A pathetic, pompously bloated narrative concocted on patently false thesis. To learn the world simply open your eyes.
Amen to that.
The actual defeat of the Mongols, which the Russians can claim, shows that no good deed goes unpunished.
Agree, Franz.
I didn't know that, but I found that to be true among older Russians who are nostalgic for the CCCP. But it's always a difficult trick to criticize one's own country/government while abroad. (Although Solzhenitsyn returned to Russia and was very much pro-Putin in his last years.)
"Solzhenitsyn lied about the Gulags and was a traitor." �
The generational planets are Pluto and Neptune. The traits associated with the boomers mark the cohort born between roughly 1937/38 and 1956/57: Pluto in Leo. Then followed Pluto in Virgo, which is quite different; those people born 1957/58 on have much more in common with generation x.
“…Thus, we can speculate on the basis of probable evidence that Hitler was not only a quarter Jewish, but also the spawn of a leading member of the Rottenchild Crime Clan. Once he became aware of that situation, he developed a form of self-hatred which explained a number of his quirks…”
I have no idea if this is true or not but if it was. Hitler was just acting like a Jew. They murder everyone every chance they get. It was not Hitler that was to blame it was the Jew in him that made him do it.
I generally enter into discussions in which I already know the facts and then challenge falsehoods selectively when I encounter them or defend my assertions, so I will need not even risk the possibility of being wrong. This is a sane approach to adopt.
You are a polemicist and not a partner in a discussion. You cannot ever admit being wrong.
Yes, you lost the argument again, case closed. That is because you did not know what you were talking about, but it is you who cannot admit you were wrong. You challenged me on the basis of a misleading Wikipedia entry in conjunction with flawed reasoning. Yet you are probably too arrogant and self-infatuated to learn from your mistakes. However, I am still curious why you have been so obsessive in refusing to acknowledge the truth.I am devoted to reason rather than living in a fantasy world. As an example of seeing a situation and pointing it out while others refused to recognize it and instead made up all kinds of excuses, I will point to my having written here on February 28 this year, only four days after the war had begun:"...has been much slower than anticipated by analysts, and has gotten bogged down in some spots..."Meanwhile everybody knows the war has been a colossal failure. Russia has now also withdrawn its forces from outside of Ukraine's second largest city too, after having been driven back again.Also, I will point out my being perceptive enough to have realized back in January that Putin could miscalculate (something his admirers and worshipers could not ever conceive of), acknowledged that his behavior was provocative, and suggested that the result would be Finland and Sweden wanting to join NATO, which they both announced they intended to do today:
...it has gotten quite boring we should close it right now.
Replies: @emerging majority
Been_there_done_that says:January 31, 2022 at 3:46 pm GMT • 3.5 months agoIf Putin miscalculates the effects of the increasingly tense situation he is needlessly provoking, then he may have to contend with two additional NATO members, joining simultaneously within a short time, namely Finland and Sweden. Their new membership would be welcomed and quickly approved.
Finland and Sweden have their short-hairs in a vise under the control of the WEF and the ruling Trillionaire Oilygarchs. The Swedish upper-classes, both bourgeois and aristocraps have long been shitheads. Their “opposition” consists of go along to get along feminists of the worst water.
I always called him “Barney the Popular Front dinosaur.”
You are a polemicist and not a partner in a discussion. You cannot ever admit being wrong.
I generally enter into discussions in which I already know the facts and then challenge falsehoods selectively when I encounter them or defend my assertions, so I will need not even risk the possibility of being wrong. This is a sane approach to adopt.
…it has gotten quite boring we should close it right now.
Yes, you lost the argument again, case closed. That is because you did not know what you were talking about, but it is you who cannot admit you were wrong. You challenged me on the basis of a misleading Wikipedia entry in conjunction with flawed reasoning. Yet you are probably too arrogant and self-infatuated to learn from your mistakes. However, I am still curious why you have been so obsessive in refusing to acknowledge the truth.
I am devoted to reason rather than living in a fantasy world. As an example of seeing a situation and pointing it out while others refused to recognize it and instead made up all kinds of excuses, I will point to my having written here on February 28 this year, only four days after the war had begun:
“…has been much slower than anticipated by analysts, and has gotten bogged down in some spots…”
Meanwhile everybody knows the war has been a colossal failure. Russia has now also withdrawn its forces from outside of Ukraine’s second largest city too, after having been driven back again.
Also, I will point out my being perceptive enough to have realized back in January that Putin could miscalculate (something his admirers and worshipers could not ever conceive of), acknowledged that his behavior was provocative, and suggested that the result would be Finland and Sweden wanting to join NATO, which they both announced they intended to do today:
Been_there_done_that says:
January 31, 2022 at 3:46 pm GMT • 3.5 months ago
If Putin miscalculates the effects of the increasingly tense situation he is needlessly provoking, then he may have to contend with two additional NATO members, joining simultaneously within a short time, namely Finland and Sweden. Their new membership would be welcomed and quickly approved.
Muslims use womens faces as toilets. Something to ponder when Muslims get all high and mighty.
For the third or four time in our current exchange about this specific issue you have engaged in personal attacks against me to cover up for your deficient reasoning. At this point you ought to explain why you are so persistently obsessive in challenging facts and logic with your misleading assertions.
An unconditional surrender implies that the defeated side will accept the will of the victor without a negotiated settlement...
...national domestic laws take precedence over international laws.
Even if you are just engaging in self-deception, you ought to explain why you are so adamant about it.Replies: @emerging majority, @Here Be Dragon
March 16, 2018
Königsberg should be placed under the EU’s jurisdiction when Russian forces leave
This means that the region was treated as an occupied zone to be administered by an Allied Power and the Settlement does not revise this position in any way. Thus, we come to the conclusion that no one has given Königsberg to Russia de jure under any international agreements and Russian presence in the region is solely de facto.
Alright, this is pointless.
You are a sophist. You will continue arguing, speculating, accusing me of being incapable while at the same time it would be smarter to check and see that what had been said was right. You did not even make that little effort.
“Your premise” and all that — check it and double check it. Make a search, read an article, learn something. Make an attempt to look at the arguments from the opposite point of view. You are a polemicist and not a partner in a discussion. You cannot ever admit being wrong.
You are not a logical thinker either, and are not as intelligent as pretending to be, so since the outcome of this conversation is predictable, and it has gotten quite boring we should close it right now. You are a slogan repeater, a troll and a stubborn casuist.
Not much else.
I generally enter into discussions in which I already know the facts and then challenge falsehoods selectively when I encounter them or defend my assertions, so I will need not even risk the possibility of being wrong. This is a sane approach to adopt.
You are a polemicist and not a partner in a discussion. You cannot ever admit being wrong.
Yes, you lost the argument again, case closed. That is because you did not know what you were talking about, but it is you who cannot admit you were wrong. You challenged me on the basis of a misleading Wikipedia entry in conjunction with flawed reasoning. Yet you are probably too arrogant and self-infatuated to learn from your mistakes. However, I am still curious why you have been so obsessive in refusing to acknowledge the truth.I am devoted to reason rather than living in a fantasy world. As an example of seeing a situation and pointing it out while others refused to recognize it and instead made up all kinds of excuses, I will point to my having written here on February 28 this year, only four days after the war had begun:"...has been much slower than anticipated by analysts, and has gotten bogged down in some spots..."Meanwhile everybody knows the war has been a colossal failure. Russia has now also withdrawn its forces from outside of Ukraine's second largest city too, after having been driven back again.Also, I will point out my being perceptive enough to have realized back in January that Putin could miscalculate (something his admirers and worshipers could not ever conceive of), acknowledged that his behavior was provocative, and suggested that the result would be Finland and Sweden wanting to join NATO, which they both announced they intended to do today:
...it has gotten quite boring we should close it right now.
Replies: @emerging majority
Been_there_done_that says:January 31, 2022 at 3:46 pm GMT • 3.5 months agoIf Putin miscalculates the effects of the increasingly tense situation he is needlessly provoking, then he may have to contend with two additional NATO members, joining simultaneously within a short time, namely Finland and Sweden. Their new membership would be welcomed and quickly approved.
So, you're an idiot as well as a troll. It's stupidity like this (and toilets, lol) that prompted me to actually read the Quran. It's like a real Putin speech vs. what US MSM alleges he said. See for yourself. (Not speaking to johnjohn here. He knows he's lying.)Replies: @John Johnson
Muslims are offended by pigs and images of anything alive...
Muslims are offended by pigs and images of anything alive…
So, you’re an idiot as well as a troll. It’s stupidity like this (and toilets, lol) that prompted me to actually read the Quran. It’s like a real Putin speech vs. what US MSM alleges he said. See for yourself. (Not speaking to johnjohn here. He knows he’s lying.)
In Islam it is a sin to draw an image of a human or animal
Sayyiduna Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) forbade the keeping of pictures at home and making them.” (Sunan Tirmidhi, no: 1749)
Sayyiduna Abu Talha (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “Angels (of mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, no: 5609)
In Islam it is a sin to eat pork.
“He has forbidden you only the Maytah (dead animals), and blood, and the flesh of swine…†[al-Baqarah 2:173]
Toilets are not to face Qibla
Another Putin fangirl that is unable to use the internet to do independent research.
There are dozens of articles on British toilets that have been re-angled to please Muslims. Thought that was old news. Try to get more news sources other than a couple blogs of misanthropic incels pretending to care about White people while celebrating a war where White people are killed daily.
It ain't mostly white boomers marching with BLM.Replies: @John Johnson
Boomers are children in adult bodies. Once I learned this I found it much easier to talk to them. You just let them talk and nod as if their childish take on the world is accurate.
Boomers are children in adult bodies. Once I learned this I found it much easier to talk to them. You just let them talk and nod as if their childish take on the world is accurate.
It ain’t mostly white boomers marching with BLM.
No they stay back in rocking chairs and let the 20-25 year olds that have been indoctrinated by boomer professors do all the marching.
Those “new age cults” are primarily urban and suburban. They are not connective on a daily basis with the natural world. Thus all too many grasp at straws in search of a spiritual reality which is nearly impossible to access within post-industrial megalopolitan madness.
That “Greatest Generation” shtick is virtually oxymoronic. Those poor parents of we, the War-Baby generation, a very exclusive lot, were psychically and emotionally shattered by the Bank$ter-engineered Great Depression. Their very souls and spirits were adumbrated by a socio-economic, money-based culture. Their suffering was embedded deep within.
