“Azov is a bunch of “Nazis.†Today however, Azov has Jews. That should be irreconcilable.”
Quite the opposite: nazism is the kiddie version of talmudism
This jew from Azov-unit is a hilarious example of a jew, twisting and turning the truth like it’s their second nature. Zero shame, never ever.
The only reasonable reason to interview them would be to have a good laugh.
” The symbol is a variation of the Wolfsangel; a mirror image of the emblem of the SS Panzer Division “Das Reich†(a division of the Nazi security services).”
No. Das Reich was a Waffen-SS Panzer Division. Waffen-SS units were generally better equipped that Wehrmacht units. Normal military but belonging to the SS structure. Not especially nazi or evil in reality.
Galicians were under Poland in 32-33, thus they never had any holowdomore and yet it was them who welcomed the axis forces in WW2.
Then, Stephan Bandera was allowed to remain in western occupied Germany instead of Nuremberged.
Germany can only regain access to its own history, especially to its recent, violently suppressed past, if it succeeds in refuting the second war guilt lie in a scientifically impeccable manner, as found in David L. Hoggan’s book “The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed”.
The Institute for Historical Review has an interesting chapter from this famous book: “President Roosevelt and The Origins of the 1939”.
I have given up on JJ. Regarding Poland, Ultra-nationalist Pilsudski was smart enough to understand the messing with Germany was a bad idea, thus, he signed on to a non-aggression pact with Hitler, which substantially reduced the ethnic cleansing. While not entirely trusting Hitler, but still being on good terms with him, he advised Rydz-ÅšmigÅ‚y to make peace with Germany and settle the land claims. Once Pilsudski died in 1935, Rydz-ÅšmigÅ‚y became the tribe’s puppet.
One tidbit that I came across some years ago, but have been unable to find again, was a Chamberlain letter, written in 1937, green-lighting the development of the long range Lancaster bomber. This was, of course, after several arms reduction proposals by Germany had been rejected by France and Britain. My rhetorical question has been: Who were they going to bomb? Iceland? Portugal? Sweden? As I have posted previously, there was going to be a war whether Germany wanted one or not.
Thank you for the great overview.
As for “” (aka Shaya Katz?) “it” is known on this forum as a very active Jewish troll.
“The Jewish and Zionist basis of the present Ukraine Project is obvious.”
— Agree.
The Nazification of Ukraine was arranged by the American Zi0nists
Here is the acceptable narrative from some years ago, probably somewhat true if only because powerful people don’t like to hide if they don’t have to:
I think the NeoNazis Jewish backers dialectic has been polished up in the past couple of years to make everything more presentable.
You write great fiction.
No. Azov is getting backing by its own members.
They hate Jews but love their country.
Just like you.
RPaF — It should be in Irving’s “The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe,” probably in the intro or foreword. I’d give you a quote or exact citation, but I’ve been thinning my library lately and that’s one of the Irving books I’ve donated to our local resale shop. You can buy a copy on Irving’s website (fpp.co.uk) for $65 or maybe find one used on ABEbooks.com. . . . Wait, here’s a paragraph from the intro to Irving’s book:
“Under the agreement whereby the field marshal surrendered his diaries, notebooks and papers for my use, he retained a right to veto one passage. It is proper that I should state that he insisted on only one occasion, when I was unable to convince him to allow me to publish the whole truth about his real father (and in particular his identity), which I had meanwhile worked out for myself despite his wholly honourable effort to obscure it; he asked me not to disclose more than I have written in the narrative that follows, and although he has since died I am still bound by the undertaking I gave him in his lifetime.”
But in the epilogue, appended after Milch’s death, he lays out the entire story. The PDF is at https://www.fpp.co.uk/books/Milch/Milch.pdf.
He’ll die for less than nothing, an enslaved Jew.
Yeah secret nazis secretly control everything and put jews in control of the mainstream media, Hollywood, DNC, GOP, and Wall Street in order to trick us all.
You’re delusional. 🤡
Azov and similar groups are funded by Kolomoisky and others who are Jewish. This is one of the main points which I’m sure you know.
Very good comment. In support I add the following:
The 1937 film titled ‘The Man Who Could Work Miracles’ is a propaganda film designed to equate the German economic miracle to the efficient and effective power of Hitler in transforming a failed state into a world power in seven years. The propaganda message is that absolute power corrupts and must be stopped at all cost.
Hitler, who loved his people and his country, created an unprecedented economic miracle. Since actions speak louder than name calling, I recommend, to all who are interested in removing the many layers of war propaganda, to read the book ‘This Is Germany’ by Charles W Domville-Fife, 1939. Mr. Domville-Fife, a British writer, visited Germany in 1939 just before the war in-order to document Hitler’s economic miracle and set the record straight. His account of what he saw and heard from the people of all walks of life is an eye opener.
This book is highly recommended for those who are afflicted with Parrot Syndrome.
“Germany’s hero Skorzeny’s distant ancestors were Polish.” And Jozef Beck’s ancestors were German.
the Czechs were more anti-Bolshevik than the Germans, having fought Bolshevism already during WWI while the Germans were busy expanding empire and escorting Lenin to Russia to help his revolution.
the Germans finally became anti-Bolshevik and suddenly everyone else was pro, how convenient. Benes had an offer from Stalin for Soviet troops to be put in Czechoslovakia, but he refused, since he wanted an independent state. to say he was Stalin’s puppet is ironic, and ignorant. goes to show you have a one-sided, and biased, understanding of the situation.
no, it wasn’t your point at all, nor are you now responding to mine. you’re simply not honorable enough to admit it. you tactically avoid certain points being made, trying to answer something else, avoid it entirely, or pretend you meant something different.
if the Germans were mad about Yugoslavia, considering International Law, what business did they have bothering Serbia? wouldn’t that go against International Law. and, how convenient, that International Law would favor those who created it, almost like those creators had absolutely no honor whatsoever and so shouldn’t be surprised when their dishonorable laws are dishonored. with such laws, the Ottoman Empire would still exist because it would’ve been illegal to partition it. any debate from this point is dishonest from the get-go. and, further, how convenient that they who would ignore International Law would later be upset at others doing the same. hypocrisy.
the bankers at Versailles were taking advantage of certain situations, there is no doubt, but that doesn’t mean that those situations didn’t exist without the bankers in the first place. the idea that the bankers created these situations is delusional, but a very often promoted bit of propaganda.
the Czechs were already trying to form their own state in the mid-19th century, and offered the Austrians to leave with only majority-Czech lands (that means, excluding so-called Sudetenland). in so-called Sudetenland were historically Czech regions, with large Czech populations, and even the location of our founding-myth (Hora ŘÃp). the Czechs were willing to compromise, but were rebutted. after WWI, we formed a state comprised of the same land the Czechs owned under the Crown of Bohemia (as it was known in English). sure, there was a German minority in the country, in the West, but they didn’t mind controlling minorities so why the hypocrisy? they were trying to Germanize their minorities, we didn’t return the favor (but projection is strong, and the Germans probably thought we’d return the favor). they still had minority-majorities in Silesia, so why the hypocrisy?
i’m sure you will ignore most of these points, to make a different point. you won’t even acknowledge what i said, since you lack the honor. like you ignored the point about how propagandist your articles were, and pretended you were making a different point than what i had replied to. truly a pathetic thing.
Actually, the scene I described above from de Gaulle’s memoirs is on this video at the 1 hour 8 minute point in the speech, but you should listen to the entire speech.
You are either lying or showing your ignorance again. I commented on this on another article and I will re-post the comment for you here.
Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof uses primary sources to correct Germany’s own history books (written by Germany’s enemies) and the false narrative of the “pure as driven snow innocent†Poles who proposed to France three times a joint invasion of Germany in the 1930s. Somehow, they were convinced they were a world power. Hitler did everything humanly possible to appease the Poles, working strenuously right up to the moment he finally gave up on peace and ordered the attack on Poland. The Poles refused to even receive Hitler’s offer for peace, so Germany had to give the proposal to England so they could give it to the Poles. The Poles’ responses are laid out in the General’s book. Poland’s responses to Hitler were extremely rude, as if they were spitting in his face.
When one of Churchill’s lackeys brought home Hitler’s offer for peace with Poland, his wife started reading it, and she said to her husband, “I don’t know what more you want. The German proposal is so reasonable.†Her husband immediately called the big newspapers in England and demanded from the editors that Hitler’s proposal be placed in as unfavorable a light as possible. England’s ambassador to Germany, Henderson, appealed to the foreign office not to announce the offer over the radio.
