Petri explains that when the tears of an Elasian female touch a man’s skin, his heart is “enslaved forever”.
That was in about 2268 or so. In 2025 a man’s wallet is what is enslaved forever.
If Mr. Secor knows of Prof. Revilo Oliver (1908-1994) it would be interesting to know what Mr. Secor thinks of him. Since Mr. Secor is involved with Counter Currents, he must be at least somewhat pragmatic in racial matters. On the other hand, Prof. Oliver (particularly in his later years) was completely frank and often acerbic in discussing the follies and foibles of Whites, most notably their continuing (and bewildering) attachment to the mythologies of Christianity.
With all due respect to this man and what he endured, I would like to have known a) his thoughts as to why Trump did not pardon them all prior to leaving office in 2020 and b) what he really thinks of Trump vis-a-vis the “Jewish hegemony” to which he refers
It’s like the UFO encounter, UFO rape or celebrity rape thing. The “repressed” memories purportedly surface after a paid session with a hypnotist. The celebrity being wealthy or others having sued helps with the recall.
Well you and Lindsay Graham might not but any real man would have a go at that.
I went into MY field to enrich myself (accounting).
Obviously, it didn’t work. *I* worked, but IT didn’t.
Republican congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna has said she was raised as a messianic Jew and has Jewish roots, but her extended family refuted the claims and said her grandfather apparently fought on behalf of Nazi Germany, the Washington Post reported Friday.
Messianic Judaism is a movement that combines Jewish tradition and practice with the belief that Jesus Christ is the coming messiah. It is considered outside the fold by all mainstream Jewish denominations, who say the ideology directly contradicts many of the religion’s principal tenets. Some Messianic Jews want the movement to be accepted as a sect of Judaism, and view it as such. They often have ties to explicitly Christian organizations.
No Matter. She is obviously a Mossad agent just like Seth Rich. Both of them wrap themselves in the American flag in order to fool goyim stupid enough to believe the Star Spangled Blather.
“I am also a small fraction Ashkenazi” referring to Jews whose ancestors come from Central or Eastern Europe.
Her mother, Monica Luna, backed up the claims telling the Washington Post that Mayerhofer “got clean and started attending a messianic Jewish church in Orange County. He brought Anna to services and she buried him to Jewish customs.”
The vast majority of Jewish women and the bat shit crazy abortion loving shiksa whores who emulate them are narcissists suffering from mental illness and psychosis.
That said, for a Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna is VERY doable, especially in the second shot down showing off her cleavage-squeeze and those hips. Hubba Hubba!
The shiksa whore Nancy Macy can’t hold a candle to the yenta whore Anna Paulina Luna.
Grandfather of GOP lawmaker claiming Jewish heritage fought for the Nazis
Republican congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna has said she was raised as a messianic Jew and has Jewish roots, but her extended family refuted the claims and said her grandfather apparently fought on behalf of Nazi Germany, the Washington Post reported Friday.
Messianic Judaism is a movement that combines Jewish tradition and practice with the belief that Jesus Christ is the coming messiah. It is considered outside the fold by all mainstream Jewish denominations, who say the ideology directly contradicts many of the religion’s principal tenets. Some Messianic Jews want the movement to be accepted as a sect of Judaism, and view it as such. They often have ties to explicitly Christian organizations.
“I am also a small fraction Ashkenazi” referring to Jews whose ancestors come from Central or Eastern Europe.
Her mother, Monica Luna, backed up the claims telling the Washington Post that Mayerhofer “got clean and started attending a messianic Jewish church in Orange County. He brought Anna to services and she buried him to Jewish customs.”
No Matter. She is obviously a Mossad agent just like Seth Rich. Both of them wrap themselves in the American flag in order to fool goyim stupid enough to believe the Star Spangled Blather.
The vast majority of Jewish women and the bat shit crazy abortion loving shiksa whores who emulate them are narcissists suffering from mental illness and psychosis.
That said, for a Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna is VERY doable, especially in the second shot down showing off her cleavage-squeeze and those hips. Hubba Hubba!
