George Herbert, the elder, was hand in glove with the CIA. You can see his ugly face pictured at Dealy Plaza on Day Zero.
If you want to be sarcastic, a five year old girl invented the car vacuum cleaner. Her father picked up on her idea and brought it into his company’s next car model. Anyway, sex too is now a social construct. So feminism also is now redundant.
We had a saying during the heady days of the so-called “civil-rights (for some)” movement of the 1960s:
“Behind every negro, there is a jew”.
Almost every “civil-rights (for some)” worker or handler was a bolshevik red diaper baby JEW.
Thank you for the excellent posts! As a 1969 high school graduate, I “used to” believe that Blacks wanted to be integrated and “equal.” Since having been in “the real world” for 40+ years, I no longer feel that way. I am of the opinion that Blacks, as a group, want to be SEPARATE and BETTER than Whites. They dress differently, talk differently and even drive differently than Whites.
This is not to say that “all” Blacks are like that. Being an industrial electrician, I have had the pleasure of working alongside some very nice, polite, hard-working blacks.
Thank you.
As a former police officer in a majority Black community, this is utter bullshit by a weak minded individual with a lack of critical thinking skills. Were you ever the police or in law enforcement? Can you glean information in a useful manner from crime statistics, which are generally flawed as well? Most of the residents in these communities wanted strong police presence to deter and stop crimes
Oh look, a Black cop coming to lecture us for discussing reality.
Care to explain why Shotspotter is such a success? Why isn’t the Black community calling in every shooting?
Also, can you address where the small arms that are used in most crimes in Black communities come from, given there are no weapon manufactures who are black, much less few gun stores owned by people of color?
So you basically view Blacks as unable to control themselves when in the presense of inanimate objects.
This is why the chains such as Walmart or Whole Foods that still survive in black areas are almost entirely staffed by blacks. Whites don’t want to work there. The same is true for hospitals and clinics.
You are correct but I would make a slight correction which is that these hospitals are mostly staffed by H-1Bs.
Black hospital workers are in demand everywhere and don’t want to work at Gunshot U.
The gov brings in foreign doctors and nurses that do a stint and then go home with a hefty savings account.
Even if white do-gooders complain about dismal outcomes, black teachers can always blame systemic racism, under-funding, and all the other excuses clever white leftists come up with for them.
This is correct. Decent White teachers are actually chased out of these schools. Liberal White women go into these schools after being taught in college that “the man” is the problem. Then they are chased out after learning what the admins expect of them.
Do-gooders also can’t be trusted to keep their mouths shut or bend the rules. I remember a case where a lib White woman was actually asked to not report a rape.
This article is incredibly insightful and original. It explains a lot of behavior. While I pity decent black families who have to live in such places, I also blame them for valuing race-based political power over human and humane values. Now I know why I have avoided these racist ghettos. I know I am not wanted and that I will be persecuted if I dare show my face. My own neighborhood is “changing”. It may not be long before I have to move to the outer suburbs, or to a rural location.
That’s true. They chased the black gangbangers out of the hispanic hoods during the rioting. It was correctly heralded as something brown people could be proud of for a few seconds before the blacks got pissed off, and then it was rebranded as ugly.
I have read there is a black-Hispanic race war in Chicago as well. When blacks were looting after George Floyd’s death, Chicago Hispanic were being very protective of their neighborhoods.
Many a times the black brahmins (mulattoes) are more anti-White compared to purer Negroid blacks. This could be because they may look at whites at competitors for the role of leadership. Maybe also to make themselves seem more "cool" and less "posh". Or because, in front of pure blacks, deep inside they feel superior but have the tables turned on them when facing pure Whites, which they cannot emotionally handle.Replies: @lloyd
The coloureds should be providing the leadership in American black dominated cities.
I am sure you’re right. But the issue here is governance. I was thinking recently that despite all the unrelenting propaganda about diversity, it was white males that almost entirely invented the modern world. Recently, the Chinese in China have got ahead in technology progress. But how much is that, is them stealing Western inventions, and not being held back by diversity, I don’t know. Someone sent me a list of women’s technical inventions after I said there weren’t any. They included windscreen wipers and an electric saw. I checked on each one and found out in every case, it was a woman’s creative idea passed onto an engineer, male of course. The black brahmins had a few inventors. There were also the Japanese inventors but they were in a class of their own. I hold the suspicion the paranoia of women and minorities against MAGA is a real fear they would be exposed. In an entirely meritocratic society, very few would reach the prestigious and high paying jobs. A woman, Marissa Mayer was made CEO of Yahoo and succeeded in destroying it, like Hillary did to Libya. Stale white male Elon Musk came into Twitter and promptly fired the majority of its employees. I suspect there are very few female and minority employees left in Twitter. With the HR Departments and Censorship Departments closed down where can they go?
Nobody wants to live around blacks. They create too much trouble chaos and dysfunction. Even blacks don’t want to live around blacks. Any black athlete or entertainer leaves the hood asap.
Why is he popular with urban conservatives then? The NY Post endorsed him, several white Queens and Staten Island pols supported him.
It’s a giant racket. Look back to before the 1960s. Black crime was actually quite low and out-of-wedlock birth was lower than among Anglo-Whites. What changed? LBJ’s Great Society and the welfare state.
The rate of Black-on-White crime is consistently 10 to 12X the rate of White-on-Black crime. This fact, and individual acts of violent crime by Blacks against Whites, is always ignored in the aluen-controlled news media.
Yeah. Is there a word or phrase or concept title for the idea that the conspiracies focused on by conspiracy theorists tend to be coalitions of groups with different reasons for benefitting from an outcome?
