw companies. I never had any interest in mechanical things myself, so I let my acquaintance maintain my car for several years. Other mechanics told me he was doing a very good job.
My acquaintance once told me his mother had tried to poison him for an inheritance when he was a child. He also said, “She made a good lemon pie.†He died poor, but was taken care of in his last days by a brain-damaged fellow who had spent his own inheritance getting the screw patented.
As they say, “Life is a tale told by an idiot.†Another quote I like, “Mystery behind and Death ahead.â€
As for the rest of my narrative bordering on madness, The accomplished physicist Freeman Dyson, analyzed evidence available to him concerning telepathy and concluded that the phenomena, if it exists, must be very rare and linked very high stress. I would say dissociative states caused by trauma. I think that the CIA came to a similar conclusion.
Why a physicist like Freeman Dyson would stick his neck out like that is an interesting question. But he is not alone. I remember reading a statement by a physicist at CalTech in the early 1990’s say that if telepathy were proven true, he could live with it. I think that physicists who study the history of science realize that there are many holes in scientific materialism and the idea of a particle-based universe, i. e., the “Dead Universe Theory.â€. Some of these holes were pointed out by the Jesuit engineer Boscovich during Newton’s time. Leibniiz, Kant, and Nietzsche especially made powerful arguments on the basis of Boscovich that most physicists are unaware of.
The MKULTRA victim I described in my last post had a few telepathic experiences, but they are not central to her narrative.
The MKUTRA “church†had both Jews and non-Jew members. Ewen Cameron was a Scot and “titan†who died mountain-climbing. The psychoactive drugs used in MKULTRA were supplied by Hubertus Strughold, Chief Scientist at the US School of Aviation Medicine and former head of medical experimentation at the Dachau concentration camp, where he allegedly killed thousands.
Doesn't take much "research" for anyone who's been in a hardware store in the past few decades.
Thanks for the research tip concerning six-pointed screws. �
Got a mouse in your pocket?Replies: @Mom's Basement II, @Mom's Basement II
We were aware of such screws...
The Empire seems to have a number of uses for pedophilia, the most obvious being use for blackmail. As Woody Allen quipped, “In the US, you can’t run for congress unless you’ve been photographed in bed with a live boy or a dead girl.â€
However, there may be even darker uses. The infamous MKULTRA program (officially ended in 1973), showed a special interest in children between 13 and 18 years of age. This is described in the well-documented and harrowing account of a survivor, “Surviving Evil. CIA Mind Control Experiments in Vermont,†by Karen Wetmore.
There was a reason for this special interest. Children victimized by pedophilia at a very young age are more likely to have dissociative reactions when they reach adolescence. The hormonal changes threaten to bring suppressed memories back into consciousness, so dissociative states, depressions, etc., act as a defense against overwhelming, terrifying early-childhood memories. When such children entered certain mental hospital systems in the 1950s through early 1970s, they were prime targets for MKULTRA experiments aimed at depatterning, creation of new, stronger dissociative states, creation of stronger amnesias, and even creation of multiple personalities to serve as Manchurian candidates or possibly telepaths of some sort, since such phenomena (very much of interest to the CIA) sometimes accompany dissociative states caused by trauma.
Karen entered the Vermont State Hospital when she was 13 and not knowing that she had been molested as a four-year-old. Her parents were denied any access to Karen for years at a time, during which time, Karen was drugged with LSD, pain-producing pharmaceuticals, given electroshock, had a small stone surgically inserted into her cheek, kept in a straight jacket for weeks at a time in an isolation room with no light and no mattress, eventually trained to use firearms, and at least once raped by a psychiatrist. She had very little memory of these events. Fifteen years of research and FOIA requests finally revealed that her psychiatrists were on a CIA payroll and that her treatments were protocols used by MKULTRA. Her psychiatrists were sued, however, no law suits were brought directly against the CIA; it was judged by lawyers and expert witnesses that such suits would drag on for decades.
The true extent of MKULTRA operations, especially in Vermont, were never made public during congressional hearings of the 1970s, but MKULTRA programs were exceedingly ambitious. Some of the psychiatrists involved in these projects, including the infamous Ewen Cameron at McGill University, are documented to have expressed a willingness to engage in “termination experiments.†Taking things that far was obviously not in the interest of “National Security.†This was demonic and the true extent of it has been covered up to this day.
The Vermont State Hospital where Karen was kept maintained an average population of about 1200 patients from the early 1950’s to the official end of the program in 1973. During that time, there were up to 186 deaths per year; that’s a body being carted out of the facility about every other day. Most other years were nearly as bad. After the official end of MKULTRA, the death rate dropped to 1-2 per year, a rate one might expect for a predominantly middle-aged patient population. So, as many as 3000 people at this one facility may have been mentally and physically tortured to death. Much of this work was done under the cover of rehabilitating schizophrenics.
Well, I’m going to tell a story - perhaps comic relief for some, irritating for others.
Granted, every Satanist high-priest is a charlatan, but not all of them are Jews. Michael Aquino, founder of The Temple of Set is not. But he is an expert in PSYOP, who co-authored in 1980 a smart military report titled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory. �
Interesting. Reads like a basically sane person LARPing as a schizophrenic — the content is nonsensical, but the structure is semi-coherent.
By the way:
1. Anton LeVey’s Church of Satan — a variant of Levy, of course. I wonder how the semitic supremacists would react to a “Church of Haman” founded by a guy named Smith?
In 1975… This fellow seemed a talented inventor with a new screw with a five-pointed star-shaped receptacle for a matching screw-driver; the combination greatly reduced cam-out {when the screwdriver slips out of the receptacle).
Not exactly an innovative idea in 1975:
Torx (pronounced /tÉ”Ërks/) is a trademark for a type of screw drive characterized by a 6-point star-shaped pattern, developed in 1967[1] by Camcar Textron… By design, Torx head screws resist cam out better than Phillips head or slot head screws.
“The most famous victim of that serial paedophile is Justin Bieber.”
Was Bieber underage when P Diddy raped him? Anyway they’re all scum.
I know the most obvious difference between Jennifer Aniston and a woman.
As I told you earlier, Sportette, they always tell you the truth, that's the reality you must understand before you learn anything. At :23 the announcer does just that...
You once posted a video claiming Marilyn Monroe was really a man.
You don’t know even the most obvious difference between a man and a woman. That is obvious from a block away.
The Western elite cannot do without Satanism and orgies – Epstein was replaced by rapper P Diddy. The most famous victim of that serial paedophile is Justin Bieber.
He is a billionaire, a superstar, a pillar of show business and a style icon. That icon was also worn by democratic politicians, and sung by liberal journalists. Hollywood superstars flocked to his “naked parties” where children were molested, and now their lawyers are on a rampage, seeking witnesses and secretly paying them to keep quiet.
Everything that happened was recorded and then became material for blackmail. His death threats carried weight because there were so many strange deaths around Didi. It is suspected that he killed or ordered the liquidation of many competitors. The most famous are – Biggie Smalls, Tupac Shakur, some even put Michael Jackson on his list.
It wasn’t only superstars who hid the paedophile, and it wasn’t just artists who participated in his orgies. Also involved are Leo DiCaprio and Oprah Winfrey, all the Kardashians and Naomi Campbell, Ashton Kutcher and Sarah Jessica Parker. But the list is endless.
Ashton Kutcher, an intimate friend of P Diddy, a veteran of all “naked parties”, suddenly comes out with a condemnation of Moscow and supports sanctions against Russia. Oprah Winfrey, P Diddy’s best friend, who never left his orgies, praises Zelensky in every possible way and accuses Russia of “kidnapping children” from Ukraine. The question inevitably arises: where do these perverts have such an interest in children from Ukraine?
Holy Blood does NOT show up on DNA tests, impious one!
Most paedo behaviour is on young girls. They play up the gay elements for general feeding of homophobic Rightwing lynch-mobs-it’s a tried and tested vote-winner, like hatred of the blackfellas. When we had our Royal Commission into it here, the Starvation Army came out very badly. Afterwards, nothing has changed, which is how we do it in Austfailia,
Contemptible sexual pervert and misogynist incel-the NOI can be judged by its output. You know-use your judgment. For a brainwashed Judeonazi who only follows ORDERS from Yahweh like you, that must be incomprehensible. What? Defy G———-d, and spare some suckling babes? Screech!!! (troll’s head exploding, a most satisfying resound).
The “whore of babylon” is actually talmudic judaism.
The jew-owned “mainstream media†licked its chops when a small cabal of homosexual pedophilic priests were exposed within the Roman Catholic Church.
Although the number was small (but still reprehensible to say the least), the jew-owned “mainstream media†utilized its power to slander ALL Catholic clergy, and by inference, the Roman Catholic Church itself.
This same mainstream media conveniently left out the much greater homosexual pedophilia problem within Protestant denominations and its own problems with homosexual pedophilia rabbis within judaism.
In fact, there is much more homosexual pedophilia behavior within Protestantism and judaism than there ever was in the Roman Catholic Church.
The jew-owned “mainstream media†used its own “play on words†to avoid blaming homosexual pedophilia supporters by calling their criminal behavior “minor sex abuse†rather than the sordid criminal homosexual grooming behavior that it truly is. The “mainstream media†went out if its way to avoid calling this sordid criminal behavior by its true definition–homosexual pedophilia grooming.
