The special teams are full of sheepdogs. The sheep hate the sheepdogs and because they are pushy, results oriented and could care less about office politics or hurting incompetent coworkers feelings.
Creating special “teams†with minimal publicity can also tackle tough problems–with no race quotas
The sheepdogs are needed less and less and not worth the hassle.
Agreed that is the view “from the top”.
That is why &^%$ is just going to stop working in a million ways, large and small.
Even if we survive the sociopath politicians we probably will not be able to survive the corporate kleptocrats.
One current government example to watch is the IRS.
Their current plan is to throw billions of dollars and thousands of new employees to help solve the agency’s operations issues.
The problem–they are still using 1960s software infrastructure in several key areas.
Even if they can hunt down a bunch of Cobol and Fortran old white guy programmers they still have lost critical institutional knowledge.
Institutional knowledge is amazing stuff–it is often undocumented and you often don’t know it is gone until the &^%$ hits the rotating blades. By then you have lost the ability to ask the right questions–and worse yet even if you can figure out the questions, forgotten who actually knew the answers.
Their only hope is to abandon science and go for seances with former employees.
Fair point--but it misses something else that has happened since 1964.Organizations that need to actually do something have learned some "tricks" on how to game the system.Hiring folks of Ibo background (high IQ) can fill the "black" quota with folks who can actually do the work.Creating special "teams" with minimal publicity can also tackle tough problems--with no race quotas.In my years before retirement our organization very quietly recruited such teams and scared off the incompetent by explaining that very hard and difficult work was to be required of all team members.When we accomplished "impossible" tasks no awards were offered, no press conferences were held.Meanwhile the "mainline" organization continued to &^%$ up on a massive scale and give themselves lots of prizes.Once the "affirmative action" game starts massive lying and subterfuge becomes a critical survival skill for individuals and organizations.Replies: @Sam Hildebrand
Can you really say that you have seen a qualitative improvement since the 1964 civil rights act?
Creating special “teams†with minimal publicity can also tackle tough problems–with no race quotas
The special teams are full of sheepdogs. The sheep hate the sheepdogs and because they are pushy, results oriented and could care less about office politics or hurting incompetent coworkers feelings.
But when the wolf comes, then the sheep need the sheepdog. However, the top sheep, CEOs, are starting to beleive that have wiped out all the wolves, through bribing politicians, buying out all the competition and being to big to fail. The sheepdogs are needed less and less and not worth the hassle.
Agreed that is the view "from the top".That is why &^%$ is just going to stop working in a million ways, large and small.Even if we survive the sociopath politicians we probably will not be able to survive the corporate kleptocrats.One current government example to watch is the IRS. Their current plan is to throw billions of dollars and thousands of new employees to help solve the agency's operations issues.The problem--they are still using 1960s software infrastructure in several key areas.Even if they can hunt down a bunch of Cobol and Fortran old white guy programmers they still have lost critical institutional knowledge.Institutional knowledge is amazing stuff--it is often undocumented and you often don't know it is gone until the &^%$ hits the rotating blades. By then you have lost the ability to ask the right questions--and worse yet even if you can figure out the questions, forgotten who actually knew the answers.Their only hope is to abandon science and go for seances with former employees.;-)
The sheepdogs are needed less and less and not worth the hassle.
Where has talent risen to the top, like it did before upper-class whites started gaming the system?
Today’s public corporations no longer worry about “go woke go broke.” Oligarchs have taken over the US economy. The boards of directors are composed of retired politicians/govt bureaucrats and CEOs of other public corporations. They rubber stamp stock options for the CEOs because their boards will respond in kind for stock options for themselves. Who cares that the stocks are dilluted, where else are the poor saps with their retirement tied up in 401ks going to invest their money, US treasuruies? Lol! To keep politicians off their backs they implement woke policies, knowing that the other corporations will cover for them by implementing the same policies, since they are all intertwined through the boardrooms. The retired politicians as board members are just getting payback for policies they pushed through while in power that keep the elitist on the gravy train.
The economies of scale plus barriers to entry in the US economy make large corporations untouchable. If an upstart company happens to start competing against the Oiligarchs, they just get acquired, and the antitrust regulators turn a blind eye, and the US working class gets screwed. Diversty hires make the business less efficient, who gives a shit just raise prices to cover the incompetence. They US consumer will pay the price and like it.
The only way to escape from this fool’s paradise…
…is to become an anti-hero and coquet with this image.
A British lady parrots what Jews and their
bootlickers tell her to do: “Shame on you,
German exploiters and mass murderers!”
