The article open admits the nuclear process is the highest job producer.
Do you wonder why France is the highest EU state in REMITTANCES?
And why France claims to have trouble hiring? I do!
France -and all of Europe- is propaganda compromised. They fear Russia trade….and why? Propaganda by the US?
The entire FUSION PROMISE is a lie, and the bed fellows it made, nuclear energy and safe progress, has destroyed healthy economic progress.
Where would the EU be if Russian gas had actually been part of the economic system for the last quarter of a century? What if the Ukraine has actually been developed and the extensive natural gas fields off East Ukraine been brought on line, instead of the pointless promotion of war propaganda?
Is there going to be an ethnic EU when the immigrant influx is accurately counted? Once the actual population is counted, the EU will truly be without any historic ethnicity! The control of the EU will be in the hands of the multi national corporates.
article came out yesterday that proves greta is related to the rothchildes. that explains a LOT!
I respect a good con game but not whoring out children. Now I’m back to hating everyone
her mom was behind the scam- so her mom will be your favorite person. greta is merely a sock puppet.
As much carnage as they’re doing to millions of birds and as much of an eyesore as these Wind Turbines are, that’s not the only damage they’re doing.
They have adverse health effects for those living in their vicinity (40 sec video):
Also this from ABC News (Australia) titled ‘Wind farm faces closure over noise breach’, demonstrating the effects of noise from the wind turbines (5 min video):
The windmills have destroyed the scenic Banning Pass between Palm Springs and the rest of Southern California. Ugly and menacing, I’m glad that I’m not a bird.
In relation to your wildly exaggerated claim that the Fossil Fuel industry is the major player in the world (like that pseudo economist Michael Hudson), you need only look at this intelligent response to Michael Hudson’s claim that the oil industry runs U.S foreign policy:
That statistic says it all.
ie: Today in 2022, Energy represents just 4.2 % of the S & P 500. (The stock index of the 500 major corporations in the U.S).
To suggest that the fossil fuel industry is even remotely comparable to the resources of the Zio cabal is indicative of how clueless you are Mulga.
There’s much to agree with in what you wrote but to the extent that we part company on some issues, I will address those.
You wrote:
But the Earth isn’t really doing fine, is it? …. and …. Chronic and worsening water situation even in northern Utah; drought’s not just for desert States or inland California anymore.
I’m in Sydney Australia and we’ve just had the wettest first half of the year ever (ie: since records have been kept – approx 200 years).
Of course, a decade and half or so ago we were in the same position as those in the south-western United States as we were in a severe drought.
And so it has always been. This will pass for you and drought will be coming our way in the coming years.
Yes, environmentally [all other extraneous factors being considered], the Earth is doing just fine.
Of course, when the planet had a billion people at the turn of the 20th century and there was a drought/flood/natural disaster etc, the Earth was in a better position to cope than it is now that it has almost 8 billion inhabitants.
And yes, 8 billion inhabitants (a greater proportion of which have first world or approaching first world per capita GDP’s), will consume more resources such as fish and greater amounts of fresh water as they bathe/wash/irrigate their crops and lawns in a manner that their forebears did not.
Let’s address some of the things you mentioned like deforestation.
WHY is this happening in poorer regions of the world like Africa, the Amazon basin in Sth America and Indonesia ?
WHY are habitats of certain species being depleted from human encroachment leading to extinction ?
I suggest you watch the 8 mins or so of this video from 1:04:30 – 1:13:00:
I suggest you watch and re-watch it until it sinks in. (Not a bad idea to watch the whole hour or so of this video for those Unz readers that haven’t seen it before to learn some important truths about the Anthropogenic Globale Warming hoax).
Unable to access power through fossil fuels like we in the western nations do, third world inhabitants HAVE NO CHOICE other than to chop down trees to provide FUEL for cooking their meals or keeping warm in winter.
We’re all aware of China’s growth over the last fours decades or so since Deng Xiaoping said: ‘It’s OK to get rich’ which unleashed an entrepreneurial tidal wave that saw Chine become the leading capitalist nation on the planet.
But the one thing that did more than anything else to lift hundreds of millions out of poverty and prevent further deforestation of China (the major contributor to the destruction of the habitat of the panda which was then on the verge of extinction), was ELECTRIFICATION.
Yes, dams were built and some of said electricity came from hydro-electric generation BUT THE VAST MAJORITY CAME FROM COAL FIRED POWER STATIONS.
Coal fired power is BY FAR the most reliable and low cost source of electricity.
It is MULTIPLES CHEAPER than wind and solar and the only reason it isn’t multiples cheaper still is because wind and solar costs per kWh are HEAVILY SUBSIDISED by governments around the world to give us an artificial cost per kWh – which is still far more expensive than coal produced power but at least seems partially viable on face value.
Your suggestion that we phase out coal and utilise more wind and solar WILL HAVE THE EXACT OPPOSITE EFFECT from what you intended.
It will lead to MASS STARVATION and impoverishment on an unimaginable scale.
Are you aware the Wind Turbines chop up SCORES OF MILLIONS of birds every year ?
Take a look at this 30 sec video:
That video was from 2009 and that bird that was chopped up was a then-verging-on-extinction California Condor.
Well Radical Man, you don’t have to worry anymore. I suspect the few remaining have been chopped up over the last 13 years.
Secondly, the eco-loons seem to be under the impression that you build a wind turbine and then it sits there forever and generates ‘free energy’.
Wind Turbines are EXTREMELY ENERGY INTENSIVE TO MANUFACTURE and need costly and regular maintenance during their short service life (typically 10 – 15 years) before they have to be torn down.
Even with regular maintenance, many of them end up like this well before they were due to be replaced (3 min video):
Are you aware that, after factoring in their rate of self-destruction, their costly ongoing maintenance and their MASSIVE ENERGY INPUT to manufacture in the first place, that most wind turbines DO NOT EVEN BREAK EVEN ?
That’s right, any cost/benefit analysis will tell you that they’ll generate less electricity during their service life than it cost to build/maintain/dispose of them.
Yes … DISPOSE of them. Watch this 1 min video and you’ll see what I mean:
BOTTOM LINE: If the third world was to embark on a mass electrification programme, their standard of living and per capita incomes would vastly improve.
CONCURRENT with that BIRTH RATES WOULD PLUMMET.That’s because there is a DIRECT CORRELATION with improved education (a by-product of higher per capita GDP) and lower birth rates.
Said third world inhabitants would NO LONGER have to chop down trees for fuel and exacerbate the deforestation.
Meanwhile, increases in CO2 in the atmosphere (overwhelmingly from natural phenomenon and NOT due to human emissions), have provided more of the GAS OF LIFE. ie: the essential nutrient for plant growth.
It is estimated that there is ONE-SIXTH MORE vegetation on the Earth now (with CO2 at 400 ppm) as opposed to what would have been had we been around 280 ppm CO2 as was the case 150 years ago.MORE CO2 in the atmosphere means MORE agricultural output per hectare of arable land to feed the masses.
THANK GOODNESS FOR THE CO2 we have in the atmosphere and may it increase to 1000 ppm or more so that Earth returns to being a fertile and bountiful place as it once was*.(*In only 9% of Earth’s history has even one of the poles been frozen, let alone a situation where we have now where BOTH are frozen.
In other words, for 91% of Earth’s existence, BOTH poles were ice free and the Antarctic continent was an Amazon-like forest of abundance.
What the climate loons don’t understand is that if the average Earth temp increased a couple of degrees on average, there would be a NEGLIGIBLE increase in temps in the region of the equatorial and temperate zones.