The vast majority of Jewish women and the bat shit crazy abortion loving shiksa whores who emulate them are narcissists suffering from mental illness and psychosis.
Back in the day, more traditional women told me their mother told them to always say “no”. Mind you, back in the day just saying “no” didn’t constitute rape. I suppose slapping wasn’t considered violence either. How times have changed?
Why the “ex” in “ex-whores”? They’re still whores.
You can combine all four of those men’s alleged crimes and they still wouldn’t come close to matching MLK Jr’s offenses.
Maybe you’re right in that aspect, but any congress critter or Senator that is so preoccupied with their own personal lives that they start telling their fellow congress critters or Senators about it in public, shows that they’re too selfish to serve the public. When she is at her job, her only preoccupation should be to serve the people that elected her and nothing else. Being realistic, I know that this is too much to ask for as the only reason most people go into office is to enrich themselves, not serve the public.
Clinging to the rackage.
Forget the face, and any other visuals. Did anyone hear the horror that is her VOICE?
I can understand anyone who had to spend much time with/around her wanting to employ any violence required to STOP THAT VOICE! Never mind the (horrible) content, even.
This is a good example because it really shows that the sorts of Christian right-wingers who support Israel are also the sorts who are somewhat dishonest and fake. Make no mistake – their Christianity and their Zionism is fake, too.
Some use the word GUNT
And pussy passes for criminal women, both the active types and the passive enablers of male perps.
Theres been quite a few serial killer and torturer types, who have had female assistants who got off free or with a petty sentence. because female. @Beyond the pale and fedup
Man-world was so logical and civilized until WIMMIN intruded their emotions into it.
One almost could feel sorry for this three times loser .
but NAH
Unfortunately white women get guilt tripped and go along with the black man
It is not the result of a ‘guilt trip’. It because White women tend to be whores and like black cock. Or pajeet cock, or wetback cock.
All women are varying degrees of selfish and pathological
1000% correct. The likes of Lilith (Adam’s 1st wife before Eve) and Madea (the Greek uber-bitch who chopped up her own brother and killed her children all because ‘Golden Fleece’ Jason could not keep his pecker in his pants)
White women use their High IQ to cause untold levels of chaos on the basis of whatever whim strikes them at the moment and emasculation of White men. Or does any White man on Unz believe Hillary Clinton for instance is only misunderstood?
I don’t know how you define “real men” but if you mean the type of men who were behind the last 8,000 years of war, then you’re not winning me over to this idea of government being better off in the hands of men. Of humans at all perhaps.
You creatures are emotionally little more composed than your females and you both deserve a machine overlord like from the matrix or something to keep your monkey asses in line. Better yet… the terminators.
She looks like a pro dominatrix.
She’s hideous and has a fup (fat upper pussy aka pooch belly.) She is safe around me for sure.
R U a Dr. or a Jew?
I don’t believe that I missed anything.
Women’s altruism is supposed to be directed inward toward family and NOT externalized, feeling sorry for those who want to do them (and us) harm.
A prime example of externalized altruism is women being weak-minded and susceptible to the “charms” (uggh!) of black men who “guilt trip” white women stating “you won’t date me because I’m black”.
The proper response is “that’s right, I don’t date outside my race.
Unfortunately white women get guilt tripped and go along with the black man, quite often with disastrous results.
Feminism is responsible for dysfunction within women. The pendulum is beginning to swing back the other way. Witness the rejection of physical men playing on women’s sports teams.
Best regards,
what did i just read?
Excellent. Norman Mailer also rhapsodized over the graffiti covered subway cars in the 60s and 70s.
Degrading and collapsing the hated Christian society. Parallel to the Cloward-Piven Strategy.
Joe, cut the poor girl some slack. The ‘abusers’ only seemed so in retrospect. Hindsight is golden.
Spoken like a TRUE gentleman.
As I’ve noted, the Jewintern has a nose for sniffing out the very worst among the host societies to become their mos dedicated slaves. The ‘Biblical Way of war’ ie kill them all, including children and babies-that is what the Jewintern and its stooges are making a compulsory belief in the West.The Judaic cancer in the West has gone fully fulminant.