The current Russian-Ukraine war and the start of World War II began because the western backers of Ukraine today and Poland 83 years ago had very similar motives in both cases. Jews in England wanted a war with Germany and began giving huge sums of money to Churchill, the anti-German who had not yet called for war, on the condition that he work to start a world war with Germany. To answer Fufu’s question, “Why is England a nothing country today?†the answer is that a corrupt Churchill did that when he bankrupted England to destroy Germany (and the rest of Europe). That is the same reason Germany is a nothing country today; it led the world in all fields of science and engineering until its destruction in World War II. And that is the same reason Europe is a nothing continent today after leading the world in the sciences and math for two thousand years. Similarly, the Americans (with Jews being a huge factor there too) feel they have the backing of all of Europe, and they can bully Russia left and right, except that the west is now a Jewish haven of sexual perversion and weaklings, as if out of a sci-fi comedy with men dressing up and claiming to be women put in positions of authority. Russia, on the other hand, has made an amazing comeback, having probably the strongest military in the world and greatly beautifying and improving their own country. They refuse to be bullied by the Anglo-Americans and their Jews, and that is how the current war began. The US has surrounded Russia with enemies after lying to Gorbachev and saying they would not expand NATO by adding former Warsaw Pact countries to the alliance, by overthrowing a Russian-friendly Ukrainian president in 2014, and by encouraging Ukraine not to negotiate, telling them (just as they did with the Poles in the 1930s) that they are a powerful country and with western backing Russia will be defeated. Like the Poles, the Ukrainians have fallen for it, but their suffering has only just begun. Anyone with an IQ above 87 could see that, considering England’s geographical location, they would be of little help to Poland when they told the Germans, who wanted their stolen land back, to drop dead. But the Polish leadership was full of itself, filled with envy, and wanted to keep everything and more. At the end of General Schultze-Rhonhof’s lecture, he reveals that within hours of the Ribbentrop-Molotov nonaggression pact being signed, including putting eastern Poland under the Soviet sphere of influence, US President Roosevelt was informed of the pact. Knowing full well that if war broke out, Poland would face war with Germany and the USSR, he continued to encourage the Poles not to negotiate with Germany. Had the Poles known about the contents of the pact, they would have surely sat down to discuss Danzig and how to come to a fair solution. If Ukrainians today knew how the British and Americans betrayed their ally Poland 83 years ago, they might not allow the Anglo-Americans to do the same thing to them today.
General Schultze-Rhonhof then discusses the Poles’ barbarous treatment of their minorities. At least one million ethnic Germans fled Poland in the 1920s. With negotiations, sometimes things improved, but before long, Poland attacked its minorities again. Prior to the war, Germans fleeing Poland and reaching the German border were shot dead by the Poles. The Ukrainians had it just as bad. British newspapers covered it because Ukrainians were fleeing Poland to British Canada and the Poles were murdering Ukrainian priests and using medieval torture techniques on other Ukrainians. Galicia, Lemberg, and White Russia (Belarus) were hellholes. Under Austrian rule, Ukrainians had a much fairer deal, and thus, Galicians welcomed the German army with open arms in 1941. The narrative of German brutality against Jews before the war is a Jewish lie. Germany wanted most of the half million or so Jews out of Germany, and violence was rare (yes, rare), but Jews were so outraged that they were being discriminated against in other ways that they did things like murder a German diplomat in France, which provoked Kristallnacht in 1938, which caused the deaths of 87 Jews, not 5 million as you might think from Jewish propaganda.
People are reminded again of the similarities today. The General then discusses the Polish threat to cut off the last rail link between Germany and East Prussia, which would have cut off Germany’s energy transports to the region and left the population to freeze to death. Germany’s current leadership of perverts and retards would learn a lot by reading this book. Hitler’s last proposal for peace was for a plebiscite to be held on the Polish Corridor and have the population decide whether they wanted to rejoin Germany or remain under Polish rule. The losing side would get a rail link. If Germany lost, they would get a rail link to East Prussia, and if Poland lost, they would get a rail link to the Baltic Sea. Poland again rejected the offer, probably knowing the population would opt to return to Germany. With the return of the stolen Saarland to Germany in 1935, when over 90% of the population voted for its return to Germany and less than 1% voted to join France, Poland’s chances weren’t good. Even after driving out over one million Germans, the majority of people in the Polish Corridor were German, just as they were in the Saarland. Germany was not a country with a large minority population, and I would not doubt that of the ethnic Poles there, a significant percentage liked being Germans. Germany’s hero Skorzeny’s distant ancestors were Polish.
Why do you claim the British didn’t want war when they got involved in a dispute between the newly formed Czechoslovakia and neighboring Germany, which they had nothing to do with except create the new state against the wishes of millions of people who were forced to live under it?Â
You have digested the lies you have been told for over 80 years that Czechoslovakia was this innocent country of patriots that wanted to remain free and independent when the truth is millions of its citizens, perhaps 50% or more of the country were German friendly and never wanted to be torn away from Austria. 3.5 million of those people were Austrians themselves.
“At a mass meeting in Prague, 200,000 Czechs pledge loyalty to their homeland and to the German Reich. This rally in Wenceslas Square, near the historic statute of St. Wenceslas, is on July 3, 1942 — four weeks after the murder of Reinhard Heydrich, SS General and Deputy Reich Protector of Bohemia-Moravia.
Emanuel Moravec, Czech Minister of Education and National Enlightenment, addresses the crowd. He concludes with an expression of confidence in a better future for the Czech people, and of appreciation for the “new Europe,†the “National Socialist revolution,†“our leader, Adolf Hitler,†and “our state president, Dr. Hacha.â€
Emil Hacha, Czech State President, is present, along with the Mayor of Prague and the mayors of many other cities and towns of the Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia. The meeting concludes with the vast crowd singing the Czech national hymn. From a Czech newsreel report, July 1942. In Czech. No subtitles.â€
I thought Hitler made a reasonable request of, proposal to, or demand of Poland for Danzig or access thereto.
That isn’t true. No such proposal exists. The British talked about getting one for him. Hitler made the decision to invade and it had nothing to do with Danzig. He setup the world’s laziest false flag attack and took over the country.
It didn’t have anything to do with his not being able to stand Poland.
He planned on erasing Poland. They had a list of intellectuals they planned on killing well before 1939.
At the start of the war he dropped 560 tons of bombs on Warsaw. Then he had SS steal Polish children that were Aryan looking and sent their parents to camps. Does that sound like someone that merely wants a corridor?
Well, Polish murder of Germans might have fueled German hatred of the Poles. They seem barely less obtuse and bloodyminded than the nutcase Ukrainians.
There were skirmishes by both sides. Hitler wasn’t trying to end German/Polish violence which was minor. He had no intention of merely taking the German parts of Poland. He wanted to erase Poland entirely and turn it into farmland. That was all part of Generalplan Ost.
Your czar and resentment ideas are baseless.
The Communists openly talked about how they planned on exploiting Russian resentment of the West.
The British talked about the problem Russian resentment and how it caused greed in the Tsars.
This isn’t a new criticism. They were called the sick man of Europe for a reason.
Russia still hasn’t passed the GDP of Canada and their economy has been stagnate the last 10 years. Putin is trying to pull age old imperialism and resentment is a factor. The bitterness of his face breaks my computer screen.
“The British didn’t want war as seen by the fact that they let him break the Munich agreement.” You are a typical “know nothing” with a big mouth. Let’s ignore the fact that the newly created state of Czechoslovakia, created from stolen land taken from Austria, was none of Britain’s business, especially when you acknowledge the fact that millions of so-called “Czechoslovakians” wanted to remain part of Austria and they were never asked if they wanted to be part of a new state.
In this lecture by one of the most important historians of the 20th century, David Irving explains how a group of powerful Jews convinced Winston Churchill to propagandize for a war against Germany starting in 1936 until they levered him into office in 1940. He worked to undermine Chamberlain’s efforts for peace until he was in power.
David Irving speaks about his book, Churchill’s War. Watch from minutes 29 through 44 for the discussion of the huge financial payoffs a major Jewish organization and Jewish individuals, including the “Austrian” mentioned, made to Winston Churchill to begin attacking Germany in the media and advocate for war and then accelerate the war once he took office. The Board of Deputies of British Jews made a huge payoff to Winston Churchill to bail him out of impending bankruptcy, and wealthy individual Jews mentioned also made large payoffs to Churchill. For those payoffs, Churchill worked to start World War II and turn down Germany’s numerous peace offers after the British army was thrown into the sea. In the meantime, Jews in the US were working to get the US into the war as the Polish ambassador to the US, Jerzy Potocki describes so well.
In another speech, which I can’t find anymore, Irving discusses a scene Charles de Gaulle describes in his book written about the war. De Gaulle and Churchill are standing on a field in England, and at one point Churchill raises his little fat fist in the air and says, “Why won’t you come?” De Gaulle didn’t know what Churchill meant by this. Irving describes how Churchill repeatedly sent British bombers into Germany in 1940 to drop bombs on German civilians, but Hitler did not retaliate. Germany only dropped bombs on military targets. Churchill wanted to be able to point at a bomber attack and say, “See what Hitler did,” but Hitler didn’t oblige the liar Churchill. Finally, when the British continued their attacks on German civilians, Germany retaliated, and Irving says Hitler finally gave Churchill what he wanted. Many British didn’t want the war that Churchill was pushing for, but once Germany retaliated, the war mongers in Britain had what they needed to justify their war.