Said rises would be most pronounced in those regions closer to the poles. That way regions that are now in year round permafrost, would be UNLOCKED for agricultural purposes [think of the tundra regions of northern Canada, Russia and Greenland] that would enable the planet to feed 20 billion or more with ease.)
Sydney is having a wet year - no doubt about.
Why don’t you feck off to the places around Sydney, flooded for the fourth time this year, and parade up and down the street denying that anything unusual is happening.
I appreciate your comments generally, and much of your reasoning in this one too 🙂 But the Earth isn’t really doing fine, is it? We should be anxious and taking action, not dismissive, when we consider the state of the planet. We’ll suffer and die if we don’t.
Specifically, we can’t deny the depletion of potable water and the fish supply, deforestation, accelerated species extinction, the poison in the air our kids are breathing, and more. Chronic and worsening water situation even in northern Utah; drought’s not just for desert States or inland California anymore.
In time, these phenomena will STARVE many people (as well as make the world a miserable, ugly, unhealthy, poisoned place for the people who survive). (Apart from the possibly deliberate starvation of people that we may be starting to see now, but that is a sad and disturbing topic for another thread.)
We do need to consume less resources per person. We also should stop in any way subsidizing, or providing an escape hatch for, the absurd population growth in India and the half-dozen African and/or Muslim countries that are responsible (or irresponsible) for almost ALL of the world’s unsustainable recent population explosion.
That means no diversion of resources to support their breeding — as our own peoples will need those resources — and little to no immigration from those places into our countries.
#1 – India (1.41 BILLION and still growing nearly 1% per year, albeit apparently at a declining rate)
#4 – Indonesia (280 million)
#5 – Pakistan (230 million)
#7 – Nigeria (218 million)
#8 – Bangladesh (168 million and growing about 2% per year)
#11 – Ethiopia (121 million and growing 2.5% per year recently)
#14 – Egypt (107 million and growing more than 3% every year)
We need to separate the message from the messengers. The message seems largely accurate: an appropriately bleak view of the planet on which we depend to live. The messengers? Yeahhhh….
I’d agree that many prominent and rank-and-file environmentalists are dishonest or totalitarian, sometimes both. At least in the North American and European contexts, self-proclaimed environmentalists tend to have views on other issues that we would probably both find unrealistic, even destructive. And some are happy to use the green issue as a pretext for collectivization that they wanted anyway.
But is our planet doing fine? No, man, not at all. Perhaps OUR part of the planet could do a lot better, though, and we could be somewhat healthier, live slightly longer, have somewhat cleaner air and water, less-tainted foods, etc. if we wised up.
Namely, if we burn a lot less fossil fuels, generate much less waste (metal, glass, plastic, paper, etc.) per person, use wind and solar as secondary power sources (in the limited localities where each is feasible). Most of all, we need to phase out coal and oil ASAP, incurring expense to do so with a sense of urgency.
As a stopgap or “bridge” measure, shifting from coal and oil to nat gas achieves good damage control on those sources of toxins in our air, water, and croplands. Maybe a lot:,life%20cycle%20into%20the%20atmosphere. Admitting that nat gas still pollutes, and probably more than previously thought.
And it may be that the only available way to generate the energy needed for a population of of our size, at something near our current standard of living, without continuing to poison the air, water, and farmland, is nuclear power. A massive increase in the use of nuclear power, in fact. (NOT near the West Coast fault lines, please, but otherwise?) Ironically, that’s exactly what most “environmentalists” would fight against, tooth and nail.
I'm in Sydney Australia and we've just had the wettest first half of the year ever (ie: since records have been kept - approx 200 years).
But the Earth isn’t really doing fine, is it? .... and .... Chronic and worsening water situation even in northern Utah; drought’s not just for desert States or inland California anymore.
BOTTOM LINE: If the third world was to embark on a mass electrification programme, their standard of living and per capita incomes would vastly improve.
That's because there is a DIRECT CORRELATION with improved education (a by-product of higher per capita GDP) and lower birth rates.
Said third world inhabitants would NO LONGER have to chop down trees for fuel and exacerbate the deforestation.
Meanwhile, increases in CO2 in the atmosphere (overwhelmingly from natural phenomenon and NOT due to human emissions), have provided more of the GAS OF LIFE. ie: the essential nutrient for plant growth.
It is estimated that there is ONE-SIXTH MORE vegetation on the Earth now (with CO2 at 400 ppm) as opposed to what would have been had we been around 280 ppm CO2 as was the case 150 years ago.
MORE CO2 in the atmosphere means MORE agricultural output per hectare of arable land to feed the masses.
THANK GOODNESS FOR THE CO2 we have in the atmosphere and may it increase to 1000 ppm or more so that Earth returns to being a fertile and bountiful place as it once was*.
(*In only 9% of Earth's history has even one of the poles been frozen, let alone a situation where we have now where BOTH are frozen.
In other words, for 91% of Earth's existence, BOTH poles were ice free and the Antarctic continent was an Amazon-like forest of abundance.
What the climate loons don't understand is that if the average Earth temp increased a couple of degrees on average, there would be a NEGLIGIBLE increase in temps in the region of the equatorial and temperate zones.
Said rises would be most pronounced in those regions closer to the poles. That way regions that are now in year round permafrost, would be UNLOCKED for agricultural purposes [think of the tundra regions of northern Canada, Russia and Greenland] that would enable the planet to feed 20 billion or more with ease.)
Taiwan is a country – and Luxembourg is.
From its foundation in 967 and until 1867, Luxembourg was part, first, of the so-called “Saint Empire” and then, of the “Deutscher Bund” (“Bund”, not “Reich”). The same cannot be said of Taiwan, see Cotterell/Yap, Das Reich der Mitte.
I am going have T-shrit which will read
I believe in 9-11
(Also, just wondering): Can troubleshooting of gas turbines via the cloud considered safe and reliable, and can it be performed quickly? (I would tend to answer no, because the cloud is not sufficiently safe to ensure acceptable cybersecurity):
Virtual collaboration on gas turbine maintenance
“Siemens Energy experts and local service engineers can use augmented reality to work hand-in-hand on gas turbine maintenance even when they’re ten thousand kilometers apart. Virtual technology can make maintenance even more efficient and effective, and improve uptime.â€
“The service engineer’s field of view is dominated by cables, metal piping, and insulation. Suddenly individual parts separate from the gas turbine and float before his smartglasses as 3D diagrams. Descriptions and manuals for individually colored components are overlaid on this augmented reality. Data from the cloud expand the service engineer’s reality with information designed to make the work easier and quicker. An expert thousands of kilometers away sees the view from the smartglasses in real time on his monitor, and uses finger gestures projected onto the image to guide the service engineer.â€
“The energy industry relies on stable production to assure a secure supply of power to industrial equipment and entire societies. AR can be used to substantially improve uptime and periods of reduced output; it helps make technical support more efficient, while at the same time improving quality. Thanks to AR, Siemens Energy experts are never more than a click away, even if the gas turbine is in a hard-to-reach desert location or there are restrictions on travel. “Even via satellite we can build up a sufficiently good connection,†says Avdovic. In the event of a disruption or outage, local Siemens Energy staff with appropriate authorization can get to work immediately with the help of smartglasses, supported by experts at the service center contributing their know-how and visualizing complex processes.â€
Once the turbine reinstalled, and the 11-days maintenance completed, could US-Nato and Ukrainian friends stop or disturb the delivery of gas to Germany (in order to accuse Russia) using the Siemens software and remote-controlled flow valves and transmitters?
