don’t support blm/crt/dindu/ebonics/felon/kneeler/thug ball, round or pointed
You are exactly right. Our family will no longer be attending MLB, buying their clothing, subscribing to, any of it, until MLB completely drops the bizarre political/racial/homosexual agenda. We don’t need to pay to endure further rude anti-white lecturing, shaming, and demands. They’ll need to apologize for presuming to threaten, punish, and pressure the people of Georgia or their representatives for their legitimate efforts to reduce fraudulent voting.
It may take many years of declining financial returns for MLB to relent. I’ll miss the Dodger games, but so what. We won’t subsidize people who insult us, favor some lives over others because of race, resent normal traditional Americans, advocate sexual lifestyles (a truly odd topic for a SPORTS TEAM one way or the other), and support groups that rely on violence, intimidation, fear, and disorder.
Minor-league and independent teams in smaller cities and towns are a good alternative. They tend to be located in somewhat safer/friendlier communities, parking and tickets are cheaper, and your money doesn’t go to plutocrat team owners or multi-millionaire players. Your money also doesn’t go to the most filthy, disorderly, crooked, coercive, extremist, violence-allowing, antiAmerican/anti-white cities (LA, NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Philly, Baltimore, DC, Atlanta, San Francisco etc. — many MLB cities fit the bill nowadays).
When you attend non-mlb-affiliated or low-level minors, the money goes mostly to (1) local entrepreneurs who own the teams and their little stadiums, (2) (sometimes) local family-owned concession vendors, (3) surprisingly low-paid players, (4) even lower-paid stadium workers, and (5) the local/county governments of those less populous communities. This generally includes double A, the remaining single-A’s, independent leagues not affiliated or contracted to MLB, and the new six-team Draft League in the East.
MLB earns very, very little from the affiliated minor leagues compared to their own operations, but I think they do get 8.5% of ticket revenue from A/AA/AAA teams. So independent leagues are the best way to enjoy the national pastime without any money trickling through to the presumptuous pricks at MLB. Actually, MLB did us a favor there by unnecessarily revoking the affiliation (usually single A) of about forty teams. Now we have more places to see decent pro baseball without them getting even a tiny piece.
I agree with your point about the importance that all politics should be “Local.” And so it used to be. Unfortunately, the toxic elite that run the U.S. have made it, “All politics is “Global”.
The economics surrounding Major League Baseball have always been corrupt, but, somehow, the game transcends the madness of the times, at least for me.
I recall my older siblings putting a bat in my hands at age four, grade school buddies gathering around my transistor radio at lunch to hear World Series excitement, and countless hours playing ball.
Sure, the steroid foolishness, overpaid prima donnas, and cheating (the Houston Astros should have been stripped of their titles), tarnished the sport, but a pitcher’s duel or a slugfest are both things of beauty.
I forgive them the designated hitter and some wokeness, but will abandon Major League Baseball if it makes the grotesque, unpardonable sin of adopting aluminum bats.
Politicians should not comment publicly on sports issues, and athletes should not comment publicly on political issues. When one tries to do so, shout them down, like the woke mobs do to anyone not as crazy as them.
To hell with Basebell —Basketball–Football —watch Pro Wrestling —almost an ALL WHITE production—-
Teams located in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Boston have always enjoyed overwhelming advantages.
Huh? One team in LA and one team in NY. Chicago and Boston were synonymous with losing until very recently. Boston lost an entire franchise, New York, two.
I agree with most of what you said, but there is still more parity in baseball than football or basketball. It is true Big market teams in baseball still hold an advantage over their smaller market counterparts. Though, unlike the NFL and NBA, it is not nearly as much of a guarantee in determining succes. Baseball is the toughest game of the three major sports in America to fix, not because its hierarchy is any more honest than the other two, but due to the fact there is no game clock or officiating in a traditional sense that can influence the outcome. What you see is what you get in baseball.
Like so many other institutions most Americans once looked upon with a degree of reverance, it is not the same any longer.Nothing is sacred anymore. Not baseball or even the Lord Jesus Christ. All by design. Each generation wrongly thinks its problems are unique to those of its predecessors or to those that will come after, while the unseen spiritual battle between the forces of ‘good and evil’ remain unchanged as always. The forces that confront all of us are not of this world. And it is safe to say any and every wordly solution ever employed to try and overcome these powers has all ended in failure without exception.
No worries. Commissioner Rob Manfred will protect America’s Pastime. He would not have been chosen for the highest offce in the game had he not had its best interests in mind at all times. He is a beacon of light similar to what Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis was in his time.
I don’t think the anti-trust exemption really means much nowadays in terms of preventing another league from forming. The new league wouldn’t have the clubs that MLB does and would go about as far as the XFL did.
Try “Auntie’s Trust” instead.
Small market teams were relatively very successful in the Sixties, Seventies, and Eighties. St. Louis is a small market and the second only to the Yankees in World Series victories. The Cardinals appeared in 3 World Series in the 1960s and in 3 World Series in the 1980s, wining half of those 6 World Series appearances. Baltimore appeared in 4 World Series in the 1960s and 1970s and was a perennial contender all the way up to their last World Series victory in 1983. The O’s also had some good teams in the late 1990s and as recently as a few years ago playing in the American League Championship Series in 2014, before turning to total shit. St. Louis appeared in 4 World Series since 2000 and won 2 of them. Oakland A’s, yet another small market team won 3 straight World Series in the 1970’s and appeared in 3 straight World Series in the late 1988-1990. Cincinnati Reds of the 1970s appeared in 3 World Series. The Reds beat the Oakland A’s in 1990 for their last world championship. Kansas City Royals won as recently as 2015, yet another small market team.
Yet all this doesn’t matter because MLB has gotten as bad as the NFL and NBA with their (((politics.))) Never watched or cared much for basketball and haven’t watched a full game since the 1993 Finals pitting the Bulls vs. the Phoenix Suns. So boycotting basketball has pretty much been no biggie. Haven’t watched a college or professional football game in 3 years, and I don’t miss it one bit. I will now boycott MLB as well. Once again, no big deal. I have started showing interest in other sports like lacrosse, a sport with only a few negroes, but if the NCAA starts their shit with lacrosse and other sports, then I will boycott all of the NCAA sports programs.
