Holy shit. His wife really does have talent. And she’s hot as fuck, no pun intended. I don’t care, I’d literally fuck and impregnate that beautiful Jewish artist.
Unless she knows Elon from her South Africa days. If Melissa Cohen fucked Fat Elon, I wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole, and mine is pretty much 10 feet long, almost.
With his daddy leaving the WH in disgrace, these paintings are worthless. Now humper says there were lost in the fire . If they were insured, it all makes sense.
Does this mean that this jelly-brained SOB is going to collect on the insurance value? Also when I look at his art I say to myself, move over caravaggio, botticelli, Zurbaran, Da Vinci, Michelanglo, Dürer, Rembrandt, Delacroix, Sargent, Cézanne, Picasso, DalÃ, and the last and greatest of them all Frank Frazetta. Nuff said.
Hunter is an impressive man: getting money for nothing from corporate boards, smashing teenage poosay in his fifties, and creating artwork that is soulful, beautiful, AND blatant bribery/money laundering. All whilst high on crack. Imagine his accomplishments were he not on crack 24/7……
“However, what we can hope is that the works were not actually lost, and Hunter is instead being clever and committing insurance fraud.â€
Hunter represents the essence of the current state of the US. May he live a thousand years. When he passes, a commemorative rolled C-note with residual cocaine framed in a display case with a background photo of him and his hookah will be available for your purchase. Preorder now!
Hunter Biden is the stereotypical poster-child of ‘The privileged White kid who’s parents bailed them out of every single act of irresponsibility and empowered their self-entitled freeloading and shiftlessness’
So when you see some MTV spring break special where hair-brained White girls with their tits and ass spilling out of string bikinis as they shake on some makeshift stage while White boy ‘professional college students’ (e.g. lazy fucks who never graduate, but their parents continue to pay for their university staycations) fire bourbon-filled waterguns into their buttcracks, think Hunter Biden.
hunter used his coke straw, to create his “blow art” while in rehab. his retarded kindergartener finger paintings, would bring thousands of dollars from anonymous “collectors”. what a money laundering scam, this is better than writing a book, good thing too, because hunter can’t read or write. there is one thing we learn from his work however, that hunter is color blind.
Actually a comparison between the US government and the mafia while I’m here to tell you the mafia has a whole lot more integrity going for it than the US government and that’s a fact.,.. the mafia cares for their own they have integrity that the US government cannot comprehend and it’s criminality state…. And the US government cares for no One except the criminality of the people running it…….. There is no criminal organization in the world that would condone what the US government is doing killing women and children in Gaza and in the Ukraine and over what because they ultimately the US government ultimately wants all of the mineral and oil rights in those countries and they want to own the property in those countries this is why all of this is happening to those people because of the greed of the criminals in the US government…..the big difference now is the criminals in the US government have no where to hide ever they have been exposed for what they are and they have nowhere to go and no one to blame everything on anymore everyone sees what they are doing but then the blame goes on to those that see because they are doing nothing except sitting back and watching like it’s some movie
You are absolutely correct…… You are the only person that has spoken this truth besides myself and I have been looking for someone to actually say this in the last three or four years and of course now it’s so completely apparent that there’s nothing but criminality in the US government but it has all gone so far now there is nothing anyone can do about it they have their finger on the trigger and the American public has nothing yet they are using the American public’s money to facilitate their criminal activities.
No, I haven’t, because they’re different races.
I guess you’re one of those “it’s just a religion” dumbfucks.
Joe “Vacation” Biden is our worst, stupidest, laziest, most corrupt, most incompetent and most dishonest President to date. He has fucked America in the ass. I’m glad that Beau and that poor first Mrs. Biden don’t have to watch this. On the bright side his senile dementia, pants shitting and public napping bring me…. joy.
It would be interesting to know how many hooker murders Hunter got pardoned for.
Funny thing is, I’m one of the few who likes “Hunter Biden’s” paintings. I just don’t believe he painted them. Paid for them, yes, painted them? That’s a negatory good buddy. Haven’t seen anyone else suggest this but isn’t it obvious?
p.s. Merrick Garland is a shithead.
Your “15 million†is pure fantasy.
You appear to be correct. My totals don’t match yours, but I see that the 15M difference was an early figure, which has now evaporated.
(Forehead on the ground in abject shame.)
Jesus. This guy Anglin is either a CIA limited hangout psyop, or a bigger grifter that Alex Jones ever thought about being.
Pound all the blackpills you want up your own asshole. But fucking hell, either be a fucking MAN, and offer up some proactive solutions, or just stop fucking writing.
Again, unless you’re a CIA/MI6/Mossad asset, tasked with trying to demoralize anyone who would stand up to the Davos crowd. If so, you’re doing splendidly, comrade. May you burn in fucking hell for it.
Not a deep follower of the everlasting gobstopper of jew psyops the average goy enjoyer enjoys but I do recall one Trump the Judas Goat crypto-jew pardon that was lol lmao even hilarious and it went something like this.