Nord Stream: Canada delivers turbine for Nord Stream 1 to Germany
“The German finance ministry indicated that “if it makes taking the decision easier for the Canadians in the legal senseâ€, Germany could propose Ottawa send Berlin the machinery rather than to Gazprom and Russia.
While not accepting maintenance issues as the reason for Russia cutting supplies, Germany says the return of the turbine would deprive Moscow of an excuse to keep supplies significantly below normal levels.
But Ukraine said its own pipelines were capable of transporting a sufficient volume of gas to Germany to make up for the falloff in Russian supplies.
“We are asking Canada to not return the Gazprom turbine to Germany, but to Ukraine,†Sergiy Makogon, the chief executive officer of Ukraine’s gas transmission system OGTSU wrote on Facebook earlier this week.â€
The Mumbled-brain writes:
the proposition that ANY entity dozens of times wealthier than fossil fuel industries, exists, is mind-numbingly stupid and erroneous even for an epsilon like you. The fossil fuel industry with its tens of trillions in ‘assets’ is the largest repository of ‘wealth’ on this planet, but not on yours, obviously.
Only a fool (or a believer in Anthropogenic Global Warming – seeing as they are interchangeable terms), would make that statement above.
When I said the Zio cabal had financial wherewithal that was many dozens of times more than the ENTIRE world’s fossil fuel industry, as we all know, a sizeable chunk if the world’s fossil fuel industries are owned by countries that the Zio miscreants have no [or negligible] ownership of.
eg: Russia, Venezuela, Iran ,Iraq, Indonesia etc.
Secondly, let’s look at the western fossil fuel companies – the largest in Nth America being Exxon-Mobil, with a market capitalisation of a couple of hundred billion USD.
And, what does this company and other fossil fuel giants like Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum have in common ?
Yes, Zio entities have either a majority or controlling interest in them.
Factor out the ownership of the fossil fuel industries that are owned by countries that are ACTIVELY IN OPPOSITION to the Anglo Zionist empire and factoring out that portion of the western fossil fuel companies that are Zio owned, and you’re left with a MUCH SMALLER number.
In fact, the net worth of the combined Zionists dynastic family empires (ie: the Zio cabal) is probably ONE HUNDRED TIMES greater than this ‘western aligned’ fossil fuel industry remainder.
Of course Mulga, I understand how you have to continually push the standard line that the Fossil Fuel industry controls all.
Because to admit the truth and acknowledge that it is tiny relative to the net worth of the Zio cabal will destroy one of the foundations of your AGW myth.
Meanwhile in an another article in UR written by Michael Hudson titled ‘Is Chinese Socialism Working?’ (where I have been banned from commenting because I continually exposed the fraudulence of this man), he writes this :
You look at the U.S. economy, and the most powerful industry is the oil industry, which I worked with for many years. The oil industry absolutely runs the government’s foreign policy ever since I was on Wall Street. That was the case. The foreign policy of the government is the key to American export power and control of its allies or satellites, or whatever you call them, is oil.
If ever there was PROOF POSITIVE that the pseudo-economist Michael Hudson is an apologist for his Zionist benefactors, this is it.
Not surprisingly, Michael Hudson (like yourself Mulga), is a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist/Maoist/crypto-Communist and seeing as Marxism/Communism are all Judeo creations, it’s no surprise that Hudson would be deflecting attention away from the true perpetrators of misery in the world (the Zio cabal), and instead try to blame Capitalism.
Mulga, I don’t believe that you are consciously trying to aid the depraved Zionists but, in your capacity of ‘Useful Idiot’, you are doing just that.
Let’s just focus on this sentence alone from Michael Hudson:
The oil industry absolutely runs the government’s foreign policy ever since I was on Wall Street.
Let’s crunch some numbers.
It’s estimated that the Afghanistan and Iraq wars have cost the American taxpayer in the order of USD $ 7 trillion.
If the U.S fossil fuel industry/corrupt U.S politicians/the American consumer (via lower energy costs etc), got even FIVE CENTS ON THE DOLLAR return on that $7 trillion investment, I would be very, VERY surprised.
Yes, the Zio owned Military-Industrial-Security complex profited very handsomely.
But, America as a country was MASSIVELY IMPOVERISHED post 9/11.
The Apartheid Israeli state did VERY NICELY over that period as rival hegemons in the regions (Iraq, Libya) were completely destroyed and Syria was significantly destroyed and impoverished.
Anyone with a brain can see that U.S foreign policy is COMPLETELY CONTROLLED by Zionist interests.
If any particular act of belligerence or depraved genocidal offensive action from the U.S can generate a few extra dollars for [majority Zio owned] U.S corporations, (be they in the Energy industry or Military contractors, Haliburton etc), then that’s just the icing on the cake and no more than a peripheral benefit.
Anyone with a modicum of commonsense can see that the most egregious crime of the 21st century ( the 9/11 False Flag), was NEVER about making money for America or the fossil fuel companies.
It was ALWAYS a question of:
And the answer to both of those questions is an emphatic YES.
No, stratospheric aviation is the only proven cause anthropogenic climate change. Changes in solar output are not caused human beings. One good volcano puts more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that all of human activity over all of time back to the Dawn Age.
Particulates? Maybe. Melting of glaciers in the Artic and Antarctic could affect the track of ocean currents. Especially, that is true in the Northern Hemisphere but that goes back to the issue of stratospheric jet aviation. Unfortunately, at this point world commerce depends on jet freight and the world’s militaries are not going to give up their high altitude operations.
At this point, curtailing stratospheric jet aviation would involve considerable dislocations which then would have to be managed. Perhaps slowing down the pace of travel is something human beings could adjust to. But the world supply chain depends on the delivery schedules which jet freighters make possible.
My thought is that many of the privations that people are supposed to be willing to accept are conceived only to offset the climate effects of stratospheric jet aviation. I don’t think they will work for that purpose anyway. But give the one percent credit. They’re trying to keep themselves and their creation – the present world economy- airborne.
I explained this to a friend of mine who dropped out of college as a freshman in the mid-60s and joined the Marine Corps, and then became a proletarian intellectual thereafter for the rest of his life. His response was, “You mean we are supposed to live in the cold and the dark so they can keep flying around?”
Think about that. This guy claimed an IQ of 138. So do I, Maybe you do too.
Prince Charles has never been right - on ANY issue.
Charles was more or less correct.
In fact, it is because I genuinely care about the survival of humanity, and my progeny in particular, that I have gone out of my way to expose fraudulent simpletons like you who have been too lazy to conduct the due diligence on the Climate fraud themselves.
I realised that Evil Rightwing psychopaths, who besmirch the world in every way, would also put greed and ideological hatred before the survival of humanity, even their own spawn. �
A Jew-hating, Life-hating, deranged far Right psychopath-you are much worse than I first imagined. But typical of your squalid type. Time’s running out for fanatic denialists. Have your excuses ready.
To suggest that the fossil fuel industry is even remotely comparable to the resources of the Zio cabal is indicative of how clueless you are Mulga.
ie: Today in 2022, Energy represents just 4.2 % of the S & P 500. (The stock index of the 500 major corporations in the U.S).
Here is a genuine climate scientist [Dr. Judith Curry is Professor and former Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology], that rejected the money on offer and instead chose to walk away with her integrity intact (4 min video):
Got any EVIDENCE that scientists tailor their findings to suit their employers? Just one bit could start a discussion, but all you have is invention driven by Rightwing ideology, ie psychopathy.
