That's an important issue, another reason that it wouldn't make sense for the Chinese to focus much on "ZOG."
Can any of the many misdeeds listed in this document be attributed to genuine American nationalism, or are they all the result of ZOG and its fanatical neocon supporters running things?
In publishing Gonzago Lira and not dissenting from what he writes are you ignoring, or ignorant of, this information about him (that ranks him at best down with Scott Ritter as one of your preferred sources of information?
At least the Chinese know how to steer their leaders to do what’s right for their country or otherwise overthrow their uselessly corrupt leader to install a new and better model — as is proven time and again in their own history.
You weren’t just born in the West, you’re also a product of it, with all the brazen ugliness and ‘chip-on-the-shoulder’ arrogance of a radical feminist cow.
Why do ugly, Westernized females often sound like you, eh? What is it about being a squatting, grotesque yeti in a barely human form, that destroys every scintilla of feminine charm, and leaves only a slattern to turn people’s stomachs.
Good to know then that my westernized self is helping to destroy your civilization with my radical feminism in order to facilitate the rise of China. 🥰
The rise of China is here, bitch, and you ugly little Murican whitey better get used to it. ðŸ˜
I see what I just wrote to RadicalCenter aligns perfectly with what you’re saying..
As I write this, ZOG’s main theater of war is Ukraine. It is this conflict that will define the 21st century, as ZOG’s, / or the Multi-polar world’s.
All people of character and decency, with a hope for their children and grandchildren to live in a world free of the Zionist psychopath’s boot on their throats, should be supporting Russia in this.
And Cheers to you too Joe, and God bless.
What you describe as the United States is actually the ZOG Anglosphere. The big push for Zionist occupation started in the Victorian era City of London by the Rothschild/Cousinhood/Zionist bankers, and leached out from there.
Since becoming the world’s most powerful country after the two world wars and the Cold War, the United States has acted more boldly to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, pursue, maintain and abuse hegemony, advance subversion and infiltration, and willfully wage wars, bringing harm to the international community. The United States has developed a hegemonic playbook to stage “color revolutions,†instigate regional disputes, and even directly launch wars under the guise of promoting democracy, freedom and human rights.
You are right. And yes, it is getting started. But I hope and pray that the poor Ukrainians that are now in the Jewish meat grinder, wake up and clean up the satan temple in Kiev. That would be a start. Also if Russia wins and takes the whole borderlands, then hopefully Israhell will be next in its dissapearance. The world and its people can not co-exist with such tumors amongst them, if you will. Everything is now controlled by a small gang from this particular tribe. I am hoping that the collective pain suffered by hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian women, will take the wool of off their eyes and thus make them clear who has caused the mass deaths and destruction. They should not look any further then zelensky and his khazarian mafia. Russians should do the same and clean house of off them. And never ever allow them back into their beautiful country. Same here in the US-awakening and clearity who is in control, and then fix the problem.
A new world order is in the making and those pretending to represent the West are staking it all on the current conflict with the China-Russia axis. Out of the ashes, there will be a rising phoenix IF the fiend ends up losing the battle and humbled. Anything short of that means that the world will become one dystopian globe where freedom and dignity are totally erased and replaced by tyranny and slavery.
Whether the common folks take an active part in this struggle or not depends on how much they are willing to defy the elites by losing their fear and acting in a spirit of self sacrifice.
Cheers Rurik and God bless.
And Cheers to you too Joe, and God bless.
As I write this, ZOG’s main theater of war is Ukraine. It is this conflict that will define the 21st century, as ZOG’s, / or the Multi-polar world’s.
All people of character and decency, with a hope for their children and grandchildren to live in a world free of the Zionist psychopath’s boot on their throats, should be supporting Russia in this.
I agree with you about Bill Gates and some others. It’s just that you wonder, do these people want to cull the population, or just encourage birth control and other things to reduce it on a willing basis.
With Gates and some of his ilk, I wouldn’t be surprised if he would opt for a more proactive approach. He seems to have lost every shred of humanity.
And yes, without the need of the farm animals, due to automation, they would have less demand for the livestock. But then there is the imperative to genocide a targeted demographic, and for that, the solution they’ve decided upon is to overwhelm the people slated for extinction, with other people. So they still need the throngs for that, and perhaps cannon fodder as well.
I wonder what it would all look like, sans a certain element that humanity has been plagued with for so terribly long. And is the only solution to see it all blown to smithereens, so that perhaps something could muster from the ashes, to give it all a new go at it?
If so, then perhaps that is the only real solution.
same here Joe,So I guess we're forced to find an issue where at least there is some sunlight between our perspectives.
To make a long story short, I agree with most of what you wrote
OK, a couple of things. I've read lots and lots of things about the vaccine being a stealth 'cull' strategy, to drastically lower the numbers of humans on the planet. But from everything I've ever seen of our elites, is that in every case, they always want more people, rather than less. In fact, it seems an obsession with them. Growth, growth, growth! Must have constant demand for new housing, to maintain the great debt scheme, by always having more and more people willing to borrow money at interest, like a giant Ponzi scheme, it comes crashing to a halt, then there no more suckers available to sign on at the bottom. More (poor) people means cheap labor and cannon fodder, things very precious to our elites. The critical thing however, is the type of people they want. They obviously want far, far fewer white people, (none?) and more and more of alternative hues. It's almost like they very carefully are constructing the demographics in exactly the way it would suit them. About 13 or 14% black, increasing percentages of Asians and Indians and others to replace the white folks in the fields that require academic rigor, but with less of that 'independent spirit', that the elites consider inconvenient, and also of course, too many white people = gas chambers. So I see a huge and frenzied imperative to lower the percentages of white folks, even in places like Sweden!, but as they do so, there seems to be little to no interest in lowering the sheer numbers of people, anywhere that I can see.With just a quick look I found this
Just one remark about putting limitations on population growth, I just like to remind you that those in charge of this darkest agenda of human cull, our so called elites,... ... who see in every newborn a potential competitor for resources. Malthus’ predictions failed to materialise because of human ingenuity which always can advance the means of survival PROVIDED the world’s societies invest in tapping the unlimited potential of the human mind.
From 1960 to 2021 the population of Sweden increased from 7.48 million to 10.42 million people. This is a growth of 39.2 percent in 61 years. The highest increase in Sweden was recorded in 2017 with 1.36 percent. The smallest increase in 1983 with 0.05 percent.Have you heard any hand-wringing over Sweden's population growth? I haven't, and it would seem that it is a positive trend with our elites, because all of that growth is coming from Muslim and African and other immigrants to Sweden. So the growth suits our elites, provided it is a specific type. And I would say that template generally is the case everywhere you look, at least in the Western world. As for the rest of the world, I know we just passed 8 billion, and counting, and I know of no significant efforts on any nation's part, to stabilize populations, out of concern for the ecology, or poverty, or what have you. The more people a nation has, the more money and power it can milk from the people. Like farm animals, they see us like livestock, and the more, the better, provided of course it is of the right type! Just like cattle ranchers spend exorbitant sums on prize bulls, because they want the most suitable kind of cattle, for maximum benefit, that is how our elites treat us, at least as far as I can see. And I know of none of them who want to drastically lower the numbers of their herds, only to tweak the genetic qualities of their herds, for maximum benefit and control and profit. The best herd would be one that is completely obedient, and who never questions the dynamic between farmer, (elites), and cattle, (the people). Where the people do their grazing and line up to be sheared, all voluntarily, paying their taxes, and sending their offspring to die in endless wars, all voluntarily. With a 'smart phone' attached to their sensory faculties. The elites know what they're doing. It's like a cattle farmer who attaches a device to his cows, and they all herd themselves, ultimately going though the corals and the chute all with a purpose, perhaps to press their heads against the pneumatic coup de grace, without even the need of a paid employee, (commissar) to ensure compliance. That is how I see the dynamic between 'we the people' and our elites. And in just about every case, they always seem to want more cattle = wealth, power'.. rather than less.The only thing that seems to limit them, are the size of their pastures. The farmers of Haiti were not forward-thinking enough to consider the contentment of their herd, and so they blindly allowed them to over-breed. But like with those chickens who live their lives in a cage, unable to even turn around, this trend is ending, because the demand for 'free-range' eggs is what people increasingly want, because they're uncomfortable with eating eggs from chickens whose lives are a cruel ordeal.So Nike has to worry about public relations with its child slaves making its shoes. And there's also a brouhaha over the children mining Lithium for EVs, these days.These are just some random thoughts from my general interpretation of the relationship between our elites and their citizens.There may have been a time once when our elites cared about the environment, or the planets fast-dwindling species, or what kind of lives the people will have, when there's no more wild places, or wild elephants or lions or leopards, except in a few parks and zoos. As the oceans are already so polluted, that I'm told not to eat too much fish, lest the mercury levels poison me. And I find these trends to be not just concerning, but alarming, because of the trajectories.If human nature is such, that greed in every case, trumps any and all concerns for the environment, or the kind of lives future generations are going to have, then I feel that bodes very ominous for the future of this planet and the diversity of life on it, and the future generations of children, that will only know of wild elephants from books or movies. I've never seen a wild elephant, and I may never do, but just knowing that they exist, is a powerful thing for me. And finding out that they're all gone, will be painful for me, because of what that says about my species. Human greed is infinite. When it comes to asking an elite, 'do you have enough money and power? The answer is always the same; No! I need more!Here I should point out that the motivations of our elites, vs. the motivations of well-intended people- who're understandably concerned if the vaccine is a 'culling device', or if there's a diabolical plan for reducing human numbers to align with the Georgia Guidestones, are two diametrically different things. The elites are motivated by (black-holes of infinite) self-interest, in every case, whereas millions of well-intended people are concerned with mass-murder, and a WEF dystopian future, where a very limited and controlled population will own nothing, and eat bugs, and like it. I agree with these people's understanding of our elites, and what motivates them, (greed and hate in the case of the elites, and love and compassion in the case of 'the people). I just don't see any evidence that the elites want fewer raw numbers of people (livestock/cannon fodder). Instead, they want the maximum number of people that their respective farms and pastures can accommodate, but they want to genetically engineer/breed those populations in exactly the same way Monsanto genetically engineers corn or tomatoes, or livestock breeders do for sheep and cattle, for maximum profit. Thirteen to fourteen percent black, (which they've maintained now for long enough that they seem to consider that the porridge level), and higher and higher percentages of Muslims and Hindus and Asians and Latins and others, that I think they're busy tweaking as I write this, to find the porridge levels in each case, for each region's perfect ingredients.For some reason they want more Indians and Asians on the West coast, and more Latins everywhere, and more Muslims in the Midwest, and so on. With less whites everywhere, in every case. And that goes for globally. Whites are pretty much slated for extinction, just like the lions and elephants, as too inconvenient to our elites vision of their new zio-Orwellian 'utopian' sheople farm'. Zelinsky doesn't mine culling Ukraine of all of its neoNazis and white Christians, but only because ((he and his cabal)) have every intention of filling up Ukraine until its bursting at the seams, with a more suitable demographic. Anyways, those are some of my rambling thoughts on the matter. For what it's worth.Replies: @Joe Levantine
“ But from everything I’ve ever seen of our elites, is that in every case, they always want more people, rather than less.â€
When it comes to the elites we have to take into account that they are never a united party. Some of the elites are suffering from the God syndrome. Here Bill Gates of hell and his buddy Warren Buffoon come to mind. Gates is not interested in gathering more wealth as he reached a state of neutral marginal satisfaction with additional wealth and he is obsessed with population reduction. The late husband of Queen Elisabeth, Prince Phillip, openly declared his wish to reincarnate as a deadly disease to solve the problem of overpopulation. On the other hand, there are the elites who still view people as a source of greater income. Here people like Donald Trump play the antidote to the elites who set up the Georgia Guidestones. Trump and many company CEO’s are more interested in the bottom line than in preserving a pristine environment.
But it is very important to take into consideration that for Schwab, Gates and their ilk in the WEF, the expanding robotisation and AI renders the plebeians far less relevant. So the cull makes more sense than when the elites depended on their serfs and their slaves. And for the extreme psychopaths like the Neocons, nuclear war can be a way of reaching their cherished goal of ridding the world of the useless eaters. And contrary to what was drilled in our brains about nuclear contamination destroying the environment for centuries and millennia to come, the truth of the matter is that the capacity of nature to regenerate after a nuclear disaster has been proven to be much faster than we were led to believe; here is a quote from Armstrong Economics:
“Bikini Atoll 70 years after nuclear tests is thriving. On July 24, 1946, Baker Test shrouded its formidable height over the U.S. Navy’s test fleet. The United States dropped 23 nuclear bombs on the island, including a device in 1954 that was 1,100 times larger than the Hiroshima atom bomb. Now a team of scientists from Stanford University has been stunned. They discovered an abundance of marine life apparently thriving in the crater of Bikini Atoll, which was declared a nuclear wasteland after the bombings.
Strangely enough, the same has been found at Chernobyl in Ukraine. It is starting to emerge that even setting off every nuclear bomb will not destroy the planet or turn Earth into space rocks. We can alter our environment by doing so and ridding the planet of humanity as the dominant species, but Earth will heal itself and life will adapt exactly as scientists have discovered in Ukraine at the site of Chernobyl. Wildlife has thrived because it sent humans running.“
But for those who see additional people as a way to increase their wealth, what you describe about their lust for exploitation and control of every aspect of human life is totally true. And it sure looks ever more clear that the desire of the elites to melt away the White race and relieve themselves from the Whitey’s contentious attitude with respect to freedom and liberty is achieving its objective with the collaboration of the usual suspects.
To make a long story short, I agree with most of what you wrote
same here Joe,
So I guess we’re forced to find an issue where at least there is some sunlight between our perspectives.
(and thank you).
Just one remark about putting limitations on population growth, I just like to remind you that those in charge of this darkest agenda of human cull, our so called elites,… … who see in every newborn a potential competitor for resources. Malthus’ predictions failed to materialise because of human ingenuity which always can advance the means of survival PROVIDED the world’s societies invest in tapping the unlimited potential of the human mind.
OK, a couple of things. I’ve read lots and lots of things about the vaccine being a stealth ‘cull’ strategy, to drastically lower the numbers of humans on the planet.
But from everything I’ve ever seen of our elites, is that in every case, they always want more people, rather than less.
In fact, it seems an obsession with them. Growth, growth, growth! Must have constant demand for new housing, to maintain the great debt scheme, by always having more and more people willing to borrow money at interest, like a giant Ponzi scheme, it comes crashing to a halt, then there no more suckers available to sign on at the bottom. More (poor) people means cheap labor and cannon fodder, things very precious to our elites.
The critical thing however, is the type of people they want. They obviously want far, far fewer white people, (none?) and more and more of alternative hues.
It’s almost like they very carefully are constructing the demographics in exactly the way it would suit them. About 13 or 14% black, increasing percentages of Asians and Indians and others to replace the white folks in the fields that require academic rigor, but with less of that ‘independent spirit’, that the elites consider inconvenient, and also of course, too many white people = gas chambers.
So I see a huge and frenzied imperative to lower the percentages of white folks, even in places like Sweden!, but as they do so, there seems to be little to no interest in lowering the sheer numbers of people, anywhere that I can see.
With just a quick look I found this
From 1960 to 2021 the population of Sweden increased from 7.48 million to 10.42 million people. This is a growth of 39.2 percent in 61 years. The highest increase in Sweden was recorded in 2017 with 1.36 percent. The smallest increase in 1983 with 0.05 percent.
Have you heard any hand-wringing over Sweden’s population growth? I haven’t, and it would seem that it is a positive trend with our elites, because all of that growth is coming from Muslim and African and other immigrants to Sweden. So the growth suits our elites, provided it is a specific type. And I would say that template generally is the case everywhere you look, at least in the Western world. As for the rest of the world, I know we just passed 8 billion, and counting, and I know of no significant efforts on any nation’s part, to stabilize populations, out of concern for the ecology, or poverty, or what have you.
The more people a nation has, the more money and power it can milk from the people. Like farm animals, they see us like livestock, and the more, the better, provided of course it is of the right type! Just like cattle ranchers spend exorbitant sums on prize bulls, because they want the most suitable kind of cattle, for maximum benefit, that is how our elites treat us, at least as far as I can see. And I know of none of them who want to drastically lower the numbers of their herds, only to tweak the genetic qualities of their herds, for maximum benefit and control and profit.
The best herd would be one that is completely obedient, and who never questions the dynamic between farmer, (elites), and cattle, (the people). Where the people do their grazing and line up to be sheared, all voluntarily, paying their taxes, and sending their offspring to die in endless wars, all voluntarily. With a ‘smart phone’ attached to their sensory faculties. The elites know what they’re doing. It’s like a cattle farmer who attaches a device to his cows, and they all herd themselves, ultimately going though the corals and the chute all with a purpose, perhaps to press their heads against the pneumatic coup de grace, without even the need of a paid employee, (commissar) to ensure compliance.
That is how I see the dynamic between ‘we the people’ and our elites. And in just about every case, they always seem to want more cattle = wealth, power’.. rather than less.
The only thing that seems to limit them, are the size of their pastures. The farmers of Haiti were not forward-thinking enough to consider the contentment of their herd, and so they blindly allowed them to over-breed. But like with those chickens who live their lives in a cage, unable to even turn around, this trend is ending, because the demand for ‘free-range’ eggs is what people increasingly want, because they’re uncomfortable with eating eggs from chickens whose lives are a cruel ordeal.
So Nike has to worry about public relations with its child slaves making its shoes. And there’s also a brouhaha over the children mining Lithium for EVs, these days.
These are just some random thoughts from my general interpretation of the relationship between our elites and their citizens.
There may have been a time once when our elites cared about the environment, or the planets fast-dwindling species, or what kind of lives the people will have, when there’s no more wild places, or wild elephants or lions or leopards, except in a few parks and zoos. As the oceans are already so polluted, that I’m told not to eat too much fish, lest the mercury levels poison me.
And I find these trends to be not just concerning, but alarming, because of the trajectories.
If human nature is such, that greed in every case, trumps any and all concerns for the environment, or the kind of lives future generations are going to have, then I feel that bodes very ominous for the future of this planet and the diversity of life on it, and the future generations of children, that will only know of wild elephants from books or movies. I’ve never seen a wild elephant, and I may never do, but just knowing that they exist, is a powerful thing for me. And finding out that they’re all gone, will be painful for me, because of what that says about my species. Human greed is infinite. When it comes to asking an elite, ‘do you have enough money and power? The answer is always the same; No! I need more!
Here I should point out that the motivations of our elites, vs. the motivations of well-intended people- who’re understandably concerned if the vaccine is a ‘culling device’, or if there’s a diabolical plan for reducing human numbers to align with the Georgia Guidestones, are two diametrically different things.
The elites are motivated by (black-holes of infinite) self-interest, in every case, whereas millions of well-intended people are concerned with mass-murder, and a WEF dystopian future, where a very limited and controlled population will own nothing, and eat bugs, and like it.
I agree with these people’s understanding of our elites, and what motivates them, (greed and hate in the case of the elites, and love and compassion in the case of ‘the people). I just don’t see any evidence that the elites want fewer raw numbers of people (livestock/cannon fodder). Instead, they want the maximum number of people that their respective farms and pastures can accommodate, but they want to genetically engineer/breed those populations in exactly the same way Monsanto genetically engineers corn or tomatoes, or livestock breeders do for sheep and cattle, for maximum profit. Thirteen to fourteen percent black, (which they’ve maintained now for long enough that they seem to consider that the porridge level), and higher and higher percentages of Muslims and Hindus and Asians and Latins and others, that I think they’re busy tweaking as I write this, to find the porridge levels in each case, for each region’s perfect ingredients.
For some reason they want more Indians and Asians on the West coast, and more Latins everywhere, and more Muslims in the Midwest, and so on. With less whites everywhere, in every case. And that goes for globally. Whites are pretty much slated for extinction, just like the lions and elephants, as too inconvenient to our elites vision of their new zio-Orwellian ‘utopian’ sheople farm’.
Zelinsky doesn’t mine culling Ukraine of all of its neoNazis and white Christians, but only because ((he and his cabal)) have every intention of filling up Ukraine until its bursting at the seams, with a more suitable demographic.
Anyways, those are some of my rambling thoughts on the matter. For what it’s worth.
Joe, I notice that I get writing, and the time slips by. And the next thing you know, I have to jump and get to things that need doing. I just wanted you to know that I’ll reply when I get a chance.
(not that you were worried ; )
You answered :
The entity that some commentators here call “ZOG†is not the business of China or Russia.
From China’s and Russia’s point of view, all they see is that the US targets them as enemies and wants to destroy them.
Possibly, but what would that change in practice for China and Russia?
if that were true, then it could only be because the Chinese and Russia are either too stupid or cowardly, (or both), to see that the United States is utterly and absolutely under the control of a cabal of Zionist, Jewish supremacist central bankers, operating out of the City of London, and controlling not just the U.S. but most of Western Europe as well.
Of course not! But they are propagandized and brainwashed by Washington and MSM.
Do you think the American people are the ones driving all that hostility?
China was not overpopulated,
isn’t this an issue that is relative to us all?
For some people, the Great American Plains were being ‘wasted’ with all of those buffalo and wolves and coyotes and ‘Indians’ and other such things running around with all those vast, wide open spaces.
When you consider how much money could be made exploiting all of those resources, and plotting off the land for development and property taxes, it was being ‘wasted’..
.. but to others, it was a place of unimaginable natural beauty and bounty. A spiritual place, where the Gods lived in the grass and the mountains and the wildlife, and were one with the people.
all a matter of perspective, no?
I think there is a misunderstanding between us: by US, I mean the US government and Washington, not the people of the US.
that is what some people tried to suggest the Chinese policy paper was doing- condemning the actions of the U.S. government, and not the American people. But I disagree. I read it as a direct condemnation of the American people as congenitally racist and imperialist and hegemonic and genocidaly flawed people, from the local janitor at the hardware store, to the Secretary of Defense.
It was a rather long read, so I don’t want to read it again, but I’m pretty sure my interpretation of it was correct.
And it is the people who will go to the slaughter willingly or by force and not the warmongers, warprofiteers, bloodthirsty and hawks.
I could not agree more with you. It’s always the good and decent and hard-working folk, who’re always the victims of the elite bastards, every time.
I guess that’s why I used to look with astonishment at how the French people (in movies and books) following the Revolution, would cheer as the blade fell, and the gory, dripping object was lifted from the basket for display to the crowd, to wild celebration.
I no longer wonder at why and how the French people could have reacted in that way. Now, I understand.
“ZOGâ€, some commentators actually mean “The Jews†(I prefer to believe that you don’t) and I might feel targeted and uncomfortable😒🤔
Imagine the most reprobate, knuckle-dragging, hyperbolic extremist version of your worst, goose-stepping ‘neo-Nazis American.
I’m trying to think, who would that be?
Andrew Anglin? Nick Fuentes? Kanye West?
Are there scarier versions? David Duke?
Now try to imagine what these guys would do, were they to magically attain absolute power in Murka. Do you think any one of them, at their very worst, would want to persecute a woman because she happens to have been born Jewish?