She acts and sounds Jewish. The personal is political, and the personal can be used as a weapon against an innocent man whose only error is trusting the wrong female. I know male colleagues who will not be left alone with a female student, or who record every interaction. It’s the smart thing to do. Trusting a female to act with integrity in a culture where they can act like the offended virgin at the drop of a hat and do harm by doing so is like trusting an IDF soldier not to commit a war crime. A lot of men just don’t get it because they think with their zipper.
Moronic White males have this perverse notion that their women are on their side. It has never been this way. All women are varying degrees of selfish and pathological, but White women are the only creatures I’ve encountered who can march in the streets en masse demanding their right to kill their own children (especially the boys), and then turn around and argue that custody of the children in divorce should be awarded to the mother because women are so much more loving/empathetic. They are calculating and cruel, and the cemeteries are filled with the corpses of men who died before their time because they had some pastoral image of women that prevented them from seeing danger. The only good thing I can see ahead is that, as the boomers die off, the bullshit narratives in our culture will die with them and we’ll start seeing how White women are aligned with ((those)) who have done the most harm to our society. Caucasian females represent a diminishing percentage of the global population, and that’s a trend we should toast.
Here’s the scoop, since you plainly missed it: women in our culture act as they do because they understand power. They understand that white knights exist who will sacrifice their sons for a piece of ass or who want to appear like a “great guy” to attractive women who snicker at them behind their backs. White women do what I’ve just detailed extremely often, and extremely well. In fact, Caucasian females know better than anyone that they are treated better than their sons, fathers, or spouses, but they relish it because it’s not about misplaced or “externalized” altruism but about a clever interest group that recognized some time ago that White males are cowards who can be bullied. There is no evidence that women have any innate altruism not possessed by men; in fact, there is plenty of evidence that women have less empathy than do men and are more constitutionally selfish. Too many men take a patronizing view of women and do not realize how cynical, cunning, and deliberate they are about harming men. Until White men start seeing the women around them as they actually are, they will continue to lose ground politically and institutionally. The end result will be horrific for our sons, and “altruism” will have nothing to do with it. It’s a zero-sum game being played to the hilt by psychopathic females, and your son and mine are losing. White women gladly sacrificed their own male children because it seemed the shortest path to power. There’s not a speck of altruism in that, misplaced or otherwise. Stop taking this romanticized, idiotic view of them.
I’d try doing the wild thing with her. I suspect her tiddies might be real, and I’m willing to give them a test drive.
Problem is, if I determined they were fake, I might lose my raging woody. I’m not into silicone.
Speaking of embarrassingly incontinent remarks like yours, do you know the etymology of the word hysteria? Your implicit claim that real men are secretly all momma’s boys and that beta faggots are emotionally restrained, objective realists like the female of the species isn’t all that convincing, if you ask me.
LOL It’s not a myth:
The ironic thing is that people like you believe in the actual myth of testosterone fueled rage, which doesn’t actually exist, but because you are a out in the open misandrist, you believe it with all your little heart.
“You are so convinced that nothing a woman says can ever have any merit”
I am certainly no absolutist, and because I’m not consumed with inferiority fueled pride like you, am even willing to admit that you have on occasion made some valid points. the problem is you refuse to accept the notion that Westernized modern women as a group have developed behaviors significantly detrimental to that same society. Anytime an example is made, you immediately invoke whataboutisms, questionable data, or cherry pick some outlying action or event as proof of the opposite.
It would be boring if I wasn’t sick and tired of hearing about it, let alone having to deal with the destructive nature of women in men’s spaces my entire adult life.
I don’t want to be in your locker room or your work spaces. Not sure why so many of you want to be in mine.
History is one big tantrum of male histrionics and unrestrained emotions resulting in mass murder and destruction, yet we have all these jagoffs with mommy issues like anglin always idealizing the male sex as being the polar opposite of women: self controlled, rational actors with a vulcan-like respect of logic and order. It’s just fantasy bullshit, and someone mocking it doesn’t mean he believes in feminist fairy tales of a long lost matriarchal golden age, so stop jumping to conclusions, idiot. We’re all men, we know better. We don’t need someone jerking us off about how perfect we are.
