All this drama will not cleave Russia from China. The USA has played it’s cards badly and lost.
In the short run, perhaps. In the long run, Russia and China share a border where one side presents a surplus of people and the other a surplus of land and natural resources. Stir in some old territorial resentments and I am sure a skillful American card player can drive a significant wedge between these two behemoths.
We could trade food for vasectomies and tubal ligations.
No sperm in, no eggs out. The food for peace idea
was a dismal failure.
Are you better off with a new enemy or should you
keep the old one? And, there’s always a chance you
could lose either way.
The Brahmans and the other upper castes will decline the offer to live in the
land of “milk and honey, + poo.†Remember, they are also “chosen.â€
Yes, true, both are very similar, arrogant, cunning chosen people. But India is big enough for both. Also, sweaten the deal by settling all Indian Muslims in Middle East. “Our Muslims vs Jews”, the Hindus will take it.
What are you the head of some NGO charity that thinks the American working class taxpayers are obligated to feed the world?
Join the peace corps if it still exists. Apply for a job with the department of agriculture. If you have any qualifications .
Do you have any practical skills you can teach the poor starving beggars of the world? Do you know the difference between a disc and a harrow? What is a seed drill?? Ever driven a small tractor? Do you know the name of the machine that harvests wheat? Ever been close to a cow steer pig or chicken? Do you know what cattle pigs and chicken eat? Do you know why cows get calcium supplements and steers don’t? How long a cow can keep producing milk before she has to get pregnant and have another calf?
The White world has been feeding Africa since those countries were freed from the evil European colonists. And those populations keep growing and growing every year. Africa fed itself before colonialism. Africa fed itself during colonialism. Now it’s just a beggar continent that expands its population on the charity of the White world.
In the 1960s some kind of super nutritious rice was developed by Whites. India bought the seeds grew that rice and ended the famines and severe malnutrition that harmed Indians and India for centuries. After White scientists created that rice India and Indians did the rest. Without some American do gooders supervising
So far, March 4 no mineral deal has been signed by America and Ukraine or Trump and Zelenskyy. Does America have any proof that there are enough rare minerals in Ukraine to make mining them profitable?
It’s unusual to find minerals in prairie land.
If there really are minerals in Ukraine will it be a billion spent for every hundred thousand worth of minerals mined and processed? Plus Ukraine is extremely corrupt. Bribes and extortion here there and everywhere. Ghost employees on the payroll who don’t exist. Equipment stolen or held for ransom. Work stoppages it sounds like the type of country where bribes have to be paid before utilities are turned on.
The mining companies will probably have to build an entire town from scratch. And deal with extortion incompetence massive not acceptable levels of theft every step of the way. Just another sewer to throw down the American workers taxes.
And millions sent off to Israel as usual.
Even without Israel theft only a fool would go into it.
A rogue Gladio unit in BE/NL was also suspected to be behind the so-called “Brabant Killers” who caused chaos for years, happily engaged police in fatal firefights, had military training and had no apparent motive for their sprees.
But the liberal order has set up the wrong organizations. Maybe they were relevant in their day, the circumstances have changed. For a long time, Putin called for the creation of a new European security arrangement. That we have a messy border war going on makes it difficult now to answer Putin’s call but there is still the opportunity.
Part of my argument is that the European organizations that were set up were suitable for the Nordic democracies only. NATO itself, in my argument, in addition to being a military alliance, also represented a cultural community the Nordic democracies ringing the North Atlantic, along with a couple of necessary adjuncts. My argument and theory also is extremely anti-Wilsonian and counter-Wilsonian. The geopolitical theory underlying Wilson’s Fourteen Points (in my estimation) is the idea that by bringing Nordic democracy to the peoples outside of the North Atlantic ring, we could make those people into facsimile Nordics and make them a people suited to Nordic government and Nordic government a system suited to them. It hasn’t quite worked even for the Eastern Europeans let alone anyone else. The Western Europeans have given up revanchism and irredentism utterly. Then there is the companion issue of the refusal to give up territory regardless of circumstances or history.
The next stage of my theory is to recognize that the Helsinki Accords represented the Postwar strategic settlement in Europe and these were not superseded by the fall of communism and the end of the Cold War. My argument, then, is that upholding the Helsinki boundaries up to the border of the former Soviet Union should be the foundation of our (American) European policy and we should state that we will not consider any adjustments until stability is achieved first. If anybody complains. We have to remind them wh0 won the war. Sometimes you have to drop the anvil on people’s heads or they just don’t pay attention. Then there is Machiavelli playbook to consider. Machiavelli said, if you are going to do something people are not going to like, better to do it all at once and let people get mad at you once, than to do it in pieces and let their anger be restoked over and over again.
I say, better to tell the Eastern Europeans, this is how it is going to be and mean it, than to respond to one fire after another as it breaks out.
Maybe I should say something about my own descent and how it has schooled my point of view, but that would get a little complicated. I’ll just say, my European-born ancestors left me an Anglo-Saxon name but I am not at all Anglo-Saxon or of any British Isles descent. Draw a north-south line through Oslo and an east-west line through Vienna, and you would have to go far back to find any ancestor who lived other than east of one line and north of the other. I know how irridentism is bred into people. I’ve lived it. Not the most important thing in my life ever, but I do understand it. It is hard to let go of.
Sure. Europeans, especially the Eastern Europe have got drop their incessant etnic loyalties. It’s just rife with issues if said ethnic groups live in other countries.
There will always be jockeying for relevance and power among some nations. That is why the liberal order has established all of these various organizations in an attempt totamp down on the violence that occurs by disagreements a normal aspect of peoples.
Hae to break it to you, but the record is abundantly clear that the no such guarantees were made nor could be made based on he UN Charter of admission. The assurace was that NATO would not exercise force outside it jurisdiction.
Dr Sachs references the sources for the exchange between Mr. Baker and Premier Gobachav and even he clarifes that no such guarantees were made about adding countries.
Ad that test of exercising authority is on full display as the parties try figure a way of dealing with the MNATO restriction of jurisdiction and why Ukrain and Georgia both sought entry into NATO. And why Pres Bush supported it. Despite what he saw in Pres Putin’s eye, his instancta were that he could not be trusted not violate the agreements made. And he was spot on correct.
NATO has nothing to with establishing independent Ukraine. That agreement was between Russia and Ukraine. The case is that Russia accepted recognized the sovereignty of Ukraine and even pledged to defend it.
That case is closed.
That Russia has reneged on that pledge is also a case closed. Those are established facts.
Laugh, obviously if one renegs on an agreement that cannot be enforced or protected, then its a given that said agreement creates a new environment. You are applying my comments to some other mode.
The fact that Russia wants to change the agreement by force is also a fact. Nothing you aay is going to changes those facts.
Budapest, Minsk I and II, Friendship all of these signed without objections. No side references to anything in the agreement itself that makes said agreement unenforceable or invalid, no hints at unfairness or coercion — all fact. No direct or indirect concerns at all. Fact.
And now has violated the agreement because they don’t like the divorce outcomes. Leaning west, as one cause, supposedly. Fact The case is closed on all these facts — they occurred or are occuring.
Laughing. Your making an argument I did not make and you arre apply it to a scenario that is entirely different.
The founding of NATO is not in any way similar to whether or not Agreements were made between two non NATO states and then subsequently broken by one party. Your attempt to shift burden by confounding the two and thereby change the nature of the discussion is acknowledged and rejected.
Nice hopscotch though.
Marcos Jr has seen the writing on the wall. Now he’s singing a different tune, offering to remove the US Typhoon missiles in exchange for China’s promise to allow Filipino fishermen to access the waters off Chinese-controlled offshore islands. But China says “no deal cuz we won’t deal with youâ€. Instead, China is buying time until Marcos Jr steps down in 2028. Now that Trump is too busy cleaning up the US Deep State which has propped up Marcos Jr in his self-serving campaign of gratuitous harassment against China, the USA would likely abandon Marcos Jr like a used-up whore who has no choice but serve out his remaining term in office as a lameduck President without political support from virtually every sector of Philippine Society. After Marcos Jr is gone and done with, the Philippines could revert back to becoming anti-American again if the Dutertes regain power. That kind of geopolitical loss by the USA Empire in Southeast Asia would be its greatest disaster since the Fall of Saigon.
Obama's "Pivot to Asia" has ended in failure as Duterte trashed the PCA ruling which was a Dragon's Trap set up by the US Deep State to trigger a China-Philippine military conflict. In fact, Obama revived the QUAD and pushed the TPP as part of his "Pivot to Asia", both of which have ended in failure because Trump himself refused to back India as part of the QUAD on his second term (as proven by Trump's meeting with Modi) and nixed the TPP on his first term. So what are you talking about?