Two jews and a goy commit some kind of financial fraud (what are the odds) and all go to the greybar hotel. Trump the orange golem … pardons just the jews and lets the white goy swing in the breeze. Sorry whitey! We jews take care of our own, said Trump. But hey keep the hopes and dreams alive lol
Trump could come to some MAGATARDS house, take a liquid shit in their mouth, kill their dog (jews hate dogs look it up wonder why) and the average MAGATARD would be posting their browned peanut sprinkled face on Troof Social within 5 minutes lol
> 15 million illegally obtained votes. Because those numbers didn’t even show up in the 2024 election
Where the heck do you get that from? The numbers show that 158,429,631 votes were cast in 2020, and 155,419,638 in 2024. So, 3,009,993 fewer votes were cast in 2024. Your “15 million” is pure fantasy.
In reality, it is nothing extraordinary, Hunter’s crimes were less numerous and less serious than those of the accusations against Trump, who is today the nation’s number one citizen.
If so, Hunter could well be his vice president.
Well, there is also participating in the slave trade. Even before the constitutionally-permitted window of importing slaves ran out in 1808, the federal government in 1794 banned US ships from participating in it and in 1800 banned any American from investing or participating in it (even on foreign vessels). In 1807 Congress promptly banned the slave trade itself, to take effect at the earliest possible date: on Jan. 1, 1808.Replies: @Jokem
The Constitution only creates three federal crimes: treason, piracy, and counterfeiting.
Right. Interstate commerce is also regulated by the Federal Government.
You can take it from me, the guy who ran a massively successful 2016 internet campaign for Trump, so successful I was put on the cover of the Atlantic Monthly as a top villain. I got nothing at all from Donald Trump. My personal life became much better under Joe Biden, frankly, as people stopped hunting me.
That is something I believe. The Trump administration was aggressively targeting “alt-right” (they mean antisemitic) figures. Many of us notice that some of the heavy-handed censorship also receded under Biden. Although AI censorship on sites like youtube became stronger.
Having Trump in office is like having a bunch of criminal Jews (Trump pardons their confederates) who endow the ADL in office.
The Constitution only creates three federal crimes: treason, piracy, and counterfeiting.
Well, there is also participating in the slave trade. Even before the constitutionally-permitted window of importing slaves ran out in 1808, the federal government in 1794 banned US ships from participating in it and in 1800 banned any American from investing or participating in it (even on foreign vessels). In 1807 Congress promptly banned the slave trade itself, to take effect at the earliest possible date: on Jan. 1, 1808.
well-regulated Militia
The meaning of this has been disputed by 2nd Amendment opponents.
They say it means ‘controlled’, where advocates say it means ‘competent’.
Yes. In a world where common sense reigned, he would be a modern day PJ O’Rourke, writing for the leading satirical publications, publishing bestsellers, and being interviewed on the biggest platforms.
You will witness magic when Donald Trump helps you instead of the Jews. It won’t happen in real life, but it can easily happen in your fantasies.
Last night our Righteous Gentile, President Donald Trump, pardoned every Jan. 6 political prisoner held in a dark cell in Washington, DC. They were released in gradual stages to allow their eyes to adjust to daylight. He then invited each and every ex-prisoner to a lavish dinner at the White House.
He also texted Bibi “Big Swinging Samson” Netanyahu to inform him all further requests for US $billions should be pasted on the Wailing Wall.
Then I woke up. It had all been a dream.
Andrew is the foremost political satirist in the world and there is no close second.
The Constitution only creates three federal crimes: treason, piracy, and counterfeiting.
Ironic is it not that those 3 federal crimes could accurately describe the federal governments modus operandi.
But hey meh on warp speed murdering Epstein guilty Israeli dingus slurping traitor POS jew antichrist Trump pardoning lotsa Jared gurlyman kushner crooks on his way out eh
Since the 2nd Amendment says “a well-regulated Militia,” federal gun laws are not as such unconstitutional.
The 21st Amendment returned control of intoxicating liquors to the states, but marijuana is banned by international treaty.
The Constitution mandates that our most cherished rights must be surrendered as demanded by a treaty ratified by 2/3 of the Senate.
Ron Paul means well but the Constitution does not say what he wishes it said, and will not protect American freedoms.
The meaning of this has been disputed by 2nd Amendment opponents.
well-regulated Militia
I bet Trump pardons her, since he was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein.
I wonder if the pedo Maxwell is going to be pardoned as well?
Much of the controversy is because President Biden repeatedly pledged that he would never pardon his son.
The promises of a politician, anyone surprised here?
Dr Paul is, of course, correct. The Constitution has been twisted, ripped apart and stomped all over by America’s ruling class. It’ll be a great day if we ever get it back.
Keir Starmer regretted letting David Lammy force MI6 to use anti-White laws to recruit spies.
Doctor or engineer? pic.twitter.com/OGdLWGRhC0
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) December 7, 2024
(If the Constitution legalizes corruption, you deserve it.)
– From what I understand the fun part is that Brandon now has to pardon
his entire extended family because Hunter can now be compelled to testify
without being able to take the Fifth; so, what´ll it be?
– slammer for contempt
– slammer for perjury
– contract on your head for sending Big Guy to slammer
The shameless acts of the Biden family and others should not be confused with the causes of the war between Ukraine and Russia, which have slightly more complex geopolitical motives, which I believe the Bidens are not even concerned about because they are busy with their own business.
