So long as articles have individual authors, I don't think it's much of a problem. People can take seriously the ones they trust and ignore the ones they don't.
This suggests that long-standing sites delivering some important forbidden truths will be almost indistinguishable from a Cass Sunstein-style full BS factory that Ron worries about.
If possible, I suggest you consider contacting some Chinese authors who can offer a different perspective.
ECOWAS is just another fake NGO run by CIA. Langley installed an agent to run it, a controllable chump working off a beef:
ECOWOG will just implode if it tries to do anything.
On article/chat, my position is the people there should do what they do, ‘elections’ are the same con they have always been since the cons made the scheme. Supposed govt, ‘courts, schemers scribbling ‘cons titutions, hasn’t worked well, as we can see. We lived hundreds of thousands of years without paper ‘law schemes or dictators. The people there are none of our business. They have a right to fight if that’s what they want. Self-determination is natural, and necessary to be alive.
Otherwise on some comments, though easy to pick at writers including Duff, fact is he’s done his share of truthing and then some. Doesn’t matter if agree on everythihg or not. At this point people have been handed enough truth at the sacrifice of others. False ‘wars, ‘nine eleven’, ‘bailouts’ everyone knew were more fraud schemes, ‘covid’ tyrnany, other schemes, and which continue, its on people to grow up. Put out effort, focus local, share. Stop expecting to be handed anything, or freedom.
Real life doesn’t work that way. Natural law.
The yids, the anglos and the rest of the human undesirable should be fed to the fauna.
Ever seen a glass winged butterfly? Such exquisite creatures with wings that are see through. They are such a wonder to behold. I love em!
Another exquisite wonder to behold is the firefly. That they actually light up as they fly around is incredible.
My all time favorite however, are the cuttlefish. These are creatures that still amaze and confound scientists for their unique ability at producing light of differing colors and they’re ability to change at whim to suit their environment for camouflage. And they’re intelligence is just as amazing.
I often wonder if UFO’s so called aren’t creatures such as these? I mean just blow up to the size of a man or a Hulk Hogan a glass winged butterfly or the firefly and give it some human qualities and voila we have a biblical Angel of the Lord!
If the bible is correct that life forms that we see are just a reflection of the Divine we have all the answers we could possibly need or want about UFO’s. Didn’t St. Paul make it abundantly clear?
There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 1 Corinthians 15:40
I’m even reminded of the Mothman of Virginia as a perfect example of this very thing. And we have the explanation don’t you know as to why that happened in Virginia. It’s found in the book of Job.
None of this is rocket science and it certainly hasn’t got anything to do with aliens from some other galaxy. I should know because I speak as one who had an actual encounter with angels.
Another matter to for those interested in the metaphysical Adam and Eve weren’t naked in the Garden of Eden. Not originally but rather were clothed in light as our Father was and is Himself. They were eternal beings being of course a son and daughter of a God!!!!!!! And guess what God our Father wants to return us to that state of being. Daniel talks and wrote about this in chapter 12 of his book. “Shine as the stars of heaven forever and ever!”
But do you know what is going to take place instead for many? We find written in the Book of Revelation man is actually going to go to war with God and His Christ!!!!
Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords.
And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, ‘Come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great.
Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.†{Revelation 19:11- 21}
The Human Race is insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
US Space Force lol will it be leading the charge against a God they have redefined as an alien?
That tends to imply some degree of wealth accumulation and preservation.
So a minority of whites, 30 years after de-industrialization and various poverty regulations.
Even if you have 6000 sf of house in a gated neighborhood today, doesn’t mean you’ll keep it.
Our society is being booby trapped with high costs, fewer opportunities and many chutes into beggardom.
Tax traps.
Personal Riot/war losses.
False arrests.
Malicious lawsuits, and worse, biased judges/juries.
Lockdowns with debt or employees
These are a few of their favorite things.
The French had already told the Junta to pound sand as they were not the legal government. This is the 2nd try.
It is very racist of the French to resist a simple request to GTFO from their hosts
in Niger. President Macron really needs to check his privilege.
Dear Kevin read through my poetry/aphorism website and then contact me for an interview.
Birth control, anyone?
Especially if they’re “Coming to America.”
So long as articles have individual authors, I don't think it's much of a problem. People can take seriously the ones they trust and ignore the ones they don't.
This suggests that long-standing sites delivering some important forbidden truths will be almost indistinguishable from a Cass Sunstein-style full BS factory that Ron worries about.
Mining the low-grade ore is tiring but miners are incurable optimists!
It seems that even for non-mainstream sites such as The Unz Review there is a sort of “Overton Window” of acceptability. I wonder what future taboo topics will gradually make it up to the level of minimum respectability and be vigorously debated here? On the flip side, which formerly shocking claims, now recognized to be true, will be demoted to the ho-hum dreariness of respectability?
Thank you for creating and nurturing this great site.
More likely whites will have their own heavily armed and productive enclaves.
In California State prisons there haven’t been any rapes since all the gangs have agreed to kill anyone engaged in rape because it often sparks retaliatory riots in the yards.
As for those who engage in consensual faggery, they get ADSEGed because they would get assaulted and killed in GENEPOP.
And what happened to Zimbabwe after it was fully decolonized? Blacks made a mess of farming.
Soooooo, you can’t eat tobacco.
I’ve read that Zimbabwe needs food production.