Baseball is an American cultural institution.
The objective of globalism is to destroy such national institutions.
The challenge for globalism: How to turn Americans against their own institutions.
Clearly, they have found a way.
They are toppling sports institutions much as they topple monuments,
but with the help of patriots. MLB, NBA, NFL, and NASCAR are all being toppled.
While I agree with a lot the author says…
… It kills your credibility when you don’t know the number of teams in the league.
It would be interesting to see another league spring up. With the role changes being implemented, MLB really shouldn’t be allowed to call itself ‘Baseball’ anymore.
“antitrust legislation�
Need to Google that.
Stop watching MLB and start promoting local matches. Shift the ethics from wokeness to localism.
That’s the only way to save the sport or any other.
how did that happen?… i think all of these movements have been purposefully co-opted by the deep state, using agent provocateurs to either destroy or steer them in their desired direction. this woke generation remind me of the puppies that napoleon trains in orwells animal farm.
A brief glance at U.S. history reveals a tortured legacy of political repression directed against those daring to hold unpopular beliefs: suffragists, anarchists, socialists, Communists, antiwar and civil rights activists to name some.
Hilariously enough, with the exception of the antiwar activists, (and they were right for the wrong reasons) none of those movements or ideologies were good things. Suffragism lead to feminism and that was a cheap labor scam, anarchists are retards in general, socialists and communists try to establish Jewish feudalism without even knowing it and blacks have done worse since the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
It seems that censoring bad ideas is a good thing. Indeed, it seems to be the reflection of a healthy society fighting off subversive elements that lead to a civilization’s degradation. No movements from the post-Marx left have resulted in a net positive for western civilization. Everything from the actual jewish communists to the jewish backed Black Panthers have been depressive to the American citizen’s real freedoms. Freedom to disassociate with certain people with a propensity for violence and low IQ. Freedom to keep your fucking money from warmongers, bankers and race grifters. Freedom to not have some ashkenazi cunt’s disgusting values be shoved down your throat and being told you’re wrong for disliking it.
The last hundred years has taught us that freedom of speech is a useless virtue if it can be subverted by intrusive, underhanded ideologies that ultimately result in free speech’s restriction by elected officials and the private sector. Why bother supporting a right if that right cannot defend itself? This Enlightenment era virtue cannot be maintained because people are no longer in search of the truth, but what they think is good. And the more wrong someone is, the more they want to shut down other people rather than change their idiotic notions.
The transformation is so complete that all of the classic terms — left, liberal, democrat, etc — can now only be accurately used if enclosed in quotes. They’re meaningless for opponents and proponents alike.
The left that I grew up admiring has nothing but scorn for actual working people, and the last thing on their minds is giving them any access to the means of production, or even any benefit other than cheaper consumer products and a handful of politically-motivated inefficient, insufficient and fiendishly bureaucratized welfare programs.
The true environmentalists have nearly disappeared, replaced by deluded and tepid souls who repeat dogma about climate change and put all their faith in the rhetoric of corporate and political entities. The war protestors have likewise disappeared, replaced by devout believers in interventionism and the sort of xenophobia that the author discusses.
Those that we now call liberals are the most likely to suppress actual liberal principals. The people most vehemently attacking racism are more accurately defined as racists than the majority of their targets.
My values haven’t changed much since I was a young adult, yet somehow in a few decades I’ve gone from an idealistic liberal to a deplorable right-wing populist with problematic or downright denialist views on race, sex, and nearly everything else. How did that happen?
as a former lifetime democrat that has not voted since 2000, i cannot believe how twisted and convoluted the party has become. all the blue no matter who voters seem to be cheerleading our headlong descent into a dystopian totalitarian police state. the level cognitive dissonance displayed by these people is astounding. the friends and family i have talked to on the subject seem terrified to even contemplate the topic. i see fear in their eyes as they cling to mockingbird media propaganda like a security blanket.
Seems to me that McCarthy was straight up correct about the reds. They have infiltrated and taken over.
But we know them collectively as “jews”.
They start with the same base product as the Republicans – how can we serve the special interests and investors that give us votes and money? – and then add a twist of left-leaning lime and some flavorings and colorings. There’s Coke and Pepsi. Bernie is Red Bull. Jill Stein is green tea. Rubio is Capri-Sun. Ted Cruz is Jones Soda. AOC is Fanta. Trump is Monster energy drink. But at the end of the day, the central bank will get their fealty and the people will live on increasingly smaller margins.
Ellsberg could in fact be pointing to the fate of humanity if a persistent Russophobia – now something of a religious dogma among War Party elites — is allowed to follow its murderous logic.
As this website makes clear, it is ((religious)) dogma.
Great article and spot on. The author also knows how to write.
Thanks for the link.
I believe your contentions are spot on.
Russian military expenditures were precisely one-tenth those of the U.S.
And yet, the Russians have hypersonic missiles and the US doesn’t. The US weapons manufacturers have produce planes that none of the services really like at tremendous cost. The ship building is for what worked during the second world war, but is an anachronism today, given the availability of cheap and accurate missiles for decades and drone swarms are getting popular.
I’m curious if the left actually believes their propaganda about Russia. Can Michael Moore, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, etc actually believe what they regularly spout? These people aren’t stupid;evil, but not stupid. My guess is they have mandacious talking points and don’t believe a word of their propaganda.
The constand hammering on Putin and Russia along with the naval instigations against China might just cause an incident one day. The US’s floating coffins, AKA aircraft carriers, would be the leading contender for seeing a pissed off Chinese reaction. Any US military vessels in the Black Sea might get a Russian reaction. Should anything start, I hope Israel gets whacked either directly or via a widening of a conflict that will bring in lesser players with a long standing grudge against Israel.
It would appear that the Fed Gov thinks it’s business as usual while the dollar is used less and less and the country’s debts are exploding. From my perspective, TPTsB are doubling down on looting the country as fast as they can because they know the economic end is near.
