The male to female sex ratio at birth is typically around 105 males per 100 females, or approximately 1.05. This ratio can vary slightly between countries and populations, with a range of about 1.03 to 1.07 males per female.
The sex ratio gradually changes as the population ages due to differences in mortality rates between males and females. The age at which the sex ratio becomes 1.0 (equal number of males and females) is around 50 years old. After this age, the ratio continues to decrease, with females outnumbering males in older age groups due to higher male mortality rates.
This means that during reproductive years of life ratio is just above 1.0, which maximizes reproduction. Subsequent increase of sex ratio is inconsequential for human survival as a species and is a rudiment upon which natural selection could not work; likely a useless vestige of some other adaptation mechanism.
However, above does not justify current laws in many countries by which women can retire younger than men. Likewise, fairness of inheritance of pension or social security of demised spouse should be re-examined and rectified. For example, China does not have it.
For the US Government, when Hispanics commit crime, they are counted as White. When it is some negative trait, Hispanics become White but when it is positive trait, they are proud Latinos. For a person like you who viciously hates Western White people, this must surely please you enormously.
Ahhh – got it. When they do something questionable they are Hispanic but when doing something good they are white.
That makes perfect sense as to why after the last World Cup people on this site were emphasizing that the “white” Argentine team won. I don’t know if it’s just sick or hilarious.
Goad is, however, one of the best writers of his generation. Think Hillbilly Elegy with teeth and courage.
Donahue had some interesting shows. Susan Brownmiller, who was thrown out of the feminist movement for discussing black-on-white rape debated Eldridge Cleaver, who apologized for considering such crimes revolutionary resistance and regretted writing positively about it.
Talk about a cultural moment. I actually thought about that episode years later during a lengthy and violent rape by a black serial rapist, eventually a serial killer, who broke into my house.
I had a lot of time to think. Funny what you think about.
Afterwards, my main thought was that I’d rather interrogate him than deal with all the pussies at my college who were upset that I was cooperating in an investigation to catch a rapist because he was a black man.
He was ecumenical, at least. He raped black women too. Didn’t matter to my boyfriend of the time or many other dolt leftists.
To a typical Caucasian in America, there are blacks, browns, whites, Asians, and everybody else. That is not meant as a racial derogation. Statistically, browns are often grouped with whites in government reporting. This is done because browns commit crime at higher rates, use welfare at higher rates, etc., versus whites. No value judgment or derogation is intended. This mixing statistically makes white crime welfare etc. look higher and makes the disturbingly high black rates look less bad.
Well we are talking about Portuguese slave owners in Brazil which would make them Hispanic by US standards. Basically Portuguese colonists.
The US doesn’t distinguish between Portuguese and Spanish speaking Hispanics.
Wow… Portuguese are Hispanics in the US? wow… I won’t even touch the rest of the comment. All I can say is hikes… All types of things messed up in the US. But which other Europeans are not considered whites in the US? I’d love to hear this one.
Ummmm… The Slave owners in Brazil were white…. You do realize it was a Portuguese colony right (though other Europeans also went there to get slices of the pie)?
Portuguese are considered Hispanic in the US. They are not categorized as White.
Slavery in US schools is taught as the province of Whites as in Anglo countries and especially the US South.
They do not discuss the cruel methods of the Brazilians or the Arabs as the lessons are built around maximizing White guilt. They want the students to view slavery as a US/Anglo institution when it was a global phenomenon that White countries ended.
US history books are overwhelmingly written by liberals and liberals believe in filling White students with guilt. They see it as an integral part of fixing the race problem. Arab slavery is actually a taboo subject. They don’t like discussing politically incorrect histories of brown people.
Ummmm… The Slave owners in Brazil were white…. You do realize it was a Portuguese colony right (though other Europeans also went there to get slices of the pie)? Or are Portuguese not white anymore? I can’t keep up.
But the idea you are willing to be the moral equivalent of Arabs says a lot – LOL
Malla is a pretend supposed Indian… So how would someone like Joseph Sobran describe someone like him?
The idiot kisser Malla obviously didn’t know that The Irish rioted (Draft) because they didn’t want to fight for blacks. But yeah it was about preservation of the union – nothing about blacks.
I have likely addressed this, but you did by implication. Those two writers you cited may be worth reading, but both use 'zero-point' in a way that demonstrates ignorance.
I have never claimed that anti-gravity technologies exist.
Always be suspicious of individuals with grand, blanket pronouncements of what is impossible. We should not accept the reality of free energy without hard proof, but nor should we proclaim anything impossible unless we can prove it is impossible. Rather, the position should be one of humble agnosticism, admitting we do not know, and drawing conclusions based only on evidence.
Wind is just a wash of randomness, but we harness it for energy with a windmill, and yes I understand the difference between macroscopic wind and sub-microscopic quantum flutter. “Clearly impossible with anything imaginable.” Good thing we’re not making sweeping generalizations, LOL. It is always pompous fools that make such pronouncements. See what I did there, responded to your sweeping generalization with another one. . .