It is judaism’s eternal hatred of the Roman Catholic Church and Christianity that fuels the constant defamation of Catholicism and Christianity.
If only Christians would disavow their support of zionism and judaism and recognize the extreme hatred that jews have for Roman Catholicism and Christianity, the world would be a much better place.
Shouldn’t that question be asked in the comments to one of the TUR articles posted by those low IQ NOI idiots?
NOI believes that white people (“blue-eyed grafted devils”) were created in a lab by big-headed scientist Jakob through a process called “grafting!” LOL
But when NOI publishes nonsense about Da Joos, TUR commentariat thinks NOI are geniuses!!!
Sportette, you don’t know the power of modern surgery, You are stuck in the 70’s like a (…gulp!) Man of Unz!
You once posted a video claiming Marilyn Monroe was really a man.
As I told you earlier, Sportette, they always tell you the truth, that’s the reality you must understand before you learn anything. At :23 the announcer does just that…
And here, this is a confirmed MAN. Yes, she happens to look like a certain ex-president’s daughter… who just HAPPENED to own the pageants that HE competes in. Now how many of your four boxes does it check?
Now for the piece de resistance. Aldey, I didn’t want to do this to you, but hey; say goodbye to one of your best FRIENDS!
Goodnight and Good Luck.
I like to consider myself to be a pattern recognizer. There are many patterns that seem to be in orbit around this "satanic" elite. One of these patterns is an obsession with blood lines, and hence all the inbreeding.
I also found Anneke Lukas credible... She also talks about the bloodlines and how excited they got when they tested hers, which I found interesting.
Epstein also boasted about creating a race of super-humans at the Zorro ranch.
"a recent data breach impacted nearly 7 million customers, which led to a rush of lawsuits and a $30 million settlement."
The Carolinian and Merovingian bloodlines include
most of the White population of Western Europe and the Americas. Plus the Caribbean Australia New Zealand. Edward 3 and Charles 2 of England have tens of millions of descendants. So do the 5 women and 28 men who survived the diphtheria epidemic on the Mayflower. That’s only 400 years.
99.9999999999. percent of the Carolinian and Merovingian descendants are very ordinary people. Holy Blood Holy Grail is enjoyable reading. But there isn’t a word of truth in it. That priest was a very skilled fund raiser. He didn’t discover a hidden treasure. Just went to Paris and got donations from rich people.
Yes, and there's a very good reason for that. https://youtu.be/hih0tpBs7IY?t=20Yes, I know, it was "just a joke." It was impromptu. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Dd5HL8AlWtkAs I've told you before Aldey, the real world is WAY to complicated for you and the rest of the Unzistas to properly understand, you have no idea what awaits you starting after New Years watching folks keel over from the sheer destruction of everything they THINK they know is going to be a little sad...But it WILL be entertaining.Replies: @Alden
Cher is very long waisted.
There are 4 absolute indicators of a man pretending to be a woman. Indicators 1 and 4 can be seen from a block away. You need to get away from your lunatic websites and get out and observe some real men pretending to be women.
Can you guess what the 4 absolute indicators are? I’ll give you a hint. Number 1 is the most blatantly obvious. Numbers 2 and 3 can’t be seen from a block away. Number 4 is only obvious if the person is wearing pants instead of a skirt.
You once posted a video claiming Marilyn Monroe was really a man. And now Raquel Welch. Both women have all the 4 indicators that they are women.
You don’t know the indicators. Nor does the lunatic whose videos you posted.
As I told you earlier, Sportette, they always tell you the truth, that's the reality you must understand before you learn anything. At :23 the announcer does just that...
You once posted a video claiming Marilyn Monroe was really a man.
Here is what wiki says about those "mandatory tattoos":
The SS had a mandatory tattoo.
To quote Martin Luther: "Jews and their lies". Your picking of nit is just typical pilpul style warping of facts and statements to fit the trolls narrative. Obviously I was talking about this kind of satanic nazi-larper tattoos, not a hidden 1/4" tattoo identifying ones blood type.
"SS blood group tattoos (‹See Tfd›German: Blutgruppentätowierung) were worn by members of the Waffen-SS in Nazi Germany during World War II to identify the individual's blood type...
The SS blood group tattoo was applied, in theory, to all Waffen-SS members, except members of the British Free Corps. It was a small black ink tattoo located on the underside of the left arm near the armpit.[2] It generally measured around 7 millimetres (1â„4 in) long and was placed roughly 20 centimetres (8 in) above the elbow...
Not all Waffen-SS men had the tattoo, particularly those who had transferred from other branches of the military to the Waffen-SS, or those who transferred from the Allgemeine SS, the "General" or non-military SS. "
the Nazis indeed outlawed both showing tattoos in public as well as tattooing itself and that having a tattoo was reason enough to get a person arrested and send to a concentration camp.
I would have no issues with unrequited tattoo "artists" being sent to re-education camps.Replies: @Jefferson Temple
Furthermore, is the fact that several well-known German tattoo artists were imprisoned in concentration camps, namely Wilhelm “Willi†E. Blumberg and Albert Heinze, two of the first professional tattoo artists in Germany. They too were swept up in “anti-social†actions though it is likely that the Nazis saw additional reasons to them being tattooed for such an action. Traditionally, tattoos at that point in time were associated with either people whom the Nazis deemed anti-social or criminal (like actual criminals as well as people of low socio-economomic stratas) and sailors but on the latter unfortunately cannot be found much pertinent information
Not really sure what an unrequited tattoo artist is, or what you mean by that but I will say that tattoos are a personal choice. While I find many of them repulsive, there are others which are lovely works of art. Not surprised that the National Socialists banned them. Just a little disappointed. Thanks for the information.
Nop, in the cradle of European civilization, culture and language. It’s a shame that 99%+ of Europeans don’t know where it was.
Nope, it was in yer Mom’s box. Took on all comers, did Mother O. All your fantasies about civilizations and languages are just faint childhood memories of all those “uncles” who passed through Momsboxville, Serbia.
Nop, in the cradle of European civilization, culture and language. It’s a shame that 99%+ of Europeans don’t know where it was.
Nope, it was in yer Mom's box. Took on all comers, did Mother O. All your fantasies about civilizations and languages are just faint childhood memories of all those "uncles" who passed through Momsboxville, Serbia.
Nop, in the cradle of European civilization, culture and language. It’s a shame that 99%+ of Europeans don’t know where it was.
Agree, except that the UN can still be exploited to normalise and impose policies that serve trans-national capital.
I actually came to that as the conclusion - life is meaningless (unless you give it meaning). Good and evil are human inventions. Put the situation before our minds in Darwinian terms, take your self, emotions, and all religious doctrine out of the argument. What are we dealing with as humans on earth? Survival, like any other specie. The laws that regulate the lion and the lamb apply to us also, but the difference for us vs. the natural world is that we have big imaginative brains, we invented the gods, our purpose. We told ourselves god(s) were testing us for eternal life.
Some would say there is no such thing as “evil†either, that might is right, or it’s a mental sickness or it’s just blind survival of the fittest playing itself out etc. In this case one could reason away the concept of “good†as well. Life quickly becomes meaningless.
Just where were we during all those long ice ages, without fur and even food? Off-planet?