You can add this slut to the examples posted here,
Another degenerate White female school teacher who not only molested a special needs child, but tried to manipulate him into blowing away another teacher. She’ll probably get a slap on the wrist since courtrooms are still infested with Obama and Biden era judges.
White women are pure predators, unlike violent and stupid blacks and latino women, White women put loads of pre-meditated thought into their schemes. I remember one account of a White lezbo seducing a White housewife and together the lovebirds enacted a plot to murder her sleeping husband by beating his head in with a dumbell to get at his life insurance.
The flamers are out in force on this thread.
This woman is complaining about being involved with four abusive men, obviously she too stupid to see the signs and just keeps on picking them over and over again. With such poor judgment in her own personal life, it would seem that she would lack good judgment in ever aspect of life and would be unsuitable to be an elected official, but considering the population of North Carolina keep on electing such pathetic creatures like Lindsay Graham, it’s not surprising that they would think that this woman is perfectly good for office.
I recall from the days before cable TV “journalist” Gabe Pressman doing a piece on the nightly news on the graffiti befouling the subways—words of the prophets, right?—, highways, and masonry buildings in NYC in which he ended by saying, And, you know, I like it.
Of course his kind liked it as much as today they love deconstructivist architecture befouling nearly every city in America and Europe. Pressman could have added that he loved graffiti for the same reason his kind love modernist or deconstructivist architecture—that is, because it defiles, insults, infects, and defaces the physical representation of Western Civilization.
“kid rock” should be rename “yid rock” after spouting off about his support for israel.
South Carolina Representative Nancy Mace
With that body, and that face
She’s just begging to be raped
Any time, any place.
I’m sure we’ve all been there. You’re in the middle of raping some dumb bitch, and she moans out something like “Ohhh, I can’t believe this is happening AGAIN!” LOL
Fact is, a large fraction of women enjoy being raped. They enjoy it so much they let it happen over and over again. It’s the only way some of them can get off. If they can call it rape then they are relieved of all feelings of guilt and responsibility for indulging in a sexual act. The charge of rape means that all the imagined evil of sexuality can be loaded onto the man instead of shared between both participants. Mace is a 47-year-old Holy Roller, so in addition to being an old lady, she clearly has the typical Christian fucked up attitude towards sex. It’s obvious that being raped is her thing.
‘Ladybugs is a catcher, not a pitcher.’ — UMPB
The Reddit screenshot you posted, with its picaresque anecdote about the distinguished gentleman from South Carolina, highlights the rather urgent need for an Oy vey! reaction button.
Or failing that, an ‘Excuse me while I rush to the toilet and barf my guts out’ button.
I doubt any men wanted to rape this tranny.
Graham should respond to Nancy Mace’s unhinged rant by porking a rent boy over his desk on the Senate floor, while the C-SPAN cameras roll.
Hey, no fair making us snort drinks.
She spoke under the special-order time where congresspeople can say anything they want and none of it is germane to anything. It's the couple of hours after the House has completed its business for the day and sets aside time when these people can appear on international television feeds bloviating about stuff.
Why did the Speaker not rule Rep. Mace’s remarks out of order and direct that they be striken from the record?
Well, she made a mistake by going to a military academy. And she is no Alice Weidel; that is for sure.
It is obvious that she has a lot of internal conflicts that are not adequately resolved. Her Funkdelectic Chistian “Personal Savior”, “Holy Land” relation will not help her. Nothing external can.
Women like her need to embark on a journey that begins as a visit to a Buddhist temple.
Graham should respond to Nancy Mace’s unhinged rant by porking a rent boy over his desk on the Senate floor, while the C-SPAN cameras roll.
Ladybugs is a catcher, not a pitcher.
Thanks, I hate this story about Senator Lindsey Graham
byu/nondescriptun inTIHI
Thanks…for that “fair and balanced view”.
“…Simon said the words of the Prophets are written on the subway walls”. The Sounds of Silence.. by Simple Simon and Aaargh Garfbunial.
