History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes. If Biden sends Federal troops into Texas and this becomes Civil War 2.0, then it will be characterized as another fight against Southern “racists”. Even though Abbott has made the case that it’s about the Federal Government’s failure to fulfill its Constitutional obligations and, in spite of the barbed wire, there remain 28 legal points of entry, the Biden administration will say Texans have an irrational hatred of foreigners and people with dark skin. It is, therefore, a righteous and moral battle.
This would also, incidentally, provide the pretext to declare martial law and suspend the 2024 election. When Biden emerges from his hole, if he sees his shadow and embraces the shadow, America will have four more years of winter
Reparations even has only lukewarm support in Newsom’s California. Fifty-nine percent of Californians oppose cash Reparations; just 23 percent support it [Most California voters oppose cash Reparations for slavery, poll find, by Adrian Florido, NPR, September 11, 2023]. The only group that is overwhelmingly in favor of Reparations: blacks, with 77 percent saying they favor them. Democrats risk losing other constituencies with this extreme idea.
Gov. Gavin Newsom Approval Ratings Have Sunk To An All-Time Low; ‘Hated By Younger People’
“The dip in Newsom’s approval suggests that many Californians are concerned with how things are going in the state, which may give the governor less leeway to fully engage on the national stage,†said IGS Co-Director Eric Schickler.
I want my reparations now – not because my ancestors were slaves, or dwarves, or elves, or even Klingons. I should get reparations just for being me. Don’t you people realize what kind of stress I’ve had to endure for all those years?
War and corruption are his issues and between the two of them, they are ruining the country!
Is Bobby Kennedy promising blacks anything more than Trump did?
There was Trump’s Platinum Plan and his support for reduced sentences and early release of convicted felons, which put more (black) criminals on the street. And he was the first president to propose making Juneteenth a federal holiday, which it now is, more important than July 4th (which is racist). Personally, I had never heard of Juneteenth before Trump’s announcement, and I’ll bet millions of blacks hadn’t heard of it either.
I don’t think the label “left” is meaningful or helpful in this context.
The current 2-party system seems to me two slightly different flavors of a capitalist uniparty.
The powers that (shouldn’t) be cling to power by dividing the opposition, which consists of normal people wanting good health care, housing, education, etc, and, though most might not say this, advancement of the project of human civilization, with pursuit of truth a sacred value. What to call this political alignment? It seems to me to be the normal people versus the ruling class of late stage capitalism/imperialism.
The racial division has been addressed by Henry Winston. He would have been classified as “left” and what would he have said about reparations? His message was for the working class to unite, black and white.
RFK jr seems to me intelligent and committed to truth in certain areas, like vaccine safety. I don’t trust his committment to truth in other areas, and he seem to be playing the game of politics in the U.S. Because of the absence of a free press in the U.S., the game of U.S. politics is not about truth but about emotional manipulation of uninformed voters, and many have given up on voting.
And this platform is something for us humans to be proud of I think.
Nothing you can do about it, since both parties,–the Zionist (R) & Communist (D)– are managed by the same anti-white cabal of Jewish bankers/oligarchs/rabbis & the elections are rigged. But hey, keep voting for these Zionists & Commies like Trump & Kennedy.
To all of you who need your ears tickled by these jewish owned assholes, eat me.
The Left’s Next Big, Crazy Thing: Reparations 2024! (They’re Serious)
The Right will acquiesce or fully support.
Why give blacks US tax money, it was the jews who started and ran slaves to the Americas.
It was Gentiles that bought them…thereby causing demand.
Why give blacks US tax money, it was the jews who started and ran slaves to the Americas.
It was Gentiles that bought them...thereby causing demand.
Why give blacks US tax money, it was the jews who started and ran slaves to the Americas.
Should blacks receive reparations? No.
Should you be surprised that black politicians are demanding reparations now? No.
1) Since the 1960s, whites has shown increasing deference and cowardice in the face of black misbehavior and criminality. Craven displays of weakness encourage more abuse.
2) Now there is not even the pretense of a recognizable rule of law in America, nor any meaningful due process. Political commissars are appointed to the bench, the law be damned. There is essentially no enforcement of U.S. immigration law; widespread property theft goes unpunished; and in many cities black rioters are financially rewarded by the courts while white political protesters are held for years without trial and subjected to cruel and unusual punishment. The U.S. Treasury Dept. has stolen hundreds of billions of dollars of the foreign currency reserves of sovereign states (Russia, Iran, Venezuela) and seizes the private property of innocent civilians who have not even been charged with a crime, let alone been convicted of one. So if you’re a typical black politician, why not imitate the U.S. government and loot hundreds of billions of dollars from innocent victims?
3) Various levels of government in the USA will soon become insolvent. Most people know this, and expect that there will be a financial reckoning sooner rather than later. Hyperinflation, and social breakdown, are almost certain. The status of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency gives the federal government the ability–at least for now–to spend and print money at unsustainable debt levels. That status (“greenback privilege”) will not last forever. Much of that U.S. government debt will not be honored. So if you’re a typical black politician, why not loot as much money from the federal budget as you can on the U.S. economy’s way down before all hell breaks loose?
Serious note:
RFK Jr. is far from perfect, but I hope he wins the Election…
Asking for reparations from those who actually owe it to black folk is antisemitic racism and we all know what happens to antisemite racists……
What, no keep your head up your ass reply?
You’re one of those loud mouth cowards that does a drive by post and can’t back up his bullshit.
Did I hit a nerve? Are you one of those good christian killers for the Uncle Sam mafia?
The question to King Shit, Zion Con Don should be why should we take in Jews fleeing war torn areas? Honestly, there should be a limitation on ALL immigration because frankly, we’re full. The legal immigration simply doesn’t cut it anymore.
Trump is a SELECTED showman. Nothing more. Make America…um, Israel Great Again.
Reminds me of the old saw about the guy who made elephant repellant for his house by tearing up pieces of paper on the lawn. A neighbor comments “but there aren’t any elephantsâ€, and the guy replies, “see how well it works!â€
I bought some shoes once from a company whose promotional material included the line “these shoes keep the devil away — just look around, do you see him?”
