Owen’s real name is Owen Benjamin Smith, Owen Benjamin is his stage name. I used to think he was ok, now I think he is a moron. He has turned on his own community and people that have every reason to be an ally are now against him for his megalomaniacal behavior.
Regulating the world wide waste is a waste of time and censorship doesn’t work. ‘The truth will out’.
This all started at the foot of the cross with the miserable and perfidious Pharisees and money changers. Rothschild, Sassoon, Warburg and Schiff. All Ashkenazim enemies to mankind and above all, to God.
Rothschilds, the crooked bankers. Sassoons, the Turkish Jew Opium traders, who still sit atop the narcotics empire and are intermarried with former. Warburg and Schiff, who helped engineer two world wars with Wall Street scoundrel Samuel Untermeyer. Sounds like a Jewish conspiracy? You bet! The Israelis killed three Kennedy brothers eg. Joe Sr. , JFK and RFK; plus John Jr. They infiltrated the Vatican and put the 100% Jewish Anti-Pope Montini, aka Paul VI, on the Chair of St. Peter, where he promptly invalidated all seven sacraments. They weren’t done either! They attacked the USS Liberty and had it covered up by Jewish President LBJ. Hey Hey LBJ, How many boys did you kill today?! Vietnam, was my war because of you! 911, COVID and on to CBDC. “ Nobody mentions these bastards names above a whisper!†Did I quote you correctly Woodrow “Peckerwood†Wilson? Don’t forget FDR and the H Bomb! General Smedley Butler, Maj Gen. USMC (Dec) once said. “War is a racket…All wars are (Jew) banker wars!†Well, there ain’t no money in peace!
I’m making my plans to exit. My only regret is that my kids don’t feel the need to follow. They’ll be caught up in the tragedy that is the US.
So now you think Americans have encountered an attempt to abolish the long standing constitutional government and to establish a new tyranny to govern America? Based on History, I do not believe the new tyranny will last long.
The problem is that the America of 2023 is not the America of 1776.
40% of American adults are obese (not just fat). America has been sliding down the international PISA ranking (skills and knowledge of 15 year old students) and can no longer compete with NE Asia or Europe, especially in math and reading comprehension. It has a GINI coefficient (measure of national income inequality) of 41,4 characteristic of a third world country. It’s nearest neighbour in the table is the Ivory Coast (41,5). It has trade and government deficits that dwarf any other country. The American trade deficit is around dollars annually so an average a US family will consume 11.000 dollars of imported products more than they produce, paid for by borrowing/printing money. American manufacturing and skills having been off shored and no longer meet its own needs. The list goes on with American society showing all kinds of pathologies.
America has the characteristics of a failed society and its “constitutional government” only serves a corrupt elite. I can easily see it becoming fully totalitarian.
Historically it has been better for Americans to stay and rectify problems with their governments.
The population of America is, and always has been, better than any government that has ever governed them. Americans are independent persons, they give their permission to the counties, and the counties to the states and the states give their permission to the central government to govern subject to the quality, need and response of that government’s ability to efficiently administer and capacity to satisfy according to the will of the American people.
The first solution to bad government produced the Declaration of Independence [1776] and this document became the basis for delivering Americans from British Government
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands that have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, …
We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in general Congress, Assembled, appealing to the supreme Judge of the world for the Rectitude or our intentions, do, in the Name, and b Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and Declare,. That these United colonies are, and of Right ought to be FREE and INDEPENDENT STATES, that they are absolved from all Allegiances to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and out to be totally dissolved; and that as FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other acts and things which INDEPENDENT STATES may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
from this came the articles of Confederation government.
but the Articles of Confederation USA government [1776-1788 ] failed to sustain itself against the forces of the defeated British Aristocracy.
It took the British Aristocracy (City of London controlled] 12 years, before they could terminate the people’s government [the Articles of Confederation USA government{1778}]. The Aristocrats installed their Aristocrats’ government (the Constitution) in 1778. Both governments were called the United States of America..
So now you think Americans have encountered an attempt to abolish the long standing constitutional government and to establish a new tyranny to govern America? Based on History, I do not believe the new tyranny will last long.
The problem is that the America of 2023 is not the America of 1776. 40% of American adults are obese (not just fat). America has been sliding down the international PISA ranking (skills and knowledge of 15 year old students) and can no longer compete with NE Asia or Europe, especially in math and reading comprehension. It has a GINI coefficient (measure of national income inequality) of 41,4 characteristic of a third world country. It's nearest neighbour in the table is the Ivory Coast (41,5). It has trade and government deficits that dwarf any other country. The American trade deficit is around dollars annually so an average a US family will consume 11.000 dollars of imported products more than they produce, paid for by borrowing/printing money. American manufacturing and skills having been off shored and no longer meet its own needs. The list goes on with American society showing all kinds of pathologies. America has the characteristics of a failed society and its "constitutional government" only serves a corrupt elite. I can easily see it becoming fully totalitarian.
So now you think Americans have encountered an attempt to abolish the long standing constitutional government and to establish a new tyranny to govern America? Based on History, I do not believe the new tyranny will last long.�
same, me too, algebra took lots of effort, too abstract; f of x and stuff; imaginary numbers! ha! i was better at shit i could visualize, like angles, logic, geometry and trig, but you cant do calculus without algebra so that immediately red-lined me out of the super-genius level! SAD! i ended up only with minor genius IQ…i drove uber….i bought crypto..supersadz .. .. . ; )
I distinctly remember the occasion where during the mid seventies, I entered the U of Chicago campus book store and walked out with a few of Hannah Arendt’s books..From that time onward she greatly influenced me…RIP Hannah.
The rise of European fascism and totalitarianism explained by Arendt has over time been modified and adopted into today’s world.
The Neocons and their Malthusian buddies began to resurface during the Ford administration. Since then the German Nazi remnant that exported itself, following the end of WWII, to the USA e.g., rocket and nuclear scientists and somehow Nazi philosophy seeped into the CIA Dulles brothers. A new social model was conjured up not necessarily based on racial superiority. Using race alone became all too difficult in a militant and college educated community. Infusing a sense of belonging or “sense of place” also too difficult for an evolving and increasingly atomized western society….Rather than Neo-nazifing sporting groups, hobby clubs, social gatherings, various uniformed civil militias et cetera the NeoCons chose to sanction people and countries whenever and wherever it suited them, instituted militarization of every damn thing; local police uniforms, John Doe tactical dress giving the appearance that the wearer is ready for combat, the endless acts of public violence especially gun violence has penetrated into most TV and cable programming-of course with the help of Hollywood moguls. They are not pressed into doing so but are part of this military Neocon element and has links to the Mossad-Five Eyes Intel agency networks. It is interesting to note that even ideological propaganda (non-visual) is more difficult to impose or make subliminal suggestions into those who are more educated. In light of this, a system of terror is necessary. Again, social life became totally atomized, just like prewar Germany was, therefor almost a legal promulgation of terror tactics and totalitarian rule had to dominate our American society. Example, concepts like thought crime. Consequently people began to refrain from open expression due to then Nazi and now Neocon ideological politics managed to suffocate any critical thinking. These imposed realities were made possible in pre-WWII Nazi Germany….a willingness to kill or wound, arrest, incarcerate, vilify, isolate and spy on, for the sake of an ideology. All the newsprint in prewar Germany became uniform in content and shared a hysterical tone against England, France and Poland. DOES ANY OF THIS SOUND FAMILIAR TO YOU? Today, the CCP has created and enforced a social credit system that mirrors these same propaganda tactics and the USA has adopted a version of it through the liquidation of the first and fourth Amendments with statutory law, this immediately following the 911 conspiracy and event. A good flashback would be the Reichstag German parliament fire in 1933, painted as a foreign terror act…
Thought crime, people speaking less freely, ideological politics, these “realities” were possible in pre-WWII Nazi Germany and have reappeared by way of the cooperation between the Atlanticists, Bilderberg Group and the American Neocons.
