Do some fact checking Guyenot. Jews had the highest percentage of Jewish voters More than Catholics and northern blacks who were then the most reliable democrat voters.
Jews American progressives communist background especially loved John Kennedy supported and funded his candidacy because they assumed Kennedy would carry out their every command.
And he did. First and foremost he imposed affirmative action in every federal agency every federal contractor every state and local government that received federal money. March 6 1961 Affirmative action was discrimination against the goys was a Jewish goal since 1896 4th protocol of the Hachette edition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. About 8 weeks after Kennedy became president. Even worse, president Kennedy and his head of the DO J his brother Robert aggressively pursued school desegregation and school bussing. Foreigner Guyenot is so ignorant of America he doesn’t know that it was Robert Kennedy’s DOJ that filed and won the lawsuits that forced millions of White children and teens to school with vicious black savages. And cost the taxpayers billions over the years for buses and desegregation coordinators Mostly vicious block women working in school district headquarters far from the black savages injuring Whute students and teachers and destroying the schools.
Affirmative action discrimination against Whites especially White men. Aggressive school desegregation. It wasn’t just Lyndon Johnson who began universal welfare for blacks and the War on Poverty costing White taxpayers hundreds of billions and not solving one problem. A total failure. Kennedy
began many government programs employing left wingers many of them radical Jews to agitate the blacks.
Guyenot is a foreigner who knows nothing about America the American Jews like the radical pro black Arthur Goldberg Supreme Court Justice who wrote many of the school bussing and affirmative action anti White Supreme Court orders.
His administration was full of the radical left Jews from communist leftist families who funded him voted for him and made the John Kennedy administration the first overtly anti White presidential administration.
This site needs some fact checkers experienced knowledgeable Americans who can correct Guyenot’s lies and nonsense.
Jews hated Joe Kennedy but they loved his son John. And Jews, like blacks are zombie brain democrats. They would vote for Louis Farrakhan or an American born head of the American branch of Hamas if he were the democrat presidential candidate.
Monsieur Guyénot,
Le courrier des lecteurs d’E&R – soit les sections commentaires des articles – filtre tout message un peu trop proches de la vérité
Vous avez probablement une taupe à ce niveau-lÃ
C’est un procédé commun.
did you have a look on Ralph Ganis’ book “the Scorzeny papers, evidence for the splot to kill JFK” ?
What is your assessment of the included claim that JFK was assasinated by his administration top brass because it was discovered he was a Russian asset compromised in the frame of a DC-based prostitution ring, like Profumo in the UK ?
It would appear to me a little over the pot…
Blah blah, long article, joos.
What’s the matter? Are you afraid your Jewish kinfolk will be exposed for orchestrating yet another Kennedy killing?
Blah blah, long article, joos. This marks the author as a member of the Can’t Cope Club. As the kids say, even he can’t [sic].
What's the matter? Are you afraid your Jewish kinfolk will be exposed for orchestrating yet another Kennedy killing?
Blah blah, long article, joos.
Then why are you here?
I don’t believe the libel that Richard III sacrificed his brother’s boys to the Jews.
By locking them up in the tower and assuming the throne, he would be and was the prime suspect in their disappearance and possible deaths.
Henry Tudor, who had his own aspirations to the throne, would have lost big time if either of those boys surfaced after Richard III’s death. He had a lot to lose if they survived and a hell of a lot more to gain if they disappeared forever.
You too my friend.
Also, the author tries to shoot down another claim about Kennedy’s recklessness. Finally, crashes of small airplanes are distressingly common, and many times the cause is spatial disorientation.Thanks for your B.S commentary and accompanying B.S video trying to put the blame for the crash on JFK Jr's shoulders. (It was good for a laugh).
But the same thing happened with MH370; the radar evidence (from the Malaysian military, if I remember correctly) was not available right away.Malaysian Airlines MH370 was electronically commandeered by Serco (an entity controlled by ZOG), and landed at the U.S base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.
Thank you as always, Vigilante. Stay well.
TKK, by your own admission, you'e a Jew.
JFK Jr. was a spoiled disgusting sociopath .... He had a long history of being reckless ..... cheated when he played Uno ..... stole candy from children .... [blah, blah].
That said, you'd have no problem with a direct descendant of JFK's becoming POTUS, provided it was that repulsive yid Jack Shlongberg (Caroline's boy).
SUMMARY: TKK (The Khazarian Kike), you no doubt cheered when you heard that JFK Jr had been killed (and his pregnant wife).
Because you could not stand the possibility of a real Kennedy occupying the White House again - someone who was working for the benefit of the American people (and not that cartel of shadowy Talmudic bankers that control the entirety of the western financial system).
WWI laid the groundwork for squalid conditions, exacerbated by chemical poisoning weapons (illegal phosphorous bombs STILL being used against Lebanon), that was the real reason so many young men died. But Rockefelon’s medicine men focused solely on the pathogen as the reason for the need for vaccines, not the environmental devastation, shipping overcrowded men and horses, that lowered immune systems worldwide.
Exploding the Spanish Flu Myth
Rathbone rocks:
Video Link
You make excellent points. Thank you.
As you have so eloquently elucidated, your description of jewish solidarity, cohesiveness, focus and sense of purpose used to be the norm among ALL societies.
The jewish poisons of so-called “civil-rights” legislation, the destruction of “freedom of association” (but only applicable to gentile Whites) has fragmented civilized gentile society to the extreme.
You have pointed out that jews pride themselves on their solidarity, cohesiveness, focus and sense of purpose, but they have used “lawfare” to prohibit us from doing the same thing.
Witness the “jews-only” community of Kiryas Joel, New York and many other “jews-only” communities that openly flout EVERY so-called “civil-rights” law that “the rest of us” are expected to abide by.
Jews have successfully used our own laws (actually put in place by jews) against ourselves.
Yes, it is long overdue for us gentile Whites to “push back” and eliminate the jewish cancer from our midst.
It won’t be pretty, but is necessary.
I can’t continue talking to someone who only hears what he likes to hear,
and sees what he likes to see. Or pretends doing so – who cares.
Good luck with your 666 related research. Hope you know that there’re
more powerful/fundamental (gematria – wise) numbers.
Because once he was dead they could kill him again (and again) by using his memory for their own purposes.
Funny how you try to place something that you hold into my hands.
"Your attempt to shift the reader’s focus onto the “chain of
assassinations is noted once again."
No that’s ok. You’re welcome.
Your evidence-free obsession on the “chain of assassinations” is noted once again.
Perhaps you have some argument to support your preferred temporal analysis method. Sadly, you offer none whatsoever, so your pleadings, although understandable for a complete ignoramus, are easily dismissed. I have offered the rationale for this but like the rest of my posts, you have ignored it.
Your simultaneous lack of curiosity and dismissal of the fruits of decades of my extensive research and experiment with temporal event relationships, indicates that you have no interest in their study, which leaves only one possible reason for your intervention here which I mentioned in my earlier replies.
I’m not excited about the self-evident symmetry and significance in the 666m, w & d, temporal relationship between the birth of the principal icon of the Jewish holocaust narrative, Anne Frank and the murder of JFK Jr. At the time of it’s discovery I was, but now, such revelations are expected. I am disappointed when no such event relationships are found, but then I do not have every person and event in the history of the world at my disposal and not every event falls within this kabbalistic scheduling paradigm.
If you had any idea of the composition of the 3-digit rep-digits, especially the preferred 666 signature, then you might understand their utility in temporal signatures. They are the results of a rather sublime formula which is predicated on the number 37 and if you had any idea whence that relates to, you might be persuaded to hold your rather ignorant tongue on these matters…
I also don’t expect anyone to grasp their significance just by reading one or two examples. This is original research, so I’m satisfied with posting important examples and trying to raise awareness of this hidden method.
So far you have contributed nothing to my knowledge other than adding further evidence that some folk, for reasons they are reluctant to share, choose to pontificate on subjects they know nothing about.
Plus ca change …
“Your attempt to shift the reader’s focus onto the “chain of
assassinations is noted once again.”
Funny how you try to place something that you hold into my hands.
Of course each of those 3 related to each other events have their own self-sufficient
digital profile (with JFK’s, naturally, being by large the biggest and the most
stunning). Otherwise I wouldn’t even look into connection between all three.
While you’re exited by three 666s in the distance between Anne Frank’s birth date
and the date of JFK Jr plane crash. It’s your choice, but don’t expect everyone
jump on the same train. I won’t, unless there’s something else to that.
So the American people has relied for decades on the coming of a Being who will release them from oppression and tyranny. That Being must possess a certain lineage, be the descendant of a famous King. In short, he will be a Messiah.
It’s hard not to laugh at the irony.
There's no doubt that individual actors (eg: Rachel Maddow) genuinely hate Donald Chump, and that the spying by the Obama administration could well have been concocted by lower order actors well below the ZOG hierarchy.ZOG purposely allows these lower order players to bicker amongst each other - this ADDS TO THE SPECTACLE, this convinces the masses that there are points of difference between the two factions (Dems and GOP) of the Uniparty.But on the issues that matter (ie: support for the Aparthied Israeli state or for the need for ever increasing Defence budgets for perpetual war), there is always unanimity.
the spying of the obama administration, on the incoming administration and the russiagate bullshit, seemed to indicate an internal struggle within the deepstate.
SUMMARY: Everything that matters is Kabuki theatre - absolutely EFF'N EVERYTHING.Just one more thing, in relation to this statement you made:
It's all scripted by ZOG. And as always, it comes down to the question:
'Is it good for the Jews?'If it is of no consequence one way or the other, then ZOG allows the lower order entities to bicker away. It makes for great distraction, so as the proles can lose focus on what really matters.
How did you know Donald Chump 'seemed' open to dealing with Russia?
the only difference between them was trump seemed open to dealing with the russians. it looked like the zioneocon deepstate was attempting to do away with the miga deepstate ...