The shoes fell apart quickly… but it was a good line, and one that I’m reminded of often, whenever I’m told how well various preventative measures are working…
The ballyhoo about Trump’s ban on Muslim immigration was just politics. There is no question that the President has the legal authority to restrict immigration as he sees fit. It is contained in the 1952 federal law on immigration (8 U.S. Code § 1182, full text online at https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1182 ) which explicitly states, “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.â€
But the fantasy that hordes of Islamic terrorists are swarming into the US is just the same old same old. As Goering supposedly stated in allied captivity: to keep the people obedient, all you have to do is tell them they are in danger. GOP may as well dust off 2001’s Deadly Islamic Terror Threat, as the Dems’ Deadly Killer Virus Terror is now long past its sell-by date, and it manufacteured our consent so well the first time around.
Reminds me of the old saw about the guy who made elephant repellant for his house by tearing up pieces of paper on the lawn. A neighbor comments “but there aren’t any elephants”, and the guy replies, “see how well it works!”
I bought some shoes once from a company whose promotional material included the line "these shoes keep the devil away -- just look around, do you see him?"
Reminds me of the old saw about the guy who made elephant repellant for his house by tearing up pieces of paper on the lawn. A neighbor comments “but there aren’t any elephantsâ€, and the guy replies, “see how well it works!â€
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.
General Smedley Butler
The US military has killed or caused to die million of people in this century alone via wars based upon total lies. Absolutely everything from 9/11 forward was a war for profit and hegemony fought by mostly amoral christian swine that haven’t the brains or integrity to tell their commanders to fuck off when ordered to essentially murder people.
It’s the morons that ‘follow orders’ and suspend their humanity for a paycheck and retirement program that have done all the in your face and high altitude killings.
Now, can you claim what I stated isn’t absolutely true? Are you one of those amoral christian swine? I see from your prose that you can’t have a civil conversation which tells me I hit a nerve.
Why not read the “War Prayer” by Mark Twain. It’s below so you won’t have to search for it.
It was a time of great and exalting excitement. The country was up in arms, the war was on, in every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism … on every hand and far down the receding and fading spread of roofs and balconies a fluttering wilderness of flags flashed in the sun … nightly the packed mass meetings listened, panting, to patriot oratory which stirred the deepest deeps of their hearts, and which they interrupted at briefest intervals with cyclones of applause, the tears running down their cheeks the while; in the churches the pastors preached devotion to flag and country, and invoked the God of Battles beseeching His aid in our good cause in outpourings of fervid eloquence which moved every listener. …
Sunday morning came — next day the battalions would leave for the front; the church was filled; the volunteers were there, their young faces alight with martial dreams — visions of the stern advance, the gathering momentum, the rushing charge, the flashing sabers, the flight of the foe, the tumult, the enveloping smoke, the fierce pursuit, the surrender! Then home from the war, bronzed heroes, welcomed, adored, submerged in golden seas of glory! … The service proceeded; a war chapter from the Old Testament was read; the first prayer was said …
Then came the “long†prayer. None could remember the like of it for passionate pleading and moving and beautiful language. The burden of its supplication was, that an ever-merciful and benignant Father of us all would watch over our noble young soldiers, and aid, comfort, and encourage them in their patriotic work….
An aged stranger entered and moved with slow and noiseless step up the main aisle, his eyes fixed upon the minister, his long body clothed in a robe that reached to his feet, his head bare, his white hair descending in a frothy cataract to his shoulders, his seamy face unnaturally pale, pale even to ghastliness. … he ascended to the preacher’s side and stood there waiting. …
The stranger touched his arm, motioned him to step aside — which the startled minister did — and took his place. During some moments he surveyed the spellbound audience with solemn eyes, in which burned an uncanny light; then in a deep voice he said:
“I come from the Throne — bearing a message from Almighty God!†…
“God’s servant and yours has prayed his prayer. Has he paused and taken thought? Is it one prayer? No, it is two — one uttered, the other not. Both have reached the ear of Him Who heareth all supplications, the spoken and the unspoken. Ponder this — keep it in mind. If you would beseech a blessing upon yourself, beware! lest without intent you invoke a curse upon a neighbor at the same time. If you pray for the blessing of rain upon your crop which needs it, by that act you are possibly praying for a curse upon some neighbor’s crop which may not need rain and can be injured by it.
“You have heard your servant’s prayer — the uttered part of it. I am commissioned of God to put into words the other part of it — that part which the pastor — and also you in your hearts — fervently prayed silently. And ignorantly and unthinkingly? God grant that it was so! You heard these words: ‘Grant us the victory, O Lord our God!’ … When you have prayed for victory you have prayed for many unmentioned results which follow victory–must follow it, cannot help but follow it. Upon the listening spirit of God fell also the unspoken part of the prayer. He commandeth me to put it into words. Listen!
“O Lord our Father, our young patriots, idols of our hearts, go forth to battle — be Thou near them! With them — in spirit — we also go forth from the sweet peace of our beloved firesides to smite the foe. O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it — for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen.
(After a pause.) “Ye have prayed it; if ye still desire it, speak! The messenger of the Most High waits!â€
It was believed afterward that the man was a lunatic, because there was no sense in what he said.
Not even comparable. One is war, and many were NOT Christian you presumptuous bigot. But that’s ok keep your head up your ass it’s your best view,
No.WE will send 2000 troops.We have already made sure Russian resolution is dead on arrival. Our leaders are asking US to focus on Iran WSJ and Fox want US attack Iran. We have told the diplomat not to talk about ceasefire and diplomacy .
That all in last 10 days .
So fucking Dragos Enters the 4 hours movie just before it is about to end and sees the bad guys with extensive rap sheet getting killed .Dragos screams at the the killer and hopes the killer should be annihilated .
Ive got a better deal ill give a $1 for every white victim of black hate crime in the past 2 decades and you give me a $100 for every white victim islamic terror attack in the past 2 decades i suspect you’ll be a lot richer than me
Here’s an idea if you dont want muslim immigration how about you get out of their country
I fully support the ban on those murdering christians that have killed millions in the Middle East in recent decades while wearing a US military costume.
