Just remember this rule of thumb: if the scientist can’t build it, drive it or fly it, it isn’t science-it’s propaganda.
That is a terrible rule of thumb – it’s so backward as to give the reader the impression that when it comes to thumbs, yours probably aren’t opposable.
Build me a Helium atom.
Too hard?
OK, then just build me a proton. I’ll take it from there.
Germans feared Jews because they were ‘too smart’
Why do people keep saying that?
It’s not as if there’s a lack of verified textual material from the time that shows precisely why Germans disliked (as opposed to ‘feared’) Jews.
Chief among them:
â‘ their canonical literature does not sanction fraud, theft, assault or murder when the victim is a member of an outgroup; and
â‘¡ their culture was (and is) highly cohesive and nepotistic, alien to their ‘host’ culture, and had groupwise aims that were being pursued at the expense of their ‘host’ population.
Those two things – both of which are not really contentious – means that Jewish dominance of some high-reward/low-effort fields of economic endeavour (journalism, bureaucracy, finance) are captured by in-group Jews by nepotism – which undermines the field as lower-quality entrants are subsequently promoted (the good old ‘Peter Principle’).
The only other group with similar aims: the Freemasons. So it’s no surpirse that they were also the target of Third Reich unpleasantness – even though Freemasonry is not culturally at odds with European culture.
Hitler and his coterie did not ‘fear’ Jews; they were not in awe of Jewish achievement, either in absolute terms or compared with AngloSaxon/Teutonic achievement; and they did not believe in the self-promotional drivel like “siechel“.
In stark contrast: Hitler deeply disliked Jewish culture, and thought that the culture was undermining German culture, and was adversely affecting government and the economy through nepotism and dishonesty. He didn’t rate Jewish intelligence highly, but he knew that their strong group affiliation enabled them to tilt the field in their favour.
When there is a group with solid ingroup identification, nepotism is a better explanation for over-representation than merit. HUD had black people in 31% of senior management positions just before the FNME/FMCC débâcle: you think they got there on merit? Just sayin’.
Bear in mind that Germany had long been the fence that separated ‘the West’ from the riff-raff; the Jews who fled the Pale in the 1800s disproportionately settled in Germany (and Poland). It was those Jews that were the initial focus – not the indigenous German Jews who were well-integrated into German society and whose ingroup-identification was weak (or non-existent).
The final criterion for Jewishness was a minimum of 3 Jewish grandparents – meaning a 75% Jewish quotient, if gene combinatorics is linear, which it’s not.
Compare that to the various versions of the ‘one drop’ rule that prevailed in the US right up until Loving v Virginia 388 U.S. 1 (1967): laws banning inter-racial marriage, two years after I was born.
The German government’s view on how to manage undesirable contamination of their nation was guided by reference to the written work of esteemed American scientists, and to US Supreme Court cases (like Buck v Bell 274 U.S. 200) – these guys get mentioned in all manner of German documents in the first half of the 20th century.
To get some idea on the type of stuff that motivated Plecker and Drake in the 1940s, just go back a generation to the ‘state of the art’ in Eugenics during WWI:
“The cross between a white man and an Indian is an Indian; the cross between a white man and a Negro is a Negro; the cross between a white man and a Hindu is a Hindu; and the cross between any of the three European races and a Jew is a Jew.” – Madison Grant, The Passing of the Great Race (1916)”
Harvard Geneticist David Reich Explains ‘Who We Are And How We Got Here’
Harvard geneticist David Reich is known as a true pioneer of genetic research. Reich’s new book, “Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past,” talks about how recent developments in technology and research methods have revolutionized the field and rewritten what we know about ancient human history. He also discusses how these discoveries are changing how we talk about race.
We-ell … he got one of ours in exchange https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Lee_Cadwell …
“Headbinding” is very good. Shall steal.
OK, read the link, surprised by the source, not the fhrst time i have read Markow’s writing, but thx., my friend.
Well , my friend (and sincerely apprecitng tha form of adress), I am very tired, and wilc be checking the iinks you posted tomorrow.
I see what you are saying, so like for Sumatran or Bengal or Siberian tigers you have clearly demarcated ranges of habitats that do not overlap and mixing occurs. So scientists deal with those specific categories, but they don’t come up with something like North-Asian vs South-Asian tigers.
This makes the most sense to me and seems far more accurate than race because of the reasons you mentioned. I do think what RR88 mentioned (MRC) is a good way to categorize (if not completely accurately) phenotype ball-parks.
One question here; when you mention Manx, Dutch, Balochi – what are the boundaries for that? Like do they split up the Dutch even further? How do they decide they’ve finally come across a distinct group – is there a methodology?
See my other comments where I refuted Steve Sailer on this.
IQ doesn’t “cause†this.
It doesn’t cause it, but allows for it.
I am not sure anything ion my comments suggests that “race” is not real.
Quite the opposite in fact.
The thing people cannot wrap their minds around, My friend, is the sheer scope of the deception,communism, satanism, zionism, controlled opposition, it is totally interconnected even if many of the talking heads and saynothings don’t realize it, and a few of them do.
OK - I'm game - how is "race" defined? Where indeed are the markers for the boundaries? Can you please point out to some scientific journal or publication which breaks them down by category and how you tell one from another?From what I can see, human ethnicities seem to be like dog or horse breeds; I can tell you the difference between a stock Arabian or Turkmen or Lippizan because they have definitions and certain well known traits. Ethno-linguistic groups seem to follow that and are (usually) discernible. But with "race", how do you define it? Your definition of "race" seems to be more like ethnicity.So...how many races are there and which authority is able to define them? For horses, they have breeders' associations which make these definitions:
I’m asking you how you decide where to draw the boundaries to delineate races.
Perhaps you misunderstood my position: my viewpoint/argument is that human races don’t exist. The fact we cannot clearly demarcate human racial boundaries and they are arbitrary is an argument against their existence since subspecies (geographical races) in non-humans have clear-cut boundaries because they are allopatric (living in separate non-overlapping geographical areas) or parapatric, not sympatric. As an example, look up subspecies ranges of Giraffes, and you will find that they have clear-cut boundaries.
There are virtually no geographically isolated human populations like this- so there are no races. This doesn’t mean there isn’t population structure, but it’s clinal (with populations grading into each other) and populations are localised. As I explained population geneticists work with local populations, including ethnic groups like Manx, Dutch, Kabyle Berber etc. see: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Racialism#Populations_.28demes.29 “White”, “Caucasoid” or “Black” as an ancestry group is invalid; population geneticists and physical anthropologists do not work with these. The only people clinging to these today are people who are politically motivated (e.g. white nationalists).
