Tooth Dilettante –
In relation to Vietnam, I stopped there briefly in the last 12 months on the way home from a vacation in Europe, and I can confirm it is crazy good value for money.
I am sure you got a good education there regarding the Bolshevik way of doing things. Since it appears you were allowed to leave, I am sure you did not criticize the government, but then you would not do that because it would end your usefulness as propaganda agent.
The rest of your comments show your thorough training in making unfounded accusations.
I am sure you spend your evenings bowing before a picture of Karl Marx.
Brad –
Although I do not agree with you on some points, you have at least responded in a civilized fashion, unlike Tooth Dilettante. Tooth Dilettante accuses me of being some kind of Jewish pawn, part of some Zionist conspiracy, he has also indulged in endless name calling, which I asked repeatedly to stop, yet he continues. I have given up on expecting him to act civilized, so I have responded in kind.
He might, through some unlikely revelation, decide to stop being a loudmouth barbarian, but it is too late as far as I am concerned. Any civilized discourse on his part will be treated as a way to get me to let my guard down so he can start up again. He has burned his bridges with me.
Regarding me ‘hating’ Russia. I don’t know much about the people there but I suppose they are much the same as everyone else, basically. I disrespect the government there as I cannot see Vladmir Putin as anything but a tyrant. It is not an open society, so none of what comes out of there can be trusted.
Opponents vanish secretly and investigations of such are suppressed. Your friend might enjoy his life in Russia, and that is fine. Any quality of life in a dictatorship can end just like that if the ruler decides to end it.
I have no doubt if Vlad decides to lay down arms, the war over there will cease. I suggest he try it and see what happens.
Regarding the Federal Reserve. Show me where on this blog or anywhere else I have endorsed such. I have endorsed a Constitutional Amendment (the details to be discussed) which forbids the USA from going in to debt without a Declaration of War.
I am also on record as saying if the USA dials back its oppressive tax and regulatory policies, as well as endorsing a strong 2nd Amendment, 75% of our problems would go away.
Thanks Brad, for relaying your experience.
In relation to Vietnam, I stopped there briefly in the last 12 months on the way home from a vacation in Europe, and I can confirm it is crazy good value for money.
In Ho Chi Minh City a bowl of pho at a Michelin rated restaurant cost me AUD $5 (ie: around USD $3.30).
Everything was just a bargain. Meanwhile Brad, you needn’t waste time with ‘Joker’.
He’s a dyed-in-the-wool neocon and thinks that Murica can do no bad.
He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed and is oblivious to the fact that the U.S is fast descending into being a Bolshevik shit-hole, yet has the audacity to use that term to describe other nations that are clearly more Capitalistic.
I am sure you got a good education there regarding the Bolshevik way of doing things. Since it appears you were allowed to leave, I am sure you did not criticize the government, but then you would not do that because it would end your usefulness as propaganda agent.
In relation to Vietnam, I stopped there briefly in the last 12 months on the way home from a vacation in Europe, and I can confirm it is crazy good value for money.
Mr. Jokem, may I join in your conversation with T-V? Thank you.
I am a 73-year-old retired industrial electrician and my main hobby is amateur radio (ham radio), which I have been engaged in since 1981. I have recounted this story before, but I will do it again, in hopes of educating you a little bit on the country that you seem to hate – Russia.
I have a Swedish ham radio friend, who has lived in the Moscow area for over 6 years. He is fluent in Swedish, English, and Russian (and possibly German). He has traveled all over the world and has operated ham radio from many countries. He has a Russian lady friend and has told me that he is very happy in Russia – that he is treated very well and enjoys a very good living. My friend probably could live in most any country of his choosing, but he lives in Russia because he WANTS TO.
I have another ham radio acquaintance who lives in Vietnam. He works for a government agency in an effort to find and bring back the bodies of GIs who were left behind, of which there were many. My friend in Vietnam told me that he has a great life, with excellent medical care available to him and that HE WILL NEVER COME BACK to the United States.
In my hobby of ham radio, we exchange paper cards, on the order of post cards. These serve as written verification that conversations have taken place between us hams. I have received many of these cards from hams in Russia and from reading the remarks that were written to me on the cards, I have come to the conclusion that Russians ARE JUST LIKE Americans – they want to live, work, play, enjoy life and to be at peace with the rest of the world.
In the fall of 2019, I took a 3-week vacation to Sweden, to visit some of the many swedes with which I have had ham radio conversations over the years and also to visit some of my distant relatives there. I was treated like royalty there and when it came time to come back to the USA, I did not want to leave. But I did come back and I just try to make the best of things here.
When I was planning my vacation to Sweden, I had hopes of first flying to Moscow, taking the Trans-Siberian railway west to St. Petersburg, taking it east all the way to Vladivostok and then returning to Moscow, where I would then travel on to Sweden. I talked with a banker at a local branch of a national bank, where I had then been doing my banking. He was an emigrant from Russia and his command of the English language was impeccable.
I told him about my hobby of ham radio, how I’d had conversations with hundreds of Russian hams over the years and that I wanted to spend time in Russia, meeting some of my ham radio friends and visiting that beautiful country. He was thrilled that I took such an interest in his home country but he cautioned that travel in Russia was not easy.
He told me that many Russians were not fluent in English, that many of the signs were not in English and that in many places, credit cards were not accepted – many businesses only accepted Roubles. He also told me that due to the idiotic actions of the U.S. government and State Department, that the Russian government required an exact itinerary of all foreign visitors’ travels. He said that insofar as crime in Russia was concerned, that was NOT a problem; Russia was at least as safe as that of the United States.
Upon learning all that, I decided to limit my travels to the country of Sweden. I still actively seek out Russians to converse with in my hobby of ham radio and I am happy that my radio signals have traveled to every part of Russia.
In case you do not know it, or choose to ignore it, the entire US economy is BASED ON FRAUD – the fraudulent, unconstitutional printing of “money” by the “Federal” Reserve System – money which never existed in the first place and has absolutely no backing with which to give it any value. This fictitiously created “money” is really DEBT – debt that is used by the banks, the people in the financial industry and the many “landlords” to “get one over” their fellow citizens. Complete fraud, but entirely “legal.”
This subject about taxing tips is a complete joke, as far as I am concerned. MANY constitutional scholars have publicly stated that the personal income tax here in the USA is unconstitutional, but that the IRS and the courts use force and the risk of punishment to accomplish the collection of personal income taxes.
It is my opinion that ALL personal income taxes need to be eliminated. I am at odds with “Truth Vigilante” in my opinion of corporate income taxes, but I am in agreement with him on almost everything else.
Thank you.
I certainly want to weaken the Bolshevik empire (aka the Talmudic elite that run America and control both factions of the Uniparty).
I suspect you just want to weaken the USA’s military so to make it harder to oppose the expansion of the Bolshevik empire.
Meanwhile, in relation to his economy, Putin's Russia has far more Capitalism than the U.S (far lower income and corporate taxes, smaller government as a % of GDP, massively lower debt to GDP, pursuit of the Jeffersonian maxim):
'They [the U.S armed forces] have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, and they can't even defeat a few thousand lightly armed Taliban who now control most of the country'.