As I said, You know nothing. Â Â
I thought Hitler made a reasonable request of, proposal to, or demand of Poland for Danzig or access thereto. The Poles blew him off because of British assurances. It didn’t have anything to do with his not being able to stand Poland. Well, Polish murder of Germans might have fueled German hatred of the Poles. They seem barely less obtuse and bloodyminded than the nutcase Ukrainians.
Your czar and resentment ideas are baseless. If I were Russian now I’d be seething with resentment of the West for sure, but not because of its success. In point of fact, the West is utterly contemptible just now. It’s awash in morons, grifters, soy boys, hideous feminists, traitors, parasites, and liars. Not that we’re not a light unto the world, of course.
Benes was in Stalin s pocket. Hitler a liar? To the extent that all politicians lie, yes, he was a liar, but comparatively speaking, he was a choirboy. There was going to be a war whether Germany wanted one or not.
The British didn’t want war as seen by the fact that they let him break the Munich agreement. The French certainly weren’t in the mood for war either.
Would Germany eventually fight the USSR in any scenario? Probably but it would have been better if they did it without a zany trench running corporal in charge.
Hitler gambled that the British and French wouldn’t defend Poland. But he also told Ribbentrop that he was fine with war if it was required to settle Poland.
That is extremely reckless.
His generals in 1939 did not want war with France and Germany but Hitler was willing to gamble it just to get revenge over Poland.
Then he later opens a two front war after writing in his book that he wouldn’t make the same mistake of WW1.
Hitler botched his war a dozen ways and constantly lied to the German people. He made a lot of economic progress for Germany in the 1930s but went nuts in 1939 and then really lost it in 1941. The theory that he had Parkinson’s induced megalomania makes a lot of sense. Or maybe it was just meth.
All Hitler had to do was take a few third world countries and fill them with Germans. That’s it. They would be the leading world power today. But he wanted revenge over WW1 and couldn’t stand the existence of Poland.
Now we have to deal with his mess which includes a return of the Tsar and the same old problem of Russian resentment against Western success.
I in no way intended to imply that Russia is on the wrong side of history this time. From the failed 2008 CIA Orange Revolution coup attempt, I have suspected that there was going to be a war involving Russia. The 2014 coup upped my suspicion to a certainty, and the inaction on Minsk made a war inevitable.
Truth is the first casualty of war. Lies are going to come from both sides trying to shape the narrative. Unfortunately, Russia has nothing to compete with the Mighty Wurlitzer in DC.
As for the Jews, in the 70s I worked with a Jew who was allowed to emigrate in one of the first groups. He was a Russian Jew from Mariupol. While he complained a little about Russian Auntie Shem-itism, he detested Ukrainians. I am acquinted with several Jews whose grandparents were from the Donbas, some coming around the turn of the last century. All have mixed reviews about Russians and Ukrainians, but say their grandmothers referred to Ukrainians as gonif.
Benes was in Stalin s pocket. Hitler a liar? To the extent that all politicians lie, yes, he was a liar, but comparatively speaking, he was a choirboy. There was going to be a war whether Germany wanted one or not. It would seem obvious that the entire WWII narrative is bullshit, when Hitler hating AJP Taylor lost his position at Oxford for publishing The Origins of the Second World War.
Actually, you are making my point. Borders have changed constantly in Europe for thousands of years depending on the conqueror. Belgium and England were Roman. Scotland only became Scotland after they invaded from Ireland (after leaving the Levant and traveling to Scythia before that) and displaced the Picts who were the ones battling the Romans. The Huns are not originally from Hungary. The Spanish in Andalusia are Goths. The Moaris are recognized as the indigenous population of New Zealand even though there is abundant proof they are not. The Han took over a large part of China and claim all of it as theirs. The Dravidians were conquered by the lighter skinned tribes from the North. The land claims are always based on who or what was the last ruler or victor. I am not saying it always makes sense, only what reality is. After all, if we believe the out of Africa narrative, the entire planet is really African.
The Germans allowed passage for Lenin to speed up the already collapsing Tsarist Military. It understood that Cousins Willi and Nikky were being stabbed in the back by others behind the scene. The references to artificial state included Yugoslavia. By that, they meant that the countries were created by the bankers running the show at Versailles, not conquest. There was no conquest of Germany, an Armistice was signed based on Wilson s 14 Points, one of which was no territorial losses. The partitioning of the German and Austrian Empires was illegal under International Law, just as Syria, over 70 years ago pointed out the UN partitioning of Palestine was illegal under international law. Again not saying it always makes sense, only what reality is.
This isn’t a facetious question, but what would they have seen from the window of the train?
Always been my big problem with the Bible people as well. And I’ve never received a convincing explanation.
yeah we’ve been talking about this since the maidan; I recall also a couple of mossad/aman types out there like “delta”
Than who in the hell have I been fighting for?
Definitely not all generals.
The Nürnberg race-laws did not establish a ‘one-drop rule’ for Jewish ancestry but followed a ‘blood-quota’-approach. The law was complicated and contradictory as it purported to establish racial categories based on religious affiliation, ironically increasing the numbers of Germans to be considered as Jews. There were exceptions when required, i.e., ‘honorary aryans’ and the rules changed over time. In general, most Jewish soldiers were quarter or half Jewish as legally defined, not people who would at the time have considered themselves as Jewish.
A good overview by B.M. Rigg:
‘At that time, the Soviets, concerned about a possible Nazi attack on Leningrad (St. Petersburg), asked Finland to lease the port of Hanko, but negotiations dragged on and they invaded Finland, not to annex it, but to place their navy in Hanko. This precedent is taught today as an example of Russian imperialism, although Finnish President Urho Kekkonen himself acknowledged that the Soviet attitude was “understandable.‒
The fact that a country has a good reason for stealing land from another country does not give it a right to steal it, or even use it. President Urho Kekkonen was a postwar president of Finland. I could speculate on various reasons why he might express sympathy with the Soviets after the war, one being intimidated by their immense military presence. I don’t think the wartime Finnish leader thought that way and might have been more sympathetic to German concerns about a Soviet attack on Germany.
I would like to see some of that attitude of showing understanding for a country’s policies in regard to Germany but I have never heard the French or British leaders saying it was understandable Germany wanted the German land stolen from it returned and the abused Germans living there freed. Instead, they attacked Germany.
The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end to our Afghan misadventure both offered splendid opportunities to reorient “our” thinking but what followed, respectively, was a full-court press to assert strip Russian resources and bleed Russia dry with sanctions, sabotage, and grievous military provocations.
However, it is the US and its vassals who are being bled dry and whose supply lines are long and vulnerable.
Fortunately, the Russians saw the handwriting on the wall with the attack on their Serb brothers and revived their military industries in a serious way.
It’s beyond sad to contemplate a revived and optimistic Russia and a fully-exploted BRI and what that would have meant for the world. Instead, on top of the above vicious initiatives we see the mad drive to islamicize the West, pursue mad “climate change” [expletive], and upend civil society. Cue video of Frans Timmermans proclaiming that the future of mankind is diversity and “transgendered,” lipstick-wearing, high Energy Department official freak haunting airline baggage carousels.
I think Zelensky did indeed want to negotiate after his election but it’s reported that he was threatened. Be that as it may, he’s certainly done a volte face with a vengeance and done everything but a Jerry Lewis Telethon to keep the show on the road. It was win win for him. He had his villas in Florida and Israel and no one seriously believed the fable of any Russian interest in anything more than securing the Donbas. Crimea took them by surprise big time and taking over the coast all the way to Odesa will cause lots of heartburn but a Ukraine Manqué there will be.
US domestic and foreign policies are distilled stupidity, recklessness, viciousness, and arrogance. The interests of all Western people are irrelevant and their racial and cultural replacement now underway is well advanced.
Just as the US and European stocks of weaponry and ammunition are being seriously depleted so are their economic and industrial vitality and resilience. Yet all actions proceed heedless of such realities. Utterly heedless. Steven King couldn’t write a more gruesome story.
Serbia was independent when Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia-Herzegovina. Serbs were no longer ruled by Ottomans and instead of replacing one overlord by another, they preferred self-rule. Serbia does owe its independence to Russia but at the difference of Western powers, Russians have never occupied Serbia, have never claimed to occupy Serbia and have never even tried to invade Serbia. All the actions of Russians pertaining to Serbia have always been brotherly and if Serbs sided with the West against Russia, they would display preposterous, disgusting ingratitude. The only problems from Russia that Serbia has ever had were all caused by Russian Jews.
Now if you ask me, I think than Slovenia and Croatia should have been left to Austrians and Hungarians instead of creating Yugoslavia after WWI. As for WWI, Serbs definitely didn’t cause it. All Serbs wanted was self-determination.
At the start of the invasion, the manpower of the Soviet military force that had been mobilized was 5.3–5.5 million,[2][151] and it was still increasing as the Soviet reserve force of 14 million, with at least basic military training
Stalin was mobilizing for his invasion of Germany, this was one reason he had signed a non-aggression pact with Japan.