Maybe impossible with anything imaginable in your imaginative framework, but the fact that you can’t figure it out doesn’t mean smarter people can’t or haven’t already.
I have never claimed that anti-gravity technologies exist.
I have likely addressed this, but you did by implication. Those two writers you cited may be worth reading, but both use ‘zero-point’ in a way that demonstrates ignorance.
Zero-point isn’t even a correct term.
As most who study physics, I started before that with a precocious idea that electrons orbit a nucleus in the same way as celestial bodies have orbits.
My chemistry, not physics teacher, started to guide me on that point: electron orbitals are not called orbits because the positions are not determined by Newtonian rules, but by a mix of those and probabilistic rules.
When I later learnt the physics and maths, hours of fun calculating probabilities of how far an electron could be from its parent atom.
Then learning of wave-matter duality, hours of calculating the wavelengths of physical things (short enough to be meaningless, but fun to calculate) and the physical character of electromagnetic waves. As you get into the hard x-ray and gamma-ray area, the mass-like qualities become strong, which is why those rays collide, as if as particles, with matter.
Many other problems in the EMR spectrum, but ieaving that there for now.
My point is that the fluctations in vacuum (a.k.a. zero-point) energy are much like the electron in its probabilistic orbital, except that there is no centre (as an electron of an atom has its nucleus), so it is just a wash of randomness, at a scale many orders of magnitude below that of an electron.
To extract energy from that wash of random fluctuation at 10^37 below macro scale is clearly impossible with anything imaginable.
I thank you, Kevin, for having discussed a little, really, there is no empirical evidence for quantum energy in vacuo, it may be just a mathematical and cosmogonical game or sleight of hand.
Still think it is likely real, the mathematics work.
However, the evidence is certainly zero.
Book #4, right?
I attended a beheading there once.
Do tell.
Because they were weak minded wimps
Suicide rate in Israeli army hits 13-year high amid ongoing war
The Israeli army has reported a sharp increase in the number of suicides since the start of the war in Gaza, adding that thousands of soldiers have stopped serving in combat roles due to mental distress.
Replies: @meamjojo, @Pat Kittle
Untold stories: Coping with trauma in the Jewish world after October 7
According to a new report published by Israel’s Ministry of Health, Israel has experienced a surge in post-traumatic stress disorder diagnoses, with estimates ranging from 13,000 to 60,000 individuals potentially affected by the condition.
Calls to mental health hotlines have doubled. Additionally, the use of painkillers and other addictive substances is up by 70% among older adults and people displaced by the war.
Untold stories: Coping with trauma in the Jewish world after October 7
According to a new report published by Israel’s Ministry of Health, Israel has experienced a surge in post-traumatic stress disorder diagnoses, with estimates ranging from 13,000 to 60,000 individuals potentially affected by the condition.
Calls to mental health hotlines have doubled. Additionally, the use of painkillers and other addictive substances is up by 70% among older adults and people displaced by the war.
I try to set aside an hour every day to honor Israel, but despite my best intentions, I sometimes fail.
How serious is this? Would my making reparations help?
“The character Dr. Lecter takes special exception to murderous pedophiles like Mason Verger as vengeance for the cannibalistic murder of Lecter’s young sister. ”
Just as an aside, the creation/purpose of the Verger plotline was to allow Harris to morph Lecter into a protagonist: What’s the only thing worse than a casually bisexual serial killing cannibal who preys on his patients? Why a fiercely homosexual pedophile WASP! That archetype was apparently too evil for even the good doctor, even though he had been an enthusiastic supporter and accessory to a serial killer that raped women before or after (I forget) mutilating them and their children. Perhaps Harris just needed to meet his obligation for another book in that series to his publisher, but in doing so completely ruined both Lecter’s character as well as the character of Clarice Starling (both fall in love and run away together in the book, wrapping a very disappointing effort in an otherwise entertaining, if somewhat unoriginal series of nonfiction books.)
I was a contemporary of The Bruce “shitforbrains†Meneley.
Both things could be true, first your premise that PedoBruce was set up to be executed by police action and second BruceThePedophile was a useful tool for torture and other assorted abuses while commanding navy hospitals in the War on Terrorism.
After all, what better proponent for torture than a morally, ethically, and criminally compromised doctor that eschews his boundaries defied by The Hippocratic Oath and Title X U.S. Code’s citation of the Geneva Conventions?
Navy Brass hand-selected this execrable prior enlisted specimen precisely for his proclivities.
The same Navy Brass labeled me “Hannibal Lecterâ€.
The curious thing is their use of that slur, “Hannibal Lecter†, on me and never on Bruce. The character Dr. Lecter takes special exception to murderous pedophiles like Mason Verger as vengeance for the cannibalistic murder of Lecter’s young sister. In the end, Hannibal feeds Mason Verger to pigs as CAPTAIN Bruce “The U.S. Navy’s Finest†Meneley was fed to the cops (euphemism for pigs).
One accounting is entirely fictional.