‘Look, it’s Natalie Portman! Get her before she opens more borders and foments more wars!
I can’t look into people’s souls, but what I can say, is that from everything I’ve ever seen of this world, and the people in it, no one I’ve ever met or read or watched on a video and so on.. ever hated a Jew because the person was a Jew. Never. I admit I’ve never been to Palestine, or Syria, and maybe things over there are different. But in my life, everyone who has ever spoke ill of a ‘Jew’, has done so because of what that Jew did, or was doing.
In other words, in every case, it’s not being a Jew, that bothers people, but rather it’s the wars, and the Hollywood filth, and the denigration of our culture and heritage and corruption of our institutions, that bother people, as it should.
So if you’re a militant, Victoria Nuland type of Jew, who demands wars and strife and hate, and works towards destroying as many people’s lives as you can, then yes, there likely would be some hostility towards you if there was ever any push-ack against, ‘the Jews’. But if all you do is lead your life with kindness and good will towards all, then why would anyone want to do you any harm?
You answered :
The entity that some commentators here call “ZOG†is not the business of China or Russia.
From China’s and Russia’s point of view, all they see is that the US targets them as enemies and wants to destroy them.
Possibly, but what would that change in practice for China and Russia?
if that were true, then it could only be because the Chinese and Russia are either too stupid or cowardly, (or both), to see that the United States is utterly and absolutely under the control of a cabal of Zionist, Jewish supremacist central bankers, operating out of the City of London, and controlling not just the U.S. but most of Western Europe as well.
Of course not! But they are propagandized and brainwashed by Washington and MSM.
Do you think the American people are the ones driving all that hostility?
“ On top of that, knowing full well that by this so-called “ZOGâ€, some commentators actually mean “The Jews†(I prefer to believe that you don’t) and I might feel targeted and uncomfortable😒🤔â€
ZOG does not mean exclusively Jews but it is a fact that Talmudic pseudo Jews make up a considerable percentage of the ZOG set up even though as a group they are hardly a tiny fraction of the total Jewish population.
The responsibility of ordinary Jews is to weed out from their ranks those fake Jews who are the disciples of Sabatean- Frankism who have simply dominated the Jewish community through intimidation and blackmail under the guise of Jewish solidarity. Ordinary Jews should call out the neocons and publicly rebuke them and dissociate themselves from them.
Sorry Rurik for butting in.
That is something I've never heard before. It was my understanding that China was becoming dangerously over-populated, which threatened its stability and ecology and resources.
Well not only Western nations, but China too. The One Child Policy was imposed on China in return of opening China to Western investments that eventually put China as the foremost industrial power in less than fifty years.
Well Joe, I fear I may be going off the rails of what most Christians, (and Catholics in particular) believe is what's right and noble and wise..
Now China is struggling to keep her population from eternal decline. Is the payoff worth the sacrifice? That depends on how we view the world, is it wealth or human beings that should come first.
It looks like you answered you own concerns, Joe, because if we had direct democracy, then yes, it's unlikely people would vote for most of the wars. But then ((they'd)) only have to pull off more Pearl Harbors, or 'new, Pearl Harbor-like events', vis-a-vis the PNAC.Which is the tragedy that the world is going through. And that is the direct result of the compromised democracy that the founding fathers gave the U.S. as a republican form of government which historically has proven itself to be the worst kind of governance.
“ Perhaps we’ve entered into a new era when the American people are utterly irrelevant to what ZOG decides the U.S. is going to do in any and every situation.â€
But then FDR’s scheming convinced most Americans that Japan was an agent of Hitler that was hellbent on conquering the USA, �
I pray it's so. It will not help the situation to heap all the blame on the evil United States, (whitey) while carefully circumventing the ((regime in power)), who is the enemy of China, but is also the enemy of the people of the United States, just as it's the enemy of all decent and honorable people, (from Palestine to Russia), and everywhere else on the planet. The solution to all of this war mongering and sanctions and sabre-rattling, will come when the people of the U.S. (and Canada and Europe, etc..) all agree and understand that they and the Chinese (and Russians and Islam, et al), have the same common enemy. (and here I don't even have to mention that it's ZOG ; )
maybe these are just the opening salvos of China’s propaganda war that will one day lead to the more substantial truth
Even tho there are a lot of butt-hurts who would like to blame 'whitey' for everything, obviously we all have to admit and accept that ZOG would get nowhere, were it not for throngs and legions of 'whiteys' who're all too willing to act as ZOG's golem, (or Blaster, or mindless rabid dog or corrupt, treasonous politicians, and so forth...). Without the Woodrow Wilsons and Stalins and Churchills of the world, Rothschild would be left counting his shekels and pounding sand.
Whitey was a willing accessory to the masters of dominance and greed.
three Penn State officials – school president Graham Spanier, vice president Gary Schultz and athletic director Tim Curley – were charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, failure to report suspected child abuse, and related charges.[4] ... report stated that Penn State's longtime head football coach Joe Paterno, along with Spanier, Curley and Schultz, had known about allegations of child abuse by Sandusky as early as 1998, had shown "total and consistent disregard...for the safety and welfare of Sandusky's child victims", and "empowered" Sandusky to continue his acts of abuse by failing to disclose them.[5]: 14 [6][7]
The founding fathers were not without their sins but I would say that the worst of the founding fathers deserve to be canonised when compared with the current crop of American politicians.
fair enough, but as Murka's open borders policy is inviting in the throngs of billions from the Third World, how long until a direct democracy would result in the voter stripping Ralph- the electrician and his family of four, of their modest two bedroom house, in the name of equity and intersectionality, and woke "justice" ?
And at no time the founding fathers cared about direct democracy for fear that the majority would strip them of their large estates.
Hear, hear!
And here we can agree that by removing the Dollar as the world’s reserve currency, the fiend would lose the most important weapon at its disposal to spread war and misery.
It's because I've always respected the Chinese, that this odious paean to wokeness is so revolting.
While I agree with you about the skewed Chinese narrative, the Chinese are a people with whom you can still reason, contrary to the cabal whose only motivation is to process and dominate.
Rurik, I truly admire you for the energy and passion with which you right. To make a long story short, I agree with most of what you wrote and I truly believe that your post can be an excellent speech for a presidential hopeful who is seeking the salvation of the U.S. and the world.
Just one remark about putting limitations on population growth, I just like to remind you that those in charge of this darkest agenda of human cull, our so called elites, are by and large the disciples of the fake economist (((Thomas Malthus))) who has always spoken for the misanthropic bankers and their parasitic aristocratic acolytes who see in every newborn a potential competitor for resources. Malthus’ predictions failed to materialise because of human ingenuity which always can advance the means of survival PROVIDED the world’s societies invest in tapping the unlimited potential of the human mind. Let us take as an example the fake issue of global warming and the proposed solutions of the WEF which would curtail human freedom and dignity through their agenda 2030 in a way that the worst rulers of history have never even considered. The potential from Thorium can secure a reliable source of energy for more than a century to the whole world, but Klaus Schwab and his minions do not have any interest in this promising source of clean energy because they consider that 95% of the world’s population, and that includes you and me and our descendants, to be useless eaters. Their solution is to wage war against fossil energy and hence the current conflict with Russia, a country with fifty percent of her economy emanating from fossil fuel.
The current showdown between the Western axis and the BRICS evolves substantially over two separate and antagonistic views of the world, the Anglo Zionist model of win-lose based on subjugation of the weaker segments of society through the “Rules Based Order†and the win-win model through cooperation among independent nations under international law. Remember the British furore about the German implemented Berlin to Baghdad railway? Just see the parallels with the Anglo-American reaction to the Chinese BRI.
I will not elaborate much further on this issue for the sake of brevity.
Then comes the next, even more significant issue of how to foul the neocon plans of world war against Russia, China and Iran. Here, I think, the responsibility falls on the well meaning and enlightened Americans, and maybe Brits, to seek a direct dialogue with the Russians and the Chinese and push through the issue of who is in control of the Western governments apparatuses. And before someone replies that any American citizen is forbidden by law to contact government officials of a foreign country (trumped up charges against Mike Flynn), this defiance of the USG monopoly on dealing with foreign governments should be trampled upon come what may. And if the price of such defiance means exile a la Snowden, then so be it. For just whining, writing posts and complaining will not make much of a difference.
The world can be a far better place through international cooperation rather than competition and to see that new dawn of peace of prosperity among nations of the world, the elite bankers and their minions should be totally removed from the political and economic equations. Unfortunately, nothing of the kind will happen without a bloody showdown.
same here Joe,So I guess we're forced to find an issue where at least there is some sunlight between our perspectives.
To make a long story short, I agree with most of what you wrote
OK, a couple of things. I've read lots and lots of things about the vaccine being a stealth 'cull' strategy, to drastically lower the numbers of humans on the planet. But from everything I've ever seen of our elites, is that in every case, they always want more people, rather than less. In fact, it seems an obsession with them. Growth, growth, growth! Must have constant demand for new housing, to maintain the great debt scheme, by always having more and more people willing to borrow money at interest, like a giant Ponzi scheme, it comes crashing to a halt, then there no more suckers available to sign on at the bottom. More (poor) people means cheap labor and cannon fodder, things very precious to our elites. The critical thing however, is the type of people they want. They obviously want far, far fewer white people, (none?) and more and more of alternative hues. It's almost like they very carefully are constructing the demographics in exactly the way it would suit them. About 13 or 14% black, increasing percentages of Asians and Indians and others to replace the white folks in the fields that require academic rigor, but with less of that 'independent spirit', that the elites consider inconvenient, and also of course, too many white people = gas chambers. So I see a huge and frenzied imperative to lower the percentages of white folks, even in places like Sweden!, but as they do so, there seems to be little to no interest in lowering the sheer numbers of people, anywhere that I can see.With just a quick look I found this
Just one remark about putting limitations on population growth, I just like to remind you that those in charge of this darkest agenda of human cull, our so called elites,... ... who see in every newborn a potential competitor for resources. Malthus’ predictions failed to materialise because of human ingenuity which always can advance the means of survival PROVIDED the world’s societies invest in tapping the unlimited potential of the human mind.
From 1960 to 2021 the population of Sweden increased from 7.48 million to 10.42 million people. This is a growth of 39.2 percent in 61 years. The highest increase in Sweden was recorded in 2017 with 1.36 percent. The smallest increase in 1983 with 0.05 percent.Have you heard any hand-wringing over Sweden's population growth? I haven't, and it would seem that it is a positive trend with our elites, because all of that growth is coming from Muslim and African and other immigrants to Sweden. So the growth suits our elites, provided it is a specific type. And I would say that template generally is the case everywhere you look, at least in the Western world. As for the rest of the world, I know we just passed 8 billion, and counting, and I know of no significant efforts on any nation's part, to stabilize populations, out of concern for the ecology, or poverty, or what have you. The more people a nation has, the more money and power it can milk from the people. Like farm animals, they see us like livestock, and the more, the better, provided of course it is of the right type! Just like cattle ranchers spend exorbitant sums on prize bulls, because they want the most suitable kind of cattle, for maximum benefit, that is how our elites treat us, at least as far as I can see. And I know of none of them who want to drastically lower the numbers of their herds, only to tweak the genetic qualities of their herds, for maximum benefit and control and profit. The best herd would be one that is completely obedient, and who never questions the dynamic between farmer, (elites), and cattle, (the people). Where the people do their grazing and line up to be sheared, all voluntarily, paying their taxes, and sending their offspring to die in endless wars, all voluntarily. With a 'smart phone' attached to their sensory faculties. The elites know what they're doing. It's like a cattle farmer who attaches a device to his cows, and they all herd themselves, ultimately going though the corals and the chute all with a purpose, perhaps to press their heads against the pneumatic coup de grace, without even the need of a paid employee, (commissar) to ensure compliance. That is how I see the dynamic between 'we the people' and our elites. And in just about every case, they always seem to want more cattle = wealth, power'.. rather than less.The only thing that seems to limit them, are the size of their pastures. The farmers of Haiti were not forward-thinking enough to consider the contentment of their herd, and so they blindly allowed them to over-breed. But like with those chickens who live their lives in a cage, unable to even turn around, this trend is ending, because the demand for 'free-range' eggs is what people increasingly want, because they're uncomfortable with eating eggs from chickens whose lives are a cruel ordeal.So Nike has to worry about public relations with its child slaves making its shoes. And there's also a brouhaha over the children mining Lithium for EVs, these days.These are just some random thoughts from my general interpretation of the relationship between our elites and their citizens.There may have been a time once when our elites cared about the environment, or the planets fast-dwindling species, or what kind of lives the people will have, when there's no more wild places, or wild elephants or lions or leopards, except in a few parks and zoos. As the oceans are already so polluted, that I'm told not to eat too much fish, lest the mercury levels poison me. And I find these trends to be not just concerning, but alarming, because of the trajectories.If human nature is such, that greed in every case, trumps any and all concerns for the environment, or the kind of lives future generations are going to have, then I feel that bodes very ominous for the future of this planet and the diversity of life on it, and the future generations of children, that will only know of wild elephants from books or movies. I've never seen a wild elephant, and I may never do, but just knowing that they exist, is a powerful thing for me. And finding out that they're all gone, will be painful for me, because of what that says about my species. Human greed is infinite. When it comes to asking an elite, 'do you have enough money and power? The answer is always the same; No! I need more!Here I should point out that the motivations of our elites, vs. the motivations of well-intended people- who're understandably concerned if the vaccine is a 'culling device', or if there's a diabolical plan for reducing human numbers to align with the Georgia Guidestones, are two diametrically different things. The elites are motivated by (black-holes of infinite) self-interest, in every case, whereas millions of well-intended people are concerned with mass-murder, and a WEF dystopian future, where a very limited and controlled population will own nothing, and eat bugs, and like it. I agree with these people's understanding of our elites, and what motivates them, (greed and hate in the case of the elites, and love and compassion in the case of 'the people). I just don't see any evidence that the elites want fewer raw numbers of people (livestock/cannon fodder). Instead, they want the maximum number of people that their respective farms and pastures can accommodate, but they want to genetically engineer/breed those populations in exactly the same way Monsanto genetically engineers corn or tomatoes, or livestock breeders do for sheep and cattle, for maximum profit. Thirteen to fourteen percent black, (which they've maintained now for long enough that they seem to consider that the porridge level), and higher and higher percentages of Muslims and Hindus and Asians and Latins and others, that I think they're busy tweaking as I write this, to find the porridge levels in each case, for each region's perfect ingredients.For some reason they want more Indians and Asians on the West coast, and more Latins everywhere, and more Muslims in the Midwest, and so on. With less whites everywhere, in every case. And that goes for globally. Whites are pretty much slated for extinction, just like the lions and elephants, as too inconvenient to our elites vision of their new zio-Orwellian 'utopian' sheople farm'. Zelinsky doesn't mine culling Ukraine of all of its neoNazis and white Christians, but only because ((he and his cabal)) have every intention of filling up Ukraine until its bursting at the seams, with a more suitable demographic. Anyways, those are some of my rambling thoughts on the matter. For what it's worth.Replies: @Joe Levantine
if that were true, then it could only be because the Chinese and Russia are either too stupid or cowardly, (or both), to see that the United States is utterly and absolutely under the control of a cabal of Zionist, Jewish supremacist central bankers, operating out of the City of London, and controlling not just the U.S. but most of Western Europe as well.
The entity that some commentators here call “ZOG†is not the business of China or Russia.
From China’s and Russia’s point of view, all they see is that the US targets them as enemies and wants to destroy them.
Okay, try, even if it hurts some, to connect some dots, based on what you're saying.
It does not matter who is in power in Washington.
What China and Russia see is the result of Washington’s policy: a permanent hostility and rage against them.
ZOG stands for Zionist Occupied Government.
under the guise of “ZOG†are targeting “The Jewsâ€) and counterproductive.
I wrote :
The entity that some commentators here call “ZOG†is not the business of China or Russia.
From China’s and Russia’s point of view, all they see is that the US targets them as enemies and wants to destroy them.
You answered :
if that were true, then it could only be because the Chinese and Russia are either too stupid or cowardly, (or both), to see that the United States is utterly and absolutely under the control of a cabal of Zionist, Jewish supremacist central bankers, operating out of the City of London, and controlling not just the U.S. but most of Western Europe as well.
Possibly, but what would that change in practice for China and Russia?
I think there is a misunderstanding between us: by US, I mean the US government and Washington, not the people of the US.
Do you think the American people are the ones driving all that hostility?
Of course not! But they are propagandized and brainwashed by Washington and MSM.
And it is the people who will go to the slaughter willingly or by force and not the warmongers, warprofiteers, bloodthirsty and hawks.
On top of that, knowing full well that by this so-called “ZOG”, some commentators actually mean “The Jews” (I prefer to believe that you don’t) and I might feel targeted and uncomfortable😒🤔
isn't this an issue that is relative to us all?For some people, the Great American Plains were being 'wasted' with all of those buffalo and wolves and coyotes and 'Indians' and other such things running around with all those vast, wide open spaces. When you consider how much money could be made exploiting all of those resources, and plotting off the land for development and property taxes, it was being 'wasted'.. .. but to others, it was a place of unimaginable natural beauty and bounty. A spiritual place, where the Gods lived in the grass and the mountains and the wildlife, and were one with the people. all a matter of perspective, no?
China was not overpopulated,
that is what some people tried to suggest the Chinese policy paper was doing- condemning the actions of the U.S. government, and not the American people. But I disagree. I read it as a direct condemnation of the American people as congenitally racist and imperialist and hegemonic and genocidaly flawed people, from the local janitor at the hardware store, to the Secretary of Defense. It was a rather long read, so I don't want to read it again, but I'm pretty sure my interpretation of it was correct.
I think there is a misunderstanding between us: by US, I mean the US government and Washington, not the people of the US.
I could not agree more with you. It's always the good and decent and hard-working folk, who're always the victims of the elite bastards, every time. I guess that's why I used to look with astonishment at how the French people (in movies and books) following the Revolution, would cheer as the blade fell, and the gory, dripping object was lifted from the basket for display to the crowd, to wild celebration. I no longer wonder at why and how the French people could have reacted in that way. Now, I understand.
And it is the people who will go to the slaughter willingly or by force and not the warmongers, warprofiteers, bloodthirsty and hawks.
Imagine the most reprobate, knuckle-dragging, hyperbolic extremist version of your worst, goose-stepping 'neo-Nazis American. I'm trying to think, who would that be?Andrew Anglin? Nick Fuentes? Kanye West? Are there scarier versions? David Duke? Now try to imagine what these guys would do, were they to magically attain absolute power in Murka. Do you think any one of them, at their very worst, would want to persecute a woman because she happens to have been born Jewish?'Look, it's Natalie Portman! Get her before she opens more borders and foments more wars!I can't look into people's souls, but what I can say, is that from everything I've ever seen of this world, and the people in it, no one I've ever met or read or watched on a video and so on.. ever hated a Jew because the person was a Jew. Never. I admit I've never been to Palestine, or Syria, and maybe things over there are different. But in my life, everyone who has ever spoke ill of a 'Jew', has done so because of what that Jew did, or was doing. In other words, in every case, it's not being a Jew, that bothers people, but rather it's the wars, and the Hollywood filth, and the denigration of our culture and heritage and corruption of our institutions, that bother people, as it should.So if you're a militant, Victoria Nuland type of Jew, who demands wars and strife and hate, and works towards destroying as many people's lives as you can, then yes, there likely would be some hostility towards you if there was ever any push-ack against, 'the Jews'. But if all you do is lead your life with kindness and good will towards all, then why would anyone want to do you any harm?
“ZOGâ€, some commentators actually mean “The Jews†(I prefer to believe that you don’t) and I might feel targeted and uncomfortable😒🤔
That is something I've never heard before. It was my understanding that China was becoming dangerously over-populated, which threatened its stability and ecology and resources.
Well not only Western nations, but China too. The One Child Policy was imposed on China in return of opening China to Western investments that eventually put China as the foremost industrial power in less than fifty years.
Well Joe, I fear I may be going off the rails of what most Christians, (and Catholics in particular) believe is what's right and noble and wise..
Now China is struggling to keep her population from eternal decline. Is the payoff worth the sacrifice? That depends on how we view the world, is it wealth or human beings that should come first.
It looks like you answered you own concerns, Joe, because if we had direct democracy, then yes, it's unlikely people would vote for most of the wars. But then ((they'd)) only have to pull off more Pearl Harbors, or 'new, Pearl Harbor-like events', vis-a-vis the PNAC.Which is the tragedy that the world is going through. And that is the direct result of the compromised democracy that the founding fathers gave the U.S. as a republican form of government which historically has proven itself to be the worst kind of governance.
“ Perhaps we’ve entered into a new era when the American people are utterly irrelevant to what ZOG decides the U.S. is going to do in any and every situation.â€
But then FDR’s scheming convinced most Americans that Japan was an agent of Hitler that was hellbent on conquering the USA, �
I pray it's so. It will not help the situation to heap all the blame on the evil United States, (whitey) while carefully circumventing the ((regime in power)), who is the enemy of China, but is also the enemy of the people of the United States, just as it's the enemy of all decent and honorable people, (from Palestine to Russia), and everywhere else on the planet. The solution to all of this war mongering and sanctions and sabre-rattling, will come when the people of the U.S. (and Canada and Europe, etc..) all agree and understand that they and the Chinese (and Russians and Islam, et al), have the same common enemy. (and here I don't even have to mention that it's ZOG ; )
maybe these are just the opening salvos of China’s propaganda war that will one day lead to the more substantial truth
Even tho there are a lot of butt-hurts who would like to blame 'whitey' for everything, obviously we all have to admit and accept that ZOG would get nowhere, were it not for throngs and legions of 'whiteys' who're all too willing to act as ZOG's golem, (or Blaster, or mindless rabid dog or corrupt, treasonous politicians, and so forth...). Without the Woodrow Wilsons and Stalins and Churchills of the world, Rothschild would be left counting his shekels and pounding sand.
Whitey was a willing accessory to the masters of dominance and greed.
three Penn State officials – school president Graham Spanier, vice president Gary Schultz and athletic director Tim Curley – were charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, failure to report suspected child abuse, and related charges.[4] ... report stated that Penn State's longtime head football coach Joe Paterno, along with Spanier, Curley and Schultz, had known about allegations of child abuse by Sandusky as early as 1998, had shown "total and consistent disregard...for the safety and welfare of Sandusky's child victims", and "empowered" Sandusky to continue his acts of abuse by failing to disclose them.[5]: 14 [6][7]
The founding fathers were not without their sins but I would say that the worst of the founding fathers deserve to be canonised when compared with the current crop of American politicians.
fair enough, but as Murka's open borders policy is inviting in the throngs of billions from the Third World, how long until a direct democracy would result in the voter stripping Ralph- the electrician and his family of four, of their modest two bedroom house, in the name of equity and intersectionality, and woke "justice" ?
And at no time the founding fathers cared about direct democracy for fear that the majority would strip them of their large estates.