German forces had just intervened in Yugoslavia, after Stalin and Churchill pulled off their coup, and in Greece. German forces would have been depleted, and much of their equipment not in complete working order and in need of maintenance. The British tanks were as good as the PZIII and PZiV and served as reserves, freeing up their other tanks for the Moscow counter offensive. Stalin also already had T34’s and KVI’s.
It is interesting that the Hebrews claim 500000 Jews fought in the Red Army and that 200000 were killed in 1941. Almost 5% of the Soviet forces. Since Stalin had planned to invade Germany with this army, victorious and vengeful Jews would have been exacting revenge all across Germany in 1941.
Azov is not backed by Jews, you asshat.
I’d like to think that the British tanks that were sent in December and November of 1941 were important. And I think they were. However, The strategic decision by Japan not to attack Vladivostok did release Far Eastern Soviet garrisons to counter attack around Moscow.
“Stalin transferred over 18 divisions, 1,700 tanks, and over 1,500 aircraft from Siberia and the Far East.The Red Army had accumulated a 58-division reserve by early December”
That’s a lot.
“When the offensive proposed by Zhukov and Vasilevsky was finally approved by Stalin. Even with these new reserves, Soviet forces committed to the operation numbered only 1,100,000 men, only slightly outnumbering the Wehrmacht. Nevertheless, with careful troop deployment, a ratio of two-to-one was reached at some critical points.”
The Japs fucked up on a strategic level. Any pressure on Vladivostok would have made the decisive Siberian redeployment impossible.
Would you risk returning? A mug’s game.
According to McMeeken, the USSR imported massive quantities of this 100 octane aviation fuel. If you were a fighter pilot you would always want the high octane fuel because at high altitude it performs massively better than low octane. This is probably why the Aerocobra was so popular with the USSR. They ordered thousands despite it not performing well at high altitude. Likely the USSR had its own low octane aviation fuel available and that likely worked well with Aerocobra at low altitude.The aluminium engine in the T34, developed for Soviet offense before the war, is important because speed and light weight is most significant for offensive operations, which Stalin clearly had planned. The Soviet engineers were clearly very advanced, and the T34 also had the Christie suspension. It was built to be the Ferrari of tanks, no costs barred. All for the conquest of the west and the victory of "Communism" over the entire planet. In comparison all Hitler wanted was a little lebensraum, and he was willing to take down all of Judeo-Communism on is his own, and the US and UK too if there were no other way. Just as we see in Ukraine today, the allies made certain that Hitler and Germany had no other way out. Anyone who Russia has behaved correctly in Ukraine has to see the same applies to Germany in 1941.Replies: @Wokechoke
When the war in Europe began, the U.S. was manufacturing a modest 40,000 gallons a month of 100 octane gas. But by 1944, it was making 400,000 gallons of AvGas a month from 77 Houdry Process plants. The first consumer was Great Britain which did not make 100 octane gas but nevertheless made aircraft engines, like the Rolls Merlin, that needed it. The British were ordered all that the U.S. could produce.And the Luftwaffe found that the underpowered Hurricanes and Spitfires it had slapped aside so easily in the skies over France early in the war had been reborn by the time the Battle of Brittain had started where they met or exceeded the performance of the Focke Wulfs and Messerschmitts they met in combat over London. In contrast, Germany’s planes mostly flew on 89 octane fuel and Japan never got higher than 87.
This High Octane was a domestic British product of course.
Its target was Marxists (JM: a MINORITY influence amongst the Jews of Poland – most Jews were of the right, only the leadership of the Polish Communist Party being Jews) and all forces, including governments, that were a barrier to its aims.
The right-wing Jews in Europe made the mistake of trying to downplay the Jewish leadership of Communist parties and especially in Poland.
It allowed Hitler types to point at left-wing Jewish leaders but of course not mention that Jews had died fighting Communists in the Polish-Soviet war.
Hitler also didn’t talk about how there were states like France with very few Jews but still had plenty of Communists.
The right-wing Jews should have gone after the left-wing Jews. Interestingly Lenin was almost killed by a left-wing Ukrainian Jewess for banning competing political parties. She had more balls than any Russian man at the time. Amazingly one bullet went through his neck and he still survived.
The Ordained Narrative of events at Oradour show all the signs of a typical WW 2 propaganda exercise. The Narrative contains numerous inconsistencies with the likeliest explanation for the huge death toll being the premature detonation of a maquis explosives cache in the local church prior to the outbreak of shooting.
Indeed. In my latest blog post I marvel at how Ukrainians can be manipulated by Jews into a war that will generate devastating financial and material losses despite their prior experience of Jews, usury, tax-harvesting, the Holodomor and the oligarchs’ looting (sigh)…..
This most important article is available at a price from the website of The Nation titled The Menace of Jewish Fascism by William Zukerman (1934).
Some of the substance of the full article is as follows:
1) In the 1920’s and thirties a Jewish Fascist Party in Poland, then the main centre of Zionism, had a membership of 50,000 with a large press
2) This party with its own Fuhrer had great influence on Zionist policy and it was the dominant ideological force on Jews in Poland and of importance to determining the ideology of world Jewry.
3) Its ideology, symbolism and organisational structure, including stormtroopers, resembled the Nazis much more than the more benign Italian fascists.
4) Its target was Marxists (JM: a MINORITY influence amongst the Jews of Poland – most Jews were of the right, only the leadership of the Polish Communist Party being Jews) and all forces, including governments, that were a barrier to its aims.
Zukerman goes on to present a materialist analysis of the basis of this social phenomenon, amongst a predominantly petty bourgeois Jewry whose decay was accentuated by the destruction of the empires from which they gained succour, as a result of the Treaty of Versailles.
(JM: Of course this decay is relative, Jews still having disproportionate influence in many key areas, as in Germany.)
It is almost universally the case that from the “far leftâ€, far right, fascist, Jewish thought and action is presented as a minority phenomenon. This is totally false.
The western Ukrainians cannot blame anyone. During Holodomor they were part of Poland and that saved them from starvation. What a pity!
It was just one of many times. As an act of gratitude they slaughtered 100000 Poles during 2 WW. Firstly they allied themselves with Germans and when those were retreating Ukrainians went to Soviets.
Apart from most radical faction they were the most ardent communists of CCCP.
As an acknowledgement they were given Russian Donbas in 1920.
(((Azov))), (((ISIS))), (((Antifa))), (((BLM))), etc.
That applies to your average (((chrizzie albinonigger))) too.
Just look inside your pagan houses of deceit. You will find all of them there. You are even named after this abominable deceit.
Those who enable the (((noses))) are of them too. No greater enabler of the soulless (((usurers))) than the (((albinonigger))).
German atrocities committed against Soviet prisoners of war
At the start of the invasion, the manpower of the Soviet military force that had been mobilized was 5.3–5.5 million,[2][151] and it was still increasing as the Soviet reserve force of 14 million, with at least basic military training, continued to mobilize.
So 5.7 million Russian POW's out of an 3 million men facting the Germans.
It is estimated that at least 3.3 million Soviet POWs died in Nazi custody, out of 5.7 million.
Red Army 1941 – losses
“The Red Army was reinforced from about two million men in 1938 to 6.5 million by the spring of 1941.” (John Scott: Behind the Urals: An American Worker in Russia’s City of Steel)
Roschmann: Of the more than 5 million Soviet prisoners of war, not 3.3 million but 1.68 million died at German hands. The mass of the 5 million prisoners fell into German hands in 1941, when the Red Army almost collapsed. Until September 1941, the supply of accruing prisoners of war seems to have worked reasonably well, but in the fall of 1941 a collapse occurred.
The Soviets had used a scorched earth strategy (Stalin Order Nr. 428) in their retreat, destroying, as far as they could, the railroad system, industrial plants, agricultural equipment, and food supplies, and moving everything transportable to the east. The Wehrmacht advanced into an economically devastated area. With the onset of the mud period, the completely overstretched and overburdened German transportation system collapsed, and the Wehrmacht ran into severe supply difficulties.
The collapse of the transport system had a devastating effect on the Soviet prisoners of war, who were particularly numerous at this time. The Red Army prisoners often fell into German hands in a state of malnutrition and fatal exhaustion. Nutrition in the prison camps was inadequate, and this favored the outbreak of epidemics, especially typhus and dysentery.
In spring 1942 the supplies could be improved…
In early January 1943, the Army General Staff had prepared a memorandum which presented in keyword summary the problems of German occupation policy in the East, described the measures already taken to remedy them, and suggested further improvements:
“Will of resistance of the Red Army unbroken. Increased show of force by the Soviets under the slogan of ‘national war’. The mood of the hitherto pro-German population is visibly deteriorating. […] Increased gang activity and serious mistakes in the treatment of the population noticeably affect the German reputation. Only the Führer enjoys boundless confidence. The population is often treated as ‘Bolsheviks’ and ‘inferior’. Cultural neglect (closing of schools and institutes, consequently also to our disadvantage lack of doctors, technical specialists, etc.). Disregard of the strong educational instinct, pride in technical and ‘cultural’ achievements, sense of shame and honor, especially pronounced in Russian women. […] Corporal punishment, hanging, addressing with ‘Du’. Ruthless manhunt for labor in Germany, undignified treatment of voluntary workers in the Reich. […] Insufficient implementation of the agrarian order, no restitution of private property.
