Aside from the JQ, we must never forget the one generation, the baby boomers, largely responsible for ruining the country. America is now a boomer gerontocracy. With their love of diversity, cult of GDP, and culture of narcissism, this one generation, originally termed the “me generation” based their identity on rebelling against their parents, then they redirected that hatred towards their own kids, thus championing policies that enriched themselves while sacrificing the future for everyone else. Now they hoard wealth and power while refusing to retire.
I am talking about culture and identity that makes you strong and united to defend yourself and your territory. There is no such thing as being white in a vacuum.
I guess you did not get the memo, the US is in the business of importing Low IQs for decades now
Thank you kindly sir.
No problem with anything you say. You’re right. Unfortunately.
Spoken as a true Christian. I am a Buddhist and believe her reincarnation will be very unpleasant. Her private hell will be horrific when the compartments and walls of her conscience are no longer in place, and the realization will be karmic. That is, she will feel what she delivered; feel not like external pain but from within.
I read your blog regularly, i.e., religiously. Fine job.
How does naming the Jew make problem-solving more difficult?
If the answer is “because Jews will push back harder,” that’s all the more reason to name them.
To be meta about it, Jews don’t “cause” all of White society’s problems – but they do make solving those problems much more difficult.
Fighting your society’s problems without first addressing Jewish power is like Coulter’s immigration policy analogy – mopping up the flooded bathroom without first turning off the water.
Great comment! Couldn’t agree more.
There’s no question that there’s a fine line to be drawn around the JQ. Again, my problem isn’t naming them, because problem-identification is an important part of the problem-solving process.
The problem is being stuck in problem-identification makes solving the problem that much more difficult. And whites definitely need to solve problems, lots of them, not simply identify one aspect of it.
That sounds like a Native American wisdom. A lesson to Europe which has abandoned its Christian culture to embrace LGBTism and secularism ( the religion of the devil ).Replies: @Ulf Thorsen
Goodbye America
"A country that cannot control its own borders cannot survive."
Being Christian or not hasn’t got a single thing to do with either protecting ones borders or the will to survive. I am white, that is the ‘uniform’ those who hate me see. They don’t desire to know whether I am a Christ-insanity believer or not to want to get rid of me. Get over yourself.
Here here. People get very angry with me when I’ve expressed nearly the exact same sentiment, particularly about white people. Not sure what more they need to see before it snaps them out of their delusions about white people in general doing a thing to change their plight or alter the arc of progression in this. Frankly, and bluntly, white people like everyone else are going into this so-called “New World Order” and I have seen absolutely nothing that shows me any sort of formal or even strong resistance to it. Just talking. Insofar as violence goes, I think you are correct. That is exactly what it would take but on a widespread and meaningful scale. And as I have already said to others, if white people either A) Don’t think that is right or B) Think it is right but won’t work because they’d lose then they already have their answer when it comes to their future, because talking and begging for obvious reasons aren’t going to change things one bit.
Replies: @Ralph B. Seymour
Devaluation of the Dollar with an out of control American Congress.
Strange insistence in using a mRNA vaccine instead of a traditional “dead host†vaccine.
A global pandemic that America is just fucking up royally.
Desire for a war with China.
Desire for a war with Russia.
Desire for a war with Iran.
China, Russia and Iran forming a unified Asian block.
Race war in the United States.
Progressive onslaught and control of all electronic media.
Looming bubbles in just about every facet of American life.
A fake American GDP
In short, they argued that the US government has greatly over-stated the real level of US GDP. This means the country will be fatally exposed when the next economic crisis strikes.
How can the GDP be so high that a full 61% of Americans are so poor that they do not pay Federal Income Taxes?
It defies rational understanding.
Thank you for the interesting article. Agreed. Everything is fake — common sense should tell you that.
The US is headed for a huge shakeout and painful rebalancing of practically everything.
All the idiots who believe this make believe will go on forever are in for a shock.
I don’t believe in miracles (at least on that scale), I find the Deagel 2025 forecast for Amerika intriguing because it put to words and numbers that I long suspected – that the Amerikan economy is completely fake and overstated. And I have thought for decades on end that when the bust comes all these people who have cushy office jobs doing fake things for money will find themselves unemployed. I am talking about people I grew up with, like my best friend in high school or ex wife who have what I consider to be fake jobs living off of Fed QE and liberal pork barrel:
For instance of overpaid jobs in Amerika that could be suddently eliminated in a financial crash:
social workers who have their paychecks tied to state and federal largesse
real estate brokers – selling overpriced real estate then taking a hefty fee
Is a product of Bill Deagle the passionate radio host (I used to listen to him on rense radio)? I don’t know, but Bill Deagle the radio personality, used to call himself a modern prophet.
The Deagel military report with the alarming figures was discovered and went viral, the 2025 forecast and who is was being sold to is described in this article:
The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank.It’s a work of “love†from some retired intelligence assets, and like most of us ex-spooks, it’s hosted outside of the United States. Just like MM here. We have VERY good reasons to do so. Reasons that are far too complex to get involved in right this moment. But we DO KNOW what we are doing. Never doubt that.
Deagel is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset.
If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are based on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the intelligence community.
Here is another older screenshot for Amerika in 2025 (even more extreme pop drop)
a Jewish former Member of Parliament as government minister to lead the effort. (of Ukrainian Jews immigration)
That is what Russians want and son-of-John has obliged.
When America is finally gutted the 1% will move to Tel Aviv—and laugh.
Your “disinterest” in RAM continues. It is silly on your part to pretend that your original comment on them wasn’t posted merely to “salt” disinformation into the conversation.
What your type of race jingo means when you say ‘We, the People’, is actually ‘Me, the People’.
We, the People, are being FORCED to allow cultures incompatible with traditional American values to enter the USA and… typically at an immense cost to taxpayers!!! We are in the throes of class warfare and the elites are using these foreign folks to divide and conquer We, the People.
We MUST fight back against tyranny!!! The federal government no longer represents the masses of common folks. When will the much-needed Revolutionary War Two arrive?
The last two weeks have seen the end of American empire. They have lost the middle East and also Europe, with a dollar crisis a near certainty.
Listen, RAM is harassed by the ADL (created in memory of a child-rapist and murderer Leo Frank). No one says that RAM is a Jewish creation. However, if RAM joins the Azov battalion, the RAM members will be immediately hailed by Ziocons as freedom fighters.
RAM does have some association with the Azov, and it is silly on your part to reject the obvious.
And this from a guy who's beneath contempt. I call him Greg Google Johnson because he censors even more than they do. He doxed omeone a number of years ago and what stood out about that episode was the way he went about it. Like a spiteful teenaged girl. If he's not a JIDF Troll or Mole he might as well be. He was doxed himself too wasn't he? The publicity that got had ADL/$PLC written all over it, ie; to give him credibility and draw people toward him and people like him and away from naming the jew.I have a problem with the whole NTJ crowd myself. But that's not to say that Jews shouldn't be named. The problem is you can't leave it at that. It's also not wise to beat a dead horse in the comment section of one of the few websites that actually practices freedom of speech. It doesn't take long to see that the reason they squander their freedom of speech is because they have nothing else to say. So they just NTJ over and over again, to the point where it becomes not a little suspicious. And now we're back to Greg Google Johnson. Because if there's one thing that guy does not believe in it's freedom of speech. And the reason why is because he's thin-skinned. Owing to the cold malice and bitter hatred of Jewish Supremacy Inc. and the gullibility, ignorance, fear and shameless opportunism of many white men, whites have become the first Global Scapegoat in the history of the world. The ignorance and fear can be forgiven because they can be overcome. For this reason we should encourage people to overcome their ignorance and fear - though there's no question it takes some skill to do so. But being thin-skinned is a Cardinal Sin. For any white man. But for someone claiming to be a White Advocate? Are you kidding me? The good news is, Greg Google Johnson is never going to mobilize a group of white men capable of making a difference. Then again, that's not what he's there for. He's there to serve a higher power. But it isn't God and it certainly isn't whites.Replies: @Exile
In light of Greg Johnson’s open contempt for “wignatsâ€
When Jews stop exploiting and persecuting White people and constantly trying to cover it up, I’ll stop naming them.
Pathologizing anti-Semitism is part of the game. “He keeps talking about Jews, he must be a monomaniac.” The truly insane thing is letting someone abuse you but saying nothing. It’s gaslighting and I refuse to play the victim.
Yes, there are obvious examples here and elsewhere of people who awkwardly and implausibly bend every issue into a JQ thing.
But I hate to even bring it up in light of the 90% of justified critiques that get tarred with the “he’s just nuts about the Joos” brush.
Greg feeds that monster.
Since he feels free to assign motives to guys like Keith Woods and psychoanalyze those who name the Jew, I’ll return the favor. He’s a Machiavellian narcissist, an all too common trait among homosexual dissidents. They’re also well known for being double and triple agents in dissident movements. He may not be a fed but he’s obviously willing to collaborate, as you cite re: his willingness to dox.
