Cops, fireman, prison guards, the military should be made up of our best
I do like your sense of satire.
“Our Best” of course, should be in productive occupations, not baby-sitting the thick and the dead.
As long as you’re able-bodied, you shouldn’t look to other men (whether cops or others) for your protection. YOU should be the one capable of intimidating or, if necessary, taking out any assailants, even if you need a weapon to do it. Cops should only be needed to sort out the aftermath and take the aggressors to jail.
(BTW, it’s not the job of cops to “beat up the bad guys” in any civilized society. They are supposed to use no more than the necessary force to arrest suspects. Punishment is the duty of the courts.)
I can tell you, Ron, the lawer letter received by Candace Owens is of an unbelievable nature and content; you should have a look on it !
Doing so, you will be ready for next round of the story, in 10 days if Candace delivers as announced.
Well, I’ll be curious to see her “trove of evidence” that Mrs. Macron is a man when she releases it.
If you’ve read my American Pravda series, you’ll have encountered a long list of previous examples in which I’d been totally wrong on other “conspiracy theories.” So perhaps I’m entirely wrong about this one. But I doubt it.
Owens recently got huge visibility for interviewing a survivor of the U.S.S. Liberty and someone said that her number of subscribers passed those of the Neocon Daily Wire, where she’d previously worked.
So I wonder if some people didn’t get fed up with her success and put in the effort to concoct a batch of fake documents as poisoned bait in order to finally destroy her.
I can tell you, Ron, the lawer letter received by Candace Owens is of an unbelievable nature and content; you should have a look on it !
Doing so, you will be ready for next round of the story, in 10 days if Candace delivers as announced.
Well, I'll be curious to see her "trove of evidence" that Mrs. Macron is a man when she releases it.
I can tell you, Ron, the lawer letter received by Candace Owens is of an unbelievable nature and content; you should have a look on it !
Doing so, you will be ready for next round of the story, in 10 days if Candace delivers as announced.
Derek Chauvin's treatment, solely based on race, was even a bigger American disgrace than our government's handling of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The hyper injustice that happened to Derek, a white cop simply doing his job, can happen to any white man in America, no matter how innocent, as long as the opposing party in the conflict is a non-white male. This is US government approved white-targeted racism, as bad as the small-town racism against blacks that existed a hundred years ago in the deep South.
The ridiculous perp is dead, thank God.
This is US government approved white-targeted racism, as bad as the small-town racism against blacks that existed a hundred years ago in the deep South.
Screw you, punk! …small-town Southerner
The problem is, judo doesn’t work on someone twice your size…
In the 1960’s my father worked for a large engineering firm that had clients and projects all over the world.
One of the perks was that employees could take off from work early some days a week if they went to work out at the company gym. Pick up basketball qualified for this.
A visiting Japanese engineer had been talking up the effectiveness of judo, and one day in the gym my father said to him, “ok, Haidi, have at me!”
Haidi made his move, and my dad scooped him up and held him in the way you see a new husband carry his bride across the threshhold.
Dad related that Haidi could do nothing but squirm until he let him down, and so much face was lost he never spoke to dad or acknowledged him again.
“Stereotyping” is basically just inductive reasoning.
Lesbian couples are responsible for some of the highest rates of domestic abuse complaints.
Blacks are massively overrepresented in crime in the UK.
Pakis are usually drug dealers, fraudsters, sexual perverts and the like. The use more cunning and deceit in their criminality and less full on violence and aggression – which the blacks specialise in, hence their *enormous* overrepresentation in the UK prison system.
I will venture to say that most inmates in London and the south east of England are blacks.
The case against female cops in one clip.
Pushing women onto the workplace lowers birthrates.
(Obvious, but also expert opinion:
Who’s being given employment and promotions? Women and people of color (ie non-whites).
This is a targeted hit on white/European birthrates.
No moron we are telling facts.Nobody gives a shit about Jew orchestrated Twin Towers and all the constant begging for money.Tell it to Israel,they did it.As for the hags you mentioned no one here cares about New York and its racial filth.I say let women be 100% of cops and soldiers.They don’t want that,they want to be given large salaries and power while men do all the work.Guess what,men are checking out.We are done with being mocked and abused while we do everything.Your false reality is fooling no one,not even the Eves who are your useful idiots.Let it all fall and who cares.
“You cannot generalize and stereotype” – Sure you can, and we all do it whether we wish to admit it or not. I stated in my article that there exist female outliers, but they are not representative of the majority of female cops on the streets. My observations about female officers didn’t arise in a vacuum, but instead is the result of what I and many others have noticed after several decades of working alongside female cops.
Stereotypes are simply the recognition of observable and repeatable patterns that one discerns concerning persons or groups of people. Granted, it may not be true of all persons within that group without a single exception. But there’s enough of it to state what is generally true about them.
You mentioned certain female officers in your comment. But what exactly makes them “good cops”? Just because they’re nice and pleasant people? I don’t doubt that they are, but that alone doesn’t mean they will be effective and competent officers on the streets.
Understand also that I’m not denying that there are many decent and humane female cops out there as there are in many professions. But none of that negates the real-life limitations and problems that women bring to the job when they put on a police uniform.
A saw the exact same thing in Corporate America. I was working at a major Avionics Firm. We literally had a fat cow of a woman (A Manager no less) get sloppy drunk at happy hour and began bragging about the fact that, "Her Pussy was so Tight, she could squat down and pick up a long neck beer bottle with it". The next week at work she was accusing a coworker of Sexual Harassment....sitting in conference room with an HR rep, She began squirting tears as the "supposed" offending male coworker came into the room. Oh...the Horror.Women commit adultery in corporate America at the same rate as men. Millions of men have faced Divorced Court, Family Law, loss of their children and financial ruin because of Calculating Women. I am so tired of our society Worshiping Women. They do not deserve it.Replies: @Rebel Roy
Because they are females, they are catty, moody, easily offended, and driven completely by their emotional natures which can turn at a moment’s notice. Many female officers will admit it too. One minute they’ll be using the same salty and crude language as any male officer in a casual group setting, and the next minute they’ll be suing the department for sexual harassment because inappropriate language was used in their presence.