“ Every one below that is a HIRED HAND. (ie: Bill Gates, Mike Pompeo, Donald Chump, Nancy Pelosi, all the western leaders, all the bureaucrats etc etc).â€
Could have added Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka Pope Francis, along with most of his higher bureaucrats called cardinals. That leaves the lone wolf Vigano leading his individual fight against the Roman Mafia aka Roman Curia.
Imo, the following event relationship demonstrates responsibility and ownership :
Once again, the classic kabbalism with identical 666 values in all three date fields, suggests that this relationship would not have gone unused :
From the patriarch and founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer Amschel Rothschild born on February 23, 1744
to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 13, 2024 is :
INTerval ISUAF =
= 2664 months
+ 2664 weeks
+ 2664 days= 888 + 888 + 888 months
+ 888 + 888 + 888 weeks
+ 888 + 888 + 888 days= 666 + 666 + 666 + 666 months
+ 666 + 666 + 666 + 666 weeks
+ 666 + 666 + 666 + 666 days( Note : INTerval type date arithmetic counts only the YMWD between dates, not including the start or end dates ).
( Note : ISUAF type date arithmetic adds the smallest date component units first, D, then W, then M, then Y )
As a result of this date arithmetic and knowing how the Rothschild patriarch has been used as a root event in the past, I have had the future date results from the above date arithmetic already calculated and recorded in my databases for some time, just waiting to see what type of event would happen …
I suggest the attempted Trump assassination was the main event.
Your attempt to shift the reader’s focus onto the “chain of assassinations” is noted once again.
It is a natural, instinctive approach, but is not necessarily the correct analytical method.
I am told that the FBI use temporal analysis methods for serial killers and the like.
After some elementary consideration, it should become obvious that it would be fairly easy to detect temporal event relationships if they were present in a series of related events. Our serial killer would be leaving a trail that would be easy to find if they left temporal breadcrumbs linking all of their crimes.
That’s not to say the incriminating relationships are not to be found at all between two similar events, they often are, but rarely, if at all, between a series or chain of similar events.
For example, there exists a classic kabbalistic event relationship ( 6x 666 ) between this Trump assassination attempt and the probably fake Baltimore Plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln root event. If that relationship is not serendipitous, then it’s context may also inform our understanding of the current assassination attempt, as also being fake.
The main point to understand when considering root events is their contextual relationship to the current event. Instead of finding an event relationship to a single similar root event, or as you suggest, a chain of similar root events, what is usually evident is the root event forms the basis of the complaint which caused the event to be planned and / or ownership of the event itself.
So, instead of, for example, an assassination event yielding a kabbalistic temporal relationship to another assassination root event, let alone a series of assassination root events, the most notable kabbalism is found in the temporal relationship to a root event which forms the complaint behind the assassination and / or responsibility for the event.
So, in this case, woith the hypothesis of the “Kennedy curse” being rooted in patriarch Joe Kennedy supposedly being pro Hitler and anti Jewish and the Podhoretz “Conversation in hell” piece accusing him of causing the deaths of “thousand of Jews” then a significant root event within the holocaust narrative should be expected as a temporal signature.
I suggest that there is no more significant character from the Jewish holocaust narrative than Anne Frank.
I also suggest that the classic kabbalism of 666m, 666w, 666d from Anne Frank’s birth would not have gone unused.
I suggest it did not go unused and was used to sign the JFK Jr assassination, with Anne Frank representing the Jewish holocaust narrative, forming the complaint. Just as Podhoretz describes.
I suggest the Podhoretz piece should be interpreted as a confession on behalf of those responsible.
Funny how you try to place something that you hold into my hands.
"Your attempt to shift the reader’s focus onto the “chain of
assassinations is noted once again."
I'm aware that for physics reasons that's not true so the question becomes why do you choose to tell a lie?Replies: @Truth Vigilante
Are you aware that, even decades ago, they have been able to miniaturise Tactical Nukes to the size of a grapefruit ?
AndrogynousHare writes:
I’m aware that for physics reasons that [grapefruit sized micro nukes] is not true so the question becomes why do you choose to tell a lie?
In response to that, I ask you: ‘Why do you choose to be such an ignorant fool?’
Tactical nukes cover those MUCH lower yielding mini and micro nuclear devices that can range (for the most part), from approx 0.01 to 4-5 kT equivalent of TNT.
By way of example, the bomb used on Hiroshima was around 12-15 kT of TNT equivalent.
The tactical nuke used on Beirut in August 2020 by the Apartheid Israeli state was estimated to be around 4-6 kT equivalent of TNT.
Not only do they have low yield, but said mini and micro nukes are very compact.
Below I have featured a photo from the early 1970’s featuring a W48 tactical nuke (0.072 kT yield), and as you can see it is quite small indeed:
Of course, when that photo was taken over 50 years ago, the W48 was NOT the latest and most compact nuke in the U.S arsenal (the W48 was developed at least 10 years prior), but for propaganda purposes said photo was released to the public because it wouldn’t reveal anything new to the Soviets that they themselves didn’t already possess in their inventory.
In other words, even in the early 70’s the U.S (and presumably the Soviets) had FAR smaller micro nukes in their possession than the one pictured.
SUMMARY: Mr AndrogynousHare, I recall having embarrassed you before after you posted some nonsense in the past.
I suggest you keep your head down and STFU henceforth, because you know SFA about most technical matters.
"Zionist leaders in Germany welcomed Hitler's rise to power, because they shared his belief in the primacy of 'race' and his hostility to the assimilation of Jews among 'Aryans'. They congratulated Hitler on his triumph over the common enemy - the forces of liberalism. Dr. Joachim Prinz, a Zionist rabbi who subsequently emigrated to the USA, where he rose to be vice-chairman of the World Jewish Congress and a leading light in the World Zionist Organization (as well as a great friend of Golda Meir), published in B34 a special book, Wir Juden (We, Jews), to celebrate Hitler's so- called German Revolution and the defeat of liberalism"
Israel Shahak was kill . . . died in the summer before 9/11.
There is no one on earth who’d have shouted the loudest about who done it & who was quoted by every serious newspaper in the world.
Laurent Guyénot writes : According to Podhoretz, speaking in the name of the Devil to Joe, JFK Jr. died in retribution for what his grandfather did to the Jews, “when you were America’s ambassador to England, saying all those nice things about Hitler, doing everything you could to prevent Jewish emigration from Nazi Germany. Thousands of Jews died because of you.â€
Laurent Guyénot writes : “The “Kennedy curse†did run into the third generation and possibly the fourth, when John’s only son died in a suspicious plane accident on July 16, 1999, with his wife, possibly pregnant. â€
Hence, this classic kabbalistic event relationship :
… punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me …
MGReplies: @AB_Anonymous
From the principal icon of the Jewish holocaust narrative : Anne Frank born on 12 June 1929to the murder of JFK Jr., his wife Carolyn Bessette and sister-in-law Lauren Bessette on 16 July 1999 is :INTerval == 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days( Note : INTerval type date arithmetic counts only the YMWD between dates, not including the start or end dates ).
I don’t think I have the power (the audience) on these pages to divert attention
from your (or someone else’s, for that matter) comment(s).
Neither it was my intention.
As you can see, the third date in the chain of assassinations is as crucial as the
first and the second – and I only demonstrated one example (and one format)
of this trio, while there’s a few more.
And some of them are pointing at the same direction as your comment is – only
without Anne Frank.
So, the principle difference between your and my comments is the depth of
evil insanity one wants to ascribe to the perpetrators to make the point.
As a result of this date arithmetic and knowing how the Rothschild patriarch has been used as a root event in the past, I have had the future date results from the above date arithmetic already calculated and recorded in my databases for some time, just waiting to see what type of event would happen ...I suggest the attempted Trump assassination was the main event.
From the patriarch and founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer Amschel Rothschild born on February 23, 1744to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 13, 2024 is :INTerval ISUAF == 2664 months
+ 2664 weeks
+ 2664 days= 888 + 888 + 888 months
+ 888 + 888 + 888 weeks
+ 888 + 888 + 888 days= 666 + 666 + 666 + 666 months
+ 666 + 666 + 666 + 666 weeks
+ 666 + 666 + 666 + 666 days( Note : INTerval type date arithmetic counts only the YMWD between dates, not including the start or end dates ).( Note : ISUAF type date arithmetic adds the smallest date component units first, D, then W, then M, then Y )
Are you aware that, even decades ago, they have been able to miniaturise Tactical Nukes to the size of a grapefruit ?
I’m supposed to believe that someone was able to access a plane owned by a Kennedy, which I’m assuming had at the very least the airport security fence guarding it and probably a lot more, and was able to plant a bomb in or on it.
Tell that to your Talmudic handlers Mr Pimple. Tell them your misdirection is not working.Replies: @John Pepple, @NotAnonymousHere
FACT: Several people witnessed a mid-air explosion in the sky corresponding to the last known whereabouts of JFK Jr's plane.
Are you aware that, even decades ago, they have been able to miniaturise Tactical Nukes to the size of a grapefruit ?
I’m aware that for physics reasons that’s not true so the question becomes why do you choose to tell a lie?
In response to that, I ask you: 'Why do you choose to be such an ignorant fool?'
I’m aware that for physics reasons that [grapefruit sized micro nukes] is not true so the question becomes why do you choose to tell a lie?
SUMMARY: Mr AndrogynousHare, I recall having embarrassed you before after you posted some nonsense in the past.
I suggest you keep your head down and STFU henceforth, because you know SFA about most technical matters.
the spying of the obama administration, on the incoming administration and the russiagate bullshit, seemed to indicate an internal struggle within the deepstate.
There’s no doubt that individual actors (eg: Rachel Maddow) genuinely hate Donald Chump, and that the spying by the Obama administration could well have been concocted by lower order actors well below the ZOG hierarchy.
