The evidence against Starmer is mounting, protection of Jimmy Saville, a paedophile and guilty of necrophilia, protection, to this day, of the Pakistani grooming gangs in Northern England, the deliberate torture of Julian Assange, the entire set up of the so-called Salisbury Novichok attack. One has to ask whom he serves, it sure as hell isn’t the United Kingdom. Dare I whisper it? Married to a Jewess, raising his kids as Jews, attending Schule every Friday. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck………………………..
Is there any connection between the persecution of Julian Assange and the present drive to ban TikTok? Assange posted evidence of war crimes committed by Britain and America. Nobody ever accused Assange of lying or misrepresenting the facts. His only crime was to show the truth.
Similarly, TikTok’s only crime appears to be offering a platform for people to share videos and other content. This, of course, includes video showing war crimes committed by Jews in Gaza, but also things that recently went viral, like the letter to America by Bin Laden and Hitler speeches dubbed by AI in English.
In an empire of lies, truth is the enemy.
The article you authored is a very in-depth and succinct analysis of the historical events and circumstances which have culminated in Sweden’s ultimate demise.
…hmm, time to don the ol’ thinking helmet. Now what could perhaps maybe possibly allegedly have happened to fire up the grenadiers in Sweden the last couple o’ years?
Nah uh-uh no way couldn’t be ukie migrants doin’ the gang-bang boogie to a Zelensky piano concerto in dick-minor with purloined arms shipments….luckily they have yet to figure out how to fire the javelin missile tubes they smuggled in nor how to fly their black market F-16s.
Next thing ya know, those tattooed azov homies will wreak societal havoc by pissing in the lutefisk barrels…provided the cod-eaters could notice any difference…though, just in case, the Norwegians are sending in teams of antiterrorist lutefisk piss sniffing dogs…God help us if they rent jet-skis and scuba gear and demolish more undersea pipelines…
Sweden needs to try much harder to reach out to these young people and fully integrate them into Swedish society! They have been profoundly traumatized by being uprooted from their homelands and plunged into an unfamiliar environment. They are terribly frightened and feel a deep hurt inside. To psychologically compensate for their unhappy feelings, they act out in unhealthy ways, which is totally understandable.
Sweden needs to double down on helping these young people, who have so much untapped potential. They should be approached by the authorities with kindness and understanding and without condescension.
Members of Swedish help organizations must be trained not to offend them. They should avoid treating them officiously rather than with warmth and acceptance. Swedish authorities and media need to avoid talking about these young Swedes as migrants, making them feel singled out and blamed for things that are not their fault.
Sweden must face the fact that Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. Sweden is not going to be the monolithic society it once was in the last century. It’s a huge transformation for Sweden to make. It is now going into a multicultural mode. Some Swedes might resent this, but without that transformation, Sweden will not survive.
Hand Grenades and Gang Violence Rattle Sweden’s Middle Class
NYT, March 3, 2018
“In Sweden the street price of a hand grenade is 100 kroner, or $12.50.”
I am green with envy. No shit. And they say Sweden is high cost of living country ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Well, if your life only revolves around food, food, goddamn food – M75 or M67 is not your cup of tea… Keep transforming food into fertilizer…
On the other hand – those who bothered to grace Mother Green with their celestial presence ( in other words – enlisted ) developed lifelong passion for wonderful and totally free toys they found there.
Exploding hand grenade inside safe:
I wonder what is the street price of detcord (detonating cord, Primacord) in Stockholm…
Swedish Meatball Heads Have Destroyed Sweden Using Mass Immigration; Minnesota on same course.
Swedish people are mostly stupid. But not all Swedes are stupid morons. There are many Swedes in Sweden and the United States who understand that mass immigration is a destructive force that will kill cultural cohesion.
There are a lot of Swedes in the United States. Most of them are in Minnesota and surrounding states. New Jersey and New Hampshire also have some Swedes. The area that became the colony of New Jersey was split by the Dutch and the Swedes before the English dislodged them from control of the region. New Hampshire is damn close to Britain and Scandinavia; look at a globe.
The Swedish Lutherans in New Hampshire are evil globalizer moneygrubbers who profit from importing REFUGEE OVERLOAD into New Hampshire. These New Hampshire Swedes are immoral and evil. The same type of immoral and evil Swedes are importing non-Europeans into Sweden.
Sweden looks set to join France and the United States as nations heading for civil war. The cause of the upcoming civil wars in Sweden, France and the United States will be mass immigration. The civil wars will be bloody and they may take a long time to settle.
I hope the Swedes in the United States and Sweden reconsider their enthusiasm for importing non-Europeans into the United States and Sweden. That will determine how severe the civil wars will be.
Tweet from 2015:
@DailyCaller @_AltRight_ Swedish meatball heads have destroyed Sweden using mass #immigration. Minnesota on same course. #nhpolitics @vdare
— Charles Pewitt (@CharlesPewitt) October 26, 2015
“This bomb expert’s views align with my own understanding of grenades: they cause explosions and thus are often used by people seeking to cause explosions.” ROTFL!
But: here’s the bottom line. By forcing the population up, wages and living standards for the many will decline, and rents and profits for the few will soar. And indeed, inequality in Sweden is rising rapidly – which means, the people at the top are winning. Which is the idea. Follow the money.