Trump is hitting the pause button on conquering Russia, just like Hillary Clinton did after US losing the Georgia proxy-war in 2008. Meanwhile the goals are (a) Make Europe spend 5% of GDP to buy US weapons (b) Make a deal with the Russians to extract mineral riches from Ukraine, and (c) Pivot to Asia, to try and harm China, because China is out-competing the US economically.
Oh, lest I forget, Trump also let his tongue slip and said: “We won’t defend Taiwan against China. Period.†That’s music to Xi’s ears.
It’s also insane because China is so far advanced that there is NO chance that the US and its stooges, like the mighty Flip military, led by hereditary brothel-keeper Marcos Minor, can cause it any distress. However, Western racist arrogance is so extreme that they REFUSE to face facts. When they realise their position, they’ll go ape-shit with rage and look for little victims to attack instead. Look out San Marino!
It was well known and widely reported that the US ‘promised’ not to move NATO ‘one inch’ to the East. Then, after the US engineered the drunken Quisling traitor Yeltsin’s re-election in 1996, they Memory Holed those ‘promises’ and moved to enlarge NATO as an Atlanticist alliance to destroy Russia, then China, and then rule over humanity, forever. Of course, brain dead, brainwashed, trolls like this creature regurgitate any Imperial lie-it’s their ‘patriotic duty’, and custom.
Brian Berletic doesn’t know what he is talking about and neither do you.
Trump is hitting the pause button on conquering Russia, just like Hillary Clinton did after US losing the Georgia proxy-war in 2008. Meanwhile the goals are (a) Make Europe spend 5% of GDP to buy US weapons (b) Make a deal with the Russians to extract mineral riches from Ukraine, and (c) Pivot to Asia, to try and harm China, because China is out-competing the US economically.
Obama’s “Pivot to Asia” has ended in failure as Duterte trashed the PCA ruling which was a Dragon’s Trap set up by the US Deep State to trigger a China-Philippine military conflict. In fact, Obama revived the QUAD and pushed the TPP as part of his “Pivot to Asia”, both of which have ended in failure because Trump himself refused to back India as part of the QUAD on his second term (as proven by Trump’s meeting with Modi) and nixed the TPP on his first term. So what are you talking about?
Trump wants to get the USA out of the bloody business of Empire. Instead, Trump wants the USA to get back into the business of serving America and Americans First. And that’s why Trump wants to revive US manufacturing industries so that native-born American workers can earn their living making things inside American factories rather than selling dope in the streets of the USA.
The Empire has fallen. It is over. Finished.
What about the argument that the geopolitical aspirations of the Eastern European countries is the great hazard? It has been argued, the Eastern Europeans, their political leaders that is to say, have ignited two worlds within the lifetime of the oldest human beings in Earth. Now they’re working on a third, some people say.
Any thoughts?
Falsely declares the scope of executive power:
“Article Two of the Constitution however, says very bluntly: Executive power shall be vested in the U.S. President (with no ifs or buts at all.) Trump intends for his Administration to recover that lost Executive power. It was, in fact, lost long ago. Trump is re-claiming too, the Executive’s right to dismiss ‘servants of the State’, and to ‘switch off’ wasteful expenditure at his discretion, as part of a unitary executive prerequisite.â€
That, however obviously missed the import of the key provision of Article 1 [Legislative powers] that precedes Article 2 [Executive power] which is completely subordinated to the Article 1 that precedes it. For Article 1 explicitly provides in the last unnumbered paragraph (clause) of Section 8 that opens with the subordinating clause that “the Congress shall have the Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts. . .†. That section then continues with clauses in parallel construction which each begin with an infinitive that thereby identified the actions which only Congress is thereby empowered to take. This section then concludes with the last clause that empowers Congress, and only Congress: “to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution of the foregoing powers , and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or any Department or officer thereof.â€
This unnumbered paragraph (clause) makes it crystally clear that Congress has the power to enact laws governing not only how any and all powers vested by the Constitution in either the Executive or Judicial branch, but also those vested in the Government, in any of its Departments, or even in any officer of the US are to be carried out. That specifically and expressly applies to Musk as an “Officer†of the US.
Thus entirely contrary to the misguided notion that has been proposed that the Constitution divided powers among the co-equal branches, it instead unifies all power not in the executive branch, as the moron who originally propounded the notion of the unitary executive would have it, but it explicitly, directly and completely vests within the Congress, and only the Congress the power to which the other branches are entirely subordinated by that last unnumbered paragraph of Section 8 of Article 1 that expressly authorizes Congress to enact the laws whereby it can prescribe to the last detail how those other branches and even any officers are to carry out any powers they have.
There are no ifs, ands, and buts about this. The Constitution clearly confers upon the Congress the unitary power to run the government, with the other two branches acting as mere functionaries of the Congress who prescribes with the laws it is empowered to enact the scope of their power (i.e. their functions and duties in modern parlance).
Indeed, the wide-ranging and total power of Congress is confirmed by the first clause of Section 8 which explicitly provides that “Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, . . . to pay the debts and [to] provide for the common defense and general welfare†of the U.S.
Please notice this provision explicitly mandates not only that Congress has the power to lay, but also to collect taxes, etc. (rather than merely to specify what taxes are to be collected}, but also to pay rather than merely authorize the payment of US debts by the executive. By this language, Congress can strip the Executive of having anything to do with either collecting revenues for the government or actually paying debts Congress has assumed on behalf of the US. This power conferred on Congress would entitle it to place the IRS and the Treasury under the control of Congress, turning into an absurdity the notion the Executive can embargo and refuse to make payments Congress has assumed as debts (payment obligations) of the US.
Nothing could be clearer than the express wording of the Constitution, turning the notion of the unitary executive into drug induced hallucinations.
Now keep in mind that these arrangements were concretized in the US Constitution during the period after the divine right of monarchs was being challenged (the beheading of Charles I) and the power of legislatures was rising as Parliament was assuming executive powers that had been held by kings and transferring them to the prime minister that placed the relative positions of these branches into a state of flux that resulted in kings progressively becoming figure-heads assuming only perfunctory duties with no power at all to assume any real legislative or executive powers that have instead in most “democracies†been placed in the legislative branch, with prime ministers assuming the executive power but under the direct control of the legislative branch that can directly hold the prime minister accountable for following the will of the legislature rather than having to impeach him.
This process , begun in England with the fight between Parliament and the king, eventually came to a head at the end of WWI when the three main monarchies in Europe were terminated, and legislatures emerged as the supreme govt branch, with the other two subordinated to it.
We , however, now appear to be starting to head back in the direction of power being transferred to the executive as is being attempted in the US and has been implemented in various ways in other states – like Russia.
The claim being advanced that power is vested in the Executive by the U.S. Constitution is just an example of how proponents of that lie are seeking to subvert the Constitution as it actually stands.
[The above comment is an edited and expanded version of a comment I posted earlier that was badly constructed in haste. Sorry about that.}
Another ignoramus who thinks he knows anything about Germany and the two WW.
“It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt”.
True, and very well said. Bumper Bozo had it coming.
Triggered your TDS? Look at you loosing your f’ing mind.
WHO IS YOUR BETTER ALTERNATIVE TO TRUMP? Come on big mouth give me a name.
Of course CRICKETS!
Until you have a better alternative to Trump STFU.
You sure as hell are “nobody important.â€
“Col. Larry Wilkerson, Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern, Scott Ritter, Col. Douglas MacGregor, Col. Danny Davis, and others. Many have their own podcasts and appear on each others. See “Judging Freedomâ€, the excellent show by Judge Andrew Napolitano.”
And every single one of them have been wrong about Russia’s strategic progress and strategic ambitions. Everyone of them.
Dr Sachs is absolutely wrong. No such promises were made. Never were and no NATO member could make that promise. I think it is funny that So many of you believe Dr. Sachs’ nonsense. Based on hos views as opposed to any real reference to a single document or official policy agenda.
He references a single book. One. Its an interesting presentation. He says Amb Brzezinski says that Russia would not alighn with Russia.
So I am taking a look at “Grand Chess Board” the blue print that Dr. Sach’s says is the project is riddled with what ifs, bit and reasoned unknowns. But what is stunningly clear by page 77, is that Russia’s conduct out of her paranoia is bringing to fruition the very European Unity that Russia seeks to rebut.
