Question: How do you handle a problem like Demonic Dodirty?
Answers: Steal more Philippines peso taxes/money in the Philippines.
Coerce more vaccine sorcery to more Filipino citizens & more ethnic Filipinos as long as Globalists & Big Pharmafia & Big Vaccine pays him/her/it [other countries’ currencies] money & as long as Globalists & Big Pharmafia & Big Vaccine receive more Philippines peso money from Filipino citizens & ethnic Filipinos.
Merder & azzazzinate more ethnic Filipino useless oxygen breathers, more ethnic Filipino useless drinkers, more ethnic Filipino useless eaters.
Encourage more ethnic Filipinos to alien-expatriate abroad & work abroad as long as he/she/it remits more [other countries’ currencies] money to the Philippines.
Encourage more ethnic Filipinos to leave the Philippines & immigrate abroad & change his/her/its country-of-citizenship/nationality as long as he/she/it remits more [other countries’ currencies] money to the Philippines.
Invite & import more pro-Zhongguo Gongchandang pro-Communist Chinese to the Philippines.
Invite & import more illegals criminals aliens gangs & more fake refugees & more politically culturally incompatible foreign ethnic diasporas & donate him/her/it gratis Philippines citizenship.
Encourage extirpation & extinction of ethnic Filipinos.
Re-visiting this article from 2013. What a difference 11 years makes regarding optics. Thanks Peter Lee for the article…
Hmm. I wonder if the politician the Australian media and intelligence/police services have kept secret for so long , in a spy story recently aired in Aus is most likely him?
You should have seen the cotton -wool he was covered in. Makes sense; major Cabinet member of Conservative PM and Dubya fanboy PM Howard . The story was Chinese spies were grooming an important Aus former politician to sell secrets of Australia. What the media did say was that he was given a friendly talking-to by Aus intelligence agencies and he wisened up immediately. How convenient.
As if a polished practised former politician in his senior years was some naive tween being tapped for information by dirty old men with lollipops. The media also insinuated the withheld identity would have been charged with treason if the law as it stands now , stood then. I bet anyone else caught in the same scenario would have been paraded in public and locked away for years. One rule for me and another for thee…
As far as I know, quite a few rich Chinese are Freemasons. Most of the famous billionaires are freemasons. You can find their names on the Rockefeller Foundation’s Charitable list of Rich Chinese. Basically, they joined a Jewish financial consortium.
With CCP, you don’t have to think of CCP as a whole, there are factions within CCP.
Also, don’t try to confuse the CCP with China’s plutocrats. The very idea of a plutocrat runs counter to what CCP was set up to do.
CCP doesn’t care if it’s freemasonry, it can cooperate in some places, but it can even be hostile in others, especially when it comes to interfering in foreign affairs.
The simplest logic is that the CCP can’t even bribe politicians in Taiwan, so why bribe Australia?
Like many Unz articles, far too long and never came to a point. CCP doesn’t spy? Pull the other one.
your desie will b defeated. soon china will be dismantld into severl countries. your china will become a small country soon. America is going to take necessary steps to dismantle your gredy and idioic narrow mindd country. ou are the terror to human kind. you cunning f3llows.
China should be dismandled. tibe, Hong Kong, East Thurgmanistan etc., should be freed from the iron clutches of china. CCPis a terror Organisation. It sshould be black listed. Saans should be driven from earth to save other people. tibet should revolt againstchina. India should support freedom of Tibet, Jing Jiang, Hong Kong etc states. America sould bombord china and dismantle the barbarious chineese. One thing is certain China is ging to loose its provinces illegally occupied b them. Let us Dfat China. It is a terror state. Ji Jingping is a worst administrator.all pople from illegally occupie countries should revolt against China. inianary has given a strong blow to chineesse inefficient and childish military. chinese understand one thing that you spread chineese virus to the entir world. the world economies are suffering seerly by yu. you hav to pay a pric for that. Jingping fac3 is like a PIG. he should be hanged.
USA only does spying on allies and enemies—this is quite a difference. Now Denmark is a good mark for getting things done but planting Detrick Covid in Danish mink now causing quite a stink–enough to mess a person’s ham in the omelette —-as Stoltenberg stated “yingle yangle–” .
“According to the indefatigably anti-Jiang Zemin Epoch Times…”
Epoch Times is a Falungong outlet.
This is the Time for the China-Africa Revolution – with these 9 steps
The USA and Russia do not have Africa,on their Radar – no time and no funds.The EU has no cash,and PRC
has recovered from COVID,and has abundant cash.This is the time for the China-Africa Reinassance.The
aim has to be to control Africa trade and finance,and thus,the shipping routes and the Horn of Africa.If some Indian clown chokes Malacca,PRC can choke The Horn of Africa. Simple !
COVID has made manufacturing obsolete in EU,and PRC has to lower its cost of production.The Solution is to
shift PRC manufacturing to Africa,with a mix of Chinese and African staff,to avail of LDC benefits, to export to EU and PRC.Exports from Africa to EU,will be HAVE MUCH LOWER COST OF PRODUCTION, AND ALSO, VERY LOW FREIGHT COSTS,AND WILL BE ENTITLED TO EU GRANTS,SUBSIDIES AND SOFT LOANS. This will WIPE OUT ALL the EXPORTS FROM INDIA,TO THE EU.India has neither the funds nor the resolve and intellect,to replicate the abovesaid model.dindooohindoo
PRC companies in the mainland,can go up the value chain of manufacturing,with AI and Robotics,and outsource all “other manufacturing” to Africa,in Chinese companies,who have JVs with Africans.These companies will be funded by Chinese Banks,and their banking gains in Africa,will offset the NPAs of Chinese Banks,in the PRC.In the 1st step, the manufacturing in Africa,is for PRC,and then the same factory,is to be used ,for exports to EU,with LDC gains.
