Zionists are not Jews. Dutch Christian’s article on Rumble: “The Mystery of Israel – Solved.â€
It’s Philip Giraldi who should have run as independant candidate for president in 2024 instead of Zionist puppet Robert Kennedy Jr.
Of course, given the electoral system is rigged, he wouldn’t have won, but he could have reached a much wider audience and maybe wake-up millions on the dire situation the USA find themselves because of the Jewish mafia that took control of it.
However, i would like to mention that President Putin was once a US ally, in 2006 when he was bombing Grozny in the name of the so-called “war on terror”, he was then veyr close to the neo-cons in Washington and their useful idiot “walker”.
Putin was of course repressing a separatist movement, not specifically an Islamic terrorist one. It could be that the US were already trying to do some kind of regime change or color revolution in Chechnya at the time, I don’t know. They have been trying in Georgia for a while and in Ukraine as well (the first “color” revolution organized by them was called “orange” in Ukraine back then).
As we know these neocons are mostly if not all Jews. They hadn’t any problem with Putin then. At least officially, Putin seemed even to have been somehow friend with Bush jr.
There is a picture with both of them and the Chinese premier, all dressed in masonic gown, walking on a green. I don’t know if it’s real or a montage but it might explain a lot of things.
It’s alos important to note that Vladimir Putin was one of the first “young global leaders” of the WEF (along with Merkel and bill gates).
He regularly attended their annual Davos meetings.
Finally, Putin played the covid operation ( a fake pandemic) fully like most other nations members of the UN (and WHO). He didn’t go as fascist as most western regimes and he even had his own “vaccine” “sputnik” (laughable).
He left Russians the choice of being injected or not and the attempts by globalist/WEF lackeys like Moscow’s mayor to impose vax passports and digital Id’s were met with fierce resistance from both the public and businesses(contrary to the cowards in the west) .
So, he played the covid scam like the others but Russia was much more lenient than any western totalitarian regime.
Finally, a large number of Jewish billionaires didn’t leave Russia and Putin is very close to some of them, even today.
All what he has done in the past seems to lead to a simple conclusion: “He’s one of them”.
So why did they turn on him with the Ukraine trap? Or did they?
Was he on board with the ‘great reset” ‘agenda 2030″ and suddenly went renegade? Taking the money and launching his own version of a reset, one serving Russia and its culture and people?
Or is all that just another theatre for the show?
As far as the globalists (and the jews) are concerned , young white men are killing each other’s en masse, they can grab the land and resources of a country under the yoke of one of their assets, the country is emptying at high speed leaving place for the “khazars” who occupy Palestine (pausing as “Semites”) and don’t belong there to come back whence they originally came from.
Is that why after two years and a half, the stalemate is still almost complete while Russia is way bigger and more powerful than smaller Ukraine?
I don’t know, but since the beginning of the conflict, the US (zionist & co) have been pushing Putin who instead of reacting like he should have, just keeps playing it very soft.
They obviously try to make a new Hitler out of him and trigger some WW3 (which they can’t win) or is it just another of their manufactured crisis, Putin willingly playing the bad guy while setting up the conditions for a multipolar world that means the end of the US as we know it?
The goal of the globalists and their UN/WEF/western regime lackeys is a “one world government” (a global feudal regime under their boots).
The situation looks very much like the book 1984 now, where 3 mega powers are at war so to keep the peasants in fear, quiet and under permanent emergency rule.
2.4% of the US is Jewish. Yet they dominate our media and our political system. (And other profitable and powerful areas, too.)
Native Americans (indigenous people, first nations, etc.) make up 2.9% of the US population. I can only recall one Native American Senator, no Supreme Court judges, no major media stars, no head of broadcasting, no major newscaster at our networks, no owners of big newspapers, think tanks etc.
The Zionists are either going to destroy the entire western civilization, or they’re going to be neutralized.
Grasping at straws. Hopeless.
Russian Wikipedia calls it a ‘state’ as it does other countries.
Ukraine never established valid borders using treaties with its neighbors, so it actually remains part of Russia. A UN official said that to Putin in 2014. Similarly, Israel is an occupying force created by the globalists for nefarious purposes , not a nation with valid borders, intentionally.
Given this fact, is it any surprise the murderous Apartheid state always gets away with murdering Americans? Latest example:
Currently, the top three State Department officials (Tony Blinken, Wendy Sherman and Victoria Nuland) are all Zionist Jews.
There are Orthodox Jews who follow the Torah, Zionists who follow the Talmud, and real born again Jews of different ethnicities with changed hearts (Romans 2:28-29) who follow Christ. They are not the same.
Russia backs Iran that s the main reason
Back story is pogroms stories brought back from Russia by their great great grand parents
3rd and foremost Russia and Belarus arethe only white european Country with legal borders against white g .
What will replace US senior officials of the miltary or the US military in general?:
Pentagon’s AI initiatives accelerate hard decisions on lethal autonomous weapons
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. (AP) — Artificial intelligence employed by the U.S. military has piloted pint-sized surveillance drones in special operations forces’ missions and helped Ukraine in its war against Russia. It tracks soldiers’ fitness, predicts when Air Force planes need maintenance and helps keep tabs on rivals in space.
Now, the Pentagon is intent on fielding multiple thousands of relatively inexpensive, expendable AI-enabled autonomous vehicles by 2026 to keep pace with China. The ambitious initiative — dubbed Replicator — seeks to “galvanize progress in the too-slow shift of U.S. military innovation to leverage platforms that are small, smart, cheap, and many,†Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks said in August.
While its funding is uncertain and details vague, Replicator is expected to accelerate hard decisions on what AI tech is mature and trustworthy enough to deploy – including on weaponized systems.
There is little dispute among scientists, industry experts and Pentagon officials that the U.S. will within the next few years have fully autonomous lethal weapons. And though officials insist humans will always be in control, experts say advances in data-processing speed and machine-to-machine communications will inevitably relegate people to supervisory roles.
That’s especially true if, as expected, lethal weapons are deployed en masse in drone swarms. Many countries are working on them — and neither China, Russia, Iran, India or Pakistan have signed a U.S.-initiated pledge to use military AI responsibly.
It’s unclear if the Pentagon is currently formally assessing any fully autonomous lethal weapons system for deployment, as required by a 2012 directive. A Pentagon spokeswoman would not say.
Foreign Policy, Ideology • Tags: Ben Stiller, Doug Feith, Jews, JINSA, Merrick Garland, Neocons, Neoconservatism, Neoliberalism, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Haas, Russia, Scooter Libby, Tony Blinken, Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, Volodymyr Zelensky, Wendy Sherman
Fucking JEWS.
I wish we had a President like Vladimir Putin.
Thank you for your extended response. Kindly forgive my discourtesy in not responding. I must have been distracted and failed to note it. Best wishes, Ace.
Replies: @Abbybwood, @anonymous, @Thomasina, @emerging majority, @Wizard of Oz, @Seraphim, @BL, @Dumbo, @Leisure Louie, @Ouldriller
The war in Ukraine is the culmination of a 30-year project of the American neoconservative movement. The Biden Administration is packed with the same neocons who championed the US wars of choice in Serbia (1999), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), Syria (2011), Libya (2011), and who did so much to provoke Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The neocon track record is one of unmitigated disaster, yet Biden has staffed his team with neocons. As a result, Biden is steering Ukraine, the US, and the European Union towards yet another geopolitical debacle.
No other than Blinken wrote the book on the blowing up of the Siberian pipeline to Europe, during the oh so good evil empire Reagan years….. I have decided for myself I prefer Jimmy Carter by now, with all I have learned in the decades thereafter.
As well as being a racist, so fashionable on the Right in Austfailia just now, we now know that Top Level is suicidal. You see, Toppers, if F-16s are flown by Banderites to kill Russians, anywhere, Russia will obliterate the air-bases.
If flown out of Poland or some other sub-fascist regime, those air-bases will be obliterated, and we will see if NATO’s bite is as big as its mouth. If flown by Westerners, they will be shot down, and we will see where we go.
The end result of Western sub-fascists like you attacking Russia and China will be a World War, where most of the world will be agin the West, even if many puppet regimes, eg the Philippines, may not be. Either way, no telegram from the King for you Toppers. PS Your utter delusion concerning the Banderites’ remaining military capabilities after their ‘counter-offensive’ has totally failed, with MASSIVE casualties, is hilarious.
I tend to agree, but-the West HAS Nazis, still, and the USA, UK, the Sauds and Israel have I.S.I.S (Israel Secret Intelligence Service ie the MOSSAD).
The American Government is penetration with Jewish Necon Zionists, and so is the Administration, the media, the banks and several Big Corporation. That is why there is such kaos in USA and the rest of the world.
This argument must sit really well with the wasps. I think that it is an extremely feeble minded nincompoop argument, but one that has proven to suffice for the Germans. The Rockefellers must be cracking open the champagne bottles on their yacht, in addition to the Saudis and Chinese.
Excellent, Mr. Giraldi. Sorry you lost your connection with the American CONservative — you deserve the whole world as readers. Bill White did an article in his short-lived magazine years ago on how the Chosen had moved in on TAC and so many other conservative entities at the time. Wikipedia: “In October 2014, Benjamin Schwarz, the former national and literary editor of The Atlantic, was named national editor of the magazine” — just great!
The jewing of Ukraine is its main problem for over a century now. The JewSSR’s 70-year rape-murder of this legendary “breadbasket of Europe” wasn’t enough — the JewSA has to force a despicable jew government on it and work its sickening magic on the place. Now the JewSSR is rising again to the applause of many Americans, even on the “far right”.
It’s hard to think of a more innocent, humble and therefore noble European country than Ukraine.* Aside from these horrors imposed from abroad there’s never been any news from the place — the way a country should be. That’s why the jewed behemoths hate it — that and their insatiable lust for plunder and empire.
*You who are now going to jump up and claim Ukraine has never been a country, forget it. It meets the accepted criteria of a shared history, culture, territory and language.
Churchill’s mother was Jewish.
Putin isn’t Jewish.
Churchill wasn’t Jewish.
Stalin wasn’t Jewish.