I’m asking you how you decide where to draw the boundaries to delineate races.
OK – I’m game – how is “race” defined? Where indeed are the markers for the boundaries? Can you please point out to some scientific journal or publication which breaks them down by category and how you tell one from another?
From what I can see, human ethnicities seem to be like dog or horse breeds; I can tell you the difference between a stock Arabian or Turkmen or Lippizan because they have definitions and certain well known traits. Ethno-linguistic groups seem to follow that and are (usually) discernible. But with “race”, how do you define it? Your definition of “race” seems to be more like ethnicity.
So…how many races are there and which authority is able to define them? For horses, they have breeders’ associations which make these definitions:
“Northern Europeans” (e.g. Swedes) and “Southern Europeans” (e.g. Greeks) are not the same race; at least you’ve not offered any evidence they are. Why are these populations “Caucasian”? You’re also contradicting yourself again. There are physical differences between these populations, so using your own race concept, Swedes and Greeks would be separate races, not “Caucasian” etc.
The clusters at the continental level in Rosenberg et al 2002 are arbitrary. So the races you claim exist – don’t reflect biological reality. There is phenotypic variation (what you call patterns i.e. different mean frequencies) between populations, but it is clinal so populations grade smoothly into each other. You mentioned Brace, so read his work on this:
“To the extent that the people in a given region look more like one another than they look like people from other regions, this can be regarded as ‘family resemblance writ large.’ And as we have seen, each region grades without break into the one next door.” (Brace, 2000)
Since there is a phenotypic continuum (to quote Brace: “each region grades without break into the one next door”); I’m asking you how you decide where to draw the boundaries to delineate races. If you cannot explain this (you’ve so far failed) then the minimalist race concept doesn’t reflect biological reality because someone can make different racial classifications to your own. As I said, that is precisely what has happened for decades, if not centuries.
Furthermore, as I explained to Steve Sailer – the broad/continental classifications you are defending as races are not what scientists work with to determine ancestry; the focus of population geneticists and forensic anthropologists is local, not broad groups. Since you’re talking about physical/forensic anthropology: then look up the population samples in FORDISC & CRANID. The samples refute your continental clusters (Rosenberg et al.). For example in FORDISC, there are “Norse” (Norway) and “Zalavar” (Hungarians). These populations are not clustered together and have their own mean craniometrics for 57 (up to 82) measurements of the skull. If we use your definition of minimalist races, then Norse and Hungarians would be separate races and this contradicts your defence of Rosenberg.
OK - I'm game - how is "race" defined? Where indeed are the markers for the boundaries? Can you please point out to some scientific journal or publication which breaks them down by category and how you tell one from another?From what I can see, human ethnicities seem to be like dog or horse breeds; I can tell you the difference between a stock Arabian or Turkmen or Lippizan because they have definitions and certain well known traits. Ethno-linguistic groups seem to follow that and are (usually) discernible. But with "race", how do you define it? Your definition of "race" seems to be more like ethnicity.So...how many races are there and which authority is able to define them? For horses, they have breeders' associations which make these definitions:
I’m asking you how you decide where to draw the boundaries to delineate races.
That totally makes sense. So I guess “White” as it is used in the vernacular is not analogous to Caucasian, but rather means “European” – correct?
In which case, “White” would be a subset of Caucasian like Semetic or North African would.
Sure, you are correct. My evidence is nil, except for observation of physcal similarites, and the linguistic transfer.
Further investigation up to you, you seem to be of the opinion that bench arses on black women are purely the result of gross obesity, I posit the hypothesis of partly genetic origin as a factor.
Up to you to work it out, if interested.
I’m aware of how the fat deposits on San women are, that’s not evidence for your assertion however.
Race Caucasian. The populations you bring up belong to the Caucasian minimalist race. South and North Europeans are the same race. This concept is simple. It’d be really tough to refute the argument and Oliver D. Smith did not refute it.
The minimalist race concept (MRC) takes the minimal from the racialist concept and argues that race is a biological reality. When you say “Phenotypic variation between populations is clinal, with no sharp discontinuity” that’s a holdover from the racialist concept of race which I did not argue.
“So you would need to explain how you make the “geographic ancestry minimalist races†you do”
If the five populations that correspond to major areas are continental-level minimalist races, the clusters (from Rosenberg et al 2002) represent minimalist races.
“See my other comments where I refuted Steve Sailer on this.”
You seem to take issue with P1 and P2. You deny that there are visible physical features which correspond to geographic ancestry? You deny that these are distributed amongst real, existing groups? That’s more extreme than Lewontin or Brace who allow this. Furthermore, the minimalist race concept is vague and doesn’t say which populations are minimalist races. That’d be the populationist race concept (PRC).
These patterns exist, they correspond to populations that are real and exist and they satisfy the conditions of minimalist race. Therefore race exists and is a biological reality since those physical features that correspond to geographic ancestry are biological in nature.
B.T.W, I was meaning ‘western’, not ‘eastern’, but in southern Africa, the distinction doesn’t seem to have much effect.
I actually did find a source for this in the last few weeks, but did not record the link.
It was partly on language, noting that the click consonant in Xhosa was originally from Bushmen or Bushmen-like people wiped out by the blacks from further north.
At least i offer search terms that would lead you in the right direction.
You may also consult 19th century illustrations of women from Bushmen and related tribes, to confirm the shape and its similarity with that of some portion of eastern and southern sub-Saharans.
It’s not irrefutable, but already refuted. Phenotypic variation between populations is clinal, with no sharp discontinuity (unless you consider climatic adaptations, but which do not mirror ancestry). So you would need to explain how you make the “geographic ancestry minimalist races” you do: they’re totally arbitrary and have no biological reality. If you had any knowledge of physical anthropological literature you should know this. No physical anthropologist could agree how many races there are, or where to make geographical divisions. See my other comments where I refuted Steve Sailer on this.
See my other comments where I refuted Steve Sailer on this.
I’m glad you’re back. Because I’ve been hoping to ask you this question. So there’s race as a concept – fine. I’m concerned how one defines its parameters – because if you have ambiguity to define what belongs in one or the other category, then the category is likewise ambiguous.
What race do I belong in? I’m originally from Pakistan (ancestors from Northern India, Persia, etc.). I look Persian and could easily pass for Mexican or Mediterranean – most Pakistanis at the mosque don’t think I’m Pakistani at first glance.