I don’t think that the Swedish elites really care about ‘migrants’ – they care only about their own wealth. When you want to use immigration to maximize population growth, you can’t be picky about who you let in – and of course, a lot of scum will be let in. But that’s just the cost of business. The Swedish elites are all hot about fighting ‘racism’ not because they care about that, but because this might lead to stronger opposition to forced population growth, which would cut profits for the people who count.
explained Malin Nygren, head of the National Bomb Data Centre
My garden gnome is more Swedish than this guy. Or girl. Actually sounds like a way to get a grenade to target using the post.
Malin’ MyGrenade In.
Sweden has been under jewish control since the 1600s. Clearly the most weak willed people in europe.
Was this a fucking troll post and a sad attempt at satire? Blacks were never Vikings, wtf kind of garbage article is this.
Sweden. It wasn’t broke but they had to “fix” it.
Sweden has for decades devolved from being widely admired for general competence toward general dysfunction becoming now, catastrophic societal problems. I made an attempt at providing some context to that decline in an article from 2020: ‘Success as trickster: Sweden as Cautionary Tale’.
Authorities are now focused on preventing these weapons from entering the country.
Why not prevent those who use them from entering the country?
It’s the Albanians. The Albanians and their goddam grenades. They’re a menace, I tell ya.
The genesis of hand grenades as increasingly fashionable weapons of choice in gangland Sweden is rooted in “in the beginning was the lie”. I took a shot a few years ago in sketching some context for this genesis in an article with title ‘Success as Trickster: Sweden as Cautionary Tale’.
The prime reason they pick on Trump is due to his Ethnic Background. They are merely picking on him because he is of German blood. Really despicable of them.
Exactly right and be proud to be an anti-Semite. I mean I do personally give a rats-ass about these asiatic mongol semite sand-niggers. I don’t even want these alien-outlanders living in our Western Culture and Civilization.
The US Military fought for the Soviet Union, in The Second World War. They merely destroyed one of Europe’s most infamous tyrannies, namely Nazi Germany, to make life easier for the other of Europe’s most infamous tyrannies, namely Commie Russia. Indeed, I am sure Joseph Stalin slept well, knowing that the US Military intervened on his behalf!
This, of course, explains why Americans do not feel much patriotism for US Military involvement in Vietnam. But hey, in that conflict, the US actually fought against Communism, rather than in favor of it. Of course, I seriously doubt that the US ever intended to win. It never intended to win, but it never intended to lose either. The conflict was supposed to go on forever, like some cheap TV soap opera.
Mind you, I have always found it most intriguing that though Americans feel such patriotism for US Military involvement in The Second War, they do not feel any patriotism at all for US Military involvement in Vietnam. Always seemed like a weird double standard. Still, had the US actually defeated World Communism permanently, it would have put much of the Military Industrial Complex out of business forever. And, they could not have that.
Of course, though the Communists did many of the very same types of bad things that the Nazis did, the former relied more on espionage and subversion than the latter. Hitler was too obvious about what he was doing. He made the mistake of actually militarily occupying most of the other countries in Europe, at the time. Still, during The Cold War, the Soviet KGB operated rings around their counterparts in our own CIA.
Mind you, I seriously doubt that Vladimir Lenin cared one bit about all the workers and peasants of the world, whom be claimed to champion. I suspect that he desired to create a dictatorship in Russia, from the get go.
Amerikans condone, and even praise, what the Israeli Defense Forces do to the Palestinian Arabs. Paradoxically enough, it is for the same reason that they condemn The Holocaust. It is all due to the superstition, held by many, that the Jews are The Chosen People!
The Protests, on College Campuses, of course are being crushed. They wont lead anywhere.
Interesting! Tell me more.
There never were any German “Nazis”, that was a pejorative term invented by Jews to “piss off the Germans”. Germans were National Socialist. The “Nazi” epithet was an allusion to German backward stupidity by use of a similarity of pronunciation with slang terms.
“Ignatz” was a common name in Bavaria, the region where the NSDAP originated. Jews drew a clever parallel between the widely mocked name and the party. Jewish opponents of the NSDAP used the word “Sozi†prior to “Nazi†as a derogatory abbreviation of the word “Sozialist” or “Socialist†in English.
Even before the rise of NSDAP, Ignatz was used as a colloquial, derogatory word referring to an awkward, backward, stupid, clumsy peasant. It mocked the name Christian name Ignatz, the German variation of Ignatius.
As the party rose to power in the 1920s, Jews began to associate the NSDAP with the contemptuous colloquial term “Sozi†and the name “Ignatzâ€. Jews tweaked the first part of the party’s name, (Na)tionalSo(zi)alistische, to coin the term “Nazi†for the socialist party.”
As for Jewish “Nazis”, seeing as how they invented the term, it stands to reason they are the only genuine Nazis that ever existed, one still frequently sees them dressed for the part on television. In fact one of their racial divisions are called Ash-can-Nazis. Thus the proper Jewish pronunciation uses a high pitched nasally whine that brings to mind the violins of six million mythical Jewish deaths, to wit – Naaahdzeees.
And notice, it is always about the Jews, the Six Million Jews! It is not like the same people care at all about the tens of millions of Goyim who perished at the hands of the Soviet Communists.
“Jew or Not Jew: Barry Goldwater
None other than Barry Goldwater, whose reactionary candidacy was demolished by Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 presidential election. As it turns out, Goldwater’s original family name was Goldwasser, and he was, in fact, half Jewish by birth, and even self-identified as a Jew.”
As far as that degenerate love for homos and fudge packing, Goldwater’s endorsement of it fits in perfectly with his tribe’s agenda to shove this perversion of nature down the throats of a once White Christian America.
