If YOU were a world leader, would YOU want ANYTHING to do with us!!??
Countries outside of Western Europe are distancing themselves from the United States. It’s a testament to how delusional our leaders are that they can meet with leaders from countries like China and not feel crippling levels of embarrassment.
You’d think a lot fewer Chinese would want to immigrate to America these days, but at the same time, there’s the runxue meme, which is about discontented Chinese seeking to move to rich Western countries like America. More and more Chinese apply to U.S. universities each year, but will that trend continue? Elite colleges are still pretty xenophilic places, despite all the media propaganda against China and Russia. America will be richer than China for the foreseeable future.
China isn’t the only one either.
What has Putin been saying? “You can’t have any agreement with the US, because they won’t honor it any longer than that President is in office, and mostly, not even that long” (paraphrased)
Saudi Arabia? Iran? Turkey? Pakistan? I could go on forever, but the bottom line is that the US is no longer viewed as an honest broker.
Part of the problem is the political dynamic in the US, where someone like Biden, will just reverse everything that Trump did, on day one, just for political spite. Who could have an agreement with a country like that?
Moreover, in most of the countries around the world, they stay fairly measured in the international behavior. They don’t sine wave from highs and lows like a bipolar teenage girl. A teenage girl that will sanction you, steal your money, bully you, fund endless color revolutions to depose you, and also attack you militarily, while condemning you for defending yourself against all of this.
Frankly, I’m amazed that so much of the world has tolerated our shit for as long as they have!
Do you guys remember “Baghdad Bob”? Or that stupid black guy from CNN, standing in front of the “fiery, but mostly peaceful protests”?
That’s the way the US, and it’s politicians and diplomats, look to the rest of the world; Like fucking buffoons!
“Gee Xi, I know I said all of that stuff, but that’s all just par for the course in internal American politics. Sometimes we HAVE to say a bunch of stupid bullshit, or inflammatory rhetorical nonsense, or outright lies, or bloviating baffling bullcrap, to win a primary, or because the Sunday Morning News Shows need ratings, or to get a “hot take” on the Twitter, or just to change the news cycle, c’mon man, you, you, know, the thing!”
The world can’t take us serious, because we’re not serious, except when we are, and then we are deadly, like putting a rattlesnake in your sleeping bag to keep you warm at night.
If YOU were a world leader, would YOU want ANYTHING to do with us!!??
I wouldn’t!
Countries outside of Western Europe are distancing themselves from the United States. It's a testament to how delusional our leaders are that they can meet with leaders from countries like China and not feel crippling levels of embarrassment. You'd think a lot fewer Chinese would want to immigrate to America these days, but at the same time, there's the runxue meme, which is about discontented Chinese seeking to move to rich Western countries like America. More and more Chinese apply to U.S. universities each year, but will that trend continue? Elite colleges are still pretty xenophilic places, despite all the media propaganda against China and Russia. America will be richer than China for the foreseeable future.
If YOU were a world leader, would YOU want ANYTHING to do with us!!??
The Modiots ruling India take their cue from Modi who claims great friendship with Netanyahu. Which means that India had to distance itself from Iran – a traditional ally – for no discernable Indian interests, and that is quite apart from the fact that the Hindu bigots in India have the aim of making life intolerable for the Muslims in India.
The Hindutva supporters don’t accept that the Indo-European Aryans invaded and spread their genes into Northern India. But the Aryans did invade India as well as Iran, where their descendants live today. So, the North Indians and the Iranians are cousins.
China “blindsided” the US only because its Middle-East policy is completely beholden to Zionist interests. Therefore the US policy is to maintain a certain level of discord between the Sunnis and Shias. The Chinese have no such monkey on their shoulders and could clearly see the benefit of reduced conflicts in the Mid-East.
To see how stupid the American policy in the Middle-East is one only has to look at India, their new found friend. The Modiots ruling India take their cue from Modi who claims great friendship with Netanyahu. Which means that India had to distance itself from Iran – a traditional ally – for no discernable Indian interests, and that is quite apart from the fact that the Hindu bigots in India have the aim of making life intolerable for the Muslims in India. Taken together it means that India gets shut out of a region which plays a considerable role in the economy and security of India.
The Hindutva supporters don't accept that the Indo-European Aryans invaded and spread their genes into Northern India. But the Aryans did invade India as well as Iran, where their descendants live today. So, the North Indians and the Iranians are cousins.
The Modiots ruling India take their cue from Modi who claims great friendship with Netanyahu. Which means that India had to distance itself from Iran – a traditional ally – for no discernable Indian interests, and that is quite apart from the fact that the Hindu bigots in India have the aim of making life intolerable for the Muslims in India.
Smart decision on part of China. American diplomacy is a contradiction in terms, Their diplomats, such as Samantha Power did in Africa, are commiting vehicular manslaughter and getting away with it.
If solely to keep the streets safe, don’t permit American diplomats into your country.