So am I White? People here say I’m not White. Is there a separate race for Caucasoid people like Persians/Armenians, etc. and European people? What about Southern Europeans and Northern ones?
I’m really hoping you can sort that out, because thus far it’s just been opinions here and there based on feelz without anything definitive.
“Chances for successful life outcomes in the modern world.”
Built into the test. You can put things into or take things out of any test you want by careful selection and analysis of items. IQ doesn’t “cause” this.
“Hence one od the many categorical debates about the meaning of race.”
P1) There are differences in patterns of visible physical features which correspond to geographic ancestry
P2) These patterns are exhibited between real groups, existing groups (i.e., individuals who share common ancestry)
P3) These real, existing groups that exhibit these physical patterns by geographic ancestry satisfy conditions of minimalist race
C) Therefore race exists and is a biological reality
An irrefutable argument for the biological existence of race.
“Mixing with Bushmen seems a good explanation for giant bums on so many black women.”
“Overeating probably doesn’t help (or does, since a giant bum is seen as desirable by many black men).”
This is true.
Thanks, I’ll try to be more careful going forward.
Why am I not surprised that your source of “old news” (Business Insider) is owned by a corrupt, racist-supremacist, minority sect that claims they are the “chosen people”? Do you really fall so easily for their “divide and conquer” propaganda designed to keep you dumb, divided, distracted and easy for the sect to manipulate?
The Israel Lobby in Germany | Freemasonry – Scribd
The ProSieben / Sat1 Group, which combines the German TV station ProSieben, Sat.1, Kabel eins, N24, 9Live and which are especially designed for women transmitter Sixx under one roof, is in possession of the Jew Haim Saban. The Axel Springer Foundation, which was part of the Axel Springer AG conducted from 1981 to 2010 by the Jew Ernst Cramer. After Cramer’s death Friede Springer himself took over as CEO. Friede Springer is a Zionist and got 2000 even the Leo Baeck Prize, the highest award of the Central Council of Jews in Germany. CEO of Axel Springer AG is the Zionist Dopfner Matthias, who has held a position at the Aspen Institute Berlin at the same time. The Aspen Institute is an American lobby, which was founded after WW2 propaganda purposes. The Institute is managed by Trustees, the President and CEO is the Jew Walter Isaacson. …..
I meant to compliment you on your reply, but probably fell asleep before posting that.
However, I don’t think that what you are saying is universally true, and think that it is not true of this site.
I may be wrong there, but the writers Mr. Unz selects and the large subset published or re-published here, don’t seem very Zionist.
Also, since you are clearly intelligent, hope that you have read or will read more about Einstein as a propaganda vehicle and plagiarist.
The Spielberg movie Ai? Mainly crap, and Aldiss, the writer who inspired the original Kubrick project, wrote a very good critical essay on the spiel in the movie.
Dr. Know is clearly based on Einstein, more pop-culture boosting for the uberuntermensch
I appreciate Einstein for one point: his (or his Serbian wife’s) expression of the mathematical proofs of special relativity are much easier to work through than the earlier works that imply it.
Otherwise, the Einstein myth is pure propaganda.
Everything done by EVERY famous person on EVERY media outlet, and much of what is done on minor media outlets, including this one, is intended to promote “zionism.”
Einstein’s famous world voyages were in the company of Theodor Herzl, and mainly intended to promote Zionism.
You may want to read and learn a little more history before calling yourself ‘Truth’.
You have little of that quality.
In my experience as one of several site admins., on a popular U.S. site, such u-names are always correlated with IRL names like ‘Donte’, ‘Trayvon’, etc.
well its mute if its the usual story where the cucks have no choice, the currently the cucks still have the power to eliminate everyone else on the planet in 15 minutes if they so choose and half of them so choose and the other half wish to die. so no its not the usual story of being conquered its a very odd story of utter faggotry infecting a large portion of the dominant races population and history on the edge of its seat to see what happens next. My bet is stick with the strong horse, its unlikely a large portion of any life form could have actually lost its source code of survive by any means and multiply, and more likely they are temporarily confused about whats going on and if they say are pushed to realize they are in a marginally existential situation die to misinformation they will look up and kill the jews and niggers then the slants then the rest and inherent the universe as they should have done in 1900 when it became clear the rest of the so called humans were no longer needed
Genetics would not be a problem if we didn’t live in a world where there was democracy and competition.
We would be in the “Garden of Eden” living as animals without the ability to discriminate.
Is this the Utopia our sliver spooned devils advocate for us?
Einstein was one the greatest physicists who ever lived, close to Newton in eminence. Only ignoramuses & conspiracy "theorists" would deny that.
Name one Jew you can mention in the same sentence as Kepler, Leibniz, Gödel, Frege, Weierstrass, Heisenberg, Riemann, Hilbert, Planck.
Oh, yeah, Emmy Nother and the intellectual middleman, Albert Einstein, who borrowed from the relativity theory of Poincare and Lorentz and added slight amplifications. But hey, when you control the narrative Einstein is the greatest thinker in history and Maya Angelou is the greatest writer and poet.
Einstein was one the greatest physicists who ever lived, close to Newton in eminence. Only ignoramuses & conspiracy “theorists†would deny that.
Although, it is almost impossible to range one’s achievement because there is no universal measuring stick. The greatest physicists seem to be Newton, Maxwell & Einstein. After Einstein, it all became so rich & specialized no one could work on so many areas.
I’m not sure if he was an ignoramus or a conspiracy theorist, but noted mathematician E.T. Whittaker, Fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge University, Fellow of the Royal Society, Copley Medal winner, et al., in his two-volume A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity attributes E=mc^2 to Poincare?
Btw, I read Isaacson’s biography of Einstein and was shocked at what a major sleezeball he was. I must give credit to Isaacson for writing one of the few non-hagiographic biographies of Einstein out there.
I am not convinced that higher IQ people are having fewer children
One of the reasons I’m awaiting that book by Dutton.
For sure, the higher IQ countries are having less kids, but maybe that is because the less intelligent people are choosing not to. I’m not sure. I am in an IT Dept and i can tell you that plenty of intelligent people around here have opted to not have kids or just one. But there are some that also have sizeable families – so I am not sure what the net is.
still advantageous for the individual in a modern economy to be as far as possible to the right side of the curve
Agreed – which is why I mentioned them being very materially successful. However, that does not necessitate intelligent choices in all spheres.
elites that structure the economy and institutions in such a way that produces the conditions that coerce and reduce decent people to welfare status and traps and encourages them to stay there.