I knew this would happen when the Chinese got interested in Africa. The Chinese are growing a crop that no one even needs and exploiting African countries in doing so – just like the French, US, etc.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
By 2100, I think whites in the US will be enslaved or killed off by the nonwhites.
FYI, Gordon Duff no longer publishes at VT (which is no longer Veterans Today, it’s now .) Gordon’s site is .
Uranium.I would like to point out that a third of world's deposits of uranium is in Australia, so far safely out of Russia's reach and production could be easily ramped up.But either way, French have lost their spine. Old French leaders would just send their paratroopers and nip this farce in the bud... they still could - it's not too late.Replies: @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist, @Twodees Partain
Maybe 50 years ago. The FFL isn’t what it once was.
… the one and only country that is exempt from this genocidal mass-immigration policy just happens to be Israel.
My recollection is that a few years ago, leftists Jews in Israel managed to open its borders briefly, but as black Africans began pouring in, sanity prevailed, and the border was closed again. I think even that those who entered were not allowed to stay.
I’m surprised no one said this. In theory if a White man or any other race of man is imprisoned in Uganda, and violent criminal Black or other race of man sodomite rapists forcibly sodomize and rape the White man or other race of man, then the violent criminal Black or other race of man sodomite rapists will be executed or legally killed as a punishment for their crimes. That sounds better than the jail and prison system in the USA. I am not saying it would really happen in practice but in theory that sounds better for the victims of such crimes. Maybe convicted White criminals will ask to be transferred to Ugandan prisons to protect their anuses from unlawful harm. Some American White convicted criminal men should try it saying I ‘m not racist but I am against all rape to include interracial rape. What would our ruling elite say and do? Enquiring minds want to know.
The problem is blacks cannot manage things on their own after the decolonization.
The blacks definitely are shaking off the shackles of foreign domination that did start during colonialism.
And what happened to Zimbabwe after it was fully decolonized? Blacks made a mess of farming.
Tobacco exports are shooting through the roof in Zimbabwe. The small scale indigenous farmers are actually farming. The whites who used to own the land didn’t actually do much farming. They just owned the land and drove around.
Lets hope this is catching and a few other nations grow a pair and tell the US their bases aren’t wanted any more, Germany, Korea and Japan first come to mind. Imagine if Japan gave the US 48 hours to get out of Okinawa and the other bases in the rest of Japan? The whining and anti-Japanese propaganda spewing out of US government organs like CNN would make the total sum of anti-Japanese propaganda in WW2 look like nothing.
If I were King for a Day, I would empty Africa of all humans, except maybe a handful of Masai, Pygmies and Bushmen**, and leave the place to charasmatic mega-fauna. Folks would be allowed to visit once in their lifetime.
**[I don’t know where I would put all the rest]
Absolutely agree.
The children of Esau-Edom (which say they are jews, and are not, but do lie) are desperately trying to avoid the fate that they know awaits them:
For the day of the Lord upon all the nations is near;
As you have done, it shall be done to you;
Your reprisal shall return upon your own head.For as you drank on My holy mountain,
So shall all the nations drink continually;
Yes, they shall drink, and swallow,
And they shall be as though they had never been.But on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance,
And there shall be holiness;
The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.The house of Jacob shall be a fire,
And the house of Joseph a flame;
But the house of Esau shall be stubble;
They shall kindle them and devour them,
And no survivor shall remain of the house of Esau,
For the Lord has spoken.Obadiah 1:15 – 19
Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, non-Europeans all hate faggots very much.
But they don’t hate fucking their women in the butt. So what are they complaining about.
Well said. You’re likely going to run into the Dunning-Kruger hamster wheel in this one’s head. He probably also doesn’t know that the real translation of anarchism is “no rulers” and not “no rules.”
‘…The US does not want the third world to develop…’
In the case of black Africa, that should prove easy enough.
Someone from Nigeria is a Nigerian.
Someone from Niger is a what?
I for one would love the sight of the carcasses of French Foreign Legion scum dragged through the streets behind jeeps like the US Delta Force war criminals were in Somalia.
It’s always a fun sight to see someone dragged behind a vehicle – even better if they’re still wiggling and screaming! But Niger just doesn’t have strong military force and I suspect you might be over-estimating the support this new “government” actually enjoys among the population.
I don’t doubt there is a level of anti-French feeling there, but as we all know Africans are easily distracted with shiny trinkets. Or more seriously, that feeling is not based on nationalism or any sort of ideological beliefs, it’s just the matter of economics. Give them a better deal (which they fully deserve) and the situation on the ground would probably settle down pretty quickly.
Only in your one neuron racist little white supremacist brain is that true.
Bantu settlements in South Africa long predated the advent of the white man.
Uranium.I would like to point out that a third of world's deposits of uranium is in Australia, so far safely out of Russia's reach and production could be easily ramped up.But either way, French have lost their spine. Old French leaders would just send their paratroopers and nip this farce in the bud... they still could - it's not too late.Replies: @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist, @Twodees Partain
Yeah so just let them try.
I for one would love the sight of the carcasses of French Foreign Legion scum dragged through the streets behind jeeps like the US Delta Force war criminals were in Somalia.
It's always a fun sight to see someone dragged behind a vehicle - even better if they're still wiggling and screaming! But Niger just doesn't have strong military force and I suspect you might be over-estimating the support this new "government" actually enjoys among the population.
I for one would love the sight of the carcasses of French Foreign Legion scum dragged through the streets behind jeeps like the US Delta Force war criminals were in Somalia.