No. The vast majority of Swedes opposed mass immigration. The Social Democrats started it in the 1970s and more and more every decade, as Swedes increasingly abandoned their bullshit Marxist experiments and voted Right. The Social Democrats had total control of society: Their state had a monopoly on schools, universities, television and radio. Which is how they could win every election after WWII except for one in the 1980s, until the early 1990s when their Keynesianism massively overheated the banking sector and caused a sever crisis. (Unmentioned: All the banks that received aid from tax money were government-owned.)The LO, Land Organization, was a labour union given control of the unemployment insurance, which could pressure businesses to write a collective agreement with the LO or put it in a "freeze." That meant LO members in other businesses refused to deliver or pick up goods from the bullied business, they wouldn't even pick up trash bags. Businesses were destroyed this way and the LO gained more and more money, funneled to the Social Democrats. The socialist government gave vast "organization support" from tax money to the LO every year, and in return had much of this transferred in LO "donations" to the socialist party coffers. It was a gigantic, corrupt system, every single year.Even with this total control of schools, universities, television, radio, and the labor market, the socialists were exposed as corrupt and fantasizing amateurs, their constant economic experimenting rejected. So they started mass immigration. All the socialist teachers, TV news, radio news, university professors, pushed mass immigration. Any politician on the Right who opposed this became a constant target until his party would sacrifice him to gain a little peace - a socialist tactic warned about by a German 1920s politician. It still goes on today.When the anti-immigrant Swedish Democrats were formed in the 1980s they were immediately attacked. The members were demonized by socialist media, so they couldn't get jobs, or have families. The socialists made sure that anyone who'd oppose immigration in the ordinary Right knew he'd be attacked the same way. While those who sided with the Social Democrats and communists in mass immigration, were lifted up. But not as much as the social democrats themselves, of course.The Left would not have won a single election in Sweden after the 1990s without mass immigration, research shows. Just like in France, Britain and Germany. The socialists in Finland only won a narrow victory through mass immigration.In Britain in the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher saved the economy from the frozen state the Marxist Left put it in. As the economy flourished and Thatcher beat Labour with huge majorities three elections in a row, the socialists wrote the plan to fill Britain with immigrants. Yes, they actually wrote it down. With Blair pushed by the media as a non-Marxist Labourite, the plan began. Part of this was more than doubling college seats in order to brainwash more young people through Marxist programs.Like in other Western countries, and now in Estonia and Poland etc, the "sociology" textbooks all come from the U.S. Like the "How the Irish Became White" propaganda book by the Jewish Noel Ignatiev.Replies: @Twin Ruler
Boredom, naivete, and good-will spelled doom for Sweden, especially as clean Swedes went about applying the new globalist agenda with proficiency.
What can anyone do about it, though?
Boredom, naivete, and good-will spelled doom for Sweden, especially as clean Swedes went about applying the new globalist agenda with proficiency.
No. The vast majority of Swedes opposed mass immigration. The Social Democrats started it in the 1970s and more and more every decade, as Swedes increasingly abandoned their bullshit Marxist experiments and voted Right. The Social Democrats had total control of society: Their state had a monopoly on schools, universities, television and radio. Which is how they could win every election after WWII except for one in the 1980s, until the early 1990s when their Keynesianism massively overheated the banking sector and caused a sever crisis. (Unmentioned: All the banks that received aid from tax money were government-owned.)
The LO, Land Organization, was a labour union given control of the unemployment insurance, which could pressure businesses to write a collective agreement with the LO or put it in a “freeze.” That meant LO members in other businesses refused to deliver or pick up goods from the bullied business, they wouldn’t even pick up trash bags. Businesses were destroyed this way and the LO gained more and more money, funneled to the Social Democrats. The socialist government gave vast “organization support” from tax money to the LO every year, and in return had much of this transferred in LO “donations” to the socialist party coffers. It was a gigantic, corrupt system, every single year.
Even with this total control of schools, universities, television, radio, and the labor market, the socialists were exposed as corrupt and fantasizing amateurs, their constant economic experimenting rejected. So they started mass immigration. All the socialist teachers, TV news, radio news, university professors, pushed mass immigration. Any politician on the Right who opposed this became a constant target until his party would sacrifice him to gain a little peace – a socialist tactic warned about by a German 1920s politician. It still goes on today.
When the anti-immigrant Swedish Democrats were formed in the 1980s they were immediately attacked. The members were demonized by socialist media, so they couldn’t get jobs, or have families. The socialists made sure that anyone who’d oppose immigration in the ordinary Right knew he’d be attacked the same way. While those who sided with the Social Democrats and communists in mass immigration, were lifted up. But not as much as the social democrats themselves, of course.
The Left would not have won a single election in Sweden after the 1990s without mass immigration, research shows. Just like in France, Britain and Germany. The socialists in Finland only won a narrow victory through mass immigration.
In Britain in the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher saved the economy from the frozen state the Marxist Left put it in. As the economy flourished and Thatcher beat Labour with huge majorities three elections in a row, the socialists wrote the plan to fill Britain with immigrants. Yes, they actually wrote it down. With Blair pushed by the media as a non-Marxist Labourite, the plan began. Part of this was more than doubling college seats in order to brainwash more young people through Marxist programs.
Like in other Western countries, and now in Estonia and Poland etc, the “sociology” textbooks all come from the U.S. Like the “How the Irish Became White” propaganda book by the Jewish Noel Ignatiev.
