All you have to know is that City and State (and remember there were also FBI present at the command center, as stated in the official Heaphy Report) decided that some persons with opinions they didn’t like had no rights under the First Amendment. So the police were ordered not to intervene and the Antifa, BLM and assorted other fanatics and street criminals were allowed to attack the pro-Statue marchers with impunity. The then Charlottesville Chief of Police said that would make the event easier to shut down. That (surprise) turned out to be true. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve noticed the Democrats/Uniparty have been using the Bill of Rights for toilet paper ever since. If you remain in the US you’re accepting tyranny. It’s impossible to imagine a non-fake resistance movement in such a country.
For lack of feedback, I’m still not sure why my interpretation of events at Charlottesville varied so much from the mainstream. I looked for a contact link for Mr. Steuben. Since I didn’t find one, I’ll post the link here and again invite feedback.
Virginia has become a lot more liberal recently. Biden trounced Trump in formerly deep red Virginia, and that was without there being a large city in the state where blacks could stuff the ballots.
This must be because of the growth of the Northern Virginia suburbs of DC, which has probably been a result of the huge rise in Defense spending since 2001.
In the aftermath of the 2017 Charlottesville event, television writer Bess Kalb tweeted:
I’ve been thinking about it and you boys are right, Jews WILL NOT replace you at your jobs as we literally all went to Cornell at minimum.
She’s from Westchester County in New York. The NoVa counties are probably becoming more like Westchester politically and culturally. Influential people from that part of the state didn’t cotton to a bunch of white guys protesting in defense of a statue of a legendary Virginia Confederate, which was eventually removed.
However, it looks like Mount Vernon, the estate of George Washington, another Virginia legend, is safe.