I shouldn’t have written “Mossad”. The assassination plot was by the Stern Gang aka Levi.
Marshall, like Forrestal, opposed the creation of Israel. I have no idea what Joe Martin’s position on the creation of Israel was, but I would guess that he, like Tom Dewey, supported it.
The timing of the alleged Mossad attempt to assassinate Truman in the summer of 1947 is an interesting historical problem, since in that year there was no vice president, and the law of presidential succession changed that year with the passage of a Presidential Succession Act, which went into effect on July 18 of that year. Before it went into effect, succession passed form the president to the vice president (none in 1947) to the secetary of state. After that date, succession went from the vice president to the speaker of the house. So, depending on when the assassination happened, succession would have gone to the nonpartisan Secretary of State George Marshall or to the Republican House Speaker Joseph Martin. I wonder if this went into the calculations of the Mossad.
Now, since exculpatory evidence is one and the same with Brady Material, does this mean we shouldn't pay any attention to anything you say?Replies: @24th Alabama, @Rich
withholds exculpatory evidence, hides Brady Material,
Are you stupid? Brady material is specific to evidence held by the prosecution. You try to sound sophisticated, but then misunderstand the article you read on “Wikipedia”. Dummkopf.
Close in, shift your weight, follow through and finish.
You bet.
Now, since exculpatory evidence is one and the same with Brady Material, does this mean we shouldn't pay any attention to anything you say?Replies: @24th Alabama, @Rich
withholds exculpatory evidence, hides Brady Material,
Just to clarify the difference between exculpatory evidence and Brady material evidence,
“exculpatory evidence” is a broader, more inclusive term meaning all evidence from any
source that might prove or tend to prove, the defendant’s
innocence or diminished responsibility.
The Brady Rule requires the Government Prosecutor to disclose any exculpatory evidence in its possession to the defense, including impeachable evidence such as a witness having a previous conviction for perjury, or that a search warrant was obtained by submitting false information.
Never mind all the words and the (no doubt correct) paraphrasing: wouldn’t you like to ram your fist into this bastard’s nose?
withholds exculpatory evidence, hides Brady Material,
Now, since exculpatory evidence is one and the same with Brady Material, does this mean we shouldn’t pay any attention to anything you say?
Why don’t you tell us how you “really” feel after writing such nasty remarks. For your information, even deputy directors are quitting under Wray because of the total political corruption of the FBI. Seasoned, patriotic agents are taking their earliest retirement. And, by the way, who do you think they’re being replaced with in a process that might work as the script for an alien sci-fi movie?
Wray’s resemblance to a squirrel is a case of mistaken identity, given his
betrayal of Whites as having occasional, but starkly evident chimp-out
or bonobo ancestry. This is illustrated by his extreme nostrility and
overextension of the lower nasal spine (septum).
None of this lends credence to the homo allegation, but it could impair
his ability to sport a nose ring while eating cotton candy.
Diagnosis: Pronounced simian-like appearance,
but neither septum nor sexual habits deviated.
The FBI building should be torn down, plowed under and salt sown into the earth where it once stood, as a symbol of oppression…
It’s blown up in The Turner Diaries. I’m surprised Pierce’s scenario was tried in real life only once. The way things are you’d expect it to be a regular occurence.
The beautiful democracy is slowly becoming a political garbage dump. The strangest thing is that people come and go, they judge or applaud but in the end nothing happens.
And that happens in every electoral democratic dictatorship because the new dictator is the one who imposes his staff based on his possible personal loyalty and that already smells very bad.
The only thing to do with the FBI is delete it. Fire them all immediately. They have not done anything good since J. Edgar Hoover took it over. I looked it up. 1924. What a coincidence. It reminds me of that judge who wanted to sterilize a third generation lifetime criminal and wrote three generations of imbeciles is enough. ***
*** It was Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Tell us how you really feel, Chuck….
Let’s all pretend that installing a Hindu in place as director of the FBI is somehow an upgrade.
That, and a Jordanian tit sack as Surgeon General.
Most of Trump’s picks are worthy of criticism.
How about a precision guided hypersonic missile??? Accidents do happen.
Of course, Wray, scumbag beadle, bureaucrat fuck that he is, is laying land mines all over the FBI to trip up the incoming Kash Patel.
Here is one of his final messages to the “Rank & File” at the FBI.
“Our adherence to our core values, our dedication to independence and objectivity, and our defense of the rule of law — those fundamental aspects of who we are must never change. That’s the real strength of the FBI — the importance of our mission, the quality of our people, and their dedication to service over self.”
Lemme translate this for ya –
“Our adherence to core values” -THIS MEANS -“Our support of any and all Federal interests of the Deep State, which of course, means the diminishment of the Constitutional rights of all Americans with very, very special emphasis on WHITE AMERICANS remains, in this temporary transition (I and the Jews who really run this country intend to maintain control from behind the curtain.) of paramount importance.”
“…our dedication to independence and objectivity” THIS MEANS – “We will continue to monitor, conduct illegal surveillance, intimidate, lie, obstruct and do everything within our means, to make sure that the omnipotent power of the Deep State, as directed mostly by the nation of Israel, will as always, evade the law, abrogate the Constitution, arrogate ever more power and overtly and covertly crush any resistance, again, especially from white people.
“…and our defense of the Rule Of Law…” THIS MEANS – Our lord and savior , the Jew Merrick Garland, has set the tone, style and implementation of what we all consider, on a soup de jour, ad hoc basis, for the “Rule Of Law”. It is obvious, that we here at the FBI, believe that LEX EST QUOD DICO (“The law is what I say it is.) will determine our actions. NOT THE CONSTITUTION. Our abject, shameless avowal of this guiding principle, is based on one of our heroes quotes, “POWER STEMS FROM THE END OF A GUN BARREL” -Mao – is our mantra.
“…those fundamental aspects of who we are must never change. That’s the real strength of the FBI — the importance of our mission, the quality of our people, and their dedication to service over self.” THIS MEANS – We do not now, nor have we for decades, given zero fucks about your so called “rights” and we have guns
Remember that commercial about how the Army gets more things done than you do before 9:00 AM?
Before 9:00 AM, Your average FBI Agent gets up, suborns perjury, alters official documents (302’s), destroys evidence under subpoena, withholds exculpatory evidence, hides Brady Material, lies under oath to the court, lies under oath to Congress, ignores the 4th amendment and supplies ex nihilo, out of whole cloth, phony evidence then initiates with no predicate, investigations into perceived enemies of the D卐M☭CRAT party. The FBI conducts pre-dawn raids on “dangerous” septuagenarians, illegally leaks classified material to sympathetic press pack dogs who work in support of the D卐M☭CRAT Imperium, slow rolls subpoenas for FOIA information and lies about the need to classify ever more evidence that the American public should be able to see and again, that is before 9 o’clock.
The FBI is a renegade, out of control, criminal organization no different than the Mafia, except it has more power, more guns and far, far more evil intent.
Wray, who was in charge of the FBI is the tip of the spear in the national security state and is constantly looking to persecute people on the right for exercising their rights, insofar as the exercise of said rights goes against the diktats of the ruling Jew class. He knows full well that there are dozens of Americans still being held, after more than 3 years, in pre-trial detention, many in gulag-like conditions, for, at worst, misdemeanors. He knows—how could anyone not know?—that the FBI is now doing guns-drawn, pre-dawn raids on peaceful religious family men. He knows that the FBI and the Department of Homeland security are lying about the alleged prevalence of “white supremacist terrorism” and punishing whistleblowers who expose their lies. He knows things may be changing.