Previous countermeasures – release of Ukrainians, Estonians, Latvians, etc., prisoners of war, better treatment of prisoners, preferential treatment of defectors, sparing of commissars, prohibition of senseless collective punishments, propagation and start-up of agrarian reform, generous deployment of national units and aid workers, rewarding of proven fighters and national workers, prevention of rape, arbitrariness, brutality, especially by the allies – remained as individual measures without decisive success, since they were not supported by a unified basic thesis. Where this was applied – Caucasus, Crimea – the population stood united and ready to die for the German cause. […]
Measures to be proposed: Declaration by the Fuehrer assuring equal rights under the merit principle as European people to all Russians who have served in the struggle against Bolshevism. Declaration of political intentions for rest of Russia.
It depends on the Great Russians! […] Proclamation of a new political doctrine, ideally overcoming Bolshevism, on the basis of self-government under German leadership. Treatment of the people in the occupied territories according to these principles to be proclaimed. Prohibition of manhunts. Fundamental improvement in the treatment of Russian workers in the Reich. […] Sufficient supplies for the cities; support, at least toleration of self-help by the population. Restitution of private property in the Baltic countries.”
Regarding Finland
Thierry Meyssan of VoltaireNet.Org has just now mentioned an interesting aspect of the Russian Winter-War against Finland:
“This is an old story in Western-Russian relations that goes back to Moscow’s exclusion from the League of Nations in 1939. At that time, the Soviets, concerned about a possible Nazi attack on Leningrad (St. Petersburg), asked Finland to lease the port of Hanko, but negotiations dragged on and they invaded Finland, not to annex it, but to place their navy in Hanko. This precedent is taught today as an example of Russian imperialism, although Finnish President Urho Kekkonen himself acknowledged that the Soviet attitude was “understandable.”
Re. statistics and/or common sense:
Putin says there is not one Russian family that has not lost someone in the war. To me that is believable, because I have not come across one German family that has not lost members in the war. How many housholds/families did the USSR have then? Germany had about 20 million…
(My family lost all fightable men in the Eastern Front)
https://imgur.com/mN2h7K3.pngStalin was mobilizing for his invasion of Germany, this was one reason he had signed a non-aggression pact with Japan.German forces had just intervened in Yugoslavia, after Stalin and Churchill pulled off their coup, and in Greece. German forces would have been depleted, and much of their equipment not in complete working order and in need of maintenance. The British tanks were as good as the PZIII and PZiV and served as reserves, freeing up their other tanks for the Moscow counter offensive. Stalin also already had T34's and KVI's.It is interesting that the Hebrews claim 500000 Jews fought in the Red Army and that 200000 were killed in 1941. Almost 5% of the Soviet forces. Since Stalin had planned to invade Germany with this army, victorious and vengeful Jews would have been exacting revenge all across Germany in 1941.
At the start of the invasion, the manpower of the Soviet military force that had been mobilized was 5.3–5.5 million,[2][151] and it was still increasing as the Soviet reserve force of 14 million, with at least basic military training
He didn’t break that agreement. There were issues between Slovakia and Czechia. They turned to Rome and Berlin to solve the problems, not London and Paris. The Germans were requested to station troops.
He broke the agreement by taking the remainder of Czechoslovakia.
Slovakia had declared their independence and were backed by the Germans.
Hitler took the remainder of the country in defiance of the agreement and against the will of the people.
Hitler on Sudetenland:
It is the last territorial claim which I have to make in Europe, but it is the claim from which I will not recede and which, God-willing, I will make good.
So Hitler broke the agreement and his own word. It isn’t a surprise that the British didn’t want to make a deal after Dunkirk. He had taken Western Europe after claiming Sudetenland was his last territorial demand. He privately spoke about Nevile as a joke and enjoyed humiliating him. Well his breaking of the agreement led to Churchhill who was stubborn as a mule and was willing to fight to the death. If he hadn’t broken the agreement then Chamberlain would have remained in charge.
Hitler was a liar from the beginning. He had his own loyal followers killed in the Night of Long Knives to consolidate power. The British were right to not trust him. Hitler claimed he didn’t want a war with the British but had no problem sending endless buzz bombs at London nor did he have a problem with sinking endless merchant ships. As with most liars you have to judge him by his actions. He was trying to terrorize the population into surrendering while claiming he wanted peace. Very similar to Putin today.
an utter state of disassociation of judgment of the self per the standards of judgment of the other, is ever present in your replies and in the articles you post.
in the 2nd article you just posted was drivel about how the land of Bohemia was originally German, totally and purposely ignoring that it was, per the same sources, actually originally Celtic. the Germans are referred to as original inhabitants, who were replaced by “invading” Slavs, yet the Germans who overtook the Celts are not referred to as “invaders” – what a pathetic level of bias (and, on top of that, the author had the audacity to claim his only bias is seeking truth, oh the humor).
interestingly, as other articles here on Unz noted (the very interesting set of articles on the real history of the Roman Empire), it is quite likely that all of those history books the articles you posted refer to are actually forgeries written to make the already Christian Germans desire conquest of non-Christian (Slav Pagan) land. as the actual archeological sources prove, unequivocally, a rigid and unbroken line of tradition in these areas (like Bohemia), meaning the Czechs are the original, ancient, inhabitants of the land having lived there for some thousands of years.
it is so ironic that the Germans refer to Czechoslovakia as an “artificial state” all the while ignoring Austria-Hungary being artificial (and forcing its inhabitants into the Union, like the Czechs, who had wanted to leave it for quite some time prior to WWI and even offered to let the Austrians retain German-majority areas, like so-called Sudetenland, but were rejected), or the German Empire. i’ve also never seen any actual evidence of the Czechs hurting the Slovaks, or taking anything from them, just baseless accusations. i am ready to hear some information, but none is ever provided, just the accusation. most Slovaks i speak to have no ill memories of Czechoslovakia and many wish it would still exist.
during Austrian rule, pre-WWI, the Czechs were often rioting against German AND Jewish businesses taking advantage of them, and treating them poorly. Franz Kafka commented, that during such riots, people would look at him and (in his words) in a typical Czech manner would say “are you… a jew?” yes, while the Czechs were already quite well aware of the Jewish plague, the Germans were still kissing Jew ass and working right alongside them. that is why when the Soviet Union offered a guarantee to Czechoslovakia, Benes rejected it, since he wanted an independent country and not a puppet. the Czechs hated Bolshevism, we even sent a legion of 100,000 (a huge amount for a small country) to fight it during WWI (while the Germans were supporting it by sending Lenin to Russia, and the Austrians were busy expanding empire). but these facts, oh, you don’t want to consider them, do you?
you focused entirely on the lend-lease part of my reply, and i won’t bother replying to it since two posters already did. interesting you ignored the entire first part of my post, which was the more pertinent point.
He didn’t break that agreement. There were issues between Slovakia and Czechia. They turned to Rome and Berlin to solve the problems, not London and Paris. The Germans were requested to station troops. Here is some contemporary accounts of the background:
It should be noted that David Irving found evidence that Edvard Benes, Head of the Government in Exile was shuffling cash to Churchill.
Q: Who brokered the deal to make Bosnia-Herzogovia part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after the Russo-Turkish War?
A: Benjamin Disraeli for (((occupied))) perfidious Albion.
What you are really saying is that Serbia was fine being ruled by the Ottomans or the Russians instead of the Austrians.
In history, shit happens, and nothing is as it seems. As Napoleon said, history is the agreed upon lies of the victors. As for supremacists, I live in a city where there has been a large population of “Ukrainians” and a considerable number of “Poles”, for more than a century. Most are nice people, just as people from most ethnic groups. When it comes to “supremacists” the “leaders” of the “Ukrainians” and “Poles” take a back seat to no one. Every ethnic group is like that, even the Serbs, Croats, and Bosnians.
