Thanks. It's all all too in accord with my suspicions. However, I still see that sudden collapse -- or rather, sudden success -- as coming out of nowhere. It must have been more carefully prepared and orchestrated than we're led to believe. All of a sudden the rebels in the hills win in five minutes? I'm skeptical.
'I like this article.'
Oh gee. Does that mean the country can be kept in a state of blood-soaked anarchy indefinitely? Would that be a bug or a feature?
HTS is spread thinly on the ground. They are facing problems in asserting themselves. Although they had a walkover against the Syrian army, they never actually had to do much fighting. I would guess they only have about 30,000 fighting men and spread across Syria, that is not a lot.
I was in Istanbul in 2014 and I remember a Syrian woman selling plastic bottles of water, calling out moy!, which I understand is Syrian Arabic dialect for “water”.
Conflict between Turks/Turkish Kurds and Syrian refugees for low-wage jobs in the midst of economic crisis has been extensive, and ErdoÄŸan seeking to drive them back en masse is a real possibility, even though Al Qaeda rump Syria shows every sign of being a sh^thole going forward.
‘I like this article.’
Thanks. It’s all all too in accord with my suspicions. However, I still see that sudden collapse — or rather, sudden success — as coming out of nowhere. It must have been more carefully prepared and orchestrated than we’re led to believe. All of a sudden the rebels in the hills win in five minutes? I’m skeptical.
Otherwise, this in particular is depressing:
HTS is spread thinly on the ground. They are facing problems in asserting themselves. Although they had a walkover against the Syrian army, they never actually had to do much fighting. I would guess they only have about 30,000 fighting men and spread across Syria, that is not a lot.
Oh gee. Does that mean the country can be kept in a state of blood-soaked anarchy indefinitely? Would that be a bug or a feature?
Finally, one point that is overlooked is that Turks have been getting very tired of their Syrian refugee population. Syrians were a big presence when I was there — and that was ten years ago.
Erdogan is definitely a populist, and he’s definitely going to want to shove the Syrians back into Syria. So that’s going to happen, and it won’t improve matters as far as Syria is concerned. Cue media outrage at Turkish barbarities — depending on what suits Israel, of course.
‘6) The dispute between them is all hot air on Turkey’s side and no real action to protect the Palestinian Arabs’
Yeah, but that’s Turkey’s side. Israel always has to have an enemy, so if her manly urges are otherwise blocked…
‘The Kurds always miscalculated in their relationship with the Zionists and they are getting severely burned.’
They’re not the first. There’s us, for example. Then there’s King Abdullah of Jordan. He thought he was going to be able to work with the Zionists.
It’s possible even the British thought all that stuff about a National Home not being an independent nation (perish the thought) was honestly intended.
Do christians’ lives have more worth or value than nonchristians’ lives? If so, why?
It hasn’t taken long for them to fall out.
Largely true, especially point 6. ErdoÄŸan is a hot-air specialist.
Yeah, but that's Turkey's side. Israel always has to have an enemy, so if her manly urges are otherwise blocked...
'6) The dispute between them is all hot air on Turkey’s side and no real action to protect the Palestinian Arabs'
Judaism is predicated on antipathy towards ALL non-Jews. Turkiye will be found to be part of ‘Eretz Yisrael’, as ‘….from the Nile to the Euphrates’, MUST include ALL of the Euphrates, including its head-waters in Turkiye.
The Jerusalem Post:
“There is a chance of a future military confrontation between Israel and Turkey,†Prof. Efrat Aviv, an expert on Turkey from Bar-Ilan’s Department of General History and Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, told The Media Line. “This is unprecedented, as are all events witnessed in the region recently.â€
I think this guy just accidentally took all the air out of the idea in ten seconds of yammering under the yamalka.
Think of the setting first:
1) Turkey and Israel have ALREADY been at proximity due to ongoing operations inside and above Syria for a DECADE or more
2) Israel only fights those who cannot fight back (Arabs)
3) The two countries are non-Arab players in an Arabic region, that is, two wolves among sheep
4) Their list of mutual aquaintences includes the Gulf States, organized Islamic terror in general, and the USA
5) Turkey has only recently NOT relied on Israel for equipment upgrades to F-16 fighters for example
6) The dispute between them is all hot air on Turkey’s side and no real action to protect the Palestinian Arabs
Now with all of the above, what REALLY has changed on the ground with the toppling of Assad? The zones of control on the map haven’t shifted all that much, Israel is closer to Damascus and Turkey was already overflying and fighting on that border with incursions against the Kurds. USA is still in there balls-deep. The Kurds are promised all things by all sides and still get shafted (nothing new going back at least to the 80s).
Was Assad really keeping anything but Damascus, and how was that little sliver preventing Israel and Turkey from meeting in the middle?
I don’t see the shift.
yeah… right…. I’ve always suspected that the Iranians are hoping for the Jews to liberate them from Islam….
“Dim” indeed
I like this article.
Thanks. It's all all too in accord with my suspicions. However, I still see that sudden collapse -- or rather, sudden success -- as coming out of nowhere. It must have been more carefully prepared and orchestrated than we're led to believe. All of a sudden the rebels in the hills win in five minutes? I'm skeptical.
