France and Germany also have laws that protect the Armenian genocide, that never was, in my opinion.
Why ?
Do not know, politicians do not have the time to read a few books, and/or are not interested in facts.
We see ignoring facts right now, any house in the Netherlands should not have a gas connection within five or ten years.
The simple fact that even now, with CO2 electricity, there is not enough electricity for the conversion, and that, if there was enough electricity, enormous investments would be necessary in our electricity transport system, they are too stupid to think about, or to understand, or they just say what is politically necessary.
The Arabs could easily pick up the shortfall of Trump cutting off ZOG bucks to the Palestinians, but then again they’re Arabs, so they won’t even help their brothers. A pox on all of those non Christian heathens, but a special place for one tribe. (Grin)
Very well said. Jewish intellectuals have a habit of exonerating whatever it is that needs exonerating by the device of claiming good intentions, confusedly applied as it is sometimes, but ultimately as a result of their deep love for their fellow men and their devotion to the truth. But let say a Russian or a German intellectual do the same service for say Putin or conservative Germany, and these same intellectuals would be the first to call them antisemites, warmongers etc. A deeply deceptive mode of argumentation. For this reason, I who used to believe these fellows at the 110% level now have nothing but contempt for them as they are largely not playing with a full deck.
It has been obvious to me for many decades that neoconservatism was birthed PRECISELY when the international left abandoned their fealty to Israel and took up the Palestinian cause.
Leftists going rightist is nothing new.
First of all, many people took up leftism as a tool of rightism. Ho Chi Minh was a nationalist first who adopted communism as a means of national liberation. Castro was a right-wing Cuban patriot before he adopted leftism as a weapon against US imperialism.
And the USSR allowed tolerated nationalism in Warsaw Pact nations as long as it wasn’t anti-communist and anti-Soviet.
So, it was not surprising that many Jewish leftists would go rightist.
After all, identity is more stable and meaningful than ideology. Why? Identity is what you are regardless of what you believe. A Jew is a Jew even if he rejects Jewish religion. A Vietnamese is Vietnamese even if he claims he’s a communist or libertarian. Ideas can easily change in the mind. Identity is more resilient.
The core tenets of modern liberalism–equal rights, democracy, individualism, free trade–have become enshrined as dogma in mainstream American politics in part due to the collapse of paleoconservatism and the rise of the neoconservative Right, in which Commentary played a central role.
I wish. Where do you see equal rights? Why does US favor Zionist Israel over Palestinians? Why is BDS being criminalized? Why is Alt Right freedom of speech being shut down? Real equal rights wouldn’t be so bad as what we got now, which is favoritism for Jews, blacks, and homos at the expense of all others.
And where do we see real democracy? We have oligarchy and plutocracy. Trump won as the People’s Candidate, but what has he done so far? Tax cuts for the rich and more support for Israel.
And where do you see individualism? We have PC collectivism of the hive mind. We have the mass cult of worshiping homos. Would journalists be such pressititutes of the Deep State if they were genuinely individualistic and independent?
And where do we see real Free Trade? US uses sanctions against Russia and Iran, two major nations. It showers Israel with lots of prizes even though Israel violates international laws and has illegal nukes. Iraq in the 90s sure wasn’t part of any ‘free trade’. 100,000s died of starvation or disease under a sanctions regime. So much for free trade.
What goes by the name of ‘free trade’ is ‘Favorable trade policies for nations IF they obey Zionist-ruled US’.
There is no ‘modern liberalism’ in America. And Neo-conservatism was not about adopting those principles. It was about merely using those labels to mask and push what is an ethnocentric, oligarchic, cultist, and imperial global policy.
I’ll take the tenets of ‘modern liberalism’ if there were to be sincerely practiced in the US. They are not. US is a ‘liberal democracy’ where both parties sing endless praises to Israel while totally ignoring the plight of Palestinians.
“Running Commentary: The Contentious Magazine that Transformed the Jewish Left into the Neoconservative Right”
Neoconservatism means Rightism for Jewish Identity and Leftism for White Identity.