So please Mulga, quit with the pretence that said scientists that peddle the Global Warming myth do so out of altruism.
'There is ENORMOUS pressure for Climate scientists to conform to the so-called 'consensus'.
This pressure comes not only from [beholden-to-the-Zio-cabal] politicians but from FEDERAL FUNDING AGENCIES, universities and [Zio-funded] professional societies and scientists themselves who are green activists [no doubt promoted to where they were because they're rabid eco-lunatics that will do the bidding of their Zio masters].
Reinforcing this consensus are strong MONETARY, reputational and authority interests'.
Judith Curry sold out to the fossil fuel industry decades ago. Her colleagues have been withering in their criticism of her ‘confusionism’, a snide form of denialism. Ain’t you got any renegades from, say, the last twenty years? I see that your pathetic ego is at stake here, and you will still be squawking as the sea reaches your neck, or the wildfire approaches, or you eat your last raw rat, or are washed away in a once in a thousand year flood, even worse than the one the year before.
I must say that, even for a deranged imbecile, the proposition that ANY entity dozens of times wealthier than fossil fuel industries, exists, is mind-numbingly stupid and erroneous even for an epsilon like you. The fossil fuel industry with its tens of trillions in ‘assets’ is the largest repository of ‘wealth’ on this planet, but not on yours, obviously.
the proposition that ANY entity dozens of times wealthier than fossil fuel industries, exists, is mind-numbingly stupid and erroneous even for an epsilon like you. The fossil fuel industry with its tens of trillions in ‘assets’ is the largest repository of ‘wealth’ on this planet, but not on yours, obviously.Only a fool (or a believer in Anthropogenic Global Warming - seeing as they are interchangeable terms), would make that statement above.When I said the Zio cabal had financial wherewithal that was many dozens of times more than the ENTIRE world's fossil fuel industry, as we all know, a sizeable chunk if the world's fossil fuel industries are owned by countries that the Zio miscreants have no [or negligible] ownership of.
If ever there was PROOF POSITIVE that the pseudo-economist Michael Hudson is an apologist for his Zionist benefactors, this is it.Not surprisingly, Michael Hudson (like yourself Mulga), is a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist/Maoist/crypto-Communist and seeing as Marxism/Communism are all Judeo creations, it's no surprise that Hudson would be deflecting attention away from the true perpetrators of misery in the world (the Zio cabal), and instead try to blame Capitalism.Mulga, I don't believe that you are consciously trying to aid the depraved Zionists but, in your capacity of 'Useful Idiot', you are doing just that.Let's just focus on this sentence alone from Michael Hudson:
You look at the U.S. economy, and the most powerful industry is the oil industry, which I worked with for many years. The oil industry absolutely runs the government’s foreign policy ever since I was on Wall Street. That was the case. The foreign policy of the government is the key to American export power and control of its allies or satellites, or whatever you call them, is oil.
The oil industry absolutely runs the government’s foreign policy ever since I was on Wall Street.REALLY ?Let's crunch some numbers.It's estimated that the Afghanistan and Iraq wars have cost the American taxpayer in the order of USD $ 7 trillion.If the U.S fossil fuel industry/corrupt U.S politicians/the American consumer (via lower energy costs etc), got even FIVE CENTS ON THE DOLLAR return on that $7 trillion investment, I would be very, VERY surprised.
The Apartheid Israeli state did VERY NICELY over that period as rival hegemons in the regions (Iraq, Libya) were completely destroyed and Syria was significantly destroyed and impoverished.Anyone with a brain can see that U.S foreign policy is COMPLETELY CONTROLLED by Zionist interests.
Yes, the Zio owned Military-Industrial-Security complex profited very handsomely.
But, America as a country was MASSIVELY IMPOVERISHED post 9/11.�
It was ALWAYS a question of:IS IT [said False Flag, military intervention etc], GOOD FOR WORLD JEWRY and DOES IT ADVANCE THE INTERESTS OF THE APARTHEID ISRAELI STATE ?And the answer to both of those questions is an emphatic YES.
I think it has pretty good credibility, but it’s only commonsense. I realised in primary school that there were stupid people who thought themselves clever, AND, crucially, when they met really clever people they tended to malice and envy, particularly if those smart individuals were not blowhards (as most really clever people are-I know that I thereby disqualify myself, somewhat), because clever people know that we all remain ignorant of much of existence. So I read your imbecilities, and know from that that you are stupid, or worse, merely pretending to be so, for ideological and pathopsychological reasons.
“”Oh, and Andrew? Collapsing the stock market will reverse inflation.)””
I was thinking they same thing, but I’m not a professional bullshit artist.
I’m just an amateur.
“Virtual sex” is a sin.
“If your right hand offends you, cut it off.”
I think there’s a reason why you’re called Mumble Brain. You have a lot nerve talking about Dunning-Kruger. Dunning-Kruger is pop psychology in my estimation. It’s up there with the Kinsey Report and the Kenneth Clark doll studies. I do place it above the Hite Report though. I’ll give it that.
You write:
Got any EVIDENCE that scientists tailor their findings to suit their employers? Just one bit could start a discussion, but all you have is invention driven by Rightwing ideology, ie psychopathy.
Here is a genuine climate scientist [Dr. Judith Curry is Professor and former Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology], that rejected the money on offer and instead chose to walk away with her integrity intact (4 min video):
In her own words as she testifies in front of a Congressional committee (taken from the last minute of the video):
‘There is ENORMOUS pressure for Climate scientists to conform to the so-called ‘consensus’.
This pressure comes not only from [beholden-to-the-Zio-cabal] politicians but from FEDERAL FUNDING AGENCIES, universities and [Zio-funded] professional societies and scientists themselves who are green activists [no doubt promoted to where they were because they’re rabid eco-lunatics that will do the bidding of their Zio masters].Reinforcing this consensus are strong MONETARY, reputational and authority interests’.
So please Mulga, quit with the pretence that said scientists that peddle the Global Warming myth do so out of altruism.
ALL of them have been BOUGHT.
And who pray tell, is ALWAYS the highest bidder ? (Hint: An entity that is dozens of multiples wealthier than the ENTIRE world’s fossil fuel industry).
Of course it’s none other than the Zio cabal. It’s their agenda to impoverish/depopulate us with stratospheric energy bills.
No other entity has even the smallest fraction of financial and political clout that the Zio cabal can bring to the table.
That you haven’t worked this out Mulga, speaks volumes for your observational and analytic capabilities – or lack thereof*.
(* It’s also evidence of your unshakeable fixation with extreme Marxist authoritarian dogma that your brain is polluted with).
Charles was more or less correct.
Prince Charles has never been right – on ANY issue.
He peddles the Climate Change myth because his Zio controllers have forced him to – otherwise they’ll expose the activities he engaged in with his best mate, the paedophile Jimmy Saville:
Prince Chuck and the paedo Saville were BEST friends – and that is no exaggeration.
In fact, there are more than a few rumours doing the rounds that one of the reasons Lady Diana was knocked off was because she had found out about Chuck’s and Saville’s antics with the kiddies and so she had to go.
You also wrote:
I realised that Evil Rightwing psychopaths, who besmirch the world in every way, would also put greed and ideological hatred before the survival of humanity, even their own spawn.
In fact, it is because I genuinely care about the survival of humanity, and my progeny in particular, that I have gone out of my way to expose fraudulent simpletons like you who have been too lazy to conduct the due diligence on the Climate fraud themselves.