An American historian undertakes the ineffective
attempt to expose the “genocide” of the German
colonial power against negroid savages as fiction.
What at first sight seems to be very honorable
becomes clearer when he gets to the real rea-
son for his protection: to save all other former
colonial powers from comparable “reparations”.
Gill is an advocate of “liberal Western valu-
es,” if ever there was one. Presumably he re-
gards US imperialism and its “cultural” colo-
nialism as virtually a blessing from heaven.
But he goes a considerable step further to convince
us of his excellence in drawing conclusions: the “Cri-
tical Race Theory” is not based at all on the insane
“thoughts” of Frankfurt Jews, but on Hitler himself!
Er, yes, sure.
But that isn’t why it’s safe to walk the streets of Seoul at any time of night.
When I walk through the pedestrian zone of our city
centers, I see more and more white girls and women
walking alongside colored or oriental men. It is appal-
ling that this racial mixing is promoted by the state with
our own tax money. It is shocking, leaves one speech-
less and stunned. One looks at the evil goings-on and
inwardly shakes one’s head in despair and perplexity.
Here is an erasure of our racial identity in progress, in
addition we are systematically robbed of our cultural
roots. This is a genocide that has been planned ice-coldly
for a long time. It seems absolutely hopeless; the process
of fragmentation and amalgamation is so far advanced
that, on sober reflection, it seems irreversible. Every day
thousands more of these invaders and parasites are allo-
wed onto our continent, while at the same time our own
birth rates are throttled and slowed down. A (new) separa-
tism can only arise when there is inevitable frictional resis-
tance. I see bloody racial conflicts for the European kind in
the future, South Africa is the blueprint for the entire West.
I would rather watch a film about a different ethnicity
and culture, but one that is self-contained, than the
crap that Hollywood & Co stuff down our gullets every
day until it pours out of our ears. Two short hours few
once this whole f-d up world forgotten. Therefore, my
tip today is a Japanese adventure movie from 1983, with
the soundtrack of the recently deceased wonderful master
Vangelis. No annoying relationship kitsch in “transsexual
and transnational societies”, just Japanese-speaking men
and sled dogs in the harsh nature of Antarctica. But the film
was actually shot on the northern tip of Japan in Hokkaido.
Video Link
In this way I also learned what sacrifices the Japanese civil
society has paid to the American terror bombs. Jewish-ru-
led America has thus decapitated itself, because the future
is determined by China. America and Europe are finished.
Back then, in 1983, our world still seemed halfway in or-
der. This is not how we all imagined the future back then.
If I had known then what would become of Europe one day,
I would have emigrated in time, perhaps even to the Far East.
Can you really say that you have seen a qualitative improvement since the 1964 civil rights act?
Fair point–but it misses something else that has happened since 1964.
Organizations that need to actually do something have learned some “tricks” on how to game the system.
Hiring folks of Ibo background (high IQ) can fill the “black” quota with folks who can actually do the work.
Creating special “teams” with minimal publicity can also tackle tough problems–with no race quotas.
In my years before retirement our organization very quietly recruited such teams and scared off the incompetent by explaining that very hard and difficult work was to be required of all team members.
When we accomplished “impossible” tasks no awards were offered, no press conferences were held.
Meanwhile the “mainline” organization continued to &^%$ up on a massive scale and give themselves lots of prizes.
Once the “affirmative action” game starts massive lying and subterfuge becomes a critical survival skill for individuals and organizations.
The special teams are full of sheepdogs. The sheep hate the sheepdogs and because they are pushy, results oriented and could care less about office politics or hurting incompetent coworkers feelings.
Creating special “teams†with minimal publicity can also tackle tough problems–with no race quotas
This has been true for 400 years. Astonishingly, some employers went to great effort to get such "workers" back:
At my business, I hired several blacks, many of whom simply stopped showing up to work after a week or two. Those who stayed, with a couple of notable exceptions, did shoddy work.
5 feet 10, 6 feet, 6 feet, 5 feet 11
If they all got to that height, they certainly were not being starved down on de ole plantation.
Blacks are “brave” when they are in a gang.
Blacks,,shirked their work duties ,,, allowing others to take up the slack..
Ever worked with blacks? Most useless bastar** out there.
At my business, I hired several blacks, many of whom simply stopped showing up to work after a week or two. Those who stayed, with a couple of notable exceptions, did shoddy work.
This has been true for 400 years. Astonishingly, some employers went to great effort to get such “workers” back:
Were they really that clueless? Or was something erotic at play, perhaps?