These extraordinary actions of domestic terror tactics e.g., scientifically and psychologically pre-programmed individuals who perform spontaneous acts of individual and mass violence such as the RFK assassination, MK-ULTRAmnd control experiments, 911 event and conspirators, in short a philosophy and strategy that embraces a well worn out phrase; the ends justify the means. Note that both Stalin and Hitler thought in this way. Government sponsored terror holds the population in place not consciously but subconsciously. Your political and religious beliefs are eventually blended- where the public and private self becomes one. Now to my point, it is obvious why the Patriot and NDA Acts are important “laws” that feed an element of terror across our society and now, to strengthen it the new Restrict Act! Nowadays, one can’t write to the newspaper editor, your name might be passed off to the CIA why? because the CIA has taken over the newspaper and mag rackets. Their moles and free money have penetrated into every global news media outlet (excluding BRICS and SCO) but including major TV/Cable networks within the USA and EU. your friends are uncomfortable talking politics with you? Neighbors informing on neighbors has returned, child informants as well!!-the big idea? TERROR “unsocial behavior” allegations, COVID coughing? no inoculation? round them all up, snitch on the guy living next to you? Sippenhaft! Now the CIA has joined hands with the DIA ! with a much larger budget and Intel network for sure…
Appointed leaders (like Hitler) not necessarily voted in e.g., Bush and the Supreme court “dangling Chads” decision, Biden and bizarre voting irregularities yet to be fully resolved in our corrupted court system, will continue to sign off on everything the Pentagon Brass, legislators and Business community tells them to do-naturally avoiding personal responsibility. Sometimes I think that the last real President was JKF, those who followed were nothing more than mannequins, sock puppets who happened to have a human voice.
Please wake up western Occident! please wake up America! lest the heroic efforts known and unknown by soldiers at rest in endless rows at Arlington cemetery be in VAIN!
Never say that to white folks. They find it WAY too easy to get outta town when things get dicey.
Get out while you have the chance.
Not for one minute did they even think, “Hey fuck it. We broke ground here, we drained the bottom lands and turned it into a going concern, we paved the roads and build the mills and factories that made it the Arsenal of Democracy back when it wasn’t very easy to do. Why the hell should WE run like rats off a ship?â€
They were fully aware of what would happen should they do anything even remotely that was pro white, they knew that the government would come down on them like a ton of bricks and destroy them. It is not bravery but delusion to think that there is anything you can do to resist the US totalitarian regime. No change can ever come from within now, the rotten structure will eventually fall from external conquest.
Never say that to white folks. They find it WAY too easy to get outta town when things get dicey.
Get out while you have the chance.
made it the (((Arsenal of Democracy))) back when it wasn’t very easy to do
It is precisely because of this that they are losing everything, deservingly. Kikes and commies loving pieces of shit. Failure to admit your mistake and repent will lead to a final death, here and in the thereafter.
Amerimutts, negro-saxon and every kike deserves to burn in hell.
Mark Warner and all cosponsors are domestic enemies of the constitution.
“And get back to the old constitution”
No, get back to the Articles of Confederation and its weak federal system.
Some States tried back in 1861, with the Confederate States of America.
Slavery was a side issue, and the Emancipation Proclamation on “Juneteenth”* was to weaponize the freed slaves to disrupt Southern society. Slaves north of the Mason-Dixon line were not freed until after the war, when it was convenient for the slave owners.
1773 the Boston Tea Party over taxes levied by King George.
18 years later …
1791 President Washington imposed an unconstitutional tax on a domestic product, whiskey. Why? Bottles of whiskey were being used as currency in local trade in western Pennsylvania. They weren’t buying expensive Federal scrip from far away East Coast Banks.
The Bankers always have to get their cut.
(*) one would think that the greatest date in their history would be more exact.
You are giving Germans a bad name. NSDAP, German fascism, came to power because an "external" parasite was leeching from society and Germans lost their birthright (traditional society without perversion, free education, free healthcare, jobs, income, home etc..). Nazi's attempted to eject the foreign parasite and restore Germany.The USA has also been infected by an external parasite BUT the US Government is not passing laws to restore the American birthright. Unless you think promoting LGBTQ+ rights, having your children choose their sexual identity via sex change, no free education, no free healthcare, no stable jobs, no affordable housing etc.. is as American as Apple Pie.Replies: @Franz
This is the Patriot Act on steroids. This is full blown fascism in the original Nazi style.
You are giving Germans a bad name. NSDAP, German fascism
German National Socialism was not fascism. Hitler and Speer, for two, borrowed ideas from Mussolini but they also thought fascism had an inherent flaw. They probably were right because a fascist committee fired Mussolini and switched sides. German NS would never have allowed that.
Fascism had a half-baked mechanism in it from the start. It likes to talk about force but when emotions run the wrong way the force can and was used against them. Francisco Franco wisely saw the mess in Italy and altered his system to allow for some consent and the ability to morph into a constitutional democracy when the tides shifted. History says Franco was pretty bright,.
And blame it all on Boomers arises again
I honestly think that’s turning into a joke.
Since I am one even I use it because it’s really wearing out. Those of us who are real know when it was our time we tried to repeal laws of all sorts. They can look it up but they never do. So throw it at them till they start.
Nobody in the 40-50 age bracket was all in for the Patriot Act, that’s why George W. Bush kept parts of it secret. Like parts of his 911 testimony. The government was scum when he was in and it’s scummier now.
Give them lots of false targets. The net is full of them. Communist college kids? Come ON. This is a target rich environment — they’ve started to make up everything. Fire back.
Yeah….everytime I think we’ve reached peak jew…..the jewing just gets worse and worse and worse.
I think we’ve already passed Weimar levels of jewing and degeneracy. The only thing missing is hyper-inflation, and our small hat friends are busy working on that right now.
I’m amazed at how badly they are fucking up. The sanctions on Russia totally backfired. Even Saudi Arabia is siding with Russia and China to destroy the dollar.
I didn’t think the neocons could screw up worse than they did with Iraq, but knocking the dollar out of reserve currency status is easily the biggest mistake they could possibly have made. Totally screwing the pooch.
All because of their blind insane hatred of Russia.
Fucking idiots.
Get out while you have the chance.
Never say that to white folks. They find it WAY too easy to get outta town when things get dicey.
They need to grow a spine and stand and fight.
I had (HAD) relatives in Detroit long ago. I am reliably informed that the minute the Great Migration headed their way, they got out maps and brochures and contacted out-of-town realtors, the whole shot. Not for one minute did they even think, “Hey fuck it. We broke ground here, we drained the bottom lands and turned it into a going concern, we paved the roads and build the mills and factories that made it the Arsenal of Democracy back when it wasn’t very easy to do. Why the hell should WE run like rats off a ship?”
And that goes for their counterparts in Newark, Chicago, Atlanta, Portland… all the well educated and well situated people who used their skills to CHICKEN OUT and split when the real danger to their people showed up.
What did their cowardice leave behind?
The last white kid on the schoolground getting pounded by black kids, because, well… the white kid is privileged right? I mean the New York Times and the US Army even say so. And all the white citizens who fled just change channel and pretend it wasn’t them. We all know it was. And more like that every day.
Start thinking like an embattled minority, white folks, because YOU ARE. Thanks to those who came before you. It’s not too late to dig in. Take some lessons from Fight Club or 300. Because you’re all that’s left between a white nation and the antiworld. Just you and those like you.
It is precisely because of this that they are losing everything, deservingly. Kikes and commies loving pieces of shit. Failure to admit your mistake and repent will lead to a final death, here and in the thereafter.
made it the (((Arsenal of Democracy))) back when it wasn’t very easy to do
They were fully aware of what would happen should they do anything even remotely that was pro white, they knew that the government would come down on them like a ton of bricks and destroy them. It is not bravery but delusion to think that there is anything you can do to resist the US totalitarian regime. No change can ever come from within now, the rotten structure will eventually fall from external conquest.