Yeah. As I understand it, there has been a race war in the West Coast for years now, wherein the hispanics have been ethnically cleansing hoods of blacks.
That’s kind of a different conversation.
The coloureds should be providing the leadership in American black dominated cities.
Many a times the black brahmins (mulattoes) are more anti-White compared to purer Negroid blacks. This could be because they may look at whites at competitors for the role of leadership. Maybe also to make themselves seem more “cool” and less “posh”. Or because, in front of pure blacks, deep inside they feel superior but have the tables turned on them when facing pure Whites, which they cannot emotionally handle.
Interestingly Whitey technology, created by the brains of White men like modern medicine and better governance helped blacks win against Whitey. All explorers to Africa spoke of a falling population (from observation & perception) because of muti (witchcraft), constant inter-tribal warfare, Arab slave raiders, diseases and animals of prey. But once White went there and ruled, the black population exploded with the security-governance of White Empires and most importantly White medicine & hygiene. Rhodesia was un-viable in the long run because,
1] The black population was growing very fast
2] The blacks were not turning into “White people with black skin” as was hoped by the Anglo “White Man’s burden” types. A tiny few were, but most remained psychologically very African even with Western education and thus not a population for high technological civilization.
South Africans had a chance because there was this options considered to break the British Empire created block to be broken up into parcels for each race and tribe. But the Globalists–> Communists—->UN—> ANC would never allow that.
White people have foolishly given away their advanced technology for free to their racial enemies and they are being thanked by hostile reaction for all that benevolence.
The reason for this suicidal stupidity are many
1] Excessive inter-White enmity. Non Whites could go to some other White power, if one White power denies them technology. No thinking in terms of race or racial interests.
2] Universal Christian morality. Christian morality is extremely beneficial when applied within the law abiding members of the race but a suicidal disaster when applied universally, to racial enemies.
3] Greek Rationalism which can be great to create policies for in group societies (laws based on reason) and for understanding the world but becomes a disaster when you expect rational behaviour from racial enemies.
That drill must have hit a nerve.
Actually Kennedy could not stand LBJ. They couldn’t stand each other.
Kennedy KNEW that LBJ had nefarious connections but was unable to do anything about it. Kennedy did not use ordinary “back-channels” to further diplomacy but used “back channel” contacts of his own choosing.
LBJ, being of jewish extraction was instrumental in getting Kennedy whacked. You see, Kennedy demanded that israel account for its nukes, something that (((they))) didn’t like. The israeli solution was assassination…
Fast forward to the future–1967.
LBJ was such a “bought and paid for” snake that he used the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) as a “false flag” operation and wanted the entire crew DEAD and the ship on the bottom. LBJs intent was to provoke a war with Egypt.
LBJ initially refused to send help for the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) despite multiple requests.
When his plan failed, he was forced to send help for the stricken ship. The rest is history…
Avoiding the groid is all most of us wish for at this point. This is why we can’t have nice things and take the risk to open up a cafe or bookshop in the formerly grand looking inner city areas. And you know it.
Low IQ.
High testosterone.
Zero impulse control.
Also, don’t forget about the gerrymandering by the Courts that creates black or other ethnic (non-white) districts which when coupled with the deliberate falsification of the last 2020 census data preserves seats for idiots like Maxine – even when her district is probably majority Hispanic – plus she doesn’t even live in the District. Further = the counting of illegal aliens for census purposes is totally insane and adds to the distortion of the gerrymandered districts. Just look at the vote totals in these districts as compared to other districts. Our republic is failing.
At next week’s meeting, we will explain to you why we must not brag in public. Be patient.
He’s a professional black
AND South Africa gets $10 billion from Biden to “fight climate change”. What a racket!
I think LBJs policies were in common with JFKs intentions. The Democrat party is set in stone: Communist.
GWB is a “Democrat”.
The correct word is white supremacist, but I digress, Tyrone.
We have another poster here who is a retired, long-time, very accomplished cop in L.A. I believe. Screen name is Rockaboatus. He has quite a different take than you, and has written a couple of very compelling articles here.
Now why would I listen to you, when Rockaboatus’ accounts and observations are quite consistent with what I have seen living in multiple larger cities?? I’m guessing you were a cop in some smaller, southern town and haven’t seen the worst of “diversity,” and possibly not objective as you are a darkie yourself.
I was making a joke about a particular commenter here called “Truth.”
He uses false equivalencies all the time in a desperate effort to convince some benighted reader that whites are just as bad as blacks.
Like, someone here will post an account of black savagery/murders in the US, and “Truth” will respond with a link to some story about how it was a white crew that dropped the A bomb on Japan.
I confess! We whites have a secret organization that entices black men to take drugs, abandon their children, and murder each other for real and imagined insults, often killing innocents in the process. We hate all minorities that threaten our “supremacy” but we hate blacks most of all, which is why they’re the only people who suffer from the full effects of our conspiracy. For some reason it doesn’t work on Jews or Chinese, not for lack of trying.
The diversity-Hugo (a sci-fi award) winner NK Jemisin wrote a steampunk story called the “Effluent Engine” in which 1850’s Haiti is a utopia that has legalized same-sex marriage. The story’s plot revolves around a clever scheme to produce fuel from sugar-cane waste, a black invention that is of course stolen by evil whites. Revisionist historical novels are often fun, but this one is utter fantasy.
You totally missed the point, and the joke I was making. Some will get it. Whatever.