Anti German bigotry is part of the larger problem of anti White bigotry. Those who hate Germans in particular hate Whites in general, and those who hate Whites in general hate Germans in particular. And, the one form of hatred quickly follows the other. Anti German bigotry is, of course, deep seated, widespread and particularly fanatical!
I wonder if you have heard of the 1619 Project?
The purpose of Holocaust Education is to teach students to hate Germany, Germans, and all things German. That, and justifying any and all war crimes that the US Military, in its turn, carried out against the German people, as a people!
The Syrian war wasn’t just exacerbated by Americans and Jews. It was started by them.
Video Link
You got it!
The NSDAP government introduced a third way of organizing a nation and it economy. This third way was a threat to financial capitalism and communism; hence these two “enemies” combined forces to destroy a small European country that had the brains and guts to find a better way and, more importantly, implement it successfully.
I believe the final straw for war was that the German government introduced government to government foreign trade which shut out international bankers from skimming the cream off the work of others. Had this caught on world wide, international bankers would have had to do some real work, ie. their income stream would have been severely curtailed.
Churchill is on record of stating that this could not be permitted, and that a war would be necessary to stop this. Only lately did I learn that the real push for war against Germany came from Roosevelt, who had surrounded himself with Jewish and communist advisers.
Priss, J/F, few recent posts, hope that you are well. You are missed as both a commentor and occasional writer!
Again, I hope that you are well.
Will pray for you before sleep.
Never thought of that. I suppose, Hitler defied those who desired the destruction of Germany!
Thank you very much. Besides, being in Great Britain changes you. I remember, the last time I visited, many British hated Amerikans. And to think, Great Britain is the only Country, in all of Europe, that Amerikans tend to suck up to and flatter.
“…but from what I can gather, the Bolsheviks and the Zionists act eerily like said Nazis…”
How do you know??? Because you read/saw/heard it in th mass media or from court historians?
Get this through your dense head: Within 3 years or so the NSDAP government in Germany eliminated unemployment and increased the standard of living for the working man tremendously.
Shipboard cruises were affordable by the working class, even to foreign countries.
All while the USA and Britain etc. were still mired in the great Depression.
So you can stick your Zionists and Bolsheviks you-know-where.
You finally wised up.
Look at that picture of the dot-head. She has the look of a true believer on her statue face.
J/F pens another bold, semi-outrageous, and fascinating article. Thank you!
I can think of a couple of regimes which are remarkably like Nazi Germany: they are The Soviet Union and The State of Israel. Of course, they say the Nazis are Uniquely Evil, but from what I can gather, the Bolsheviks and the Zionists act eerily like said Nazis. The difference being, that the victims of Bolshevik and Zionist depredations are Goyim rather than Jews. You see, it is always about the Jews, the Six Million Jews!
It is like they think the lives of Jewish people are more precious than those of the rest of us! It is not fair!
East Asia is headed for a demographic cliff fall. However it was not due to untrustworthy elites. National elites care about Chinese, Japanese and Korean civilizations. It will take a different analytical approach to figure out what is wrong with East Asia.Replies: @Twin Ruler
The people will trust the elites and go over the cliff like so many lemmings, which is now the fate of East Asian countries as well.
That, of course, is an interesting point. Perhaps, the future lies in China.
Germans are at the forefront of anti-White bigotry. They are the most vilified and defamed of all the White people on Earth!
That, of course, could also be why he is so hated.
That is really interesting!
Methinks Trump’s mother was Scottish.
They are persecuting Trump because he is of German blood!
The people will trust the elites and go over the cliff like so many lemmings, which is now the fate of East Asian countries as well.
East Asia is headed for a demographic cliff fall. However it was not due to untrustworthy elites. National elites care about Chinese, Japanese and Korean civilizations. It will take a different analytical approach to figure out what is wrong with East Asia.
That is strange.
Further to the idiot who posted lies and half-truths about an Italian ship and its crew at the time of Italy’s betrayal in 1943, I was thinking of a best-to-worst list of PoW treatment. In many cases the timing is very important, the only reason that the Sovs had Japanese PoWs was a very late invasion of Manchukoku, inner Mongolia, and parts of far-northern China, which is also the only reason that the C.P.C. rose to power four years later.
Italian PsoW in Japan? Only the fools on the one ship, I would guess. Several diplomatic internees. The ship was re-floated and used by the Imperial Navy.
My list, not systematic, but accurate, follows.
Western allies in German captivity: extremely well.
Italians in western-ally captivity: extremely well.
British empire Indians in Japanese captivity: extremely well.
Japanese in British empire or dominion captivity: quite well.
Sovs in German captivity: very poorly, often murderous, with some exceptions.
U.S., Brit., Dutch in Japanese captivity: very poorly, some slave labour.
Germans in Sov captivity: Gulag deportation, slave labour, work to death.
Chinese in Japanese captivity: very poorly if not just killed, at times bizarre medical experiments.
Japanese in Sov captivity: very poorly, often worked to death, also severe brainwashing.
Germans captive in western Europe: deadly open-air prisons in winter, starvation, severe brainwashing and manipulation for those outside the direct control of Eisenhower, i.e. in Britain.
Had time on my hands recently and was looking for some of the lengthy Jung-Freud articles to suffer through as a STEM grad because the articles are quite interesting and lo and behold even when putting Jung-Freud as the author no results can be found on the UNZ search engine. Thought Jung-Freud had been kicked off UNZ.
I doubt the veracity of that tale. Particularly the injection of soy milk.