Anglin is right, Wray, Comey, Stroch, the Kike fucks Garland, Schiff, Nadler, Raskin (The list of Jews in government, especially the Deep State is too long to go into here…) should be at the very least, in prison for treason, but in reality, should be, for their crimes, lined up against a wall and Ceaușescu’d.
The FBI building should be torn down, plowed under and salt sown into the earth where it once stood, as a symbol of oppression, Fascism and an example to every American of what can happen when dirigiste, evil bureaucrats whose statist goals trample the rights of us all in their insatiable quest for power.
It’s blown up in The Turner Diaries. I’m surprised Pierce’s scenario was tried in real life only once. The way things are you’d expect it to be a regular occurence.
The FBI building should be torn down, plowed under and salt sown into the earth where it once stood, as a symbol of oppression…
Now, since exculpatory evidence is one and the same with Brady Material, does this mean we shouldn't pay any attention to anything you say?Replies: @24th Alabama, @Rich
withholds exculpatory evidence, hides Brady Material,
Definitely a homo closet case.
Do you know what we call people like you and Anglin who constantly accuse others of being gay?
We call you homosexuals.
Looking at that photo of Mr Wray, I’m thinking his swollen squirrel cheeks are full of nuts and CUM.
Definitely a homo closet case.
Bring more popcorn! More mischief, mayhem and misadventures as more sub-continentals are brought into positions of power. Looks like the invasion of the Indian CEOs into companies was not enough to open the eyes of OECD countries, especially the Anglo-Saxon countries. It looks like sabotage, whether they planned it directly or are being used as cat’s paws by another.
These (Hindus) are economic predators who’ll be brought in by Trump in even greater numbers, not because they’re needed, but because they’re surrogates for an insufficient number of Jews in America to genocidally supplant white men from positions of leadership and power.
I had never thought of this and now, thanks to you, I’ll never forget it. Thank you.
Excellent summary. I will be quoting you in full as I share this gem (which I already have).
Thanks for this.
The UK had an Indian PM until recently. He was a shabbos goy par excellence. He didn’t displace shit.
Eerie similarities between Israel and India
1) Both countries start with the letter I.
2) Both countries own their existence to the British.
3) Both countries came into existence in 1947.
3) Both countries are occupying United Nation recognized disputed territories.
4) Both countries invaded every single of its neighbors.
5) Both countries are land grabbers.
6) Both are proud democracies.
7) Both countries think they are above international law.
Here is the difference:
Jews are smart and Desi are stupid (The average IQ of Dots is 76, almost ten points lower than Blacks).
Chabad gangsters operating under cover as a religion, which Chabad sort of is if, according to Michael Hoffman, pagan phallic worship of orthodox Jewish men counts as a religion
If that’s true, then Chabad has something in common with Hindus:
Dot Indian here:
Come on now boys, surely you know we make the best frontmen to run the place? I mean who else is there? Look around the place with your eyes open for awhile – you’ll see what I mean.
And of course it’s true that Tulsi (an honorary Dotty), Vivek and K$h are the thin end of the wedge. If it makes you feel better, we got a way stronger hold on the Dems, LOL!
Yup, our Jewish Bros, (who give us a lotta help against those Paki turds back in the Motherland), are gonna own you, we’re gonna work for them by managing you and if you step outta line our Black Bros gonna beat the YT sh!te outta your ass – simple see!
ps: And don’t worry to much about you YT people. Coz y’see, we’re only gonna replace the white men. You know we’re keeping the white women right? (Lookup “Shiksa”, Weinstein, Epstein etc) 🙂
Later. . .
Whether tools or fools, pundits like this secure the Red+Blue pillow fighters by stoking & soothing their flock of the sheep to keep voting at each other about transgender statues, Confederate bathrooms, and other curated controversies that can resolve either way without threat to the Establishment. Pick your button - race, sex, religion - and there’s someone there on your screen waiting to push it.
[Mark Dice] even went so far to denigrate everyone who abstained from voting as “garbage”. He did this multiple times before the election.
Wise words.
I’ve seen the future, and it smells like curry. It might also be a good time to invest in yoga mats.
Whites can blame kikes and nigs all day long, but at the end of the day. Whites allowed kikes to get away with their never-ending scheming against goys
they always try to counter this by claiming that rank-and-file whites hate the things being done to them and in their name but, again, at the end of the day it’s their own sons and daughters enabling these jews and doing their dirty work, knowingly and without remorse
there’s something deeply rotten in the white genome that has to be addressed, claiming to innocent victims of the jews and non-whites doesn’t cut it
Anglin doesn’t want Lisa Left Eye Lopes to run the FBI
I can’t believe that nigger bitch is still a big name after 30 years…
you americans have the weirdest fixations
Too bad the Nazi high ranks were jew infested. I believe a few kikes even managed to con their way into the SS. That rat-faced kikestress probably masturbates to the death and destruction.
white Nordic culture and its brilliant civilization
Considering White civilization will eventually be done in by Whites, I would use a word other than ‘brilliant’. Whites can blame kikes and nigs all day long, but at the end of the day. Whites allowed kikes to get away with their never-ending scheming against goys and by proxy their ‘gimme dats’ shock troops who are now being supplanted in turn by armies of ‘mucho prontos’
A hilarious tragedy. It really is a rib-tickler when you stop to think about it.
they always try to counter this by claiming that rank-and-file whites hate the things being done to them and in their name but, again, at the end of the day it's their own sons and daughters enabling these jews and doing their dirty work, knowingly and without remorse
Whites can blame kikes and nigs all day long, but at the end of the day. Whites allowed kikes to get away with their never-ending scheming against goys
Sneaky Ramaswamy Wants To Flood The USA With Haughty Hindus
“Anglo-Saxon” as a euphemism for “Jew” is really funny.
Russia does this too.
The United States should begin mass deportations of Asians who have infiltrated the United States in the last 60 years(2nd or 3rd generation Asian spawn must get the boot, too). Revoke their citizenship and send the Chinese, Koreans, Asian Indians and other Asians packing.
The American Empire should vacate South Korea and Japan.
Nukes for Nips and maybe the South Koreans can put nukes in their sub sandwiches. Find a sober antipodean kangaroo and tell the drinkwater roo that nukes are on the way.
Give the Australians a nuclear deterrent, when a sober antipodean is located, and be done with Asia.
Stop all imported goods from China, or anywhere else in Asia, with a prohibitive tariff and, if necessary, sink any ships from Asia attempting to come anywhere near the United States of America.
Globalization, Financialization, Multicultural Mayhem and Mass Immigration ends with the expiration of the treasonous Baby Boomers.
As the evil and demonic Baby Boomers croak at an increasingly pleasing pace, so shall cease the nation-wrecking, sovereignty-sapping imperial policies of the vile Baby Boomer generation.
Asian Indian Interlopers Are Attacking The First Amendment And Free Speech For White Core Christian Americans
Asian Indian Interlopers have infiltrated and infested the electronic mass communication system and they are using mass censorship to silence the European Christian ancestral core of the USA.
Taco Bowl Donny Baby Boomer 78 year old Trump, 82 year old Mitch McConnell, Mike Johnson and the Republican Party ruling class are doing everything they can to flood tens of millions of Asian Indian Interlopers into the USA.
Trump Got His Fat Baby Boomer Ass Bounced Out Of Twitter by Asian Indian Interlopers and demonic and evil Jew filth such as anti-White and anti-Christian sicko nutcake Yoel Roth.
Donald Trump and Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell and the evil and treasonous ruling class of the Republican Party — donors, politician whores, apparatchiks — all push nation-killing MASS LEGAL IMMIGRATION and they refuse to deport the upwards of 40 million illegal alien invaders in the USA.
Trump and his rancid Republican Party minions push the mass guest worker immigration invasion of tens of millions of Asian Indian Interlopers.