“In the longer run, it is possible that the WEU will embrace some EU member states that, for varying geopolitical or historical reasons, may choose not to seek NATO membership. That could involve Finland or Sweden, or perhaps even Austria, all of which have already acquired observer status with the WEU.5”
Well Russia’s invasion prompts the inclusion of Finland and Sweden, something referenced only as a posibility — dictated not by US expansionist ambitions, but circumstances. So much of what Ambassador Zbigniew Brzezinski, references or explicates is governed by circumstances and situations yet unknown. Clearly the advance is one of a larger expanse of democracies, but how that takes place is not as definitive as Dr. Sachs declares on the provided video.
“In the meantime, until a larger and more united Europe emerges—and that, even under the best of conditions, will not be soon—the United States will have to work closely with both France and Germany in order to help such a more united and larger Eu-rope emerge. Thus, regarding France, the central policy dilemma for America will continue to be how to inveigle France into closer
Atlantic political and military integration without compromisingthe American-German connection, and regarding Germany . .”
Further Dr. Sachs is overstating a press by the US NATO expansion against Russia. That is in my view categorically false. The goal is European Security and the press in a lean to France and Germany. I am not sure many of you have noticed. But for the last 30 years, US military presence in Europe has been in withdrawal — hardly a sinister plot to remove Russia. The case made by Dr. Sachs and many of you is clearly overstated based on the text, that Dr. Sachs leans on. What is stressed is that NATO’s course should be set more by Europeans with goal of securing the region’s democracy.
The goal is security . . . and the consequence for a weakened NATO —
“it would demoralize the Central Europeans; and it could reignite currently dormant or
dying Russian geopolitical aspirations in Central Europe. For the West, it would be a self-inflicted wound that would mortally damage the prospects for a truly European pillar in any eventual
Eurasian security architecture; and for America, it would thus be not only a regional defeat but a global defeat as well”
Here is the bingo statement,
” . . and it could reignite currently dormant or dying Russian geopolitical aspirations in Central Europe . . . ”
Your ignorance and confusion is transparent and apparent. You have neither the knowledge, experience, or intelligence to make comments here.Replies: @EliteCommInc., @24th Alabama
If Europe is serious, there is no way Russia’s choice to invade turns out well for them.
TUR is beginning a separate commentary section for Sap and Simp
the cretinous, twit twins, aka Elite Com. and J.J. Both are Zelenskyy,
reprobate hirelings.
Johnson is a Boston Jew who forgot to register as a foreign agent.
The location of the rock under which “Elite” dwells is not known,
but the new AG, Bondi, is hot on his trail.
Ukrainian trolls were a protected species under Biden, but that policy
was reversed last Friday, and now it’s open season
every day for the varmints.
It’s not case closed. You’re running to the nearest bumper sticker slogan, you should know. I said, you have to go back to that which is most foundational. I then enumerated what I thought the foundational elements were.
If you want to ride the “last in fact, first in law” argument all the way up to stratosphere on a pillar of fire, you go do it on your own.
In geopolitics, the case is never closed. You try to set up an order and a structure which keeps the peace and allows the peoples each to develop their national life.
It seems to me that Brian Berletic (link below) has the correct analysis of the Trump-Europe shenanigans in his recent video called “The US-EU Division of Labor to Continue Confronting Russia & China”. In summary,
Trump is hitting the pause button on conquering Russia, just like Hillary Clinton did after US losing the Georgia proxy-war in 2008. Meanwhile the goals are (a) Make Europe spend 5% of GDP to buy US weapons (b) Make a deal with the Russians to extract mineral riches from Ukraine, and (c) Pivot to Asia, to try and harm China, because China is out-competing the US economically.
None of the above is moral, of course. The US elites has no morals. US preaches capitalism and the benefits of competition, but that principle only is applied to the poor and the working class. The fat cats on the top hate to compete, they just want to dominate and monopolize.
Finally, I’ll add one wrinkle: The Plan B for Ukraine is to make it the new homeland of the Zionists. What could be better? Kill a million men, steal their land (Blackrock), and then steal their women. First you hurt Russia, then you steal Ukraine. Call it Greater Israel, North, if you will. That’s what Zionists would call a win-win.
Brian Berletic runs “The New Atlas” youtube channel, if censored search on Rumble instead.
Video Link
Obama's "Pivot to Asia" has ended in failure as Duterte trashed the PCA ruling which was a Dragon's Trap set up by the US Deep State to trigger a China-Philippine military conflict. In fact, Obama revived the QUAD and pushed the TPP as part of his "Pivot to Asia", both of which have ended in failure because Trump himself refused to back India as part of the QUAD on his second term (as proven by Trump's meeting with Modi) and nixed the TPP on his first term. So what are you talking about?
Trump is hitting the pause button on conquering Russia, just like Hillary Clinton did after US losing the Georgia proxy-war in 2008. Meanwhile the goals are (a) Make Europe spend 5% of GDP to buy US weapons (b) Make a deal with the Russians to extract mineral riches from Ukraine, and (c) Pivot to Asia, to try and harm China, because China is out-competing the US economically.
You have it all wrong. America is not a political monolith. No country is.
Biden lost in Ukraine and so did the globalist.
Trump just made sure they continue to lose
The Globalist will lose in the ME also, when America extricates itself and finds another source for 20% of its energy supply. Trump is working on it. Gaza already belongs to Trump, not Israel anymore, for him to do with it what he wishes, even annex it to Egypt.
America needs to free itsrlf to husband its resources to fight the cartels within, allowed access by Biden the Vandal and the Americans servants of the Globalists..
I think all Ukraine’s pieces will go back to the original countries. There might not be a Ukraine in the future. The value of such an outcome is the barring og European fuckery into Russia.
The point and its a fact is that Russia recognized a sovereign Ukraine on multiple occasions. Signed on the dotted line case closed.
You sound like another desperate Trump fan who just can’t stand it when anyone criticize that tool for any given reason. It truly is sad and pitiful how no matter what he does it’s always the same shit “TDS!” or “He’s better than the alternative!” At least no one else wouldn’t have made that shitty AI video with a golden statue of herself pretending like she’s a damn GOD in a warzone where hordes of dead women and children are. Trump offended even some of the people of his own damn base with that video because he’s that DUMB. The guy is almost as old as my grandmother and he’s a huge attention whoring troll begging for attention everywhere he can get it. Which is why he had himself recorded fighting with Zelensky. It’s almost like he was expecting to get into a heated fight live so the world can see just how ridiculously childish he is. And it doesn’t make you look good ganging up on one guy in an argument or a fight either. It makes you look like a bullying ass. I bet half the people who watched that said, “now why doesn’t Trump ever get this cocky or “tough” with Master-B?” Instead he’s pulling out his chair and walking around looking like a foreign leaders butler.
The idea that the Russians would agree to any ‘peace’ deal that allows foreign troops in rump Ukropol is hilarious.
Widespread homosexuality in Muslim cultures is no reason to destroy Palestine Never has been. I’m all for the Palestinians in Palestine. In the 1950s tens of thousands of Christian Palestinians mostly Greek Orthodox Arabs left occupied Palestine for America . Because they were Christian’s they assimilated very quickly. Got jobs opened the standard immigrant small businesses Joined the local Greek Orthodox church or if none was available a Catholic Church. That was the 1950s 60s when Americans went to church
Muslim immigrants to non Muslim countries are an entirely different group example Europe.
I keep on saying, NATO at its founding also represented a cultural community of the Nordic democracies ringing the North Atlantic, along with a few adjuncts. Now what is it? A front for the parochial grievances of the states of Eastern Europe? Time for America to admit, Wilsonism and the fantasy of spreading Nordic values worldwide is dead. Heck, it’s in trouble here. How can we make it worldwide?
De Gaulle did not take France out of NATO. What he did was remove the French forces from the joint command structure. A pertinent distinction.
Biden said all of these same things, except for the "no return to pre-2014 borders," but evidence shows his admin never expected the borders to return, either. None of these represent a change in policy. The Ukraine is a proxy army, meant to send people to die in ditches for the purpose of overextending Russia, nothing more than that. NATO membership, Article 5 and all of the rest were just the carrot dangled in front of the hohol's face to get him into those ditches.
No to Ukraine in NATO; No to a return to pre-2014 borders; No to ‘Article 5’ peacekeeper backstops, and ‘No’ to U.S. troops in Ukraine.