The other is a matter of record.
Prove me wrong.
So sorry to not be in danger.
Whar are you sorry for?
You think I actually want that?
Nah. Unlike you, I’m not interested in seeing the weak trampled.
Or burned, for that matter.
Well, Israel's experiencing a serious shortage of them. Maybe you can fly over there. Shoulder an uzi and schlep on over to the Strip. For the cause, of course.
Soldiers need to trample the weak
I’m up north. The fires are down south. So sorry to not be in danger.
Whar are you sorry for?
So sorry to not be in danger.
Soldiers need to trample the weak
Well, Israel’s experiencing a serious shortage of them. Maybe you can fly over there. Shoulder an uzi and schlep on over to the Strip. For the cause, of course.
BTW, how’s the bonfire in your neck of the woods?
Know anyone whose crib got roasted?
Historic Jewish synagogue built over 80 years ago destroyed by Eaton Fire in Pasadena
Have you ever been to Zanzibar?
There are pockets of Saudi that are very very black. Obviously some kind of hold over from those days. The bodyguard of the Royal Family is a lot of blacks historically.
Arabs countries would be majority Black if they didn’t castrate their slaves.
More slaves went to the Middle East than the Americas.
Looks like a setup to murder a guy, the police can’t be trusted to tell the truth. He deserved a trial. And records can be falsified, especially when you are dead and can’t refute it. Some jailhouse justice would have been better if he was really a kiddy diddler.
“So terrified of everyone else that he feels everyone needs to be destroyed so he can feel safe. A psychopathic attitude. ”
[lol] Not much I am terrified of. I do favor this movie quote though:
“I don’t feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. Just my enemies.”
— Michael Corleone in the Godfather movies
Do tell.
Because they were weak minded wimps
Suicide rate in Israeli army hits 13-year high amid ongoing war
The Israeli army has reported a sharp increase in the number of suicides since the start of the war in Gaza, adding that thousands of soldiers have stopped serving in combat roles due to mental distress.
Replies: @meamjojo, @Pat Kittle
Untold stories: Coping with trauma in the Jewish world after October 7
According to a new report published by Israel’s Ministry of Health, Israel has experienced a surge in post-traumatic stress disorder diagnoses, with estimates ranging from 13,000 to 60,000 individuals potentially affected by the condition.
Calls to mental health hotlines have doubled. Additionally, the use of painkillers and other addictive substances is up by 70% among older adults and people displaced by the war.
My comment holds for all soldiers in all militaries. Soldiers need to trample the weak and hurdle the dead and come back the next day and do it again without needing their blankey overnight.
Well, Israel's experiencing a serious shortage of them. Maybe you can fly over there. Shoulder an uzi and schlep on over to the Strip. For the cause, of course.
Soldiers need to trample the weak
If this guy actually had a TS-SCI (top secret sensitive compartmentalized information) clearance, and worked on an unacknowledged special access program (USAP) related to UAPs (anti-gravity craft which do exist), and he had truly gone rogue, then the e-mail admitting his involvement with a USAP would NEVER, EVER have been allowed to be made public.
How can women be promoted to such high level in a service where males obviously perform better? So the secretary, receptionist and telephone operator got promoted to the top three posts. That’s absurd.
Arabs did procreate with some black women slaves.
The real reason was that the tariffs on cotton, etc basically funded most of the US government. Like in every war the US has initiated or joined, some moral case was presented as cover/justification. Lincoln wanted to send the slaves back to Africa initially.
Maybe god of poetic justice is real.
If any place deserves cosmic punishment, it is Zio-Hollywood.
Operation Gladio:
Firefighter Case Shows Seamy Side of Racial Politics
Jewish War on White Fire Fighters.
And of course BLM was Jewish War on White Police. (And Jews used Globohomo to attack white conservative culture in the military.)
Both end in fires. Let it burn. No sense trying to save blue areas.
Jews do this, but whites anal-lick Jewish Power. Cravenness can be evil too, and whites are the most evil craven lowlifes ever.
Sorry Slim.
My reply was directed at the author, Goad.
I chastised him for drawing analogies and associations between seemingly disconnected events.
Of course, the common thread for the two events is the U.S. military.
So, I added a not-so-recent event to the discussion and let the readers draw their own inferences.
If you don’t see it…that’s okay.
This second video is a little rough, but it fills in details.
It’s a very…nice area.
There are pockets of Saudi that are very very black. Obviously some kind of hold over from those days. The bodyguard of the Royal Family is a lot of blacks historically.
Pacific Palisades isn’t a particularly Jewish hood in LA. It’s not Bel Air.
California fire? Biden voters all. Just kidding, thoughts and prayers. It’s okay to feel sorry for rich people. Where we’d be raped they’re groped. But not the California state government, those effers, well…
It looks like Gaza
Wait 🤔
I would add that the Arabs wanted to keep slavery going up through WW2. It was White nations that put an end to a slave trade that had gone on for over a thousand years.
Arabs didn’t see the big deal in enslaving Africans and found it compatible with Islam.