Right Sir,totally agree.The Jews in control purposely give women and non-Whites unfair advantages over us.It is their goal to wreck the White nations.Women sell us out like the true Eves they have been since the beginning.Women are stupidly taking their cues from those setting them up for a great fall.I will not catch them.
Correct Hinz.Phibbs is confusing the Blacks:sneak attacks,10 on 1 attacks and lack of a soul which allows them to attack with horrible violence,with being stronger than Whites.I lifted weights for many years and found the natural strongest were Whites(lots of Blacks and many Whites stupidly used steroids.
me and my dog had a little problem with a female cop in a Menlo Park, CA. downtown park. the lady cop did not like my tying my dog to a tree for a while. I did not have food or water for my pooch…she complained.
I am or was about 6 foot and 200 pounds and I can get a bit upset when hassled by an insane cop.
S o the lady cop ordered me to get down on my knees……I thought that getting on my knees was better than getting shot, so I complied.
Lady cops are absurd
I really do hope that those stupid cops weren’t trying to move that suspect after she was ejected from the vehicle after it rolled.
It explains why females often become the victim of domestic violence.
Very often after deliberately provoking their BFs/husbands/partners to violence and then trying to play innocent victims.
She was super polite.
She had at least that much common sense.
Five of her 90 pounds were probably the shit load in her skivvies, dropped in terror of having been sent out alone to canvass a neighborhood.
I agree.
In times long gone the Brits did not even give their coppers guns, just batons to twirl. Extraordinary crimes were rare. But I don’t subscribe to the libertarian/anarchist utopia of any society, even the most cohesive racially/ethnically, without the need of some law enforcement.
Tell that to Kathy Vigiano, NYPD cop and widow who lost her husband, a cop AND a brother-in-law, a firefighter on 9/11.
Tell that to Gertrude LaForgia, the first female to be Assistant Chief in the NYPD.
Tell that to Jessica Tisch, the NYPD commissioner.
There are a lot of good female cops out there.
You cannot generalize and stereotype.
I suspect a lot of this has to do with the rise of the matriarchy. In order to advance, defend and sustain matriarchy you must have DEI, diversity, equity and quotas. A society based on nature and merit is naturally patriarchal and most women would be unqualified and even more averse to dangerous jobs designed for men.
When women cannot qualify for jobs men do, they lower the standards and introduce quotas. When quotas go unmet, they promote women into managerial positions overseeing departments and occupations dominated by men. And when they do, personal incompetency is not just personal anymore but systemic.
I think we’re seeing the consequences of systemic harm everywhere today.
Feminism was the first salvo in the push to matriarchy. It then metastasized to racial diversity and equity, multiculturalism, and finally open borders and mass migrations. I probably exaggerate and I’m not sure which came first, but they all appear to relate.
From a nature and philosophical point of view, women police officers, soldiers and fire fighters are irrational and invert the natural order. Society exists to protect women and children. Men are expendable. Women and children are not.
Do we want women to do jobs meant for men? No, because the jobs men do often make them hard and cynical. That’s why we protect young girls and young women from becoming hard and cynical.
When women want to be like men, we sabotage social cohesion and the reason for it. What for society if there aren’t gentle women? Men don’t want to die for lesbians and dykes.
Just going to throw this out there: it seems that it was typical for the more educated women to teach in those single-room schools of frontier America before they got married. So teaching them the basics, like reading, writing, math, I don't see an issue with that, ignoring any other political considerations at the moment.Replies: @Mike Tre
Education: Again, the only females that should be allowed to teach children should be straight, married, has grown children, and is over the age of 45. What kind of education can a child really get from a 23 year old girl who doesn’t know shit about anything?
That’s a good point. Those young women who taught had probably worked their asses of on the farm from the time they could walk; killed, dressed and cooked livestock, made clothes from scratch, started and tended fires, carried water up from the crik, maybe even hunted, and got a slap from their father if they spoke out of turn. Not a lot of opportunity for sexual harassment in those one room school houses either.
What does a 21 year old women know how to do these days? Stare at their phone, spread their legs, and play the victim.
They probably knew as much or more about things than the average 45 year old woman does today.
There have been some incidents in Chicago that followed that script….
Police are the “thin blue line” against the rabble, for sure. Thanks to them.
But the policeman’s job is inherently BORING and TEDIOUS (except for moments of terror), so it is that long ago the powers-that-be discovered how to weed out the top cognitive rank in the pre-employment testing for cops.
The bottom line is that the hirers go through the results and pick only the 2nd rank, since it is expected they will not quit the job so soon or so often during a career, costing the taxpayers extra money. It’s a little-known factoid whose source is lost this commentator.
Education: Again, the only females that should be allowed to teach children should be straight, married, has grown children, and is over the age of 45. What kind of education can a child really get from a 23 year old girl who doesn’t know shit about anything?
Just going to throw this out there: it seems that it was typical for the more educated women to teach in those single-room schools of frontier America before they got married. So teaching them the basics, like reading, writing, math, I don’t see an issue with that, ignoring any other political considerations at the moment.
While I fully agree with you, I think the real case everyone should be making is the case for all cops to be females.
As long as the ZOG regime stands, cops are nothing more than obedient enforcers of the ZOG. The weaker and more useless they are the better.
Exactly! ZOG’s pigs are nothing more than mercenaries for the corrupt political class. Why should we want them to be effective when someday they’re probably going to be tasked with arresting anyone who has ever engaged in “hate speech” against Jews or Israel?
Cops already enforce a vast multitude of blatantly unconstitutional laws. They will enforce ANY laws that are passed in the future as well, including laws against having “anti-Semitic” opinions, and laws intended to disarm the goyim. The latter already exist in places like Jew York City.
Able-bodied individuals should take responsibility for their own security and that of weaker individuals in their sphere. That means being in good physical shape, having at least some fighting skills, and being proficient with firearms.
Some degree of “professional” law enforcement may be necessary, but I see no problem with it being weak and kept on a very short leash. Most male cops are nearly as ineffective as female cops; yet due to superior numbers (or the threat thereof), they still typically prevail in confrontations with garden-variety criminals.
‘…Police officer is an easy job that low-IQ people can do…’
That would depend on how well you want the job done.
uh, literally the definition of “berserker” is an ancient Norse warrior who fought with frenzied rage in battle, possibly induced by eating hallucinogenic mushrooms.
and berserkers gained their fearsome reputation by fighting without concern for life or limb, often AFTER receiving wounds which would prove fatal.