Perhaps a bit more about our generation born during the war years and growing up in the 50’s and into the 60’s, is called for here. Our grandparents, at least in immigrant-rich portions of rural America, retained land-based values from “the old country”. We absorbed more from them and from elder uncles and aunts than we did from our desperately confused parents, who were all swept up in the madness which was WWII.
Truly, we are a separate generation, albeit a very thin one; commencing with the beginning of the 40’s and concluding with ’45. Our life experiences do not resemble those of older siblings and cousins who were born in the Dirty Thirties. Not so much desperation in our surroundings.
Though we are precursors to the Boomers, we are not quite the same as them either, as a good number of us are anything but rootless—yet our later childhood and adolescent experiences were quite similar to theirs. We became their way showers, their cultural leaders, as we cast off the raiments of constriction, detested neckties and girdles—sometimes even shorts and bras—and set out to create a new cultural reality.
Take a quick look at the musical explosion of the mid 60’s to the mid 70’s. If you lived through the era you will know that most of those who defined the Boomers were we, the Victory Babies…now, reviewed in retrospect, we realize that the so-called allied victory was but a chimera, when considered within the passage of time. Those hidden agendas took too many of us down and way too many of the Boomers transmogrified into Yuppies. Yuck!
Yet, growing up in those postwar years, many of us now savor our personal victories over a decadent, devolutionary and terminally deluded impositional mass culture. Our mass has become dissolved or diluted, yet our energies have yet to be defeated. We ARE the ultimate victors, as the current madness will fall to the ravages of cyclical time. The Empire of Lies will fall. Thus, we witness.
For the third or four time in our current exchange about this specific issue you have engaged in personal attacks against me to cover up for your deficient reasoning. At this point you ought to explain why you are so persistently obsessive in challenging facts and logic with your misleading assertions.
An unconditional surrender implies that the defeated side will accept the will of the victor without a negotiated settlement...
...national domestic laws take precedence over international laws.
Even if you are just engaging in self-deception, you ought to explain why you are so adamant about it.Replies: @emerging majority, @Here Be Dragon
March 16, 2018
Königsberg should be placed under the EU’s jurisdiction when Russian forces leave
This means that the region was treated as an occupied zone to be administered by an Allied Power and the Settlement does not revise this position in any way. Thus, we come to the conclusion that no one has given Königsberg to Russia de jure under any international agreements and Russian presence in the region is solely de facto.
Booklength dissertations suggest to me that instead of hanging out on U.R. and annoying the natives, you should compose a book which can be duly buried in some musty university library. Your primary audience there will be those types who go on and on about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
The medicine man says that when the fox has eaten the hare, the hare has become the fox. That’s how I feel about East Prussia. Today the Russian () is somehow the Prussian. Interestingly enough, the Russian military is still influenced by German traditions and words (like “soldier”, “bunker”, etc.). May the Russians make the best of East Prussia and may they take the rest of Prussia from the Polacks. Today, esp. after Lissabon and even more so after 2015, that would be more satisfaction for me personally than if the contaminated, deadly poisoned FRG would get it back.
Boomer bashing is really amusing, I’ve even heard it from a 12-yr-old, with the air of finality! TikTok, the ultimate authority. What did the Greatest Generation give us? A war! The first-born boomers landed on the shores of Nam in 1964, average age of a G. I. was 19. Thanks for the swell soireé. (we can skip over Korea, the first post-war project for the mass murder machine, and McCarthy) The catalysts of the ’60s, all born before 1946: Dylan, Beatles, Chicago 7. Ken Kesey, La Honda, the Pranksters, the great bus Further, 1964. The ’60s had all been done by 1964, everything after was imitation. The music and clothes were great, though, glad we went through that. We were the last generation of citizen students, Fall Quarter 1970 I wrote a check for $159: dorm room, tuition and fees. Consumer consumption society? What has changed? 12-yr-olds learning excessive trips to Target because you have nothing better to do is ok. Sitting in the coffee shop consuming single-use plastics is ok. Writing diatribes on screens lit up by rare earths, also ok.
An unconditional surrender implies that the defeated side will accept the will of the victor without a negotiated settlement…
…national domestic laws take precedence over international laws.
For the third or four time in our current exchange about this specific issue you have engaged in personal attacks against me to cover up for your deficient reasoning. At this point you ought to explain why you are so persistently obsessive in challenging facts and logic with your misleading assertions.
The primary flaw in your presentation lies in your inflated and absolute interpretation of what is implied by unconditional surrender. Though simplistic, this was necessary, from your biased perspective, in order to keep your desired conclusion from unraveling. Your premise was that Germany’s surrender in 1945 entitled the USSR (and Russia) to subsequently do whatever it wanted, as if though existing and subsequent international norms would not apply. This approach is obviously disingenuous. Another elementary flaw accompanying your interpretation is to confuse territorial control with formal sovereignty and treating them as equal.
If your selective interpretations were valid and accepted, then they would have rendered the numerous diplomatic activity and treaty formulations that occurred in subsequent decades as unnecessary. Everyone knows this has not been the case, so your statements are clearly contradicted by the facts. Also, in international relations, treaties affirming law are supposed to take precedence over domestic law, and the US Constitution recognizes this impact. Therefore, international treaties that are inconsistent with national law are not supposed to be ratified at all or otherwise only conditionally, with declared reservations.
Germany’s surrender in 1945 occurred concurrently with three developments: the ongoing consolidation of the USSR’s conquest and expulsion of indigenous populations; the founding of the United Nations which began at the San Francisco conference in April 1945, along with its subsequent charter; and the Potsdam Conference and declaration. Documents associated with the latter two regulated the relationships of countries involved in the prior conflict, including their future conduct and limitations.
Furthermore, the 1970 Treaty of Moscow was preceded by official exchanges of notes and declarations that accompanied it, which declared the intent and scope of the understanding. An accounting (including the Treaty of Warsaw) is available here from the Swiss university in Bern, for which one can use a translator:
The point is that the texts of treaties must be evaluated in the overall political context in which they were formulated in order to derive their proper significance. In this regard you have exposed yourself as an amateur. Even the text of the Treaty of Moscow itself, to which you provided a link, states the following key premise:
Article 2
The Federal Republic of Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics shall in their mutual relations as well as in matters of ensuring European and international security be guided by the purposes and principles embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.
In other words, the overarching and acknowledged framework already entails the inadmissibility of annexing territory acquired through conquest, which the UN Charter essentially amplified from the earlier Kellog-Briand Pact and the spirit of the League of Nations before that. It should be simple to understand that in the context of ongoing European and international security the occupation of the Königsberg / Kaliningrad region is inconsistent with Russia’s ongoing occupation of this territory.
While some like to claim that the source of Russia’s war really began in 2014, I have maintained that the source lies in Russia’s chauvinistic stance in the mid-1990s, highlighted by its refusal to vacate that occupied Baltic region, which was the cause for distrust among neighboring countries and a consequent desire to join NATO, thus leading to its expansion. So the problem was caused by Russia having not wanted to end the Cold War, due to its intransigence and Stalinist nostalgia, the theme of this essay.
The overall situation was escalated in March 2, 2018, when Putin, in a staged interview in Könisberg publicly announced his desire to reverse the break-up of the USSR if he had the opportunity because he thought that this has been the most traumatic event in Russia’s history. This was followed up by the placement of nuclear capable missiles in that area a few weeks later. (My first comment at this site was in April 2018 to challenge an assertion by James Petras that Russia posed no threat.)
Therefore, since March 2018 marked a turning point in European relations with Russia, it is pertinent to consider the following article that appeared at that time at the International Center for Defense and Security in Estonia, pertaining an opinion to a resolution to the unsettled Königsberg question. Though this proposal differs from what a Lithuanian, Polish, or German preference might be, the underlying premise, rooted in international legal principles, is that Russia must vacate this territory. This article should be of interest to readers wanting to understand this conflict because it affirms the necessity to finally settle a lingering issue relating to security in the Baltic region while also decoupling Russia’s necessarily giving up that territory with a simultaneous takeover of it by Germany, which appears to be a common misperception.
March 16, 2018
Königsberg should be placed under the EU’s jurisdiction when Russian forces leave
This means that the region was treated as an occupied zone to be administered by an Allied Power and the Settlement does not revise this position in any way. Thus, we come to the conclusion that no one has given Königsberg to Russia de jure under any international agreements and Russian presence in the region is solely de facto.
Even if you are just engaging in self-deception, you ought to explain why you are so adamant about it.
Westerners don’t really understand Islam because Christianity is not a semitic religion, it’s a Greek Mystery Religion loosely based on distorted legends and understanding of Hebraic monotheism. Islam and Orthodox Judaism are both legalistic faiths. Their religions are also law books while Paul deliberately crafted a cosmopolitan mystery cult without the onerous legalistic requirements he understood would not be popular in the Hellenistic world he moved about in, probably as a lower member of the Herodian clan. No full grown man is going to slice off his foreskin with a razor, nor will he want to change his diet and eliminate foods he has always grown up with. Christianity was hebraic monotheism crafted for the Cosmopolitan Greco Roman world the way the new age cults are rich white counterfeit knockoffs that no Asian Hindu or Buddhist would find authentic in the least. It is to Semitic Religion the way “General Tso’s Chicken” is to actual food Chinese eat in China.
Your interpretation is skewed and simplistic because it omits key aspects. The unconditional surrender was in 1945, but the treaty of Moscow in 1970 contained reservations, which the USSR acknowledged, based on the premises of the earlier treaty and charter I cited. The final agreement in 1990 did not formally cede the territory to the USSR but merely stated that Germany would make no claims on it. As I explained before, this did not in itself transform the illegal occupation into a legal one, and additional concessions toward USSR were not provided, in contrast to Poland. Due to the resulting "gray area", for lack of a better term, the occupation remains illegal. This is all very logical but you are in denial about the implication. The more important question is: why would Russia even want to keep this territory as a military base if it were truly interested in good neighborly relations and purports to be so concerned about "indivisible security", whatever that means, which in any case applies not just to itself but all other countries?Replies: @Here Be Dragon
No statement regarding Königsberg is required because the surrender was unconditional.
You know this is really amusing. You are not dumb but stubborn like an idiot. You must be one of those who never admit their errors. Or perhaps you are not as intelligent as it seems, and indeed do not understand.