Ever the whipping boy, old Adolf as far as I have read, never used biological nor chemical weapons for that matter. Maybe instead of declaring it to be Hitlerian, the author should have said Trumanism. I think the Japanese had a serious biological weapons program from before the war began.
Strange how no mention of the Maryland bio-lab nine months long closure was made. It would be great to see an investigative reporter delve into the deaths of the elderly at the nursing home in early 2019, in California I think. Same with the 34 e-vaping deaths starting around January 2019. To see if the three are connected.
And now that the WHO have finished in China having found nothing incriminating, big surprise, one can only imagine them now heading to the states to check out their facilities.
With all of this bat to pangolin to man species hopping going on, what is strange is that I’ve never heard of a dog virus decimating people. Same with cats. These animals have such a close relationship with so many people, that it seems hard to believe that there has never been some sort of canine, feline, human epidemic. Maybe that’s one for the future.
By now, it is indisputable that the main culprit for the contention that the pandemic originated from a lab release, must be USAMRIID, Fort Detrick.
5-10 years ago, WIV had no facilities to conduct gain-of-function research into coronaviruses, and most of the bat coronaviruses that were harvested in China in 2013 onwards went straight to US labs like USAMRIID at Fort Dietrick, WalterReed, UPMC, etc.
In 2017, Fatboy Pompeo, as newly minted head of CIA, foolishly authorized the restart of gain-of-function research into coronaviruses. In mid 2018, USAMRIID’s steam sterilization plant burned down in a fire and they switched to inadequate chemical sterilization that allowed massive quantities of viral agents to escape in the wastewater for a year-long period , causing outbreaks of mysterious fatal respiratory illness in the areas around USAMRIID.
Greenspring Residential Community, nearby to USAMRIID, was struck in middle 2019 by the early variants of the virus, when it was not so infectious and thus flew under the radar, mistaken as the normal Flu.
However the CDC suspected that the outbreak was from USAMRIID and shut down USAMRIID for 8 months for investigation.
Later in early 2020, samples from Greenspring RC were confirmed to be SARS-Cov-2, and Pompeo ordered all samples destroyed, horrified that the blame for the pandemic would be placed on him.
Trump also took the USA out of the WHO because he feared the WHO would trace the virus back to USAMRIID. However, karma punished Donnyboy by infecting him, and he also lost the election in a landslide because he was unwilling to admit to the reality of the virus or was too stupid to do anything about it anyway.
Trump kept hoping the virus would just “go away” and not affect his election economy. Instead 500,000 Americans got to “go away” due to his stupidity and sheer incompetence.
Even now, some plaintive losers still try to blame China for the virus, repeating like a bleating sheep that, “China did not handle the virus properly in the early stages, and must be blamed for spreading it worldwide”.
Oh, come on. China locked down the whole city of Wuhan and whole Province of Hubei so fast it was like a gunshot, while Trump did nothing for 5 months after that, golfing like a dumbass dickhead for 300 days, attending sports events, and dancing the conga at Mar-a-fuckhole parties for his son’s weird-ass girlfriend.
If China handled the virus wrong, why do they only have 4,000 dead while America has 500,000 dead? And they have 4 times our population. Why is China open now, and its economy growing while America’s real economy is swirling down into the drain-hole?
Can anyone from a neo-con thinktank or anti-China thinktank explain that?
Some of the guys idolizing Trump had their tongues stuck so deeply up Trump’s asshole that even when Trump lost the election, they were not able to pull their tongues out of his ass.
These are the ones bleating, “Chyna, Chyna, Chyna.”
Im not interested in knowing if the source is China or USA. They are equally guilty of engaging into a research paradigm that is simply unconscionable indefensible and immoral . This pandemic tells us to stop future pandemic stop genetic manipulation of viruses .
It’s a sweet swindle that the bulk of the US population is completely unaware of.
With 326 million of us the congress has just approved a stimulus package of 1.9 trillion dollars. Simple division shows that each of us should get about 5700 dollars. Of course we can expect some small administration expenses, but that’s a lot of stimulus. Wow.
If the money is divided amongst only those who voted for Biden, the payout is even more lucarative. Almost 24,000 dollars. Better than betting on the lottery.
Fauci is the highest paid Federal Employee. The NIH is making a fortune off this Covid fiasco and some NIH employees get their cut by law. It’s a sweet swindle that the bulk of the US population is completely unaware of.
With 326 million of us the congress has just approved a stimulus package of 1.9 trillion dollars. Simple division shows that each of us should get about 5700 dollars. Of course we can expect some small administration expenses, but that's a lot of stimulus. Wow.If the money is divided amongst only those who voted for Biden, the payout is even more lucarative. Almost 24,000 dollars. Better than betting on the lottery.
It’s a sweet swindle that the bulk of the US population is completely unaware of.
The “gain of function” virus/biowarfare research that produced SARS-2/Aids/Covid-19 hybrid apparently originated in the US, specifically,at the University of North Carolina.
Legislation largely written by Dr. Francis Boyle prior to 2013 supposedly led to “offshoring” that US research in around 2013.
One of the places that that research was then carried out was Wuhan, in China.
But even then, the Wuhan lab was overseen by , guess who? : Anthony Fauci, who apparently worked for, and still works for , guess who? : Bill Gates.
And so it goes…..
“War is the health of the state” Randolph Bourne
Regards, onebornfree
From the Nicholson Baker New York Magazine article:
As Shi explained to Scientific American, late in December 2019, she heard from the director of the Wuhan Institute that there was an outbreak of a new disease in the city. Medical samples taken from hospital patients arrived at her lab for analysis. Shi determined that the new virus was related to SARS but even more closely related to a bat disease that her own team had found on a virus-hunting trip: the now-famous RaTG13. Shi was surprised that the outbreak was local, she said: “I had never expected this kind of thing to happen in Wuhan, in central China.†The bat hiding places that she’d been visiting were, after all, as far away as Orlando, Florida, is from New York City. Could this new virus, she wondered, have come from her own laboratory? She checked her records and found no exact matches. “That really took a load off my mind,†she said. “I had not slept a wink for days.â€
If one of the first thoughts that goes through the head of a lab director at the Wuhan Institute of Virology is that the new coronavirus could have come from her lab, then we are obliged to entertain the scientific possibility that it could indeed have come from her lab.