‘None of this is to take D’s remark literally. But it’s actually close to a first approximation. Whites (especially FWPs) do need enforcement, but it’s generally business-related. They’re not usually decapitating people or pushing them in front of subway trains. And their neighborhoods are safe. Pick your poison.’
Indeed. I live in a depressed former logging town where everyone seems to have discovered drugs about one generation back.
…but it is almost all white. When I moved up here, I checked the crime stats for the past year (for an area with about sixty thousand people). We had NO murders, NO rapes, NO robberies, eight burglaries, and a slew of petty thefts and what I interpreted as bar fights.
Don’t leave your weed whacker lying out on your front yard, and if you want a fight, there are bars that can accommodate you. Otherwise, not much action.
…and all this with a per capita police presence that comes to about half of what it was in the vibrant and diverse California city I left.
Great advice from one of my old 1st Sgt’s in regards to chasing tail:
If you can’t bench it, don’t press it.
Words to live by.
If you’ve ever known any actual cops, they’ll tell you that 80 to 90% of their calls have to do with black or brown criminals. Usually black, if there’s a critical mass in the jurisdiction or nearby. That critical mass can be surprisingly small.
If you don’t trust the testimony of actual enforcers, you can look up the FBI and NIBRS stats any time you like. Granted, a lot of it is been suppressed in recent years but there’s still more than enough readily available on sites like this one and AmRen.
None of this is to take D’s remark literally. But it’s actually close to a first approximation. Whites (especially FWPs) do need enforcement, but it’s generally business-related. They’re not usually decapitating people or pushing them in front of subway trains. And their neighborhoods are safe. Pick your poison.
Indeed. I live in a depressed former logging town where everyone seems to have discovered drugs about one generation back.
'None of this is to take D’s remark literally. But it’s actually close to a first approximation. Whites (especially FWPs) do need enforcement, but it’s generally business-related. They’re not usually decapitating people or pushing them in front of subway trains. And their neighborhoods are safe. Pick your poison.'
Bizarre. In the US, coming at a cop with a knife is a death sentence. It is even used as a suicide method.
Good Article!
Also, almost every word of it could be said about women in the military, or in the firehouse as fire”men”.
Category #1- First things first- Many of the women that go into these occupations; Police, Military, Fire Fighting, never had any interest in “doing the job”, and are instead are there for YOU! You, the police, military, and fire fighters. It’s so target rich for girls looking for young, fit, alpha-males.
It would be like a young guy getting the chance to work with a group of college cheer leaders.
That’s why so many of the girls that do it, are proved to be attention whores, or sluts, or girls that stay around just long enough to find their husband, then quickly punch out.
The attention whores cause much of the drama, flirting with all the guys around them, and just soaking up all that male attention like they are swimsuit models in Cancun on Spring Break!
The sluts end up screwing multiple guys in their unit, also digging on that little bit of power and control, and creating chaos in their wake. Guys end up at each other’s throats, fighting, or sometimes killing each other.
The Husband Hunters, take on similar characteristics as the attention whores and the sluts, but at least they create less damage, leave sooner, and end-up in a semi-honorable capacity.
Category #2- The Chicks that basically wanna be men. Normally not good looking, and haven’t turned into lesbians, yet, but much like suburban wiggers that try so desperately to be viewed as their darker “urban” inspiration.
These are the broads that want to cuss, and drink, and talk loud. Bossy, masculine (to a point), and usually on the “big boned” side of the weight spectrum. They’re always low class and crass.
They want to be “one of the boys” when it comes to talking shit, playing pranks on the men, or whatever… BUT they don’t take it as well as they can give it. When it comes back on them, then they become women again.
Category #3- The Misfit Chicks. Fuglies, that don’t fit in with the girly girls, and are only ~50% lesbians. They don’t fit nicely in other category, don’t really know what they want out of life, and so they choose a field that is counter-intuitive, hoping that it will answer, all the questions they have about who they are, and what they need or want.
I suspect that these are the types of ugly skags that appear in the article.
Many of the bull dyke lesbians come from this group too.
Also, this video should have been featured-�Same goes for low-IQ (inclination toward violence) and moral turpitude. But I think TPTB want dysfunctional cops and disorder in police (as they do in society at large) and pay cops CEO salaries as a means of control and fealty. They view cops as concierge protection for their interests.Replies: @Mike Conrad
It may wish it could F white people,
but methinks it’ll have to settle for a black dude.
“Women were encouraged to enter the work force in the late 60’s for two reasons: 1. reduce salaries and 2. disrupt family life.”
There was 1 more reason [regarding families and work]: tax 2 people instead of 1.
This being HMP Wandsworth, a London jail, it goes without saying that the prisoners involved were black. Indeed blacks are *massively* overrepresented in the UK prison population.
Aren’t the inmates mostly Pakistani?
Maybe you would hit it, I think is the phrase that applies.
It was always a “poor man’s sport.†MOST successful boxers come from poor backgrounds, Dempsey was riding the rails going days without eating, Roberto Duran was a street urchin, Joe Frazier grew up dirt poor in rural South Carolina, etc., however
Sure I get the history but if US sports were more like the USSR and boxing was available at rural high schools then you would see far more White fighters.
The Communists basically said that you can try out any sport and if you are good then we will train you. I’ve not a fan of Communism but that honestly makes a lot more sense. I think China has a similar program for certain sports. They don’t leave it to private organizations to find athletes.
In America you are pressured into certain directions from a young age based on your race and background. I would even say it is now common for young White males with athletic potential to be pushed into music or be limited to soccer. I know someone who lives in liberal burbs and they don’t even have junior football. Even though it is a dense area it is pretty much soccer and tennis. They don’t support combat sports of any type and football is definitely out. Not much baseball as half the dads didn’t play growing up. I’ve given a lot of advice on kid sports to women because the husband never played. There is a real problem whereby a White woman marries an engineer or technician and neither have a clue about sports. I’m honestly not trying to put down such couples. They really don’t know where to start or how to practice with the kids.
