Has the White Man Ever Sunk So Low?
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Jared Taylor heaps scorn on spineless Brits who looked the other way. He also discusses caste in India, the AfD, Mark Zuckerberg, and “querying Karen” at Yale.
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The essential problem in Britain is the lack of free speech. You’re literally forbidden from saying that bringing in Pakistanis caused the problem, and the way to solve the problem is to kick out the Pakistanis.
Without that, it’s all circumlocutions and dancing around the essential issue.
@Jared Taylor
How can the White Man sink so low?
Let’s try specifically avoiding to name those largely responsible for plaguing said White Man.
And, to continue avoiding for decades.
By deliberate ommission of facts, do you have any idea the damage YOU have caused the White Man you (sic) champion?
Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart host a podcast that I consider historically significant. Here they are in candid, in their own words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTtqGSwTLO0?feature=shared&t=400
Video Link
They are simply astonishing.
white man
What a cast of asiatic sand-niggers.
Raw Egg –
He needs a “comfy chair”.
He’s the Kosher Confederate.
The video of Starmer punching like a Nancy has the same explanatory value as videos of our de facto president and nance Blinken playing with himself using the neck of his guitar.
That’s true of every other country on Earth, though. Because the actual problem is the jews and the only solution is the extermination of the jews for all time. But you can’t say that. Because the jews control everything. It’s not a UK problem.
The media propagates that Kurds are the good Muslims.
They were part of it too.
Girls, drugged and gang-raped under a Kurdish flag
No, he hasn’t. Death is too good for these rapist scum. They should be treated like that unfortunate Palestinian in the Sde Telman prison.
Cry moar.
Less then 2% can “control” you then yte men are not really men
You’re exactly wrong. Yes, the Jews lean toward being infuriatingly PC especially on racial issues, but so does literally every other ethnic and religious group, including WASPs. The fact that Jewish IQ makes them disproportionately influential and effective does not make our predicament the result of a Jewish conspiracy, or even a Jewish prediction. The retarded nature of “those clever all controlling Jews are deliberately importing murderously and implacably Jew-hating ethno religious groups in massive transformative numbers as part of their master plan to benefit themselves” should be obvious, but emotion trumps rationality.
Jews have also been disproportionately prominent in conservative and other anti-woke and other anti-left movements, because they’re always disproportionately involved in any intellectual or cultural trend that does not categorically exclude them.
In fact, the delusion that conveniently scapegoats the Jews for our own suicidal folly is not a mere misdiagnosis that makes effective treatment impossible; it’s the central obstacle to our survival. Self-indulgent Jew-blaming isn’t just a failure of character and shying away from harsh and unpleasant reality, it diverts our finite resources and time into a futile dead end, like blaming the Reptilians. Even worse, it scares off the vast mass of persuadable whites we must reach in order to survive, while entirely unnecesarily stirring up a hornet’s nest of formidable opposition. Jew-blaming paranoid delusions couldn’t be a better more useful tool of anti-whites to wipe us out if it had been created with that purpose in mind.
No project for promoting white survival is more urgent and necessary than refuting and defeating insane delusional Jew-blaming and Jew-hatred. Unfortunately, given their prominence and obnoxiousness, lefty Jews constantly play into the hands of this narrative. It requires clear thinking and discipline to see past that to the big picture.
However, we are at least agreed that such discussions should be legal — at least blaming if not extermination advocacy.
No the khazari turkic jew sand-niggers sinks so low by letting a nigger, Mayor Karen Bass, a revolutionary communist groid run Los Angeles into the ground. The nigger was an admirer of the spic in Cuba, Fidel.
I am relatively new to this website. I am well aware of the Kurd issue and there are also 2 factions and they are just as likely to engage in these mass rapes. I do not understand Europe and have seen the decline while travelling there for work over the last decade. The fols in the countryside seem to have a much more harsh view of the invasion than those in the big cities.