Hitler wasn’t Jewish.
They are/were all white Caucasians. Slavs, Anglo, Saxon etc.
All of the above serve the Jews (except Hitler) for personal interests, like the idiot they have in the US right now.
Or Trump.
Given this fact, is it any surprise the murderous Apartheid state always gets away with murdering Americans? Latest example:
Currently, the top three State Department officials (Tony Blinken, Wendy Sherman and Victoria Nuland) are all Zionist Jews.
trumpo had as many zionists in his government
Pretty close to the truth.. Sadly..
Protesting Israeli war crimes is not anti-Semitic. Million of Jews in US and millions of Jews in Israel oppose the Israeli regimes war crimes. Just read haaretz.com
Read the us media articles on Ukraine and see if you notice any article mention number of civilian deaths. Almost 99.9% do not mention civilian deaths
West had nazis
Jews have Zionists
Muslims have ISIS
All evil
An excellent article. Lots of useful details in it, and well worth keeping on file.
I do think ‘The neocon track record is one of unmitigated disaster’ needs a qualifier.
While the wars in Iraq, Syria, etc., were certainly disasters for most of the goyim involved, especially people in the countries attacked, those actions seem to be stunning successes for zionists generally and the military-industrial complex.
Israelis could hardly be happier. As one citizen said during the second Iraq war: ‘It’s great to wake up in the morning and see America in the east.’
And it didn’t cost them a dime, Such a deal!
The war on Russia is 50,000 years old starting when a late lingering tribe of Neanderthals fled their flooded caves in the Northern Caucasus.
Amazing article, little wonder they say that Israel runs US foreign policy
Well, I’m a product of a German and a Swede on my Mothers side – not much can be said about that – America was once a place to come to and start all over with opportunities. My kids and grandkids are Alaskan and we prefer to be considered different than most Americans, although Washington saw this happening and is trying to Check this sovereignty. Thanks and I hope to have a quiet summer , however some days are rather noisy up above.
The tribe totally controls the narrative for Dems and GOP. They created the new extremist left wing vs extremist right wing narrative…of Us vs Them.
Is it obvious yet…they control both sides? If you don’t agree with them…well then you’re probably a racist or a conspiracy theorist.
Maybe time investigate the fall of the Roman empire?
‘…I do think the blood cost of political theater is rising to an unacceptable level in the American system. Likely a symptom of the advanced age and declining health of its social compact.’
I’d say it’s more our declining sense of public morality.
I keep thinking of one of the examples Kennedy gave in his Profiles in Courage. It was of those Republican Senators who voted to acquit Andrew Johnson — knowing as they did so that they were signing their own political death warrant.
It was the right thing to do, and it was important — so they did it. Career be hanged.
Now, I’m making a leap here, but given the morality of the age, if you’d done one of those senators a favor, and you wanted their help getting a contract even though you weren’t the absolute lowest bidder, they’d have helped you out — if it wasn’t too outrageous.
It’s the reverse of now. The grossest infamies are just fine — just so long as they’re not technically illegal. They won’t steal the office stationary — but they’ll instigate a war so as to have a talking point for the State of the Union Address.
If so it's a very expensive and destructive way to go about it.Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
'...So I think taken together this adds to my suspicion that this whole Ukraine business is about disbanding NATO.'
If so it’s a very expensive and destructive way to go about it.
Sure. But very profitable for certain decision-makers and arms merchants.
I do think the blood cost of political theater is rising to an unacceptable level in the American system. Likely a symptom of the advanced age and declining health of its social compact.
Well, the USA is now self-sufficient in energy resources, so it may be a “fuck you†in the other direction as well. I say good riddance to those goatfuckers. Now there is no reason at all to have Muzzies in America. If America is going to leave NATO we are probably going to wash our hands of extremely unpopular “alliances†like that with Mohamed bin Abdul or whatever the fuck his name is.
This is a very explicit “Fuck You“, and Blinken knew that there was no US flag before he even entered the room. More to the point every person on the planet who is remotely interested in ‘protocol’ is now in no doubt as to the Saudi perception of the importance of keeping the US happy.
Niall Ferguson *cough*
It means books are best-sellers
You and me both.Replies: @Alrenous, @Colin Wright
I’m a fucking idiot.
‘…Now there is no reason at all to have Muzzies in America…’
They undermine the unanimity of our support for Israel. Since our support for Israel is the one most unalloyed act of evil we commit, there’s a silver lining to that cloud. Not that I’m actually for it — surely we could just stop supporting Israel without their help — but…
This article is reminiscent of the fact that both Olaf Scholz and Jens Stoltenberg were anti-NATO activists when younger. So I think taken together this adds to my suspicion that this whole Ukraine business is about disbanding NATO.Replies: @Kratoklastes, @Alrenous, @Colin Wright
The video is about 4 minutes; but, to save your time please fast-forward to the 46th second to hear what our current president said in the year of 1997.
LINK (Biden’s Words On Russia & China Come Back To Haunt Him!)
‘…So I think taken together this adds to my suspicion that this whole Ukraine business is about disbanding NATO.’
If so it’s a very expensive and destructive way to go about it.
Sure. But very profitable for certain decision-makers and arms merchants.
If so it’s a very expensive and destructive way to go about it.
because Jews are the chosen!, and therefor better than the non-Jewish goyim, and yet look how American hicks join in with a song about tossing the heebs down a well!
One question for the Jew: Why do you hate America so much
I recall a lot of White conservatives loving the borat act. He put out some muzz hate so they were cool with the white gentile hate
America needs immigrants of all kinds, colours, and creeds, so its insolvent suburbs bought on debt can pay their ongoing maintenance fees, via skimming off the top of new subsidies for new neighbourhoods. Which has been and will be, in turn, insolvent...
Now there is no reason at all to have Muzzies in America.
America needs immigrants of all kinds, colours, and creeds, so its insolvent suburbs bought on debt can pay their ongoing maintenance fees, via skimming off the top of new subsidies for new neighbourhoods. Which has been and will be, in turn, insolvent…
It’s so true… California suburbs are utter train wrecks
Well, the USA is now self-sufficient in energy resources, so it may be a “fuck you†in the other direction as well. I say good riddance to those goatfuckers. Now there is no reason at all to have Muzzies in America. If America is going to leave NATO we are probably going to wash our hands of extremely unpopular “alliances†like that with Mohamed bin Abdul or whatever the fuck his name is.
This is a very explicit “Fuck You“, and Blinken knew that there was no US flag before he even entered the room. More to the point every person on the planet who is remotely interested in ‘protocol’ is now in no doubt as to the Saudi perception of the importance of keeping the US happy.
Niall Ferguson *cough*
It means books are best-sellers
You and me both.Replies: @Alrenous, @Colin Wright
I’m a fucking idiot.
Now there is no reason at all to have Muzzies in America.
America needs immigrants of all kinds, colours, and creeds, so its insolvent suburbs bought on debt can pay their ongoing maintenance fees, via skimming off the top of new subsidies for new neighbourhoods. Which has been and will be, in turn, insolvent…
Likewise most housing demand is in fact monetary demand, typically financed through debt. They need immigrants to try to juice the housing demand a little so the prices aren’t just USD 2.0 and it continues to function, in some slight capacity, as an inflation hedge.
It’s so true… California suburbs are utter train wrecks
America needs immigrants of all kinds, colours, and creeds, so its insolvent suburbs bought on debt can pay their ongoing maintenance fees, via skimming off the top of new subsidies for new neighbourhoods. Which has been and will be, in turn, insolvent…
Perhaps this is what Rolo Slavskiy is talking about when he excoriates "5-D Theory" (given that my previous comment was about the semiotics of a photo KEK).Occam's Razor is becoming a trope of sorts, but it's still a useful heuristic.The 'parsimonious' explanation for the career trajectory of Stolti und Scholzi, is that they were more interested in being rich, than in moral principles.FWIW: the "2D" explanation - the one above the most parsimonious - is that they were identified during their 'activist' period as useful targets for kompromat, and that they were suborned by their desire to join the 'Inner Ring' (as C.S. Lewis famously called it). Anybody who has ever been an élite student has had temptation put in front of them before grad school: often, quite brazenly. Likewise, anyone who has held a position of even moderate seniority in a 'prestige' firm in Financial Services, the bureaucracy, or the legal profession."A few drinks" with senior colleagues, and the poor kiddie gets 'sounded out'; if the kid's a likely target, the process ends with photos of them with a tranny who looked awesome even under reasonable light.It's not all bad: being compromised means a stellar career trajectory, and inexplicable promotion to positions that cannot plausibly be explained on merit. It means books are best-sellers; eponymous columns are inexplicably popular despite being absolutely anodyne; second houses in fashionably beachside locations.One of my regrets is that I was too radicalised to grasp at the brass ring: I knew precisely what was happening and thought "Nup. I know where this heads. Get fucked". I'm a fucking idiot.Replies: @Alrenous
This article is reminiscent of the fact that both Olaf Scholz and Jens Stoltenberg were anti-NATO activists when younger. So I think taken together this adds to my suspicion that this whole Ukraine business is about disbanding NATO.
Anti-Americanism is in fact hyper-Americanism. E.g. BLM is allegedly a protest group. They were ‘protesting’ that NATO wasn’t NATOnic enough, probably.
That or they applied to NATO and were turned down, thus protesting out of resentment until they got in on the second round.
This article is reminiscent of the fact that both Olaf Scholz and Jens Stoltenberg were anti-NATO activists when younger. So I think taken together this adds to my suspicion that this whole Ukraine business is about disbanding NATO.Replies: @Kratoklastes, @Alrenous, @Colin Wright
The video is about 4 minutes; but, to save your time please fast-forward to the 46th second to hear what our current president said in the year of 1997.
LINK (Biden’s Words On Russia & China Come Back To Haunt Him!)
His rivals deliberately baited the Biden crime family into starting the Ukraine business, because they knew Biden et al would fumble it.
I low-key suspect Biden was handed POTUS purely so he would make an ass out of himself on TV. As one gossip on Twitter put it: this is elder abuse.