In light of Greg Johnson's open contempt for "wignats" (his slur for those who name the Jew - see his slander of Keith Woods "admit it, Keith - you just want to kill all the Jews"), it would appear that the site publisher for Hamilton's piece disagrees with both the author and Pierce.
Any meaningful effort to stop them must take racial dominance into account and devise methods to successfully thwart and overcome it. This means identifying pressure points and unique vulnerabilities, as well as strengths, in both races and targeting or compensating for them respectively. It is a practical problem requiring imaginative solutions.
One precept entailed by dominance analysis is that it is vital to correctly identify and confront the Main Enemy in order to solve our racial problems (independence and survival). Conceptually speaking, that is no small contribution. Blacks, Mestizos, Arabs, and Asians are all secondary. As William Pierce stated, we are heading for extinction because Jews are paralyzing our will and ability to resist annihilation. In an environment without Jews, “We can whip every other race with both hands tied behind our backs. . . . . We must do something about the Jews—soon. And clearly the key to getting the Jews off our backs is to regain control of our mass media.†�
In light of Greg Johnson’s open contempt for “wignatsâ€
And this from a guy who’s beneath contempt.
I call him Greg Google Johnson because he censors even more than they do.
He doxed omeone a number of years ago and what stood out about that episode was the way he went about it. Like a spiteful teenaged girl. If he’s not a JIDF Troll or Mole he might as well be.
He was doxed himself too wasn’t he? The publicity that got had ADL/$PLC written all over it, ie; to give him credibility and draw people toward him and people like him and away from naming the jew.
I have a problem with the whole NTJ crowd myself. But that’s not to say that Jews shouldn’t be named. The problem is you can’t leave it at that. It’s also not wise to beat a dead horse in the comment section of one of the few websites that actually practices freedom of speech. It doesn’t take long to see that the reason they squander their freedom of speech is because they have nothing else to say. So they just NTJ over and over again, to the point where it becomes not a little suspicious.
And now we’re back to Greg Google Johnson. Because if there’s one thing that guy does not believe in it’s freedom of speech. And the reason why is because he’s thin-skinned.
Owing to the cold malice and bitter hatred of Jewish Supremacy Inc. and the gullibility, ignorance, fear and shameless opportunism of many white men, whites have become the first Global Scapegoat in the history of the world. The ignorance and fear can be forgiven because they can be overcome. For this reason we should encourage people to overcome their ignorance and fear – though there’s no question it takes some skill to do so. But being thin-skinned is a Cardinal Sin. For any white man. But for someone claiming to be a White Advocate? Are you kidding me?
The good news is, Greg Google Johnson is never going to mobilize a group of white men capable of making a difference. Then again, that’s not what he’s there for. He’s there to serve a higher power. But it isn’t God and it certainly isn’t whites.
That was a great history and I am glad to know that others are learning it. Don't worry about CIA assets, there are hundreds to one veterans here with better training and experience than those yahoos. We all chose to get out because they are bullshit wars being commanded by degenerate incompetents.
What we are looking at here is a deliberate policy, inculcated by the enemies of our ruptured republic to rapidly enlarge that rupture and turn this land into yet another Third World hellhole.
Thanks. Positive feedback is always appreciated. Knew a few Kentuckians some years back and they were generally a solid bunch. Rural America (most Kentucky folk, I’d guess) are rapidly awakening to the Plandemic and to the treatment of the truckers in Canuckistan by their little Dick-tater. If the SHTF, rural people will survive.
20 years ago, FUS was already the universally certified greatest threat to humanity, abeilt with 3 saving grace.
USAss today is even more treacherous and …
no more saving grace.
Its time for the [rogue] sheriff to pack his gear and ride into’ the sun set.
Good bye and good riddance.
I am not interested in learning about these cocky boys. It was your girlish sensitivity that made me look into sources. In conclusion, you were good at creating the Streisand effect.Replies: @Exile
Among Azov’s closest American allies has been the Rise Above Movement, or RAM... The group’s leader, Robert Rundo, has said his idea for RAM came from Ukraine’s far-right scene. “This is always my whole inspiration for everything,†he told a right-wing podcast in September 2017, referring to Azov as “the future.†“They really have the culture out there,†he said. “They have their own clubs. They have their own bars. They have their own dress style.â€
You are obviously “interested” in miscasting American White Nationalists as part of some international Zio-conspiracy. Stop pretending. You wouldn’t engage to this extent if it wasn’t on your agenda.
Rundo also says he was inspired by Italy’s Casa Pound. Are they part of the Jewish conspiracy too?
I’m inspired by the successful propagandizing and tactics of the Bolsheviks, Maoists and the Viet Cong. But it doesn’t make me a Communist.
You’re reaching back to 2017 (and Time Magazine, hardly the definitive source for objective reports on the WN scene) to draw sloppy associations based on what a guy said about fellow attendees/competitors in a sporting event.
RAM is not supported by Azov. Trying to make it so with this kind of dot-connecting and guilt by association does Zionists work for them.
War criminals congregate in the US: “New evidence from US-funded Ukraine biolabs”
Documents from Project P-781, a study of ways of transmitting diseases to humans through bats, showed it was carried out by the Kharkov laboratory and the Lugar Center in Georgia, but Ukraine received most of the $1.6 million grant for the project. … “systematic†research in this area has been carried out since 2009, under the supervision of US specialists – referencing projects P-382, P-444 and P-568.
One of the key people involved [is] the head of the DTRA office at the US Embassy in Kiev, Joanna Wintrol. Wintrol left Kiev in August 2020. In her parting interview, she insisted no US scientists worked in Ukrainian biolabs and accused Russia of spreading “false information†about the program.
Kirillov pointed to mass outbreaks of avian flu in Russia and the EU in 2021, causing billions in damages, while the Kharkov Institute of Veterinary Medicine was studying wild birds as transmission vectors and assessing conditions under which the spread could cause economic damage and food insecurity. Evidence now shows the institute collected strains of avian flu capable of jumping species…
Some of the documents at the Kherson laboratory appear to be missing and may have been destroyed, … it was related to the 2018 outbreak of a mosquito-borne parasitic disease in that region, and a possible cover-up. …
There was also an outbreak of drug-resistant tuberculosis in 2018, among the citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, with 70 cases detected around the village of Pesky – on the frontline with Ukrainian troops – alone.
No. I stated that in my initial reply to you - which you still haven't addressed. Try reading the replies rather than just uncritically copy-pasting everything you read on the internet.
However, was RAM (and its leader) associated with Banderites in Ukraine or not? – Yes or no?
And I told you that RAM would say "White men should not fight each other to keep Jews in power."I agree that AB are a compromised degenerate tier of nationalists in thrall to Jews. But you are one of the people here who make it as hard as possible to agree with you. Please work on this.If RAM is of no interest, stop posting hasbara about them.Replies: @annamaria
What is RAM’s position on the ‘Semite-led†Ukrainian neo-Nazi’s fight against Russia and Russians?�
You are like a little girl who closes her eyes to make the world “disappear.”
Among Azov’s closest American allies has been the Rise Above Movement, or RAM… The group’s leader, Robert Rundo, has said his idea for RAM came from Ukraine’s far-right scene. “This is always my whole inspiration for everything,†he told a right-wing podcast in September 2017, referring to Azov as “the future.†“They really have the culture out there,†he said. “They have their own clubs. They have their own bars. They have their own dress style.â€
I am not interested in learning about these cocky boys. It was your girlish sensitivity that made me look into sources. In conclusion, you were good at creating the Streisand effect.
Great comment, so I will just highlight some
What we are looking at here is a deliberate policy, inculcated by the enemies of our ruptured republic to rapidly enlarge that rupture and turn this land into yet another Third World hellhole.
That was a great history and I am glad to know that others are learning it. Don’t worry about CIA assets, there are hundreds to one veterans here with better training and experience than those yahoos. We all chose to get out because they are bullshit wars being commanded by degenerate incompetents.
Keep up the good work, brother.
I love the Irish; I have a bit of Irish ancestry. My Irish ancestor was a Sullivan and he came in through North Carolina sometime before the American colonists seceded from the British Empire. The Southern Irish are different creatures from the Boston, New York, Chicago and Philadelphia Irish. It goes beyond the shanty or lace curtain distinctions some people make. Maybe they came from different parts of Ireland?
The Irish are now presenting themselves as a problem for the Patriotic GOP. In the USA, government workers of Irish ancestry in the Northern states vote for the Democrats to protect their jobs and benefits.
Irish politician whores such as Paul Ryan actively push for open borders mass immigration. Paul Ryan is a member in good standing of the GOP Cheap Labor Faction.