I’m a gun owner, having hunted and trapped much long ago. The gun culture in America developed from military principles to treat your firearms with ultra respect, as well as those around you. That culture vanished first in Hollywood, and then in our criminal culture. Today, many people should not own guns. They are simply too immature and violent. I’ve walked into two robberies, where a gun was held on me. I could have easily been killed in both.
Yet, the nation cannot control guns. Americans own 400 million of them. They outnumber the population. Like drugs, there is no feasible way of controlling them. Almost all problems in this nation arise from our poor, criminal, and violent underclass, and our effeminate way of dealing with them. It’s time to start deporting those that don’t belong in a first-world country to Africa, or Central/South America. That solves all problems, not just the problem of dealing with violent criminals using guns. Hunter Biden should be deported, rather than charged ineffectively with violating gun laws.
The Biden regime was the first successful mob takeover of the federal government.
Its very birthing was occasioned by the flooding of ballot boxes with 15 million illegally obtained votes. Because those numbers didn’t even show up in the 2024 election, it’s become obvious that they were products of a prolific counterfeiting operation. Anthony Fauci was an accessory before the fact with his CV19 project.
Because of the investment by the Ukraine war complex in the Biden family through Hunter, the western world has become involved in a thoroughly unnecessary challenge to nuclear Russia.
Payoffs to unknowable projects made possible by the horribly inflationary “anti-inflation” spending legislation that Republicans shared in has destroyed families, businesses and, eventually, the entire world economy with its massive increase in worldwide debt.
The Biden mob, like any mob, had to exonerate the primary hit man and street collector, Hunter, or he would be spilling even more beans than he intentionally spilled by leaving his laptop in that repair shop and never retrieving it. That laptop was the warning to the Big Guy that he’d better take care of him.
It will make a great movie when Jill finishes writing the script.
USers gleefully want what the us empire offers. It is willfull
Never met an Italian Jew? Never heard of such? Amadeo Modigliani, Primo Levi?
Attention-the beloved Tony Fauci, hero of the pandemic, died suddenly of a cardiac infarction. Next Tuesday at noon.
My favourite indication of Fauci’s evil is how he took 5000 us of Vitamin D a day, knowing that it was protective, but NEVER advised the public to do so, not even the dark-skinned people who were dying in droves. Pray that there is a Hell, where ‘Tony’ will be made very welcome by his Master, Satan.
Fauci is a Maltese name anyway.
Pronounced fore-see.
Either a shilling troll, or a trolling shill.
Whatever. it’s just a mindless rant to suck in the stupid and gullible.
Beware of those who vociferously claim to be on your side…
Biden has been a disgrace to the office.
Ford pardoned Nixon. Nixon could have opened his mouth about several things extremely damaging to the reputation of the Establishment back then. He could have written one whale of a ‘tell-all’ book, so the Government sort of had to pardon Nixon. I don’t think they could have treated the guy like Rudolph Hess and not allowed him to have visitors or speak to anyone and waited until he died in jail. This would have been mocked endlessly by the Soviets at the height of the Cold War, and the world would have laughed with them.
Look at the precedent this shit would set:
I will pardoned my consiglieres, oops I mean FBI director and Attorney General at the end of my term. I will pardon people who destroyed January 6th evidence (still dozens of faces roaming the halls in Trump attire that day not prosecuted, and we can’t see their faces because we can’t see the footage). Liz Cheney and Bennie Thompson had the footage and obviously destroyed it. We can’t have the public seeing all those informants and FBI agent’s faces wearing MAGA attire who opened the magnetic doors and told all those present to come on in the building. Those guys were set up. Liz and Bennie have destroyed crucial evidence.
Fauci is the worst criminal of them all. Scarf-lady should also be prosecuted. Vindman should go down also.
There used to be laws against “malicious prosecution”. That means several prosecutors who brought forth farcical cases against Trump could and should be prosecuted like the nitwit in Atlanta, Fani Willis. Letitia James, Jack Smith, and several US Attorneys who helped them build bogus cases should all face lifetime disbarrment. The judges who OK’d search warrants for Mar-A-Lago should also be disbarred. Andrew McCabe, who lied to a FISA court, should be imprisoned. James Comey, who has lied to protect Hillary and lied to indict Trump (andnhas also admitted to keeping info from Trump) , should be jailed. All 51 former Intel officials who signed that letter stating the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation should have their security clearances permanently revoked and should be charged with high treason and frankly…… hung.
None of its gonna happen though.
Don’t despair. When they die, just like the rest of us, they meet their real judge, Jesus Christ. Nobody ducks that court date. “To whom much has been given, much will be expected”.
Fauci will get it because he whipped up CIA’s banned biological weapons.
Just like Clinton pardoned Marc Rich. Rich gave him some money to make it look like corruption but Rich is a CIA spook.
CIA spooks get pardons, not cronies. So let’s grow up. Biden, like Nixon, is not a crook. They’re CIA puppets.
A friend told me that with old men like Fauci who have been dancing the rumba of free democracy for half a century, one must be careful, because they know half a century of imperial dirty play. And if they start singing, they can be dangerous.