That’s a pretty good argument for an English major!
The US is at least as much involved in biological warfare research as any other country. If Covid 19 was indeed developed in a lab the people involved should be killed as RoatanBill says…but for incompetence. They created a pandemic that isn’t and a virus with the lethality of the common flu.
I postulate that Covid 19 is an act of psychological warfare using a virus of convenience.
About those HIV sequences, if I remember correctly, they were also found in quite a bunch of completely unrelated viruses, probably because they were too short and not specific enough.
The place of detection is not the place of origin. Retroactive tests revealed that the virus had been present worldwide BEFORE the detection in Wuhan:
Brazilian scientists confirmed COVID-19 was in Brazil since November 2019, a month before Wuhan.
French scientists confirmed COVID-19 was in France since November 2019, a month before Wuhan.
Italian scientists confirmed COVID-19 was in Italy since November 2019, a month before Wuhan.
Spanish scientists confirmed that COVID-19 was in Spain since March 2019, 9 months before Wuhan.
“…the U.S. unleashed biological agents against both Korean and Chinese targets. Still immersed in the World War II legacy of virtually lawless combat, MacArthur’s air force employed biowarfare across a wide swath of north Korea, disseminating smallpox and typhus pathogens…”
Worth reminding. They have done this before…
The only problem with existing diseases is that there’s a cure or vaccine for them. So the US military need new ones. Seems they have been quite successful.
3 novel coronavirus outbreaks in 17 years, 2 in China and 1 in MiddleEast. If the Iran one is a seperate outbreak, which look suspiciously like it is, that makes it 2 in MiddleEast too. This is the only time it has blown back.
67% -75% success rate. Quite good for a new technology invention. The military bio-labs deserve a pay rise.
Biowarfare is illegal my friend, you must be referring to biodefense research. Some nice company patented the use of a modified coronavirus as a vaccine vehicle – strictly for chickens, of course. But imagine the possibilities: a vaccine that propagates itself and spreads easily. Release one designer virus and inoculate the entire world.
Gain of function research was outlawed in the US, but BSL laboratories are thick as thieves. Is it possible that “SARS-CoV-2†is one of those things that was designed in the US, manufactured in China, and shipped to the US? Because the accidental leak from the Wuhan lab doesn’t explain US foreknowledge of the outbreak. Is it possible that the virus was originally made in Wuhan, but leaked from Ft. Detrick where it was also being studied? And then the Americans, with or without the cooperation of the Chinese, staged the outbreak in Wuhan?
Still scratching my head about the HIV sequences that were supposedly detected in the virus. Is this thing a prototype HIV vaccine? If it’s a weapon, it is surely a shitty one, the real pandemic damage has been inflicted by policy.
Anyone who finds these speculations persuasive is advised to read the first official report on the modern application of biowarfare:
The Report of the International Scientific Commission for the Investigation of Facts Concerning Bacteriological Warfare in Korea and China (ISC report) published at the height of the Korean War, validated claims by North Korea and China that the US had launched bacteriological warfare (biological warfare, BW) attacks against both troops and civilian targets in those two countries over a period of several months in 1952.
This 667 page truth commission report has the dubious distinction of being the most vilified written document of the 20th Century. The report’s release in September, 1952, brought a withering international attack. It was roundly denounced by American and British politicians of the highest rank, ridiculed by four star generals, accused of fraud by celebrated pundits, misquoted by notable scientists, and scorned by a compliant Western press.
Charges were made against the quality and truthfulness of its science. Its “unstated†political agenda was denounced. The ethics of interviewing captured US pilots was excoriated and its authors were publicly flayed as communist dupes. The report was red baited in the US halls of Congress and deemed unpatriotic to read, and therefore went unread and deliberately forgotten over the years, which has been the fate of Korean War history in general. In subsequent decades, volumes placed in American university library collections were quietly and permanently removed from circulation.
When the rare copy came up for auction, it was discretely purchased and disappeared from public view. This critical 67 year old truth commission document from the Korean War was slipping towards oblivion. For these very reasons, historians and truth seekers should exalt the wondrous rebirth of the ISC Report from near extinction with the publication of this new electronic edition. We welcome the sunshine that re-publication brings to a shadowy and suppressed chapter of American Cold War history.
Read it and weep:
The people doing this bio-warfare research need to be killed.
Full stop.
After this bogus Impeachment goes crabwise, like the last one, make book NOW that the mantra they will all repeat like a Zen aphorism beginning late in 2023, is no more senior citizens in our nation's capitol. (Trump would be 78 by then, and trust me - AOC and her ilk cannot wait to toss Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, et al, onto the scrap heap)As for That Terrible Day of (Clownworld) Infamy - 1/6/21 - its most precious and valuable keepsake arrived a few days later. God bless that wonderful and brave woman.Replies: @SolontoCroesus, @Dr. Charles Fhandrich
It would be glorious if Trump ran for President again.
I agree with your assessment of what awaits the older democrats, including Pelosi. The woman screaming at Schumer was certainly right about one thing, to wit, Schumer’s cowardice. He didn’t even have the courage as a so called representative of the democratic system, to answer the reporters question on whether or not conservatives should be allowed free speech platforms on the net. Of course, Pelosi is just like Schumer and just like Durbin and all the rest of the “educated” democrats—-totally anti-Democratic.
Lon Horiuchi checkin' in.Replies: @Bro43rd
It was a “clean kill†from a legal standpoint...
Reached my limit so have to LOL by reply, and to clarify that’s an I agree LOL not an ironic LOL.
“Fascistic politics has a tendency to devour its own ruthless protagonists.”
One can only hope this is true.
That may be the kind of truth that really lands her in jail–or worse.
also documented, along with many other untaught curiosities, in Europa: The Last Battle, available on bitchute. for now. watch it.
trump is bought by the J. Look at the filth he pardoned. He is also a moral degenerate. We need a champion of virtue mot another tool of the j.