Two New York Jews who lived their lives in depressed isolation because they failed to save Africa.
Dude, there is no way in hell that White South Carolinians are voting for Graham. Wait a minute, despite the influx of fleeing Yankees unfortunately the average git-r done White Southerner is a kikesucker so maybe they are re-electing Ms. Graham. Yep, them wild eyed Southern boys will hate the nigra but they love them some kikes. Dumb mofos. Haha.
Years ago I read an interesting explanation from a southerner from SC claiming so many southerners vote for liberals because they’ve been taught in college to be ashamed of their southern heritage and, thinking they’re making up for what they should be proud of, they subscribe to the New York Times and otherwise make asses of themselves adopting the political airs of northern rootless cosmopolitans. It gets worse because outwardly you see southerners wearing monogrammed dress shirts and tasseled loafers with pastel socks like they were gay fruitcakes from some northern prep school or college like Yale.�
Replies: @Hapalong Cassidy, @Trinity
Lauren Boebert and Kid Rock Spotted Getting a Cab at 2:30 A.M.
Kid Rock can’t even decide if he’s a wigger, a redneck, or God only knows what next the whore will decide to become. He’s definitely a kikesucker MAGAtard for the moment.
Amen. Even “O, for the days of J. William Fulbright, Wayne Morse, and Everett McKinley Dirksen!”
Now we have this and that Black clown from NY who pulled the fire alarm to forestall a vote in the House.
Although, before the Civil War, a “Southern Gentleman” almost beat Senator Charles Grant Sumner of Massachusetts to death with his brass-knobbed walking stick on the Senate floor. (Sumner had, in his opinion, made an oblique reference to slave masters getting it on with their dusky-hued chambermaids). I think Sumner hit a nerve.
Women are selected for rape, evolution wise. They cum hardest when raped, many have rape fantasies etc. Incidentally, White Knighting on this won’t get you gnash; the ‘victim’ in question will be horned up but only for her rapist, not you.
It’s hilarious yet oh-so-tiresome
By butchering each other with axes and swords, graduating to blowing each other's heads off with guns, like responsible adults.
How did men manage for thousands of years without having women in the government
Civilization has always depended upon the collaborative effort of men and women to restrain the darker and more chaotic aspects of women’s nature. Women are more important to the sustainability of a society, which is why a society that can survive the bad behavior of its young males cannot survive similarly bad behavior on the part of its young females.
Disrupting the business of running the country IS a good thing. Whatever it takes.
What is wrong with South Carolina? Apparently Plenty, the population of SC must have a high concentration of perverts to elect jewish apologists Nancy Mace, Nikki Haley , Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham to public office.
How can anyone hate tits? They were our first source of warmth and nourishment.
By butchering each other with axes and swords, graduating to blowing each other's heads off with guns, like responsible adults.
How did men manage for thousands of years without having women in the government
Fags hate tits
The problem is, women want it both ways.
Women want the right to say no, even after enticing a man to be sexually active with her, even days, weeks, months, and years after the event.
Her word is to be considered sacrosanct, and must be taken as truth without question, ruining many (innocent) men’s careers and even lives, as a result.
Men are not permitted to have a defense against such accusations.
Don’t get me wrong, I have no use for serial abusers such as Harvey Weinstein and other Hollywood, political and celebrity types; they deserve ostracization and severe punishment for their actions, BUT if women want true equality they must take responsibility for their own actions. They cannot have it both ways.
All one has to do is look at the way Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was treated by the mainstream media, who gave his accuser Anita Hill a pass, even though she followed him from job to job, without any mention of harassment.
Women want the same pay for equal work–not a problem in most cases, but if a woman cannot do the job, she then asks for special treatment because she is a woman, instead of realizing that she is not cut out for such work and should seek more suitable employment.
Men die sooner than women as they do the most hazardous work.
If women want to be treated as equals they have to step up to the plate and TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for their own actions
Multiculturalism, diversity and especially feminism are flawed concepts that equate to the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Of course it took a female of the species to coax the male into eating of the forbidden fruit.