Irish corporate propaganda whores such as Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly never strenuously object to mass immigration. Hannity and O’Reilly are also whores for the Neo-Cons who push for endless war. Hannity and O’Reilly are from New York, so you know they tailor their foreign policy views to be in line with New York Jews.
Irish politicians go on and on about how they will protect illegal alien invaders by declaring their cities or states to be so-called “sanctuary jurisdictions†or “sanctuary cities.†Is there anybody else who wishes the Irish would shut the hell up with their mass immigration boosterism malarkey?
However, was RAM (and its leader) associated with Banderites in Ukraine or not? – Yes or no?
No. I stated that in my initial reply to you – which you still haven’t addressed. Try reading the replies rather than just uncritically copy-pasting everything you read on the internet.
What is RAM’s position on the ‘Semite-led†Ukrainian neo-Nazi’s fight against Russia and Russians?
And I told you that RAM would say “White men should not fight each other to keep Jews in power.”
I agree that AB are a compromised degenerate tier of nationalists in thrall to Jews. But you are one of the people here who make it as hard as possible to agree with you. Please work on this.
If RAM is of no interest, stop posting hasbara about them.
I am not interested in learning about these cocky boys. It was your girlish sensitivity that made me look into sources. In conclusion, you were good at creating the Streisand effect.Replies: @Exile
Among Azov’s closest American allies has been the Rise Above Movement, or RAM... The group’s leader, Robert Rundo, has said his idea for RAM came from Ukraine’s far-right scene. “This is always my whole inspiration for everything,†he told a right-wing podcast in September 2017, referring to Azov as “the future.†“They really have the culture out there,†he said. “They have their own clubs. They have their own bars. They have their own dress style.â€
I have no idea about “Alex Jones-tier BS about RAM.” Neither Alex Jones nor RAM is of no interest to me.
However, was RAM (and its leader) associated with Banderites in Ukraine or not? – Yes or no?
What is RAM’s position on the ‘Semite-led” Ukrainian neo-Nazi’s fight against Russia and Russians?
No. I stated that in my initial reply to you - which you still haven't addressed. Try reading the replies rather than just uncritically copy-pasting everything you read on the internet.
However, was RAM (and its leader) associated with Banderites in Ukraine or not? – Yes or no?
And I told you that RAM would say "White men should not fight each other to keep Jews in power."I agree that AB are a compromised degenerate tier of nationalists in thrall to Jews. But you are one of the people here who make it as hard as possible to agree with you. Please work on this.If RAM is of no interest, stop posting hasbara about them.Replies: @annamaria
What is RAM’s position on the ‘Semite-led†Ukrainian neo-Nazi’s fight against Russia and Russians?�
More foreign wars will produce even more of the same. It’s affecting income negatively, and causing expensive shortages of housing and other goods.
“America as we once knew it might be gone, but so long as there are millions of whites left there will be hope for a future. It wont be easy, but I refuse to believe we’ll just dwindle off into nothingness.”
I no longer have that hope as covid proved to me that Whites today are mostly weak willed automatons who are terrified of being cancelled or fired from their job. Most Whites are not “true believers” but they do think that if they don’t fuss they will be left alone. The past decade has proved to me that is not true. We will be harassed no matter what we do, no matter what we say.
I used to love america. I am an OIF OEF disabled veteran and former Eagle Scout so I was an all american boy. That boy no longer exists. I now can see that my military service only helped filthy jews and hurt hundreds of thousands of innocent people. At least it pays me almost 4K a month since I was 28 and will for the rest of my life. F america, F the military, F leftists, F neocons, F Whites that refuse to defend themselves and stand up and say “no more” I find america to be a sad little shell of what it once was and today has no right to claim to be the best at anything except taking Heroin and getting fat (I hear Samoa has us beat in the fat department but americans are working hard to surpass them).
The rich elite think that they can make us their servants and slaves wearing masks and standing at attention in the background at their beck and call. They want to molest our children, and they want to kill us if need be. We are living in dangerous times but most Whites are concerned about stupid Ukrainians or gas prices and not being called a dreaded racist. Even the truckers were weak with their dedication to “non violence” when their enemy has no such moral standard. If they turned their trucks into weapons when the cops started arresting them it was possible to overthrow their covid insanity. But like most Righties they want to play the moral high ground game and get their asses kicked for it. Frankly they deserve it because they refused to fight.
Violence is the only possible way out of our predicament. Sadly we are to paranoid to organize (and for good reason) and among those on our side spew the “violence is wrong no matter what” garbage. Yet still we debate silly things like voting our way back to normal or getting vaccines to go back to normal all of which are silly ideas. It seems like we all forget that during the election counting the leftist scum taped up the windows to prevent being seen. We forget all about that for the entire past 2 years no tv hosts, news anchors, and few politicians wore masks yet are healthy today.
Goodbye America indeed, and may it rot in hell on a pile of tranny corpses too.
Human races can be arranged in a dominance hierarchy. Some races are more dominant than others. In our natural habitat, we were the dominant race on earth. Today, Jews occupy that position. They subjugated whites as quickly and easily as whites subjugated blacks, Amerindians, and East Asians. (Yes, despite East Asians’ higher intelligence as measured by IQ tests, we are the dominant race.)…
East Asians? East Asia was invaded but never colonized by the West, unless you count Japan and South Korea as ‘subjugated’ by the West. And no, China is not under the control of the West, at least not since Mao founded the PRC in 1949.
"For Washington, War Never Ends:"
Robert Rundo, the American neo-Nazi who started the Rise Above Movement (RAM) in southern California, was another American who has traveled to Ukraine to enjoy the “playground for white supremacy.â€
"Before becoming part of Ukraine’s armed forces, who funded the neo-Nazi Azov battalion?"
The racism of the Azov Battalion, which has been incorporated into Ukrainian security forces, armed and trained by the Americans and the British, echoes that of the Nazis: the Russians are a mixed race, partly “Asiatic†due to the Medieval Mongol conquest, whereas the Ukrainians are pure white Europeans. Some of these fanatics proclaim that their mission is to destroy Russia.
Who is this generous benefactor of the Ukrainian neo-Nazis?
[After the American ziocons-run regime change in Kiev in 2014,] the Ukrainian government had recognised its own military was too weak to fight off the pro-Russian separatists and relied on paramilitary volunteer forces. These forces were privately funded by oligarchs – the most known being Igor Kolomoisky, an energy magnate billionaire... In addition to Azov, Kolomoisky funded other volunteer battalions such as the Dnipro 1 and Dnipro 2, Aidar and Donbas units.
Perhaps you need to talk to people of the Azov battalion instead of making some strange demands on this forum.Replies: @Exile
Kolomoyski is a prominent supporter of Ukraine's Jewish community and the president of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine. In 2010, he was appointed as the president of the European Council of Jewish Communities...
Your own comments are the relevant quotations re: what I’m talking about.
You posted disinfo about RAM and none of your Pepe Silvia OT quotes since address that.
Everyone here is aware that Jewish oligarchs support Azov. That’s not news. And it has nothing to do with you posting Alex Jones-tier BS about RAM.
Since you’re pinging my nut radar like a battleship I consider your accusations of hysteria a testament to my sanity.
“…Human races can be arranged in a dominance hierarchy.”
That may or may not be. But, let’s say it is. It’s still not the most important hierarchy. The most important hierarchy is not a dominance hierarchy, but an adaptive hierarchy. Meaning, what race is more focused on adaptation. A race, group, whatever, might be more dominant, but that dominance doesn’t mean their behavior is adaptive. It could very well be maladaptive.
My argument is that the behavior of what I refer to as Jewish Supremacy Inc. is becoming increasingly more maladaptive. The more power they acquire the more maladaptive they become.
One reason for this is that the intelligence needed to acquire power in the way that JSI has is completely different from the sort of intelligence they need to manage that power.
In short, though JSI might be good at the infiltration, subversion, deception, radical ingratitude, betrayal, destruction and death they used to become a dominant power, they are no good at all at the social management needed to sustain that power.
JSI is like a person of such fixed orientation toward experience that they can’t alter their behavior when a change in their situation necessarily requires a restructuring of their interests.
What was once the source of their strength, their single-mindedness of purpose, has now become their weakness. And they lack the learning ability and orientative flexibility to snap out of it.
From this perspective, far from being a sign of strength, their place in the dominance hierarchy has become the source of their weakness. Perhaps this is also the source of our current malaise, ie; that the behavior of the dominant power is dangerously maladaptive.
That would make them the real cancer of the human race, not whites. It would also mean that treason against them would be loyalty to humanity. Maybe this realization could bring whites together when nothing else could. Something will have to if they are to survive. Because, of course, their behavior also qualifies as maladaptive.
I predicted many important global events that came true.