What is beriberi? A vitamin deficiency. What is cirrhosis of the liver? A consequence of constant very heavy alcohol drinking.
Also, if
Antonio’s son Giacomo now lives in Tokyo
and it was all so bad, why stay around?
What is the name of the restaurant? It may be good, go with a friend for the food.
who thought they were allies of Japan, but found themselves suddenly cast as enemies.
That is moronic, Italian goverment turned traitor in 1943, with Gen. Badoglio and the House of Savoy going along with the American invasion of the south. So, it is no wonder that they were cast as enemies at the time, they had become such. If Italian Social Republic had been more quickly set up, it may have been different. As it was, all of the remaining Italian Navy was under Badoglio’s collaborationist regime.
One of the more interesting books from the time that I have read was by an Italian diplomat who was interned at Karuizawa. Was treated well, but also hungry much of the time from mid-1944, however, he was honest enough to state that the guards were starving, too.
Considering your user-name and errors of logic, it is easy to assume that it is largely a confection.
I checked the history of the ship, you are a pure liar, it was scuttled by its own crew near Kobe. That is a definite enemy act. Crew were rescued.
Many examples of PoW mistreatment exist (on both sides), but you seem to pick the worst example to (not) support your case.
And another thing, Jews and Christian Zionists are more loyal to The State of Israel than they are to America. This is truly ironic, especially taking into firm consideration how not only Japanese Americans, but also German Americans and Italian Americans were suspected, for the most part falsely of being more loyal to their ancestral homelands to America. And, they were sent to Prison Camps for it!
And do not get me started about White Privilege. Have you ever noticed, not all Whites have the same amount of White privilege? Indeed, those whose ancestors came from Central and Eastern Europe do not have the same rights and privileges of those whose ancestors came from the British Isles. The Multiculturalists would knw that if they were not such morons. But, none have more privilege than the Ashkenazis!
The WASPs, or whatever we now refer to US Citizens of English, or whatever other British, ancestry, have to live in fear of being mistaken for Germans, or at any rate German Americans. That is the true reason for the support for Israel. After all, if any WASP did criticize anything that the IDF does against the Palestinian Arabs, said WASP would be deemed anti-Semitic, and hence, possibly of German blood.
What really makes me sick is this: however one may feel about the Arab Muslims, they are not the only ones raping European women in Britain, Germany, and elsewhere. US Servicemen, operating from US Military bases, are not above raping European women either. Besides, the Arab Muslims are lucky that there are US Military bases in Europe, because the US Military presence there is exactly what is deterring the Europeans from retaliating against Muslim sexual aggression. Those US Military bases must go! US Troops should return to where they belong!
US Servicemen also rape Japanese women from time to time too. And, that too must stop! But, it won’t. All this serves the interest of America’s new ruling class. For just as the Jewish Bolsheviks pushed aside the original Russian aristocracy in order to become the new one; similarly, Ashkenazi Jews have slowly begun to replace the former WASP Ruling Class. Moreover, the way that Corporate Farms crop up every where remind me of the Collective Farms of Stalin’s Russia: one form of farm is form the Big Corporations; the latter directly controlled by The State itself.
There are many parallels between the behavior of The United States and the Soviet Union, especially during The Era of The Cold War. As an obvious example, just like the Soviet Union aimed nuclear missiles at America, America aimed missiles at the Soviet Union. And both set up client satellite dictatorships around the world, whether Military Dictatorships or Communist Countries, as the case may be. And both “Super Powers” supported guerrilla movements to undermine each others’ clients.
And now that Great Britain left the European Union, it should also leave NATO as well. For, now we see the true nature of both!
Very few American soldiers died in The Second World War. They fought for the Soviet Union. Ergo, one cannot really mourn them!
The (((US Media))) is not telling the full story of either The Cold War or The Second World War! After all, I think that (((they))) have a certain ulterior motive for hating on and vilifying the Russians and Germans as much as (((they))) do. Do not mistake me, I firmly believe that the Russians and Germans, in the name of Bolshevism and Nazism respectively, exterminated off many millions. But that is not the true reason that such, and such, European Nations are so very hated.
I personally suspect that the US desired control of The Shatter Zone of Central and Eastern Europe– the area between the present borders of Russia and Germany– for themselves. Americans did not like the idea of either Russia or Germany dominating the world. But, that was only because America desired the domination of the world for themselves!
Do you really suppose the British actually rule their country?
I used to consider myself an Anglophile. Then, I realized who really ran The United Kingdom!
Indeed. And Orwell brushed shoulders with the types in the establishment.
The Christian Zionists are either lying about loving Jews, lying about being Christian, or lying about both. After all, if they only knew how anti-Jewish Traditional Christianity really is, why, they would leave it in droves. Let us call them what they are, heretics!
Hitler was a Pagan! After all, Roman Catholicism is Paganism disguised as Christianity. And moreover, Zionism is merely the Jewish equivalent of Nazism. Have you noticed, both have the same basic worldview? Yes, they do. According to both Nazism and Zionism there is One Truly Good People, One Truly Evil People, and the Rest of Us, who are expendable in the conflict. They merely disagree about who the One Truly Good People and the One Truly Evil People are. In Nazism, the One Truly Good People are the Germans and the One Truly Evil People are the Jews; in Zionism, it is just the reverse.
Suffice, The State of Israel is the Fourth Reich. Yes, and that is precisely why all the Rightists, including Donald Trump, support it. Nazis rule the world, albeit Jewish Nazis rather than German ones!