Thanks for your reply. My quip that “Trump will be in the Senate gallery to enjoy the impeachment” was a thought that the Dems might have their hands more than full in managing the show. And that questions about the election will continue to fly rather than be silenced.
Ah, that was it. Thanks for clarifying. Yeah, I know straw-man arg, used against me all the time, didn’t catch your drift, idk why, the thread is full of BS on that topic, I might have confused comments.
I don’t read daily mail, too high trash to signal ratio. Regards.
It is impossible to “fraud” a presidential election. The office goes to the candidate with the most Electoral College Votes that survive Congressional objections. This is the problem with you people: the basic truth of this system conflicts with your identity structure. Every child that “dreams of becoming president” etc… no amount of secular facts will overcome this religious devotion to faux Americana.
The “siege on the Capitol” basically halted any further inquiry into election fraud. Period. Did it help Trump? The answer is obvious.
Were Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Involved In Planning, Executing The Capitol Hill Siege?
“The direct evidence is Pravy Sektor’s Sergei Dybynyn at the front of the violent Capitol groups yelling “Faster! Faster!†in Russian. At first, the media started trying to paint Dybynyn as a Russian propagandist and provocateur. But, the fact Dybynyn received a medal from former Ukrainian president Petr Poroshenko for his work changed that story and big media dropped it.”
There is Dybynyn with the buffalo crisis actor in the Capital. In the middle picture he is wearing:
The blood and soil (red and black) menorah is what Jewish members wear showing off affiliation.
Of course the jew-loving Ukrainian “Neo-Nazi’s” have a large investment in pedo joe Biden and his crack addicted son hunter. The article above is really quite fascinating, not only because it directly links Ukrainian Nazi-jews to the “insurrection”, but is also illustrates what a farce the narrative is that “Nazi’s are anti-semitites”.
This Time magazine article also exposes this entire Nazi=Anti-semite trope.
At westpoint Eisenhower was called “the terrible swedish jew” in the yearbook. If America were only half as anti-semitic then as the spittle flinging jews would have us believe that would be quite a slur.
Eisenhower admitted having some Jewish background.
“God, I hate the Germans…” –Dwight David Eisenhower in a letter to his wife in September, 1944.
Why the smear? Ashli was married twice, married at the time of her death, maintained a long social media presence, pictured kissing her husband... how did you know she was a lesbian? Do tell. Also, she wasn't a "high level Air Force officer", she was doing guard duty... gates and such, a modest income job.Replies: @Schuetze
maga straw-man lesbian
Do you know what a straw-man argument is? It is when you hold up a fake argument and beat it like a “straw-man”. In effect I said that the claims that she was lesbian were fake. But take a look at the dailymail article above where it is claimed that she was in a “Throuple”. I guess that those jews running the North American gay-disco would prefer that we play along with their mind games and differentiate between lesbian and “bi-sexual”, but in my book two girls having sex are lesbians, regardless whether a man is watching or not.
Well, as one who was stupid enough to participate ( again, after some pause ) in the rigged (S)election and cast my vote for Trump ( as an outsider/underdog ), TWICE…my question is: WHAT is Trump’s role in the ‘ show ‘…?!…Because his steps weren’t as his words, many times…and his actions were more MIGA, than MAGA ( Israel, instead America )…The straw that broke the camel’s back ( of the confidence in his leadership ) was the ‘ event of Jan. 06 ( call it how you want, doesn’t matter…but the outcome )…first his ( Trump’s ) call for people around the Nation to go and protest at D.C. against the fraud ( of election ) and then, his condemnation ( after the ‘ event ‘ ) of those who…’ committed violence ‘ at the Capitol…No need for Q/Anon sheeple with explanations gen ‘ he was referring to antifa/blm tugs/provocateurs…because he didn’t say explicit that…It was like other career politicians whores were talking about, not the hope of the patriots/deplorables…
Who broke the window? Did she?
No, she didn’t, antifa did.
Moloch…behind her and other corpses…posing as our ‘ leaders/representatives ‘…
Robert, you posted a link without description in #117, and an audio clip without description in #119. Why?
While I agree with you 100% ( and noticed again that most of the readers are kind of…reticent to comment on the real power behind the throne – that F.O.J Syndrome ( fear of Jews ) about which Ratibor Ray Jurjevich talks in his books with the same name, my question is again: WHERE IS/WAS ‘ our ‘ President Trump in this equation ?! Any average Joe-six pack, with an IQ of 90 or above, would see/assume that wouldn’t be a good idea to call people/supporters to protest in D.C., on the same day when the Electoral College will debate a disputed (S)election…Why didn’t Trump and/or his advisors ?! The fact that the left arm of the Demo-Repu-Corporatist-MIC-Wall-Street-Big-Pharma Party will take advantage of this is the symptom, what’s the cause/disease ?! Stupidity/negligence/magalomania/blindness from Trump side, or something else…more sinister ?! I’m asking as an independent, who voted for Trump twice, first as a negative vote ( against Killary ), and second time, because the entire Establishment was against him ( or…WAS IT ?! )…
…from the CIA’s Epoch Times.
Laughable. Please. The Epoch Times has been pro-Trump as long as Trump has been anti-China. And since the CIA is anti-Trump … you should be able to get the rest.
maga straw-man lesbian
Why the smear? Ashli was married twice, married at the time of her death, maintained a long social media presence, pictured kissing her husband… how did you know she was a lesbian? Do tell. Also, she wasn’t a “high level Air Force officer”, she was doing guard duty… gates and such, a modest income job.
There were no cops right behind Ashli Babbitt. They came a few seconds later. Furthermore the cop who saw her climbing up the door had no idea they were there.
This was a good shoot.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
“they are going for immortality through cyber-humanity.”
This transhumanism nonsense is little more than another in a never ending stream of scams. Without demonstrably mutation-free heritability of genetically engineered DNA, their immortal godman will never get beyond endlessly repeating “first generations,” many of which will probably be more thalidomide-like than god-like.
It was a “clean kill†from a legal standpoint…
Lon Horiuchi checkin’ in.