When I was asked about the Jan 12, 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction I said:
“It’s in Capricorn at 22* which is where the south nodes of both Saturn and Pluto are. It is going to be World War lll. But with Neptune in Pisces it will be silent weapons for quite wars.”
seperating the wheat from the chaff
When farmers harvest wheat, they need to remove the stalk and the outer shell, called the chaff, to get to the kernel. They have to beat the wheat plant to separate what is useful from what is useless. Jesus uses this as an example of how God will come for His followers.
I thought the intent for that group was to decamp to China?
If they are playing for Israel, where do they think Israel will be when the US has all the international clout of Brazil, and all those dollars they milk us for aren’t worth anything any more?
In San Francisco for decades you see white guys with Chinese women. One white guy told me “All those white guys you see with Chinese women are Jews.”
I told you over a month ago 2-22-2022 was America’s 1776 Pluto return.
That’s the day Putin said he was going into Ukraine.
Pluto is transform or die.
Few countries survived it.
Pluto is a long transit that is decades long on bothsides before and after 2-22-22
This is in play until 2024.
BUT Pluto then moves into Aquarius and left astrologers think this is the Golden Age.
It isn’t.
Last time Pluto was in Aquarius we had first the Revolutionary war and then the French Revolution.
They have no idea what is coming for them.
I don't get this part. Why is there an obligation? Those people worked for a salary. They had a good thing going for several years. I doubt their contracts included a clause to move to the US if the enemy won the war, or any other assistance.Replies: @anon
No one is denying that the United States government has an obligation to assist the Afghans who actually worked for or directly assisted US forces in Afghanistan before the country fell to the Taliban in August.
You are right. The Afghan arrangement is like working for a company, it closes, is sold or you are let go, and the boss offers to let you live in his house AND continues to pay you a salary and perks.
While we pat ourselves on the back for being such good Samaritans, the rest of the world looks upon us as suckers. How many Moslem countries want any of these people ?
Nobody wants them not even their own but we do. The Juz dont want any wiggers in their country but advocate for them to come here. Its all fun and games now but when Abdul gets 15 kids while Schlomo only has two and this trend stretches into a few generations and increases exponentially, everyone is going to find out too late they let in a Trojan horse.
The same for for all the other darkies pouring into the country. The Tribe is going to find that these people have no love for them and are not shy about using ultra violence at the drop of a hat and for little or no reason.
Right now whites put up with a lot of shit. We have too much to lose. Not so the rabble we welcome with open arms. They have nothing to lose and dont give a shit about even torching their whole zip code.
What then for the Noses ??
“the fed follows rates up and down….”
This is an idea promulgated by Bobby Prechter along with his rejuvenation of the obscure “Elliott Wave” theory…..sometimes referred to as the Idiot Wave as anyone placing bets based on the various squiggles and patterns is now residing under a blue tarp. eating ramen, and drinking ice house. Bobby made his rep on one call, the stock bull market of the 1980s. He also invented the new science of socionomics where markets are related to hemlines and clothing fads and pop culture trends. Inflation is a monetary phenomena….nothing to do with supply chain backups, distant wars, etc. The ridiculous wu-wu farce created a GDP shortfall of about 2 trillion dollars. So the PTBs created 6 trillion in helicopter money and showered it down on the masses of asses, resulting inflation everywhere in everything….especially equities, real estate. Run 10% inflation and pay savers 1/2% and the purchasing power of savings halves every 7.6 years….by the rule of 72 i.e. 72/(10-.5). They used to call it theft. Best advice: go away in May.
Is it just merely a coincident that the Scriptures say A Threat/A Sword is coming from the South?
Ezekiel 20:45 Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
46 “Son of man, set thy face toward the South, and drop thy word toward the South, and prophesy against the forest of the Southland.
47 And say to the forest of the South: ‘Hear the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee and every dry tree. The flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the South to the North shall be burned therein.
48 And all flesh shall see that I, the Lord, have kindled it; it shall not be quenched.’â€
49 Then said I, “Ah, Lord God! They say of me, ‘Doth he not speak parables?’â€
Ezekiel 21:1 And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
2 “Son of man, set thy face toward Jerusalem, and drop thy word toward the holy places, and prophesy against the land of Israel;
3 and say to the land of Israel, ‘Thus saith the Lord: Behold, I am against thee, and will draw forth My Sword out of his sheath and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked.
4 Seeing then that I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall My Sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh from the South to the North,
5 that all flesh may know that I, the Lord, have drawn forth My Sword out of his sheath. It shall not return any more.’ (Ezekiel 20:45-21:5)
First, your hysterical accusations without relevant quotations do not speak well about your character.
Second, Ukrainian neo-Nazis have been a willing tool of Ziocons against Russia. At some point, RAM (Rise Above Movement) has become associated with Banderites. This association is not my invention. Try to refute the fact instead of having a hissy fit. Someone should be more vigilant in the choice of friends in the future.
Robert Rundo, the American neo-Nazi who started the Rise Above Movement (RAM) in southern California, was another American who has traveled to Ukraine to enjoy the “playground for white supremacy.â€
“For Washington, War Never Ends:”
The racism of the Azov Battalion, which has been incorporated into Ukrainian security forces, armed and trained by the Americans and the British, echoes that of the Nazis: the Russians are a mixed race, partly “Asiatic†due to the Medieval Mongol conquest, whereas the Ukrainians are pure white Europeans. Some of these fanatics proclaim that their mission is to destroy Russia.
“Before becoming part of Ukraine’s armed forces, who funded the neo-Nazi Azov battalion?”
[After the American ziocons-run regime change in Kiev in 2014,] the Ukrainian government had recognised its own military was too weak to fight off the pro-Russian separatists and relied on paramilitary volunteer forces. These forces were privately funded by oligarchs – the most known being Igor Kolomoisky, an energy magnate billionaire… In addition to Azov, Kolomoisky funded other volunteer battalions such as the Dnipro 1 and Dnipro 2, Aidar and Donbas units.
Who is this generous benefactor of the Ukrainian neo-Nazis?
Kolomoyski is a prominent supporter of Ukraine’s Jewish community and the president of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine. In 2010, he was appointed as the president of the European Council of Jewish Communities…
Perhaps you need to talk to people of the Azov battalion instead of making some strange demands on this forum.
You know what Katrinka, talk is cheap and courage is non-existent. There are so many people who know what they should do, talk about doing it and then do nothing. By the time they decide to act it is too late and they are caught in the snare. The majority are terrified of their own shadow.
The number of people who would actually pack up and move away is very, very small. Usually, it takes a trigger event, something drastic, that shows them they have had enough of the USA and do or die they must make the change.
I know so many people who worked hard to get the pension, who asserted that when they got the golden pension, would do this and that. The majority died withing a few years of retirement and the rest did nothing. It takes real courage to sell everything, pack up and move away to another country.
Many have never been out of their city block or city. Some have travelled to another state and those who vacation outside the USA, actually travel to a microcosm of the US (aka a resort).
The majority of Americans do not have that kind of intestinal fortitude. I dont know whether you are married or not and thus have a partner to support you emotionally in trying times and encourage you with difficult decisions but either way I have to hand it to you. You are a singular woman of immense courage!!
How many times do they need to demonstrate it to the U.S. public?
People don’t pay attention. At work, I mentioned the Canadian truck convoy when it was at its peak, and got blank stares. The general public, the “normies”, are pig ignorant beyond what most people who frequent sites like this really understand. They still watch the MSM an nod their empty heads along with the lies. I’ve had people tell me as recently as this year that the well dressed and coiffed news people would never lie.
The main problem I see is not they they don’t believe the people in power are deeply evil, it’s that they CAN’T believe it. They can’t even entertain the possibility.
The other problem is demographics, and the growing number of Fake Americans from garbage cultures. You could show them HD video of, say, Hilary Clinton eating a live baby, and they simply wouldn’t care. They come from societies where government people being complete shitbags is expected and accepted. As long as it’s not *their* baby on the menu, they don’t care. Hey, it was just some gringo baby. No loss.
If they are playing for Israel, where do they think Israel will be when the US has all the international clout of Brazil, and all those dollars they milk us for aren’t worth anything any more?
I thought the intent for that group was to decamp to China?
There are lot of dudes in that group marrying Chinese or Chinese-American women these days.
Barbara Lerner Spectre. Too bad she’s still alive. But like you said, Lucifer will be waiting with open bat 🦇 wings.
Yeah that witch hasn’t gone to meet her boss – Lucifer – just yet. Doubtless sustained by infusions of blood from goyim children.
There is actually a name for it: Satanic Inversion.
"All White Nationalists should be calling for a ceasefire between two White nations?" Where is this call? - Nowhere.Replies: @Exile, @GeneralRipper
A few months back, before the war, some commenters here (including myself) asked why the Russians weren’t doing in Cuba what the Americans were doing in Ukraine, that is, cutting the salami, sending armaments progressively. Yesterday, it hit me. Would the Russians ever do to the Cubans what the Americans are doing to the Ukies? Make them fight to the last Ukie while standing aside and pouring oil into the fire? Of course not. If the Russians had armed the Cubans and Cuba had been attacked as a consequence, they would have felt obligated to go fight side by side with the Cubans, which means nuclear WW3 guaranteed. It is a cruel irony that it is because the Russians have a sense of Honor that they now look like the baddies, having done the only thing they could do. Why has it taken me so long to understand that? Is it because I was raised in a culture where Honor is just a quaint old-fashioned word?