You and me both, Bro.
Trust me, the Muslim world knows well about this. A picture recently making the rounds shows the King of Morocco with the King of Saudi, hanging out in Paris.
This stuff is surreal…
You mean with EliteComm? Nothing’s for sure on the internet. I’ve exchanged with him before, seems to be a personable fellow. Maybe we both have exchanged with a bot.
Einstein was one the greatest physicists who ever lived, close to Newton in eminence. Only ignoramuses & conspiracy "theorists" would deny that.
Name one Jew you can mention in the same sentence as Kepler, Leibniz, Gödel, Frege, Weierstrass, Heisenberg, Riemann, Hilbert, Planck.
Oh, yeah, Emmy Nother and the intellectual middleman, Albert Einstein, who borrowed from the relativity theory of Poincare and Lorentz and added slight amplifications. But hey, when you control the narrative Einstein is the greatest thinker in history and Maya Angelou is the greatest writer and poet.
On Einstein’s wall hanged portraits of Newton, Maxwell, and Faraday.
Yes, Albert was some sort of a Loserferian/Kikemason deceiver. But then, so is everyone in this world above a certain level of money, power, or fame. the fact that he was jewISH has very little to do with it.
Your world is fictional, and oh yeah; science is a religion.
Telling someone that acknowledges that IQ matters won’t change the positions, just because you insist on contending something they are not advancing.
Einstein’s theories matter in the arena in which they explicate science, but most people neither need to know Eisenstein’s theories or detailed scientific facts to be successful.
Pray tell, what "study" confirmed this? Seems to me I'm black and I'm smarter than you.
Blacks also have an IQ 20-30 points below whites – causing young males to challenge the male dominance hierarchy as apex predators.
Speaking of plagues, your ancestors were nearly wiped out because they weren't smart enough to figure out that filth is deadly.Replies: @Wally, @Truth
I root for Ebola. AIDS… anything to rid us of this plague
Speaking of plagues, your ancestors were nearly wiped out because they weren’t smart enough to figure out that filth is deadly.
They young man does have a point there, Gusto.
“the professor’s argument is that they need to accept the scientific reality of their own European ancestry in place of the weird myths and distortions about Europe common in the US..”
Reich just got done saying that Europeans share a genetic heritage that has been stable for roughly 5000 years. Why is it “weird myth and distortion” to acknowledge and value that? We can trace most of our genes to three basic groups. That’s not random mixing of an infinite number of possibilities.
The point Reich makes is that our evolutionary “tree” looks more like a river composed of braided streams. Groups split off here and there, go their own way for a while and/or combine with other streams and then split again and recombine. Obviously it’s still possible to trace coherent racial subgroups–that’s exactly what he’s so excited about.
You guys keep treating the subject as though humans are a mere aggregation of disparate stuff–a conglomerate. That’s a “weird myth and a distortion”.
Dear John Derb,
You are making many valid points, but ‘scientific work of the highest degree of difficulty and deep intellectual complexity’ are simply untrue.
The analysis is by machines designed by people far more systematic and intelligent than the people using the results to make their ‘careers’.
It is a little like much of modern astronomy and particle physics, success depends upon access to data from experimental equipment that all but a few ‘researchers’ would not have the slightest clue on design, but no matter how unintelligent, some have access to the latest results, so have publshed.
Hey Talha, do you think that I could be exchanging comments with a bot?
It took me a few seconds to parse it, but was laughing after. Thank you for that.
11 Uncomfortable Facts About How IQ Affects Your Life
Eric Goldschein and Kim Bhasin
Old news that you can use.
It seems to me that Reich likely had two objectives in mind with the ideology chapters. One is a sort of green grocer sign to protect himself from the orthodoxy police. The second would be a sincere attempt to disassociate his work from its use by the VDare types.
I am not inclined to respond to arguments i did not make ,
Whether the savages are noble, angelic, or demons from hell has nothing to do with anything I have stated. Nor is there attack on the existence of IQ or western emphasis on academic entrance exams — all societies create, well most create a standard by which to judge said competencies and acknowledge when said standards are exceeded. I could hardly contend otherwise given human history.
You are misconstruing the issue of what constitutes success and superiority as to value and meaning of IQ. I think my position(s) are “Apropos, germane, pertinent and” in the context, I frame well supported by real world dynamics.
There is value in IQ, but it’s value has place and such value is bound by context.
That’s incorrect and hence irrelevant, Europeans and people outside of Europe of European descent are Genetically homogeneous and draw much of our ancestry from the paleolithic hunter gatherers ( early modern Europeans ) and a smaller amount from neolithic farmers ( 86% HG 14% NF according to Cavalli S forza ). And writers like Derbyshire offer a counter narrative to the anti white msm propaganda which is very pervasive at the moment.
Name one Jew you can mention in the same sentence as Kepler, Leibniz, Gödel, Frege, Weierstrass, Heisenberg, Riemann, Hilbert, Planck. Oh, yeah, Emmy Nother and the intellectual middleman, Albert Einstein, who borrowed from the relativity theory of Poincare and Lorentz and added slight amplifications. But hey, when you control the narrative Einstein is the greatest thinker in history and Maya Angelou is the greatest writer and poet.Replies: @ThreeCranes, @Wally, @Bardon Kaldian
Germans feared Jews because they were ‘too smart’.
Name one Jew you can mention in the same sentence as Kepler, Leibniz, Gödel, Frege, Weierstrass, Heisenberg, Riemann, Hilbert, Planck.
Oh, yeah, Emmy Nother and the intellectual middleman, Albert Einstein, who borrowed from the relativity theory of Poincare and Lorentz and added slight amplifications. But hey, when you control the narrative Einstein is the greatest thinker in history and Maya Angelou is the greatest writer and poet.
Einstein was one the greatest physicists who ever lived, close to Newton in eminence. Only ignoramuses & conspiracy “theorists” would deny that.
Although, it is almost impossible to range one’s achievement because there is no universal measuring stick. The greatest physicists seem to be Newton, Maxwell & Einstein. After Einstein, it all became so rich & specialized no one could work on so many areas.