So I actually agree with the poster that said Whites would be near the top at boxing if there was equal demand and acceptance. It would probably be similar to MMA where Whites dominate the mid weights. I think a lot of the very large Whites however would still choose football and MMA. As you probably know the heavyweights really get socked in boxing. They actually have a hard time finding Blacks to do it as a career. It takes a lot of fights before they get the chance at a big pay out. You are better off with a college scholarship for football.
Back in the mid 70's I saw a night-time outdoor boxing match between a young white guy and a young black guy at the California State Fair. The black was muscled and the milky-white guy was lanky/skinny. In the crowd were two fat, bearded, farmers in bib overalls, they were drinking beer and laughing loudly at the white guy, yelling stuff about him living in a closet, about not getting enough sun, not getting enough to eat, stuff like that. Based on physical appearances alone, the small night-time crowd was sure that the black guy was going to annihilate his opponent, but when the fight started he couldn't connect; the white guy dodged the black guy's punches while connecting his own punches to the black guy's body and head. It didn't take too long before the referee had to stop the fight. Everyone, including the fat farmers, cheered the white winner, a man who didn't look all that tough but sure knew how to fight.Replies: @Mike Conrad
I’m not convinced that negroes make better boxers (in general) either...
In the crowd were two fat, bearded, farmers in bib overalls, they were drinking beer and laughing loudly at the white guy, yelling stuff about him living in a closet, about not getting enough sun, not getting enough to eat, stuff like that.
Is this some sort of oblique reference to Steve Sailer?!
Unfortunately there are many men who have no problem punching women and a desperate criminal trying to not go back to jail/prison wouldn’t think twice about it even if the woman looked like a prime Pam Anderson. Hell, he might even abduct the good looking female cop and rape her before killing her. There are some real animals out there especially those with nothing else to lose who are facing long prison sentences or mentally unstable.
On the other hand, women trying to be men is ridiculous. Rousey used to claim she could defeat men. Lucia Rijker, a world professional champion female boxer took on an average pro Muay Thai male kickboxer in a legit Muay Thai female vs. male match. Rijker was flattened inside of 2. Both fighters were the same weight if I recall.
Policing in general is not for the people, it’s mostly another tax collection scheme & to keep the public from going off the reservation. But the gist of the article is correct.
Women were omitted from medical schools not that long ago. Some of the best gp’s I’ve had are women. Maybe that speaks to the ho-hum male gp’s out there.
Replies: @John Johnson
But that’s entirely different when compared to a woman who is given the authority of the badge and ordered to go out and conquer crime. The effect this has had on the female psyche and her self-perception has not been good, especially in an age where women are told how wonderful they are solely because of their gender and how they can do anything a male can do. It inevitably leads to a host of mental breakdowns, deeply frustrating careers, a plethora of divorces, and countless lawsuits for sexual harassment all paid for by overtaxed citizens.
Female soldiers probably do fine if you have strict standards and keep them to their own platoons. In such cases I doubt you would have any issues if you kept them to less than 5% of the troops. I honestly wouldn’t care if that were the case and they actually maintained such standards. I don’t understand the tradcon offense to the idea. Female soldiers have served in wars of the past. They were pretty effective snipers for the Soviets.
However you will undoubtedly run into problems if you start decreeing that all traits are divided equally and that X% less on a test here or there must be caused by discrimination. Well that is of course the order of the day for clown town. All inequality is assumed to be caused by bigoted White men. So I would probably oppose women in certain combat positions due to unrealistic expectations by clown town. Meaning the system would botch a realistic plan and drag down the talented. Which is what happened to law enforcement. They lowered standards to where there are videos of the police being unable to physically handle a criminal. Both women and small men.
But in modern society it’s probably a bigger problem to have non-aggressive men in combat positions.
Some men are naturally brave and combat effective by birth and others cannot be converted even in war. Our gene denying society doesn’t want to face this harsh truth. We want to think of warrior genes as something of fables.
It’s a politically incorrect fact that was actually discussed in a leaked Army document. They know that some men are simply not cut out for war and military training will not change that. So they basically try to keep facts from the public and make sure every platoon has someone that will fight. They are knowingly lying about being able to turn every man into a brave fighting machine. It’s a lie and they know that some soldiers are natural killers with minimal training.
The lies of our gene denying society run deep. Modern Whites really, really want to believe we aren’t like horses and dogs when it comes to traits. That includes most conservatives.
I felt the opposite. The Unz Review needs to focus more on contributors with anecdotal insights instead of the grammar phone playing of ideologues. I would like to tell Craig Roberts he should go out and get a job instead of just moaning how rotten the world is since he retired. Ambrose Kane is retired too but I suspect he is out and about contributing to the community.
It was always a “poor man’s sport.†MOST successful boxers come from poor backgrounds, Dempsey was riding the rails going days without eating, Roberto Duran was a street urchin, Joe Frazier grew up dirt poor in rural South Carolina, etc., however, there have been a few examples most notably Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Leonard who grew up relatively comfortable environments. Back in the 1980s a Princeton University graduate named Henry Milligan, who was an all around athlete who not only played baseball and football at the Collegiate level but also wrestled. At 22 Milligan decided to try his hand at boxing. Milligan had a hard punch scoring 31 stoppages with his 41-6 record. The remarkable thing is Milligan was only 5’11†and weighed around 185lbs but he fought in the 201lb class. He held a win over the eventual Olympic Gold Medalist, Henry Tillman, but he lost in the semifinals to some guy named Mike Tyson. Tyson stopped Tillman in 2. Tillman would go on and have a mildly successful pro career as a Cruiserweight, but he retired after a few years. Tough way to make a living especially when you have better options.
Hamas, Hezbollah and Taliban think the same. So does Russia. That is why they are winning the wars. Western women went insane when traditional women’s tasks were superseded by work gadgets. Neuroses and boredom drove them insane. In Communist and ex Communist countries, there is a division that men are in political and combat roles. Women dominate the caring professions. From my experience, that works out well. Western countries should emulate. In China, a police woman helped me out when I got lost. The Chinese police men just smile and look at me helplessly because they have no English language.
No guy, actually wants to punch Rhonda Rousey, unless the verb “punch” is a metaphor for a different verb.
I really don’t ever imagine hitting a girl.
I do like the article, but here in the comment section we might be getting a little carried away.