It’s a hybrid that pushes leftism on whites to buttress rightism for Jews.
Can you be a little more precise with the precisely? Names, organizations, dates, etc. I know you have something in mind that you think is very important, but I don’t know what it is.
It has been obvious to me for many decades that neoconservatism was birthed PRECISELY when the international left abandoned their fealty to Israel and took up the Palestinian cause.
[Commenters who make absolutely no effort at proper capitalization, punctuation, or spacing should not be surprised if many of their comments are not published.]
Every time i see these 2 together i unbuckle a chuckle.there stands the final straw my friends.
Not only did it break the camels back he humped it too.yeah yeah hahoooooooo
Israel does have a very temporary alliance with the Saudi Sunni Islamist royals.
On all issues that count – Saudi Arabia and Israel and the American Jewish media/academic/financial elite are on the same side.
Israel and Saudi Arabia took around ~ zero Syrian war refugees.
Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Jewish Diaspora demand Europe, UK, Australia, USA most essentially accept unlimited numbers of Muslim/Black African migrants – anybody that objects is smeared and marginalized as an evil Nazi the same as those NAZIs who supposedly gassed exactly 6 million Jews.
This terrible alliance between Saudi Sunni Islamist royals and Israel/International Jews is best symbolized by the sham marriage between New York Mayor to be/not to be pervert
Anthony Wiener and Hillarys Lesbian chief of staff Saudi huma abed in
There was never a stronger case for birth control than that ugly, hateful couple:
I am in my mid 50s.
I really liked Commentary Magazine in the mid 1980s and I really liked Normon Podhoretz and I thought the problem with American Jews was that they were too often bad Liberals, Leftists or even Communists and as American Jews were becoming more Conservative, under this New Conservatism, Neo Conservatism and becoming more race realistic regarding the Black welfare criminal underclass anti Israeli Blacks, Black Muslims and as Israel was siding with White South Africa against a total onslaught, I thought things were getting better.
After the terrible anti Jewish pogrom in Crown Heights Brooklyn, where non other than Rev. Al Sharpton inciting Black mobs to….
Kill the Jews
I noted with great hope that New York City Jews help elect mayor Rudy Guliani and civilization was restored.
I had such great hopes and then……..
It all came apart over mass immigration and Neo Conservative invasions, wars against Serbian Christian Nationalists, against secular Arabs in Iraq and Syria.
I learned to my horror that the younger Jewish Neo Conservatives like Jonathan Podhoretz, Jonah Goldberg, William Kristol, David Frum, Tamar Jacoby demanded near open borders immigration to the USA , Europe, England and Australia!
That’s includes inviting the entire Muslim populations of Pakistan and Afghanistan!
William Kristol goes as far as openly calling on poor and White working class Americans to be replaced with supposedly happy low wage slave 3rd world immigrants.
This horror of the Jewish Neo Conservatives might as well have come out of the NS Movie “The Eternal Jew”.
I doubt that any competition for “a coherent vision” took place. It’s far more likely that Zion simply handed out money in return for influence. Nixon was handed the presidency because it was the GOP’s turn. That’s how presidential elections are decided; the dims get a turn, then the pubes. Nothing changes no matter who sits in the office.
If by “they” you mean the neocons, all they can bring to the table is a threat to stop funding GOP candidates’ election campaigns. If you mean Israel, that shitty little country can’t bring anything to the table. Israel is used to winning without even sitting down with US politicians.
The neocons want to manipulate the US into a disastrous war with Iran without even having to negotiate. It’s contrary to American interests to even continue to tout Israel as “our only ally in the Middle East”. Israel is allied only with Israel.
No matter what either of the “theys” bring to any table, there should be no more wars in the interest of Israel. Enough is enough.