This does not follow. The USA is goading Europe into increasing defense spending, so that they can shoulder Ukraine while the USA shifts focus to East Asia (and Israel). However, they are also currently further embedding the USA in the Ukraine with Trump's bogus "rare earth deal." Only a braindead Trumptard, like Crooke, could interpret this deal for joint US-Ukraine resource development and increased European contribution to the Ukraine as "cutting away from the Ukraine." The deal presumes that (1) the Ukrainian state as it exists today will persist into the future and (2) the USA will be involved in the economic affairs of this state. Therefore, this "rare earth deal" completely ignores Russia's demands, places any peace deal that would "end the war" further out of reach, and turns the fate of the Ukraine into a matter of American economic interest.Replies: @Boiling the Frog, @Rev. Spooner, @Rev. Spooner, @Anymike
The U.S. clearly is cutting away from Ukraine. �
I’m tired of, uncompensated, fixing other people stupid, but here I go again. No return to pre-2014 borders sounds weary and surrenderist even if it is what needs to be done. There’s a better way to spin it, and I’m not talking about how Nikita Khrushchev, according to legend if not in fact, in a drunken fit transferred the territory of the Crimea to Ukrainian administration. Leaving aside the fact that doing something like could be best compared to transferring Norfolk, San Diego or Pearl Harbor to some other country, at the moment, the Soviet leadership had no idea at that moment that, in less than forty years, there would be no Soviet Union.
The bedrock fact that can be returned to is that the Ukrainian Republic is a charter member of the United Nations and that the 1945 boundaries, or call them the pre-1954 boundaries, of Ukraine have to be the starting point of any negotiations. Ukraine and Belarus were given charter membership in the UN even though they were Soviet republics. In part this was done to balance off the General Assembly votes of the United States, Britain and France, but it also was recognition of their gravitas as entities.
To make other than the 1945 boundaries the foundation for a Ukraine settlement is to get lost in the weeds of any number of things. There never was a modern Ukrainian Republic until the demise of the Russian empire and the creation of Soviet Union. The consequence is that no one knows what Ukraine is supposed to be, and the simple fact is that Ukraine was put together in part because because there were areas that were manifestly Ukrainian and then there were other parts that were included because of the administrative needs of the Soviet Union.
Then there are other foundational facts. One of them is that the Postwar strategic settlement in Europe, which is what the Helsinki Accords represents is still standing even with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. What was needed subsequent to the dissolution of the Soviet Union was second phase of the Helsinki process. Does that mean, Putin’s call for new European security arrangements, or call it, a new Postwar strategic settlement, was legitimate and should have been respected? Yes, that is exactly what it means.
What do we have instead? We have a bunch elite-educated nitwits running around playing “gotcha†and representing bumper-sticker slogans as great strategic principles. You cannot run around claiming that you are not bound your public assurances made openly in the light of day for the world hear do not count because they were put in writing. Notably this refers to the assurances given the Soviet Union that when they agreed to German reunification that NATO would not be expanded eastward. Nor can you treat the dissolution of the Soviet Union as a decolonization process akin to the decolonization of Africa.
The the terms of African decolonization were that the colonial boundaries were going to be the national boundaries regardless of how they cut across historic tribal, linguistic, ethnic and religious lines. The Western elites seemed to want to treat the former Soviet republics the same way.
Then there is the witless game of the last-in-law, first-in-fact principle, and this what I mean by playing “gotchaâ€. This is the principle that the most recent act of law, be it statute, judicial precedent or international agreement, supersedes all other arrangements. This might be a bad way for a country to run itself within its own borders. In geopolitical matter, it is poison to run things this way.
What you need to do in geopolitics is to give precedence to what is most fundamental. What is fundamental has been enumerated here. I seriously hope the Ivy League’s history, political science and international relations professors know as much I do and more. I don’t doubt, but I and the people who live here (and elsewhere around the world) do not share their attitude toward their spawn. They may be willing to allow their spoiled children to play with fire and learn the hard way. Maybe it’s their business if they want to die in pillar of fire in the name of having their own way. Let them find a safe space to do it in and leave the rest of in peace.
(I want to add a note to the readers and contributors here. You may not know it, but the world’s intelligence agencies read everything down to the student press from all over the world. It’s always been a big job and the development of the internet has made it bigger. Anything anybody says here, I guarantee you, they know all about it already. I’ve said before what I just said.)
You however obviously missed the import of the key provision of Article 1 that precedes Article 2 which is completely subordinated to the Article 1 that precedes it which explicitly provides in the last unnumbered paragraph of Section 8 that opens with the subordinating clause that "the Congress shall have the Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts. . ." that the continues with clauses each of which begins with an an infinitive verb that thereby identified actions the verb identifies which only Congress is thereby empowered to take that concludes in the last clause as follows: "to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper into execution of the foregoing powers , and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or any Department or officer thereof."
Article Two of the Constitution however, says very bluntly: Executive power shall be vested in the U.S. President (with no ifs or buts at all.) Trump intends for his Administration to recover that lost Executive power. It was, in fact, lost long ago. Trump is re-claiming too, the Executive’s right to dismiss ‘servants of the State’, and to ‘switch off’ wasteful expenditure at his discretion, as part of a unitary executive prerequisite. �
Charles 1 was be headed about 140 years before the American constitution was written. The two events gave nothing to do with each other. The monarchy was soon restored to England and England is content with it ever since.
The man ruling England at the time Oliver Cromwell executed Charles 1 on the orders of the chief Rabbi of Amsterdam. Under the years of Cromwell and his wanna be Jew Old Testament puritan rule all civil
Liberties were abolished in England. For instance gatherings of more than 5 people were forbidden. Lest people began to talk to each other about Cromwell’s crackdown on civil liberties.
If you want to learn about the constitution buy and read some constitutional law books. Especially Marbury vs Madison 1803.
Your ignorance and confusion is transparent and apparent. You have neither the knowledge, experience, or intelligence to make comments here.Replies: @EliteCommInc., @24th Alabama
If Europe is serious, there is no way Russia’s choice to invade turns out well for them.
Ohhh really . . . curious. Pray do tell . . .
I will be waiting.
That means America should leave the European countries under its occupation. USSR left in 1989 – 91. It has been 80 years since the end of the WWII, and the defeated countries deserve freedom.
I don’t know why people argue so much, if they only knew planet earth has only had 133 years of peace in it’s 8.000 years existence, everybody would go home and just leave it all alone.
Excellent article. One of the best I’ve seen on UNZ in sometime. A rare non TDS, accurate assessment of events article.
Wish I could say the same about TDS cult commentary here.
I’ll say what I’ve been saying here for years. “Who do you have on offer who’s better than Trump?â€
Europe has plenty of money but it spends it on Ukraine, free college, early retirement, and migrant welfare ect. Its main problem is expensive energy that can be solved in one day by ending sanctions on Russia. Yes, it would take a decade to rebuild military forces so let them get started as American forces leave. This is Trump's main point, the EU can defend itself but will not get serious until US forces begin to leave. Moreover, Russia has no desire to invade the rest of Europe.
To match to parity would take a decade, spending money Europe does not have.
Sorry, Carlton. Nothing you said computes. Europe does not have even the elementals. The French just got kicked out of Africa, where they are hated. No hard access to raw minerals. Details matter.
Without an economic base, no military can exist or project power.
Try criticizing Jewish power in the United States, Canada and Europe, show open support for BDS, or wave Palestinian flags on University campuses and see how far the freedom of expression promised by Trump will take you.Replies: @NobodyImportant
…they (the Europeans) were overly reliant on repressing and censoring their peoples…
Plenty of people criticize their power on Twitter every day, including people from the U.S.
Great post.
“They are mostly a product of European inbred bankers.” Nailed it.
“It is important to remember Palestine was not an American product, it was the City of Dragon’s child.” Right again.
Forgot which one of the Youtube guys it was (I think it was Alex Krainer), but he said “Israel was created by British Imperialists, to terrorize the Middle East, so City of London bankers could control and loot the immense riches of Middle East hydrocarbons. And he gave historical facts to back up his claim.
She's in a class of posters who, like dihno and a couple of others, habitually trot out cherry picked, anecdotal evidence as if it's the end-all validation of their worldview.Recently, she claimed that half of Medicaid recipients in the U.S. were immigrants, which is a flat out falsehood. The ratio of citizen to immigrant participation in the program is more than 4:1.Personally, I think some posters' focus on matters like Muslim sexuality is just an effort at deflection. America is, by far, the largest producer and consumer of prurient material, be it pornographic, licentious, or merely suggestive, the latter being targeted at children and tweens.Ironically, for all the American obsession with sex, the white population can't seem to outbreed their non-white counterpart, which may partially explain the psychological projection.Replies: @Xavier
I’ve noticed you come in here and just spew nonsense and hearsay.
She’s in a class of posters who, like dihno and a couple of others, habitually trot out cherry picked, anecdotal evidence as if it’s the end-all validation of their worldview.