And I was NOT referring to Knoxville. I said “deep in Appalachia.” And I know all about past and present rural Appalachia, so I didn’t need the history lesson.
How Black Crime Maintains Black Political Power
Black political power is maintained at the discretion of Jewish Supremacist political power… just ask George Soros-funded DAs.
‘If whites ever resorted to racial terrorism to keep blacks out of their living spaces it would be swiftly and severely dealt with by the highly politicized and hyperpartisan left wing FBI and DOJ. The same agencies routinely turn a blind eye and ignore black racial terrorism against whites and other groups…’
The interesting bit is that Hispanics in Los Angeles seem to have done just what you recommended.
Two or three decades ago there was a spate of Hispanic gang killings of blacks. You see, somebody had apparently decided it would be a good idea to move blacks into traditionally Hispanic housing projects — which of course have a heavy Hispanic gang presence.
The Hispanics put a stop to that right quick. No nonsense. The interlopers were promptly killed.
As a former police officer in a majority Black community, this is utter bullshit by a weak minded individual with a lack of critical thinking skills. Were you ever the police or in law enforcement? Can you glean information in a useful manner from crime statistics, which are generally flawed as well? Most of the residents in these communities wanted strong police presence to deter and stop crimes, like in most civil communities. Where are your statistics in any form, to justify your weak anecdotal conclusion? Nothing but poor conjecture to support your white supremist position. Even scanning your article was a complete waste of my time and responding is also a waste of my time but your echo chamber audience loves this garbage to help them feel better about their fat gut, their unloving wives, and their general failure in life because they believe some minority stole their opportunity to be the master of the universe. Also, can you address where the small arms that are used in most crimes in Black communities come from, given there are no weapon manufactures who are black, much less few gun stores owned by people of color?
American policing is a failure on an epic scale and even recent court ruling say that the police are not obligated to provide protection to citizens. Look at the real problems and stop engaging in hyperbole.
Couldn’t this just be a case of law abiding blacks feeling solidarity with criminal blacks? Blacks vote for soft on crime politicians because they have bought into the idea that incarcerating blacks is racism. They don’t necessarily think they will be victims of the criminal blacks they want set free.
Spoken like a fellow who would drink a stale cup of Starbucks coffee with grounds and rancid cream and still smile.
Who has ever said Tammany Hall, etc. were altar boys?
Which brings to mind Chris Rock and:
“It is even good to have unmanageable students because fear keeps out pesky whites. Without them, blacks can run the schools however they like and don’t have to compete with whites for jobs. Perpetual disorder is the recipe for lifetime tenure. Even if white do-gooders complain about dismal outcomes, black teachers can always blame systemic racism, under-funding, and all the other excuses clever white leftists come up with for them. Tolerating school chaos is win-win both for the teachers and for students who don’t care about school”
I’ve worked in a school in England. What you describe is accurate. Black thuggery / delinquency is used by the darks to keep their White-funded gravy train on track: psychologists, sports coaches, mentors etc…
Appalachia has been exploited by ‘outsiders’ far more than any region in the country… That is the real story of America: poorer whites abused by a handful of super [-rich] whites…
The was true 160 years ago, too. It’s why hillbillies in the CSA fought for the Union. White men who deign to dirty their hands? The planters sure weren’t on their side!
Those who didn’t get this at the start soon figured it out once they saw the 1862 conscription law, with its exemption for blacks and its “Twenty-Negro Rule”, i.e., exemption for wealthy whites.
In Haiti, it was the coloureds that kept the country going. Such a country was not suitable for whites either except as an exotic holiday destination or aid agencies. The coloureds should be providing the leadership in American black dominated cities. But it seems the coloureds are getting out of the inner cities too. That happened to Haiti, after the Negritude policies of the Duvaliers. Now Port au Prince is really a hell hole of warring gangs and complete break down of order. The police have joined the gangs. In Port au Prince, the last resort diet is literally mud. Is Haiti the harbinger for the Mad Max future?
Many a times the black brahmins (mulattoes) are more anti-White compared to purer Negroid blacks. This could be because they may look at whites at competitors for the role of leadership. Maybe also to make themselves seem more "cool" and less "posh". Or because, in front of pure blacks, deep inside they feel superior but have the tables turned on them when facing pure Whites, which they cannot emotionally handle.Replies: @lloyd
The coloureds should be providing the leadership in American black dominated cities.
If these Hispanics were scattered, their political clout would be sharply diminished.
If they are too concentrated, their clout is also diminished. This is the core of gerrymandering– dump as many of them as you can in their own district, thus few in the others. Better to cede one at 90% than two at 60-65%.
“Eric Adams, the current NYC mayor and a moderate Democrat started his career as a tough on crime black cop”
Adams talks the talk, but doesn’t walk the walk. If he did, hundreds of additional cops wouldn’t be retiring or quitting.
There is a cable channel prison show that showcases the various prison systems around the USA. This show goes into detail about the origins of these institutions as well as the reasons for the need for such places.
When it comes to the incarceration of blacks, two institutions come to mind–Parchman Farm, Mississippi State Penitentiary, and Angola, Louisiana State Penitentiary.
Both institutions were founded at the end of the “War of Northern Aggression†to handle recently freed black slaves who took to a life of crime after their freedom was granted.
To this day, these institutions operate on the “plantation systemâ€, not unlike the 19th-century plantation farms which formerly employed slaves. All prisoners are required to work. Those who refuse are denied basic privileges.
Very little mechanization is used as there is a surplus of “human capital†in which to “get things doneâ€.
In both systems, the producers of the shows inadvertently admitted that these systems were needed due to rampant criminality of “freed blacksâ€.