I’m not sure if he was an ignoramus or a conspiracy theorist, but noted mathematician E.T. Whittaker, Fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge University, Fellow of the Royal Society, Copley Medal winner, et al., in his two-volume A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity attributes E=mc^2 to Poincare?Btw, I read Isaacson’s biography of Einstein and was shocked at what a major sleezeball he was. I must give credit to Isaacson for writing one of the few non-hagiographic biographies of Einstein out there.
Einstein was one the greatest physicists who ever lived, close to Newton in eminence. Only ignoramuses & conspiracy “theorists†would deny that.Although, it is almost impossible to range one’s achievement because there is no universal measuring stick. The greatest physicists seem to be Newton, Maxwell & Einstein. After Einstein, it all became so rich & specialized no one could work on so many areas.
Not necessarily, why do people keep forgetting the correlation between high intelligence and dysgenic lifestyle choices.
We have discussed this and I am not convinced that higher IQ people are having fewer children. People more knowledgeable than me say that the curve is shifting to the left and I know enough to know that will not be a good thing for the right-side tail. That said, there are still different Bell Curves for different groups and it is still advantageous for the individual in a modern economy to be as far as possible to the right side of the curve that you are in.
My panties are not in a wad over welfare moms and welfare babies like this author and his fanboys in the comment section. Mine are in a wad over the elites that structure the economy and institutions in such a way that produces the conditions that coerce and reduce decent people to welfare status and traps and encourages them to stay there.
One of the reasons I'm awaiting that book by Dutton.
I am not convinced that higher IQ people are having fewer children
Agreed - which is why I mentioned them being very materially successful. However, that does not necessitate intelligent choices in all spheres.
still advantageous for the individual in a modern economy to be as far as possible to the right side of the curve
You and me both, Bro.
elites that structure the economy and institutions in such a way that produces the conditions that coerce and reduce decent people to welfare status and traps and encourages them to stay there.
The future ((( some ))) have planned is only possible should ((( they ))) remain in power Indefinitely and I firmly believe that they will not remain in power, I believe that the European Peoples will take back control of our nations it is when not if. The trend is towards Nationalism or Nationalist inspired parties and the same trends are observed all over the European world The Visegrad Group openly say the same things that we say on here and add to that growing appeal and credibility of the likes of Salvini Le Pen Wilders Afd etc and we can turn it all around.
the Europeans willingness to utterly destroy for the sake of acknowledging superior status
Ah yes, those rapacious and ruthless Europeans sowing death and destruction amongst the Noble Savages, err, angelic peace loving native peoples, a meme that just keeps on giving century after century. It is a veritable double bladed sword (pun intended) wielded by the righteous to slay goblins, Bell Curves and standardized tests.
Apropos, germane, pertinent and context; these are not just mere words but inscrutable and confusing concepts.
If only AIDS had appeared in 1950 rather than the 1980’s. The West might not be staring into the abyss…
Excellent comment. I agree.
The Race (haha) is on. Can The Elite build that Technological Ark before our destruction of our Habitat results in our extinction prior to evolving to Mecha entirely? Who’s Genomes/Phenoms get to be represented in the Upload since Genomes/Phenoms present themselves culturally? The notion of the Virtual World is itself the Cultural Expression of certain Genomes/Phenoms that have dominated Science, and in fact the manner in which Science is practiced & structured today can be said to be distinct to certain Genomes/Phenoms that have usurped the practice of Science and Institutionalized it thus containing any Chaos that’s a necessary Byproduct of Scientific Discovery. That ability to usurp doesn’t make those/these Genomes/Phenoms that comprise and are represented by various Cultures any more Superior, by the way. Domination does not equal Superiority. Under different Environmental Precursors, other Genomes/Phenoms could & would prevail and Dominate.
Here’s a great Documentary on the topic.
Enough of us are not having this conversation and yet it’s our Future if we have a Future.
In a whisper,
it’s called human genetics as impacted or interacting with environment and chance.
Shhhhh . . . that’s just between the two of us.
Hmmmm . . .
the assumption that I read your comments is if course a sign of your superior intellect.
I hate to disappoint, but I had thought I was done here. And no, I have not read your post.
Pray tell, what "study" confirmed this? Seems to me I'm black and I'm smarter than you.
Blacks also have an IQ 20-30 points below whites – causing young males to challenge the male dominance hierarchy as apex predators.
Speaking of plagues, your ancestors were nearly wiped out because they weren't smart enough to figure out that filth is deadly.Replies: @Wally, @Truth
I root for Ebola. AIDS… anything to rid us of this plague
“Pray tell, what “study†confirmed this?”
Simple observation does the trick.
In every instance where blacks are in great numbers, control the governments of cities, counties, regions, states, countries, & continents we see:
massive murder rates
massive crime in general
degraded property
massive disease, especially STDs
massive drug abuse
general filth, squalor
massive, unable to support their own children, birthrates
massive youth pregnancies rates
massive school dropout rates
incredibly low IQs & test scores
violence as a way of life
fathers nowhere to be found
“He grew up under the Shoah Narrative that has become like a faith”
Not ‘like’, it IS a faith. An irrational religion unbothered by science and the impossibilities contained in it’s mandated absurdities.
Revisionists are just the messengers, the ridiculous impossibility of the ‘holocaust’ storyline is the message.
“Yes, history shows that blacks are as much better at fighting than whites as they are at music”
A bizarre comparison.
Apparently you are not aware of classical music.
Name one Jew you can mention in the same sentence as Kepler, Leibniz, Gödel, Frege, Weierstrass, Heisenberg, Riemann, Hilbert, Planck. Oh, yeah, Emmy Nother and the intellectual middleman, Albert Einstein, who borrowed from the relativity theory of Poincare and Lorentz and added slight amplifications. But hey, when you control the narrative Einstein is the greatest thinker in history and Maya Angelou is the greatest writer and poet.Replies: @ThreeCranes, @Wally, @Bardon Kaldian
Germans feared Jews because they were ‘too smart’.
Indeed, Einstein, the faked poster boy for the not so genius Jews.
the bride at every wedding, the corpse at every funeral
Albert Einstein was a Fraud
Video Link
Einstein, plagiarist of the century
Not necessarily, why do people keep forgetting the correlation between high intelligence and dysgenic lifestyle choices.
Many intelligent people might live great lives materially, but they are more likely to forget to pass on their genes.
You cannot escape the biological imperative that lies behind every choice a person engages in (that is if you want to evaluate it without the ghost in the machine).
This guy is simply a more successful organism – Islam actually tries to keep studs like this in check so other men can have a chance:
You may not like his lifestyle (I certainly don’t approve since he is breaking with the Shariah), but it’s irrelevant to the equation.