Each African nation has 1 VOTE IN THE UN,and ROTATE SEATS ON THE UNHRC – and will be a strategic counter, to the USA and the Indians.
PRC also has to ramp Defense exports to the African region,via JVs with Pakistani Ordinance factories – again
to wipe out the Indian Defense exports – which are in any case,pure trash.With Chinese technology in African defense,it will become an extension of the PLA.
The African Banking sector is bankrupt,and the Insurance companies are costly and expensive.This is the time,for the Chinese to swoop in,and also,INCLUDE MICRO CREDIT AND HEALTH INSURANCE.Africans have a natural immunity to diseases – and universal health care in Africa – with funding from WB,IMF and WHO and EU,could be the game changer for PRC,alongwith Micro Credit – which will connect PRC,with the African populace.
The Chinese have NOT invested in AFRICAN EDUCATION.PRC has to invest in HIGHER AND SPECIALISED EDUCATION,AND NOT PRIMARY EDUCATION.The strategy is akin to the methods used by the Americans and The EU,who brainwash the overseas students in their universities -who are studying free of cost.These students will 1 day,be the political leaders of Africa.
The Chinese has to invest in the Chinese language education from the Primary Education stage in Africa,and then,in Afican tourism,using Chinese Infra and Entertainment companies,EXCLUSIVELY FOR CHINESE TOURISTS.
Lastly the PRC has to educate the good Africans,about the worth of the Indians.It was Idi Amin who assessed the worth of the Indians – a man who saw the future.Indians are the bania shopkeepers,money lenders and counterfeiters.They doomed the entire South African economy (The Gupta vermin scum and Zuma).
“Hey, they bribed Clintons so we’ll get ’em for this! ” Oh, is that fair ? — nearly everyone has bribed the Clintons haven’t they ?
because USA gov gives special minority loans or free money??
Infection Control : Standard , contact , and airborne precautions are suggested for management of hospitalized patients with recognised or suspected
MERS – CoV infection .
The Dindoo Hindoo Bindoo PM of India – Narendra Modi, is a Dindoo from the “lowest community of oilmen†(as per the Dindoo caste system) and is considered “the discharge,id.est., the sperm or the menstrual fluid†of Mlecchas (who are also considered scum) dindooohindoo
The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva: Section 45
 The mlecchas are the dirt of mankind: the “oilmen are the dirt of the Mlecchasâ€; eunuchs are the dirt of oilmen; they who avail of the priestly ministrations of Kshatriyas, in their sacrifices, are the dirt of eunuchs.
samir sardana said…
Who is Narendra Modi ?
He is a Hindoo PM who is an illiterate and a son of a Ayah and he himself was a Tea seller on a rail platform
Besides, he is a Gujarati – who are also called Bastards in the Mahabharata ! dindooohindoo
The Mahabharata , Book 8: Karna Parva ,Section 45
The Pancalas observe the duties enjoined in the Vedas; the Kauravas observe truth; the Matsyas and the Surasenas perform sacrifices, the Easterners follow the practices of the Shudras; the Southerners are fallen; the Vahikas are thieves; the Saurashtras are bastards.
The Gujaratis are also termed as a race of Miscegnation – in the Mahabharata ! That word refers to those born of unnatural sex ! Gujaratis are a Bastard race ! They swap wives ! And they do it openly and ADVERTISE IT OPENLY !
Peter Lee is right in pointing out the real India fascism. But he only scratch on the surface, India is much worst than what the world can imagine. Here are just a few articles on what India really is. Many articles exposing India crimes are shut down by millions of Indians trolling most of English media.
Modi, the globally known great murderer only same minded Indians will select as their leader.
How on earth you rated Spore as Muslim nation? If you don’t know anything, remain silent is better.
Is Turkey, Msia, Egypt all failed state running 1400yrs behind West? You got to check out Iraq, Syria & Libya how their long beautiful civilization look like prior to West invasion. And see how develop is Iran even under jUS-Israel ruthless sanction, also Dubai, Emirates,..
The Islam had their own glory era too, such as Ottoman Empire. I have no love for Muslim extremist & wahabism spreading by jUS now, and their brutality in destroying Buddhism & Hinduism. But that doesn’t means we should talk nonsense here.
I dont know who is this idot and fucker who has wrote this article their are 56 islamic states but muslims in india are more happily staying then in these countries the real atrocities are happening in china with uigars nothing written such a self centered moron who has written this article about islam you idiot Lee go and read their kuran it is clearly mentioned of jihad and kill those who are non islamic and in your article it clearly shows your ass is on fire because of one reason after a very long time a strong pm has emerged in india to burn ass of people like you Mr.Modi BJP & RSS are the Patriots who work for motherland india you know nothing about their work you just bark like a dog and talk about bring guns and choppers to punch on MODIS face if you have fuckin guts try to do it which you cant because you are just a couch potato and a person with ass burnt because one pure Ntionalist has emerged in india in the name of modi
True words muslims all over world are terrorists
Unlike the Israel trolls, their English would pass for native. Their accents however would quickly expose them. Also their idiomatic English would, but not used in these troll comments. The British Empire whatever its other flaws was first rate in exporting grammatical and educated English to its colonies. Islam is now the big bad bear in the world. The mass murderers of hundreds of millions, just like the Nazis. Until 911, I had never heard of Islamaphobia and Israel was under gloabl attack. Then as foreign minister of Israel, Netanyahu said, “This is very good for Israel”.