We are always told that black slaves often had expertise in certain occupations, carpentry, etc. in which they could earn money, often enough to purchase their freedom (manumission). It seems that very few slaves took advantage of their skills to do so. It would seem that skilled slaves could have had profitable businesses after their emancipation, but such was not the case.
It is interesting to note that although less than 3% of southern plantation owners held slaves, criminal behavior by these freed blacks shot up immensely…
We are living with our now useless “farm machinery†to this day…
Offshore repatriation is the only permanent solution.
What ‘cities’ in Appalachia? Knoxville? Blacks per capita commit the most violent crimes there too.
Appalachia is filled with poverty, because the soil is far too thin to grow much, and almost all lands with coal were owned by out of stater people by the dawn of the coal age. Appalachia has been exploited by ‘outsiders’ far more than any region in the country. Its natural resources have been taken out and made great wealth elsewhere.
That is the real story of America: poorer whites abused by a handful of super Erich whites, who label them sells godly because they rile up Negroes and and demand we give stuff endlessly to the them.
The was true 160 years ago, too. It's why hillbillies in the CSA fought for the Union. White men who deign to dirty their hands? The planters sure weren't on their side!
Appalachia has been exploited by ‘outsiders’ far more than any region in the country... That is the real story of America: poorer whites abused by a handful of super [-rich] whites...
Grandpa tell me ‘bout the good ol’ days.
White Liberals also have always gained by black violent crime. Reconstruction black crime served the Liberal Yankee left very well by keeping the empire South under gun, nearly half wanting to just start killing the savages and their Yankee handlers and half concluding it would be easier to be good citizens of the Yankee empire and have its Army make blocks behave.
Black rioting from mid-20th century allowed Liberals to make and get endless demands that have added up to ruin the country in most ways.
Blacks are weapons and tools for Liberals.
There’s an element of truth to this, although it’s not so conscious and openly planned.
Right-wingers often talk about “The Plantation” and they are correct — the capitalist-owned system keeps Blacks dependent on Democrats, who routinely use them and fail to deliver the real solutions to racism.
A socialist dictatorship is the answer: racism and those who argue for it, maintain it and benefit from it will be ruthlessly eliminated. Once that’s accomplished, relatively small numbers criminals who are psychologically incapable of reform will be dealt with as well.
To the inevitable whining:democracy a fraud and a very bad idea.
The Athenian democracy lasted about 200 years.
The Roman Empire — a thousand.
Psych 101: most people vote on the basis of perceived self-interest, and the US type democracy plus its abominable non-education system assures the capitalists will remain in control. Iran has a theocratic election filter, China an ideological filter. We have a money filter. Our elections are duels between billionaires.
Waiting for commenter Truth to provide a link showing some white hovels deep in Appalachia, and saying “See? Whiteys destroy cities too!”
Faulty logic.
Black political power is as minute as ever. The connection is black crime -> more power for the people trying yet again (after 80 years of complete fail) to engineer a solution to the black problem. It is a perpetual motion machine design and the second law of thermodynamics guarantees it will ultimately fail but just about all of us are going to die prior to that eventuality.
Mr. Kay is right on in his piece, but you could be on to something, DemonRats in their quest to call out white supremacy as the number one cause of all chaos in the world, secretly advocate open borders for Hispanics to not only replace whites, but replace the real problem for the future of America going forward, and that is the negro problem.
Did you time travel or what?
Thanks Mr. Kay, you hit the nail right on the head. For a short piece, you pretty much covered the primary causes of white fright and white flight from black hoodrat controlled cities across America.
The sooner the welfare state is bankrupt the better to finally deal a blow to AA, diversity, inclusion and out of control black crime.
Blacks need to be put back in chains and learn to respect their white masters.
The negroes can be awful, this we know……but the negro awfulness is fueled by organized jewry.
Blacks have no organizational skills. Every black organization has been organized and funded by jews.
It’s not that jews have any real concern for negroes; it’s that the jews’ mission is to destroy whites.
The black problem could have been managed if not for jewish interference, which has resulted in the rejection of the rule of law and the breakdown of society.
Whites used to be very good at stopping black-on-white crime and racial attacks. Whites retaliated very quickly and effectively.
Gentrification undermines black political power.
Congoids have no right to whine about gentrification. Most of the urban neighborhoods and spaces they occupy were previously occupied by whites. Shelly v. Kramer started the infiltration of negroes into white neighborhoods in the cities. Negro crime and racial terrorism did the rest.
Congoids believe the cities are their sacred territory but it was never theirs and the only reason they have it is because whites refused to fight for it, still won’t fight and probably never will. But Hispanics are giving urban blacks their long overdue comeuppance by displacing them using intimidation and in some cases violence.
In multicult America essentially all non-whites get their own spaces when it suits them and they also get to invade white living spaces when it suits them. Non-white refugees (so called) only get dumped on white communities.
If CQ were a real white supremacist/domestic terrorist, my #1 focus would be DOJ/FBI, they are the number one US domestic terrorists that should be eliminated with every means available. Since I can’t be MKUltra’d by their heavily funded and corrupt undercover operatives, I’ll just sit back and watch these despicable PIGs play out their power trips until they’re engulfed in their own orifice.
Yes, this is one of the first times I have seen this in print. But I have heard that GHW Bush could not account for his whereabouts on Nov 22, 1963.
organisms that secrete substances that are toxic to other species, but that they can tolerate. …
… “it’s not a bug it’s a featureâ€
We could call it the the Puffer Fish Strategy or Puffer Fish Syndrome.