This sentence is blatantly contradicted by the map directly below it. Can you find Niger on a map?Replies: @Munga Bulga, @songbird, @Passing by, @SteveK9, @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist
There are a billion and a half people in Africa, and the place where the US is presently trying to start a war is the most densely populated part of the continent.
Is this a serious response? The ECOWAS regimes especially Nigeria is what Anglin is talking about .
“Nigers” good one and so simple. Sounds like it could catch on with “the Nigers”
This suggests that long-standing sites delivering some important forbidden truths will be almost indistinguishable from a Cass Sunstein-style full BS factory that Ron worries about.
So long as articles have individual authors, I don’t think it’s much of a problem. People can take seriously the ones they trust and ignore the ones they don’t.
For example, on this website I’ve made it very clear that although I stand behind every word I write myself, I certainly don’t endorse the other articles we publish, many of which seem like nonsense to me.
However, although some of our writers might be crazy or deluded, as far as I know, none of them are outright liars or frauds. In other words, I think they believe what they’re writing.
The problem with VT is that Duff, the longtime editor, struck me a pathological liar based upon what he’d published and also a couple of his interviews. He even stated that something like one-third of everything he himself said was a lie, which really is an astonishing declaration to make.
So if the editor of a webzine seems like a total liar and a few of the other articles you glance at seem very similar, you tend to dismiss the entire publication, except perhaps for one or two writers whom you might trust. Why bother trying to mine such low-grade ore?
Uranium.Replies: @raga10
so…. how about just leaving them to themselves, stupid motherfuckers just can’t accept this sage advice. no…
I would like to point out that a third of world’s deposits of uranium is in Australia, so far safely out of Russia’s reach and production could be easily ramped up.
But either way, French have lost their spine. Old French leaders would just send their paratroopers and nip this farce in the bud… they still could – it’s not too late.
You have called me out and I have no complex answer. I’m not an expert on monetary policy. If I were president I would bring in Ron Paul as the head of my economic council, although he may actually be a bit old for it today. I voted for him in the 2012 primary. Let the Fed be audited and if possible be put on the road to extinction.
I don’t know whether we can get to a happy ending at this point but I would:
1. Bring home nearly all GIs stationed overseas. I would also downsize the services in manpower but offer a transition path for some of them to exchange army green and navy blue for border patrol and ICE uniforms. An enormous cut in the military budget would help.
2. Use the increased manpower to expedite processing aliens and expulsion of the ones who don’t belong, which will be most of them.
3. Dismantle the department of education, NIH, CDC, HHS, HUD, and anything else that feds have no business meddling in.
4. Work on destroying the mass media monopoly. Shouldn’t be hard as they are basically destroying themselves with constant and blatant dishonesty.
5. Appoint Harry Vox to run the DOJ. Have Christopher Wray dumped into the DC dungeon where there would be plenty of room as I would pardon the J6 political prisoners.
6. Run off the Zionists so they have no more power over foreign or fiscal policy. See no. 5 above.
That’s enough to start. I can dream can’t I?
Jews stick together, Whites don’t
Obviously, you know nothing about Southern Africa or apartheid. You’re what they used to call a mook in my old neighborhood. If life was so bad for blacks in S Africa, why did so many immigrate into the country after Whites civilized it? Why did some blacks fight beside White Rhodesians? You’ve been poorly educated and sound like an angry young man. Maybe, with age, you’ll gain some knowledge, and some wisdom. Everything isn’t as simple as it’s often portrayed.
Absolutely. That’s why the c*nt Hillary Clinton had to murder Khadaffi and try to take out Assad. Both were/are great statesmen. Compared to them, our “leaders” are pathetic girly-men. In any case, the result was millions of uncivilized Africans and terrorist Arabs flooding into Europe. Funny, the Zionists like to bitch about Palestine, saying “1 Jewish state and 22 Arab states and you want more.” In truth, they have at least 2 (Israel and the USA.) If we had balls, we’d say “You’re lucky we let you have one. If you don’t clean up your act and stop bombing/terrorizing your neighbors, maybe we’ll change our minds.”
Imran khan is a Zionist agent …sent in to destabilise the country and destroy the institutions. Married into the goldsmith family …groomed and funded by them. Even his election campaign was foreign funded . The only two countries crying for his release from prison…are the US and Israel. Do I need to say more….Pakistan is corrupt…it’s politicians are corrupt and it’s establishment is corrupt but IK was created to destroy what remained of Pakistan. His first objective was to halt CPEC / Chinese projects …then to denuclearise Pakistan, recognise the state of israhell….and cosy up to india ….at the expense of China .
priss..., you spoke french....i had always thought those frogs were there to loot the place and now i find out that they were just establishing "rules based order". shit, now i have to apologize to little boots macron, for all the terrible things i said about him and all the french whores, er, ahh, i mean fine french people. all this time i thought they were there, just strip mining the place so they could steal the uranium for their reactors, at a third of the market value. why those shiftless, no good nigers, er, ah, i mean nigerians, er, ah i mean nigeriens, they just don't appreciate, all the civilizing they received at the hands of the superior french civilation, just the way the congolese, don't appreciate the civilizing they received at the hands of the belgians.