Not for one minute did they even think, “Hey fuck it. We broke ground here, we drained the bottom lands and turned it into a going concern, we paved the roads and build the mills and factories that made it the Arsenal of Democracy back when it wasn’t very easy to do. Why the hell should WE run like rats off a ship?â€
CIA is in a tough spot because their puppet ruler Biden is a vegetable who can’t get elected to dogcatcher without the systematic and widespread fraud CIA got caught at last time. Trump will be flanking them from one wing and RFK Jr. from the other, and CIA can’t shoot them both. After CIA shot JFK, Wallace, RFK, MLK, Reagan, and even released Reagan’s lone nut to scare Trump, the last, stupidest dregs of the public would catch on.
Many other agencies will need to be razed in a comprehensive reconstruction. But the CIA mafiya has got to go first.
Nicely realistic. It’s an elite game. For example, after the death of Mao, China had a problem with the Gang of Four:
The Gang of Four was a Maoist political faction composed of four Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. They came to prominence during the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976) and were later charged with a series of treasonous crimes. The gang’s leading figure was Jiang Qing (Mao Zedong’s last wife). The other members were Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan, and Wang Hongwen.
The Gang of Four controlled the power organs of the CCP through the later stages of the Cultural Revolution, although it remains unclear which major decisions were made by Mao Zedong and carried out by the Gang, and which were the result of the Gang of Four’s own planning.
Their downfall:
The radicals hoped that the key military leaders Wang Dongxing and Chen Xilian would support them, but instead, Hua won the Army over to his side. On 6 October 1976, Hua had the four leading radicals and a number of their lesser associates arrested. Han Suyin gave a detailed account of their overthrow:
An emergency session of the Politburo was to take place in the Great Hall of the People that evening. Their presence was required. Since Wang Dongxing had been their ally, they did not suspect him… As they passed through the swinging doors into the entrance lobby, they were apprehended and led off in handcuffs. A special 8341 unit then went to Madam Mao’s residence at No. 17 Fisherman’s Terrace and arrested her. That night Mao Yuanxin was arrested in Manchuria, and the propagandists of the Gang of Four in Peking University and in newspaper offices were taken into custody. All was done with quiet and efficiency. In Shanghai, the Gang’s supporters received a message to come to Beijing “for a meeting”. They came and were arrested. Thus, without shedding a drop of blood, the plans of the Gang of Four to wield supreme power were ended.
This is the Patriot Act on steroids. This is full blown fascism in the original Nazi style.
You are giving Germans a bad name. NSDAP, German fascism, came to power because an “external” parasite was leeching from society and Germans lost their birthright (traditional society without perversion, free education, free healthcare, jobs, income, home etc..). Nazi’s attempted to eject the foreign parasite and restore Germany.
The USA has also been infected by an external parasite BUT the US Government is not passing laws to restore the American birthright. Unless you think promoting LGBTQ+ rights, having your children choose their sexual identity via sex change, no free education, no free healthcare, no stable jobs, no affordable housing etc.. is as American as Apple Pie.
German National Socialism was not fascism. Hitler and Speer, for two, borrowed ideas from Mussolini but they also thought fascism had an inherent flaw. They probably were right because a fascist committee fired Mussolini and switched sides. German NS would never have allowed that.
You are giving Germans a bad name. NSDAP, German fascism
This enabling act is evidently the panic of a state that sees its entire subject population squinting and thinking, “What the fuck is the point of this big parasite?”
the whole population of the earth discussing what we want when we shitcan the Langley impunity regime.
this bill, the RESTRICT ACT, smacks of Jane Harmon’s 2007 Bill which massively passed the house back then, that bill was called the: (I am going to paste from wikipedia, if youre interested read the wikipage witt he link)
The “Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007”
was a bill sponsored by Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) in the 110th United States Congress.
Its stated purpose is to deal with “homegrown terrorism and violent radicalization” by establishing a national commission, establishing a center for study, and cooperating with other nations.
this bill passed the house massively back then; over 400 votes but it failed in the senate.
they put it on the shelf. i never forgot.
read it for yourself
That Rinos Lindsay Graham and Mitt Romney support this bill doesn’t surprise me, they’re as phony as they come. They’re anti-American and anti-freedom to the core. If they were in the former Soviet Union, they’d be among Stalin’s greatest supporters. Everything must be done to fight against this bill as it would not only destroy freedom of opinion, it would also throttle online business as more restrictions in one area have unintended consequences in another. If this bill is passed, we can be assured that smart computer programmers will invent ways to circumvent the government’s restrictions on such things as VPN’s. Hackers are always one or two steps ahead of the government. Remember that in the former Soviet Union, western recordings were in short supply or completely restricted, people pressed the western recordings into x-ray film and these home made records were passed around among young people. In the 1960’s Soviet Union, The Beatles were as well known as they were in the west.
thanks for your comment; we did not want this, we wanted peace, and to be left alone to live our lives.
with the RESTRICT bill (fantastic name, they dont even hide), it seems we cant even publicly redress our grievances to the government. has so many nazi/fascist feels. history rhyming.
the US government, the US Congress and US institutions and bureaucracy has brought us to this fully dysfunctional and rabidly rotten moment, the rot is too hot and infected now, we have to lance the boil.
they are illegitimate; the impose collective trauma and abuse.
the 535 +9 plus staffs and families – a minimum. (why the 9? many reasons, but ill give 2: kelo and citizens united)
we decapitate and offer amnesty and reconciliation to the rest and we rebuild. I dont see another way.
stay safe out there,
The main targets likely include those accused of spreading Russian or Chinese propaganda
Don’t use phrases like this. There’s no such thing. The “spreading Russian propaganda” is in every case people simply being on Russias side or criticizing Ukraine for reasons of their own. Psychopaths on Twitter use the ambiguous nature of that phrase to just accuse anyone without having to back anything up. You don’t have to actually be a Russian agent or have any connection to them at all; as long as you say anything Russians might agree with it’s “Russian propaganda” by definition. Same goes for “bots”, which is even less defined. What does it mean? Nobody knows, but they know they’re everywhere. In real life, there is no Russian propaganda and there are no shady websites with “misinformation” that confuse naive Americans into being against WWIII.
Now I can see why the Saker bailed on his blog. I hope he can get out of this country before the pigs in Washington run him down for supporting the ethnic Russians in Ukraine.
Geezus F. Christ on a Crutch, it is absolutely stunning the way these goons are putting the country on the express elevator to Hell. First they float a bunch of vague accusations leveled at Tik Tok, and suddenly days later they have a fully crafted document that exquisitely itemizes all the rights and freedoms under the constitution which they plan to summarily strip from you and how they intend to punish you with extreme prejudice for simply communicating, conversing, gathering information or merely educating yourself so the American people can never protest the onerous abuse and repression by their gangster government ever again.
This is the Patriot Act on steroids. This is full blown fascism in the original Nazi style. No wonder every asshole in the federal legislature is gung ho for supporting the fucking Ukies and their genuine new Fuehrer, Mr. Zelensky. And, don’t kid yourself, it is NOT merely the 25 bipartisan assholes who signed that document who support this shit. Except perhaps for Rand Paul, I think that everyone of those mother fuckers in the Senate do. Millennials, Zoomers, and whoever comes later, you are going to have one heavy lift casting this millstone from around the necks of your generations. You will have to re-capture your freedom, democracy and constitution from the never relenting Neo-fascist gangsters in Washington. (They are not just Neo-cons, they are bona fide Neo-fascists.) Either that or you will become enslaved for the next hundred years.
You are giving Germans a bad name. NSDAP, German fascism, came to power because an "external" parasite was leeching from society and Germans lost their birthright (traditional society without perversion, free education, free healthcare, jobs, income, home etc..). Nazi's attempted to eject the foreign parasite and restore Germany.The USA has also been infected by an external parasite BUT the US Government is not passing laws to restore the American birthright. Unless you think promoting LGBTQ+ rights, having your children choose their sexual identity via sex change, no free education, no free healthcare, no stable jobs, no affordable housing etc.. is as American as Apple Pie.Replies: @Franz
This is the Patriot Act on steroids. This is full blown fascism in the original Nazi style.
dore is controlled; there are no heroes; no one is coming to save you.