Great sentence in a great article: right there is the key to understanding a great part of world history and current events. In other words, "it's the Jews, stupid!" It's so simple, so direct, so occamy-razory -- so obvious for those who are willing to see it. But people (sheeple) would rather believe in more complicated and convoluted theories like "satanists rule the world". The Jews know how weak-minded most people are, they know their intellectual and emotional weaknesses, and they home in on the exact areas where people are most vulnerable: susceptibility to narrative, to a story.Grant it to them: the Jews know how to tell a story. They've been perfecting their story-telling capacities for thousands of years. They've been studying human (gentile) character for just as long. And so the Jews know their enemy (us) better than we know ourselves: they know exactly which stories to tell us to mesmerize us with their word-wizardry. Is there anyone who can say they are immune to this? It takes a dogged persistence to not be hoodwinked again, even after being red-pilled: because we are living within a Jewish narrative. That's the Matrix. That's what Unz means by "the media creates our reality".But... how the hell did the Jews achieve this mastery of narrative? Sure, they control the media, and Isaac Shamir wrote a book with the title Masters of Discourse, but that kind of analysis doesn't get to the root of the question, does it? I think Jung was getting close to the root when he wrote this: "As a member of a race with a three-thousand-year-old civilization, the Jew, like the cultured Chinese, has a wider area of psychological consciousness than we."To me, this is the key to all our problems with the Jews and why they can control the mind of the masses: our (non-Jew) "younger consciousness" is much more susceptible to manipulation by the "older consciousness" of the Jew. And the Jew is so cunning and strategic -- it's uncanny. They've been preparing for this takeover of the world for hundreds if not thousands of years: and now they can literally shit on everybody's heads with terrorism and genocide and untold atrocities and get away with it. And all because they are the Masters of Narrative.To this older Jew consciousness, it is basically child's play to influence our younger consciousnes by appealing to our unfulfilled desires or even our fears: they play on our sense of insecurity and create archetypes that we don’t fully understand -- such as all this "satanism rules the world" hogwash. Who practically invented propaganda and "public relations"? Bernays, with a little help from uncle Freud. Who were the leaders of basically all "ISMS" of modernity? The Jews, as masterfully described by Kmac.The thing is, it's no use to point out to the normies that they've been had by the Jews: what the normies want, what the normies need is narrative. You can't just rip him out of the Matrix and put him in a cold, brutal red-pilled world: you have to create another narrative for him. "It's the Jews!" doesn't cut it, doesn't seem to capture the normie imagination. We must be like the Jews and give the normies a good narrative, one that they can chew on for a long time. A few of these narratives could be...By ChatGPT: 1. The Guardians of Tradition:Instead of focusing on blaming any one group, we create a narrative where the normies are protectors of tradition and defenders of ancestral values. This positions them as the rightful inheritors of a long cultural heritage under threat from forces of modernity, corruption, and chaos. The story emphasizes the importance of reclaiming lost values, such as family, community, and national identity. In this framework, the enemy is not explicitly named, but is a vague, modern force—such as globalism, corporate greed, or moral decay—that threatens the integrity of society.2. The Awakening Hero:The normie becomes the hero of his own story, slowly waking up to the reality that he has been kept in the dark. This is not a sudden, brutal awakening but a gradual journey, much like a quest. This narrative frames the normie’s life as part of a larger hero’s journey where the quest for truth is noble, and the obstacles he faces—media lies, political corruption, and societal fragmentation—are the challenges that he must overcome. The emphasis is on his personal growth, wisdom, and courage, with the promise of eventual triumph.3. The Battle for the Soul of Society:We position the normie in a cosmic battle for the soul of society, where he is not a passive participant but an active warrior. The narrative frames society as being at a crossroads, where two visions for the future are at odds: one that leads to a dystopian, controlled, dehumanized world, and another that returns to human dignity, freedom, and spiritual awakening. The normie is encouraged to join the fight for a better future—not against a specific group, but against a world of artificiality and control.4. The Return to Nature:This narrative taps into the increasing disillusionment with modernity and technology, framing the normie's journey as a return to simplicity and nature. In this story, the normie is encouraged to disconnect from the digital world, materialism, and the artificial narratives of society, and instead reconnect with nature, community, and his own instincts. The villains in this narrative are the forces of technology and consumerism that seek to distract and enslave people, while the heroes are those who choose a life of self-reliance, organic living, and spiritual connection to the earth.5. The Eternal Struggle for Freedom:A narrative that taps into the age-old theme of the struggle for freedom. The normie is told that every generation must fight for its freedom, and now is his time to take up that mantle. This narrative emphasizes the cyclical nature of history, where periods of darkness and control are followed by revolutions of thought, action, and spirit. The normie becomes part of a grand tradition of those who fought to free themselves from tyranny—whether it’s from authoritarian governments, manipulative media, or corporate overlords. It gives the normie a sense of historic purpose, connecting him to the struggles of past generations.6. The Quest for Inner Sovereignty:This narrative emphasizes that true freedom starts within, and that external forces can only manipulate those who are not psychologically sovereign. The normie is led on a journey of inner awakening, where the focus is on gaining mastery over his own mind and emotions, freeing himself from external influences, and becoming a fully autonomous individual. The story emphasizes the power of the individual will and the importance of personal responsibility, encouraging the normie to break free from victimhood and take control of his own destiny.7. The Collapse of the Machine:In this narrative, the world is depicted as a machine that is slowly breaking down. The normie is one of the few who begins to notice the cracks in the system—whether it's political corruption, environmental degradation, or social division. The narrative paints the picture of an inevitable collapse, but positions the normie not as a helpless bystander, but as a pioneer who can prepare for the post-collapse world. This gives him the role of builder of a new society, where he can shape a better, more just, and sustainable world after the old system has crumbled.8. The Hidden Knowledge Keepers:Here, the normie is invited to join an elite group of truth-seekers who possess hidden knowledge that has been suppressed for centuries. The narrative taps into the appeal of secrecy, mystery, and forbidden knowledge. The normie is given a sense of importance and purpose as he becomes part of an inner circle that understands the deeper truths of reality—whether it’s about history, spirituality, or the nature of power. The allure of hidden wisdom gives the normie a sense of control over his destiny, as he is one of the few enlightened enough to see beyond the surface.9. The Revival of Community:In this narrative, the focus is on rebuilding local communities in the face of a fragmented, alienated society. The normie is encouraged to see himself as a community leader, someone who can help rekindle the bonds between neighbors, families, and local institutions. The story emphasizes the power of small groups coming together to create meaningful change from the ground up. It suggests that the true solution to the problems of the modern world lies not in politics or global movements, but in the revival of human-scale, local connections.10. The Protectors of the Sacred:This narrative taps into the need for meaning and spirituality, framing the normie as a protector of the sacred—whether it's sacred traditions, values, or natural resources. The idea is that certain things in life are too important to be corrupted or commodified, and it is the normie’s duty to defend them. The villain is the force that seeks to desecrate or commercialize what is sacred, whether it’s religious values, the environment, or cultural heritage. This narrative gives the normie a sense of moral purpose in a world that often feels aimless or corrupt.11. The Builders of the Future:Rather than focusing on the decline or manipulation of the present, this narrative looks forward. The normie is cast as part of a vanguard movement building a new future. This could be a technological utopia, a return to traditional values, or a fusion of both. The key is that the normie feels empowered to create, not just critique. He becomes a builder of a new world order, where values of freedom, integrity, and human dignity are restored.12. The Myth of the Disconnected Elite:In this narrative, the story focuses on how a disconnected global elite has lost touch with the needs of everyday people. The normie is cast as the champion of the common man, rising up to restore balance between the ruling class and ordinary citizens. This narrative suggests that the elites, who control media, politics, and finance, have become too insulated in their ivory towers and need to be overthrown or replaced by those who understand the real needs of the population.13. The Last Stand for Humanity:Here, the normie is part of the last generation that can save humanity from self-destruction. The stakes are incredibly high: environmental collapse, spiritual decay, and moral chaos threaten to end the world as we know it. But the normie is the last hope, part of a global movement to reclaim what makes us truly human—compassion, connection, and wisdom. The narrative is urgent and apocalyptic, but offers a heroic path for those who choose to act now.14. The Great Reset for the Soul:This narrative offers an alternative to the “Great Reset†proposed by elites and corporations. It suggests that what society truly needs is a spiritual reset, where we re-examine our values, reconnect with deeper meanings, and rebuild society from the ground up based on ethical and spiritual principles. The normie is encouraged to take part in this spiritual revolution, rejecting the hollow materialism of the present world and becoming a pioneer of a new age of spiritual awakening.These are a few possible narratives that could give the normie a sense of purpose, agency, and a meaningful worldview without simply blaming a specific group. The key is to offer a story that taps into their desires for meaning, identity, and belonging while also addressing the deep-rooted fears and frustrations they may feel about modern society.Replies: @ganainm
Only a community bonded by a common history and identity, an assumed common blood, a common ideology or religion, possibly a common hatred, and at the very least a common aim and a transgenerational determination to advance it, can have global political power and long-term influence on history.
Interesting and useful contribution! Obrigado.
I agree the projection is relentless.
“About 333,000 children were abused within France’s Catholic Church, a report finds”
And for when your local priest gave/gives you the “bad touch” (there is help available – you are not alone!):
Eurovision disqualified a song that you could say is not so subtly hinting at “our side”. Watch the end of the clip, it’s sort of obvious to me what’s being said there.
Many consider it should have won. It seem to say something you cannot say directly. Doing it with gusto and humor.
The song is also not in English, which is nice. Eurovision is usually globalist garbage that only gets English songs from Germany. This song embrace European languages… and the European people.
Excellent article. The original true Satanic music was at least interesting:
From that point, it did blossom in the Scandinavian/Norwegian Black Metal scene that did go around burning Churches. Of course, people in our milieu still are very aware of Varg Vikerness who preach paganism and is extremely anti-Christian. He is also now in France and has some followers there.
I don’t think Satanism proper is a big thing, it’s more a symbol for something else among many. But there is definitely some Pagans in the far-right who are extremely anti-Christian. Which they consider just a branch of Judaism. They play to Satanism as a symbol, because it is more recognizable than promoting their ideal Pagan roots.
The projection is relentless.
Thank Haem for cousins in the media, who will make “documentaries” to invert the truth.
Here’s “Capturing the Friedmans,” caught by the nape and exposed for all to see:
Conspiracies all start with legitimate questions. It does seem like the intel agencies or powers that be don’t like those questions, then they dirty the waters with the conspiracy. However there are a lot of missing people, especially kids. How about all these kids at the border? Has anyone heard what happens to them outside of the supposed cages? Do I think its the sex slave trade? Not really. Seems like bad moms pimp out their kids to the likes of Diddy and Epstein. I instead wonder if the missing are used for blood, organs, research, and even breeding. Modern era transhumanism in my simple mind reminds me an awful lot of my limited reading of the ancient occult an their human sacrificing and blood consumption.
Why do you lie like a lying fuck? The SS had a mandatory tattoo. Stop lying.Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
The SS strictly forbid tattoos.