Almost nobody is patriotic to America anymore. Even most Conservatives are more loyal to The State of Israel than they are to their own country. For a while, it sickened me. Then, I realized: how can one blame them? It is probably fun for them to live, vicariously, through the Israeli Jews. The Israeli Jews’ victories being their victories, and the Israeli Jews’ defeats being their defeats!
The American Dream is no more! The Jews would not want anyone to properly assimilate to the American Way of Life. If any could, too many German Americans would. And, that is precisely why Jews have slowly, gradually, but systematically destroyed the American Way of Life, especially during the 1960’s.
truth and tribe.
The cons constantly scheme to take and waste other’s energy.
Its on us to direct our thinking, and push others.
Appreciate the article JF, and visuals.
Goldwater turned out to be one of the biggest homo advocates
Harvey Milk was a Goldwater supporter in ’64
Jews are gonna Jew, it’s how we all react to it that matters.
Resist their degeneracy, and call them out for their behavior and corruption at every opportunity.
It’s the only way.
During World War Two, the Japanese army detained more than 32,000 prisoners of war. The grim conditions inside the camps have been documented in photographs and interviews by the occupying forces after the war. But one part of the story has received less attention: the plight of those who became overnight enemies mid-way through the war.
Antonio Cancemi was serving in the Italian Navy, which was fighting with Japan at the start of the war. But on 8th September, 1943, Italy surrendered to the Allies and instantly became an enemy of Japan. Italian nationals, including Cancemi, were rounded up and detained.
Antonio’s son Giacomo now lives in Tokyo running a long-established Italian restaurant. He says his father always bore the scars of his wartime experiences.
“He enjoyed talking, but when the topic of war came up, he always fell silent. I often hear that people who’ve experienced war will scream at night as though they’re having a nightmare. For example, if someone phoned for him… when I tried to wake him up, he’d jump out of bed,†he says.
Giacomo says his father was a crewmember on the auxiliary cruiser Calitea that was conducting joint operations with Japan. Italy surrendered to the Allies and declared war on Germany while the Calitea was anchored in Kobe harbor.
All 121 Italian crew members onboard were suddenly deemed enemies of Japan and taken to a prisoner of war camp near Kobe.
The POW Research Network Japan has been collecting material and testimonies about the facility. The site is now a residential area, but the nearby steel mill casts a shadow linking the past to the present.
The prisoner’s testimonies indicate they were forced to perform manual labor at the mill, such as loading and unloading coal and clearing up the iron shavings produced in the steelmaking process.
The camp held more than 600 POWs who were forced to walk four kilometers each day to the steel mill, where the worked from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m.
One Italian prisoner of war wrote about the living conditions.
“I am starving. I eat weeds I find on my way to the steel mill, and take scraps from the garbage, like orange peel and cucumber skins.â€
Documents from the post-war occupying forces describing the horrors of a POW camp. Notes taken after the war by the occupying forces include the horrific story of Lieutenant Ernesto Saxida, an officer from the Calitea. He was taken to a POW hospital in Tokyo suffering from beriberi and cirrhosis of the liver. He became a human guinea pig.
A military doctor injected him with soy milk. He went into a coma with severe and repeated vomiting, and died about 48 hours later.
That doctor was later convicted of war crimes and sentenced to death.
Many POWs and foreign detainees died in captivity, including some who thought they were allies of Japan, but found themselves suddenly cast as enemies.
and it was all so bad, why stay around?
Antonio’s son Giacomo now lives in Tokyo
That is moronic, Italian goverment turned traitor in 1943, with Gen. Badoglio and the House of Savoy going along with the American invasion of the south. So, it is no wonder that they were cast as enemies at the time, they had become such. If Italian Social Republic had been more quickly set up, it may have been different. As it was, all of the remaining Italian Navy was under Badoglio's collaborationist regime.
who thought they were allies of Japan, but found themselves suddenly cast as enemies.
Orwell would appreciate the “double standard” bit. What the Zionists really means is it’s anti-Semitic to hold Israel to the SAME standard as other allegedly democratic countries.
A small quibble – “But then, a low-intensity Yinonist Plan has been devised for the West as well. Why do Jews push for mass-immigration and Diversity on goy nations(while never for Israel)?” There is a New Israel Fund which receives some funding from Soros.
They work to protect African migrants in Israel from being deported.
The terms “leftism” and “rightism” have most all meaning. There is no way to apply these terms across countries and time in a useful and meaningful way.
If you talk about Marxism, its clear what kind of political ideas you mean whether you’re talking about Europe, the USSR or China, and whether you’re talking about 19th, 20th or 21st century. If you talk about Libertarianism, its clear what collection of political ideas you mean in general.
In contrast, does “leftism” of the post-revolution France have anything in common with negrolatry and tranny worship of modern American “leftists”? Was Stalin a “leftist” in that sense, given that he was a Marxist-Leninist?
And what does “rightism” mean? Wouldn’t modern ‘intellectuals’ classify both Ayn Rand and Hitler as “rightists”? You probably couldn’t possibly come up with a more meaningless clustering of political ideas than one that clusters Ayn Rand and Hitler together.
These terms are useless and only sow confusion. They must not be used in any serious discussion.
Indeed, is it fair that although Hitler’s victims are so remembered, Stalin’s are so forgotten? Now, answer me that!
For all the fuss about The Holocaust, it sure is strange that people do not, in their own way, feel at least as much hatred for the Communists as they do for the Nazis. Still, I would suppose, it is much easier for them to turn a blind eye to the atrocities of The Soviet Communists and the Chinese Communists, simply because most of their victims were Goyim, like me. After all, the Jews– in their vile religion– make a distinction between themselves, as The Chosen People, and the Goyim– the rest of us– as mere Cattle in Human form.