Show us a Muslim nation that is not either a failed state or running 1400 years behind the West. The best examples are perhaps Indonesia, Singapore, etc., but this is achieved by brutal repression of dissent.
Consider the possibility that India and China are the only nations that see the need to control Muslim populations. Look at how non-Muslims are treated in Muslim nations vs the respect Muslims are granted in Western nations.
Islam by nature is fascistic, totalitarian, supremacist, anti-diversity and anti-democracy. Treat them like others and your nation will gradually be destroyed. Muslims in Europe (and Erdogan of Turkey) make clear their goal is a caliphate in Europe. Islam has brought bombings, random knife attacks, mass rape, human trafficking, grooming of Euro minors to prostitution. Euro taxpayers are paying for schools to be taken over by Islam.
The Uighers in China are being given massive support by US/NATO to rally for independence., only to poke at China. Pakistan is tired of taking them because they come with up to 19 children per woman- a recipe for disaster in a nation already grossly overcrowded.
Do Somalis really have anything to offer the West but troubles? There are more books translated into Spanish each year than have been translated into Arabic SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME! Call me names, but most Muslims are still following beliefs from 700 AD.
Note well- Jewish leaders are great advocates for diversity except for Israel, CNN, NYT, WAPO, Hollyweed and other institutions with gross overrepresentation of Jews. Watching TV commercials, you would think 75% of whites have a black spouse. Well, who controls advertising? 75% of high level Ivy League administrators are Jewish. These administrators promote racial strife in the student body, but pointing out their own mockery of diversity is “anti-Semitic”. Israeli Jews are 98% Euro descendants, the Exodus is a myth, like 9/11 and The USS Liberty incident. They are not Semites, proven by DNA studies conducted by Israeli Jews (so out trots the self-hating Jew pony). Guess who said this. “We own the US Congress, their MSM and their entertainment industry”. Not David Duke, or any hateful Muslim, but Netanyahu himself. What Jewish leaders say in English in the US is very different from what they say in Hebrew in Israel. American MSM will never tell you that.
(Let me repost; from a ‘liberal’ Indian’s site: )
Mr. Sanjeev Sabhlok.
How you should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love Hindutva.
What bind a country together?
It could be(broadly or loosely or for the majority)
1)Same race
2)Same language
3)Same religion
4)Same sense of historical lineage and destiny:
India is very racially complex, has 16 ‘official languages'(members of indian parliament from southern states insist on speaking English I read) and there’s certain amount of north-south animosity(The extent I don’t judge), little wonder indian nationalism has evolved into hindu nationalism.
The indian subcontinent has poor pre-Mughal historiography(the first serious pan-subcontinent historian I read was a muslim scholar accompanied a muslim conqueror king) and had been conquered by muslims, then by the anglos. Now Hindutva can make the followings possible:
1)’Rewrite’ indian ‘history’, like replacing ‘Aryan invasion/migration’ by ‘Out of India’.
2)Hindu nationalists need enemy, now they can blame the custom of forcing Dalits to handle human excrements on the muslim invaders. Other examples abound.
3)To promote hindu pride by making certain hindu mythology ‘official’ like, as you mentioned, the elephant god Ganesh was the outcome of advanced ancient hindu science of transplanting an elephant head onto a human torso, or ancient india had atomic weapons, cars, airplanes, spacecrafts..
Now it doesn’t matter if the constructed ‘history’ is real or not, as long as the majority of hindus believe in it, it has life of it’s own.
Mr. Sanjeev Sabhlok, you’ve my admiration of being a rational person but I must remind you that the alternative to Hindutva is total overhaul of indian culture which is nigh impossible, save a total revolution.
Most readers of Unz Review will be unfamiliar with the sort of trolls that paralyse free discourse on Indian websites. Well, here they are in this comments section.
Modi’s government, run by furious semi-literates is now perhaps at 1.5% growth or even lower. But the Bharatiya Janata Party is one of the world’s best-financed, so trolling is the best sort of job on offer to their supporters.
The authoritative Anthropological Survey of India in the 1980s listed the total number of Kashmiri pandits at less than a hundred thousand. But six times that number of supposed pandit refugees were given jobs in Jammu in which the work part was make-believe.
As for justifying India holding on to Jammu and Kashmir because enraged Hindus would otherwise endanger other Muslims, that is laughable. Enraged Hindus are with us forever, as long as the human brain allows for unshakeable feelings of inferiority.
Special Minister of State Scott Ryan has defended former trade minister Andrew Robb, who took an $880,000 part-time job as a consultant to a Chinese billionaire days after the 2016 federal election.and
99 is 66 upside down: As above, so below.Last but not least, we have the Jewish freemason handshake between Ng and Clinton hiding in plain sight.Replies: @Maowasayali, @RadicalCenter
Robb was handled rather gently, even though the billionaire in question was the guy who took the 99-year lease on Darwin port, the one that gave conniptions to the US natsec community.
I think it’s Indians and Pakistanis who own the 7/11s, actually, but proceed.