If Fauci writes a book of memories, many will cry.
That reminded me that Biden is another dangerous gem from the past.
I hate the term paranoid conspiracy theorist but I feel myself changing my mind when I read dumbass comments like yours. You people aren’t smart enough to tell the difference between italians and jews but think you have the whole world figured out. You’re the reason whites politics are a dead end.
How is any of this shit even remotely legal?
So when the current president basically admits to your guilt, and his own guilt by proxy, by giving you a "preemptive" pardon you can literrally get away with anything?
F*CK THAT SHIT!!!!! https://t.co/DHyxbGjUad
— Greyman7107 (@greyman7107) December 7, 2024
That was really selfish of them not to give Italian people the job of playing Italians. How sickening
Even if this psycho is pardoned domestically, perhaps there is a mechanism to prosecute internationally?
Wishful thinking. The actions that world governments and collaborating private interests took during COVID were part of a pre-planned international agenda. Nobody is going to be prosecuted because to do so would be an official acknowledgement of wrongdoing, and those only come out in the context of “Well sure we made some mistakes, but it was a crisis and you can’t blame people for making hasty decisions in an emergency”. The idea that the “emergency” itself was socially engineered or that people should be held accountable for that will never be part of the mainstream discussion.
Stupid, pathetic, ridiculous, nonsensical, waste-of-space article, like an ever-increasing number of Anglin’s rushed, un-focussed, un-methodical bullshit efforts. How the blinding fuck can anyone with a brain cell imagine it’s possible to legally “PARDON” a lying, worthless, piece of shit Jew towrag like Fauci ? Thanks to his friends in Jew places, Fauci hasn’t even once been questioned by the corrupt and useless FBI, let alone actually charged or stood trial for a single monstrous crime – and very obviously never will be. In most intelligent White countries, a legal Pardon – if any – comes AFTER a court conviction – not before.
Another wasted ten minutes of my life skimming through Anglin’s latest non-story garbage that I’ll never get back.
Poor old Fauci, who was once presented as an eminence and a very efficient work record for decades, is finally leaving as a scoundrel in need of an early pardon.
We will see if Biden forgives himself before the curtain falls, because bad winds are blowing on the political scene.
Fauci with his narrow cropped eyes is Jewish and not Italian.
Why people not know this?
In jew-produced movies Italians are always played by ethnic Jews
These are just few examples of Jewish actors who have played Italian movie roles:
Abe Vigoda (Jew who played Italian role in The Godfather)
James Caan (Jew who played Italian role in The Godfather)
Hank Azaria
Craig Bierko
Adrien Brody
Paul Ben-Victor
Jon Bernthal
Tony Curtis
Peter Falk
Brad Garrett
Dan Hedaya
Lainie Kazan
Harvey Keitel
Mark Margolis
Ezra Miller
Andrew Dice Clay
Paul Newman
Connor Paolo
David Proval
Corey Stoll
Miles Teller
Henry Winkler
These are all Jewish actors who played Italian movie roles in movies and TV!
No wonder Americans can’t distinguish Italians from Jews. This is not an accident. Now after watching Jewish movies with Jewish actors playing Italians, same people don’t believe Fauci is Jewish because he looks same like Jewish actor playing Italian!
Yep. Fauci ain’t Italian. I remember an article about him from years ago mentioning his favourite Jewish restaurant in NY. Why would an authentic Italian like Jewish food? It’s not even remotely as delicious as Italian food.
The same thing with the former editor of (un)Scientific American, who was also a big Covid vax promoter, recently resigned after having a public meltdown over Trump’s election. Laura Helmuth. Supposedly not Jewish, according to Wiki, but one of the first articles written by her that you find is one about “latkes” and Hanukkah food. Why would a non-Jew write about that?!?
They’re all crypto-Jews, well, most of them at least.
Biden could do this and it will go to the courts and it will take years to settle. Fauci should have been charge years ago but no one,both sides, wanted to start the ball rolling and tell the world that the virus was a total lie
Doctor Fau$hi is a business.
“Daddy, what is $anta bringing me this year?â€
“He is bringing you the Doctor Fau$hi action figure and play set where he has his boot on the fat’merika healthcare system. Masks included.â€
Lock up Fauci forever? How long would that be? Months? Pardon him and force him to testify in courts of law without the benefit of 5th Amendment protection. Keep him tied up for the rest of his obviously short rest of his life (he’s already about a million years old) in courts.
Even if this psycho is pardoned domestically, perhaps there is a mechanism to prosecute internationally? After all, Washington lead the world down this disastrous path.
It’s hard to imagine the world getting any worse and yet …..
Wishful thinking. The actions that world governments and collaborating private interests took during COVID were part of a pre-planned international agenda. Nobody is going to be prosecuted because to do so would be an official acknowledgement of wrongdoing, and those only come out in the context of "Well sure we made some mistakes, but it was a crisis and you can't blame people for making hasty decisions in an emergency". The idea that the "emergency" itself was socially engineered or that people should be held accountable for that will never be part of the mainstream discussion.
Even if this psycho is pardoned domestically, perhaps there is a mechanism to prosecute internationally?