Instead, you rely solely on your monthly subscription to the ‘Marxist Almanac’ to fill you in on how all ‘woke comrades’ should be thinking.
Greta is a protege’ of the WEF of Schwab infamy. Odd, that, but it doesn’t make her message incorrect.
Sydney is having a wet year - no doubt about.
Why don’t you feck off to the places around Sydney, flooded for the fourth time this year, and parade up and down the street denying that anything unusual is happening.
Charles was more or less correct. The point is that positive feedbacks like melting permafrost, an albedo flip in the Arctic, destabilising methane clathrates etc, would take matters out of human hands, even if we were to totally decarbonise overnight.
I’d place the point of no return at 2009, when Obama sabotaged Copenhagen. I felt that it would occur some years before that, when the denialist insects first emerged, and I realised that Evil Rightwing psychopaths, who besmirch the world in every way, would also put greed and ideological hatred before the survival of humanity, even their own spawn. As it is the next El Nino might be the final little push to really rapid climate destabilisation, so I do hope you’ll be ‘alive’ to enjoy it.
Prince Charles has never been right - on ANY issue.
Charles was more or less correct.
In fact, it is because I genuinely care about the survival of humanity, and my progeny in particular, that I have gone out of my way to expose fraudulent simpletons like you who have been too lazy to conduct the due diligence on the Climate fraud themselves.
I realised that Evil Rightwing psychopaths, who besmirch the world in every way, would also put greed and ideological hatred before the survival of humanity, even their own spawn. �
Another ignorant Dunning-Krugerite. Got any EVIDENCE that scientists tailor their findings to suit their employers? Just one bit could start a discussion, but all you have is invention driven by Rightwing ideology, ie psychopathy.
Aviation IS a factor, one of scores, but because it suits your pig ignorant viciousness, you magically make ALL the others eg solar radiance, global dimming by particulates, greenhouse gas forcing, albedo changes, changes to oceanic circulation rhythms etc, disappear. What a fate!! To be exterminated by cretins.
Here is a genuine climate scientist [Dr. Judith Curry is Professor and former Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology], that rejected the money on offer and instead chose to walk away with her integrity intact (4 min video):
Got any EVIDENCE that scientists tailor their findings to suit their employers? Just one bit could start a discussion, but all you have is invention driven by Rightwing ideology, ie psychopathy.
So please Mulga, quit with the pretence that said scientists that peddle the Global Warming myth do so out of altruism.
'There is ENORMOUS pressure for Climate scientists to conform to the so-called 'consensus'.
This pressure comes not only from [beholden-to-the-Zio-cabal] politicians but from FEDERAL FUNDING AGENCIES, universities and [Zio-funded] professional societies and scientists themselves who are green activists [no doubt promoted to where they were because they're rabid eco-lunatics that will do the bidding of their Zio masters].
Reinforcing this consensus are strong MONETARY, reputational and authority interests'.
begs a rewrite. Wind power is a non-weapon, a renewable power source. wind is fickle and kind of unreliable. The real problem is that all the people harping about it have no clue how it works. They want magic, and there is none.
People who get wages can lose wages. Scientists have house payments, car payments, retirements to fund, kids to send to college just like everyone else. I was in graduate school recently at my advanced age. Not in science, in a liberal arts subject. You want to get into a conference, you play the game.
In science, you have to make it about climate somehow. I don’t know what you have to make it about in the social sciences. The wages (properly, salaries) pay for the upkeep of the scientist and his or her family. Research is funded by grants. You think the grants are not a bribe? They tell you what you have to think, do and say and you think, do or say as they wish or you don’t get the grant.
Meanwhile, I will tell you what the only proven sources of manmade anthropogenic climate change. It’s stratospheric aviation, which reduces the diurnal temperature difference. Try kicking the people out of the stratosphere. Every sacrifice you are being asked to make on the ground is to keep the one percent and the world’s militaries jetting around.
Why don’t you feck off to the places around Sydney, flooded for the fourth time this year, and parade up and down the street denying that anything unusual is happening.
Sydney is having a wet year – no doubt about.
That said, the flooding is comparable to what we’ve experienced in previous wet years.
You know, if we randomly pick 100 large cities in the world, in any given year it’s statistically likely that one if them will be having its wettest year. Another will be experiencing its worst drought, another will record the coldest temps of the century etc.
This has ALWAYS been happening.
Of course, the Zio owned western MSM has the wherewithal these days to be there with cameras rolling and visually play up the tragedy of each and every event – whereas in bygones eras said event would get little or no attention and maybe warrant little more than an obscure paragraph on page 37 of the newspaper.
Said corrupt MSM will now milk the tragedy for all its worth and the gullible ‘Chicken Littles’ like you (for whom the sky is perpetually falling), will get yourself into a lather over it and go about traumatising little kiddies in your wake.
Mulga, let’s not forget what your old pal Prince Chuck had to say in 2009 in this article titled ‘100 months to act on climate, warns Charles’:
That’s right Mulga. One hundred months is just over eight (8) years and if we didn’t act in that time frame said Chuck (ie: by 2017), then IT WOULD BE TOO LATE.
Well, 2017 came and went and, other than some Chemtrails/HAARP induced U.S government climate chicanery, the Earth is doing just fine.
Of course, there are genuine pollution and environmental issues that need to be tackled and ALL OF THEM COULD BE ADDRESSED for a fraction of the money that is now being squandered in trying to fix the NON-PROBLEM of CO2.
That’s the tragedy of it. And useful idiots like you Mulga are enabling the perpetrators of the Climate Hoax to foist this depopulation agenda on the world as more and more people are impoverished in the first world (increasing numbers of elderly are freezing each winter as they can’t afford to pay the energy bills), and mass starvation results in the third world.
It is refreshing that the Israeli agent/s or “volunteers” are going against Greta. A Zionist manufactured activist.
Agents like you should stick with spreading the Zionist good points, if any. This is a different territory.
The propaganda machine is good at picking up young girls for bang for their bucks.
I believe up to some extent in Greta’s messages but always wondered who picked her up for the task. Where did she come from? How she ends up in attending rich and famous parties in Davos. Why her? Why not an old lady from Palestine, TX. Hello Talmudist! Are you guys listening.
Yes, Palestine, Texas (east Texas). Use your goons the Christian-Zionist to change the name of the town.
And then there was Mala from Lahore, Pakistan, a darling of Zionist media. Taliban or who ever fanatics shot her were demanding money from her Dad (also the school principal) who ran a English school for wealthy girls. He refused and the former Mujahideen or now Taliban shot 4 girls in including Mala who was conveniently picked on political and strategic grounds as a symbol of resistance against those fanatics or Islamist . Her prize for standing up to lunatics was Admission to Oxford, a Nobel Prize, and audience with Obama (perhaps a movie or documentary), and a book deal. What exactly she did? does anyone knows or care.
The other 3 girls who were shot and severely wounded? No one knows or cares.
I am going have T-shrit which will read
I believe in 9-11
I am going have T-shrit which will read
I believe in 9-11
The author of that clip (John Meredith) seems to be a member of an Indonesian thrash band. Does this mean diversity is paying off at last?
Best clip of Greta and her speech ever. Genius.
Like you, I am not a fan of death metal, or any other kind of metal music. Also like you, I was impressed by how closely her facial expressions matched the satanic vocals.