The SS had a mandatory tattoo.
Here is what wiki says about those “mandatory tattoos”:
“SS blood group tattoos (‹See Tfd›German: Blutgruppentätowierung) were worn by members of the Waffen-SS in Nazi Germany during World War II to identify the individual’s blood type…
The SS blood group tattoo was applied, in theory, to all Waffen-SS members, except members of the British Free Corps. It was a small black ink tattoo located on the underside of the left arm near the armpit.[2] It generally measured around 7 millimetres (1â„4 in) long and was placed roughly 20 centimetres (8 in) above the elbow…
Not all Waffen-SS men had the tattoo, particularly those who had transferred from other branches of the military to the Waffen-SS, or those who transferred from the Allgemeine SS, the “General” or non-military SS. ”
To quote Martin Luther: “Jews and their lies”. Your picking of nit is just typical pilpul style warping of facts and statements to fit the trolls narrative. Obviously I was talking about this kind of satanic nazi-larper tattoos, not a hidden 1/4″ tattoo identifying ones blood type.
Here is an interesting article about the “Nazis” and tattoos:
Neo-Nazis are often heavily tattooed. But what did Hitler and the Nazis think of tattoos?
the Nazis indeed outlawed both showing tattoos in public as well as tattooing itself and that having a tattoo was reason enough to get a person arrested and send to a concentration camp.
Furthermore, is the fact that several well-known German tattoo artists were imprisoned in concentration camps, namely Wilhelm “Willi†E. Blumberg and Albert Heinze, two of the first professional tattoo artists in Germany. They too were swept up in “anti-social†actions though it is likely that the Nazis saw additional reasons to them being tattooed for such an action. Traditionally, tattoos at that point in time were associated with either people whom the Nazis deemed anti-social or criminal (like actual criminals as well as people of low socio-economomic stratas) and sailors but on the latter unfortunately cannot be found much pertinent information
I would have no issues with unrequited tattoo “artists” being sent to re-education camps.
I’ll say it again for the goyim in the back:
Q: What’s the easiest way to get a nun pregnant?
A: Dress her up as an altar boy!!!!
The fact that that “joke” (or really truism) has been widely known since at least the 1970s speaks volumes!
One only has to look at the worldwide scandal of child sex abuse by Catholic Priests to understand what was meant by “The Whore of Babylon” in Revelations.
Welcome to the party, pal!
There is no confusion here about the Bruces.
I mentioned Bruce Jenner types who are obvious trannies. This is easy since they are just insane men dressing as women and threatening to beat you up if you call them male. Others are obvious but not to that ludicrous degree. Truth mentioned Demi Moore and his/her family. I think he is suggesting the entire “family” is trans, based partially on the daughters who seem to have a masculine look. I think other people have suggested Demi Moore is trans probably mostly on the strength of her masculine G.I. Jane bit and her ultra deep sexy voice. Who knows, Mr. Truth seems to think so. This is not my issue, so you can sort it out with him. Some people point out that it is MUCH easier to fake a trans man (FTM camouflage) which is where Bruce Willis comes in. All I can say is that if Bruce W. is faking, it’s a damn good job.
A lot of people have been clearly shown to be trans in Hollyweird. It is really weird and must be some sort of cult thing. The people who worry about this issue point out that showbiz has had lots of gender bending for millennia across many cultures, usually with men playing female roles. There is also the castrato topic and others. I am glad people are calling this stuff out, even if they may be a bit overzealous sometimes.
Well, I’m going to tell a story - perhaps comic relief for some, irritating for others.
Granted, every Satanist high-priest is a charlatan, but not all of them are Jews. Michael Aquino, founder of The Temple of Set is not. But he is an expert in PSYOP, who co-authored in 1980 a smart military report titled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory. �
This is Mr. Diseased Germ Theorist posting his made-up celebrity phantasies like that credit card in another name you kept hidden under the floorboards for your Costa Rica sex tourism porn. File under “S” for “Safely dismissed”.
Delusional rantings as usual, long convoluted rantings about type of flask under water instead of “He fucked up his hand on some broken glass.” Too much detail is the pecker track, the snail trail of the liar.
And labs don’t have dishwashers. Everyone washes EQUIPMENT.
Oh thank You, Your Great Spiritual Highness!Replies: @Mom's Basement II
But at the lesser level, he is interesting
Granted, every Satanist high-priest is a charlatan, but not all of them are Jews. Michael Aquino, founder of The Temple of Set is not. But he is an expert in PSYOP, who co-authored in 1980 a smart military report titled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory.
Well, I’m going to tell a story – perhaps comic relief for some, irritating for others.
Anton LeVey’s Church of Satan does seem to have been mostly fun-and-games, especially since the actress Jane Mansfield served there as some sort of deaconess before her beheading in a freak accident involving her sports car and a large truck. However, I think I know what led one of the participants of that church, Michael Aquino, the “Saint Paul of Satanism,†to have his road-to-Damascus-type conversion precisely in 1975 and come to believe that “Satan was real.â€.
In 1975, I was living near Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles, about 3.5 miles from the Church of Satan’s Sunset Blvd address. There have always been unusual people living along Sunset Blvd., and one such person, whom I discovered loudly kicking trash cans in the alley behind a church as the parishioners were singing, led me, I believe to clues concerning events that would soon take place as 1975 progressed.
This fellow seemed a talented inventor with a new screw with a five-pointed star-shaped receptacle for a matching screw-driver; the combination greatly reduced cam-out {when the screwdriver slips out of the receptacle). He wanted to “screw the world with it†lived in his car fearing the CIA, extremely depressed, one of the most miserable attitudes I have ever encountered, despite having worked in several mental hospitals.
He asked me if I would drive him to see a “psychic†in San Francisco, John Lawrence, who had helped him in the past. I agreed to drive there, hoping to help this dark, but talented fellow with his attitude however possible.
We arrived at the psychic’s San Francisco office about 4:30 pm. There was only one person waiting in his very large waiting room. She was at least 50 years old and sat with head-down, arms crossed over her chest, and legs also crossed, totally withdrawn in barrier gestures, almost like a shrunken spider. When we got into the psychic’s office, I asked, “Who is that woman in the waiting room?†Mr. Lawrence replied, “She’s a psychology professor at Berkeley; she has an entity.â€
Amused, I thought back to Rene Girard’s Lacan-obsessed graduate students, whose company I had escaped from five years earlier. Would one of them some day wind up in a predicament like this?
After saying a few words to my inventor-acquaintance, Mr. Lawrence turned to me and said, “You know, there are some very destructive forces that are about to enter the Earth’s aura; those of us that follow these things are very concerned.†I didn’t say anything in reply; it was Greek to me.
We drove back to Los Angeles, and I went about my business of nightly meditations (I had been waiting to enter a monastery for about five years) and working in a chemistry lab during the day. Something started to change in the meditations, however, finally came to a head on the evening of Independence Day, July 4, 1975. That evening, I was meditating alone in a chapel, when suddenly I had an out-of-body experience – I was observing myself meditating from several pews back. I observed a red head with horns forming at the base of my spine, then move up and position itself in my brain. A Kodak moment! I quickly found myself back in my body, got up, and went out to buy a six-pack after having not consumed a drop for 5 years . Was it a chemical in the lab that got through my rubber gloves? I wondered. I hoped some alcohol would allow me to sleep, but, alas, the store was closed.
For the rest of the night, I experienced blood-red light shining into my eyes and probing my “interior space†for weaknesses. There were some apparitions of torture, but mostly just trauma. At 6 AM, I sat down in the kitchen and opened a window. Then I heard my neighbor slam his door open, stand on his porch, and shout to the neighborhood at the top of his lungs, “What in the Hell is going on?†I did not contact him; I reasoned that talking about it, what ever it was, would give it more reality.
While walking down the block in the afternoon, someone approached me from a block away. When he got close, I could see that he was very pensive. He calmly asked, “Can you feel it?†I nodded yes and just kept walking. As the week rolled on, other people approached me concerning strange events they had never before experienced. Most were not panicked. Whatever was going on was too profound for fear.
I started to have other negative experiences completely new to me and unsolicited. One night, about midnight, I awoke from a very clear, detailed dream in which I was staring down a tunnel as in the movie “John Malkovich,†as though looking through someone’s eyes as they pulled their hands out of a metal washbasin full of suds. There was a large piece of rounded glass stuck in the left palm. I decided not to dwell on the dream and just get some sleep.
The next day in the laboratory, I was running out of glassware about 10 AM,, so I asked the. Laboratory supervisor, “Where is the dishwasher?†The supervisor replied, “Oh, the dishwasher: he was working last night on the graveyard shift in the back where that large metal wash basin is. About midnight, he stuck his hands into the basin so filled with soap suds that he did not see the broken Florence flask at the bottom. He got a large piece of rounded glass stuck in his left palm and had to call an ambulance.â€
This sort of thing went on for 2 years.I had verifiable telepathies of traffic accidents, industrial accidents, and finally, a murder. After that, things eased up and I was glad to be free from my crash course in learned helplessness with a teacher from some other realm of existence.