Hear, hear!
And here we can agree that by removing the Dollar as the world’s reserve currency, the fiend would lose the most important weapon at its disposal to spread war and misery.
It's because I've always respected the Chinese, that this odious paean to wokeness is so revolting.
While I agree with you about the skewed Chinese narrative, the Chinese are a people with whom you can still reason, contrary to the cabal whose only motivation is to process and dominate.
Joe Levantine wrote :
Well not only Western nations, but China too. The One Child Policy was imposed on China in return of opening China to Western investments that eventually put China as the foremost industrial power in less than fifty years.
Rurik wrote :
That is something I’ve never heard before. It was my understanding that China was becoming dangerously over-populated, which threatened its stability and ecology and resources.
China was not overpopulated, indeed ; still today the majority is concentrated in the southern third; further north, the density is lower.
Same for South-Korea :
The country was one of the poorest in the world but not overpopulated. In the 1960s and 1970s the US occupation made a huge campaign to reduce the Korean birth rate under the pretext of “reducing poverty”. Unfortunately it worked: Koreans themselves started to criticize, mock and insult families with 4 or 5 children. And this has continued to this day.
It is a genocide.
That information refers to the People’s Republic of China, which is the official name of China. The source is a document from the same People’s Republic of China, i.e., China.
Taiwan’s official name is just ‘Republic of China’, without ‘People’s’ preceding it.
Yes, and Russians also, contrarily to US.
Look, the Chinese have always emphasized that they strongly oppose interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.
Same for the US people.
It’s for the Saudis themselves to decide who runs their own country.
The entity that some commentators here call “ZOG†is not the business of China or Russia.
From China’s and Russia’s point of view, all they see is that the US targets them as enemies and wants to destroy them.
if that were true, then it could only be because the Chinese and Russia are either too stupid or cowardly, (or both), to see that the United States is utterly and absolutely under the control of a cabal of Zionist, Jewish supremacist central bankers, operating out of the City of London, and controlling not just the U.S. but most of Western Europe as well.
China is not so stupid, that it doesn’t know that Australia is sabre-rattling at China, only because ZOG controls Australia in absolute terms. Duh
You may be too naive to know that, but I can assure you the Chinese intelligence services and leaders, know it very well indeed.
It does not matter who is in power in Washington.
What China and Russia see is the result of Washington’s policy: a permanent hostility and rage against them.
Okay, try, even if it hurts some, to connect some dots, based on what you’re saying.
Do you think the American people are the ones driving all that hostility?
Because they’re so racist and full of hate and hegemonic, that they’re not worried about the price of groceries or gas, but in sending billions and weapons to Ukraine, and having Pelosi fly to Taiwan, because the American people are permanently ‘filled with rage’ at Russia and China?
under the guise of “ZOG†are targeting “The Jewsâ€) and counterproductive.
ZOG stands for Zionist Occupied Government.
It says nothing at all about Ron Unz or Seymour Hersh or Alan Sabrosky or Jerry Seinfeld.
What it describes are the people in our government and media that subvert the interests of America, and puts the interests of Israel over that of the United States and its people. And does so in a way that defames the United States, because Israel is a terrorist entity that flouts all notions of international law, and all notions of human decency. While embezzling billions out of America’s Treasury, to use to further corrupt our nation and government into serving interests that are at direct odds with ours.
I hope that helps you to understand a bit better, what ZOG means, and more to the point, what ZOG means to our international relations with other nations, particularly Iraq and Libya and Syria and so many others, like Iran, who’s been suffering the evils of ZOG for generations.
And many Americans like myself, are disgusted by that. Just as we’re disgusted by the campaign to menace Russia and China and so many others.
To pretend that it’s not being done by ZOG, would be like 1930s Germany pretending that Russia had not lost a civil war to the Bolsheviks, who had taken over Russia in absolute terms, and were then menacing Germany. It wasn’t Russia or the Russian people who were the enemies of Germany, it was ZOG: Bolshevik Russia- that was the threat.
sorry if that’s getting a bit too esoteric, but metaphorically, it’s spot on.
You answered :
The entity that some commentators here call “ZOG†is not the business of China or Russia.
From China’s and Russia’s point of view, all they see is that the US targets them as enemies and wants to destroy them.
Possibly, but what would that change in practice for China and Russia?
if that were true, then it could only be because the Chinese and Russia are either too stupid or cowardly, (or both), to see that the United States is utterly and absolutely under the control of a cabal of Zionist, Jewish supremacist central bankers, operating out of the City of London, and controlling not just the U.S. but most of Western Europe as well.
Of course not! But they are propagandized and brainwashed by Washington and MSM.
Do you think the American people are the ones driving all that hostility?
Typical answer from a typical weak little white bitch. Thank heavens we have communist China to take over your lead. At least the Chinese know how to steer their leaders to do what's right for their country or otherwise overthrow their uselessly corrupt leader to install a new and better model — as is proven time and again in their own history.
as if a working class guy can take on the Z.U.S. government and remove it, and Rothschild from power, by force of my will, (or guns, or whatever asinine absurdity you’re suggesting).
At least the Chinese know how to steer their leaders to do what’s right for their country or otherwise overthrow their uselessly corrupt leader to install a new and better model — as is proven time and again in their own history.
as for your butt-hurt envy for not being white, I know some things it says about you
Since I’ve known quite a few Chinese, and quite a few Asians, (even dated a beautiful Thai gal), I can happily report that most of them are as far as being a woke-beast shrill, like yourself, as a porcelain doll is from a gorilla.
You weren’t just born in the West, you’re also a product of it, with all the brazen ugliness and ‘chip-on-the-shoulder’ arrogance of a radical feminist cow.
Why do ugly, Westernized females often sound like you, eh? What is it about being a squatting, grotesque yeti in a barely human form, that destroys every scintilla of feminine charm, and leaves only a slattern to turn people’s stomachs.
Question for the ages, I guess…
Good to know then that my westernized self is helping to destroy your civilization with my radical feminism in order to facilitate the rise of China. 🥰
You weren’t just born in the West, you’re also a product of it, with all the brazen ugliness and ‘chip-on-the-shoulder’ arrogance of a radical feminist cow.
Why do ugly, Westernized females often sound like you, eh? What is it about being a squatting, grotesque yeti in a barely human form, that destroys every scintilla of feminine charm, and leaves only a slattern to turn people’s stomachs. �
And while what you say about the proliferation of the concepts ‘Jew’ and ‘ZOG’ as excuses for this laziness have powerful resonance, they do nevertheless represent unbelievably powerful forces of real evil to the whole world; the North Atlantic slave trade was an almost wholly Jewish-owned enterprise.
Whatever the Jews may or may not have done in the past and/or are doing in the present and however many mountains of gold they may or may not own, they are STILL only a minority. As long as you do not succumb to greed and reign in your less scrupulous countrymen so they have no chance to play someone else’s foot soldier for the temptation of 30 shekels of silver, as long as all of you stand together and work together, and patch up any loopholes that the Jewish minority (intelligent as they are) will most certainly sniff out and exploit — then there’s nothing you need to worry about.
If China was able to make Soros cry during in Hong Kong in 1998 when it was still a relatively poor country, there’s no reason why the collective west — with a more or less equal population to China today and much more wealthy and powerful than China was in 1998 — cannot do the same to Rothschild, if the western peoples and governments all banded together to make it happen. You win when you as a collective people prioritize the well-being of the collective, but that concept is hard for westerners to understand, because the west is all about the individual.
Well not only Western nations, but China too. The One Child Policy was imposed on China in return of opening China to Western investments that eventually put China as the foremost industrial power in less than fifty years.
That is something I’ve never heard before. It was my understanding that China was becoming dangerously over-populated, which threatened its stability and ecology and resources.
I’ve never heard before that it was any kind of quid-pro-quo, in exchange for foreign investment.
In fact, from my ciphering of the corporate West’s intentions, I would have figured that the corporate West (as opposed to the people of the West, who were harmed by the ‘in and out’-sourcing of jobs to China and elsewhere), would have wanted China to be bursting at the seams with starving and desperate citizens, for all that cheap labor.
Now China is struggling to keep her population from eternal decline. Is the payoff worth the sacrifice? That depends on how we view the world, is it wealth or human beings that should come first.
Well Joe, I fear I may be going off the rails of what most Christians, (and Catholics in particular) believe is what’s right and noble and wise..
..but I’m not a proponent of eternally growing populations, any more than I’m a proponent of eternally growing economies. That 3% ‘growth of the economy’ they’re always heralding as so critical and important.
But it’s unsustainable, because the world is finite, and so humanity can not continue to expand to infinity, within finite borders, and on a macro scale, on a finite planet.
Already as I write this, the planet is experiencing an extinction event era, where massive numbers of species are being wiped out for all eternity, to make room for ever-exploding numbers of people. Especially in Africa and the Third World, who then simply ship their surplus to the First (white) world, to absorb, and thereby insure continued ‘growth’. Both in populations, and economically by continued and demand for more and more housing, and more and more and more and more and more…
I recently watched a program on Switzerland, and how that nation is still spectacularly beautiful, with large, sparsely populated rural areas, (and I don’t think, any imperative to grow their numbers, because I think they feel like they have it just right, like the Little Red Riding Hood’s porridge.
This, I believe is the goal, to not always expand and expand the population, but to adjust one’s numbers to a happy carrying capacity depending on your boundaries. We have been ‘fruitful’, and we’ve obeyed that directive and then some. Now I think we need to be a little more circumspect.
Haiti exploded its numbers to the point they deforested their half of Hispaniola into a mud-pit. The Dominican Republic is still lush, because it didn’t. But the D.R. has to protect its border with Haiti, with guns, because to leave it open, would, with a certainty, result in the D.R. becoming Haiti- another mud-pit.
I know the Chinese are not Haitians, but how many is enough? Is there such a thing as ‘too many?
“ Perhaps we’ve entered into a new era when the American people are utterly irrelevant to what ZOG decides the U.S. is going to do in any and every situation.â€
Which is the tragedy that the world is going through. And that is the direct result of the compromised democracy that the founding fathers gave the U.S. as a republican form of government which historically has proven itself to be the worst kind of governance.
But then FDR’s scheming convinced most Americans that Japan was an agent of Hitler that was hellbent on conquering the USA,
It looks like you answered you own concerns, Joe, because if we had direct democracy, then yes, it’s unlikely people would vote for most of the wars. But then ((they’d)) only have to pull off more Pearl Harbors, or ‘new, Pearl Harbor-like events’, vis-a-vis the PNAC.
Dubya had his mandate to attack Afghanistan, even tho it was all based on lies, but the people didn’t know that, and that’s the rub, because in a direct democracy, you’ll get the unvarnished will of the people, and that will, will be a result of what the media tells them is going on.
It’s a difficult thing to parse. I increasingly favor a more autocratic direction, (as anathema as that is to my personality), because I increasingly see my fellow Americans as bovine cretins, (or worse), and hardly want to be at their mercy when it comes to judgement or wise and noble decisions.
Of course an autocrat can be even worse, but then it seems like it just depends on the autocrat. In Putin’s (and Orban’s and Assad’s and many other’s) case, I think we agree the porridge is just right.
But heaven help the people living under a malevolent autocrat, as in Stalin or Mao, for instance.
maybe these are just the opening salvos of China’s propaganda war that will one day lead to the more substantial truth
I pray it’s so. It will not help the situation to heap all the blame on the evil United States, (whitey) while carefully circumventing the ((regime in power)), who is the enemy of China, but is also the enemy of the people of the United States, just as it’s the enemy of all decent and honorable people, (from Palestine to Russia), and everywhere else on the planet. The solution to all of this war mongering and sanctions and sabre-rattling, will come when the people of the U.S. (and Canada and Europe, etc..) all agree and understand that they and the Chinese (and Russians and Islam, et al), have the same common enemy. (and here I don’t even have to mention that it’s ZOG ; )
Whitey was a willing accessory to the masters of dominance and greed.
Even tho there are a lot of butt-hurts who would like to blame ‘whitey’ for everything, obviously we all have to admit and accept that ZOG would get nowhere, were it not for throngs and legions of ‘whiteys’ who’re all too willing to act as ZOG’s golem, (or Blaster, or mindless rabid dog or corrupt, treasonous politicians, and so forth…). Without the Woodrow Wilsons and Stalins and Churchills of the world, Rothschild would be left counting his shekels and pounding sand.
People like Dick Cheney and his daughter, are the worst of the worst, there can be no doubt. They are for Dante’s n’th, and then some. At what point do the crimes of our traitors become blurred as you go down the hierarchy to those who simply push papers, or press buttons. There again, a difficult thing to parse. I remember hearing of the Sandusky abomination at Penn State University, and how not just the ((president of the university)), but the head of athletics, and the beloved coach, all knew of it, and allowed it to continue.
three Penn State officials – school president Graham Spanier, vice president Gary Schultz and athletic director Tim Curley – were charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, failure to report suspected child abuse, and related charges.[4] … report stated that Penn State’s longtime head football coach Joe Paterno, along with Spanier, Curley and Schultz, had known about allegations of child abuse by Sandusky as early as 1998, had shown “total and consistent disregard…for the safety and welfare of Sandusky’s child victims”, and “empowered” Sandusky to continue his acts of abuse by failing to disclose them.[5]: 14 [6][7]
When it comes to a man’s (or an institution’s) character, tolerating serial child-rape, is just about as bad as it gets, next to being the rapist himself. Are people so afraid of how they’d fare in the ‘real world’, willing to give a pass to just about any evil, so long as they don’t have to compete in the free market?
Edward Snowden had a very cushy, high-paying job with amazing perks and powers, in many ways, the ultimate American dream. But he was willing to risk being tortured to death by ZOG, because he could not abide the evil he witnessed day in, day out.
I guess it all comes down to individual character.
The founding fathers were not without their sins but I would say that the worst of the founding fathers deserve to be canonised when compared with the current crop of American politicians.
very true!
And at no time the founding fathers cared about direct democracy for fear that the majority would strip them of their large estates.
fair enough, but as Murka’s open borders policy is inviting in the throngs of billions from the Third World, how long until a direct democracy would result in the voter stripping Ralph- the electrician and his family of four, of their modest two bedroom house, in the name of equity and intersectionality, and woke “justice” ?
When the inhabitants of Ethiopia all arrive, the couple living in a beat-up old van, will seem like ‘capitalist pigs’, when the family of seventeen living in the street next to them, envies and demands they share their ‘privileges’.
And here we can agree that by removing the Dollar as the world’s reserve currency, the fiend would lose the most important weapon at its disposal to spread war and misery.
Hear, hear!
This is humanity’s one and only hope, and the thing China (and Russia and India and others..) should be concentrating on, rather than venting thier butt-hurt spleen at ‘whitey’. If it’s any consolation to the Chinese racists out there, if and when you can take down the dollar, the object of your butt-hurt and bile, (the white American) will suffer to the point of your wet dreams. So if that’s what you’re after, (and clearly, there are some Chinese – even if born in the West’, for whom their souls are that putrid with race-hate), then you should be doing all you can to bring down the dollar, which will be a catastrophe for white America, and cause a lot of grief for many others as well, but if you want to free the planet from endless wars and strife and misery and sanctions and Hollywood filth, as the policy paper claims, then do what you can to make common cause with Russia and India and Brazil and others.. to find a replacement for the dollar. The Saudis are even on board with this, so there is hope.
While I agree with you about the skewed Chinese narrative, the Chinese are a people with whom you can still reason, contrary to the cabal whose only motivation is to process and dominate.
It’s because I’ve always respected the Chinese, that this odious paean to wokeness is so revolting.
If the planet is going to be dominated by a unilateral power, then I’d prefer the Chinese over ZOG, any day of the week. Just as I’d prefer a Hindu Indian or Muslim or Latin or just about any ethnicity or nationality or race or creed or anything, than what we’ve got today.
Yes, that guy who drove his SUV though the Christmas parade in Wisconsin, I figure hates white America about as much as the Jewish supremacists do. On that level, they’re the same. But that guy doesn’t have the smarts to implement his genocidal hate, like ZOG does. He’s not as insidious, or filled with ancient Talmudic exhortations to genocide them all, like the Zionists are. Yes, there are some (Western-born) Chinese, who hate like that, but from everything I’ve glimmered, the Chinese are generally a great and exemplary people, to be admired, and traded with, for mutual understanding, and mutual prosperity.
Think where our two ancient civilizations, (the West and the Chinese and other Asian East), would be, were it not for the endless wars, and genocidal insanities like communism and drugs and spiritual sewage pumped in by Holllywood and Madison Ave.
We had a brief time of open trade, with some bumps to iron out, but it elevated China to grand new heights, and why not?!
With mutual respect, and trade and cooperation, our civilizations could reach the stars, and I do believe that. We could end poverty, and solve all kinds of problems, if we weren’t distracted by ((endless war mongering and hegemonic treachery)). Much of what this policy paper says is true, and obvious, it’s just that at some point, they lost their nerve, and decided to align with ZOG, (I guess for (((pats on the head))), and blame whitey. Playing into ZOG’s template, and doing more harm than good.
There’s still hope that cooler heads will prevail, and our peoples can work towards our common goals, much as this paper lays out.
No to wars.
No to sanctions.
No to regime changes and color revolutions and billions of dollars of corrupting sabotage of other people’s nations and cultures.
No to acts of international terrorism like bombing a continent’s energy infrastructural, in a zio-temper-tantrum.
No to gender fluidity and trans first-graders.
No to smearing and demonizing our respective peoples and cultures and ancestors and heritage as evil, because it isn’t Jewish or gay.
No to open borders, and disrespect for other nation’s identities.
We must have a respect for International Laws, and those MUST be binding on all parties, or they’re binding on none.
No to genocide, and no to theft and murder and the UN looking the other way, when it’s expedient to do so.
China and Russia today are showing us the way. They are standing up against ZOG, and doing so in the the only way possible, united.
This is the example they’re holding up for us all, from North and South America, to Europe and Asia and Oceania and everywhere else. If we want a world free of the Eternal Wars for Israel, and free of the Unilateral Empire of Lies, that demands to subjugate all nations, and all peoples, under a Zionist iron boot on their necks, they we should, and we must, all make common cause to oppose these fiends.
Please people! Rise up!
That is my heartfelt plea, and if I was writing the policy paper, (Mr. Unz ; ), that is more or less what I’d say.
Rurik wrote :
Well not only Western nations, but China too. The One Child Policy was imposed on China in return of opening China to Western investments that eventually put China as the foremost industrial power in less than fifty years.
China was not overpopulated, indeed ; still today the majority is concentrated in the southern third; further north, the density is lower.
@Joe Levantine
That is something I’ve never heard before. It was my understanding that China was becoming dangerously over-populated, which threatened its stability and ecology and resources.
And so now the white European male too.
A great many in Europe are indeed a lazy slob, however I’m greatly heartened to see the tens of thousands of people in Germany and France going out to protest all the bullshxt that their leaders are throwing at them — it means that those people are still standing up. Since I myself live in Europe, I wish nothing but the best for this continent and even though the continent is down on its knees and the leaders are complete sell-outs, there are still many people who go out to protest against it, which means they still have a living spirit and that deserves my respect and my support. It may take decades or even longer to restore Europe’s dignity, but as long as those people who are out there protesting right now have not yet given up hope, this continent is still not yet completely lost.
What I is sayin’ is that if you want a future for those beautiful babies that look like Barry, you better start working for it, cos’ China aint gonna be no kinder to yo mulatto asses neither.
Well, since I’m ethnically Chinese and not mulatto, I don’t actually care how China treats the beautiful mulatto babies and Barries of tomorrow (it’s called sarcasm), but I frankly do think the American continent will be better off with more racial mixing, because then everyone on the other side of the Atlantic will be a mestizo or mulatto and as North and South America will be fully racially harmonized that will lower the barrier for North and South to cooperate. We already see the south of the USA being Latinized, so this process is going to be inevitable anyway.
Poor you, though, since China is winning, while your country has devolved into an abomination that promotes the castration of little children. ðŸ˜I'll support every white Anglo-American woman intermixing with men of other races, because a people that refuses to do their duty in reigning in their own corrupt, warmongering leaders is a people that deserves to be obliterated. White blood is weak anyway, considering that one drop of colored means that your babies no longer belong to the white race, so let the future bring more 🥰mulatto🥰 and ðŸ˜mestizo😠children! Soon, the Latin American migration northward will disappear everything that was white Anglo-American, which is all for the best of humanity. ðŸ˜In any case, if Ohio weren't such a toxic waste basket, I'd be dancing on the ashes remaining of your American empire, celebrating your Chernobyl moment. 💃ðŸ»As for the future of whites, it belongs with the Slavic Russians. Though they're a multiethnic country rather than only white, they're currently the only country with a respectable white leader that doesn't allow the castration of children, doesn't pretend that men can be women by wearing a dress, and has the courage and strength to fight back against the American empire that you call "ZOG". Maybe you pussified white Anglo-Americans ought to learn a lesson from them, because the Russians never cried about "JooozzzzðŸ˜" or "ZOOGGGðŸ˜" when their country was in ruins after the idiot Gorbachev dissolved the Soviet Union and the greedy and corrupt Yeltsin sold all Russian assets for pennies. They simply got a wiser leader, i.e. Putin, into power to clean up house. Blood was spilled to bring back order, but Russia has become the better for it. The Slavic Russians (and it's allies Serbia, Belarus, etc.) are today the only whites in possession of a strong spirit and the only whites deserving of respect. Maybe one day the rest of Continental Europe will shake off the colonial chains that ties them to the degenerate Anglo-American empire and then they too can slowly recover their pride once more.Replies: @Psychotic Break
butt-hurt, non-white crybaby, bursting with existential envy.Like the article, you too make me want a sovereign Taiwan.
Here in Europe we do have a long tradition of periodically changing out our leaders, but admittedly this skill has waned of late. I think you are best referring to the USA. The white American male might have once had a proud and revolutionary spirit, but this was crushed, more blobbed out of existence, essentially after the Second World War. The US became the world hegemon, goods could be extracted from the World on slavery terms, and all at zero real cost while the US was the PetroDollar. All that means is that white Americans got fat on fifty years of free lunches, and free breakfasts, and free dinners, each the size of a Thanksgiving meal. Hammered too by TV, the American became a mental slob, not just a physical slob. And so now the white European male too. Rurik is angry because this is the way he is, and what he precisely represents, and he hates it. He may have held some position of authority: a university professor, college principal, business manager; somewhere where he became convinced by the enforcement of his own frustrated ‘certainties’. But in times of change such as these he is shown now to have the mind of just an aggressive pig. He is a perfect example, and I can’t believe that I am using these terms, of ‘white male privilege’.
I suspect though, for better or for worse, that very tough times are coming to the US. Whether the slobby cock-cut melodramatic white American pigs will rise to the occasion we shall see, I seriously suspect not.