What is truly interesting, to me, is this: for the same reason they condemn The Holocaust– this vile superstition of Jewish Divinity– they condone, even praise what Jews, in their turn are doing to Palestinian Arabs. It really turns my stomach! The horrid double standard of it all.
You can always count on Jewish laziness and stupidity.
There were 5-7 million Jews in the Roman Empire, a sizable number. And yet the ancient Jews made zero contributions to mathematics, astronomy, physics, metallurgy, ship building, architecture, painting or sculpture. In other words, they were a low IQ group, not unlike today’s Israel, a low IQ state, which no doubt contributes to many of its problems. As I recall, Orthodox Jews have IQ’s in the 80s. Nothing to write home about.
Jews had 2,000 years to build and defend a prosperous country of, say, 30-40 million people without stealing anybody’s land. But their laziness, i.e. reluctance or outright refusal to engage in manual labor, made that impossible. Without manual labor you can’t have agriculture or the military, that is you can’t feed or defend your people. In Poland, which became the center of Jewish life in Europe after the expulsions from W. Europe, Jews were perfectly free to go into farming, but they refused. Instead, the Jews wasted two thousand years studying the Talmud, a worthless racist and misogynistic document. It’s as if they devoted their lives to studying Ptolemy’s Almagest to learn Modern Astronomy. A typical example of Jewish stupidity. Another one was to choose Palestine as a place of safety after WW II. What could possibly go wrong?
In practice, the Jews are typical polytheists, genuflecting before the false gods (remember the Golden Calf ?), the Unholy Trinity of Wealth, Power, and Fame. Instead of expanding their consciousness, they are totally devoted to expanding their egos, to pursuing extrinsic rather than intrinsic rewards. Bari Weiss had something to say about it in her recent speech about the state of world Jewry.
Thx. for the tweet with the Michael Shermer : Jordan B. Peterson dispute.
Is it real? If true, it’d be astonishing.
The article raises some valid points:
Libertarianism doesn’t morally defend self-indulgence and depravity; it merely defends the right of individuals to partake of them. In contrast, when leftism merges with decadence/degeneracy, it feels a ‘spiritual’ urge to sanctify and ‘sacralize’ them as the ‘new normal’ or even the ‘new holy’.
Right, but the dilemma is that too many people do not distinguish between Libertarian defense of, say, the right to use drugs and the advocacy for drug use. The Left not only promotes degeneracy but pathologizes people who oppose said degeneracy with its parade of “isms” and “phobias.”
After all, if leftism is primarily about ideology, it should have died with the fall of communism. … And yet, so much of today’s ‘leftism’ sides with the Deep State, Hollywood, Las Vegas, Wall Street, and super-capitalism. Ideologically, it makes little sense, but psychologically it makes perfect sense.
The Right won the “war of ideas” in the late 20th century but there is more to politics than rational debate. James Burnham points out in his epic Suicide of the West that people are often motivated by irrational factors. This is especially true of “Liberals” who were going off the deep end even back in the 1960s when he wrote the book. Especially notable is the insane liberal guilt syndrome which drives many self-destructive policies.
In the 21st century this irrationality manifests in things like the worship of career criminals offed by the police, the doomsday climate cults, and the Trump Derangement Syndrome.
As ideological leftism is dead, today’s wanna-be leftists have no long-term vision or deep set of principles to master and live by. Psycho-leftism is like a gun that wants to fire off endless rounds. It doesn’t matter which ammos are loaded into its blank cartridge as long as it gets to fire them.
Consider the contradictions of today’s Leftism:
* Parroting “diversity is our strength” but then demanding rigid adherence to the current thang.
* Claiming that “race [and now gender] is just a construct” but then obsessing on identity politics of race [and gender].
* Pushing multiculturalism but then working to degrade and destroy Western culture.
* Supporting “indigenous” peoples in the third world while attacking the indigenous nations of Europe via mass migration.
Or look at how Leftists, when they gain control of a city in North America or Europe, wreck it via tolerance of crime, homelessness and drug abuse, meanwhile inviting in third world migrants plus promoting affirmative action incompetents who run amok and wreck critical infrastructure. Yet no matter how many abject lessons are delivered from Detroit to Malmo, the Left doubles down.
One reason the Left can get away with all this mayhem is that there is no serious opposition from the Right. Conservatism Inc is pretty much useless other than to preserve the liberal polices of the prior election cycle. The Dissident Right mostly understands the situation but lacks the organization and elite support to make much of an impact outside of the online world.
It’s a real conundrum.
Interesting as far as it goes. But technology matters.
Articles like this keep skipping through politics, religion, and even philosophy, forgetting that globalism only happened because Postwar USA built big, wide roads. First, it destroyed the value of labor. Now, it’s destroying us. The interstates were a big mistake.
Ike passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act in 1956. It started showing teeth early, although wages rose because of the inflationary years of Vietnam. Things in 1973 often cost several times what they cost in 1963. Somebody might have been right about JFK being killed by a coup.
The national roads got numbered in 1926 and that was all we needed. The USA did just fine with Route 66 and the rest. As soon as it became possible to get stuff made cheaper abroad, though, the business class and their financial overlords could see that all their work was done for them. Millions of truckers might have got hired, but many more jobs in manufacturing were destroyed.