As of now, all the evidence (when looked at objectively) is pointing towards a certain high level of intelligence being dysgenic.
Come on Commie, don’t pretend you didn’t read my post. Tells us how “races” evolved different size, shape, and skin color while have the same brains, an organ much more complex than skin color. I’m surprised no one asked you this
You wrote: social playground of the term race in no manner changes a single reality, despite different shapes, sizes, colors and practices — humans begat humans and will continue to beget humans, regardless of shape, size, practice or skin color.
Race is just a social concept so an explanation should be simple to provide….
You do believe “races” have the same brains don’t you? Because if they don’t, RIP race denial. I’m sure you can provide evidence of that as well.
I’ll be waiting for your erudite response, or at least a response that a stupid person sounds erudite. Use “begat” again. Yeah, that sould fool other simpletons.
I just finished the book today–well okay, I have one chapter left.
There is a bit of legerdemain going on in the author’s summary of his own arguments. As the Derb points out, the word “mixture” is used a lot, but taken out of context, this is deceptive. And the reviews published in the left wing press do deceive in just this manner.
Reich is talking about mixtures of groups of people. Todays populations are being spoken of as Sets made up of numerous Subsets. Those Subsets themselves are treated as Sets in their own right, which means they have an identity. Having an identity presupposes both a center of gravity and a perimeter. So the “races” today are not really mixtures in the sense that they are made up of a well-stirred jumble of randomly selected individual bits, which is the impression given by left wing reviews. The Subsets which have combined to create today’s Sets had, themselves, a coherent identity in their own right; they too were Sets.
What Reich ignores is the issue of why humans tend to group themselves into these coherent Sets. His math demonstrates that they do and I understand that he feels no need to go beyond that, but then by the same coin, he should lay off the moralizing and desist from warning us of the need to avoid hasty generalizations. Either he should take it head on or he should leave it alone. That’s the dishonesty in the book.
Kim’s “bench bum”?
The old phrase was “five and a half axe handles wide”.
Thanks, Derby.
Of course, you’re spot on. Burn that book! All science is science until new discoveries prove that the previous science was, in fact, pseudoscience, virtu-signaled drivel. The LEFTIST science is erroneously based politics and its filthy, grubbyhand has been putted, exposed for just what it is…Rothschild NWO Poppycock.
Name one Jew you can mention in the same sentence as Kepler, Leibniz, Gödel, Frege, Weierstrass, Heisenberg, Riemann, Hilbert, Planck. Oh, yeah, Emmy Nother and the intellectual middleman, Albert Einstein, who borrowed from the relativity theory of Poincare and Lorentz and added slight amplifications. But hey, when you control the narrative Einstein is the greatest thinker in history and Maya Angelou is the greatest writer and poet.Replies: @ThreeCranes, @Wally, @Bardon Kaldian
Germans feared Jews because they were ‘too smart’.
It may be just my interpretation, but I get the impression that physicists themselves express less adulation for Einstein than does the general(ly misled) public.
Couldn't agree more. It is up to the individual to decide if he prefers subsistence farming over modern technological economies and to make a determination as to which is "better."BTW, you keep going on and on about superiority and hierarchy and I haven't mention that at all.Replies: @EliteCommInc.
You bet there is variation in the distribution, but how that interacts with environment or whether said distribution makes humans of this or that more successful is highly dependent on the definition and purpose of success.
Trying to link IQ to farming and its ubiquitous environmental randomness (chaos theory here) is like guessing which child will grow to engage in same sex behavior.
Uhhh no but I have.
But power historically outpaces IQ for being successful. So IQ is limited as per the descriptors I referenced. That’s the point, our world demonstrates that power is primary, and IQ contends to demonstrate superiority make the case.
But this far, the people with high IQ’s claiming success demonstrate a peculiar definition of success as I referenced.
Furthermore people around the globe with median or even below average IQ’s are very successful, especially if success is not measured by IQ. Problem solving, relational dynamics, work ethic, productivity, are also more important than IQ.
Human kind is all of one species — one race categorize into various racial groups. There are no subspecies of humans — there are categorical distinctions based on constructs as decided by and among various groups of humans.
There are no subspecies of animals – there are categorical distinctions based on constructs as decided by and among various groups of animals. Polar Bears and Grizzly bears are really the same subspecies, but the Polar bears are bear surpremist and who wish to kill and oppress the Grizzy bears who dindu nothin’
The social playground of the term race in no manner changes a single reality, despite different shapes, sizes, colors and practices — humans begat humans and will continue to beget humans, regardless of shape, size, practice or skin color.
So…different groups of humans evolved to have different size, shapes, and skin color but have the same brains. How is this possible?
Humankind a race of beings who tower babble our way through rhetorical discourse about who we are and on occasion about which one of us is superior.
HBD is not about superiority, it’s about scientific reality. You could understand that if you won’t so insecure.
Hey ma . . . watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
Sooner this than provide evidence for race denial.
There are many at Unz who use syntax and diction to sound much more intelligent than they actually are – they all do it better than you.
(Republished from VDare by permission of author or representative)
Considering it’s been near-impossible to get their homepage to appear the last few days, I’m certainly glad they got that permission!
Power is not by definition linked to IQ.
Correct. Do you know what is linked to IQ? Chances for successful life outcomes in the modern world.
You bet there is variation in the distribution, but how that interacts with environment or whether said distribution makes humans of this or that more successful is highly dependent on the definition and purpose of success.
Couldn’t agree more. It is up to the individual to decide if he prefers subsistence farming over modern technological economies and to make a determination as to which is “better.”
BTW, you keep going on and on about superiority and hierarchy and I haven’t mention that at all.
Excellent points – thanks!
Well, actually, no. Mankind (homo sapiens) is not a race, but a species. A race is a subspecies.Replies: @EliteCommInc., @Talha
The reality genetically is that we are all of one race — human race.
A breed, if you will.
Read him before, Creationist
Blacks also have an IQ 20-30 points below whites – causing young males to challenge the male dominance hierarchy as apex predators.
Pray tell, what “study” confirmed this? Seems to me I’m black and I’m smarter than you.
I root for Ebola. AIDS… anything to rid us of this plague
Speaking of plagues, your ancestors were nearly wiped out because they weren’t smart enough to figure out that filth is deadly.
They young man does have a point there, Gusto.
Speaking of plagues, your ancestors were nearly wiped out because they weren’t smart enough to figure out that filth is deadly.