She’s definitely idiotic. I saw some crazy stuff in China, but I make no assumptions about how rampant such behaviour is based on what might have been an isolated incident. At the university where I taught, a professor tried to coerce a student into sleeping with him or risk failing the course. The cops got involved and the matter was resolved. I can’t in good conscience claim that such behaviour is rampant without looking at any data. I also saw an incident of open defecation in a mall in Luoyang. I know for a fact that this is the exception and not the norm because the data is clear about the low rates of open defecation in China, unlike India. People like Feld and Alden are pathetically lame.
Americas Pentagon has an Empire!
Nov 13 2022 New Interactive Tool Gives Global and Close Up Views of 867 U.S. Military Bases Outside the U.S.
World *BEYOND* War has launched a new online tool that allows the user to view a globe pock-marked with 867 U.S. military bases in countries other than the United States, and to zoom in for a satellite view of and detailed information on each base.
Feb 3, 2025 Head of *NATO* Tells European Union to Move Money from Healthcare and Retirement to War
Video Link
Ohhh really . . . curious. Pray do tell . . .
I will be waiting.
Trump’s base signed on for deportations and an end to immigration, which they are not getting
Yes, divorce.
Europe today lacks belief of being a truly global power’ — Polish PM Tusk right before his trip to London
‘See how it sounds: 500 million Europeans asking 300 million Americans to defend them from 140 million Russians’
Do you think that belief would be misplaced?
trump is the deepstate, the civil war between the ziotrumpian and zioneocon (pnac) deepstate, is finally over after an 8 year struggle. i gave a detailed analysis of my opinion on this, in a response to chris on patrick lawrence’s chihuahuas not dobermans, if you are interested in my opinion.
there’s no destroying the deepstate but this is a sea change within it. will something worse come of it? i find it hard to imagine anything worse than zioneocons, unless trump gaza, comes into existence. this is the real litmus test but for the time being the ukranazi proxy time bomb, it seems is being defused.
any forced expulsion of palestinians, will bring back the axis of resistance, which has been preparing just this during the ceasefires. three irgc senior commanders have recently commented on the impending true promise 3 missile strike, that is currently on hold. rumours persist that trump wants to cut a deal with the iranians but of course everything could collapse overnight. it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s just trumped up bullshit these days.
Thanks for the laugh.
The West’s GDP is composed of tatted up dykes with a face full of fishing tackle selling blue checkmarks on Twitter.X for $7 a month.
Russia makes things.
…they (the Europeans) were overly reliant on repressing and censoring their peoples…
Try criticizing Jewish power in the United States, Canada and Europe, show open support for BDS, or wave Palestinian flags on University campuses and see how far the freedom of expression promised by Trump will take you.
And your a fuck’in idiot. And don’t you mean Italy is a mafia or that shit country over the Southern border mexican spic land? No boy they don’t have degenerate criminal cartels running that backward country. No.
Amazingly I largely agree with you…
Absolutely true. Plus as far as Russia invading Europe, its always been the other way around look at Hilter in WWII, the Kaiser in WWI, Napoleon, the Mongol hordes 500 years early. Generally it’s always been Russia who’s been invaded not the other way around.
That was done in 1776 to 1783. Almost all the Founding Fathers said not to get entangled in their affairs and let them deal with their own challenges. While we only deal with ours.
Geopolitics has deteriorated into a hopeless clusterfuss which defies understanding,
except for the certainty that American hegemony is finished.
In order for Europe to be the fourth pole of power it would need to unite under
German industrial leadership, and with an ample supply of Russian oil and gas.
Trump’s plan to pry Russia out of its China-BRICS alliance is doomed to fail.
That opportunity existed in 1990 but cannot be revived 35 years later.
The unresolved issues are the fate of the U.K. and its former Empire, and the
continued existence of Israel.
Unfortunately, while Trump is truckling to Putin, everyone seems so obsequious around Trump that he now gets huffy at the least pushback[1]. Zelensky did the opposite[2].
Anyone who thinks that the current war is between Russia and Ukraine is wrong[3]. Ukraine is a pawn or a proxy. The war is between Russia and U.S.-led Europe. The consequences of the war are: 1. The war forced European nations to get rid of their old weapons and start buying new and more modern U.S. weapons. 2. The war exposed Europe’s vulnerability to Russian gas and oil. 3. The war exposed Russia as an average military power, not the “superpower†that it always claims. Please, stop buying into the Russian media. They are worse than the Western media. They are extremely dishonest Zionist propaganda.
[1] Low hanging fruit, how can an empire/or/republic that respects itself go from financing and directing a proxy war, to cave in and then make this acceptable to the public, on the basis of “some other president in the line up, on a whim” What with the continuity of power/administering/policy. What with the long-term concern with credibility other then to the stumped own electorate.
[2] Zelensky was never an agent(having agency), he was a US product, groomed and granted (same elites behind the scenes having now a spat between themselves and using the Trump character as the hero/fall_guy accordingly). Zelensky came out quite well, coherent, as not expected, he has grown as he went. The wrestling match of the Trump team was cheap, vulgar, at hominim and again impacts the standing of the US in the world to any-one other but the indented classes world-wide.
[3] From the start, true and true. Ukraine performed beyond expectations, a proxy as never seen. A bargain to the money creating machine, the inflation/trade hoaxers, a mechanism to shift riches and wealth to the few. The Zelensky scraps in dollars/euros is negligible, little the matter. The Musk character should dare and draw out a scheme of the money flows since the start of the “conflict”. That, the flows to and from to the real leaches would have merit(not waiting to see such).
Ukraine in all:
There are some scenarios still possible, this is no end-game. The few that can steer the situation could have made various bets, none of these mentioned in most two-day frenzy of “ana-lysis”.
Was there a Syria – Ukraine trade?
Does the US duck responsibility for the follow up, a low-intensity conflict that keeps pressure on Russia, and is the EU going to play along and get the Euro electorate gullible to the point?!
Is the goal of the elites the shifting of the lesser global revenue harvested, from Western Europe to more to the US, and Russia, compensating for a lesser total of the Western wealth skim as compared to Russia and China.
What is mostly hard-wired, as i see it, is Russia getting no more then the scraps.
Let’s focus on what matters, not Trump wrestling theatrics.
Paupon Marx the know it all says,
“Gradually, America will greatly expand trade with Russia-and China-through BRICS.”
If that’s the case, that would be implying that Russia will work with the U.S. and to do that, they’ll have to trust the U.S. first before they can work or do any kind of business with them.
To match to parity would take a decade, spending money Europe does not have.
Europe has plenty of money but it spends it on Ukraine, free college, early retirement, and migrant welfare ect. Its main problem is expensive energy that can be solved in one day by ending sanctions on Russia. Yes, it would take a decade to rebuild military forces so let them get started as American forces leave. This is Trump’s main point, the EU can defend itself but will not get serious until US forces begin to leave. Moreover, Russia has no desire to invade the rest of Europe.
Do you worry that Germany may invade Belgium? Then why worry that Russia may invade Poland? Russia is prospering with trade in Asia, it doesn’t need Europe.
Trump is a gullible mafia member who deceived the stupid people who voted for him because, he claimed, to end the war and keep American tax payers’ money at home to repair the US broken infrastructures at home. He neither tends to END the war nor stop sending ARMS and $$$$ to his Jewish mafia tribe. He is using the office to send even more money and weapons of mass destruction. Then why he pretend against Zelensky that he is a piece of shit ‘for peace’ to keep the TRAITOR putin in his whore house against others, but sending more billions of dollars to GENOCIDAL JEWS like himself.
The statement from
on Military Assistance to Israel:“I have signed a declaration to use emergency authorities to expedite the delivery of approximately $4 billion in military assistance to Israel. The decision to reverse the Biden Administration’s partial arms embargo, which wrongly withheld a number of weapons and ammunition from Israel, is yet another sign that Israel has no greater ally in the White House than President Trump.
Since taking office, the Trump Administration has approved nearly $12 billion in major FMS sales to Israel. This important decision coincides with President Trump’s repeal of a Biden-era memorandum which had imposed baseless and politicized conditions on military assistance to Israel at a time when our close ally was fighting a war of survival on multiple fronts against Iran and terror proxies.
The Trump Administration will continue to use all available tools to fulfill America’s long-standing commitment to Israel’s security, including means to counter security threats.”
This shows to the gullible Americans who voted for him, that TRUMP is WORSE than Biden. He should be arrested and imprisoned for the rest of his life. He is not only an ignorant and illiterate SHOWMAN in the business of pageant show, but also a traitor, traitor, clown. His experience in the Jewish Mafia tribe shows that he can only run a whore house.