Greta Thunberg is a twit. However Mother Nature—that old bitch can play damn hard and mean. Italy–Po River dry—floods in India —tornadoes in Canada—heat wave in Spain–glacier collapsing with a loud wop in the Italian Alps? Mother Nature–she plays where you can’t see what the hell she is up to —-lurks in deep cold places and then turns her tectonic sons loose and the trenches open Way down in the Pacific-Atlantic-Arctic and Antarctic —-REAL heat —red hot from the earth’s mantle —going up and up and heating the water and under Antartica —big chunks cut like–a Knife going through hard butter. NOW Greta –were it your theory—-the ice in Antartica and Arctic would have pools of water on their surface? NOW Greta —why is Boeing and Airbus getting a free ride here—140,000 new aircraft powered on solar re-incarnated moon beams ???
Greta Thundberg and Jew Comedian Zylenskyy—quite the pair and All that Hollywood needs these days. On the Asian front –Shinzo Abe will now be a permanent feature in that Yazakuni Shrine. Flags at Fort Detrick at half mast. How will the pall bearers ( Boris Johnson –Amtrak Joe Biden- Justin Trudeau and Sholtz arrive and Macron) ?
You’re still making no sense. Out.
Best clip of Greta and her speech ever. Genius.
The author of that clip (John Meredith) seems to be a member of an Indonesian thrash band. Does this mean diversity is paying off at last?
Anyway, despite not being a death metal fan, I enjoyed that immensely. Thank you for posting it.
(Her facial expressions match the growling, “voice of Satan” vocals so well, it is uncanny.)
Just repeating moronic stupidity merely confirms your imbecile psychopathy. Your misogynistic hatred of Thunberg comes as no surprise either. Your type are NOTHING but venom and untruth, spite and greed.
But the increasing hysteria of vermin like you IS a good sign. The worldwide climate and weather disasters are finally waking people to the truth, and violent resistance to forced genocide will inevitably erupt, particularly as so many hard Right regimes are introducing Draconian punishments for peaceful climate protests. That will select out the peaceable, and leave the ground free for those who see that fighting for their lives and those of their children is the only path that the Evil psychopaths are leaving for them to pursue.
There is nothing more pig ignorant than someone who refuses to objectively analyse the entirety of the real climate science from those that are not beholden to corrupt governments for their funding.
anyone who denies the reality of anthropogenic climate destabilisation is a pig ignorant moron, or a Rightist misanthrope who wants to see humanity eradicated.
Climate scientists get WAGES, not the large bribes that the few renegade denialist ‘scientists’ do from Rightwing ideologues and the fossil fuel industry. Of course Rightwing haters of Life on Earth, like you, work for nothing but the pathetic ego rewards of the Dunning-Krugerites, and the odd psychopathic delights of working for the extinction of humanity.
Why don’t you feck off to the places around Sydney, flooded for the fourth time this year, and parade up and down the street denying that anything unusual is happening. I hope you get the ‘welcome’ that you and your type so richly deserve.
Sydney is having a wet year - no doubt about.
Why don’t you feck off to the places around Sydney, flooded for the fourth time this year, and parade up and down the street denying that anything unusual is happening.
Please consider however how the Soviet Union, or the Roman Empire were suicided – by various colors of missionaries, apostles, disciples, worshippers, martyrs, and similar schizos carrying only puffed up ideas. The greatest a soldier collapses when his “boots” cannot carry him forth anymore, and the ground he holds is no longer worth holding in his judgement. ” The pen of propaganda is mightier than the sword”. Leave also some room for Smedley Butler “The war is racket”.
Best clip of Greta and her speech ever. Genius.
The author of that clip (John Meredith) seems to be a member of an Indonesian thrash band. Does this mean diversity is paying off at last?
Best clip of Greta and her speech ever. Genius.
The modern “right-wingers” are mostly just saner old leftists. Really shows you how useless ideologies are. The guy who wrote Deutschland schafft sich ab was SPD too. Wagenknecht the feared leftist gypsy basically talks like Anglin on many issues. She is also hounded by her own party.
One CAN NOT take the politics of an occupied country seriously.
I believe that she believes her own bullshit. If she is truly running the whole thing as a scam to get money, she will become my new favorite person
Or maybe financial and virtual warfare is proving a fail again. It’s always been boot on the ground, sandals on the ground, moccasins on the ground, bare feet on the ground. Think Vietnam. Think Afghanistan. Think the big one. In the end, you have to take and hold ground. The one that does is the winner.
You wrote:
anyone who denies the reality of anthropogenic climate destabilisation is a pig ignorant moron, or a Rightist misanthrope who wants to see humanity eradicated.
There is nothing more pig ignorant than someone who refuses to objectively analyse the entirety of the real climate science from those that are not beholden to corrupt governments for their funding.
Instead, such individuals rely only on info that’s been forwarded to them by the most radical extremists in the Green movement – all of whom are as thick as two planks.
YOU Mulga, are that someone.
I’ll give you truther kooks credit: You’ve got every angle covered. Maybe one day we will know the name of the fellow(s) who really shot JFK. And maybe one day the we will know the names of who actually brought down the towers. Until then, I guess you gentlemen are stuck with “Them” and “They”.
Please do update me when you have more specific information. Really, I mean it. I would like to know.
You hurt Mulga Mumblebrain’s feelings when you criticised that person he aspires to be. ie: Greta Thunberg.
I wasn’t aware that Greta was involved romantically with her dog. It seems she’s moved on from the young British lad she was seeing previously (watch from 30 secs onwards in this clip):
Mulga, I hope you watched that video above. Just imagine your other half in place of that young lad who has to put up with a climate loon like Greta.
(Greta represents you Mulga – although you’re much more of a climate zealot than her, while Greta also outdoes you by a few IQ points).
I can visualise your missus listening to you day and night, hearing all the virtue signalling you’ve done that day.
Like carrying your 15 shopping bags home in the rain and thus preventing a dozen or so molecules of CO2 from escaping into the atmosphere by not having to drive your car a few hundred metres to the supermarket.
I can just imagine you going to work the next day, tormenting your work colleagues with yet more climate lunacy, boasting how you minimised your carbon footprint (even though said shopping bags and their contents were soaked through and most of your groceries had to be tossed in the bin due to spoilage).
Mulga, do you ever wonder why no one ever invites you to any social events any more ?
Has the penny dropped yet, that everyone around you is fed up with your infantile belief – that the Earth is warming due to the demonstrably ridiculous notion that man made CO2 emissions are the culprit?
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
Mark Twain
A couple of things about Grim Greta pointed to the fraud that she is. The first is the spontaneous solo first demonstration outside her school as a young teenager just happened to be recorded by unknown people producing a professional quality video. I’m sure every Swedish school has video crews just waiting outside to record important events. The second was her blog being hosted by simeone with an IP address registered to the UN.
Nothing to see here, move along.
Then she had her infamous melt down at the UN and became an embarrassment so you don’t really hear much about her these days, no doubt they are looking for a replacement
In a way, I am somewhat surprised that her meltdown did not go over well at the UN. Any preacher will tell you that congregations enjoy a pulpit-pounding, scoldy sermon more than anything.
Could it be that the adults in the room have finally wised up and realised how ridiculous they look to sane people by allowing themselves to be harangued by a young kid?
(Nah, couldn’t be: it’s the UN.)
If I were Russia I would tell them to fuck off, absolutely no relations can be had with ZOG regimes that have explicitly call for the destruction of Russia. This is a killed or be killed situation, it would be the height of stupidity if Russia resumed Nordstream 2.
Jesus, cut the kid a break already. Remember when you were young and not yet corrupted by discovering the way the world really works.