The Arabs don’t have a residual population because they castrated them.
Of course you won’t learn that in public schools. It’s all about how Whitey enslaved Africa and kept it from becoming Wakanda. You also won’t learn about how the Brazilians didn’t bother taking care of their slaves as they found it cheaper to work them to death and then replace them. The true horror stories are from South America but those facts aren’t discussed to maximize White guilt levels.
Even today the Arabs will occasionally get caught enslaving Africans. There was a leaked video where they were bidding on an African immigrant who was being sold as a slave. Dot Indians also still have a form of slavery. They basically take low class children as slaves under the guise of taking care of them.
A .50 cal pistol round is ballistically more similar to a .45 ACP than a .50 BMG.
Horrible but a fitting coda to Biden’s presidency.
If these hate filled jokers dislike the West or more specifically White people sooo much, why don't they just leave and go to Africa or the Middle East instead of all this monkey business? They want to enjoy the benefit of living in a White build Western society and hate the civilization they live in too.
Despite the perp’s comically Arabic name, his father was born as Masterson Young but changed it to “Abdal Rahim Jabbar†after converting to Islam and before getting married.
“No other civilization has morally self corrected itself than Western Civilization. White Americans fought other White Americans to end Black slavery (and also because the North wanted to destroy the aristocratic Southern CIVILIZATION). No other population sent their navies to the ends of the World to stop slavery. And yet all they get is hatred. We humans are really an ungrateful lot.”
What the eff are you talking about, man??
I don’t think Livelsberger is dead.
And I don’t think Jabbar shot ((at) anyone). The two cops are not gunshot victims (how’re they doing, anyway?). “Jabbar’s guns” are throwdowns. SO EASY.
” or anybody else” I ABSOLUTELY AGREE. Meanjojo doesn’t get it though because he’d be right at home with the “I wanna KILL! I wanna burn dead babies” group. He thinks everyone is like that, which is pretty sick. Quite a different definition of weak. So terrified of everyone else that he feels everyone needs to be destroyed so he can feel safe. A psychopathic attitude.
[lol] Not much I am terrified of. I do favor this movie quote though:
"So terrified of everyone else that he feels everyone needs to be destroyed so he can feel safe. A psychopathic attitude. "
"I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. Just my enemies."
-- Michael Corleone in the Godfather movies
A NYC bagel told him to say “Hezbullah”.
Just add “Hezbullah” in somewhere.
Doesn’t matter context, location.
If these hate filled jokers dislike the West or more specifically White people sooo much, why don't they just leave and go to Africa or the Middle East instead of all this monkey business? They want to enjoy the benefit of living in a White build Western society and hate the civilization they live in too.
Despite the perp’s comically Arabic name, his father was born as Masterson Young but changed it to “Abdal Rahim Jabbar†after converting to Islam and before getting married.
A typical infantile response from someone who conveniently forgets America’s own rich genocidal history. Beyond that, and much like the Jewish power elites, they want to silence people with different viewpoints.
Wake up moron. Even regular or sand niggers, Latinos, Asiatics or legal immigrants have the right to express themselves. Ever heard of the 1st Amendment?
Because they were weak minded wimps who should have been psych tested out of consideration for a military career prior to being inducted into the military. They say war is hell. If you're not strong minded, able to kill as necessary, you will suffer in the aftermath, assuming you survive.
"Many soldiers came back from Afghanistan with severe trauma over what they saw and did."
Replies: @GeneralRipper, @muh muh
I said, "Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill, KILL, KILL." And I started jumpin' up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL," and he started jumpin' up and down with me and we was both jumping up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL." And the Sargent came over, pinned a medal on me, sent me down the hall, said, "You're our boy."
--Alice's Restaurant by Arlo Guthie �
Because they were weak minded wimps
Do tell.
Suicide rate in Israeli army hits 13-year high amid ongoing war
The Israeli army has reported a sharp increase in the number of suicides since the start of the war in Gaza, adding that thousands of soldiers have stopped serving in combat roles due to mental distress.
Untold stories: Coping with trauma in the Jewish world after October 7
According to a new report published by Israel’s Ministry of Health, Israel has experienced a surge in post-traumatic stress disorder diagnoses, with estimates ranging from 13,000 to 60,000 individuals potentially affected by the condition.
Calls to mental health hotlines have doubled. Additionally, the use of painkillers and other addictive substances is up by 70% among older adults and people displaced by the war.
I try to set aside an hour every day to honor Israel, but despite my best intentions, I sometimes fail.How serious is this? Would my making reparations help?
Untold stories: Coping with trauma in the Jewish world after October 7According to a new report published by Israel’s Ministry of Health, Israel has experienced a surge in post-traumatic stress disorder diagnoses, with estimates ranging from 13,000 to 60,000 individuals potentially affected by the condition.Calls to mental health hotlines have doubled. Additionally, the use of painkillers and other addictive substances is up by 70% among older adults and people displaced by the war.
China is run by the Jews STUPID.