And while what you say about the proliferation of the concepts ‘Jew’ and ‘ZOG’ as excuses for this laziness have powerful resonance, they do nevertheless represent unbelievably powerful forces of real evil to the whole world; the North Atlantic slave trade was an almost wholly Jewish-owned enterprise. The Black American and White American better soon start getting along to be rid of this evil. What I is sayin’ is that if you want a future for those beautiful babies that look like Barry, you better start working for it, cos’ China aint gonna be no kinder to yo mulatto asses neither.
A great many in Europe are indeed a lazy slob, however I'm greatly heartened to see the tens of thousands of people in Germany and France going out to protest all the bullshxt that their leaders are throwing at them — it means that those people are still standing up. Since I myself live in Europe, I wish nothing but the best for this continent and even though the continent is down on its knees and the leaders are complete sell-outs, there are still many people who go out to protest against it, which means they still have a living spirit and that deserves my respect and my support. It may take decades or even longer to restore Europe's dignity, but as long as those people who are out there protesting right now have not yet given up hope, this continent is still not yet completely lost.
And so now the white European male too.
Well, since I'm ethnically Chinese and not mulatto, I don't actually care how China treats the beautiful mulatto babies and Barries of tomorrow (it's called sarcasm), but I frankly do think the American continent will be better off with more racial mixing, because then everyone on the other side of the Atlantic will be a mestizo or mulatto and as North and South America will be fully racially harmonized that will lower the barrier for North and South to cooperate. We already see the south of the USA being Latinized, so this process is going to be inevitable anyway.
What I is sayin’ is that if you want a future for those beautiful babies that look like Barry, you better start working for it, cos’ China aint gonna be no kinder to yo mulatto asses neither.
Whatever the Jews may or may not have done in the past and/or are doing in the present and however many mountains of gold they may or may not own, they are STILL only a minority. As long as you do not succumb to greed and reign in your less scrupulous countrymen so they have no chance to play someone else's foot soldier for the temptation of 30 shekels of silver, as long as all of you stand together and work together, and patch up any loopholes that the Jewish minority (intelligent as they are) will most certainly sniff out and exploit — then there's nothing you need to worry about.
And while what you say about the proliferation of the concepts ‘Jew’ and ‘ZOG’ as excuses for this laziness have powerful resonance, they do nevertheless represent unbelievably powerful forces of real evil to the whole world; the North Atlantic slave trade was an almost wholly Jewish-owned enterprise. �
looks like I was spot on
your tone is the dross bile of the butt-hurt. I can smell the foul stench from here.
As an ethnic Chinese born in the west,butt-hurt, non-white crybaby, bursting with existential envy.Like the article, you too make me want a sovereign Taiwan.Replies: @Mary Marianne
butt-hurt, non-white crybaby, bursting with existential envy.
Like the article, you too make me want a sovereign Taiwan.
Poor you, though, since China is winning, while your country has devolved into an abomination that promotes the castration of little children. ðŸ˜
I’ll support every white Anglo-American woman intermixing with men of other races, because a people that refuses to do their duty in reigning in their own corrupt, warmongering leaders is a people that deserves to be obliterated. White blood is weak anyway, considering that one drop of colored means that your babies no longer belong to the white race, so let the future bring more 🥰mulatto🥰 and ðŸ˜mestizo😠children! Soon, the Latin American migration northward will disappear everything that was white Anglo-American, which is all for the best of humanity. ðŸ˜
In any case, if Ohio weren’t such a toxic waste basket, I’d be dancing on the ashes remaining of your American empire, celebrating your Chernobyl moment. 💃ðŸ»
As for the future of whites, it belongs with the Slavic Russians. Though they’re a multiethnic country rather than only white, they’re currently the only country with a respectable white leader that doesn’t allow the castration of children, doesn’t pretend that men can be women by wearing a dress, and has the courage and strength to fight back against the American empire that you call “ZOG”. Maybe you pussified white Anglo-Americans ought to learn a lesson from them, because the Russians never cried about “Jooozzzz😔 or “ZOOGGG😔 when their country was in ruins after the idiot Gorbachev dissolved the Soviet Union and the greedy and corrupt Yeltsin sold all Russian assets for pennies. They simply got a wiser leader, i.e. Putin, into power to clean up house. Blood was spilled to bring back order, but Russia has become the better for it. The Slavic Russians (and it’s allies Serbia, Belarus, etc.) are today the only whites in possession of a strong spirit and the only whites deserving of respect.
Maybe one day the rest of Continental Europe will shake off the colonial chains that ties them to the degenerate Anglo-American empire and then they too can slowly recover their pride once more.
That is backed by Chinese sources, which I have not checked; you can do that if you want to, just go to:
In the People’s Republic of China, holocaust denial is illegal under advocating or glorifying wars of aggression or aggressive conduct, under the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs.
Well, both Taiwan and China refer to themselves as the Republic of China. Maybe that’s a Taiwanese ZOG source.
Nearly all the complaints are addressed to “the United States†as in the U.S. did this bad thing or that reckless thing, and how could anyone deny that?'the United States"what does that mean? Who and what are the United States? Well, that's simple, evil whitey:
what the heck does the Indian wars of the nineteenth century have to do with the destruction of Syria?The answer is almost nothing, unless you're dishonestly trying to insinuate that the United States is, and always has been 'evil, racist whitey', from the day of its conception- to Obama's war on Libya.
The history of the United States is characterized by violence and expansion. Since it gained independence in 1776, the United States has constantly sought expansion by force: it slaughtered Indians, invaded Canada, waged a war against Mexico, instigated the American-Spanish War, and annexed Hawaii. After World War II, the wars either provoked or launched by the United States included the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the War in Afghanistan, the Iraq War, the Libyan War and the Syrian War, abusing its military hegemony to pave the way for expansionist objectives.
not only do and did other countries have to pony up $100 of actual goods or labor to obtain that piece of paper, but so did the American worker.You see how they try to pretend that the Fed/Federal Government/Foreign policy of the Z.U.S *is* the American people? As if Bubba drinking his Blatz beer in the trailer park with his broken down Ford F150, is the one who prints up those dollars at seventeen cents, and enslaves the world. When Bubba is also a direct victim of the Fed's monetary treachery and theft. All to benefit ZOG - Bubba's most intractable enemy. Here's more of that duplicitous treachery
It costs only about 17 cents to produce a 100 dollar bill, but other countries had to pony up 100 dollar of actual goods in order to obtain one
In January 2023, former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo released his new book Never Give an Inch: Fighting for the America I Love. He revealed in it that the United States had plotted to intervene in Venezuela. and murderous guile.There is no bigger a scumbag, and enemy of the American people, than someone like Mike Pompeo (or John Bolton or Nikki Haley, etc...)A traitor to America and the American people, in ZOG's pocket, but in typical duplicitous form, tries to conflate a normal feeling of patriotism- that all healthy people have for their own country of origin, with the neocon vision of global domination and subjugation to ZOG/wokeness.Pretending that Pompeo represents America and American values, is like pretending Zelinsky represents Ukraine and Ukrainian values, because the (((media))) all says so.
that would be sillymy agenda is that I don't want Russia and China to fall under the domination of (((ZOG / wokeness)))And yes, not out of simple affection for those people, (for whom I certainly harbor no hostility), but rather the apprehension that if they fall, it would take the rest of the world down with them, as I see those nations as the last bastion and bulwark against a ZOG/GloboHomo triumph over the entire planet, at which point, Amalek (all of my people, including all Russians and Europeans) and then including the Chinese and everyone else, would be subject to horrors so unspeakable that I care not to even contemplate them. The Palestinians today would seem like pampered Sultans, compared to what ZOG would do to Amalek, (the world's Gentiles) once it is free to unleash upon the world all of its Talmudic pent-up hatreds.So my agenda is out in the open. And always has been. ZOG is our common enemy. China, Russia, Ukraine, America, India, Pakistan, in fact all of Islam, and all of Christianity, and indeed every decent Jew. For whom the kind of world that exists in Gaza, is anathema to their very being. I'd like to see all the Mike Pompeos and Nikki Halleys and John Boltons and Bibis, all swapped with the beleaguered citizens of Gaza. Not that I'd take Gaza away from those people, but what I'm saying is that the wrong people are being held in an open-air concentration camp. And if we all could concentrate on the 'decision centers' of the world, and be honest about where all these wars and war crimes and torture and sanctions and all the evils that we all agree are menacing the world's people, and be honest about it, then the people of China and America would see very quickly that we are not each other's enemies, any more than the people of America are or should be enemies with Russia or Iran or anywhere else. Our enemies are their enemies. Mike Pompeo is our enemy, even as he obscenely wraps himself in our putative flag. And he (and everything that he represents) is our common enemy. China, Russia, Ukrainian, and Bubba.That's all I'm saying..Replies: @Odd Rabbit, @Joe Levantine, @c matt
I think your problem is that you’re hoping China (and Russia) will agree to lead the crusade to roll back “wokeness†in American society,
On the $0.17 for the $100, that makes no sense at all. You are not paying for the production of a green inked piece of paper. You are paying for what that paper represents. It probably costs $0.45 (excluding attorneys’ fees) to print a promissory note of $150,000,000.00 But no one in their right mind is going to sign one and bind themselves to it in exchange for two quarters.
As for the maligning of the average ‘Murrican, China could have benefited from using the term U.S. Government” rather than just U.S. or Americans. It’s not like Americans get to vote on war or anything else the government does.
Look, the Chinese have always emphasized that they strongly oppose interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. Saudi Arabia may be an absolute monarchy, but that's the business of the Saudis. If the Saudis overthrew their monarchy and became a radical republic, the Chinese would continue buying their oil in just the same way. It's for the Saudis themselves to decide who runs their own country.
Do the Chinese think that the American people are benefiting from the wars? Or from the Hollywood cultural sewage? Or from the inflation and edicts on gender fluidity?
I agree.
Look, the Chinese have always emphasized that they strongly oppose interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.
Yes, and Russians also, contrarily to US.
It’s for the Saudis themselves to decide who runs their own country.
Same for the US people.
The entity that some commentators here call “ZOG” is not the business of China or Russia.
From China’s and Russia’s point of view, all they see is that the US targets them as enemies and wants to destroy them. It does not matter who is in power in Washington.
What China and Russia see is the result of Washington’s policy: a permanent hostility and rage against them.
Moreover, to denounce a so-called “ZOG” would not only be false but insulting, defamatory (because of course these commentators under the guise of “ZOG” are targeting “The Jews”) and counterproductive.
if that were true, then it could only be because the Chinese and Russia are either too stupid or cowardly, (or both), to see that the United States is utterly and absolutely under the control of a cabal of Zionist, Jewish supremacist central bankers, operating out of the City of London, and controlling not just the U.S. but most of Western Europe as well.
The entity that some commentators here call “ZOG†is not the business of China or Russia.
From China’s and Russia’s point of view, all they see is that the US targets them as enemies and wants to destroy them.
Okay, try, even if it hurts some, to connect some dots, based on what you're saying.
It does not matter who is in power in Washington.
What China and Russia see is the result of Washington’s policy: a permanent hostility and rage against them.
ZOG stands for Zionist Occupied Government.
under the guise of “ZOG†are targeting “The Jewsâ€) and counterproductive.
what a stupid cunt
as if a working class guy can take on the Z.U.S. government and remove it, and Rothschild from power, by force of my will, (or guns, or whatever asinine absurdity you’re suggesting).
Typical answer from a typical weak little white bitch. Thank heavens we have communist China to take over your lead. At least the Chinese know how to steer their leaders to do what’s right for their country or otherwise overthrow their uselessly corrupt leader to install a new and better model — as is proven time and again in their own history.
That’s why I say you whites are weak in spirit. Always complaining about the so-called “Jew” and “ZOG” — but they’re all mere excuses to absolve yourself from your own duties to reign in your own leaders. In the meantime, let all other races share in the beauty of your white women and let all races of seed occupy their wombs. We love to have more beautiful mulatto children like ðŸ˜ObamaðŸ˜!
At least the Chinese know how to steer their leaders to do what’s right for their country or otherwise overthrow their uselessly corrupt leader to install a new and better model — as is proven time and again in their own history.
Thanks. I’m using a phone of late so I didn’t notice this open thread. Anyway, I don’t think I can add to what has been exhaustively debated in the Truth Movement.
To what degree, I wonder, is your friend's refusal motivated by concerns over his livelihood, vs. a knee-jerk fealty to 'the narrative', based on an insidious fear of breaking that taboo Mr. Unz mentioned? A taboo he compared to cannibalism, for ours (and other's) society's fear and loathing of breaking it. I wonder, if your friend was the descendant of a family of Boers who lost members inside those death camps Perfidious had set up to punish and kill the family members of the South Africans - whose land they were intent on stealing, on behalf of ZOG, and if he knew all that, would he still insist that 'the Jews' had nothing to do with it, out some deep, psychological paralysis of fear of breaking 'the taboo'. How many Germans know who was behind their destruction in two world wars, but would sacrifice their children, literally, rather than speak the obvious truth, out of fear - (a silent terror that has been systematically infused deep into their psyches), to the point that they'd watch as the fiend ratchets up again the war hysteria with Russia, in order to slaughter Russians and Ukrainians... and obviously, they're hoping to drag in Poles and Germans, (and other goyim) as well. But yet even as we can all see this very obviously, and every single historian or anyone who has looked into the wars can see it, and not only the historical wars, but more to the point, is Germany's obvious occupation and cooperation under ZOG today... is there one German official who would speak the truth, even as German citizens might be called up once again to fight in ZOG's eternal wars?If not, then it isn't just fear of losing their livelihood, that would motivate their cowardice, but that they'd be willing to risk yet another catastrophic European war, (and the fate and future of their nation and people), because telling the truth about ZOG is so taboo, that child sacrifice (young Germans potentially dying in ZOG's wars), are to be preferred over simply telling the truth. That is the level and degree of how widespread and portentous is this devil's taboo.It isn't that the devil's has tricked people into thinking he doesn't exist, it's that he's corrupted them to the point of pretending he isn't standing right in front of them. As I've said before, my favorite moment at the UN was when Hugo Chavez spoke of the smell of sulfur after Dubya finished telling his lies., well we all know how Germany and Germans were crushed and burned and starved and displaced and demonized for generations, for thumbing their nose at ZOG. They paid a huge price, and are still in a kind of shock today, for the horrors that ZOG can unleash upon a great nation. Such is the terrible power of its purse and the netherworld nature of its sadism. And how easy it is to corrupt a nation, by corrupting the leadership. Which brings us to China. Yes, all Western nations all bow in abased and slavish fealty to ZOG. They all grovel, and wage war against their own citizens, implementing policies that will lead to the cruel genocide of their own people. This is glaringly obvious. But China is under no such occupation. Not yet, anyways. But ZOG has China in its cross-hairs, just as it does Russia and everyone else. (I won't say 'duh', because I don't have to ; ).So then what does China do in such a situation, as the West is bowing in slavish fealty to ZOG, and is intent on menacing China for it's intransigence vis-a-vis ZOG's demands...... it blames the American people, (from the Founding Fathers in an unbroken chain up to and including the Obama regime), for its racist imperialism. As if the Biden (or Bush or Clinton, etc..) regime represents the soul of America, and always has. It isn't because they don't know that ZOG controls America and western Europe in absolute terms, (even if Mr. Unz and I disagree on that), it is because they made a calculated decision to give ZOG a pass, and put the blame on the 'eternally racist and murderous and imperialist' American people, blah, blah, blah.Now, if I thought that would mollify ZOG, and work towards some conciliation between ZOG and China, then I would at least see the utility in it. Certainly, there's the 'feel-good' aspect to it, (blaming the [white, racist] American people for all the world's ills), and so I guess it makes sense on that level. But it isn't going to help lower tensions in the world between ZOG and its designated prey. ZOG demands submission. Nothing else will suffice. They demand control and domination, and they will get it, or die trying. This, if the world hasn't figured anything out in these tortured millennia, (and particularly in the last hundred years, ~ and particularly post-9/11), then we're simply doomed to keep sleep walking into more and more zio-wars.
Rurik, you raise a very important issue by probing the fine line that separates commercial pragmatism from a principled stand.Here we have to ask ourselves, how many of us are willing to dispense of our livelihood by calling a spade a spade. ... ... the Boer War, which my White South African business colleagues refused to pin on the Jews when I brought up the subject back in 2006. ...
I'm not sure it would, Joe. And even if so, do they think they'll be safe by playing by Zion's rules?We all know what Zion's rules are, none know so well as the Palestinians, and Syrians, and Germans, and now the Russians. Does appeasement work with Zion? Does weakness and craven genuflecting mollify it, or encourage it?
The sad part of this whole polemic, is that the Chinese, being pragmatic to a fault, and being smart enough to know who is running the show in America, know for a fact that to point their finger to Zion would mean immediate war with America.
Point taken, but then in what way does it suit China's fortunes to toss whitey under the bus?I put that down to butt-hurt. They caved to the taboo, but couldn't just leave it at some hard truths about the U.S.'s flouting all principles of International Law, and all principles of decency and honor and probity, but instead decided to play into wokeness, and blame Bubba. What does that get them? Pats on the head from ZOG and some other butt-hurt losers and SJWs. Is it worth it, to declare your enmity for the American people, (as a congenitally evil construct), in order to smear some feel-good salve on your butt-hurt? Perhaps they've calculated it all, and have decided that America is long past the time when the American people have anything to say or contribute, other than their tax-dollars and blood, as cannon fodder. Perhaps we've entered into a new era when the American people are utterly irrelevant to what ZOG decides the U.S. is going to do in any and every situation. Actually, I suspect that's what it is. (I'm sorting ciphering this as I write, and as I kind of glimmer things, hopefully there's some bauble of validity ).
Since the Chinese have humongous investments in American treasuries and agency bonds in entities like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, amounting to more than USD three trillions, they are very careful about raising the ire of American ZOG. They are disengaging quietly by dumping their long term treasuries and beefing up their defenses.
more like shouting at someone's attack dog, while ignoring the dog's owner, giving it the commands to attack. It's the dog's owner that one should address, not the dog.As I've said often, the Z.U.S. is like MasterBlaster. (It's really a perfect metaphor, and I suspect they even knew it at the time, one more reason to hate Mel). And what the Chinese are doing, is speaking of the Blaster, and saying 'you killed those people, and you're trying to kill me!', as the Master laughs at his cringing victim, too afraid to even acknowledge that he's on the Blaster's shoulders, telling him what to do. Because this is the thing, Joe, there are 'America's historic sins', (the Indians, slavery, et al), and there are a lot of debates and even redress, that could be positive for everyone involved, in that context. And then there are the sins of the last hundred years, after ZOG took control of the United States, as it's own big, stupid 'Blaster'. And there are lots of debates and redress for the Z.U.S.'s myriad crimes and sins against Germany and Palestine and so many others..Okay, fine, in that context. But then there is the post-9/11 world that we all live in, and this world has taken on it's own menacing and deadly character. And that character has exactly zero to do with the America of the Founding Fathers. Or, perhaps that's not quite true, because you could say, that the character of the America of today, is so anathema to the character of the Founding Fathers, as to be what we could call the 'anti-America'. The idea of treacherously lying to world leaders, and tricking them into participating in a peace initiative, so that you can assassinate them, I would think any of America's Founding Fathers would have gone in front of a firing squad, than participate in such a heinous infamy. The idea of operating a torture camp, in order to punish the victims of America's serial wars of aggression, would and could not have even entered their minds, such as they were. The knowledge that America operates its own 'Ministry of Love', would have been all the proof any of our Founders would have needed, to know that the America they created, (self-declared free men) by putting musket balls though the pelts of Perfidious' Red Coats, is dead. And that the things they were willing to kill or die for, (freedom from foreign tyrants), has all been squandered by a nation of worms.
The real test of China’s resolve will come if the American ZOG pushes Taiwan to declare independence. At that point, my bet is that the Chinese will throw caution to the wind. But if we are to take a positive attitude, we should feel comfort at China addressing the USG with such a bold historic account of America’s sins, which could be a prelude to a more confrontational Chinese stand.
I suppose the question at heart, is what will avoid WWIII. Will it help to demonize the 'U.S.A.', as the fount of all these villainies and aggressions, while studiously avoiding the 'Master', sitting up there, ordering his golem around? I see that as cowardice and appeasement. Like being too afraid of the owner of the attack dog, to even notice that he's the one shouting 'sic em!', at the snarling dog. And if you pretend that there's only the dog, without the owner, and that you should plead with the dog, and attempt to reason with it, you'll not be too successful, I'd posit.
ZOG power is like an octopus whose tentacles are spread all over the world with the strongest ones spread among White nations. Either Whites get their act together and put an end to Zionist hegemony or the sorry state of affair will stay the same until the West is totally defeated. Notice that Putin had never used the term “rootless cosmopolitan†before the start of the hostilities against Ukraine. And while Russia is fighting for her life for the third time in a bit more than two hundred years, knowing vey well who is pulling the strings of the Western aggression, Putin has so far avoided to call the Jew by name. And in the meantime both the Jews and the Chinese are trying to outsmart each other with every party thinking it has the upper hand at making good use of the other in this utilitarian relationship.
I agree with all of that, and am eager for the dollar to crash. Come what may..But how does China venting its spleen on the 'historic crimes of the United States', while carefully ignoring the Master, do anyone any good? China is not Germany. China is not under occupation, and exists in constant terror of the ((German)) police state busting in their doors in the middle of the night, because someone spoke ill of the state religion, 'Holocaustianity-Germans-are-evil'. China is one of the few sovereign nations on the planet. It's currently being menaced by ZOG; the enemy of all people and all nations and all known tenets of the Rule of Law or common decency. As the planet is rearranging itself, to accommodate the menace of global ZOG, where the nascent Multi-polar world holds the hope of all the planet's people, it is my belief that we should all make common-cause, to oppose ZOG in every way each of us can. Chinese, Russian, European, North and Latin American, and everyone else.You don't see Putin denigrating the Ukrainian people as congenital 'Banderites and Nazis'. Rather, he specifically calls out the literal neo-Nazis as the problem, not the character of the Ukrainian people. It's true what Putin says, and because it's true, it resonates. I'm a fan and proponent of the truth.If it was the American people who were blood-thirsty supremacists and imperialists who were destroying nations right and left, threatening and menacing anyone who looked cross-ways at them, then I'd say so. But the fact and the truth is ~ that isn't what going on. What's going on, is that (especially since 9/11), the people of the United States have wielded exactly zero agency in what the U.S. has been doing vis-a-vis foreign policy. These wars are the result of a small cabal of tribal fiends, use have co-opted the institutions of the U.S with treachery, by co-opting the control of the dollar. Writing a temper tantrum about 'evil whitey racist American who killed the Indians and is still being racist to us all!, sounds like puerile idiocy and unhinged butt-hurt. At least to me. And, it is my contention, that by doing so, may temporarily mollify that butt-hurt, but like talking to the dog, and saying 'bad dog!', it isn't going to help squat. (I wasn't able to reply to everyone who replied to me, and perhaps I can do so at a later time, but hopefully this long screed, for anyone masochistic enough to suffer it, has answered some of those concerns).Replies: @Psychotic Break, @Joe Levantine
It looks like things have to go much more south than the current miserable state of the world, when people in the West lose everything and have nothing more to lose, to muster the courage and the will to shout out loud that the king has no clothe. I think it is just a matter of time.