Tweets from 2022:
Tweet from 2021:
This is making the Nazis look good.
>You guys over there must feel pretty lucky getting all of the educated pajeets.
Uhh, no — definitely not — pajeets are pajeets, educated or not.
Also where I live they seem to have imported a brown helot delivery class, guys who ride around on e-bikes delivering food — it’s just as disgusting as seeing the ‘educated pajeets’, and just as socially pathological and destructive in a white country.
But regarding ‘educated pajeets’, today India is usually said to be the most populous country, with an estimated population of 1.45b — average IQ in India is generally reported to be lower than most would expect, i.e. < 80 — if we round it up to 80, and assume a normal distribution (the lower half of the curve probably tails off very quickly, meaning the vast majority of those with a lower than average IQ aren't that far below average), then 95% of India's population would have an IQ less than 110 — as I suggested was the case for the lower half of the curve, the far end of the higher IQ part of the curve probably falls off fairly quickly too — assuming 1.5% of the population has an IQ of at least 115, generally thought to be the minimum for someone in the 'smart fraction', means approx 22m people in India have an IQ of at least 115 (a small fraction by Western standards).
But you don't need to have an IQ of at least 115 to be seen as an 'educated pajeet', e.g. to learn information technology and be a candidate for a visa to work in the West — lowering the qualifying IQ to 105 means there may be as many as 40m people in India who would qualify, enough to flood into every Western country over the coming decades.
It's fucking madness and has to be stopped.
This Kash Patel FBI guy is a Ugandan Asian Indian and I just watched that Last King Of Scotland movie again. Idi Amin as played by Forest Whitaker was great fun.
Phuck that 1707 crud; Scottish independence now! — Scottish Trident Nukes — Scottish King — Scottish salmon — Scottish pop synthesizer duo — Scottish invasion of England within ten years — I want Balmoral and its grounds for my services — thank you. Ho-Ho-Zollerans got it now, but that ilk have only had it since 1852.
Scumbag rat whore ruling class politician crooks in the Anglo-Saxon nations — USA, England, New Zealand, Canada and Australia — are colluding and conspiring with the Hindu Asian Indian ruling class to flood hundreds of millions of Asian Indian interlopers into the Anglo-Saxon nations.
Kamala Harris, Biden, Trump, Sunak, Starmer, Farage, Trudeau, Ramaswamy, Haley, Mitch McConnell, Mike Johnson and many, many more donor-controlled politician puppets are all colluding and conspiring to flood out the Anglo-Saxon nations — USA, England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand — with a massive horde of Asian Indian interlopers.
The USA and England and the other Anglo-Saxon nations are under attack by a demographic wave of Asian Indians and they are being flooded into the USA and England and the other Anglo-Saxon nations by the evil and treasonous JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Trump has plans to have barges set up to float tens of millions of Asian Indians to the USA. Trump could cram the Asian Indian Barges full of them to the rafters and then order the US Navy to tow these barges full of Asian Indian Wog foreigners to the USA.
The USA should be removing Nig Nog Wog foreigners by the barge load and this damn anti-White boob Trump is pushing and plotting for more and more mass legal immigration of Asian Indian foreigners.
A sensible and patriotic immigration policy would remove most of the Asian Indians in the USA and completely halt the arrival of anymore Asian Indians to our country.
The evil and immoral Republican Party, led by Trump and Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell, is now sneakily colluding with the Asian Indian ruling class and Kamala Harris and Joe Biden to flood tens of millions of Asian Indians into the USA.
Biden and Trump and Kamala Harris are begging Indian Prime Minister Modi to flood the USA with a hundred million Asian Indians to go along with all the other Nig Nog Wog illegal alien invader interlopers that Biden and Kamala Harris are bringing in along the open borders.
Tweet from 2022:
Tweet from 2019:
Tweet from 2015:
“Yeah but besides Israel he’s good” is not a convincing argument for me. I mean you said exactly this when Bitcoin was going up.
I said it bf: this moronic buffoon will make idiocy look like Einstein.
Has not even have the reins in his hand as yet and already …the terrible portent of whats coming.
Actually , I feel sory for decent folks like Candace Owens, Carlson ,Paul Craig Roberts etc who are tied to the chariot wheels of this turn-coat lunatic.
I don’t know, the Indians want to muscle in on the Jews’ ZOG gig, so what better way than to get your kind in positions of investigative power. Sure, no love for the White man, but Injuns know who run this show and whom they need to displace. And it ain’t Whitey.
In an alternate universe …
“Trump nominates Kash Patel, whose appointment must be confirmed by a rabidly pro-Israel and completely-sold-out-to-Jewish-interests US Senate.
“Kash: ‘It’s time to end our support for the criminal Israeli government and stop allowing Jews to run our country! It should be America First, not Israel First!”
“Senators pledge to speed Kash’s nomination through the Senate.
“‘He’s just what we need,’ incoming Israel supporter and Senate Majority Leader John Thune enthuses. ‘I can’t wait to see him take over the FBI,’ Senator John Cornyn gushes …’”
Kash “Money” Patel will get along great with Pam Bondi, who wants to send the FBI after “Jew haters.”
So Gorka’s a CIA mole who spent years sucking Trump’s ass.
Trump got to make all his hires severely fuck CIA as initiation. Otherwise they’ll all be moles like last time.
You guys over there must feel pretty lucky getting all of the educated pajeets. Here most of them are delivery drivers, a job that they perform with aplomb. I suppose if you can get around Bombay without getting lost, any where else is paradise.
If we take the view that the entirety of the government is a large corporation, its board of directors is AIPAC, then we can begin to understand why none of its employees will go outside the mission and directives of the board. If we liken the entirety of the government to Hollywood, with the director of the project AIPAC once again, then we can begin to understand why we hear utterances that seem to be in opposition to the corporate board. Rest assured, the directors will let nothing get in the way of making money for the directors, or having different outcomes of their directives without consequences.
[Mark Dice] even went so far to denigrate everyone who abstained from voting as “garbage”. He did this multiple times before the election.
Whether tools or fools, pundits like this secure the Red+Blue pillow fighters by stoking & soothing their flock of the sheep to keep voting at each other about transgender statues, Confederate bathrooms, and other curated controversies that can resolve either way without threat to the Establishment. Pick your button – race, sex, religion – and there’s someone there on your screen waiting to push it.
Someone who can’t see or acknowledge that the 21st century U.S.A. is the most thoroughly and effectively propagandized civilization in human history is his own worst enemy.
Any doubt in your mind there will be a National AI Robotic Police Force just as soon as they can possibly make it a reality?
Look, I get it. Anglin doesn’t want Lisa Left Eye Lopes to run the FBI because he likes the Jews.
We are NOT going to be able to click our Ruby Slippers together and cure all the evils in Washington D.C.
The FBI is the tip of the spear, when it comes to stripping Constitutional protections away from every fuck’n American in the country.
The FBI is a renegade, out of control, criminal organization no different than the Mafia, except it has more power. Your average FBI Agent gets up everyday, suborns perjury, alters official documents (302’s), destroys evidence under subpoena, withholds exculpatory evidence, hides Brady Material, lies under oath to the court, lies under oath to Congress, ignores the 4th amendment and supplies ex nihilo, out of whole cloth, phony evidence then initiates with no predicate, investigations into perceived enemies of the D卐M☭CRAT party, conduct pre-dawn raids on “dangerous” septuagenarians, illegally leaks classified material to sympathetic press pack dogs who work in support of the D卐M☭CRAT Imperium, slow rolls subpoenas for FOIA information and lies about the need to classify ever more evidence that the American public should be able to see and that is before 9 o’clock. They ARE, absolutely, the American Gestapo.