Another parallel example is that of the Tower of Babel in which separate cultures and languages developed.
At the risk of offending the female of the species, there were reasons why women did not achieve suffrage (the right to vote) among other things. I realize that there are many intelligent women who do not subscribe to externalized altruism, but there are too many who do . . . Women have a altruistic streak, which is necessary in the formation and care of their families. However, this altruism has been externalized, helped along by our enemies, caring for outsiders while neglecting the good within the family structure in–internalized altruism. This externalized altruism has become deadly which has been put into the hands of feminists. This externalized altruism made the communistic, so-called civil-rights movement a (hollow) success (Actually, the so-called civil-rights movement is falling apart), along with the country).
End-stage collective Stockholm syndrome: A “German” city, which lost 30 percent of its population to British carpet bombing, fears not those “allies” but the re-emergence of the Nazis, namely in the form of the controlled fake opposition AfD-Koshernostra.
Degenerate “artist”, severely traumatized by an “allied” bomb attack during his birth, condemned to a lifetime of ejecting formless rubbish. h**ps://arch*
“Stella Lingen, a 26-year-old aspiring doctor, was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome at the age of 21, a neuropsychiatric condition characterized by involuntary motor and vocal tics. Her symptoms include muscle twitches, unintentional movements, and verbal outbursts, such as shouting “Heil Hitler” during a live broadcast.
Despite this, Stella is neither a supporter of Hitler nor has malicious intent. Unlike most Tourette cases, which manifest before the age of 15, Stella’s symptoms appeared later in life. Initially dismissing her tics as muscle spasms, she sought medical advice when vocal tics emerged and soon received her diagnosis.
Concerned about how the condition might affect her career as a doctor, she paused her studies to regain stability. Now working in a hospital, Stella uses humor to cope with her condition and advises others to ask Tourette patients how they prefer their tics to be addressed.
Stella openly shares her experiences on platforms like YouTube and public interviews, aiming to raise awareness about Tourette syndrome and its impact on daily life.”
And all this towards a lesbian “moderator” of all
people (btw., Nazis did never persecute lesbians). @DanFromCT
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Thanks for the video. In that photo of her using the neck restraint, you can imagine the reason she’s going berserk is that fellow making eye contact with her, which female cops may take as a threat to the power-mad trip most appear to be on, and who knows what psych meds. As a rule of thumb, never, ever make more than fleeting eye contact with a female cop or you may end up like that fellow in the photo for trying to be polite.
Embarrassing circus.
Like everything else we are going through. This miserable slut signals virtue and simulates righteous anger while simultaneously sucking a huge golden AIPAC cock.
She was happy to ride the cock carousel for years and now she has regrets. What did she expect? Getting tricked, cheated, abused, raped, GHB’d and having trains run on her comes with the territory when riding the cock carousel. The ride isn’t always smooth or as she would like it to be. She should accept that there will be some rough rides along the way. Now, on reflection, it’s someone else’s fault, anybody’s fault but her own.
South Carolina: too small for a country, too big for an insane asylum.
{Congress is filled with attention whores, and the worst of them are women.}
She says she was raped at 16.
If she really was, then that would have changed her view of men and future relationships with same for sure. A real, actual (forcible) rape — particularly at 16 — would have seriously damaged her psyche for certain.
She spoke under the special-order time where congresspeople can say anything they want and none of it is germane to anything. It's the couple of hours after the House has completed its business for the day and sets aside time when these people can appear on international television feeds bloviating about stuff.
Why did the Speaker not rule Rep. Mace’s remarks out of order and direct that they be striken from the record?
Thanks for the clarification. I didn’t realize that Special Orders were that permissive. IIRC, almost no one else is on the floor of the House during Special Orders. I still think it’s an abuse of position to use the House forum for personal attacks. Oh, for the days of Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun!
Women should not even be voting much less being elected to public office.
Women are so vicious when you spurn them , they will do anything to repay you, just like this fake tits chick in high hills. so gentleman beware of foxes, they might be poisonous.
Forget about the jaw. She has tiddies to die for. Ultimately, that’s all that matters to real men like me.