Mao’s Little Red Book was written by an American Jew. Rothschild control by proxy has only deepened since then.
Just like Russia.
Just like Ukraine.
Just like the House of Saud (crypto Jooish)
Just like Iran (33 windows on their Pyramid shaped Parliament building… YOU NAIVE GOY.)
Because they were weak minded wimps who should have been psych tested out of consideration for a military career prior to being inducted into the military. They say war is hell. If you're not strong minded, able to kill as necessary, you will suffer in the aftermath, assuming you survive.
"Many soldiers came back from Afghanistan with severe trauma over what they saw and did."
Replies: @GeneralRipper, @muh muh
I said, "Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill, KILL, KILL." And I started jumpin' up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL," and he started jumpin' up and down with me and we was both jumping up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL." And the Sargent came over, pinned a medal on me, sent me down the hall, said, "You're our boy."
--Alice's Restaurant by Arlo Guthie �
Because they were weak minded wimps who should have been psych tested out of consideration for a military career prior to being inducted into the military. They say war is hell. If you’re not strong minded, able to kill as necessary, you will suffer in the aftermath, assuming you survive.
Once again we have our resident little Jew squeaker running his mouth…lol
Shouldn’t you and Johnny John the Neocon be in the trenches over in Ukraine?
He is confusing you with some other crackpot.
Ha ha just kidding.
Even stranger is an email that Livelsberger allegedly sent to retired Army intelligence analyst Sam Shoemate on December 31 before the Cybertruck explosion.
OK the spooks are spreading BS. What else is new?
Too bad about Livelsberger. He may have thought he was serving his country. A centuries old scam. The people who own the country do not give a hoot about him or you or I.
“Many soldiers came back from Afghanistan with severe trauma over what they saw and did.”
Because they were weak minded wimps who should have been psych tested out of consideration for a military career prior to being inducted into the military. They say war is hell. If you’re not strong minded, able to kill as necessary, you will suffer in the aftermath, assuming you survive.
The quote below is meant to be comical but this is the kind of person you want to send to war:
I said, “Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill, KILL, KILL.” And I started jumpin’ up and down yelling, “KILL, KILL,” and he started jumpin’ up and down with me and we was both jumping up and down yelling, “KILL, KILL.” And the Sargent came over, pinned a medal on me, sent me down the hall, said, “You’re our boy.”
–Alice’s Restaurant by Arlo Guthie
Once again we have our resident little Jew squeaker running his
Because they were weak minded wimps who should have been psych tested out of consideration for a military career prior to being inducted into the military. They say war is hell. If you’re not strong minded, able to kill as necessary, you will suffer in the aftermath, assuming you survive.
Do tell.
Because they were weak minded wimps
Suicide rate in Israeli army hits 13-year high amid ongoing war
The Israeli army has reported a sharp increase in the number of suicides since the start of the war in Gaza, adding that thousands of soldiers have stopped serving in combat roles due to mental distress.
Replies: @meamjojo, @Pat Kittle
Untold stories: Coping with trauma in the Jewish world after October 7
According to a new report published by Israel’s Ministry of Health, Israel has experienced a surge in post-traumatic stress disorder diagnoses, with estimates ranging from 13,000 to 60,000 individuals potentially affected by the condition.
Calls to mental health hotlines have doubled. Additionally, the use of painkillers and other addictive substances is up by 70% among older adults and people displaced by the war.
You really don’t have to be functional to serve in the army, the army will take anyone. Lol.
The unvarnished truth.
And the worst part is, it’s been that way for quite a while.
If you’re a never Trump kike, you’re probably pretty stupid.
We’re at the point now where you assume the fires in California were set to distract the global warming nutjobs from the big mid-Western snowstorm.
Trump was likely involved with the Q bullshit. He was always involved in promoting internet censorship, gun control and red flag laws. And Trump was probably involved in setting up the sting for the January 6th people.
Trump doesn’t have to worry about re-election. He feels free to say anything, no matter how absurd. Unhinged to talk about occupying Greenland by force. His talk about Canada can be written off as a joke.
So the New Orleans guy was just a brain-scrambled Negro and the Tesla guy had that magic 9/11 terrorist ID like they “found” at the Twin Towers? Somebody keeps running the same plays over and over.
ISIS (Da`esh) doesn’t exist anymore? Then who is that that’s been in Syria for years?
And the New For 2025 obligatory bitching about Injuns. Was the Jew bit wearing thin? Haman knows it’s been over-used. But the Indians are taking over bit just shows its exponents as late to the party. Injuns have run the motel, quik-e mart, and liquor store game for decades. Even Slobberin’ Joe Robinette knew that, remember his 7-11 gaffe?
#26 :
The claim that anti-gravity technology exists, but only the U.S.A. and P.R.C. have the secret is suddenly all over the place in conspiracy-minded articles, even Kevin Barrett recently makes the claim.
Keep in mind that Mr. Barrett also believes in Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) whatever that is and since it doesn’t exist could be anyting, c’uldn’t?