I think the power that came down through my neighborhood and probably Aquino’s made a pit stop in LA before leaving for a feeding frenzy in Cambodia, but how could one investigate this possibility scientifically? August Comte founded a sociology based upon positivist science. Supposedly, understanding of society progressed from religion to metaphysics to Newtonian, sense-based evidence and statistics, but perhaps something was lost in this transition.
For me and many others, perhaps including Michael Aquino, 1975 was a year like no other.
Not exactly an innovative idea in 1975:
In 1975... This fellow seemed a talented inventor with a new screw with a five-pointed star-shaped receptacle for a matching screw-driver; the combination greatly reduced cam-out {when the screwdriver slips out of the receptacle). �
Maybe, just maybe, the jews are petrified of Europeans following their ancient gods and the following the religions of their ancestors.
After all, if that happened, they would stop worshipping a dead jew on a stick, or any jew for that matter.
That would be great for the Europeans, but not too good for the jews.
Interesting how the horned ancient god Cernunnos seems to look very much like the christianity-pushing jews’ concept of “satan”.
Just imagine if all the classic churches in Europe had stained glass windows where the pictures were of jews looking like woody allen or allen ginsberg, rather than nordic and White gentile appearing. Would Europeans have kept going to mass?
White gentile christians have been fooled into abandoning the religions of their people and replacing them with worshipping jews.
Good for jews…..suicidal for us.
The SS strictly forbid tattoos.
Why do you lie like a lying fuck? The SS had a mandatory tattoo. Stop lying.
Here is what wiki says about those "mandatory tattoos":
The SS had a mandatory tattoo.
To quote Martin Luther: "Jews and their lies". Your picking of nit is just typical pilpul style warping of facts and statements to fit the trolls narrative. Obviously I was talking about this kind of satanic nazi-larper tattoos, not a hidden 1/4" tattoo identifying ones blood type.
"SS blood group tattoos (‹See Tfd›German: Blutgruppentätowierung) were worn by members of the Waffen-SS in Nazi Germany during World War II to identify the individual's blood type...
The SS blood group tattoo was applied, in theory, to all Waffen-SS members, except members of the British Free Corps. It was a small black ink tattoo located on the underside of the left arm near the armpit.[2] It generally measured around 7 millimetres (1â„4 in) long and was placed roughly 20 centimetres (8 in) above the elbow...
Not all Waffen-SS men had the tattoo, particularly those who had transferred from other branches of the military to the Waffen-SS, or those who transferred from the Allgemeine SS, the "General" or non-military SS. "
the Nazis indeed outlawed both showing tattoos in public as well as tattooing itself and that having a tattoo was reason enough to get a person arrested and send to a concentration camp.
I would have no issues with unrequited tattoo "artists" being sent to re-education camps.Replies: @Jefferson Temple
Furthermore, is the fact that several well-known German tattoo artists were imprisoned in concentration camps, namely Wilhelm “Willi†E. Blumberg and Albert Heinze, two of the first professional tattoo artists in Germany. They too were swept up in “anti-social†actions though it is likely that the Nazis saw additional reasons to them being tattooed for such an action. Traditionally, tattoos at that point in time were associated with either people whom the Nazis deemed anti-social or criminal (like actual criminals as well as people of low socio-economomic stratas) and sailors but on the latter unfortunately cannot be found much pertinent information
Speaking of the interbred cousinhood of Rabbis in central Europe, one famous case comes to mind. Edward Bernays and his double cousin Sigmund Freud:
Edward Bernays was born in Vienna to a Jewish family.[7] His mother, Anna (1858–1955), was Sigmund Freud’s sister, and his father Eli (1860–1921) was the brother of Freud’s wife, Martha Bernays; their grandfather, Isaac Bernays (through their father Berman), was the chief rabbi of Hamburg and a relative of the poet Heinrich Heine.
They were cousins through both their father and their mother, and their double grandfather was a famous Rabbi of Hamburg.
Dr. Deep state has a great new video on Bernays and his mind control of the entire western civilization and he goes into detail about Bernays, but he starts with Netanyahus satanic inversion of good vs evil in his recent UN speech:
You’re still confusing actor Bruce Willis with Bruce Jenner.
One of the more malignant aspects of the mind control of these Satan forces is how they have turned hideous and evil tattoos both acceptable and “cool”. I have always been vehemently opposed to tattoos and I have been appalled and demoralized by the way it has taken off and spread like wildfire among both genders across the west.
This recent History Legends video gets into the shortage of meat grinder volunteers for the Judeo-Ukrainian fake Nazi army.
At about 18:00 minute he starts talking about Azov, the supposedly most “Ultra-Nazi” battalion in the UAF, and how they are using massive bonuses to lure young Ukrainians into joining their satanic Judeo-Janissary cult. This shot of the Ukrainian recruiters at 19:24 caught my eye:
Notice the tattoos on both of these satanic Nazi-LARPers.
The SS strictly forbid tattoos. None of the German forces encouraged them and they were always frowned upon.
These cult recruiters are targeting young men almost guaranteed with hints, if not even advances, of sex and drugs and likely heavy metal satanic music.
These are NOT Nazis, and likely they would have been holocausted by the Germans long before any Jew would have been. Oops, I am probably repeating myself.
Why do you lie like a lying fuck? The SS had a mandatory tattoo. Stop lying.Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
The SS strictly forbid tattoos.
My friend, as I said earlier, the real world starts in 2025. I know more about it than 99% of the world (which still ain't much), and well, it even freaks me out.
I do think Jenner started out as a man, though. So far all the evidence is that a biological white female could not win the Decathlon with any amount of PEDs. I am sure some biochemists are working on it.
I agree they don’t really hide the truth. It is not power if you have to hide.
I don’t know about those videos, though Tyson is obviously quirky enough to get gender surgery.
So what happens in 2025 and why now?
The one thing that The Matrix got wrong Aldey, was taking the red pill; or signficantly, how difficult it is to take the red pill.
In the movie, Neo contemplated for a second and gulped it down…
In the real world, that damn pill is so bitter it can take YEARS and will take at least months to injest it. We take it, then we spit it out, we take it, then we vomit it, than finally after quite along time, we manage to choke it down, and voila:
I have offered you the pill multiple times now Nea, you are still not quite ready…
But I will continue.
Three very strange looking sons. And guess who delivered them?
Demi Moore and Bruce Willis were married and had the three daughters.
Girls tend to look like their fathers. And the Willis daughters look like Bruce unfortunately.
Always Be Seething
I do think Jenner started out as a man, though. So far all the evidence is that a biological white female could not win the Decathlon with any amount of PEDs. I am sure some biochemists are working on it.
My friend, as I said earlier, the real world starts in 2025. I know more about it than 99% of the world (which still ain’t much), and well, it even freaks me out.
The thing to remember, is that in some fashion they always tell you the truth.
Often times they tell you right in the title of the show.
Q: What’s the easiest way to get a nun pregnant?
A: Dress her up as an altar boy!!!!
I totally agree. It is hard for me to wrap my mind around elites wanting to diddle children. How does reigning supreme over a toddler increase your feeling of power, if you are an industry giant and Billionaire spending your days running empires from your private yacht or super jet. The two just do not match.
The dark pill is another prison for your mind. It impedes your ability to reason logically. It makes you feel powerless. It is an inverted religion to give you hopelessness. It has been extremely effective in framing the mind of a conspiracy-minded public who have turned to Internet as their sole channel for information, and it has become one of the most pervasive popular paradigms of post-modernity.
It is the slippery slope of our tendency to see the super-rich and the super-powerful as inherently evil. The more horrific the rumors about them, the more credible they seem. The dark pill makes us forget that we’re dealing with men. Corrupt men, as most of us would probably be in their place, but still men nonetheless, sons and fathers, with social needs, and a concern for their reputation and legacy.
I totally agree. It is hard for me to wrap my mind around elites wanting to diddle children. How does reigning supreme over a toddler increase your feeling of power, if you are an industry giant and Billionaire spending your days running empires from your private yacht or super jet. The two just do not match.
You should ask Hunter Biden, he would know. Some images found on his laptop:
Read the comment, it is completely clear. You may not agree, that’s fine. Just don’t kid yourself, there are a lot of trannies out there. Maybe this is just some sort of simple and stupid situation where money grubbing creeps and power lusters prey on others. Maybe. To some of us it seems more substantial and vastly more alarming than that.
I do think Jenner started out as a man, though. So far all the evidence is that a biological white female could not win the Decathlon with any amount of PEDs. I am sure some biochemists are working on it.
My friend, as I said earlier, the real world starts in 2025. I know more about it than 99% of the world (which still ain't much), and well, it even freaks me out.
I do think Jenner started out as a man, though. So far all the evidence is that a biological white female could not win the Decathlon with any amount of PEDs. I am sure some biochemists are working on it.
The funny thing is that Bruce is probably an FTMTF. He was a pretty small guy with narrow shoulders, and that is sort of how those people operate.
There are many that are easy to recognize, the Bruce Jenner types,
Wow, that is sort of creepy. Has Willis done any gender bender or otherwise weird movies to bare his soul?
The more you learn about the Satanism these people practice, the more you realize how premised it is on Jewish mysticism. It begins to be a distinction without a difference, in practical terms.
The contention is that the Memphis Three WERE guilty and that their leader was motivated by DIY satanism.