That’s why the French have been in that part of the world.
so.... how about just leaving them to themselves, stupid motherfuckers just can't accept this sage advice. no.... macron, bill gates and africom, just can't help themselves in attempting to "civilize" these "savages", for their own good and out of their infinite compassion of course.Replies: @Priss Factor
When whites leave black areas, blacks run everything into the ground.
so…. how about just leaving them to themselves, stupid motherfuckers just can’t accept this sage advice. no…
Uranium.I would like to point out that a third of world's deposits of uranium is in Australia, so far safely out of Russia's reach and production could be easily ramped up.But either way, French have lost their spine. Old French leaders would just send their paratroopers and nip this farce in the bud... they still could - it's not too late.Replies: @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist, @Twodees Partain
It seems natural to expect a weird mixture on any site that is actually revealing some important dangerous truths. This gives the site plausible deniability and helps it avoid being shut down immediately. The site owners knows what boundaries can be crossed and not. The editor knows how much noise must be added to reduce the overall credibility to a level that is acceptable to the powers that be. The worst case is something that is 99% noise and 1% golden truth. Who has the time and energy for that? Big truths and big lies go together.
This suggests that long-standing sites delivering some important forbidden truths will be almost indistinguishable from a Cass Sunstein-style full BS factory that Ron worries about. This similarity is probably intentional from both sides as a way to protect themselves. It is nice that the truth tellers are out there but sorting through the material is exhausting. Worse than that, anyone who has done the leg work to build a coherent explanation of controversial material on these sites will come across as a wacko if they try to convey this material to others. The sad part is they come across as a wacko to both their friends and enemies and even fellow travelers who partially agree with them.
So long as articles have individual authors, I don't think it's much of a problem. People can take seriously the ones they trust and ignore the ones they don't.
This suggests that long-standing sites delivering some important forbidden truths will be almost indistinguishable from a Cass Sunstein-style full BS factory that Ron worries about.
What economic policies will give reasonable results at this point? Sane policies might lead to deleveraging and dedollaring which then lead to a USA default (called “A Debt Jubilee for Humanity”). This seems inevitable, but after the fact the dollar will not be a reserve currency and the problems in the USA will have to be addressed or swept under the rug and replaced with worse problems. There is no mandate in the USA for sensible government economic policies in the USA. If hard-money MAGA types got what they want, the resulting depression and displacement will burn up any credibility they have.
I wonder if the best bet may be to keep kicking the can and hope that progress toward the singularity makes the debt irrelevant. We just need to control AI and the third world population explosion to get there in one piece.
GloboZioHomo is an apt description, consider how he pushes kike agendas exclusively, just like the rest of those “huwhite nationalists”. Notice how the Afrikaaners do not call themselves “white”. Every real Ethnicity knows the poison of the anglo and the kike, especially their brand of dermal identity.
The kikes and the negro-saxon must be WMD-ed out of existence. They are not human.
“What kind of a racist are you that you want to see black Africans starving, living in poverty? Shame on you. The authorities will be made aware of your illegal bigotry. Get ready for the knock on your door.”
You appear to be an unusual kind of troll.
What kind of racist are you that you think you are superior?
Did I say, “It does not matter”?
Sheesh, I should work on my editing.
Our point of view does not matter does not matter to them..
Selective history cannot invoke shame.
You can’t help yourself for the reality that if the Euros were never there here would be none of this fake superiority, except through the use of superior weapons.
Whitey wasn’t invited in the first place, so maybe a different approach would have been warranted.
Tired of the bigotry, “Europeans turned the land into a prosperous, well-fed country”,
So why did “ownership” become inaccessable for the blacks, and Aparteid-like policies kept it that way?
In other words, the blacks own the land under the context of their values, but the Euros chose to enforce European Values.
That has always been exactly the aim. No other conclusion can be drawn; especially when we observe that the one and only country that is exempt from this genocidal mass-immigration policy just happens to be Israel. There is no such thing as a coincidence.
It is the most elementary chemistry that once you sufficiently dilute a solution, it completely loses its effective properties. It is why diversity – i.e. a diabolical, double-speak synonym for societal dissolution – leads to exactly the opposite of the societal strength it pretends to offer. For diversity, by overwhelming a native people through sheer numbers, ultimately breaks down the common properties that bind and give a people cohesion – i.e. race, shared history, ethnicity, religion, culture and language. And it is the strength of a people’s cohesion which defines their identity and their effectiveness in working for their own collective interest and ability to defend themselves against their enemies.
Jewish Supremacists have worked tirelessly for generations and with relentless zeal to bring about the complete and total societal dissolution and destruction of Western peoples, the Jews’s bitter enemies and primary historical competitors. Every opportunity has been ruthlessly exploited, every bit of control usurped, every insidious and dirty trick played.
A greater expression of hatred towards others hath no man not a Jewish Supremacist.
They have not wasted effort and have gone directly for the soul. And thus Jewish Supremacists have worked to destroy white gentile cohesion and have rendered them collectively impotent in opposing the Jewish Will. They have brought gentiles, not under physical, but under complete psychologically domination. In this they have succeeded brilliantly beyond even their wildest imaginings, beyond even the maddest dystopian fantasy, even to the point of turning the gentiles’s own morality and good nature against them by cynically inculcating them with guilt over events for which they are not responsible and convincing them that they, themselves, are evil and that their only path to redemption is to become consciously complicit in working towards their own suicide and demise.
A greater cancer hath no living body.
It is thus, too, no accident that in complete lieu of any rational reasons the most venomous animosity and outright visceral hatred expressed by the power of Jewish Supremacism today exists towards those people who actively resist and refuse to submit to the Jewish Will, i.e. the Russians.