Learn Chinese
This is a very explicit “Fuck You“, and Blinken knew that there was no US flag before he even entered the room. More to the point every person on the planet who is remotely interested in ‘protocol’ is now in no doubt as to the Saudi perception of the importance of keeping the US happy.
Well, the USA is now self-sufficient in energy resources, so it may be a “fuck you†in the other direction as well. I say good riddance to those goatfuckers. Now there is no reason at all to have Muzzies in America. If America is going to leave NATO we are probably going to wash our hands of extremely unpopular “alliances†like that with Mohamed bin Abdul or whatever the fuck his name is.
It means books are best-sellers
Niall Ferguson *cough*
I’m a fucking idiot.
You and me both.
America needs immigrants of all kinds, colours, and creeds, so its insolvent suburbs bought on debt can pay their ongoing maintenance fees, via skimming off the top of new subsidies for new neighbourhoods. Which has been and will be, in turn, insolvent...
Now there is no reason at all to have Muzzies in America.
They undermine the unanimity of our support for Israel. Since our support for Israel is the one most unalloyed act of evil we commit, there's a silver lining to that cloud. Not that I'm actually for it -- surely we could just stop supporting Israel without their help -- but...
'...Now there is no reason at all to have Muzzies in America...'
This article is reminiscent of the fact that both Olaf Scholz and Jens Stoltenberg were anti-NATO activists when younger. So I think taken together this adds to my suspicion that this whole Ukraine business is about disbanding NATO.Replies: @Kratoklastes, @Alrenous, @Colin Wright
The video is about 4 minutes; but, to save your time please fast-forward to the 46th second to hear what our current president said in the year of 1997.
LINK (Biden’s Words On Russia & China Come Back To Haunt Him!)
This article is reminiscent of the fact that both Olaf Scholz and Jens Stoltenberg were anti-NATO activists when younger. So I think taken together this adds to my suspicion that this whole Ukraine business is about disbanding NATO.
Perhaps this is what Rolo Slavskiy is talking about when he excoriates “5-D Theory” (given that my previous comment was about the semiotics of a photo KEK).
Occam’s Razor is becoming a trope of sorts, but it’s still a useful heuristic.
The ‘parsimonious’ explanation for the career trajectory of Stolti und Scholzi, is that they were more interested in being rich, than in moral principles.
FWIW: the “2D” explanation – the one above the most parsimonious – is that they were identified during their ‘activist’ period as useful targets for kompromat, and that they were suborned by their desire to join the ‘Inner Ring’ (as C.S. Lewis famously called it).
Anybody who has ever been an élite student has had temptation put in front of them before grad school: often, quite brazenly. Likewise, anyone who has held a position of even moderate seniority in a ‘prestige’ firm in Financial Services, the bureaucracy, or the legal profession.
“A few drinks” with senior colleagues, and the poor kiddie gets ‘sounded out’; if the kid’s a likely target, the process ends with photos of them with a tranny who looked awesome even under reasonable light.
It’s not all bad: being compromised means a stellar career trajectory, and inexplicable promotion to positions that cannot plausibly be explained on merit. It means books are best-sellers; eponymous columns are inexplicably popular despite being absolutely anodyne; second houses in fashionably beachside locations.
One of my regrets is that I was too radicalised to grasp at the brass ring: I knew precisely what was happening and thought “Nup. I know where this heads. Get fucked“.
I’m a fucking idiot.
Welp… whatever the State Dept is doing, they’d better get on with it.
I’m not a semiotician (semiotics is mostly wank), but the significance of the absence of the US flag in a recent photo was obvious even to me.
Bear in mind: this was a meeting between
♦ the most senior diplomat from the United States of America (the equivalent status of Foreign Minister);
♦ the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Bear in mind: every diplomatic photo is pored-over more closely than paparazzi snaps of Princess Kate.
People care whether ‘their’ guy is front-on; whose hand is on top in the hand-shake; who’s being made to ‘reach’.
It’s silly – like pre-teens who care whose pencil-case is the best – but it is what it is: these people are not serious people, so they get to obsess about perceived slights.
This is a very explicit “Fuck You“, and Blinken knew that there was no US flag before he even entered the room. More to the point every person on the planet who is remotely interested in ‘protocol’ is now in no doubt as to the Saudi perception of the importance of keeping the US happy.
Try and find a photo of a meeting at that level involving Lavrov, that doesn’t include the Russian flag.
More like the truly elite Jews are going to ChinaReplies: @mulga mumblebrain
China and the other ‘great unwashed’ and Jewish power evaporates
As tourists only.
Why no link to the interview with the Judge?
Here is a hint for you to connect dots. When on 20 February 2014, Russia walked in Crimea without firing a shot took over the Crimea. I said at that time that both Obama (USA) and Putin (Russia) are in cahoots. At that time, most people at The Saker Blog thought that being a foreigner I don’t know the meaning of “cahoots”. What significance Crimea has for Russia? How are Crimea and Syria are connected?
My friend, it is you who is hallucinating. Do you think I am discussing religion? If you do, then you are wrong. Now imagine, if radical Wahhabi KSA and Iran are trying to unify the Ummah, then what else they cooperating with each other?
Do you still think that the KSA is in religious war with Assad? Sunni vs. Shia? Or do you think the war was for another reason?
How about the Evil Kissinger kicking out the USSR from the entire Middle East? Think, for what reason is Russia is back in Syria and the entire Middle East? For what reason Russia was allowed in Syria?
Questions, questions. Now reflect on my questions, and see what you come up with?
Excerpt from Bro Nat’s latest instalment, Evening News With Brother Nathanael:
And just in!
Llyod Austin, Defense Secretary, flew to Ukraine this morning for secret talks with Zelensky.
A source familiar with the matter says Zelensky wants to invite Austin to his son’s Bar Mitzvah.
Zelensky’s enabler, Igor Kolomoisky, reportedly is not keen on having a schwartza attend the Jewish ritual.
“He’s good to promote our lies,†Kolomoisky allegedly remarked, “but to have his fat schwartza ass defiling our sacred rite is another story.â€
And that’s the way it is!
Sarita says: Please say you don’t.
You apparently do not follow American news daily!
If Dr. Giraldi worked for the Islamic Republic of Iran or for the People’s Republic of China, the U.S. Dept. of Justice (i.e., American govt.) would have already charged Dr. Giraldi on the crime of being “Un-registered agent of a foreign govt.” and locked him up in a maximum-security Federal penitentiary for the remainder of his life like late Robert Philip Hanssen.
Any foreigner is an invader.
Everybody should stay in his fathers’ land.
What is an American or Russian or whatever?
A natural people has a natural composition with a little more women, because pricks exhaust faster because of their virulent spread of life(-juice); or: the penis is the key and the vagina the lock…right key to right lock…
According to the fathers’ law (natural or germanic law ./. Roman Law) the five fathers (the full hand) need to lay/work the foundations – the greatest great grandfather (the first one who came to the new country), the great grandfather, the grandfather, the father, the son; The son of the son (the sixth male) is the first equal one (in the new hand, the right hand, the first one on the right side). A man in natural law can usually not just move into another people, because he has got a prick and everything that runs with it.
To honor, like, appreciate and even visit (e.g. Russia) is one thing. To think I can just pack up (or leave everything and everyone behind) and move into another people is a real number (most of the time – there are ofcourse always exemptions (confirming the rules)).
We Germans must stay in Germany and clean up the mess, no matter who and why etc. No escapism! We both know: the gras is always greener on the other side.
The cosmopolitan – the Jewed – are a problem in any society today; a problem stemming from fake “works” – wheelings and dealings instead of real nuts & bolts.
From what I have been reading, there are more and more powerful Russians who are starting to address the “Jewish Jester” as one RUS arms manufacturer calls the ticks.
Further I have read, that Russia is now building an American village outside, southeast of Moscow…
Well, it is none of my business; isn’t it?
I am far to old to venture anywhere. In old age I am learning a wee bit Russian in order to understand a tiny bit more.
Because you are Slavic miller in from the cold comforting a Slavic woman (and hopefully vice versa) all the above can just be shoved in the oven; even if you are American at heart. There are exemptions – rare men. You are one of a kind (like that other man Pierre).
You are probably beyond the game and know that you are soul and when the body is dead the soul will return to the real home. I wish you a beautiful summer on Crimea and hope that you like and can go swimming.
‘But from their perspectives they have done a great job, albeit the goyim suffer the consequences.’
The horrible thing is you’re right. I’m fairly sure they don’t put it like that — even to themselves — but that is what it amounts to.
“Our nation is safer and more secure, and our partnerships more robust, due to her leadership.â€
Kinda reminds me of:
“If not for the courage of her fearless crew, The Minnow would be lost.”