“All White Nationalists should be calling for a ceasefire between two White nations?†Where is this call? – Nowhere.
The “White Nationalists” never supported getting involved in Ukraine…or Iraq, or Serbia, or Libya, or Syria etc..etc…
White Nationalists instinctively understand that what James (old dead racist white guy) Madison said years ago is obviously true. It’s been played out right before our eyes.
Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.
‘Deagel’ is one guy in his attic somewhere. Never produced anything before or since apart from these forecasts which for reasons that elude me have gained major traction.
Here is another older screenshot for Amerika in 2025 (even more extreme pop drop)
The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank.It’s a work of “love†from some retired intelligence assets, and like most of us ex-spooks, it’s hosted outside of the United States. Just like MM here. We have VERY good reasons to do so. Reasons that are far too complex to get involved in right this moment. But we DO KNOW what we are doing. Never doubt that.Deagel is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset.If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are based on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the intelligence community.
I read the piece looking for the call to action – how to overcome this fatal flaw:
Any meaningful effort to stop them must take racial dominance into account and devise methods to successfully thwart and overcome it. This means identifying pressure points and unique vulnerabilities, as well as strengths, in both races and targeting or compensating for them respectively. It is a practical problem requiring imaginative solutions.
One precept entailed by dominance analysis is that it is vital to correctly identify and confront the Main Enemy in order to solve our racial problems (independence and survival). Conceptually speaking, that is no small contribution. Blacks, Mestizos, Arabs, and Asians are all secondary. As William Pierce stated, we are heading for extinction because Jews are paralyzing our will and ability to resist annihilation. In an environment without Jews, “We can whip every other race with both hands tied behind our backs. . . . . We must do something about the Jews—soon. And clearly the key to getting the Jews off our backs is to regain control of our mass media.â€
In light of Greg Johnson’s open contempt for “wignats” (his slur for those who name the Jew – see his slander of Keith Woods “admit it, Keith – you just want to kill all the Jews”), it would appear that the site publisher for Hamilton’s piece disagrees with both the author and Pierce.
How would Greg react to “affirmative action in media” restricting Jews to 2% of American media jobs on a position-by-position basis? It’s no more radical than anything Keith has ever said.
Would Greg consider that annudah Shoah?
And this from a guy who's beneath contempt. I call him Greg Google Johnson because he censors even more than they do. He doxed omeone a number of years ago and what stood out about that episode was the way he went about it. Like a spiteful teenaged girl. If he's not a JIDF Troll or Mole he might as well be. He was doxed himself too wasn't he? The publicity that got had ADL/$PLC written all over it, ie; to give him credibility and draw people toward him and people like him and away from naming the jew.I have a problem with the whole NTJ crowd myself. But that's not to say that Jews shouldn't be named. The problem is you can't leave it at that. It's also not wise to beat a dead horse in the comment section of one of the few websites that actually practices freedom of speech. It doesn't take long to see that the reason they squander their freedom of speech is because they have nothing else to say. So they just NTJ over and over again, to the point where it becomes not a little suspicious. And now we're back to Greg Google Johnson. Because if there's one thing that guy does not believe in it's freedom of speech. And the reason why is because he's thin-skinned. Owing to the cold malice and bitter hatred of Jewish Supremacy Inc. and the gullibility, ignorance, fear and shameless opportunism of many white men, whites have become the first Global Scapegoat in the history of the world. The ignorance and fear can be forgiven because they can be overcome. For this reason we should encourage people to overcome their ignorance and fear - though there's no question it takes some skill to do so. But being thin-skinned is a Cardinal Sin. For any white man. But for someone claiming to be a White Advocate? Are you kidding me? The good news is, Greg Google Johnson is never going to mobilize a group of white men capable of making a difference. Then again, that's not what he's there for. He's there to serve a higher power. But it isn't God and it certainly isn't whites.Replies: @Exile
In light of Greg Johnson’s open contempt for “wignatsâ€
A country that cannot control its own borders cannot survive.
Correction: A country controlled by (((people))) who are UNWILLING to control it’s borders, and who are in in fact enthusiastically Globalist/Multi-Cultural/Anti-Borders cannot survive.
Once a nation allows itself to be controlled by Jews, it’s destruction/subjugation is baked into the cake.
” If the Russians had armed the Cubans and Cuba had been attacked as a consequence, they would have felt obligated to go fight side by side with the Cubans, which means nuclear WW3 guaranteed. ”
if you are familiar with the
“The Fog of War”
then you know Pres Castros position —
do it.
People are reading A Generation of Sociopaths. As a result, they are waking up to the Boomer Question (BQ).
Video Link
The boomers definitely enabled all of it with their utter greed and unfathomably narcissistic sense of entitlement. Whatever Jews are or aren’t responsible for, the unique boomer generation deserves a lot of blame. As a whole, they’re known as a “generation of sociopaths,” for a reason. Now, they refuse to pass on power, hoarding disproportionate wealth and privilege while the US becomes a gerontocracy
It would be more accurate to say that it has little to do with boomers or libertarians or economics, etc. simply because the whites among them (the majority) encouraged and participated in what is essentially their own destruction. Why? Because it didn't seem like that at the time and for many whites still doesn't. They don't see it for what it is - bonding with their abuser.
So, open borders has nothing to do with boomers or libertarians or economics or any of the bullshit gaslighting the jews have tried to throw at this topic to take the heat away from their involvement in this catastrophe.
The whole "to avoid another "holocaust"" is also inaccurate and misleading, in part exactly because you are right, we haven't had a first one. The real reason is devoid of any complexity, their lust for power.
Organized jewry has been working feverishly for many years to disempower white Christian people so as to avoid another “holocaust, †(I could argue that we haven’t had the first one)
The second clause in your sentence directs attention to the heart of the matter - Jewish Supremacy Inc.'s lust for power, making all of the holocaust-proof talk just that, talk, or a rationalization on their part for what they have always been about, which is neatly summed up in three words - The Dark Triad. But at this point it's obvious that many here who indulge in the whole NTJ or ITJ (Name the Jew or It's the Jews) so as to avoid a very unpleasant fact. That whites make it dead easy for them. Whites may have cared for one another at one point in time, though that's rather doubtful, but whether or not they did, they don't now.In fact, not even those among the whole NTJ crowd care about each other or have any sensible suggestions as to what to do. In any event, it's obvious now that the situation for whites is like that of the Ik tribe. Remember them? The Ik tribe had their entire culture turned inside out by force - by the government. This led to an incoherence between the value of the tribe and the value of the individual. In short, every man for himself. The result? An indifference of each individual to the welfare of anyone else in their tribe. Everything after that was predictable. The indifference itself became a sort of redundancy system. So much so that everyone became indifferent to the suffering and death of everyone else. Of course, the constant exposure to such suffering and death led to yet more indifference - a vicious cycle. And that vicious cycle itself became its own redundancy system until the whole tribe was wiped out. Barring a miracle and it would take one at this point - this is the fate of whites in the United States, and not just the United States. From this perspective, all of the NTJ talk is not so much about JSI being united against whites, it's more about not being able to face the fact that whites are incapable of being united with themselves.Replies: @Anonymous
Massive third world immigration is a way to “holocaust-proof†the west, a way to make white nations user friendly for our jewish neighbors.
Whites deserve much of the blame for allowing themselves to be subverted so easily. The die was definitely cast by the time Kennedy was assassinated.
One of the more interesting WN writers has argued, Jews are racially dominant over whites, just as whites can easily conquer and subjugate Africans and Amerindians.
“…Human races can be arranged in a dominance hierarchy. Some races are more dominant than others. In our natural habitat, we were the dominant race on earth. Today, Jews occupy that position. They subjugated whites as quickly and easily as whites subjugated blacks, Amerindians, and East Asians. (Yes, despite East Asians’ higher intelligence as measured by IQ tests, we are the dominant race.)…”
Either some Americans will gain the courage to speak out and take back their country, or at least name their enemy, or else they deserve whatever fate befalls them.
In light of Greg Johnson's open contempt for "wignats" (his slur for those who name the Jew - see his slander of Keith Woods "admit it, Keith - you just want to kill all the Jews"), it would appear that the site publisher for Hamilton's piece disagrees with both the author and Pierce.
Any meaningful effort to stop them must take racial dominance into account and devise methods to successfully thwart and overcome it. This means identifying pressure points and unique vulnerabilities, as well as strengths, in both races and targeting or compensating for them respectively. It is a practical problem requiring imaginative solutions.