'I like this article.'
Oh gee. Does that mean the country can be kept in a state of blood-soaked anarchy indefinitely? Would that be a bug or a feature?
HTS is spread thinly on the ground. They are facing problems in asserting themselves. Although they had a walkover against the Syrian army, they never actually had to do much fighting. I would guess they only have about 30,000 fighting men and spread across Syria, that is not a lot.
I take your point about Wikipedia but I am a Turkish speaker and have followed developments in that country since the 1990s. This group was active in the 1990s and particularly targeted with assassination suspected PKK supporters, while seeking to recruit pious Kurdish youth, and its activities met with little interference from the Turkish state at the time. Its enemies sometimes referred to the group as Hizbullah-Kontra. The Turkish state suddenly moved against the group in 2000, sometimes finding the mummified bodies of its victims in safehouses. By 2000, however, PKK leader Öcalan was in custody and the Turkish state arguably no longer needed its embarrassing deep state pals.
This group has in any case never been an Iran proxy – it recruits among Sunnis, not Shia or the approximate equivalent in Turkey, Alevis.
It is hard to see Iran using Kurds against Turkey – it has its own restive Kurdish minority, and Iranian state forces have sometimes clashed with PJAK, an extension of the PKK active among Iranian Kurds.
Exactly how is this "shocking". It's how US foreign policy in that part of the world has been conducted for thirty years or more.Replies: @Wielgus
What’s so shocking about the excerpt is that it proves that neither Israel, Turkey nor the United States had a plan for the “day after†Assad was gone. The political leaders and their respective intelligence agencies were so maniacally focused on deposing “the tyrantâ€, they never considered the unintended consequences of their action. They just blundered ahead into a situation that can only end in war.
Contempt for the people in a targeted country is routine in the foreign policy of the USA and its allies.
Political Zionism did not even exist in 1871. Theodor Herzl was 11 at the time of this alleged letter.
Press TV, Iran’s English-language TV station, seems a bit wobbly on the issue of Syria, perhaps reflecting disagreements in Iran’s government. Some items seem to favour dealings with the new government, if it can be called that, while others mention the less salubrious side of the new dispensation, like a “moderate Sunni cleric” being found dead recently in the outskirts of Damascus days after being kidnapped, with signs of torture on his body.
Predictable enough developments.
Wikipedia articles are largely written by employees of federal agencies and various intelligence services. These kinds of articles are the worst offenders because they are ideological and propaganda backgrounds. Most of the sources used throughout that article, and especially in the section alleging Turkish military support, are suspect or outright unreliable. Most, if not all of these kinds of allegations are based on so-called “testimony” and anyone can make up a story.
With any group that Iran supports, you will find these kinds of allegations and worse, because they (Turkey, NATO, etc) are desperate to discredit Iranian proxies and create internal divisions and conflicts with other militant groups. They do a good at writing Wikipedia articles, but in the real world not so much.
Turkey is deathly afraid of Iran using the Kurds against them and only Iran has the ability to unite the various Kurdish factions (even those that have previously opposed Iran) together in a united front against the Turkish menace. I think the love affair between some of the Kurds and the United States and Israel is beginning to unravel. The Kurds always miscalculated in their relationship with the Zionists and they are getting severely burned.
They're not the first. There's us, for example. Then there's King Abdullah of Jordan. He thought he was going to be able to work with the Zionists.
'The Kurds always miscalculated in their relationship with the Zionists and they are getting severely burned.'
This is from the same New York Times that falsely claimed Musk had a meeting with Iranian officials? Even the pathetic low IQ moron Keith Jones at the World Socialist Web Site fell for that one. When once competent sources like the WSWS start treating legacy media as “reliable sources,” you know things are worse than they actually appear.
They are literally just fabricating stories out of thin air again, creating make-believe “sources” like the incompetent Baltimore Sun reporter in “The Wire.” Though if I’m not mistaken, the Times has been caught red handed many times before in the last couple decades doing this. But I don’t think they are going to start apologize, let alone admitting that they are lying so shamelessly.
Post a few more articles about how Israel is winning and completely destroyed Iran’s missile production facilities and completely neutralized their nuclear program and how the Israeli economy is booming and all the ports are busy and Iran is on the brink of collapse.
With all this unstoppable winning, I’m surprised the United States hasn’t conquered the whole of West Asia by now. What’s taking so long?
Please read the letter Albert Pike sent to Mazzini in 1871:
‘The Third World War must be fomented using the differences that Illuminati agents will stir up between the Political Zionists and the leaders of the Muslim world. The war must be fought in such a way that Islam (the Arab world including the religion of Mohammed) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) destroy each other. At the same time, the other nations, once again divided among themselves over this issue, will be forced to fight each other to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic exhaustion.
Iran Was ‘Defeated Very Badly’ in Syria, a Top General Admits
For weeks, Iranian officials have downplayed the fall of their ally in Syria. But an important general has offered a remarkably candid view of the blow to Iran, and its military’s prospects.
Farnaz Fassihi
By Farnaz Fassihi
Jan. 8, 2025
But what exactly do you remember?