ZOG purposely allows these lower order players to bicker amongst each other – this ADDS TO THE SPECTACLE, this convinces the masses that there are points of difference between the two factions (Dems and GOP) of the Uniparty.
But on the issues that matter (ie: support for the Aparthied Israeli state or for the need for ever increasing Defence budgets for perpetual war), there is always unanimity.
That’s because ZOG decreees it – so no further discussion is permissible on those matters.
But on peripheral matters like Roe Vs Wade or the composition of the Supreme Court, ZOG doesn’t give a f*ck. Let the masses be endlessly distracted with that crap.
SUMMARY: Everything that matters is Kabuki theatre – absolutely EFF’N EVERYTHING.
It’s all scripted by ZOG. And as always, it comes down to the question:
‘Is it good for the Jews?’If it is of no consequence one way or the other, then ZOG allows the lower order entities to bicker away. It makes for great distraction, so as the proles can lose focus on what really matters.
Just one more thing, in relation to this statement you made:
the only difference between them was trump seemed open to dealing with the russians. it looked like the zioneocon deepstate was attempting to do away with the miga deepstate …
How did you know Donald Chump ‘seemed’ open to dealing with Russia?
Did you get inside his head? Or was it because he said so and he seemed to say it with conviction?
Don’t you understand, this man is a pathological liar. NOTHING HE SAYS SHOULD BE TAKEN AT FACE VALUE.
Coupled to the fact that he’s a good actor, he’s honed the art of conning people.
That’s why ZOG hired him.
BTW, what’s this ‘Zioneocon Deep State you speak of, as opposed to this ‘miga Deep State’?
I never heard of this terminology (and please STOP using this term Deep State – because it means all manner of things to all manner of people).
It is purposely designed to be ambiguous – that’s why agents of ZOG use it.
So, let’s be clear:
1) ZOG controls EVERY EFF’N THING in the western world. Got it.
(ZOG = that cartel of Talmudic bankers in the City of London that are drawn from the Jewish dynastic filthy rich families).
2) Every one below that is a HIRED HAND. (ie: Bill Gates, Mike Pompeo, Donald Chump, Nancy Pelosi, all the western leaders, all the bureaucrats etc etc).
They are all HIRED HANDS.
Yes, Bill Gates is richer than Pompeo and has more financial clout for sure. But as far as ZOG is concerned he still has to follow a script – a ZOG dictated script.
ALL of them are just actors. They have NO AUTONOMY to make any substantive decisions of their own.
Do me a favour next time, if you use some terminology like miga Deep State, please specify which specific actors you’re talking about.
(Ideally, don’t separate them into sub-classifications at all – because there is no need.
At the end of the day they are all more or less equal, they are ALL lower grade actors that are fully accountable to ZOG).
It really is that simple. Let’s not complicate it.
Deep State = Dems who hate Trump and did everything to destroy his presidency.What I cannot figure out is why the Deep State would go after Trump when Trump is such a big Zionists and the Neocons/Zionists are part of the Deep State.There's nothing to figure out. ZOG (what you euphemistically call the 'Deep State' because you're too gutless to call a spade a spade), has NEVER gone after Donald J Chump.
Always understand, the head of the CIA, FBI, any other three letter agency, high ranking generals, politicians in Congress, those in the Health and other Gubmint bureaucracies etc, these people are LOW GRADE ACTORS.But only ONE ENTITY is PERMANENT, that has a long term agenda, who plan things DECADES IN ADVANCE.
They have NO AGENDA OF THEIR OWN - other than career advancement and monetary remuneration.
All that they do is READ FROM A ZOG DICTATED SCRIPT, and follow carefully laid out instructions.ALL of them are expendable. They COME AND THEY GO.
And ALL of them were manoeuvred into the positions that they ultimately attained, because ZOG VETTED THEM FOR SLAVISH COMPLIANCE (often times with possessing accompanying dirt in relation to them - like videos of the pederasts Lindsey Graham and former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert with minors).
This ensures complete obedience in case they suddenly got a conscience and became uppity.
It really is THAT simple Mr Septical - no need to complicate matters.Replies: @Notsofast
SUMMARY: There was no assassination attempt on Donald Chump the other day.
It was all choreographed THEATRE to make double sure that Chump wins in November by a record breaking margin - so that he can claim that the wars he's about to start (with U.S and vassal nations boots on the ground) are justified because the dumbed down proles and MAGAts gave him that mandate at the polling booths.
excellent explanation, as i have stated earlier, i drew the same conclusion as you to the “assassination attempt”, pure theater. i initially felt that the 2016 election, was a schism within the deepstate, a battle for control of our zog government. trumps servitude to his zionist masters, was apparent immediately, as he tried to outdo all previous administration in his slavish devotion. biden on the other hand openly bragged about being a zionist, stating you don’t have to be a jew is be a zionist.
the only difference between them was trump seemed open to dealing with the russians. it looked like the zioneocon deepstate was attempting to do away with the miga deepstate, to preserve their disastrous reign, that has squandered their once huge military supremacy and spent the country into an unpayable debt, as well as destroying the dollar, as the world’s reserve currency.
the spying of the obama administration, on the incoming administration and the russiagate bullshit, seemed to indicate an internal struggle within the deepstate.
do you believe this is all part of the kabuki theater, or just another example of our clusterfuck, three stooges government fighting over the wheel of the titanic?
There's no doubt that individual actors (eg: Rachel Maddow) genuinely hate Donald Chump, and that the spying by the Obama administration could well have been concocted by lower order actors well below the ZOG hierarchy.ZOG purposely allows these lower order players to bicker amongst each other - this ADDS TO THE SPECTACLE, this convinces the masses that there are points of difference between the two factions (Dems and GOP) of the Uniparty.But on the issues that matter (ie: support for the Aparthied Israeli state or for the need for ever increasing Defence budgets for perpetual war), there is always unanimity.
the spying of the obama administration, on the incoming administration and the russiagate bullshit, seemed to indicate an internal struggle within the deepstate.
SUMMARY: Everything that matters is Kabuki theatre - absolutely EFF'N EVERYTHING.Just one more thing, in relation to this statement you made:
It's all scripted by ZOG. And as always, it comes down to the question:
'Is it good for the Jews?'If it is of no consequence one way or the other, then ZOG allows the lower order entities to bicker away. It makes for great distraction, so as the proles can lose focus on what really matters.
How did you know Donald Chump 'seemed' open to dealing with Russia?
the only difference between them was trump seemed open to dealing with the russians. it looked like the zioneocon deepstate was attempting to do away with the miga deepstate ...
Did JFK with his many secret lovers really stand for strong family values?
Kennedyness was the good soul of America. Above anything else, the Kennedys stood for strong family values and service to country to the point of sacrifice.
I agree. This article has so much slobbering over the Kennedys, it made my eyes roll.
Truth Vigilante posted an excellent comment that should by and large answer your queries.
I would add that the people working for the deep state as lifelong politicians or agents of the three letter agencies are nothing more than order takers and salespeople for ZOG. That would disqualify any person of integrity whose aim is to genuinely serve the citizens, for ZOG is the maker and breaker of the protagonists of the MICIMATT.
I naively stood up for Trump in 2016 as an outsider and a potential saviour. It did not take me long to realise that irrespective of his intentions, he was a dud.
We live under what David Icke aptly describes in his book ‘The Perception Deception’. Highly recommended reading.
“ imo a deal has been worked for the u.s. to throw the ukranazi tarbaby to the e.u., the remaining question is israelâ€
One of the objectives of this whole Ukraine tragedy was to put a wedge between Europe and her traditional and natural trading partner Russia. Naturally, now that the Ukraine adventure has reached a brick wall, Amerika will leave the already demoralised Europeans to their own rotting state of affairs, with de-industrialisation and a flood of turd world immigrants that will wipe out the European heritage and bar any possibility of Eurasia becoming a real threat to American hegemony. The European brain drain that will follow from the geopolitical and economic fall of Europe will be harnessed by the U.S. to resurrect the Operation Paperclip on a much grander scale. Europe did it to Bezantium, and Europe is getting its Karma. Already German businesses are starting to relocate in the direction of U.S. or China.
“ why would the russians throw a good and trusted ally under the bus to make an agreement with an enemy they describe as incapable of compliance with agreements.â€
According to friends who graduated in the Soviet Union, some salient Russian qualities are a capacity to firmly stand by their friends but to keep their grudge over treachery. European leaders have been outright dishonourable with Russia, specifically as concerns the Minsk Agreements. The Americans O.T.O.H. cancelled many arms limitation agreements including the most crucial treaty on INF without justification. That will make any future accord between Russia and the U.S. ever more unlikely. And as you mentioned, time is not working in favour of the debt addicted U.S.. True there are rivalries between the Russians and the Iranians for the control of the East Mediterranean, but ultimately neither Russia nor China will let go of the Iranian card that is bound to be a major player in the BRI.
The geopolitics expert Professor Mearsheimer, doggedly insists that there is no escaping the Thucydides trap, thereby dismissing a rational agreement between the declining American hegemon and the two rising powers of Eurasia. While an idealist would shake his head in frustration about the irrationality of confrontation, reality is what it is. I cannot see Russia nor China betting on bringing the U.S. to reason.
“ by appointing JFK Jr as Attorney General,â€
By appointing RFK Jr as Attorney General. Sorry for the typo.
Mr. Guyenot, please do an article on Chappaquiddick.
Yes, that would be good.
In the meantime, there’s this from
Chapter 7 “The Control of the Kennedys Threats & Chappaquiddick” of “THE TAKING OF AMERICA, 1-2-3” by Richard E. Sprague
John Dean summed it up when he said to Richard Nixon as recorded on the White House tapes in 1973: “If Teddy knew the bear trap he was walking into at Chappaquiddick. . . .”[5]
[5] On page 121, White House Tapes Paperback Edition, published by New York Times
Septical writes:
Deep State = Dems who hate Trump and did everything to destroy his presidency.