Brooklyn Fauci is clear Jew. he is talking like a NYC Jew. A whiny Jew accented Brooklynese. look his large crooked nose, his bulging eyes and his crooked corners of the lips. like a Marrano Jew.
Fauci with his narrow cropped eyes is Jew and not Italian.
Why people not know this? why claim fake lie he is italian? He a Jewish man from Jewish Brooklyn. He from Jewish Brooklyn. Brooklyn is the place of the Jew.
Aw cmon, this fix is in perfect accord with established precedent. When a CIA flunky gets caught, you prosecute him for some piddly crime and let him skate for the universal-jurisdiction crime he did for CIA. Just like Nixon got purged for CIA’s slapstick burglary coverup, or something – but not for the bombing of neutral Cambodia. CIA stuck it in the impeachment articles to make Nixon take the fall but let him bail out with a resignation and phony media catharsis.
So Hunter gets in trouble for lots of great fun capers involving stove top, whores, and firearms but he skates for all the money-laundering he did for CIA’s undeclared war on Russia and China. The kickbacks from that are the most rinkydink ass end of that historic crime.
what i didn’t understand is the the president can issue blanket immunity for all crimes committed, known and unknown for specific periods of time. this should never have been allowed. if the president is allowed to grant immunity it should be based on specific crimes and acts, rather than a cart blanche, 007 licence to kill.
the real question is who else will receive this protection, anthony fauci and his pet mad scientist ralph baric, father of the covid 19 bioweapon? hunter immunity covers his time in ukraine as the bagman for the big guy. these feckless, drug addict children of our pedo political class, are used as couriers and middle men, for illegal deals that are ultimately cia fronts, for their drug running and black ops they fund.
hunter is up to his neck in the illegal zato bioweapon labs in ukraine, along with john kerry’s step son. the russians have uncovered all kinds of proof of their involvement in using ukrainians as human guinea pigs. remember how nervous the cookie monster looked in her senate testimony to marco rubio, on the subject of bioweapon labs? this is one of the reasons the ukrainians must fight to the last 12 y.o. same with the french and perfidious albanians from london, there are many, many skeletons, in many, many closets.
notice how the trump administration has once again been pointing the finger of blame at the chinese for covid, after having set up their labs as patsies to take the fall. here’s to hoping the emerging new world order can eventually extradite or better yet redition them, to stand trial for their crimes against humanity. just because they are pardoned in the u.s., doesn’t mean they couldn’t be held accountable in a show trail at some future point in time, in an international court of justice, if we are ever lucky enough to have one.
An exemplary democracy. In the absence of ethical and moral principles of their own, they copy them from others. Incredible.
The Japanese have something more moral for these cases: harakiri.
I assume Hunter Biden was also pardoned for crimes against aesthetics in his “artwork.” To be fair, I’ve seen worse hanging in the galleries of many a museum.
It seems like every President has at least one embarrassing if not scandalous family member. Now there’s an interesting topic for a historian in search of a theme for a book!
I didn’t know biden was elected president
And I didn’t know that Trump was Kushner’s dad. But we’re here to learn, aren’t we.
MoT: “Joe didn’t do this out of “love†for Hunter but out of love for his own ass. Hunter was the fuckup that he had to coverup.”
“Had to” is right. Hunter knew where all the bodies were buried and was holding all the cards. Unless his daddy gave him a pardon, he would have spilled the beans. He may have told him as much. “Dad, you will give me a blanket pardon NOW or I can guarantee you’ll be in the cell right next to mine!” LOL So much for family loyalty and “love”.
Andrew Anglin: “Hunter Biden is an American hero.”
If there were any justice in this world, the entire Biden clan would be dancing jigs at the ends of tightly stretched hemp ropes. But sadly, that won’t happen. Even I am amazed that, at least in the public imagination, Hunter really does seem to be more of an American hero than a traitor, and I’ve never been one to hold my fellow citizens in high esteem. This validates Khrushchev’s remark “The Americans? Why, you spit in their faces and they think it’s dew.” Patriarch Joe has once again spat in the American public’s face, and they love it more than ever. According to a local survey, almost ninety percent of respondents approve of the pardon!
They really don’t want to see him convicted of anything. If they did, surely the matter of pursuing state income tax evasion charges would have been mentioned by someone by now, yet there’s nothing brewing on that front that I’ve heard about. Why not? It should be easy to get a conviction. Almost all the individual states tax income, so if he didn’t file w/the feds or filed false returns, the same charges he was convicted on could be brought again in a state court.
“I’m going to smoke a lot of crack and bang some black teenage hookers tonight so make sure you take lots of pictures.” – H. Biden.
Have you ever worked a shitty job? Had a bad divorce? Just felt like crap?
My clients have. And they sometimes tried to relax by smoking crack.
Some got 5 years in prison, some got one year, some got probation. But all paid some type of consequence. There was no DNC to pay me or other lawyers, the court fines, all the bullshit of the Government.
Life ain’t fair. But this a major shit sandwich the working stiffs are being asked to choke down.
A buffet of them.
When will they put down the shit sandwich and start swinging?
If anyone is surprised by this pardon they are not paying attention. 100% predictable.