Special Minister of State Scott Ryan has defended former trade minister Andrew Robb, who took an $880,000 part-time job as a consultant to a Chinese billionaire days after the 2016 federal election.and
99 is 66 upside down: As above, so below.Last but not least, we have the Jewish freemason handshake between Ng and Clinton hiding in plain sight.Replies: @Maowasayali, @RadicalCenter
Robb was handled rather gently, even though the billionaire in question was the guy who took the 99-year lease on Darwin port, the one that gave conniptions to the US natsec community.
They love to joke and flaunt their kosher black magic numerology right in front of our faces because they know the goyim are too stupid to know or care.
The latest POTUS Trump ‘jokingly’ admits he’s a MASON live on (((CNN))).
Further to my above post, note that the Skull and Bones freemasons love their Eights (8s) as much as the Chinese do. Note the time on the clock is at EIGHT. Nuff said.
East Pakistan embodied 200 years of oppression from Hindu zamindar class (mid-1700s to mid-1900s), who were adamant to de-Muslimize the region. the saree is not of this region, and neither is the indic script. this region came into being civilized with the arrival of central asian Muslims around 1200, and Perso-Arabic lingo thrived over Indic right until the Brahmin revolution in the 1800s, and Muslims went into steep decline. Saree and indic text are not indigenous to Bengali Muslims, but to Bengali Hindus mainly of West Bengal. Bengali Muslims had to adopt the Hindu literary culture and dress both out of economic necessity, forgoing their very own language(s) Urdu and Farsi, and dresses kameez, kaftans and pagris.
there was a serious need for cultural restoration post-1947 for East Pakistanis. but the Hindus had their anchors dug quite deep over 200 years. the ‘East’ was annexed by India backed by Soviet Union, with no intention for direct rule.
i’m disappointed this long write-up fails to mention perhaps the most crucial piece of the puzzle. What prompted such a massive Operation Searchlight? I accuse the author of trying to allude to the possibility that West Pakistanis and their Eastern supporters – which was arguably the majority of East Pakistanis – simply started to kill Hindus because they just hated Hindus, and it had nothing to do with the serious militant activity from Bengali Awami Leaguers and communists, many trained by KGB, and many of them Hindus, pushing East Pakistan to the brink of total breakdown even before the Operation had even started.
Jews and Chinese freemasons one and all, but you’ll never ever hear that mentioned in their MSM.
Like the Chinese who love their lucky number “8”, the Jewish freemasons love their “3s”, “6s”, and “9s” the so-called Telsa numbers, and, of course, they especially love their “7/11s”.
To wit:
Special Minister of State Scott Ryan has defended former trade minister Andrew Robb, who took an $880,000 part-time job as a consultant to a Chinese billionaire days after the 2016 federal election.
Robb was handled rather gently, even though the billionaire in question was the guy who took the 99-year lease on Darwin port, the one that gave conniptions to the US natsec community.
99 is 66 upside down: As above, so below.
Last but not least, we have the Jewish freemason handshake between Ng and Clinton hiding in plain sight.
China doesn’t really do oversea espionage, as far as you could tell?
Mate, please say that in the beginning so I know to avoid wasting time on this crap. What is this? The China Defense blog?
Replies: @Miro23, @Authenticjazzman, @Nanda Green
Here’s How Black People Could Use Jury Nullification To Break The Justice System
From newsletter “Above The Lawâ€
By Elie Mystal
Dec 7, 2016
I've got a way to make them 'feel' it, brother.
African-Americans live in a world where the police can murder us and get away with it. There is no justice for black people. And yet violently revolting against the system will get us nowhere.
Maybe it’s time for black people to use the same tool white people have been using to defy a system they do not consent to: jury nullification. White juries regularly refuse to convict or indict cops for murder. White juries refuse to convict vigilantes who murder black children….
Maybe it’s time minorities got in the game?
Black people lucky enough to get on a jury could use that power to acquit any person charged with a crime against white men and white male institutions.
Murder? … Black people ARE BEING MURDERED, and the system isn’t doing a damn thing to hold their killers accountable. Sorry I’m not sorry if this protest idea would put the shoe on the other foot for a change. �
Or black Americans could stop committing crimes and violence at such high rates and act respectful rather than childish. Everybody else knows how to behave but black Americans think they get to break the law and then get mad when they are held accountable.
Ha ha ha ha ha white privilege is made up bull that American blacks use to explain away their contstant failures to improve their own communities, start businesses, finish school, get jobs, and speak like intelligent people to tske seriously. We Asians are hated by the blacks of America because our success shows they are full of it. We seek education, work hard, and succeed while they ask for handouts, blame every failure on racism, and want standards lowered so they can compete without working hard. They deify thugs and criminals and glorify ignorance and violence and then blame everyone else for their bad neighborhoods and high crine rate and high incarceration rate. You reap what you sow, black America.
It’s a little more complicated. The Han Chinese sent to Xinjiang are from non-coastal provinces, and therefore breed more than you probably think. Also, the urban areas in Xinjiang have pretty much no intention to fight. It’s more in the rural west and south.
The real problem is that Islam is a powerful religion. It used to rule the world; of course they don’t want to ditch it.
China is a master of tampering and whitewashing history.
Those ethnic people who were invaded had been either disappeared from the physical world, or had been assimilated into them as an part of the Chinese. Snowball effect.
That’s why they look like benign.
That’s why they advocate that they had never invaded any country, only civil wars.
What about the motive of distracting from the fact that—prior to this incident—the Clinton Administration had been criticized for reclassifying satellite technology, moving it from the control of one cabinet department to another so that it was salable to the Chinese. There’s even an old NYT article on the Internet, criticizing this move. I think they transferred it from the Defense Department to the State Department.