What I cannot figure out is why the Deep State would go after Trump when Trump is such a big Zionists and the Neocons/Zionists are part of the Deep State.
There’s nothing to figure out.
ZOG (what you euphemistically call the ‘Deep State’ because you’re too gutless to call a spade a spade), has NEVER gone after Donald J Chump.
(((They))) have been grooming Chump for this role for decades. They have invested much time, energy and money in Donald Chump, so you can be CERTAIN that they’ll make sure that not a single hair on his double comb-over head is harmed.
As for your statement that [perhaps] the ‘Deep State’ (or some subset of it), could be Dems that hate Chump, I just cannot fathom, in light of all that has been posted in the pages of UR alone over the years, how anyone would assume that individuals within the Dems, GOP, the bureaucracy or the Intel agencies have ANY SUBSTANTIVE ROLE WITHIN THE HIERARCHY OF ZOG.
All of these people are upper middle management at best, and are hired and fired at ZOG’s discretion.
Always understand, the head of the CIA, FBI, any other three letter agency, high ranking generals, politicians in Congress, those in the Health and other Gubmint bureaucracies etc, these people are LOW GRADE ACTORS.
They have NO AGENDA OF THEIR OWN – other than career advancement and monetary remuneration.
All that they do is READ FROM A ZOG DICTATED SCRIPT, and follow carefully laid out instructions.ALL of them are expendable. They COME AND THEY GO.
And ALL of them were manoeuvred into the positions that they ultimately attained, because ZOG VETTED THEM FOR SLAVISH COMPLIANCE (often times with possessing accompanying dirt in relation to them – like videos of the pederasts Lindsey Graham and former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert with minors).
This ensures complete obedience in case they suddenly got a conscience and became uppity.
But only ONE ENTITY is PERMANENT, that has a long term agenda, who plan things DECADES IN ADVANCE.
That entity is ZOG.
Let this be clear, the Zionist Usury Banking Cartel, (aka ZOG), are a cabal of obscenely wealthy (as in multiples of U.S GDP) Talmudic miscreants that own/control the U.S Federal Reserve and the other major western central banks, control the World Bank, BIS, IMF, the SWIFT payments system, control the western MSM and the major book publishing houses, control every western politician of note, OWN the near entirety of the U.S Congress and the hierarchy of both factions (Dems and GOP) of the Uniparty.
Simply put, they control the entirety of the Western Financial and Political systems.
To ASSIST them, ZOG employs various HIRED HANDS within the western political and bureaucratic systems. eg: Donald Chump, Biden, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, Lindsey Graham, Mike Pompeo, HRC, Tony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Antony Blinken, John Bolton, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Bill Gates, Philip Zelikow, Klaus Schwab, taking heads within the western MSM, etc, etc.
These are the FRONT MEN and WOMEN that carry out ZOG’s instructions.
These yes-men and women, these conscience-free opportunists and soldiers of fortune, MAKE NO SUBSTANTIVE DECISIONS OF THEIR OWN.
They read from a ZOG dictated script and they read it word perfect.
(Otherwise they’re assassinated like JFK or Nixon**).
(**The former was literally assassinated, the latter was politically assassinated).
SUMMARY: There was no assassination attempt on Donald Chump the other day.
It was all choreographed THEATRE to make double sure that Chump wins in November by a record breaking margin – so that he can claim that the wars he’s about to start (with U.S and vassal nations boots on the ground) are justified because the dumbed down proles and MAGAts gave him that mandate at the polling booths.
It really is THAT simple Mr Septical – no need to complicate matters.
Thanks for your comment, such as it is …
In your haste to divert attention from my comment, you missed the meaning of it.
Here are the main points :
Laurent Guyénot writes :
According to Podhoretz, speaking in the name of the Devil to Joe, JFK Jr. died in retribution for what his grandfather did to the Jews, “when you were America’s ambassador to England, saying all those nice things about Hitler, doing everything you could to prevent Jewish emigration from Nazi Germany. Thousands of Jews died because of you.â€
Laurent Guyénot writes :
“The “Kennedy curse†did run into the third generation and possibly the fourth, when John’s only son died in a suspicious plane accident on July 16, 1999, with his wife, possibly pregnant. â€
… punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me …
Hence, this classic kabbalistic event relationship :
From the principal icon of the Jewish holocaust narrative : Anne Frank born on 12 June 1929
to the murder of JFK Jr., his wife Carolyn Bessette and sister-in-law Lauren Bessette on 16 July 1999 is :
INTerval =
= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days
( Note : INTerval type date arithmetic counts only the YMWD between dates, not including the start or end dates ).
‘Bowman’ is a Scottish name,
and signifies an ‘archer’.
Joe and Notso,
Help! I cannot parse the Trump/Deep State/Neocons (American Zionists)/Dems equation or syllogism.
Deep State = Dems who hate Trump and did everything to destroy his presidency.
Deep State = a lot of Neocons who are Zionists and Jewish dual citizens = traitors to the USA
Traitors to the USA = you cannot be a traitor to the USA and be MAGA
Trump is the victim of the Deep State, yet he is owned by Neocons/AIPAC/Netanyahu/Israel.
Are there Zionist and anti-Zionist factions of the Deep State? I always thought that the Deep State was bipartisan/uniparty, but now it looks like maybe there are two factions.
Or, do the Neocons now think that Trump can get them out of the Ukraine hole but he will continue farther into the Palestine hole and complete the genocide for Netanyahu? Certainly the Dems used Ukraine to harass Trump with impeachment. He knows that that scene is fishy for the Dems—but his biggest friends, his owners, the Zionists, are running that show.
As for “We cave on Ukraine but you (who?) cave on Gaza/Israel go back to the game of Two-State Solution,” I can’t imagine that anyone will buy that.
If only because the Pals, and the ME, would surely say: Are you kidding? You think we are going to take the fall for Europe’s fuckup a SECOND time?
Is is possible that Trump and Vance are both so buffered within the bubble that they don’t get that the Two-State Solution horse has now left the barn and it is no longer possible to “save” Israel from its fate?
Is it possible that the Deep State figures that maybe Trump is the only one who can get the USA out of both the Ukraine and Israel/Gaza quagmires? Kind of like Nixon in China?
Or, is the Deep State, just like most of the rest of us, looking around and just not seeing anyone else on the horizon except DJT, so WTH, we have to make it look (to the other PTB) like we are in charge?
What I cannot figure out is why the Deep State would go after Trump when Trump is such a big Zionists and the Neocons/Zionists are part of the Deep State.
Deep State = Dems who hate Trump and did everything to destroy his presidency.What I cannot figure out is why the Deep State would go after Trump when Trump is such a big Zionists and the Neocons/Zionists are part of the Deep State.There's nothing to figure out. ZOG (what you euphemistically call the 'Deep State' because you're too gutless to call a spade a spade), has NEVER gone after Donald J Chump.
Always understand, the head of the CIA, FBI, any other three letter agency, high ranking generals, politicians in Congress, those in the Health and other Gubmint bureaucracies etc, these people are LOW GRADE ACTORS.But only ONE ENTITY is PERMANENT, that has a long term agenda, who plan things DECADES IN ADVANCE.
They have NO AGENDA OF THEIR OWN - other than career advancement and monetary remuneration.
All that they do is READ FROM A ZOG DICTATED SCRIPT, and follow carefully laid out instructions.ALL of them are expendable. They COME AND THEY GO.
And ALL of them were manoeuvred into the positions that they ultimately attained, because ZOG VETTED THEM FOR SLAVISH COMPLIANCE (often times with possessing accompanying dirt in relation to them - like videos of the pederasts Lindsey Graham and former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert with minors).
This ensures complete obedience in case they suddenly got a conscience and became uppity.
It really is THAT simple Mr Septical - no need to complicate matters.Replies: @Notsofast
SUMMARY: There was no assassination attempt on Donald Chump the other day.
It was all choreographed THEATRE to make double sure that Chump wins in November by a record breaking margin - so that he can claim that the wars he's about to start (with U.S and vassal nations boots on the ground) are justified because the dumbed down proles and MAGAts gave him that mandate at the polling booths.
Are you aware that, even decades ago, they have been able to miniaturise Tactical Nukes to the size of a grapefruit ?
I’m supposed to believe that someone was able to access a plane owned by a Kennedy, which I’m assuming had at the very least the airport security fence guarding it and probably a lot more, and was able to plant a bomb in or on it.
Tell that to your Talmudic handlers Mr Pimple. Tell them your misdirection is not working.Replies: @John Pepple, @NotAnonymousHere
FACT: Several people witnessed a mid-air explosion in the sky corresponding to the last known whereabouts of JFK Jr's plane.
Can’t you read? I already answered your point about the bomb in or on the plane. The pilot does a full inspection ahead of time (assuming he’s cautious). Plus, the plane was small, so there just weren’t many “nooks and crannies” where a bomb could be hidden, but assuming a bomb was hidden in one of them, the inspection should reveal it.
Plus, I didn’t mention it before, but the plane is locked, so if it were placed inside, how did the assassin get in?
Well, you’re going to believe what you want to believe, no matter what I say, so go ahead and continue being utterly stupid.
By the way, how many flight hours have you logged? It’s zero, isn’t it? And that’s a rhetorical question.