It is actually great that chicks are emotional, nurturing and occasionally flighty, inane and vacuous.
Who cares?
Look at that picture.
It makes life interesting.
The author has written an excellent article on the differenced between men and women and the application of their inherent skills in violent situations.
What is weird, is that there is a need, to elucidate the obvious.
But…, Jews own the media and run the zeitgeist, so we are all supposed to think it is normal for a little kid who can’t drive, vote or drink telling his/her parents that he/she wants to cut off his/her dick etc. and then, the medical industry, rife with Jews and run by Jews, make a ton of cash, disfiguring your children.
Then when we get home from the hospital, we can all “Netflix and chill” while watching girl boss badasses kick the shit out of 220 lb dudes.
It’s a fucked up world where we have to reinforce common sense when we can.
Here is common sense.
I do not want to punch Rhonda Rousey, but I sure would like to “punch” Rhonda Rousey (If I was single.).
Look, if you can’t bench press 1.5x your weight, forget it man.
Just saw a news post that the Washington Post’s web traffic has dropped 90% in 2024, so fewer are being exposed to their dimwit opinions thankfully.
SES probably means socioeconomic status. In fact, I’d bet a buck on it. Nevertheless, it isn’t that much work to spell out a couple of words. Outside of thpse acronyms everyone knows (CIA, FBI, NFL, USMC etc), I manage to decipher about 60 percent of them, and I’m sure I’m above average as a researcher.
When someone sprinkles their discourse with undecipherable acronyms, it’s just their own private Newspeak.
3% of the fighting front-soldiers in Israel are female.
I’d love to see a study how female police-officers are doing on average.
This seems to be correct – in this field of bodily fighting: lots of very frustrated women: Too heavy, too weak, too slow, too scared – and for good reasons…
But that’s entirely different when compared to a woman who is given the authority of the badge and ordered to go out and conquer crime. The effect this has had on the female psyche and her self-perception has not been good, especially in an age where women are told how wonderful they are solely because of their gender and how they can do anything a male can do. It inevitably leads to a host of mental breakdowns, deeply frustrating careers, a plethora of divorces, and countless lawsuits for sexual harassment all paid for by overtaxed citizens.
The story of the female cop who slept with four of her superiors simultaneously and destroyed her police department
Despite being officially classified as combat soldiers, women in combat roles are not explicitly deployed into combat situations. They are expected to respond in the event a combat situation does erupt, but are not deployed to areas where there is a high risk of combat. The three mixed-sex infantry battalions and female-crewed tanks are deployed to border patrol duties and security duties in the Jordan Valley, and female soldiers are barred from joining the frontline combat brigades that are deployed in the event of war
The White male will always be at or near the top of the heap in any human endeaver.
Worse than female street cops are the female opinion cops.
Given Jen Rubin finally quit the WashPost — to start a blog called "The Contrarian" with @NormEisen, Senior Fellow of the Brookings Institution, totally known for contrarianism — here's my absolute favorite TV clip from the Queen of Partisan Dreck:👑
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) January 13, 2025
Cop should be fired for continuing chase through residential and school zones at excessive speed.
Just think of all the white men killed in wars – the healthiest and strongest unable to pass on their genes.
I’m not convinced that negroes make better boxers (in general) either, but it seems like there is a much larger pool of negroes attempting to make it in pro boxing than there are whites, and as in other sports, whites boxers face a disadvantage when promoters decide who they’re going to sign to about.
White people simply don’t want their kids boxing while Blacks view it as an outlet for angry young males. The major boxing programs are all near the cities.
For the small group of White teens that want to box and have permission they probably do not live near a boxing gym.
Most White parents are horrified by MMA even though they at most fight 1-2 times a year. Boxing is out of the question.
But most teens are better off in MMA than football and especially if they aren’t big.
Some of the worst hits in football are at the high school level. It’s when a 120lb 5’6 freshmen gets smashed by a fully grown man who happens to be 16. The high school coaches see carting off a receiver on a stretcher as normal sports play. Whites in small town America commonly see this as toughing the kids up. By giving them concussions I guess. I highly recommend the movie Friday Night Lights if you haven’t seen it. But they don’t even show how bad the hits can be.
Lighten up that was an ugly comment.
Everybody wants to rule the world.
Today, this intersection. Tomorrow, the world.
So excited, she had to pee.
Even Monty Python couldn’t compete with the airborne traffic cop!
It’s the speed advantage not strength advantage.
It doesn’t even require a patrol having to deal with muscular parolees to bring tragic outcomes for the cops. In Australia things went south for a male cop attending an incident in an old folks home with his female partner. Both were constables but the female was acting senior constable and they attended when staff called to say a demented woman in her nineties had a knife from the kitchen. The male cop was a big man and the female very petite so faced with the knife the male cop played the white knight and took charge of efforts to get the old woman to drop the knife (and perhaps wanting to show he should have been the acting senior constable). After some requests to the demented old woman to drop the knife the male cop got fed up and said “bugger it” and tasered her. She fell back and her head hit the floor and she died. The male cop was convicted of manslaughter and faces maybe twenty years in prison (mostly solitary to protect him from other prisoners). The old woman may well have died by now any anyway. This tragic outcome was set up by having a female cop who in the male cop’s mind needed protection in a physically hazardous patrol situation.
I specialize in an area where there are few minorities.
People hire me because they know it isn’t an AA field.
Some people might think of it as job security but in clown town there is always that unnerving feeling that you are only there because it is so specialized to where they do not bother with their DIE values.
I just wish they were honest when they greeted me in clown town.
“Welcome aboard, here is your door pass. Have a nice day.”
“A straight looking White guy? Why is he here? Oh right I know the position. Well asshole you can go ahead and get started. Here is your security door card. I know I can trust you with it and we both know that you will pass a background check so I’m not actually going to bother. Well f-ck you colonizer and I’ll see you tomorrow. ”
Because the blue city chick cops don’t to a damn thing to arrest the violent Negroes. If they have to be on the street at all (before they get promoted to an office job, go out on disability, or sue for sexual harassment) they are a danger to their male partners, not to the criminals.