This from people in the US who have thug lifed their way across the planet who are incapable of adhering to agreements they draft and force upon others. and are now mugging the middle east again . . .
Next some genius will be spouting that the planet is over populated. And what the US needs is more immigrants to get rid of those .3% of violent blacks who want to take away white guns so when the apocalypse occurs — they can “get white people.”
Good grief . . . superior analysis from IQ to superior morality has no end.
Well, actually, no. Mankind (homo sapiens) is not a race, but a species. A race is a subspecies.Replies: @EliteCommInc., @Talha
The reality genetically is that we are all of one race — human race.
Hence one od the many categorical debates about the meaning of race.
Human kind is all of one species — one race categorize into various racial groups. There are no subspecies of humans — there are categorical distinctions based on constructs as decided by and among various groups of humans.
The social playground of the term race in no manner changes a single reality, despite different shapes, sizes, colors and practices — humans begat humans and will continue to beget humans, regardless of shape, size, practice or skin color.
Humankind a race of beings who tower babble our way through rhetorical discourse about who we are and on occasion about which one of us is superior.
Hey ma . . . watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
I will reading the article you pnsted tomorrow, but my one USA friend as of now is Puerto Rican and Domican mixed, Bronx-born, cannot help but notice that his waK is like that of a chimp, it is strange.
What are the odds of there being group differences in this gene and its expression?
“Ramped up fight-or-flight response points to history of warfare for humans and chimps”
Essentially, Mr Derbyshire is criticizing Professor Reich for doing what he himself and his VDare friends do all the time: twisting science to prop up a pre-conceived political ideology. The modern European ethnic groups didn’t just drop ready-made out of the sky! Europe was populated by successive waves of invaders from central Asia who did indeed slaughter the men and marry the women, thereby creating a new gene pool and giving us the rich diversity of ethnic identities we know in Europe today. That’s established science. Mr Derbyshire then resorts to a rather silly propaganda trick: if you can’t refute your opponent’s argument, attribute to him an argument he didn’t make but which you can refute, refute that and claim you’ve refuted your opponent. Thus: “Does Prof. Reich really expect males from that second group to “embrace†their annihilation?†But earlier he quotes the professor: “Mixture is fundamental to who we are, and we need to embrace it, not deny that it occurred.†“Weâ€. “We†obviously means modern white Americans and the professor’s argument is that they need to accept the scientific reality of their own European ancestry in place of the weird myths and distortions about Europe common in the US (and which we Europeans find amusing, at least until Americans try to ram them down our throats as historical and scientific “factâ€!). I suspect that Mr Derbyshire’s “gripe†with Professor Reich is that he has presented a scientific view of genetics, thereby demolishing the rather comical pseudo-genetics which the VDare people use to prop up their political ideology.
Ynu are making a good point, but overpopulation is the biggest problem of all, the populations being destroyed, except in east and *parts of* south-east Asia (Malaysia of now, for example, is a slow-motion horror story of Islamism, as, in technically different ways, is Indonesia). The Burmese are correct in rejecting the Bengali invaders who call themselves ‘Rohingya’. Sure, it is unjust in the few cases where they were there for many generations.
At the start of the great east Asian war, Burma (or Myanmar) had much the same state in the British empire and simhlar constition to as Australia or Canada, so largely independent. The reason the majority of Burmese nationalists took the side of Japan was the British having placed Indians at the top of the courts and bureaucracy there. NaturalJy, the Burmese did not like that.
The reality genetically is that we are all of one race — human race.
Well, actually, no. Mankind (homo sapiens) is not a race, but a species. A race is a subspecies.
that variations deposited in varying degrees withing the human species among various groups of humans
seemed a bit trite.
What brand of anti-Darwinist are you?
A big part of creating civilisation was realising that ‘fast running and thug-like fighting’ are not all that useful in a war. In Africa that didn’t happen, so they were helpless. War is not a sport.
one Shorter perspective of the several I posit:
version — mistaking muscle power for IQ is the history of European practice. During WWI, africans trained by the French were ensconced in a small french village. The villagers gradually accepted the Africans as they sought to supplement their incomes by engaging community projects and odd kibs. Initially, it was thought the africans simpletons, they spoke a very basic crude french. But eventually one women discovered that the africans had in fact been taught only rudimentary french. She took it upon herself to offer the africans the french as it was intended as language and lo and behold discovered that the blacks were in fact as sophisticated a people as those in the village and they adopted general french linguistics which they mastered as well or better than many french themselves.
It was uncovered that the french deliberately denied teaching the language in full so as to maintain a superior status. The US refused to permit black US troops to fight along side their US brothers in arms. They assigned them to the French, who discovers that the blacks were as sophisticated humans as themselves. equal to or superior in bravery. And when they began awarding blacks medals for the same, the US military demanded they refrain from doing so — l’est they begin seeing themselves as equals.
It is deeply embarrassing to visit a plantation only discover the unacknowledged technology that blacks brought to building technique (s), purposefulness and architectural design. It is the uncovering of the manipulation on mass scale that whites in power – have engaged to delimit knowledge about the intelligence of others. To ignore that is to miss the dilemma concerning the distribution of IQ.
Power is not by definition linked to IQ.
If what you propose is actually true, then human advancement is on the verge of massive acceleration, as the age of CRISPR, and other, yet more powerful genetic editing and engineering tools is now upon us.
Mixing with Bushmen seems a good explanation for giant bums on so many black women.
Overeating probably doesn’t help (or does, since a giant bum is seen as desirable by many black men).
I compare giant arses on obese women of European, African, and east Asian descent, my mental term is ‘bench arse’. If you were sitting opposite, you could use it as a chair. The Africans are way on top. I am convinced that this is from earlier intermixing with Bushmen women, and similar types that were wiped out by the Bantu invasion from the north.then selection for huge bums.
With European women, bench arse tends to coincide with the combo of obesity and same-sex attraction. Otherwise rare, even among the obese.
I am friends with three or so women who are quite obese in my life, so east Asian, but they do not have bums one may see and think of ‘possible seating’.
Of course, actually sitting on a bench arse without permission would cause great offence and trouble,
Hating to even mention the name, but does anybody *not* think that Kim Kardassian had implants to make a giant bum for Kanye West? I pay little attentinn to such garbage , but it is seeming obvious from photos.