Not sure what that means. Had the back room boys in Russia and France, not worked with nut-job Serbians, and George V not advised Foreign Secretary Grey (who signed secret agreements with France) to "Find an excuse for war", there would have been no WWI and illegal partitioning of Germany in the first place. Why is it that Poland and Hungary, both of which invaded Czechoslovakia to "protect" their ethnic populations, before Germany entered the 95% German Sudetanland, whose population was being brutalized, was never a problem for the All-Lies? Germany had already ceded some German lands, lost by the illegal partition, to others, including parts to Poland. It was focusing on majority German areas that wanted to become part of Germany again. It wouldn't have mattered what Germany did, as with WWI, it was becoming too powerful economically and had to be smashed.Replies: @John Johnson, @Passing By, @Whew, @Whew
Had the Germans just stayed in Germany, they’d have avoided the problems.
as well: please show me ‘Germany’ on a WWI era map. you can’t. it doesn’t exist. it was the ‘German Empire’ (keyword: “Empire”). much of the land The German Empire owned was not German in a classical sense. it’s much like when Hungarians today proclaim Greater Hungary when that encompasses land the Hungarian Empire administered but no Hungarians were there. such nonsensical ideology is a barrier to peace, since with that kind of thinking no present state of peace can be achieved. and, again (as i noted in a previous reply): Germany, post WWI, had no qualms holding onto land that was not majority German populated, like in Silesia, so who were they to demand majority-German populated areas from others?
Wrong question! lol
Here is the right question: How much money per year does the poorest American pay to build concentration camps for Palestinians and luxury villas for European Jews in Israel?
Answer: $1,500+!
While I am certain that there are mountains of lies spread about Hitler, the NSDAP and Germans in general, I seriously do not think they are completely pure angels either. Just from a French perspective, a lot of our POWs stayed in Germany until 1945 working in munitions factories or farms, and a lot of them never returned, this doesn’t seem to have been the case for say British or US POWs (although of course they were far fewer than the French ones).
Hitler never allowed the refugees from Belgium and the north of France to come back to their houses, they had to settle in Vichy France, if a resistant/partisan shot a German soldier or officer, the German authorities would often shoot up to 100 innocent civilian “hostages” in retaliation, and of course you have the case of Oradour where the SS destroyed the village and killed almost everybody for no reason at all.
If they are capable of that in France, I’m sure some horrible atrocities happened on the Eastern Front, maybe not as much as mainstream history tells us but definitely a hell of a lot, now is Generalplan Ost real, I don’t know, but if it is it would have been a disaster for the peoples of the USSR, even worse that what happened after Stalin won.
The US provided critically needed anti-aircraft guns as well. US Marines at Guadalcanal were fighting with Springfields while the US was shipping M-1 Garands to the USSR.The US/UK aluminium alone saved Russia's ass. In 1942 the USSR finally got air supremacy, without which Stalingrad never would have held out. This was made possible by thousands of US Aerocobras and UK Hurricanes. The IL-2's never would have gotten off the ground without US/UK aluminium. None of them would have been flying without US aviation fuel, provided by the tanker load.McMeekin spent a lot of effort detailing Lend Lease in "Stalin's War".Replies: @Wokechoke, @John Johnson
The Kharkiv model V-2 (Russian: В-2) was a Soviet diesel tank V-12 engine, the V angle at 60°, with dual overhead camshafts per bank,four valves per cylinder opened by bucket style followers and direct fuel injection, features found on modern high performance diesel engines. Designed at the Kharkiv Locomotive Factory by Konstantin Chelpan and his team. It is found in the BT-7M (BT-8), T-34, KV, IS and IS-10 (T-10) tanks, and by extension, the vehicles based on them, such as the SU-85 and SU-100 tank destroyers based on the T-34 and the ISU-122 and ISU-152 self-propelled guns based on the IS-2. Throughout its production life, output ranged from roughly 450-700 hp. The engine was made of aluminium.
Kharkiv model V-2
That’s not a dependency on alumnium.
That is making the engine block aluminum because they had it available. Makes the tank lighter but it is not a dependency.
They could have made them with cast iron like any other diesel of the time.
In fact it is much easier to make an engine block out of iron.
How High-Octane Gasoline Saved Untold Allied Pilots During WWII
When the war in Europe began, the U.S. was manufacturing a modest 40,000 gallons a month of 100 octane gas. But by 1944, it was making 400,000 gallons of AvGas a month from 77 Houdry Process plants. The first consumer was Great Britain which did not make 100 octane gas but nevertheless made aircraft engines, like the Rolls Merlin, that needed it. The British were ordered all that the U.S. could produce.
And the Luftwaffe found that the underpowered Hurricanes and Spitfires it had slapped aside so easily in the skies over France early in the war had been reborn by the time the Battle of Brittain had started where they met or exceeded the performance of the Focke Wulfs and Messerschmitts they met in combat over London. In contrast, Germany’s planes mostly flew on 89 octane fuel and Japan never got higher than 87.
According to McMeeken, the USSR imported massive quantities of this 100 octane aviation fuel. If you were a fighter pilot you would always want the high octane fuel because at high altitude it performs massively better than low octane. This is probably why the Aerocobra was so popular with the USSR. They ordered thousands despite it not performing well at high altitude. Likely the USSR had its own low octane aviation fuel available and that likely worked well with Aerocobra at low altitude.
The aluminium engine in the T34, developed for Soviet offense before the war, is important because speed and light weight is most significant for offensive operations, which Stalin clearly had planned. The Soviet engineers were clearly very advanced, and the T34 also had the Christie suspension. It was built to be the Ferrari of tanks, no costs barred. All for the conquest of the west and the victory of “Communism” over the entire planet. In comparison all Hitler wanted was a little lebensraum, and he was willing to take down all of Judeo-Communism on is his own, and the US and UK too if there were no other way. Just as we see in Ukraine today, the allies made certain that Hitler and Germany had no other way out. Anyone who Russia has behaved correctly in Ukraine has to see the same applies to Germany in 1941.
I think the civilian guy is a Russian just trolling them, and I think there are hate speech law in Russia, saying “Die for The Jew of Kiev†could ironically make him in trouble with the law. I’m just sad for both sides, whoever wins Ukraine will be destroyed and will have to welcome tons of “refugees”, the women who left will never come back, and the men working in the EU (mostly in Poland I think) probably won’t either.
The phrase seemed to mean that 77% of officers, not the regular grunts, were at least partially Jewish, not really meaning there were 77 officers or high ranked ones, 77% of even Mischlinge officers would be a crazy high numbers, and even 77 high ranked officers (Generals I guess, maybe lower ?) is still quite a bit.
“The whole Ukrainian misadventure is simply bizarre.” Agree 100%. I am also someone who thought the American people would have at least a short respite from war after we crawled out of Afghanistan on our hands and knees shooting/bombing Afghan children all the way out. But there was no respite and all the Afghan exit resulted in was giving the many war mongers in D.C. more free time to concentrate on convincing that fool Zelensky that it would be a good idea to sacrifice “his country” for continuation of US world hegemony and USD world dominance. Surely Vicky played a role in those discussions. Vicky is on path to becoming as revered in D.C. as Madeline Albright. Imagine the talks with Zelensky when he says…..but, but, but Russia is 3 X bigger than us, and they have hypersonic missiles, and they have a real Air Force, etc. Who knows how we (whom ever “we” is) convinced him. All we know for certain is that our guys got the job done.
The US provided critically needed anti-aircraft guns as well. US Marines at Guadalcanal were fighting with Springfields while the US was shipping M-1 Garands to the USSR.The US/UK aluminium alone saved Russia's ass. In 1942 the USSR finally got air supremacy, without which Stalingrad never would have held out. This was made possible by thousands of US Aerocobras and UK Hurricanes. The IL-2's never would have gotten off the ground without US/UK aluminium. None of them would have been flying without US aviation fuel, provided by the tanker load.McMeekin spent a lot of effort detailing Lend Lease in "Stalin's War".Replies: @Wokechoke, @John Johnson
The Kharkiv model V-2 (Russian: В-2) was a Soviet diesel tank V-12 engine, the V angle at 60°, with dual overhead camshafts per bank,four valves per cylinder opened by bucket style followers and direct fuel injection, features found on modern high performance diesel engines. Designed at the Kharkiv Locomotive Factory by Konstantin Chelpan and his team. It is found in the BT-7M (BT-8), T-34, KV, IS and IS-10 (T-10) tanks, and by extension, the vehicles based on them, such as the SU-85 and SU-100 tank destroyers based on the T-34 and the ISU-122 and ISU-152 self-propelled guns based on the IS-2. Throughout its production life, output ranged from roughly 450-700 hp. The engine was made of aluminium.
“Russia’s Aluminium industry was born on the 14 May 1932, when the first batch of the metal was produced at the Volkhov smelter in Leningrad Region. A year later, the Dneprovsky Metallurgical Plant in Ukraine released their first batch of product.”
I’d assume that much of this material was used for engines.
“Despite the fact that these companies were constantly expanding production throughout these years, they could not fully meet the growing needs of the country’s economy. In the USSR, the construction of new companies was under way. In 1938, the Tikhvisnky (later renamed Boxitogorsk) alumina refinery with a production capacity of 40,000 tonnes per year, and in 1939, the Uralsk aluminium smelter began operating, capable of producing 70,000 tonnes of alumina and 25,000 tonnes of aluminium each year.”
This tidbit reminds me of the Light Sweet Oil from Nottingham that was classified information until recently.
Just enough of the high octane to fuel the RAF from a secret domestic source.