The lies and cover up for 50 years that it was an accident
The truth that it was a conspiracy between LBJ and Israel to commit a false flag, killing Americans and sinking a US military ship to coerce the US into WW3 on the side of Israel.
I have often been accused of not having a sense of humour. Guilty as charged.
Kind of depends what you think is “extremist”. Even before ErdoÄŸan the supposedly “secular” Turkish authorities have used radical Islamists. Such ties are certainly an element of Turkey’s “deep state”.
Turkey is unstable, though not currently in a headline-grabbing way, and it would not take too much intervention by outside actors to make it much more so.
Another twit who believes WWII propaganda: Germany baaad, murderous communists goood.
That record is thoroughly worn out. Better think of something new.
Persians, the Arian Persians are fed up with the brainless retarded Muslims and hope for the tiny opportunity window to get rid of them, and an Israel strike may lit the wick.
Persians/Iranians are proud people and they are also patriotic. The younger generation may not be very religious but there’s no way they will sell out to US hegemony. (The Iran Iraq War is still very much alive in their memory)
The support for Hamas and Hezbollah might lessen if USA lifts sanctions unconditionally but the support will always be there.
Iran is a vast country and people who usually protest are the rich and westernized young from major cities.
Iran has compulsory conscription for men for 2 years (One reason women outstrip men in academics)
as the men lose focus after their military service.
Iran is a friendly place, go visit it and you will be pleasantly surprised. If you have doubts, search on YouTube for travelers going through Iran, you will be pleasantly surprised.
Another surprising aspect is the food, which is not hot but not bland.
What’s so shocking about the excerpt is that it proves that neither Israel, Turkey nor the United States had a plan for the “day after†Assad was gone. The political leaders and their respective intelligence agencies were so maniacally focused on deposing “the tyrantâ€, they never considered the unintended consequences of their action. They just blundered ahead into a situation that can only end in war.
Exactly how is this “shocking”. It’s how US foreign policy in that part of the world has been conducted for thirty years or more.
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights will shut shop only when MI6 orders it shut.
“if iran and turkiye can work together that would be huge, especially if they can pull him into brics. i see russia behind all of this, the world is changing, believe it or not, vvp is a genius, immho.”
Waiting for you to be less starry-eyed and start being serious, which I know you are perfectly capable of being.
erdogan doesn’t want a piece of syria, he wants the whole thing, as a vassal state. he has stated publicly that turkiye won’t allow syria to be broken up. this would allow him to become hegemon of the region and if it’s not him, then it’s israel.
i don’t think iran would mind, because it’s not really their neighborhood and they were there to provide protection to the palestinians and hezbollah. they’re just trying to stop israel’s dark plans from coming to fruition, who cares if erdogan plays sultan to stroke his ego?
if iran and turkiye can work together that would be huge, especially if they can pull him into brics. i see russia behind all of this, the world is changing, believe it or not, vvp is a genius, immho.
So he is going to get the Gaddafi treatment after all…
Sounds like someone had a bad day at the office. Relax, have a drink it’s only going to get worse.
My hick psychoanalyst told me to vent, vent, vent. So back, back, back off!
If anyone can create an independent Kurdish state, the Kurds will say “Thank you very much.” Anyone.
Egypt could also be divided into two states hypothetically.
I’ll comment. Nothing better to do. It seems to me that there was a plan on the part of the Israelis, that is the Greater Israel mob. It’s Kurdistan. Erdogan did not anticipate the complete collapse of Syria. But whoever bribed all those military officers knew better. Anyway I expect they will let the planned chaos fester, with headchoppers running amok, as was likely intended, and then at a certain point the West will, all in unison, declare an independent Kurdistan as a beacon of light in a chaotic tempest. Previously I’d considered the Kurds as just another ‘use once and discard’ proxy. But they’re much more than that. They will become the keystone of the whole Greater Israel architecture. If we think of this ‘Greater’ as a colonial project it makes no sense. Not enough settlers for this sort of thing. But if we view it as a network of hegemonic relations with Israel holding the reins, then everything makes sense. They’ve already got Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and probably the Gulf Arab monarchies. it’s enough. Some think that the idea is to recover the pricing of oil. Maybe. But if this is correct then they’re actually very close to achieving their aims.
Jesus! Give up, won’t you? It wouldn’t be interesting. It would be boring as hell. It would also be futile, futile, futile.
It would be interesting to work out the total of US government debt loaded onto the US public (since the murderous 2001 9/11 False Flag) to pay for Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria wars…
Sounds like someone had a bad day at the office. Relax, have a drink it’s only going to get worse.
My hick psychoanalyst told me to vent, vent, vent. So back, back, back off!
Sounds like someone had a bad day at the office. Relax, have a drink it’s only going to get worse.
The Russians are becoming anti-Israel and suspicious of Jews in general? Well, it’s about time the Jews destroyed the country over a hundred years ago.
You’re not fooling anyone, troll…
The threats toward Egypt are unexpected. The Egyptian state is subservient to the US and Israel. But, of course, that might not be enough to keep them safe.
Israel is making noises that Egypt is not allowed to keep its own military in the Sinai (although, given the war in Gaza, it seems prudent for them to strengthen up their borders.)