What are you on about? The smoloko site doesn’t exist any more since it was banned. Wherever the link takes it now I don’t know.
Jimmy Dore does a great job on this. Thanks.
Go where govt is inefficient and hasnt the resources to institute the tyranny they all want. Every first world nation is despotic because their populations produced the wealth that was siphoned off to support the human shit in their military and police to protect the oligarchy.
It’s the first world nations that have lived beyond their means that will collapse the most and fastest.
If “the American people†(among many others) had been customarily anywhere near as focused and intent upon fulfilling their very real Human Organic Responsibilities, as they are incessantly distracted and obsessed with exercising their entirely imaginary civil and property and human “rights,†none of these things chronically complained-about, on this site and most everywhere else here in these latter days, would be happening….or ever could’ve happened. Having been roped into that “selfâ€-satisfying delusion early-on, though, “Americans†in-particular lost The Way and have ever since been the most useful of idiots, for the wannabe owner/operators of the for-profit “global†gulag, in the misleading and corralling of each other and of everybody “else.â€
It does appear that many people who not so long ago seemed to be moving more-or-less comfortably and complacently toward captivity and confinement (and not-so-eventual extinction), are sensing what’s actually in-store for them, and are beginning to balk at the prospect. The “control†freaks are obviously well-prepared and absolutely eager to put-down any and all such “resistance†taking the expected forms of “protest†and “political actionâ€â€¦.the more violent the better for their purposes.
The virtual world-o’-hurt in which the muddled masses are presently entrapped runs on gangster rules. The “basic rule†is fear. The whole of “The Law†in it is: “Might makes right.†The “message†to the (already and soon-to-be) inmates is: “Resistance is futile.†It is futile at-best. The system actually is sustained and strengthened by resistance.
Where does that leave those wanting to “take back†their world….besides between a rock and a hard place? Is there anything available to them within the insane “dominance†paradigm system that offers them an exit from it? Is there anything they could do to break its grip on them?
There is no such escape mechanism. There is, though, something to be done. By getting over the organically-crippling sickness that is for each artifactual “individual†their very own too-precious “self,†which is the seat and source of all the fear ruling them, our currently captive Human Relatives can get free of the “gulag†and come together to regain the Organic Form wherein resides the Organic Integrity essential to fulfillment of our Organic Function as a component of the natural immunity of the LivingLoving Arrangement of Earth and Sky.
By taking their precious attention away altogether, and all together, from the seductive mirage that is the virtual world-o’-hurt, and giving it over undivided to our LivingLoving Arrangement, which includes one another, along with their unconditional affection and respect, the presently domesticated peoples can simply starve the “control†system of the only thing keeping it in existence. Admittedly, this is not nearly as exciting and glamorous and glorious as waging some make-believe war-to-the-death against “the forces of evil.†It is a lot harder to have the courage and fortitude and wisdom to not resist it, robbing it of its “power†and consigning to the oblivion they seek those who’ve cursed Life Herownself….The Holy Spirit who brings us all through The Water and into The Light. After-all, that is exactly what we are urged to do by Love Hisownself….Christ, who showed us The Way, The TAO, and invited us to follow it.
Us surviving Free Wild Peoples here in Indian Country everywhere, in-keeping with our entire lived experience in, as, and of Their LivingLoving Arrangement, can recommend it wholeheartedly to our captivated “civilized†Sisters and Brothers. They have nothing to lose but the organically paralyzing “chains†of the “Great Illusion.â€
The Patriot Act for the Internet, On Steroids, and Completely Hidden Activity Behind the Curtain- A “Secret No Fly List” for the Web!
Typically, when a really shitty “law” is proposed, one has to read between the lines, to imagine, and speculate how it could be misused. This one makes it obvious.
However, in this modern cyber-age, let’s talk about how easy it would be-
Domestic “white hat” hackers, could very easily blast out some internet red meat for “The Right” (read: anyone opposed to the current regime), spoof it being from a foreign source, watch it go viral, then use it as excuse (completely secret) to investigate, censor, throttle, shadow ban, threaten prosecution, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam, EVERYONE that shared it, posted it, emailed it, viewed it… basically, everything that all the social media companies have been doing for years, but on an internet wide basis, with the added threat of criminal prosecution.
Remember: “The Hunter Biden Laptop Story Is RUSSIAN Disinformation”? Well, now imagine that same scenario, after this draconian law goes into effect!
It’s the ultimate mechanism to force Americans to only consume state-approved propaganda, censor everything else, and throw you in fucking prison if you resist.
And I think what is most alarming of all- They actually spelled this shit out, in plain English, right there in the bill for all to see! It’s so incredibly shocking, and utter outrage, and yet, yhey said it all out-loud. Years ago, the entire media, the public, the congressional committee, i.e. the very first person that caught wind of this shite, would have screamed bloody fucking murder to the high heavens, at even the slightest hint of doing something this offensive!
Literally, the mere suggestion of doing this, should have warranted a punch in the mouth, from the very first person that heard it spoken.
But now… they are openly writing bills, to literally destroy the very foundation of this country, unabashedly and without shame.
One final thought-
Even if this bill gets shot down, and thrown in the trash, WTF do you think the “intelligence community” will be doing, in the shadows, despite this garbage not being codified into law? I mean, Jesus Fucking Christ, we knew they were spying on us, and we knew they had bad intent, but they must be just millimeters away from sending the secret police to arrest you in the dark of night for posting wrongthink!
This country is certainly doomed, and even if this bill fails, I’m sure that a “State of War” will enable every bit of it, you know, as an emergency measure.
I know that a lot of historians and intellectuals, love to point-out the superiority of the American Revolution, versus the French Revolution, and there is certainly some merit to that argument, but at the same time, I think if a population has been humiliated enough, they can be forgiven for going full blown guillotine on their former leaders, because their crimes were just that bad!
The US needs a bloody revolution in the worst way, and frankly, I don’t even care if it maintains the moral high ground, because this shit is getting ridiculous!
You can stay in the US if you use your head and keep a low profile.
I meant violence initiated by the govt goons. Without any measurable push back by the voting sheep, the State will keep increasing tyrannical legislation to further emiserate the serfs.
Theft is violence against the individuals existence and legalized theft (taxes, fines, fees, mandates, etc) will only increase as the dollar creation machine is run in high gear. The future can easily be seen by anyone that dares to look.
At some point the violence will become reciprocal but will start, has already started, by govt.
JUDD 23, “Nothing less than full decapitation…” is the appropriate approach to the US government. Preeminent legal scholar Francis Boyle tells us the US government is a criminal enterprise. The most direct way of decapitating it is to prosecute or extradite the CIA SIS through Article 18 of the UN Convention against transnational organized crime (UNTOC.)
As Nixon and Carter did, a president needs to appoint a DCI to shovel out the Augean shit, a Schlesinger, ideally, or a Turner. The appointee will have to root out all CIA’s dotted-line reports and cutouts. That will take a while. As CIA loses WWIII, the SCO can be counted on to impose full lustration in negotiations to end the unrestricted warfare. They can handle the “make me do it” part. We will also need a Moynihan to revoke all CIA’s get-out-of-jail-free cards.
Obviously some one has to kill a lot of CIA dead-enders. Russia is certainly pitching in, as when they pulverized that Deep Underground Military Base in Lviv. They wiped out a lot of DO cannon fodder, PTSD-addled jarheads and special forces psychos. But the premiere CIA psychos, the Richard Blees, will be hiding under their desks in Langley like the sneaky pussy cowards that they are. Iran took care of Mike D’Andrea. The Chinese took care of Bennett, in their own good time. And of course the Russian diplomat assassination grabass stopped when Stearney went tits-up.
CIA is in a tough spot because their puppet ruler Biden is a vegetable who can’t get elected to dogcatcher without the systematic and widespread fraud CIA got caught at last time. Trump will be flanking them from one wing and RFK Jr. from the other, and CIA can’t shoot them both. After CIA shot JFK, Wallace, RFK, MLK, Reagan, and even released Reagan’s lone nut to scare Trump, the last, stupidest dregs of the public would catch on.