“ because telling the truth about ZOG is so taboo, that child sacrifice (young Germans potentially dying in ZOG’s wars), are to be preferred over simply telling the truth.â€
Totally agree.
“Which brings us to China. Yes, all Western nations all bow in abased and slavish fealty to ZOG. They all grovel, and wage war against their own citizens, implementing policies that will lead to the cruel genocide of their own people. This is glaringly obvious… it is because they made a calculated decision to give ZOG a pass, and put the blame on the ‘eternally racist and murderous and imperialist’ American people, blah, blah, blah.â€
Well not only Western nations, but China too. The One Child Policy was imposed on China in return of opening China to Western investments that eventually put China as the foremost industrial power in less than fifty years. Now China is struggling to keep her population from eternal decline. Is the payoff worth the sacrifice? That depends on how we view the world, is it wealth or human beings that should come first.
“ Perhaps we’ve entered into a new era when the American people are utterly irrelevant to what ZOG decides the U.S. is going to do in any and every situation.â€
Which is the tragedy that the world is going through. And that is the direct result of the compromised democracy that the founding fathers gave the U.S. as a republican form of government which historically has proven itself to be the worst kind of governance. If the American public could vote directly on war declaration, chances are most will simply refuse to risk the lives of their children. But then FDR’s scheming convinced most Americans that Japan was an agent of Hitler that was hellbent on conquering the USA,
“ Because this is the thing, Joe, there are ‘America’s historic sins’, (the Indians, slavery, et al), and there are a lot of debates and even redress, that could be positive for everyone involved, in that context. And then there are the sins of the last hundred years, after ZOG took control of the United States, as it’s own big, stupid ‘Blaster’. And there are lots of debates and redress for the Z.U.S.’s myriad crimes and sins against Germany and Palestine and so many others..â€
No empire was ever built on fair play and goodwill towards fellow men. The weird thing about the list of America’s sins as presented by the Chinese is that it overlooked the worst one of them and that is what is referred to wrongly as “The American Civil Warâ€, or the war against slavery or what have you. Speaking about the genocide of the Native Indians, who practiced the same genocide against each other’s, is definitely lying by omission. But then as Napoleon once said “ during wars, the first victim is the truthâ€. It looks like China is indulging in the same kind of lying that the U.S. has engaged in during WWI with Wilson’s Fourteen Points or the false flag of the Lusitania. But maybe these are just the opening salvos of China’s propaganda war that will one day lead to the more substantial truth of naming the benefactors of the Opium War like the Sassoon and the Kadoorie families. But then watching the movie “ Fifty Five days at Pekingâ€, a (((Hollywood))) production would make you feel that behind the Jewish machination stood a bunch of White people from all over the world who played willingly the role of the BLASTER against the legitimate Boxer’s Rebellion. Even though the same scenario perpetrated itself in the Boers War and what followed, Whitey was a willing accessory to the masters of dominance and greed.
“ But then there is the post-9/11 world that we all live in, and this world has taken on it’s own menacing and deadly character. And that character has exactly zero to do with the America of the Founding Fathers. Or, perhaps that’s not quite true, because you could say, that the character of the America of today, is so anathema to the character of the Founding Fathers, as to be what we could call the ‘anti-America’.â€
The founding fathers were not without their sins but I would say that the worst of the founding fathers deserve to be canonised when compared with the current crop of American politicians. Yet, it is still debated up to today as to whether Benjamin Franklin’s speech about the danger of admitting Jews into the young republic of America is genuine or fake. And let us not forget that the American Constitution written by the founding fathers represented the will of the creditor class of America and not the rest of Americans who were mostly the debtor class. And at no time the founding fathers cared about direct democracy for fear that the majority would strip them of their large estates.
“ But the fact and the truth is ~ that isn’t what going on. What’s going on, is that (especially since 9/11), the people of the United States have wielded exactly zero agency in what the U.S. has been doing vis-a-vis foreign policy. These wars are the result of a small cabal of tribal fiends, use have co-opted the institutions of the U.S with treachery, by co-opting the control of the dollar.â€
And here we can agree that by removing the Dollar as the world’s reserve currency, the fiend would lose the most important weapon at its disposal to spread war and misery. And that could be the beginning of the American people’s reassertion of their constitutional rights as truly informed and enlightened citizens who could emulate your awareness of the sad reality of the cabal colonising the brains and the wills of the citizens of every political entity in the world.
While I agree with you about the skewed Chinese narrative, the Chinese are a people with whom you can still reason, contrary to the cabal whose only motivation is to process and dominate.
That is something I've never heard before. It was my understanding that China was becoming dangerously over-populated, which threatened its stability and ecology and resources.
Well not only Western nations, but China too. The One Child Policy was imposed on China in return of opening China to Western investments that eventually put China as the foremost industrial power in less than fifty years.
Well Joe, I fear I may be going off the rails of what most Christians, (and Catholics in particular) believe is what's right and noble and wise..
Now China is struggling to keep her population from eternal decline. Is the payoff worth the sacrifice? That depends on how we view the world, is it wealth or human beings that should come first.
It looks like you answered you own concerns, Joe, because if we had direct democracy, then yes, it's unlikely people would vote for most of the wars. But then ((they'd)) only have to pull off more Pearl Harbors, or 'new, Pearl Harbor-like events', vis-a-vis the PNAC.Which is the tragedy that the world is going through. And that is the direct result of the compromised democracy that the founding fathers gave the U.S. as a republican form of government which historically has proven itself to be the worst kind of governance.
“ Perhaps we’ve entered into a new era when the American people are utterly irrelevant to what ZOG decides the U.S. is going to do in any and every situation.â€
But then FDR’s scheming convinced most Americans that Japan was an agent of Hitler that was hellbent on conquering the USA, �
I pray it's so. It will not help the situation to heap all the blame on the evil United States, (whitey) while carefully circumventing the ((regime in power)), who is the enemy of China, but is also the enemy of the people of the United States, just as it's the enemy of all decent and honorable people, (from Palestine to Russia), and everywhere else on the planet. The solution to all of this war mongering and sanctions and sabre-rattling, will come when the people of the U.S. (and Canada and Europe, etc..) all agree and understand that they and the Chinese (and Russians and Islam, et al), have the same common enemy. (and here I don't even have to mention that it's ZOG ; )
maybe these are just the opening salvos of China’s propaganda war that will one day lead to the more substantial truth
Even tho there are a lot of butt-hurts who would like to blame 'whitey' for everything, obviously we all have to admit and accept that ZOG would get nowhere, were it not for throngs and legions of 'whiteys' who're all too willing to act as ZOG's golem, (or Blaster, or mindless rabid dog or corrupt, treasonous politicians, and so forth...). Without the Woodrow Wilsons and Stalins and Churchills of the world, Rothschild would be left counting his shekels and pounding sand.
Whitey was a willing accessory to the masters of dominance and greed.
three Penn State officials – school president Graham Spanier, vice president Gary Schultz and athletic director Tim Curley – were charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, failure to report suspected child abuse, and related charges.[4] ... report stated that Penn State's longtime head football coach Joe Paterno, along with Spanier, Curley and Schultz, had known about allegations of child abuse by Sandusky as early as 1998, had shown "total and consistent disregard...for the safety and welfare of Sandusky's child victims", and "empowered" Sandusky to continue his acts of abuse by failing to disclose them.[5]: 14 [6][7]
The founding fathers were not without their sins but I would say that the worst of the founding fathers deserve to be canonised when compared with the current crop of American politicians.
fair enough, but as Murka's open borders policy is inviting in the throngs of billions from the Third World, how long until a direct democracy would result in the voter stripping Ralph- the electrician and his family of four, of their modest two bedroom house, in the name of equity and intersectionality, and woke "justice" ?
And at no time the founding fathers cared about direct democracy for fear that the majority would strip them of their large estates.
Hear, hear!
And here we can agree that by removing the Dollar as the world’s reserve currency, the fiend would lose the most important weapon at its disposal to spread war and misery.
It's because I've always respected the Chinese, that this odious paean to wokeness is so revolting.
While I agree with you about the skewed Chinese narrative, the Chinese are a people with whom you can still reason, contrary to the cabal whose only motivation is to process and dominate.
“hit the beach” is American slang for “visit the beach”. I guess they don’t say such things Down Under. No bars where I went but it was pleasant enough with the sea breeze and handful of bikini clad women.
the lady doth protest!
Hello Mike, if you want to start a conversation about it here
I will accommodate you.
Please just let me know on this thread that you’ve done so, so I’ll know to reply.
I never, (particularly when it seems like a female) initiate any personal abuse, but there are some cunts here, that feel at leisure to dish out personal attacks, with impunity.
the disgraceful drunken abuse you are doling out to Mary Marianne.
she made it personal, so she reaps what she sows
Mary Marianne says:
Pffffftttt… the truth is that you need to take a good hard look in the mirror. You are that “Jew†that you accuse of committing all these crimes and you are the “ZOG†empire. Your comment reeks of hysteria, it’s no different from a thief jumping in fright of his own shadow.
And when your white Anglo-American leaders get into bed with any Jews or with “ZOG†that is ALSO on you.
It's very simple, and I said so in my first post to this thread, (the one Mary responded to)
what’s your practical solution to all this, then Rurik?
Playing to the gallery, as usual.
You pompous, self-inflated, washed-out, useless old jerk. Fuck off.
you and Mary ought to get together
You recognize there were no planes, yet you defended planes
But were those drone planes full of passengers and would be Arab terrorists? And were there people in the WTC towers at the time they were brought down? My impression from the CGI videos was that there were no planes but then maybe there were but we were shown the CGI videos anyway. And of course the two planes did not, and could not, bring down three buildings, or even one.
the disgraceful drunken abuse you are doling out to Mary Marianne.
I never, (particularly when it seems like a female) initiate any personal abuse, but there are some cunts here, that feel at leisure to dish out personal attacks, with impunity.
Mary Marianne says:
Pffffftttt… the truth is that you need to take a good hard look in the mirror. You are that “Jew†that you accuse of committing all these crimes and you are the “ZOG†empire. Your comment reeks of hysteria, it’s no different from a thief jumping in fright of his own shadow.
…And when your white Anglo-American leaders get into bed with any Jews or with “ZOG†that is ALSO on you.
she made it personal, so she reaps what she sows
If she simply wanted to point out that the powerful Anglos who once controlled America, were too corrupt and venal to prevent the Jews from taking control of the nation, then I’d agree.
But instead she said it was me, Rurik who’s responsible, just like the idiotic, butt-hurt policy paper. Blames the Founders, and everyone who’s been American since, for Woodrow Wilson’s treachery and treason.
As if Betty, the receptionist at the local plumbing outlet, is just as responsible as Joe Biden, for all of America’s past and current crimes. Not only is such a thing stupid, it’s insipidly offensive, for its profanely colossal idiocy.
Especially since I’m a very outspoken critic of all those crimes, and the criminals, (like Dick Cheney, and Joe Biden, and many, many others..) who actually are guilty and responsible.
There is a difference between people who commit treason and crimes, and the average guy on the street, who happens to be a citizen of such a country.
By Mary’s profoundly stupid and cunt-like rationale, it would be proper to go up to any American on the street, and punch them in the face, for what Obama did to Libya, or what Bush did to Iraq, and on and on.
They’re Americans!, after all, so they should have removed Obama and Bush from power!
Stupid, cunt-like, and the ‘rationale’ of a drooling imbecile.
what’s your practical solution to all this, then Rurik?
It’s very simple, and I said so in my first post to this thread, (the one Mary responded to)
Tell the truth.
If people could only muster that herculean task, one that literally seems more impossible than any other challenge, then I’m convinced that it would lead to peace and mutual understanding, and mutual prosperity.
The truth is that the American people have done nothing to harm China. All the sabre-rattling being directed at China is by ZOG. Just like with Russia, and Iran, and the destruction of Iraq and Libya and Syria, and so on.
But the problem is, there are very, very few people with the character and integrity to tell the simple truth, because they always have an agenda. And so they always tell agenda-driven lies.
It’s very sad and tragic.
This is not about 9/11; it is an example, and it is not about me. It is about the disgraceful drunken abuse you are doling out to Mary Marianne.
And you miss the central point:
So without further abuse, what’s your practical solution to all this, then Rurik?
I never, (particularly when it seems like a female) initiate any personal abuse, but there are some cunts here, that feel at leisure to dish out personal attacks, with impunity.
the disgraceful drunken abuse you are doling out to Mary Marianne.
she made it personal, so she reaps what she sows
Mary Marianne says:
Pffffftttt… the truth is that you need to take a good hard look in the mirror. You are that “Jew†that you accuse of committing all these crimes and you are the “ZOG†empire. Your comment reeks of hysteria, it’s no different from a thief jumping in fright of his own shadow.
And when your white Anglo-American leaders get into bed with any Jews or with “ZOG†that is ALSO on you.
It's very simple, and I said so in my first post to this thread, (the one Mary responded to)
what’s your practical solution to all this, then Rurik?
You recognize there were no planes, yet you defended planes
you and Mary ought to get together
If anything was clear from that debate, is that I consider the ‘no-planes’ theory to be hogwash.
A trick to distract people from the truth about 9/11, where drones were remote-flown into the towers.
You and your no-planes adherents, are wrong.
And also, you’re not just wrong about Mary being right, in fact the very suggestion, (that I personally am responsible for ZOG’s crimes, because I personally should be able to dislodge ZOG from power), marks you as a stupid cunt, as well.
As you demonstrated very well during the ‘no-planes’ debate.
what a stupid cunt
Fundamentally, Mary Marianne is right, at least in accurately describing how we arrived at where we are now.
It’s like you in the 9/11 planes vs. no-planes argument. You recognize there were no planes, yet you defended planes because ‘no-planes might be too much for the normies’, remember. Your failure (taking the ZOG side) in this debate is an example of a weakness Mary Marianne is describing.
So without further abuse, what’s your practical solution to all this, then Rurik?
you and Mary ought to get together
You recognize there were no planes, yet you defended planes
your tone is the dross bile of the butt-hurt. I can smell the foul stench from here.
looks like I was spot on
As an ethnic Chinese born in the west,
butt-hurt, non-white crybaby, bursting with existential envy.
Like the article, you too make me want a sovereign Taiwan.
Poor you, though, since China is winning, while your country has devolved into an abomination that promotes the castration of little children. ðŸ˜I'll support every white Anglo-American woman intermixing with men of other races, because a people that refuses to do their duty in reigning in their own corrupt, warmongering leaders is a people that deserves to be obliterated. White blood is weak anyway, considering that one drop of colored means that your babies no longer belong to the white race, so let the future bring more 🥰mulatto🥰 and ðŸ˜mestizo😠children! Soon, the Latin American migration northward will disappear everything that was white Anglo-American, which is all for the best of humanity. ðŸ˜In any case, if Ohio weren't such a toxic waste basket, I'd be dancing on the ashes remaining of your American empire, celebrating your Chernobyl moment. 💃ðŸ»As for the future of whites, it belongs with the Slavic Russians. Though they're a multiethnic country rather than only white, they're currently the only country with a respectable white leader that doesn't allow the castration of children, doesn't pretend that men can be women by wearing a dress, and has the courage and strength to fight back against the American empire that you call "ZOG". Maybe you pussified white Anglo-Americans ought to learn a lesson from them, because the Russians never cried about "JooozzzzðŸ˜" or "ZOOGGGðŸ˜" when their country was in ruins after the idiot Gorbachev dissolved the Soviet Union and the greedy and corrupt Yeltsin sold all Russian assets for pennies. They simply got a wiser leader, i.e. Putin, into power to clean up house. Blood was spilled to bring back order, but Russia has become the better for it. The Slavic Russians (and it's allies Serbia, Belarus, etc.) are today the only whites in possession of a strong spirit and the only whites deserving of respect. Maybe one day the rest of Continental Europe will shake off the colonial chains that ties them to the degenerate Anglo-American empire and then they too can slowly recover their pride once more.Replies: @Psychotic Break
butt-hurt, non-white crybaby, bursting with existential envy.Like the article, you too make me want a sovereign Taiwan.
Now that the Saker has closed down, perhaps Ron Unz will keep publishing Gonzalo Lira’s future video reports.
what a stupid cunt
as if a working class guy can take on the Z.U.S. government and remove it, and Rothschild from power, by force of my will, (or guns, or whatever asinine absurdity you’re suggesting).
Were all the Russians (and Poles and Ukrainians and Hungarians and Germans, etc..), who were under ZOG’s thrall during the Bolshevik/Soviet madness, guilty of not removing the Jew, because they were too busy languishing in a Gulag, or fighting on the Front, or simply avoiding the Stasi?
I guess they could have used their gun to just shoot Stalin, huh? And then take back Russia, just like that!
Or Perfidious, who’s been under ZOG’s boot for far longer than America has, and it’s all the British brick layer’s fault, for not killing Churchill, yes? And retaking England.
Or the Germans today, all of them occupied with a zio-boot firmly on their throats, too terrified to even mention the second World War, lest they stray too far from the acceptable narrative, and end up in prison, where they can overtake the German government, if they just have enough courage, huh?
What country do you live in, cunt? Canada, perhaps? New Zealand? Israel?
Is it free of ZOG? Did a man from the working class, rise up and wrest it free from ZOG, by sheer will of his patriotism?
The entire Western world has been enslaved by the Fed’s printing press, but I’m personally supposed to undo a hundred years of treachery and treason, by my singular magical wherewithal, and every day I don’t do so, cunts like you can fling their venom. Well, by all means, do so, but don’t expect it not to come right back atcha.
I don’t mine people who disagree, and even take umbrage at something I may have said, but your tone is the dross bile of the butt-hurt. I can smell the foul stench from here.
Typical answer from a typical weak little white bitch. Thank heavens we have communist China to take over your lead. At least the Chinese know how to steer their leaders to do what's right for their country or otherwise overthrow their uselessly corrupt leader to install a new and better model — as is proven time and again in their own history.
as if a working class guy can take on the Z.U.S. government and remove it, and Rothschild from power, by force of my will, (or guns, or whatever asinine absurdity you’re suggesting).
China apparently has never even heard of Israel, or Jewish supremacist neocons who control the U.S. foreign policy in absolute terms.
Since 2012, the number of Syrian refugees alone has increased tenfold. Between 2016 and 2019, 33,584 civilian deaths were documented in the Syrian fightings, including 3,833 killed by U.S.-led coalition bombings, half of them women and children.
Pffffftttt… the truth is that you need to take a good hard look in the mirror. You are that “Jew” that you accuse of committing all these crimes and you are the “ZOG” empire. Your comment reeks of hysteria, it’s no different from a thief jumping in fright of his own shadow.
A tiny minority like the Jews in the USA can never overpower the majority without the implicit consent of that majority. You, the white majority, were so weak of spirit that you have allowed your most greedy, corrupt and warmongering elites into power, and you have allowed them to then sell your interests out to a Jewish minority. Any actual Jews that are profiting from this situation, including IsraHell, are simply riding on the coattails of the white Anglo-American elite’s greed.
When a father fails in his duties as patriarch of his family, then it falls to the son to dethrone his father and take on the mantle of patriarch to save the family from complete ruin. Your government is the father; your country is the family; you and your fellow citizens are the son — it’s your duty as as an ordinary white American to select (with or without bloodshed) wise leaders and to dethrone any corrupt elites in your government in order to keep your country safe and prosperous. If you select leaders without any wisdom that is on you. When you cannot reign in the warmongering of your own leaders that is on you. And when your white Anglo-American leaders get into bed with any Jews or with “ZOG” that is ALSO on you.
what a stupid cunt
China is light years ahead of the dying and vile us empire—‘complete’ with its buffoon populace.
Rule by racist whites instead of Heebs would make no meaningful difference for America on the world stage. If China were to liberate America of its Jewish problem, whitey would find China at fault.
In two generations Trumpkin whitey in his racist spite against yellow folk would give up the country back to Jews again — rinse and repeat ad Nauseum. Anything to own the Chinaman.
The only path forward for China is to conquer whites and ensure that they kowtow.
As a white man myself, I can recommend committing corporate or academic espionage so you can offer your tribute on two feet. It’s a limited-time offer whose window is closing fast.
The answer to your question lays in the same phrase you wrote in another comment above,
“I must admit that I am quite terrified of the rate by which evil is taking over the world.”
And my answer to your question @291 is this one I gave to someone else
“There are one billion white people and two billion Muslims and 1.5 billion Chinese all over this stupid planet and they all get their asses kicked every single day of the year, Christmas and Ramadan included by a group of no more than 20 million pale faced, skinny people?
Bull shit, Fk the Jews you’re all giving them too much credit.
The day redneck police and sheriff deputies and mayors stop the corruption and the thievery in towns all over America and when sheikhs and pastors and church personnel in general stop screwing and abusing kids and robbing the temples they pretend they serve and the day the rulers of the west and most of the Muslim world stop the corruption and screwing and killing their own people then the so called Jewish power -the Rothschild’s family included- will be reduced to the size of Papua Guinea.
Can’t you see that it is us who are the ones that should face responsibility for being so fucking materialistic and egotistical?”
Evil is in us people; we would have been probably worse without the teachings of Jesus.
Maybe the big mistake was made by God when he came up the “free will” idea.
Bras, you absolutely write like Glenn Greenwald. It’ s amazing and I will venture a guess that it’s you. YOUR use of Associated Press Style is quite evident, prove me wrong.
Following Sun Zi, China need do nothing. The West is rapidly destroying itself. East Palestine is inexplicable stupidity and Evil, inflicted on their own serfs. ‘Never interrupt the enemy while he is making a mistake’, as some other student of military affairs noted.
"JR5" Account holders first post.....either extremely naive or another Troll account. I was going to reply to his "propaganda filled rant" point for point but decided to hit the beach instead.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
@JR 5
A paranoid racist moron. It’s ‘Beijing’ and the ‘Peoples Republic of China’, troll.
Why ‘hit’ the beach? Surely lying on it is more pleasant? I prefer watching it and the sea from the safety of the Beachcombers’ Bar.
He didn’t realize he was to be the spiritual leader of something greater, bigger, and at the pinnacle of history: Christendom.
This isn’t the orthodox Christian view, Chris. Are you sure it’s what you mean to say? Cf. John 10:27–30: “My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand. What my Father has given me is greater than all else, and no one can snatch it out of the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.”
Ooops! Sarita, the reply (#291) was to you. I missed the link.
Thanks, of course.
But while we are here, in contact, I must ask a question about something which is constantly on my mind. It is not a trick question, or one there is a sure answer to (yet?). I appreciate your interpretations more generally from other posts you have made.
Question: Whatever one thinks of Jesus, and my sentiments are probably similar to your own, if Jesus had not existed say in the physical form and time and place he did, we would not be in the present predicament we all find ourselves in now, would we?
i.e. things might be be better, they might be worse, but they almost certainly wouldn’t be so Jewish, right?
Just kidding about the “your Hero Biden” phrase.