Falsely declares the scope of executive power”
Article Two of the Constitution however, says very bluntly: Executive power shall be vested in the U.S. President (with no ifs or buts at all.) Trump intends for his Administration to recover that lost Executive power. It was, in fact, lost long ago. Trump is re-claiming too, the Executive’s right to dismiss ‘servants of the State’, and to ‘switch off’ wasteful expenditure at his discretion, as part of a unitary executive prerequisite.
You however obviously missed the import of the key provision of Article 1 that precedes Article 2 which is completely subordinated to the Article 1 that precedes it which explicitly provides in the last unnumbered paragraph of Section 8 that opens with the subordinating clause that “the Congress shall have the Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts. . .” that the continues with clauses each of which begins with an an infinitive verb that thereby identified actions the verb identifies which only Congress is thereby empowered to take that concludes in the last clause as follows: “to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper into execution of the foregoing powers , and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or any Department or officer thereof.”
This unnumbered paragraph makers it clearer than most highly tuned bell that Congress has the power to enact laws governing how any powers vested by the Constitution in either the Executive or Judicial branch as well as those vested in the Government, in any of its Departments, or even in any officer of the US are to be carried out. That specifically and expressly applies to Musk as an “Officer” of the US.
Thus entirely contrary to the misguided notion that has been created that the Constitution divided powers among the branches, it unifies all power not in the executive branch as the moron propounded that notion would have it, but it explicitly, directly and completely vests in within the Congress and only the Congress to which the other branches are entirely subordinated.
Now keep in mind that the arrangement that was concretized in the US Constitution was during the period when the divine right of monarchs was being challenged (the beheading of Charles I) and the power of legislatures was rising when the power relations among these branches was in a state of flux that came to a head at the end of WWI when the three main monarchies in Europe were terminated., and legislatures emerged as the supreme govt branch, with the other two subordinated to it. We , however, also appear to be heading in the direction of power being transferred to the executive as is being attempted in the US and has been implemented in various ways in other state – like Russia.
The claim being advanced that power is vested in the Executive by the Constitution is just an example of how proponents of that lie are seeking to subvert the Constitution as it actually stands.
Meamjojo, Putin has been rubbing his cojones on the faces of Western Europeans and Americans. He’s not going to back down.
The USA lost in Ukraine.
Trump wants to save face but he will fail.
Today he publicly insulted Zelensky and tomorrow he’ll be forced to treat Satanyahoo in similar fashion to keep up the pretense that America reigns supreme.
Well, Ukraine has been completely plundered by Western corporations and even the fertile black soil is being dredged up and taken away. The same fate threatened Russia under Yeltsin and was averted thanks to Putin. If Ukraine had not insisted on its independence and joined the Russian Federation, all the civilian and military victims of the last three years would still be alive. What will become of the country now? A dumping ground for the displaced Arabs from Syria and Gaza?
You know absolutely nothing about the rampant homosexuality in all Muslim countries and cultures. Boys are for love women are for babies.
That’s Muslim code for “No, never in years!” Or “No thanks I already have a moped (gets you there but you don’t want your friends to see you riding one).” Or “Having met you I’m switching to little boys immediately. Mahomey don’ lay wit’ dat!”
NATO may not be rolled back, but its days are numbered. Its continued existence serves no purpose but to empower and enrich the enemies of the European and American people. Trump’s people understand that, because those monsters conspired with the Deep State to take him out.
Without the US, NATO will be finished. I look forward to savoring their squeals of pain and outrage.
Falsely declares the scope of executive power”
Article Two of the Constitution however, says very bluntly: Executive power shall be vested in the U.S. President (with no ifs or buts at all.) Trump intends for his Administration to recover that lost Executive power. It was, in fact, lost long ago. Trump is re-claiming too, the Executive’s right to dismiss ‘servants of the State’, and to ‘switch off’ wasteful expenditure at his discretion, as part of a unitary executive prerequisite.
You however obviously missed the import of the key provision of Article 1 that precedes Article 2 which is completely subordinated to the Article 1 that precedes it which explicitly provides in the last unnumbered paragraph of Section 8 that opens with the subordinating clause that “the Congress shall have the Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts. . .” that the continues with clauses each of which begins with an an infinitive verb that thereby identified actions the verb identifies which only Congress is thereby empowered to take that concludes in the last clause as follows: “to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper into execution of the foregoing powers , and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or any Department or officer thereof.”
This unnumbered paragraph makers it clearer than most highly tuned bell that Congress has the power to enact laws governing how any powers vested by the Constitution in either the Executive or Judicial branch as well as those vested in the Government, in any of its Departments, or even in any officer of the US are to be carried out. That specifically and expressly applies to Musk as an “Officer” of the US.
Thus entirely contrary to the misguided notion that has been created that the Constitution divided powers among the branches, it unifies all power not in the executive branch as the moron propounded that notion would have it, but it explicitly, directly and completely vests in within the Congress and only the Congress to which the other branches are entirely subordinated.
Now keep in mind that the arrangement that was concretized in the US Constitution was during the period when the divine right of monarchs was being challenged (the beheading of Charles I) and the power of legislatures was rising when the power relations among these branches was in a state of flux that cam to a head at the end of WWI when the three main monarchies in Europe were terminated., and legislatures emerged as the supreme govt branch, with the other two subordinated to it. We , however, also appear to be heading in the direction of power being transferred to the executive as is being attempted in the US and has been implemented in various ways in other state – like Russia.
The claim being advanced that power is vested in the Executive by the Constitution is just an example of how proponents of that lie are seeking to subvert the Constitution as it actually stands.
This is well known. Because women in the Islamic world are not independent, but always in the custody of their father/brother/husband and are therefore not available for sex with strangers. Ilya Repin (Russian painter in the century before last) travelled to the Orient and I remember a painting of him depicting an older man, obviously wealthy and sitting on a cushion on the floor, being presented with a naked boy. Homosexuality has often be described as a phenomenon of decadence in affluent societies. This may be the case in the West, but in the Muslim world it is just an outlet for the release of urges, especially for unmarried men. It was not much different in Europe’s barracks and especially the navy, back then. Since circumcision makes masturbation more difficult, men just have to take what is available.
Biden said all of these same things, except for the "no return to pre-2014 borders," but evidence shows his admin never expected the borders to return, either. None of these represent a change in policy. The Ukraine is a proxy army, meant to send people to die in ditches for the purpose of overextending Russia, nothing more than that. NATO membership, Article 5 and all of the rest were just the carrot dangled in front of the hohol's face to get him into those ditches.
No to Ukraine in NATO; No to a return to pre-2014 borders; No to ‘Article 5’ peacekeeper backstops, and ‘No’ to U.S. troops in Ukraine.
This does not follow. The USA is goading Europe into increasing defense spending, so that they can shoulder Ukraine while the USA shifts focus to East Asia (and Israel). However, they are also currently further embedding the USA in the Ukraine with Trump's bogus "rare earth deal." Only a braindead Trumptard, like Crooke, could interpret this deal for joint US-Ukraine resource development and increased European contribution to the Ukraine as "cutting away from the Ukraine." The deal presumes that (1) the Ukrainian state as it exists today will persist into the future and (2) the USA will be involved in the economic affairs of this state. Therefore, this "rare earth deal" completely ignores Russia's demands, places any peace deal that would "end the war" further out of reach, and turns the fate of the Ukraine into a matter of American economic interest.Replies: @Boiling the Frog, @Rev. Spooner, @Rev. Spooner, @Anymike
The U.S. clearly is cutting away from Ukraine. �
All this drama will not cleave Russia from China. The USA has played it’s cards badly and lost.
No amount of drama will convince either country to trust the USA. Both know that united they are unassailable and divided, they are toast.
In the short run, perhaps. In the long run, Russia and China share a border where one side presents a surplus of people and the other a surplus of land and natural resources. Stir in some old territorial resentments and I am sure a skillful American card player can drive a significant wedge between these two behemoths.
All this drama will not cleave Russia from China. The USA has played it’s cards badly and lost.
Yes, there’s widespread homosexuality in Muslim society, but that doesn’t justify murdering and crippling tens to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza or the West Bank-â€-unless you think you’re God who can authorize fire and brimstone to destroy Muslims, as the Bible says Jehovah did to Sodom and Gomorrah.
Biden said all of these same things, except for the "no return to pre-2014 borders," but evidence shows his admin never expected the borders to return, either. None of these represent a change in policy. The Ukraine is a proxy army, meant to send people to die in ditches for the purpose of overextending Russia, nothing more than that. NATO membership, Article 5 and all of the rest were just the carrot dangled in front of the hohol's face to get him into those ditches.