Replies: @Jokem
SUMMARY: Yes I am for Capitalism and a peaceful, prosperous world. That's why I'm with Putin, because he and Xi Xingping are the most likely to deliver it.
I hope and pray, as do all peoples of the world with a conscience, that the Talmudic experiment otherwise known as the U.S.S.A (United Socialist States of America), fails soon.
Once the USD loses world reserve currency status (and that day is nigh), the U.S is done for.
It will descend into the banana republic abyss, never to be extricated.
Tooth Dilettante –
More propaganda from the Kremlin.
You are posing as a free market capitalist, while endorsing Marxist nations.
Joker writes:
I suspect you just want to weaken the USA’s military so to make it harder to oppose the expansion of the Bolshevik empire.
I certainly want to weaken the Bolshevik empire (aka the Talmudic elite that run America and control both factions of the Uniparty).
Like anyone with a scintilla of morality, I stand in Putin’s corner. Anyone with even an ounce of humanity would want to weaken the military of the USSA, in light of all the death and despair it’s brought to the world since WWII (in the way of countless millions of murdered innocent civilians in third world countries, who never had the capacity to hurt America even if they were so inclined).
Make no mistake, this has been America’s Modus Operandi over the last 80 years.
They purposely pick on the weak and vulnerable, like all COWARDLY bullies do.
Because they know they’d get their arses kicked by any of the major (or even moderately strong) military powers.
Case in Point: The debacle in Afghanistan. When asked by a journalist why a particular country would undertake some course of action and thus incur the wrath of the U.S military (or words to that effect), Paul Craig Roberts said the following in 2016:
‘They [the U.S armed forces] have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, and they can’t even defeat a few thousand lightly armed Taliban who now control most of the country’.
Meanwhile, in relation to his economy, Putin’s Russia has far more Capitalism than the U.S (far lower income and corporate taxes, smaller government as a % of GDP, massively lower debt to GDP, pursuit of the Jeffersonian maxim):
‘Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none’).
What’s not to like about that?
And of course the proof is in the pudding. The Russian economy is firing on all cylinders and powering ahead. The Bolshevised U.S economy on the other hand, is a House of Cards with a grossly exaggerated GDP that is mostly financialised fluff.
The U.S is a FAILED STATE, with ever expanding tent cities of homeless and destitute, coupled to the hordes that are not even lucky enough to have a tent, as they sleep under freeway overpasses and walk the streets aimlessly in a drug induced stupor.
Now Joker, I can see why you’re grumpy with the present state of affairs. That poisonous dwarf Zelensky that you so admire and his Judeo-Ukrainian regime backed by your beloved Anglo Zionist empire, has been pummelled into the turf.
Your yarmulke wearing brethren in the Apartheid Israeli state are on the end of one hell of a shellacking from the Hamas Freedom Fighters, thus explaining why you’re foaming at the mouth in rage.
Because, that’s not how it was supposed to turn out. You were promised by your Rabbi and the Grand Pubah/(Poo-bah?) at that Judeo-Masonic lodge that you attend, that the shadowy financiers in the City of London (ie: ZOG central), that Malignant International Jewry had everything under control.
Because, after all, they owned that ‘River of Riches’ (aka the Federal Reserve), and with the scores of trillions they could conjure with a key stroke on their computers, they could buy any geopolitical outcome they so desired.
Oh dear Joker, it’s all gone so horribly pear shaped for you and your Jewish ilk.
To cap things off, Julian Assange has been freed, which you’re mightily upset by.
You wanted Assange to die in prison, to serve as an example to any future journalist who dared to expose the crimes of your murderous nation.
Now, be a good fellow and take that 10th booster of the toxic experimental mRNA gene therapy that masquerades as a Covid vaccine, like your Big Gubmint overlords told you to.
The UR readers know you’re a slavish follower of Big Gubmint edicts (we know you took the deadly vaxx during the Covid Psyop, that you masked up, hibernated and participated in Socialist distancing these last few years), so it’s best you maintain that consistency of prostration to your Talmudic masters.
SUMMARY: Yes I am for Capitalism and a peaceful, prosperous world. That’s why I’m with Putin, because he and Xi Xingping are the most likely to deliver it.
I hope and pray, as do all peoples of the world with a conscience, that the Talmudic experiment otherwise known as the U.S.S.A (United Socialist States of America), fails soon.
Once the USD loses world reserve currency status (and that day is nigh), the U.S is done for.
It will descend into the banana republic abyss, never to be extricated.
If they are tipped in cash, instead of by credit card, what stops them from just putting it in their pocket?
The IRS ‘estimates’ what the service workers ‘should’ receive as tips, and if the reported income is too low, they can try to collect the extra.
My information may be out of date, of course, as it is from decades ago.
Agreed, it's not a level playing field.Therefore, the ONLY just solution is to eliminate the income and corporate taxes altogether.
Tips are income.
Why should other taxpayers have to report 100% of their income and [potential] pay taxes on that income but tip earners get a bye?
Tooth Dilettante –
Although I agree with the idea of reducing taxes, I suspect you just want to weaken the USA’s military so to make it harder to oppose the expansion of the Bolshevik empire.
More propaganda straight from the Kremlin.
I certainly want to weaken the Bolshevik empire (aka the Talmudic elite that run America and control both factions of the Uniparty).
I suspect you just want to weaken the USA’s military so to make it harder to oppose the expansion of the Bolshevik empire.
Meanwhile, in relation to his economy, Putin's Russia has far more Capitalism than the U.S (far lower income and corporate taxes, smaller government as a % of GDP, massively lower debt to GDP, pursuit of the Jeffersonian maxim):
'They [the U.S armed forces] have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, and they can't even defeat a few thousand lightly armed Taliban who now control most of the country'.
Replies: @Jokem
SUMMARY: Yes I am for Capitalism and a peaceful, prosperous world. That's why I'm with Putin, because he and Xi Xingping are the most likely to deliver it.
I hope and pray, as do all peoples of the world with a conscience, that the Talmudic experiment otherwise known as the U.S.S.A (United Socialist States of America), fails soon.
Once the USD loses world reserve currency status (and that day is nigh), the U.S is done for.
It will descend into the banana republic abyss, never to be extricated.
There are many disconformities in the tax on income in the USA.
The difference in effective taxation of income between a salaried worker and someone engaged in farming, for example, is scandalous. Family-owned businesses can deduct payments to family members it employs. The tax for a guy who gets a salary for managing a grocery store is calculated on every penny of his income and he pays that taxed income to anyone for any service.
If Ron Paul thinks restaurant tip-earners deserve a break, it will be just one more disconformity.
Tens of thousands, if not millions, of tip workers make considerably more than minimum wage workers. For example, no taxes on tips excessively rewards those who make a killing in tips at higher end restaurants while it punishes lowly paid fast foods workers, who aren’t even allowed to accept them. Unless tips are shared, (which is sometimes the case), wait staff can make considerably more than the best cooks, whose jobs take more skill and are much more important to the success of the restaurant. Such an unfair policy would increase resentment among those whose wages are all subject to tax.
It’s doubtful if tip workers report all their tips to the IRS anyway. If they are tipped in cash, instead of by credit card, what stops them from just putting it in their pocket? I usually agree with Dr. Paul, but he’s way off base on this one.