Many other agencies will need to be razed in a comprehensive reconstruction. But the CIA mafiya has got to go first.
Nicely realistic. It's an elite game. For example, after the death of Mao, China had a problem with the Gang of Four:Wikipedia:
CIA is in a tough spot because their puppet ruler Biden is a vegetable who can’t get elected to dogcatcher without the systematic and widespread fraud CIA got caught at last time. Trump will be flanking them from one wing and RFK Jr. from the other, and CIA can’t shoot them both. After CIA shot JFK, Wallace, RFK, MLK, Reagan, and even released Reagan’s lone nut to scare Trump, the last, stupidest dregs of the public would catch on.Many other agencies will need to be razed in a comprehensive reconstruction. But the CIA mafiya has got to go first.
Their downfall:
The Gang of Four was a Maoist political faction composed of four Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. They came to prominence during the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976) and were later charged with a series of treasonous crimes. The gang's leading figure was Jiang Qing (Mao Zedong's last wife). The other members were Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan, and Wang Hongwen.
The Gang of Four controlled the power organs of the CCP through the later stages of the Cultural Revolution, although it remains unclear which major decisions were made by Mao Zedong and carried out by the Gang, and which were the result of the Gang of Four's own planning.�
The radicals hoped that the key military leaders Wang Dongxing and Chen Xilian would support them, but instead, Hua won the Army over to his side. On 6 October 1976, Hua had the four leading radicals and a number of their lesser associates arrested. Han Suyin gave a detailed account of their overthrow:
An emergency session of the Politburo was to take place in the Great Hall of the People that evening. Their presence was required. Since Wang Dongxing had been their ally, they did not suspect him... As they passed through the swinging doors into the entrance lobby, they were apprehended and led off in handcuffs. A special 8341 unit then went to Madam Mao's residence at No. 17 Fisherman's Terrace and arrested her. That night Mao Yuanxin was arrested in Manchuria, and the propagandists of the Gang of Four in Peking University and in newspaper offices were taken into custody. All was done with quiet and efficiency. In Shanghai, the Gang's supporters received a message to come to Beijing "for a meeting". They came and were arrested. Thus, without shedding a drop of blood, the plans of the Gang of Four to wield supreme power were ended.
“Violence is guaranteed…….”
I can’t agree.
I think the sheeple will do nothing and continue living peacefully as slaves.
They are now completely acculturated to bondage.
Sanderstein. Three mansions, Hero of the working class, sure. Much like Lev Bronstein.
Meanwhile, this site’s Cloudflare settings are such that a long-term is unable to check comment replies.
The TikTok thing is unbearably ugly.
Mentality is obvious: It’s very popular and (((we))) don’t own it so, Unca Schlomo, you haff to steal it and give it to us,
Thanks to emerging majority, but I could thank this person because I haven’t posted a comment in a while. Really, Unz Review? Really?
And blame it all on Boomers arises again, what with the bogus “cold war” mentality of us boomers! A Load of crap! I hated the Vietnam War and I hated the cold war as well…–from a 70 year old “boomer”! When GenX or whoever stops blaming it all on Boomers, let me know! (I guess in 40 years when we’ll all be dead maybe?)
I honestly think that's turning into a joke.
And blame it all on Boomers arises again
Why did you put a link to pornography in your comment?
And go where? I’m not trying to be an ahole. I seriously want to know where a person can go in this world and be free.
This article is important for you guys in America. If it does not show up in the Most Popular table, that will prove either that most readers are foreigners like me, or that American readers are not that bright.
Incidentally, this author is one of the more readable ones in this site.
I don’t really have much hope in the dolts that keep supporting the system by voting, enlisting to become murderers in costume, to become the useless street cop enforcers, etc.
The vast majority are too stupid and propagandized to see that they are helping the govt to genocide them. As the US regime loses its hegemony around the world, it will increasingly turn inward to concentrate their efforts on their captive tax cattle. I saw this decades ago and left.
Now the morons in charge are actively engineering a nuclear death match with Russia that is known to possess the largest and most sophisticated arsenal in the world. Are the people rising up to protect their own sorry asses? NO! They are going to vote for that shithead Trump and actually invest their emotions into that meaningless sack of shit or the DeSantis or Gabbard con artist. The US population is sleep walking into their annihilation while waving some piece of shit flag.
1. No phony ‘coalition’ is going to do anything and if even seemed to would be a temporary con. First basic, those claiming to be govt or state are invaders on us, here and everywhere. Whites were here before indians. ‘columbus’ was a con and irrelevant, am talking long before then. The cons ‘constitutions’ are frauds. Their ‘sedition’ spew threatening people if we don’t want their invader ‘govt’ or phony ‘states’ isnt ‘govt by people’ –its threat con, and we have the ability by natural law, might is right, to shut them down if choose. Of course a problem is dupes allowing fraud wars’ let the cons get many weapons, so, to be free have to figure how get them, but point remains. The cons didn’t pay for them, they used their thin air money con, ‘tax’ is a con.
2. Those claiming to be ‘govt’ or ‘state’ and dictating others close mouth – is a dictator con. You don’t invade my natural law rights and territory then tell me to shut my mouth. ‘state’ cons need to close their threatening mouths. Any person spewing against our speech or to ‘decide’ our speech is cons putting their speech ‘over’ ours. Con.
3. The ‘restrict’ distraction con is to keep focus on web. The web is an energy trap. Real life is where. we. live. Sharing info local routes media cons because its direct, no interference. Can put sign in car, or yard, or use postal notes, or stand on street with sign, figure it out. Their ‘anti hate’ scheme is a con. Hate is natural. Make note. Sharing right hate helps our power. Never mind web. Real life is local. Info doesn’t matter if you don’t push it, and tell others to share.
Last on example on frauds, there was no ‘george washington’, concocted fake person, same person as king george. Don’t bother search, used to be a few pages, now buried, and don’t need anyway. Just look at their stupid paintings, different versions face, same as king george bs. Remember over a half million cons in the cabal including on web. The cons have been doing their con paintings and bs a thousand years. People have to grow up, learn to share info. And watch for infiltrators including females.
They want people dumbed in femy slop as they destroy. Determination and sharing is good. Hate is good.
The ‘restrict’ bs is same as ‘hate speech’ con.
Life requires effort.
They got away with the Patriot Act, WMD’s in Iraq, wars of aggression against Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, stole two elections, and memory-holing Russiagate and the Scamdemic by distracting us with their UkroNazi Proxy War in Ukraine. The systems proposed in this Act are already basically in place, as the Twitter Files have shown, under different but comparable authority.
We are all Assange now. And it serves us right for letting our representatives stay in power.
I hated algebra with a passion but I can do basic math and have long ago calculated we were being screwed.
True. But as much as I’d love to see it happen it’ll collapse on its own and people will run around like headless chickens.
The Restrict Act needs to be defeated at all costs. It would be used by left wing partisans to attack and criminalize their right of center political opposition. Free speech online would be deemed “election interference” and allow the DOJ to ruin your life under the provisions in this bill.
It also needs to be defeated because it was none other than SCOTUS justice Brett Kavanaugh who upheld the 4th amendment violations of the so called PATRIOT ACT as “constitutional”. He was thusly rewarded with a SCOTUS seat. So he cannot be trusted to do the right thing if the case were to come before SCOTUS which it would.
Just remember that in Jewish occupied America we all have free speech as long as we don’t speak critically of mass third world immigration, racial diversity, multiculturalism, homosexuality and transgenderism or support Donald Trump or other political candidates whom they hate. Then your speech is “hate” and “violence”.
Donald Trump himself is a Jew tool but with an independent streak that drives them insane.
Sooner or later people are going to wake up to the idiocy of voting for the perceived lesser of two evils. The entire system is rigged to ignore your vote by numerous means.
The only thing the cretins in the Fed Gov understands is action that physically removes their ability to function. Violence is guaranteed eventually if their plans are allowed to proceed unhindered.