One precept entailed by dominance analysis is that it is vital to correctly identify and confront the Main Enemy in order to solve our racial problems (independence and survival). Conceptually speaking, that is no small contribution. Blacks, Mestizos, Arabs, and Asians are all secondary. As William Pierce stated, we are heading for extinction because Jews are paralyzing our will and ability to resist annihilation. In an environment without Jews, “We can whip every other race with both hands tied behind our backs. . . . . We must do something about the Jews—soon. And clearly the key to getting the Jews off our backs is to regain control of our mass media.†�
That may or may not be. But, let's say it is. It's still not the most important hierarchy. The most important hierarchy is not a dominance hierarchy, but an adaptive hierarchy. Meaning, what race is more focused on adaptation. A race, group, whatever, might be more dominant, but that dominance doesn't mean their behavior is adaptive. It could very well be maladaptive. My argument is that the behavior of what I refer to as Jewish Supremacy Inc. is becoming increasingly more maladaptive. The more power they acquire the more maladaptive they become. One reason for this is that the intelligence needed to acquire power in the way that JSI has is completely different from the sort of intelligence they need to manage that power. In short, though JSI might be good at the infiltration, subversion, deception, radical ingratitude, betrayal, destruction and death they used to become a dominant power, they are no good at all at the social management needed to sustain that power. JSI is like a person of such fixed orientation toward experience that they can't alter their behavior when a change in their situation necessarily requires a restructuring of their interests. What was once the source of their strength, their single-mindedness of purpose, has now become their weakness. And they lack the learning ability and orientative flexibility to snap out of it. From this perspective, far from being a sign of strength, their place in the dominance hierarchy has become the source of their weakness. Perhaps this is also the source of our current malaise, ie; that the behavior of the dominant power is dangerously maladaptive. That would make them the real cancer of the human race, not whites. It would also mean that treason against them would be loyalty to humanity. Maybe this realization could bring whites together when nothing else could. Something will have to if they are to survive. Because, of course, their behavior also qualifies as maladaptive.
“…Human races can be arranged in a dominance hierarchy."
Human races can be arranged in a dominance hierarchy. Some races are more dominant than others. In our natural habitat, we were the dominant race on earth. Today, Jews occupy that position. They subjugated whites as quickly and easily as whites subjugated blacks, Amerindians, and East Asians. (Yes, despite East Asians’ higher intelligence as measured by IQ tests, we are the dominant race.)…East Asians? East Asia was invaded but never colonized by the West, unless you count Japan and South Korea as ‘subjugated’ by the West. And no, China is not under the control of the West, at least not since Mao founded the PRC in 1949.
I doubt if anyone really cares what comments I make here at TUR. I am friends with a gentleman who is a retired F.B.I agent. After retiring he was elected our local county sheriff. He told me that the government doesn’t care what people write online. It is when they show up at events that the gloves come off. Proof of that is the James Fields conviction and the totally illegal treatment of the protestors on 1/6. I don’t speak fluent Spanish, so citizenship in Panama is out of the question (it is required). I own my home in Panama, they encourage people to come here, especially those who are ready to retire. I have never felt any hostility from the general population or the authorities. Make your plan and don’t look back.
"All White Nationalists should be calling for a ceasefire between two White nations?" Where is this call? - Nowhere.Replies: @Exile, @GeneralRipper
A few months back, before the war, some commenters here (including myself) asked why the Russians weren’t doing in Cuba what the Americans were doing in Ukraine, that is, cutting the salami, sending armaments progressively. Yesterday, it hit me. Would the Russians ever do to the Cubans what the Americans are doing to the Ukies? Make them fight to the last Ukie while standing aside and pouring oil into the fire? Of course not. If the Russians had armed the Cubans and Cuba had been attacked as a consequence, they would have felt obligated to go fight side by side with the Cubans, which means nuclear WW3 guaranteed. It is a cruel irony that it is because the Russians have a sense of Honor that they now look like the baddies, having done the only thing they could do. Why has it taken me so long to understand that? Is it because I was raised in a culture where Honor is just a quaint old-fashioned word?
My issue with you is that you are spreading Jewish disinformation about RAM.
I “get” that there are people who claim to be WN, some legitimate, some not, who strongly support Russia, some for misguided reasons (e.g. Putin is a crypto-White Nationalist). There are also WN’s who support Ukraine for misguided reasons (e.g. Putin wants to kill all the Nazis who are are proxy WN’s).
But that doesn’t justify you repeating false light misleading statements about RAM.
You’re trying to shift focus to something macro so you don’t have to own up to the fact that RAM isn’t part of some Ukro-Nazi conspiracy to subvert whatever True Cause you claim to support. You seem determined to tar them with that brush anyway.
"For Washington, War Never Ends:"
Robert Rundo, the American neo-Nazi who started the Rise Above Movement (RAM) in southern California, was another American who has traveled to Ukraine to enjoy the “playground for white supremacy.â€
"Before becoming part of Ukraine’s armed forces, who funded the neo-Nazi Azov battalion?"
The racism of the Azov Battalion, which has been incorporated into Ukrainian security forces, armed and trained by the Americans and the British, echoes that of the Nazis: the Russians are a mixed race, partly “Asiatic†due to the Medieval Mongol conquest, whereas the Ukrainians are pure white Europeans. Some of these fanatics proclaim that their mission is to destroy Russia.
Who is this generous benefactor of the Ukrainian neo-Nazis?
[After the American ziocons-run regime change in Kiev in 2014,] the Ukrainian government had recognised its own military was too weak to fight off the pro-Russian separatists and relied on paramilitary volunteer forces. These forces were privately funded by oligarchs – the most known being Igor Kolomoisky, an energy magnate billionaire... In addition to Azov, Kolomoisky funded other volunteer battalions such as the Dnipro 1 and Dnipro 2, Aidar and Donbas units.
Perhaps you need to talk to people of the Azov battalion instead of making some strange demands on this forum.Replies: @Exile
Kolomoyski is a prominent supporter of Ukraine's Jewish community and the president of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine. In 2010, he was appointed as the president of the European Council of Jewish Communities...
So, open borders has nothing to do with boomers or libertarians or economics or any of the bullshit gaslighting the jews have tried to throw at this topic to take the heat away from their involvement in this catastrophe.
It would be more accurate to say that it has little to do with boomers or libertarians or economics, etc. simply because the whites among them (the majority) encouraged and participated in what is essentially their own destruction. Why? Because it didn’t seem like that at the time and for many whites still doesn’t. They don’t see it for what it is – bonding with their abuser.
Organized jewry has been working feverishly for many years to disempower white Christian people so as to avoid another “holocaust, †(I could argue that we haven’t had the first one)
The whole “to avoid another “holocaust”” is also inaccurate and misleading, in part exactly because you are right, we haven’t had a first one. The real reason is devoid of any complexity, their lust for power.
Massive third world immigration is a way to “holocaust-proof†the west, a way to make white nations user friendly for our jewish neighbors.
The second clause in your sentence directs attention to the heart of the matter – Jewish Supremacy Inc.’s lust for power, making all of the holocaust-proof talk just that, talk, or a rationalization on their part for what they have always been about, which is neatly summed up in three words – The Dark Triad.
But at this point it’s obvious that many here who indulge in the whole NTJ or ITJ (Name the Jew or It’s the Jews) so as to avoid a very unpleasant fact. That whites make it dead easy for them. Whites may have cared for one another at one point in time, though that’s rather doubtful, but whether or not they did, they don’t now.
In fact, not even those among the whole NTJ crowd care about each other or have any sensible suggestions as to what to do. In any event, it’s obvious now that the situation for whites is like that of the Ik tribe. Remember them?
The Ik tribe had their entire culture turned inside out by force – by the government. This led to an incoherence between the value of the tribe and the value of the individual. In short, every man for himself. The result? An indifference of each individual to the welfare of anyone else in their tribe.
Everything after that was predictable. The indifference itself became a sort of redundancy system. So much so that everyone became indifferent to the suffering and death of everyone else. Of course, the constant exposure to such suffering and death led to yet more indifference – a vicious cycle. And that vicious cycle itself became its own redundancy system until the whole tribe was wiped out.
Barring a miracle and it would take one at this point – this is the fate of whites in the United States, and not just the United States. From this perspective, all of the NTJ talk is not so much about JSI being united against whites, it’s more about not being able to face the fact that whites are incapable of being united with themselves.
They also, based on their ‘entertainers’, have an ugly obsession with the scatological.
Anything that’s ugly, dirty or profane is like catnip to the Jews. Their cultural obsession with feces is well documented.
You still don’t get it.