First Ike’s roads cut everyone’s earnings. Now migrant armies are coming to cut our throats.
This contradiction within the Jewish conception of God as both the ruler of all and the special protector of Jews led to the rise of Christianity and then Islam that altered the terms of the Covenant. If God is the ruler of all, He must be a fair heavenly emperor to all peoples and tribes. Anyone or any group that would worship, serve, and honor Him should be just as precious in His eyes. If anything, Jews should be less favored in His eyes because, according to the new covenant, they clung to the stinginess of the original Covenant that said God is theirs alone.
lol. “Stingy” jews whose central bankers only spread around filthy lucre with strings attached (“Worship Jews as the Chosen… or else!”) and who arrange for the Big Brother/ZOG mass murder of dissidents and anti-Zionist and anti-Marxist heretics and thought criminals, as some sort of benign royalty? It’s farcical on its face.
The only stiff-necked jackasses who would pretend to believe that bald faced lie must be atheistic narcissists and psychopaths, or evil beings masquerading as pious “keepers of the faith and public trust.” In short: kikes.
These kikes never had a Covenant. They only claimed they did (pathological liars, deceivers, grifters “from the beginning”). Or maybe they did have a Covenant all along… with Satan.
No wonder Jesus declared them the “synagogue of Satan.”
I can understand that most people are under-informed, but it’s striking that others will willingly ignore any less flattering reference to Jews. One online dissident Swede (who goes by sanity4sweden) just blocks anyone who references Barbara.
Even Ingrid Carlqvist seems to have gone “counter-jihadi” and mostly focuses on Muslims, not on who’s bringing them in. She is completely pro-Israel in the current war.
One of the many incidents of Muslim ‘integration’:
The Swedish authorities let people burn the Koran to give the illusion that they are doing something to prevent the country’s islamization! The same could be said about France passing laws to ban the use of burqini or/and hijab while allowing the influx of hordes of Muslims and the creation of mosques here and there.
It seems the same library was destroyed in 48BCE and 392 CE by others. So says Wiki.
Agree with most of your comment. Judaism and Christianity too were into book-burning, iconoclasm and worse, until they had to be covert about it.
Violent protesters? Even school pupils are not safe in parts of some towns, and the police only cover up their abject helplessness.
Swedes are the biggest cucks in Europe that is why the term “nordcucks” came about. English people are not nordic rather we are West Germanics. The censorship in Sweden must be related to their stupid law of Jante.
Italian youth are already organizing:
Italie : Face à l'insécurité que génère l'immigration massive, de plus en plus de jeunes rejoignent les groupes nationalistes pour s'entraîner et participer à des actions groupées
— Réalité Actuelle (@ReaActuelle) August 2, 2023
Italy: Faced with the insecurity generated by massive immigration, more and more young people are joining nationalist groups to train and participate in group actions
Full song here:
Indians waste a lot of money on weddings. Even the early British officials in India observed that while most commoners were dead poor (the aristocratic elites were super rich swimming in gold coins), the house of commoners being bereft of simple furniture found in poor European households, when it came to marriage, the same poor Indian commoner suddenly seemed to get loads of money from somewhere and would spend like a millionaire during marriages!!!
Perhaps they were Eritrians.
There seems to be some rivalry between Finland and Sweden as we see in this news report:
Finn: Poof, we were poofted into NATO well ahead of you silly Swedes, ha, ha!
Swede: Well, pååf to you, silly! We won the Eurovision song contest, ha, ha.
9 hijackers were “involved†in the 9 /11 false flag. Covid-19 has the number 19. This Covid thing comes 19 years after 9/11.
Here is an abstract of a paper that points to a deep state game with the use of these 19 hijackers. I could not read the whole paper since one needs an invitation to read the works at this site
19 hijackers were “involved†in the 9 /11 false flag. Covid-19 has the number 19. This Covid thing comes 19 years after 9/11. Apparently they also found the highjakers passports on the streets of New York. Numbers don’t lie. 1+1 = 3 buildings down.
20 Years of 9/11″-from Nuclear Crime to world domination An interview with Heinz Pommer
Thiis post offers clear idea in support of the new visirors
of blogging, that truly howw to do blogging and site-building.
It isn’t about individual verses, as if they contain some magical spell that gets cast upon all who read them. The entirety of the Koran, AND THE HADITH, form the basis for Islam. If Muhammad did it, it is good, if Muhammad didn’t do it, it is bad, and his acts and actions were recorded in the Hadith and Sunna. The Koran is not the whole picture. In fact, the Koran, taken at face value, without reference to the Hadith is NOT COMPREHENSIBLE, it doesn’t make sense. It contradicts itself, with the later, violent verses, overriding and cancelling out, or abrogating, the earlier peaceful verses. Rely on non-Muslims who have studied the Koran and Hadith, they are the only ones you can trust. Any Muslim can LIE, according to their religion, and so they can tell you anything. Robert Spencer is good, and Bill Warner of Political Islam is EXCELLENT – they explain how most of Islam is political, and it applies to non-Muslims, to force them into submission.
You sound like a moron right there, why would you care what my religion is, I don’t care what yours is, you sound idiotic. Many people far smarter than you, all throughout the history of Western Civilization have known the Bible to be a great work, to say the least. That you think it is idiotic speaks more to you than to anything.
‘100 guests, maximum 10 dishes and not more than Rs 2500 for gift’: Congress MP’s bill seeks to restrict wasteful expenses in Indian weddings
— (@OpIndia_com) August 5, 2023