Let us try once again – the last time.
You said, “additional concessions toward USSR were not provided, in contrast to Poland.”
Explanation. A concession is a thing that is granted, and Russia – in contrast to Poland, did not need a formal concession to be provided, because Russia had won the war and the German government surrendered without conditions. An unconditional surrender implies that the defeated side will accept the will of the victor without a negotiated settlement, or in other words there are no terms – the victor decides what will happen to the defeated and can do what he wishes. For this reason Russia does not need a concession since that would contradict the principle of an unconditional surrender.
You said, “the treaty of Moscow contained reservations, which the USSR acknowledged.”
Here is the text of the treaty. Article 3 – “They regard today and shall in future regard the frontiers of all States in Europe as inviolable such as they are on the date of signature of the present Treaty.” You cannot pretend that there are reservations. The text is clear and it does not require an interpretation, the statement is simple and unambiguous. The frontiers of all states in Europe, such as they are implies Königsberg and the area included. Nothing in this agreement is based on the premises of the earlier treaties except for the declaration of an unconditional surrender.
You said, “The final agreement did not formally cede the territory to the USSR but merely stated that Germany would make no claims on it.”
Regarding the formal settlement it has been explained. The more important part is the one you preferred to omit. Article 1 (3) – “The united Germany shall comprise the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic and and the whole of Berlin; its external borders shall be the borders of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic and shall be definitive from the date on which the present Treaty comes into force.”
Therefore they again accepted the existing borders in this final settlement, and not merely stated that Germany would make no claims. You are a cheater and a little liar.
And as it has been said before, at this point it does not even matter whether there are or there are not some international laws, pacts or conventions that might or might not contradict these bilateral treaties between two countries, because their national domestic laws take precedence over international laws. More so – in accordance with the international law, of which both countries were the signatories, such treaties are not up to international court to make legal or illegal.
This is a mechanism that is required so that sovereign entities might be able to come to an agreement on their own terms, independent of the opinions of Lithuanian lawyers.
For example in case there would be an attempt on the German side to denounce that agreement, on the ground of the UN Charter or the Kellogg-Briand Pact, then the International Court of Justice would have to decline their claim, because the Treaty on the Final Settlement as well as the prior bilateral treaties take precedence over the international law. Otherwise all states in the world would have to live under the same law and there would be in fact no more sovereign states at all.
And because Russia is a sovereign state it can keep the armed forces wherever it is needed. Since NATO considers Russia a nemesis the Königsberg area becomes one of a strategic significance.
At this point my opinion is that you are a paid propaganda troll and will continue to repeat, again and again, that “occupation is illegal” and other slogans that you are told to spread around, until you find a better employment.
So this discussion makes no sense.
For the third or four time in our current exchange about this specific issue you have engaged in personal attacks against me to cover up for your deficient reasoning. At this point you ought to explain why you are so persistently obsessive in challenging facts and logic with your misleading assertions.
An unconditional surrender implies that the defeated side will accept the will of the victor without a negotiated settlement...
...national domestic laws take precedence over international laws.
Even if you are just engaging in self-deception, you ought to explain why you are so adamant about it.Replies: @emerging majority, @Here Be Dragon
March 16, 2018
Königsberg should be placed under the EU’s jurisdiction when Russian forces leave
This means that the region was treated as an occupied zone to be administered by an Allied Power and the Settlement does not revise this position in any way. Thus, we come to the conclusion that no one has given Königsberg to Russia de jure under any international agreements and Russian presence in the region is solely de facto.
Sorry to hear that. My mother’s family moved to Silesia (further west) in the early 30’s so she, her father and two sisters were able survive the war without that happening, but just barely. My mother had a scary situation but fortunately that did not happen. My grandmother died in the last few months of the war. She had cancer and was getting chemotherapy but when they had to flee she couldn’t get her treatments and died.
Women don’t have any empathy, after all. They don’t have gonads and can’t imagine what it would be like, therefore it must not feel like anything.
This makes analyzing them quite easy, although it makes conversing with them rather tedious at times — you know what they’re going to say before they even formulate the thought in their heads.
As an example, if someone were to bring up the existence of the archipelago of gulags in Siberia that the Soviet Union had created, the sovok would deny that such a thing existed and simultaneously insist that the people in them deserved to be incarcerated before just sweeping the discussion under the rug, as it were.
Even Moldbug thinks “America is a Communist Country” is an exaggeration.
No statement regarding Königsberg is required because the surrender was unconditional.
Your interpretation is skewed and simplistic because it omits key aspects. The unconditional surrender was in 1945, but the treaty of Moscow in 1970 contained reservations, which the USSR acknowledged, based on the premises of the earlier treaty and charter I cited. The final agreement in 1990 did not formally cede the territory to the USSR but merely stated that Germany would make no claims on it. As I explained before, this did not in itself transform the illegal occupation into a legal one, and additional concessions toward USSR were not provided, in contrast to Poland. Due to the resulting “gray area”, for lack of a better term, the occupation remains illegal. This is all very logical but you are in denial about the implication. The more important question is: why would Russia even want to keep this territory as a military base if it were truly interested in good neighborly relations and purports to be so concerned about “indivisible security“, whatever that means, which in any case applies not just to itself but all other countries?
The Khazarians running WEF keep telling us that all of Europe blames those evil Nazi Russians for starting this war and that all of Europe is ready and willing to suffer an indescribably horrific nuclear incineration to prove it. Every once in a while the will of the people spills over. What do the Polish people really think?
I guess most feminist bimbos today would claim that rape is 6,000,000 times worse than gonad crushing…
“I serve the Soviet Union” hunting the Bayraktar.
Video Link
Wont mind such Union against the semis, the bisectors, the halver of mankind against all one (Odin of the rOdinA)
You forgot to mention the two million gang raped German women.
Replies: @Been_there_done_that, @Petermx, @Marcali, @Hitch
Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany
The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, or the Two Plus Four Agreement, is an international agreement that allowed the reunification of Germany in the early 1990s.
It was negotiated in 1990 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, and the Four Powers which had occupied Germany at the end of World War II in Europe: France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In the treaty, the Four Powers renounced all rights they held in Germany, allowing a reunited Germany to become fully sovereign the following year.
At the same time, the two German states agreed to confirm their acceptance of the existing border with Poland, and accepted that the borders of Germany after unification would correspond only to the territories then administered by West and East Germany, with the exclusion and renunciation of any other territorial claims – e.g., to the Kaliningrad Oblast.
We know about Stalin’s Judeo-Bolshevic barrier guards and how they machine gunned any Russian soldiers unwilling to charge head on into German “Bone-Saw” MG34’s. We also know that Stalin placed a death sentence on any Russian who surrendered to the Wehrmacht. We also know that Stalin extracted retribution against the families of Russian POWS captured by the German, and that Russian POW’s were desperate to get the Germans to pronounce them killed in action so that their families would not be sent to the Gulag.
We know about crushed testicles of thousands of Germans in weeks of repeated torture sessions in order to extract fake confessions for “war crimes” that only Jews or Russians could ever commit. But we also know this is what the western Allies were doing to the German POW’s who had been reclassified to as Disarmed Enemy Combatants by Eisenhower in order to strip them of their rights. W
What Russia is still hiding from the humanity is not only what they did to German POW’s in their gulags and other camps after the war, but more importantly Russia is still denying the massive lies they told their own people and the entire planet about their own war crimes and their own lies about German behavior and actions throughout the war.
We too have Prussian lineage and lost all men except for one great-grandfather. All girls and women incl. grans got the Ill’Chad Ehrengurg treatment. One aunt got a personified present in form of a bastard conceived in utter violence. The choice was suicide (that which is God given?) or man made living hell. What choice does a young girl born in love have? (Today the suicide rate is as high as then). Aunt chose to live love out. The bastard lived in crime and died in the seventies. Aunt did not want to remember anything in old age and died dement only recently…
Yes, you apparently have a mental disorder in addition to a severe deficiency in logical reasoning. Eight days ago you could not tell the difference between "before" and "after" (see link below for a reminder, when I told you to go back to Sesame Street); now you still cannot discern the difference between "legal" and "illegal" upon clarification.
The matter was settled between Germany and Russia, so how can anybody claim it is still illegal is not completely clear. To be honest, it is not clear at all – it rather appears to be a mental disorder thinking.
Everything applies just as well to Pooland!
Besides Russia & Prussia used to be one.
The biggest mistakes were to let in the Poo in the 5th century and with the Poo the Jew.
Now the scum is claiming the Urland as theirs…
Man proposes, God disposes.
When this is over there will not be much left of the Northern Plaine
and the Poos & Jews crimes against the Urvolk (PRUSSIA) will be overcome naturally.
Besides your ugly language is a construct of the Jesuit brothers of crime.
America, Israhell, Vatica(n) delenda est.
I knew I wasn’t the only one, bro!
You are just throwing out assertions and accusations without providing any proper context with regard to the specific situation. This cannot impress me because you have no explanations; the digression is merely meant to obfuscate because you are incapable of acknowledging the basic facts. Even Russian propagandists have not provided an argument, however contrived, which is why they avoid mentioning the issue altogether.Replies: @Here Be Dragon
...an exception must be made if an international law is in conflict with an internal law of fundamental importance.
No kid you are incapable of acknowledging the facts.
You got the clues and there is nothing to argue about. Unless you expect me to compose a two thousand word treatise, with all the proper quotations and references, there is nothing more you should ask of me. You have all the proof there is.
A new agreement supersedes prior agreements – does not matter what had been said and agreed upon before the last agreement. Your appeal to international law is not relevant – national laws take precedence over international. Treaties are distinguished from international law and if an international law is in conflict with a national law the latter takes precedence over the former. You are free to check it and double-check it.
Speaking of the specific situation.
The agreement between Germany and Russia is of more importance than Kellogg-Briand Pact and the United Nations Charter. No court in the world can decide otherwise, and neither can the International Court of Justice.
The German government announced unconditional surrender to the Russians. No statement regarding Königsberg is required because the surrender was unconditional. And later confirmed with an agreement – on the Final Settlement.
That’s it.