The FBI is literally filled with criminals who support not just censoring politicians and web sites exactly like this one, they will, if given the opportunity, will “LAWFARE” your fuck’n ass right into jail over a meme.
The FBI didn’t just put a few folks in jail who wandered through the capital on January 6th, they have incarcerated around a thousand people, who have had no trials and this includes, no shit. two ladies in their 70’s, who went into the capital, prayed and then left. Oh…, shit…, I forgot to mention, these evil, dangerous women, also have breast cancer, so they spent some of the little time they have left, 3 months to be exact, in FUCKING PRISON!!!!!
So sure, Patel is elevated by proxy, by a president who would have never been elected without JEW AIPAC support and that is bad.
Patel and Trump both hate the Deep State (Which, I know, is, ironically full of Jews.) and their animus and hopefully good offices will be directed at the direct, in-your-face threat of these organizations.
Patel sounds like he wants to burn the FBI building to the ground, sow salt in the earth where it stood and send agents out to fight crime in the country as opposed to seeking jail time for enemies of the Deep State.
I can't believe that nigger bitch is still a big name after 30 years...
Anglin doesn’t want Lisa Left Eye Lopes to run the FBI
Very well stated. I completely agree.
Disgusting pick.
Trump mocks his own followers, openly, and still the imbeciles love him.
The country is beyond cooked.
The Republican role was always to be the Zionist “bad cop”, while the Democrats play the Zionist “good cop”.
Most Jews are Democrats. The people Jewish supremacists hate the most, White Protestants, are mostly Republican. Forcing the Republicans to play the role of Zionist “bad cop” therefore simultaneously serves two Jewish supremacist interests. It disguises the fact that American Jews are the real driving force behind US support for Israel, and it simultaneously damages the reputation of the people Jewish supremacists most wish to hurt.
But when the “good cop” loses his cool and beats the prisoner to death, the “bad cop” looks like a complete and utter fool when he struts into the room and tries to posture as somehow scarier than his partner. He reveals himself to be nothing more than a paid actor, stupidly reciting his lines.
Not even January yet and Trump keeps refilling The Swamp with Port-a-Potty wastewater. I put a large chunk of the blame on Deep Stater, in-the-shadows, piggly old lady, Susie Wiles, who is 1 of Trump’s top handlers if not thee Trump handler.
At this rate, he might as well have made one of the paki Awan brothers head of the FBI, as it will not turn out well with Patel. I can see him now c0oking up various back-stabbing schemes along with Vance’s wife, Ramaswamy and all the rest of the appointed brown head-bobbers in a dark room.
Why Whites continually enable and empower this race of ‘kike impersonators’ is beyond mind-boggling when every singly High profile Indian, Pak, whatever, has a solid record of failure, graft and corruption as great as any black.
In a show of power, of who’s really running the US, Trump was instructed to pardon those Chabad gangsters operating under cover as a religion, which Chabad sort of is if, according to Michael Hoffman, pagan phallic worship of orthodox Jewish men counts as a religion. The Hindus are very much like the Jews coming here in the 1920s, who love the American proposition that there is and never was an American people. These invaders flourish in a materialistic ethic derived from Latinate propositions such as Locke’s transformation of the pursuit of manly virtue as the defining civic virtue to the pursuit of happiness (in the form of material wealth) as the highest good in America, which was enshrined in the Declaration. For these Hindus, their disqualification for public office is on display every day, as you point out, for leaving desperate Hindus dying in the gutter behind in India to pursue wealth and power over here. These are economic predators who’ll be brought in by Trump in even greater numbers, not because they’re needed, but because they’re surrogates for an insufficient number of Jews in America to genocidally supplant white men from positions of leadership and power.
If that's true, then Chabad has something in common with Hindus:
Chabad gangsters operating under cover as a religion, which Chabad sort of is if, according to Michael Hoffman, pagan phallic worship of orthodox Jewish men counts as a religion
I had never thought of this and now, thanks to you, I'll never forget it. Thank you.
These (Hindus) are economic predators who’ll be brought in by Trump in even greater numbers, not because they’re needed, but because they’re surrogates for an insufficient number of Jews in America to genocidally supplant white men from positions of leadership and power.
he looks very american
The influx of Hindus is truly telling.
One recalls that at the Republican National Convention some female guru led a Hindu prayer for the whole crowd.
Trump is clearly not in charge and this appointment is indeed sign of the further dissolution of white Nordic culture and its brilliant civilization. I am all the more annoyed that these immigrants from India leave behind a filthy country where one huge swathe of the population is called by the caste system “Untouchables”. Yet here they swarm in to represent democratic values.
David Icke (say what you will) has a great recent video on the AI agenda via Elon Musk and Trump. All this multi-cultural slosh is merely intended break down national feeling, a sense of common heritage beyond the usual stupid platitudes. The end game end goal is robo-human and AI centers, Vivek and Elon are the means thereto. Why, even Mr Trump himself is on video talking about new “Freedom cities”. Stay aware
I really want to see what people like Mark Dice are going to say about this after going all in for the Don of Zion.
He even went so far to denigrate everyone who abstained from voting as “garbage”. He did this multiple times before the election.
Whether tools or fools, pundits like this secure the Red+Blue pillow fighters by stoking & soothing their flock of the sheep to keep voting at each other about transgender statues, Confederate bathrooms, and other curated controversies that can resolve either way without threat to the Establishment. Pick your button - race, sex, religion - and there’s someone there on your screen waiting to push it.
[Mark Dice] even went so far to denigrate everyone who abstained from voting as “garbage”. He did this multiple times before the election.
KASH PATEL (DAY ONE): After much consideration, the Bureau and I have jointly concluded that the best way to reform the FBI is to hire thousands upon thousands of new Indian-immigrant agents. Training costs will not be a problem, as we will merely force the outgoing American FBI agents to train their new and improved Indian replacements.
If I was planning to do a crackdown on White nationalists and Whites opposed to unrestricted Jewish power (that’s trying to genocide them as one of its goals), I’d appoint an Indian FBI Director too.
Well, of course! They put duct tape over the docs’ mouths even on the floors! And, yes, I haven’t seen an autopsy report on an otherwise healthy athletic 25 year old who got vaxxed, and, later, dropping dead. Lotsa hush money! We’ll leave that discussion to gals on The View.
messenger RNA? “Oh, I remember that topic in my HS biology class. That and math were hard! But, Hmm, that messenger RNA thing…sounds so, like moderin!”
It’s the lack of autopsies after the modified mRNA gene therapy injections that is the greater scandal.
Well, I'm guessing you run with a clean crowd and you are not an MD or a male homo. I have 5 MDs in my family and they have seen many cases of dead and dying AIDS victims and the same with Covid. I personally have a sister-in-law that died of Covid. She refused vaccination, and died of Covid at home before the next sunrise after my wife spoke with her by phone the previous day. Since she died at home in Texas, without a call to the hospital, Texas Law required a full autopsy--she was a healthy regular exerciser and the only lesions noted on autopsy--massive lung inflammation--covid +.
Regardless of what sort of crime Ron has committed here in blogging his own conclusions based on his own findings, Ron (nor anybody else for that matter) is going to override the lived life experience of knowing not a single soul who has died of ‘AIDs’ Especially when I could list off countless others that I’ve personally known that have died from just about everything you could possibly imagine. Same could be said of the ‘great pandemic’ of 2020. I regrettably know quite a few since then who are no longer around, zero of them claimed by supposed Covid.
Licenses and doctorates do not carry the same weight that they did as recent as even 20 years ago. That is something that is unquestionable today, from everything to MDs to auto mechanics. The general level of incompetence across just about all fields (everything you can possibly imagine), across the West today has reached crisis levels.