Meanwhile, as you point out, Turkey has its dangerous proxies in Libya. Perhaps Turkey and Israel will try to squeeze the life out of Egypt, just as they did Syria. It seems incredible, but so does everything else that has happened in recent decades.
People are coerced into silence. Woke, cancel culture.
You heard Phil Tourney, “fines, imprisonment and worse, which everyone knew meant deathâ€.
These orders come down from our elected leaders, all of whom have their hands in the pockets of the Jewish, satanist, Freemason lobby.
The ancient Freemason conspiracy demands loyalty, secrecy and lying also under the penalty of death with the corrupt promise of great financial rewards.
I’m sure many others in the military are just as pissed off as you and I are. But you and I haven’t been personally threatened with death for talking about it here. And I doubt that obscene riches are being dangled in front of your nose for your silence.
This is the many headed hydra enemy we face and we can only kill it by criminalizing lying.
We all remember the USS Liberty
I’m not claiming to be better for speaking Russian. I’m a US citizen by birth and have zero Slavic ancestry. I just studied Russian and lived in Russia for many years. I’ve become a Russophile. I have no idea what Zionism you speak of in Russian news. When Russians drone on and on about WWII, there’s hardly a mention of the Jews and for good reason. 25 million + Soviet citizens, mostly ethnic Russians. The Holocaustâ„¢ serves the purpose of making the Germans look like the bad guys, the amount of Russians they killed should be enough for that IMHO. They also don’t want ethnic tensions, just look at Chechnya in the 90s. Anyways people in Russia are becoming quite anti Israel and are quite suspicious of Jews in general. I’ve come to agree with them. Screw the Jews, screw the Nazis, the Europeans and the Americans. They’re all a bunch of degenerates. I chose the handle “brostoevsky” in honor of the greatest author Fyodor Dostoevsky and he’d agree with me. Мы Ñ Ð½Ð¸Ð¼ на одной волне.
If there was EVER an alliance that has outlived its usefulness it is NATO.
The Torah is the Old Testament, most of the Holy Bible. It belongs to Christians, not the Jews who believe in themselves and have no divine purpose ever since they forced the crucifixion of Jesus the Christ, very God and very man. Jesus exposed the Jews as “children of the devil” and their “traditions” i.e., their Talmud, as counter to God’s law, bizarre to the extreme and bearing no relation to the law delivered to Moses and written. In A.D.70 God destroyed Israel, Jerusalem, and the temple, some 37 years after Jesus resurrection from the dead, handing the mission of evangelizing the world with the good news that Jesus has redeemed God’s elect from the eternal wrath of God the Father. The Jews were “unchosen” officially in A.D.70, all God’s promises of prosperity and land were contingent on keeping God’s law which the Israelites never did longer than the first two generations in the promised land, the life of a Judge, and the life of a righteous King of Judah. God booted them out of Palestine and that is why the Jews are murdering the indigenous Semitic people of Palestine and seizing their land: Because the Jews were driven out by God. The only reason things are so brutal in the world today is that the Jews have successfully neutered the Christian church. That is not a permanent situation however, as even self-professed Christians cannot rationalize killing children just because those children are living on land the Jews want to seize.
The “old Soviet Union” was also run by Jews, the remorseless killers who were 75% of the Bolsheviks and almost 100% of the Gulag death camp commanders, the Cheka, the NKVD, the KGB. Andropov was a Jew, Fleckenstein his real name, and he did more to break the USSR in preparation to handing it over to his tribe than all others before him.
Turkey is a member of NATO. Israel is not. The United States is a member of NATO.
Interesting to speculate.
Edward Manfredonia
I think this will be the prologue to the opening of the Star Age.
We will grow vegetables on the moon, build a lunar base, and eventually use the lunar base as a transit station to start transforming the Martian environment.
Anyway, it’s not going to happen.
This is all due to the US treating countries that used to be friendly to the US as enemies.
Especially Russia.
Putin used to be a staunchly pro-American until the United States saw him as an enemy.
So what I see from this, Trump will bring a million Kurds here to enrich us, after they are defeated.
Nobody kills Christians with more enthusiasm than Kurds
“this is looking more and more, like iran, turkiye and russia have decided to work together on a direct solution, to the israeli genocide of the palestinians, without involving the u.s. or israel, both of whom have been led into a trap, in syria.”
1. What is the evidence for this “decision”?
2. Of the three (iran, turkiye and russia) I believe only Iran cares about the Palestinians.
3. Nobody “led Israel into a trap in Syria.” The predator attempted to swallow more than it can and its jaws got locked, all the while another predator nearby, Erdogan, jumped in and is trying the to grab a piece of the prey, which complicates the feeding frenzy.
The Rothschild cartel may go down to defeat in both Palestine and Ukraine.
I can imagine a day when the Torah and Talmud are both just relics in a museum of superstitions and scams.
It will not come to this. Turkey and Israel will not fight each other directly, only by their respective proxies.
” I’ll see your terrorists and I’ll raise you my head choppers.” So the US will be able to continue supporting Israel against… terrorists, allegedly not against Turkey.
But will Tukey continue to supply oil to Israel?