And Jesus as well. Actors say a little prayer to Jesus in every movie and usually more than once. Jesus Christ what’s with that?
interesting times indeed, the whole assassination attempt looks and smells like a false flag to me. after seeing the rnc chanting fight, fight, fight, and claiming that trump is protected by divine grace, i’m more convinced than ever, that this is the deepstate at work installing trump.
his choice of vance is also an indication of the direction the wind is blowing. vance wants to cut off ukraine but is a huge supporter of israel’s genocide of the palestinians. imo a deal has been worked for the u.s. to throw the ukranazi tarbaby to the e.u., the remaining question is israel. they need an offramp as well, bibi may get the horns hung on him as the scape goat, perhaps allowing a ceasefire, most likely to drag the palestinians back into endless fruitless negotiations on a two state solution. they know a two state solution is the death of zionism and they refuse to give up on this dark vision.
at this point, i don’t think that will fly any longer and the real question to me is this: will trump try to bribe putin, by giving him what he rightly demands in ukraine, in exchange for stabbing the iranians in the back? if that is their plan i don’t think that will fly either. why would the russians throw a good and trusted ally under the bus to make an agreement with an enemy they describe as incapable of compliance with agreements. perhaps the russians would appear to be amenable to an agreement, just stretch them into endless fruitless negotiations, until their ponzi economy finally collapses under it’s debt and a falling dollar.
the mockingbird media is now talking about unnamed government officials claiming they discovered an iranian plot to assassinate trump, what a convenient way that would be to for these zioneocons to cover their tracks and keep bibi’s neck from being stretched. like you say interesting times.
Hence, this classic kabbalistic event relationship :
According to Podhoretz, speaking in the name of the Devil to Joe, JFK Jr. died in retribution for what his grandfather did to the Jews, “when you were America’s ambassador to England, saying all those nice things about Hitler, doing everything you could to prevent Jewish emigration from Nazi Germany. Thousands of Jews died because of you.â€
The murder of John F Kennedy Jr and the Jewish Holocaust narrative : Anne Frank
LG :
“The “Kennedy curse†did run into the third generation and possibly the fourth, when John’s only son died in a suspicious plane accident on July 16, 1999, with his wife, possibly pregnant. â€
Anne Frank ?!? Sorry, but she’s more related to Albert Einstein than to the
Kennedy Curse.
Try to approach the latter with “the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter”
combined with “11.22.1963, 06.05.1968, and 07.16.1999”.
Laurent Guyénot writes : According to Podhoretz, speaking in the name of the Devil to Joe, JFK Jr. died in retribution for what his grandfather did to the Jews, “when you were America’s ambassador to England, saying all those nice things about Hitler, doing everything you could to prevent Jewish emigration from Nazi Germany. Thousands of Jews died because of you.â€
Laurent Guyénot writes : “The “Kennedy curse†did run into the third generation and possibly the fourth, when John’s only son died in a suspicious plane accident on July 16, 1999, with his wife, possibly pregnant. â€
Hence, this classic kabbalistic event relationship :
… punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me …
MGReplies: @AB_Anonymous
From the principal icon of the Jewish holocaust narrative : Anne Frank born on 12 June 1929to the murder of JFK Jr., his wife Carolyn Bessette and sister-in-law Lauren Bessette on 16 July 1999 is :INTerval == 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days( Note : INTerval type date arithmetic counts only the YMWD between dates, not including the start or end dates ).
I asked a question … I have no experience with flying. I do not have any problems. A questioning mind does sometimes seem to trigger subtle aggressions!
Why is that?
Nevertheless, “… all the time†would deter I should think, the average person from flying their own planes.
My summer house is on a big lake in Northern Ontario. Many people have their own planes, mostly float planes. I have never heard of a plane lost to a stall. A good friend of mine, has had at least 3 de Havilland Beavers and a couple of Cessnas.
And he has restored two — one of which he had shipped from Australia. He was a Major when he retired from the RCAF.
My father was a member of the RCAF. One of his very best friends flew Spitfires during WW II.
Stalling may occur most certainly given certain conditions … and not paying attention to the instrumentation is a risk no question.
In the case at question it appears conditions were ideal for an experienced pilot. Kennedy was neither landing nor taking off — higher risk conditions yes — but he had flow the route on a fairly regular basis.
In other words he would have enough practical experience to be familiar with the hazards. There is no mention of how often Kennedy declined to fly because he deemed conditions unfavourable.
And his wife was pregnant!
My friends are exceptionally cautious flyers. They truly understand flying an airplane is inherently a peculiar thing to be doing. It is a long way down.
I’m glad that old Heeb Hunter here has been proven right again and again. The kikes truly are not humans, neither are their Nigger-Saxon slaves. These inhuman satanic species must be cleanly exterminated, anywhere they can be found. I am glad that most of humanity now realizes this same truth. The end of these Sub-Human parasites is near.
The day that you are dreaming about will come faster, much faster than you expected. It may already be here. with the Gaza Genocide, the Zionists and their allies dug their own graves, and they ill be buried in there for good!
So if I understand this right, the Jews believe in damning not just their enemies but their enemies descendants 4 generations down ? Is that all of them? Or those ultra orthodox ones?
Andrew Anglin has a new article in UR titled:
‘Trump Just Named Uber-Israel Shill JD Vance as VP Pick (“Nikki Haley with a Beardâ€)’.
From that article we have this from Anglin:
Fuck JD Vance, fuck Trump, fuck Trump’s shills, fuck people saying “the election will be real this time†and “the CIA missed,†and most of all: fuck the Jews.
Any single retard shilling Trump to you is lying or so retarded they should be hospitalized.
Most of them, obviously, are lying to you. For money.
That pretty much encapsulates how all sensible observers are feeling right now. I couldn’t have articulated it any better.
Now, I’ve heard one MAGAt after another say that Donald Chump made a mistake in picking Mike Pence for his V.P the first time around, and that he won’t make that same mistake again.
Well, guess what? He’s done even WORSE this time.
SUMMARY: So which is it Celestia?
Are you a shill for the small hats, being handsomely remunerated by them?
Or are you just EFF’N STUPID?
(It can only be one or the other – there are no other possibilities).Even Blind Freddie can see that Donald J Chump has NO SAY in who becomes his V.P.
Chump has NO SAY in any foreign policy decisions (or substantive decisions relating to ANY matter whatsoever).
Donald Chump reads from a ZOG DICTATED SCRIPT – that is abundantly obvious to anyone with eyes and ears.
Well dickhead, how do you explain the EXPLOSION IN THE SKY that several witnesses observed?
In private aviation stall/spin accidents happen all the time. All that is required are incorrect control inputs.
Don’t know why 2 x Thanks came up, TV, but deserved anyway.
1. For informative vdo re OKCity bombing heroes. New to me.
2. For responses to trolls/dickheads.
Merci aussi, Laurent, comme toujours.
Joining you/others in posting Respect to those Kennedy’s who promoted and sought for the kind of country that made USA admired and loved globally.
The contrast with today could not be greater.
Hoping that ideal may again be realised.
Americans need to recognise what is involved and be prepared to carry it out. Shuffling at the margins, accepting mass debauchery/corruption, making excuses for assisting satan (like other nations also) can no longer be acceptable.
“Be Thou my Battle-Shield, Sword for the Fight” as the old Irish hymn has it.
Because a Battle and a Fight is involved.
Joao-A-Failure writes:
From AOPA “Flight Safetyâ€: Unintentional stalls are deadly …
So let me get this straight, JFK Jr’s plane stalled (whether intentional or unintentional), and that (according to you) …. MADE IT BLOW UP catastrophically in mid air.
So, once again, please explain how a pilot’s inputs can result in a catastrophic explosion in mid air?
We’re all waiting to hear this.
“Yahweh isn’t Jewish and neither is Jesus. They are both extraterrestrials”
Can you please elaborate on the above “Extraterrestrial’ comment please ðŸ‘ðŸ¼
No, Presidential timber is the proper term among non-pussies.
From AOPA “Flight Safety”:
Unintentional stalls are deadly, resulting in fatalities almost 50% more often than non-stall accidents. Pilots are
taught to recognize, avoid, and recover from stalls early in
flight training, yet they still account for almost 25% of fatal
accidents. The overwhelming majority of unintended stalls
occur on personal flights in day visual meterological conditions (VMC) under light winds. Perhaps surprisingly, more
stalls occur during the departure phases of flight (takeoff,
climb, and go-around) than in the arrival phases (approach,
pattern, and landing).
The stubbornly high percentage of stalls associated with
personal flying (more than two-thirds) may indicate a weakness in typical pilot training. Most pilots are taught to recognize and recover from stalls in a controlled, predictable, and
stable environment, with focus on recognition of aircraft
response followed by proper recovery technique. Outside
the training environment, though, pilots continue to maneuver into the stall envelope unexpectedly with little time
to recover. Seemingly, some pilots fly closer to the critical
angle of attack than they realize. Adding a little more bank,
G-force, or both can trigger an accelerated stall without the
slow, predictable performance indicators….
If you still have a problem with “all the time” I suggest you have a look at NTSB accident summaries.
So let me get this straight, JFK Jr's plane stalled (whether intentional or unintentional), and that (according to you) .... MADE IT BLOW UP catastrophically in mid air.
From AOPA “Flight Safetyâ€: Unintentional stalls are deadly ...
Yahweh isn’t Jewish and neither is Jesus. They are both extraterrestrials and Jesus was quite correct when he stated that Jews are of their father the Devil as stated in John 8:44. If the son of God says it is so then it must be true.
Here is the Tower documentary link. He presents a lot of material and perspectives that were new to me (such as the "evil incarnate" footage of Larry Silverstein. How did he get Spitzer to "work" for him? Blackmail? I thought that Spitzer was going after some bad guys when he was brought down. I also had no idea that JFK had spoken so clearly in defense of the Palestinian refugees and their right of return. Definitely worth the two hours to watch it.
. . .The president had a giant, gaping wound in the back right corner of his head, a significant part of his brain had been blasted outward from front to back, and he was all but dead before he arrived at the hospital. That’s what the best trained and least biased witnesses with the most intimate access to Kennedy in the minutes after he was shot universally claimed, and there is no legitimate reason or compelling counterevidence to refute those observations.