China and the other ‘great unwashed’ and Jewish power evaporates
More like the truly elite Jews are going to China
Well, first off, America is not the one calling the shots, ZOG is, so that is first and foremost. But I think the idea that it is America that is behind it all, is a common and understandable thing.Yes, the Americans have been told they are the exceptional people, and I suppose in a way, it's true. Exceptionally stupid and callous. But this is sort of how I see it. The rest of the world, (Europe and Canada and so forth, at least from what I've seen) give some credence to their media and whore politicians, and as a consequence, see Trump as the epitome of everything that is wrong with America. Racist, natavist, xenophobic, guns and so forth. They may see Biden as senile, but compared to Trump, they consider Biden far better. And why, because Trump is a racist. Right? And Climate denier, but that is less a problem, as many Europeans and Canadians are also Climate deniers, (as of course, so am I) So some Canadians and Europeans can tolerate Trump's view on the Climate, but none dare (Openly) share his 'racist' views on immigration. But this is the thing, I think a lot of these people in Canada and Europe don't like the war in Ukraine, and even as most of them no-doubt blame Putin = Hitler, they also sense vaguely, that America is playing a major part. Now it is my sincere belief that had Trump won, that there would not have been this war.This war, is Biden's war, insofar as that corrupt cadaver is the puppet of the Deepstate. All the acronyms are all in. Langley is all in. Neocons are all in. Max Boot and Bill Kristol and Dick Cheney all hated Trump and today they are ecstatic about the war. Lindsey Graham pretended to like Trump, but all the GOP Senators like McConnell and the rest, (perhaps not Rand so much) hated Trump, because he wasn't one of them, and didn't support more wars for Israel. So anyways, what I'm getting at, is the people of Europe are some of the most deluded around, because even as they dutifully hated Trump as a racist, they also loathed the wars, that Trump opposes, and even as Trump, (in my opinion) would have meant no war, the people of Europe are not able to connect those dots. Their brains have been too fried by ZOG programming, that they hate Trump, but they don't like the war, and if Trump had won = then there would be no war.. but if you forced them to try to reconcile all that in their brains, their heads would explode from cognitive dissonance. They have to believe what they're told about Trump, (in order to feel like they are good people in good standing with their neighbors), and they also know they don't like the war, (because it is very close to home, and many of them recall how horrific wars can be). But if they were given a guarantee, that electing Trump would end the war, (let's pretend) I don't think they'd go for it, because they've been so effectively indoctrinated into believing that Trump is a vile racist, who they accrue endless virtue points by denigrating and virtue signaling their moral superiority, because they are not racists. This is a bit rambling, but I'm talking about general themes, and things one can't quite put one's finger on. If I say to a Canadian, (many of whom are of Ukrainian descent, and who're also, (for some reason) more sheep-like than their neighbors to the south).. 'Do you like the war in Ukraine? They'd say 'Hell no, Putin is Hitler and we must stop him!' And then if I said 'Do you like Trump? They'd say 'Hell no, Trump is a racist!'But then, if I said if Trump gets elected, the war in Ukraine will end, and there will be a diplomatic solution, and those people can return to a normal life. Then their heads would explode, because they can't rectify those two conflicting ideas in their noggins. (even if it were true or not).No more than Germans, if you ask them the same thing, like 'Do you like having your energy costs doubled? 'No'. Do you like having the U.S. foment a war on your doorstep, between Russia and Ukraine? 'No!' 'If Trump winning would mean the war would end and Nordstream would be rebuilt, and your way of life could return to normal, with no more war?Their heads would explode. What would all those anti-NATO French citizens do, if the only way to end NATO, and the war, would be to elect the racist Trump?http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140310004650/fallout/images/b/b5/Exploding-head.gifSaying all that, I don't know if Trump would end the war, but I feel certain he would not have orchestrated it, as Biden has done.
As I see it, the difference between them and the Americans is that they are the ones being stomped by the US-run NATO boot.
Yes, you're right about how deluded they are. We still would have had all the Covid bullshit, and I wonder if it wouldn't be even going on today, perhaps reaching a new crescendo each day, in their hysterical need to be rid of Trump. (for what it's worth, I don't know what the truth about Covid is, but I do feel certain they were hyping it in a frenzy it to get rid of Trump)But most of the things we lament, would still be going on. Perhaps there'd be more controls at the border, and as I've mentioned, I don't think we'd have the Ukraine war, but most of the other corruption and slavish fealty to ZOG and other treason, would still be a daily occurrence, no doubt.Replies: @AndrewR
the MAGA right, still think that we ARE the EXCEPTIONAL country, and things will be all better if only Trump regains the office he would have won for the second time in 2020
“A bit” rambling? Lol
I think revisionist power is a made up term to mean a country we don't like. Large countries have a natural tendency to throw their weight around in a region which is what revisionism sounds like. Whether the west objects to revisionist behavior depends on moral distance. The moral distance between China and the West has gotten wider over the last 5 years because Jews have become ideological against China. I think Jews fear a future Chinese superpower and are laying the foundation for constant clashes between the West and China to keep Chinese power in check. The tried and true playbook is the Holocaust, the grand epic of our times. That's where the Uighur concentration camp stuff comes in.
China is a revisionist power seeking to remake the region to its own liking
Former British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wrote in a July 22 Facebook post that the Chinese government’s treatment of the Uighur Muslims
By the end of the year in 2020, the UK chief rabbi joined in.
Avi Shafran, the Agudath Israel of America’s director of public affairs
The Chinese concentration camps for Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities should strike fear into Jew’s hearts
The Xinjiang genocide narrative gathered momentum with Jewish orgs in 2021.
Unfathomable mass atrocity perpetrated on China’s Uighur Muslims. In rare statement on issue not related to communal matters
Apr 6, 2021 — Other major Jewish groups involved in Uighur activism include the Conservative movement’s Rabbinical Assembly, the Anti-Defamation League
14 Dec 2021 — More than 200 Jewish organizations sent a letter to President Biden asking him to take more action against China over its genocide of Uyghur
The level of Jewish activist activity ramped up as the Winter Olympics approached.
A diverse group of rabbis in Los Angeles has written their congressman to urge him to take action in support of China’s Uighur Muslims.
We Jews know what happens in concentration camps. We cannot be silent about China’s abuses.
Sharon Nazarian is Senior Vice President, International Affairs at the Anti-Defamation League.
A Uighur likely paid by the US to be a professional activist was even wowed by the Jewish work ethic for dragging China through the mud during the Winter Olympics.
Last week, the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity took out a full page ad in The New York Times, signed by the French Jewish philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy, the former Soviet refusenik Natan Sharansky and Wiesel’s son Elisha, urging athletes and corporate sponsors to “walk away from these games unless Beijing takes steps to reunite Uyghur families.
For a reality check, Muslims don’t seem to concerned about the issue but Jews are highly invested in it.
Feb 5, 2022 — Of all the groups taking up this issue, none have been more active than Jewish ones, said Washington, DC-based attorney Nury Turkel
Since the Winter Olympics, Jewish organizations have cooled off on the rhetoric, prefering to describe the crackdown in Xinjiang as human rights abuse rather than a genocide. Some influential Jewish strategists are probably concerned there are too many conflicts going on at once. Israel can not handle both China and Russia supporting Iran, which is the natural consequence of the US preparing for war against those countries. Still, liberals and conservatives are both dutifully repeating the ideology against China started by Jews in the last few years. Another amazing example of white nations under the spell of Jewish power.Replies: @silviosilver, @mulga mumblebrain
Haaretz Opinion | Why Are Jews Protesting China’s Uighur Genocide Louder Than Muslims?
Some elite Jews joining the campaign of OUTRIGHT lying re. ‘genocide’ in Xinjiang is sign, I would say, that the Jewish elites greatly fear China’s rise. For the usual antigoyite racist reasons, of course, with the Chinese being the sons of Shemp, or Moe, I forget, and Amalek, naturally, and because, after centuries of effort, the elite Jews have taken over the West and, thus, become de facto world sovereigns, just like Yahweh promised.Take away the West’s bullying, thuggish, global dominance, and substitute China and the other ‘great unwashed’ and Jewish power evaporates. China’s gotta go!
More like the truly elite Jews are going to ChinaReplies: @mulga mumblebrain
China and the other ‘great unwashed’ and Jewish power evaporates
I think revisionist power is a made up term to mean a country we don't like. Large countries have a natural tendency to throw their weight around in a region which is what revisionism sounds like. Whether the west objects to revisionist behavior depends on moral distance. The moral distance between China and the West has gotten wider over the last 5 years because Jews have become ideological against China. I think Jews fear a future Chinese superpower and are laying the foundation for constant clashes between the West and China to keep Chinese power in check. The tried and true playbook is the Holocaust, the grand epic of our times. That's where the Uighur concentration camp stuff comes in.
China is a revisionist power seeking to remake the region to its own liking
Former British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wrote in a July 22 Facebook post that the Chinese government’s treatment of the Uighur Muslims
By the end of the year in 2020, the UK chief rabbi joined in.
Avi Shafran, the Agudath Israel of America’s director of public affairs
The Chinese concentration camps for Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities should strike fear into Jew’s hearts
The Xinjiang genocide narrative gathered momentum with Jewish orgs in 2021.
Unfathomable mass atrocity perpetrated on China’s Uighur Muslims. In rare statement on issue not related to communal matters
Apr 6, 2021 — Other major Jewish groups involved in Uighur activism include the Conservative movement’s Rabbinical Assembly, the Anti-Defamation League
14 Dec 2021 — More than 200 Jewish organizations sent a letter to President Biden asking him to take more action against China over its genocide of Uyghur
The level of Jewish activist activity ramped up as the Winter Olympics approached.
A diverse group of rabbis in Los Angeles has written their congressman to urge him to take action in support of China’s Uighur Muslims.
We Jews know what happens in concentration camps. We cannot be silent about China’s abuses.
Sharon Nazarian is Senior Vice President, International Affairs at the Anti-Defamation League.
A Uighur likely paid by the US to be a professional activist was even wowed by the Jewish work ethic for dragging China through the mud during the Winter Olympics.
Last week, the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity took out a full page ad in The New York Times, signed by the French Jewish philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy, the former Soviet refusenik Natan Sharansky and Wiesel’s son Elisha, urging athletes and corporate sponsors to “walk away from these games unless Beijing takes steps to reunite Uyghur families.
For a reality check, Muslims don’t seem to concerned about the issue but Jews are highly invested in it.
Feb 5, 2022 — Of all the groups taking up this issue, none have been more active than Jewish ones, said Washington, DC-based attorney Nury Turkel
Since the Winter Olympics, Jewish organizations have cooled off on the rhetoric, prefering to describe the crackdown in Xinjiang as human rights abuse rather than a genocide. Some influential Jewish strategists are probably concerned there are too many conflicts going on at once. Israel can not handle both China and Russia supporting Iran, which is the natural consequence of the US preparing for war against those countries. Still, liberals and conservatives are both dutifully repeating the ideology against China started by Jews in the last few years. Another amazing example of white nations under the spell of Jewish power.Replies: @silviosilver, @mulga mumblebrain
Haaretz Opinion | Why Are Jews Protesting China’s Uighur Genocide Louder Than Muslims?
Another amazing example of white nations under the spell of Jewish power.
That influence is real, but you’re stretching it way too far. It mostly relates to U.S. support for Israeli interests. The farther you depart from that central focus, the quicker that influence wanes.