They three were non-elite, but the campaign to exonerate included the fact-twisting documentaries I mentioned and direct help from a major movie star. The success of that campaign cemented the idea that people were imagining satanism where there was none, out of irrational moral panic.
The dark pill is another prison for your mind. It impedes your ability to reason logically. It makes you feel powerless. It is an inverted religion to give you hopelessness. It has been extremely effective in framing the mind of a conspiracy-minded public who have turned to Internet as their sole channel for information, and it has become one of the most pervasive popular paradigms of post-modernity.
It is the slippery slope of our tendency to see the super-rich and the super-powerful as inherently evil. The more horrific the rumors about them, the more credible they seem. The dark pill makes us forget that we’re dealing with men. Corrupt men, as most of us would probably be in their place, but still men nonetheless, sons and fathers, with social needs, and a concern for their reputation and legacy.
I totally agree. It is hard for me to wrap my mind around elites wanting to diddle children. How does reigning supreme over a toddler increase your feeling of power, if you are an industry giant and Billionaire spending your days running empires from your private yacht or super jet. The two just do not match.
If Hilary Clinton is purchasing toddler Adrenochrome to look younger, then she got played:
I think half of this article is trying to expose the gullibility of the uneducated masses.
I remember reading a very good book, by the late great, Carl Sagon: “The Demon Haunted World”
In this book he details how incredibly susceptible and gullible the human mind is. Even more so, he demonstrates that the human masses are susceptible to Collective Hysterics:
Frankenstein, Wolf Man, Alien abduction and anal probing, crop circles, Aera 51, Lockness Monster, Big Foot, Vampires, Salem Witch Trials, The Spanish Inquisition, Moving shit with your Mind, Demonic Possession, Poltergeists, Alchemy, Sorcery….
Right now it is the Pedophile craze. It used to be 50 Shades of Grey.
Cow Farts are heating up the earth.
Now the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator —-Has ripped open a Time, Space continuum.
And lets not forget DARPA is ray beaming homes from space with its secret super duper Direct Energy Weapon.
You should ask Hunter Biden, he would know. Some images found on his laptop:
I totally agree. It is hard for me to wrap my mind around elites wanting to diddle children. How does reigning supreme over a toddler increase your feeling of power, if you are an industry giant and Billionaire spending your days running empires from your private yacht or super jet. The two just do not match.
Cher is very long waisted.
Yes, and there’s a very good reason for that.
Yes, I know, it was “just a joke.” It was impromptu.
As I’ve told you before Aldey, the real world is WAY to complicated for you and the rest of the Unzistas to properly understand, you have no idea what awaits you starting after New Years watching folks keel over from the sheer destruction of everything they THINK they know is going to be a little sad…
But it WILL be entertaining.
Demi Moore and Bruce Willis were married and had the three daughters.
Three very strange looking sons. And guess who delivered them?
Not the one with the masculine deep set eyes behind a brow ridge, the large teeth, or the high prominent cheekbones…
Her point is that recovered memory should be believed without any corroborating evidence.
Her point is that the balance of credibility and the burden proof are sometimes functionally dispositive. Since we know the society inverts, is subverted, this represents a serious computational problem.
Laurent, The next time you write about this subject, do a search on this Telegram channel for more resources. The owner of the channel is obviously a QAnon operative-
The face of the channel, Steve Kelly, has posted numerous videos. His followers are mesmerized by his spiel-
The funny thing is that Bruce is probably an FTMTF. He was a pretty small guy with narrow shoulders, and that is sort of how those people operate.
There are many that are easy to recognize, the Bruce Jenner types,
Are you confusing Bruce Jenner and Bruce Willis?
Demi Moore and Bruce Willis were married and had the three daughters.
Three very strange looking sons. And guess who delivered them?
Demi Moore and Bruce Willis were married and had the three daughters.
Well Aldey... It's complicated, this whole "High wasted, I am woman" thing:
I’m a real woman. My hips don’t go up to the belly button They start about 5 inches below the belly button.
Cher is very long waisted. That’s why she looked so great in those custom made Bob Mackie dresses.
I watched the weirdo Raquel Welch video. Insane his statement that men’s hips align to the belly button. Not true at all.
Yes, and there's a very good reason for that. https://youtu.be/hih0tpBs7IY?t=20Yes, I know, it was "just a joke." It was impromptu. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Dd5HL8AlWtkAs I've told you before Aldey, the real world is WAY to complicated for you and the rest of the Unzistas to properly understand, you have no idea what awaits you starting after New Years watching folks keel over from the sheer destruction of everything they THINK they know is going to be a little sad...But it WILL be entertaining.Replies: @Alden
Cher is very long waisted.
Prima Noctus was invented by the propaganda master Voltaire in the run up to the Masonic French Revolution. Never existed. Of course the upper class men took advantage of lower class women.
The OT caused a lot of insanity in Britain and led to witch hunts and Germany. That one line Do not suffer a witch to live led to witch hunts and many executions by burning.
Medieval and early modern Europe had a church and
a priest in every tiny settlement and every neighborhood. If anyone really wanted to read the Bible all they had to do was ask the nearest priest or Monk. The church was always recruiting boys to become monks or priests. Some historians claim 1/3 of the population of medieval and early modern Europe
were priests nuns and monks.
One of the many reasons I’m a white Nationalist and not a conservative is all these Protestant Bible thumpers.
Especially those Protestants who are insanely pro Israel and pro Jews. They are completely ignorant of what Jews did to America. Those Protestants are anti homosexual. And the legalization of homosexuality was a Jewish crusade. So was gay marriage. So was transgender. So is the kids getting transgender surgery and hormones. NAACP was a Jewish organization for the first 60 years of its existence.
But the southern Bible thumpers either don’t know or deny what Jews did to the south with their civil rights for all but Whites movement. Desegregation of the schools was a Jewish and communist crusade to abuse White children. What a disaster.
Good news. Sunday 9/29/24 a in Beverly Hills Cá a White man killed a black lunatic who attacked him and his baby. The black lunatic tried to grab the baby and stabbed the father. Upon which the father pulled out his own knife and killed the black deranged drunk drugged derelict.
Daughter and I disagree about the ethnicity of the heroic father. She thinks he’s Mexican because Mexicans carry knives. I think he’s Israeli because Israelis prefer Beverly Hills. Whatever.
People are speculating about if the Cuban spy Soros DA George Gascon will file murder charges against the heroic father.
Reporting on my homework: I’ve read a good third of Scott’s book, and find it heavily biased. Her point is that recovered memory should be believed without any corroborating evidence.
On the other hand, I strongly recommend Alejandro Amenábar’s film Regression, which I have watched on Amazon Prime. It is obviously based mostly on the Paul Ingram’s case, which is one of the most fascinating and illuminating case. The film is, I believe, quite faithful to the general scenario of this kind of story, and very insightful.
Her point is that the balance of credibility and the burden proof are sometimes functionally dispositive. Since we know the society inverts, is subverted, this represents a serious computational problem.
Her point is that recovered memory should be believed without any corroborating evidence.
It makes me wonder, are all of your articles just misdirection?
There are many that are easy to recognize, the Bruce Jenner types,
The funny thing is that Bruce is probably an FTMTF. He was a pretty small guy with narrow shoulders, and that is sort of how those people operate.
I always wondered why celebrities and models and the like made so much money when I met more attractive women on the street.
The answer is now obvious; The point of TV is to make one lust after his own sex and model his behavior after the other, and there are very, very few Women who can achieve this objective as men, or vice versa, so when they find one, they hold onto ’em.
Case in point, Demi Moore and “her” saughters. They struck the mother load with the Dad, Demi, (and mom Bruce), and kept trying but the odds were firmly against them.
In that case, whoever were the murderers, they did not belong to the ruling elite, obviously. So this is irrelevant to the subject discussed here.
https://www.unz.com/runz/alex-jones-cass-sunstein-and-cognitive-infiltration/Replies: @emil nikola richard, @Wild Man, @Tereza Coraggio, @Kaiser Wilhelm, @Mefobills, @Madbadger
Many, perhaps most individuals are quite reluctant to embrace any theory not blessed by their personal figures of authority, whether these be the editors of the New York Times or the pundits of FoxNews. Only a small minority of the population is willing to cross such ideological boundaries and risk the stinging epithet of being labeled “a conspiracy theorist.â€
Transgressive individuals who adhere to some heterodox beliefs are also usually willing to accept many others as well, and are often quite eager to do so, sometimes exhibiting the troubling lack of logical thinking and careful analytical judgment that may taint their entire community. This leaves them open to eagerly nibbling the poisoned bait of fraudulent but attractive theories, whether these are advanced by well-meaning advocates, self-serving charlatans, or covert agents of the establishment engaged in “cognitive infiltration.â€
This is one of UNZ worst articles that I have read. Using fantasy and fiction books and movies to explain that there is no Satan is beyond ridiculous. Saying there are only two churches that worship Satan because the others call him the devil or Lucifer is also a lie. Unz, can you come up with an article that shows us that Saint Nicholas never existed because the fictional character Santa Claus pretends to use flying reindeer. Or, how about proving that rabbits don’t exist because everyone knows that they don’t lay eggs. It makes me wonder, are all of your articles just misdirection?