This was a very good, short article that succinctly and convincingly answers a longstanding sociopolitical question.
Niggaz like Al $harpton have gone from simple easy corporate shakedowns to advocating for his black peepooz to burn loot murder rape and snatch n’ grab with impunity as a form of ‘look the other way reparations’. And the odd thing is, all the cucked whites seem to go along with it for fear of being called racist, white supremacist/domestic, terrorists, bla bla bla.
Now everywhere you look you see Magic Negroz who can do you no harm, as far as the eye can see.
Cue song: White Supremacist Christmas
I’m dreaming of a white supremacist Christmas
Just like the way it use to be
With the snowflakes falling
And children falling
And white songs
Playing everywhere………..
The author of this article, David Kaye knows next to nothing about ‘demographic change in US urban centers’ nor the process of gentrification. I have witnessed both in San Francisco and in New York City.
“…..a critical mass of White families could follow…” Wrong. The shock troops of gentrification are always homosexuals who have no keyds to put in the Black schools and who often greatly admire the Black way of life. The second wave are “artists” and club people. The third wave is a tsunami of single professional class people who support the bagel shops, the latte joints, and the gyms.
A section ripe for gentrification is a burned out, war zone-like area with few inhabitants, in which all those who could escape into a gubmint program or the actual lower middle class had done so long ago. If there is public housing near a devastated area, it cannot be gentrified.
Black districts are heavily gerrymandered. I can’t think of any in the Northeast or South that are in danger, but certainly Maxine Waters will get pushed out by a Mexican. I believe in Texas and Chicago as well the Mexicans are gaining the upper hand.
I grew up in Detroit and can relate to the “changes†that occurred during my residency.
Blacks WERE a major problem in 1960s and beyond Detroit and still are…
I was able to keep up my property with no difficulty, painting the house (outside) on a regular basis, mowing the lawn and keeping the shrubbery trimmed-normal maintenance for any homeowner.
Contrast my maintenance efforts and results with my black “neighbors†who did not keep up their property. You see, in the 1960s HUD had “special programs†to move blacks into single-family housing, without requiring these blacks to have any “skin in the gameâ€.
Of course, being White, I did not qualify for any of these programs.
The liberal “urban studies†folks at Wayne State University have always made excuses for blacks and their inability to maintain their homes due to lack of “upkeep†(normal everyday maintenance) on their homes. Their main excuse was that “the homes were oldâ€â€¦never blaming the black residents themselves.
On almost every block, whites (mostly elderly Polish) who could not afford to move STILL kept up their homes–freshly cut grass, well-maintained exteriors, etc. despite their homes being just as “old†as those owned by blacks. No matter where you went in Detroit, one could always tell where Whites lived. Neatly manicured lawns and well-kept-up houses were the norm.
I finally left Detroit after a number of burglaries and little or no police response. The police KNEW who the criminals were but did nothing about it. You see, blacks were “oppressed†and were “untouchableâ€.
Another situation was the “code enforcement†harassment that us Whites endured. We always used the city-supplied trash containers (one for every two residences). Our black “neighbors†were too lazy to put their trash in the containers, strewing their trash throughout the alleys. Guess who got repeatedly ticketed for “improperly disposed of trash� It wasn’t the blacks who improperly disposed of their trash–it was us Whites. It was as if they (the black-run city government) wanted us OUT…
No, the old liberal excuses that poverty was instrumental in the destruction of Detroit is totally false.
All one has to do is ask the party (liquor) store owners why they put up with the likes of blacks. The Detroit “ghetto†was (and is still) quite a “gold mine†for businesses that sell liquor, lottery tickets and junk food.
I personally witnessed the marginalization of Whites along with the destruction of a once-great city by blacks.
It’s black CULTURE, not “povertyâ€.
The “elites†need to stop making excuses for black culture and black aberrant behavior.
Now, as to this post… having worked in Hispanic-majority high schools (since I live in far west Texas, where it will always be Hispanic majority, and I have no issue with that, being “Anglo”), I agree with the notion of white teachers not having a problem working in Hispanic areas (even if students sometimes talk to each other in Spanish–I know just enough Spanish to yell at talking students saying “Cayete!” or “Cayese!”, meaning “Shut up!”), while I’d never teach in a black area (never mind I’m retired). But Hispanic students don’t always co-operate if you know what I mean–teaching 8 months in El Paso, I was nearly assaulted twice, once by a mentally-screwed-up white kid, and once by a Hispanic gang member–I’d say even with whites or Hispanics, it’s much better to teach them in rural areas like Big Bend Region or, say, Appalachia, aka “white trash central”…. It might even be okay to teach blacks in rural areas…who knows? (Note: the few black students I had in El Paso were just fine…they were children of soldier families around Fort Bliss. In other words, they were raised by both parents, something that doesn’t happen much in black ghettos, now does it?)
Being “street-wise” when it comes to feral simian blacks is always a “plus”.
Here are my personal experiences with feral simian blacks…
My “redpilled” awakening about blacks occurred at an early age. From day one, when I first encountered “them”, I could tell that they were “different”, both in temperament and ability.
Coming of age in the days of “civil-rights (for some)” I observed for myself the “double standard” which existed at the time. In school, feral blacks were treated deferentially, quite often not being punished as severely or at all, for infractions and behavior that a white person would be sanctioned severely for.
You see, it was not blacks who were “oppressed”, it was us Whites.
In fact, Detroit’s public high schools had “black students unions†that were successful in getting the American flag removed from the front of the schools and replacing them with “black nationalist†flags.