As noted by John Mearsheimer, American foreign policy makers have a long history of talking like liberals, but when it comes to the crunch, acting like realists. The liberal talk is mostly there as a cover story for realist actions, in order to garner democratic legitimacy. In this case “muh Xinjiang muslims.|
Sherman on the other hand is there because of competency and skills.
LOL no only a delusional Hindu female could believe this crap. You people really are the absolute worst of humanity.
Sherman got her start in child protective services, and was put in the State Department by Madeleine Albright. Her appointment was all about feminism, not ability, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she got her position by supplying powerful people with vulnerable children for purposes of exploitation. It was in the 90s when standards for federal hiring really started to slip, which is how we got to our position of Hindu government which nobody really wants except Hindu.
Dear Philip,
If Sherman and Blinken, acting on behalf of Joe Biden, have had a success it would consist of getting the allegedly defensive alliance NATO on board the China-phobia train, with Beijing joining Russia as one of the two great autocratic “threats to democracy.â€
The video is about 4 minutes; but, to save your time please fast-forward to the 46th second to hear what our current president said in the year of 1997.
LINK (Biden’s Words On Russia & China Come Back To Haunt Him!)
This article is reminiscent of the fact that both Olaf Scholz and Jens Stoltenberg were anti-NATO activists when younger. So I think taken together this adds to my suspicion that this whole Ukraine business is about disbanding NATO.
Perhaps this is what Rolo Slavskiy is talking about when he excoriates "5-D Theory" (given that my previous comment was about the semiotics of a photo KEK).Occam's Razor is becoming a trope of sorts, but it's still a useful heuristic.The 'parsimonious' explanation for the career trajectory of Stolti und Scholzi, is that they were more interested in being rich, than in moral principles.FWIW: the "2D" explanation - the one above the most parsimonious - is that they were identified during their 'activist' period as useful targets for kompromat, and that they were suborned by their desire to join the 'Inner Ring' (as C.S. Lewis famously called it). Anybody who has ever been an élite student has had temptation put in front of them before grad school: often, quite brazenly. Likewise, anyone who has held a position of even moderate seniority in a 'prestige' firm in Financial Services, the bureaucracy, or the legal profession."A few drinks" with senior colleagues, and the poor kiddie gets 'sounded out'; if the kid's a likely target, the process ends with photos of them with a tranny who looked awesome even under reasonable light.It's not all bad: being compromised means a stellar career trajectory, and inexplicable promotion to positions that cannot plausibly be explained on merit. It means books are best-sellers; eponymous columns are inexplicably popular despite being absolutely anodyne; second houses in fashionably beachside locations.One of my regrets is that I was too radicalised to grasp at the brass ring: I knew precisely what was happening and thought "Nup. I know where this heads. Get fucked". I'm a fucking idiot.Replies: @Alrenous
This article is reminiscent of the fact that both Olaf Scholz and Jens Stoltenberg were anti-NATO activists when younger. So I think taken together this adds to my suspicion that this whole Ukraine business is about disbanding NATO.
If so it's a very expensive and destructive way to go about it.Replies: @the Man Behind the Curtain
'...So I think taken together this adds to my suspicion that this whole Ukraine business is about disbanding NATO.'
Their religion made them blind to these fleas as they thought of them as brothers in faith. .
I don’t think too many 1880-1920 era Polish Catholic immigrants thought of Jews as brothers in faith.
I knew it!
Sherman is different from Biden, Blinken, and Nuland in essential ways. Biden does what the plutocrats want and nothing more, that is how he got to be president. No real special skills, just doing what the corporate elites want and he stumbled into that role by seniority. Blinken is actually a member of the ruling class, related to the banking elite. Sherman on the other hand is there because of competency and skills. So of the 3 I would rank Blinken as the most connected to the ruling class. Nuland is like Sherman a managerial elite, but like Blinken also has family connections, but to the lower-level elites of the oligarchy, not as high a level as a Blinken. I can’t see how any of these people would do anything independent of the desires of the ruling class (nouveau super riche tech gazillionaires and long-time ruling class families.) Anyone in government at the higher federal levels is vetted to be subservient to ruling class agendas. As long as the agendas of big corporate leaders stays the same, it doesn’t matter who is in what position in Washington D.C. They are either serving the conservative/libertarian plutocrats, or the liberal plutocrats–or they are removed from power by any means necessary. Like Trump for example, who sometimes does things both plutocratic cliques like, but is too independent for the liking of either. For more on the details of the Ruling Class see War of the Worlds: The New Class
LOL no only a delusional Hindu female could believe this crap. You people really are the absolute worst of humanity.
Sherman on the other hand is there because of competency and skills.
Hi brother,
Like Jesus “christ”, Mo the Hallucinating Murderer-Rapist was insane or a systematic liar and con man. Nobody sane, rational and kind cares which version of his vicious and arbitrary drivel is followed, Sunni or Shia or Sufi or whatever.
Same advice as to Jews and Christians: please stop babbling about meaningless “scholarship” in service of your embarrassingly stupid “religion” already. Normal men don’t care.
My friend, it is you who is hallucinating. Do you think I am discussing religion? If you do, then you are wrong. Now imagine, if radical Wahhabi KSA and Iran are trying to unify the Ummah, then what else they cooperating with each other?
Here is a hint for you to connect dots. When on 20 February 2014, Russia walked in Crimea without firing a shot took over the Crimea. I said at that time that both Obama (USA) and Putin (Russia) are in cahoots. At that time, most people at The Saker Blog thought that being a foreigner I don't know the meaning of "cahoots". What significance Crimea has for Russia? How are Crimea and Syria are connected?
The only change of course that matters is Mohamed Salah, first of his people to join the resistance. The CIA regime has no further role in the mideast.
And I yours, follyofwar. Thanks.
As I see it, the difference between them and the Americans is that they are the ones being stomped by the US-run NATO boot.
Well, first off, America is not the one calling the shots, ZOG is, so that is first and foremost.
But I think the idea that it is America that is behind it all, is a common and understandable thing.
Yes, the Americans have been told they are the exceptional people, and I suppose in a way, it’s true. Exceptionally stupid and callous. But this is sort of how I see it. The rest of the world, (Europe and Canada and so forth, at least from what I’ve seen) give some credence to their media and whore politicians, and as a consequence, see Trump as the epitome of everything that is wrong with America. Racist, natavist, xenophobic, guns and so forth. They may see Biden as senile, but compared to Trump, they consider Biden far better. And why, because Trump is a racist. Right? And Climate denier, but that is less a problem, as many Europeans and Canadians are also Climate deniers, (as of course, so am I) So some Canadians and Europeans can tolerate Trump’s view on the Climate, but none dare (Openly) share his ‘racist’ views on immigration.
But this is the thing, I think a lot of these people in Canada and Europe don’t like the war in Ukraine, and even as most of them no-doubt blame Putin = Hitler, they also sense vaguely, that America is playing a major part.
Now it is my sincere belief that had Trump won, that there would not have been this war.
This war, is Biden’s war, insofar as that corrupt cadaver is the puppet of the Deepstate. All the acronyms are all in. Langley is all in. Neocons are all in. Max Boot and Bill Kristol and Dick Cheney all hated Trump and today they are ecstatic about the war. Lindsey Graham pretended to like Trump, but all the GOP Senators like McConnell and the rest, (perhaps not Rand so much) hated Trump, because he wasn’t one of them, and didn’t support more wars for Israel.
So anyways, what I’m getting at, is the people of Europe are some of the most deluded around, because even as they dutifully hated Trump as a racist, they also loathed the wars, that Trump opposes, and even as Trump, (in my opinion) would have meant no war, the people of Europe are not able to connect those dots. Their brains have been too fried by ZOG programming, that they hate Trump, but they don’t like the war, and if Trump had won = then there would be no war.. but if you forced them to try to reconcile all that in their brains, their heads would explode from cognitive dissonance.
They have to believe what they’re told about Trump, (in order to feel like they are good people in good standing with their neighbors), and they also know they don’t like the war, (because it is very close to home, and many of them recall how horrific wars can be).
But if they were given a guarantee, that electing Trump would end the war, (let’s pretend) I don’t think they’d go for it, because they’ve been so effectively indoctrinated into believing that Trump is a vile racist, who they accrue endless virtue points by denigrating and virtue signaling their moral superiority, because they are not racists.
This is a bit rambling, but I’m talking about general themes, and things one can’t quite put one’s finger on.
If I say to a Canadian, (many of whom are of Ukrainian descent, and who’re also, (for some reason) more sheep-like than their neighbors to the south).. ‘Do you like the war in Ukraine? They’d say ‘Hell no, Putin is Hitler and we must stop him!’ And then if I said ‘Do you like Trump? They’d say ‘Hell no, Trump is a racist!’
But then, if I said if Trump gets elected, the war in Ukraine will end, and there will be a diplomatic solution, and those people can return to a normal life.
Then their heads would explode, because they can’t rectify those two conflicting ideas in their noggins. (even if it were true or not).
No more than Germans, if you ask them the same thing, like ‘Do you like having your energy costs doubled? ‘No’. Do you like having the U.S. foment a war on your doorstep, between Russia and Ukraine? ‘No!’ ‘If Trump winning would mean the war would end and Nordstream would be rebuilt, and your way of life could return to normal, with no more war?
Their heads would explode.
What would all those anti-NATO French citizens do, if the only way to end NATO, and the war, would be to elect the racist Trump?
Saying all that, I don’t know if Trump would end the war, but I feel certain he would not have orchestrated it, as Biden has done.
the MAGA right, still think that we ARE the EXCEPTIONAL country, and things will be all better if only Trump regains the office he would have won for the second time in 2020
Yes, you’re right about how deluded they are.
We still would have had all the Covid bullshit, and I wonder if it wouldn’t be even going on today, perhaps reaching a new crescendo each day, in their hysterical need to be rid of Trump.
(for what it’s worth, I don’t know what the truth about Covid is, but I do feel certain they were hyping it in a frenzy it to get rid of Trump)
But most of the things we lament, would still be going on. Perhaps there’d be more controls at the border, and as I’ve mentioned, I don’t think we’d have the Ukraine war, but most of the other corruption and slavish fealty to ZOG and other treason, would still be a daily occurrence, no doubt.