Mark said:
“Indeed, the case can be made that these ideological ‘extremes’ (communism and neo-conservatism) are nothing more than different masks worn by the same players (and their descendents) during various rollouts of Jewish-orchestrated political crusades. ”
The Zionist Bolsheviks in the U.S. are destroying America just like they did Russia with the Bolshevik revolution which was bankrolled by Zionist bankers in America, and if anyone doubts this , read WALL STREET AND THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION by Anthony Sutton, can be had on
The Bolsheviks killed over 60 million Russians over the term of Stalins rule in Russia and the slaughter house was ran by Bolsheviks , and if anyone doubts this , read the HARVEST OF SORROW by Robert Conquest, can be had on amazon.
Read the 10 planks of the communist manifesto and see how far the Bolsheviks have taken America down the path to communism, and once they get our guns they will run the slaughter houses again.
This is a somewhat superficial examination of a book that apparently seeks to whitewash the hypocritical and sometimes destructive role played by Jewish intellectuals in America over that past 70 years.
Edgar Allen Poe wrote that it is impossible to write a truthful autobiography. This quasi-autobiographical book about Commentary magazine (by a sympathetic Jewish author) underscores this fact. Jews tend to idolize their tribe and its most celebrated members.
Thus, ‘Running Commentary’ comes across as a narcissistic collection of Jewish anecdotes involving Jewish intellectuals doing battle against the dark forces of… um.. non-Jews.
Why are gentiles expected to root for Jews (and against themselves?)
A. Graham’s review of ‘Running Commentary’ indulges this Jewish vanity. Why did even publish his review? It lacks critical balance.
It’s certainly comes as no surprise that Truman Capote (and many others) have complained about the nepostic Jewish ‘mafia’. It was real back then. And it’s real now.
Hardcore Jewish nepotism is a distinct type of bias. It’s divisive. And it’s harmful. But a streak of this bias not only seems to permeate the book but even Graham’s review of the book. This ‘book review’ reads like a Neoconservative press release.
Why doesn’t Graham dig deeper in his overview of a literary history that pretends to explain the ideological “transformation” of the Left Jewish radicals (communists) to Right Jewish radicals (neoconservatives)? Ultimately, it ends up sounding like a politically-correct fairy tale.
Indeed, the case can be made that these ideological ‘extremes’ (communism and neo-conservatism) are nothing more than different masks worn by the same players (and their descendents) during various rollouts of Jewish-orchestrated political crusades.
Forget not: Israel’s secret service (Mossad) proudly declares that ‘By deception thou shall do war’. And war it is. Commentary magazine has always been a part of this ongoing war effort. The Zions never rest.
Yet Graham seems not to have an inkling about the deceptive nature and destructive impact of numerous Jewish-lead political and intellectual movements that invariably receive sympathetic press by mouthpieces such as Commentary.
Graham even lets pass Balint’s claim that Commentary’s paltry readership of 20,000 gives explanation to the awesome power of organized Jewry during this era when Jews were not yet in full command of Washington.
Does the book ever examine the interconnected forces of Jewish finance, Jewish domination in Hollywood and mass media, and coordinated Jewish lobbying in Washington and beyond? If so, this review doesn’t mention it.
To fully understand his subject, Graham should take an intellectual ride through the world of Kevin MacDonald and read his seminal book, ‘The Culture of Critique’. Instead, Graham serves up the usual mush that one might find in the NY Times.
Is Graham a stooge or an active co-conspirator?
It’s a question worth considering.
Surely, ‘Running Commentary’s author, Benjamin Balint, comes across as a cheerleader for Commentary and its all-Jewish squad of activists, apologists and agitators. No surprise there.
Unfortunately, reviewer Graham never entertains the possibility that the intellectual vacillations by the geniuses at Commentary might represent 1) strategic Jewish efforts to boost Jewish cohesion and enhance Jewish influence, and 2) Jewish efforts ignite political dissent inside traditionally white, Christian countries to 3) secretly advance ‘Jewish interests’ using revolutionary ideologies as cover.