Don’t be an idiot. Any real environmentalist knows that the planet is over-populated, but, more importantly, over-consumes. Therefore population MUST and WILL one way, catastrophe, or another, humanely, reduce and consumption in the rich world must reduce too. All true Rightists, being genocidal misanthropes, prefer that billions die in the poor world rather than that they give up any of their precious possessions. So we head towards global civil war, then extinction.
To begin, anyone who denies the reality of anthropogenic climate destabilisation is a pig ignorant moron, or a Rightist misanthrope who wants to see humanity eradicated. It’s pretty obvious what this fellow is.Both. More coal, more climate destabilisaion and a faster exit for humanity.
There is nothing more pig ignorant than someone who refuses to objectively analyse the entirety of the real climate science from those that are not beholden to corrupt governments for their funding.
anyone who denies the reality of anthropogenic climate destabilisation is a pig ignorant moron, or a Rightist misanthrope who wants to see humanity eradicated.
Ukrainians blown to pieces in the Donbass may disagree.
Try this instead: War is a Racket by Smedley Butler
Greta Thunberg is SO freaking’ hawt!!
In a similar vein have you seen those Xfinity ads with the sexy Mexican girl? Yes,she’s very pretty,but they’ve slathered her face with a big blob of makeup. It takes away from her looks.
Is this to get the baracho cholos to say ” Si! I must have theese Xfinity “?
Biden’s press secretary looks and acts like a golly wog. That is her atavistic appeal. Affirmative action for coloureds has created a class who are just not up to their jobs. That is not just America. If a coloured person succeeds professionally in the old days, that was because they had to work extra hard to overcome the stereotype. That gave them a reputation of better than average. To a lesser extent that was also the case with women. I note here wog and gollywog are red underlined. But golly is not.
“but no, we HAVE to turn Canada into India, environment be damned. Because profit.”
No, it’s really not “because profit”; it is Because Kill Off Whitey.
“In reality, the ‘greens’ are in favor of one thing: driving the standard of living down for the average worker.”
They are certainly in favor of one thing, but it is not lower wages, it is eliminating white people, totally, forever, period.
Here is a simple truth: ALL (((leftist))) causes and leftist madness that you read and hear about has a single goal and a single purpose: Kill Whitey. They admit it quite openly, with a big smile on their faces, because they’re winning and they know it.
Look at photos of KJP from a few years back, she looks like the typical angry female black activist,
not very attractive.
For the white house press meetings, she is massively made up, they do a baby face makeup thing to her.
Its a defensive look, after the hammering and ridicule the geriatric ginger mouth of sauron got.
learn to do a an ‘f”n’ internet search, doofus! i am describing the NTSB investigation and their findings. if you think you know more than the NTSB, then present your credentials!
and second, i am exposing the absurdity of the claims of the poster i was responding to (and was that you? what? NO? then STFU!)- so maybe you ought to remove your foot from your mouth now, because the plane that hit the pentagon was suppposedly piloted by a person who only learned on a simulator and was involved in the exact scenario i presented. so what else you got, gimp?
I revel in calling her the “no tit retard.”
Interesting … (((Reuters))) has no reason to invent it and the Ruskies
wouldn´t lie about it – “south of Kramatorsk”, eh? So the (((Ukies))),
to no one´s particular surprise, couldn´t resist the temptation to use
the dandy long-range systems for shelling Russian civilians in Donetsk
instead for counter-battery …
Good riddance.
Their obvious lies work because they never state them explicitly like that. You’re supposed to just pick up the plot as you keep trying to fit in with the in-group.
Say what? Germany is completely tame, a eunuch in military terms, and it will not grow a new pair any time soon.Replies: @MarylinM
The real target is Germany, the real threat to the AngloZionist Empire.
Modern warfare is in the hands of Wall Street. “A pair” is not needed, only pen and paper
Greta is of abortion-having age now, and busy looking for a consenting depositor. Lump of coal is not deep enough
“Russia’s defence ministry said on Wednesday its armed forces had destroyed two advanced U.S.-made HIMARS rocket systems and their ammunition depots in eastern Ukraine, an assertion later rejected by Kyiv.
“Moscow said it had destroyed two launchers for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) that the United States and its allies have been supplying to Kyiv.
“It also said Russian forces destroyed two ammunition depots storing rockets for the HIMARS near the frontline in a village south of Kramatorsk in Ukraine’s Donetsk region – the main focus for Russian troops after the capture of Luhansk on Sunday.
“Ukraine had received only four HIMARS systems as of early July, the European Council on Foreign Relations said in a report. The United States has pledged to deliver eight by mid-July.”
If Russia’s claim (denied by the Ukies as “fake”) proves to be correct, it’s another stinging loss for NATO and the war Jews … and another resounding win for Russia and Jesus.
Still you gotta admit it is heartening for a German pol to state the
obvious (even if only a desperate attempt at showing profile); item,
it might be time to tell the waterpolacks that if anyone disposes over
Königsberg, it sure as hell isn´t them.
This is the best article by Andrew Anglin I have read to date and I agree with this article’s inherent entire message.
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg of Stockholm, Sweden, supports homosexuality and other forms of human sexual perversions!
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg, now aged 19, prefers a dog to sleep with instead of with a man — while using a large-size dildo made of synthetic materials.
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg of Stockholm, Sweden, says nothing bad about Sweden’s NATO membership, which may lead to complete destruction of the European continent if one side miscalculates other side’s nuclear move!
> calling for Europe to commit suicide for nothing
All I hear is cricket instead of thousand of poles-enablers just a few years ago.
Poolacken are the real internal threat to Europe, not Russia.
Muh based “catholic” pooland.
Well, this leftist German MP chairing the Energy Committee, says it’s time to drop Russia sanctions and finish the damn pipeline
The real target is Germany, the real threat to the AngloZionist Empire.
Say what? Germany is completely tame, a eunuch in military terms, and it will not grow a new pair any time soon.
“Going from 530 mph to a dead stop in that distance produced a gravitational force of 30 g’s…” Who said that the pilot survived?
And where is the airliner that can make a 9g turn anyway?
You’re making no sense.
But none of the professional airline pilots (with time in type) who attempted to duplicate the attacks on the WTC using professional simulators could do so at the airspeed claimed by the official narrative.
The “9/11 Hijackers” were legends or distractions created to provide an “Islamic terrorist”narrative.
if your simulator training is so good, i expect you would have no problem duplicating the flight path of the plane that hit the pentagon- right? and you would be fine with the “Decelerating from 530 miles per hour to a dead stop in that distance produced a gravitational force of 30 g’s, more than three times the force that fighters pilots are trained to withstand in the cockpit. ”
so you are superman and can withstand 3 times the G-force that any fighter pilot on earth could? of course you could, because the computer gave you super powers!
from NTSB Jim Ritter:
“…the aircraft was positioned about 3.5 miles wst-southwest of the Pentagon, and started a right 330 degree turn to the right. at the end of the turn, the aircraft was about 2,000 feet altitude and 4 miles southwest of the Pentagon. Over the next 30 seconds, power was increased to near maxximum and the nose was pitched down in response to the control column movements. The airplane accelerated to approximately 460 knots (530 miles per hour) at impact with the Pentagon. The time of impact was 8:37:45 AM.”
and here an exhibition pilot died just last week traveling at the same speed:
you stupid fucktard!
no paragraphing; didn’t read
Grim Gretta is a Soros sock puppet and always has been – but you are
right about central casting: In Bio-Leninism only the healthy, strong
and beautiful is fair game (“Umwertung der Werte“).