Robert Macaire:
A few months back, before the war, some commenters here (including myself) asked why the Russians weren’t doing in Cuba what the Americans were doing in Ukraine, that is, cutting the salami, sending armaments progressively. Yesterday, it hit me. Would the Russians ever do to the Cubans what the Americans are doing to the Ukies? Make them fight to the last Ukie while standing aside and pouring oil into the fire? Of course not. If the Russians had armed the Cubans and Cuba had been attacked as a consequence, they would have felt obligated to go fight side by side with the Cubans, which means nuclear WW3 guaranteed. It is a cruel irony that it is because the Russians have a sense of Honor that they now look like the baddies, having done the only thing they could do. Why has it taken me so long to understand that? Is it because I was raised in a culture where Honor is just a quaint old-fashioned word?
“All White Nationalists should be calling for a ceasefire between two White nations?” Where is this call? – Nowhere.
The "White Nationalists" never supported getting involved in Ukraine...or Iraq, or Serbia, or Libya, or Syria etc..etc... White Nationalists instinctively understand that what James (old dead racist white guy) Madison said years ago is obviously true. It's been played out right before our eyes.
“All White Nationalists should be calling for a ceasefire between two White nations?†Where is this call? – Nowhere.
Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.
� Borders, No Country. No Constitution, No Country. No Rule of Law, No Country. Mission Accomplished! But the destruction won't stop with a country. Of course not.
We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands.
While the US is the current “big” target for destruction, the destroyers have been at work in other (formerly) White countries since before WWII. As in those other countries, the people in the US who understand what is going on are labeled “ray-cists”, Auntie Shem-ites, and as being inflicted with all sorts of non-existent phobias. it’s only going to get worse.
True and agree, but the fact is We the People could have stopped it but didn’t… the prosperity felt made too many Americans lazy and in a life of “convenience” to the point where we didn’t think we needed to stop anything…until we did see it, and it just might be too late at this point. Texas, where I live, just might have to secede… As I always say, one gets what one deserves, from God or from man.
Apparently you know something the rest of us don't.
But anyone who attempts to convince me that the writers at TAC or UNZ are not inwardly or outwardly smiling with glee at the prospect of Easterm Europeans gracing the shores here is climbing a very dark and tall mountain.
Germany, the USA, Canada…etc.
“I disagree. All immigrants are bad; some are worse than others, but all are bad.”
in the perspectives expressed i am sure both of you are not alone.
Can’t blame you at all. Wise move, sir.
But I wouldn’t be planning on ever visiting the US again after making comments in writing like your last sentence above. Probably wise to work on another citizenship or two and then renounce your US citizenship.
Moreover, resident status is not enough for your safety and security. Get citizenship elsewhere, nothing less. Panama is usually not a good bet for obtaining citizenship. Governments may let citizens enter and exit even when they restrict travel for non-citizens. (Except Australia, of course, where citizenship means nothing now. But you’re obviously sensible enough not to try to settle in the Police State Down Under.)
My thoughts are “don’t drag RAM and American White Nationalism into this.”
This is not our fight and no one in America, including RAM, has an interest here. They would be the first to say so, too. You are guilting them by the loosest association for no good reason.
All White Nationalists should be calling for a ceasefire between two White nations, not helping Jews start another brother war or fanning the flames.
Guys like James are functionally helping Jews do this by spreading disinfo – don’t help him.
"All White Nationalists should be calling for a ceasefire between two White nations?" Where is this call? - Nowhere.Replies: @Exile, @GeneralRipper
A few months back, before the war, some commenters here (including myself) asked why the Russians weren’t doing in Cuba what the Americans were doing in Ukraine, that is, cutting the salami, sending armaments progressively. Yesterday, it hit me. Would the Russians ever do to the Cubans what the Americans are doing to the Ukies? Make them fight to the last Ukie while standing aside and pouring oil into the fire? Of course not. If the Russians had armed the Cubans and Cuba had been attacked as a consequence, they would have felt obligated to go fight side by side with the Cubans, which means nuclear WW3 guaranteed. It is a cruel irony that it is because the Russians have a sense of Honor that they now look like the baddies, having done the only thing they could do. Why has it taken me so long to understand that? Is it because I was raised in a culture where Honor is just a quaint old-fashioned word?
Once the White Russians and the white Westerners blow each other up with bombs, the Jews will just cozy up to China and they have been planning.
All of this conflict has one goal:?The replacement or extermination of white people. Jews are always behind it.
The only way to save America is to shine a bright light on stupid white Protestants who worship Israel and Jews.
Why she is still in power and not in n a Federal prison for Treason?
Nancy Pelosi:
If capital crumbles to the ground, one thing tha’ll remain is our commitment to Israel
Where are the brave American patriots to clean the US house? – In Ukraine, obeying the Kagans’ clan commands in a War of Judea against Russia.
Jews have united with the self-proclaimed neo-Nazis (hello, Holobiz!) only to use the stupid Banderites as cannon fodder. Yet, it is the infamy of the US Army’s ongoing cooperation with the Nazis that cannot be hidden this approaching Victory Day.
The US government has been sending money and lethal weaponry to the self-proclaimed Nazis in Ukraine. The same government that exists to please Israel and the Jewish Lobby.
What are your thoughts about the so-called White Fuhrers and their neo-Nazi retinue, who have been superbly instrumental for the Ziocons’ (Jews’) goal of attacking and bleeding Russia – a country of white people?
“The ongoing flow of refugees out of Ukraine into neighboring territories poses the greatest potential for a NATO-Russia clash.”
To date, more than 2 million Ukrainians have fled to sanctuary in Poland, Moldova, Hungary and Romania. The capacity of these nations to absorb these refugees is rapidly reaching the saturation point. If Russia begins its long-anticipated assault on Kiev, or otherwise engages in action which dramatically alters the situation in the rest of Ukraine, it is anticipated that millions more Ukrainians will be seeking refugee status, creating the real potential for one of the greatest humanitarian emergencies since the end of the Second World War.
Faced with such conditions, Ukraine’s neighbors may feel compelled to create a humanitarian buffer zone along Ukraine’s border with Europe which would require the deployment of some sort of peacekeeping force, operating under either the U.N., EU or NATO Article IV authority. The question of how Russia would respond to such an intervention is unknown.
If Russia were to militarily confront such a peacekeeping force on the soil of Ukraine, there is a distinct probability that NATO heavy forces might be brought in to protect the peacekeepers, raising the unthinkable prospect of a direct confrontation between Russian and NATO forces. No one can predict with any degree of accuracy how events during war will unfold; no plan survives initial contact with the enemy, and the enemy always gets a vote.
From comment section:
It seems that the fascists in the U.S. have grossly overestimated their own capabilities while underestimating, as is typical, the abilities of its enemies to thwart the neoconservative agenda. But the neocons are stupid, and worse, quite literally insane. They are perfectly willing to plunge the entire planet into a nuclear winter that shall kill all life on Earth, including microbes, if they can’t rule over it unchallenged. Even more disastrously, the American public seems perfectly at ease with this, having been almost thoroughly brainwashed by decades of propaganda.
The US has been doing bloody regime changes in the name of “freedom & democracy.” Who is going to save the US from the insane Deciders?
Yes. Manynoplace sure elected themselves a dumbfuck mayor. Expecting another outrageous summer there.
What do you mean “we?” You are no longer one of us. You stole research papers from an American university, fled to China, and are staying there. I don’t care if you are born here or even if you are still allowed to vote. You betrayed your country and have nothing to say about *anything* here. Even said you were leaving your conservative mom and aunts in Wisconsin to “die in their own filth.” What a guy.
You have plenty of issues to worry about there in China.
If capital crumbles to the ground, one thing tha'll remain is our commitment to Israel
I’m no fan of Trump since he is as much a wokester dumbass as you are but you need to concentrate on maintaining chinese goodthink. American goodthink is no longer your concern.
Jewish politician Jacob Frey has ensured with a new law to hamper the American police officers in their mission for law and order and to expose them to a considerable security risk, in which they now have to knock on the doors of suspicious suspects before they are allowed to enter their hideouts. In addition, they must film themselves doing their job and present these results to the public. Frey, as might be expected, had already behaved in typical Jewish anti-white fashion by siding with BLM.
The Fed will raise interest rates AND create new “money” like mad because almost no one is going to purchase US debt going forward. The Fed will monetize all gov’t debt which will add fuel to the inflationary fire. There’s no way out this time.
The Fed, the gov’t, the corporations, etc are all thinking they can do what’s worked before. They are wrong. Just as generals are always using the tactics of the last war, the people in charge are going to use the tools they have and this time they will come up short.
While they are all doing their song and dance, the Dollar will get devalued due to dedollarization and rampant printing while food and fuel becomes a major problem world wide. No one can print food or fuel so this time the controllers will be overwhelmed by things outside their control.
Buckle up.
Cheers for the info “Badger Down”, but the same is happening throughout the West and many governments seem to be first going after holiday homes OR SO THEY SAY. Also you will start seeing articles like this =
With my tin foil hat on, I believe this is just another method on their way to their “You will own nothing, but you will be happy” nonsense.. and see this as the first stage of the attack on private ownership – clever as it is (plus dividing us again).