Thank you Sarita – I do not work for any foreign government!
The fundamental problem is that the United States government is no longer run by people capable of acting in rational self-interest, which would mean doing things for the good of the country.
Whose self-interest? Who determines what is good for the country? Answering that is like answering what is hate speech? The subjective views of people for what is good for America will always be challenged by people with other subjective views. We cannot have an objective view because the question is by its nature subjective. American politicians and bureaucrats have always been a mixed bag, many of whom served the interests of their friends, family, business associates, etc., knowingly for personal gain. Others may do the same thing but convince themselves it is for the good of all.
Finding among government people who truly only want to serve the interests of people outside of their own particular interests or ideology has always been a problem with a Democracy. That is the basis for what has been dubbed “The Iron Law of Oligarchy.” The idea being that large Democratic organizations always turn into oligarchies due to the nature of hierarchical organizations combined with the greed and selfishness of most people who get involved with trying to attain power within organizations. America is a case in point, far from the idea that only recently has American governing become corrupt, in fact it is pretty easy to prove that America has always been, from the start, ruled by a class of people who turned America into an oligarchy very early on. This is from the Wikipedia article on the topic:
The iron law of oligarchy is a political theory first developed by the German-born Italian sociologist Robert Michels in his 1911 book Political Parties. It asserts that rule by an elite, or oligarchy, is inevitable as an “iron law” within any democratic organization as part of the “tactical and technical necessities” of the organization.
Michels’ theory states that all socialist organizations, regardless of how democratic they are when started, eventually develop into oligarchies. Michels observed that since no sufficiently large and complex organization can function purely as a direct democracy, power within an organization will always get delegated to individuals within that group, elected or otherwise. As he put it in Political Parties, “It is organization which gives dominion of the elected over the electors. […] Who says organization, says oligarchy.”
Using anecdotes from political parties and trade unions struggling to operate democratically to build his argument in 1911, Michels addressed the application of this law to representative democracy. He went on to state that “Historical evolution mocks all the prophylactic measures that have been adopted for the prevention of oligarchy.”
According to Michels, all organizations eventually come to be run by a leadership class who often function as paid administrators, executives, spokespersons or political strategists for the organization. Far from being servants of the masses, Michels argues this leadership class, rather than the organization’s membership, will inevitably grow to dominate the organization’s power structures. By controlling who has access to information, those in power can centralize their power successfully, often with little accountability, due to the apathy, indifference and non-participation most rank-and-file members have in relation to their organization’s decision-making processes. Michels argues that democratic attempts to hold leadership positions accountable are prone to fail, since with power comes the ability to reward loyalty, the ability to control information about the organization, and the ability to control what procedures the organization follows when making decisions. All of these mechanisms can be used to strongly influence the outcome of any decisions made ‘democratically’ by members.
Michels stated that the official goal of representative democracy of eliminating elite rule was impossible, that representative democracy is a façade legitimizing the rule of a particular elite, and that elite rule, which he refers to as oligarchy, is inevitable.
Dear Mr giraldi,
Is it true you work for Iran as an Iran Hasbara agent?.
I read that at a different website and I’m defending you, I tell them that no, Philipp does not work for Iran.
Please say you don’t.
You apparently do not follow American news daily!
Sarita says: Please say you don’t.
This message is intended for Dr. Philip Giraldi.
If Sherman and Blinken, acting on behalf of Joe Biden, have had a success it would consist of getting the allegedly defensive alliance NATO on board the China-phobia train, with Beijing joining Russia as one of the two great autocratic “threats to democracy.â€
Dear Philip,
I figure, no other writer at the Unz Review has the depth of experience in foreign affairs and foreign diplomacy as you do.
But, you above sentence seems to overlook the historical mindset of our current president (i.e., American govt.) as the following recorded video proves.
The video is about 4 minutes; but, to save your time please fast-forward to the 46th second to hear what our current president said in the year of 1997.
LINK (Biden’s Words On Russia & China Come Back To Haunt Him!)
Aside from that, dead-Jew-worship has been part and parcel of North American and Western European culture for 2000 years for myriads of reasons.
So, American govt. of both Republican Party and Democrat Party will continue to serve Israeli government’s interest(s) well and above American national interest(s).
This article is reminiscent of the fact that both Olaf Scholz and Jens Stoltenberg were anti-NATO activists when younger. So I think taken together this adds to my suspicion that this whole Ukraine business is about disbanding NATO.Replies: @Kratoklastes, @Alrenous, @Colin Wright
The video is about 4 minutes; but, to save your time please fast-forward to the 46th second to hear what our current president said in the year of 1997.
LINK (Biden’s Words On Russia & China Come Back To Haunt Him!)
how different are the people of England or Canada or France or Norway, when it comes to supporting the Ukraine war? Or even the Ukrainians- for that matter; killing and dying for that odious little Jewish supremacist pervert.
egomaniacal mass murdering Ugly American Exceptionalists intent on keeping the rest of the world groveling under the US boot.
Thanks for responding, Rurik. I value your opinion. As I see it, the difference between them and the Americans is that they are the ones being stomped by the US-run NATO boot. My guess is that most of them are better informed than ignorant Americans. Millions of anti-NATO French citizens have been rioting in the Parisian streets for months, but there’s nothing they can do to change government policy or stop the war. Their governments are controlled by the US Hegemon, not their own people. Just look at pathetic, cucked German Chancellor Scholz, who remained silent when Biden, on the same stage, said that the US had the means to blow-up Nordstream 2 if it went online. What a sickening spectacle.
Of course, Americans are no better off, with the illicit Biden Regime wrecking the country at breakneck speed. The American people, especially those on the MAGA right, still think that we ARE the EXCEPTIONAL country, and things will be all better if only Trump regains the office he would have won for the second time in 2020, if not for massive ballot stuffing made possible by the Covid scam. But will the all-powerful Deep State let Trump win? I hope I’m wrong, but I think a snowball has a better chance in hell.
Well, first off, America is not the one calling the shots, ZOG is, so that is first and foremost. But I think the idea that it is America that is behind it all, is a common and understandable thing.Yes, the Americans have been told they are the exceptional people, and I suppose in a way, it's true. Exceptionally stupid and callous. But this is sort of how I see it. The rest of the world, (Europe and Canada and so forth, at least from what I've seen) give some credence to their media and whore politicians, and as a consequence, see Trump as the epitome of everything that is wrong with America. Racist, natavist, xenophobic, guns and so forth. They may see Biden as senile, but compared to Trump, they consider Biden far better. And why, because Trump is a racist. Right? And Climate denier, but that is less a problem, as many Europeans and Canadians are also Climate deniers, (as of course, so am I) So some Canadians and Europeans can tolerate Trump's view on the Climate, but none dare (Openly) share his 'racist' views on immigration. But this is the thing, I think a lot of these people in Canada and Europe don't like the war in Ukraine, and even as most of them no-doubt blame Putin = Hitler, they also sense vaguely, that America is playing a major part. Now it is my sincere belief that had Trump won, that there would not have been this war.This war, is Biden's war, insofar as that corrupt cadaver is the puppet of the Deepstate. All the acronyms are all in. Langley is all in. Neocons are all in. Max Boot and Bill Kristol and Dick Cheney all hated Trump and today they are ecstatic about the war. Lindsey Graham pretended to like Trump, but all the GOP Senators like McConnell and the rest, (perhaps not Rand so much) hated Trump, because he wasn't one of them, and didn't support more wars for Israel. So anyways, what I'm getting at, is the people of Europe are some of the most deluded around, because even as they dutifully hated Trump as a racist, they also loathed the wars, that Trump opposes, and even as Trump, (in my opinion) would have meant no war, the people of Europe are not able to connect those dots. Their brains have been too fried by ZOG programming, that they hate Trump, but they don't like the war, and if Trump had won = then there would be no war.. but if you forced them to try to reconcile all that in their brains, their heads would explode from cognitive dissonance. They have to believe what they're told about Trump, (in order to feel like they are good people in good standing with their neighbors), and they also know they don't like the war, (because it is very close to home, and many of them recall how horrific wars can be). But if they were given a guarantee, that electing Trump would end the war, (let's pretend) I don't think they'd go for it, because they've been so effectively indoctrinated into believing that Trump is a vile racist, who they accrue endless virtue points by denigrating and virtue signaling their moral superiority, because they are not racists. This is a bit rambling, but I'm talking about general themes, and things one can't quite put one's finger on. If I say to a Canadian, (many of whom are of Ukrainian descent, and who're also, (for some reason) more sheep-like than their neighbors to the south).. 'Do you like the war in Ukraine? They'd say 'Hell no, Putin is Hitler and we must stop him!' And then if I said 'Do you like Trump? They'd say 'Hell no, Trump is a racist!'But then, if I said if Trump gets elected, the war in Ukraine will end, and there will be a diplomatic solution, and those people can return to a normal life. Then their heads would explode, because they can't rectify those two conflicting ideas in their noggins. (even if it were true or not).No more than Germans, if you ask them the same thing, like 'Do you like having your energy costs doubled? 'No'. Do you like having the U.S. foment a war on your doorstep, between Russia and Ukraine? 'No!' 'If Trump winning would mean the war would end and Nordstream would be rebuilt, and your way of life could return to normal, with no more war?Their heads would explode. What would all those anti-NATO French citizens do, if the only way to end NATO, and the war, would be to elect the racist Trump?http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140310004650/fallout/images/b/b5/Exploding-head.gifSaying all that, I don't know if Trump would end the war, but I feel certain he would not have orchestrated it, as Biden has done.
As I see it, the difference between them and the Americans is that they are the ones being stomped by the US-run NATO boot.