Tell that to the shit head military then. They can put an end to all of this bullshit, but too stupid, dumb, and mentally idiotic to take any action. Clearly those soldiers “America’s greatest allied” killed were their men. But America is a pussy, they fear these fucking people. Even gang members wouldn’t tolerate that shit, you shoot up one of their guys like that, expect retaliation. What does America do? Continue to arm, support, and fight the fucking wars for the very assholes that killed and attacked them not once but TWICE. You would think after Candice exposed all of that, the military would be pissed to the core right now.
She is and always was pure evil.
The JUSA Israel made a conscious decision to use it as a continuation into perpetual disorder and chaos in the ME.
turkiyemay turkiye already be helping iran to resupply hezbollah and hamas.
From your lips to Allah’s ear.
West Ukraine is now ethnic cleansed so the traditional kikes can take up communal farming under Blackrock protection and then after the defeat at the hands of Turkey–the rest of this historic trash outfit can lick their wounds returning to Poland and residing at Auschwitz 2.
A war between Turkey and “israel”? That would be great.
Maybe Russia and Iran were right after all to get out and let the morons fight each others.
Look at that:
Scores killed as US, Turkish proxies clash in northern Syria
The Iranians are not laughing loudly yet but it might come.
The US always bring chaos everywhere they go, it would also be great to see them sinking into the qagmire and egt yet another Vietnam and Afghanistan.
Cherry on the cake, a NATO nation at war against “israel” means all NATO should go to war against them (won’t happen of course).
Sit back and enjoy the satanists killing each others, then be patient and come to pick up the trophees when they’re all dead.
turkiye may already be helping iran to resupply hezbollah and hamas. today’s simplicius addresses this. this is looking more and more, like iran, turkiye and russia have decided to work together on a direct solution, to the israeli genocide of the palestinians, without involving the u.s. or israel, both of whom have been led into a trap, in syria.
From your lips to Allah's ear.turkiyemay turkiye already be helping iran to resupply hezbollah and hamas.
Yes I know about that Article but when Argentina invaded UK territory in the South Atlantic, no other NATO nation joined the British to free the Falkland Islands. It all really depends who is attacking whom. France even sold Exorcet missiles o Argentina to sink British ships.
Exactly! However, Putin backstabbing of Syria has enhanced the U.S.-Israel security. It exposed Russia as a weak dog drowning in the illusion if being part of the “civilised West”, Putin words. Speaking Russian doesn’t make you better. Russian media are the most right-wing and racist Zionist propaganda today. They are even worse than the British tabloids.
My comment was ironic.
‘Diversity’ within a national entity is a weakness, not a strength.
For more than three decades we in the US have been deafened by constant repetition of the absurd mantra, “Diversity is our greatest strength.â€
My comment was meant to point out the obvious: diversity is no better for us than it was for Syria.
You got it wrong on every point. Putin is a US stooge and untrustworthy Slav. He dreams of being the US big dog. If you want to know Putin, compare his behaviour towards the U.S.-Israel and Europe of more than 30 nations.
Al-Assad’s refusal to meet Erdogan was justified. Erdogan is an illegal occupier of Syrian territory. Syria exposed the criminals one by one.
Not if the fighting is in the Syrian territory Turkey occupied. But even if Israel bombed Turkey itself, nobody in NATO would lift a finger. Do you see Greeks fighting to defend the Turks?Replies: @ghali
In the case of an attack against Türkiye by the Jews, Türkiye can trigger NATO Art. 5 of collective self-defense
You are wrong. Read Article 5 of collective defence. I don’t believe NATO will dissolve itself because of Israel or Greece. Turkey is the backbone of NATO
If this scenario bears out in reality then Putin side stepped a trap. He can quietly tell Turkey he’s no objections to Turkey recolonizing Syria while he consolidates land in Crimea and Donbas.
Chabad Lubavitch. They are the yinonites who push the "greater israel" project in the modern era, at everyone elses' expense. These are the same bearded vultures who are seen gathered in circle jerk fashion around every prime minister and president no matter the political stripe.1. Mileikowski shown with rebbe schneerson receiving orders to bring about greater israel, ASAP. @Solutions, @Rob Misek
So, who do we fight?
It’s a many headed hydra that can’t be killed by cutting off any one head, which is all that Jews are. (Ok maybe several heads)
This hydra will ONLY be killed when all lying is criminalized. Like perjury and fraud already are.
US as Evil Empire is far worse than the Old Soviet Union
Final solution for Syria found at last!
Instead of dividing it, there should be relocations:
1- the Druze in that place called Sweida will move to the Golan heights with their relatives who are snitches to the IDF.
Druze are known to be like an iguana that changes colours according to their interests.
The interrogators at the IDF jails are Druze.
2- Alawites. These monsters belong to the Shia off shoot that believe that Ali is God and treated other races/religions like shit even though they are only 7%. Assad is a freaking Allawite.
They will be moved to Iran.
3- Christians can stay except the Protestants Because England and the US are protestant.
If the orthodox wanna move to Russia, bye bye. Putin will receive them with open arms.
4- by the time this is all done the Kurds will be all dead. They too are snitches to Israel.
F em.