Your interpretation is skewed and simplistic because it omits key aspects. The unconditional surrender was in 1945, but the treaty of Moscow in 1970 contained reservations, which the USSR acknowledged, based on the premises of the earlier treaty and charter I cited. The final agreement in 1990 did not formally cede the territory to the USSR but merely stated that Germany would make no claims on it. As I explained before, this did not in itself transform the illegal occupation into a legal one, and additional concessions toward USSR were not provided, in contrast to Poland. Due to the resulting "gray area", for lack of a better term, the occupation remains illegal. This is all very logical but you are in denial about the implication. The more important question is: why would Russia even want to keep this territory as a military base if it were truly interested in good neighborly relations and purports to be so concerned about "indivisible security", whatever that means, which in any case applies not just to itself but all other countries?Replies: @Here Be Dragon
No statement regarding Königsberg is required because the surrender was unconditional.
Yes, I visited East Prussia (Konigsberg) almost 15 years ago. My mother’s family had a house not far outside of the city.
brave German women like 93 year old Ursula Haverbeck
Yes, the establishment shows its true nature! The research done by a 93 year old woman has them shaking with fear and rage.
(Note to German authorities reading this website: when I think of Germany, I think of Joachim Low picking his nose.)
…an exception must be made if an international law is in conflict with an internal law of fundamental importance.
You are just throwing out assertions and accusations without providing any proper context with regard to the specific situation. This cannot impress me because you have no explanations; the digression is merely meant to obfuscate because you are incapable of acknowledging the basic facts. Even Russian propagandists have not provided an argument, however contrived, which is why they avoid mentioning the issue altogether.
Wikipedia is not just among the biggest liars. It is the biggest liar. The founder of Wikipedia himself says it is extremely biased. And the wikipedia admins are all marxists, see : https://pastebin.com/8kZqy653
Yes, you apparently have a mental disorder in addition to a severe deficiency in logical reasoning. Eight days ago you could not tell the difference between "before" and "after" (see link below for a reminder, when I told you to go back to Sesame Street); now you still cannot discern the difference between "legal" and "illegal" upon clarification.
The matter was settled between Germany and Russia, so how can anybody claim it is still illegal is not completely clear. To be honest, it is not clear at all – it rather appears to be a mental disorder thinking.
Kid I understand the logic but it is wrong.
You need to take into account that a new agreement supersedes prior agreements. You forget or perhaps are not aware that municipal laws take precedence over international law. You do not know that treaties must be distinguished from international law.
You are not familiar with the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, according to which an exception must be made if an international law is in conflict with an internal law of fundamental importance. Your ideas are not based on the law.
Your ideas are a bunch of propaganda proclamations of no significance, not supported with a credible reference or at least an opinion of a respectable expert – all of that is nothing but speculations. Show me a court’s decision or something like it.
You are just throwing out assertions and accusations without providing any proper context with regard to the specific situation. This cannot impress me because you have no explanations; the digression is merely meant to obfuscate because you are incapable of acknowledging the basic facts. Even Russian propagandists have not provided an argument, however contrived, which is why they avoid mentioning the issue altogether.Replies: @Here Be Dragon
...an exception must be made if an international law is in conflict with an internal law of fundamental importance.
The matter was settled between Germany and Russia, so how can anybody claim it is still illegal is not completely clear. To be honest, it is not clear at all – it rather appears to be a mental disorder thinking.
Yes, you apparently have a mental disorder in addition to a severe deficiency in logical reasoning. Eight days ago you could not tell the difference between “before” and “after” (see link below for a reminder, when I told you to go back to Sesame Street); now you still cannot discern the difference between “legal” and “illegal” upon clarification.
My claim, which you requested me to explain, was that Russia’s occupation of the Königsberg / Kaliningrad territory is illegal, and I cited the Kellogg-Briand Pact from 1928 and the United Nations Charter from 1945 as the basis. Russia’s ongoing control of the area is independent of Germany having refrained from making any public territorial claims to that territory.
Unlike with regard to Poland, no formal mechanism occurred, in which Germany officially ceded that territory to USSR or Russia. Therefore, lacking such a transformation of status, the occupation remains illegal. The issue is not whether Germany is entitled to make a claim on the territory or not but that Russia’s occupation and annexation was in contravention of law from the outset, and the underlying principle remains intact.
The territory came under control through conquest and ethnic cleansing, which was illegal. Aside from the legal aspect, the untenable nature of issue should be blatantly obvious because:
• The territory is not contiguous to Russia but hundreds of miles away from it;
• The territory had never been a part of Russia in its entire history;
• The territory is used as a large military base, to threaten the security of nearby countries.
None of these three points ever applied to the case of German territories taken over by Poland. In light of these facts, Russia’s persistence in remaining in this territory is proof that it has not yet reconciled with its past, as the author of this essay maintained. Maintaining this Stalinist enclave exposes that Russia still harbors latent imperial ambitions. This chauvinistic attitude, as well as the resurrection of the military parade extravaganzas, provoked a desire for NATO expansion.
Lastly, maintaining diplomatic relations with Russia does constitute recognition of their occupation as legal. For instance, many countries have relations with Israel even though they do not recognize its occupation of Jerusalem (both east and west). Russian leaders know they will eventually have to vacate this territory, which explains why it was not developed for permanent settlement. This is evidenced by the fact that the city did not even have a sewage treatment plant until June 2017, with the help of Scandinavia.
May 5, 2022 at 10:40 am GMT
It has got something to do with Public International Law (based on Natural Law v Roman Law).
(Sergei Lavrov is “a big fan” of International Law (versus rules and “articles” put up btw. actors).)
Russia is accused of having taken Crimea by Annexation. As a matter of fact it recognised Crimea as an autonomous republic in joint – as a federate member – with the Russian Federation by popular vote. The Crimeans – the sovereign – got and seemingly used the choice, decided and voted (97 %?) to be an autonomous member of the Russian Federation.
“The West” accuses Russia of having “taken” Crimea, accuses Russia of a military occupation of Crimea. If one accepts that the natives (per def.) are the sovereigns (v. alien priests & politicians) of their lands, one might accept that the Crimeans have chosen to be part of the Russian Federation instead of an Ukraine ruled by foreign coup leaders. Going by that Crimea was not “annexed by Russia” but decided sovereign cession. It appeared as a non-forced territorial cession by popular vote of the sovereign, the people of Crimea.
To chase people of their ancient lands and later negotiate a deal with an installed, not democratically elected regime with a president who is backed by 900 votes (of 80 million people) is according to Public International Law invalid.
The FRG regime has no legitimacy, was and will never be authorised to make deals about giving away sovereign property. This does not just apply to lands of the German Empire it also applies to infrastructure and common goods in general.
“Untermensch” (the Jew from underneath (unter) – straight from hell and back)
“Ãœbermensch” (the light, bright, white in height to the sky (über = above)
“Untermensch” is a frequent term of Jew & hyena prop up: “a human being of mental and moral inferiority usually caused by hereditary strain.” Allied West German propaganda today places the term in the Nazi vocabulary. According to this, the National Socialist Third Reich is said to have been inhumane, especially because it degraded and treated all Eastern Europeans as “subhumans.” It is even claimed that the vocabulary was an invention of Hitler.
Reliable sources according to which the National Socialists are said to have defamed and murdered members of foreign peoples across-the-board as inferior “subhumans” are not known.
Winston Churchill spoke of the “doctrine of the Untermensch” in 1919 and judged Bolshevism to be a “disease” and a “pestilence.”
“Untermensch” could also have its origin in the work “The Revolt against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man” by the American anthropologist and eugenicist Lothrop Stoddard. The latter also studied in Germany, where he came into contact with the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, and thus coined the term “under man” as a counterpart to the Ãœbermensch (superb man) vaunted by Nietzsche. Accordingly, the German term “Untermensch” would merely be a translation of an English term established in the Jewnighted States. Thus, it is a term falsely described as having been invented by National Socialism.
The term Untermensch could also have originated in the field of criminology.
Ha! ha! even Michael Hudson says “… Russia said, we’ve lost more population as a result of neoliberalism than we did in all of World War Two fighting against Nazism. We’ve got to stop.” referring to Russia’s brief flirt with the NeoCon’s in the 1990’s after the collapse of the USSR.
So this business of the collectivization having led to the population decline in Russia does not hold water.
You are 100% correct: giving a break to those who are against those we despise is a dangerously simplistic reflex.
Lots of Hungarian (and other Eastern European) refugees to the USA made a significant discovery. That was the realization that while living behind the Iron Curtain they had assumed that just about everything their communist regimes told them about the West was a lie and truth was its exact opposite. After a few years in West they started thinking that just about everything they were told in the US about the SU and is “socialist sisters” was either a lie or a gross exaggeration. In the end, they said “believe the worst BOTH sides tells about each other and try to inform yourself and add nuance…”
I call that progress in this kind of dialog with the likes of you: unable to master any cogent response to arguments you surrender by falling back on silly, nonsensical speculations on who I am.
No, eager and ineffectual little blowhard, I belong to no “slice of the East Euro/Russian commentariat.
You don’t know “a good faith discussion” from a hole, well… anywhere. Bye!
The terms in Article 1 (3) of the treaty do not contradict the illegality of the remaining occupation of the territory in question. (This seems too difficult for you to understand.) Since the only purpose of this occupation has been to serve as a military complex (navy, army, air force, missile placement) to threaten the Baltic countries there will be a demand for Russia to leave since it has no business being there. Russia's insistence to stay there reflects an ongoing menacing intent, which provoked the initial conflict (NATO expansion) more than a quarter century ago. After Russia is exhausted from its war, a fair settlement will entail leaving the territory.Replies: @Here Be Dragon
...the original text.
The terms in Article 1 (3) read as follows:
“The united Germany has no territorial claims whatsoever against other states and shall not assert any in the future.”
The matter was settled between Germany and Russia, so how can anybody claim it is still illegal is not completely clear. To be honest, it is not clear at all – it rather appears to be a mental disorder thinking.
Just like the idea that Königsberg is needed to threaten the Baltic countries. Doesn’t Russia have a five hundred km border with them?
You are paranoid.
Yes, you apparently have a mental disorder in addition to a severe deficiency in logical reasoning. Eight days ago you could not tell the difference between "before" and "after" (see link below for a reminder, when I told you to go back to Sesame Street); now you still cannot discern the difference between "legal" and "illegal" upon clarification.
The matter was settled between Germany and Russia, so how can anybody claim it is still illegal is not completely clear. To be honest, it is not clear at all – it rather appears to be a mental disorder thinking.
“You must live in POland or Lithuania or some other US puppet state.”