Sure, this theories of this kind might be off-kilt or only partially true. But they should not be systematically ignored. Real evidence demands real examination. Dump the taboos. Follow the truth wherever it leads.
Indeed, it cannot be denied that no small amount of political poison has been marketed by the very Jewish “Family” of alienated intellectuals who have nested at Commentary through the years.
These dissidents helped sell the world Marxism (Trotskyism), war-making neoconservatism (Kristol, Podhoretz, etc), psychoanalysis (Freud), the Frankfurt School (Horkeimer, Marcuse), The New York (Jewish) intellectuals (too many to mention) as well as the post-Holocaust anti-racist (anti-white) ideologies that are presently transforming Western Europe and N. America into multi-racial dystopias.
This is serious business. Many have died. Whole nations have been destroyed. But Commentary is still patting itself on the back. Jewish genius!
Meanwhile, Zionist Israel is expanding its borders, modernizing its nuclear arsenal, and cleansing itself of non-Jews.
As Israel’s walls go up, ours remain down.
Who is in charge here?
On these prickly questions, Commentary is silent or deceptive, since the Commentary crowd routinely advocates for policies which amount to double standards which benefit Israel and/or America’s Jewish community.
Graham notes that author Benjamin Bilant claims that ‘anti-Semitism’ causes Jewish ethnocentrism. But what if it was the reverse that was actually true?
Graham also repeats Bilant’s Zionist trope about Israel’s preemptive war in 1967 being ’caused’ by Nasser’s buildup of troops inside Egypt. This is propaganda, not objective scholarship. Israeli leaders knew that it was the perfect time to launch a preemptive attack on the Arabs, since the Arabs were still weak and unprepared. Many modern Israeli scholars agree with this view. In any event, Israel struck first. This cannot be denied. Yet the dubious assertion about Israeli ‘innocence’ gets a pass in ‘Running Commentary’.
Graham fails also to connect (while Balint’s book ignores) the pivotal role played by Jewish activists, intellectuals as well as neoconservative policies in shaping America’s unpopular and unhappy trajectory towards multiculturalism.
The case can be made that Jews and Zionism have quietly conquered the Western world. But you won’t hear a robust discussion about inordinent Jewish power in Commentary magazine. They create taboos and use them accordingly.
Graham obliquely refers to the pursuit of ‘Jewish interests’ here and there, but does he not express the realistic view that Jewish deception is part of the arsenal used to advance “Jewish interests” in countries where Jews reside and the goyim constitute a majority. And this is a lot of countries.
For instance, Jews in Hollywood/USA typically glamorize black-white miscegenation in film and on TV. In Israel on the other hand, the cinematic glamorization of Arab/Jewish romance or family formation is nowhere to be found. The obvious plan is to 1) eradicate white identity in the US while 2) solidifying Jewish identity in Israel and beyond.
Indeed, Jewish miscegenation with Africans would likely undermine Jewish continuity as well as Jewish intellectual exceptionalism. This sentiment explains why ‘black Jews’ inside Israel are ignored and marginalized. Ditto on the Arabs. But in white, Christian America, a very different message is sent. Who benefits?
This book underscores that fact that many Jews cannot honestly examine Jewish political movements and institutions since so many Jews have ideological biases and personal commitments that are tribal in nature. Their unstated job is to protect the interests of ‘The Family’ by keeping the goyish mob distracted and disunited while they remain united and purposeful. Just don’t tell.
It’s too bad that A. Graham didn’t care to offer up a counter narrative to the processed hasbara that Commentary’s been downloading for decades. Is Graham a stooge or a mole?
This is a legitimate question. Just consider some of the assertions he helps pass along:
“Jewish alienation gave way to [Jewish] assimilation into the mainstream”.
Jewish ‘assimilation’? To what? And in what sense?
Have Jews have discarded their Jewish identities and become non-hyphenated Americans?
In fact, only white Americans have discarded (or are expected to discard) their racial identities and ethnic prerogatives. And we know who’s behind this double-standard.