It makes me wonder, are all of your articles just misdirection?
A very typical case of Satanic Panic is the West Memphis Three murder case
Yet for some reason, major documentaries on the case twisted the facts to make the accused seem innocent. Preserving some doubt would be more sensationalist, so this is an odd editorial line.
Devon Stack takes those documentaries apart:
Video Link
(For some reason, a major movie star intervened to save the main accused, who now makes a living larping as a (larper?) black magician.)
There may well exist organized satanic networks organized either socially/horizontally or inter-generationally/vertically, The Cosa Nostra and the Freemasons are examples of influential, closed societies working on the same principles of loyalty through satanic-like ritual and mutual commitment to crime.
To conclude Jewish organized power has the upper hand, there’s no need to dismiss the reality of other power networks, some of which may be free of Jewish influence.
Nineteenth-century French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote that “la plus belle des ruses du Diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas! [The Devil's greatest trick is to convince you that he doesn't exist!]â€
“Behold, I will bring of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie.†Apocalypse of St. John (Revelation), 3:9.
The Devil’s greatest trick was to deceive Christians into believing that the evil genocidal demon Yahweh of the Hebrew Bible is the Father of Jesus, and that Christians must serve the Jews, the ‘chosen people’ of their father the Devil.
Jasun Horsley has just posted a counter-argument on his substack post, drawing attention to a book on archive.org:
and to the film Regression by the great Alejandro Amenábar:
Croat catholic priests
The evil is not an intellectual concept and cannot be treated as one, because it touches everyone in this world. According to The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Satan himself admits that the authority to rule the world has been given to him.Luke 4:6
“And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.â€
So here we have an answer to the question, do Satan worshippers rule the world,
“It is about the creed that Satan-worshippers rule the world, and how Jewish power uses that creed, mostly to mislead the conspiracy-community. The sign of this is that in that particular conspiratorial mythology, SWPs are nazis, not Jews.”
There is clearly lots of intentional misleading, it is one of the main tools. But consider this. If there is a group planning and executing several events, then it is not a nation of millions of people planning and deciding anything, it is a small group of people, you write organized Jewry, probably you mean a small group. You should look at the history from 1750 to 1950 and notice that there was one secret society at different times called Illuminati, jacobins and Memphis and Mizraim, which was behind many events and movements in those times, including zionism. They were infiltrated, first by Frankists, later by other with similar messianic aspirations (i.e, Jewish messianism aims to the rule of the world). There are many groups, like pedophile rings, organized crime rings, different mafias for gaining control of some area, and so on. They are secret as their activity is illegal or not approved. They have to use methods to compromise their members so that they cannot talk: this is often by involving them to sex scandals or having them commit crimes, something that they are afraid to reveal. At some times, in some cultures, it can be Satan worship, today probably most would not care. Nowadays Masons are not used any more, but there are other rings. They did not only use Masons, they also used Nazis, so there is no contradiction if “SWPs are nazis, not Jews”, as these controlled rings were not Jews in the old times either. They are tools and the goal is to control both sides of any issue, so infiltrate Wokes and infiltrate their opponents.
“When I say “Satan is a Christian conceptâ€, perhaps I should have said that this is my postulate. I was thinking out of the Christian dogmatic box (paradigm); that doesn’t mean that I deny the metaphysical reality of Evil, nor that I deny that men can be possessed by Evil and are capable of the worst, including raping and murdering babies.”
Most of humanity has always thought that spirits exist and most are evil. Modern people think they understand what exists so much better, yet their truth is nothing by a different religion/ideology. Everything is more complicated than it seems.
Well Aldey... It's complicated, this whole "High wasted, I am woman" thing:
I’m a real woman. My hips don’t go up to the belly button They start about 5 inches below the belly button.
It is fun that Raquel (Rocky?) was in the movie Myra Breckinridge to plant the seeds of confusion, if nothing else.
MrE’s videos may be an acquired taste, just like the Unz Review. His main point stands though and has been well established: there are now a lot of trannies out there. There are many that are easy to recognize, the Bruce Jenner types, but there are a great many who are not. Women ‘converting’ to men (FTM) at a young age can apparently be hard to spot. The camouflage surgeries for both directions have actually been around a long time. MrE lives in Thailand and occasionally points out that the infamous “Ladyboys” (MTF) fool people on a regular basis. He also points out that even as a “Transvestigator” he has difficulty recognizing FTMs.
Speaking of Cher, there was a disturbing bit in the Larry David show about Chas(-tity) Bono. I did not watch the show and never saw the full arc, but it was basically socializing the idea that a woman surgically “transitioning” to a man can have an “effective” (functional?) and large penis. This was full Larry David snark, but is delivered in a way that dimwits could easily believe. The notion is pretty alarming. Don’t forget that RFKjr’s demon wife played Larry’s wife in the show. Also don’t forget that Trump has supported tranny pageant contestants.
I don’t know what it all means, but this phenomenon is weird as hell. Just off the chart.
The funny thing is that Bruce is probably an FTMTF. He was a pretty small guy with narrow shoulders, and that is sort of how those people operate.
There are many that are easy to recognize, the Bruce Jenner types,
I loved this Joseph Balsamo story. The Baron of Taverney was such an amazing character. But Dumas writings are so historically inaccurate that it is difficult to take them seriously.
Let’s not forget the Protestant doctrine of “sola scriptura” which declares that the Bible is the “inspired word of God”.
Despite being written, translated and retranslated by MEN, many with their own agendas, Protestants still cling to “sola scriptura”.
Primae noctis was introduced to dilute Scottish independence by mandating English nobles have “first night (sex)” with Scottish newlywed women.
This vile behavior would be legitimized under Protestant “sola scriptura” beliefs as one was biblically commanded to obey his leaders.
In this case, Protestant got it all wrong…
The interpretation always includes an us and a them. Where else can scapegoats and straw men exist.
God put Himself on the Cross to solve precisely this problem in The act of salvific union. Under the New Covenant there is neither Jew nor Greek, only those who accept God’s final, definitive Word and those yet to hear.
But you are right in your earlier comment that it is we who live momentarily inside a Jewish Fantasia, with our means conditioned on their sufferance. Yet, at no point does temporal priority vitiate real accountability. Many who are first will be last.
Rhetorically I ask: why is there such widespread misunderstanding of the basic composition of the Faith that is the backbone of Western Civilization.
The ‘conspiracy theory’ literature is immense. Read Umberto Eco’s ”The Prague Cemetery”, ”Foucault’s Pendulum”, Hermann Goedsche’s ”Biarritz. Historisch-politischer Roman (3 volumes, 1868)”.
Everybody with an ounce of common sense knows that the Jews are sex-crazed occultists. However, this offends sex-crazed occultists who say claims about sex-crazed psychopaths are distracting from the followers of “Yahweh.” (as if Jews are really worshipping the Lord of the Old Testament the way Christians understand him).
This should be a lesson.
Nobody normal gets so hung up on hatred and contempt for Catholicism without having some sort of occult interests. Be they SDAs, JWs, Freemasons. Even Carl Sagan had his wormholes and aliens. Arthur C. Clarke had his aliens that looked like demons, and he lived in Sri Lanka because of his proclivities.
Why do you think these people like Buddhism, after all?
These people don’t want the plain truth out: yes, these people worship the spirits opposed to the Christian God. Some of them use a pretext of opposition to Zionism to seduce people without discernment.
Jews like these “antisemites” smearing Christianity and especially Catholicism. They downright promote it.
“The scriptures were presenting things in a language that made sense to the people of the age in which these stories were initially passed down.â€
Of course this ought to be obvious. The ruling elites were men, not gods’ or a god. People still imagine god will reveal himself/herself “again†in the end times. In fact these imaginary gods, like Netanyahu are tyrants, taking the name of god “in vain.â€
Translations of these ancient works depend on when they are translated. Each age translates in accord with the knowledges or opinions of their day. Mucking around in the cold coals of the received only ads to mans misfortunes. The interpretation always includes an us and a them. Where else can scapegoats and straw men exist.
Jews are no less deluded than Catholics. Its all misleading bollox.
God put Himself on the Cross to solve precisely this problem in The act of salvific union. Under the New Covenant there is neither Jew nor Greek, only those who accept God's final, definitive Word and those yet to hear.But you are right in your earlier comment that it is we who live momentarily inside a Jewish Fantasia, with our means conditioned on their sufferance. Yet, at no point does temporal priority vitiate real accountability. Many who are first will be last.Rhetorically I ask: why is there such widespread misunderstanding of the basic composition of the Faith that is the backbone of Western Civilization.
The interpretation always includes an us and a them. Where else can scapegoats and straw men exist.
The idea that Yahweh is constructed from different pagan beliefs of the Ancient Near East comes from a fundamental misunderstanding that arises from false presuppositions when approaching the scriptures. Stories of Yahweh and descriptions which borrow language that could be used of Baal or Zeus or any other ancient god of the pagans is turned on it’s head in the biblical narrative. The Divine Council described in the biblical text inverts the idea of other pagan divine councils by the Father and Son ruling in harmony in the case of Yahweh (the Holy Trinity) as opposed to other divine council mythologies like that which is presented in the Baal Cycle, etc where there is constant war being waged. The scriptures were presenting things in a language that made sense to the people of the age in which these stories were initially passed down.