“The octane this oil produced was higher than the German’s and I think it’s a vital reason why we won the Battle of Britain. There’s even been one two books mentioning so. The oil from there was also vital to powering Britain at home in the mid-20th century, mainly in the Second World War years.”
According to McMeeken, the USSR imported massive quantities of this 100 octane aviation fuel. If you were a fighter pilot you would always want the high octane fuel because at high altitude it performs massively better than low octane. This is probably why the Aerocobra was so popular with the USSR. They ordered thousands despite it not performing well at high altitude. Likely the USSR had its own low octane aviation fuel available and that likely worked well with Aerocobra at low altitude.The aluminium engine in the T34, developed for Soviet offense before the war, is important because speed and light weight is most significant for offensive operations, which Stalin clearly had planned. The Soviet engineers were clearly very advanced, and the T34 also had the Christie suspension. It was built to be the Ferrari of tanks, no costs barred. All for the conquest of the west and the victory of "Communism" over the entire planet. In comparison all Hitler wanted was a little lebensraum, and he was willing to take down all of Judeo-Communism on is his own, and the US and UK too if there were no other way. Just as we see in Ukraine today, the allies made certain that Hitler and Germany had no other way out. Anyone who Russia has behaved correctly in Ukraine has to see the same applies to Germany in 1941.Replies: @Wokechoke
When the war in Europe began, the U.S. was manufacturing a modest 40,000 gallons a month of 100 octane gas. But by 1944, it was making 400,000 gallons of AvGas a month from 77 Houdry Process plants. The first consumer was Great Britain which did not make 100 octane gas but nevertheless made aircraft engines, like the Rolls Merlin, that needed it. The British were ordered all that the U.S. could produce.And the Luftwaffe found that the underpowered Hurricanes and Spitfires it had slapped aside so easily in the skies over France early in the war had been reborn by the time the Battle of Brittain had started where they met or exceeded the performance of the Focke Wulfs and Messerschmitts they met in combat over London. In contrast, Germany’s planes mostly flew on 89 octane fuel and Japan never got higher than 87.
Is that a real question? In any case, it depends on your definition of ‘middle class’. I would go for the low-end, productive skilled workers and low-end professionals.
Others define it as what I’d see as useless bureaucrats and the wealthier upper-middle in general.
How long have they been at it in the USA?
Harry (((Dickstein))) was a Congressional Democrat for New York for 22 years (1922 – 1945) and then a New York Supreme Court Justice.
Through that entire time he was also an NKVD agent.
(((They))) have been doing this kind of thing for some time.
500,000 Christians killed in West Papua?
What the hell have National Socialists ever done to be slandered by an association with jews?
Russian intervention in Syria was Russia’s response to the US coup in the Ukraine. Many here complain that Russia didn’t do anything at the time but it did, it intervened to save Assad in Syria. It’s all part of the same game. Ukraine just has to wait a little longer before it is liberated from the Zio-Nazis as this war is far bigger and will be fought by other in other places and also by other means. The US is doing the same by trying to launch colour revolutions against Russia friendly regimes.
Putin knows nothing will get a Russian more angered (himself included) than legions of armed men in the state next door wearing imitation (and genuine) Nazi regalia. It is stunning how history is repeating in Ukraine. In 1939, it was Poles brutalizing and murdering ethnic Germans in Poland. They were living on land that had been Germany just two decades earlier, just as eastern Ukraine had been Russia until 1954. This brutality was sponsored by an ethnic supremacist regime installed by a great world power for the specific goal of containing Germany. But against all odds that people had rebounded from the ashes of WWI, just as the RF fought its way back from the catastrophes of the Nineties. The hysterical vilification of both strong patriotic leaders is virtually identical: international capital does not take defeat calmly. Germany’s “invasion†began as a limited police action as well, with Berlin offering twice early on to remove her forces if the Polish military dictatorship would agree to return to the border negotiations they walked out on, and guarantee the civil rights of their ethnic Germans. The Reich had proposed referenda be held in the disputed areas so the people could vote on which country they wanted to join. But buoyed by London’s false promise of aid, Warsaw refused, and so vanished from the map not a month later, despite commanding Europe’s fourth strongest army. The Polish General Staff actually had drawn up a plan to invade Germany, codenamed “Case West,†that predicted the fall of Berlin after a four week campaign, insanity on a scale being repeated today by the Little Comedian of Kiev, with equally horrific results for ordinary Ukrainians.
Are you for real? Germany, by June 1941 had 7.3M mobilized in total.
You should be asking yourself how Stalin and the Red Army were so thouroughly trounced by a German army that was miniscule in comparison to the Red army in both quantity and quality.
Wiki says:
At the start of the invasion, the manpower of the Soviet military force that had been mobilized was 5.3–5.5 million,[2][151] and it was still increasing as the Soviet reserve force of 14 million, with at least basic military training, continued to mobilize.
German atrocities committed against Soviet prisoners of war
It is estimated that at least 3.3 million Soviet POWs died in Nazi custody, out of 5.7 million.
So 5.7 million Russian POW’s out of an 3 million men facting the Germans.
All these Russian statistics are meaningless anyway. They lied about Katyn forest and they are still lying about the “Death Camps” today. The USSR were more guilty than Germany for the war anyway because they not only invaded Poland, but also Romania, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Finland.
The Kharkiv model V-2 (Russian: В-2) was a Soviet diesel tank V-12 engine, the V angle at 60°, with dual overhead camshafts per bank,four valves per cylinder opened by bucket style followers and direct fuel injection, features found on modern high performance diesel engines. Designed at the Kharkiv Locomotive Factory by Konstantin Chelpan and his team. It is found in the BT-7M (BT-8), T-34, KV, IS and IS-10 (T-10) tanks, and by extension, the vehicles based on them, such as the SU-85 and SU-100 tank destroyers based on the T-34 and the ISU-122 and ISU-152 self-propelled guns based on the IS-2. Throughout its production life, output ranged from roughly 450-700 hp. The engine was made of aluminium.
The US provided critically needed anti-aircraft guns as well. US Marines at Guadalcanal were fighting with Springfields while the US was shipping M-1 Garands to the USSR.
The US/UK aluminium alone saved Russia’s ass. In 1942 the USSR finally got air supremacy, without which Stalingrad never would have held out. This was made possible by thousands of US Aerocobras and UK Hurricanes. The IL-2’s never would have gotten off the ground without US/UK aluminium. None of them would have been flying without US aviation fuel, provided by the tanker load.
McMeekin spent a lot of effort detailing Lend Lease in “Stalin’s War”.
The whole Ukrainian misadventure is simply bizarre. Ten minutes after the last transport lifted out of Bagram and, bam, it was pedal to the metal in Ukraine. You might think that 20 pointless, ruinous years of “nation building” to the tune of $2T might warrant a teensy bit of restraint when contemplating a new snipe hunt thousands of miles from home, but you’d be wrong.
The new search for Tinkerbell makes no sense whatsoever from the standpoint of American interests, especially as the former main enemy collapsed inward in a spectacular way to be replaced by a friendly nation eager to recover from the statist lunacy of 70+ years. But the absurdity of Russian revanchism and expansionism was instantly the talk of the town. And voila the monster you aptly describe is loose.
It’s been said that once you eliminate the impossible (sincere pursuit of US interests) you’re left with the truth no matter how improbable. My working hypotheses are that either there’s a hole in the ozone layer over Galicia or there’s a new project of our Zionist masters underway to create a bolt hole after their Mediterranean project becomes seriously untenable. Russia itself may be the ultimate prize but the easy ruination sought for her isn’t working despite the lunatic sanctions. Hence no more free Russian resources for the locusts.
Carleton Meyer’s idea that our zio-policy makers are feeling vengeful after Russia stopped Israeli expansion into Syria and Lebanon is excellent. However, I think there’s a much more urgent need for the bolt hole in view of the imminent economic train wreck underway in the US and the other Western autocracies that will dry up all existing rivers of tribute. Hence the urgency of the Ukrainian initiative as it’s obvious the correlation of forces is shifting decisively against Israel. Recall the pre-season Hezbollah v. IDF score of 1-0 and know what I say is true. Zelensky’s helping to eliminate Ukrainian patriots, devastate the economy, and drive inconvenient civilians out — an undertaking not without historical precedent.
Way too late though
Amoral talmudism
Nope. The jews have left and are leaving
Do you have anything from Irving or anyone else that supports that? A passage in a book, an interview? I am curious, especially to hear or read Irving in this case.
I like how Lavrov last year came out and said how hitler was half jewish. The amount of stink raised was predictable, as was Putin later prostrating himself at the feet of his overlords.
The author made a mistake about the Azov symbol. It consists of two superimposed Germanic runes H and I. Together they yield first two letters of the word HItler. Yes, these two superimposed runes were the symbol of the SS division Das Reich. They are also called ‘Wolfsangel’.
Unless you are Muslim then you can get away with anything. Heck even occupations gasp , are verboten to mention !!!!!