I fully support a ban on all Muslims to the US. They are not compatible with Western civilization.
I like “decrease in terror attacks.”
How about this: I’ll give you $100 for every Islamic terrorist attack on US soil in the past two decades that resulted in anything more serious than hurt feelings, and you give me a measly $1 for every fatal lightning strike that occurred in that same period.
I’ll even sweeten the deal by reducing your stake by the percentage that domestic Islamic terrorist attacks decreased after Trump’s travel ban.
Endorsing common sense is not being a rabid sionist.
Some dislike AND Zionists AND Muslims.
It’s too difficult for you to understand ?
Fun fact : now that a certain tribe is directly concerned with wannabe head-choppers on the US soil, Muslim ban is good, but the same ones at the height of their Trump derangement syndrome, screamed ” racism ” when it was implemented. F… hypocrites.
These writers support Israel .They hope that Israel would be nice to them.
“Great American Comeback?” Fat chance.
How about campaigning on the need to prepare for the “Great American Comeuppance.”
There does not seem to be a way to break the GOP voting base’s loyalty to Trump. The manifest incompetence and broken promises have all been forgotten. Now he is the persecuted hero who will save us all if only given another chance. Disgusting and infuriating to watch.
A king has a reign, a governor has a term.
Jews and their ill-gotten revenue are behind all that is wrong in America and other parts of the world. The Federal Reserve System pushed on Americans was a Jewish concoction. All things are possible through the enormous amount of interest money paid to the Jew-owned fed.
The American Congress bought lock, stock, and barrel with Jewish money. Those that can’t be bought are assassinated; the list of those assassinated is long. Jews have been behind all wars America has been involved in for one reason or another. The plethora of Jews now found in the Biden administration is responsible for what is happening in Ukraine. As if that isn’t enough, now they are in the process of sending congressional stooges out to hype the American people up for war with China psychologically.
With Jew ears everywhere, plotting a strategy for change is extremely difficult–think JFK and others.
Let’s see if any of them pick up on the ADL issue. I’ll wait.
Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me.
DeSantis doesn’t stand a chance, so he should just stop wasting time and get back to Florida and do his job. Just because he beat that old geezer “Chain Gang” Charlie Crist he thinks he’s Presidential timber, he ain’t. While running for his second term he said he had no intentions of seeking higher office, so right off the bat the guy’s a liar. There are a lot of problems here in Florida and I don’t mean trannies at Disneyworld. Didn’t you get the memo the Great Tranny War is over, the good guys lost, but there is still a lot of other things here that need fixing. You owe us Gitmo Ron after all you did sell our right of free speech for thirty pieces of silver.
DeSantis is a leader and a doer as evidenced by his reign in Florida. He would be an excellent President.
Trump needs a vice president that is not a traitor, like Pence and Barr. That can replace Trump, when needed. Strongly support Trump otherwise
DeSantis just excluded himself from that post. I heard rumors that Ramaswami rejects the VP post. True? He would be near ideal.
Trump, president, Trumper than Trump, Vice president.
4HONESTY dot com is for utter honesty and full disclosure. How does that fit in here?
Honest disclosure of conflicts of interests, of donors, of never Trumpers.
Honesty about policy issues, Honesty about NATO’s guilt poking Russia militarily and inciting the war.
Honesty about race realism, that would be asking too much, that is outside the Overton Window of permitted speech. But it would explain why quotas are unjust, and pre-emptively explain why ditching quotas would NOT lead to anything like equity and more black rocket scientists.
Incredibly, Georgia is a state controlled by Republicans at the executive and legislative level. They could curtail this farce. But they have done nothing.
Yes, the GOP (for what they’re worth) has solid, if not overwhelming, majorities in both the Georgia state Senate and House (59%, 57%) — I imagine there is the same urban/suburban vs rural split you see in other states — I don’t know whether ‘they could curtail this farce’ or not, but it would not be a surprise if they didn’t — after all, they weren’t able to stop this:
Georgia legislature sets Feb. 23 as Ahmaud Arbery Day in a resolution
Nor this:
In Ahmaud Arbery’s Name, Georgia Repeals Citizen’s Arrest Law
Nor this:
Georgia added a hate-crimes law last year after the death of Ahmaud Arbery
But it’s no surprise that a conservatard who writes for Vdare either has not figured out, or is reluctant to admit, that the GOP is useless.
Cancelation, counter to mores, costumes of Western civilization, has become the norm and habit. Almost all Trump lawyers and helpers have been boycotted, fired, harassed, including their families
This is indecent uncivilized behavior. But now legally persecuting people for exercising their professions, for giving counsel to Trump, is a new low.
The long term effect is terrible. While “underprivileged” terrorist and murderers get free counsel, anyone slightly right leaning cannot get qualified lawyers. That is terrible!
Many of those charged simply advised Trump and his campaign as lawyers. But apparently, it’s now a crime to give legal advice to “bad people.†This will come as a shock to those who believe, apparently naively, that even murderers and pedophiles deserve legal representation.
A gerontocracy is a symptom of a failed system or an occupied nation.
No one bothers with new talent because the regime can now only reward the long-term commissars.
Face it, Biden did all the things he needed to do to destroy America’s standing in the world, to ruin opportunities for the young, and to cleverly blame it on historic inevitability.
He has pleased his Jewish masters. He’s collecting his winnings. As with Lyndon Johnson at another crucial crossroad, a lot of people know it and can’t do a thing about it.
What should arguably be more amazing is that despite “most Americans agreeing that Trump’s two indictments thus far were warranted.â€
This is the problem. Americans are simply fucking stupid! And just as corrupt as the democrats they continue voting for.
Trump has broken zero laws.
Biden? I won’t even bother. Accepting foreign bribes “treason,†racketeering, IRS violations for not paying taxes on the bribe money, child molestation, I could go on and on…
the reason Biden won, narrowly, in 2020 is because the left-wing MSM suppressed all evidence of his sentility and dementia and his 50-year history of lies and greed and crimes and corruption and depravity and perversion and that of Hunter and his “laptop from hell” while demonizing and slandering Trump every minute and hour of every day before and during his presidency.