Cohesion – remember that word. Let it sink in deep. For it is the essence of a people’s soul. Cohesion, that which Jewish Supremacists tirelessly cultivate for themselves with the most dogged determination and breathless zeal. Cohesion, that which they most desperately want to deny you. For they know, absolutely and unequivocally know, that without it you become nothing. And that is genocide.
What I have written is not “antisemitic”. It is an objective assessment of observable facts. Objective reality is not “pro” or “anti” anything. Those are prefixes used to express subjective value judgements. The objective world is what it is. And that is Jewish Supremacism is an active and dominant force in the Western world. The Western world is now completely subjugated by the Jewish Will and this has come at the cost of the identity and future existence of Western peoples. Should current trends continue, it is the Jews who will survive, not the British, the French or the Germans.
As Jack the Ripper once so eloquently scrawled on a wall in White Chapel after savagely butchering a goyim prostitute, “The Juwes are not the ones who will be blamed for nuthing.”
Nothing except for having played a masterful game, a game, in objective terms, to be admired, and one that will certainly become a part of the Jewish tradition and historical legacy, even exceeding that of their time in exile in ancient Egypt. They have worked for the survival of their own people. They have worked hard and tirelessly to be on top. No. The blame is ours and ours alone. It is time we admit to ourselves and recognize that we are no longer in control over our own destinies within our own countries. That we are no longer masters but at the bottom of the pack and that it will only get worse. It is time to restore our cohesion, to rebuild our identities and play an even better game. It is either that or die.
For the day of the Lord upon all the nations is near;
As you have done, it shall be done to you;
Your reprisal shall return upon your own head.For as you drank on My holy mountain,
So shall all the nations drink continually;
Yes, they shall drink, and swallow,
And they shall be as though they had never been.But on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance,
And there shall be holiness;
The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.The house of Jacob shall be a fire,
And the house of Joseph a flame;
But the house of Esau shall be stubble;
They shall kindle them and devour them,
And no survivor shall remain of the house of Esau,
For the Lord has spoken.Obadiah 1:15 - 19
My recollection is that a few years ago, leftists Jews in Israel managed to open its borders briefly, but as black Africans began pouring in, sanity prevailed, and the border was closed again. I think even that those who entered were not allowed to stay.
... the one and only country that is exempt from this genocidal mass-immigration policy just happens to be Israel.
Holy shit! I was going to say you lost a decimal point somewhere but you are right. 225 million!!! Civil war is obviously necessary ASAP to bring this number down to something more manageable, since Covid clearly failed in Africa.Replies: @neutral
Nigeria has 225 million people. A civil war there would be catastrophic.
The projections are that by 2040 Nigeria will have a bigger population than America, by 2070 it will have more babies born than in China, by 21o0 half of the worlds babies will be black. It begs the question how the nigger worship religion of America will be able work then, the lunacy of having a small percentage of the worlds population worship the majority of the worlds population as gods.
Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso are now free and liberated.
Think Haiti, but with alot of sand.
Cannibalism is not far off.
The problem is blacks cannot manage things on their own after the decolonization.
The blacks definitely are shaking off the shackles of foreign domination that did start during colonialism.
That’s why the French have been in that part of the world.
priss…, you spoke french….i had always thought those frogs were there to loot the place and now i find out that they were just establishing “rules based order”. shit, now i have to apologize to little boots macron, for all the terrible things i said about him and all the french whores, er, ahh, i mean fine french people. all this time i thought they were there, just strip mining the place so they could steal the uranium for their reactors, at a third of the market value. why those shiftless, no good nigers, er, ah, i mean nigerians, er, ah i mean nigeriens, they just don’t appreciate, all the civilizing they received at the hands of the superior french civilation, just the way the congolese, don’t appreciate the civilizing they received at the hands of the belgians.
i say the french have more to learn from the africans, than the africans have to learn from them and i’m enjoying every minute of it. let the 2023 remake of camp of the saints begin, got my popcorn, let the good times roll, action…..what comes around, goes around and what goes around, comes around…..
When whites leave black areas, blacks run everything into the ground.
so…. how about just leaving them to themselves, stupid motherfuckers just can’t accept this sage advice. no…. macron, bill gates and africom, just can’t help themselves in attempting to “civilize” these “savages”, for their own good and out of their infinite compassion of course.
Uranium.Replies: @raga10
so…. how about just leaving them to themselves, stupid motherfuckers just can’t accept this sage advice. no…
Nigeria has 225 million people. A civil war there would be catastrophic.
Holy shit! I was going to say you lost a decimal point somewhere but you are right. 225 million!!! Civil war is obviously necessary ASAP to bring this number down to something more manageable, since Covid clearly failed in Africa.
Many writers embellish their stories, however this writing style should be reserved for novels. One of the primary reasons that I read this site is that I feel most of the writers do a very good job at looking at most every available aspect of the topic being written about, and present that information in a neutral manner allowing for the reader to come to their own conclusion.
Many of the earlier articles that I read on Veterans Today I felt did this, but there came a point where this changed, and my interest in the site diminished. Occasionally I come across a repost of a current article, and will give it a glance, but it has been a very long time since I have logged onto the VT site to read. Too bad, as I also felt like the nuclear articles that I have read on that site were well written, and presented well, albeit not being a nuclear scientist I have to take this information at face value.
Not only the French ambassador.
Meanwhile, hundreds of protesters in Niger held a demonstration in front of the French military base in the capital Niamey and threatened to storm the facility if French troops don’t leave the West African nation within a week.