Andrew’s spent too much time in east and southeast Asia and caught yellow fever, with all the small tiddiness that implies.
I’ll take “Things the Never Happened” for $500, Alex.
Congress is filled with attention whores, and the worst of them are women.
Nancy is okay. Unless your main issue is the plight of Palestinians. She’s great on taxes, free speech, solidly against DIE and isn’t afraid of blacks. She tore into a female gorilla that was installed as a congressape without any fear of the media. And she’s preventing the trannies from using the ladies room. No fear in that girl. If you’ve got to have women in office, she’s a good choice.
Hamas kidnapped her and kept her in Gaza until Netanyahu got her out.�
Replies: @Hapalong Cassidy, @Trinity
Lauren Boebert and Kid Rock Spotted Getting a Cab at 2:30 A.M.
I’ve heard that Lauren Boebert and Large Marge don’t like each other very much. Which is odd since they both have a lot in common. For one, they both seem to like to get their freak on. Boebert seems to be into exhibitionism. And Marge recently got divorced, and from what I’ve heard it was her doing the cheating. Also, when she was holding up the images from Hunter’s laptop during Congressional hearings, I got the sense she was secretly turned on by them.
Unusual speech on the House Floor…..
Just the latest example of a Country steeping in Narcissism,Decadence.
Does Mace in fact play a role, inextricably entwined with the evils she pronounces? Played a part? Telling on herself? ( I know this is a tough stance- seemingly a lone focus on the woman and not the man….It’s an outlook better conducted by women themselves)
Since Mace is willing to Reveal….did she have a breast enhancement procedure?
If so,that explains a lot.
Or perhaps this Floor Speech episode is indicative of a general personal crisis rooted in Israel position?
Cunt is the center of her own Universe.
Jews should move her to Israel.
” If anyone asks me for evidence, I’ll accuse them of wanting to do another potato famine against my people.”
I’m surprised Andrew left out the reason for the “potato famine”.
The Irish invented potato guns and were in general, so drunk, that they burned through all of their “ammunition” and when they sobered up, the potatoes were gone.
This Mace cunt has a face that looks like smashed up dog shit like a creature from a horror film even with modern make up.
Why did the Speaker not rule Rep. Mace’s remarks out of order and direct that they be striken from the record?
She spoke under the special-order time where congresspeople can say anything they want and none of it is germane to anything. It’s the couple of hours after the House has completed its business for the day and sets aside time when these people can appear on international television feeds bloviating about stuff.
Also, by going nuts on the House floor she is immune from any slander actions. None of it has to have a whisper of truth.
It’s kind of the perfect revenge outing. We’ll probably see more of it since the people have begun electing women to Congress on the basis of their bra size.
Don’t worry, its their long serving staff that does all the important voting.
The wiki pic of her and Mark Milley shows him looking her in the eye and trying manfully to ignore her cleavage. The Forces taught him discipline under fire.
‘what is wrong with South Carolina?’ — Diversity Heretic
It elected a warmongering faggot named Lindsay Graham to the Senate.
Graham should respond to Nancy Mace’s unhinged rant by porking a rent boy over his desk on the Senate floor, while the C-SPAN cameras roll.
Parliamentary immunity, bitchez!
Hey, no fair making us snort drinks.
Graham should respond to Nancy Mace’s unhinged rant by porking a rent boy over his desk on the Senate floor, while the C-SPAN cameras roll.
They’re USians; they’re buffoons and turkeys.
Good on this sheila for speakin up and sporting a righteous rack.
“If I ever get into Congress, I’m gonna give a speech about Pakistanis who sold me shitty coke in Barcelona and the old guy who kicked me out of the rec center when I was 11, and I’m going to act super dramatic, like it’s the most brave and important thing anyone has ever done.
If anyone asks me for evidence, I’ll accuse them of wanting to do another potato famine against my people.”
LOL! Hilarious.
Ever since your tiny New Year’s break you’re been on a roll.