Throwing MD out there to bolster opinion doesn’t afford you instant credibility whatsoever whether you’re being truthful or not. If you are being genuine in regard to that, I’ve hung in everything from dive bars and with crowds you’d consider anything but a ‘clean crowd’ given your supposed credentials. I’ve also been really tight with bar owners & tenders, so a really wide circle. Especially when you factor in the ‘Kevin Bacon effect’ of how gossip and even speculation spreads across that sort of social net when it comes to demise.
Again, I have not heard of one individual (even on the Kevin Bacon, so many steps removed from personally knowing someone scale) who’s death has been attribute to AIDs. That might however differ if that seedy level of social structure was centered around homosexuality, but if there is some higher discrepancy when you factor that into matters…Well there’s your answer doctor. AIDs (or whatever you want to ascribe AIDs to be) factors in heavy to that aspect of lifestyle. As far as ‘Covid’ is concerned, I never took any vaccine (I don’t even get the regular flu shot) I’ve been down sick a total of two days in ten years. 2015 I had a horrible flu which I kicked no different than others I’ve had in the prior 3 decades. There is a high level of fraud and lies surrounding both the field and politics which has entirely steered it away from all credibility post fake pandemic 2020. And that is obvious to even the most lazy of attention spans out there.
Well, I'm guessing you run with a clean crowd and you are not an MD or a male homo. I have 5 MDs in my family and they have seen many cases of dead and dying AIDS victims and the same with Covid. I personally have a sister-in-law that died of Covid. She refused vaccination, and died of Covid at home before the next sunrise after my wife spoke with her by phone the previous day. Since she died at home in Texas, without a call to the hospital, Texas Law required a full autopsy--she was a healthy regular exerciser and the only lesions noted on autopsy--massive lung inflammation--covid +.
Regardless of what sort of crime Ron has committed here in blogging his own conclusions based on his own findings, Ron (nor anybody else for that matter) is going to override the lived life experience of knowing not a single soul who has died of ‘AIDs’ Especially when I could list off countless others that I’ve personally known that have died from just about everything you could possibly imagine. Same could be said of the ‘great pandemic’ of 2020. I regrettably know quite a few since then who are no longer around, zero of them claimed by supposed Covid.
A full autopsy on a COVID patient? Wow! And “massive lung inflammation” Yes! It’s a Coronavirus and that’s exactly what some Coronaviruses incite – using your intense immune reaction to the virus. It’s called “interstitial pneumonitis” but you need to have some experience in pulmonary pathology and pathophysiology to recognize it as such. Forensic pathologists may not be adept to that entity. It’s not their purpose. Nevertheless they saw it and reported it.
Paring through “highly respected” medical journals during the pandemic, I found almost no autopsy talk. “How bizarre!” I thought. It should be a headliner in all of them. I figured they were “forbidding” autopsies (like everything else) during the pandemic, so why not, Eh? Heck, I remember, back in the 80’s, the girl Pathologists and some of the guys refusing to do autopsies on AIDS patients. I did many – you just make sure you don’t have a spaz attack while holding a scalpel. Hep B was already prevalent for years so we had already quit handling unfixed tissue with our bare hands – c. 1980.
They’ve turned medicine into a social science – even, collectively, refer to “doctors” these days, as “health care providers.” Reminds me of the (D.C.) creeps claiming RN nurse hats are an infection spreader, and forbid RN’s to wear them on the floor. Heh heh! [I was on an infection control committee at the time and clearly recognized the first stages of “DEI.” Why should an RN look any different from an LPN or just a practical nurse who took an 8 week course?] Worst part was that my MD colleagues (many of them infectious disease specialists, particularly, the liberals) fell for it! A sucker born every minute. You think this bowlshit is new? LOL
I don’t have a big gripe about Kennedy’s desire to expose graft in the pharma biz, etc., and I have heard him talk some about mishandled, fudged research, etc., but I still see his primary sources of medical info as just a bit too National Enquirer – but, he has the right idea (I give him credit for that.) But, certainly too much so for him to be claiming what he so conclusively claims. Processed seed oils? What exactly do they mean by “processed”? He never says – just repeats the same crapshit you can hear on ABC news – the same place they advertise olive oil (which, imo tastes like olives – eew!) and has a low smoke point, useless shit that costs 2X as much. (Fuck Emeril Lagasse – he advertises olive oil and granite counter tops)
Bobby oughta focus more on revealing who exactly popped his dad and his uncle, and why? (something left over from grampa’s bootlegging, maybe?) First things first, Bobby.
No, Ron has not lost his mind, but Ron is an investor and a physicist. He is not a virologist, and Kennedy is a corrupt lawyer seeking a class action lawsuit. I have worked with a dozen or more virologists--never has one even mentioned that HIV is not a real virus. I have also worked in a full service diagnostic lab for about 3 decades having seen all manner of infectious diseases and intoxications. As crazy as it is; the old media empire and the talking heads set the narrative. And BTW, Kennedy is/was a close personal friend of Epstein and took family vacations with him on at least one family trip reported by the media in Montana.Replies: @Captain Jones, @obwandiyag
Has Unz lost his mind? AIDS, as best I can determine, is not a hoax. I haven’t read the literature, but my wife is a Dr. who treats the occasional AIDS patient, and whenever I’ve asked her about it she will discuss the case, the treatment, what happens when the AIDS sufferer doesn’t take his medicine, etc. That is, in the medical community there is no mystery and the standard protocols are followed, even to this day, it is now routine. So, the whole medical community is participating in an ongoing farcical hoax? It’s idiotic.
A. You’re an internet liar. Everything you say about yourself is a lie.
B. You can tell you are a liar because you say RFK says “AIDS is a hoax,” which is NOT what he says,.
The idea that HIV causes AIDS is what is a hoax. But you don’t want to go there because it would reveal your shillicity.
“I have never met a single virologist that thinks AIDS is a hoax.” So many mis-directions in a single sentence!
Virologists believe that AIDS is linked to an HIV virus exists because their jobs depend on it. Virologists believe an HIV virus exists because their jobs depend on it. Virologists believe that viruses exists because their jobs depend on it.
One big string of hoaxes.
Blatant, impudent, lying is ubiquitous in the West. It is aided and abetted by the MSM vermin. When a ‘noted’ ‘historian’ like Niall Ferguson can spout garbage such as ‘..if Lee Harvey Oswald had missed JFK, history would have changed’, thereby showing him to be insane or demented, and presstitutes in Austfailia fawn over him as if he was some sort of minor demi-god, all is pretty fucked.
The RFK lies are insanely blatant, but it makes NO difference. The professional liars lie on, the truth-speakers are denounced as ‘conspiracy theorists’, and the butchery in Gaza grinds on. Luckily it all ends, soon.
Well, I'm guessing you run with a clean crowd and you are not an MD or a male homo. I have 5 MDs in my family and they have seen many cases of dead and dying AIDS victims and the same with Covid. I personally have a sister-in-law that died of Covid. She refused vaccination, and died of Covid at home before the next sunrise after my wife spoke with her by phone the previous day. Since she died at home in Texas, without a call to the hospital, Texas Law required a full autopsy--she was a healthy regular exerciser and the only lesions noted on autopsy--massive lung inflammation--covid +.
Regardless of what sort of crime Ron has committed here in blogging his own conclusions based on his own findings, Ron (nor anybody else for that matter) is going to override the lived life experience of knowing not a single soul who has died of ‘AIDs’ Especially when I could list off countless others that I’ve personally known that have died from just about everything you could possibly imagine. Same could be said of the ‘great pandemic’ of 2020. I regrettably know quite a few since then who are no longer around, zero of them claimed by supposed Covid.