The corporations need to feel threatened financially. The swine that support the govt via the idiocy of following orders must be shamed at every opportunity and told point blank that they are the modern Judas types. The population needs to finally realize the govt is the enemy and act accordingly.
Only a nationwide workers strike will get everyones attention. No violence, but nothing moves. Allow the swine street cops to start the violence or the murderers in the military to show their true allegiance.
Crater the stock market by withholding purchasing. Every trucker should cripple his rig so it can’t be commandeered by some costumed thug. Rail workers walk off the job peacefully. Sanitation workers stay home. Start the squeeze and intensify as necessary by eventually crippling water supply or energy delivery.
Once it starts, it will take on a life of its own as the aim is obvious. End the Fed Gov should be the common refrain as governors are told to show some resolve.
It is already up and running right here. I am here marked as “foe” and each entrance is block chained. With RESTRICT the scum is trying to cover its criminal back to safe the loot of BIG SCUM.
It does not matter much anymore, because the Third Jewish World War is up and running.
Xi Jinping is already asking the Chinese Liberation Army to go in full brunt on A-Day.
all paths will eventually lead to one.
They do not listen to us, they do not represent the majority will of the people, they are unresponsive, they do not care for the welfare of the people; they openly lie, brazenly loot and are wanton murderers of the highest order;
they impose collective trauma, and always in the name of safety or “national security†they rape the Law at great cost to the people, they are treasonous and the enemy of the people;
As such,
Nothing less than full decapitation; arrest the 535 +9 plus their staffs and families – this is a minimum.
The heads of the agencies and their families and staffs are arrest targets also, should the first action fail to subdue the rest.
Then we burn the National Security Council & the Joint Chiefs, the DOD, the executive office of the president of the united states, DEA, ATF, FBI, CIA, FDA, CDC, IRS, DOJ, SEC, Treasury, BLM, EPA, Interior, Labor, HHS, NIH, NIAID, Homeland Security;
the Senior Executive Service,
The Federal Reserve and all its branches (especially the NY FED) and all of its board members,
any registered foreign agent; organizations such as AIPAC or the Chamber of Commerce or FINRA,
all holders of dual or multiple nationality should be given one chance to pick one nationality, basically all of it is rotten to the core and needs to come down.
We offer amnesty and reconciliation to the rest if they swear an oath not to act as traitors to the country and the people.
This has very bad slippery slope french revolution potential, but this is where we are, we did not want this, all we wanted was peace and to be left alone to live our lives.
I’m tired of being constantly lied to and treated as an enemy at worst and as a cow to be milked at best.
There are millions of Americans in various forms of consciousness that feel the same way as I do.
Its too late, we cant go home, we have to decapitate and start over and rebuild with what is left.
The looting and Lies have to stop and there must be consequences for past wrongs done to the people and the country.
People are tired of being traumatized and looted, not by foreign agents and enemies, but by their own representatives and “governmentsâ€.
This blatant abuse and trauma imposed on us by the US congress and the white house and US institutions is beyond anything acceptable;
this society is sick, precisely due to the action of the “elites†doing the “leadingâ€.
Never forget you are a 2nd or 3rd class “citizen†while they are exempt from outright lying, from insider trading, from all covid mandates, exempt from obamacare, they gave themselves massive raises and huge benefits constantly during a pandemic and crashed economy and soon hyperinflation that THEY CAUSED.
Criminals of the highest order.
The looting and Lying has to stop.
Full clip.
You could tell where the Internet was heading when they took down smoloko.com – downhill. In the West, the Internet is now overwhelmingly Western propaganda, with very few exceptions. I can remember the early days when advocates of the “free” internet were predicting the demise of the MSM and the rise of alternative viewpoints on the www. How wrong they were – the MSM took over the internet anyway. Time to go back to reading old books.
Can a Left/Right Civil Libertarian Coalition defeat the Restrict Act? the answer is NO.
Even if people flood the DC Knesset with phone calls and this thing stalls, the Goblins will simply roll it into the next omnibus fascist package and force a ride or die vote most likely by voice vote.
This is what they always do. The people are too traumatized and too stupid to understand their own rape.
54% of US adults have the comprehension level of 6th graders or 12 yr olds;
a full 21% are functionally illiterate;
large majorities cannot do basic algebra or figure out compound interest or argue based on simple logic.
a recent survey asked teenagers in different countries what they wanted to do as adults: US kids top choice was “youtuber†and “influencerâ€, while chicom kids top choice was “engineerâ€
meanwhile, a quarter-million Chinese engineers graduate every single year like clockwork(also in India and Russia but lower numbers);
While America, The Democracy™, with only 4% of the world population has 50% of the world’s MBAs (mostly from Harvard who then work at McKinsey like that filthy fag failure transportation secretary).
but DeMoCrAcY…
Whatever one thinks about TikTok, as far as being Chinese spyware, a negative influence on the culture, and just overall cringe, the Restrict act’s purpose is to strengthen the US security state, suppress civil liberties, consolidate state power with social media, and suppress free speech and political discourse.
Excellent. They should do more of that and faster.
With Tucker Carlson on the same page as AOC, a left/right coalition could be the only thing that defeats this dangerous bill.
D0n’t count on AOC and their ilk. There are some libertarian leftists but those are not in the dem party.
I really hate how the term Centrist is used to describe the corrupt Uniparty, but there is a horseshoe trend where there are civil libertarian strains on both the right and left, but it is the bi-partisan “moderates†of both parties, who work together to screw over the people.
My grandma call them the extreme centre. So there is the extremist fanatic left (grey bolsheviks and trotzkytes), the extremist fanatic right (colorful fascists and nazies) and the extremist fanatic centre (green self-righteous liberals).
This is just more proof that there is only a Uniparty and no real opposition, so expecting some sort of Left-Right alliance against the Restrict Act is nonsense. It will pass. America is finished as a country. And, at this point, the sooner it goes down, the better it will be for the rest of the world.
agree with this completely and all part of the plan. just like the patriot act was written long in advance of 9/11 and then dusted off, when the pnac zioneocons had created the pearl harbor event they told us about, (amazing how prescient these soothsayers are about future events).
However, the idea that the elites’ power is severely threatened, and any expectations of the masses as a sleeping giant arising, can be a cope, as the masses have shown themselves to be conformists, ambivalent, complacent, and compliant. �
This. Amerimutts are just loud mouthed, worthless hicks and mangy, cowardly mulattoes. Aside from this topic, just look how they bend over for the ATF over the “pistol braces”.
Frankly, all of this they deserve. These Sub-Humans disarmed my German people, in the name of jews and communism. Now they must suffer, on this world, and without repentance, forever in Hell. Which is where most of them are going.
Payback for 1919.
Payback for 1945.
Payback for 2022.
Stupid, dumb, amerimutt scum!
The US regime is already mentally a totalitarian regime, the vast majority of the population also supports this regime, thus this new law is merely a formality. If you live in America you will not be able to escape this absolute police state, the only real question is if there is anywhere else in the world that will be able to resit this regimes grip.
The basis of totalitarianism is fear.
Archetypal dictator Stalin employed regular purges to root our real or potential opponents – or almost just at random. His own governing clique was similarly subject to liquidation.
The US is going down the same route. So an obvious question is who is introducing totalitarianism? IOW, who are the dictators? In Petrograd 1917 it was a group of Jewish radicals called Bolsheviks, including the intelligent thug Stalin (non-Jewish collaborator) specially chosen by Lenin as an enforcer and administrator. In the US it is similarly a group of Jewish radicals (with some non-Jewish collaborators) that control the keys to power – the judiciary, finance, media, military, CIA/FBI and the legislature.
Some safe predictions are that 1) the US is going to become a lot poorer 2) it will have a rich and paranoid elite 3) all dissident activity will be criminalized with harsh punishment or execution 4) the US dollar will lose its international reserve currency status 3) the rest of the world will fear the US and cut links with it 5) it will be an economic failure 6) it will no longer be an immigration destination and the exit gates will shut – IOW become a open air prison like the Gaza strip 6) it will develop a “Gulag Archipelago” of prison/work camps.