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When I first heard someone else say “repeal the 19th” I naturally thought what a mysoginist asshole they must be…. Then I thought about it, and started reposting it as well. Now its just funny. Its kinda like the dems freaking out over all the corruption being exposed. The harder they try, the more they fail. Same here. The more power and status these bints get, the more they show why we should repeal that amendment.
It’s the hormones (and emotions). Not to lay blame, women are very capable and quite good at many things. But rational, cold, calculating behavior, is NOT one of them. All our social-welfare and justice programs are an offshoot of this emotional reasoning. We let criminals off w/ a slap on the wrist because of wimmens, we let kids fail their way through school because of wimmens, we have participation trophies because of wimmens, welfare, section8, food stamps – wimmens… all the mediocrity, all the ‘failures’, hell throw in all of DEI as well, are because of wimmens. Their emotive nature overrides the cold logic needed to be a successful leader. They’re simply not suitable. Accept it, even if you’ve been programmed (by a bunch of what? wimmens!) that it’s not right. It IS right, they don’t like it, because it gives them emotions, so they’ve programmed you and told you its baaaaaad. Sheeple indeed.
By butchering each other with axes and swords, graduating to blowing each other's heads off with guns, like responsible adults.
How did men manage for thousands of years without having women in the government
Yet another emasculo-feminist’s view from la-la land, ie, nowhere, as if there were some alternative universe where women reigned and there was perpetual peace. How about some more “knowledge” from that feminist epistemology in which whatever a woman says is true and an equally valid form of knowledge to “man-world.” Then there’s that other equally valid epistemology called the black way of knowing currently being pushed in NYC schools, where the truth of a statement also depends on how much money can be extorted from white men.
I was just getting used to the realisation that most fairly attractive female members of Congress were ex-whores. But it’s starting to disrupt the business of actually running the country.
Maybe that’s a good thing!
Yeah, I can’t think of any conservative woman I’d rather do over AOC or Tulsi. These conservative women have a certain redneck physiognomy that I don’t find appealing. Mace, Boebert, Large Marge, et al.
Even if they have a hot body (and AOC is smokin’ in this department), I’m at the age where I find a cute face outweighs double-D’s (sort of). Kid Rock obviously thinks otherwise. He goes for the almost 40-year old mom of 4 kids who’s sporting some serious mommy-milkers.
Lauren Boebert and Kid Rock Spotted Getting a Cab at 2:30 A.M.
Who said women take everything personally?
She says she was raped in 2013 but is only now going public.
It seems to be common for women to make such accusations several years after the supposed event.
I personally knew a woman who dated some sort of small-time crook or drug dealer for years and years. She never complained even though he cheated constantly, and would always cry but go back to him.
Then one day he finally dumped her for good and that’s when she started coming out on social media on how he beat her and raped her and psychologically abused her for years and years.
Maybe women are just not very good at choosing their own partners? Maybe the parents being involved in their daughter’s choices wasn’t a totally bad idea?
Embarrassing circus.
Like everything else we are going through. This miserable slut signals virtue and simulates righteous anger while simultaneously sucking a huge golden AIPAC cock.
Embarrassing circus.
Why did the Speaker not rule Rep. Mace’s remarks out of order and direct that they be striken from the record? They pertain to no business no pending or likely to be pending before the House. Her reason for making these allegations on the floor of the House is the constitutional provision that gives immunity for such statements–she cannot be sued for libel. This is yet another degration of the institution of the House of Representatives.
And what is wrong with South Carolina?
She spoke under the special-order time where congresspeople can say anything they want and none of it is germane to anything. It's the couple of hours after the House has completed its business for the day and sets aside time when these people can appear on international television feeds bloviating about stuff.
Why did the Speaker not rule Rep. Mace’s remarks out of order and direct that they be striken from the record?
How did men manage for thousands of years without having women in the government
By butchering each other with axes and swords, graduating to blowing each other’s heads off with guns, like responsible adults.
Man-world was so logical and civilized until WIMMIN intruded their emotions into it. @Beyond the pale and fedup
Man-world was so logical and civilized until WIMMIN intruded their emotions into it.
Excellent point. General George S. Patton said the same thing you said in 1945–before he was assassinated.