Now the fun begins. Who else will Joe pardon? Can Jill pardon herself?
I didn’t know biden was elected president
And I didn't know that Trump was Kushner's dad. But we're here to learn, aren't we.
I didn’t know biden was elected president
Biden should have brought a firearm to his meeting with Trump at the White House, shot him, and then pardoned himself.
Shit, AA, now we won’t get to see “Boss” Hunter take over the San Quentin Prison gangs, break out in a daring gunship helicopter escape to Baja, become cartel Big Guy, and be forever celebrated by mariachi bands and gangsta rappers throughout Mexico and the US.
“Hunter Biden is the realest American since Hulk Hogan, and he deserves to be free. He should never have been subjected to a gun form in the first place.â€
In the year 2030, fat’merika will undergo a monumental transformation. The faces of Rushmore will no longer feature the faces of the past, but the faces of human exceptionalism:
Hunter Biden, Hulk Hogan, Saint Floyd (the daddy who changed the world), and Duke Nukem.
“Daddy, why is Duke there with the others?â€
“Because he was the first simulacrum that could pay a stripper to show off her breasties and then blow her away with his boom stick. His most notable statements for the betterment of humanity was (shake it baby) and (you’re an inspiration for birth control).â€
It’s pretty funny. What the hell did anyone expect the guy to do? Jesus Christ! The best that anyone can hope for is that Hunt’s pardon removes his ability to plead the 5th, if and when his extended crime family is ever seriously charged with corruption. That would even be more funny.
Orange Man was worse with his pardons. Hands down. Of course Joltin’ Joe still has plenty of time left to pardon some big spending Jews. So I don’t want to think too soon about it.
This is a blatant consequence of corrupt personal power, and since they are elected by the American people, nothing can be done, even though they should not have been elected for this.
It is like the case of the PPP money, now they announce that no less than 250 billion dollars were stolen and it is something so normal that none of those responsible for the theft will even be mentioned.
Imagine that if that amount of money were distributed among the 330 million inhabitants, each of them would receive 758 dollars.
why are the dolt us taxpayers (redundant) paying for trips to “angola”?
Best way would be to require everyone in DC to wear clown suits. It would be more honest.
Hunter Biden pardoned for Russian propaganda as verified by over 51 intelligence officials before 2020 elections! 🤡 pic.twitter.com/WUo1GpOl5x
— Edward Dowd (@DowdEdward) December 2, 2024
Do these people have any sense of shame?
Fish rots from the head down. Jewish crooks get pardoned, so why not goyim approved by Jews?
Simply incredible.
CNN makes Dan Goldman sit through a video of him insisting Joe Biden would never pardon his son. Then asks him to react. pic.twitter.com/0wcPzQMlef
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) December 2, 2024
Strictly speaking, none of the convictions are legitimate. Remember the official J6 videos that were released a few years ago by House Republicans, the ones that Chuck Schumer immediately denounced for undermining the Democrats' witch hunt? They show the Capitol police opening the doors of the Capitol without any duress and with the participation of the FBI operatives and infiltrators in the crowd. Those actions by law-enforcement personnel effectively transform everything that subsequently occurred into the fruit of entrapment and hence inadmissible for purposes of prosecution.Of course, the [in]Justice Department and the DC federal court should have respectively responded to the videos by promptly ordering the release of all J6 detainees and voiding all the J6 convictions. Their failure to do so is an even more egregious instance of lawfare than anything done or planned by Leticia James or Alvin Bragg.Replies: @Greta Handel, @Avery, @24th Alabama, @JM
A few [convictions] could be legit, but most are surely ripe for pardons.
The whole thing is patently a fraud: a contemporary Slaughter of the Innocents.
Here in Australia such ‘invasions’ are celebrated, albeit as recognition of the distant past working class strength and integrity, part of the core beliefs of traditional Australia:
You see, we used to have a tradition, above or equal to the whole of the world.
BTW, may God Bless the heroes who had the courage to express what was best in and for America, albeit innocently in the deeply distorted/captured political settings of contemporary America. What they learned at home and in Elementary School, notwithstanding their Gypsy blow-in detractors in UNZ. They did nothing wrong and everything right.
Strictly speaking, none of the convictions are legitimate. Remember the official J6 videos that were released a few years ago by House Republicans, the ones that Chuck Schumer immediately denounced for undermining the Democrats' witch hunt? They show the Capitol police opening the doors of the Capitol without any duress and with the participation of the FBI operatives and infiltrators in the crowd. Those actions by law-enforcement personnel effectively transform everything that subsequently occurred into the fruit of entrapment and hence inadmissible for purposes of prosecution.Of course, the [in]Justice Department and the DC federal court should have respectively responded to the videos by promptly ordering the release of all J6 detainees and voiding all the J6 convictions. Their failure to do so is an even more egregious instance of lawfare than anything done or planned by Leticia James or Alvin Bragg.Replies: @Greta Handel, @Avery, @24th Alabama, @JM
A few [convictions] could be legit, but most are surely ripe for pardons.
The DC Federal Court has been corrupted by a surfeit of biased, incompetent Judges,
and only a few of the cases have made their way to the Supreme Court with generally
favorable but limited rulings for the defendants.