The IRS 'estimates' what the service workers 'should' receive as tips, and if the reported income is too low, they can try to collect the extra.My information may be out of date, of course, as it is from decades ago.
If they are tipped in cash, instead of by credit card, what stops them from just putting it in their pocket?
Bull. It’s income. If I have to pay taxes for my shitty job that involves just as much customer service, then those slut waitresses with whom I used to work, who did far less than the cooks than flash their cleavage, should have to pay taxes on the $200 or $300 they brought home every frigging night.
Have you ever held a job in an actual workplace, Ron, and your various idiot followers?
We should tax wealth not income. If we tax income, tips should be taxed like any other income.
Tips are not gifts. I hope you don’t do other people’s tax returns as a business.
I will agree with you on inflation though. The FED has a 2% inflation target that should not exist. The inflation target should be ZERO.
And those members of Congress who chirp about the working poor not paying taxes anyway are liars since the invisible stealth tax of inflation under the Biden Administration places the worst tax burden on America’s working poor.
Tips are more gift than measured income as they are entirely at the discretion of the tipper, and therefore should be exempt from tax. Because there will always be abuses doesn’t mean that allowing people to make and receive gifts should be prohibited.
The real crime that cries out for vengeance, however, is every stinking Congress turning a blind eye to the automatic theft of wage earners’ purchasing power through inflation that falls most heavily on those least able to pay. Even welfare benefits are diminished by inflation.
Yet, you’ll never hear a member of Congress telling his or her most financially desperate constituents that their wages will effectively be cut 20% next year, because that would stop the flow of weapons and economic subsidies to foreigners in the Ukraine and Israel.
Tips are income.
Why should other taxpayers have to report 100% of their income and [potential] pay taxes on that income but tip earners get a bye?
Agreed, it’s not a level playing field.
Therefore, the ONLY just solution is to eliminate the income and corporate taxes altogether.
Once all levels of government are downsized (esp. the Federal government), what little Gubmint that remains can be funded by a 5% excise on imported products or V.A.T equivalent.
That would be more than sufficient to cover all costs, including a Dept of Defence that was focused on just that. ie: DEFENCE of the nation, and not offence as is presently the case.
Simultaneously, this would ease the burden on the private sector, which presently carries on its shoulders the intolerable burden of having to fund Big Gubmint, thus freeing it to get on with the job of creating wealth and prosperity for the nation.
Tips are income. Why should other taxpayers have to report 100% of their income and [potential] pay taxes on that income but tip earners get a bye?
Are tip earning workers to be yet another protected class?
Agreed, it's not a level playing field.Therefore, the ONLY just solution is to eliminate the income and corporate taxes altogether.
Tips are income.
Why should other taxpayers have to report 100% of their income and [potential] pay taxes on that income but tip earners get a bye?
Stop the government.
The government is a criminal enterprise. It is not at all surprising that a society named after its chief criminal enterprise will be a basically criminal society.
Ironically, the hippies told the truth. The society is unjust. However, this was a clever hack designed to make the society more unjust rather than less. It worked. E.g. posiwid: the purpose of civil rights is to abuse the negro. Bastardy rose from ~25% to ~80% because that’s what civil rights is for.
Americans fundamentally love injustice and are getting ever more of what they want.
Dr Paul - This is true even in non-tipping business. Better employees will tend to get the promotions and pay increases and thus higher income with the consummate higher tax payment.Replies: @Rich
Since the amount of taxes one pays increases along with the size of tips, taxing tips punishes workers for doing a superior job!
Any policy that reduces the amount the feds collect, is a good policy. Of course the best thing would be to starve the beast, repeal the 16th amendment, eliminate 3/4 of federal jobs and 3/4 of the cabinet. Triple the size of the House making it harder for them to pass laws.
Tax imports, Wall St, foundations and CEOs who downsize, not income.
I have to agree. I am not a big supporter of the Income Tax, but a policy encouraging people to end-run the tax law is not such a good idea.
Since the amount of taxes one pays increases along with the size of tips, taxing tips punishes workers for doing a superior job!
Dr Paul – This is true even in non-tipping business. Better employees will tend to get the promotions and pay increases and thus higher income with the consummate higher tax payment.
Some extremely high IQ countries have (or used to have) different tax rates for different parts of workers’ income. In Nigeria, for example, they used to have wages and salaries taxable, but various allowances (food allowance, housing allowance, transport allowance, etc.) used to be tax-exempt. So, what employers did is they paid workers minimum possible wages and large allowances (much larger than the actual wages) to optimize taxation.
Can you guess what will happen if you make tips tax-exempt? It would be fun to see ‘tips’ instantly get
implemented even in non-service sectors, with supervisors ‘tipping’ their employees, whose wages will be reduced to a minimum and who will be paid with these ‘tips’ instead.
Dr Paul - This is true even in non-tipping business. Better employees will tend to get the promotions and pay increases and thus higher income with the consummate higher tax payment.Replies: @Rich
Since the amount of taxes one pays increases along with the size of tips, taxing tips punishes workers for doing a superior job!
But delivers about 2.5 years greater life expectancy.Replies: @Jokem
And does a crummy job.
But delivers about 2.5 years greater life expectancy.
And this can be proven to be due to medical benefits, not other factors like lifestyle?
And does a crummy job. Thanks for the laugh.Replies: @Bill Jones
Britain’s National Healthcare System costs a fraction of Medicare
And does a crummy job.
But delivers about 2.5 years greater life expectancy.
And this can be proven to be due to medical benefits, not other factors like lifestyle?
But delivers about 2.5 years greater life expectancy.
An apt Moniker, Thanks for the laugh.
Pays for the burden of social programs.
Britain’s National Healthcare System costs a fraction of Medicare
And does a crummy job. Thanks for the laugh.
But delivers about 2.5 years greater life expectancy.Replies: @Jokem
And does a crummy job.
Pays for the burden of social programs.
An apt Moniker, Thanks for the laugh.
Britain’s National Healthcare System costs a fraction of Medicare,
And does a crummy job. Thanks for the laugh.Replies: @Bill Jones
Britain’s National Healthcare System costs a fraction of Medicare
wouldn’t a Constitutional Amendment need to be passed to do away with cash? I can’t see that ever happening.
No it wouldn’t be needed.
A Central Bank Digital Currency would do just fine.
And a CBDC is coming to a country near you very quickly.
Labor is the source of all wealth; if not for Labor, Capital could not exist. The Fed is hostile to Labor. The present unconstitutional, unworkable, tax proposal only indicate what’s wrong with the Fed/Wall St. central control, command, economy.
The ‘Private Sector’ is looting the Commons, the Public Domain, under the cover of the Establishment’s privatization and financialization of the economy scheme. As it is, we have a Billionaire class, and an investor class of lessers and wannabe rentiers, that do not how or where to invest their capital or credit. Yachts, empty mansions, Crypto, Bitcoin, paintings, collectables like old autos and baseball cards, gold, silver, etc. do not improve or increase the productive powers of Labor that create wealth and capital. In fact this Investor/Creditor class are comfortable with Slavery. The Fed/Wall St. system demands reorganization
The Republican Party has to rediscover the system of political economy that President Lincoln proclaimed, the Union, Abolition, National Banking, deploy the debt free Greenback, and Continental Development.