The ordeal that us White students had to go through was harrowing, to say the least. White students did not use the restrooms, as a “beatdown†by multiple blacks was usually the result.
Blacks never fought one-on-one, the simian “pack mentality†was evident then as is today. They would jump around, hooting and hollering just like feral simians while attacking their White “victim”.
Any attempts by Whites to defend themselves was met with indifference, and even outright hostility from the black school officials. You see, even then, blacks were not “responsible” for their behavior.
Blacks did not want to learn, the same situation that still exists today. Even then, blacks were disruptive. You see, just as is the case today, excelling at education is “acting White†and is frowned upon by fellow black “studentsâ€. Most of the teachers just shrugged their shoulders, let the disruptions go on until the next class period.
Almost all teachers were deferential to blacks, although there were a few good teachers who tried to carefully shield their White and Asian students (us) from predatory blacks, giving us additional attention and coursework, knowing that we would excel in spite of the, violent, raucous atmosphere.
From an early age, one had to be aware of one’s surroundings, especially when the neighborhoods were “changing”.
Two blacks riding one bicycle (one pedaling and the other on the handlebars) was trouble. If you had a bicycle, the “rider” would jump off and knock you off your bicycle and steal it. You would never see it again. Reporting the theft to police was useless, as even in those days, blacks were “oppressed” and could do no wrong.
In more recent years (still decades past from today) I still don’t want the “nice black guy” or “nice black couple” in my neighborhood. They might be “nice” but their “hoodrat” relatives are another story. Blacks, even the “good” ones all have criminal “hoodrat” relatives.
I lived in Detroit and had, at the time, what I considered to be “good” neighbors. Initially, we helped each other from time-to-time, looked out for one another, had relatively friendly relations and in general, got along well.
The “troubles” started when my “good neighbors” invited their “ghetto rat” relatives to their parties.
I restored an old car to near showroom condition and parked it in my driveway. The “ghetto rats” decided that my car would be a good place to sit (on the hood).
Asking them to remove themselves was met with responses of “f#ck you White m’fer” and other derogatory responses. Upon discussing the situation with my “good neighbor”, he pretty much told me that “boys will be boys” and to “get over it”.
My friendly relations with that neighbor cooled, as he was not willing to straighten out his “ghetto rat” relatives. Soon after, these “ghetto rats” found new avenues in which to ply their criminal “stock in trade” in our neighborhood- breaking into cars and ransacking houses–easy (White) targets…
Soon after, I moved to an all-White enclave after that, giving up on the city of Detroit, the criminality, harassment, and civic abuse, and have never been happier.
This is why it’s perfectly legitimate for Whites to not want the “nice black couple” to move into their neighborhood and is most certainly a legitimate concern…
Diane Fossey or Jane Goodall did not have to go to Africa to study simian behavior. They could have studied such behavior in any major black urban area. Of course, they would have to be armed.
I stand by my statements. I am PROUD to be considered “racist” and wear my “racism” as a “badge of honor”.
An amazingly insightful article and will be archived in DaLimbraw Library.
I would also like to add to this interesting mix – is God a racist? That subject came up recently – – which provides Biblical evidence that anti-racism is anti-God.
Of course we all know that if you want to hide something, put it in the Bible – nobody reads it.
Case in point with Compton who’s now majorly Hispanic but correct me if I’m wrong. They still don’t have an Hispanic mayor yet.
How’se about doing a post on this topic–how Talmudic Jewry crime (esp. against Christians) maintains Talmudic Jewry power?
Note I state TALMUDIC Jews, the Jews who hate Christ and had Him crucifies using the Romans as proxies, the Pharisaic satanic Jews. You can leave ordinary Jews just trying to mind their own business out of it.
Imma couple dayz late cuz of muh arrest warrant, so here it iz.
Ten Black nights befo Cremma by CQ
On duh firs day uf cremma
I shot up duh hood
And da poleez chased by azz
You can bet on a favourite horse and lose or a favourite anything and lose. However you can bet in one thing and always cash out. Here is that secret wager:
The Black man will always turn his ‘hood into a slum and elect another Black Man to rule it
We see this trait from Africa to Europe to the Caribbean to the US and even up north in Canada. Its a black thing. Once all the non-blacks and blacks who can have fled and are thus not available for robbery, the darkies turn to robbing each other. They will then elect another black, who lives in an affluent white neighbourhood to run their ghetto LOL.
While other races may look on this as sheer madness, the black Ghetto dweller sees this as perfectly logical and in fact look on non-blacks as completely insane. Lunatics always consider themselves to be quite normal.
Now there is a group of people especially in New York who encourage this type of area destruction. Once buildings are condemned, area blocks are rubble and their current owners refuse to pay taxes, this Tribe buys up whole blocks for next to nothing. They then force out the Dindoos, develop the place and rake in the shekels.
The Bantus are then forced to relocate to another area which they set out to destroy and the cycle begins again. Oh, and the Black Rulers ? Well, they sell out their own for 8 pieces of silver. Blood may be thicker than water but not thincker than a bundle of Benjamins.
Black (and hispanic) “leaders” are always the worst kind of human beings as they always manage to be even more degenerate than their white counterparts (and you wouldn’t think that was possible)
Sharpton is quite literally just a negro criminal, just like the jews who empower him.
It’s a great article. Black flight is a thing, though. Some big cities are bleeding blacks, and it’s not all because of gentrification.
Adams is a fraud. He is no tougher on crime then the prior nitwit who was mayor. You cannot be this dense.