About my hero Jesus being a Zionist I believe there wasn’t a Zionist movement at the time that he would join but I believe he would have done the Roger Water’s thing if there was one.
Sat wars:
Victory to the PLA in space! Down with Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starlink!
"Germ Theory" is a Western Creation (Rockefeller Medicine). It's a scam created in the 1880's as another human control device. WHO is another Rockefeller funded creation. Fear of something that doesn't exist is more powerful than a bomb. Learn the difference between real Science and Dogma:
Internationally, and particularly online, your, my, our ideas, as we all express here; whether we disagree, agree, love, hate, etc., are to be handled as manifestations of a dangerous ‘pandemic’.
That’s not what I said, or meant, arsehole, and you know it.
To what degree, I wonder, is your friend's refusal motivated by concerns over his livelihood, vs. a knee-jerk fealty to 'the narrative', based on an insidious fear of breaking that taboo Mr. Unz mentioned? A taboo he compared to cannibalism, for ours (and other's) society's fear and loathing of breaking it. I wonder, if your friend was the descendant of a family of Boers who lost members inside those death camps Perfidious had set up to punish and kill the family members of the South Africans - whose land they were intent on stealing, on behalf of ZOG, and if he knew all that, would he still insist that 'the Jews' had nothing to do with it, out some deep, psychological paralysis of fear of breaking 'the taboo'. How many Germans know who was behind their destruction in two world wars, but would sacrifice their children, literally, rather than speak the obvious truth, out of fear - (a silent terror that has been systematically infused deep into their psyches), to the point that they'd watch as the fiend ratchets up again the war hysteria with Russia, in order to slaughter Russians and Ukrainians... and obviously, they're hoping to drag in Poles and Germans, (and other goyim) as well. But yet even as we can all see this very obviously, and every single historian or anyone who has looked into the wars can see it, and not only the historical wars, but more to the point, is Germany's obvious occupation and cooperation under ZOG today... is there one German official who would speak the truth, even as German citizens might be called up once again to fight in ZOG's eternal wars?If not, then it isn't just fear of losing their livelihood, that would motivate their cowardice, but that they'd be willing to risk yet another catastrophic European war, (and the fate and future of their nation and people), because telling the truth about ZOG is so taboo, that child sacrifice (young Germans potentially dying in ZOG's wars), are to be preferred over simply telling the truth. That is the level and degree of how widespread and portentous is this devil's taboo.It isn't that the devil's has tricked people into thinking he doesn't exist, it's that he's corrupted them to the point of pretending he isn't standing right in front of them. As I've said before, my favorite moment at the UN was when Hugo Chavez spoke of the smell of sulfur after Dubya finished telling his lies., well we all know how Germany and Germans were crushed and burned and starved and displaced and demonized for generations, for thumbing their nose at ZOG. They paid a huge price, and are still in a kind of shock today, for the horrors that ZOG can unleash upon a great nation. Such is the terrible power of its purse and the netherworld nature of its sadism. And how easy it is to corrupt a nation, by corrupting the leadership. Which brings us to China. Yes, all Western nations all bow in abased and slavish fealty to ZOG. They all grovel, and wage war against their own citizens, implementing policies that will lead to the cruel genocide of their own people. This is glaringly obvious. But China is under no such occupation. Not yet, anyways. But ZOG has China in its cross-hairs, just as it does Russia and everyone else. (I won't say 'duh', because I don't have to ; ).So then what does China do in such a situation, as the West is bowing in slavish fealty to ZOG, and is intent on menacing China for it's intransigence vis-a-vis ZOG's demands...... it blames the American people, (from the Founding Fathers in an unbroken chain up to and including the Obama regime), for its racist imperialism. As if the Biden (or Bush or Clinton, etc..) regime represents the soul of America, and always has. It isn't because they don't know that ZOG controls America and western Europe in absolute terms, (even if Mr. Unz and I disagree on that), it is because they made a calculated decision to give ZOG a pass, and put the blame on the 'eternally racist and murderous and imperialist' American people, blah, blah, blah.Now, if I thought that would mollify ZOG, and work towards some conciliation between ZOG and China, then I would at least see the utility in it. Certainly, there's the 'feel-good' aspect to it, (blaming the [white, racist] American people for all the world's ills), and so I guess it makes sense on that level. But it isn't going to help lower tensions in the world between ZOG and its designated prey. ZOG demands submission. Nothing else will suffice. They demand control and domination, and they will get it, or die trying. This, if the world hasn't figured anything out in these tortured millennia, (and particularly in the last hundred years, ~ and particularly post-9/11), then we're simply doomed to keep sleep walking into more and more zio-wars.
Rurik, you raise a very important issue by probing the fine line that separates commercial pragmatism from a principled stand.Here we have to ask ourselves, how many of us are willing to dispense of our livelihood by calling a spade a spade. ... ... the Boer War, which my White South African business colleagues refused to pin on the Jews when I brought up the subject back in 2006. ...
I'm not sure it would, Joe. And even if so, do they think they'll be safe by playing by Zion's rules?We all know what Zion's rules are, none know so well as the Palestinians, and Syrians, and Germans, and now the Russians. Does appeasement work with Zion? Does weakness and craven genuflecting mollify it, or encourage it?
The sad part of this whole polemic, is that the Chinese, being pragmatic to a fault, and being smart enough to know who is running the show in America, know for a fact that to point their finger to Zion would mean immediate war with America.
Point taken, but then in what way does it suit China's fortunes to toss whitey under the bus?I put that down to butt-hurt. They caved to the taboo, but couldn't just leave it at some hard truths about the U.S.'s flouting all principles of International Law, and all principles of decency and honor and probity, but instead decided to play into wokeness, and blame Bubba. What does that get them? Pats on the head from ZOG and some other butt-hurt losers and SJWs. Is it worth it, to declare your enmity for the American people, (as a congenitally evil construct), in order to smear some feel-good salve on your butt-hurt? Perhaps they've calculated it all, and have decided that America is long past the time when the American people have anything to say or contribute, other than their tax-dollars and blood, as cannon fodder. Perhaps we've entered into a new era when the American people are utterly irrelevant to what ZOG decides the U.S. is going to do in any and every situation. Actually, I suspect that's what it is. (I'm sorting ciphering this as I write, and as I kind of glimmer things, hopefully there's some bauble of validity ).
Since the Chinese have humongous investments in American treasuries and agency bonds in entities like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, amounting to more than USD three trillions, they are very careful about raising the ire of American ZOG. They are disengaging quietly by dumping their long term treasuries and beefing up their defenses.
more like shouting at someone's attack dog, while ignoring the dog's owner, giving it the commands to attack. It's the dog's owner that one should address, not the dog.As I've said often, the Z.U.S. is like MasterBlaster. (It's really a perfect metaphor, and I suspect they even knew it at the time, one more reason to hate Mel). And what the Chinese are doing, is speaking of the Blaster, and saying 'you killed those people, and you're trying to kill me!', as the Master laughs at his cringing victim, too afraid to even acknowledge that he's on the Blaster's shoulders, telling him what to do. Because this is the thing, Joe, there are 'America's historic sins', (the Indians, slavery, et al), and there are a lot of debates and even redress, that could be positive for everyone involved, in that context. And then there are the sins of the last hundred years, after ZOG took control of the United States, as it's own big, stupid 'Blaster'. And there are lots of debates and redress for the Z.U.S.'s myriad crimes and sins against Germany and Palestine and so many others..Okay, fine, in that context. But then there is the post-9/11 world that we all live in, and this world has taken on it's own menacing and deadly character. And that character has exactly zero to do with the America of the Founding Fathers. Or, perhaps that's not quite true, because you could say, that the character of the America of today, is so anathema to the character of the Founding Fathers, as to be what we could call the 'anti-America'. The idea of treacherously lying to world leaders, and tricking them into participating in a peace initiative, so that you can assassinate them, I would think any of America's Founding Fathers would have gone in front of a firing squad, than participate in such a heinous infamy. The idea of operating a torture camp, in order to punish the victims of America's serial wars of aggression, would and could not have even entered their minds, such as they were. The knowledge that America operates its own 'Ministry of Love', would have been all the proof any of our Founders would have needed, to know that the America they created, (self-declared free men) by putting musket balls though the pelts of Perfidious' Red Coats, is dead. And that the things they were willing to kill or die for, (freedom from foreign tyrants), has all been squandered by a nation of worms.
The real test of China’s resolve will come if the American ZOG pushes Taiwan to declare independence. At that point, my bet is that the Chinese will throw caution to the wind. But if we are to take a positive attitude, we should feel comfort at China addressing the USG with such a bold historic account of America’s sins, which could be a prelude to a more confrontational Chinese stand.
I suppose the question at heart, is what will avoid WWIII. Will it help to demonize the 'U.S.A.', as the fount of all these villainies and aggressions, while studiously avoiding the 'Master', sitting up there, ordering his golem around? I see that as cowardice and appeasement. Like being too afraid of the owner of the attack dog, to even notice that he's the one shouting 'sic em!', at the snarling dog. And if you pretend that there's only the dog, without the owner, and that you should plead with the dog, and attempt to reason with it, you'll not be too successful, I'd posit.
ZOG power is like an octopus whose tentacles are spread all over the world with the strongest ones spread among White nations. Either Whites get their act together and put an end to Zionist hegemony or the sorry state of affair will stay the same until the West is totally defeated. Notice that Putin had never used the term “rootless cosmopolitan†before the start of the hostilities against Ukraine. And while Russia is fighting for her life for the third time in a bit more than two hundred years, knowing vey well who is pulling the strings of the Western aggression, Putin has so far avoided to call the Jew by name. And in the meantime both the Jews and the Chinese are trying to outsmart each other with every party thinking it has the upper hand at making good use of the other in this utilitarian relationship.
I agree with all of that, and am eager for the dollar to crash. Come what may..But how does China venting its spleen on the 'historic crimes of the United States', while carefully ignoring the Master, do anyone any good? China is not Germany. China is not under occupation, and exists in constant terror of the ((German)) police state busting in their doors in the middle of the night, because someone spoke ill of the state religion, 'Holocaustianity-Germans-are-evil'. China is one of the few sovereign nations on the planet. It's currently being menaced by ZOG; the enemy of all people and all nations and all known tenets of the Rule of Law or common decency. As the planet is rearranging itself, to accommodate the menace of global ZOG, where the nascent Multi-polar world holds the hope of all the planet's people, it is my belief that we should all make common-cause, to oppose ZOG in every way each of us can. Chinese, Russian, European, North and Latin American, and everyone else.You don't see Putin denigrating the Ukrainian people as congenital 'Banderites and Nazis'. Rather, he specifically calls out the literal neo-Nazis as the problem, not the character of the Ukrainian people. It's true what Putin says, and because it's true, it resonates. I'm a fan and proponent of the truth.If it was the American people who were blood-thirsty supremacists and imperialists who were destroying nations right and left, threatening and menacing anyone who looked cross-ways at them, then I'd say so. But the fact and the truth is ~ that isn't what going on. What's going on, is that (especially since 9/11), the people of the United States have wielded exactly zero agency in what the U.S. has been doing vis-a-vis foreign policy. These wars are the result of a small cabal of tribal fiends, use have co-opted the institutions of the U.S with treachery, by co-opting the control of the dollar. Writing a temper tantrum about 'evil whitey racist American who killed the Indians and is still being racist to us all!, sounds like puerile idiocy and unhinged butt-hurt. At least to me. And, it is my contention, that by doing so, may temporarily mollify that butt-hurt, but like talking to the dog, and saying 'bad dog!', it isn't going to help squat. (I wasn't able to reply to everyone who replied to me, and perhaps I can do so at a later time, but hopefully this long screed, for anyone masochistic enough to suffer it, has answered some of those concerns).Replies: @Psychotic Break, @Joe Levantine
It looks like things have to go much more south than the current miserable state of the world, when people in the West lose everything and have nothing more to lose, to muster the courage and the will to shout out loud that the king has no clothe. I think it is just a matter of time.
It isn’t because they don’t know that ZOG controls America and western Europe in absolute terms, (even if Mr. Unz and I disagree on that), it is because they made a calculated decision to give ZOG a pass, and put the blame on the ‘eternally racist and murderous and imperialist’ American people, blah, blah, blah.
China is one of the few sovereign nations on the planet. It’s currently being menaced by ZOG; the enemy of all people and all nations and all known tenets of the Rule of Law or common decency.
I don’t think menaced is exactly the right word, maybe ‘enticed’ would be better.
Perhaps they’ve calculated it all, and have decided that America is long past the time when the American people have anything to say or contribute, other than their tax-dollars and blood, as cannon fodder. Perhaps we’ve entered into a new era when the American people are utterly irrelevant to what ZOG decides the U.S. is going to do in any and every situation.
That’s it! The Chinese have taken the decision that they will go to bed with ZOG if they (ZOG, that is) destroys then controls digitally what’s left of a white America and Europe, in exchange for them having a major financier role in the new China-Russia based NWO.
Winning without fighting. Isn’t that what some ancient Chinese prick once said?
The Global Banking Cartel is based in the West. The Square mile, "City of London", BIS (Switzerland), SWIFT...ring a bell? The West (USA/NATO) has tried to bring Russia to it's knees by using Global Banking Cartel "Sanctions".Russia and China are on the same side since they along with other so called "enemies of the West" are developing an alternative monetary system to by-pass the corrupt Western system. They are also de-dollarising and settling Trades in their own "sovereign" currency. China (State) owns it's Central Bank and money creation. It's NOT in "private" hands like the West.Being part of the WHO Treaty means little when "Sovereign" countries retain the right to act "independent" within it's own territories.You have been duped. The countries in the West have been occupied by a "private" Global Banking Cartel. You are being propagandized to act against your own best interest.Replies: @Psychotic Break
If Russia and China become partners to the impending WHO Pandemic Treaty we must safely assume that they are indeed our (i.e. US, European, Western values countries) enemy; that they are indeed beneficial partners with the global banking WEF/WHO crime cartel.�
Being part of the WHO Treaty means little when “Sovereign†countries retain the right to act “independent†within it’s own territories.
Yes, but that very part is being given away! Next week
You have been duped. The countries in the West have been occupied by a “private†Global Banking Cartel. You are being propagandized to act against your own best interest.
Don’t you think I know that?
I am saying that we precisely are being propagandized by our own best interest.
Anyway, I see no statement here of your exact position on this issue.
Internationally, and particularly online, your, my, our ideas, as we all express here; whether we disagree, agree, love, hate, etc., are to be handled as manifestations of a dangerous ‘pandemic’.
“Germ Theory” is a Western Creation (Rockefeller Medicine). It’s a scam created in the 1880’s as another human control device. WHO is another Rockefeller funded creation. Fear of something that doesn’t exist is more powerful than a bomb. Learn the difference between real Science and Dogma:
Rurik, you raise a very important issue by probing the fine line that separates commercial pragmatism from a principled stand.
Here we have to ask ourselves, how many of us are willing to dispense of our livelihood by calling a spade a spade. … … the Boer War, which my White South African business colleagues refused to pin on the Jews when I brought up the subject back in 2006. …
To what degree, I wonder, is your friend’s refusal motivated by concerns over his livelihood, vs. a knee-jerk fealty to ‘the narrative’, based on an insidious fear of breaking that taboo Mr. Unz mentioned? A taboo he compared to cannibalism, for ours (and other’s) society’s fear and loathing of breaking it.
I wonder, if your friend was the descendant of a family of Boers who lost members inside those death camps Perfidious had set up to punish and kill the family members of the South Africans – whose land they were intent on stealing, on behalf of ZOG, and if he knew all that, would he still insist that ‘the Jews’ had nothing to do with it, out some deep, psychological paralysis of fear of breaking ‘the taboo’.
How many Germans know who was behind their destruction in two world wars, but would sacrifice their children, literally, rather than speak the obvious truth, out of fear – (a silent terror that has been systematically infused deep into their psyches), to the point that they’d watch as the fiend ratchets up again the war hysteria with Russia, in order to slaughter Russians and Ukrainians… and obviously, they’re hoping to drag in Poles and Germans, (and other goyim) as well. But yet even as we can all see this very obviously, and every single historian or anyone who has looked into the wars can see it, and not only the historical wars, but more to the point, is Germany’s obvious occupation and cooperation under ZOG today… is there one German official who would speak the truth, even as German citizens might be called up once again to fight in ZOG’s eternal wars?
If not, then it isn’t just fear of losing their livelihood, that would motivate their cowardice, but that they’d be willing to risk yet another catastrophic European war, (and the fate and future of their nation and people), because telling the truth about ZOG is so taboo, that child sacrifice (young Germans potentially dying in ZOG’s wars), are to be preferred over simply telling the truth.
That is the level and degree of how widespread and portentous is this devil’s taboo.
It isn’t that the devil’s has tricked people into thinking he doesn’t exist, it’s that he’s corrupted them to the point of pretending he isn’t standing right in front of them.
As I’ve said before, my favorite moment at the UN was when Hugo Chavez spoke of the smell of sulfur after Dubya finished telling his lies.
Video Link
Okay, well we all know how Germany and Germans were crushed and burned and starved and displaced and demonized for generations, for thumbing their nose at ZOG.
They paid a huge price, and are still in a kind of shock today, for the horrors that ZOG can unleash upon a great nation. Such is the terrible power of its purse and the netherworld nature of its sadism. And how easy it is to corrupt a nation, by corrupting the leadership.
Which brings us to China. Yes, all Western nations all bow in abased and slavish fealty to ZOG. They all grovel, and wage war against their own citizens, implementing policies that will lead to the cruel genocide of their own people. This is glaringly obvious.
But China is under no such occupation. Not yet, anyways. But ZOG has China in its cross-hairs, just as it does Russia and everyone else. (I won’t say ‘duh’, because I don’t have to ; ).
So then what does China do in such a situation, as the West is bowing in slavish fealty to ZOG, and is intent on menacing China for it’s intransigence vis-a-vis ZOG’s demands…
… it blames the American people, (from the Founding Fathers in an unbroken chain up to and including the Obama regime), for its racist imperialism. As if the Biden (or Bush or Clinton, etc..) regime represents the soul of America, and always has.
It isn’t because they don’t know that ZOG controls America and western Europe in absolute terms, (even if Mr. Unz and I disagree on that), it is because they made a calculated decision to give ZOG a pass, and put the blame on the ‘eternally racist and murderous and imperialist’ American people, blah, blah, blah.
Now, if I thought that would mollify ZOG, and work towards some conciliation between ZOG and China, then I would at least see the utility in it. Certainly, there’s the ‘feel-good’ aspect to it, (blaming the [white, racist] American people for all the world’s ills), and so I guess it makes sense on that level. But it isn’t going to help lower tensions in the world between ZOG and its designated prey. ZOG demands submission. Nothing else will suffice. They demand control and domination, and they will get it, or die trying. This, if the world hasn’t figured anything out in these tortured millennia, (and particularly in the last hundred years, ~ and particularly post-9/11), then we’re simply doomed to keep sleep walking into more and more zio-wars.
The sad part of this whole polemic, is that the Chinese, being pragmatic to a fault, and being smart enough to know who is running the show in America, know for a fact that to point their finger to Zion would mean immediate war with America.
I’m not sure it would, Joe. And even if so, do they think they’ll be safe by playing by Zion’s rules?
We all know what Zion’s rules are, none know so well as the Palestinians, and Syrians, and Germans, and now the Russians. Does appeasement work with Zion? Does weakness and craven genuflecting mollify it, or encourage it?
Since the Chinese have humongous investments in American treasuries and agency bonds in entities like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, amounting to more than USD three trillions, they are very careful about raising the ire of American ZOG. They are disengaging quietly by dumping their long term treasuries and beefing up their defenses.
Point taken, but then in what way does it suit China’s fortunes to toss whitey under the bus?
I put that down to butt-hurt. They caved to the taboo, but couldn’t just leave it at some hard truths about the U.S.’s flouting all principles of International Law, and all principles of decency and honor and probity, but instead decided to play into wokeness, and blame Bubba.
What does that get them? Pats on the head from ZOG and some other butt-hurt losers and SJWs.
Is it worth it, to declare your enmity for the American people, (as a congenitally evil construct), in order to smear some feel-good salve on your butt-hurt?
Perhaps they’ve calculated it all, and have decided that America is long past the time when the American people have anything to say or contribute, other than their tax-dollars and blood, as cannon fodder. Perhaps we’ve entered into a new era when the American people are utterly irrelevant to what ZOG decides the U.S. is going to do in any and every situation.
Actually, I suspect that’s what it is. (I’m sorting ciphering this as I write, and as I kind of glimmer things, hopefully there’s some bauble of validity ).
The real test of China’s resolve will come if the American ZOG pushes Taiwan to declare independence. At that point, my bet is that the Chinese will throw caution to the wind. But if we are to take a positive attitude, we should feel comfort at China addressing the USG with such a bold historic account of America’s sins, which could be a prelude to a more confrontational Chinese stand.
more like shouting at someone’s attack dog, while ignoring the dog’s owner, giving it the commands to attack. It’s the dog’s owner that one should address, not the dog.
As I’ve said often, the Z.U.S. is like MasterBlaster. (It’s really a perfect metaphor, and I suspect they even knew it at the time, one more reason to hate Mel). And what the Chinese are doing, is speaking of the Blaster, and saying ‘you killed those people, and you’re trying to kill me!’, as the Master laughs at his cringing victim, too afraid to even acknowledge that he’s on the Blaster’s shoulders, telling him what to do.
Because this is the thing, Joe, there are ‘America’s historic sins’, (the Indians, slavery, et al), and there are a lot of debates and even redress, that could be positive for everyone involved, in that context. And then there are the sins of the last hundred years, after ZOG took control of the United States, as it’s own big, stupid ‘Blaster’. And there are lots of debates and redress for the Z.U.S.’s myriad crimes and sins against Germany and Palestine and so many others..
Okay, fine, in that context. But then there is the post-9/11 world that we all live in, and this world has taken on it’s own menacing and deadly character. And that character has exactly zero to do with the America of the Founding Fathers. Or, perhaps that’s not quite true, because you could say, that the character of the America of today, is so anathema to the character of the Founding Fathers, as to be what we could call the ‘anti-America’.
The idea of treacherously lying to world leaders, and tricking them into participating in a peace initiative, so that you can assassinate them, I would think any of America’s Founding Fathers would have gone in front of a firing squad, than participate in such a heinous infamy.
The idea of operating a torture camp, in order to punish the victims of America’s serial wars of aggression, would and could not have even entered their minds, such as they were. The knowledge that America operates its own ‘Ministry of Love’, would have been all the proof any of our Founders would have needed, to know that the America they created, (self-declared free men) by putting musket balls though the pelts of Perfidious’ Red Coats, is dead. And that the things they were willing to kill or die for, (freedom from foreign tyrants), has all been squandered by a nation of worms.