Mostly incorrect.You manage to ignore/forget/censor hundreds of years of European history in that one (propagandistic) - misdirecting sentence.The Short list:You ignore the costs (human & property), of the WWs. WW I, & WW II, (specially WW II), gutted large portions of Europe. The WWs destroyed the best minds and lives of the best European Generations. Include the Spanish Civil War 36-39, that destroyed half a million of their young). Europe, from Belgium, to the gates of Moscow & Stalingrad, including Yugoslavia, Poland, and Germany-to the ruination of Berlin. In the last year, there is a growing, and quite bloody conflict in East Europe - between NATO and Russia.Your blaming the "burden of social programs" for the economic and social damages done to Europeans, is the equivalent of blaming Demented Biden and Casino Trump for our American Economic and Moral quandary. There may be waste included in "social Programs". But that portion of our "high taxes" may be easily resolved. First, we shut down all the- 1. fire departments2. police departments3. sanitation (waste & water management) facilities4. no need to check up on our Nuclear Plants5. Traffic safety, and road, rail, & bridge repair is not necessary. (Horses & oxen will do)6. Hospital emergency centers, ambulances, (nuke them). 7. If I omitted anything that may be eliminated, place it here.................................................Hey! I can Joke/m as well as the next guy.Replies: @Jokem
No surprise that European countries have high taxes. Pays for the burden of social programs.
7. If I omitted anything that may be eliminated, place it here………………………………………….
The regulatory burden, the social programs, the medical, the restrictions on firearms all have a cost.
How’s that?
No surprise that European countries have high taxes. Pays for the burden of social programs.
Mostly incorrect.
You manage to ignore/forget/censor hundreds of years of European history in that one (propagandistic) – misdirecting sentence.
The Short list:
You ignore the costs (human & property), of the WWs. WW I, & WW II, (specially WW II), gutted large portions of Europe. The WWs destroyed the best minds and lives of the best European Generations. Include the Spanish Civil War 36-39, that destroyed half a million of their young). Europe, from Belgium, to the gates of Moscow & Stalingrad, including Yugoslavia, Poland, and Germany-to the ruination of Berlin. In the last year, there is a growing, and quite bloody conflict in East Europe – between NATO and Russia.
Your blaming the “burden of social programs” for the economic and social damages done to Europeans, is the equivalent of blaming Demented Biden and Casino Trump for our American Economic and Moral quandary.
There may be waste included in “social Programs”. But that portion of our “high taxes” may be easily resolved. First, we shut down all the-
1. fire departments
2. police departments
3. sanitation (waste & water management) facilities
4. no need to check up on our Nuclear Plants
5. Traffic safety, and road, rail, & bridge repair is not necessary. (Horses & oxen will do)
6. Hospital emergency centers, ambulances, (nuke them).
7. If I omitted anything that may be eliminated, place it here………………………………………….
Hey! I can Joke/m as well as the next guy.
The regulatory burden, the social programs, the medical, the restrictions on firearms all have a cost.
7. If I omitted anything that may be eliminated, place it here………………………………………….
Jimmy Dore (former Dem) finds common ground with Ron Paul.
Short. Worth viewing.
This belongs here.
No surprise that European countries have high taxes. Pays for the burden of social programs.
Mostly incorrect.You manage to ignore/forget/censor hundreds of years of European history in that one (propagandistic) - misdirecting sentence.The Short list:You ignore the costs (human & property), of the WWs. WW I, & WW II, (specially WW II), gutted large portions of Europe. The WWs destroyed the best minds and lives of the best European Generations. Include the Spanish Civil War 36-39, that destroyed half a million of their young). Europe, from Belgium, to the gates of Moscow & Stalingrad, including Yugoslavia, Poland, and Germany-to the ruination of Berlin. In the last year, there is a growing, and quite bloody conflict in East Europe - between NATO and Russia.Your blaming the "burden of social programs" for the economic and social damages done to Europeans, is the equivalent of blaming Demented Biden and Casino Trump for our American Economic and Moral quandary. There may be waste included in "social Programs". But that portion of our "high taxes" may be easily resolved. First, we shut down all the- 1. fire departments2. police departments3. sanitation (waste & water management) facilities4. no need to check up on our Nuclear Plants5. Traffic safety, and road, rail, & bridge repair is not necessary. (Horses & oxen will do)6. Hospital emergency centers, ambulances, (nuke them). 7. If I omitted anything that may be eliminated, place it here.................................................Hey! I can Joke/m as well as the next guy.Replies: @Jokem
No surprise that European countries have high taxes. Pays for the burden of social programs.
An apt Moniker, Thanks for the laugh.
Pays for the burden of social programs.
With money you save by not paying an Income Tax...Replies: @eah
Imagine paying 19% tax on nearly everything you buy.
Uhh, nearly every country has both an income tax and some form of value added tax (called a sales tax in the US) — this includes Germany of course.
What most people don’t know, and are surprised to learn, about Germany, which is regarded as a wealthy nation, is that people there are relatively poorly paid (they seem to value benefits like job protection more than wages/salary), and the public pension system (equivalent to Social Security) has such a poor contribution to payout ratio (i.e. people pay a lot, but get little in retirement) that it ranks in the bottom third of the EU.
And Germans pay a LOT of tax (most people are not surprised to learn that) — in fact, they pay so much tax that the s.g. ‘tax freedom day’ for Germans generally falls in early July (link).
Imagine paying 19% tax on nearly everything you buy.
With money you save by not paying an Income Tax…
In Europe it’s often called (or translated into English as) a ‘value added tax’, and is generally much higher than in the US — in German the name is Mehrwertsteuer, and for most products it is 19% (Mehrwertsteuerrechner) — for products deemed basic necessities (Grundbedarf), it is 7%, which is still as high as most retail, non-food sales taxes in the US.
Imagine paying 19% tax on nearly everything you buy.
With money you save by not paying an Income Tax...Replies: @eah
Imagine paying 19% tax on nearly everything you buy.
The property tax is by far the most just tax, as Henry George proved. Specifically, the portion levied on unimproved land, and not improvements. There’s no legitimate way to parcel out indefinitate claims to the exclusive use of the portions of the planet’s surface. To the extent a government is involved, logically, the government should act impartially in the favor of the citizens, which means that those given the privilege of exclusive use of some portion of the area under its control should compensate the rest of the citizenry at a market value for that privilege. This obviously neccessitates all manner of government buearacracy, but that’s the nature of the system in any case. The idea that there should be whole nations of people that control an area of land and just give them, one off, in perpetuity to random citizens is ridiculous if you consider the thing for more than two seconds.
Should be:
Then, you repeat, as most of the voters have not paid attention to any of it.
That’s not just a goof, but it changed the whole meaning.
For Jokem, read the 1st paragraph again.
it will be a boon for boomers and senior citizens
Senior citizens have a lot more control over their expenses than young working families–and if they are clever about it can minimize their income subject to income tax to get just enough to cover those expenses.
I was stunned to see what my numbers looked like after the monthly mortgage payment went away…
Young people are going to get burnt either way.