#41 N. Joseph Potts:
I wonder if our two “terrorists†might have currently been receiving care from the Veterans Administration.
Seems it would be easy enough to uncover.
Step 1 would cut your workload in half: READ the emeffingceesucking article. The Whyboy was/is on active duty, so no VA. Eejit.
It’s becoming pretty obvious that DEI hiring practices at the federal level, is having a negative effect on the quality of the Deep State PsyOps!
These two were just terrible!
If these hate filled jokers dislike the West or more specifically White people sooo much, why don't they just leave and go to Africa or the Middle East instead of all this monkey business? They want to enjoy the benefit of living in a White build Western society and hate the civilization they live in too.
Despite the perp’s comically Arabic name, his father was born as Masterson Young but changed it to “Abdal Rahim Jabbar†after converting to Islam and before getting married.
Or if these hate filled jokers dislike the West or more specifically White people sooo much, why not all this monkey business?
Where does one come up with these types of people?
Do you suggest postponing it?
Livelsberger was a warning to Trump and Musk to be careful. They stuck a Special Forces Trump supporter in a tesla and blew it up to let them know to tread carefully. No one in the US Army with a year to go before he collects his fat pension and a government job, is going to kill himself. Not a chance.
Speculation, If there WAS an attempt to whistle blow about anti gravity energy and weapons, and then a subsequent assasination or attempted assasination ( dna not matching?) perhaps the attempt to insinuate only USA and China has this tech is set up for another False Flag Op to blame China. This tech has been around a long time. Who wouldn’t want people to know about it? Probably some good guys AND some bad guys. It is likely these types of weapons were used on 9/11 as well as more recently Lahaina, Maui Hawaii. Pretty weird that green trees were still standing and papers flying around on 9/11 but completely disappeared rubble. Not falling for the idea that all of that rubble got carted away and none of it blew out and hit nearby buildings. Who benefitted from 9/11 (or thought they did) ? : 1. Silverstein – insurance money 2. War mongers and weapons merchants and Big Oil 3. The surveillance state and the “techies” making money off it 4. Eugenicists 5. The Israeli government that wants to take over the middle east, etc. and get the US to sacrifice it’s able bodied men and women in a war with Iran, China and Russia, with utterly sick hopes that everyone dies and they can take over the world, and then later fight it out amongst themselves till the last man is standing. 6.And oh! Forgot about the records in building seven connected with the Defense budget audit failure and missing trillions- thank you Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and friends, and all the blackmailers and corrupt lobbyists.
Only Hezbollah was involved in the Jan 6 “insurrection”? No Iranian?!
Are you lost?
To whom are you addressing this rant on an American site?
Why don’t you go on some “chinese, indian, indonesian, malaysian” site?
I have never claimed that anti-gravity technologies exist. There is an eyebrow-raising paper trail explored in Nick Cook’s The Hunt for Zero Point, and I have heard all kinds of interesting claims from people of various degrees of credibility, but I don’t claim to know what’s really going on.
OK the spooks are spreading BS. What else is new?
Even stranger is an email that Livelsberger allegedly sent to retired Army intelligence analyst Sam Shoemate on December 31 before the Cybertruck explosion.
I have likely addressed this, but you did by implication. Those two writers you cited may be worth reading, but both use 'zero-point' in a way that demonstrates ignorance.
I have never claimed that anti-gravity technologies exist.
Don’t forget or overlook the FBI Boston office collaboration with homicidial maniac Whitey Bulger and his corrupt lace curtain brother William Bulger described in H L Carr’s book The Brothers Bulger. In those years the Boston DOJ was headed by five star deep state satrap Robert Mueller. Mueller no stranger to nefarious psy ops was described by a federal judge in 2006 as leading tactics that were chilling. Your tax dollars at work.
All this talk about PTSD makes me think of how physically and mentally hardcore General Bone Spurs Trumpstein must be under that orange skin of his, the dude’s ear 👂 🩸 healed overnight with no signs of physical damage, and he never missed a beat. Most people would have been in a state of shock, not General Bone Spurs, he defiantly pumped his businessman size mitts in the air and shouted, “fight, fight, fight.†Pretty hardcore guy for a draft dodger. Another Sylvester (I’m going to Switzerland) Rambo Stallone. 🤣🤣🤣 Trumper is a man’s man, just as that sissy Elon.
Cue: Macho Man by The Village People
I wonder if our two “terrorists” might have currently been receiving care from the Veterans Administration.
Seems it would be easy enough to uncover. Or maybe not …
Keep in mind that Mr. Barrett also believes in Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) whatever that is and since it doesn't exist could be anyting, c'uldn't?
The claim that anti-gravity technology exists, but only the U.S.A. and P.R.C. have the secret is suddenly all over the place in conspiracy-minded articles, even Kevin Barrett recently makes the claim.
Step 1 would cut your workload in half: READ the emeffingceesucking article. The Whyboy was/is on active duty, so no VA. Eejit.