Being new here I can see that all of these issues seem to be the fault of Jews. In 2023 the global population of Jews was estimated at 16,783,000 which is about 0.22% of the global population. The Jewish population with the higher IQ rates are Ashkenazi Jews, and are only a fraction of the global population of Jews.
If Jews are the root of all problems should we not look in the mirror at ourselves and ask why we allowed this to happen? European whites have proven to be innovative, smart, and industrious. We have also been able to solve these kind of issues without the need for violence.
I would agree with the above poster Carney that focusing on this issue has caused us to completely lose sight of the big picture and we are to share a huge part of the blame for the destruction of Western Civilization.
White Men in Ukraine sacrificed a million of their own kind to appease Jewish Supremacism. White race sure has sunk very low.
Whites in UK sacrificing whites to Pakistanis is a picnic compared to the number of whites sacrificed in Ukraine to appease the Jews.
And how many whites(and of course Arabs) were sacrificed to appease Jews in the Middle East?
And those Pakis wouldn’t even be in the UK if not for the fact that UK white cuck-elites do the bidding of World Jewry that pushes White Nakba.
Video Link
When Pat Buchanan warned against involvement in the Gulf War, warning that goyim will die in Jewish Wars, he was called an ‘anti-semite’, and white conservatives and Republicans mostly sided with Jews. White race sunk low back then, and everything that followed is a consequence of that appeasement of Jews. No group pushed Diversity, Mass Immigration, and White Guilt more than the Jews did.
White Man sure has sunk low.
Jewish Master and White Dog.
Ian Carroll exposed how low the brownnosing whites have sunk.
Get the baseball bats and get those Bastards ya White Pussy’s.
White race or disgrace?
These white traitors should be called Disgracists. Disgracism, not race-ism, is the great sin of the West.
I have watched several videos of Charlie Kirk. He has learned the bait and switch response to questions for which his (((Masters))) are famous.
Disgracists have allowed this:
Moshe lies, as ever. Anti-Moslem, anti-Paki, anti-immigrants rantings, ravings and other Zionazi approved belchings are everywhere in the UK. Maybe not in The Times, yet, but in the vast sewer of the Rightwing, Gaza genocide supporting, media, of course. As Moshe’s patron saint, A.H. said, when telling a lie tell a Big Lie, because that will impress the plebs. What you are LITERALLY forbidden to say is anything against the Israeli regime and its genocidal frenzy.
It’s the Bennies, baby! Not the numbers of ‘God’s Chosen People’. For every Godling there are a thousand willing Sabba Goyim, who’d sell their Ma if the price was right.
The Jewish problem has only grown in the West. It’s not that ALL Jews are plotting to increase their power, wealth and control over Western States, but that the Jewintern, the international cabals of Judaic financiers, MSM potentates, blackmailers like Epstein, Mafiosi, commercial criminals, ‘advocacy’ groups like the ADL, AIPAC etc, most certainly are.
When almost all the top positions in the Bidet regime were taken by Jews, when the USA supplies the Zionazi genocide, militarily and financially, UNCONDITIONALLY, when the butcher Bibi receives dozens of hysterical standing ovations in the US Congress, when mostly Judaic controlled ‘wealth funds’ are pillaging economies from Ukraine and Argentina to the USA, when Judaic cabals create political figures like Macron and Milei and impose them through weight of money, when Jews contribute half of US ‘political contributions’ (ie bribes), when opposition to the Judaic genocide in Gaza is being criminalised throughout the West, when Judaic cabals openly collect names of those opposing the Gaza genocide in order to crush their careers and life prospects etc (I could go on all day) there IS a Judaic problem, and recognising it is NOT ‘Jew-hatred’, my slimy, slandering, friend.It is hatred of Jew-crime, just as one ‘hates’ goy-crime as well.
That is a very good point which I failed to consider.
Yes it does seem that the U.S. has become all about money (not 100% of course) and there is little sense of honor anymore.