Blacks are a plague on any society. Jews long-term are an even bigger plague
Like many whites, it takes forever for some of them to overcome their negrophile tendencies.
This author only woke up after years and years of abuse.
“Before my views evolved….”
Your views did NOT “evolve.”
Scales fell from your eyes and you finally observed reality!
• Troll: Chris Mallory
What exactly does that mean please? What abt the post makes you need to label it a “troll.”
Do you speak fluent Korean at a C1 to C2 level? Are you a Korean expert with Korean degrees in Korea who lived there for 3 decades in both regions, went to school there, understand the culture intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and ontologically?
Or are you an AUSUK that has opinions based on Aunt Sallies ?
As many know, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
Thank you Ms/M. Mallory.
I’ve known a number of very smart blacks, but considering I work in tech, that’s not surprising. I have also seen examples of the lazy grifter element who manage to shirk useful work with surprising ingenuity — if only they applied this to getting something done. At some point we’ll need to acknowledge that the gap in mean IQ is real and consequential and we’ll need to structure our political system to deny the vote to the least responsible (of ANY color.) Getting there will sadly involve violence because so many people have been brainwashed with the lie about “systemic racism.” In the end American blacks will need to accept the new reality or emigrate, perhaps to the Motherland. Perhaps they’ll become an imported overclass like the Liberian leadership were before they let down their guard and got slaughtered by indigenous warlords.
“South Korea” is an american puppet like Japan-land. SK is a fake “country” created by the USers. 38th parallel artificially created. It’s a US empire war base and a place to sell US marketing-brainwashing/propaganda. Why is the K plop and K dramas are so so successful in the US empire? Hmmm…
If one really wants to learn on a deep level Korean history, the perhaps study North Korea and WHY they are the way they are in an objective and detached scientific historical way. One could remove the USian goggles and AUSUK prism and learn perhaps.
Just like what the USers want to do with the Chinese island of Formosa (“Taiwan”). They’ll use BS words like “democracy” “human rights” naaaah. It’s abt have US war mongering bases and feeding MICIMAAT– Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex (Ray McGovern).
Stop pretending that gaming the affirmative action system doesn’t benefit middle and upper class whites. Hiring of incompetents is more than just a virtue signal, it allows for shoddy performance across the board, including well-placed whites – it makes them look better than they would be if hiring was based on REAL merit. Upper class whites loath and fear their poorer white brethren because they see them as competition. Eliminating the competition through token-hiring is a win-win for upper-class whites. Look around you – not only in regard to politics and the military, but including the arts, like music and architecture. Can you really say that you have seen a qualitative improvement since the 1964 civil rights act? Where has talent risen to the top, like it did before upper-class whites started gaming the system?
Fair point--but it misses something else that has happened since 1964.Organizations that need to actually do something have learned some "tricks" on how to game the system.Hiring folks of Ibo background (high IQ) can fill the "black" quota with folks who can actually do the work.Creating special "teams" with minimal publicity can also tackle tough problems--with no race quotas.In my years before retirement our organization very quietly recruited such teams and scared off the incompetent by explaining that very hard and difficult work was to be required of all team members.When we accomplished "impossible" tasks no awards were offered, no press conferences were held.Meanwhile the "mainline" organization continued to &^%$ up on a massive scale and give themselves lots of prizes.Once the "affirmative action" game starts massive lying and subterfuge becomes a critical survival skill for individuals and organizations.Replies: @Sam Hildebrand
Can you really say that you have seen a qualitative improvement since the 1964 civil rights act?
Today's public corporations no longer worry about "go woke go broke." Oligarchs have taken over the US economy. The boards of directors are composed of retired politicians/govt bureaucrats and CEOs of other public corporations. They rubber stamp stock options for the CEOs because their boards will respond in kind for stock options for themselves. Who cares that the stocks are dilluted, where else are the poor saps with their retirement tied up in 401ks going to invest their money, US treasuruies? Lol! To keep politicians off their backs they implement woke policies, knowing that the other corporations will cover for them by implementing the same policies, since they are all intertwined through the boardrooms. The retired politicians as board members are just getting payback for policies they pushed through while in power that keep the elitist on the gravy train.
Where has talent risen to the top, like it did before upper-class whites started gaming the system?
It’s time to blame “the victim†,..blacks for their bad behavior and failure to move up the economic ladder.
Comedy gold. Better to try and get the sun to set in the east. Haven’t you heard, nothing is their fault anymore.