The Trump supporters who entered the Capitol were taking selfies with the Capitol Police, and they only entered the Capitol building when the doors were opened for them by those same police. They were “invitees”.
I doubt very much that they would have gone through that window like Ashli Babbit did. In fact, I’m quite sure they wouldn’t have. These people are patriots, not hooligans. They didn’t destroy artwork or anything. The windows would have been broken by Antifa.
Who broke that window that Ashli Babbit attempted to go through?
This looks staged in order to produce a desired outcome.
Who made sure there was limited police presence that day? Both houses sitting and a huge protest rally going on, and we’re supposed to believe that this place wouldn’t have been an armed fortress? Yeah, right.
Ashli Babbit was hired because ordinary Trump supporters would NOT have gone through that window, and they knew this.
On January 6, the Right showed that it has the numbers and the muscle.
It just needs to be more mobilized, such as by a new organization of which Trump may become the figurehead with smart, dedicated associates.
It can be done.
The people are there, the money can be had, and decent Americans are ready.
Demonstrations, boycotts, strikes to overwhelm the other side and set this country back on the right course.
Ask David Rockefeller about that — he resides quite “alive” also somewhere for Eternity…his “work” also lives on as the cancer he was
“So what would be the motivation of those involved to stage a death rather than really just shooting someone?”
Well, if she were one of them, working for the Deep State, they’re probably not going to shoot one of their own.
“Could it be that she really was just a nieve, gullible, misled idealist who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, pushed and led there by others and then shot by a cop who actually was just doing his duty as he saw it and following the orders he was given?”
It could be, but as a member of the U.S. military, I doubt very much whether she was naive and gullible enough not to consider that she might be putting herself in a dangerous situation. This wasn’t a kid or an unsophisticated member of the public. This wasn’t plump Betty Jackson from Mississippi.
Who broke the window? Did she?
“Her death [wether it was real or not] served it’s intended propaganda effect of having a chilling effect on any future right wing protests.”
Right-wing? LOL. Most rally attendees were elderly; hardly right-wing material. They were members of the public upset over a stolen election and seeing their Constitution being shredded.
But good attempt at trying to frame the narrative through your questions.
Is English your first language?
No, she didn't, antifa did.
Who broke the window? Did she?
Hmm, Kind of disappointed here with Frank.
For instance, his assertion that Trump could have taken control of the country’s response to Covid.
I guess Frank missed how the “left” excoriated Trump for sending teh National Guard into Portland.
I guess Frank also misses that the states have ;more power to deal with covid than Trump.
Regarding Jan. 6, Frank asks the obvious question but punts on the obvious answers.
The question he avoids is: Cui bono?
Frank is a very smart guy but he might be a bit too enthralled with his own intelligence. The few times Halper tried make an argument he interrupted her with nonsense. Sooo, someone needs to run this show a bit better . . .
It’s too bad that Halper is totally devoid of any appealing quality.
Hurts to both look *and listen* to her.
How did the intelligent and appealing Matt Taibbi end up with this ganglion of pain?
He really should get a new partner, or else she should get some coaching big-time.
It almost isn’t worth the pain—even to watch and listen to Thomas Frank, who is one of my heroes.
His “Listen, Liberal” is an absolutely brilliant book. Explains exactly what is wrong with the Democratic Party.
So thanks very much for posting. But I hope Halper keeps her mouth shut for the rest of the video.
Perloff's article is well worth a read if you haven't already.Replies: @Peripatetic Itch, @Richard B
"When the British troops spotted the militia on the green, they split left and right to flank them. At this point, the first shots at the green itself were fired. Quoting Lieutenant Sutherland:
We still went on further when 3 shot more were fired at us, which we did not return, & this is sacred truth as I hope for mercy These 3 shots were fired from the corner of a large house to the right of the Church.24
The house Sutherland referred to is Buckman’s Tavern. (The “church†and the “meeting house†on the map are one and the same.) Since there were, of course, no repeating rifles then, this means three shooters. The first of these shots might technically be the “shot heard round the world.†But though the militias were noted for their marksmanship, all three shooters missed their targets.
Ignoring the shots, the British kept focused on the militia on the green. Major Pitcairn rode up toward them, and ordered them to throw down their guns and disperse. At this point, both British and American accounts concur that the militia began dispersing. However, according to the British, four or five of the militia suddenly dove behind a wall and fired:
Major Pictairn: “some of the rebels who had jumped over the wall, fired four or five shots at the soldiers.†Lieutenant Sutherland: “instantly some of the villains who got over a hedge [wall] fired at us which our men for the first time returned.†Ensign Jeremy Lister, writing an account several years later, reversed the sequence and said: “they gave a fire then run off to get behind a wall.†Since Pitcairn’s and Sutherland’s accounts were written shortly after the event, they can be assumed more chronologically accurate. Pitcairn’s report also noted that his horse was hit by shots fired from “some quarter or other†and “at the same time several shots were fired from a Meeting House on our left."
I don’t think that the Pearl Harbor analogy works that well
I agree. Not only does it not work well, it’s historically illiterate. These people are credentialed but uneducated.
So much so that today Highly Credentialed = Poorly Educated.
The Ivy League has been The Poison Ivy League for decades now. Everyone knows that an A at Harvard stands for Average. The hostile elite is proof that Nietzsche was right when he said that power makes people stupid.
Crisis actor shenanigans!
More contrived and cornball melodrama was to follow the “shooting” when they hauled the girl with the pornstar name out on a stretcher uncovered so we could all see the blood.
Blood, moreover, that looked like the fake blood from that horrible Netlix series Blacklist (as long as we’re on the subject of contrived and cornball melodrama).
Haven’t seen choreography that stiff since the Lee Harvey Oswald assassination.
My regret is not copyrighting the phrase “The Green Zone, DC” Pelosi apparently wanted machine gun nests installed.
Making enemies of your taxpayers is the game of thrones by RETARDS.
Those “rioters” just happen to PAY for all that crap you have.
Make them the enemies of the Failed State.
Tell them they are persona non gratis.
I’m sure your vagabond masses of poor itinerant fools will EAT YOU UP.
When the money runs out and the SHTF.