The Clinton Administration was also widely criticized in the media for accepting money from the Chinese for campaign purposes, likely before this reclassifying of satellite tech occurred.
It is disgusting to think that bad PR would be the underlying reason for something as violent as this, and it probably wasn’t, albeit they sure were more concerned with the stealth tech made vulnerable in Yugoslavia than with the satellite tech that was sold to China.
If it was the involuntary technology transfer in and of itself that bothered the Clinton Administration, 1) why voluntarily sell other cutting-edge tech to the Chinese, and 2) why be the president that changed China’s MFN status, resulting in an even bigger transfer of high-tech manufacturing jobs by the millions to China, leading to an even bigger loss of US tech-innovation know-how?
If Russia is helping a neoliberal, Russia is good. If China is helping a neoliberal, China a good. Follow the neoliberalism.
Kashmir is a place of dispute. How prejudice the world gets while talking about it and forgets the whole thing. Kashmir today predominantly is filled with Muslims but it wasn’t always like this. They wanted to saperate from Indian Union and saw Kashmiri minorities especially Hindus as biggest stone in their way. So Hindus were forced out of the valley to be followed with the entrance of security forces. Our people were killed looted raped and thrown out of our homes brutally. I am completely against the policies of current regime and wish they’re thrown out of power in upcoming elections to save our Indian values… but neverver forget I wasn’t born on my land and it was instigated by a region based idea of non coexistence. Kashmir is s complex issue with different dynamics than rest of India. Don’t mess it up with evry idea you hold about us.
There is, of course always this:
Article 65 of the Constitution of Russia provides that the JAO (Jewish Autonomous Oblast) is Russia’s only autonomous oblast. It is one of two official Jewish territories in the world, the other being Israel.
I wonder why the Jews don’t seem to want to go there? There are no Palestinians there to persecute them.
China should allow the southwestern part of Xinjiang centered around Kashgar (which is 95% Uighur) to become its own independent country for Uighurs.
Uighurs likely have an IQ of 85 or lower. Therefore they will always economically and academically underperform compared to the rest of the country and be a drain on resources for China. Like in Puerto Rico, the rest of China will need to transfer billions of dollars every year to Uighurs in Xinjiang to buy stability.
There’s not much benefit to China to paying billions of dollars every year for the loyalty of a Turkic ethnic group that has a low average IQ. Perhaps a middle class dominant developed China will see the folly of maintaining a country with the Uighurs.
Well, I can think of one potential benefit of not having an independent country situated where Xinjiang is: How long do you imagine it would be before the “independent” East Turkestan would have a US military base? (Or three or thirty?)
The timing of the bombing event seems related to the downing of the stealth fighter. Whether it’s stealth fighter parts scavenged by Chinese or sigint help, is kind of immaterial.
Realistically, China has no more right to a presence in China than the US, and arguably a lot less. The US certainly have had a military presence there since WWII. That’s the lay of the land.
If China is basically fighting a proxy war with the US, and the support they are providing is through the Belgrade embassy, then what do they think is going to happen? If their embassy is the conduit through which they are stealing US stealth technology or helping the Serbs shoot down US planes, then it is serving a military function, while pretending that it’s just a shiny building that processes visas and passports.
So then the US responds militarily while saying publicly “Oops, I didn’t see you there, it’s just a total accident that 5 of our guided bombs impacted your perfectly kosher embassy.”
To the layman, there was an honest mistake of bombing a legitimate embassy. To others with a more realpolitik understanding of the world, well, you play with fire you get burned.
This is not an isolated incident. From Wikipedia: "On 13 November 2001 a U.S. missile hit Al Jazeera's office in Kabul, Afghanistan" and "On 8 April 2003 a U.S. missile hit an electricity generator at Al Jazeera's office in Baghdad."Replies: @AndrewR
...China’s accurate reporting of the Yugoslavia war provoked America to anger and retribution.
Given how awful Al Jazeera’s US subsidiary, AJ+, is, it’s a shame the missiles did so little damage.
What I meant by “total war” was that the Chinese thirst for revenge will not be sated by eclipsing our economy or besting us at the Olympics or making our fighter jets run away. It has to be full-on military victory.
Talk about nonsense.
Third, the combination of Confucian ancestor worship and Chinese obsession with “face†makes the Chinese thirst for total war unquenchable except by total war.
Have you been to the United States recently? In China, mothers may hold their infants over trash cans to defecate, but at least they are infants and at least it’s in trash cans. Here we have adults doing it right on the sidewalk.
Besides, if you imagine that the reason people spit is because they don’t care about saving face, then you you don’t understand face-saving.
Good points. Especially
But I do want to put some thoughts on record, given the obsession with Trump’s Russia connection and what I see is a determined effort to minimize the British/NATO angle in the attack on Trump.
The mega-uproar over the “GCHQ tapped Trump†story was, to me, quite interesting, for the massive full-court pushback it elicited and the grudging backdown from the Trump administration.
Fox’s alacrity in yanking some guy called “Judge Nap†for publicizing the GCHQ surveillance allegations was interesting. You might expect Fox would be keen to push this rather provocative and open-ended talking point to provide some aid and comfort to Trump and ride a ratings-boosting angle. But Fox shut Nap down!
Any time an obvious aspect of the story gets much less attention than it appears to merit, and it gets huge pushback when it does come up, it’s reasonable to assume that something’s going on behind the scenes.