The demonstration was held hours after Niger ordered the French ambassador to leave the country.
The blacks definitely are shaking off the shackles of foreign domination that did start during colonialism.
The problem is blacks cannot manage things on their own after the decolonization.
When whites departed from the Middle East and Asia, the natives could run things on their own.
When whites leave black areas, blacks run everything into the ground.
That’s why the French have been in that part of the world.
Same reason why Hindus are in Kenya. Africans can’t run business on their own.
And what happened to Zimbabwe after it was fully decolonized? Blacks made a mess of farming.
And what South African economy be without whites and Asians?
So, a decolonized Africa can only function if it’s ‘recolonized’.
priss..., you spoke french....i had always thought those frogs were there to loot the place and now i find out that they were just establishing "rules based order". shit, now i have to apologize to little boots macron, for all the terrible things i said about him and all the french whores, er, ahh, i mean fine french people. all this time i thought they were there, just strip mining the place so they could steal the uranium for their reactors, at a third of the market value. why those shiftless, no good nigers, er, ah, i mean nigerians, er, ah i mean nigeriens, they just don't appreciate, all the civilizing they received at the hands of the superior french civilation, just the way the congolese, don't appreciate the civilizing they received at the hands of the belgians.
That’s why the French have been in that part of the world.
so.... how about just leaving them to themselves, stupid motherfuckers just can't accept this sage advice. no.... macron, bill gates and africom, just can't help themselves in attempting to "civilize" these "savages", for their own good and out of their infinite compassion of course.Replies: @Priss Factor
When whites leave black areas, blacks run everything into the ground.
And what happened to Zimbabwe after it was fully decolonized? Blacks made a mess of farming.
In the US, people say ny-jer.
French call it Nih-Jehr.
South Africa was an almost empty wasteland when Whitey showed up. The Hottentots were barely subsisting before Europeans turned the land into a prosperous, well-fed country. It’s why so many black Africans immigrated into the area, the great White fathers gave them jobs and raised their standard of living by miles. What kind of a racist are you that you want to see black Africans starving, living in poverty? Shame on you. The authorities will be made aware of your illegal bigotry. Get ready for the knock on your door.
A lot of diplomats and ministers spoke with Lyndon LaRouche without realising he was a complete nutball (until the moment of the conversation, that is). So, ignorance of the public officials does not mean much in terms of credibility…
This puts me in mind of Jerzy KosiÅ„ski’s character Chauncey Gardiner from his novel Being There. (KosiÅ„ski himself was later outed as a prevaricator for his Holohoax novel “The Painted Bird”.)
The map shows density for whole countries but most of them are unevenly populated. The area of Niger that would be invaded first by its neighbours is the most densely populated part of the country. The desert is North. The map in the Britannica entry gives a much more accurate picture of the distribution of African population.
I am thinking that ZOG actually wants this conflict so that they get millions more niggers moving into Europe. The EU recently came up with a law that punishes any state that refuses to take in migrants, this is aimed mostly at Poland and Hungary. ZOG would love nothing more than to flood Eastern Europe, the Baltics are already in full retard mode, so they will happily take them, Ukraine is already a braindead ZOG puppet so will take them, Poland and Hungary would not be able to resist this immigration tsunami. This means all of Europe will be overwhelmed and no white states will exist anywhere, which is what jews were always aiming for.
The Sentinalese have it right:
Imagine, if European colonialists going to Africa could have understood that at the time? Europeans had no right to interfere.
I’ve personally watched him call up and talk to some of the big names he drops, and even participated in a couple of the conversations, so I know he isn’t making everything up.
That’s not much of a qualifier, Kevin. He’s made enough up to be considered damaged goods. A lot of diplomats and ministers spoke with Lyndon LaRouche without realising he was a complete nutball (until the moment of the conversation, that is). So, ignorance of the public officials does not mean much in terms of credibility…
This puts me in mind of Jerzy Kosiński's character Chauncey Gardiner from his novel Being There. (Kosiński himself was later outed as a prevaricator for his Holohoax novel "The Painted Bird".)
A lot of diplomats and ministers spoke with Lyndon LaRouche without realising he was a complete nutball (until the moment of the conversation, that is). So, ignorance of the public officials does not mean much in terms of credibility…
I guess that Duff generally succeeds in giving his dedicated audience what they crave. I remember a piece he published a couple of years back regarding mini nukes being used against Yemen. It was good to ponder on and made sense to me. I just don’t have any appetite for offensive bullshit like saying Biden is doing a great job.
Because it matters and is obviously untrue, right? Stuff like MJ12 is really just fun and games for the brain. We can wonder about it but it will probably always be the stuff of legend.
Bidenomics however, is an evident failure every time I go to the gas station or grocery store. Although we should realize that the failure of Trump to quash the lockdowns and resist the extra spending that accompanied them is where our current economic mess began.
I think that the people pushing homosexualism and the LGBT agenda underestimate the degree to which the world (not the “rest of the world”) finds such practices distasteful, at best. The world respected the USA and the UK when they were proud Anglo Saxon nations founded on humanitarian principles that made sense to reasonable people, e.g. the British outlawing widow burning in India. But no-one wants their men to dress up as women. This cultural issue is a big part of the explanation for the World’s antipathy towards the USA at the present time.
Uganda is also a mostly Christian country, which the ZOG hates worst of all, and Uganda, along with other African countries, cut its ties with the sodomite Anglo Episcopalians years ago…..