I’m not a lawyer either. But I think you nailed it with this:
“Or are they still too chicken to take it up, just as they refused to hear ANY cases alleging voter fraud after the 2020 fiasco?”
What are the chances that, as the Court of Original Jurisdiction, and the only Court specifically listed in the Constitution, the Supremes take up and strike down these various Indictments as nothing more than Election Interference?
If the Court truly wants to save the Republic, couldn’t they put an end to this travesty? And with a Conservative Majority, couldn’t they get it done, whether by 6-3 or 5-4? (One never knows about Roberts).
This democrat-created Constitutional Crisis can’t be put on hold for years as these cases wind their way thru various lower courts. The Supremes acted with authority when, using its power of Original Jurisdiction, it immediately took up the case of Bush v Gore, reasoning that Florida’s “Hanging Chad” crisis couldn’t wait with Jan. 20 fast approaching.
Why can’t the Supremes use their Constitutional authority here? Or are they still too chicken to take it up, just as they refused to hear ANY cases alleging voter fraud after the 2020 fiasco? I’m not a lawyer, but I’d sure like a competent attorney or judge tell me why it can’t be done.
One thing we know is that Britain will stop short of nothing to prevent Trump 2.0. Their coup attempt of 2016 is small potatoes compared to what they plan to do next. Remember the Vegas rally Englishman who tried to wrestle a gun away from a cop and point it at Trump? Of course you don’t, because that incident has been memory holed.
Yes, Britain will subcontract their efforts to some patsy in order to conceal their withered hand, as they did with other US presidents. We’re not a free people as long as we’re in any kind of military alliance with that diseased island.
Trump as an American Vergeltungswaffen? Okay by me.
The trouble is Trump is all Art of the Deal. Once the deal goes down Trump goes doggo. Then? Four more years of 100$ chaos and zero achievement — which makes it a victory for the wrong side.
2020 was stolen. If you honestly believe otherwise you are some combination of ignorant and stupid. The deep state does not care whether the President is Red or Blue so long as they know he/she will do as he/she is told. That rules out Trump, DeSantis and Kennedy.
Biden is a known criminal who has lost his marbles. His administration is best known for it’s failures foreign and domestic. The deep state can and will do better. I don’t know who will be chosen of course. Maybe Gavin Newsom for the Blues? Maybe Nikki Haley for the Reds?
Have people become so ridiculous that they’re now prancing around with toy horse heads as an actual sport? pic.twitter.com/F0smzlQeqZ
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 8, 2023
No Dem out there can compete with Trump except Kennedy, and Kennedy is more inimical and threatening to CIA than Trump. All CIA can do is roll out another Obama-style empty suit and arrange another nationwide propaganda orgasm for their new nonentity. We’re going to repeat that bizarre period when Mockingbird Media whores were slobbering and fluffing this random unknown asshole with no record. And when some famous random asshole lacks a record, now we all know to look for his CIA mom and dad and gramma and grampa like Obama’s, or his CIA fake job, like Camp No torture lawyer deSantis.
But the residual electorate watched CIA Secret Agent Obama loot the fisc for banks, casually admit the crime against humanity of torture and get away with it, institutionalize systematic and widespread murder and brag about it, and lose an undeclared war in Syria. CIA won’t be able to whip the party dupes up to grasp at straws again. People know, if CIA lets a candidate run, he’s another crooked scumbag that they own.
You can’t vote your way out of this. The aspirants who matter are not candidates but guys like Mir Aimal Kansi or Roy Gordon Cole or Kim Jong Un with his BF missiles aimed at Langley.
Trump is a very successful, intelligent big mouth. That is what we need. A big mouth speaking forbidden truths, aka #HateFacts
Even at UNZ, too many readers are ill informed MSM consumers
An election is NOT innocent-until-proven-guilty. An election is corrupted and invalid until proven safe. An election must not even be potentially fraudulent. The burden of proof must be inverted.
The election was 50 times rigged, a few dirty tricks were not felonies, like blocking the HONEST TRUTH about Hunter’s laptop, or removing right wing social media influencers with a total of many many million followers.
You cannot send a UNZ link in fb messenger.
There are a few good books with hundreds of details about election problems. Even at Amazon!
Trump reminds me of my youth. Every neighborhood bar in Queens had a bigmouth know it all who never shut up. After a few hours the patrons would beg the bartender to cut him off. “Hey, he’s a neighborhood guy a local, what you want from me?’ would be the usual response. It was either listen or leave. Trump is my 1970s flashback.
The election was 50 times rigged, a few dirty tricks were not felonies, like blocking the HONEST TRUTH about Hunter's laptop, or removing right wing social media influencers with a total of many many million followers.
An election is NOT innocent-until-proven-guilty. An election is corrupted and invalid until proven safe. An election must not even be potentially fraudulent. The burden of proof must be inverted.
Since this is Unz.com, I’ll grab my popcorn and wait for the crazies to come…
“2020 was stolen. Trump won big league!”
“The Deep State won’t allow the GOP electing a President ever again. Period. It’s rigged.”
“There’s NO political solution, sheeple!”
It is a sign of our silly fantasy world society, that Biden, with dementia, profound corruption and treason, is even considered a competition for Trump. But Trump is old, persecuted, potential CIA murder target, busy with dozens of legal defenses against frivolous lawsuits.
It is absolutely sad that there is not a single youthful person that can replace Trump. Maybe 2 or 3 could replace him? An actor/stand up comedian, a billionaire or a rich company, and a politician like Kennedy or DeSantis.
You have to wonder if this jurisprudence might get Americans to think more honestly about all of the land Israel has stolen from its rightful owners. Oops, we’re talking Americans here. There are snacks in the fridge and a football game on; why bother to think? Obviously, not every man is going to have the IQ of a Ron Unz. But every man should ask tough questions, seek out answers to the best of his ability, and think critically about the world at large. The fact Americans can’t do this reveals how slothful American society is.