ZOG power is like an octopus whose tentacles are spread all over the world with the strongest ones spread among White nations. Either Whites get their act together and put an end to Zionist hegemony or the sorry state of affair will stay the same until the West is totally defeated. Notice that Putin had never used the term “rootless cosmopolitan†before the start of the hostilities against Ukraine. And while Russia is fighting for her life for the third time in a bit more than two hundred years, knowing vey well who is pulling the strings of the Western aggression, Putin has so far avoided to call the Jew by name. And in the meantime both the Jews and the Chinese are trying to outsmart each other with every party thinking it has the upper hand at making good use of the other in this utilitarian relationship.
I suppose the question at heart, is what will avoid WWIII. Will it help to demonize the ‘U.S.A.’, as the fount of all these villainies and aggressions, while studiously avoiding the ‘Master’, sitting up there, ordering his golem around?
I see that as cowardice and appeasement. Like being too afraid of the owner of the attack dog, to even notice that he’s the one shouting ‘sic em!’, at the snarling dog. And if you pretend that there’s only the dog, without the owner, and that you should plead with the dog, and attempt to reason with it, you’ll not be too successful, I’d posit.
It looks like things have to go much more south than the current miserable state of the world, when people in the West lose everything and have nothing more to lose, to muster the courage and the will to shout out loud that the king has no clothe. I think it is just a matter of time.
I agree with all of that, and am eager for the dollar to crash. Come what may..
But how does China venting its spleen on the ‘historic crimes of the United States’, while carefully ignoring the Master, do anyone any good?
China is not Germany. China is not under occupation, and exists in constant terror of the ((German)) police state busting in their doors in the middle of the night, because someone spoke ill of the state religion, ‘Holocaustianity-Germans-are-evil’.
China is one of the few sovereign nations on the planet. It’s currently being menaced by ZOG; the enemy of all people and all nations and all known tenets of the Rule of Law or common decency.
As the planet is rearranging itself, to accommodate the menace of global ZOG, where the nascent Multi-polar world holds the hope of all the planet’s people, it is my belief that we should all make common-cause, to oppose ZOG in every way each of us can. Chinese, Russian, European, North and Latin American, and everyone else.
You don’t see Putin denigrating the Ukrainian people as congenital ‘Banderites and Nazis’. Rather, he specifically calls out the literal neo-Nazis as the problem, not the character of the Ukrainian people.
It’s true what Putin says, and because it’s true, it resonates. I’m a fan and proponent of the truth.
If it was the American people who were blood-thirsty supremacists and imperialists who were destroying nations right and left, threatening and menacing anyone who looked cross-ways at them, then I’d say so.
But the fact and the truth is ~ that isn’t what going on. What’s going on, is that (especially since 9/11), the people of the United States have wielded exactly zero agency in what the U.S. has been doing vis-a-vis foreign policy. These wars are the result of a small cabal of tribal fiends, use have co-opted the institutions of the U.S with treachery, by co-opting the control of the dollar.
Writing a temper tantrum about ‘evil whitey racist American who killed the Indians and is still being racist to us all!, sounds like puerile idiocy and unhinged butt-hurt. At least to me.
And, it is my contention, that by doing so, may temporarily mollify that butt-hurt, but like talking to the dog, and saying ‘bad dog!’, it isn’t going to help squat.
(I wasn’t able to reply to everyone who replied to me, and perhaps I can do so at a later time, but hopefully this long screed, for anyone masochistic enough to suffer it, has answered some of those concerns).
It isn’t because they don’t know that ZOG controls America and western Europe in absolute terms, (even if Mr. Unz and I disagree on that), it is because they made a calculated decision to give ZOG a pass, and put the blame on the ‘eternally racist and murderous and imperialist’ American people, blah, blah, blah.
I don't think menaced is exactly the right word, maybe 'enticed' would be better.
China is one of the few sovereign nations on the planet. It’s currently being menaced by ZOG; the enemy of all people and all nations and all known tenets of the Rule of Law or common decency.
That's it! The Chinese have taken the decision that they will go to bed with ZOG if they (ZOG, that is) destroys then controls digitally what's left of a white America and Europe, in exchange for them having a major financier role in the new China-Russia based NWO.
Perhaps they’ve calculated it all, and have decided that America is long past the time when the American people have anything to say or contribute, other than their tax-dollars and blood, as cannon fodder. Perhaps we’ve entered into a new era when the American people are utterly irrelevant to what ZOG decides the U.S. is going to do in any and every situation.
And now we have:
Looks like then that our globohomies are in bed with the Russkies.
How clever!
Canada, Australia and New Zealand have been isolated, controlled, amputated from a greater US/Europe common culture.
Europe is now under siege vis-a-vis energy, food and information.
the US is being destroyed from within: ‘vaccines’, chemical attacks, culture destruction, psychological warfare, sabotage of key infrastructure.
The new NEW WORLD is clearly to be RUSSIA and CHINA based.
The US is finished, and her people dead if action is not taken now!
Clearly, although it is not intuitively obvious, we (the US) must immediately stop wasting our valuable ammo in the Ukraine. We’ll soon enough need all of it our for ourselves.
If Russia and China become partners to the impending WHO Pandemic Treaty we must safely assume that they are indeed our (i.e. US, European, Western values countries) enemy; that they are indeed beneficial partners with the global banking WEF/WHO crime cartel.
The Global Banking Cartel is based in the West. The Square mile, “City of London”, BIS (Switzerland), SWIFT…ring a bell? The West (USA/NATO) has tried to bring Russia to it’s knees by using Global Banking Cartel “Sanctions”.
Russia and China are on the same side since they along with other so called “enemies of the West” are developing an alternative monetary system to by-pass the corrupt Western system. They are also de-dollarising and settling Trades in their own “sovereign” currency. China (State) owns it’s Central Bank and money creation. It’s NOT in “private” hands like the West.
Being part of the WHO Treaty means little when “Sovereign” countries retain the right to act “independent” within it’s own territories.
You have been duped. The countries in the West have been occupied by a “private” Global Banking Cartel. You are being propagandized to act against your own best interest.
Yes, but that very part is being given away! Next week
Being part of the WHO Treaty means little when “Sovereign†countries retain the right to act “independent†within it’s own territories.
Don't you think I know that?
You have been duped. The countries in the West have been occupied by a “private†Global Banking Cartel. You are being propagandized to act against your own best interest.
A paranoid racist moron. It’s ‘Beijing’ and the ‘Peoples Republic of China’, troll.
“JR5” Account holders first post…..either extremely naive or another Troll account. I was going to reply to his “propaganda filled rant” point for point but decided to hit the beach instead.
The big argument going on here for a year or so about exactly what side are Russia and China really on is going to get solved this very week!
If Russia and China become partners to the impending WHO Pandemic Treaty we must safely assume that they are indeed our (i.e. US, European, Western values countries) enemy; that they are indeed beneficial partners with the global banking WEF/WHO crime cartel.
And all romantic sentiment that Russia is in some way a bulwark against the Judeofaschist globohomo banking mafia (however much I wish them to be and hope they are) is now to be put aside as precisely that: romantic. That means FICTION.
The Global Banking Cartel is based in the West. The Square mile, "City of London", BIS (Switzerland), SWIFT...ring a bell? The West (USA/NATO) has tried to bring Russia to it's knees by using Global Banking Cartel "Sanctions".Russia and China are on the same side since they along with other so called "enemies of the West" are developing an alternative monetary system to by-pass the corrupt Western system. They are also de-dollarising and settling Trades in their own "sovereign" currency. China (State) owns it's Central Bank and money creation. It's NOT in "private" hands like the West.Being part of the WHO Treaty means little when "Sovereign" countries retain the right to act "independent" within it's own territories.You have been duped. The countries in the West have been occupied by a "private" Global Banking Cartel. You are being propagandized to act against your own best interest.Replies: @Psychotic Break
If Russia and China become partners to the impending WHO Pandemic Treaty we must safely assume that they are indeed our (i.e. US, European, Western values countries) enemy; that they are indeed beneficial partners with the global banking WEF/WHO crime cartel.�
Messieurs Révolutionnaires,
s’il vous plaît :
Please find link to an interesting little video discussion about the impending (now!) WHO Pandemic Treaty.
Data, information, contrarian opinions, viewpoints, concepts, ideas etc., are to be ‘treated’, dealt with’ in the same manner and with the same vigor as ‘real’ viruses should be.
Internationally, and particularly online, your, my, our ideas, as we all express here; whether we disagree, agree, love, hate, etc., are to be handled as manifestations of a dangerous ‘pandemic’.
"Germ Theory" is a Western Creation (Rockefeller Medicine). It's a scam created in the 1880's as another human control device. WHO is another Rockefeller funded creation. Fear of something that doesn't exist is more powerful than a bomb. Learn the difference between real Science and Dogma:
Internationally, and particularly online, your, my, our ideas, as we all express here; whether we disagree, agree, love, hate, etc., are to be handled as manifestations of a dangerous ‘pandemic’.
my hero Biden ?
I think also that you would need a higher level of scriptural knowledge to make the claim that Jesus wasn’t a Zionist. You might be right, but you’ll need to show your workings.
According to wikipedia, “‘Baizuo’ is a popular political epithet commonly used on the Chinese internet. The literal translation is “white left†which refers to western white leftists. According to Chinese political scientist Chenchen Zhang, the word “Baizuo†refers to those who “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT rights and the environmentâ€, but lack a concept of “real problems in the real worldâ€. It is also used to describe those “hypocritical humanitarians who advocate political correctness just to satisfy their own sense of moral superiorityâ€. Some used this word to indicate those “ignorant and arrogant westerners†who “pity the rest of the world and think they are savioursâ€.
I didn’t know that the Chinese had one useful word for it.
“Finance ministers of the world’s largest economies have failed to agree on a closing statement following a summit in India, after China refused to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Beijing declined to accept parts of a G20 statement that deplored Russia’s aggression “in the strongest terms”.
Moscow said “anti-Russian” Western countries had “destabilised” the G20.
It comes after China this week published a plan to end the conflict that was viewed by some as pro-Russian..”
It gets worse!
It's off topic but explain this to me:
Oh stop it. The Holocaust happened. You don’t have to pretend the Holocaust didn’t happen and wasn’t evil to have issues with the current zeitgeist.
The holocaust story is not a fabrication (except for one carefully omitted detail : the holocaust would have been impossible to carry out without detailed rabbinical collaboration and ritual magic used to reassure those who would be deported that they were about to recuperate properties in Eastern Europe or to go to Palestine) apart from the rather anecdotical fact that gas plus cremation in ovens was not an execution method of choice but used only when there were threats of epidemics, so as to kill the vermin as well as its human carriers : most regularly people were just undernourished and overworked and then burned in coal pits by the same methods used in Soviet gulags. Many German camps when taken over by the Soviets still worked, this time as gulags, as they had done under the German administration with the same contingents of prisoners being delivered, especially since the construction most of these Polish camps had begun under soviet administration.
The Soviets put to death every prisoner, especially Jews and former Soviet citizens, as a penalty for not having fought the Nazis to death up to their last breath as was supposed to be their sacred duty against fascists. Which makes the accounting of the German part and of the Soviet part of the Holocaust too jumbled to be computed apart. Most German camps in Poland had been first built under the Soviet occupation administration and by the Jewish German Communists who were employed to the same joint task during the Molotov-Ribbentrop German-Soviet pact and resulting joint occupation of Poland. 6 million did die wearing Jewish yellow stars (plus 6 others wearing other ensigns) — which didn’t mean they were judged guilty for the mere fact of being Jewish : in general they were deported for having committed 5-6 felonies such as black market or pornography selling or having led parasitical lifestyle in universities, and this time being Jewish was no longer a mitigating but an aggravating circumstance — but under a supervision with strong Jewish representation (orthodox rabbis considered enlightenment humanistic Jews as traitors to their race) and as the more detailed figures of the dead the Soviet part of the responsibility for the 11 million camp deaths is always to be revised upwards and the German part downwards
The war China will shortly be waging will be a proxy war against America and the Western world through its support of Russia against Ukraine, leading to the defeat and demise of a bankrupt and over-extended American empire.
Maybe Pinochet was a US puppet dictator (I see him rather as a throwback and overseas successor of Franco’s who like Franco accepted US imperialism as a less bad alternative for want of a Spanish dynasty or a new Pizarro) but he was applauded and regularly plebiscited at about 65%, 55% when things went really bad ; when his popularity get below 45% for a too long period he resigned. Allende was elected president of Chile at the head of a multi-leftist coalition with only 35% of popular voices at a very low participation score. Allende owed his position, despite being the head of a very tiny fringe cultural marxist (only intellectuals, many sexual dissidents, no workers, white-hating whites) party, to his very high grade of an important US lodge : the Memphis Mitzraim Lodge. Officially he is supposed to have committed suicide at the moment of Pinochet’s coup. Many rather accuse the military junta to have killed him as he ran away towards a US army military vehicle. Actually he just disappeared and was spotted and photographed in Washington DC by KGB spies.
“terrified of the rate by which evil is taking over the world.”
Yep. The devil had the business open from 7 to 7 but now he was forced to open 24/6.
(He rests on the Sabbath).
What makes it worse is that el infierno is overcrowded and they’re sending people back.
Jesus is a Jew but he isn’t a Zionist.
Your hero Biden isn’t a Jew and is a Zionist.
Go figger.
It’s become increasingly obvious since WW2, but Jews took control of America in 1913 by taking control of its financial system.
they know, but they are complicitthey're active partners in the 'devil's bargain'. ZOG will destroy America, and it will destroy many other nations on the planet. Your job, as the Chinese and other butt-hurt nations, (still reeling with envy for whitey's accomplishments), is to pretend that ZOG doesn't exist and blame all of the wars and cultural degeneracy on white America. Everybody loves to blame white America, because of their raging butt-hurt. Even, sadly, the Chinese, even as ZOG is sabre rattling at China, and in a rage over China muscling in on ((Big Tech's)) monopoly on data mining. They say Jews will cry out 'stop kicking me', as they're kicking you.It seems the Chinese will cry out, 'stop kicking me whitey', even as the same Jew is kicking whitey and the Chinese. At least there are a few white men out there, with the nads to point out that it's the Jew, idiot. But the Chinese are not idiots, rather they're butt-hurt cowards, and so really, they sort of deserve the contempt of white America, who they'd like to blame everything on. While ignoring our common enemy, who actually is guilty of the crimes this document is listing. But they don't dare mention them. Sniveling, obeisant cowards. Suddenly I want Taiwan to be sovereign. Who would want to be part of a nation of cringing turds, too afraid of their own shadow, to even mention the enemy that is menacing them. Does China think that Joe Biden, (the white American president), is guiding U.S. foreign policy?No, the Chinese are not that stupid. But they are that cringing and piss-pants sniveling, that they know who is actually pulling Joe's puppet strings, but they're like all the cowards too terrified of Hollywood, and the next movie that makes the Chinese look bad, to speak the truth.Eat it China. You've lost every shed of credibility with your 'devil's bargain' lies. Fuck you.Replies: @CelestiaQuesta, @GomezAdddams, @Commentator Mike, @Munga Bulga, @Joe Levantine, @Carroll Price
You people have no idea of the sickness, insanity, destructiveness and rage you’re up against,
The Chinese can be somewhat excused for assuming that Jews are members of the White race – as do most Americans.
A paranoid racist moron. It’s ‘Beijing’ and the ‘Peoples Republic of China’, troll.
"JR5" Account holders first post.....either extremely naive or another Troll account. I was going to reply to his "propaganda filled rant" point for point but decided to hit the beach instead.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
@JR 5
A paranoid racist moron. It’s ‘Beijing’ and the ‘Peoples Republic of China’, troll.
You are correct, I believe. The leadership of the Atlanticist Empire is Evil, and, with their usual modus operandi of hypocritical lying and self-aggrandisement followed by genocidal aggression, having finally met indomitable and powerful adversaries who refuse to bow before spiritual Evil, they have gone mad with rage and fear.
They are capable of any atrocity, even thermonuclear and biological war. The Devils’ greatest trick was not so much making us think that they do not exist, but in brainwashing billions to believe that their Evil is the greatest good.
Exactly! The USA declared war on China decades ago. All the Chinese have done is outline US barbarity, a task that Chomsky et al undertook long ago. The Chinese are simply saying, ‘We know what you truly are’.
“Eisenhower forced Taiwan to relinquish the Tachen Islands to Peking and interceded to prevent Chiang Kai-shek from invading the mainland in 1955.
Kennedy also prevented Chiang from invading the mainland in 1962 when it was in turmoil and ripe for overthrow.”
I’m sorry but that is false. For one thing a lot of the turmoil was because of OSS/CIA/KMT covert operations going on. They stopped Chiang simply because he was going to get himself killed. He was run off of the mainland. The KMT never had enough power to take back the mainland. That was his own ego – nothing more. And in 1955 – the KMT – with the help of the US tried to assassinate a CPC leader. Look up the Kashmir Princess. The flight was leaving Hong Kong and was blown up. Except the intended target never got on the plane.
That doesn’t pass the smell test. If he wanted a Ukrainian woman he could easily go to strip clubs in major western cities – including in the US. Even now today YouTube ads advertising importing Ukrainian women for marriage pop up. Your idea doesn’t pass the smell test. I get it that you don’t like him – but no need to make up things.
“Taiwan” as the Republic of China claims Hong Kong – Tibet – Xinjiang as parts of its territory. Oh and guess what… Hong Kong never had “democracy” until it returned to China in 1997. How ironic. Under the British there was none for over 100 years. You guys are comedic.
I bet you didn’t even know Xi and Ma met in Singapore. It was huge news in Asia… I guess not so much on Fox and Breitbart and CNN and Newsweek.
This statement is not a ” declaration of war”. You don’t declare war by issuing such statements. You declare war by building up war fever on the ground through social media – like the US is doing on its own ground against China.
The threads in this statement have been part of China’s talking points for some time. This statement is simply a consolidation of the threads into a single position paper.
Enjoy that surgery without Opiates.
Beg to disagree. Not the version I've heard.
The Imperial chinks wanted a cut and the Good Doctor cut them out. Using a navy to put them in their place.
Good luck with any surgery and no pain killers.
The cost of this sociopathic scheme is the enslavement of 2/3 of the world, endless war and debt, and the social, moral and physical decimation of 2/3 of the host nations.
The little kike with no conscience couldn’t care less.
Heres the deal. China holds 3 trillion in US Bonds, owns many companies in the USA, and exports to the USA 85% of the products and merchandise that Americans cant live without, including tech. So, you think China is at war? LMAO. All China has to do is cash in the bonds, game over. Or, stop exporting all of the products and merchandise the USA uses to survive, game over. All of the Pharmacia the USA uses everyday is made in China. The USA doesn’t produce, crap and even thats questionable. Read how China united its 7 kingdoms and learn something.
Chinese are 100% practical. US cannot make any moves against China because Jews do not allow it. At least 90% US investment in China is Jewish and so Chinese would nationalize it.
Trump did not want war. That is why he was undercut, and to this day persecuted.
Thanks, what you say does make good sense, and is actually quite compelling.
I’ve just started reading the articles on your website.
I must admit that I am quite terrified of the rate by which evil is taking over the world. I thought I was quite tough. This is the reason also for my comment to Nazareth (#251). Most terrifying now is the WHO ‘medical treatment’ mandates. I thought that with Covid behind us, that we might settle into some sort of partially controlled world where there might still be large degrees of freedom, but NO. The evil is going as fast as it literally can to both enslave us and kill us.
As an amateur political analyst (and long-time Bible reader) it is too easy for me, out of sheer disappointment, to begin to believe that Jesus too is a long-term part of the plot; Christianity as a Trojan Horse to spread at least a worldwide knowledge of Judaism. Yet I also know that if this view is wrong, Jesus Christ is in fact all we have actually got now! Whether this manifests to us as a leader of some sort of global freedom revolutionary movement, or our salvation in the world of spirit, I don’t know; I hope both.
This evil must be supernatural, Satanic; it is simply too supremely clever and powerful to have done what it has done so relatively easily.
Thanks again for your post, it helps a lot.
Read this and understand how the US pretty much rules the world through the US dollar hegemony system. Understand that the US is a global empire, the first true global empire of it’s kind.
It’s called capitalism (financial global capitalism).
Michael Hudson was the first economist to figure and pointed this system out back in 1972. This other economist explains the system and how it works exactly how Michael Hudson described for 50+ years. I’ll paste it below for everyone to read and hopefully understand.
An extended excerpt from Yanis Varoufakis’ speech follows below:
Why did the original Non-Aligned Movement fall prey to neo-imperialism’s highest form, which is of course globalization, financialized capitalist globalization? The short answer is because capitalists, in practice, proved better internationalists than we were. Because they understood the nature of neo-imperialism better than we did, and that’s why they won.
What did they understand better than we did? They understood better than we did the new, audacious imperialism that was born in 1971, when Bretton Woods collapsed, and the United States dollar was no longer convertible to gold, prompting [President] Richard Nixon to send a message to Europeans, European governments, and the world’s capitalists, saying: “The dollar, as of today, is your problemâ€.
And how right Nixon was. As the American – the US, I shouldn’t say American – as the US deficit skyrocketed, the world was flooded with American dollars. And the banks, the central banks outside the United States, were forced to use these American dollars, since they could not be converted to gold anymore, as the reserves with which they backed their own currency.
The dollar suddenly became something like an IOU issued by the hegemon. Before long, the global financial system was backed by IOUs issued by a hegemon who decided what foreigners holding those IOUs could do or couldn’t do with the IOUs issued by the hegemon.
America was now a fully fledged deficit country, with a big trade deficit. But it was nothing like any other deficit country in the world. You see, Argentina, France, India, Greece needed to borrow dollars. America didn’t need to borrow dollars to back up its currency. It didn’t need to raise interests rates in order to prevent an exodus of dollars. The exodus of dollars was the foundation of American hegemony.
Capitalists in surplus countries – countries like Japan, Germany, and later of course China – saw the American trade deficit as a great savior.
It was a huge vacuum cleaner, the American trade deficit, that was sucking into America the net exports of Germany, Japan, and China.
And what did the Japanese, German, and later Chinese capitalists do with all these dollars that they earned? They sent them back to the United States – they couldn’t do anything else with them – to buy property in the United States, American government bonds, and a few companies that the American government allowed them to buy – not Boeing, not Microsoft, none of the crucial ones.
Meanwhile, the deficit countries in the Global South, in Asia, in Latin America, they constantly agonized over a shortage of dollars, which they had to borrow from Wall Street to import medicines, energy, and the raw materials necessary to produce their own exports for earning the dollars with which to repay Wall Street.
Inevitably, every now and then, as you all know, the Global South deficit nations ran out of dollars and could not repay Wall Street. That is when the West sent in the bailiffs, the International Monetary Fund, that lent the dollars on condition that the debtor government handed over the country’s land, water, ports, airports, electricity, telephone networks, even its schools and hospitals to the local [oligarchs] and to the international oligarchs, who grabbed this treasure, took rents – and what did they do with the rents? Sent them to American rentier capitalism, to invest them.
Washington, comrades, had found the magic formula that no other empire had discovered before, of how to make wealthy foreigners, and wealthy governments, and poor governments, and the poor of the world finance the American government and the net imports of the American economy.