One interesting example is the purchase of a car.
You need enough income to buy it. You pay a sales tax on the purchase and then a property tax on it every year.
Young people tend to drive a lot–especially if they have to cart kids around to different activities. That means they need a highly reliable car–and will need to keep replacing it every few years.
Senior citizens don’t have to do much driving at all–so they can nurse an old car for many many years.
The young people with kids are hurt badly by any tax system.
Though personal basic position is shouldn’t be any govt or state as it baits people to be juvenile and irresponsible, and others to become vile tyrants as proven over and over, on tax scheme the cons depend on selfishness, same as ignoring false wars and bailouts etc, and by displacing others in the wake of selfish ignorance creates more division, as those assuming they ‘have’ anything from fake house value or other junk they bought, sit assuming ‘got theirs’, dont care younger people don’t have same choices they did, as tax would initially affect younger people such as in buying car or bike when already dealing with quadruple costs, shelter, food, gas.
On one hand see scheme to use selfishness of the false ‘haves’ (don’t realy have anything you can’t defend) and resentment by others, to crash the false haves, would be very deserved, though will also come with destruction of last of freedom, of anyone but the vile cons.
Though article more fed, scheme as if to shift to ‘states would only be image to pretend ‘change’ as if ‘state cons doing different, but would be the same conjobs. The predatory situations in face everywhere already, as people fail to focus local.
Appreciate the article including the surveilance subject people ignore though shouldn’t.
Important facts.
Achmed E. Newman: “1) Property Tax …”
These appear to be characteristic of any technological civilization, even the most primitive, going all the way back to 6,000 BC.
You can have a Lord, you can have a King, but the man to fear is the tax assessor. ~ Anonymous citizen of Lasgash
In America, one of the earliest motivations for property tax was to fund public education. For example, the Puritans funded the establishment of Harvard College in 1636, appropriating for this purpose a sum in excess of all the taxes laid on the entire colony in a single year.
One hundred and forty years later, the Revolutionary War was substantially funded by property tax.
The only solutions appear to be things people aren’t willing to do: either to abolish government completely and permanently, or become poor enough to live on public lands, with the hope of falling beneath the notice of the regime, perhaps in a wilderness somewhere.
Income tax is a theft to the individual effort. I work my a** off the whole year but have an invisible buddy wasting my money and looking forward to suck from my effort like a leech, a disrupted symbiosis that only benefits one side of the partnership.
Many states exempt some things from sales tax, like food and medicine.
Also, many only tax retail sales.
I don’t see any upper limit on my copy of the 16th Amendment.
I do agree the amendment needs to be written in boiler plate.
And 30% is too high.
Obviously, 30% is absurd and will have enormous impact on the economy.
On the other hand, sales tax is the only tax everybody pays, even the hundred thousands pouring in on the US southern borders. That alone is an argument for sales taxes.
Sorry, I disagree. Here’s my list of 3 basic tax methods based on egregiousness, worst to better.
1) Property Tax
2) Income Tax
3) Sales Tax.
1) You may have scrimped and saved to pay off your house 15 years ago, and you paid for all your vehicles with cash. Sorry, sucker, you owe money EVERY year, and the amounts are only prone to getting higher, never lower. That’s until you die. Otherwise, Government takes your shit.
2) It’s the most complicated, which I HATE HATE HATE. It’s not just for this reason I hate the complexity of it, but that complexity works better for the rich and powerful, while the little man doesn’t have the time and money to work all the loopholes. Income tax can be avoided by people working under that table. I! LIKE! THIS! Even if you are all legit, at least when you retire, you don’t have to keep paying.
3) Same thing about off the books here. People who barter or sell off the record don’t pay. The more self-reliant one is, the lower amount of these taxes he will pay. I’m not for using taxes as incentives for anything, but the consumption throw-away society we have not is not a good thing.
Regarding the Income Tax again, in that Part 3 on the income tax from Peak Stupidity has in it “The 5 Evils of a personal income tax”. You’d be surprised that the ACTUAL MONEY is only # 2 in the list:
David Letterman style – worst last:
1) Regulatory Burden
2) Privacy
3) Social Programming
4) The Money
5) The FLOW of the money. (That is where the loss of States’ Rights comes into the picture.)
Keep in mind, in terms of incentives, people and businesses get taxed one way or another. If business doesn’t pay the sales tax, they pay income tax and property tax and have to pass this on to you just the same.
I read somewhere, Jokem, that there was to be an upper limit written into Amendment XVI, but the writers of it figured “Oh, c’mon, this is only gonna apply to a very few rich people! Don’t need it.”
As for the gist of this post, I would be very wary seeing this done. What they do locally is cut down one type of tax, say property tax, and let you know they’re making it up with another type (sales tax). Then, the sales tax increase stays, and the property tax ratchets right back up. Then, you repeat, as most of the voters have not paid to any of it.
That said, if there could magically be solid laws that couldn’t be hacked by activist judges, then I’d go for sales tax over the rest – I’ll explain in another comment. But, no, not at 30-freaking percent!) Dr. Paul is correct that spending should be cut drastically. No, that won’t actually happen until the dollar goes down the toilet. (It will.)
That's not just a goof, but it changed the whole meaning.
Then, you repeat, as most of the voters have not paid attention to any of it.
Some of the people who pay ZERO tax are pretty damned washed, HdC. Those are the ones who don’t have “0” on the bottom line, but with all the monetary shenanigans they do, none of us, washed or not, could ever get through all their tax forms.
Since when did our elected “betters” ever worry about the wishes of the great unwashed?
These whacking off scenarios are interesting to speculate over until you realize the reach around will never come.
The problem is, even if you vote for a decent guy, once he gets in office someone shows up with a suitcase full of cash, another guy hires his brother or cousin or wife and the third guy tells him to play ball or risk everything. The US has become almost completely corrupted. Beginning to remind me of the old Ottoman Empire.
An increase in the sales tax punishes young people trying to start a family. They need to buy all sorts of things for themselves and their children and then must pay a 30% sales tax on top of it. Not to mention high housing costs. It would be just another disincentive to have children, which is already a serious problem, especially for whites who will pay most of the tax.
OTOH, it will be a boon for boomers and senior citizens, who are the wealthiest demographic in the country and have little need to buy new things except for groceries. I can’t think of any tax more regressive.
If the plan is to eliminate cash purchases, since bills say it is “legal tender for all debts public and private,” wouldn’t a Constitutional Amendment need to be passed to do away with cash? I can’t see that ever happening.
Senior citizens have a lot more control over their expenses than young working families--and if they are clever about it can minimize their income subject to income tax to get just enough to cover those expenses.
it will be a boon for boomers and senior citizens
No it wouldn't be needed.
wouldn’t a Constitutional Amendment need to be passed to do away with cash? I can’t see that ever happening.
Oh Boy! The rich love the idea of a sales tax replacing the income tax. A sales tax is much less merciless than an income tax – after all – if your income drops, your income tax drops; if you give away your income your income tax drops: if you suffer grievous harm, your income tax drops;, even if you die, your income tax goes away
None of that has any effect upon your sales tax – as long as you live and eat – your sales tax hangs on. Even if you die, there will be sales tax on your funeral.