If you dig deep enough into what the technocracy is really aiming for, and Schwab’s Great Reset, that is just the beginning, they are going for immortality through cyber-humanity.
Don’t ever think they don’t aim high.
Check out Schwab’s tome.
And Tomorrows News Today here:
This transhumanism nonsense is little more than another in a never ending stream of scams. Without demonstrably mutation-free heritability of genetically engineered DNA, their immortal godman will never get beyond endlessly repeating "first generations," many of which will probably be more thalidomide-like than god-like.
"they are going for immortality through cyber-humanity."
How is it that you know what will be but don’t know what was?
There was no "reset", it was a masking. The US wars of conquest in Hawaii, the Philippines and elsewhere had begun long before. The American public, generally speaking, had figured out it had been duped about WWI, which created the need for a mask, because Roosevelt wanted war in Europe and worked hard to start one. Pearl Harbor was the set up, therefore the mask.
national humiliation was mobilized to “reset†U.S. foreign policy.
Yeah, absolutely, Curmudgeon.
The actors and masks are changed, but the policy remains the same. As different and antagonistic as Trump and Obama were to each other, their foreign policies were perfectly complementary.
The empire has so many projects around the world that everyone can work and set the tone for his own agenda, because the overall goal is always served.
What you can’t do, and what Trump did, was to be disparaging toward the other construction sites, because that discredits the the philosophical underpinning of whole operation.
The Bill Gates’ biggest landowner piece is a scam, likely to be exposed as typical of the lies told about Saint Bill.
There’s a women on the Food Channel Rees Drummond ? whose husband owns a 330,000 acre ranch in Oklahoma.
She seems to cook a pretty good steak, he didn’t marry her for her looks.
Ted Turner was an early adapter of turning Tech ownership into Real Estate.
It’s all a big game in which people have died.
The game those losers are playing is a VERY dangerous game. They’ve lost every time they’ve tried to destroy Trump. He plays at the perfect balancing point between the deplorable’s representative victim and the powerful dictator, whether he means to or not. Half of the people fear him and the other half identify with his persecution.
Don’t the Democrats have any phenomenologists on their payroll? These are ominous phenomenon.
Eisenhower’s family, correctly spelled Eisenhauer (German for “iron beater”), still live in a small village north of Heidelberg in Germany, farming and nowadays running a hotel. Nothing very Jewish about all that. Still, the place has the odd name of Weschnitz, which is totally alien to the region but simply means “village” in Czech (vesnice) – I had always thought this had to do something with the early 1600s when Frederick V ruled both in Heidelberg and in Bohemia.
Eisenhower admitted having some Jewish background.
"God, I hate the Germans…" –Dwight David Eisenhower in a letter to his wife in September, 1944.
A federal sniper – Lon Horiuchi – kills an unarmed woman inside her home (Vicki Weaver) holding her baby. Zero government accountability*.
Raw Interview with Sara Weaver: Remembering Sammy and Vicki Weaver
Video Link
Do you have a link to that FTN segment?
Definitely, cui bono = Pelosi et al.
Machine gun Nancy is showing her true colors – her nazi colors – her feminazi colors.
She is truly a fascist socialist political, thinking about eliminating her opposition by force – follow her words.
Nancy Pelosi Reportedly Wants Crew-Manned Machine Guns Added To The Capitol Building
Wow, she really hates us doesn’t she?
It’s not enough that Nancy eats $25 ice cream while arguing for months on end whether or not you deserve $600 of our own money….no that is not enough for her.
Seems she is a bit trigger happy too.
According to Ken Cuccinelli, the former Acting Deputy Homeland Security Secretary, Pelosi wanted to have crew-manned machine guns in the capitol after the events on January 6th 2020.
After this bogus Impeachment goes crabwise, like the last one, make book NOW that the mantra they will all repeat like a Zen aphorism beginning late in 2023, is no more senior citizens in our nation's capitol. (Trump would be 78 by then, and trust me - AOC and her ilk cannot wait to toss Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, et al, onto the scrap heap)As for That Terrible Day of (Clownworld) Infamy - 1/6/21 - its most precious and valuable keepsake arrived a few days later. God bless that wonderful and brave woman.Replies: @SolontoCroesus, @Dr. Charles Fhandrich
It would be glorious if Trump ran for President again.
No, Dear Ragno, not “God bless that brave woman” but “God protect that brave — but foolish — woman.”
Put yourself in Schumer’s head. What was he saying as he slipped into his chauffeured, guarded van?
“Just like Hitler. VERY good! They still think Hitler was the bad guy! (How can anyone think otherwise, after 80 years of flooding the field with Hate Hitler Hate Germany propaganda?)
To his driver, perhaps a trainer at The Base, now that it’s been rolled up:
“What did you think of her rant, Shlomo?”
Shlomo: “Pathetic. Incapable of forming a single articulate thought. Even the high school kids in our squads back in TelAviv can be more convincing than she was. And more in control of their emotions — she was all emotion, no daggers, no arrows that hit home. Fuggedabout it, Boss.”
Schumer: “But she threatened me and she threatened Pelosi. She can have Pelosi — hope she tries — but there must be something she can be charged with? ADL can come up with something, nu? And identifying her — hahaha. She can be identified Six Ways to Sunday.
Pick her up. At very least, scare the shit out of her. Make it public — I don’t want to have to go through this for the next four years.”
I think the lady was foolish, counterproductive, and, understand this most urgently: MUST NOT BE REPEATED. She did not offer a model for how to confront a rabid zionist like Schumer.
A better script — and it should be a script that you compose, study, memorize, perfect and recite CALMLY, with confidence & determination, the determination of inevitability — would have been:
“We see that you are doing to the American people exactly what zionist Jews did to the German people for so many years. Now we understand why the National Socialists came to power. By your present actions you are revealing that everything jammed down our throats for all these years was a lie. This time, you will not get away with it. We know. We know now.”
imo the very best “attack” in any confrontation with zionists like Schumer is to recite the truth, to declare without ambiguity that “the goyim” know that they have been lied to, and that Schumer is a liar & traitor.