There’s also the obvious point that enlisting foreign spooks to do this sort of dirty work has clear advantages when it comes to potential investigations, subpoenas, etc. In addition to creating additional complexity and plausible deniability, it creates what might be termed “plausible inability” to ever figure out the details.
Lets face pure and simple facts here. The American Government has been funding the Philippines sense 1946-47 when they ousted the Japanese along with some truly brave Filipinos. They have over twenty times helped to combat Communist insurgents, Islamic Groups and Moro factions just to name a few. And the fact that the American Government is still providing full monetary support that many Filipino People do not know of. And these monetary Grant Aid monies have been sent every year to the Philippines sense then—> Here is the funds not counting Grants by Presidents, grants for disasters or grants to combat Terrorist Groups. Yes 265 million American Dollars or roughly over 13 billion pesos. And thats just for year ending 2016. The Philippines cannot function at all without it because frankly it depends on these monies to operate the Philippines Government. Heres the Link–>
Now for Condemnation of our Allies the United States for which who we are forever in debt and owe blood lost in its Freedoms. We owe our Gratitude. And i’m a pro Old NPA, but i know when i’m in my place. Think on this a while all of you readers.
Muslims were not first here. The Negrito and Christian Chinese were. In fact every tribe of the Muslims who came up from Sulu and Jolo under Spanish Influences and direction and who willfully stole lands belonging to the Negrito’s in Mindanao are perverse in their ideology and should be removed from our lands. Marawi is further proof that God does not and will never grant Moro’s land based on Blood and killing. My Chinese ancestors were tortured at the hands of those bloody Moro’s near present day Bukidnon. As well as many Negrito being tortured as slaves for Moro.
Ooooops! I was wrong: Peter Lee’s article dates back to 2015, although it seems to me to be about the current situation in Asia. I think it’s still about the current situation, and all the Korea stuff is just a huge distraction. Who knows?
Probably, I will just have to pay my way through Peter’s Pay Wall to stay up to date with Peter Lee.
But how did I get here today in the first place? I don’t know.
Time for a nap.
I am so very pleased to see some change in the right-hand column, the menu, here at UR, at the Peter Lee entry! We were stuck, it seemed forever, at the thing about Beijing’s infiltration of the Australian government! BTW, that’s nothing against Australia: after all, USA’s government has been infiltrated through the Kissinger Neocons basically since 1971 (Kissinger’s trip to Beijing to more-or-less surrender by arranging for USA to remain stuck in Vietnam for a few more years).
Such a wonderful thoughtful and amazingly well-informed work by Peter Lee.
Truly a great commentator in this the Third Millennium … probably the greatest commentator!
“US strategy is to create an unchallengeable first-nuclear-strike capability against China and Russia and thus World domination and rent seeking.” — Kiza
Yeah, “rent seeking” – that’s what it’s all about? At least Kiza has a coherent analysis that provides a cloak of rationality to cover the madness. It’s a theory (1) China-Russia (2) unchallengeable first-nuclear-strike capability (3) World domination (4) rent seeking. The weak link would have to be the “unchallengeable” thing. Or maybe, more to the point, the “World domination” thing:
Do you want to rule the world and control it?
I don’t think it can ever be done.The world is sacred vessel
and it cannot be controlled.
You will only make it worse if you try.
It may slip through your fingers and disappear.Tao Te Ching, Chapter 29 (J H McDonald trans.)
We get it, denk, we’ve even heard it before: “USA bad, very bad!” And then there’s the other half of that: “China stlong, velly stlong!”
What the world needs now is universal nuclear disarmament … but how do we ordinary human beings here in the belly of the Snake or elsewhere … how or what to do about that?
TheJester talks many grand narratives, ending with this one:
“the “permanent state of war†that the United States is waging in the Middle East can be understood as nothing more than frantic attempts on the part of the United States to support the Petrodollar while maintaining control over sea-based petroleum resources while they still matter. ” — TheJester
Maybe I am overly influenced by UR writers and analysts, but I thought USA’s permanent state of war in the ME could be best understood as USA being used and abused (controlled through USA government’s – US Congress’ – neocon faction/ideology) by Israeli and Saudi extremists in frantic attempts to assure domination of the ME by Israel and the Kingdom. In any event, that’s a competing or possibly interlocking grand narrative to consider along with the more popular Petrodollar story.
2 lazy pinoy china bashing above
China is trying to influence a number of regions and countries. It is naturally facing resistances. China recently has to leave the position it was holding on to in Bhutan. Worst that it was forced to do despite the media barrage and venomous outpourings from Chinese media .
Cards are dealt face-up, down cards lower, and hits and divides are efficiently overlapped.
I would humbly point out that there is nexus between the CCP and the government of the PRC. It’s called the “Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China” aka “Politboro Standing Committee” or “PSC”. But I do respect Peter Lee’s judgment that there is real and important difference between the PRC and the CCP.
I am puzzled: Is Lost City of the Monkey God fiction, semi-fiction, semi-nonfiction, or nonfiction?
You say “Los Michos,†I say Los Mochis – let’s call the whole thing off.
Hold on a minute! I like mochi too, especially mochi ice cream. Let’s not call it off! 😉
The sect to which Benenson belongs has been interested in Honduras as a “jewish state” for a LONG time.
British Editor Urges Jewish State in Honduras
A proposal for establishment of an autonomous Jewish state in British Honduras under the joint protection and guarantee of Britain and the United States was made today by William E. Simnett, editor of The Crown Colonist. Writing in the magazine, Overseas, organ of the Overseas League, Mr. Simnett said such a state could be a daughter settlement of the Jewish National Home in Palestine…….