That the autopsy photos are inconsistent with the Parkland notes says more about the autopsy photos than the evidentiary definitiveness of the notes. That the Zapruder film is inconsistent with the Parkland notes says more about the current state of the Zapruder film than the evidentiary definitiveness of the notes. That some Parkland doctors later changed their recollection says more about the pressure they must have felt to do so than the evidentiary definitiveness of the notes.
The notes are all you need to read, and doing so will permanently alter your perspective on the ugly history that follows. . . . �
Re ” “evil incarnate†footage of Larry Silverstein. How did he get Spitzer to “work†for him?”
This footage of Larry Silverstein licking his chops over the “clever” maneuver to strong-arm insurance companies into paying him $4.5 billion for the World Trade Towers is disgustingly comparable to the footage of Biden boasting about his successful operation to bludgeon the Ukrainians, via withholding aid to the country, into firing the prosecutor investigating Burisma (and his son, Hunter).
Silverstein was very, very pleased with his performance in the WTC play. “Lucky” my ass.
Surely Trump, a NY real estate insider, knows (or suspects) more about this than he is telling.
Regarding financial “irregularities,” it seems obvious from Silverstein’s on-screen “confession” that he committed some kind of insurance swindle with the WTC payout that should have been investigated.
“In my view Anglin sometimes parrots good analysts and then mistakes himself for a genius. His own analyses and writing are, in my view, shallow and amateurishly chaotic.”
I do not agree. If you look this video TRUMP FAKE shooting exposed //comment 52 in this article
so it’s difficult to believe that it was a real attempt to kill Trump
“We can surmise, from the evident incompetence, that Israel didn’t do Trump. ”
Biggest winner of the outcome of the ear shot: Trump-Zion.
If it was staged, Israel did it.
If not, then not.
Why do people like Mel K and Ann Steel talk about Trump as some kind of messiah and turn off the intelligent people in their audience by going all religious instead of sticking to facts and analysis?
Trump doesn’t believe in god, but he is wholly owned by Israel and the US Zionist fifth column.
P.S. “Is it good for the Jews?”
P.P.S. Why are the orders “shoot to kill”? Instead of “shoot to disable and find out who put the shooter there”? Shoot-to-kill is basically, obviously, destruction of evidence.
Thanks, will try.
After a world war is triggered by moving directly against China, the hubris filled Western PTB will get a true smackdown that will get their subjects to wake up and kick their asses.
I expect that a new world order will materialise after a showdown that will climax between now and 2027 at the most. The world’s population would endure horrendous hardship but with the subjugation of the Western PTB and their lackeys, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
My expectation of a movement towards war stems from the reality that all Western governments are overwhelmed by debts and their accruing interest payments, that war is their only way to cause a reshuffle that they hope would reset everything back to zero, thereby eliminating the debt by sundry ways.
Amen to that.
“ once the parasitic infestation has been dealt with. i’m sure the russians and chinese will be glad to extend a hand to us, once our hands are freed.â€
And here lies the key to American and world salvation. I cherish every word in your post but a realistic assessment of the state of the world teaches us that history progresses but mankind does not change. And the parasites would rather see the body destroyed than give up their power.
The assassination attempt against Trump, as Simplicius duly noted, is being erased from the media by not mentioning that it was direct shot at killing a President, should tell us how determined the PTB and their neocons to preserve the crooked status quo by curtailing any sympathy Trump might get from the tragic incident; they would rather end human civilisation than lose their privileges.
Should Trump manage to reach the White House and survive the scheming of the deep state, would he muster the courage to block the entry of all the establishment types, and start by appointing JFK Jr as Attorney General, as Martin Armstrong suggested, and fill the rest of his administration with like minded people who are free from MICIMATT. I say that is a tall order even for someone who has decided to go on a suicide mission. The first salvo against the entrenched establishment from a true reformer would be to bring an immediate end to the wars of Ukraine and Gaza. Otherwise, expect a new war to start in the South China Sea, for the ultimate target of the Western PTB is the Chinese genie that rose from the bottle and is overwhelming the current parasitical FIRE economy by giving the world an alternative industrial and developmental economy. History rhymes, think of National Socialist Germany vs Perfidious Albion.
While praying that your post that emanates from a decent human spirit materialises, I keep my fingers crossed.
We are in interesting times without any doubt.
“…all the time†?
Silly boy…
Joe Kennedy Snr was a business ‘friend ‘of Churchill , booze prohibition . Churchill introduced Onassis to Joe . Churchill was very close to Aristotle . Ari was a bit late to make a motza in booze, but tobacco , liberty ships , and in the 50’s moving oil for the ‘Sisters’, and the emerging Arabs . In the 50s ,Nixon when he was a Vice P, ’employed ‘ Howard Hughes’ toe cutter , Robert Maheu and Warren E Burger to do a barnacle job on Ari . The big Texas mob wanted either the F.B.I. to ‘foul’ him or to get Nixon’s friends to kill him . Matheu links into Bay of Piglets, and that saga . He was Nixon’s , mob , recruiter . Nixon, often holidayed in LA JOLLA Ca…the resort owned by Texas Oil Tycoons . A 4 sum, Nixon , wife Pat, J.E.Hoover and Tolson . Both L.B.J. and Nixon had dirt on each other , and many of their associates overlap . Before John jnr died in an aircrafty accident , Alexander Onassis, son of Aristotle , was wasted, with a aileron that was reversed to facilitate, assassination . About a year and a half before Nixon had to resign . Ari payed big money to find answers . All they could do was make sure something happened to ‘shuffle ‘, the fixed deck. The Jews , hmmm, if Joe was ‘anti war’, Prescott Bush would not have been allowed to spawn a dynasty of career criminals .
Sorry i meant JD VANCE, my mistake
Joao-A-Failure writes:
In private aviation stall/spin accidents happen all the time. All that is required are incorrect control inputs.
Well dickhead, how do you explain the EXPLOSION IN THE SKY that several witnesses observed?
Was that the result of ‘incorrect control inputs’?
How do you explain the bits of wreckage that were recovered that showed signs of CATASTROPHIC EXPLOSIVE DAMAGE?
Of course, that info is not available in the official accounts, as released by ZOG controlled government entities (like the NTSB).
But White Hats among the recovery team have LEAKED out what actually occurred and how the bits of plane wreckage resembled.
Of course said White Hats leaked that info on the condition of anonymity.
If they came out publicly they’d be dead meat, they’d end up like 9/11 whistle blower Barry Jennings or Oklahoma City Bombing whistle blower Terrance Yeakey, two great and courageous Americans who paid with their lives, because they dared to tell the truth.
The video below from The Corbett Report, covers what (((they))) did to Yeakey:
John Pimple writes:
I’m supposed to believe that someone was able to access a plane owned by a Kennedy, which I’m assuming had at the very least the airport security fence guarding it and probably a lot more, and was able to plant a bomb in or on it.
Are you aware that, even decades ago, they have been able to miniaturise Tactical Nukes to the size of a grapefruit ?
No, judging from your ignorant comments Mr Pimple, I suspect you didn’t know much of anything.
So, in the case of a device using a conventional explosive, for certain they could’ve placed something no larger than the size of your fist (using PETN, RDX or C4), that could be hidden in some nook or cranny of the aircraft and thus remain inconspicuous.
Do you know* how flimsy a light aircraft is and how easily the smallest amount of explosive would lead to its catastrophic failure?
(*Rhetorical question, so don’t attempt to answer it – seeing as we’ve already established that you’re an ignorant fool).
FACT: Several people witnessed a mid-air explosion in the sky corresponding to the last known whereabouts of JFK Jr’s plane.
Tell that to your Talmudic handlers Mr Pimple. Tell them your misdirection is not working.
I'm aware that for physics reasons that's not true so the question becomes why do you choose to tell a lie?Replies: @Truth Vigilante
Are you aware that, even decades ago, they have been able to miniaturise Tactical Nukes to the size of a grapefruit ?
In all the years that Ron Paul was in office what exactly did he accomplish besides making an easy paycheck with lots of fringe benefits?.
Clearly, you know nothing about Dr Ron Paul MD (a Specialist OB/GYN that delivered over 4000 babies during his professional career), to be making such a foolish statement.
The fact is, most politicians are sociopaths and psychopaths. They were failures in the private sector and had no marketable skills – hence the reason they entered politics to make their fortunes.
They all enter Congress with next to nothing then, after years of corruption, being on the end of info that they use to conduct insider trading, they retire as multi-millionaires.
eg: Nancy Pelosi, who has a net worth well into nine figures.
And of course, we have that stand out example of depravity and avarice. ie: LBJ, the man who would go on to be the first Jewish POTUS, the most corrupt politician in the history of the Republic, who’s net worth expressed in 2024 dollars, would be well on the way to a billion dollars.
So, in the case of Dr Ron Paul, he would’ve made FAR MORE MONEY in private practice than he ever made as a Congressman. He didn’t enter politics for the money. He was one of those rare few that did it because he saw the rot in D.C (District of Corruption), and wanted to change things for the better.
Vance had easy peasy, candy-ass degree..! He studied no sciences/maths! ,,,He served as a journalist not combat arms in the marines. .. just pushed his Yale law degree through (east peasy), without even achieving required grades!
That would change the whole picture.