Thank you. We need a stronger word than astonishing these days. It never, ever quits, as Sam Kinison taught us. 🙂
Anyway, diversity is still our strength.
Oh em gee. I never knew.
Global Tyrannists vs ‘domestic terrorists’
What did Jews call Palestinians? ‘Terrorists’.
We are all Palestinians.
Good point. They keep on saying they need a “9/11 Commission” for the Capitol Siege.
I just keep thinking, “what you want a massive cover-up of what really happened?”
Given the context (and the picture), I think it’s more a “Satansend”? 😉
All of this critical bad-talking about Pelosi. It’s just… awful.
How difficult and without credit for a cadaver to appear in public, over and over and over and over… no little thing.
She gets herself nicely dressed up to appear over and over and over and over for her cinematic debuts… no little thing.
She gets her face and neck and hands and everything all cosmetically covered… no little thing.
Or shows her stash of designer chocolate ice cream in her tens of thousand dollar refrigerator, very likely Ben and Jerry’s, which is given to the Israeli military as “comfort food”… no little thing.
She gets that big flop of hair ever so nicely brushed and falling on either side of that face, those sunken beady brown eyes… no little thing.
She returns from the hairdresser, or from her mansion in San Francisco, or her vineyard estate in Napa, California, or from wherever she lives and dines in Washington, D.C. to stand with Shumer, or Nadler, or Shiffty or the likes thereof… no little thing.
She works out a speech, such as telling us that the (admittedly stupidly acting people who were stupid enough to be let into the Capitol building), that they expressed and showed “their whiteness”. While she, herself, has asserted her pride in being of Italian descend. Which, apparently isn’t white. No little thing.
Think about it all in this light: Joe “I’m a Zionist” Biden would be replaced by Kamala “Kwanza” Harris should he become more befuddled or just plane stumbled down the steps to the Rose Garden and became tangled in the bushes there; so, Kamala sneaks out to have a Jamaican refer and chokes on the thing, loses he composure when directed on foreign policy by Bibi and dies. No little thing.
Okay? So, imagine her behind the big desk in the Oval Office. A real, real no little thing to imagine.
A living cadaver as President of the United States! Designer hair, and designer cosmetics, and designer clothes, and a big dish of designer chocolate ice cream. A real, real, real no little thing to imagine.
Whooeee! Makes the head swim, ever more… no little thing.
It was a “clean kill†from a legal standpoint
Anything but, in my opinion. She was unarmed and not in any way menacing the cop or whoever very deliberately murdered her. Her hands were fully visible and holding on to the door jambs to balance her weight stepping up. She was not even half way through the door and in no position to attack anyone.
She had passed several armed policemen on the other side of the door, who apparently made no effort to restrain her. In fact the three cops who had been guarding and blocking the door in front of her deliberately stepped aside, letting the window be broken and allowing her passage.
I know of no precedent that permits state murder of its citizenry under such circumstances. The authorities seem to be just toughing it out. But I do agree she may well have been set up to take the hit.
My own take on it is that there was a plan to kill a protester in those circumstances. Just not Ashli. Probably someone who could be more properly demonized as a far-right radical. Something went wrong, I think, and Ashli was conned into going through the door first.
I also don’t think their plan included John Sullivan filming the shot being fired. That turned out to be highly embarrassing for the PTB.
Good comment, by the way.
{“… it will be clear that the federal government is taking the position that citizens can be gunned down like mad dogs with zero government accountability ….”}
You gotta be joking: you are coming to that realization now?
A trip down the memory lane (…memory hole ?). To wit:
1. A federal sniper – Lon Horiuchi – kills an unarmed woman inside her home (Vicki Weaver) holding her baby. Zero government accountability*.
2. Federal officers (FBI and BATF) are photographed as a group in front of the burnt out remains of the Branch Davidian compound, striking the same pose as a group of victorious soldiers would, after defeating and capturing an enemy’s compound in war. And to remind everyone, there were a bunch of children who were burnt to a crisp together with everybody else in that compound, in front of which the pic was taken. Zero government accountability. AG Janet Reno, who green-lighted the assault, accepted “full responsibility” and that’s it: nothing happened.
That train left a long time ago: citizens can and are gunned down in this country by the State all the time, with Zero government accountability.
* Horiuchi was charged with manslaughter, but after the furor died down, the charges were quietly dropped.
Roosevelt also knew a Japanese fleet was enroute to attack Pearl Harbor, but withheld this intel from commanders in Hawaii.
In his book Cultures of Militarism, historian John Dower describes the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor as “political godsendâ€, a moment when humiliating military defeat (“day of infamyâ€) would allow president Franklin Roosevelt to do what he desperately wanted to do but could not in the face of an “isolationist†American public opinion—bring the U.S. into World War II. Pearl Harbor turned out to be a wonderful blessing in disguise for FDR, whose infamous eight-point program effectively provoked the Japanese into attacking the Pacific fleet in Hawaii.
Yes. and Henry Stimson, the Secretary of War wrote in him memoirs that “the goal was to maneuver the Japanese into firing the first shot”, This may not be a direct quotation but it is certainly a very accurate paraphrase
I agree with your assessment, and would like to add another “poor” choice of words.
national humiliation was mobilized to “reset†U.S. foreign policy.
There was no “reset”, it was a masking. The US wars of conquest in Hawaii, the Philippines and elsewhere had begun long before. The American public, generally speaking, had figured out it had been duped about WWI, which created the need for a mask, because Roosevelt wanted war in Europe and worked hard to start one. Pearl Harbor was the set up, therefore the mask.
It has been interesting that Scott Ritter, no Trumpian, has been saying that the narrative about Trump changing foreign policy is BS. The policy was the same, he just ripped the mask off to expose what it really was. He mentioned Assad had noted that, unlike Obama, Trump was forthright about Syria – “we want the oil”.
With Biden, the mask will return.
trump never incited insurrection . All he told his followers was to “fight like hell”.. Nothing wrong with that. The press lied.
The insurrection was in fact incited by the dems who needed an excuse on jan 6 to stop team trump from presenting their mountain of evidence that the election was stolen. It was a false flag event using antifa thugs and it worked.