I live in West Virginia (The State of Ignorance). Our multi-millionaire Governor (who always owes on his federal income tax) is trying to convince the dumb hillbillies that they will benefit from converting from a mixed tax base to strictly a sales tax based one. The dummies will probably fall for it.
And you can bet your sweet ass that with a total sales tax, will come the “cashless” economy – so the Government will know every thin dime you do own. The rich will have “smart-assed” lawyers figuring out how to buy what they want quietly and sales-tax free – you won’t be that likely.
I’m ready for a bloodless Revolution – are you?
I know a guy who owns his own store(s). I asked him how much the state pays him for collecting their sales tax and he told me–nothing. I said what you should do is keep that money as a jar full of pennies and if the state wants their tax they can come pick it up. Forced labor without compensation is slavery and not even the state is allowed to do that without a conviction.
This reminded me that in his 2012 campaign Mitt Romney complained that 46% of Americans paid no federal income tax. He failed to mention that before FDR, 96% of Americans paid no such tax. The first national income tax bill was passed during the Civil War as a temporary emergency fund raising measure (as was the first issue of federal paper money at the same time). It taxed incomes over $10,000 a year at 2.5%. This was when the average worker could get by in reasonable comfort on one five dollar gold piece a week. The tax was ruled unconstitutional in 1877, but paper money continued.
In a wholly unrelated matter, Mitt Romney’s Belmont Mass. home was advertised in the local paper this week for rent at $25,000 a month. As George Carlin observed, the big problem is that we keep voting for these rich c***ckers who don’t give f** about us.
Now now, taxes are robbery. Theft is performed by stealth. The taxman says, “Pay me or I shoot you.”
Fraudulent robbery that claims it’s stealing your property for your own good, so that you hesitate to resist. Why not smash the windows while you’re there? It will make everyone richer, right?
If the sales tax becomes law
It won’t, for the same reason you can’t do UBI. There are way too many sinecures based on the existing system. It would wipe out whole continents of graft, meaning the government itself will oppose any such change.
Sales tax is extremely regressive. There should be a yearly tax on worldwide net worth with 200% penalty and 5 years prison for evasion.
Not if it is done as a constitutional amendment.
As an Anarchist, (Durruti), Statesman Ron Paul‘s headline
(Sales) Taxation Is Theft
caught my attention.
The 3 key points in Paul’s article are On-the-Money (pun intended).
A big problem with tax reform occurs when it fails to include reductions in federal spending.
Without reductions in Federal spending (in our Nation so deeply in debt), the proposals constitute a Sham.
The American people will not be free from tax tyranny until government is returned to its constitutional limitations.
To accomplish the second, -return our government “to its constitutional limitations” we need to reverse the Coup d’état of November 22, 1963, (which destroyed our Republic – with its Constitution). That goal involves, more than just writing and reading informational/educational articles, (helpful as they are), but the Revolutionary Necessity of Returning the Bullets that assassinated our Last Constitutional President, John F. Kennedy, and rendered powerless, our Constitution. Only then, may we Restore Our Republic, with its Constitution. Only then may we have the POWER to set and enforce the “limitations.”
Last, but not the least:
This will not occur until enough people reject the welfare-warfare state and embrace the moral, as well as the practical, case for peace and liberty.
The “welfare” is for the Oligarchs of the Military Financial Complex. And the “warfare” is for their profiteering. In 2023, our finest Statesman, Ron Paul, possesses the WISDOM to introduce the concept of “the moral” – of Morality, as a necessary component for the achievement of a world of “peace and liberty.” Yes: do what’s good, do what’s right, defend our country, defend those less fortunate than us. Morality is a Huge Concept. Who would have thought of it? And placed it in an article?
Dr. Peter J. Antonsen – nom de guerre, Durruti
Ron, you’re assuming the best-case scenario. We all know they’d impose the sales tax and KEEP the income tax.
If this were done as a Constitutional Amendment, it might be worth exploring. It means an upper limit on taxes which Congress cannot exceed without approval of another amendment.
Why yes, sales taxes do discourage “consumption.” That is to say, sales taxes discourage the production of useful goods and services – because nothing can be produced if nobody will consume it. I am reminded of Malthus’s statement, that if everyone were limited to the meanest bread and water, nothing better will ever be produced. Of course, parasitic finance will get off scott-free.
So a national sales tax will discourage things like manufacturing and farming and making movies and commercial airlines, and encourage credit default swaps and stock buy-backs and other pointless exercises in money chasing money. Why am I not enthusiastic?
The rich have often insisted that poverty in the working classes is a good thing, because it encourages thrift. One wishes that the rich might also have their thrift encouraged.
Interesting idea, but it’ll never fly. Around 60% of Americans pay zero fed taxes. They would never agree to raise their own taxes.
Oh dear, Pat. It’s not nations honestly competing, it’s tiny states without a real economy and the jobs don’t get transferred, just an address. It’s like the pirate islands and robber barons of old who lived off other peoples’ work and produce and its revenue.
Sorry, Pat, being a conservative doesn’t mean you have to knee-jerk support international tax forum shopping for big corporations.
The income tax rewards bad behaviour, provides the IRS with more information than it ought to have. There are some positives like Section 179 deduction, but even that’s abused.
I have several books on VAT fraud. I need to better understand the problems, but Hartman’s proposal, and I cant remember how he improved on it in the 2006 update, has been a treasure of mine since it was published. Increase the tax rebate, and it might pass. The only thing better than free healthcare, which seems likely to pass this decade, is free money. And a VAT can only go up so high; the price increase would be seen.
Something radical like that is the only way to radically change the tax system. That and collapse.
The idea of his tax is to encourage investment. Consumption tax vs. income tax, and also trade protectionist. He includes a tax rebate, to reduce burden on the poor. It’s really a wonderful proposal. I’ve never in my life seen one better. I would adjust it today, but everything isnt about me.
Financial transactions tax is a good idea. Ty.
Hmm, don’t tax me, don’t tax thee, tax the fellow behind the tree, dump the IRS in its entirety a two percent tax on all financial transactions seeing we are now a financial economy add a graduated twenty percent flat tax with no exemptions would solve the problem very well.
Fauci and his ((Jew)) string-pullers at the ((Milkin)) Institute (named for notorious insider trader ((Michael Milkin)) ) laid out the conspiracy right there.
This is how ((Jews)) openly conspire. They act like they’re talking theoretically and academically, but in reality they’re communicating their plots to insiders, who then put them in motion.
This, in a nutshell, demonstrates the global threat, atrocities, and potentially life destroying conspiracy created by “tolerance” for ((Jews)) and their sociopath goyim lackeys.
Corporations act across borders so require transnational cooperation
America isn’t surrendering rights by freely entering an agreement it can walk away from. It won’t be invaded for doing so,
One can see why the Amerikaner has been fully subjugated
An inability to fully appreciate the implications of trans oceanic tankers and air travel being one, among many problems।।
Personal income tax will never be abolished, though it should. It’s a gold mine for careerist politicians who want to see boulevards, bridges and buildings dedicated to them. The 16th Amendment was from the very beginning one of the major sources of mischief-making.
The people never pay taxes, the corporations who pay the wages do.