Conclusion that it’s advisable to exit now while it’s still possible and while the US dollar is still convertible and worth something.
Anonymous[899] : “This government has got to be knocked over.”
“This government’s grown too big for its boots,
We’ve got to cut it back down, back down to its roots,
It’s taken most all of our freedoms away
There ain’t much freedom left in the US today.
“We’ve got to start us a new revolution
And get back to the old constitution
We’ve got to stand up and fight for the whole Bill of Rights
Its time to start over againâ€
Song: “New Revolutionâ€: https://soundcloud.com/onebornfree/new-revolution-the-harry-browne-song-new-mix-081522-mix3
The best thing you can do for young people now is to dissuade them from joining any branch of the military. The Western Establishment will throw them into a meat grinder war against Russia/China/Iran/India/North Korea/Pakistan in a heartbeat. You can expect vigorous 5th Generational Warfare propaganda from the West (“We are almost there, just a few more good men needed” and “The other side is almost defeated now, and dont stand a chance”, etc) once this thing starts in earnest. Don’t be surprised if there are multiple false flags in the next few years whereby Russia is accused of aiding white supremacists, or China poisoned this-or-that, or hacked peoples bank accounts or whatever.
Be a good law-abiding, drug-alcohol free person, go to church, work, have a garden, and let the supporters of clown-world fight its wars.
Much like Facebook is controlled by the Chinese government in China; TikTok is controlled by the U.S. government in the U.S.. Why would you ban something you already control?
They’re building walls/iron curtains to keep you in.
Get out while you have the chance.
Never say that to white folks. They find it WAY too easy to get outta town when things get dicey.
Get out while you have the chance.
It must feel odd to have AOC in your camp, actually agreeing and cooperating. Is she practicing graceful 180s?
Vermont’s new deep state mole, Senator Peter Welch (D) who was bribed by acceptance of FTX stolen monies in his campaign, that he has not returned, is a co-sponsor of this evil…of course.
If any boomers are really FOR this thing they can’t die fast enough.
Timing is key. They are trying to pass deeply restrictive legislation on the eve of what might be the Great Depression of century 21. Makes sense: The more things they make illegal the more troops they can hire out of their make-up economy. It’s awful easy to shake down the downwardly mobile. They clearly anticipated that when they hired all those new gun-toting IRS flunkies.
Gonna be a bumpy ride however it goes.
Weaponized U.S. Government. Restrict Act. Domestic Spying/Espionage.
There are 25 co-sponsors – 13 Republicans and 11 Democrats. I’d bet both my very neocon Indiana Senators will vote for this one.
This article in video:
This is it. Those who do not resist will deserve what they get. It’s really that simple.
This article should get bumped to the top of the column. The RESTRICT Act revokes ICCPR Articles 19, 22, and 26, directly repudiating the absolute continuity of obligations principle. Negating human and civil rights has been a CIA objective from inception, but this is their first comprehensive attempt to get it done.
If this Ermaechtigungsgesetz passes, the US will be the planet’s most totalitarian state. CIA can criminalize any dissent. We will have Orwellian thought crime.
Very good summary of CIA’s latest totalitarian overreach. I complained about the PATRIOT Act and my bribed-and-blackmailed asshole Senator was all buttchapped with indignation. The weasel knew he had to vote for it or get an anthrax letter postmarked Langley. This time the Congress puppets will probably get an envelope full of variolabola leprosy elephantiasis mumps.
This government has got to be knocked over.
However, the idea that the elites’ power is severely threatened, and any expectations of the masses as a sleeping giant arising, can be a cope, as the masses have shown themselves to be conformists, ambivalent, complacent, and compliant.
agree with this completely and all part of the plan. just like the patriot act was written long in advance of 9/11 and then dusted off, when the pnac zioneocons had created the pearl harbor event they told us about, (amazing how prescient these soothsayers are about future events).
now the next step in the full spectrum dominance of their serfs, they dust off the restrict act, as ricky vaughn is convicted and facing jail time over a tweet, but of course this is about saving the country from chinese twerking. the noose is tightening.
Dat Walker be some hope for da white south. Sheeeiiiiit.
Whites are whummies and wheaks.
Dat Herschel Walker banging dem white bitchez,he ain’t got time,nomesayne,fo dat strong black wahmen!
But he keeps makin’ ’em get abortions!😉
I like how he thinks any woman in Russia would want him.
It’s “almost” entirely Asian, but not actually entirely Asian. In my book, a “heated” opposition would seek to kill the dragon while it’s small. I wouldn’t be surprised if mixing is heavily looked down on, but unless a group takes active measures to stamp it out – the best evidence of which is laws against it – the problem imperceptibly and insidiously morphs from “too small to care about” into “too big to do anything about.” (See “World, entire history of”)
They’re also strongly codified by an honor culture.
Arabs have Islam but, if by ‘Asian’, you mean ‘East Asian’, they have Confucian culture that turns people into Teacher’s Pets. East Asians are among the biggest conformist dogs in both Asia and the West. And they have zero sense of honor but to serve the master, which is stuff like globo-homo and BLM in the West.
Do you really think the average Asian or Arab has more pride fhan the average White?
Is this a serious question? Yes, I do. I have met many of them before. They do have more pride in their family, culture, race and ancestors than White people as a whole. They’re also strongly codified by an honor culture.
Does she realize the White men she is with only see her as a sexual experiment or fetish, that they’re not going to have kids with her? Such as hateful, delusional woman.
Most of this is not real …
If one is interested, there is, following that post, an exchange of opinions when I debunked various false claims.
Many white women see black males as being “bad boysâ€Â and do gravitate towards them–not a good thing. In many cases, nice (white) guys DO finish last. Many white women don’t want a “nice guyâ€; they want someone who is muscular, drives a fast car, flashy dresser, with an ego all over himself.
Actually, white women are not attracted to black men, and white men tend to finish first:
White women tend to finish last… Probably mostly because they are less visually and olfactorily attractive, even to white men.
Perhaps women aren’t attracted to bad boys, they’re attracted to the men who put bad boys in cages.
That’s white men.
LOL, times have changed, now white women SPEND a hell of a lot of money for "the Jew and his sick fantasy."
Nearly all these White females demanded more money to shame themselves for the Jew and his sick fantasy.
LOL, times have changed, now white women SPEND a hell of a lot of money for “the Jew and his sick fantasy
Less than 0.01% of white women have ever done this. You show your true colors more and more with each passing comment.
But more imperiled than ever, thanks to dwindling proportion, dwindling influence, dwindling pride, and dwindling desire to 'stay white.' It's pointless coping to deny this.Replies: @Anonymous
There are more Whites alive today than there ever have been in world history. �
White people’s influence isn’t dwindling and most don’t have dwindling pride or desire.
The “peril” narrative has existed since the early 20th century ever since ‘tards like Lothrop Stoddard got published. It was wrong then and it’s wrong now. The 20th and 21st centuries have seen the complete destruction of Arab pride and economic prospects, multiple devastating wars in Asia, the massive spread of White influence. It’s been a horrible time for non-whites and perhaps too much of a good time for Whites.
“Dwindling” numhers means nothing when most of Asia and Latin America are also declining or on the verge of decline. Do you really think the average Asian or Arab has more pride fhan the average White? Ceetainly not. Not genuine pride, anyway…
Is this a serious question? Yes, I do. I have met many of them before. They do have more pride in their family, culture, race and ancestors than White people as a whole. They're also strongly codified by an honor culture.
Do you really think the average Asian or Arab has more pride fhan the average White?
“Even in extreme regimes like Nazi-Germany there were Afro-Germans due to Black American soldiers.”
Negroes mixing with white women wouldn’t of been tolerated in NS Germany, what you are referring to happened after the allied occupation, where every form of degeneracy was promoted.
You need to get higher quality white friends who aren’t covered with tattoos and smoke weed all day. If you fish at the end of a sewer outfall, you can only expect to catch sewage.