What a fantastic faery story. Refused the ‘vaccine’ ie the modified mRNA gene therapy injection, and ‘..died before the next sunrise’??!! Really? Did she have co-morbidities, and how old was she? By the by-the injections were pretty nearly useless and have caused more adverse reactions than ALL previous vaccines combined. Oh, I’ve just read your other posts-what a nut-case!!
‘Warning Will Robinson!’. The sort of demented troll that calls RFK jnr a ‘professional liar’ must be dismissed as a fanatic.
Regardless of what sort of crime Ron has committed here in blogging his own conclusions based on his own findings, Ron (nor anybody else for that matter) is going to override the lived life experience of knowing not a single soul who has died of ‘AIDs’ Especially when I could list off countless others that I’ve personally known that have died from just about everything you could possibly imagine. Same could be said of the ‘great pandemic’ of 2020. I regrettably know quite a few since then who are no longer around, zero of them claimed by supposed Covid.
Well, I’m guessing you run with a clean crowd and you are not an MD or a male homo. I have 5 MDs in my family and they have seen many cases of dead and dying AIDS victims and the same with Covid. I personally have a sister-in-law that died of Covid. She refused vaccination, and died of Covid at home before the next sunrise after my wife spoke with her by phone the previous day. Since she died at home in Texas, without a call to the hospital, Texas Law required a full autopsy–she was a healthy regular exerciser and the only lesions noted on autopsy–massive lung inflammation–covid +.
Oddly, Japan has the highest vaccination rate for covid on the planet, and the lowest covid mortality rate. Does that tell you anything? Ignorance is bliss for way too many people.
That’s his biggest flaw? His voice? Really? Not that he’s a blackmailed Epstein client? His voice is the least of his problems.
t’s well known that there is a large subculture of gay men who enjoy having receptive anal sex with monkeys. That’s why we had AIDS, that’s why we have Monkeypox. They’re called “Cheeta-chasers” after the monkey in Tarzan.
It was known at one time but now it is suppressed.
No, Ron has not lost his mind, but Ron is an investor and a physicist. He is not a virologist, and Kennedy is a corrupt lawyer seeking a class action lawsuit. I have worked with a dozen or more virologists--never has one even mentioned that HIV is not a real virus. I have also worked in a full service diagnostic lab for about 3 decades having seen all manner of infectious diseases and intoxications. As crazy as it is; the old media empire and the talking heads set the narrative. And BTW, Kennedy is/was a close personal friend of Epstein and took family vacations with him on at least one family trip reported by the media in Montana.Replies: @Captain Jones, @obwandiyag
Has Unz lost his mind? AIDS, as best I can determine, is not a hoax. I haven’t read the literature, but my wife is a Dr. who treats the occasional AIDS patient, and whenever I’ve asked her about it she will discuss the case, the treatment, what happens when the AIDS sufferer doesn’t take his medicine, etc. That is, in the medical community there is no mystery and the standard protocols are followed, even to this day, it is now routine. So, the whole medical community is participating in an ongoing farcical hoax? It’s idiotic.
Well I’m not a virologist or vampireologist, but I do know a number of people that have checked out over the course of my life (which is surprisingly high for me being late Gen ‘X’). I can’t count one who has died from ‘AIDs’
The former intravenous drug users I did know, almost all passed in their later years (60s) from Hep-C due to sharing needles around in their youth. All the AID’s casualties I’ve ever heard of by way of media or celebrity fall under three categories –
1. Homosexual Male
2. Intravenous drug users who have ravaged their bodies
3. Unfortunate recipient of some sort of blood transfusion
Regardless of what sort of crime Ron has committed here in blogging his own conclusions based on his own findings, Ron (nor anybody else for that matter) is going to override the lived life experience of knowing not a single soul who has died of ‘AIDs’ Especially when I could list off countless others that I’ve personally known that have died from just about everything you could possibly imagine. Same could be said of the ‘great pandemic’ of 2020. I regrettably know quite a few since then who are no longer around, zero of them claimed by supposed Covid.
Well, I'm guessing you run with a clean crowd and you are not an MD or a male homo. I have 5 MDs in my family and they have seen many cases of dead and dying AIDS victims and the same with Covid. I personally have a sister-in-law that died of Covid. She refused vaccination, and died of Covid at home before the next sunrise after my wife spoke with her by phone the previous day. Since she died at home in Texas, without a call to the hospital, Texas Law required a full autopsy--she was a healthy regular exerciser and the only lesions noted on autopsy--massive lung inflammation--covid +.
Regardless of what sort of crime Ron has committed here in blogging his own conclusions based on his own findings, Ron (nor anybody else for that matter) is going to override the lived life experience of knowing not a single soul who has died of ‘AIDs’ Especially when I could list off countless others that I’ve personally known that have died from just about everything you could possibly imagine. Same could be said of the ‘great pandemic’ of 2020. I regrettably know quite a few since then who are no longer around, zero of them claimed by supposed Covid.
No fool. The post COVID Monkeypox outbreak was unprecedented in its characteristics, including high rates of spread and low rate of fatality. Furthermore the disease is not and never has been sexually transmitted.If you recall we also had unprecedented outbreaks of RSV, shingles, and many other diseases that have been around for a long time affecting many different segments of the population. Not to mention the general excess mortality from heart disease and cancer.All sorts of diseases surged in tandem, associated with COVID and COVID vaccines. But you want to blame gay men for the unprecedented surge in Monkeypox? Based on propaganda from the CDC? Why don’t you blame the CDC itself for purveying misinformation and experimental mRNA injections? Why don’t you blame the people who designed a virus optimized to infect humans by inserting four HIV genes into a coronavirus?Furthermore the monkeypox episode allowed Biden to justify the purchase and stockpiling of smallpox vaccines.Replies: @NotAnonymousHere, @John Johnson, @John Johnson, @SBaker
It could have easily mutated into a common skin disease. Monkeypox for everyone because gays cant stop buttsecsing strangers.
No male queer is ever going to agree with the actual numbers.
But you want to blame gay men for the unprecedented surge in Monkeypox?
Typical retort by the twisted logic of a sodomite. Is this like the child who becomes “homophobic” after he was molested by a Mr. Harvey Milk with normal people; the word is disgust with deviant behavior whether it pertains to same-sex relations with children, animals, or the dead. This sickness grows more bold in demanding that others, not just accept, but exalt said behavior as normal. If there is any concern with public health, then let it be understood that male homosexuals are the #1 vector for the spread of infectious diseases among humans and are an unnecessary public health threat costing the system 100s billions. Male homosexuals have the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS, syphilis, drug-resistant gonorrhea, entamoeba histolytica, chlamydia, herpes simplex II, Chancroid, Drug Resistant TB, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis non A & B, just to name a few. Since I have worked in public health for years, you are out of your league.
Has Unz lost his mind? AIDS, as best I can determine, is not a hoax. I haven’t read the literature, but my wife is a Dr. who treats the occasional AIDS patient, and whenever I’ve asked her about it she will discuss the case, the treatment, what happens when the AIDS sufferer doesn’t take his medicine, etc. That is, in the medical community there is no mystery and the standard protocols are followed, even to this day, it is now routine. So, the whole medical community is participating in an ongoing farcical hoax? It’s idiotic.
No, Ron has not lost his mind, but Ron is an investor and a physicist. He is not a virologist, and Kennedy is a corrupt lawyer seeking a class action lawsuit. I have worked with a dozen or more virologists–never has one even mentioned that HIV is not a real virus. I have also worked in a full service diagnostic lab for about 3 decades having seen all manner of infectious diseases and intoxications. As crazy as it is; the old media empire and the talking heads set the narrative. And BTW, Kennedy is/was a close personal friend of Epstein and took family vacations with him on at least one family trip reported by the media in Montana.