‘proper development’ … lead by white people. As you indicate with your examples, that is the only thing that has worked in the past. Or, it could be yellow people I suppose. At least they invented the wheel, written language, and some architecture and art.
This sentence is blatantly contradicted by the map directly below it. Can you find Niger on a map?Replies: @Munga Bulga, @songbird, @Passing by, @SteveK9, @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist
There are a billion and a half people in Africa, and the place where the US is presently trying to start a war is the most densely populated part of the continent.
It is obvious he meant Nigeria, and the other countries of ECOWAS. Nigeria has 225 million people. A civil war there would be catastrophic.
Holy shit! I was going to say you lost a decimal point somewhere but you are right. 225 million!!! Civil war is obviously necessary ASAP to bring this number down to something more manageable, since Covid clearly failed in Africa.Replies: @neutral
Nigeria has 225 million people. A civil war there would be catastrophic.
This sentence is blatantly contradicted by the map directly below it. Can you find Niger on a map?Replies: @Munga Bulga, @songbird, @Passing by, @SteveK9, @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist
There are a billion and a half people in Africa, and the place where the US is presently trying to start a war is the most densely populated part of the continent.
Blatantly? I don’t think so:
This sentence is blatantly contradicted by the map directly below it. Can you find Niger on a map?Replies: @Munga Bulga, @songbird, @Passing by, @SteveK9, @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist
There are a billion and a half people in Africa, and the place where the US is presently trying to start a war is the most densely populated part of the continent.
Presumably, he is talking about bringing Nigeria into it, which a lot of people are floating.
This sentence is blatantly contradicted by the map directly below it. Can you find Niger on a map?Replies: @Munga Bulga, @songbird, @Passing by, @SteveK9, @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist
There are a billion and a half people in Africa, and the place where the US is presently trying to start a war is the most densely populated part of the continent.
Another pedantic retard triggered by the Anglin Syndrome. Had you actually read the article, you would have seen that starting a war in Niger would have a cascade effect on the rest of those densely populated countries.
May I ask if you are a faggot? Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, non-Europeans all hate faggots very much. Especially child fucking faggots.
But they don't hate fucking their women in the butt. So what are they complaining about.
Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, non-Europeans all hate faggots very much.
Nigers with attitude
Kikes, faggots, angloids, pedos, etc. All these excrements of mankind have declared themselves the adversary of GOD. They must be completely and thoroughly exterminated. They are neither humans nor do they have souls.
Africa is still rich in natural resources and with proper development could be turned into a decent place, as evidenced by what a handful of Europeans were able to create in Rhodesia and S Africa. Because the US and EU are now run by degenerates, the Chinese have a great opportunity there. The Africans I’ve known do not like homosexuals. At all. So the West pushes it. Geniuses.
There are a billion and a half people in Africa, and the place where the US is presently trying to start a war is the most densely populated part of the continent.
This sentence is blatantly contradicted by the map directly below it. Can you find Niger on a map?
I was an avid reader of Duff’s publication Veterans Today until Trump was elected president in the 2016 election. After that point Duffs visceral hatred of Trump exchanged what had been up to that time some very interesting writings on the happenings in Syria, 9/11, and other non attentioned main stream media topics for what seemed to be a constant verbal temper tantrum that the obviously very far left leaning Duff could not stop himself from regurgitating like some spoiled child crying out because they had not gotten their own way.
Although Duff has confessed to making stuff up to print, if I remember correctly I think he said about one third of what he writes/prints is made up, it still meant that two thirds of it had some truth behind it. However any coherency, or validity that-that two thirds might have had has now been over shadowed in his current writings by his blind loyalty to polices of a corrupt, lifelong criminal that subverted the will of the American peoples, and is now posing as this countries leader. A pose that I might add that is so poorly done that only those who are wilfully blind can not look upon it without disgust, shame, or sadness for what this person has done to the standing of the office that has historically been one of global admiration, and to the country that this office administers.
Duff is one of those so blinded, and if partisan loyalty makes up the sole basis of one’s truth, then there is really no truth, but only blind aliegence to a group think that has little to no grounding in the greater reality in which the majority of humanity has to reside in.
So although Duff in my opinion has produced some past writings of value, what he writes, or speaks now if not in digital format would certianly be of value for the next mass societal toilet paper hoarding.
Gordon says a lot of weird things—the second-weirdest being that he saw a CIA/MJ12 document asserting that a species of extradimensional parasite interfaces with selected rich & powerful humans to maximize the human suffering it feeds on—but I agree that his endorsement of Biden’s domestic policies takes the cake.
The machinations of the Zio-Globalist empire are rapidly coming to a climax, not just in Niger, but in Europe and the US, too. As an extreme accelerationist, I’m licking my chops. I can’t wait. It can’t come too soon.
I disregarded everything the man had to say as soon as he opined that Biden’s domestic policies are effective and working great.
Pre Valerie Plame, Joseph Wilson- Nighjur or similar.
Hey everybody, the boss is here.
Look busy.
Knee share.
Great discussion. It ended too soon. 105°. Haha I told you you’d regret losing your White privilege.
Spend a week in Greenland. It’s a lot cheaper.
Gotta love Gordon. He doesn’t disappoint.
Hint: Buy a $200 window shaker.
Advice from S.Florida.
Perhaps the space aliens script is a new chosen category deserved of endless Congressional funding..
I think Duff IS making everything up. He strikes me as a classic pathological liar, with delusions of grandeur.