As the United States and Britain sink beneath the waves, so will the constant promotion of everything negro by their degenerate ruling classes. The negro has to be constantly nurtured, pacified and promoted, because all he is capable of himself is destruction of himself and all that is around him. Without the White society to feed off of, the negro would die out or become what he was 100 years ago, barely visible in the background. At one time, the negro’s labor was useful in white society, they played a roll in jobs such as domestics, agricultural workers, and railway porters, today these jobs are either obsolete or have been replaced by others. Today’s negro living in White society is basically useless, his services are no longer needed, he’s a consumer of public funds and can’t create anything and can only destroy.
Colin Kaepernick is a prime example of black DNA asserting itself when coming of age.
One would hope…
On top of all of this, Kaepernick maintained a 4.0 GPA during his college years and graduated in 2011 with a degree in business management.
n a non-racial construct, Kaepernick should love his white adoptive parents who gave him every advantage when growing up. Instead, Kaepernick rejects his white adoptive parents and his white societal upbringing and has allowed his black DNA to affect his judgment.
Is that what he has done?
LOL, times have changed, now white women SPEND a hell of a lot of money for "the Jew and his sick fantasy."
Nearly all these White females demanded more money to shame themselves for the Jew and his sick fantasy.
Old fat cows need loving too.
Cue: “Jigilos ” Get Lonely Too ” by Morris Day
* Gigilos.
LOL, times have changed, now white women SPEND a hell of a lot of money for "the Jew and his sick fantasy."
Nearly all these White females demanded more money to shame themselves for the Jew and his sick fantasy.
Off topic but just for laughs. Tee Tee went to see his GP for a physical. Female GP, ( Mr. T taint letting no man grab his junk and probe his anus if he can help it. ) T bends over for the lube job and the Doc asks, ” so, how is your sex life?”
Teehee. Only jiving. Do have a female GP for this purpose though.
Cue: Dr.Love by (((KISS)))
Yes, there are no laws against racial mixing. Why would Asians even need it? Their society is almost entirely Asian unlike in the U.S where White and Black people lived in the same society together. Even in extreme regimes like Nazi-Germany there were Afro-Germans due to Black American soldiers.
Nearly all these White females demanded more money to shame themselves for the Jew and his sick fantasy.
LOL, times have changed, now white women SPEND a hell of a lot of money for “the Jew and his sick fantasy.”
Less than 0.01% of white women have ever done this. You show your true colors more and more with each passing comment.
LOL, times have changed, now white women SPEND a hell of a lot of money for “the Jew and his sick fantasy
Used to be women tended to marry or date “up,” while the male would usually SETTLE for marrying or dating “down,” at least when it came to Whites. The only males who would marry “up” were wealthy. And “Jody” probably visited these gold diggers on the DL. So it was marriage in name only. Even an unattractive or mentally disturbed White female is choosing a lesser mate in choosing a Black man. The mudshark will be saddled with 2 or more kinky haired mix race babies to take care of with no help from their nigra father, and more than likely be abused physically or even killed.
, the only donations they can get are black men who will screw them, then walk,
So what is the difference between that, and getting turkey-basted in a doctor’s office? At least you get a couple of drinks and some dancing out of the former, and have a little fun while it’s happening.
Yep, white wombs are almost close to total colonization, so are white sheboykins.
The end is Nigh, Old Sports…
There is more to the white woman’s psyche than most men realize.
Women gravitate towards the “bad boy†because being slapped around and demeaned is a part of their psyche. It’s a (misplaced) appreciation of the male’s “powerâ€, even to the point of abuse. Quite often, women will not “shut up†and keep an argument going until it comes to fisticuffs.
Many white women see black males as being “bad boys†and do gravitate towards them–not a good thing.
In many cases, nice (white) guys DO finish last. Many white women don’t want a “nice guyâ€; they want someone who is muscular, drives a fast car, flashy dresser, with an ego all over himself.
However, when a woman’s “biological clock†starts ticking getting closer to menopause, their “game†changes. Quite often they will take up with a “nice guy†for the stability that they (now) crave.
Many times, it’s too late…
I observed this many times in my decades on this earth…
It’s human nature.
Actually, white women are not attracted to black men, and white men tend to finish first:
Many white women see black males as being “bad boysâ€Â and do gravitate towards them–not a good thing. In many cases, nice (white) guys DO finish last. Many white women don’t want a “nice guyâ€; they want someone who is muscular, drives a fast car, flashy dresser, with an ego all over himself.
Do you even know how mixed people are treated in Asia? They are mostly looked down upon for not being pure especially if they are dark skinned. The vast majority of people are opposed to mixing.Replies: @silviosilver
Asian countries tend to want to stay Asian, but they achieve this through immigration control, not opposition to racial mixing
If they are so opposed to it, why aren’t there any attempts to codify that opposition? Social custom doesn’t really cut it. When Americans were opposed to it, they passed laws about it.
Even then some mixing still occurred. Illegality discourages the practice, but the product of it – the real live human being – still enters society, so it’s only ever a temporary, imperfect stop-gap measure.
Not true about the latter. There is no mass, heated opposition to racial mixing in any group, just tiny pockets of it here and there. Asian countries tend to want to stay Asian, but they achieve this through immigration control, not opposition to racial mixing per se. We'll see how they respond if the numbers of racial outsiders ever rises to anything approaching western levels, but it seems psychologically very difficult for people to say 'no' so it wouldn't shock me if they capitulated.Replies: @Emma S., @Emma S.
They are also fine with mass immigration and racial mixing. You don’t see this in any other race.
There is no mass, heated opposition to racial mixing in any group, just tiny pockets of it here and there.
Yes, there is hardcore opposition to mixing it is just more common among groups like Middle Easterners/South Asians which have relied on aspects like arranged marriages, sexual purity culture, caste systems and strong nepotism to prevent it. Ironically, the people often most opposed to racial mixing are sometimes mixed themselves such as South Asians.
Not true about the latter. There is no mass, heated opposition to racial mixing in any group, just tiny pockets of it here and there. Asian countries tend to want to stay Asian, but they achieve this through immigration control, not opposition to racial mixing per se. We'll see how they respond if the numbers of racial outsiders ever rises to anything approaching western levels, but it seems psychologically very difficult for people to say 'no' so it wouldn't shock me if they capitulated.Replies: @Emma S., @Emma S.
They are also fine with mass immigration and racial mixing. You don’t see this in any other race.
The only reason why countries like Korea or Japan would accommodate foreigners is because of American/Western influence. It is not because they themselves are fine with this. Asians are not politically correct people like Whites are. The Japanese consider anyone foreign, Gaijin.
Asian countries tend to want to stay Asian, but they achieve this through immigration control, not opposition to racial mixing
Do you even know how mixed people are treated in Asia? They are mostly looked down upon for not being pure especially if they are dark skinned. The vast majority of people are opposed to mixing.
They are also fine with mass immigration and racial mixing. You don’t see this in any other race.
Not true about the latter. There is no mass, heated opposition to racial mixing in any group, just tiny pockets of it here and there. Asian countries tend to want to stay Asian, but they achieve this through immigration control, not opposition to racial mixing per se. We’ll see how they respond if the numbers of racial outsiders ever rises to anything approaching western levels, but it seems psychologically very difficult for people to say ‘no’ so it wouldn’t shock me if they capitulated.
Do you even know how mixed people are treated in Asia? They are mostly looked down upon for not being pure especially if they are dark skinned. The vast majority of people are opposed to mixing.Replies: @silviosilver
Asian countries tend to want to stay Asian, but they achieve this through immigration control, not opposition to racial mixing
Yes, there is hardcore opposition to mixing it is just more common among groups like Middle Easterners/South Asians which have relied on aspects like arranged marriages, sexual purity culture, caste systems and strong nepotism to prevent it. Ironically, the people often most opposed to racial mixing are sometimes mixed themselves such as South Asians.
There is no mass, heated opposition to racial mixing in any group, just tiny pockets of it here and there.
There are more Whites alive today than there ever have been in world history.
But more imperiled than ever, thanks to dwindling proportion, dwindling influence, dwindling pride, and dwindling desire to ‘stay white.’ It’s pointless coping to deny this.