These cases, when considered side-by-side with the Alex Jones civil case can only
lead to one conclusion, which is to make every effort to avoid getting involved in
the cumbersome, hair-spitting and complex U.S. legal system. This works in favor
of the Government attorneys in Federal criminal cases since they have nearly
unlimited time and resources, while any defendants with means, win or lose,
will be bankrupted.
Do they think that Trump is just gonna call it “cool†and let it all slide?
Yes. And they’re right.
Like a pawn moved right in front of a rook.
It’s not chess, though. It’s a shell game.
Remember the smash hit of 2016, “Lock Her Up� SOS.
Strictly speaking, none of the convictions are legitimate. Remember the official J6 videos that were released a few years ago by House Republicans, the ones that Chuck Schumer immediately denounced for undermining the Democrats' witch hunt? They show the Capitol police opening the doors of the Capitol without any duress and with the participation of the FBI operatives and infiltrators in the crowd. Those actions by law-enforcement personnel effectively transform everything that subsequently occurred into the fruit of entrapment and hence inadmissible for purposes of prosecution.Of course, the [in]Justice Department and the DC federal court should have respectively responded to the videos by promptly ordering the release of all J6 detainees and voiding all the J6 convictions. Their failure to do so is an even more egregious instance of lawfare than anything done or planned by Leticia James or Alvin Bragg.Replies: @Greta Handel, @Avery, @24th Alabama, @JM
A few [convictions] could be legit, but most are surely ripe for pardons.
You make very good points.
And you may be right about the convictions.
However, given there were about 900 or so convictions, I suspect at least some were legit: maybe somebody clocked a cop, or pushed a cop, or damaged property. That sort of thing. With all those people there bunched up like that, pushing and shoving — it is not impossible.
If there were none, I am OK if all get pardoned.
A prosecutor has already said Joe Biden is too senile to be tried,
so we logically must conclude that he’s also too senile to be
President, or pardon his son, himself, his brother or dog.
Au contraire, Sir William,* since the law can never be better
than those who enforce it, or fail to enforce it.
Rarely, a wicked person will act in an honorable way, but
we can’t conclude that this will become habit.
If any White wants to know where the archetypal stereotype of the ‘Privileged White kid’ who’s parent(s) bail his freeloading trust fund ass out with every idiotic stunt pulled, every asinine pointless crime committed, from cradle to grave. It’s Hunter Blowden.
Charlie Sheen and maybe Robert Downey Jr. would be runner’s up for that same stereotype.
Worst thing that can be done to Pops Biden would be to drop him into Haiti where his pigeon-eyed ass would be churned into a disgusting vanilla soft-serve courtesy of the blacks he ‘loves’ so much.
Worst thing you could do to Hunter is hard labor and solitary confinement. The man-child would go nuts from being starved for attention and sex and would eventually drop dead from pounding rocks as he has never done a day’s work in his life.
Yet has a single member of Congress taken the floor to … sham[e] by name the “public servants†who’ve abused our (gullible) countrymen?
Strictly speaking, none that I’m aware of. Marjorie Greene has made some noise about J6, but I do not believe that even she has charged anyone by name with criminal abuse of the prosecutory power—which is precisely what Democratic congressional leaders, in cooperation with those who function as Biden’s brain, have been guilty of from the outset, with the full, albeit tacit, support of most congressional Republicans.
The House Republicans should have had half a dozen members making Special Orders speeches every single day, all of which would have been broadcast by C-SPAN and entered in the Congressional Record. Instead, they colluded with Jews and Democrats against white Christian Americans.
The only way out of this is the peaceful derision and boycott of the Establishment’s politics. Support for either “side†is the sustenance of both.
I agree. Nevertheless, I fear that the utility of peaceful opposition grows more dubious from one month to the next.
While this may save Hunter some inconveniences, I don’t see it helps the whole family, if Trump decides to point his DOJ at them. Hunter isn’t the only one that committed crimes, and his pardon won’t erase everything for everybody else.
I mean, sure, Joe will be dead before anything serious sticks to him, but what about the rest of his clan? Do they think that Trump is just gonna call it “cool” and let it all slide? They fucking impeached him over a phone call to Ukraine, and everybody knows that was because of the shady Biden shit over there.
Unless Joe, on his last day, is going to pardon his whole fucking family, and all of their people, etc.?
This is an odd half measure, and an unusual chess move; Like a pawn moved right in front of a rook.
Yes. And they’re right.
Do they think that Trump is just gonna call it “cool†and let it all slide?
It’s not chess, though. It’s a shell game.Remember the smash hit of 2016, “Lock Her Up� SOS.
Like a pawn moved right in front of a rook.
Strictly speaking, none of the convictions are legitimate. Remember the official J6 videos that were released a few years ago by House Republicans, the ones that Chuck Schumer immediately denounced for undermining the Democrats' witch hunt? They show the Capitol police opening the doors of the Capitol without any duress and with the participation of the FBI operatives and infiltrators in the crowd. Those actions by law-enforcement personnel effectively transform everything that subsequently occurred into the fruit of entrapment and hence inadmissible for purposes of prosecution.Of course, the [in]Justice Department and the DC federal court should have respectively responded to the videos by promptly ordering the release of all J6 detainees and voiding all the J6 convictions. Their failure to do so is an even more egregious instance of lawfare than anything done or planned by Leticia James or Alvin Bragg.Replies: @Greta Handel, @Avery, @24th Alabama, @JM
A few [convictions] could be legit, but most are surely ripe for pardons.