At best they suck up an absurd amount of taxpayer dollars for nothing. At worst, they go after the low-hanging fruit, i.e. hassling law-abiding white males who pay taxes and have jobs with stupid shit like a bad taillight rather than getting into gunfights with the Crips.
Hell, most male cops are the same way, when you get right down to it.
I’m not convinced that negroes make better boxers (in general) either…
Back in the mid 70’s I saw a night-time outdoor boxing match between a young white guy and a young black guy at the California State Fair. The black was muscled and the milky-white guy was lanky/skinny. In the crowd were two fat, bearded, farmers in bib overalls, they were drinking beer and laughing loudly at the white guy, yelling stuff about him living in a closet, about not getting enough sun, not getting enough to eat, stuff like that.
Based on physical appearances alone, the small night-time crowd was sure that the black guy was going to annihilate his opponent, but when the fight started he couldn’t connect; the white guy dodged the black guy’s punches while connecting his own punches to the black guy’s body and head.
It didn’t take too long before the referee had to stop the fight. Everyone, including the fat farmers, cheered the white winner, a man who didn’t look all that tough but sure knew how to fight.
Is this some sort of oblique reference to Steve Sailer?!
In the crowd were two fat, bearded, farmers in bib overalls, they were drinking beer and laughing loudly at the white guy, yelling stuff about him living in a closet, about not getting enough sun, not getting enough to eat, stuff like that.
Ronda Rousey had no standing game to speak of. She couldn’t throw or defend kicks and punches. Her expertise was judo. The problem is, judo doesn’t work on someone twice your size who isn’t bound by the rules of combat sports. (headbutting, eye gouging, crotch grabbing, hair pulling, etc)
In the 1960's my father worked for a large engineering firm that had clients and projects all over the world.
The problem is, judo doesn’t work on someone twice your size...
“It’s all gone horribly wrong!” stated the announcer. That would be the epitaph for Western civilization.
Age is not a factor in the racial disparities. An “average” White child lacks the wisdom gained by experience, and a sub-Saharan African may be plenty cunning, but the child, regardless of age, is intellectually superior in tests of reasoning – the “intelligence quotient”.
Quite the wordsmith, aren’t you? A true thesaurua sensei!
Dancers?? Oh, well, if we’re going to have gay men’s chorales (e.g., Chanticleer), I guess it isn’t beyond the imagination that there would be (allegedly) lezbo dance troupers.
Thesis: females have disfigured every male-created space, field, profession, group and space to which men have foolishly admitted them. All of them are worse and none better than they were.
The truth well put. Thanks for that. It’s so simple, without pilpul.
Boxing is actually on somewhat of a comeback due to youtube.
I was in a pretty rural part of America visiting a relative and they actually had a boxing gym.
I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes. White coaches and White kids training.
Where I grew up it was mostly a thing for Black and Hispanics with single parents. They never invited the White kids. It was all golden gloves and they didn’t advertise at schools that were majority White. It was an “open to everyone but we actually mean minorities” program like big brother.
Thus spake the pseudonymous keyboard warrior. Look, school is OUT. Against all odds, you made it out of that locker and on to graduation–and on to well-deserved obscurity.
The fact that an article like this has to be published – which, unfortunately is redundant to only a remnant of population that still has a functioning brain – tells you all you need to know about the rest of the population and our culture.
Derek Chauvin's treatment, solely based on race, was even a bigger American disgrace than our government's handling of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The hyper injustice that happened to Derek, a white cop simply doing his job, can happen to any white man in America, no matter how innocent, as long as the opposing party in the conflict is a non-white male. This is US government approved white-targeted racism, as bad as the small-town racism against blacks that existed a hundred years ago in the deep South.
The ridiculous perp is dead, thank God.
What’s with the oddly Exceptional! reference?
.. even a bigger American disgrace than our government’s handling of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Which is nothing compared to the monumental disgrace of Uncle Sam’s invasion and destruction of the place to begin with. See also, Serbia, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Ukraine, Palestine, Lebanon, etc.
I saw the exact same thing in the Military. 4 years active duty Air Force –Working in a very difficult career field of aircraft maintenance. Worked swing shift on the Flight Line in the middle of the night –40 below. The attractive girls would get to stay inside and pour coffee for our shop chief. Although it was their damn job….they never worked outside on the flight line. The base ratio of women to men was something like 10:1 and they used their sexuality to garner favoritism and rank advancement. It is this way on every Military Base. It was sickening to watch all the men fawn all over them because they were the only piece of pussy available. Most of them (the vast majority) were completely incompetent at their jobs.
A saw it again when I enlisted in the National Guard. I remember one Commander’s Call —Our base commander standing at the podium giving a speech —-“The Demographics of this Guard Unit do not reflect the Demographics of the larger Phoenix Area —we will therefore be promoting more minorities into leadership positions”.
After that….you see women getting promoted over men in every career field on that base. It was sickening. The vast majority were completely unqualified and leap frogged 10 years over their male peers in their career advancement. They should not have advanced, but they sure as hell strutted around with their new stripes on their sleeves. What is so unfair is that Military Retirement Pay is based on your highest rank held. So these women, now in retirement, get more money each month than the men who they stole the rank advancement from. They know they fucked everyone around them and they could care less.
Because they are females, they are catty, moody, easily offended, and driven completely by their emotional natures which can turn at a moment’s notice. Many female officers will admit it too. One minute they’ll be using the same salty and crude language as any male officer in a casual group setting, and the next minute they’ll be suing the department for sexual harassment because inappropriate language was used in their presence.
A saw the exact same thing in Corporate America. I was working at a major Avionics Firm. We literally had a fat cow of a woman (A Manager no less) get sloppy drunk at happy hour and began bragging about the fact that, “Her Pussy was so Tight, she could squat down and pick up a long neck beer bottle with it”. The next week at work she was accusing a coworker of Sexual Harassment….sitting in conference room with an HR rep, She began squirting tears as the “supposed” offending male coworker came into the room. Oh…the Horror.
Women commit adultery in corporate America at the same rate as men. Millions of men have faced Divorced Court, Family Law, loss of their children and financial ruin because of Calculating Women.
I am so tired of our society Worshiping Women. They do not deserve it.
A boxing match is not a true test of strength. Neither is a wrestling match for that matter.