Good for Gorsuch. There is a difference between honoring a treaty and a give-away of public property. Oklahoma was promised to the Indians. A disregard for the rights of the Natives is arrogant and undermines White claims on their own legitimate interests.
I agree. If this leads to the Balkanization of America, with Christians and/or whites having their own ethno-states, then let’s do this. As we have seen with Hungary, the globalists won’t make it easy, and will probably sanction us, but let’s do it anyway. Can you imagine driving for hundreds of miles and not seeing anyone but people of European descent? How pleasant. Can you even do that in Europe?
And, this time, I would be willing to do fair business with the Indians. Just ask them what they want for that wheat or that corn or that iron ore,and negotiate a fair price. Same with the self-loathing whites/athiests/jews that get the northeast. Isn’t that how we ended up with all of this bad blood today? People for time immemorial trying to get something for nothing? It might have been nothing for them, but we’re paying for it now. And China may realize it, and they’re doing it differently this time.
If this trend hastens the decline of jUSA plc and if it portends a fresh start under saner policies for ordinary folk, and if it ultimately results in the undoing of of the status quo for whitey and for everybody else, then I’m all for it.
Something’s got to bring this current shit-show to an end. Why not return the land to the native tribes. They couldn’t possibly do any worse that has been done under j-whities treacherous rule.
May saner times prevail. May Mankind evolve into a wiser version of itself.
And may hysterical punditry become a thing of ridicule and be consigned to the proverbial…
Best wishes,
“The Indians couldn’t read or write. How could Sitting Bull sign a lease?†– Archie Bunker
Neil Gorsuch attends a liberal pro-LGBTQ church. This was not above top secret before his nomination. It’s Trump’s fault. He’s a globohomo. Stop making excuses for Don the Con.
Trump cannot be held personally accountable for Gorsuch being a closet leftist. This isn’t the first time a Republican SCOTUS nominee put on his uber conservative, strict constitutionalist mask to get nominated, then promptly dropped it once appointed; Anthony Kennedy pulled the same stunt on Reagan.
Gorsuch did vote to overturn Roe v Wade, a conservative vote, regardless of where you personally stand on the issue. Real conservatives consider this a massive win, and a crushing defeat of the left’s crown jewel achievement. A win is a win is a win!
Even if it changes nothing on the street level, the very idea of the loss, on paper eats at their Marxist little hearts night and day. The same way Donald Trump’s very existence does.
It’s all about “living in their heads.â€
Let the corporations and fed and states govt’s cannibalize themselves with the woke game.
Every one of these moves by them is one step closer to illegitimacy and for the corps financial ruin, and with that comes loss of power. We can’t defeat them any other way, and Americans are too cowardly and too lazy to pick up torches and pitch forks.
The leviathan always crushes itself under its own weight.
Sit back with a local micro brew and enjoy the decline!
The land claims on this planet were created by blood and the N.America is no difference. This was a sparsely populated territory with nomadic tribes living from primitive hunting. How could an imported application of agricultural techniques of cultivation or animals breeding to that unused land be considered a crime.
Historically, “to the victors goes the spoils” and some feeble-minded tries to change that – pathetic. That is why the France or Poland could not be returned to losing Germany.
It was Gorsuch who also decided that homosexuals are protected by anti-discrimination laws. I am not surprised by his findings. Back when he was nominated, somebody at VDare rejoiced that he had an English surname. The rejoicee apparently forgot it was the English who invented liberalism.
A return to the classical right of conquest jurispudence including of course the 1948 and 1976 Israeli wars would help. Not in every case, but in most of the cases. After all, all the Native Indian claims are due to the right of conquest too.
In fact, it is the other way round – by trying to nullify the Israeli right of conquest as well as the historic right over a tiny part in Western Asia the legal minds of the Ango-American societies have been steadily eroding the holding over their own courtyard. Pot calling the kettle black…
Maybe a dumb ole redneck needs to point this out, but if anyone, including this shabbos goy, Kennedy, is so stuck up the jews’ ass as he obviously is, then he is a non-starter.
The Democrats are the party of college educated whites. College educated whites don’t support closing the southern border, because they associate good things with Mexican immigrants, like avocadoes and guacamole.
If RFK, Jr. wants to go even higher in the polls he should pound the table for a full-scale investigation into the origins of Covid. He should emphasize how Trump was asleep at the wheel when the virus spread to the United States. He should call for testimonies from members of the Defense Intelligence Agency about what they knew and when they knew it. He should challenge Biden to also support such an investigation.
When are you people going to wake up, the system of government is wrong.
The people who put their hand up as representatives are the last type of person you want representing you.
We need a jury selection type of system where the most capable are required to serve over a term.
Watching RFK cuck on Israel is tough to watch. It was like watching him get surgically castrated on live TV.
He’s the same as the others, with a few interesting bits around the margins.
The term ” family man” has a somewhat different meaning when applied to negroes.
He criticized Trump for his “both sides†comment on the Unite the Right Rally Charlottesville in 2017, and privately lectured the then-president on racial sensitivity.
Charlottesville legal community update:
You can’t make this up.
This is the wife of the man who sat in judgment of the Unite the Right protesters and who ruled on a lot of the motions in the Sines v. Kessler trial.Daily Mail:
“A federal judge in Virginia is fighting for full custody of his two young daughters after his high society ex-wife was arrested at a hotel where she allegedly planned to sexually assault an eight-year-old girl, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal.
Eleanor Hunton Hoppe, 45, a member of one of Virginia’s most prominent families, was snared in an FBI sting last month after messaging an undercover agent explicit and sickening details about what she wanted to do to the child, according to court filings.
If thomas sowell was 30 years younger, i’d vote for him.
I liked Sowell when he was White and called “Eric Hoffer”.
Now it is true that Hilary Clinton was the real architect of all those – Ukraine included. But he signed off so sorry he can’t be absolved
Hildebeest “the architect?†Nah, she was merely a traitorous Shabbos goy doing the bidding of her masters for 30 pieces of silver shekels… just like her husband, Bubba.
Carlin was a shrieking, painfully unfunny shill, the very exemplar of "controlled opposition."