For that reason, it is no surprise that a zionist-lackey like Killary was involved in the overthrow of the democratically elected president of Honduras with his replacement by an abusive zionist oligarchy.
The Jewish families that run Honduras
Nor is the involvement of the Mossad any surprise.
No es casual la presencia del MOSSAD en Honduras
Gordan Chang is a fine humor writer.
“Why White man make so ugry face? Asia man not have ugry face!”
Yeah, pretty fair take. It sticks with you through the entire piece. Bias and virtue throughout. I’m also not into following Youtube links and commercials out of a written article. People post those pics when they write and it colors everything. Especially here in the U.S., I already know I’m the White Devil. I need NewsBud to tell me THAT?
As for war with N. Korea? Unthinkable at this stage of the game. Bribe him out of his nukie-stuff. Cheaper than rebuilding Seoul and you can’t pay the butcher’s bill in human life, either. As for us, our surface targets, errr, Navy, can’t withstand modern cruise missile swarms, either. For any number of reasons, we can’t go to war with North Korea. Again, I need Lee to tell me that?
haha it is the opposite. if he was chinese, they would call him 5cent 🙂 some of the retarded comments already do even though he is white.
that gordon chang guy is the the same guy predicting china’s collapse for the last 15 years? keke
Lot of people going to be disappointed when they find out that Peter Lee is a lily white middle age wasp guy, part of his credibility came from the public misconception that he is Asian. Kind of similar to Gordon Chang, his last name lent him some unearned credibility.
So that’s where you’ve been! Miss the analysis, going to watch all your new content now.
China’s relationship with South Korea is a lot better than their relationship with North Korea these days. I honestly don’t think Beijing would object to the idea of a united peninsula under Seoul’s leadership evolving eventually, provided that US troops leave and the “who gets the nukes” question is solved. In fact, given Korea’s naturally anti-Tokyo bent and the somewhat hostile feelings toward the US common in younger Koreans, it would probably benefit them geopolitically.
The only things that keep them supporting Pyongyang are the possibility of US troops at the Yalu, and the inevitable flow of refugees that would come in were anarchy to ever arise in North Korea. Unlike Merkel, Xi is under no illusions about the largely physically malnourished, PTSD-addled North Koreans “enriching” the Chinese economy, to say nothing of the criminal activities of the North Korean government and intelligence services that could spill over.
Anyway, my guess is that if KJU were ever to have some “accident”, the military would take over and quickly spill into infighting, meaning that Beijing and Washington will have to quickly take steps to make sure nobody lobs a nuke at Seoul. Given that it is North Korea, one can’t be sure that it would work, but even the mere chance of that should preclude any delay.
(And if you look at the world’s treatment of North Korea-and Pakistan-as opposed to Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, etc, it should be absolutely no wonder, none whatsoever, that the Iranians are interested in pursuing nuclear weapons. And that, if they should ever reach nuclear ambiguity status, Saudi Arabia will immediately follow via a hotline in Rawalpindi.)
Why White man make so ugry face? Asia man not have ugry face! Asia man who make brog may be, comment dirais-je, biased?
White male? Maybe. Then again there’s always Corey Booker who passes the NYT litmus test, meaning a person of color and conjectural gender along with the requisite educational credentials (Stanford, Yale Law, blah blah blah).
Per his wiki, in the House 2007-2013:
But thanks for the pointer. I did not know about him. Any reason to believe he would run anytime soon given his youth?
Obama’s returned the rent-a-kids and apparently the wife too. Don’t see them together any more.
I predict Chris Murphy, junior senator from Connecticut. Pretty good looking as far as I can tell, talks smoothly, came from nowhere — he’s got some force behind him. I don’t even think he did time in the House. Swoosh, straight into the Senate.
The last President not to have kids was Harding.
Does that include bastards?
A bigger problem might be that she isn’t a biological parent. The last President not to have kids was Harding.
Webb Hubbell on line one.
Age 52 is hardly the youth brigade coming up even for these times. The 1% needs to have the CIA locate some 16 yr olds who seem like they could be brought along and have their career paths smoothed over surreptitiously as they're brainwashed and have various scripts drilled into their heads. They need to create candidates rather than merely trying to mold already existing ones. This'll be the way of the future in order to continue deceiving the masses.Replies: @Truth
The future belongs to the young!
Age 52 is hardly the youth brigade coming up even for these times. The 1% needs to have the CIA locate some 16 yr olds who seem like they could be brought along and have their career paths smoothed over surreptitiously as they’re brainwashed and have various scripts drilled into their heads.
Uh, what do you think they’ve done with every president, except it was more like 6 than 16.
It’s been more obvious since (Bill) Clinton’s unexpected breakthrough, but the Democrats have been gravitating toward the Eva Peron beautiful-people candidates a long time. Upper-class “witty” flake Adlai Stevenson was the prototype of this urban-elite mascot. What you say is true, though– in most democracies it’s the right-of-center party that leans on this gimmicky tactic. By contrast the United Demographic-States of Consumer-researchmerica led the way in making racial minorities hip and exotic, which has been followed by Canada and Blairite Britain, eventually to shape the ideology of the E.U. in the new century.
The future belongs to the young!
Age 52 is hardly the youth brigade coming up even for these times. The 1% needs to have the CIA locate some 16 yr olds who seem like they could be brought along and have their career paths smoothed over surreptitiously as they’re brainwashed and have various scripts drilled into their heads. They need to create candidates rather than merely trying to mold already existing ones. This’ll be the way of the future in order to continue deceiving the masses.