Yes, you're right about how deluded they are. We still would have had all the Covid bullshit, and I wonder if it wouldn't be even going on today, perhaps reaching a new crescendo each day, in their hysterical need to be rid of Trump. (for what it's worth, I don't know what the truth about Covid is, but I do feel certain they were hyping it in a frenzy it to get rid of Trump)But most of the things we lament, would still be going on. Perhaps there'd be more controls at the border, and as I've mentioned, I don't think we'd have the Ukraine war, but most of the other corruption and slavish fealty to ZOG and other treason, would still be a daily occurrence, no doubt.Replies: @AndrewR
the MAGA right, still think that we ARE the EXCEPTIONAL country, and things will be all better if only Trump regains the office he would have won for the second time in 2020
China is a revisionist power seeking to remake the region to its own liking
I think revisionist power is a made up term to mean a country we don’t like. Large countries have a natural tendency to throw their weight around in a region which is what revisionism sounds like. Whether the west objects to revisionist behavior depends on moral distance. The moral distance between China and the West has gotten wider over the last 5 years because Jews have become ideological against China. I think Jews fear a future Chinese superpower and are laying the foundation for constant clashes between the West and China to keep Chinese power in check. The tried and true playbook is the Holocaust, the grand epic of our times. That’s where the Uighur concentration camp stuff comes in.
Notice how Jews all seem to be taking cues from each other. In the summer of 2020, Jewish opinion leaders in the US and UK started repeating the same lines about Xinjiang concentration camps.
Former British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wrote in a July 22 Facebook post that the Chinese government’s treatment of the Uighur Muslims
Avi Shafran, the Agudath Israel of America’s director of public affairs
The Chinese concentration camps for Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities should strike fear into Jew’s hearts
By the end of the year in 2020, the UK chief rabbi joined in.
Unfathomable mass atrocity perpetrated on China’s Uighur Muslims. In rare statement on issue not related to communal matters
The Xinjiang genocide narrative gathered momentum with Jewish orgs in 2021.
Apr 6, 2021 — Other major Jewish groups involved in Uighur activism include the Conservative movement’s Rabbinical Assembly, the Anti-Defamation League
14 Dec 2021 — More than 200 Jewish organizations sent a letter to President Biden asking him to take more action against China over its genocide of Uyghur
A diverse group of rabbis in Los Angeles has written their congressman to urge him to take action in support of China’s Uighur Muslims.
We Jews know what happens in concentration camps. We cannot be silent about China’s abuses.
Sharon Nazarian is Senior Vice President, International Affairs at the Anti-Defamation League.
The level of Jewish activist activity ramped up as the Winter Olympics approached.
Last week, the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity took out a full page ad in The New York Times, signed by the French Jewish philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy, the former Soviet refusenik Natan Sharansky and Wiesel’s son Elisha, urging athletes and corporate sponsors to “walk away from these games unless Beijing takes steps to reunite Uyghur families.
A Uighur likely paid by the US to be a professional activist was even wowed by the Jewish work ethic for dragging China through the mud during the Winter Olympics.
Feb 5, 2022 — Of all the groups taking up this issue, none have been more active than Jewish ones, said Washington, DC-based attorney Nury Turkel
For a reality check, Muslims don’t seem to concerned about the issue but Jews are highly invested in it.
Haaretz Opinion | Why Are Jews Protesting China’s Uighur Genocide Louder Than Muslims?
Since the Winter Olympics, Jewish organizations have cooled off on the rhetoric, prefering to describe the crackdown in Xinjiang as human rights abuse rather than a genocide. Some influential Jewish strategists are probably concerned there are too many conflicts going on at once. Israel can not handle both China and Russia supporting Iran, which is the natural consequence of the US preparing for war against those countries. Still, liberals and conservatives are both dutifully repeating the ideology against China started by Jews in the last few years. Another amazing example of white nations under the spell of Jewish power.
That influence is real, but you're stretching it way too far. It mostly relates to U.S. support for Israeli interests. The farther you depart from that central focus, the quicker that influence wanes.
Another amazing example of white nations under the spell of Jewish power.
Shut it down, the goyim know!
Hi brother,
I have extremely good news for you. Remember, I told you that Islam was hijacked while the body of the Prophet still warm and not buried yet. Guess who did it? It was the Israelites. The same Israelites who gave extremely tough time to all the Prophets and were responsible for the murder of Prince of Peace, Jesus (as). They destroyed all the knowledge left by Prophet and filled Islam with Israelites, but they couldn’t take away Monotheism from Muslims. Anyhow, the Muslims were lied for 1,400 years by the Muslims’ scholars like puppets. And Islam became the biggest enemy of Christianity. These Israelites were behind the Caliphs and Rulers to help them loot Muslims. If a pedophile wanted to marry a girl, then cook the Books of Islam that Mohammad married a six-year-old child.
The good news is that all Muslims’ Wise Leaders with the help of the USA have decided to Unite the Muslims as One Ummah (Community). They don’t need any more Israelites to control the masses. Islam is going through titanic changes and renaissance, but these massive lies, 90% in Muslims’ Books which have been told for more than 1400 cannot be overturned overnight or the masses will revolt. The changes are subtle and have been going on for longer than 15 years now. One has not only to be extremely knowledgeable about Islam but also need to keep up what is happening with the Sunni Scholars.
I hope some of the writers on this forum can write about it.
Gab comment posted by Mark Taylor:
Saying you aren’t racist doesn’t work because they hate you for being White, not for being racist.
Unfortunately, it does seem that our State Department has turned to a mafia like mindset at the top level. Pompeo looked, and came across, as a Tony Soprano. Blinken comes with a choir boy appearance but the mindset is the same.
About 6 months ago Putin and Lavrov started to tell the EU, NATO, and the Biden Administration that it was time for them to accept “the new reality” of the world.
Well, its very apparent that the new reality has not set in and it will take years of elections in Western countries for this to occur. In the meantime the western world will remain in a chaotic situation with the poor people of Ukraine getting the worst of the deal.
Telegram comment posted by The Western Chauvinist:
Prominent figure in German far-right party charged over alleged Nazi slogan
Alternative For Deutscheland in Germany is starting to become extremely popular. The (((system))) is now giving their members the Golden Dawn treatment.
For those who don’t know, Golden Dawn was a Greek far right party who started gaining mass popularity and seats in parliament. Their leadership was arrested on trumped up charges and the party was banned.
You’ve seen what they’re willing to do to even a civ-nat with popular rhetoric and no follow through like Trump. What do you think they’d do if a real Nationalist got popular? Probably the same treatment Golden Dawn and AFD are getting.
However, that needs to happen and we need to put them in a position where they have to do it. We’re coming to the end of the Roman Republic, we need to lose a few Gracchus brothers before we get a Ceasar.
Oh, and the best are those shysters who have never set foot, don’t speak the language (PÇ”tÅnghuà ), don’t know the history, spoken to any Chinese – can declare themselves “experts”. Where do they get the chutzpah?!
That conclusion requires ignoring a mountain of evidence that China was never prepared to play ball, that it was just stringing along utopian liberals as it grew powerful enough to challenge them. Just because the foreign policy establishment has overrated the threat posed by Russia (quite possibly owing to the Jewish influences Giraldi highlights), it doesn't mean they're wrong about China. When even a Sinophile cuck like former Australian PM Kevin Rudd, who used to react with deep indignation at "collision course" analyses about China, has restyled himself as a realist, it's a pretty reliable indication there is something to the story.Replies: @SteveK9, @Tony Kaku, @Uncle Jon, @vox4non
It has, inter alia, converted major powers Russia and China, who were actively seeking normalized relations
Nothing to do with the Chinese playing ball, it was the liberals that refused to understand a civilisation with ancient culture and roots. China didn’t say it outright (Chinese thinking they were dealing with mature or rational actors) but it was couched diplomatically that they have their way of doing things but those virtue-signallers thought that they had the upper hand. Their motives were far from altruistic and the Chinese read them better than they knew.
Most westerners behave that way unfortunately, and then they wonder why the Chinese didn’t behave as they should. (again a demand first before a mutual understanding). You sound like one of them.
I’ve noticed the hubris to declare knowledge of China is inversely proportional to the time spent in China. Those who spent a week in China wants to write a book, a month for an article, a year for a paragraph, and years to say I’m still understanding. I was that way as well till time taught me better.
Kevin Rudd although a Sinophone, was not a Sinophile, as his objective was to make China follow his planned path, and then brag that he made China listen (read his pronouncements that made him sound like he was the only interlocutor for the Chinese – as if they didn’t have their own diplomats) . He now behaves like a scorned fanboy who never properly understood his subject in the first place. Realism is the furthest dimension any western politician carries in his head nowadays.
Hey Kurt – the one thing I’m seeing is that Americans are going to have a hard time living in Russia, the longer this war is stretched out, unless Moscow grows a pair and explains Directly to their People , Exactly who has taken over the US Government and makes it 100% clear. This would help the EU people also. We only see one country with a pair that calls out the real terrorists and it’s – Iran.
Until, Moscow discusses this Zionist Jew Takeover of the Western governments with their people and explains the entire Crime syndicate that terrorises parts of the planet – Americans living here will not be understood as normal people that just want to live freely but seen as ” the enemy” . This shit show here needs to end, and the blame put directly on the Ukraine Jew Oligarchs that started it along with their Zionist Neocons that run the USG. not to mention the Tel Aviv group that uses their Russian and Ukrainian immigrant citizens – against Russia. Sabe’ ?
Here’s a video about a recent New York Times (nyt) article that’s basically running propaganda cover for the fact that Nazi symbols are regularly seen on military uniforms in Ukraine:
Video Link
The Times has ignored the prominent Nazi presence in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, though now they deal with it while offering cover for it at the same time. Could we expect anything different from the Times? I think not.
The discussion in this video is quite good.
What a pile of shit the us empire is, and that includes the NYT. This notion that we are defending “democracy†in the Ukraine is absurd—more us propaganda.
. The place has been soaking in Nazis regimes for ages. Many can’t get over the fact that Zelenskyy is ‘Jewish.’ And talk abt hugely repressive regimes…us puppets
That's a good question. In the first place you have to say that the neocons still control the politics (W. Sherman also belongs to the group) and it's difficult to believe that they would suddenly change their services to the Country. They made wars to destroy all countries around it, they promoted relentless hostility against Iran. But to do that they had to create a climate that is adverse to diplomacy. Diplomacy became the preparation of war. According to this view, the only acceptable way for other countries is submission. This is also what the Country practices toward the neighborhood. The problem is that Russia and China refused tho accept this role because of their negative experiences (Russia in the 90s). Because of that the only way to deal with them is war. The S.D. was trained to circumvent and avoid diplomacy. The negative results of the wars in Irak and Afghanistan had also to be forgotten or else the whole neocon politics would crumble.