Find another tree to bark up. I live as far from Poland or Lithuania as you do from logic and reading comprehension.
“The Russian Federation is Not the Soviet Union , but you guys just can’t let it Go .’
It is not, but the glorification of the SU and the “sovok” mentality does not augur well.
“The Russian army today shows incredible respect towards Ukrainian citizens, that aren’t tryin to kill them.. ”
Stop barking mindlessly, I completely agree with that.
“So when the Ukies show themselves torturing and killing Russian POWs – you guys are hootin it up ”
Au contraire my little shitzu, I post those videos everywhere I can so as to debunk the lie of the “brave and honorable” Ukies.
“Oh! the Red Army was sooo cruel. No shit and so is the the US Army – especially today – but you goody two shoes – don’t dare criticize those MFers – they’re all Exceptional .”\
Wrong again, my incensed little Chihuahua. I criticize both. I agree completely that war crimes were committee during and AFTER the war by both the Russians and the US armies and that is why they colluded to cover up theirs by building the Holoâ„¢ enterprise. The SU contributed by “re”building the ovens.
Alright so you are the alternative history guy. As far as I understand even if I find a similar photograph in the Russian archives, you will also say that it is another lie. And those naked men with their ribs showing are probably sick people in a hospital, or perhaps the German soldiers in a gulag.
Likewise we are not discussing the Holocaust or Auschwitz but you bring it up as an argument, as if it is connected with what I’m talking about. You believe that the Russians gang raped two million German women because there is a book and you read it, and at the same time you don’t believe anything else, despite the books.
So you choose whatever you like and call it the truth, and what you don’t like is a lie – it’s that simple. Except for this is not how the history should be studied, your approach to it is a very convenient one. Seeing that you are somewhat impulsive and extremely emotional it might be necessary for your mental constitution.
Therefore to present here the data of the Russian statistics of the war casualties to you will not make any sense either, as well as trying to prove that the hunger in Ukraine was not deliberately caused, and also happened in other regions in Russia. You will not listen to any of these because it must be a lie.
And apparently the truth is that the Nazis were very good guys, who wanted to change the world for the better and did not really do anything wrong, even though they believed that they were the master race, destined to rule all others and considered the rest of mankind to be Untermenschen.
And you don’t like the Jews?
The author points towards similar discrepancies in the RUS boomers thinking…
It might be more understandable or seem less contradictory if it is decoupled (e.g. from JWW2) or derationalized.
The GDR (German Democratic Republic aka Sovjet Zone) was somewhat based on collaborating German communists. They pacified the incited enraged Red Army somewhat, because they were “Bolshois” or comrades too and managed to build up a functioning state again together with the Red Army (first as occupants mutating into protectors). Accordingly to quite a few Germans the USSR and everything that came oder comes with it (after the war) was and is part of the friendship of communist countries and not seen as rigid.
Now we know that the USSR did not try to destroy the Germans in their Zone (ru. prison) as a people all together as the western Allies did and do to this very day; e.g. since the start of the occupation the western Allies have imported purposely over 50 million foreigners into the western zone over Germany. The have completely wiped out natural or germanic law and forced Roman Law into every corner of life. Russia has preserved some natural law within its federal laws etc. pp.
I am not trying to be apologetic. I am trying to understand the points you are making myself.
(Just for the records: the rape figures are totally wrong; factually 20 million Germans got raped, robed and displaced while 20 million Germans had lost their lives. Most soldiers lost their lives – our lives – after the great liberation, after surrender per unconditional decret (that is why some units kept on fighting till death esp. in East Prussia which now is West Russia without the P).
There were reports early on of Indians being held hostage by Ukrainian forces, and indeed India’s love affair with Ukraine is not particularly evident.
Replies: @Been_there_done_that, @Petermx, @Marcali, @Hitch
Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany
The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, or the Two Plus Four Agreement, is an international agreement that allowed the reunification of Germany in the early 1990s.
It was negotiated in 1990 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, and the Four Powers which had occupied Germany at the end of World War II in Europe: France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In the treaty, the Four Powers renounced all rights they held in Germany, allowing a reunited Germany to become fully sovereign the following year.
At the same time, the two German states agreed to confirm their acceptance of the existing border with Poland, and accepted that the borders of Germany after unification would correspond only to the territories then administered by West and East Germany, with the exclusion and renunciation of any other territorial claims – e.g., to the Kaliningrad Oblast.
From Wiki:
“Königsberg was founded in 1255 on the site of the ancient Old Prussian settlement Twangste by the Teutonic Knights during the Northern Crusades, and was named in honour of King Ottokar II of Bohemia.[1] A Baltic port city, it successively became the capital of their monastic state, the Duchy of Prussia (1525–1701) and East Prussia. Königsberg remained the coronation city of the Prussian monarchy, though the capital was moved to Berlin in 1701.
Between the thirteenth and the twentieth centuries, the inhabitants spoke predominantly German, but the multicultural city also had a profound influence upon the Lithuanian and Polish cultures.”
I didn't know that, but I found that to be true among older Russians who are nostalgic for the CCCP. But it's always a difficult trick to criticize one's own country/government while abroad. (Although Solzhenitsyn returned to Russia and was very much pro-Putin in his last years.)
"Solzhenitsyn lied about the Gulags and was a traitor." �
China is the most Baby Boomer nation on earth. There was a massive boom in births in the post war years, especially after Mao united and stabilised the nation (briefly interrupted by the 1960 famine), hence 1960s panics over over-population. Chinese boomers grew up with Mao, many were his Red Guards in the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s. Also the imposition of 1 child policy entrenched Boomer dominance to the present. So Chinese leaders are more likely to be boomers than anywhere else.
Ariadna is a good example of a certain slice of the East Euro/Russian commentariat (or someone trying hard to sound like them). Brittle, fragile, a huge chip on her shoulder, seething with grudges, educated enough to sound literate but devoid of understanding and both unable and unwilling to engage in a good faith discussion.
this is entirely true.
You must live in POland or Lithuania or some other US puppet state. Don’t worry – you’ll get part of that 40+ billion in order to poke the Bear some more.
The Russian Federation is Not the Soviet Union , but you guys just can’t let it Go . The Russian army today shows incredible respect towards Ukrainian citizens, that aren’t tryin to kill them.. So when the Ukies show themselves torturing and killing Russian POWs – you guys are hootin it up – Ya Kill those Red Army MFers. Don’t forget to put a hit out on that Granny too.
Most you folks BSn here never even been in a war , but you think it’s so easy to turn it all off and be goody two shoes as soon as it’s over with – it don’t happen that way – and it didn’t happen that way in WW I – WW II – Vietnam – Yugoslavia -Iraq – Afghanistan- Libya etc. Oh! the Red Army was sooo cruel. No shit and so is the the US Army – especially today – but you goody two shoes – don’t dare criticise those MFers – they’re all Exceptional .
Have you also noticed how when the bombs started falling in the Ukraine the Africans and Asians left in a hurry? Maybe all of the EU should get into the war and their coloured immigrants may also want to leave and avoid Russian missiles. I mean it’s not their fight wars between white people so why should they risk their lives hanging around? They mostly escaped their own countries to avoid wars. The only country that should stay out of the war and on friendly terms with Russia is Hungary as its border fences do a good job of keeping the immigrants out. So Russia would be doing a favour to the EU if its war on NATO drives out the immigrants.
LOL. She schooled me too. I once showed some sympathy for Ceausescu.
I know much more than you. So, the photo comes from a German government website. They are among the biggest liars. Germany is a puppet state under American and Jewish control, in fact still under occupation. They are subservient to every other country in Europe and only act against another state when told (or expected) to do so, not on their own or out of self interest. Germans are among the biggest liars. They lie under the orders of Americans, Jews and others. That’s why they have so called Holocaust denial laws enforcing that lie and they jail old, but brave German women like 93 year old Ursula Haverbeck. That’s why many Germans may freeze to death this winter. They were forced to shut down the Nordstream II pipeline built with the Russians to bring gas to Germany and Europe.
Here is just one of the many blatant lies exposed by historian David Irving.
“RIDING in tandem with his unappetising lady friend Leah Rosh — she changed her first name from Edith and falsely put it about that she was Jewish in order to gain promotion to the highest echelons of the German television networks — Professor Eberhard Jäckel, head of the history department at Stuttgart University, produced one of the most glaring forgeries ever shown on German television screens.
The Lies:For Part Three of their television documentary Der Tod, ein Meister aus Deutschland (broadcast on May 2, 1990) Jäckel and Rosh showed this photograph, while the commentator spoke these words: “Meanwhile, in 1941 tens of thousands of Jews are rounded up aboard cattletrucks in Romania and shipped to the gas chambers in Auschwitz.” The women carrying shopping bags, and the double-decker train to the left, were painted out.
The Truth: The photograph comes from Hamburg railroad station archives in northern Germany. Taken in 1946, a year after the war ended, it shows hungry German civilians packed like sardines aboard coal trains on a shopping expedition to the Ruhr. A print was on display for many years in the Intercity Restaurant at Hamburg station, which may be where the forgers spotted it.”
“Stalingrad was totally ruined, Kiev and Sevastopol were devastated and Leningrad was not only bombed to pieces but held in a blockade for two and a half years during which almost a million people died.
Most of them died from hunger.”
No comparison. They did not have their entire civilian population targeted for extermination, as the allies targeted Germans. This is one example – Hamburg. The allies did this all across Germany to virtually every city. 50,000 German civilians were deliberately murdered in Hamburg. That’s only about one third the minimum death toll in Dresden (135,000 people) almost two years later.
1943 The Bombing of Hamburg – UNCENSORED German Film
I am aware many Russians suffered very much in the war but there is a difference between civilians starving and being burned alive in their own cities and homes. One is murder. The other is not. That’s what the British and Americans did. The Soviet army didn’t do that. They gang raped 2 million German women (many were gang raped). The Americans and British also took part in raping German women but much less. All three also raped French women (Americans did this) and Soviets raped other east European women.
“Between the months of January and August of 1945, Germany saw the largest incident of mass rape known in history, where an estimated two million German women were raped by the Soviet Red Army soldiers, as written by Walter Zapotoczny Jr. in his book, ‘Beyond Duty: The Reason Some Soldiers Commit Atrocities’”
By contrast, many Soviet civilians, including Russians welcomed the German army as liberators from Jewish-Bolshevism. Norwegian academic Johannes Due Enstad has researched and written a book overturning 70 years of lies – Many Russians (in addition to Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Estonians and Lavians) hoped that Hitler would free them.