No to Ukraine in NATO; No to a return to pre-2014 borders; No to ‘Article 5’ peacekeeper backstops, and ‘No’ to U.S. troops in Ukraine.
This does not follow. The USA is goading Europe into increasing defense spending, so that they can shoulder Ukraine while the USA shifts focus to East Asia (and Israel). However, they are also currently further embedding the USA in the Ukraine with Trump's bogus "rare earth deal." Only a braindead Trumptard, like Crooke, could interpret this deal for joint US-Ukraine resource development and increased European contribution to the Ukraine as "cutting away from the Ukraine." The deal presumes that (1) the Ukrainian state as it exists today will persist into the future and (2) the USA will be involved in the economic affairs of this state. Therefore, this "rare earth deal" completely ignores Russia's demands, places any peace deal that would "end the war" further out of reach, and turns the fate of the Ukraine into a matter of American economic interest.Replies: @Boiling the Frog, @Rev. Spooner, @Rev. Spooner, @Anymike
The U.S. clearly is cutting away from Ukraine. �
There are rare earths in Ukraine too, true, but they are in miniscule quantities.
Another problem with rare earths is refining. This can be environmentally messy and polluting. China became the leader at a time when it didn’t pay much attention to the environment.
Today, China is the leader because it has more deposits and advanced technology.
Excellent essay, succinctly and cogently summarizing the issues and the players.
If Europe is serious, there is no way Russia’s choice to invade turns out well for them.
Your ignorance and confusion is transparent and apparent. You have neither the knowledge, experience, or intelligence to make comments here.
Thanks. Long term, America has much more to gain from strong relations with Russia, if even from an economic standpoint. Russians are an intelligent, traditional, and complex people. The people of Russia do not hold opinions on Americans that could be called hate or disparagement. They do loathe the Governments of the Western World. They are in their Golden Age in all matters, now.
Gradually, America will greatly expand trade with Russia-and China-through BRICS. Europe, fragmented, demented, amoral, immoral, is an old whore who attempts to entice and seduce like she did 50 years ago. Now she is fat and ugly. And incoherent. All the woke, PC diseases are entrenched there deeper than America. The increasingly large African and Muslim population are like cancerous tumors, feeding on healthy tissue, using up the body’s resources.
Europe will either degenerate into civil war, or become a perpetually backwater, underperforming, dysfunctional continent without agency or direction to operate properly as a nation state.
Arianda… putting the jigsaw together requires besides looking at the details in each piece, is to look at the big picture once in a while.
The Big picture appears to be that Trump and team’s blitzkrieg was well planned and is being well executed by the effective blocking of activist judges by the AG, and DOJ top notch lawyers.
What Trump is doing is taking the fight to the Shadow Government, let’s call it the City of Dragons for our purposes, and it is loosing controll over the World. They are mostly a product of European inbred bankers. They control the World through the Intelligence agencies, whose army are the Traffickers of all kinds and the fake Islamists.
Trump, by tossing a grenade, named Elon, into USAID cash flow, has cut of their Taxpayer funded fuckery, now they must use their Shadow Banking assets estimated at 100 Trillion.
This World Shadow Government has its drug Cartel paramilitary on our soil.
Here is the reality and heads will explode to read that it is estimated, if we do not respond to this threat, the US will become a Narco state within 4 to 5 years. Remember hearing about the 2030 plan of World domination.
The war has not only arrived at our shores, the enemy is inside the wire. This is what Trump, the US Banks and the AI boys are positioning for the inevitable fight. This will become bloody in a flash.
Eukraine has failed them as a battleground due to Puttin’s slow cooking of the conflict. His skill kept the cauldron from boiling over into a WW3, which is what the demon Starmer is trying to keep alive. The last chance they have is Palestine. It is important to remember Palestine was not an American product, it was the City of Dragon’s child. Israel is not a land aircraft carrier, Israel is a clearing house for trafficking of all kinds, drugs, fake Jihadis, arms, humans and their organs.
The Christian Zionists kept pushing for war in far away lands, now they and the zionists have turned out to be the biggest useful idiots of history, only to sober up and find the war on their turf.
I’ve noticed you come in here and just spew nonsense and hearsay.
She’s in a class of posters who, like dihno and a couple of others, habitually trot out cherry picked, anecdotal evidence as if it’s the end-all validation of their worldview.
Recently, she claimed that half of Medicaid recipients in the U.S. were immigrants, which is a flat out falsehood. The ratio of citizen to immigrant participation in the program is more than 4:1.
Personally, I think some posters’ focus on matters like Muslim sexuality is just an effort at deflection. America is, by far, the largest producer and consumer of prurient material, be it pornographic, licentious, or merely suggestive, the latter being targeted at children and tweens.
Ironically, for all the American obsession with sex, the white population can’t seem to outbreed their non-white counterpart, which may partially explain the psychological projection.
She's definitely idiotic. I saw some crazy stuff in China, but I make no assumptions about how rampant such behaviour is based on what might have been an isolated incident. At the university where I taught, a professor tried to coerce a student into sleeping with him or risk failing the course. The cops got involved and the matter was resolved. I can't in good conscience claim that such behaviour is rampant without looking at any data. I also saw an incident of open defecation in a mall in Luoyang. I know for a fact that this is the exception and not the norm because the data is clear about the low rates of open defecation in China, unlike India. People like Feld and Alden are pathetically lame.
She’s in a class of posters who, like dihno and a couple of others, habitually trot out cherry picked, anecdotal evidence as if it’s the end-all validation of their worldview.
Bravo deckhand, you finally made a valid point in minutia. Now go practice some Lingam instead of what your doing, at least it has a spiritual aspect to it.
You are NOT able to read. I wrote,The one who is not realistic is you in addition to gullible people.
Didn’t you see “in addition to gullible’ where I excluded you from gullible, but I have a doubt about it now.
BUT … does the US MIND if (all) the European countries continue to criminalize “Holocaust denial”?
OF COURSE NOT. That’s different!
NATO is finished. I seriously doubt it. And even it was so what? Europe will formulate something else, something similar or it will remain even if the US quits.
Your assessment is probably incorrect. Europe’s economy alone tells the story — Russia simply cannot compete with European production and as they ramp up ther military industry — fo ooooged aboud it.
This is not 1912 or 1939, Europe may have taken US presence for granted, but they have not been a asleep as their immediate support fo Ukraine demonstrates. If Europe is serious, there is no way Russia’s choice to invade turns out well for them.
And that is why like Russia start flying the nuke flag — it’s the only play and even that looks les promising every day.
Your ignorance and confusion is transparent and apparent. You have neither the knowledge, experience, or intelligence to make comments here.Replies: @EliteCommInc., @24th Alabama
If Europe is serious, there is no way Russia’s choice to invade turns out well for them.
The war in the Ukraine has finally shown its true colors in which the “English” Jews are fighting their own tribal brethren, the “American” Jews, for the control. They’ve the fake king, Charlie Boy, on their side and the Orange king on this side. Now after the open spat, the piano man is going to meet with the “King” to show this side to know who’s on top and to let “our” side know that it’s our move. Meanwhile, the clueless populations on both sides of the Atlantic are excitedly awaiting the outcome to see how much more we all have to cough up for the privilege of being in the good graces of our true rulers.
💚it!!! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
“crooke is obviously an intelligent man. but the thing about intellectuals is they tend to over think situations in order to paint chaos as order, to fit their own logical world.â€
I am not disputing that Crooke is an intelligent man but I don’t think this patently false assertion comes from his “overthinking†the situation:
WASP ‘Anglo’ world; they came from a different Culture that harked back to the theme of America as Republic, not as Empire. This is what you see with Vance and Hegseth – a reversion to the Republican precept that the U.S. should not become involved in European wars.
So Trump et al. challenged Cooke’s imaginary, at best vastly anachronistic, “Wasp “Anglo world†to boldly reverse the US back to a “republic”…
Also Crooke seems to have bought the Trumpist representation of the much talked about but never precisely defined “Deep state†as
“the system run by unelected technocrats, which, when implanted in departments such as Justice and the Pentagon, have evolved into the American Deep State.â€
So that’s what the Deep State is….. No kidding.
The ancien regime bureaucracy is to be replaced by a streamlined, still unelected (Musk) executive squadron serving the same, always elusive, Deep state with a refocused agenda (delegate Ukraine to the Euro chihuahuas, try to pry Russia away from China, subvert China, make the ME safe for Eretz Israel, JP is too big to fail…).