The rest of the population 90% Sunnis will stay and start building a nice Caliphate that will liberate the rest of the Muslim world from Indonesia, India, parts of China, north Africa, Greenland and the Panama canal.
Have a nice day.
Since when does the US have a problem cutting lose it’s proxies, especially if it means benefits for Israel? The Kurds have been a useful wedge to disrupt strong countries in the region which may have threatened Israeli influence, if they become a hindrance to that goal they will simply be abandoned. America completely abandoned Afghanistan even though Bagram airbase is the largest outside the US and was going to be used to hit China from multiple directions. Those long term neocon ambitions were dropped overnight so the US could devote it’s full attention to the Jewish junta in ukraine. Unless Turkey starts helping the Palestinians or Houthis or cuts the pipelines going into Israel this is nothing more than meaningless blustering.
He’s the next Saddam either way.
It was sickening the way they did it too. And Hillary Clinton laughed. Look up frazzledrip. I totally believe she is capable of that.
mike makes a good point that this cluster fuck, mexican standoff, is proof that this was not the original intention of this rapidly evolving crisis.
The other alternative is that they knew this standoff would inevitably transpire, which is why they hastily labored to decimate Syria’s military installations; yet all the while, they’re acutely conscious of the potential their pyromania bears to burn themselves.
Since it’s a lunatic state we’re talking about, they’re going to keep on rolling bones, telling themselves that snake eyes couldn’t possibly stare back.
Yeah. You keep doing that, Israel.
On paper, this is correct. However, in reality, keeping in mind the number of treaties the U.S. has not fulfilled or simply withdrew from, this is not a cut and dried situation. Especially with Trump at the helm of the U.S. ship of state.
I think NATO’s days are numbered.
No! No! No! Never!
Israeli government and security officials have reportedly been holding covert talks about the future of Syria, including an initiative for an international summit that would discuss a proposal to split Syria into different administrative divisions (cantons) in order to guarantee the safety and rights of all Syrian ethnic groups. […]
Too late.
Syria is already de facto balkanized. israel holds Syrian territory almost up to Damascus. The Kurds supported by the U.S. control a fifth, give or take, in the northwest. Alawites, Al Assad’s homies control a bit of erstwhile Syria, with washington’s head choppers (HTS) controlling a good chunk of it’s interior. I am not sure precisely what Turkey possesses, but Erdogan has already indicated he wants to restore the Ottoman empire. That means a great chunk of Syria must be conquered by Turkey.
There is NO WAY a political path exists for Syria to remain whole. Short of massive U.S. military intervention, there is no force capable of subjugating Syria in it’s entirety given the competing objectives of Turkey and israel not to mention the Kurds
The U.S. has, of it’s own stupid policies, found itself as the middle marker in a tug of war – likely soon to become a real war – between it’s ‘iron-clad’ ally, israel, and it’s NATO ally Turkey. This, along with the Ukrainian meat grinder has the potential of breaking NATO (we can only hope).
Lastly, the man-child who will be inaugurated on the 20th of Jan. has already strained ties between allies, both mercantile and military. Not off to a good start.
Long story short: zionist Jews, since even before the 1967 Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty off the coast of Egypt, had already bought off/ co-opted the U.S. presidency of LBJ and congress. That’s why asshole LBJ and robert macnamera deliberately and forcefully called off ALL fighter jets from coming to the rescue of the Liberty. Disgusting!
That was 58 years ago; and the zionist control of the U.S. government has only become even stronger and more permanent. The usa is now an Israeli owned and operated entity. How else can you explain Biden sending 22 BILLION dollars of military “aid” to Israel since October 2023? Meanwhile, Americans live in a country with a decrepit infrastructure, broken down underfunded schools, and ZERO taxpayer benefits for the taxpayers! Taxpayer money all goes to fucking zionist israel! WTF!?
One can only conclude that zionist israel owns and operates the u.s. government. Be it Trump or Biden, both are brown-nosing cucks for zionist israel. And it’s only going to get worse in the coming years. usa is toast. might as well call it “israel minor” at this point. it’s gone. history. kaput.
Perhaps, but I find it more likely that Erdogan called Netanyahu and asked him to tell his cabinet to say he is a threat to Jews to appeal to his Sunni base so he can get reelected.
Good post.
I’ve often asked what China, Russia and the U.S. could accomplish were they to work together instead of being at each others throats.
Is not Turkey a member of NATO, and thus an American ally? If it got into war with Israel would not the US have to back it?
I think what BrooLidd is meaning by insane is the same as your use of evil. Trying to describe actions that make no sense to normies by the use of adjectives insane or evil doesn’t absolve the evil or insane of their deeds.
“The Jews want him gone.”
So do a lot of the Turks… they have had enough of the Arab style religious zealotry.