I wonder if our two “terrorists†might have currently been receiving care from the Veterans Administration.
Seems it would be easy enough to uncover.
As bad and as noticeable as the Lovecraftian face of ‘Adam Lanza’
Why do people keep using the CIA’s photoshopped fake photo of the NO dude.
He has a normal round face with a normal slat n pepper beard, not the elongated alien jihadi fringe beard face the MSM are using.
You really don’t have to be functional to serve in the army, the army will take anyone. Lol.
The unvarnished truth.
You really don’t have to be functional to serve in the army, the army will take anyone. Lol.
Let’s crawl out of the Swamp,stand upright and jump Fast Forward to a simple realization:
Neither one of these guys (or anybody else) should have ever been called to “Serve” in Afghanistan in the first place.
It’s all theater.
DEADLY THEATER, for the main actors and bystanders. Not unlike 9/11.
Jun 4, 2015 Trevor Aaronson: How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists
There’s an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined: The FBI. How? Why?
AUGUST 3, 2013 FBI’s 30 Year Mafia Crime Spree | Interview with Peter Lance
Peter Lance, award winning investigator and author of ‘Deal with the Devil’, about the relationship between the FBI and the Mafia’s Gregory Scarpa, who over the span of 30 years committed multiple crimes including murder, all while being paid upwards of 1 million dollars by the FBI.
If these hate filled jokers dislike the West or more specifically White people sooo much, why don't they just leave and go to Africa or the Middle East instead of all this monkey business? They want to enjoy the benefit of living in a White build Western society and hate the civilization they live in too.
Despite the perp’s comically Arabic name, his father was born as Masterson Young but changed it to “Abdal Rahim Jabbar†after converting to Islam and before getting married.
If Lincoln had told his Union Army that the reason they were fighting and dying was to end black slavery most of them would have deserted. The real reason was Preservation of the Union, no matter the cost in blood and treasure.
I’m starting to wonder, with his seemingly out-of-control bombast, if 78-year-old Trump might be in the initial stages of senility. Calling him a “silly old goat” is being much too kind. Could his “Delusions of Grandeur” stem from a mania or is he just trolling us? Could MAGA, being thrown under-the-bus in favor of thousands of H-1B’s from India, be a victim of the old bait-and-switch?
Sounds like two guys who had become pretty good at fucking up their own lives over the last few years, in no small part due to bouts with mental instability (how the white dude was still able to pull some ass is fascinating), and based on recent events, either decided to end it and go out with a bang (not the same but similar to Luigi) , or were easily manipulated into taking these ultimately inconsequential actions.
“Citing the New Orleans attack, Adam Schiff and his crazy Jewish eyes say we do. He also says it’s why he opposes Trump’s nomination of the lateral-lisping, cross-eyed street shitter Kash Patel to head the FBI.”
Wow! You’re so smart that you killed two birds (nemesis) with one stone or two vapid statements. But I did notice that you’re pretty restrained in your descriptive talent against the Jew… is it because you know that if you crossed the Jewish Rubicon, they will fuck you up where it would cause the most butthurt, in your pocketbook? You’re not an honest broker!
They want you to know that they’re lying and that there is nothing you can do about it.
I agree
Well, this is something I had not heard on the news anywhere. Thanks!Replies: @Commentator Mike, @Che Guava
"The New Orleans truck-rammer, one Samshud-din Jabbar, appears to have been a Texas-born Southern Negro with no Arabic blood. Despite the perp’s comically Arabic name, his father was born as Masterson Young but changed it to “Abdal Rahim Jabbar†after converting to Islam and before getting married. Most of his family, despite being saddled with the surname “Jabbar,†continued worshiping at a Baptist church. In the FBI-provided passport photo, Jabbar looks lighter-skinned and more Islamically bearded than he did in this 2013 pic in the Army or this later promo video as a property manager."
I agree. In the army photos, he sure looks like an African-descent U.S.ian, so I was assuming that he must be a convert to NoI or some kind of Mohammedanism. So, that was his father.
Also the post-military mugshot-style photo, so lovingly Photoshop®ped to make him look like an Arab.
As for the e-mail allegedly by the special forces/ed. Tesla man, one point stands out. The claim that anti-gravity technology exists, but only the U.S.A. and P.R.C. have the secret is suddenly all over the place in conspiracy-minded articles, even Kevin Barrett recently makes the claim.
If these hate filled jokers dislike the West or more specifically White people sooo much, why don't they just leave and go to Africa or the Middle East instead of all this monkey business? They want to enjoy the benefit of living in a White build Western society and hate the civilization they live in too.
Despite the perp’s comically Arabic name, his father was born as Masterson Young but changed it to “Abdal Rahim Jabbar†after converting to Islam and before getting married.
And a jealous lot
Another psyop just like 911 false flag attack. This time they managed to find his Driver’s License. I think we should built our houses with these so called Passports and Driver’s License because they have proven to be fire and explosive resistant.