Why is all this accusation coming from an Israeli who admires an army of “Anal Rape Heroes”. Is it true that every newborn gets his dick circumcised then given head by a homo.
A Rabi went to a Turkish bath in Tel Aviv and was amazed at how many men had little boys on their laps.
It is amazing how ziotrash always blames others for their own sin. You are really starting to piss off the whole World, again, ziotrash.
Secession is built into the founding documents as a right of the states. The fact that Lincoln provoked and then attacked the South is separate from the legal act of secession.
Gullible,me? Now there is a projection if we’ve ever seen one.
How about making a smaller generalization .
The one who is not realistic is you in addition to gullible people. This tells you that US & Russia, two genocidal evil, cannot be trusted, ever.
‘It transpired that Europe could not gather a ‘sharp-end’ military force greater than 20,000-30,000 men. ‘ — Alastair Crooke
Says it all, don’t it? Eighty long years of hiding behind America’s skirt, and Europe is rendered feckless and impotent.
NATO, with its nominal European quisling leaders (Stoltenberg, Rutte, etc), was only ever a vehicle to facilitate permanent US occupation.
Now the elderly, unhealthy US empire must run a 7 percent of GDP fiscal deficit — formerly seen only in the depth of recession — to maintain the illusion of economic growth.
The US and Europe are two drowning victims, both trying to keep their own head above water by shoving the other under. Vought’s hardball budget slashing is the pin that will pop the US bubble economy.
Le roi orange will go down in history as Hoover II, as our existing Trumpvilles of precarious RV and tent and cardboard box dwellers mushroom into sprawling metropoli of misery.
It’s all about the bros, bro. Putin is winning a serious war, the likes of which few countries dared fight in recent history. I think some MAGA may hate Russia but they can’t stop themselves from admiring power.
Looking at my keyboard, A and O are very distant from each other. Thus, writing
“degradation of our human capitol”
was not a finger mistake made by higher IQ Alden. Perhaps the bleeding of IQ points caused by infection has already started in him.
They(billionaire oligarchs) are privatizing the entities that made them rich; the government. They hallowed out the working class and moving on to what’s left. This is exactly the path that Karl Marx detailed, and they have become true and literal Marxists. Trump is simply the Manchurian plant.
Fun to watch, isn’t it?
There is some truth in your statements, but you miss the salient point: the Zionist Jewish Neocons have been in control of American Foreign and Offence Policy ( It’s certainly not Defence ) since the first Clinton Presidency. Under Bush I, prior to that, there was rapprochement with Russia and much talk of a Peace Dividend – and, indeed, military spending did actually go down.
The Neocons’ ancestors became increasingly hostile to the Soviet Union after Stalin turned on the Zionists in the late 1940s/early 1950s. After Russia returned to its traditional roots, this congealed into implacable hatred on the part of the Neocons.
So what’s changed? American policy is facing serious challenges in the Middle East, China as well as the Ukraine. This is serious political overload and Trump and co have decided to treat China as an economic threat, not a military one. They have also decided to pull out of Ukraine and attempt to reach some understanding with Russia, regardless of the opposition of the more rabid Ziocons.
The overriding aim of the American Government is to make the Middle East safe for Zionism from the river to the sea. It’s what the political donors paid for and expect. Everything else is peripheral, and must be dumped if it threatens support for Project Zion. Unlike Biden, Trump is well aware of this.
You make some good points on Russian military strength and unity vs. Europe’s weaknesses on both aspects.
That’s a very good video from Jeff Sachs. Thanks
You are not being realistic. Look at the facts. Reality is good lady, however if you ignore her, one day she’ll smake you in the nose.
Excellent Summary. I would like to add one thing. The old European Cabal have an estimated 100 trillion Dollars in the shadow banking system. There organization is the concerted union of Western intelligence agencies. Their off-book financing came from USAID. Trump has eliminated their purse and they have to start expanding assets, however with the estimated amount above, they can sustain a long fight.
The European Cabal’s army is made up of Drug Cartels, fake Jihadis, human traffickers and accountants.
The problem is they are inside the wire, they are in every city and some of our United States are narco states already.
The reality facing the US and Europe to an extent, is there has to be a war against these criminals and once it goes full on kinetic, many will face death on American soil. This is a reality coming into focus every day.
Biden and his administration were vandals and some might say traitors, they knowingly allowed the enemy inside the wire.
Why Alden… were you an imported ME belly dancer who enjoyed sex with boys, to know so much?
The problem has always been that:
1) Ancestors of american and british and now american and british are global imperialists. There isnt question about that. If you would place 50.000 – 100.000 random american or british somewhere, they would continue to do what they always do. They cant help their sick and criminal genetics.
American and british will also be loyal to theor president, king or government abroad, making them and their families foreign agents working for foreign entities inside other countries. People do not realize how they slowly creep into a society and into a country, while being loyal to their foreign governments, being ready to open the gates for the enemy and how they degenerate nations spiritually with their high invidualism, sick culture and sick values.
2) American and british are offspring of slave owners and slave traders, drug dealers, con-men and thieves, who have psyche of a typical criminal, seeing that all people and the world are theirs to use and own. They also see that they can use any means necessary to achieve their goals.
3) American and british have also been famous for their hypocritical virtue signalling and massive double standards. “You have to do this and thid is the right way to do things, but we do everything totally opposite way, because we are american and british.”.
The problem is that american and british are genuinely sick people, who cant help themselves. Its not some mysterious “corrupt government”, its not really “jews who have taken over our government” and its not “imperialism”. American and british are sick people who are genuinely global imperialists themselves.
Like an alcoholic or a drug addict, american and british have to admit the problem and sickness in themselves.
Trump has to get his population ready for the new highly technical automation and knowledge based systems which are the next revolution in human development.
The time for trying to raise everyone up to the same level is over. If Trump is to succeed in reinvigorating the U.S he has to set standards of education that is necessary to compete on the world stage, those that don’t meet these standards will not suffer because the nation, as a whole, will be lifted up and systems put in place to allow the least successful to have a fulfilling life, that is the challenge for Trump.
Trump must not look to hoarding minerals but to become the technical masters of the new industrial revolution, failure to do so will see the U.S decay quickly to the standard of Britain, becoming a facilitator of money laundering and a tourist host.
Agreed that this is necessary but it’s a vastly difficult project.
Nowadays it needs national ethnic unity (doesn’t exist). World class competitive education (free of charge). Suppression of special interests. Rooting out corruption. Long term economic planning from a nationalist autocratic elite.
So the US may not be destination Manila but it’s not destination Shanghai either. It’s interesting to see what they come up with.
The US doesn’t have to be the centre of anything. The Rest of the World was getting along fine before Christopher Columbus discovered the place in 1492.
Vance criticizing Europe about free speech while criticizing anything Jewish is often a criminal offence. So this is all double talk from the Vice President. Looks like the US wants to weaken Europe
to the point of further dependency, though of a different kind…
Starmer, however, after Munich, immediately rang Zelensky to say that Britain saw Ukraine to be on an irrevocable path to NATO membership – thus directly contradicting U.S. policy and with no support from other states. Trump will not forget this, nor will he forget Britain’s former role in supporting the Russiagate slur during his first term in office.
Let’s rather say the City State of London. The multiethnic/multicultural ex capital of a long gone World Empire.
The British (English, Scots, Welsh and Irish) in the remainder of Britain are ignored, irrelevant and have nothing to say about anything of this, They are among the poor of Europe and whichever way they vote get the Zio-Globalist Uniparty.
Once again, the deep state appears to be rolling out a new strategy: MIGA (Make Israel Great Again). This seems to be their most pressing objective, particularly after their previous efforts—centered on woke and LGBTQ agendas—failed to achieve a regime change in Russia through the Ukrainian proxy war. Now, their focus has shifted to bringing the Middle East entirely under the control of the global financial elites. However, for this plan to succeed, they require Russia’s full cooperation. In exchange for certain incentives, Moscow would need to align itself with the global elites at Davos. This would mean not only accepting the hegemony of the U.S. dollar but also actively promoting it on the global stage. Of course that’s the end of BRICS too.
Trump’s recent pivot toward Moscow and his displays of friendship with Russia appear to be part of this broader MIGA strategy. Additionally, the Russian oligarchs, many of whom have historical ties to Israel, are reportedly playing a significant role in advancing this agenda. It will be intriguing to see how it unfolds in the near future. Should the plan succeed, the current global power structure may maintain its dominance for some time. If it fails, however, the deep state might resort to drastic measures—potentially removing Trump and installing a strongman, reminiscent of Mussolini but with distinctly American characteristics, to impose a more authoritarian regime in the United States and Europe.