Not to be left out, Western media such as The Nation was depicting Azov in a similar vein in 2019 even before the Russian incursion, using every label imaginable just in its title and subtitle: “Neo-Nazi,†“far right,†“anti-Semitic,†“fascist†and “ultranationalist.â€
“The Nation” is typical of hard left organs in being detached from reality. The article is in the same vein and is worse than stupid. Much of the commentariat is just as disconnected from reality.
These days far-right means anyone an inch to the right of Pol Pot.
2 million Christians killed by Nigeria in occupied Biafra
500,000 Christians killed by Indonesia is occupied West Papua
150,000 Chechens killed by Russia
80,000 Kurds and Cypriots killed by turkey in my occupied cyprus and Kurdistan
50,000 Western Saharan killed by Morocco
25,000 Palestinian killed by Israel
yes, if Hitler’s main priority was truly only eliminating the Soviet political state, he wouldn’t have invaded a guaranteed ally in that struggle in collaboration with that enemy.
Correct and he never needed to go through Poland to attack the USSR. That was just an excuse his apologists later came up with.
He could have gone through Hungary and Romania with his original plan to head south and starve Moscow by choking the Volga.
It would have worked and the full scale of Wehrmacht would have crushed the USSR. Even if Stalin kept fighting the Germans would have taken the oil fields. Interestingly France did war games and also planned on going after the oil fields in the scenario that the Soviets fought Britain and France.
Hitler wasn’t a true anti-Communist. He hated Poles more than he wanted to fight Communism.
Some very heroic anti-Communist Poles were rounded up by the Nazis and killed. Veterans of the Polish-Soviet war that had personally killed Communists.
Hitler never spoke of the Polish-Soviet war because he didn’t want to give them any credit.
Sure, but they are supported by Jewish backers. That is the point.
Probably some of their propagandists are Jewish.
Well, yes they’re goons as are many of the easily led types. As are the people who say “they can’t be Nazi’s, Zelensky’s a Jew and look no further. A large percentage of the population are pretty much just warm and breathing, that’s how the American governments get away with their endless shenanigans.
Scott Ritter and Douglas MacGregor have great perspective on this and all things Ukraine War. Get em on YouTube and many other spots.
finally, truth hits everybody, truth hits everyone
I am confused. First, as I understand it, Ukraine was taken over by the Ashkenazim once they left the Soviet Union. So, why would even an ethnically European Nationalist Socialist battalion come into existence, when they would just be fighting for the Ashkenazi elites who own the nation? Could it be that because of their median IQ of 90, they were not aware that their nation is ruled by the Ashkenazim? Did they not have the intellectual ability to be cognizant of how the international Ashkenazim were heavily involved in all aspects of Ukraine, from the Ukrainian female sex slave trade to the R&D of bio-weapons? Also, if these people were really European National Socialists, then why were they being funded by Igor Kolomoisky?
Could Azov be a sincere low IQ Nationalist Socialist group, but one that was infiltrated by the Ashkenazim and then deceived into serving Ashkenazi ethnic interests, which explains why in the end, the Ashkenazim were exposing the true ethnic identity of the infiltrators to Israel in the hopes of getting their help?
The two inseparable buddies USA (Ollie) & UK (Stan) have one of their typical conversations with their “indispensable” (((investment advisor))). https://www.youtubetrimmer.com/view/?v=8H3Y8mvUnZM&start=567&end=733&loop=1
For Stalin, this was a catastrophe that he couldn’t ever have imagined. That evening, he left his office and went to his dacha. According to Molotov, his closest comrade, he was bewildered and disorientated.
â€Everything’s lost. I give up. Lenin founded our state and we’ve f****d it up!†he swore as he was driving away from Kremlin. It seems that, at this point, he realized how wrong he had been and how huge the consequences would be of his poor leadership.
yes, if Hitler’s main priority was truly only eliminating the Soviet political state, he wouldn’t have invaded a guaranteed ally in that struggle in collaboration with that enemy.
had Hitler not wanted empire, he would’ve immediately secured alliances in conquered territories, like in Ukraine, and amongst the Russians. but he thought he could win alone, so he refused, until it became too late. he finally released Bandera, and allied with Vlasov, on the eve of capitulation. by the time he allowed it, it was fruitless, but at the beginning it would’ve inspired even the troops amongst the Soviet army to switch sides and victory would’ve been swift. of course, with that swift victory, there would be no empire building, since it wouldn’t have been a German victory, but a European one, thus no mandate.
I did say that they had been in complete control since the last 30 years. Partial control. Abraham Lincoln ? Woodrow Wilson ? Franklin Roosevelt ? You tell me. Maybe the whole ” American Independence” Project itself. It was very Good For The Jews, as was the French Revolution, after all.
Not sure what that means. Had the back room boys in Russia and France, not worked with nut-job Serbians, and George V not advised Foreign Secretary Grey (who signed secret agreements with France) to "Find an excuse for war", there would have been no WWI and illegal partitioning of Germany in the first place. Why is it that Poland and Hungary, both of which invaded Czechoslovakia to "protect" their ethnic populations, before Germany entered the 95% German Sudetanland, whose population was being brutalized, was never a problem for the All-Lies? Germany had already ceded some German lands, lost by the illegal partition, to others, including parts to Poland. It was focusing on majority German areas that wanted to become part of Germany again. It wouldn't have mattered what Germany did, as with WWI, it was becoming too powerful economically and had to be smashed.Replies: @John Johnson, @Passing By, @Whew, @Whew
Had the Germans just stayed in Germany, they’d have avoided the problems.
the ‘Sudetenland’ was nowhere near 95% German. no one needed to move into Czechoslovakia to protect anyone, and Germans were not brutalized. Germans were given the same Rights as Czechs, and far more Rights than the Czechs were given under Austrian rule. the Czechs were far more evolved in their dealings with minorities than the Germans were. Germans were allowed their own language newspapers, schools, and even their own ethnic political parties! all things Germans denied to Czechs and others throughout Austrian times. the only Germans that ever died under Czech rule were those who rioted when they demanded to form their own state (about 200 people), a thing unacceptable to the Czechs, since so many Czechs lived in what the Germans called the Sudetenland and they wouldn’t get the same fair treatment (as the Germans proved incapable of this). as well, the Germans were hypocrites to demand self-determination, since they did not believe in such a thing, evidenced by their denial of it to others. if you deny something to others, you cannot expect it be given to you. since the Germans later invaded all of Czechoslovakia, it proved they did not believe it still even while demanding it. and it’s not like the Germans gave up Silesia, with their Polish populations, so who were they to demand such from others? hypocrites.
the Czechs were a majority of what the Germans called ‘Sudetenland’ up until the mid-17th century, when during the Thirty Years’ War a majority of the population, estimated 60-80%, were exterminated by German armies. the brutality against civilians of that war is yet unmatched, even in WWII. such exterminations were carried out elsewhere too, like in Silesia. during the latter years of Austria-Hungary, formerly majority Czech cities like Plzen again became majority Czech, owing to many liberties that the Czechs secured for themselves.
“Azov has its own highly polished and professional propaganda, which labeled the Russians “the real fascists“.
Azov is not Jewish. Putin is the fascist.
Isn't it a perfect description of the Americans? But the Americans call it American Exceptionalism, white-man's burden, or the beacon of democracy and freedom.Replies: @Verymuchalive
Azov: What is Nazism? When someone thinks that one nation is superior to another nation, when someone thinks he has a right to invade another country and destroy its inhabitants — this is terror, this is violence, these are crematoria and filtration [sic; concentration?] camps. This is clinging to one religion or one idea.
Isn’t it a perfect description of the Jews , and the Chinese.
.the Red Army actually got to the Elbe River in Central Germany…The Red Army tanks would have been welcomed with flowers like the Ansluß at Strasbourg by the PCF if not the yanks at normandy. Would have touché
Of course what you have written is true. But it hit Ukraine disproportionately. Also, the Soviet Union incorporated Galicia, the most hostile region to Russia, into the Soviet Union. Unsurprisingly, they have continued to blame Russia, which they see as the successor to the Soviet Union.
It would have been better if they had removed Jewish oligarchs, cracked down on corruption and tried to make their new state a success. They didn’t and they’re now in this mess.
Azov is like porn fake and gay camp macho, that’s pure žid in my book.
You should be asking yourself how Stalin and the Red Army were so thouroughly trounced by a German army that was miniscule in comparison to the Red army in both quantity and quality.
Are you for real? Germany, by June 1941 had 7.3M mobilized in total.
At the start of war, German forces plus Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Italy, Finland amounted to 3.8M on the Easter front. Russia had just under 3M at the line of contact.
German atrocities committed against Soviet prisoners of war
At the start of the invasion, the manpower of the Soviet military force that had been mobilized was 5.3–5.5 million,[2][151] and it was still increasing as the Soviet reserve force of 14 million, with at least basic military training, continued to mobilize.
So 5.7 million Russian POW's out of an 3 million men facting the Germans.
It is estimated that at least 3.3 million Soviet POWs died in Nazi custody, out of 5.7 million.