What do we know for sure? :
1. Many soldiers came back from Afghanistan with severe trauma over what they saw and did.
2. Many of these soldiers were put on cocktails of psychiatric meds KNOWN to cause suicide and violence, which only made their trauma worse –
3. The MK Ultra program was exposed and was highly unethical and illegal, but this exposure very possibly did not stop similar activities from being carried out by covert operators with nefarious intentions.
4. The war mongers and weapons merchants will do anything to keep wars and genocides going, and use incidents to get people emotionally worked up against certain groups or countries and wanting revenge or “justice”. Yet war never brings real justice.
5. Soldiers who came back from Afghanistan also in many cases had real physical issues which made life painful and hard. If they didn’t lose limbs they were also prone to traumatic brain injury due to close proximity to explosions. Psychiatric drugs do not treat physical injuries. They don’t even work for mental and emotional trauma.
Because they were weak minded wimps who should have been psych tested out of consideration for a military career prior to being inducted into the military. They say war is hell. If you're not strong minded, able to kill as necessary, you will suffer in the aftermath, assuming you survive.
"Many soldiers came back from Afghanistan with severe trauma over what they saw and did."
Replies: @GeneralRipper, @muh muh
I said, "Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill, KILL, KILL." And I started jumpin' up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL," and he started jumpin' up and down with me and we was both jumping up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL." And the Sargent came over, pinned a medal on me, sent me down the hall, said, "You're our boy."
--Alice's Restaurant by Arlo Guthie �
Pls provide more info concerning these people.
As has long been the case in the U.S., finding some mentally-unbalanced guy and pushing him via handlers to go over the edge and attempt terrorism/assassination seems par for the course for the Deep State. See; Oswald, Tim McVeigh, Sirhan Sirhan.
Clearly, the only sane conclusion about the New Year’s terror-truck attacks is that they were Deep State psyops engineered to force us to pick sides between a Jeet and a Jew.
Only clear if you didn’t read the rest of this lazy article.
Even stranger is an email that Livelsberger allegedly sent to retired Army intelligence analyst Sam Shoemate on December 31 before the Cybertruck explosion. Tidbits:
What we have been seeing with “drones†is the operational use of gravitic propulsion systems powered aircraft by most recently China in the east coast, but throughout history, the US. Only we and China have this capability. …
Check please. I watched a little of that Shawn Ryan interview with Sam Shoemate. My BS meter was buzzing early on and when the talk of Chinese drones started— in that supposed letter — both my BS detector and my Glowie detector went crazy.
Sorry, try pitching your Deep State MIC Sinophobic fear-mongering BS to MAGAtard Free Republic types because I ain’t buying it.
Well, this is something I had not heard on the news anywhere. Thanks!Replies: @Commentator Mike, @Che Guava
"The New Orleans truck-rammer, one Samshud-din Jabbar, appears to have been a Texas-born Southern Negro with no Arabic blood. Despite the perp’s comically Arabic name, his father was born as Masterson Young but changed it to “Abdal Rahim Jabbar†after converting to Islam and before getting married. Most of his family, despite being saddled with the surname “Jabbar,†continued worshiping at a Baptist church. In the FBI-provided passport photo, Jabbar looks lighter-skinned and more Islamically bearded than he did in this 2013 pic in the Army or this later promo video as a property manager."
Maybe he was using skin whitening pills and creams to look more Arabic.
regarding jabbar the barbar, you might be on the right track but barely missing bull’s eye. deep state types lately have a pet project of turning American blacks into sodomites mainly utilizing media propaganda assaults. remember the sodomite negro lying about MAGA hatted Nigerians? why they target blacks for the spread of the sinful abomination, we could think of many reasons, all of them evil and too disgusting to mention. unfortunately, the black family structure has been weakened for many decades, leaving many isolated, atomized and spiritually defenceless in the face of the deep state psyop barrage.
however, an intelligent soldier like jabbar the barbar would realize what is going on and decide to fight back against the invisible, cowardly enemies. but, looking around for any organized resistance and finding none, he mentally travels abroad to join isis and apply their mode of warfare. God is great!!!
in another age, he might have joined Castro or Che, Grant or Tecumseh Sherman. unfortunately, isis seems to be the only show in town, the only group claiming resistance, fighting evil with evil, sodomy with suicide murder, rage with rage, death with death, abomination with annihilation.
deep state goons are twice more damned. you cannot help whitey by destroying the blacks. even if you succeed, God will bring down His judgement on your head seven fold. too many blacks are like sheep going to slaughter, working for their own destroyers. the few who have the awareness, they either remain silent due to indifference or cowardice, or go berserk on rare occasions like jabbar the barbar. unless, they figure out that the American subculture is soul destroying poison, and make a conscious effort to salvage and adopt the good, beautiful, Christian culture, we can see little hope looking forward.
Matthew Livelsberger was a Trump supporter. Matthew Livelsberger was suffering from severe PTSD.
He was trying to alert (fake “China’s” UFO) attack against U.S. .
(He was wrong, those are laser made space images.)
And he wanted to cleanse his soul by suicide.