Here is a film of Ukrainians in Lviv joining the Waffen SS in 1943. The Soviet government deliberately starved an estimated 8 million Ukrainians in 1932-1933 (but that’s only half of it) so many Ukrainians joined the German side to expel the Soviet murderers. Jews held many of the highest posts in the USSR.
Lviv, Ukraine (known as Lemberg when it was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) welcomes the German army and young Ukrainian men join the fight (they formed the Galicia division) to fight against the people that had only recently killed millions of their people.
“And the number of casualties the Russians had is three-four times larger. And a lot larger in percentage. Although the Germans paid a high price for the war it was a lot more devastating for the Russians.” No, another outright lie. There is no evidence to support the claim of 25 or 27 million Soviet dead just as there was no evidence to support the claim made by the Soviets (probably Jews) that 4 million people were murdered at Auschwitz. A sign was erected at Auschwitz shortly after the war ended citing this figure. About 45 years later, around 1990, that sign was torn down and the new death toll claimed was 1 million (still without any supporting evidence). The Auschwitz lie was reduced to 1/4 its size. The Soviet overblown death toll is still regularly cited. By contrast, when a serious Canadian researcher shows Americans (Eisenhower) killed an additional hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of Germans after the war was over he is attacked. The allies (and Germans) minimize what the allies did to German civilians.
The old sign and the new sign. After erecting the new sign they reduced the figure further, to one million. We’ll see how much longer that lasts.
Yes, the establishment shows its true nature! The research done by a 93 year old woman has them shaking with fear and rage.
brave German women like 93 year old Ursula Haverbeck
Replies: @Been_there_done_that
The united Germany shall comprise the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic and the whole of Berlin.
Its external borders shall be the borders of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic and shall be definitive from the date on which the present Treaty comes into force.
The united Germany has no territorial claims whatsoever against other states and shall not assert any in the future.
…the original text.
The terms in Article 1 (3) of the treaty do not contradict the illegality of the remaining occupation of the territory in question. (This seems too difficult for you to understand.) Since the only purpose of this occupation has been to serve as a military complex (navy, army, air force, missile placement) to threaten the Baltic countries there will be a demand for Russia to leave since it has no business being there. Russia’s insistence to stay there reflects an ongoing menacing intent, which provoked the initial conflict (NATO expansion) more than a quarter century ago. After Russia is exhausted from its war, a fair settlement will entail leaving the territory.
I agree 10,000%. Russia can claim an integral and formative part of film (and animation) history!
Your comments about Russian cinema are strange to me. Russia has an incredible culture including an incredible cinematography. I can only recommend it.
I used to spend many hours in my younger days listening to shortwave broadcasts from Radio Moscow. Vladimir Pozner's programmes were a regular part of my media diet.Replies: @RobinG
Among others, The Voice of Russia was for me a part of the end of the diabolical West. It was refreshing what criticism the Voice initially accepted.
shortwave broadcasts from Radio Moscow
I can still hear the call music. (although not ID it.)
“All I’m hearing is REEEEE in a Slavic accent.”
You mean you hear voices?! And they screech at you in a Slavic accent? Sorry for you. I hope you don’t somehow hold me responsible.
“Apparently my views (which you don’t know or bother to ask) aren’t part of the diversity you profess to admire here.”
I responded to the views you expressed not to those you seem eager to expand upon. If you don’t like an author’s views, criticize them, write an article yourself from the opposite perspective, don’t whine petulantly.
I don’t “profess” to admire diversity of opinion– obvious on this site. I do admire it. That does not exist on the Saker, which censors any non-sovok commentary, let alone publish any alternative view of it. You cannot deny this in the teeth of evidence.
Navalny is a fake, obviously. A fraudster with minuscule approval rating built up by the MSM into the improbable great dissident? That’s ridiculous. Is that a problem for you?
My “knee-jerk assumptions” about what your other views of Russia are? “Other views”? I made no such assumptions.
“You’re both middle-finger-painting your picture of Saker in very simple colors.”
You get carried away with your little metaphors. Sounds like using a richer array of colors would have been acceptable.
Voices again? Who is “AK” that I join in being “both of you”?
At least you didn’t descend to this level re: AK. There is hope for both of you.
All right, you schooled me, he was a psychopath.
I recently read a new history of 20th century Romania called Children of the Night. The author fawns over the sadistic fanatic (((Pauker))) as this brilliant, humanistic moderate who was cruelly pushed aside by the oafish brutes Gheorghiu-Dej and Ceausescu. His philo-Semitic bias stank to high heaven. In the book’s coda he delivers a cringey paean to millennial yuppies whoring for multinational tech companies from Bucharest high-rises.
I suppose I thought that if neocons/neolibs despise Ceausescu, then he can’t have been that bad, especially considering he eliminated abortion, contraception, and divorce.
Same fallacy as the Russian sovki who praise the gulag. We’re all human.
A bit confused, but on the trail. Hitler’s grandmother was a maid-servant in the mansion of the head of the Rottenchild Crime Clan in Vienna. The master of the mansion was notorious in Viennese police circles for messing with the young girls in his employ.
Miss Schicklegruber got knocked up by “someone” while in such employ. She promptly lit out for her home-town when she noticed that her “bleeding” had ceased. Back in the home village she quickly made nice to one Alois Hitler. The duped suitor soon asked for her hand in marriage. The ultimate product of that coupling was little Adolf.
Thus, we can speculate on the basis of probable evidence that Hitler was not only a quarter Jewish, but also the spawn of a leading member of the Rottenchild Crime Clan. Once he became aware of that situation, he developed a form of self-hatred which explained a number of his quirks, such as his insisting upon becoming Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht where he blundered into military disasters such as Dunkirk, Stalingrad and the Kursk Salient, thus hastening the defeat of the 3rd Reich, much to the chagrin of the majority of his more talented generals.
Sunni Islam is not organized hierarchically, with that I would agree with you. However, it does include fanatical elements such as the Wahabbis and Takfiris, both indigenous to the Saudi dictatorship. As military militants, they are highly organized and disciplined and are infamous for head-chopping and the destruction of historically valuable cultural artifacts which are the heritage of humanity in general.
As for the Shiites, they are currently headed up by various ayatollahs and suchlike. My assessment of that phenomenon is primarily reactive to the slide into the worst aspects of woke Westernization inculcated by sources outside of their cultures.
“he had probably never been an authentic Marxist at any point in his career.”
He was incapable of handling abstract concepts. He was an imbecile. Cunning like reptile though.
“Still, what was done to him and his wife was unjust.;
Coup d’etats are like that….
He was a semi-illiterate imbecile who could not read polysyllabic words but had memorized the main marxist slogans to repeat. As a young apprentice to a shoemaker he could not learn the basics and in frustration hit his employer in the head and killed him, which is why he was in prison, not for political activity. Once in power he showed his insane megalomania: built a palace “of the people” bigger than the Pentagon, and decided to pay off the IMF debt at an accelerated pace by exporting everything, all the food. People starved to death. He started selling the minorities desperate to escape: the Schwabs in Transylvania (like the current president) to West Germany, the Greeks to Greece. Jews were sold to Israel for $2,000 per head. He pursued no “independent course”– Romani was more stalinist than the SU during his rein of terror but he claimed to be pro-Palestinian and often had Arafat as a guest for weeks at a time in heavily bugged lodging and later sold the recordings to Israel.
You admire him for his monogamy? The ugly thing had him under her thumb. He feared her as ddi everyone who was around her.
Awry has it right, except for “nice guy at the beginning”)
Your comments about Russian cinema are strange to me. Russia has an incredible culture including an incredible cinematography. I can only recommend it.
I agree 10,000%. Russia can claim an integral and formative part of film (and animation) history!
Among others, The Voice of Russia was for me a part of the end of the diabolical West. It was refreshing what criticism the Voice initially accepted.
I used to spend many hours in my younger days listening to shortwave broadcasts from Radio Moscow. Vladimir Pozner’s programmes were a regular part of my media diet.
I can still hear the call music. (although not ID it.)
shortwave broadcasts from Radio Moscow
A generation that was cursed by World War Two, that is. You shouldn't need any "cosmic or astrological reason" to at least begin to understand what effect it had on those who lived through WWII, and how the survivors felt when that horrible war was finally over, especially those unlucky enough to have been close to the action and under the gun. Many Soviet citizens saw death and devastation all around them, up close and personal, an experience not unusual in the Soviet Union, but other than Pearl Harbor, a bloody, deadly experience entirely absent in the United States by the conclusion of the war. I don't know how there could have been much of a real baby boom in the Soviet Union after WWII, when one considers how many of her young men had been killed during the war. By contrast and in comparison, U.S. losses were relatively light, resulting in a flood of young, horny GIs returning from overseas in late 1945, my dad and uncle among them.
Man, and I thought boomers were a problem only in America! 😀Perhaps it’s a generation that has been cursed worldwide. Perhaps it was caused by some cosmic or astrological reason, such as the peak of the solar minimum during that period, or Saturn positioning itself over Uranus.
https://p-hunermund.com/2017/03/01/how-wwii-changed-family-life-in-soviet-russia-and-probably-elsewhere-too/You seem breezily unaware of the war's impact, both on those who fought it, and on those born in its aftermath, but the experience was different in each country, the effect of the war was different on each country, just as the prevailing conditions were different in each country, as well.
There was an estimated number of “26 to 27 million, or roughly 13.5% of the prewar populationâ€, victims. “The sex ratio fell dramatically for individuals born in the 1920s and reached a low of 0.60 for women born in 1924″. And this “relative scarcity of men continued to profoundly affect women’s lives: women were less likely to marry, more likely to give birth out of wedlock, and more likely to be divorced in the birth cohorts and regions facing the greatest shortages of menâ€
Actually, the spelling is Kukla, not Kookla. I’d prefer to say I spelled it phonetically so the youngsters here wouldn’t mispronounce it as Cuckla, and you know they would.
I don’t deny he was a bad guy, but he’s a bad guy I’d have a beer with, unlike Soros or Biden.
And he was still better than (((Ana Pauker))) and her gang of antifa ghouls.
You have to wonder why a Black person would adopt Islam as his or her religion considering how Arabs treated Blacks in the African slave trade. And why on earth would a White person adopt the religion of Islam?????