A Chinese official once described to me globalization as something that was founded on a “dark deal†– that’s how the Chinese official put it to me: a dark deal.
Why did he call it dark? Because it was founded on a dark, unspoken, implicit pact between America’s ruling class and foreign capitalists and rentiers.
Let me put it slightly differently: Suppose you could end American hegemony today. There is a button here; you can press it and end US hegemony. Who would stop you form pressing it? OK, the US authorities, the military, the CIA, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, they would try to stop you pressing this button.
But they are not alone! A crowd of non-Americans would stop you from pressing it, including German industrialists, Saudi sheiks, Greek oligarchs, European bankers, and, yes, Chinese capitalists.
In other words, the supremacy of the dollar has been just as functional to the interests of US rentier capitalism as it was to German, Argentinian, Nigerian, Korean, and Chinese capitalists.
Without the dollar’s and America’s global dominance, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or German capitalists would not have been able continually to extract colossal surplus value from their workers and then stash it away in America’s rentier economy.
Meanwhile, Argentinian, Greek, Russian, Ukrainian, and Indian oligarchs would not be able to loot our countries, take their public assets, liquidate them, and turn them into property rights in the United States.
Jesus didn’t even know it, but figured it out on his journey. That’s when he started inciting against “the Synagogue of Satan.” He thought God was going to side with him, and was distraught when he appeared not to: “Why hath though forsaken me?”
He didn’t realize he was to be the spiritual leader of something greater, bigger, and at the pinnacle of history: Christendom.
These little kikes are still gnashing their teeth.
This isn't the orthodox Christian view, Chris. Are you sure it's what you mean to say? Cf. John 10:27–30: "My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand. What my Father has given me is greater than all else, and no one can snatch it out of the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one."
He didn’t realize he was to be the spiritual leader of something greater, bigger, and at the pinnacle of history: Christendom.
Insisting on the truth of "Holocaust/Shoah" -- like circumcision and kosher controlled fiat currency and MSM narratives and ((Pfizer vaccines)) -- is just another Jewish and Marxistâ€Zionist (Zoglodyte) article of faith.
The Holocaust happened.
I hope your interpretation here is correct, but why could the Bible not actually make this clear?
Nice, but isn’t Jesus jewish?
The Holocaust happened.
Insisting on the truth of “Holocaust/Shoah” — like circumcision and kosher controlled fiat currency and MSM narratives and ((Pfizer vaccines)) — is just another Jewish and Marxistâ€Zionist (Zoglodyte) article of faith.
Oy! Have faith in ZOG! It’ll lead you to the Promised Land!
But in reality, Moses butchered Semitic and Hebrew Golden Calfers, which caused a psychotic split in the Tribe that has never healed. The Talmudist psychopath moneychangers simply took control and drove out anyone who cleaved to the Ten Commandments. That would include Jesus.
These psychopaths are still in control.
He didn’t write the article but reproduced it from an official PRC government site.
You Anglos really know just how to remind people to have absolutely no mercy on you when the reckoning comes.
For fuck’s sake, who cares what this former male dating consultant Gonzales Amorales thinks about China or the USA? As a proud trans woman, I am deeply offended by his claims that men should not date women over 30. Shocking. Besides, if I need dating tips, I’d rather ask Jordan Peterson.
Hi Gonzalo,
Two questions,
why you never mention Palestine in your article?
Why do you people who write articles never answer questions when asked?.
Are you “Jake” who used to post up to a couple of years ago?
Because you sound exactly the same as him.
Non-stop anti-WASP and anti-Protestant bilge. And nothing else.
There is a great deal shaky with the Church of Rome’s papist, pagan doctrines – but I don’t believe in going on about it in every single post.
Are you really a follower of Christ and Christendom (as you assert) – or maybe rather just a follower of Rome and the papacy?
There is a significant difference.
Nearly all the complaints are addressed to “the United States†as in the U.S. did this bad thing or that reckless thing, and how could anyone deny that?'the United States"what does that mean? Who and what are the United States? Well, that's simple, evil whitey:
what the heck does the Indian wars of the nineteenth century have to do with the destruction of Syria?The answer is almost nothing, unless you're dishonestly trying to insinuate that the United States is, and always has been 'evil, racist whitey', from the day of its conception- to Obama's war on Libya.
The history of the United States is characterized by violence and expansion. Since it gained independence in 1776, the United States has constantly sought expansion by force: it slaughtered Indians, invaded Canada, waged a war against Mexico, instigated the American-Spanish War, and annexed Hawaii. After World War II, the wars either provoked or launched by the United States included the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the War in Afghanistan, the Iraq War, the Libyan War and the Syrian War, abusing its military hegemony to pave the way for expansionist objectives.
not only do and did other countries have to pony up $100 of actual goods or labor to obtain that piece of paper, but so did the American worker.You see how they try to pretend that the Fed/Federal Government/Foreign policy of the Z.U.S *is* the American people? As if Bubba drinking his Blatz beer in the trailer park with his broken down Ford F150, is the one who prints up those dollars at seventeen cents, and enslaves the world. When Bubba is also a direct victim of the Fed's monetary treachery and theft. All to benefit ZOG - Bubba's most intractable enemy. Here's more of that duplicitous treachery
It costs only about 17 cents to produce a 100 dollar bill, but other countries had to pony up 100 dollar of actual goods in order to obtain one
In January 2023, former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo released his new book Never Give an Inch: Fighting for the America I Love. He revealed in it that the United States had plotted to intervene in Venezuela. and murderous guile.There is no bigger a scumbag, and enemy of the American people, than someone like Mike Pompeo (or John Bolton or Nikki Haley, etc...)A traitor to America and the American people, in ZOG's pocket, but in typical duplicitous form, tries to conflate a normal feeling of patriotism- that all healthy people have for their own country of origin, with the neocon vision of global domination and subjugation to ZOG/wokeness.Pretending that Pompeo represents America and American values, is like pretending Zelinsky represents Ukraine and Ukrainian values, because the (((media))) all says so.
that would be sillymy agenda is that I don't want Russia and China to fall under the domination of (((ZOG / wokeness)))And yes, not out of simple affection for those people, (for whom I certainly harbor no hostility), but rather the apprehension that if they fall, it would take the rest of the world down with them, as I see those nations as the last bastion and bulwark against a ZOG/GloboHomo triumph over the entire planet, at which point, Amalek (all of my people, including all Russians and Europeans) and then including the Chinese and everyone else, would be subject to horrors so unspeakable that I care not to even contemplate them. The Palestinians today would seem like pampered Sultans, compared to what ZOG would do to Amalek, (the world's Gentiles) once it is free to unleash upon the world all of its Talmudic pent-up hatreds.So my agenda is out in the open. And always has been. ZOG is our common enemy. China, Russia, Ukraine, America, India, Pakistan, in fact all of Islam, and all of Christianity, and indeed every decent Jew. For whom the kind of world that exists in Gaza, is anathema to their very being. I'd like to see all the Mike Pompeos and Nikki Halleys and John Boltons and Bibis, all swapped with the beleaguered citizens of Gaza. Not that I'd take Gaza away from those people, but what I'm saying is that the wrong people are being held in an open-air concentration camp. And if we all could concentrate on the 'decision centers' of the world, and be honest about where all these wars and war crimes and torture and sanctions and all the evils that we all agree are menacing the world's people, and be honest about it, then the people of China and America would see very quickly that we are not each other's enemies, any more than the people of America are or should be enemies with Russia or Iran or anywhere else. Our enemies are their enemies. Mike Pompeo is our enemy, even as he obscenely wraps himself in our putative flag. And he (and everything that he represents) is our common enemy. China, Russia, Ukrainian, and Bubba.That's all I'm saying..Replies: @Odd Rabbit, @Joe Levantine, @c matt
I think your problem is that you’re hoping China (and Russia) will agree to lead the crusade to roll back “wokeness†in American society,
Quote: “ unless you’re dishonestly trying to insinuate that the United States is, and always has been ‘evil, racist whitey’, from the day of its conception- to Obama’s war on Libya.â€
“ “Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war…after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along…the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them that you will be attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.â€
Herman Goring, Field Marshall of the Third German Reich.
I sense that you are very passionate about the issue of, who is responsible for what, when it comes to American foreign policy. And I understand your point that justice should always be scrutinising and avoid collective judgement.
I will try a little analogy to bridge the gap between you and Mr. Unz. If there is a feud between two provincial families that has taken its toll in blood and resources, a wise person from either party would decide at some point to talk sense to the putative patriarch of the opposing family, but every time he tries so, he gets from his interlocutor the excuse that it is not in his power to change the status quo for his domineering wife is calling the shots and whittling away at his authority. So here the negotiator who stretched a peaceful hand would have to decide whether to dump the patriarch of the opposing side and negotiate directly with the wife. But if the patriarch dissimulates the fact that he is not the ultimate decision maker and persists at showing that he calls the shots while in reality he is following the diktats and scheming of the wife, then the opposite negotiator will have to reach the conclusion that confrontation is the only choice notwithstanding the state of mind of the others members of the opposing family.
The harsh and sad truth is that the ZOG puppet USG acts as if it is deciding American policy when it is putting a muppet show to its Zionist handlers. That the USG admits to the Chinese government that it is not in charge, would make of it a bad joke. The Chinese elites might be cognisant of the fact that all three branches of the USG are totally co-opted by the ZOG through the machination of the deep state, but why should they bother to in involve themselves with sorting out the good from the bad if any Chinese involvement with an agency of the deep state like the CIA or the FBI would risk being portrayed by the American propaganda machine as interference or subversion by the Chinese. After all it is not China’s task to get involved in American internal affairs anymore than it is the United State’s duty to involve herself in Chinese internal affairs.
And maybe the message is really meant to the American PTB no matter who they are. Remember the French saying “ a bon entendeur, salut.â€
Until people decide in a direct democracy on important matters of state such as war, Goring’s quote above is the reality of our lives.
To what degree, I wonder, is your friend's refusal motivated by concerns over his livelihood, vs. a knee-jerk fealty to 'the narrative', based on an insidious fear of breaking that taboo Mr. Unz mentioned? A taboo he compared to cannibalism, for ours (and other's) society's fear and loathing of breaking it. I wonder, if your friend was the descendant of a family of Boers who lost members inside those death camps Perfidious had set up to punish and kill the family members of the South Africans - whose land they were intent on stealing, on behalf of ZOG, and if he knew all that, would he still insist that 'the Jews' had nothing to do with it, out some deep, psychological paralysis of fear of breaking 'the taboo'. How many Germans know who was behind their destruction in two world wars, but would sacrifice their children, literally, rather than speak the obvious truth, out of fear - (a silent terror that has been systematically infused deep into their psyches), to the point that they'd watch as the fiend ratchets up again the war hysteria with Russia, in order to slaughter Russians and Ukrainians... and obviously, they're hoping to drag in Poles and Germans, (and other goyim) as well. But yet even as we can all see this very obviously, and every single historian or anyone who has looked into the wars can see it, and not only the historical wars, but more to the point, is Germany's obvious occupation and cooperation under ZOG today... is there one German official who would speak the truth, even as German citizens might be called up once again to fight in ZOG's eternal wars?If not, then it isn't just fear of losing their livelihood, that would motivate their cowardice, but that they'd be willing to risk yet another catastrophic European war, (and the fate and future of their nation and people), because telling the truth about ZOG is so taboo, that child sacrifice (young Germans potentially dying in ZOG's wars), are to be preferred over simply telling the truth. That is the level and degree of how widespread and portentous is this devil's taboo.It isn't that the devil's has tricked people into thinking he doesn't exist, it's that he's corrupted them to the point of pretending he isn't standing right in front of them. As I've said before, my favorite moment at the UN was when Hugo Chavez spoke of the smell of sulfur after Dubya finished telling his lies., well we all know how Germany and Germans were crushed and burned and starved and displaced and demonized for generations, for thumbing their nose at ZOG. They paid a huge price, and are still in a kind of shock today, for the horrors that ZOG can unleash upon a great nation. Such is the terrible power of its purse and the netherworld nature of its sadism. And how easy it is to corrupt a nation, by corrupting the leadership. Which brings us to China. Yes, all Western nations all bow in abased and slavish fealty to ZOG. They all grovel, and wage war against their own citizens, implementing policies that will lead to the cruel genocide of their own people. This is glaringly obvious. But China is under no such occupation. Not yet, anyways. But ZOG has China in its cross-hairs, just as it does Russia and everyone else. (I won't say 'duh', because I don't have to ; ).So then what does China do in such a situation, as the West is bowing in slavish fealty to ZOG, and is intent on menacing China for it's intransigence vis-a-vis ZOG's demands...... it blames the American people, (from the Founding Fathers in an unbroken chain up to and including the Obama regime), for its racist imperialism. As if the Biden (or Bush or Clinton, etc..) regime represents the soul of America, and always has. It isn't because they don't know that ZOG controls America and western Europe in absolute terms, (even if Mr. Unz and I disagree on that), it is because they made a calculated decision to give ZOG a pass, and put the blame on the 'eternally racist and murderous and imperialist' American people, blah, blah, blah.Now, if I thought that would mollify ZOG, and work towards some conciliation between ZOG and China, then I would at least see the utility in it. Certainly, there's the 'feel-good' aspect to it, (blaming the [white, racist] American people for all the world's ills), and so I guess it makes sense on that level. But it isn't going to help lower tensions in the world between ZOG and its designated prey. ZOG demands submission. Nothing else will suffice. They demand control and domination, and they will get it, or die trying. This, if the world hasn't figured anything out in these tortured millennia, (and particularly in the last hundred years, ~ and particularly post-9/11), then we're simply doomed to keep sleep walking into more and more zio-wars.
Rurik, you raise a very important issue by probing the fine line that separates commercial pragmatism from a principled stand.Here we have to ask ourselves, how many of us are willing to dispense of our livelihood by calling a spade a spade. ... ... the Boer War, which my White South African business colleagues refused to pin on the Jews when I brought up the subject back in 2006. ...
I'm not sure it would, Joe. And even if so, do they think they'll be safe by playing by Zion's rules?We all know what Zion's rules are, none know so well as the Palestinians, and Syrians, and Germans, and now the Russians. Does appeasement work with Zion? Does weakness and craven genuflecting mollify it, or encourage it?
The sad part of this whole polemic, is that the Chinese, being pragmatic to a fault, and being smart enough to know who is running the show in America, know for a fact that to point their finger to Zion would mean immediate war with America.
Point taken, but then in what way does it suit China's fortunes to toss whitey under the bus?I put that down to butt-hurt. They caved to the taboo, but couldn't just leave it at some hard truths about the U.S.'s flouting all principles of International Law, and all principles of decency and honor and probity, but instead decided to play into wokeness, and blame Bubba. What does that get them? Pats on the head from ZOG and some other butt-hurt losers and SJWs. Is it worth it, to declare your enmity for the American people, (as a congenitally evil construct), in order to smear some feel-good salve on your butt-hurt? Perhaps they've calculated it all, and have decided that America is long past the time when the American people have anything to say or contribute, other than their tax-dollars and blood, as cannon fodder. Perhaps we've entered into a new era when the American people are utterly irrelevant to what ZOG decides the U.S. is going to do in any and every situation. Actually, I suspect that's what it is. (I'm sorting ciphering this as I write, and as I kind of glimmer things, hopefully there's some bauble of validity ).
Since the Chinese have humongous investments in American treasuries and agency bonds in entities like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, amounting to more than USD three trillions, they are very careful about raising the ire of American ZOG. They are disengaging quietly by dumping their long term treasuries and beefing up their defenses.
more like shouting at someone's attack dog, while ignoring the dog's owner, giving it the commands to attack. It's the dog's owner that one should address, not the dog.As I've said often, the Z.U.S. is like MasterBlaster. (It's really a perfect metaphor, and I suspect they even knew it at the time, one more reason to hate Mel). And what the Chinese are doing, is speaking of the Blaster, and saying 'you killed those people, and you're trying to kill me!', as the Master laughs at his cringing victim, too afraid to even acknowledge that he's on the Blaster's shoulders, telling him what to do. Because this is the thing, Joe, there are 'America's historic sins', (the Indians, slavery, et al), and there are a lot of debates and even redress, that could be positive for everyone involved, in that context. And then there are the sins of the last hundred years, after ZOG took control of the United States, as it's own big, stupid 'Blaster'. And there are lots of debates and redress for the Z.U.S.'s myriad crimes and sins against Germany and Palestine and so many others..Okay, fine, in that context. But then there is the post-9/11 world that we all live in, and this world has taken on it's own menacing and deadly character. And that character has exactly zero to do with the America of the Founding Fathers. Or, perhaps that's not quite true, because you could say, that the character of the America of today, is so anathema to the character of the Founding Fathers, as to be what we could call the 'anti-America'. The idea of treacherously lying to world leaders, and tricking them into participating in a peace initiative, so that you can assassinate them, I would think any of America's Founding Fathers would have gone in front of a firing squad, than participate in such a heinous infamy. The idea of operating a torture camp, in order to punish the victims of America's serial wars of aggression, would and could not have even entered their minds, such as they were. The knowledge that America operates its own 'Ministry of Love', would have been all the proof any of our Founders would have needed, to know that the America they created, (self-declared free men) by putting musket balls though the pelts of Perfidious' Red Coats, is dead. And that the things they were willing to kill or die for, (freedom from foreign tyrants), has all been squandered by a nation of worms.
The real test of China’s resolve will come if the American ZOG pushes Taiwan to declare independence. At that point, my bet is that the Chinese will throw caution to the wind. But if we are to take a positive attitude, we should feel comfort at China addressing the USG with such a bold historic account of America’s sins, which could be a prelude to a more confrontational Chinese stand.
I suppose the question at heart, is what will avoid WWIII. Will it help to demonize the 'U.S.A.', as the fount of all these villainies and aggressions, while studiously avoiding the 'Master', sitting up there, ordering his golem around? I see that as cowardice and appeasement. Like being too afraid of the owner of the attack dog, to even notice that he's the one shouting 'sic em!', at the snarling dog. And if you pretend that there's only the dog, without the owner, and that you should plead with the dog, and attempt to reason with it, you'll not be too successful, I'd posit.
ZOG power is like an octopus whose tentacles are spread all over the world with the strongest ones spread among White nations. Either Whites get their act together and put an end to Zionist hegemony or the sorry state of affair will stay the same until the West is totally defeated. Notice that Putin had never used the term “rootless cosmopolitan†before the start of the hostilities against Ukraine. And while Russia is fighting for her life for the third time in a bit more than two hundred years, knowing vey well who is pulling the strings of the Western aggression, Putin has so far avoided to call the Jew by name. And in the meantime both the Jews and the Chinese are trying to outsmart each other with every party thinking it has the upper hand at making good use of the other in this utilitarian relationship.
I agree with all of that, and am eager for the dollar to crash. Come what may..But how does China venting its spleen on the 'historic crimes of the United States', while carefully ignoring the Master, do anyone any good? China is not Germany. China is not under occupation, and exists in constant terror of the ((German)) police state busting in their doors in the middle of the night, because someone spoke ill of the state religion, 'Holocaustianity-Germans-are-evil'. China is one of the few sovereign nations on the planet. It's currently being menaced by ZOG; the enemy of all people and all nations and all known tenets of the Rule of Law or common decency. As the planet is rearranging itself, to accommodate the menace of global ZOG, where the nascent Multi-polar world holds the hope of all the planet's people, it is my belief that we should all make common-cause, to oppose ZOG in every way each of us can. Chinese, Russian, European, North and Latin American, and everyone else.You don't see Putin denigrating the Ukrainian people as congenital 'Banderites and Nazis'. Rather, he specifically calls out the literal neo-Nazis as the problem, not the character of the Ukrainian people. It's true what Putin says, and because it's true, it resonates. I'm a fan and proponent of the truth.If it was the American people who were blood-thirsty supremacists and imperialists who were destroying nations right and left, threatening and menacing anyone who looked cross-ways at them, then I'd say so. But the fact and the truth is ~ that isn't what going on. What's going on, is that (especially since 9/11), the people of the United States have wielded exactly zero agency in what the U.S. has been doing vis-a-vis foreign policy. These wars are the result of a small cabal of tribal fiends, use have co-opted the institutions of the U.S with treachery, by co-opting the control of the dollar. Writing a temper tantrum about 'evil whitey racist American who killed the Indians and is still being racist to us all!, sounds like puerile idiocy and unhinged butt-hurt. At least to me. And, it is my contention, that by doing so, may temporarily mollify that butt-hurt, but like talking to the dog, and saying 'bad dog!', it isn't going to help squat. (I wasn't able to reply to everyone who replied to me, and perhaps I can do so at a later time, but hopefully this long screed, for anyone masochistic enough to suffer it, has answered some of those concerns).Replies: @Psychotic Break, @Joe Levantine
It looks like things have to go much more south than the current miserable state of the world, when people in the West lose everything and have nothing more to lose, to muster the courage and the will to shout out loud that the king has no clothe. I think it is just a matter of time.
And of course how many United States Presidents and higher ups from the Truman era on would have evaded conviction on the four major indictments in the Nuremberg Trials even if they were conducted in a more even-handed fashion than in the original clinic on “Victor’s Justice”.
The indictments:
1) Working with other people (conspiracy) to commit a crime against peace.
2) War crimes.
3) Crimes against humanity.
4) Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace.
Offhand, maybe ‘Chimp’ Bush might have evaded the gallows but then again only because of diminished capacity.
Gonzalo Lira did not write that piece; his video is commentary on that official statement by the Chinese Foreign Ministry. At least we all think it's official. But have there been any denials by the Ministry or other Chinese sources?Replies: @Che Guava
Why someone calling himself ‘Gonzalo Lira’ is writing for the Foreign Ministry is an odd point.
Thanks, I see. I don’t always watch posted talk videos. Too many have voices or accents I dislike, as does ‘Sr. Lira’, I watched a few seconds after seeing your reply, it was enough.
In any case, the site made a mess of it, stating the author as ‘Lira’, then
Republished from Chinese Foreign Ministry by permission of author or representative
I don't expect China or anyone else to save us, (and the rest of the world) from our ZOG problem.
If you expect other nations to save America from its ZOG problem, you are going to be waiting for a very long time.
All I’m saying is that it’s dishonest and counter-productive for the Chinese to screech ‘you American racists bombed Syria and Iraq and are fomenting wars in Ukraine because you’ve always been evil racists who kill everyone who isn’t a white American!!!
You need to read the document through a diplomatic lense.
Note how they don’t write about America or Americans, they write about the United States and the U.S.A. This is to make clear a distinction between the govt (the United States, the U.S.A.) and the people (Americans). They are not presenting a case against the American people, they are presenting a case against the govt, the U.S.A.
They only use the term ‘American’ in the section about Cultural Hegemony because in that part it is not legit to write about ‘U.S.A. culture’ as the culture does not belong to the govt, so they write about ‘American culture’, but it is clear in that part that they write about the Holywood industry and other corporations as the generators of cultural hegemony, not about the American people like you.