Historically, the diversity referenced in this article was never a serious enough problem for people indigenous to the regions mentioned that necessitated the imposition of ethnic/religious states.That's strictly a Zionist hang-up.As well as an obsession of their dutiful western counterparts.Replies: @BrooLidd, @Notsofast
Greater Israel: an Ongoing Expansion Plan for the Middle East and North AfricaAfter extensively presenting various diversity aspects of Arab societies, some of them being cosmopolitan for centuries anyway, including Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, the (Oded Yinon) “plan†begins to present “dissolution†scenarios for these countries along religious or ethnic lines: a “Christian Coptic State†in Egypt, that could lead to “downfall and dissolution of Egypt,†in its turn triggering the fall of Libya and Sudan. The article further states: “Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and the Arabian Peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short-term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a Shi’ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state, maybe even in our Golan, and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan. This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today.†(Yinon & Shahak, 1982)
erdogan has clearly stated turkiye will not allow syria to be divided and the turks could enter syria to prevent this at any time. granted this is erdogan speaking but a unified syria would be his vassal state, so there is a lot in it for them.
they know of the ersatz israel plan and this would choke off the israeli’s dark plan of reaching the eurphrates, while taking the mantle of protector of islamic lands. they are even calling for a return to jerusalem to protect the al quds mosque. this is not unthinkable if the israelis are forced into a peaceful solution, and peace keeping troops are bought in. what other nato nation is islamic? their presence would be welcomed by the palestinians.
i don’t think there will be a direct confrontation between turkiye and israel but they would be able to launch a proxy war, funding hts type front groups to attack israeli positions, just as they did against assad.
turkiye now has better options than zato, the e.u. and g-20, hopefully they will see the western zioneocon empire as doomed, taking this opportunity to turn to the east. he would certainly have the moral high ground and respect of the arab world, who would rather deal with an islamic hegemon, than an israeli one.
mike makes a good point that this cluster fuck, mexican standoff, is proof that this was not the original intention of this rapidly evolving crisis. seems to me they intended to emire the russians and iranians in an unwinnable war and their quick evacuation, left the u.s. and israel, in the situation of the dog that caught the car. this was a well played trap and they walked right in.
let’s hope this is just erdogan being erdogan but this time screwing his zioneocon masters. the russians stunning destruction of zato proxy armies and weapons systems, has forever shattered their illusion of invincibility. this seems like a logical time for erdogan to leave the sinking ship and set course for a new future for his country.
The other alternative is that they knew this standoff would inevitably transpire, which is why they hastily labored to decimate Syria's military installations; yet all the while, they're acutely conscious of the potential their pyromania bears to burn themselves.
mike makes a good point that this cluster fuck, mexican standoff, is proof that this was not the original intention of this rapidly evolving crisis.
Please not now.
Israel is first!
Just put the fire out and shut up.
Send that money to Israel.
They are god’s chosen.
Why do I have a distinct feeling Israel will collapse as fast as Assad’s Syria. The rats will be scurrying for the exits with Pals in hot pursuit. One thing for sure, the world will not shed a tear and the world will be finally free and joyful.
What’s so shocking about the excerpt is that it proves that neither Israel, Turkey nor the United States had a plan for the “day after†Assad was gone. … They just blundered ahead into a situation that can only end in war.
That’s only if you take their alarmist agitations at face value.
Turkey is not an independent actor here. Who are we kidding? Hosting a nato base, with tenuous ties to Europe, Turkey can easily be Assad-ed into bankruptcy if it steps out of line.
So this Israeli fretting is most clearly a fake narrative to justify further Israeli strategic territorial gains.
We can’t seriously be falling for this swooning self-pitying act which will inevitably be followed by further savage barbarity.
[the three Israeli media articles]They tell us that no one was prepared for the fall of the Assad and that –as a result– no one developed a coherent plan for establishing security, preserving a contiguous state, or ending the hostilities.
No, there very well is a plan, and it’s the same, at-nausea repeated plan for “the greater Israel.â€
Today, we’re simply at the beginning of Act 4. (Nakba 48, 67 war, Gaza 23). With the subjugation of the Western governments and the dragging into the mud of all their principles and institutions, this would make quite a novel if it wasn’t so criminal.
Historically, the diversity referenced in this article was never a serious enough problem for people indigenous to the regions mentioned that necessitated the imposition of ethnic/religious states.That's strictly a Zionist hang-up.As well as an obsession of their dutiful western counterparts.Replies: @BrooLidd, @Notsofast
Greater Israel: an Ongoing Expansion Plan for the Middle East and North AfricaAfter extensively presenting various diversity aspects of Arab societies, some of them being cosmopolitan for centuries anyway, including Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, the (Oded Yinon) “plan†begins to present “dissolution†scenarios for these countries along religious or ethnic lines: a “Christian Coptic State†in Egypt, that could lead to “downfall and dissolution of Egypt,†in its turn triggering the fall of Libya and Sudan. The article further states: “Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and the Arabian Peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short-term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a Shi’ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state, maybe even in our Golan, and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan. This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today.†(Yinon & Shahak, 1982)
And here I believed Israel’s interest was in implementing a divide-and-conquer strategy…
I agree with you, muh muh. My comment was ironic. Diversity is no country’s ‘greatest strength.’
It’s certainly not the US’s ‘greatest strength.’ It’s a weakness that may prove fatal.
Also: by definition a ‘nation’ cannot be diverse.
I totally agree.