There is no real democratic alternative to this.
Baring some strong man Napoleon or that handsome, good looking White Brazilian president who was nearly stabbed to death but now has the support of the Brazilian military and paramilitary police. There is no alternative to this with the exception of invading Hispanic immigrants pushing out Blacks which is happening in Southern California. I have no idea how lA just elected a Black Leftist woman mayor. Maybe David Cole can fill us in.
Probably LA Je*s trying to re establish the Black Je*ish alliance against WASP Anglos, put the word out to uppity Blacks not to attack Js just keep quiet and the J king makers will make new Obamas, Harold Washingtons, David Dinkenses.
Democracy sucks with Js and Blacks.
Jack Ryan
TPC Radio Show hosted by James Edwards
As long as niggas like Al “Reverend” Sharptons are leaders of blacks then there isn’t any hope for them which in turns hurts the whole nation.
A professor from the social justice department at a historically black college is guilty of racism because the police removed an unruly black female student from the classroom. Blacks are unjustly mistreated everywhere, even at their safe space all black colleges.
Doesn’t LBJ deserve honorable mention?
I grew up in Detroit, and personally witnessed the destruction of a once-great city. There are a number of reasons for Detroit’s decline that have never been explored or discussed.
1. “Blockbusting” by greedy real estate agents. Real estate agents would send out postcards with the following: “A new family is moving into your neighborhood. If you want to sell your house, please call me at xxx-xxxx”. A “new family” was a euphemism for black families, and was used to “encourage” whites to sell their homes.
2. HUD (Housing and Urban Development) speculators and real estate hustlers conspired to “buy up” and raze the best houses on every block, in certain sections of the city. Quite often, “shacks” were left standing while decent housing was purchased by HUD and razed. This was done purposely to depress property values, to make it easier for speculators to purchase properties at “bargain basement” prices.
I realize that items 1 and 2 are at cross purposes, but they were a reality in 1960s Detroit.
3. The 1967 riots did much to push whites out of Detroit. A little-known aspect of the Detroit riots was the application of spray-painted words on the exteriors of black-owned businesses. The words “soul brother” was spray-painted on businesses owned by blacks so that the “angels of death” (actually rioters) would spare them from destruction. Whole business districts around the city were destroyed, never to recover.
4. The election of Coleman Alexander Young, Detroit’s first black mayor, who was overtly racist to Detroit’s white citizens while “getting along just fine” with the “movers and shakers” (big business people) of the day (as long as the campaign contributions kept coming in)….
5. The abolition of the STRESS (Stop The Robberies, Enjoy Safe Streets) program. This anti-criminal program was put in by mayor Young’s predecessor and was quite successful in “cleaning up the streets” of criminals. In this program, police officers would disguise themselves as vulnerable old people and walk through neighborhoods as “decoys”. Predatory criminals would attempt to rob these elderly citizens and quite often, were dispatched to “the great hereafter”. One of Young’s campaign promises was the abolition of the STRESS program as too many of “his people” were being eliminated. Upon the election of Young, the program was disbanded.
These are 5 reasons for this once-great city’s demise.
Best piece on UNZ in a while. ðŸ‘
Very very thought provoking!!
A brief history of black persons in Butte, MT.
Jane Elliot is a garden variety sadist.
She certainly looks the part. If so, that would make her husband a masochist.
In short, an angry and unhappy woman with a weak man.
She reminds me of one of the things Nietzsche said about mediocrity, that it always needs to find ways to revenge itself upon the world. He also said that when it comes to revenge women are more barbarous. That’s Jane Eliot’s personal life in a nutshell (and not just Jane Eliot) – hate-filled mediocrity. Of course, her professional life in a nutshell would best be described as hate-filled and credentialed mediocrity.
But above all, and not surprisingly, she is the real racist. As are so many like her. And they know it. That’s why they squak as loud as they can about racism in hopes no one will notice. But it’s hard not to. After all, what could be more racist than using another race to win a class war (and a gender war as well)?
Oh, and for more proof of her racism, guess where this Diversity Educator lives.
Osage, Iowa (98% White) and Sun City, California (89% White).
Yet another reptile who dedicated her life to serving The Dark Triad with its lust for power, narcissism and psychopathy.
Black crime is a form of guerrilla warfare. They’ve gotten huge areas of terrific real estate and housing through white flight, getting it all almost for free. To deal with black dysfunction many naive whites think it’s best to have a black police chief and cops, totally mistaken but another good source of government paychecks. Since they underperform the education system is another gravy train, money going from white taxpayers to blacks and there’s never any improvement. Blacks are comfortable with high levels of misbehavior since they are third worlders to begin with. This is who they are. Although they have a high homicide rate don’t forget the perpetrators are also their sons and nephews that they don’t want to see go down for that.
So black-run countries like Haiti and Zimbabwe and – increasingly – South Africa may be pestilential hell-holes, but the blacks have won. They have survived while others have been driven out. Hard to argue with victory.
That has only happened because Whites are too feckless and cowardly to put a stop to niggroe nonsense before it inevitably gets out of hand. What has happened in both Zimbabwe (that should be Rhodesia, by the way) and South Africa are the two prime examples of this that should have served as a clear-as-day, kick-in-the-gonads warning to White people around the world about letting groes get the upper hand in anything. That they didn’t “get it” tells us that maybe it isn’t the niggroes who are the real idiots. What has befallen White Rhodesians and Afrikaaners is now serving as a lesson and warning to White Amoricons that they’re sure to ignore, with predictably catastrophic results.