It’s like George Carlin said: “If voting made a difference they wouldn’t let you do itâ€.
I never cared much for George Carlin, when he was popular. Below is a link to an excerpt from a video that he made. I do not think that this video was an attempt by him to “be funny;” rather, I think that it was a wake-up call to all of the STUPID Americans who continually put up with the crap going on year after year in the USA.
EVERY WORD that he says in this video is the absolute truth. Consequently, there is nothing “funny” about any of it. It is sad and very tragic. Video –
Thank you.
Wait – you honestly believe Nuland was just “expressing her opinionâ€? Wow! So discussing what to do with Klitschko (as an avid boxing fan that was what originally piqued my interest) was just an opinion??? Not caring what the EU thought of the process “f the EU†was just an opinion? So you don’t know what the US State Dept does for a living? Aside from the CIA – that is the chief meddling instrument of the US gov.
And Obama??? Yeah I guess you think he was innocent regarding Libya and Syria too..?? The same prez who came up with the “pivot to Asia†to try to stir up trouble with China. You really think he was worthy of that Nobel Prize? Now it is true that Hilary Clinton was the real architect of all those – Ukraine included. But he signed off so sorry he can’t be absolved
Hildebeest “the architect?†Nah, she was merely a traitorous Shabbos goy doing the bidding of her masters for 30 pieces of silver shekels… just like her husband, Bubba.
Now it is true that Hilary Clinton was the real architect of all those – Ukraine included. But he signed off so sorry he can’t be absolved
It was a revolution, not a coup. And it was primarily done by the Ukrainian people, not the US government. And it put the winners of the majority of the popular vote in the 2012 Ukrainian parliamentary elections into office.
Nuland simply expressed her own opinions in that phone call. And Obama was not interested in bringing Ukraine into NATO. Even in regards to EU membership, unfortunately, back in 2014, there was no consensus on Ukraine’s future EU membership like there (thankfully) is right now.
Hey, I just really appreciate your reading these explanations from me. A majority of Americans don’t know this stuff either, and that’s part of the problem. Importing 99% people who couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the US Constitution or small, limited government is only making a return to the Republic impossible, that is, before any major reset of the whole shebang.
Again, thanks, SMTR.
Ahhh – I forgot about the electoral college. But yeah each society should decide for itself how to run itself. But when the other side will be angry or hate the other side when an election is over – doesn’t serve national unity in my book. But hey…
There would likely be an even worse Ukrainian refugee crisis if Ukraine was mostly or completely conquered by the Russians.
The Ukraine issue is creating huge refugee issues for the US European “alliesâ€. That’s on top of the Libya – Afghanistan – Syria – Iraq refugee crises that were caused by intervention in those countries too.
Yep, regretfully! :(Replies: @showmethereal
Most right wing dictatorships in Latin America were backed by the US – in case of “commiesâ€.
By without the coups staged in Ukraine there was no idea of Russia taking Ukraine. In fact it appears the Nuland coup was because they were fearful Ukraine would turn MORE to Russia and possibly end up in some Union state like Belarus is doing. Then there would be no way to get them into the EU and NATO. After that coup many left Ukraine…. But they were Russian speakers fleeing to Russia when Putin offered passports to anyone who wanted to leave.
I don’t know what the likelihood of Germany linking up with the Russians without WWI would have been. Russia was allied to France, after all. Though if Germany won WWI and brutally crushed France, then I suppose that Germany might insist on recreating the Three Emperors’ League on its own terms.
Poland should have agreed to Danzig’s reunion with Germany. And there’s a plausible case that Britain should have inquired about Germany’s sensitivities before giving Poland a guarantee, since that pissed Hitler off and thus caused Hitler to make additional demands on Poland:
But Poland should have still, for the sake of the Soviet people, refused to participate in an attack on the Soviet Union together with Nazi Germany had Hitler offered them such a deal.
BTW, you may not know this, but Senators used to be elected/selected by their State legislators until 1913, another power taken from the States, this one via Amendment XVII. It might make it seem just as good, the power going to the people of said State. However, now, there’s more outside influence, and the State legislators’ most important votes are for what now, DUI alcohol limits?
If you want to be *really* radical, you can ask SCOTUS to embrace this doctrine and use it to strike down the 17th Amendment:
The Ukraine issue is creating huge refugee issues for the US European “alliesâ€. That’s on top of the Libya – Afghanistan – Syria – Iraq refugee crises that were caused by intervention in those countries too.
There would likely be an even worse Ukrainian refugee crisis if Ukraine was mostly or completely conquered by the Russians.
Most right wing dictatorships in Latin America were backed by the US – in case of “commiesâ€.
Yep, regretfully! ðŸ™
I’d be glad to explain. In a nutshell, SMTR, it’s about power. The idea of the writers of the US Constitution was that the States would have a lot of power. (Otherwise most of them would never have signed the thing.)
Any election, for President or for dog catcher, doesn’t matter, it’s up to the people of that State (through their own Constitution, through their legislature, whatever, to decide who gets to vote.) I’m not sure why you think it’s not “equal” (among States, do you mean?), because of another State power of its electors having a certain amount of say (via that State’s apportionment) in the vote for President, based on population. Whether 1.2 million people go to vote or only 200,000 in that State, whichever man the vote goes for, that’s who the State goes for.
BTW, you may not know this, but Senators used to be elected/selected by their State legislators until 1913, another power taken from the States, this one via Amendment XVII. It might make it seem just as good, the power going to the people of said State. However, now, there’s more outside influence, and the State legislators’ most important votes are for what now, DUI alcohol limits?
If you want to be *really* radical, you can ask SCOTUS to embrace this doctrine and use it to strike down the 17th Amendment:
BTW, you may not know this, but Senators used to be elected/selected by their State legislators until 1913, another power taken from the States, this one via Amendment XVII. It might make it seem just as good, the power going to the people of said State. However, now, there’s more outside influence, and the State legislators’ most important votes are for what now, DUI alcohol limits?