It’s honestly a little difficult to take Gordon Duff seriously. I did my Peace Corps service in Niger. I’ve never heard ANYONE who’s ever set foot in the country pronounce it the way Gordon does.
Author, I need to remind you that Imran Khan’s wife is Jemima Goldsmith of the goldsmiths family, a relative of Jacob Rothschild.
Imran Khan is clearly a puppet of the evil Jewish family.
During his tenure, Mr. Khan tried to privatize Pakistan’s state-owned enterprises and annex Chinese-Pakistani cooperation projects.
I wish you would interview Duff on the UFO subject.
I believe he may have some things to share.
It doesn’t make any sense in terms of the Russia/China v. America situation that they would go all in on this particular conflict. It’s just so volatile, and it seems very obvious that if the delicate balance of peace were broken, that would be better for Russia/China than for the West, because Russia/China is not going to have to deal with the fallout of these refugees.
At the same time, the strategic logic of the West no longer makes any sense, generally, and you might just have Jews trying to destroy everything on purpose, without any real, serious strategic goals.
Everything the neocons touch turns to crap, so I expect the worst to happen. After all, they’ve had plenty of practice with Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, just to name a few. They’ve become quite adept at failure.
abbra cadaver,
Right. The Left in general is trying to destroy industrialized society, but without losing political control of that society. Open borders and unworkable wind turbine and solar energy installations, for example, destroy the foundations of industrial society while bringing in the voters and money needed to retain political control.
This will end badly for the Left and the Globalists, but, as Anglin says, nobody cares. The personal animosity from the Left and the Globalists “Masters of the Universe” and anybody who challenges them in any way dominates.
One of the things that is almost too big to notice is that (a) all of the basics of our present civilization are failing, and (b) nobody seems to think that this failure will change anything important. Our basic production equipment is getting old, the ability to produce basic production equipment/ infrastructure
is getting old, people are not being trained/educated to maintain or re-create our basic production equipment/ infrastructure, and finally the raw materials needed for basic equipment/ infrastructure are getting harder to procure (search for “Limits to Growth at 50” for an account). All this is not regarded as important.
The present is like a really bad marriage in which the Wife decides she has been treated badly and proceeds to destroy family finances, have an affair, and cripple/kill any children she has, without realizing that she is dooming herself to a bitter and unhappy old age. I use this analogy because so much of the liberals’ support is women.
Why should loss of industrial equipment/infrastructure be important? Just for starters, people have to eat. There are about 8 billion (8 with 9 zeros after it people, 8*10^9 people, 8 thousand million people. Destroy industry, and you’re going back to a world food productivity of, maybe, AD 1900, and a comparable world population of 1 to 2 billion.
Has this happened before? Yes, to the irrigation based civilizations of the Bronze Age. Their knowledge of hydraulics and irrigation availed them naught when rains declined for decades, followed by 3 years of no crops and then more droughts. (1) There was also the Late Antique Little Ice Age (2) that killed off the final Roman Empire revival.. When a civilization’s basic food production fails, the civilization falls. Simple as that.
This current attempt at destroying industrial civilization is not some minor affair of style. Its not that the Neocons are failing in minor matters. They, and the entire liberal coalition that boosts spending on immediate consumption and diverts capital expenditures to production of Potemkin projects intended to fund their political dominance, and the bureaucracy that implements this policy (and their little dog, too) is a death cult for perhaps 6/8 to 7/8 of the entire world population!!!!! You would think that more people would notice that.
As for Anglin’s thesis in , it’s obvious that the US is losing Ukraine and, with it, Africa and Europe. That will end the present US system, and the rest of the world will devolve into local spheres of interest and failed states with mass starvation and plagues. If industry is really destroyed worldwide, the mass starvation and plagues will be worldwide also.
A Europe/Russian Federation might make out well enough to preserve some kind of industrial civilization if it doesn’t become a target in a nuclear war.
After all, Victoria Nuland can only jam her pudgy little fingers into so many dykes at one time.
For France.
And the sooner France is kicked out of Africa the better
Some shithole in the Sahara will have minimum impact on an advanced economy like France. Hell the whole continent of Africa will have a tiny impact on the French economy. France held on to special relations only because it was not comfortable with Washington's domination and wanted more global power in response and something Leftists like Mitterrand wanted. François Mitterrand, a Socialist, emphasized the preservation of France's special relationships with its former colonies in the face of "Anglo-Saxon influence." But even Mitterrand admitted that in many cases the former colonies do not leave Daddy France alone.
it’s been nothing but tiresome meddling by this “former†colonial master.
“Hell the whole continent of Africa will have a tiny impact on the French economy.”
So… where is the uranium from that powers the French power grid?
It COULD be Australia, Canada, anywhere really.
But right now, it’s Niger.
Well, Russia took Siberia, and that was not a pretty picture either.
Also, the West not only traded in slaves and sold opium but spread modernity around the world that led to much progress.
Also, Russia was also grabbing parts of China before the Bolshevik Revolution(and the Soviets also used neo-imperialist methods).
And even though Russia as Soviet Union did oppose imperialism in the 20th century, its formula of communism led to repression and the deaths of tens of millions.
Politicized history is usually bunk from any side.
🇷🇺 "What the West did was get entire nations hooked on drugs and purposefully exterminated entire ethnic groups for the sake of grabbing land and resources, hunting people like animals. This is contrary to human nature, truth, freedom and justice.†–
— Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 (@jacksonhinklle) August 18, 2023