Wrong. Corporations pay wages for work performed.
It won’t work, we all hate each other too much, Tower of Babel etc. The trick is to close the offshore banks and bring the billions home where we can get them from the billionaires whos reign must end. Yes Virginia there will be blood!
Trust the Schwience
SHOCK VIDEO: from 2017 Dr. Fauci & some NIH scientists discuss needing a “disruptive event†like a flu like virus out of China in order to justify bypassing decades of approval for a new vaccine technology they want approved 🤯
— Melissa Tate (@TheRightMelissa) October 7, 2021
The sooner the US begins to rebuild, the better. Thanks to Covid, supply chains are already disrupted and very partially returning to the Americas if not to the US.
The Brits came to believe in free trade as an article of faith. I assume some were making too much money from it to change. The parts were benefiting at the expense of the whole. In the US, the parts are benefiting, but our future is rotting away.
You don’t seem to fully understand how the US empire works. The US pays Japan a bribe to follow. The US pays South Korea too. India receives a share, also gets to send workers to the US. That is how the empire works. The US pays out bribes in the form of trade. When bribes don’t work, it uses threats, like against Australia. The US intervenes directly, with money more than soldiers, when it wants a change.
The US government is addicted to the rush of being in charge. It cannot last forever. They do not at all have Americans’ futures in mind.
With Covid, we see how the drug companies dominate the US. With foreign policy, we see how the defence companies dominate. Profit, control. They don’t serve the interests of Americans.
Regarding schools of thought, a person has to switch within multiple. Economics is part of political science. As Russell Kirk taught, reject ideology, focus on what’s important. Ruhland seems potent, but I don’t read German, sadly.
(I do not regard Charles the Mediocre Saxon Slayer as an integration figure, and as far as my economic interests go I lean towards Gustav Ruhland.)
– True that everything is political; the US has taken over (and refined) the British model: As they used to say under Queen Vicky, “Trade follows the flag”, translate: Unless you put a gun to his head no one is gonna buy your shit (if the Germans are cheaper and better). As a result Britain bankrupted herself with the Navee, holding onto free trade on principle long after it had become ruinous (here it should be noted the British argued for “free” trade only when they wanted a piece of the Dutch one).
– The US rose to omnipotence because all the competition was bombed flat, something that had previously favoured the British and is unlikely to be repeated but the ensuing bind is the same … slack on the military, and the entire system (running on fumes as is) comes crashing down; keep up what is in effect a protection racket, and your industry will suffer even more than it does now. Triffin´s Paradox is a harsh mistress 😀
… sooner or later a Little Britain existence of rotting in your own juices, selling fantasy-priced stocks to each other, is inevitable anyway so your ideas make sense – it´s just that a World War is more likely.
In this thread, Pat seems to believe that multinational corporations make decisions based on profit. He also assumes that the U.S. Congress will act in the interests of American voters and that having these companies “back in America” would be meaningful or beneficial. These assumptions are very outdated and flawed.
Lets say you get elected King/Queen of the world. You abolish all personal and property taxes.
All personal income tax and property taxes need to be abolished.
Who, though, pays for the schools, the hospitals, the roads, the grid, the military (so beloved by America) and all the rest of the things that society pays for through their taxes?
The parents who send their child to a school should pay tuition to support that school.
Hospitals? Both my local hospitals are run by religious organizations. Together they share the operation of the ambulance service.
The roads, tolls or taxes on gas can pay for them. For bicyclists and electric car owners, keep them off the roads.
The Grid? The power companies do quite a nice job without tax money.
The military? Let the corporations that the military serves pay for them. For national defense, a citizen’s militia forbidden from ever going overseas would be best.
Cops? I don’t need or want them.
Fire fighting? Volunteers supported by the insurance companies.
Corporations never pay taxes...the people who buy their products do.Replies: @Chris Mallory
Corporations are the only ones that should be paying any kind of tax on earnings.
The people never pay taxes, the corporations who pay the wages do.
Wrong. Corporations pay wages for work performed.
The people never pay taxes, the corporations who pay the wages do.
I’m against all income tax and most property tax for the average person.
You could still tax products and services.
Taxes on capital, and taxes on anyone who makes millions or billions is fine too.
But this corporate tax seems a scam. Those guys don’t ever pay taxes.
I’d cut defence to $50b. The US needs nukes, missiles, a few planes and subs. That’s it. If the coast guard and ICE need more, then they should be given all they need to keep the US safe. “No standing army.â€
The US is vulnerable to EMP, things like that. Hardening the US, as Switzerland famously hardened itself, might be prudent.
Notice the VAT I mentioned is border adjusted. It’s a WTO legal indirect trade tariff. The US currently uses tariffs; everyone uses them and always has. Those could be increased. The reason no one talks about this is it is real politics. We’re supposed to talk about Trump’s hair, not real things. Ian Fletcher wrote an excellent book against free trade, explaining protectionist trade. Paul Craig Roberts also has a good book on trade. Many such books are out there.
Read what you can of the paywalled article I linked, if you will.
Inflation is a key point …
most people overlook that Bretton Woods already was a racket –
in essence America went on a spree with the world as collateral, exporting inflation;
it worked (for Americans) until de Gaulle called their bluff; with the closing of
the gold illusion window the pain got closer to home, and real wages
have stagnated (at best) ever since.
So, where do you propose to put the knife? It has to be big, not some intersectional art workshop.
– Social security? While this bolsters Ron´s pet theory of the Rona it might be a hard sell.
– The armed forces? Sorry, but it´s the only thing propping up the $$$.
It would have been game over ~1989 had Japan not been forced at gunpoint to bail out the NYSE, to be rewarded with the “lost decade” and a debt rate almost triple the US one.
– ADOS? Roughly as expensive as the former and of no use, but good luck.
– Curbing immigration alone won´t do jack as long as capital is free to move to
Bangladesh (Second Law of Thermodynamics).
I don’t understand this. I thought President Trump was nationalistic and and rejected globo. And that the Dems are the ones who have embraced globalism; open borders and so on. Wouldn’t an accurate statement say that HALF of America has been rejecting globalism, and half has been embracing it?Replies: @Weaver
The tax proposal is a giant leap forward toward a globalism that America has rejected
There seem to be 4 parties. Trump pulled enough support to win twice, but there seem to be two establishment parties, two American parties. Some Bernie supporters hated Clinton. Trump didn’t pick up much Bernie support, but they thought about supporting him.
There waa potential for Trump to appeal more widely, a truly populist appeal. But he was called racist. Politics is tricky.
It’s akin to getting Israelis and Palestinians to work together against a common enemy. People will follow a leader in multiple directions. Many if not most voters don’t have a clear camp; they just follow.
Voters generally want what someone like Pat Buchanan has to offer, with one exception. Pat doesn’t promise enough free stuff. There is potential, perhaps always will be potential, for a populist revolution in the US.
Voters of both parties want a large middle class, a fair system that rewards hard work and respects private property. But voters get tricked. Congress doesn’t even read most bills now.
If voters better understood labor economics, they’d be much more opposed to mass immigration.
David A Hartman proposed replacing the income tax with a border adjusted VAT. The link might be to the original Chronicles article, final draft posted in 2006 but lost to the Internet currently.