Moreover, Jews have not ‘assimilated’ to the mainstream as claimed by Bilant and Graham; rather, they have captured and converted the mainstream, imbuing it Jewish sensibilities.
These grand deceptions have produced decades of pro-Zionist wars, massive illegal immigration, and vast human suffering. It is a colossal criminal enterprise.
It’s ALL enabled by the fake & scientifically impossible ‘6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’. Jew self interest was the reason for manufacturing ‘holocau$t’ propaganda in the first place.
Jews has have been peddling their fake & ‘6M’ since at least 1869.
Absolutely nothing will change until the fraud of the “extermination of Jews” is recognized for the scam that it is.
If the alleged ‘holocaust’ was fact, then why are there laws in Europe to prevent scrutiny of it? What kind of “truth†needs to imprison people to prevent free speech?
It’s Time to Drop the Jew Taboo
“Truth is hate to those who hate the truth.”
Totally brilliant!!!! Truth is slowly coming out. Main point. Zionists supported communist Soviet Union until the point, when Soviet Union decided to pull out from Afghanistan.
That was a changing point.
Stalin was anti anything or anyone that he thought threatened his power.
According to his grandson his only goal was world domination.
Chrustjow, it is asserted, was on on top of his death list, at the time, it, again, it is asserted, he also planned to provoke war by the west by expelling, or putting into concentration camps, all Russian jews.
The next assertion then is that Chrustjow cooperated with jews to kill him.
Who reads a detailed description of the circumstances of his death, in how far these details are true, do not know, understands that Stalin was murdered with the help of his life guards.
It is the same everywhere.
Our Dutch tv VARA five to ten years ago broadcast ‘Zwijgen over Israel’, ‘Keep your mouth shut about Israel’.
Just retired Dutch politicians made critical statements.
One of them ‘generations of Palestinian youths grow up without any perspective for the future’.
A journalist of the newspaper Gelderlander, was interviewed, who had written something critical about Israel, saw a large number of letters to the paper complaining about his article.
He discovered that the flood of letters was organised, by a jewish reading group, that read any newspaper.
De Gelderlander was one of the last independent newspapers, it no longer is, bought up.
Peter Edel wrote the book ‘In de schaduw of the star’.
Meant was the star of David, translation ‘In the shadow of the ster’, a history of how Israel was created.
He was immediately attacked on tv and in newspapers.
He now lives in Istanbul, his book has been translated into turkish, was a success.
The British newspaper Guardian was one of the few independent newspapers, it got into financial trouble, Soros bought it.
People as Murdoch and Chaim Saban control, it is asserted, 80% of the western media.
Now the alternative internet is being censured.
The USA has a jewish organisation, The Anti Defamation League, with a 20 million dollar year budget, and, if I remenber correctly, some twenty offices spread over the USA, just to find any statement or article that jews do not like.
The mullah are exposed.naked to the eye.rise up Persians and rid yourself of those who pretend to rule in God’s name..
Diaspora claptrap. The gentiles did not need ostjuden garbage philosophy to govern themselves.
Thinking about how fast the people centered on Commentary were lifted to the Government, it hit me that they had only one competition. What other group offered a coherent vision to the mindless politicians voted into power? Nixon and the others rode to power on anticommunism, but had no comprehensive programs. Commentary offered the only available readymade, sensible guide.
The other coherent ideological packet on the shelf was the Communist – Socialist intellectuals, and they too had their day under Clinton and Obama.
The new ideology under formation is alt-right but it aborted itself.
‘… Stalin was not an anti-Semite on principle but nonetheless was despised by Jews on account of his purging of thousands of Jewish Bolsheviks and his opposition to Trotskyite internationalism, having implemented a form of nationalistic communism by adopting the idea of “Socialism in One Country†as state policy…’
You’re not only wrong, but this is the anniversary date of you being wrong
If they want Iran smashed, and they can bring something to the table, they need to make a deal.
They built a wall, so if Pod and company support Trump’s one, destroy Iran.