All I can do is laugh at the article. I have worked with a dozen or more virologist, and have been associated with a fair number of lawyers as an expert witness. I have never met a single virologist that thinks AIDS is a hoax. As far as lawyers, its difficult to find one that wouldn’t sell its mother for a fee. Junior continues to seek his class action lawsuit. Like it or not, there is a strong criminal element in the judiciary. Lawyers like the kennedy’s hold the power that dictates every facet of our society, and they make the laws that benefit their own profession–the most blatant conflict of interest and people just don’t get it–even Ron the physicist.
Good write up. For those that weren’t around for ‘AIDs’ in 1985, the level of fear that swept the nation for a time was almost the magnitude of how ‘Covid’ was early on. ET (entertainment tonight) sort of the TMZ of it’s day, blasted nightly about both Rock Hudson & Liberace being ravaged by this new and uncurbable disease transmitted by contaminated blood. Fears of mosquito bites, saliva, I was personally both aware and terrified of it as a young kid.
Then of course you had the media saturation coverage of Ryan White, this identifiable American everyday kid who contracted it via a blood transfusion and died. This paranoia over it remained up until I was in high school when it was announced ‘Magic’ Johnson had contracted ‘HIV’ (the in-road to AIDs) They held a presser on the news, that’s all that was talked about in my high school in the hallways that day. Everybody was convinced Johnson would be dead within a year or two.
I regret not knowing Fauci played a key role in it all back in March 2020 when he took over the nation to string along the Covid fraud. I since learned that ‘AZT’ a treatment for this supposed disease administered by Fauci was outright killing people. The reason the tennis player Arthur Ash died and Johnson didn’t is because the latter got off AZT which was making him deathly sick. Hell, Johnson might outlive me at this rate with the stress of living in clown world USA.
As far as the assassinations go, majority of the public who shows any level of interest; their mind is already pro-conspiracy whether they have any of the facts down or not. Nothing can change that sentiment no matter how unfashionable they make ‘conspiracy theorists’ out to be. As far as RFK Jr’s past drug abuse (doesn’t bother me whatsoever) it actually makes him more relatable to the average person at ground level. Ex wife hung herself? Married three times? (same) at least he’s not a fag. For any of his faults or shortcomings, he’s driven by finding out about those assassinations by any means. Based on that alone the guy is more genuine perhaps than anybody at his level. Plus he’s likeable, and looks exactly like his father had he been granted another 20 years. The rabid media smears against him, down to my own local propaganda news today simply will not work. The smears are rebounding to them worse than they are harming him considering the trust in outdated media today.
I thought I’d chime in, since I live with someone diagnosed with AIDS, and I was reading about the HIV myth in the late 1980s. I have about a dozen books on the topic (including Duesberg’s and Lauritsens). All the dissent in this area was basically shut down by 20 years ago. The final stages of explanation among the dissidents was that the common cause seemed to be gut dysbiosis (a bit of off-the-wall explanation I thought 20 years ago). However, that’s where the dissident research/discussions petered out.
About 5 years later my closest friend had digestive problems. Every time he ate he wanted to vomit. After months of this, he stopped eating. He got corpse-like thin. Then he got pneumonia (which I correctly diagnosed even though two personal physicians misdiagnosed). I took him to hospital, where upon them asking if he is gay (he is) they immediately jumped to the conclusion he had PCP (an AIDS-defining condition), even though all the signs were that it was not PCP (as I deduced days before they did). They tested him for HIV and CD4 counts and told him “you have AIDS”. He got 4 weeks of appallingly bad medical care (including them leaving a skeletal man with pneumonia and now pleurisy sat in the snow wearing just pyjamas fro an hour). Thankfully he survived their abominably bad treatment.
He was told to go on antiretrovirals. He researched them and chose one of the “cocktails” that had least side-effects. (That monotherapy failed, dual therapy failed, triple therapy works, sometimes, in some people, some of the time shows that we are here not dealing with medical science).
Immediately on starting the anti-retrovirals (ARVs) which he did not want to take, his appetite returned, no nausea. He ate and ate until he got fat. All his biomarkers are now good, but he is too terrified by the AIDS trauma to try my suggestion of seeing what happens if he stops taking ARVs for a month before his next CD4 count.
However 10 years ago he started to lose control of his bowels. I thought it was cancer (nope). Doctors said it was mental, anxiety issues. Of course if you can’t leave the house without crapping yourself, you’re going to be anxious. Two years ago I persuaded him to switch to a carnivore diet, just cut out all plant matter. Within a couple of days the bowel problem was gone.
So I can say in my friend’s case, there is emphatically a gut dysbiosis issue. He’s the same age as me and I can see that his face is quite ravaged by wrinkles, he looks about 10 to 15 years older than me. I suspect that is the ARVs.
He’s never had any aids-defining illness. Anyone who had not eaten for a year or two would have a weak immune system. The ARVs might well be working as a broad-spectrum biocide, and killed off something in his gut within hours. I have tried for years to get him to test if the ARVs are giving him any benefit, but the medical establishment have terrified him into being too scared to try. So I suspect he will die an early death.
Alex .
I am glad someone else noticed this .Israel seems to “do” it first & the US soon follows suit.
LOL...typical Unzian whitewashing of the psychopath Shitler...
...when one of Adolf Hitler’s aides suggested that an attempt be made to assassinate Soviet leaders, the German Fuhrer immediately forbade such practices as obvious violations of the laws of war.
Unz may praise Hitler at every opportunity, but he is always provably accurate.
My only complaint is that he isn’t afforded enough opportunities to counterweight the endless output of the Zionist lie machine.
It’s awesome to behold how Hitler lives in their heads, rent free, for nearly 80 years… the Great One!
In 'By Way of Deception,' Ostrovosky says that the Mossad's theory on JFK's assassination was that Oswald was a patsy and that the mafia did it. He tells how the Mossad ran an experiment to try to replicate the shot and concluded that Oswald could not have fired it. Possibilities:
I have also concluded that Ostrovsky’s claims were far more solid than I had previously assumed. As a result my opinion has substantially shifted. Instead of merely being a solid possibility, I believe there is actually a strong likelihood that Mossad together with its American collaborators played a central role in the Kennedy assassinations of the 1960s, leading me to fully affirm the Piper Hypothesis.
Sure, I obviously noticed that. I think it might be a mixture of several of those.
(1) I very much doubt that the likely Mossad role in the JFK assassination is a subject of casual gossip among Mossad operatives. It would probably be one of their deepest, darkest, most compartmentalized secrets, especially back in the early 1990s when JFK memories were still fresh. So probably very, very few Mossad agents would be aware of it, except in so far as they independently came to the same conclusion, just like anyone else.
(2) Obviously, it wouldn’t hurt for Mossad to “play innocent” by internally promoting the idea that the official story was obviously ridiculous and a conspiracy had been involved. Based upon the enormous quantity of evidence, I’d assume that almost everyone in Intelligence who’s looked into the matter already knows that and if Mossad internally stuck to the official Oswald story it would be an extremely suspicious red flag. So I think that part of Ostrovsky’s story seems perfectly plausible.
(3) If Ostrovsky independently came to the conclusion that Mossad did it, he would have been suicidally crazy to say so in his book. Anyway, he’s not a JFK researcher, so he wouldn’t have any evidence. Maybe he did suspect but kept quiet.
Anyway, that’s my own take.
Thanks for the very interesting information, which was entirely new to me. At first, I thought I'd vaguely heard about the book, but I was confusing it with The Age of Sacred Terror, published twenty years ago by a couple of Neocons.