Ron Unz has written about how neocons have stopped listening to Israelis. Israel doesn’t want escalation between Russia/China and the US because Russia and China are already empowering Iran to a great extent to create the conditions for a massive Middle East War ..... Why do Jewish neocons not care about the Russian and Chinese reactions to their actions? The US no longer acts in rational self-interest but Jewish neocons have also stopped acting in rational self-interest because Israel belongs to them.
Ron Unz wrote in an older text that Shlomo Sand’s theories about the Kazhars were disproved and recently Jung-Freud also said this in a comment. But if I remember well Sand’s book, he mentions already genetic studies which would show that his theories were wrong, but he dismisses them with good reasons. New studies may also be biased or simple wrong. So I think there is still uncertainty in this area, and Sand’s theories are plausible.
I think I’m still gonna go with Eran Elhaik’s 2012 study, which I believe is in line with Sand and Koestler:
New studies may also be biased or simple wrong.
Elhaik is Israeli-American so I think he has skin in the game.
Once you have accomplished this, come back here and let us know the details. Also, keep in mind that virtually every Gentile elite, in exchange for bribes, fully cooperated with the Ashkenazim. The only reason the Ashkenazim has conquered the Gentiles is because the Gentile elites betrayed their people and assisted the Ashkenazim in exchange for bribes. Due to dysgenics and mutational load, virtually every contemporary Gentile elite is an Individually Selected Genetic Sociopath. So, you will also have to take care of all the Gentile elites as well. Once you have done this, please come back here and post the details on how you accomplished your statement.
And Australia has “Getup!” to improve Australian democracy. That’s not talking to a horse, it’s forming a club in every electorate, buying the phone numbers of everyone on the roll, members of that club phoning them to disparage every candidate who has not vocally supported homosexuality, goofy marriage, etc… And expelling members suspected of homophobia etc. Social progress! Democracy!!!
Again, who are really behind democracy? What is democracy really about? Even the best democracy money can buy?
Exactly. They have too much control.
Great answer. Damn right, Davey Boy!
So he has cast the muzzle aside.
You’re right as rain. That UFO business added nothing,and actually detracted, from an otherwise good rant. I heard him even take a swipe at Blackrock. Elon, don’t sell 15% of Twitter to LarryRatfink!
China is powerful enough to squash, leech, and start wars in a number of African countries. Why doesn’t it?
Suppose it was doing all of these things. How would you know?
Because China prefers to play ball, with everyone, even the “I am the king of the world†US.
More like one is the hammer and the other is the anvil.
Nikki Haley is a South Asian Interloper.
The absolute worst of humanity, worse than blacks.
Nikki Haley wants to flood the United States with more South Asians to increase the political power of South Asians, Sikhs in particular.
Nearly six million.
“And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?â€
– Revelation 6:10, the Bible, KJV
That conclusion requires ignoring a mountain of evidence that China was never prepared to play ball, that it was just stringing along utopian liberals as it grew powerful enough to challenge them. Just because the foreign policy establishment has overrated the threat posed by Russia (quite possibly owing to the Jewish influences Giraldi highlights), it doesn't mean they're wrong about China. When even a Sinophile cuck like former Australian PM Kevin Rudd, who used to react with deep indignation at "collision course" analyses about China, has restyled himself as a realist, it's a pretty reliable indication there is something to the story.Replies: @SteveK9, @Tony Kaku, @Uncle Jon, @vox4non
It has, inter alia, converted major powers Russia and China, who were actively seeking normalized relations
It appears that you are clinging to the side rails at the Titanic.
Whether China was buying time to exert its new found power is irrelevant. What is important is what are they doing with it and how we squandered ours? If you want to sit on top, you better play the part.
I challenge you to find a third world country in Latin America, Africa, ME or East Asia that has anything negative to say about China, other than the cheap shit that they ordered that doesn’t last more than 6 months.
They are using their power to find partners not recruit slaves, and they treat them with respect. Not the usual Anglo-Saxon nonsense of “it is our resources and you just happen to be squatting on itâ€. Win-win policy will get you a lot further and US/West was never about that.
It is time they we disappeared from the world stage and let the world breath a little. Who knows, they might even let us in again.
Let go of the side rails. Get out of the echo chamber and try to find a life raft. Quickly.
That conclusion requires ignoring a mountain of evidence that China was never prepared to play ball, that it was just stringing along utopian liberals as it grew powerful enough to challenge them. Just because the foreign policy establishment has overrated the threat posed by Russia (quite possibly owing to the Jewish influences Giraldi highlights), it doesn't mean they're wrong about China. When even a Sinophile cuck like former Australian PM Kevin Rudd, who used to react with deep indignation at "collision course" analyses about China, has restyled himself as a realist, it's a pretty reliable indication there is something to the story.Replies: @SteveK9, @Tony Kaku, @Uncle Jon, @vox4non
It has, inter alia, converted major powers Russia and China, who were actively seeking normalized relations
China is powerful enough to squash, leech, and start wars in a number of African countries. Why doesn’t it? Because China prefers to play ball, with everyone, even the “I am the king of the world” US.
Suppose it was doing all of these things. How would you know?
China is powerful enough to squash, leech, and start wars in a number of African countries. Why doesn’t it?
More like one is the hammer and the other is the anvil.
Because China prefers to play ball, with everyone, even the “I am the king of the world†US.
The US State Department has total control of the REFUGEE OVERLOAD RACKET.
Republican Party Neo-Con tart Nikki Haley pushes mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, REFUGEE OVERLOAD and ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION.
Two scumbag rat twat billionaires from Texas — Harlan Crow and Ross Perot’s kid — are now buying the harlotry services of nasty neo-con skank Nikki Haley.
Nikki Haley is anti-White. Nikki Haley is a South Asian Interloper. Nikki Haley wants to flood the United States with more South Asians to increase the political power of South Asians, Sikhs in particular.
Nikki Haley did everything in her power to attack the memory of Confederate veterans by attacking all statues and flags connected to Confederate veterans. Nikki Haley is doing everything in her power to desecrate and destroy the monuments and memories of the European Christian ancestral core of the United States. Trump made a bad choice when he brought Nikki Haley into his administration.
Nikki Haley pushes open borders mass legal immigration and amnesty for illegal alien invaders. Nikki Haley wants to pour more South Asian Sikh invaders and other non-Whites into European Christian nations. Nikki Haley wants to continue to use mass immigration as a demographic weapon to destroy European Christian nations. Nikki Haley’s family should never have been allowed to infiltrate Canada and then infiltrate the United States.
Mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration and REFUGEE OVERLOAD and ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION increases housing costs, lowers wages, swamps schools, overwhelms hospitals, destroys habitat for wildlife, causes urban and suburban sprawl, creates multicultural mayhem and brings infectious diseases and terrorism to the United States of America.
The absolute worst of humanity, worse than blacks.
Nikki Haley is a South Asian Interloper.
Nearly six million.
Nikki Haley wants to flood the United States with more South Asians to increase the political power of South Asians, Sikhs in particular.
The fundamental problem is that the United States government is no longer run by people capable of acting in rational self-interest, which would mean doing things for the good of the country.
The problem is that the U.S. government is no longer run by Americans. The vast majority of Jews are no more Americans than the Mexicans crossing the border, and the same goes for pretty much every other immigrant or minority group. You might as well be honest about the fact that most Jews, minorities, and immigrants will never assimilate, that America does not mean much to them, and it certainly does not mean the same to them as it does to Real Stock Americans. It just doesn’t, and pretending that that is not the root of the problem is ignoring reality.
The jew wants you dead Whitey…injections world war, and or enslaved CBDC. Wake the fuck up.
Maybe he reads a large section of the US population as requiring that kind of counter-simplicity, given the supreme simplicity of the message coming from the media and government and its military stooges. Were this so, it is more the work of an agitator than an analyst. That is legitimate because it is impossible not to take a partial position on such an event because so much is at stake.
That said, he has an excellent hold on all aspects of the conflict, military, economic, political.
You should really learn Chinese, mulga. I feel like your head is going to explode with all the cognitive dissonance.
Proving my point again that you’re a dumb nigger. The only thing that unites the many diverse groups of Americans is hatred of blacks, which is obviously where this is going to go.
Not only wuz you kangz, you built Wakanda!
Fucking monkeys need to get back on the farm where they belong
Hmm. What are the real origins of so-called democracy? Untermyer and his mob were furious with Hilter’s Germany, destroyed it, for not being democracy. Similarly with Iraq, Libya and others. They dived into the Communist revolution, grabbed it. Is “democracy” nothing more than a trick to give the Jews control over the Gentiles? Do we need monarchies in order to be freed from Jewish control?
Butt-Tucker on Kakhovka dam. He makes some good sense but then mentions UFO in Alex Jones style. Sheesh.
But from their perspectives they have done a great job, albeit the goyim suffer the consequences.
The horrible thing is you're right. I'm fairly sure they don't put it like that -- even to themselves -- but that is what it amounts to.
'But from their perspectives they have done a great job, albeit the goyim suffer the consequences.'
Genius, Actually.
Now go do your Chores and your Homework, ignorant Troll.
This subject matter is far beyond you.
Rudd is a narcissistic opportunist. Why would China, with its own civilization going back thousands of years, ever wish to become ‘liberal’ in the debased, hypocritical, deranged, aggressive and arrogant Western fashion? They are FAR better than that.
They don’t want to ‘re-make’ anything. They practise live and let live and win-win, in a search for harmony. The Western obsession with ‘dominance’ is antithetical to that, and DESPISED across the world.
We’re deep into the Ukraine conflict, when we should of NEVER got involved
“We” whoever that is, didn’t get “involved”. The Ukraine war is a creation of the US deep State.
No Yiddistani’s in D.C. No war.