The peoples on the America’s survived successfully before Europeans arrived. In fact they have managed to exist successfully in spite of Europeans. The people’s on the Continent have survived and son so successfully longer than the Europeans. And they both survived in periods of drought, famine, warfare, flood, earthquake, etc. And have thrived in spite of it all. They managed to develop waterways, plumbing, roads, technology without destroying the environments they thrived in.
I think what we are beginning to understand about IQ as defined by the European mind is that it is predicated on need and desire (desire from idleness). On neither continent did the people’s needs vast arrays of vaccines, though people in Africa had as practice vaccinations before encountering Europeans. On neither continent did the people’s engage in killing their environments for sport as to demonstrate superiority. A practice that has thrown nearly every — well every environment out of balance that Europeans came into contact with.
Perhaps, the construct of IQ demonstrates the every present insecurity that Europeans are constantly trying to outrun. The incessant desire to demonstrate superiority. And yet history tells us that to be successful, one need not be superior in any manner. Perhaps, the obsession with IQ to demonstrate superiority — is but the insecurity of a child constantly having to prove itself to the point of exhaustion. One considers the genius of national parks. When considering why they were created, one must consider how such an obvious composition could have been an oversight in developing cities in the first place.
One considers the circular rhetorical dynamic, Europeans develop solutions to more problems that they themselves create than the environment demands they create to overcome. Perhaps that is why so many of the indigenous populations look at our heritage as one full of reckless energy that we install as intelligence. And no greater example as that of the Europeans willingness to utterly destroy for the sake of acknowledging superior status as opposed to being a success on the planet. Wiping out the buffalo/bison for profit did not end the native american populations.
Importing immigrants is not going to save the US republic and one would think people with a successful IQ would learn that lesson from obvious hard core realities of history. Yet the people touting superior intelligence are the advocates of destructive social policies and claiming to be superior humans.
You bet there is variation in the distribution, but how that interacts with environment or whether said distribution makes humans of this or that more successful is highly dependent on the definition and purpose of success.
The Jellyfish it is said has successfully exists longer than humans — as have whales, and even monkey’s whether they have the ability to successfully survive humans is predicated on their ability to survive are destructive nature of the few who seem incapable of living without destroying to demonstrate their superior quality.
Couldn't agree more. It is up to the individual to decide if he prefers subsistence farming over modern technological economies and to make a determination as to which is "better."BTW, you keep going on and on about superiority and hierarchy and I haven't mention that at all.Replies: @EliteCommInc.
You bet there is variation in the distribution, but how that interacts with environment or whether said distribution makes humans of this or that more successful is highly dependent on the definition and purpose of success.
“the black fact of superiority in running and fighting”
African armies may be musical, don’t know; but they can’t fight.
It will eventually come to light that David Reich’s dry and lifeless style, as well as his extensive collaboration with mathematicians, both result from the fact that his genetic research is actually explaining nothing. He must use brutal statistical falsification in order to generate any results at all, and then he needs to write in an obscurantist manner in order to conceal the fact that he has no coherent story to tell.
“Genetics” is not really a specific term, as it applies broadly to the study of origins; and not just the origins of living things, but the origins of anything. There have always been practical theories of genetics in the living realm, as offspring are clearly derived somehow from their progenerators and this is significant for determining what they will be. But today’s obsession with biomolecular genetics and information is simply junk science, to put it kindly. The idea that there is some single, simple, unique causal factor responsible for transmitting information from one generation to the next, is a mythology that was fully developed in the absence of any empirical support. When DNA was discovered, it was immediately cast into this role and enthroned there ever since. The fact that DNA cannot perform this function is responsible for the increasingly arcane hypotheses needed to patch evolutionary theory together.
In 50 years’ time, no serious person will still be a Darwinist and “genetics” will have perished out of frustration and boredom.
Germans feared Jews because they were ‘too smart’.
Name one Jew you can mention in the same sentence as Kepler, Leibniz, Gödel, Frege, Weierstrass, Heisenberg, Riemann, Hilbert, Planck.
Oh, yeah, Emmy Nother and the intellectual middleman, Albert Einstein, who borrowed from the relativity theory of Poincare and Lorentz and added slight amplifications. But hey, when you control the narrative Einstein is the greatest thinker in history and Maya Angelou is the greatest writer and poet.
Einstein was one the greatest physicists who ever lived, close to Newton in eminence. Only ignoramuses & conspiracy "theorists" would deny that.
Name one Jew you can mention in the same sentence as Kepler, Leibniz, Gödel, Frege, Weierstrass, Heisenberg, Riemann, Hilbert, Planck.
Oh, yeah, Emmy Nother and the intellectual middleman, Albert Einstein, who borrowed from the relativity theory of Poincare and Lorentz and added slight amplifications. But hey, when you control the narrative Einstein is the greatest thinker in history and Maya Angelou is the greatest writer and poet.
Scientific arrogance is rampant in today’s society. If an ordinary person makes an observation, it is considered a “myth” or a “fable” until it is personally observed by a “scientist”. This arrogance propels what is considered science into the realm of being a “religion”, not unlike “holocaustianity â„¢” which itself, has so many holes in it, outright fabrications, lies,, and outright impossibilities, but is still taken as total truth, subjecting those who dare to go against the prevailing orthodoxy to prosecution and incarceration in many countries for merely seeking out the truth.
Science is no different…
Mariners from ancient times made their oceanic observations of “sea monsters”, giant eels, squids and other large ocean-dwelling creatures and have always been discredited by “scientists”. It turns out that these giant sea creatures DO exist, despite the deniability of so-called “scientists”.
Another observation by mariners is the “super wave”, which has been responsible for the destruction of many ocean-going vessels which were also discredited by “scientists”, just because they did not personally observe them.. These “super waves” have been observed from orbiting satellites.
It turns out that these old-time mariners were not so “stupid” and “backwards” as scientists claim.
Another example of scientific arrogance involves weather phenomenon, particularly tornadoes. There have been ordinary people who have observed tornadoes in action, but were informed that they were merely “straight line winds” despite funnel clouds being observed.
Let’s not forget “funding” especially from government agencies that are looking to promote their agenda, the truth be damned. “Climate change” is but one prime example of scientific arrogance, misconduct, and malpractice taking place. “Climate” is ALWAYS changing and is actually influenced by solar factors to a much greater degree than previously believed. There are no SUVs on Mars or Venus, (one of the climate change crowd’s blame for “global warming”) yet solar variability has been observed on other celestial bodies. The East Anglia emails are the “smoking gun” in the “climate change” fraud. FOLLOW THE MONEY…