I was wondering if you were familiar with Livia Rokach’s “Israel’s Sacred Terrorism” (1982) consisting of translated excerpts from Moshe Sharett’s posthumously published journals from 1953 – 1956, when he was the Prime Minister of Israel [during Ben Gurion’s sabbatical]?...In 1984, Livia Rokach was found dead in her hotel room in Rome. Her death was ruled a suicide.
I have also concluded that Ostrovsky’s claims were far more solid than I had previously assumed. As a result my opinion has substantially shifted. Instead of merely being a solid possibility, I believe there is actually a strong likelihood that Mossad together with its American collaborators played a central role in the Kennedy assassinations of the 1960s, leading me to fully affirm the Piper Hypothesis.
In ‘By Way of Deception,’ Ostrovosky says that the Mossad’s theory on JFK’s assassination was that Oswald was a patsy and that the mafia did it. He tells how the Mossad ran an experiment to try to replicate the shot and concluded that Oswald could not have fired it.
1) This is what the Mossad really believe cause they didn’t carry out the hit.
2) JFK’s assassination was so sensitive that almost nobody in the Mossad new about it (maybe only a special kidon unit) *and* the Mossad ran the simulation or at least a fake story of a simulation as disinformation for their own operatives.
3) Ostrovosky is just telling a yarn.
4) Ostrovosky’s book is disinformation. Truth mixed with lies such as the JFK one.
Presumably Mr Unz has read the George Magazine article about Rabin’s assassination,but just in case he has not ,here it is
My naive understanding was the mother-rule was intended to ensure some blood connection to the wide tribe, beyond any doubt. Psychologically, this is powerful for allegiance management.
Outsiders may also take that rule seriously as a recognition of the possibility that those who are blood-connected and welcomed by the tribe may well place their allegiance there, and against other outsiders.
(There’s also a genetic selection aspect to the membership and mating rules, as explored by Prof Kevin MacDonald.)
Why are you so naive about Russian propagandists? Is it money or willful ignorance?
Try a new kaleidoscope: all of these forces — terrorist, chichi revolutionary, Western, anti-Western, deity, or none — have one thing in common. They hate, and have always hated, the bourgeoisie. Forget your fifty questions about this or that faith or leader: consider the underlying, uniting thread: hatred of the middle class.
This is just the dumbest level of Marxism 101. Despite the word count, it’s dumber than a herd of donkeys.
Modern Mossad hit attempt: (very quiet, fast, disciplined, invisible to third parties and maybe target, designed for unsuspecting bloggers, authors, etc.) a non prepossessing friendly looking over 50 male with one hand obscured (say with oversized napkin, etc.) approaching along daily path, angled to approach very closely, no weapon visible but presumably an aerosol. Can be sidestepped easily if recognized early. No further pursuit, discovery too dangerous for Israel (21st century Jews will not accept Isr as death cult).
If not successful death cult (Israeli deepstate, Mossad, ancient Talmudist) may turn to freelancers. Much more dangerous, unpredictable, and undisciplined.
Frustrated amateurs, such as Sayanim paid(?) to report effects of main attempts, can also be very dangerous.
This author asserts various attempts. https://pathwhisperer.info/2022/05/25/fruit-of-3-thousand-years-of-talmudist-evil-handheld-atomizer-and-the-vaxx/
The media no longer fears RFK Jr. now that RFK Jr. is a shill for Israel and its genocide against the 2 million Palestinians in Gaza, which the media supports.
RFKjr’s own words on what the DNC is doing to him to rigg the election.
“That seems both superficial and naive.”
Yet not as superficial and naive as imagining that a man located at some distance in front of another man facing him could fire bullets at the other man, those bullets moving past the other man turning around in mid air and striking the other man in the back of the head, avoiding a third man seen standing behind the victim and producing carbon burns on the victim. All within the context of an event where more bullets were found at the crime scene than were present in Sirhan’s gun.
In diagnosing events it pays to first evaluate the most important controlling facts with the most narrow series of possible options before heading off into secondary questions, such as Sirhan’s mental state, with a wider latitude of possible options.
WoZ, you just never let up, do you ?
After all Sirhan is surely smart enough to have read up on hypnosis once he was alerted to it as his best chance of overturning his conviction and also to have learned the key questions from the supposed experts evaluating him.
You must know Top Level’s type from living in Australia. The ‘Liberal’ Party sycophant of ALL things Yankee or Yiddish. The almost casual racist cultural supremacist, convinced that his race and class are superior to ALL others, but with enough of the old noblesse oblige to give any compradore or Uncle Tom a paternal pat on the head when they grovel nicely enough.
Whenever I read him the whiff of Philip Ruddock, or Rupert Hamer, or, perhaps Ian McPhee assaults my olfactory faculties, a sort of madeleine moment that brings back memories of a less hideous antediluvian past. Before all the LNP ‘moderates’ were devoured by the Howardites, or fled, or were ‘born again’ as True Believers.
WoZ, you just never let up, do you ?
After all Sirhan is surely smart enough to have read up on hypnosis once he was alerted to it as his best chance of overturning his conviction and also to have learned the key questions from the supposed experts evaluating him.
I would be shocked and appalled if I was applauded by more than a very small proportion of UR readers who also comment and your respect would make me wonder if your mental condition was catching.
Wizard of ZOG (aka WoZ) writes:
After all Sirhan is surely smart enough to have read up on hypnosis once he was alerted to it as his best chance of overturning his conviction and also to have learned the key questions from the supposed experts evaluating him.
WoZ, you just never let up, do you ?
You’ll go to any lengths in trying to exonerate your fellow Rabbinic ilk from orchestration of the murders of JFK, RFK, the 9/11 False Flag an all their other heinous crimes.
Save you energy WoZ, you’ve convinced no one. We all know that Malevolent International Jewry ordered these dastardly deeds. So do the right thing for once. If you demonstrate some genuine remorse, you might be able to regain a smidgen of respect from the UR readers.
Voiceism has no place here on The Unz Review.
What” background circumstances” when added to Surhan’s “supposedly” claiming “no memory of the event” supports the theory of hypnosis? That seems both superficial and naive. After all Sirhan is surely smart enough to have read up on hypnosis once he was alerted to it as his best chance of overturning his conviction and also to have learned the key questions from the supposed experts evaluating him. His counsel didn’t use the jupnosis theory and it is surely a more likely explanation of the story he now tells about the murder that he has made it up in the knowledge that many are likely to believe it.
WoZ, you just never let up, do you ?
After all Sirhan is surely smart enough to have read up on hypnosis once he was alerted to it as his best chance of overturning his conviction and also to have learned the key questions from the supposed experts evaluating him.
Dr. Sam Bailey mentions this article in this weeks video:
All of that stuff (I didn't quote your entire ejaculation) is well-known, grade school level. Anyone who watches TV knows it. You're stupid, that's cool, but it doesn't require everyone else to be stupid.Replies: @Wokechoke
It’s little known today but Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger and prohibition smuggler. Pimp, white slaver etc.
AND JFK was addicted to drugs given to him by the actual ((( Dr Feelgood))) RFKJr reminds me a little of his struggle with addiction.
The details about Dr Feelgood are obscure, and you know it.
It’s little known today but Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger and prohibition smuggler. Pimp, white slaver etc.
AND JFK was addicted to drugs given to him by the actual ((( Dr Feelgood))) RFKJr reminds me a little of his struggle with addiction.
All of that stuff (I didn’t quote your entire ejaculation) is well-known, grade school level. Anyone who watches TV knows it. You’re stupid, that’s cool, but it doesn’t require everyone else to be stupid.