I am wondering if it is possible to reverse this trend. If not then there is not much that can be done….almost a lost cause…
The so called “Jews” are a FUNCTION from the white Christian cannibals, possible to use in different ways. For to use nazi Germany, and mass murder white people by call them Jews, or for to use Germans for mass murder, by call them Jews, as the Germans occupying Palestine.
Both financed by “US”.
The last kind of use, are the standard “American” way, native people are only to be wiped out.
The root to nazi Germany, and to “US” are exactly the same, Christianity.
nazi Germany was a metastases from the big tumor “US”, where the latest murderer was voted in by the working slave cast, exactly as Adolf Hitler Rothschild.
The only solution are a final solution on “US”, and on Christianity.
Sunk so low… always cucking to Jewish Power.
Only if they end Free Market capitalism ie insatiable greed in action, and reduce the coercive control of the worst of the Jews, the emissaries of capitalism. In short, ‘We stand on the edge of the precipice-we must take the next step!’. In any case humanity’s goose is cooked due to ecological collapse, so it’s all moot.
Does size ever matter to you, Shlomo von Nose?
Abstract and “weightless” propaganda has controlled entire armies in the past. And present.
Invisible winds have destroyed whole towns.
A teeny-weeny cyanide pill can kill a huge human.
A rare small diamond can be worth mountains of dollar bills.
A little stone killed giant Goliath.
A microscopic pathogen felled much of Europe.
So what’s your point, Kal-Mein Lotion, aside from the one under your hat?
Although there are a few exceptions, which we are familiar with, there are 3 basic categories of Jews. One is the influential Jew that runs our institutions including media and entertainment, two is the useful idiot Jew that agrees with most of the activities of the influential Jew, and three is the conservative Jew that is part of the GOP and that wants the USA to be controlled by Israel. How does Taylor manage to justify his position of protecting these people?
Black hair, black heart.
That’s the rule.
Don’t bother me with exceptions.
“Oy vey goyim jews control both of the fake sides of our political establishment that we invented therefore jews aren’t evil despite explicitly supporting the same thing no matter what political party they claim to be a part of! They’re opposites because they say they are! Ignore all their behaviors! Also it’s not the jews because jews are sinless and can never be wrong or responsible for anything!”
Why is this account not banned for spam, paid shilling, and support for white genocide. Do you think we’re going to fall for your “left vs. right” hoax, you stupid subhuman yid? There are no “conservatives,” paid shill.
It’s the jews.
Anyone who says otherwise isn’t human and has no place being on this website.
Nah, commit suicide, you fucking trilby-tipping kike. No one is going to fall for that shit. “It vey goyim it’s the Christian’s!” Just shoot yourself if this is the best paid shilling you have.
I never said ignore what Jews do. I agree Jews should be criticized (or praised) according to what they do, to the extent that any group can be discussed as a group. What I disagree with are lies and delusions, both of the Jew-hating type like yours, and of the Jew-worshiping type as sometimes found among certain evangelical circles.
Spam? Name one time I asked for money or directed anyone toward anywhere selling anything.
Shilling? I wish – it would be great to be able to live off of just venting my opinions, or even having that be a lucrative side hustle. Instead — like everyone else — I’m just doing this on my own.
You would of course scream about being straw-manned, having words put in your mouth, and being not only banned but also having your humanity denied, but you’re happy to do or demand that be done to others. Jew-hating kooks have no logical consistency and no principles. But that’s the norm for humanity I guess. Most people refuse to follow a principle to its conclusion, refuse to rigorously adhere to a notion even when it is painful or contrary to their preferences, and instead just follow their emotions.
You can criticize Islam as a set of ideas — maybe –, but you can’t say that the UK is a nation of, by, and for physical descendants of post-1066 ethnic natives of the British Isles (English, Scots, Welsh, “Scots-Irish”/Ulster Scots, Cornish, and Irish, plus the Manx being their own associated thing). You can’t say that Pakistanis, as an ethnic group, should never have been brought in and should all go.