So amazing the jewish capacty for collective cohesion, unity, focus sense of purspose to achieve their evil objectives, and more so in thir deep sense of hatred erlentless hatred to go on for centuries. More amzing is the lack of Goyim/Gentile uniform, solid counter offesinsive to push back the jews. It seems that Gentile/Goyim will foreverc played the fools, far behind the jewsih systematic capacity for evil. The main flaws is the goyim mind slavery to the jewish Bible/rligious control over History/academis/educatin/culture by PARASITICAL inflitration of gentiles nations/culture/insttutions. When will we learnt that the jews are NOT our friends. our neighbors, our brethren, NO they are not none of those. Goyim/gentile MUST develop an equal or gretar capacity to organize against the JEWS, reinforce our HISTOTICAL victimization of the goyim at the hands of the jews.. THEY CAN NOT BE TRUSTED..double/dual citizens fifth column traitors. is this an impossible task? tell the truth about the evil jew, e can not even state factual History about evi jes, everytime they freeze the debate with two oerds Antisemism/Holocaust BS…?? some day Goyim will be able to put together a coation/ ANTI JEWISH ORGAZATION?? impossible??
Couple of things here. First all of me is saying that involved because you’re not involved they’re saying maybe they are involved with it. However who stands to win this? The biden campaign?
Nope. Anyway you look at it it would be the trump campaign. Time for a little deeper thought here. Time to take a look at the possibility that it coulda been a trump campaign move.
Pop pop go the shots, and only after about a second after those shots go off does trump react.
That time sequence could benefit from expert examination.
I agree, the old rule: Don’t feed the trolls.
compared to synogogue of satan and their infestation of western civilization… I would call the Kennedy’s highly principled… but the same would be true of the cockroach empire; their principles, not their infestation
Thomas Massie is a Congressman, not a Senator.
Agreed. Johnson brought Texas and the southern vote since the Kennedy family were not popular in the southern states.
The name of the individual involved wasn't "Joe Hooker" but "DeWest Hooker" and he wasn't a media mogul but merely an aspiring one. The story almost certainly came from a book by Michael Collins Piper, who was a friend of Hooker, and Piper said it happened in the mid-1950s rather than giving it the precise year of 1956. Here's the link to the section of Piper's book in which he discusses it:
Joseph Kennedy solved the problem in 1956 by secretly asking a prominent media and entertainment business mogul called Joe Hooker to orchestrate a right-wing press campaign against his son, by accusing the then Senator Jack Kennedy of being a “Jewish puppetâ€, secretly in hock to Jewish interests and influences. Hooker and his neo-Fascist contacts duly smeared JFK in the Press. “Kikes for Kennedy†ran one headline. The American Nazi party denounced him as a “Jew loverâ€. The Jewish lobby was impressed and so, when the request for campaign funds duly appeared, Jewish political financiers decided to back Kennedy.[3]
� @JWalters, @Colonel Dolma
Although now largely forgotten, George Lincoln Rockwell became a somewhat prominent public figure in the 1960s, notorious as the founder of the American Nazi Party, and successfully operating as something of a political performance-artist, regularly employing a wide range of stunts and media events in order to attract considerable press coverage. Indeed, the name of his right-wing racialist organization along with its Hitler-era flags and uniforms had obviously been chosen for exactly that reason, serving as an irresistible lure for the media attention that serves as the life’s-blood of any small and under-funded political organization, which would usually prefer to be vilified rather than merely ignored...
Although usually relegated to just a sentence or two in our history books and treated like a villainous clown, at times Rockwell had moved in important circles, and may have even helped influence some national events. In his autobiographical account, he describes his political education under a certain DeWest Hooker, a successful entertainment executive whom he regarded as a personal hero and mentor. Hooker was fiercely anti-Jewish and years later became a close friend of journalist Michael Collins Piper, who recounted a fascinating tale from the 1960 Presidential race in his book Final Judgment.
Jewish groups still had deep animosity for Joseph Kennedy over his strong opposition to American involvement in World War II, and the family patriarch feared that this lingering hostility would damage his son’s chances of reaching the White House. So he asked Hooker to have his friend Rockwell organize public Nazi Party demonstrations endorsing Nixon and attacking JFK, thereby solidifying Jewish support for the latter. These protests actually attracted quite a bit of media coverage, and probably helped the younger Kennedy win 80% of the Jewish vote, along with heavy campaign donations and friendly media support, perhaps tipping the balance in such a very close national election.
In an even stranger possible twist, Hooker years later reportedly explained that the original impetus for the creation of Rockwell’s American Nazi Party had actually come from the Jewish ADL, which believed that widespread media coverage of such an organization would greatly enhance their fund-raising efforts. So they allegedly approached Hooker and explained their proposal, offering to pay all the costs of publishing the Nazi literature and other materials, and he persuaded his protege to implement the idea. I think a story so bizarre is less likely to have been invented.
my first thought… shades of Mossad creating Hamas to offset the influence of Arafat…there is nothing new under the sun
Didn’t Trump state that his VP pick was going to be Israel-friendly?
Why did Vance change his last name?
I am suspicious of anyone who changes his last name.
His face looks like a pasty pierogi.
Thanks for the rundown of the current status of an informed view of the forces that have gained control of the USA. I shall certainly see what Judge Napolitano and his guests have to say about the ear shot.
Thanks for mentioning Tower—I suggest also watching his documentary, linked at the end of this comment.
Re “To me the above-cited evidence is overwhelming that a Jewish banking-based oligarchy is America’s Deep State. They assassinated JFK, RFK, did 9/11, and are the most likely candidate for this attempted assassination of Donald Trump. ”
I can’t accept this assessment, because the answer to the question cui bono? from the incident is Trump. Even before reading Anglin’s piece, I had concluded that this incident puts Trump in the White House (as I wrote on that thread).
It is arguable that he has been selected, and the ear shot sealed the deal with the public. It actually put Biden back in the driver’s seat, from a “narrative” POV.
And Trump is owned by Israel/Netanyahu/Miriam Adelson/Ivanka and Jared Kushner, and others.
Re presidential autopsies, Doomberg has a longish piece on the JFK autopsy at their substack that can be read with the “continue reading” option:
IMO they do not connect all the dots, or they are not saying, but their comments on the autopsy itself are worth reading. And, I believe, relevant.
They write:
. . .The president had a giant, gaping wound in the back right corner of his head, a significant part of his brain had been blasted outward from front to back, and he was all but dead before he arrived at the hospital. That’s what the best trained and least biased witnesses with the most intimate access to Kennedy in the minutes after he was shot universally claimed, and there is no legitimate reason or compelling counterevidence to refute those observations.
That the autopsy photos are inconsistent with the Parkland notes says more about the autopsy photos than the evidentiary definitiveness of the notes. That the Zapruder film is inconsistent with the Parkland notes says more about the current state of the Zapruder film than the evidentiary definitiveness of the notes. That some Parkland doctors later changed their recollection says more about the pressure they must have felt to do so than the evidentiary definitiveness of the notes.
The notes are all you need to read, and doing so will permanently alter your perspective on the ugly history that follows. . . .
Here is the Tower documentary link. He presents a lot of material and perspectives that were new to me (such as the “evil incarnate” footage of Larry Silverstein. How did he get Spitzer to “work” for him? Blackmail? I thought that Spitzer was going after some bad guys when he was brought down. I also had no idea that JFK had spoken so clearly in defense of the Palestinian refugees and their right of return. Definitely worth the two hours to watch it.
You mean Chappaqua NY (home town of “beat up them wogs” at Columbia U billionaire Bill Axman) NOT Chautauqua NY, the rural venue for a long running arts festival in upstate NY near Buffalo.
Trump picked JD Vance (born surname Bowman – J-ish?). Indications of grooming: US Marines as a journalist! Finished college in 2 years indicating he took no science or math courses – easy peasy degree. Yale Law School maybe they take 100 students based on future political leadership potential. Worked for a J-ish Venture Capital Fund. Wife is also Yale Law grad and editor of law journal – from India. So, we get a plausible covert J for VP instead of, say, JFK Jr.
Anyone who actually believes that the plane “crash” of John F. Kennedy Jr. and his passengers would do well to watch this fact-filled video —
Thank you.
It’s not just the Kennedys Jews hate. The Jews (although not all Jews) have a homicidally pathological hatred of the Irish. Imagine if the Irish fools who vote Democrat knew it.
It is not just Americans who are fascinated by President Kennedy, but ethical, principled, patriotic people all throughout the planet. This is a fact, demonstrated by the global outcry and pain that ensued his foul killing by Israel, the universal outrage expressed at the time by so many international personalities, General De Gaulle, Bertrand Russell...
I have never understood the American fascination with these self absorbed, unattractive, greedy grifters.
If you think the Kennedys are principled, you have lost before you even started, you dumb hag cunt.
If JFK’s grandson Schlossberg ever becomes President that will be proof positive that JFK, Jr. was assassinated. And I predict Schlossberg himself will face no threat of assassination.
That is from "American Values" pg 13. The next few pages are worth reading too. This is the pdf version available on archive org. Given RFKJr’s recent statements about Israel…Take Salt.Replies: @Notsofast, @Pheasant
" I hope Grandpa will forgive me, in this case, for defending him. The even more venomous Nazi accusation is equally without merit. Despite his Irish heritage, Grandpa was a shameless Anglophile who urged the strongest support for England against Hitler. He asked FDR to increase shipments of all aid to Britain short of war, breaking with Charles Lindbergh, William Randolph Hearst, and the America Firsters. He abhorred Nazism, which he called “the new paganism.†He condemned the fascist persecution of the Jews as “the most terrible thing I have ever heard of.†His outspoken support for a Jewish homeland led the Arab National League of Boston to brand him a “Zionist Charlie McCarthy,†and he made tireless efforts to rescue Jewish refugees from the Nazis. After a speech I gave in Minneapolis, a young woman approached me, introducing herself as Lisa Brenner. “Your grandfather got my grandmother, Mary, out of Germany before World War II,†she told me. “I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for him.†I can’t count the times I’ve heard similar stories. In his exhaustive biography of my grandfather, historian David Nasaw chronicles how Grandpa’s frantic efforts to find safe havens for German and Austrian Jews after Kristallnacht ruined his relationship with the British government— which lodged an official complaint against him to Secretary of State Cordell Hull, and ultimately with Franklin Roosevelt. As the Roosevelt administration turned on Grandpa in May 1938, Rabbi Solomon Goldman, president of the Zionist Organization of America, cabled him on May 9: “Feel it duty [to] say American Zionists have always regarded you as devoted friend. . . . [Be] assured we feel indebted for earnestness with which you have furthered interests [of] American Jews and cause of people whose American Jews and cause of people whose fate must be of deepest concern to you.†Grandpa’s lonely campaign helped earn him an invitation from his Jewish friends to be the sole gentile member of the Palm Beach Country Club, an honor he cherished...."