I agree with most of what you say, however, careful big guy. I am 5’7″ and have always been able to carry more weight faster than all but the outliers of 6’+ guys. I wrestled, and plenty of big basketball/football apes found out that skills matter (plus actual strength and not assumed strength).
I’m sure your little dog in a big dog body is plenty to usually bluff your way unscathed, but your reckoning is out there. You should hope you don’t meet it. Look up what Walker Brown did to Spencer Jones.
In a similar vein, a major scandal to hit the UK recently was of a female prison guard – placed in an exclusively male prison being filmed on a smart phone – with, apparently her full consent – having full sexual intercourse, in a variety of positions, with a male prisoner, in the prisoner’s cell. The male orgiast shared the cell with a cellmate, who did the filming, which the prisoners made viral, from within the prison!
The female prison guard involved was, apparently, a married woman with a child, who has/had an ongoing ‘OnlyFans’ account at the time of fornication, and was a Brazilian citizen living in the UK, that fact alone, the immigration status should ring alarm bells. This being HMP Wandsworth, a London jail, it goes without saying that the prisoners involved were black. Indeed blacks are *massively* overrepresented in the UK prison population.
It is standard operating practice in the UK to assign female guards to male prisons and at the same time assign male guards to female prisons.
“As an officer, I’ve seen it many times on the streets. The female officer talks down to others, and barks orders in demeaning ways. She lacks even the most basic verbal judo skills and is unable to verbally finesse her way to compliance with suspects she encounters. She tries hard to compensate for her smaller stature, but in the process makes matters worse for herself and everyone at the scene.”
Saw this recently—where a short woman cop suddenly shouted orders to a man in a public place to submit to arrest and her behavior only increased the tension.
Also saw a woman cop walking with a “don’t mess with me” expression and accompanying swagger.
Didn’t Rosie quit after 3 days, get a job as a dental hygienist and then marry the dentist?
Yes. Boxing is not a strength sport, nor is even wrestling. Strength can be an important skill but weight room stats are not the only way to determine strength even in sports like football. I am sure someone like a prime Dick Butkus or Joe Greene, ( not even sure Greene lifted back then) would thrash most 400-500lb benchers on a football field back then. Everything is a skill, certainly Olympic lifting is a skill that takes years of practice.
Old school boxers are a mystery to me, back in the Jack Dempsey days, some even thought too many push-ups would make one muscle bound. But look at greats like Tom Sharkey, Jim Jeffries, the original Barbados Joe Walcott, etc., these guys looked as buff as some modern day MMA guys. Jeffries worked as a boilermaker where he reportedly had to swing a 16 lb sledgehammer but the guy’s legs looked like they belonged on a fullback. All that long distance roadwork and legs like that? Sonny Liston and Ken Norton were 2 more modern fighters back when weights were taboo to fighters who were quite buff. Earnie Shavers was the first name fighter that I recall hearing about lifting weights in training, Quarry was commenting on one his fights and said most fighters didn’t lift weights ( not back then) because of becoming too tight and hurting their stamina. Shavers did indeed have problems with stamina. Michael Spinks was the first guy I recall who actually had a weight program designed by a coach when he moved up in weight to fight Larry Holmes.
Delete “into the population that”, of course.
I need to finish my first cup of coffee before posting.
There are certain jobs that practically preclude one of the sexes as they require characteristics at the end of the gender-behavior/ physiology spectrum. An example at the opposite end of the spectrum would be infant care. Men should not be considered this job (I would not hand my infant over to an unrelated male). Just as many men aren’t fit to be policemen, many women aren’t suited for infant care as it requires an especially nurturing woman. As mentioned, self selection will also mean most jobs will naturally skew one way or the other: crane operator, engineering, family counseling etc.
They started hiring them here in the early 70’s. I remember it well. Two cops were called to a disturbance at a quickie mart, one male and the other female. The male cop managed to subdue a large man causing the disturbance and the female cop did not watch the bad guy’s girlfriend who went out to their car, brought a revolver back in and shot the male cop in the back killing him while he was still attending to the large male suspect. I knew then it wasn’t going to work.
My area has the same problem.
Every other year we get a case of an unattractive White woman sleeping with a prisoner or bringing in drugs.
It is so predictable that they might as well have an annual award. Clown town still likes to pretend that female sexual nature doesn’t exist.
No one wants to work in the prison system as a guard. Most people find it depressing and the locals rightly don’t trust the government to protect them. Not that the private prisons are any better. In the south the private prisons are complete nightmares for both staff and prisoners. Another libertarian theory that can be thrown in the trash. Meanwhile the all White government prisons in Canada operate more like hotels.
A White man that is in shape and off drugs can work construction. White men that are cops here are not doing it for the money. They could get paid twice as much in construction and probably have more days off. We have White guys here that are 24 and make around 80k a year. If you try to find a contractor most won’t even call you back. They have too much business. We have people here in construction that didn’t expand because they don’t have workers. They operate 1-2 man operations after giving up on trying to hire anyone.
Where NYC tax dollars go
Video Link
Can you imagine how many hundreds and hundreds of female cops have been brutalized by the much stronger male suspects/perpetrators which they tried in vain to take down and restrain? How much has the resulting disability leave cost municipalities…hundreds of millions?
In the boonies where I live, there is a billboard near the Interstate that has been advertising $10,000 signing bonuses for prison guards for the last 18 months. No one wants the job, not the poor Whites in the area, or the legions of spics, either. Not enough blacks to notice in this neck of the woods, but they don’t want the job either.
Personally, if I was forty years younger and needed a job, I would rather wait tables at the closest Applebee’s.
I don’t disagree with any of that. My point is it’s erroneous to cite boxing as an example of superior strength.
I’m not convinced that negroes make better boxers (in general) either, but it seems like there is a much larger pool of negroes attempting to make it in pro boxing than there are whites, and as in other sports, whites boxers face a disadvantage when promoters decide who they’re going to sign to a bout.