Instead you have to dance around it and criticize multi culturalism and Political Correctness which is all fine as far as it goes, but in the current mandatory paradigm you have to leave in place the implication, or even explicitly say, that having large and even drastically transformative numbers of Pakistanis and other non-whites is just fine as long as they conform to “British values”.
Did. Zero effort from you, moishe.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re incapable of holding this discussion. You have no clue what jews have done to others.
Paid shill confirmed. Commit suicide.
No one will ever believe you. This is the shittiest shilling I’ve ever seen.
Guess what the “conservative” and “anti-woke” movements do, subhuman retard.
Nice victim blaming, yid.
Thanks for publicly confirming that jews are responsible for everything we could have ever imagined.
No, we made no such agreement. Commit suicide in real life, yid.
Thanks for the pilpul. It’s not working. You are a paid jewish shill spamming proven hoaxes on this website.
Thanks for admitting you openly support the mass promotion of lies designed to exterminate the white race.
The jew cries out in pain as it strikes you.
Commit suicide immediately. You’re so fucking low effort.
And yet you’ll deny that “trace amounts of CO2” emitted by man can change the climate and is doing so.
I note you can’t actually quote me actually saying “ignore what Jews do.” No, putting words in my mouth doesn’t count. I’m quite straightforward. I never said that. In fact I directly said the opposite: I said that Jews (like any other group) SHOULD be criticized. You lied.
The fact that Jews have been disproportionately influential and present in the anti-Communist, conservative and anti-woke movements (a fact you stupidly humiliate yourself by denying) is something that is complained about and pointed out by Cold War era- leftists, and current anti-Jewish non-whites and racial leftists. Are you not remotely familiar with the actual far left? Significant strains of them have a narrative centered around Jews being behind “white racism”, slavery (of blacks by whites), “genocide”, colonialism, etc. — a mirror image of your Jew-blaming narrative, and far beyond the Left’s more prominent Israel-focused whining.
You also seem to made no effort to have your unhinged ad hominem be at all coherent. In the same post you accuse me of being ignorant of supposed Jewish perfidy and thus unqualified to comment, then also accuse me of being a paid agent of the Jews, and then also accuse me of being a Jew myself who is a conscious agent of the Jewish conspiracy you earlier accused me of being ignorant of. Derp.
You talk about “striking” in the same way silly campus leftists wail about “violence” when they hear words they dislike – but how have I “struck” you? I’ve criticized your dumbassery and viciousness, but the only one to express a desire to actually harm the other in this exchange, has been your repeatedly expressed calling for my literal death (something I never did in your case), as well as your having directly denied my humanity (something I never did to you), called for my being banned from the site (something I have never called for in your case), etc.
I never said we “made an agreement”. I said that discussions criticizing the Jews should be legal and that I (presumed) that you agreed with me on this. Are you saying you think that criticizing Jews should be illegal??
Typo: I meant a Jewish predilection.
I said:
You screamed:
There are many many many such studies, and non-Jewish scholars, but you denied there is even one.
So I’ll just drop this one anvil on you, since given YOUR choice of words, one is all that is necessary to refute you:
None of the three authors are Jews.
You’re wrong.
You really do think we can’t understand the complexity of Jewish thought because we are Goyim, don’t you?
Did you really think that your paranoid dumbassery calling me a Jew is remotely original, or adds anything whatsoever to any discussion here?
Did you even notice that your response was not only a non sequitur (since you were literally responding to a TYPO CORRECTION), but also a zero-substance/content ad hominem?
How about instead of a Neanderthal-retarded “JOO JOO” chant, actually addressing something I’ve said in substantive and serious fashion? Such as, for instance, grasping the fact that Jews being disproportionately influential does not actually make that influence a Jewish conspiracy, just like men being disproportionately successful in boxing is not from sinister sexism?
Of course, I realize that this is like trying to talk to a chimp with a concussion. But by all means, humiliate yourself with the attempt.