Incapable of mastering any of the STEM fields just as they have become essential for the highest paying jobs negroes reside in their collapsing cities trying to divide up Affirmative Action sinecures in dying corporations and government agencies.
This is exactly why the reparations movement is ramping up. And make no mistake, every filthy shit skin will get their checks regardless of the fact that many of them are not descendants of slaves. The cucks in DC know that it’ll be impossible to filter out the “deserving” knowing full well this nation would devolve into utter and total chaos if every former Kunta and Kizzee doesn’t see a monthly stipend. There’s not a lot of angles now where we can look at where we’re headed without seeing that in the end, we’re fucked.
Amy Wax has written and spoken for years about the failure of the black community and the trillions of dollars wasted trying to “uplift” them. It’s time to blame “the victim” ,..blacks for their bad behavior and failure to move up the economic ladder.
Comedy gold. Better to try and get the sun to set in the east. Haven't you heard, nothing is their fault anymore.
It’s time to blame “the victim†,..blacks for their bad behavior and failure to move up the economic ladder.
Yt lives in the past, she can’t help it. Come the day of the rope the only “strange fruit†will be the deplorable yt.
“American whites will have to commit an even greater Holocaust that what the Germans did in WW2”
Oh, please. Not the GD Nazi card.
The negro sends forth the most presentable and eloquent of his species who plead ” just give us a chance” or “judge us by the content of our character” and the white man, trying to be fair, does just that only to be fooled again by the two faced hustler hiding beneath the hideous negro visage.
Our dilemma then becomes one of resegregating society knowing that the negro will violently resist being separated from the white economy and social system and escalate the situation to the point where American whites will have to commit an even greater Holocaust that what the Germans did in WW2 to free ourselves from these useless creatures or provide the negro just enough to allow him to self destruct. We are in the midst of the latter option right now.
The negro may only be dimly aware of it but he has been economically and politically replaced by Latino labor and Asian talent. He has become economically redundant and his replacement will not be burdened with any historical guilt or obligation. The negro underclass has become uneducable and even the negro middle class has become a joke. Incapable of mastering any of the STEM fields just as they have become essential for the highest paying jobs negroes reside in their collapsing cities trying to divide up Affirmative Action sinecures in dying corporations and government agencies. Meanwhile government is going broke. The negro left is even trying to ”defund the police” at the very moment law enforcement is becoming a majority negro enterprise. The world moves on but the negro expects it to stay the same so they can keep on stealing and pillaging or doing jobs that will soon disappear.
This is exactly why the reparations movement is ramping up. And make no mistake, every filthy shit skin will get their checks regardless of the fact that many of them are not descendants of slaves. The cucks in DC know that it'll be impossible to filter out the "deserving" knowing full well this nation would devolve into utter and total chaos if every former Kunta and Kizzee doesn't see a monthly stipend. There's not a lot of angles now where we can look at where we're headed without seeing that in the end, we're fucked.
Incapable of mastering any of the STEM fields just as they have become essential for the highest paying jobs negroes reside in their collapsing cities trying to divide up Affirmative Action sinecures in dying corporations and government agencies.
I didn’t swipe him. He swiped himself.
I complimented him for being honest. You are cowardly AND dishonest.
Well said. When the shit really hits the fan it’s a good idea to not be standing next to it.
Why, yes, it does.
The black kids knew that they would be able to behave in such an anti-social way among so many white people without fear of a scolding, much less enduring a beating from an angry mob of whites. Cowardice might explain why none of us acted individually, but it doesn’t explain our lack of collective action.
C olored boy not even attempting to deny or deflect or excuse or rationalize this behavior. Not even trying to nigsplain it. No, in this context, just a chuckle at YT taking it up the arse for the heinous crime of being White, and then a swipe at their perceived lack of courage.
You folks aren’t famous for thinking ahead, or for thinking, really. When things finally blow and the gloves come off, and there’s a bumper crop of strange fruit, “allies” may be hard to come by.
Why, yes, it does.
The black kids knew that they would be able to behave in such an anti-social way among so many white people without fear of a scolding, much less enduring a beating from an angry mob of whites. Cowardice might explain why none of us acted individually, but it doesn’t explain our lack of collective action.
But blacks aren’t brave, they’re just stupid.
Old Sport.
The black kids knew that they would be able to behave in such an anti-social way among so many white people without fear of a scolding, much less enduring a beating from an angry mob of whites. Cowardice might explain why none of us acted individually, but it doesn’t explain our lack of collective action.
Why, yes, it does.
But Old Sport, your honesty is refreshing.