Helmer makes a good solid case. It seems Putin is once again attempting to surrender, using this Ukranian Medinsky as his mouthpiece. In the end, the Army will have to replace the old worn down fool, with someone willing to fight and win.
‘i’m wondering if this think tank of grandpa simpsons, aren’t all in the same nursing home together and need to have their medications adjusted, so that they aren’t so cranky, or at least shut up, so they don’t disturb the other residents. judging by the abrupt change in tenor of the last paragraphs, perhaps they already did.’- LOL
first helmer, then the crusty old proto neocon paul craig roberts, beginning the echo chamber and now this gilbert godfry character, all whining about how medinsky, is going to sell out mother russia and putin is a zionist operative and other such bullshit.
this is all more, rollover slavsquat 5th columnist bullshit. medinsky is an errand boy, he is not a “negotiator”, he does what he is told and that’s why he is allowed to be an errand boy.
putin is no fool and he is no tool, unlike the aforementioned list of “journalists”, this is getting as tiresome, as pcr’s chicken little routine, that putin should have nuked kiev and now the sky is falling because he is so stupid and not a genius “supply side, voodoo economist” like me.
remember idiots, that putin had actually negotiated minsk 1 and 2, only to have the west use them as an excuse to rebuild their zato proxy into the second largest army in zato. istanbul was theater and this is why he sent his errand body to “initial” an agreement, knowing full well that blowjo the clown would scuttle the deal. this allowed him to keep erdogan from joining the illegal sanctions and participating in the smo, especially from the black sea attacks on crimea. this also allowed him to hold up the “agreement”, to the world and say, see what generous terms we offered them, we had no choice but to protect russian speaking ukrainians by allowing them to join the russian federation.
i’m wondering if this think tank of grandpa simpsons, aren’t all in the same nursing home together and need to have their medications adjusted, so that they aren’t so cranky, or at least shut up, so they don’t disturb the other residents. judging by the abrupt change in tenor of the last paragraphs, perhaps they already did.
As for Medinsky, Helmer somewhat gratuitously tells us that he was born in Ukraine.
Why use the word gratuitous ?
It implies that this is a fact not worth knowing.