Let's look at the gist of these 17 Amendments, #11 through #27, shall we? Only #11, ratified just 3 years after the BoR, #22 to some extent, and #27 on a what's now a minor issue, put any new limitations on Federal power. Amendments 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, and 26 give it more power. (Regarding #24, I put it in this group because any power given to the District of Criminals* is more power to the Federal government itself.) That's 10 out of 17, 59% of them, that expand Federal power and only 2 - 3, 12-18%, that decrease it.
Of the Amendments, numbers 15, 19, 23, 24, and 26, that's 29% of them, expand the franchise to a bigger set of voters. See, this is a problem the Founders must not have anticipated. They were White, British (well the White, then, went without saying then), men. They somehow imagined they and their like-thinking progeny would be the ones carefully controlling this "dangerous servant and fearful master"**. Them more the franchise was expanded from property-owning White men (as decided by THEIR OWN States), the more voters there were who didn't care about this small government idea so much, and the more they would agree with expanding the franchise further. It ended up a big ball of cascading franchising stupidity. Not only that, but all these Amendments moved the power of determining who does get to vote from the States to the Federal government.
Replies: @showmethereal
I would have to say here, in conclusion from this long stretch of posts about the 17 post-BoR Amendments to the US Constitution, that our Founders really fucked up by writing Article V! Now, as written early, the 10 very important (during our serious period) Amendments were created via this Article V procedure. However, James Madison and other anti-Federalists back in those founding years would have rather incorporated these limitations within the document itself.
Interesting… But again something I won’t understand. How can each states have different voting rights when it comes to national issues? Would that be different based on local vs national elections? Because if it is different for national elections – how would that be fair or even or equal?
The Ukraine issue is creating huge refugee issues for the US European “allies”. That’s on top of the Libya – Afghanistan – Syria – Iraq refugee crises that were caused by intervention in those countries too.
Most right wing dictatorships in Latin America were backed by the US – in case of “commies”.
There would likely be an even worse Ukrainian refugee crisis if Ukraine was mostly or completely conquered by the Russians.
The Ukraine issue is creating huge refugee issues for the US European “alliesâ€. That’s on top of the Libya – Afghanistan – Syria – Iraq refugee crises that were caused by intervention in those countries too.
Yep, regretfully! :(Replies: @showmethereal
Most right wing dictatorships in Latin America were backed by the US – in case of “commiesâ€.
Sadly, like the Official Insane Man, we keep doing the same thing and expecting different results:Colin Powell is One Of Us.Michael Steele is One Of Us.Eric Adams is One Of Us.Now, Tim Scott is One Of Us.Blacks have a different culture, a different legacy, different priorities and values, even a different language. They will always prioritize a Brother over Whitey.Black people are fundamentally antagonistic to traditional American beliefs.Replies: @AceDeuce
"Never vote for a non-White.Especially–Never, ever, EVER vote for a negro.For ANYTHING."
I don’t recall seeing any of your comments before. Seeing this one, and then going in and reading your archived comments, I’d like to say that you’re pretty damned good. Keep it up. Very enjoyable.
Be honest. Answer the following question. Do you genuinely believe—in any capacity whatsoever—that this is actually happening, or that it will lead to anything whatsoever?Hunter will most likely be indicted as a result of the house investigation:
The GOP is only able to investigate the Hunter laptop
Hunter will most likely be indicted as a result of the house investigation:
And when he isn’t, will you kill yourself? How about when the DoJ says it refuses to charge him with anything? What’s your punishment for being wrong? Nothing will happen, you dipshit neocon. What are you going to do about it?
Kind of old news actually. That has been known for months.
It has been known for decades that nothing will happen. You’re too stupid to be here. You lack requisite knowledge to hold conversations on this website.
Which means voting mattered
No, subhuman retard, it doesn’t. Nothing has happene.
the Bidens would have preferred it if all White men had taken your attitude and let the Democrats keep the house.
Literally no one on this website who isn’t a paid shill or mentally defective actually believes that there are political parties or that they have differences. So which are you, numb nuts? What have republicans ever done for you in the last 6o years?
Maybe try reading outside your bubble
Said the literal zionist neoconservative civic nationalist who is copying and pasting communist talking pints that were disproven 50 years ago.
Thanks for admitting that
1. There will be no punishment to any Biden at any time, for any reason
2. You will do absolutely nothing whatsoever to punish anyone for refusing to punish them
3. You will continue to do what your own claimed enemies tell you to do without question.
Larry Ellison?! Another unscrupulous {{{{. }}}
Sarah Palin? Jesus! Haley and Cheney are bad/terrible already
No, the worst warmonger is the US and the UK. Ukraine today is nothing more than 1939 redux. Without US/UK giving Poland a false sense of bravado with security promises, the Danzig question would have been peacefully solved and the brutal attacks on ethnic Germans would not have occurred either. Ukraine was neutral til Maidan, and attacks on ethnic Russians in the Donbas gave Russia not much of a choice, but to act. If the UK stayed out of the fray in WWI, the damn war would probably have been avoided, but the UK wanted to keep the Germans from linking up with the Russians commercially/ economically, and smash the competition. Bottom line is that we weren’t hands down the “good guys” in either world war. The only real winner was international finance in both cases.
Why waste any time for an useless endeavor? The Platinum Plan was the least of all reasons why a lot of folks stayed home like yours truly did in ’20. The man totally dropped the ball and went along with the scam that torpedoed the Western World, and bragged about it, By 2025 it will be too late as de dollarization is going forward full tilt, not to mention the start of WWIII that will be the US response to de dollarization. Nothing less than millions of armed people marching on DC and doing our version of storming the Bastille is going to change things. Don’t be a chump into thinking Trump II will yield different results.
Massie and Paul are the only two Republicans worth voting for. But the American people are too stupid to vote for either of them for POTUS.
The American people seem pretty determined to keep voting for politicians who will engage in runaway federal spending and big yearly deficits. The new budget deal will lead to a two trillion-dollar deficit in 2024. Forty years ago, such deficits would have been seen as dangerously high but it is now the new normal. However, while they are certainly partly responsible, I wouldn’t place the majority of the blame on the average person in this country. Average people spend most of their time trying to make a living and raising their children and don’t pay close attention to what is going on in Washington DC. The expansion of government is coming more from special interests quietly working to influence government spending and regulation policies. The Washington Uniparty is a collection of these special interests.