If only we knew of some
Plan hatched by neo-con JEWS to invade “7 counties in 5 years†BEFORE 9/11 even though NONE of those countries had ANYTHING to do with 9/11!?!? If only shameless lying kikes screaming about the evil “anti-Semitic†“Shiite Belt†were not suddenly backstabbing and pivoting to the sunnis? If only Europe was allowed to PREVENT the Islamization of Europe that Erdogan has called for while claiming to be an ALLY of Europe and NATO member?! If only our so-called “leaders†where anything more than shameless, lying, evil, genocidal, Jews dividing and conquering the world with mass deception and genocide as they openly state they are doing while the whole world does NOTHING to stop them or even aid and abet their “divide and conquer�
Half truth telling Whitney?! WTF is with this idiot?
The people in control are not insane.
I refuse to believe that duh juice are sane.
As long as the Jewish lobby and Israel have the U.S. and its Pentagon in their pocket, neither Turkey nor anyone else in the ME can confront Israel.
No! No! No! Never!
Israeli government and security officials have reportedly been holding covert talks about the future of Syria, including an initiative for an international summit that would discuss a proposal to split Syria into different administrative divisions (cantons) in order to guarantee the safety and rights of all Syrian ethnic groups. […]
Silly me.
And here I believed Israel’s interest was in implementing a divide-and-conquer strategy:
Greater Israel: an Ongoing Expansion Plan for the Middle East and North Africa
After extensively presenting various diversity aspects of Arab societies, some of them being cosmopolitan for centuries anyway, including Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, the (Oded Yinon) “plan†begins to present “dissolution†scenarios for these countries along religious or ethnic lines: a “Christian Coptic State†in Egypt, that could lead to “downfall and dissolution of Egypt,†in its turn triggering the fall of Libya and Sudan. The article further states: “Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and the Arabian Peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short-term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a Shi’ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state, maybe even in our Golan, and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan. This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today.†(Yinon & Shahak, 1982)
Historically, the diversity referenced in this article was never a serious enough problem for people indigenous to the regions mentioned that necessitated the imposition of ethnic/religious states.
That’s strictly a Zionist hang-up.
As well as an obsession of their dutiful western counterparts.
I agree with you, muh muh. My comment was ironic. Diversity is no country’s ‘greatest strength.’
And here I believed Israel’s interest was in implementing a divide-and-conquer strategy…
Fun fun fun.
When Czechoslovakia was partitioned between Germany Poland and Hungary the Soviets did offer to deploy troops and AirPower into Prague to “protect†it. In order to do so Poland or Hungary would have been required to permit the transit of forces through their own borders onto Prague.
This was the only thing that could have really dissuaded Germany from annexing Bohemia.
Poland was having none of it. So it goes.
The removal of Syria looks like a proper Czechoslovakia dissolution.
It looks like the Israelis are going to try to implement the same scheme they used in Sudan on Syria
Sudan’s civil war is now into its second year. The conflict, driven by a power struggle between the Sudanese armed forces (SAF) led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and paramilitary group the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) led by Mohamed Hamdan ‘Hemedti’ Dagalo, has already seen the deaths of around 15,000 people.Sep 6, 2024
The Sudan “civil war” is a war where both sides are controlled by the our fake Jewish Friends
In this “civil war” it is those Sudanese who spoke out for free elections who have been targeted and killed by both sides in this so called war
Remember in Sudan the leaders of both of the opposing gangs have publicly kissed Israel’s ring.
It looks like the Israelis are going to try the same thing in Syria
Where Erdogan, being an Israeli double agent, will collude with the squatters to have a Kabuki Theater war in Syria
During this Kabuki Theater war a reign of terror will envelope Syria where anyone suspected of being a possible leader against the fake Jewish criminal gang will be tortured and liquidated.
Just like what the fake Jewish Bolshies did to Russians during the 20s with the “Purges”.
This will all be justified by a fake war between Israel and Egypt
Just like the looting of the US has been justified by a fake “war” between Ukraine and Russia
Chabad Lubavitch. They are the yinonites who push the "greater israel" project in the modern era, at everyone elses' expense. These are the same bearded vultures who are seen gathered in circle jerk fashion around every prime minister and president no matter the political stripe.1. Mileikowski shown with rebbe schneerson receiving orders to bring about greater israel, ASAP. @Solutions, @Rob Misek
So, who do we fight?
These are the same bearded vultures who are seen gathered in circle jerk fashion around every prime minister and president no matter the political stripe.
Yeah, and I believe that this little bit of heart warming theatre started with none other than President Jimmy (that nice guy smile) Carter, for whom we are told we should be now grieving for 30 days.
The Jews want him gone. But would like Turkey kept in NATO.
They will just keep turning Ukraine into crumble.
Well, maybe not in this case.
...there is no plan, no strategy, nothing. Our foreign policy mandarins are simply improvising, making it up as they go along, and reacting to events as they unfold.
And that is precisely how nations sleepwalk into world wars.
ROTFLOL, that’s the best reference to the rabid dog known as the israeli premier I’ve ever seen. I will use it in the future. Nitwityahoo, a perfect description of the boob. There’s no coming back from rabies.
Go to war against Turkey, yes, that’s a very sound idea indeed. What an admirable, compelling case you have made! We Jews are the world’s preeminent statesmen. Yes by all means we Jews must defend our right to exist!