All tax would be paid by businesses. The rich would face much weaker taxes, but the pressure to invest in the US would help workers if immigration were kept down. It’s a much better system but required tax rebates to reduce load on the poor. No more FICA and FUTA.
If Pat wants America First, Hartman had the platinum standard. I believe 17.5% VAT was his number to replace the income tax, but even 23% would be fine since investment would flow into the US, improving incomes.
Keep in mind, inflation is also a tax on the poor. Deficit spending should be illegal.
People who want to raise taxes on the rich — in this case, rich corporations — ignore a couple things. First, they somehow never have institutions for the rich (like Harvard) in their sights, and second, when taxes on the rich go up, taxes on the poor are likely to go up as well. The latest instance of this here in America is that the current administration wants banks to monitor all bank transactions of more than $600, as though poor people never had transactions of more than about twenty bucks. Transactions of $600,000 I could understand, but $600? What are they thinking? Plus, it will cost the banks money to do this, which will be made up by imposing fees of some sort that will hurt the poor more than the rich.
Mr. Buchanan is barking up the wrong tree.
When the Usual Suspects strong-armed Switzerland into giving up their
bank secrecy it wasn´t “to fight tax evasion, drug trade and terrorism” (yeah, right)
but to force more of the hot money (drug pushers and African potentates, mostly)
into their own, even more secretive Trust system thereby propping up the $$$;
IOW the Crusaders wanted to get rid of the competition, as usual.
– And so it is this time; between them Wall St. and the City run an easy 3/4
of the tax haven Schmutzkonkurrenz, shitty little islands with no other purpose
than enabling the (((international))) capital´s machloikes.
They could end it with a flick of the hand, but that´s not the intent
(otherwise let China deal with Hong Kong, France with the Channel Islands etc.).
It makes more sense to make them pay where they make their rebbach –
not ideal but better than what the Marxists (ow!) call “capital overproduction”
(which clearly is the current problem).
Whatever tax a corporation pays comes out of its revenue stream. That revenue stream relies on customers that purchase their product or service
Yes, you should tax the product, which is a newly created wealth, not the labor(wage) that create the wealth.
Whoever consumes a product should pay the tax, the labor that makes it shouldn’t.
Corporations can move, but workers don’t have a choice. So you tax the workers not the corporations… Wow, that’s clever.
The tax proposal is a giant leap forward toward a globalism that America has rejected
I don’t understand this. I thought President Trump was nationalistic and and rejected globo. And that the Dems are the ones who have embraced globalism; open borders and so on. Wouldn’t an accurate statement say that HALF of America has been rejecting globalism, and half has been embracing it?
Why would free-market and free-enterprise Republicans vote to lock into U.S. law a corporate tax rate dictated by agents of the New World Order?
because they’re self-serving, soulless whore who’ve been betraying the people of this country ever since they started slurping the slop flowing in the DC $lop trough?
and they’d betray their own mothers to pander to the ((people)) who can make or break their ambitions?
American sovereignty doesn’t exist, and hasn’t since I’ve been alive.
What nation goes to wars based on obvious lies, and spends untold trillions while getting untold tens of thousands of its citizens slaughtered or maimed on its enemy’s behalf, while forcing its citizens to fund a hostile invasion of its lands at the direct opposition of its people?
An occupied nation, that’s who!
Who here thinks Joe Biden calls the shots in DC, eh?
Vs. ((Yellen)) and her fellow supremacists at the Fed / ECB = House of Rothschild.
Who here thinks Mitch McConnell is looking out after America’s interests?
(I had to laugh just writing that one ; )
They may not get it this cycle, but they’ll get it.
Because Mitch McConnell (and Paul Ryan and Dubya and the rest of them), can still live their lives in this country without being held to account for their serial treasons.
When you bask in endless perks and benefits for betraying your nation and your people over to their enemy, and there’s virtually no negative consequences, then it’s sort of a no-brainer for a man like McConnell or the rest.
You are smarter than the average bear ….
All personal income tax and property taxes need to be abolished.
Lets say you get elected King/Queen of the world. You abolish all personal and property taxes.
Who, though, pays for the schools, the hospitals, the roads, the grid, the military (so beloved by America) and all the rest of the things that society pays for through their taxes?
The Corporate? We cannot get to a point where they even pay taxes.
Everybody wants everything, yet nobody is willing to pay for anything.
Sounds like Utopia, right?
The parents who send their child to a school should pay tuition to support that school.
Who, though, pays for the schools, the hospitals, the roads, the grid, the military (so beloved by America) and all the rest of the things that society pays for through their taxes?
Dont worry Pat; the Republicans will be in control of Congress in 15 months and Biden or Harris will almost certainly be replaced by a Republican in three years. This Global tax will never happen.
Whatever tax a corporation pays comes out of its revenue stream. That revenue stream relies on customers that purchase their product or service. Therefore, if one looks closely enough, the moneys paid by a corporation are moneys collected from human beings. In essence, corporations are silent tax collectors for gov’t and never actually pay a cent. Any money they convey to gov’t as part of their tax liability is money they collected from people. Whatever tax they “pay” is simply buried in the price of their product or service. Human beings eventually pay every cent of tax. The corporation is a convenient middleman to hide the true tax rate from the population.
Those that want corporations to pay taxes are really advocating for the continued con game gov’t use to keep people ignorant of who actually pays in the end.
Think this through. Only people ever pay taxes in the final analysis. Corporate taxation is simply a pass through on to the consumer. If corporations paid no taxes, then gov’t would have to be honest and avoid that middleman and jack up the tax rate people pay to get the same revenue stream. That might cause a revolt once people realized how they’ve been bamboozled for most of their lives.
If corporations paid no tax, competition would ensure that over a very short interval, prices for products and services would go down to reflect their loss of a tax liability. Gov’t would then increase personal taxes to make up the short fall. In the end, the people pay the same amount in taxes, but the deception has been removed. With a higher tax rate, more people might object and reign in profligate gov’t spending.
Corporations are the only ones that should be paying any kind of tax on earnings.
Corporations never pay taxes…the people who buy their products do.
Corporations are the only ones that should be paying any kind of tax on earnings.
The percentage should obviously reflect the needs of the society that corporation desires to service.
All personal income tax and property taxes need to be abolished.
Corporations never pay taxes...the people who buy their products do.Replies: @Chris Mallory
Corporations are the only ones that should be paying any kind of tax on earnings.
Lets say you get elected King/Queen of the world. You abolish all personal and property taxes.
All personal income tax and property taxes need to be abolished.
Whether or not you agree with this 15% minimum Corp tax (a nonsense as it assumes the 15% will actually be collected) the fact clearly emerges — after all the virtue signalling about “freedom”, “nation” etc, Libertarians always resolve down to Dogs for the Corporate Interest. (& why not? Let the fucking stupid middle classes pay all the taxes — nothing should stand btwn the C suite & extra remuneration…..)
Please forgive my run on comment.
Please forgive run on comment.
I was going to mention the Nevada allodial title experiment – hardly any owners went for it. A major reason was that forbidding such land to be seized for debts made it unmortgageable, and thus almost unsalable.