Somehow, we need to get through to average people that our corrupt parasitical elites are destroying the country. This will be difficult because the average voter has been through the government schools, which has crippled their ability to think critically. Things are going to have get much worse for them to do anything. It took decades of British abuses of power before the American colonies were ready for the American Revolution.
When things become really bad, the people who predicted that will be vindicated and more attention will be paid to them after that. The central government will then be facing an open rebellion with some states threatening to break away. I see the government compromising at that point. However, I may be wrong. The country may break up or the central government may institute a harsh dictatorship.
Trump and DeSantis should team up rather than fighting to both their detriment.
A Trump-DeSantis ticket would be very powerful. Trump can only serve one term anyway, and it gives DeSantis the possibility of 12 years in the White House.
DeSantis will be much more electable after 4 years as VP. After DeSantis serves two terms as President, perhaps someone like Elon Musk might be elected?
Be honest. Answer the following question. Do you genuinely believe—in any capacity whatsoever—that this is actually happening, or that it will lead to anything whatsoever?
The GOP is only able to investigate the Hunter laptop
Goddamn, you’re naïve.
they barely took the house…..through voting.
They. Literally. Fucking. Did. Name the goddamned jew, by the way. It’s not the fucking deep state. It’s the jews. Every federal politician worships jews or he doesn’t have a job.
Why didn’t the deep state cheat the system to protect the Bidens?
Eat shit and die, communist sympathizer. You’ll hang right alongside the politicians you claim to oppose, as punishment for continuing to worship them.
Go smoke your bong and tell yourself that voting doesn’t matter.
Where in the everloving fuck did you come from, boomer? Did the Qult send you here? Adults don’t obey their mommy and daddy’s every word like a good little goy, you fucking NPC shitrag. When they make guns illegal, you’re going to turn them in, aren’t you? Because breaking the law is what evil not zees do, right?
Let the adults try to sort out this mess.
Wow! A jewish puppet who will never do anything for America and instead just worship jews is going to be appointed to office instead of a jewish puppet who will never do anything for America and instead just worship jews! So important! My vote really matters! That’s why literally nothing has ever altered course for the last 95 fucking years!
This is a thread on a GOP candidate for what is a very important election.
You sure seem fixated on something completely unrelated to the topic of discussion. Why is that, boomer shill?
Go jerk off to anime porn if you think this is all pointless.
You are too stupid to be alive. Genuine question: how did you fucking find this website? Everything we stand for here is the opposite of the communist narrative that you worship. Get the fuck out.
Biden could in fact resign over the laptop if there is enough evidence of collusion.
Is completely irrelevant and does nothing but put a female nigger in the puppet seat. How does that solve anything, you worthless fucking neocon?
Getting rid of him
Whoops, they found nothing and cleared him of all crimes. Now what, fuckface? Are you going to just vote harder next time?
might solely depend on house investigations
Kill yourself in real life. Your enemies are on camera admitting that your votes aren’t counted. You’re too stupid to be legally classified as human.
which would be dependent on voting.
Kill yourself for being a pot smoking degenerate, too. Get the fuck off this website. I come here because it’s one of the few refuges for sane people. You’re not welcome.Replies: @John Johnson
Think about that after taking a bong rip.
The GOP is only able to investigate the Hunter laptop
Be honest. Answer the following question. Do you genuinely believe—in any capacity whatsoever—that this is actually happening, or that it will lead to anything whatsoever?
Hunter will most likely be indicted as a result of the house investigation:
Kind of old news actually. That has been known for months.
Which means voting mattered and the Bidens would have preferred it if all White men had taken your attitude and let the Democrats keep the house.
Maybe try reading outside your bubble before embarrassing yourself again.
Lemme predict your response:
And when he isn’t, will you kill yourself? How about when the DoJ says it refuses to charge him with anything? What’s your punishment for being wrong? Nothing will happen, you dipshit neocon. What are you going to do about it?
Hunter will most likely be indicted as a result of the house investigation:
It has been known for decades that nothing will happen. You’re too stupid to be here. You lack requisite knowledge to hold conversations on this website.
Kind of old news actually. That has been known for months.
No, subhuman retard, it doesn’t. Nothing has happene.
Which means voting mattered
Literally no one on this website who isn’t a paid shill or mentally defective actually believes that there are political parties or that they have differences. So which are you, numb nuts? What have republicans ever done for you in the last 6o years?
the Bidens would have preferred it if all White men had taken your attitude and let the Democrats keep the house.
Said the literal zionist neoconservative civic nationalist who is copying and pasting communist talking pints that were disproven 50 years ago.
Maybe try reading outside your bubble
Thanks for admitting that
the worst 20th century warmonger was
Zionist-tool Winston Churchill, w 3 kids. Stalin
also had 3.
No the worst warmonger would be Adolf Hitler who broke the Munich agreement and then invaded Poland knowing full well that he was risking a world war. After failing to defeat Britain he invaded the Soviet union which resulted in the deaths of over 25 million.
He was childless and had a genital disorder.
Stalin had children but had contempt for them. When the Germans captured his son he declined an exchange. As with Putin he falls into the has children but doesn’t care about them category.
“Nimarata Randhawa”
Yeah, that’s what I call ‘silly’.
“They’re young. Sometimes they make silly decisions.â€#Chicago pic.twitter.com/dnvMQPzmkq
— CWBChicago (@CWBChicago) June 3, 2023
Alright, defund the police. Imagine how many more blacks and blue city cucks would get killed without any police. We can dream.
Chicago just endured its worst MD weekend in nearly a decade.
And days after 60 people were shot and 12 were killed, the "mayor-is-moving" rumor emerges.
Evidently, Mayor Johnson's zip code is more important news than the bloodbath on Chicago's streets.https://t.co/MBd4iCz0vw
— Chicago Contrarian (@ChicagoContrar1) June 1, 2023