‘†I hope Grandpa will forgive me, in this case, for defending him. The even more venomous Nazi accusation is equally without merit. Despite his Irish heritage, Grandpa was a shameless Anglophile who urged the strongest support for England against Hitler. He asked FDR to increase shipments of all aid to Britain short of war, breaking with Charles Lindbergh, William Randolph Hearst, and the America Firsters. He abhorred Nazism, which he called “the new paganism.†He condemned the fascist persecution of the Jews as “the most terrible thing I have ever heard of.†His outspoken support for a Jewish homeland led the Arab National League of Boston to brand him a “Zionist Charlie McCarthy,†and he made tireless efforts to rescue Jewish refugees from the Nazis. After a speech I gave in Minneapolis, a young woman approached me, introducing herself as Lisa Brenner. “Your grandfather got my grandmother, Mary, out of Germany before World War II,†she told me. “I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for him.†I can’t count the times I’ve heard similar stories. In his exhaustive biography of my grandfather, historian David Nasaw chronicles how Grandpa’s frantic efforts to find safe havens for German and Austrian Jews after Kristallnacht ruined his relationship with the British government— which lodged an official complaint against him to Secretary of State Cordell Hull, and ultimately with Franklin Roosevelt. As the Roosevelt administration turned on Grandpa in May 1938, Rabbi Solomon Goldman, president of the Zionist Organization of America, cabled him on May 9: “Feel it duty [to] say American Zionists have always regarded you as devoted friend. . . . [Be] assured we feel indebted for earnestness with which you have furthered interests [of] American Jews and cause of people whose American Jews and cause of people whose fate must be of deepest concern to you.†Grandpa’s lonely campaign helped earn him an invitation from his Jewish friends to be the sole gentile member of the Palm Beach Country Club, an honor he cherished….‒
Jesus Christ.
This comment as well as the above article just goes to show:
But I dont think anyone here doesnt know that already.
No shame. No guilt. Nothing.
Just scum.
This was made undeniable by America's lunatic support to the Israel Genocide of Gaza.
To me the above-cited evidence is overwhelming that a Jewish banking-based oligarchy is America’s Deep State.
I agree fully. Now we need to root out the Zionist mafia before they drag us all down to destruction.
I did take a look at that Anglin article when it came up.
I don’t think the Trump camp would hatch a plot that involved killing an innocent member of the crowd, and wounding two more.
Further, I don’t think the Trump camp could have arranged for the Pennsylvania police to stand down in their security protocols. The Deep State could have.
The situation has features similar to the JFK and RFK assassinations, including the stand-down of JFK’s security. Those were conclusively Deep State oprations.
Here’s an excellent analysis by the Judge Napolitano crew, former CIA guys Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern.
SPECIAL: Judge / Johnson / McGovern : Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump
A detailed discussion of the facts is mixed into this longer discussion.
Fight Fight Fight!
In my view Anglin sometimes parrots good analysts and then mistakes himself for a genius. His own analyses and writing are, in my view, shallow and amateurishly chaotic.
This is another insightful article describing historical evidence which most folks simply are incapable of comprehending, unless or until their eyes are opened to see a dimension to life that is invisible to most. I call it DaGAP.
It is becoming increasingly evident to me that the big question has to be: How is it possible for all the evil work carried out by what we label DaDeepState all over the world, even considering the financial incentives involved to the co-conspirators and their natural propensities for evil – all coordinated with seemingly amazing effectiveness for centuries? – no, this isn’t about spiritual nonsense – it’s about REALITY!
Laurent knows nothing about America. He is an ignorant clown that embarrasses the Unz Review. Cut this clown off
This is a rambling piece of nonsense written by neurotic or even psychocotic nut case. Nothing makes sense and any high school teacher would fail this clown. One minor little point JFK jr was a light weight. The guy failed the law exam multiple times nd bankrupted his Magazine …he could not have been elected dog catcher of Buffalo NY or Sheriff of a mountain hill town in Kentucky. He was a fake scam just like this article
This is good news that Massie is his Vice choice. As the Viva Barnes locals/rumble podcast says Massie is insurance for the America First. If the Deep/Zionist State tries again assassinating Massie can stand up. Best news for a while and good insurance on Trump. Somehow after the assignation Trump went for Massie, instead of (deep stink) Rubio or others.
Unless a wooden Indian is elected, the aphorism “presidential timbre” is the one you sought.
Had the attempt been coordinated by people with the amount of resources and expertise you’re implying, they wouldn’t have likely sent some misfit loser to actually perform the task. Remember, in most versions of the “conspiracy theory” around JFK’s death, the actual hit is made by professionals with LHO being just the patsy fall guy. I think this was just a “run-of-the-mill” screwball assassination attempt.
Whether the points you made are valid or not, you presented them without hyperbole and as an honest attempt to present an argument. As to the kind of response like the one you received, I believe generally it is better to not respond to such foolishness at all, but it is understandable why you did.
“City of London, the ZOG, was Sephardim. They are the banksters that came out of Spain and Italy and then Netherlands and finally entirely took over UK.”
You mean the Rothschilds of Frankfurt am Main? (sn/)
As I compose this post the music of The Rolling Stones’ ‘Sympathy for the Devil is playing in the background, because the tune aptly describes the timeless machinations of Big Jew diabolical malevolence.
Few people know Richard III badly needed cash and had made appeals to the Jews of France and Flanders. Part of their price were the two princes in the Tower whose bodies were delivered for ritual murder.
Cromwell the racist, ethnic cleanser, and regicide was strongly influenced by the Old Testament, and re established Big Jew’s dominion over Great Britain.
Lincoln was killed because with his Emancipation and plans for Negro Repatriation he messed up the plans and profits of the cotton broker Jews and the slave insurance Jews.
Yet there are many things I don’t understand:
Was Monica Lewinsky sent by Yahweh to suck Clinton’s dick in order to derail his Mideast Peace Plan? Why wasn’t Henry Ford punished? Why didn’t Yahweh kill Lindbergh—-when in fact he went to Germany and had a second fambly? Why didn’t Yahweh protect the (((Chosen))) Rosenbergs
I don’t know if it could work, you can use Tinyurl for shorter urls including the ones on who could bypass this problem or try to link via archived copies of various articles on located on and/or GhostArchive. Here a sample of various articles archived on Archive.todayé
The only thing I know about Thomas Jefferson is what I have read, the only Presidents that I am old enough to speak on are from Nixon to Bidet. Jefferson is described pretty favorably in history books for what is worth, but had America lost to the British, Jefferson probably would not have had that many admirers. Barely knew Nixon nor even cared about politics while young. Believed the crapola about WWII, never realizing that it took half the world to destroy a nation of 70-75 million that in reality wasn’t ready for a war to begin with. That the mighty Americans and Brits were not much better than the Italians, etc. So I believe little of what I read when it comes to history before my time.
I will wait to LEARN about what exactly Ron Paul did with all his time spent collecting a paycheck in Washington because it sure wasn’t groundbreaking.
The answer could be up your arse. Do a double check. LOL.
> Khazars hate Trump just ask them.
Strictly speaking you have mixed up the 2 distinct branches of Talmudists.
City of London, the ZOG, was Sephardim. They are the banksters that came out of Spain and Italy and then Netherlands and finally entirely took over UK.
Trump is beholden to Chabad Lubavicher camp of the chosen ones. The Zionists and Chabad may share certain interests — preserving the colony in occupied Palestine — but their version of the World Government of the “Messiah” is entirely different from the one envisioned by ZOG.
So this “fight” is between two competing branches of the chosen ones.
Affix a MAGNETIC explosive device to an ALUMINUM plane?
‘Splain me that one, please.
joe, i honestly feel this is all being settle behind the scenes, due to the graduated response from both the axis of resistance and the russian federation, slowly ramping up their response and proving their superior weapon systems and tactics.
bullies are in fact cowards, and cowards fear a fair fight. when push comes to shove, they back down, claim they hear their mother calling them and run home. i think we are in the face saving phase now, the russians and chinese will never let them catch up either economically or militarily.
of course being in the belly of the beast, that won’t help us much but ww3 has been diverted. it may get even uglier for us but the rest of the world has been spared and vvp has given a blueprint to the rest of the world, as how to rebuild a looted, fractured country in a couple of decades, so it is possible, once the parasitic infestation has been dealt with. i’m sure the russians and chinese will be glad to extend a hand to us, once our hands are freed.
Speaking of Graham, it is an odd coincidence, or something (synergy?), that like Jackie Kennedy Onassis, JFK Jr’s mother, Kay Graham owned a large estate on Martha’s Vineyard, Mohu, which she bought in 1972.
Speaking of curses,
“A son of legendary Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham shot himself to death just days ahead of the national release of a movie about her role in the “Pentagon Papers†exposé — and in a manner eerily reminiscent of his dad’s suicide more than 50 years ago.
William Graham, 69, died Dec. 20 [2017] at his home in Los Angeles, according to a Washington Post obituary, which quoted his brother Donald as saying the cause was a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Graham’s suicide came two days before the Washington, DC, premiere of “The Post,†which recounts the paper’s 1971 efforts to publish the infamous Department of Defense study that revealed massive government lies about American military involvement in Vietnam.”
Pretty much the whole property is now owned by Brian L. Roberts and Dirk Ziff, AFAIK.