Much the same for the German “Greens”; oh for the times of fundamental
ideological battles between Brown-Greens and Red-Greens (which not only
made for light entertainment, it also kept their itsy bitsy brainpans unclogged).
Today´s crop are in cognitive dissonance, incapable of seeing the most glaring
contradictions, unabashedly Jewish-bourgeois, pro-immigration, pro-war
and nothing else (certainly not “green”).
(Oh, and Andrew? Collapsing the stock market will reverse inflation.)
Flight simulators are remarkably effective for training. I was put on the line flying 727s full of passengers after just one hour on the actual aircraft. All the rest of the time was in the simulator.
Last month I downloaded a simulator from the app store for free for an iPad, and it is remarkably sophisticated and realistic. Again, that’s a FREE app for an iPad.
You 911 truthers can blather all the silliness you care to, but deprecating the ability to gain proficiency at the controls of an aircraft from a simulator should not be one of your talking points.
You can pretty much completely understand reality by just believing the exact opposite of whatever the government/media tells you.
“Never believe anything until it’s been officially denied.”–Otto von Bismarck.
Russia is just a pawn. The real target is Germany, the real threat to the AngloZionist Empire.
That’s the real meaning of it being WWIII. Same old trick: use Serbia to drag Germany into a war. Use Poland to drag Germany into a war. Use Russia to drag Germany into a war. Zionists use Anglo hatred/envy of Germany to create world wars, both lose, Zionists win.
The Jew says, let’s you and him fight. The goy says, oorah!
Say what? Germany is completely tame, a eunuch in military terms, and it will not grow a new pair any time soon.Replies: @MarylinM
The real target is Germany, the real threat to the AngloZionist Empire.
And of course, the “greens” say nothing about government policies aimed at maximizing population growth by importing the surplus people of the third world. Because that will drive wages and living standards down for the many, and rents and profits up for the few, so obviously anyone criticizing forced population growth is racist.
Really, the “greens” have zero interest in saving the planet. If they did, they wouldn’t be so in favor of jamming in ever more billions – it doesn’t matter how much we ‘conserve’, that can all be cancelled out by ever more people. I mean, India is crushed into subsistence level poverty, and yet the land is sucked dry, the rivers and sky run with filth. Canada – for now – is prosperous, they have a very high standard of living, yet the sky is clear, the rivers are clean… but no, we HAVE to turn Canada into India, environment be damned. Because profit.
In reality, the ‘greens’ are in favor of one thing: driving the standard of living down for the average worker. Why do you think the elites are so generous in funding them and giving them media coverage?
Well, the stupid USA interfered with the import of natural gas. What do you expect?
And Covid is the greatest threat to humanity since the Black Death, except when we need to riot in commemoration of a black career criminal overdosing under the knee of a white cop.
Since Greta is doubtlessly an actor (though she may not be aware of that) it occurs to me that they chose this vaguely Special-Ed-looking girl because it makes mockery of her all the more cruel. If she were some tall gorgeous blonde, the word “bimbo” would come to mind. Much like most black female politicos in America are ugly, ala Stacey Abrams, so that criticizing them is both racist AND sexist. (Don’t say “they all are”; AOC is passably doable, providing she doesn’t open her foolish mouth, and Pedo Joe’s dimwitted Lesbian press secretary is actually kind of cute.)
The Russia people and the global warming people are the same people who told you:
There was a global virus pandemic
The experimental gene therapy “vaccine†against the alleged pandemic virus was safe and effective
et cetera, et cetera……..
I think you meant to write:
The Russophobes and the Global Warming hoaxers are one and the same. There other lies are:
You’re much better when you stick to the facts and don’t ramble and rant. In this case, you’re almost entirely right, so just let the facts speak.
As regards Greta FAS Thunberg, It’s obvious she’s controlled by her parents, particularly her father, and promoted by the MSM for their own purposes. Think of her as a teenage version of Joe Biden – a sock puppet who will be discarded when no longer of use.
She was at the Glastonbury Mud Festival at the end of June, but had nothing to say about Germany refitting its coal-fired stations. Rather like Biden having nothing to say about America getting ever more Russian oil from third parties.
That’s a good list; it’s the tenets of a new religion. Also, mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting and ballot drop boxes are the most securest honest procedures in our sacred democracy ever, and Joe Biden is the acting Chief Executive and got 81 gazillion votes.
Empire of Lies.
Climate change (the Green Movement) is as bogus as Covid-19. While there might be a small truth to each— e.g., man-made CO2 has an infinitesimally small effect on the ever-changing climate of earth and Covid-19 might have an effect on stage-4 lung cancer patients— each has been seized upon by TPTB as a tool for social control and/or change. And of course TPTB have been able to easily co-opt the minds of values-free young people raised in modern heathen households to be their useful idiot proxy warriors in playing up this scam.
It’s funny watching a couple rare clips of Greta in an informal setting when asked a question.
She’s autistic and basically can’t even string a sentence together imagine Biden x10 on his worst speech day.
She was always a “girl of the future†pin up front girl for big money WEF /Davos green agenda she just did what they ordered her to do.
Then she had her infamous melt down at the UN and became an embarrassment so you don’t really hear much about her these days, no doubt they are looking for a replacement
In a way, I am somewhat surprised that her meltdown did not go over well at the UN. Any preacher will tell you that congregations enjoy a pulpit-pounding, scoldy sermon more than anything.
Then she had her infamous melt down at the UN and became an embarrassment so you don’t really hear much about her these days, no doubt they are looking for a replacement
How green was my gas field! Germany and France have decided economic suicide is a bad idea after all.
MEPs on Wednesday backed a controversial plan to label certain nuclear and gas investments as sustainable. The objection raised by two key parliamentary committees in mid-June to not label the two power sources as green as part of the upcoming taxonomy was rejected by 328 MEPs, with 278 in favour, and 33 abstentions. Shouts of “traitors” and jeers could be heard in the plenary room in Strasbourg when the result of the vote was revealed.
The governments of Austria, Luxembourg — as well as Greenpeace — have already announced they plan to challenge the decision in court.
What is the taxonomy? The taxonomy is a planned EU classification to give the financial sector clarity on which economic activities can be considered sustainable that has been in the works for years.
But in February, the European Commission unveiled a controversial Delegated Act to label nuclear and gas as sustainable, caving to pressure from France and Berlin, which are currently respectively dependent on nuclear and gas.
Didn’t you all hear the news that a lot of the “Green” movement was funded by Russia to make the West dependent on Russian natural resources? If so, Gretanya Thurnakova isn’t going to say shit.
Germany is burning brown coal, the dirtiest fuel on the planet…crickets..
The NATO commitment to a carbon-neutral military goes along with reports that the U.S. military is falling far short of its recruitment targets as good news! The weaker the western militaries, the less inclination there will be for wars of choice to expand or defend the Global American Empire.
And for that matter, two planes hijacked by towelheads armed with box cutters who learned to fly on Microsoft Flight Simulator. That’s actually the MOAB, the Mother Of All Bullshit. If you make people swallow that, you can make them swallow anything.
They’re also the people suggesting that virtual reality is better/safer (you won’t get Monkeypox in virtual sex … seriously , they said that) than reality.
They clearly left reality a long time ago.
greta? i needed a good laugh! this little retarded poppet has had her 15 minutes of fame, made her millions, so she can retire and fade into oblivion in comfort. she was always a faker and a hoaxer, and her action- or lack of- now proves it. i can’t wait for her to transistion into some new gender!
And to add to the bullshit list:
Two planes can pulverize three buildings.