Well, you have to wonder which is worse?
A Black person adopting the religion of Islam or a cuckold White doing the same? I guess we could ponder that the John Hagee muh Israel/muh Jew crowd might be suffering more from Stockholm syndrome aka cuckoldry. Close call. Given the choice of being one of the three, I would become a Hindu. Teehee
The heck of it is, those things were Jewed U.S. 1.0, and the recent Woke junk is Jewed U.S. 2.0.
The past 150 years of U.S. history is one or another Yid narrative. The Jews are always defining us, to our detriment.
He stole everyone’s houses and resettled them in housing projects against their will, out of sheer ideological zeal (insanity). Meanwhile, he lived in a palace that made Versailles look like a McMansion.
He was a monster. Shakespeare’s Macbeth seems like Jimmy Carter in comparison. He had it coming.
The middle east . handed to the UAE , Iran and Isreal/Palestine included. With pesky Christ following Caucasoids de-population in E/W Europe (and of course the continued de-pop of (REALLY) semite Christ-tians in the ME. in the name of PEACE ……..
“Jews want Europe flooded by nonwhites, so Europeans go along. Jews demand anti-Russian hatred, and West goes along(despite economic costs.”
I would normally agree with whatever Priss writes provided I have the time to read it all, but in this case Europe is being flooded with 5m+ white Ukrainian women who aren’t going back to their Ukrainian shithole unless forced. According to what I have read, Ukrainian women are supposed to be ‘hot’. Apart from the transmission of the Ukrainian insanity gene, what’s not to like? Have the Jews made a mistake in this case?
Wow ! Either a naive question, or a sly attempt to support/propogate the MYTH that the Moscow Patriarchate is legitimate , Segianism , Cheka, and the KGB have thoroughly slaughtered, scrubbed , and chased into the Catacomb , any true Orthodox in “Russia”.”Ptrch” Kirill follows Rabbi Lazar Chabad Lubavitch and the rest of the ((billionaire )) financers of the “Orthodox” Brand “Church” product. In partnership with Chabad “Ukraine” (though a legitmate-ish Church that false Ptrch” Bartholomew of Constantinople tries to “steal” Engineered Soap-opera Dialectics and all that…(GET IT ?The Broom and the hammer and sickle are PARTNERS ) They TOGETHER are orchestrating , with global ((leader)) assent, and building the “New Jerusalem” in “Ukraine” after a hearty blood sacrifice to , yes , Jewish/Islam’s common “god”.
Thanks for this, Rolo.
I’m a Generation X American, and this article communicates things in a way I’m able to understand.
I believe I’m starting to “get” a little bit of Russia now because of your efforts. Thanks again, and thank you, Ron!
“Done_that” is obviously highly educated but pushes out hilarious wank. If you disagree with this wank you are an, as in my case, a binary simpleton or an average airhead susceptible to false propaganda and brainwashing techniques. My guess is that he is an academic on the payroll of the DGB or similar, or polishing his credentials for future employment. Nobody could write such guff unless they are part of the state funded class.
All I’m hearing is REEEEE in a Slavic accent.
Apparently my views (which you don’t know or bother to ask) aren’t part of the diversity you profess to admire here. Calling Navalny a fake hardly justifies this howling-monkey-response or your knee-jerk assumptions about what my other views of Russia are.
Same with the other response. You’re both middle-finger-painting your picture of Saker in very simple colors.
At least you didn’t descend to this level re: AK. There is hope for both of you.
You have no idea where the photo comes from but you are sure that it must be from a discredited website. You want a reference – tell me, ask me! No problem – the German Federal Archives.
Bild 192-208 – KZ Mauthausen, Sowjetische Kriegsgefangene
And you don’t know the history. Stalingrad was totally ruined, Kiev and Sevastopol were devastated and Leningrad was not only bombed to pieces but held in a blockade for two and a half years during which almost a million people died.
Most of them died from hunger.
And the number of casualties the Russians had is three-four times larger. And a lot larger in percentage. Although the Germans paid a high price for the war it was a lot more devastating for the Russians.
You should have known that.
Boomers are children in adult bodies. Once I learned this I found it much easier to talk to them. You just let them talk and nod as if their childish take on the world is accurate.
It ain’t mostly white boomers marching with BLM.
It ain’t mostly white boomers marching with BLM.
Boomers are children in adult bodies. Once I learned this I found it much easier to talk to them. You just let them talk and nod as if their childish take on the world is accurate.
The parallels between the start of WW2 are so absurdly obvious that it is truly if this whole thing was planned.
The actions of Poland, harrassing and terrorizing the German Free-City of Danzig after getting the nod of approval from western powers in London, stoked the fire of Nazis and so they promptly moved to liberate this area. The result brought the west into the war against Germany.
Now, we have Poland again, at the behest of NATO, seeking annexation outside of its territory because of deluded Polish Nationalism and some perceived wrong against it.
More than a little truth in this. Irony is there too, with Russia taking the place of Germany (and perhaps, vice versa).
Maybe “the corrected version of Judaismâ€
I thought that was Christianity. In fact, both. Jews aren’t “comfortable” with either.
Isn’t anyone else tired of this “open†everything? Openly gay, openly [insert religious affiliation]…
I’d love to live in a world/society where importuning strangers with your unsolicited sexual or religious self-descriptions and advocacies would be considered in bad taste. The need for such “sharing†can be satisfied in one’s “communities.â€
This “sharing” is the mark of a cultist of a minor or major species. Eventually it wears off but in the meantime, others are bored shitless.
You’re right. I don’t dispute any of that. But he waged a winning war on feminism, and unlike Stalin, he had probably never been an authentic Marxist at any point in his career. I don’t deny though that he was corrupt, heavy-handed, and a very poor economic steward.
Still, what was done to him and his wife was unjust. What makes it even more shameful was that the new Romanian government banned the death penalty not even two weeks after their execution. I fully support the death penalty, but if you’re intending to ban it, it’s not ethical to say, “let’s get rid of these fuckers first.†You’re right, I wouldn’t be surprised if the moneylenders had a hand in it – in part for his bucking the global depopulation agenda.
I appreciate your comment.
So you consulted one article at Wikipedia and now consider yourself an expert to arrogantly pass judgement upon my knowledge and engage in unwarranted accusations. You are relying too much on the English Wikipedia article and are unfairly jumping to conclusions based on misleading information and simplistic reasoning. The technicalities of this unsettled issue are more nuanced than is stated in that article. For instance, neither the corresponding German nor French entries mention Königsberg.
...you are a troll not knowing what he is talking about.
Yes no doubt the Lithuanian scholars can produce an article explaining anything they want, the same as Ukrainian historians produce books about Herodotus who praised their ancestors. The ancient Ukrainians waged a war on the Persian Empire and won.
And of course you can decipher what was “tacitly acknowledged” in an interview and how much that matters. You Lithuanians have been undergoing the same brain treatment, no wonder that you and Ukrainians are becoming so much alike. Like twin brothers.
And personally you, on top of that have a tendency to employ sophistry and are also insolent, arrogant and apparently not intelligent enough to understand how stupid you look when you are doing it. Here, read it once again – the original text. Viso Gero.
The united Germany shall comprise the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic and the whole of Berlin.
Its external borders shall be the borders of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic and shall be definitive from the date on which the present Treaty comes into force.
The united Germany has no territorial claims whatsoever against other states and shall not assert any in the future.
The terms in Article 1 (3) of the treaty do not contradict the illegality of the remaining occupation of the territory in question. (This seems too difficult for you to understand.) Since the only purpose of this occupation has been to serve as a military complex (navy, army, air force, missile placement) to threaten the Baltic countries there will be a demand for Russia to leave since it has no business being there. Russia's insistence to stay there reflects an ongoing menacing intent, which provoked the initial conflict (NATO expansion) more than a quarter century ago. After Russia is exhausted from its war, a fair settlement will entail leaving the territory.Replies: @Here Be Dragon
...the original text.
if joseph stalin shaved his mustache he would look just like ronald reagan.
My Virginia school textbooks, from the 60s and 70s explained in great detail how we won World War 2. The only mention of Russia was lend lease and the Hitler-Stalin pact. That is how we were “educated”.
As a Hungarian: Fuck that guy. But he was terrible to all Romanians also… empty shelves, no medical treatment above 70 (“you lived enough”), orphanages full, destruction of villages and moving villagers into commie blocks, electricity shortages (public lighting was turned off most of the time, TV broadcast was limited to like 2 hours daily etc.) … I could go on.
He started as a somewhat nice guy, and his shtick was “strong independent national Communist leader, standing up to Moscow”, garnering a huge support from the West (they even sold military technology to the Romanians), but after visiting North Korea he and his wife found what they saw there so attractive, that they started to turn Romania into a version of North Korea in Europe.
He made Romania repay its sovereign debt almost full, after 10 years of impoverishing the populace, only to removed by a “revolution” (coup in fact) at the finish line. Maybe the money lenders were happy too when he and his wife were shot.
Overall, they’re a mixed bag, to put it lightly.
Judging by that list of beliefs I’d say they’re total retards.
In much the same way that myopic nationalists in the West deliberately associate their good ideas with the toxic brand of the Third Reich,
Yeah except the Third Reich actually was a utopia because Hitler’s ideas worked, and they worked because they were based on reality and not the hysterical delusions of bloodthirsty Jew Bolsheviks.
I have read that Hitler’s mother was a domestic in the employ of a Jewish Doctor. Speculation abounds.
“Generational blame game articles are so screwy they deserve an equally goofy response.”
Or no response at all, since it’s such a common theme, like an old joke told too many times.
Humanity exists on a continuum – new people are added every day while old ones pass away. Society, likewise, evolves on a continuum with occasional sharp dislocations that affect everyone’s world view, not just a particular cohort. Focusing on such arbitrary boundaries is a common device used by pundits who lack the deeper insight to fathom human nature, but who nonetheless feel compelled to write about it.
“They have become a huge burden on the post-Soviet economy with their constant trips to state-subsidized clinics and demands for ever-increasing pensions paid for by a much smaller working-age demographic.”
You would prefer that they quietly starve to death? Disgraceful.
Replies: @Been_there_done_that, @Petermx, @Marcali, @Hitch
Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany
The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, or the Two Plus Four Agreement, is an international agreement that allowed the reunification of Germany in the early 1990s.