Well and truly put.
Yet has a single member of Congress taken the floor to say as much, shaming by name the “public servants†who’ve abused our (gullible) countrymen?
The only way out of this is the peaceful derision and boycott of the Establishment’s politics. Support for either “side†is the sustenance of both.
Strictly speaking, none that I'm aware of. Marjorie Greene has made some noise about J6, but I do not believe that even she has charged anyone by name with criminal abuse of the prosecutory power—which is precisely what Democratic congressional leaders, in cooperation with those who function as Biden's brain, have been guilty of from the outset, with the full, albeit tacit, support of most congressional Republicans.The House Republicans should have had half a dozen members making Special Orders speeches every single day, all of which would have been broadcast by C-SPAN and entered in the Congressional Record. Instead, they colluded with Jews and Democrats against white Christian Americans.
Yet has a single member of Congress taken the floor to … sham[e] by name the “public servants†who’ve abused our (gullible) countrymen?
I agree. Nevertheless, I fear that the utility of peaceful opposition grows more dubious from one month to the next.
The only way out of this is the peaceful derision and boycott of the Establishment’s politics. Support for either “side†is the sustenance of both.
Hunter Biden is surely no worse than the folks on your list + Sholom Rubashkin, whose sentence Trump commuted. Poor guy, he’s got 10 kids to support! Let him out.
As we speak I am sure that the dummies on Fox News are foaming at the mouth over the pardoning of Hunter. They will not shut up about this for the next five years, for sure.
A few [convictions] could be legit, but most are surely ripe for pardons.
Strictly speaking, none of the convictions are legitimate. Remember the official J6 videos that were released a few years ago by House Republicans, the ones that Chuck Schumer immediately denounced for undermining the Democrats’ witch hunt? They show the Capitol police opening the doors of the Capitol without any duress and with the participation of the FBI operatives and infiltrators in the crowd. Those actions by law-enforcement personnel effectively transform everything that subsequently occurred into the fruit of entrapment and hence inadmissible for purposes of prosecution.
Of course, the [in]Justice Department and the DC federal court should have respectively responded to the videos by promptly ordering the release of all J6 detainees and voiding all the J6 convictions. Their failure to do so is an even more egregious instance of lawfare than anything done or planned by Leticia James or Alvin Bragg.
That's around the time when the coup went down in Kiev. Shortly thereafter, Hunter Biden -- that noted petroleum geology expert! -- was appointed to the board of Burisma Holdings in Ukraine, being paid something ridiculous like $50K a month just to sit in on their meetings. This was widely understood to be a 'gift' not just to Hunter personally, but to La Familia Biden as a whole.Replies: @eah
I would like to know the reason behind the choice of January 1, 2014.
Hunter Biden Pardon Starting From 2014 Raises Burisma Questions
Right-wing political commentator Liz Wheeler suggested the president was also pardoning his son for alleged crimes committed during his time at Burisma. …
“Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma in 2014. By pardoning Hunter for any crimes he ‘may have committed’ from 2014 to 2024, Joe Biden is protecting his family’s criminal cartel. Wow, this pardon isn’t about the gun charge,” Wheeler posted on X, formerly Twitter, on Sunday.
Joe didn’t do this out of “love” for Hunter but out of love for his own ass. Hunter was the fuckup that he had to coverup.
I would like to know the reason behind the choice of January 1, 2014.
The president issued a "full and unconditional pardon" for any offenses Hunter Biden has “committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024," according to the White House statement.
I’m glad you’ve pointed out how insanely broad this pardon is. (Ford’s pardon of Nixon covered three years. Biden’s blanket amnesty of Hunter covers ten!!!)
The MSM effectively buried the fact that Biden has protected his son from any federal crimes–known and unknown!!!– that he’s committed from the beginning of 2014 until now. That covers the period when the US/UK/NATO hegemon started getting involved in the Ukraine and the Bidens started getting rich from Burisma and bribes from Chinese officials, subjects about which Biden pere is very sensitive. Here’s Joe bragging about committing several federal crimes to get a Ukrainian prosecutor off Hunter’s back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXA--dj2-CY
There’s still plenty of room to go after other members of the Biden negotium perambulans in tenebris, maybe even “the big guy”. I’m sure that once Biden and his puppet masters figure this out, more pardons and amnesties will pop up. The only likely limit is the willingness of Congress to openly stomach this level of corruption without an impeachment.
I would like to know the reason behind the choice of January 1, 2014.
The president issued a "full and unconditional pardon" for any offenses Hunter Biden has “committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024," according to the White House statement.
“…but did nothing to help Assange.”
I’m sure he wanted to, but they held the threat of impeachment over his head, which would have prevented him from ever running again. Maybe it worked the other way too: pardon certain people, or risk impeachment.
The “Big Guy” is just protecting himself.