I’d strongly encourage you to check out the works of the Orthodox Priest Fr. Stephen De Young.
Perhaps you could have a discussion with him at some point if you make videos. He is incredibly knowledgeable with six different masters degrees, incredibly knowledgabl of ancient greek, hebrew, ugaritic, etc. Encyclopedic knowledge of the Bible, Christianity, Judaism, and other Ancient Near East religions
I’ve learned much from him
Satanic Ritual Abuse appears to exist.
Arrests made, resignations tendered, lawsuits filed, tales told.
“Believe It or Not”
U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “As alleged in the Indictment, for years, Sean Combs used the business empire he controlled to sexually abuse and exploit women, as well as to commit other acts of violence and obstruction of justice.
The de Vere people are those so lacking in judgement they imagine there’s an actual authorship question.Replies: @Pierre de Craon
The bulk of the smart money is on Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford, as that man.
… so lacking in judgement …
As one of Sailer’s many puppy dogs, you have often demonstrated in the past that you have just enough in the way of knowledge and wits to bark out a sophomoric comment. Thanks for confirming that nothing has changed.
Ritual gatherings are normal — which is to say, group gatherings seem to be something humans have been doing since times beyond ancient. As a rule they are hierarchical. Whether conscious or not these congregations outwardly celebrate something higher.
The Academy Awards celebrate accomplishment in a particular medium. Post graduate PhD’s gather to celebrate having achieved the highest level of academic achievement. Sporting contests continually celebrate the winning team with special reserve for those who score the most points during the final contest of the season.
In every case groups award its adherents with some signs of significance. Boy Scout leaders festoon their shirts with badges. Home Depot festoons their workers likewise. The implicit assumption is belonging; winners belong. After a new President is inaugurated the various balls and gatherings are indicative of one’s place in the pecking order.
The celebrations are ritualized and intentionally reinforce the structure to which the celebrants adhere. Those with the most to gain (or lose) emphasize the importance of the structure by hosting the celebrations. The United States is top dog at the moment and Jews control and run the entire ball of wax. They are a minority immersed in a majority. Jews are not interlopers. They are the top dogs — at the moment!
Naturally the top dogs establish the rituals and maintain their power over its rituals. As long as the collective celebrate the ethos the top dogs demonstrate and accept the rough with the smooth a certain order prevails. Sooner or later and in every case one can name — however gradually and imperceptibly
— prevailing hierarchies are undermined by their inability to maintain the order they celebrate and become disordered.
Close observation reveals that the externalities are no longer captured within the orbit of its presumed benefits. The free speech celebrated on the way up is denigrated on the way down. There is no longer enough regard for the emoluments which used represent the importance of the hierarchy which once was held in such high regard — or money. Money loses its purchasing power and is debased: at first slowly and then rapidly. Suddenly the hundred dollars kept in a sock barely buys a fill up at the gas station or a meal for four at McDonalds!
The Jewish Century is over. Hollywood is now a parody. PhDs are a dime a dozen — their services cheaply bought. Kids no longer care for Disneyland. They do not watch TV and are no longer compelled by its attractions as children were in the 1950s and 1960s — TV of course and mass media used to confer its power to persuade. I suppose, say in the case of TV or the other media which used to have the power to compel the behaviour of the masses, that power is in eclipse.
The Internet and cell phone cameras almost everyone carries in their back pocket have undermined the once powerful Jews’ capability to fool most of the people most of the time. The hierarchy has power still and money enough and enough personal assets to keep up appearances among the tribe, but there is hardly enough power, money, or assets available in the public domain to underwrite the power the United States or the British Empire successfully projected for the last 500 years.
The U.S. army, navy, and air power is incapable of taking on the entire world. A few drones can scare off a U.S. carrier group. A swarm of them cannot be destroyed. If Israel was swarmed in what way would the U.S. successfully intervene. Dual passport Jews are not as cocky today as they were 25 years ago. They dare not use nuclear arms! Nuclear devices are maintained in submarines by Russia and the United States — enough to destroy life in the U.S. — but using them would be the ultimate folly!
So those carrier groups have been neutered. What purpose do they serve? Building a carrier group and maintaining one is a make work and make money project for a few corporations but even maintaining them is an enormous drain on the U.S. treasury. Is the U.S. bankrupt?
The hierarchy pretends not but what serious country fields either of the presidential candidates in supposed contention and can possibly expect to be respected. Someone said “ Bring on the clowns!â€
When the crowd under the big top is bored with the old tired acts — the Lions are toothless and mangy; the guy in the riding boots and the whip is hardly politically correct, or a symbol of anything with which the audience identifies; the seats i.e., the benches are uncomfortable; the audience is watching ‘God knows what’ on their cell phones; trick shooting is an everyday occurrence on inner city streets; hot dogs and popcorn are unpalatable; and the cost of mounting such dreck cannot be recovered — would you invest in a circus?
It’s past time to bring on the clowns. Yet the U.S. is bringing them to audiences around the world — at least two of them — as we write. One sincerely hopes neither of them knows the whereabouts of the nuclear switch. These two are Jewish puppets! What next?
The hierarchy has become a laughing matter. Does anyone respect the U.S. anymore? Do Americans’ respect the U.S. anymore? The show is over, the lights are going out all over the world! The United Nations is as toothless as an old lion — it neither purrs nor roars. When Netanyahu, the leader of the western world showed up, most people walked out. Netanyahu it is apparent to all except the blind, desperate. What does Netanyahu represent? There is nothing he has not debased. Supporting Israel is debasing the U.S. dollar, i.e. draining the treasury of these United States of America.
God bless America — she needs it.
How could they have any kind of loyalty to each other? Do they control each other by blackmail? In that case, they will kill each other when they can. Blackmailing will not make loyal. Therefore, SWPs can never be a driving force in politics, let alone in history.
Anyone who has worked in one of the four great Judeo-American Industries of Media, Tech, Finance, or Politics should be able to answer this question from experience. Indeed, anyone who has been exposed to the modern bureaucracies in ‘Corporate’, Academia, or Healthcare will have encountered Satanic systems in full bloom, though few are able to fully explain the system’s mechanics, because to be inducted is to be altered.
Satanism is very simple. A system is Satanic where power operates without truth, authority without love. Satan compels through fear and motivates through appetite, avarice, and envy. The author must be quite the innocent little lamb to miss and misapprehend these pressing realities.
Blackmail is a form, a device. The primary weapon is temptation, and the primary vice is shame begotten by sin. Satanic companies are held together through low bargaining, a lively trade in compromises and corruptions, febrile cross-contamination, exquisitely careful silence, omnipresent, tacit threats of violence, emoluments, and general uncleanliness. Depending on the strength of the order, induction falls somewhere on the scale from hazing to trauma-based mind control, from circumcision of the will to actual castration, from stealing policemen’s helmets to — well, I wouldn’t know, though I can well imagine.
The dark pill is another prison for your mind. It impedes your ability to reason logically. It makes you feel powerless. It is an inverted religion to give you hopelessness…
It is the slippery slope of our tendency to see the super-rich and the super-powerful as inherently evil. The more horrific the rumors about them, the more credible they seem. The dark pill makes us forget that we’re dealing with men. Corrupt men, as most of us would probably be in their place, but still men nonetheless, sons and fathers, with social needs, and a concern for their reputation and legacy.
Sin blots reason, not revelation. Obviously, Christ isn’t out here feeding people dark pills to blight their minds. Indeed, God is understood to be He who is total power and total goodness. Satan, on the other hand, might very well like us to make idols of corrupted men, to excite fear or maybe desire.
The devil takes the hindmost. The hindmost is the least of the nations. Satan is the type, They but his artifact.
I think many commenters here have misunderstood the thesis of this article. My thesis is NOT about the existence or inexistence of Satan. And it is NOT about the extent of pedo-criminality. It is about the creed that Satan-worshippers rule the world, and how Jewish power uses that creed, mostly to mislead the conspiracy-community. The sign of this is that in that particular conspiratorial mythology, SWPs are nazis, not Jews. Now Candace Owens does say they are Jews, and that’s an interesting development, but that is equally false and that is not the particular version that I am concerned with anyway.
When I say “Satan is a Christian conceptâ€, perhaps I should have said that this is my postulate. The Islamic Iblis is a different concept, though related. There are other ways of explaining or expressing the nature of Evil. The Christian Satan (the Fall, origin sin, salvation, eschatology, etc.) is just one among many. Machichaeism, for instance, has a different explanation, since it view Evil as inherent in Creation. Christianity has given us an anthropological representation of Evil, as a monstrous anthropoid being. In this article, I was thinking out of the Christian dogmatic box (paradigm); that doesn’t mean that I deny the metaphysical reality of Evil, nor that I deny that men can be possessed by Evil and are capable of the worst, including raping and murdering babies.
But thank you all for your comments.
I’m a real woman. My hips don’t go up to the belly button They start about 5 inches below the belly button.
Well Aldey… It’s complicated, this whole “High wasted, I am woman” thing:
Now I see what happened, the next video autostarted.
This is Mr. E’s video about the breeding program.