Creating an undesirable neighborhood is equivalent of establishing an ethnic homeland.
Quote of the week.
Flooding the neighborhood with police could bring the demographic shift that undermines black political power.
It might also flood the neighborhood with heavily armed men who essentially hate the people they are there to ostensibly protect. This is the worry that black friends in the old neighborhood I grew up in express to me. Believe me, they hate and fear black criminals even more than we do, since they are their primary victims and the stain of their criminal behavior smears all black people in the eyes of many whites. They simply know from bitter experience that they cannot expect justice from the system. And the black community has always been cursed by a self-serving “misleadership†class whose members are often no better than gangsters themselves. The thing that both liberals and conservatives don’t like to think about is that systematic spitefulness does not encourage the best in human nature to flourish in blacks or whites
Gentrification can also be bad for whites outside of the gentrifying areas because the displaced negroes sometimes search for new environs in white working class spaces since they are affordable or are moved by local governments to near suburbs that are still heavily white. So for every action there is an equal and opposition reaction and if parts of a given city get whiter than other white areas are probably getting blacker since the negroes getting displaced have to go somewhere.
In the Jewish run concentration camp otherwise known as America negroes get the best of both worlds. They can have their own exclusively black living spaces thanks the violent crime, dysfunction and anti-black racial terrorism that keeps everyone else out or they can invade white living spaces if they have the means or inclination. Negro privilege courtesy of Jewish power ensures that they have the best of both worlds.
If whites ever resorted to racial terrorism to keep blacks out of their living spaces it would be swiftly and severely dealt with by the highly politicized and hyperpartisan left wing FBI and DOJ. The same agencies routinely turn a blind eye and ignore black racial terrorism against whites and other groups.
Cuomo is the archetype of ugly apelike wops.
….murdering the elderly in nursing homes will do that…..never forget or forgive what that son of a bitch did.
How predictable. Yet another dreary installment from the 10,000% Negativity Club.
That refers to menopausal old men (usually white conservatives) with a strange habit of offering 100% critical analysis, 100% of the time.
I’m still a big fan of Unz Review, as the site is managed by perhaps the only publisher in the English-speaking world that attempts to present a variety of viewpoints on important topics. But I think Ron can do better than this.
Since Mr. Unz has a track record of success in the corporate world and understands the concept of quality control, I have a suggestion. How about some basic *quality standard* for prospective writers here… such as requiring articles to contain a minimum of (say) one or two sentences of some practical step forward out of the mess we’re all living in? That is, a “cap on complaining” of maybe 98 or 99%. Just a thought.
Raises a question or two as to why conservatives and liberal GOP don’t exterminate them anyway. This situation must benefit folks like Reagan or Bush or Nixon or failed dandies like Romney.
Blacks are also criminals by their very nature. Blacks are ugly, stupid, violent, obnoxious and highly superstitious. In other words they are primitive third-world savages. Since the Jews have succeeded in creating the new religion of Negro Worship, in partnership with Black “leaders”, everyone must redefine Black criminal behavior as “lively and vibrant.” Any bad news from the Blacks must be the fault of Whites. In other words the Jews have succeeded in completely subverting and inverting reality. Black criminality is a weapon used against Whites by Jews.
Bussing the students around was formulated , so some racially tensioned shit schools could dump their worst offenders on the busses headed to a nice school in a decent neighborhood. It was precisely what happened in Chicago’s North side. What kind of a School Superintendent or Principal could not see this ? One that has a retirement of $100,000 a year, and would retire in the South somewhere. University professors were next to be bought off.
Black Crime Matters.
But. It looks as if President Bush the First assassinated President Kennedy. Which in turn gave US Easy Welfare BS, Free Food EBT BS, Free Medical BS, Affirmative ActionBS, and all the rest. Giant Reparation Check will be the final nail in the coffin for the economy of The United States of America.
Yay Poppadoc CIA.
AND his loving son President Bush the Younger blew up lower Manhattan. The Fifty Year War he started is still in progress. Your future is nuclear. How does that make you feel?
Look upon my works ye mighty and despair. – Prescott Bush
Hard to argue with victory.
A point there.
But raw evolution is largely a bad deal; tends to vote for cockroaches and vermin over running water and electricity.
So black-run countries like Haiti and Zimbabwe and – increasingly – South Africa may be pestilential hell-holes, but the blacks have won. They have survived while others have been driven out. Hard to argue with victory.
Right, that’s how it works. Pretty much every new immigrant I’ve talked to has dreams of his/her group displacing the groups now occupying the US.
Historically, this desire to displace has lessened over the years in some groups. Not in others. I’ve seen several Jewish people (men and women) sincerely try to adapt to US society and utterly fail, ending with what amounted to suicide. Similar of thing with Blacks — they get an aculturated sort of washed out personalities. Hispanics I’ve known have done better, perhaps because they don’t care much about acculturation one way or the other; they have their own culture and that’s enough. Koreans don’t look for trouble, but seem to act as a group and believe what the group believes, which right now is the the 1964 Civil Rights Act applies to them and they are going to milk it for every drop they can get.
So, yes, each group has its own “ways of doing things”. If it’s close enough to US norm, intermarriage ends the “displace natives” effort in a few generations. If not, the immigrants are left with only one strategy that gives them descendants: become an indigestible lump in the society. This isn’t always so bad: the Amish and the Mennonites both retain idiosyncratic societies that don’t bother other people. Obviously, the Black coalition does bother other people.
Being a high school educator in North St Louis or South Chicago certainly would bring challenges. How can you discuss human rights—freedom–democracy —to Entitled People ?