None of this, of course, would be possible without the subversive efforts of our Jewish friends, and their gullible Goyim enablers.
The question is why would they want to sink their own gravy train after investing so much to get it rolling and greasing the skids and oiling the engine so it pays out untold amounts of dividends for them?
So two possible (not mutually exclusive) answers are that it was unsustainable (certainly the way it was driven over the last decades) or that there are bigger plans in the works of which this is only one of them.
I think that the pertinent historical analogy may be the Great Depression, when under the guidance of the Communist ‘brain trust,‘ the US and world economies were taken down in what could only be described as in a willful manner. The goal of achieving a socialist economy in the US was only interrupted when efficiency was required to bail out the Soviets and the hapless Brits who had triggered another world war.
“Coincidentally,“ the 1930s, the time of the greatest destruction of the US economy, was the time in which Stalin’s Soviet Union needed the greatest amount of privacy in order to complete its most brutal consolidation of power.
This being mere conjecture and based on these historical deductions, it may only be postulated that our friends, are running this vast machine into the ground in order to, among other things, clear ‘their‘ land of Palestinians, something peaceful times could simply not allow.
The rest of the plan, involving re-taking control of Russia’s energy wealth, or just neutralizing it is currently unfolding, but there’s definitely method to the apparent madness.
But remember yellow dog asians obey Jews and blame whites.
‘“I hope lots of white Ukrainians pour over our borders. It will be a nice change from the typical Mexicans, Africans, and Muslims!â€
‘You are not alone.’
I disagree. All immigrants are bad; some are worse than others, but all are bad.
If you’ve got rats in the basement, putting mice in the attic won’t improve matters.
‘Elections are always stolen. ‘
If you think this through, you’ll realize it’s logically absurd. Surely at least part of the time, the powers that be could arrange for their candidate to be the most popular. If they couldn’t even manage that, they couldn’t be very effective powers that be.
White men: I really would ask myself why I’d sign up for military service here. This nation’s powers-that-be hate you. Enlist so you can learn weapon and squad tactics.
‘People assumed “Joe Biden†was playing for USA.
They were wrong. He’s playing for another team.‘Guess who these guys are playing for…’
This is part of what doesn’t make any sense.
If they are playing for Israel, where do they think Israel will be when the US has all the international clout of Brazil, and all those dollars they milk us for aren’t worth anything any more?
Israel goes its own way. The news is that they’re interested in China’s Belt and Road Initiative. They ignored Pompey’s begging that they cancel Chinese development projects. They gave Putin a big welcome when he visited Israel. They’re ignoring the US demand for sanctions on Russia and have good relations.
The deal seems to be, that they accept the love of the US Jews and the billions of dollars of US taxpayer money + armaments channeled towards them – but give nothing in return. In fact they have a well known dislike of US Jews.
“If they are playing for Israel, where do they think Israel will be when the US has all the international clout of Brazil, and all those dollars they milk us for aren’t worth anything any more?”
Obviously they do not give af about the dollar……they plan to switch to a digital currency which will mean absolute control over entire populations.
And it’s nice to think that nobody will fight for the small hats….but literally everyone here in CA hates Putin and Russia and wants to have a war with Russia. ZOG propaganda is still very effective.
(Look at the dumbass in the comment above talking about how “Russia stole the election.”)
I’m continuously amazed at the level of naivete of our people… well as the level of depravity of the nose.
And the other aspect to your question goes back to the story of the scorpion and the frog.
Elections are always stolen. Let’s see. Kennedy was stolen. Carter was stolen. Bush was stolen twice. Obama won by more than the official vote, the highest amount anybody ever received (not that he’s any good; people just wanted something, anything different, and he at least looked different). Trump was stolen (should have been Sanders). And Biden was so stolen it makes the brain all sore and tender inside.
I don’t know why all that wouldn’t happen——- unless you believe in miracles.
Replies: @Ralph B. Seymour
Devaluation of the Dollar with an out of control American Congress.
Strange insistence in using a mRNA vaccine instead of a traditional “dead host†vaccine.
A global pandemic that America is just fucking up royally.
Desire for a war with China.
Desire for a war with Russia.
Desire for a war with Iran.
China, Russia and Iran forming a unified Asian block.
Race war in the United States.
Progressive onslaught and control of all electronic media.
Looming bubbles in just about every facet of American life.
A fake American GDP
In short, they argued that the US government has greatly over-stated the real level of US GDP. This means the country will be fatally exposed when the next economic crisis strikes.
How can the GDP be so high that a full 61% of Americans are so poor that they do not pay Federal Income Taxes?
It defies rational understanding.
‘People assumed “Joe Biden†was playing for USA.
They were wrong. He’s playing for another team.
‘Guess who these guys are playing for…’
This is part of what doesn’t make any sense.
If they are playing for Israel, where do they think Israel will be when the US has all the international clout of Brazil, and all those dollars they milk us for aren’t worth anything any more?
If there’s anyone who will suffer by America’s decline, it’s Israel.
It’s ironic, really. Whatever the calamities that lie ahead, we’ll still be here in some form — maybe not a very pleasant form, but we’ll be here.
Israel, though, will be gone.
Israel goes its own way. The news is that they're interested in China's Belt and Road Initiative. They ignored Pompey's begging that they cancel Chinese development projects. They gave Putin a big welcome when he visited Israel. They're ignoring the US demand for sanctions on Russia and have good relations. The deal seems to be, that they accept the love of the US Jews and the billions of dollars of US taxpayer money + armaments channeled towards them - but give nothing in return. In fact they have a well known dislike of US Jews.This is part of what doesn’t make any sense. If they are playing for Israel, where do they think Israel will be when the US has all the international clout of Brazil, and all those dollars they milk us for aren’t worth anything any more?�
‘People assumed “Joe Biden†was playing for USA.
They were wrong. He’s playing for another team.‘Guess who these guys are playing for…’
I thought the intent for that group was to decamp to China?
If they are playing for Israel, where do they think Israel will be when the US has all the international clout of Brazil, and all those dollars they milk us for aren’t worth anything any more?
Cannot, or will not. Our ruling class hates America’s citizens. No enemy is more treacherous.
It is sufficiently crazy that Democrats and Rino’s ……………………………………………………..never mind. It’s Trumps fault. lol
You are an imbecile……and NOBODY (including you) actually believes in “Russian collusion.”
Fuck off and die you moronic scum.
The people who have hold of the reins on the spending are “ZOG” controlled.
The two allowed official political parties are “ZOG” controlled.
Who you going to call, “ZOG” busters?
The election wasn’t stolen. We returned democracy to the USA after four years of a Russian occupation.
"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."
A video of Rundo's fight, which was streamed live on Facebook, shows that the American lost the bout. But for Rundo, who thanked his hosts with a shout of "Slava Ukrayini!" (Glory to Ukraine), it was a victory of another sort: RAM's outreach tour, which included stops in Italy and Germany to celebrate Adolf Hitler's birthday and spread its alt-right agenda, brought the two radical groups closer together.
For the Ukrainians, too, the benefits extended outside the ring. It marked a step toward legitimizing Azov among its counterparts in the West and set in motion what appears to be its next project: the expansion of its movement abroad. "We think globally," Olena Semenyaka, the international secretary for Azov's political wing, the National Corps, told RFE/RL in an interview at one of the group's Kyiv offices last week.
Replies: @Exile
Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi paramilitary force, has offered to host and train US members of the violent Rise Above Movement.
You are broadcasting ZOG smears against a legitimate White Nationalist organization.
You can pick nits to justify yourself all you like but what are you trying to accomplish?
If you’re serious about opposing Jewish power, it’s impossible to avoid doing something that Jewish disinformation can portray as ebil terrorist sedition.
That fight is ten times harder than it needs to be when misguided good goys do the Jews’ propagandizing for them.
Absolutely agree.
Just look at that old video by that serpent Specter, is she still alive? The Jewess clearly explained that Europe, and now America, are going to be ‘enriched’ with uncontrolled 3rd World immigration (invasion).
I agree that it would be great if Ukrainians come here….but I seriously doubt that it will happen…..because organized jewry HATES white Christian people.
We should have been importing whites from South Africa, rather than allow them to be butchered by negroes…..but ZOG would not allow it.
Ukraine is a LONG way from our southern border, in any case.
Illegals would not come here if we obeyed federal law and did NOT give them incentives to come here. Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to come to or reside in america. That means no free school or drivers licenses or welfare money for these criminals. I thought trump would enforce the law but he didn’t.
You say “if we stop feeding ZOG our tax dollares….” Does anyone exactly how to do this?
“I hope lots of white Ukrainians pour over our borders. It will be a nice change from the typical Mexicans, Africans, and Muslims!”
You are not alone