It was negotiated in 1990 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, and the Four Powers which had occupied Germany at the end of World War II in Europe: France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In the treaty, the Four Powers renounced all rights they held in Germany, allowing a reunited Germany to become fully sovereign the following year.
At the same time, the two German states agreed to confirm their acceptance of the existing border with Poland, and accepted that the borders of Germany after unification would correspond only to the territories then administered by West and East Germany, with the exclusion and renunciation of any other territorial claims – e.g., to the Kaliningrad Oblast.
Your post is meaningless. That picture could be of something completely different than described. The allies have lied repeatedly, blatant lies, and they continue until this day. Wikipedia are among the biggest liars. The founder of Wikipedia himself says it is extremely biased. He has severely criticized it and the thing they lie about the most is WW II.
Konigsberg was a German city founded by the Teutonic Knights (Germans) in 1255. Its population was always German until 1945-48 when 20 million Germans were driven off the lands they had lived on since as far back as 1255. Konigsberg may have been ruled by another country at one time, just as many other cities were, but it was always a German city. It was founded, built by and always populated by Germans and subsequent generations until much of central Europe was ethnically cleansed of Germans by driving them off and stealing their lands in 1945 -48.
“The Germans had capitulated and had the Russians wanted that, they could have annexed the whole of East Germany as well as other countries like Romania.” What would they have done with the population there? So, they could have annexed it but would they have been able to hold onto it when the bankrupt USSR broke up? Since they couldn’t hold on to Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia or Ukraine, they would not have been able to hold on to East Germany either and eventually an enslaved population would have found a way to free themselves. You are the troll that posts lies from a discredited website with a horrible photo of who knows what. Those could be German soldiers. Those are the kind of lies the allies told repeatedly.
The damage done to Germany was just as severe if not far more so than the USSR. Most of Germany’s cities were demolished with their populations deliberately exterminated. That was not done to Soviet cities. What makes the theft of Germany’s lands unique (1/3 of their country was stolen from Germany) is that the thieves then drove 20 million people off those lands, lands they had lived on since the middle ages, in the biggest ethnic cleansing in history – by far the biggest.
And what if Germany did accept the new borders? Did they have any choice? If they decide to no longer accept the borders that will then be announced too. If there is any country that has taught the world that a treaty is only good as long as signatories accept it and a treaty can be broken at any time, it’s the Americans. They repeatedly end treaties. But I’m certain that if Germany ever does seek its lands back it will do so in as fair a manner as possible, completely unlike the murderous gangster allies that stole one third of the land Germany had and drove the 20 million people living there out of their homes and cities.
Replies: @Been_there_done_that, @Petermx, @Marcali, @Hitch
Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany
The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, or the Two Plus Four Agreement, is an international agreement that allowed the reunification of Germany in the early 1990s.
It was negotiated in 1990 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, and the Four Powers which had occupied Germany at the end of World War II in Europe: France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In the treaty, the Four Powers renounced all rights they held in Germany, allowing a reunited Germany to become fully sovereign the following year.
At the same time, the two German states agreed to confirm their acceptance of the existing border with Poland, and accepted that the borders of Germany after unification would correspond only to the territories then administered by West and East Germany, with the exclusion and renunciation of any other territorial claims – e.g., to the Kaliningrad Oblast.
…you are a troll not knowing what he is talking about.
So you consulted one article at Wikipedia and now consider yourself an expert to arrogantly pass judgement upon my knowledge and engage in unwarranted accusations. You are relying too much on the English Wikipedia article and are unfairly jumping to conclusions based on misleading information and simplistic reasoning. The technicalities of this unsettled issue are more nuanced than is stated in that article. For instance, neither the corresponding German nor French entries mention Königsberg.
Months ago I had cited a legal scholarly article in English from a Lithuanian site that explained that Germany did not fully relinquish any and all claims. I had mentioned that Putin tacitly acknowledged in a Bloomberg interview (to which I had linked at a Kremlin domain) that the matter was not settled. If the matter were settled, neither Yeltsin or Putin would have made attempts to try to extract money from Germany in return for vacating it. Just because the issue remains dormant and has not received media publicity does not mean that Russia is legally entitled to occupy the territory.
The German Wikipedia article cites a prior treaty in Moscow in 1970, in which West Germany expressed reservations pending a new regulatory mechanism in the context of a future peace treaty. This situation did not pertain to its relationship with Poland, with which concluded a pactum de contrahendo because the main issue at the time in 1990 was the common border between Germany and Poland. The issue of what Soviets and Russians refer to as Kaliningrad Oblast were not dealt with in the same manner of specificity, so a final settlement was deferred. Due to the difficulties associated with unification Germany was not even in a position to absorb this external area too.
Furthermore, even if (hypothetically) Germany formally relinquished any and all future claims to that territory, this would not automatically give Russia the right to continue its occupation there, which is still in violation of basic international principles, which are important to uphold. The Russian occupation remains illegal. The Königsberg question is for Germany, Poland, and Lithuania to work out. It is conceivable that, instead of this region being reincorporated into Germany in the future, a new sovereign state, called Prussia, could be formed, likely to be neutral, multilingual, and surely a tax free haven for the purpose of stimulating the commercial basis for its future wealth generation; or it could be divided up between Poland and Lithuania.
There is a right time for this issue to be conclusively resolved in the future, and then it will be all over the media. Once Russia is exhausted from its war of aggression there will surely be a regional demand for it to finally leave that area, and Russia’s leadership will say something like: no problem, it was a burden all along, had always been planning to withdraw anyway, never got around to it before.
Replies: @Been_there_done_that
The united Germany shall comprise the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic and the whole of Berlin.
Its external borders shall be the borders of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic and shall be definitive from the date on which the present Treaty comes into force.
The united Germany has no territorial claims whatsoever against other states and shall not assert any in the future.
LOL. Maybe “the corrected version of Judaism”, as it has more similarities and was inspired more by it.
Do they still weaponise children with Barney the Purple Dinosaur re-runs during fund-raisers?
🎶I love you,
🎶 You love me.
🎶 This is not reality.
🎶 Da da da da da da da da da.
“Please daddy, don’t let them cancel Barney!â€
I don’t know who the blonde woman is, but she looks a bit like his ex-wife Lyudmila.
although Alexey Navalny came close
I stopped reading right there. No sense in reading an article written by someone who gets his talking points from the western alphabet soup propaganda outlets.
Alexey Navalny is not popular in Russia. He is disliked for the same reason Boris Yeltsin is disliked. he is viewed as a man subservient to western looters who wishes to reduce Russian to a third world shit hole again. No one in Russia except the libertarian immigrants from the west would vote for a man like that.
The parallels between the start of WW2 are so absurdly obvious that it is truly if this whole thing was planned.
The actions of Poland, harrassing and terrorizing the German Free-City of Danzig after getting the nod of approval from western powers in London, stoked the fire of Nazis and so they promptly moved to liberate this area. The result brought the west into the war against Germany.
Now, we have Poland again, at the behest of NATO, seeking annexation outside of its territory because of deluded Polish Nationalism and some perceived wrong against it.
In both cases, you had a maverick force which would not play ball with the western system goaded into a war which will go global and take the lives of not just millions this time but billions.
More than a little truth in this. Irony is there too, with Russia taking the place of Germany (and perhaps, vice versa).
The parallels between the start of WW2 are so absurdly obvious that it is truly if this whole thing was planned.
The actions of Poland, harrassing and terrorizing the German Free-City of Danzig after getting the nod of approval from western powers in London, stoked the fire of Nazis and so they promptly moved to liberate this area. The result brought the west into the war against Germany.
Now, we have Poland again, at the behest of NATO, seeking annexation outside of its territory because of deluded Polish Nationalism and some perceived wrong against it.
I have addressed this question multiple times in detail. My initial message at this site touched on this topic more than four years ago, so I refer you to the comment archives for in depth information, including links and statement by Putin in an interview, and reports of Russia wanting to return it to Germany in return for relinquishing debt.
...explain how come you consider the city of Königsberg to be illegally occupied.
Well what is your definition of being historically a part of something?
Königsberg had been a part of Poland, and Prussia and the Russian Empire, for some time, too. “On 24 January 1758, the leading burghers of Königsberg submitted to Elizabeth.”
From that point of view most nations are living on some other nation’s land. Name the countries that were not established as a result of a war. And although my opinion is that Russia does not need Königsberg it can only be returned as a gesture of good will, and on the conditions that Russia would find acceptable.
The Germans had capitulated and had the Russians wanted that, they could have annexed the whole of East Germany as well as other countries like Romania. The damage done was so severe the Russians have a demographic problem to this day. However they did not do that. They did not want it.
And the problem is that you keep presenting all of the Russian history as something horrible and unfair and illegal, because you are a Baltic troll having nothing better to do with your miserable life, sitting here all day long lying, spreading bullshit, igniting hate.
Below there is a treaty and the reference and the link and the article, which proves you are a troll not knowing what he is talking about. The USSR was not obliged to evacuate from Königsberg – quite the opposite, the German government has stated that it has no claim to it, and has renounced in international law any right to it.
Naked Soviet POWs in Mauthausen concentration camp.
Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_on_the_Final_Settlement_with_Respect_to_GermanyThe Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, or the Two Plus Four Agreement, is an international agreement that allowed the reunification of Germany in the early 1990s.
It was negotiated in 1990 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, and the Four Powers which had occupied Germany at the end of World War II in Europe: France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In the treaty, the Four Powers renounced all rights they held in Germany, allowing a reunited Germany to become fully sovereign the following year.
At the same time, the two German states agreed to confirm their acceptance of the existing border with Poland, and accepted that the borders of Germany after unification would correspond only to the territories then administered by West and East Germany, with the exclusion and renunciation of any other territorial claims – e.g., to the Kaliningrad Oblast.
So you consulted one article at Wikipedia and now consider yourself an expert to arrogantly pass judgement upon my knowledge and engage in unwarranted accusations. You are relying too much on the English Wikipedia article and are unfairly jumping to conclusions based on misleading information and simplistic reasoning. The technicalities of this unsettled issue are more nuanced than is stated in that article. For instance, neither the corresponding German nor French entries mention Königsberg.
...you are a troll not knowing what he is talking about.
Kim Iversen: Former NATO Analyst & Top UN Official Says THIS Is The REAL Reason For War In Ukraine