Uh, what do you think they've done with every president, except it was more like 6 than 16.
Age 52 is hardly the youth brigade coming up even for these times. The 1% needs to have the CIA locate some 16 yr olds who seem like they could be brought along and have their career paths smoothed over surreptitiously as they’re brainwashed and have various scripts drilled into their heads.
One of the very first English proverb I learned was,
People who live in glass house shouldnt throw stones !
Modi should stop playing the Tibet card cuz he is staying in a gigantic glass house. India’s ethnic conflicts make Tibet looks like child’s play.
Two can play at this game.
If Beijing decides to reciprocates, it has so many cards to play on
Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripuna, …..the Naxats, the Dalits etc etc.
For the time being Beijing seem not interested to stoop to Delhi’s level
, but if Modi goes too far in in its Tibet./Xinjiang destabilisation, then he shouldnt complains when Beijing decides to return the favor !
How long would it be before the US becomes like Czarist Russia – a feudal society with serfs serving their handful of Pharisaic overloads.
From what I’ve read Harris used Brown as much as he used her which may (or may not) offend feminists voters. Another Californian waiting in the wings is Gavin Newsom who apparently appeals to both genders.
Will Tulsi Gabbard be too young?
She’s certainly pretty enough, but the Establishment doesn’t want her. She has too many sensible views.
Wikipedia says her religion is Hinduism.
I’m a Hindu Indian. (Though practically speaking, I’m an atheist.)
Had I been American and allowed to vote in the 2012 Presidential election, I’d have gone for Obama, purely on the grounds that Romney was promising more of the execrable neocon foreign policy. If anything, Romney’s religion would have been a plus in his favor as far as I was concerned. I lived on the West Coast for many years during the past decade (and traveled throughout the American West), and found Mormons to be some of the nicest, most level-headed, people around.
You obviously have not been following Prof Lee’s writings, but you are a US person so you must have a (worthless) opinion about everything. No wonder US is already an Idiocracy, which you all have been discussing here: Kamala Harris as President Camacho.
At times, I feel as if I’m not 100 percent certain I wouldn’t prefer to be executed by firing squad, as opposed to living in the USA at a time when Willie Brown’s ex-girlfriend is the presiding officer of the Federal government. A man can only stomach so much. Personally, I would be disinclined to ever vote for a woman for President, and certainly not a very pretty woman who’s been pampered her whole life. This is the worst idea ever, but on the plus side of the ledger, I just can’t see her beating Trump.
if she is the answer dnc comes up with, she will not win. we will get another 4 years of trump.
I’m not sure that’s much of a problem. Obama is light-skinned, too.
A bigger problem might be that she isn’t a biological parent. The last President not to have kids was Harding.
Yeah, agree. You can make book that at least one major Democrat consultant is thinking that a successful 2020 contender against President Trump will be a good-looking woman with a thin political resume and none of the marital and legal baggage of Hillary. The kicker, of course, will be that Madame X will represent the same corporate-global interests as Hillary would have. In other words, that consultant will tell the Democrat leadership to stick with the same old-same old identity politics, and get a new messenger for it.
Reminds me of the old one about the hungover guy phoning his boss on a Monday morning asking for sick leave…
Boss: Come on, man, we’re short staffed here. We need you! How sick can you be?
Employee: I’m lying here naked in my bed with my granny…
Pop carries all the previous “Vicars of Christ” prestige and authority because he was elected through the due process. The next Dalai Lama can carry previous Dalai Lama’ prestige and authority if he is elected through the due process. Mind you the due process of electing a Dalai Lama has to be approved and supervised by the Beijing authority as well as the elected candidate has be blessed by the Beijing authority in order to become a Dala Lama, this due process is hundreds years old ritual and as sacred as Jesus and Cross.
Tibet has always captured the popular imagination of many people, probably because of its distant isolation (both in culture and its difficult access) from the rest of the world. And I know that some Chinese hasbara will counter this by saying that Tibet had slavery, child abuse, etc, and thus had to be conquered by Mao.
I’d rather have Rand Paul as VP and Gabbard at Sec State. Well, a guy can dream.
From your geographical knowledge, I can tell you don’t know much about the Puritans.
That’s it Trump-Gabbard in 2020!!! Dump Pence and make it a fusion ticket! She won’t go for it and neither would the orange man but it’s nice to dream and Trump would win in a landslide!
After the crash and a couple years of foraging for insects and berries no American will admit to ever being a Democrat or a Republican. A bit of hind sight will reveal the truth. D’s and R’s ruined the country.
“Is America ready for a Hindu President?” Dunno: it’s her Mum who’s the Hindu. The daughter is some variety of Christian.
Mind you, you ought to be ready for a Hindu if a good enough one comes along. A country that subjected itself to the sequence Slick Willie, W, O, and Donald J Hillary can’t afford to turn its nose up at a good candidate on religious grounds.
Though perhaps you did turn your nose up at Romney on religious grounds.
The Dalai Lama has declared he’s going to live to 90 (he’s now 82)
Man I thought he was older, he seems to have been around for ever!
Dali Lama goes into pizza shop and says:
“Can you make me one with everything?”
Why does he get so much attention? He’s not the Buddhist Pope, he’s the ethnarch of a state that will likely never be independent, who adopts a monk persona.
Buddhism has no hierarchy.
Is America ready for a Hindu President?
You mean the notorious KGB agent from Hawaii? Assad’s girlfriend? They’ll never give her a chance.