Back in the mid 70's I saw a night-time outdoor boxing match between a young white guy and a young black guy at the California State Fair. The black was muscled and the milky-white guy was lanky/skinny. In the crowd were two fat, bearded, farmers in bib overalls, they were drinking beer and laughing loudly at the white guy, yelling stuff about him living in a closet, about not getting enough sun, not getting enough to eat, stuff like that. Based on physical appearances alone, the small night-time crowd was sure that the black guy was going to annihilate his opponent, but when the fight started he couldn't connect; the white guy dodged the black guy's punches while connecting his own punches to the black guy's body and head. It didn't take too long before the referee had to stop the fight. Everyone, including the fat farmers, cheered the white winner, a man who didn't look all that tough but sure knew how to fight.Replies: @Mike Conrad
I’m not convinced that negroes make better boxers (in general) either...
— Rachel Wilson (@Rach4Patriarchy) December 11, 2024
I have said many times that Affirmative Action is also used by mediocre White men.
You get this phenomenon where some mediocre middle manager doesn’t want to be overshadowed by someone with talent. So they create their own little hives where there is no threat of their AA minions taking their position. The upper bosses give it the nod and won’t push on numbers.
I’ve wondered if this happens in areas where physicality is required. Like the buffed out White guy is turned down for the firefighting job because by excelling in the physical tests he would be reminding everyone that they were probably not hired based on merit.
You don’t want to be too unequal in clowntown. Remember that police candidate that was turned down for being too intelligent?
If they didn t have a pussy, there would be a bounty on em – old Texas sayin.
As a former soldier and correctional officer, I can tell you the same applies to those fields as well
Rhonda Rousey couldn’t take a punch. A punch from a 200lb 20 something male would knock her out cold. She would be able to handle a small, aged or sedentary male, but her chin doesn’t have a black belt. Her chances of handling a street hardened 6’ 200lb thug one on one in the street are 30-70 at best.
A firefighter walked up the Empire State Building’s 86 flights of stairs in full gear several years ago. I believe the fireman was out of Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. Apparently the Empire State Building has an annual event to climb/run the stairs. The gear probably weighed 40-50lbs, but those freaking boots those guys wear are awkward and prove to burdensome as well imo. Now Raleigh-Durham’s tallest building is 538 ft., last I checked so this guy is more than physically qualified at least. Each firefighter should be required to walk to the top of the city’s tallest building in full gear in X amount of time. How many NYC firefighters or other firefighters would pass? At minimum 70% would fail. The taller the building the more time given obviously.
Big deal.
Police forces are not the obstetrics department in a hospital.
So if you were being attacked by a 6’2 thug that weighs 220 who would you want coming to your aid:
A. 5’4 woman who weighs 120 and played volleyball in high school
B. 6’0 man who weighs 180 and played tackle football
The absurdity of clown town was already on display recently with the female SS agent that couldn’t cover Trump.
I really doubt you have ever lived in a diversity enhanced area. You would know the incredibly unnerving feeling of clown town not at all caring about your security in favor of equality fuzzies. We had a rapist on the loose and were told to look out for a man of type man. Yes please watch out for a man of type man in a city. He may rape you.
This is f-cking insane and everyone in these areas can see the unwanted reality they are trying to hide. It isn’t working and people end up raped and killed over trying to protect precious feelings.
Pyongyang female traffic cops ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ¥°ðŸ¥°
Female cops in U.S. are overwhelmingly lesbian or at least masculine (even the attractive ones and the job makes them more masculine). I.e., these are people working in rebellion against nature and against the natural order and Logos. How can people who by disposition and will are in rebellion against nature be expected to work in a vocation which exists to help restore nature and justice?
Same goes for low-IQ (inclination toward violence) and moral turpitude. But I think TPTB want dysfunctional cops and disorder in police (as they do in society at large) and pay cops CEO salaries as a means of control and fealty. They view cops as concierge protection for their interests.
Excellent article, except for the fact that the author used the word “gender” instead of sex. But humans and animals don’t have gender, but sex, and it is either masculine or feminine. The term “gender” comes from linguistics, because some languages use it. Paradoxically, the term “gender” instead of “sex” was coined American language department, despite of the fact the English is a language that don’t use gender.
This all goes back to Rosie the Riveter and World War II. Women in the USA got a taste of independence and self reliance (which we now call empowerment) which became insatiable and demanding as in, “I can do anything better than you”. But this article is almost a museum piece– complaining about feminist goals that were reached ages ago. You’ve come a long way baby.
I’m sure that in the 1970s new atmosphere of antinatalism, abortion and contraception, the breakdown of the family, promiscuity, girls just wanna have fun, and equality most women of the working class and the lower middle class read ‘The Chief’ in order to find a job—-not to advance the women’s movement or to strike a blow against the Patriarchy.
Just as in the past the gun was called ‘the great equaliser’ today science and technology have enabled women to fill more and more formerly all male roles. Sure a man is a better ditch digger than a woman , but the shovel and rake are implements of the past; how many road crews have you seen with all female crews of steam rollers and traffic cone placers? Yes, in police work a woman could not pursue a felon because her arse would swing side to side and slow her down, but today tracker drones taser darts do the trick. There is even talk speshul iron person suits will be devised which will enable women as slight as AOC or as pudgy as Oprah to be able to carry 200 Lb men down ladders. Gynocracy is here. All hail Big Sister
A fireman should have to be able to carry a 150lb dummy in full gear up 3 stories in X amount of time. Patrol cops should not be older than 35 UNLESS they can still pass the physical requirements. All this applies to prison guards as well. Look at some of these prison guards? Good lawd, they are useless.
You’d never have enough candidates for prison guards.
As it is they are pretty much always hiring.
It’s too depressing for most people.
Clown town throws the worst in the cage and lives in denial of the results. This wasn’t part of the plan. We were supposed to be in a utopia at this point since the Bad Whites were removed from power.
This article is a waste of time and it is a complete proof that Ambrose Kane does not belong on this website
We all know hat the real reason this man hates female cops is that he is a low-IQ grug who thinks that cops are big slanging dicks who are awesome.
This Ambrose Kane needs to come down to earth. Police officer is an easy job that low-IQ people can do. Because there is so much NPD among Caucasians, we have this problem where cops think they are among the most awesome people in the world. They are not. They are barely better than a guard dog.
This Ambrose Kane only hates female cops because he feels that they are stealing his (or some other males’) valor. Once you realize that cop is a doggy job, you realize that there is no valor to steal.
That would depend on how well you want the job done.
'...Police officer is an easy job that low-IQ people can do...'